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Prohibition on Tinted Glasses Vehicle, Fancy Number Plate Vehicle, Fire

Arms, Private Security Guards etc

08/09/2015 - 1:51pm
In accordance of the strict directives from Law Enforcing Agencies, it is circulated for
the general information of all concerned that all Tinted Glasses Vehicle(s), Fancy
Number Plate Vehicle(s), Fire Arms, Alcohols consumption, Private Security Guards
are not allowed to enter in the premises of the University.

Further, on the directives from Chief Minister House, Karachi in the light of the bill
passed by the Sindh Assembly on 3rd February, 2014 for ban of wall chalking,
posters and banners with the penalty of 6 months in prison and Rs.5,000/- fine, the
University management has imposed BAN on all sort of wall chalking, posters and
banners in the premises of the University. In this connection, Law Enforcing
Agencies shall conduct spot checking in the premises of the University and any
person(s) found in violation will be dealt as per rule of Law.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.

Mehran UET, Jamshoro

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