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Nick and Bea

Hi there!
This is my christmas gift to you <3. I hope youll enjoy it!
If I spelled some things wrong, I apologize, but English isnt my native
language I really hope youll like the story, and I hope it lives up to your
I always make a list of the characters, so here that is:

Bea Bottom
Nick Bottom
Alexander Bottom(Nick and Beas baby)
William Shakespeare (mostly referred to as Will)
Nigel Bottom
Portia (no last name at the beginning, later known as Portia Bottom)

Now, do you want to start reading? Are you sure? Like, really really sure?
You know, it might not turn out to be what you expected ;). Any idea
whats gonna happen? Well, Ive made you wait long enough, so here you

Chapter 1
Cries of a baby sounded extra loud after 6 sleepless night. At least thats what
Bea made of it. She rolled out of bed and made her way to little Alexanders
room. The floor was cold, so she tiptoed across the hallway. Shhh, its okay
sweetie. Mommy is here. Everything is going to be fine. She picked him up out of
his crib and held him close to her chest. She started lulling him, but he didnt
stop crying. Are you hungry little guy? Or do you want me to tell you a story?
Bea walked down the stairs to the living room, and sat down in a big comfy chair.
Someone walked in, and stopped to look at them. Hey Bea, what are you doing?
I thought I heard you coming down the stairs. The mysterious person stepped
into the light, coming through the window. It was Portia. Oh hi Portia. Im sorry if
I woke you, but Alex wont top crying. I thought Id tell him a story to calm him
down. Portia yawned. Well, Im gonna go to the bathroom and then go back to
sleep, so Ill leave you to it. Bea nodded and started singing softly.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Mommy's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mommy's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mommy's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mommy's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mommy's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mommy's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mommy's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.
And little Alex fell asleep. Bea brought him back to his bed, and later joined Nick
in theirs. Is he asleep again? I wanted to go, but you were faster. Nick

whispered. Bea kissed his cheek and nodded. She then turned and fell fast

Chapter 2
Good morning Master Shakespeare! Did you get a good nights sleep? I sure
hope you did. Did you have breakfast, or should I make you some eggs? No
boy. You dont have to make me breakfast. I can take care of myself, you know? I
dont need someone constantly looking after me. Im a grown man, I can make
my own decisions and I dont need anyone to ask me if I did this, or if I did that! I
can take care of everything on my own! GO AWAY! The servant turned red and
tears started filling his eyes. He turned around on his heels and started running
out of the room. Wait! I I didnt mean to Im just Will lowered his head into
his hands and rubbed in his eyes. He hadnt slept in months. Ever since he had
the Bottoms banished, he felt this void. He knew why, but he couldnt do
anything about it. Shes married! He couldnt do that He had dreamed about
the day that they had met for the first time. He used to dream about her and
then see her the next day, like, on the market or something. He never quite had
the courage to talk to her, because he was afraid that Nick would find out. Not
that he couldnt take Nick in a fight, but he felt sorry for him. He also envied him
for having married Bea, but he felt sorry that he didnt seem to get any success.
He stood up, walked over to his desk and sat back down. He took out his quill and
a pot of ink and started writing a letter.
Dear Bea,
How are you? Hows the New World? And how are Nick, Nigel, Portia and the
baby? Is it a boy or a girl? I was wondering, since youre the only one that hasnt
been banished, if youd come over to see my new play, Hamlet. You dont have
to, but I thought it would be nice to see you again. You know, I still think about
you Id do anything to get you back, but you wouldnt be happy with me, so
you chose to be with Nick instead. I respect your decision. You know, I never told
you this, but you were my first girlfriend You were my first kiss and my first
;). I loved you and I still do. I used to think that I could win you back if I just
became famous enough. Guess it didnt work, eh? No, but back to the point now.
Would you be willing to come over? Ill buy your ship ticket and Ill get you a
hotel room. Maybe we can catch up a bit? Bring back some old memories, chat a
little, maybe have a portrait made? You now, just as friends This is my worst
writing ever! Its Hard to be the Bard baby It makes it almost impossible to
write a letter. I feel like writing a dialogue, monologues are becoming old
Maybe you can help me get back to writing letters You used to be so good at it!
Do you still write sometimes? Or does the baby take away all your time? I mean,
you must be exhausted! Being woken by the sound of a baby crying is something
different than having me sing to you Does Nick sing to you? And are Nigel and
Portia engaged, or did I hear false rumours? Oh, how Id love to see little Nigel

Bottom get married I miss the old days Id do anything to get back what we
had back then. Not just our relationship, but the friendship with Nick and Nigel
Brother Jeremiah holds me responsible for the heathening of his daughter. I
apologized a thousand times and I told them that I had nothing to do with it, but
he doesnt believe me. Well, back to the point. Would you consider coming over?
Please, let me know.
Yours Truly,
William Shakespeare
Will put his quill back down and took a deep breath. Boy, can you come in here
for a second? He spoke in a sweet and calm voice. The boy stuck his head
around the corner and hesitantly asked: What can I do for you, master? Take
this letter and make sure it is taken to the New World. It has to reach Bea Bottom
as fast as possible. He handed the letter to his servant and just when the boy
was about to leave, Will said: Oh, and I believe I owe you an apology. Its just I
havent slept in weeks. Ever since the Bottoms have left, Ive felt lonely. I hope
sending that letter will change that A single teardrop left his eye and gently
caressed his cheek before gracing the blank piece of paper on the desk. As the
boy left, more drops started showing up on the page. Soft weeps left Wills throat
as he lowered his head into his hands. And right there and then, he cried himself
to sleep. It looked peaceful, his head resting on the table. His loose curls were
spread out as a blanket for the desk, and his arms framed it all. For the first time
in years, he was truly alone.

Nick woke up to a drooling Bea. She looked wearied and chipper at the same
time. Nick stroke a few hairs out of her face and placed a gentle kiss on the top of
her head. He then rolled over and got out of bed. He walked across the hallway to
their sons room, only to find him sleeping there. He looked just like his mother in
that moment. Very happy, but exhausted as well. Nick continued to watch his son
for a few minutes and then he went to the kitchen. Morning Nick! Did you forget
that we have rehearsals today? Why are you still in your pyjamas?! You have to
hurry, Nick! Ooooh, we cant be late to the first day of rehearsals! Whatll they
say? The production will fail miserably Why cant you be on time for once? You
miss every important thing! What, are you going to tell me that you cant even
come to my wedding because youre too busy sleeping? Nigel had a panic
attack. For heavens sake Nigel! Calm down! We wont be late, well be just on
time. And about your wedding, when are you planning on doing that? You barely
have time to sleep! You and Portia want a big wedding? Make sure that youre up
to the task of planning all that besides setting up a new show! Nick took a slice
of bread and shoved it in his mouth. He ran back upstairs to change and bumped
into Bea on his way up. Whats the rush? Whats happening? She asked. She
looked bewildered. No time to explain. Have to get dressed. Love you! he yelled
and off he went. He opened the closet, only to find that his clothes hadnt been
washed. Dirty clothes it were then. He changed an flew back down the stairs
again. Come on Nigel, we have to go. Bye Portia! Love you, Bea! And so they

went off to rehearsals.

Nigel walked up and down the stage, thinking about the wedding while actors
were doing the play in front of him. So, Nigel? What do you think? Nick asked
him. Nigel didnt respond. He was thinking about what Nick has said earlier that
morning. Was he really unable to plan a wedding at the same time as setting up a
play? He started breathing faster. What if he couldnt do it? What if hed let Nick
down? What if he let PORTIA down?! His heart started beating faster and he could
hear the blood rushing through his veins. Nick placed a hand on his shoulder and
shook him. That only made matters worse. He felt like someone was sitting on his
chest and strangling him. The dizziness kicked in shortly after that. Nigel gasped
for air and started to panic even more, because he couldnt breathe. The actors
were coming up to him as well. They all looked worried and Nigel felt bad for
putting them through this. He tried to turn and run, but when he lifted his foot, he
collapsed and everything went pitch black.

Chapter 3
*knock knock*
Who could that be? Bea stood up and walked over to the door. When she opened
it, there was a young man with a letter in his hand standing on her doorstep. Are
you Mrs Bottom? That depends, whos asking? I have a letter to you from
master Shakespeare. I had to make sure that you got it, so I decided to deliver it
myself. Here you go maam. And with that, the boy handed her the letter and
left. Will sent me a letter? Thats weird. He never does that. She walked back to
the living room and sat down in a big, comfy chair. She broke the seal on the
letter and started reading it.
Dear Bea,
How are you? Hows the New World? And how are Nick, Nigel, Portia and the
baby? Is it a boy or a girl? I was wondering, since youre the only one that hasnt
been banished, if youd come over to see my new play, Hamlet. You dont have
to, but I thought it would be nice to see you again. You know, I still think about
you Id do anything to get you back, but you wouldnt be happy with me, so
you chose to be with Nick instead. I respect your decision. You know, I never told
you this, but you were my first girlfriend You were my first kiss and my first
;). I loved you and I still do. I used to think that I could win you back if I just
became famous enough. Guess it didnt work, eh? No, but back to the point now.
Would you be willing to come over? Ill buy your ship ticket and Ill get you a
hotel room. Maybe we can catch up a bit? Bring back some old memories, chat a
little, maybe have a portrait made? You now, just as friends This is my worst
writing ever! Its Hard to be the Bard baby It makes it almost impossible to
write a letter. I feel like writing a dialogue, monologues are becoming old

Maybe you can help me get back to writing letters You used to be so good at it!
Do you still write sometimes? Or does the baby take away all your time? I mean,
you must be exhausted! Being woken by the sound of a baby crying is something
different than having me sing to you Does Nick sing to you? And are Nigel and
Portia engaged, or did I hear false rumours? Oh, how Id love to see little Nigel
Bottom get married I miss the old days Id do anything to get back what we
had back then. Not just our relationship, but the friendship with Nick and Nigel
Brother Jeremiah holds me responsible for the heathening of his daughter. I
apologized a thousand times and I told them that I had nothing to do with it, but
he doesnt believe me. Well, back to the point. Would you consider coming over?
Please, let me know.
Yours Truly,
William Shakespeare
She sighed. She would love to go back to England. She could use a break from
motherhood. So, she decided that she would go. Then, it occurred to her that she
had a problem. What was she going to tell Nick? She could say that she was
going to visit her parents? Right now, her biggest concern was to hide the letter
from Nick. She loved him, but she was afraid of what he might say if he were to
see that letter. So she hid it, in the one place she knew he would never look: The
linen closet. She hid it between the sheets, but made a corner stick out, so she
could find it when she needed it. After that, she searched a few drawers and
eventually found a quill and a piece of paper. And so, she started writing back to
Dear Will,
I am glad to hear from you. I am doing alright, and so is everybody else here.
Nigel and Portia are indeed engaged. Nick and I have a son, Alexander. I love him
very much, but he does keep me awake at night. Nick hardly ever sings to me,
but thats okay. He has a terrible singing voice. America is great! We have a
lovely house and everybody here is our friend. Even Shylock has made a group of
friends! Can you imagine? Thomas is doing great, hes been having a lot of
customers and hes been getting more things right. Now, about your offer. Id be
glad to come over for a few days! Ill have to make something up to be able to go
there, but Ill make sure it works out. Nick will be getting home soon, so I have to
end the letter way too quickly Ill be with you in a week or so!
Bea Bottom
She ended the short letter and hid it with the one from Will. The next ship to
England was leaving tomorrow afternoon, so that way, she could give the letter to
the boy who gave her Wills and make him give hers to Will. She wandered up to
stairs to go get Alex out of his crib, when the door opened. Nick walked in with an
aghast looking Nigel behind him. Before Bea could ask what had happened, Portia

came running to the door. Nigel! Are you okay? Go sit down and Ill get you
some water honey. Nick, will you take him to the living room? He needs to lie
down. Nick nodded and obeyed her. This was a disaster, Bea thought to herself.
See couldnt say that she was going to her parents now! That would be the worst
timing. Instead, she continued climbing the stairs. She got little Alex out of his
bed and took him downstairs. There, she sat on the couch, across from Nick. She
didnt look at him, afraid that she would blush and spill the secret. She hated
lying to him. She focused on Alexander and cuddled him. She was going to miss
him. Portia sat next to Nigel, with a worried look on her face. She searched eyecontact with Bea in the hopes that she would know what to do next. Beas mind
went blank. She couldnt remember anything, except for Wills letter. Did she
make a mistake by writing him back? Should she tear the letter apart and just
ignore Will? She felt torn. And then he collapsed! Nick told her. Were you
even listening? Or is your head stuck in the clouds again? She noticed the
agitation in his voice and she lowered her head. Im going to my parents. She
whispered. Nick turned his head towards hers. What did you say? I am going
to my parents. She answered with a stronger voice, loaded with confidence this
time. She looked him in the eyes and repeated herself: I am going to my parents
soon. Soon being next week. I wrote a letter today and I am going to the harbour
tomorrow to have it delivered. I hope for a quick response so I can buy the ticket
and Ill leave with the first boat available. I need some time for myself, Nick
Plus, I havent seen them in a while. I love you and Alex, but I have to go. Nick
nodded and kissed her cheek. I get it, darling. I hope youll have a wonderful
time in England. We can take care of ourselves for a while, I guess. Bea instantly
regretted the lie. She convinced herself that it was in Nicks best interests if she
didnt tell him that she was actually going for Will, but deep down she knew that
things were going to end badly.

Chapter 4
A week later, Bea had received a response from Will and purchased a ticket. She
was leaving this afternoon, so she was packing the last few things. She heard
Nick talking to Alexander. He was trying to shush him, mostly to prove to her that
he could do it. She had noticed a tormented look in his eyes that morning. When
she asked him what the problem was, he simply said that he was going to miss
her. Bea had to bite her lip to stop herself from crying, but she failed. Tears had
streamed down her face as she was frantically sobbing. Nick had pulled her close,
making her feel even guiltier. She didnt want to do this anymore, but she had
promised Will and she was going to keep her word. She actually kind of missed
him. His smug little smile, when he was about to kiss her. The hair flip that he did
when he acted upset. She missed those things, but she loved Nick more than she
loved Will and she wouldnt let anything get between her and her husband. She
put her last skirt in the bag and closed it. She took the bag from the bed and
dragged it downstairs. She hugged Portia and Kissed Nigels forehead. Nick came

down with little Alex close to his chest. He kissed Bea and she kissed Alexander.
She then proceeded her journey to England. She took a carriage to the harbour,
jumped on the ship and left America. She stood on the deck until she couldnt see
the shore anymore. It was becoming dark, so she went to her small cabin, below
the deck. She laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for an hour, before
falling asleep.
She woke up when the captain knocked on the door. Were here maam. Shall I
help you with your bag? Thats very nice of you to ask, but I can handle it
myself. Ill be out of here in a minute. And so the captain left. Bea picked up her
bag and walked to the deck of the ship. The wind blew through her hair, giving
her goose bumps. She searched the crowd, but couldnt see Will. She left the
ship, only to find the boy who had delivered the letters. Hello maam. Master
Shakespeare had an unexpected meeting this morning, but hell meet us back at
the mansion. The boy didnt even ask if he should carry her bag. He just turned
around and expected Bea to follow him. She did, but only because she didnt
want to walk alone. The boy walked fast and zigzagged between the people in
the alleys of London. Bea tried to recognize the streets they walked, but they
were in a part of the city she had never been. They went deeper and deeper into
the labyrinth of alleys and the boy walked faster and faster. Bea could barely
keep up with him. All of a sudden, he stopped, making Bea bump into him. Were
here. Master Shakespeare is in his study, waiting for you. Its up the stairs,
second door to the right. Knock and wait for him to answer or he might lose his
temper again. He gets mad very easily these days. The boy opened the door
and took Beas bag out of her hands. She looked around with big eyes. The place
was HUGE! How could he afford this?! Then she remembered, he is the Bard.
She walked to the stairway, climbed it and walked down the hallway. Was it the
first or the second door on the right? She couldnt remember. She decided to go
with the second door, so she knocked on it. Come in. a familiar voice yelled.
Bea hesitated for a second and then opened the door. Hi Willy! she shrieked. He
shot up out of his chair and tilted his head to look at her. Bea! Oh, how Ive
missed you! Come here! I want a hug! She walked over to him and gave him a
big hug. She wanted to let go, but he held her close. She sniffed and recalled the
memories of all the days they spent together. His scent used to mean home. That
was before she met Nick. Will pulled back out of the hug to look at her. God, you
look great! I mean, thats not a big surprise, considering youre always beautiful,
but you look really good. Ive missed you so much. Tears welled up in his eyes.
Oh Will! Are you crying? Youre such a baby! You cant cry! If you cry, Ill start
to She smiled. Will laughed through his tears. All his best features got
complimented by the glistering drops. His strong jawline, his perfect cheekbones
and most of all, his bright blue eyes. Bea used to stare into his eyes for hours,
just because she drowned in the dreaminess of them.
Bea freed herself from his captivating look, only to have herself drawn back to
him by his strong, muscular arms. Ive missed you Bea. I love you too much to
let you go again. I cant let you slip through my fingers again. Let me persuade

you to stay. At least give me a second chance. I never meant to hurt you. I drove
you into Nicks arms and Im pulling you back into mine now. Let me kiss you, like
we used to do. Lets go outside tonight and watch the stars together. Lets cuddle
on the couch, lets have some fun tonight. I need you here with me. I havent
slept since you guys left. I cant stand the distance between us. Stay. Stay with
me forever. We dont have to get back together, as long as you are near me, Im
happy. Youre my sun, the moon envies your beauty and so does every woman
you encounter. Be my Juliet. I would die for you Bea. Will shook her arm. Did she
just make that up? That didnt happen? Bea, are you okay? You look so distant.
Is what he actually said. Bea shook her head and focused on him again. Yeah,
Im fine Im just a bit thirsty, I think She couldnt look him in the eyes, afraid
to drown in them again and let go of the reality. The reality being that she
couldnt get back together with Will. Shed married Nick, because she loved him
more than she loved Will. Will was like a brother to her. And you couldnt think
that about your brother, could you? Will shuffled over to a cabinet on the side of
the room to reveal a whole stash of boozes. What do you want to drink? Wine?
Bea nodded. She couldnt speak. She was petrified that her voice might be a bit
wobbly. Will gave her a glass and toasted to an old friendship. She smiled. So,
what do you want to do? Catch up a bit? Will asked. Sure. Hows life? Any big
events coming up? No, not really Hows the baby? Whats his name again?
Alexander. William Alexander Bottom. I had to do a lot of convincing for him to
be called William as well, but I wouldnt have it any other way. Aw, thats so
sweet of you! And how are things between you and Nick? Still madly in love? Will
asked with an undertone of bitterness in his voice. Bea averted her eyes to hide
the tears that were filling them. Will put his finger under her chin and lifted it his
way, so she was forced to look at him. He spoke to her in the softest voice she
had ever heard: Its going to be okay, honey. You and Nick always figure
something out! Youll make it work I know you will! And with those words, he
pulled her into his chest. It all felt right in that moment. His embrace, his smell
filling her nose. Everything felt right. Bea sobbed and sniffed, letting all of her
grief from the past few months out. She loved America, but she missed
everybody in England. After a few minutes, her legs got weak and she fell into
Will. He cached her and put her down on the couch. He got a blanket out of the
closet and tucked her in. He sat down on his chair and looked at Bea. They were
positioned like that for hours. He could look at her all day. He realized that hed
never stop loving her. He got a piece of paper and a pencil and started portraying
Bea. He was almost done, when she opened her eyes. They were all puffy and red
from the crying, but she didnt care. She looked at Will, sitting in the glow of the
sunset coming through the window. Why did he have to be this handsome? In
that moment, she realized she would always love him, but she still loved Nick as
well. Her and Nick had a kid and she loved Nick so much, so she knew she would
choose him again, but in that short moment, she felt like she could concur the
world with Will. He looked up from his piece of paper to find Bea staring at him.
What is it? he chuckled. Nothing Ive missed you, thats all.
And thats how they spent their week together. He took her to the theatre a few
times, he had a party with all their old friends and in between all the fun, they
stopped and stared at each other, only to keep saying the same thing over and

over again: Ive missed you. When the day came that Bea had to leave, Will tried
to make her stay. He danced with her to keep her mind off of packing. I love you,
as much as I am able. Considering Im wealthy, considering youre poor. Thats
great Will, because I love you too, but I have to go back home. I have a son,
remember? And I still love Nick. Like you said, well find a way, Nick and I. We
always do. Well figure things out, in time for Portia and Nigels wedding. She
finished packing and took her bag from the bed. She kissed Wills cheek and said
goodbye. She walked out the door, and turned around one last time. Bye Will! Ill
always remember you! Goodbye Bea! Ill write you soon! He stood in the door
opening and waved at her. She turned around again and started running through
the alleys of London, back to the harbour. She made it just in time. She jumped
on the ship and returned home.

Chapter 5
Bea walked up to the door and opened it. Im hooome!she yelled. Portia came
running down the stairs to greet her. Hi Bea! Nicks upstairs. He didnt look very
happy He has been crying all morning. I dont know what has gotten into him,
but hes just sitting on the floor, in front of the linen closet with a piece of paper
in his hands I dont know what that paper is, but it must be the thing thats
making him so sad Bea froze. Hed found Wills letter. He mustve wanted to
change the bed for her and picked up the letter as well. She dropped her bag on
the floor and ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Nick, its not what you
think it is! I can explain! She ran into the room and almost tripped over Nick. He
jumped up and ran past her. He had left the letter in the room. The page was now
cover in teardrops. Bea picked it up, took one last glance at it and then tore it
apart. She fell on her knees and cried. She bawled her eyes out. She could hear
calm down, please! Im sure she didnt cheat on you! Maybe they had a
relationship before you started dating her? Did that ever occur to you? Okay, so
she went to see him instead of her parents, but maybe it was to tell him to leave
her alone? Did you consider that? Bea is an amazing woman and I know that you
love her! Talk to her and figure out what happened. I am getting her to come
downstairs so you guys can talk it out. Then she heard Nigel walking up the
stairs. She wiped her tears away and fixed her dress. Nigel walked in with a red
head. You could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. Bea, I want you to
go downstairs and tell my brother what happened. Please be honest with him, I
beg you! Calm him down like you always do. Bea bowed her head and obeyed
him. She got herself ready to face the consequences of her lies.
Nick was pacing up and down the living room. Why didnt you tell me? he
yelled. I never told you, because it doesnt matter! Were together and thats all
that matters! Are you really going to throw everything away over this? Bea
cried. It doesnt matter?! You were in a relationship with William Shakespeare an
you dare to say: it doesnt matter?! Stop right there, lady! It might not matter to
you, but I dont know if I can trust anything youve ever told me. How would you
feel if I had had a relationship with one of your friends and never told you, only to
have you find out about it by reading a letter from the aforementioned? You dont
know whats going through my mind right now and you have no right to tell me to
calm down, because Im this mad because of something YOU did! Nick turned
his back to her and stared out of the window, biting his lip so hard that he could
taste blood. Bea walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. She started
singing to him.

If you ever got in trouble

Iwould be there on the double just to bail you out
If there's anything you lack
You know Ive always got your back
That's what Im all about

I have my faults but I mean well

And I always do the best that I can
But it should be understood
You wouldn't change me if you could
Cause you know my heart is good
And I'll always be your right hand man
Nick turned around. His cheeks were glimmering from the tears, but he smiled.
Bea saw his smile, and instantly felt good again. Now she remembered why she
had married Nick, instead of Will. Nicks smile lit up her world. It was the best
thing in her life and he was the best thing that ever happened to her. She hugged
him. She held him close and he picked her up. He put her back down and kissed
her intensely. All was well again.

A few months later:

Oh you look gorgeous Portia! Are you ready to become a Bottom? Bea asked.
Portia nodded and hugged Bea. She opened the doors and at the end of the aisle,
Nigel turned around. He saw Portia and tears welled up in his eyes. She looked
stunning! Next to him was Nick, who had to swallow to keep himself from crying.
His little brother was finally getting married! Portia graced down the aisle and at
the end, Bea gave her away. It was a truly beautiful ceremony. Afterwards, there
was a big feast. Bea danced with Nick and the Newlywed couple couldnt stay
away from each other. When Nick went to see some friends, Bea looked round the
room. Everybody was talking to each other, except for one man. He stood in a
corner, overlooking the whole spectacle. Without taking a closer look, Bea knew
who it was. She started walking his way, but Portia pulled her aside. AAAAH! I
cant believe Im married! Now were sisters! she shrieked. I know Portia! I am
so happy for the two of you! she said. Portia got pulled back into the crowd and
Bea wanted to walk over to Will, but when she looked to where he was standing a
minute ago, there was no one. She shrugged. She got back to dancing, but she
couldnt shake the feeling that someone was watching her. Her feelings were
right, because on the other side of the ballroom, Will stood there. Leaning against
a wall and taking everything in. He was just making sure that she was safe. Now
that he had established that, he got his coat and left. The outdoors did him good.
He took out a note book and a tiny quill and wrote a note.

Dear Bea,
You looked stunning! I can see that you are happy with Nick again, so Ill leave
you guys alone. Make sure to write me sometime!
Yours truly,
William Shakespeare

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