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JANUARY 17, 1874.

N;, "'''tn ft lui ltOttlt'.

fh1fi:nllllOl ht II !'Olin!! (If saf1 S\ ~~~ n1 Which
II\" h} c'"tro} 111~ 1!~ npput t ~- wlu thrr It be
1 n llg11 11~ ~~ ~t 111 or a '" 11l1r out
lilt' IIIII sulll~ llrt tlu ohj IIH of pi IIIII t liT!' not
ih 111 tit lit lolls 111111 ~tuhhs 1 1l'ntllfH th 1l 1110 bn~
In It 11t II to th~n lit nrt tl11~ H 1 l11111 I) com
1111 nt Oil tl11 1111111 lll't nf 1111 f llnl Ill ("11U10lf0
I hnft1\ In tins ro1 nln flmt 1l, ltllllt n< 1 1\!1 lllnn
II! tlawl < nt1oll II to bniltlnp tlw f:lmrch a&
Ilit , xpt11st 1 ot tlu llllltllllnl! \\ <10 not fo~
_, t II 11 lli,;tlt ftl!tlttl \lllh I!HIItsnrl't ssnsn truly
It 1110 I Ill l h1111 h Ill that ll hnug' Ill 1!1 Hlr S of
lilt II to It ollllllfllllt \lit f \\tlslllp !IIIII Tl VI tl nco
I Ill Ill II till fit' l dot' not snnwt to ('( IIIIHns ItO
fo1 tl11 mon Imp rl 1111 till I h 11 tlu 111<111 ltlual
is u 111 I ht lr" '" lllo 111111p 111 tl11 lnslllution
I k ITOIIIIII tlutu~htf11ll\ 111 tl llh\\l r
l f 11 hal is rr ntrihul11l 111th s111 h n Vt n ntl1l

!lOSt OS


1 t!Hllt\Y

JANUAR'i 1~ 18"\


,\ntiE:umaption l"eHtion!h
The foliO\\ lng plain wstunony from tbc ]l[er
rimae .Journal, pnlJllsht 11 nt Ameslnny, :'l[n.'ll!
hv (,, Ol!!l' .J J, Cnll~ & Oo, sd:~ this mntter In
Its h II~ light
"1.:1w J1 tltlons for the tnxntlon of rhureh
prnptl t~ nn h wing mnny names In this city,
nntl \W hopt> tht 1 11111 fiml support In thE It giH
1\lurr, 1~lu rt 111 nd nv01cd to put the hnll In
motion four~ 1nts ngn, IIIli sh til \H' soon fnrgt'
hnw 11 pnrl IO!Hrf the llou~n to lit cl tiH 11 t ~ t'fi on
tho Ill! n call for \ 11 port nf tlw lliiHHlll t nf tho
JlTIIJlll ~~ liSt 1 fnr Sri !1111 Lll JlUI [lOSI s, untaxed
[lu IIUihlmnHs nml tht .thCrhtwnnf ~XI mptlnn
mn~ nnw find \lltrlll nl\nr~tl!'~
lfht only diffi
cult~ Is that p 11 t} It nll 1~ nu nfr wl to commit
tlums1 IH s, not J,nnwlnl! that tlw twople are a
half cntury nht ntl nt tiH 1r nrtwn As w1 11 nn
~ht tbh~l~tltchgum ns nn t XI mpted chmch"

The l"etltion lor .IU!d amd E~al Tan:a

Xo 1 I tlu st "110 !'OIIIlc lints I

\I on~: IIi h ll/.1111 gnmly ~lnnr~
\ hlo 1l1ul 1ll\\ll \1hos1 noon tla~ !lUll

l1Hih, h ttllt lo~t or wnn

holt! h1 1rh \\ h1 rc 1 r ~' t!IH II
Anti rru'h tht 11(11111111! spol(:! of lull'
l1ll hml tluu~:ht \\11111 frt'fdnm hl~ncl
\\ heu 'r I 1 ltllnhlll 'l11lls ns~1 ncl-

A \mkt

0 I! I th till

~"Wt hn1e nlrrad~ n>eP.IH'tl quite n Inrge numbrr of ~ignnturrH to the nhovt 11 tlhon, ~luch
lmH> hun st nt 111 to thn Comrmtter of the Lib
t r 1\ L1 tgur null \\Ill by thrm be !nought to tho
n!tt ntion of t\11 :'l[nssachusctt..~ I rgbltturo
Dr Storer hn, C1 m nrdPt1 to mm~ Spmtunl
lsts, \\ hosr nnnu s h Rl ll'rtt ll f1 om n mnng n.!)r
snh,cnbtts m the r!Hrt rrnt lo\\ us cuplt<s of thl's
Jll lltwn, and '" hope thnt those who have rc
ctl\ r<l tht m \'i Ill olJt.nin nH ltrl!t' n number of"
s1gnntnrcs ns poss1hl<", and fot 1\ nrd muncdlatc1) to this 1 fficr


I '


" \ Nalar!('d


ThoNtwYorl[11ihmH "PI tkHfr((\) "ofthn'

most contonpllhlt of rlt~ttun R, a R llurh 1 In
f01mrr-n man 11 lw 1 11 holt l1f1 1s \lit, nru1 who
mnlu H In~ II\ 111~ h~ 1111 nun of oth1 r peoplo '
Dm s lht fuhlllll m m ( on~stm 1 th< 111111 "ho
IS COIIIII <It ll \I itll lilt' pol II CO Hh~lltlh club In
~<W10ikrnllrtl th11 ''ionn,!; ~1ns (]ui~hnn
;\ssocmllr 11 11 ho ptob tbl:') through JlllliiR '
(,,II l11111 uti s 111iln Ill(, goL IIH l(l(lOIIIlnHn'
flom lilt ~tIll rtl ~ol+>rnnH nt (w1lhont prt)) rf
lllforn;rr or 11 It ct11 r., nntl \\ hlhh 111 R Ius salary
fwm the snid Assoclntlon, for d01ng the1r dirty
\\01 k

l !_lease answer, Messrs




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