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Dear all,

A wonderful year has passed and before we progress onto the next session, I would like to
express my heartfelt thanks to everyone whom we have been working with.
2015 Session has been a good year for IIMC Toastmasters Club especially in achieving the
Dhoom award and retaining the Distnguished club award which I am very confident we will
attain for this session. It has also been a good year since we were involved in many activities
such as Officers training, contests, presentations and talks which promotes Toastmasters all
around and help create awareness that Toastmasters is always around to aid in public speaking.
The present success of IIMC Toastmasters Club would not have been possible without the
leadership of our outgoing President Divya and her team, which even I was a part of. I would
like to take this opportunity to thank Divya and his team for a job well done. Let us all give her
and her team a big applause for all these contributions. It would be difficult to match their
outstanding achievement for this Session.
I sincerely accept this important role as President of IIMC Toastmasters Club for this Session
and together with the strong support of my new team members (My VPE, VPM, VPPR,
Secretary, Treasurer, SAA and committee members) aligned with the new upcoming motto, we
will strive to attain perfection. With this target as set aside, I would also drive to promote
membership and to win some of the club contests outside IIMC Toastmsaters be it humorous
speech , evaluation, international speech or table topics. Why? Because all I see here are
potential candidates to be champions in these events and make us proud to be a member of IIM
C Toastmasters Club.
Before I end this speech, I would like to share a quote with you from Henry Ford, Coming
together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is
With this I would like to wish everyone a blessed, prosperous and a great year 2016
Thank you.

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