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CASE STUDY ILS NIBCO’s “Big Bang” Implementation December 3,197, ws th “Go-Lne” de at NIBCO, ney ape hold mised manuf vals sed pipe Fates headgueere Ek oa Ia 198 NICO fa ore than 3.040 erployee (elo soit") and sania ovens of S40 ilo, Although aay of Te conelants NIBCO ha er. wed Would not eadone “bg hg” ppc, he pian var to comer to SAP U3 all pn de Foaraew Non Aercn dn eters ese ime The prc Forth S-tnt pjet woe et rte be $17 milo. One-er othe conn’ Seno manager wer deed ote poet cing ‘ete tin ot cae emer VP of operas {Beatle tener evco deo (ibn), and 2 Yomner quit manage dee (Da) ‘One of te mr dives of the wile hog was ht Rex Marina I wat done ow” Thaw really was the defining mament—Becaie freed 1 Sze dowa these inplemeatation pres a Them" wee gia fo dts He bang na ee ong wéoitt™ Sen Beater, Project Co-Leod Busines Press Werooe owner: Iwata post, at i, We sel he oma fw ded he fa thar ws ectnlogy sls, know g aster, od ean, ary Witon, Projet CoLead, ednaogy Te was brut was tard ais, bat bad qui cbc le. Proesionlly wel ay Hat hequivocally de bh of my cue in Davo, Project Co-La, Chenge Management ee ee eee emai ‘Pinay inte Gay Wim oc DCO mage Sa : An SAP Company Background INIBCO's journey tothe Go-Live date began soa 3 years een when significant statepte planing effort took plece At the same time» eros-fantiadt eam was chatged with reengineering tbe company’ supply hain processes to beter mec in exmtomer ene (20 "NIBCO's Big Ban Tielin” in Beis Oe ofthe key conclusions from these eadewors wie that the organization eau nt prosper with cent Information systems. The en's mos recent major Invest oinotation technology had teen mate ‘ver 3 yeas wrliee Those ster a evolved int Duchess systems and reporting ool ht ould meal tench oes tern ts with several conn fms, tp Imagagement trout inthe Boson Consling Gro {SCO in Augst 1995 vo Help the company develop ‘stg nfrmation systems nso mest new ines objet, BCG brought in tom id wht hey ny id sear co nar going trough each of he funtioal reas of the company 1 deetie He eed for ‘hang. iy enti eah ite ook ad ‘rant of he crpany snd sored ot wheter me telly nde co csp every ster we ad Jn Davis, Pret Cotens, Change Monogement “The contsus among NIBCO’s manager tam vest company as “information poo and eeded {ob "ea ose” fom is existing syems. Tse wee tls aor concer abeat eng Sle ro te Soman {nd bosne oe lta whet aint neti {apabli. BCO's recramendaton on Deer It ‘hac NIBOO replaces gay sytens with orm, aed syste tat col! be mplesete ia rales ‘rece 3 toe tie fone ‘They to "You ely need ook at integraton| 62 major fico In you ought procensr—the Tine Fame iene 1955 Gros Tcl war cacpe wih deloig MICOS age in ad eG Sop ein pts Gren acmpary elt rsp mis oe rman a 5S Gn WS a oS TE, “Fags BEES aso Const Group conaited satay lang dy Revved a NBC 195 ‘epee legume th teat ents samo eee tom Oe 3 to yes. Tammy TE Corpor seed eco Reon wav oganaatin Son ea rm WPT Sener, ol cn, nero em se me Tee Comme reormeided pine oT SAF 1 ad Bag” BroemeaTon RpvowdHy = ecu abi ear (0 nd Boao Deets Thm 1996 ens sired th AP fer els as a REID aT WAN Seu so Dv fom Wad ead ta Teiarbar TERE ~ Corp of pec er semen ard Spire 3h poe Ba eepraon— hose ‘Deena EE Fra pak pe ad vee eas reid fo KT and Doxa wi Gove te ord ovrne 9, 1997 ay ree pg slowed lope nde Noth ‘Stor! ens corslean of atest rmbt to be detores Pal roeC ‘apes 17 mien i “Gama 1857 econ esd wares eam 17 ey Sepebt 1557. hcaive pay DOR Bloc ee monte sere ted Talon ot Ps fer cistomer sie a0 Cr. Wee Sea ETAT ‘te ar ass rad ar ta monagonart ees Sanpany ed By xis leaf promucton nig. rk CS ce Ths ing beans VECO Wa Hebdquters ad trate Stes Sandbox pode sptenbecaes ae m= ‘ose dite moved or Nena olin Tansy to etabe 30a Toe (GSonein of were craic 20 Paste dts des, Dace 30, GAT Go i wide conan xe gg Tne bili the common ses wth common con tuition forte manuacting ee. he ite tomar, este exer ‘Seu ater Projet Co Lad, Busines Process “The company Dena to raganize ot a erost- funsina ait in Samar 196. Ils iit ded a erential eng planning proves Soot Bewler was elited of his Hine management responsi o focus o the evelopment a ae FT mtey, Beer bad joined NIBCO tn early 1990 a2 veal manager ofthe etl sins unit When hs tusiness unit was restrctred be Boca the VP of ‘pertons eideata vision. euler wes ehetged shi lesming wheter» new pea cegrtd syste. uckage called enterprize reautce planning Stems {ERP) would be the best IF investment 0 ove the company forward Information Systems at NIBCO ‘ary Wilson wi ied the ow Ba of he IS depart Ino in ay 1995 and Docame a member ofthe BCG {adem so afer Win had mee dan 20 years of = bap rat + Acting rs 1S experience. cling ‘Cone Suy IS + MOCO's"ig Be” An SAP npaenton 474 ‘The ERP SelectionToam Bevler st sp erot-uneton wn to sels an ERP package cy 196, CFO Paar was th eect spo {Sra it ached eight ar, pinay deter evel, ‘Sngor ikon ply on tenet eons ‘fr Bevtlerwhle il managing IS aru. wih ‘Cote ner egw i waehsing ‘Sern ERP packager ware colt in Geph Repetto vss etna fe a pendant ei td The stenghe and wedkboer of each face wee rapa ln mean fe ey esos Sis ther ig ser of sis ane aad UNoply shin tas sound a common date o¢ ‘eterna asi ER ytd teed “The weson eat i dame Benak implementation sprouts nse es. Some ten emer ome ht the BCA recreation fr tye ove yr aed ERP opnestation as ot he test pou NIBCO, The fers tha te company ‘eld ont gett the oie wher wold “e0h ‘Shou ecg the whe pan. Team ewer: nd suo obvred hat some of = empanis that a sel dps yn we 3 ange ‘amending quicker implementation Tim Davie wi ha eda wenginevig team fer ‘estate planning process, wi aed 1 Telit the ‘Section team's fomsiton of aeconmendaton 1 he ‘Shetve ladersi tera ELT) este of my fain exec, Iwas ake to fate tht esting soa tee Would be Uhjectve pean who bad wo prea neces oF Wao help ead he ucusion. be aetaly was 8 tito bressrough Because x te cote! ofthat Ineting we hanged ovr apse om he pint {Fluon ovr 3195 years Oas ERP ig bang im Davis, Poet Co-Lead Change Management In Joly 1996, the ERP seein ten resommended to he BLT that NIBCO purchase 4 singe ERP system: APR. Among the bette wou be malin colar pean proven snd ection i ventory ‘hos the ROL na bso on + 6 person ees roth {en NIBCO'revemnes, Thc estimates ude the ‘aoe fom amainfane oa eels pom ad 9 ‘ised pumber of Rens Although conting ‘tet uner eb ag apposch wer si expe Ngh-abot one thing of he poe fogae they would ‘bower th he 100 ay tina th hve 1 ve Year pncedappreeh Fath speach wk! avo aE Tree in pending The ELT ropported the econ mesa to impleent Ra gis powiblepl tiimopcowol bebe worknt. anal “i RA prs ae ang peso ln vere then peta a NIBCO' Boul f Decor The Bran ewe he ig by pp igh. hghe Fed scr In oro gucly pti pce the 95 toro esscit the newt hn castor ing ‘Seles wih fad come et of he Uti planing rss he cyl hve conn a signea orn of ites Ts tet dicing ie Bea peo. Phe ie prc to sre at fe implementation ke ‘ere wall ange “ent wi sighed wi SAP for tb FCO. MIM eS, sa HR moles a er aa 20 eer eres So ahead The HR ua eres) ode Wowk be iplemened later. Rex Mar, cana, print SHU CEO of NIDCO, ase he sei oversight “THeNNGER Tied ‘nce the ss ig bang remand was edo Ber bug oes o he imleention projet “Ta en wa ota Vn cove th U3 poet With Beutler sn eter poston, Won tad worked ‘hua footing wih bsipens manger a o-eads of fea! iolings nj plaor change, a it ha bes hee scene theefore quickly ens the de of vending te projet with Bewlet Between the roof them here wa both 2epNIBCO buses owes and Tages IT poe mngereé wld, Alough Pewter wale) dead ful tothe ERP je, ‘Wilson would curiae to marae he IS copartben as elias cor te poet ote nat 8 moh ‘Shortly ser te Boul eclson i ate Jy, Rex Main ae Jim Davis oa Butera isos 2.4 Ilrco-eadoutoeoe (the high ese isk of he roe Marin had boon the exon spnsorf aa eb by Davis that ong spi paoning at NTBCO. "The noring er Dv aged Martin auc Davis {he hid oad ofthe projet and ten let te tree lesa woo ont wt asthe were ig py. th he tee coin looked tht nae 1 be second, eee cee tht Dati expen With teal eat mmagemest nates cold ing foes 10 thechange eager apes of te project avs pit tis time Seveca le qty management Jb andthe 3 [roe er abot sont, sten eg wok fulsime ‘ete FRPperentton. | | | i fone of igs we hep ea oe ar os ‘Seine busines oar is rez os eye eye ae potnywhet Gary Vt, Prec Co-ed Teh me my TOM ole and vo comer | the nw aster ceo bes ge oe “The RF pmjc a cue 1 beled he TIGER ‘sem: To Infomation Geneting Excl Resl ‘The proj was doped at a pring gr wah area say, sige ce aati ek Exhibit 3) angle Symbol he wad eer ith "espns or teshacogy (Wis, busines coo ach bought completly different penpetie te po xt They tiled trough lhe ste togeter aed ot ‘jor decison oven maretesnl deisone were ass Rex Mri as teense sponser forthe eam, ‘he poeta! were wilins to cme te pet en ihe Ley ise and Mort linia ony mob trp, the ELT was expected to respond guickly. OF the nee key projet abst scoge ad Tesh the ie shel eon pb The puget be compte by yearend 197. Selecting ax Implementation Partner The sme NIBCO fea tht sel the ERP sna pate: 1 as ete cha this hip consti frm wich vw ss bightie ‘Abd here ate al the ales that deseribe why it an’tbe doe” We st ep looking a thm dad — Senter Prot Coben, Baines Press Alter onsiring eve oni fis, IM a Cap Genin were coven a finalise deo ileeat ‘management program. The tern lett employ TBM. By conacig fora large mber of sists implemen: ‘lon costing change management consln, te ‘sl coming td nrasurre), NIBCOs management oped woold have enough leverage tet Gui ‘etpnae hen problems re otal of th potent’ TBM projet ees ht be ‘eam interviewed beeved inthe vi of the big bang peck ‘Wie weird IBM, weird tm wish the are eat at ey were gong elpa oi Dar dwt dog succes! bie bang vo hat pie Wet, (ebee| Homma! go on the bana fara ee ee r sot hativay rough ur prj and priced that NIBCO's trad eadessip design was abo at stews sop ordsson raking, ashe corso str rica ft IBM'S change mangement epoch nk 995 wana osha eric opprmch ‘ites nt ERPpesife. Hower ad eon ne a FIBCO. none often bad ever heard of ERD SAP so twas dif odie apply the ex ple to NHBCO's situation Tey sajed wd vs ‘oar own internal understanding, and then tailor thee idea vote spec ERP came ss Jin Doi, Pic Co-ed, Change Magee tat the pjet. Cnt wih ABAP develop Sd traning developnetexpeize wold te aed as [NIBCO’s associates was part of the contact: NIBCO's Selecting the Rest of the TIGER Team “Te TIGER pot iu it ee a inc ee Urine 8 males se Exe (0) seit, anil co 2) tel nmngerenrosscien Fleming, NIRCO secs oa he te as roms + Power or rles wer ed by businesspeople (Tuy basis ung to vitng leary systems nd inthe organization who understood the problem Tanto! contain wold wk wih the projet earn aa. Fae | ahem "Tan To aye | Ane ‘le 46 Pat + sequin noration stem + dais sera ole were fled by eons ‘ito echnical rede we wae so ie "Wilson fl the technical tam Of TS spc, which ws egos fr dering ed uid he ee enhanc ntcctire vl poviding ABAP po {ramming spor. PC taining, sn elp desk spp {The new slentrstire would ink oe tan 60 88 120 det PCs hn eal op Sows raetivty ta) toa WAN. Amst every eg PCat be either upral rpe, ind the WAN ‘weld te upgraded te relay etwork that woud Tink eadqarers wih ll Nord een plan dd tson comes New tec cpt oa sho be ‘equied forthe pod! tareodeseaeing at aban ances tha were be ple rl he we hove sagen changes. si Davie he hee gern ange managers team, A jute esis rage, Dor Honan, sve 3 the projet noms communal pce, Ste Hl lel ngiocrwosespone fr ensig a al tem meer a uses ced th iin ey need, Davis weed sore ning th Hal hal done sd skein et he rang ft the pect “The 3 peckage nar implevente naan ‘oxm wi seta no atomization Te tnt mu ot ‘or trecafgre Bookish lea sytens, ‘Raters sompay old ap oh RO test practi ovens Weft ke SAP hd eouph funciona witin it tae coold make, by and lage dees that we cde wo cosigur the sytem fo comin hse Ngitevel gas. We woul any whe core prowests we would need, we wold look atthe fhoies wit SAP we wuld pickthe or that ost Eloy mimored ou ace, and we would at 1 ae eierence We had to bave some snie eel basines people who could ake the ell on tose business dot Sion: how mou we cotgue sn why, and wat Would welt go ofan why. We didnot bare 8 Suton waere we hd ogo 15k permission we hada stuaton of coisots communication sad ‘Sonat wth op management —lim Davi, Projet CoLaa, Charge Management “Tosi the bes bins pope are TIGER eam, tho dhee colende brainstormed with cue ao a ger to ani i of 50 60 NIBCO ascites ho ‘ed the hl ad eompetanis nea the peje wold ‘ee ln al fhe, A oman sores epee, fine inervewed the sundaes with Jin Dav an helped 0 deveep paratype, aie persona byt lead and ape to chasge std ert kt ome pent the cre te woul eal 9 og ho, seve dae week Four Sree drs wet chose er snes review rl inching thet ees ores a din Baton This meant ht sven of NIDCO'S wey eighe eins (couing the tye projet c-lea Weal be commited flbtie to de project. Bera the other Sires were needa kes the bnness aing ing ‘he pet the veuning bine vow rok wee led ih mangers who a deep cous business knowlege {0 ide ioe ae wel eons eongh retin Creasy tose cos ety arose. “wo business ses ass Were 2 eth bas oss peocess ea. Ar ans th fetes eu, {heals were to make sue tat he ohn ingle ‘mevaion matched the business requirement Dee few ofthe 1S pertnne! iested by Wilsoe ha the appogeate [Ptaseee sill mis forthe spe of aly ‘le, Wilor rare cin nee ob een ies 19 hive people who coud fil these sited ‘altos. One f hese now hres we Rot Mise, ‘who ad weed under Wing yen eater in ates ‘ne ofthe ence things abot ming ath om pay was being «part of an ERP iplensaaionk ‘ras very ening froma personal and cet stand pith een pr fs smb of plone How foe manufacturing bierns hse ype of things, bu never ating uit sae ‘Rad Maatey Business Sten Anat aly ia the projet wat esd tate pre team meets would be deicaad fle to the 90 ‘bt thre would be oo backing of hi dob. Tein members wee expected to emia onthe eam ‘hrooghout the projet plus four seins! moms following tbe GoLive dt. They would hea be rede. ployed tack to esnes ai TBM constants wer lo aged cic of the five peje teams Tee IBM projec tnt members ‘woop hes Hrovlede to the jo not on ott theses could ke sna isons amon he ‘Ri optons tu also for knowledge waster tote NIBCO ore tea, My of hese conslantssio boue expe- ‘es fom RE inplentioas st ther companies hs ould fe urd to felp NIBCO avo sini (Constants rom ke software vendoe (SAP) wee ad Braroseee ‘cme HS + BOO cil rough in ousout be projecting BASIS an seruey eons, ‘We sid al along, from yon, At we expe spprosch fo to wx ke done Ia many fice. Vito th upchf thx hoo Be Sho pine, and wer be he an We waned them chow us how te tle wook nd what the tng opee. We sue wi hs fn ay me Scot Bete Pret Co-ee Busoss Process “Tse wa ingot bl dep Eno SAPani how tact snenseh ne oy Telco undrnd te bcsset PepBst fonfgueietaSAP Butte wee opemblefeal e (deni We conse temetis menesef he (earn pte gr. Bt otal ‘lng ws th soon we we! ve becom wal 0 sy and we mage he bien hn: an tae the ee in Dis, Poes Co Lead, Change Management ‘We wed se comets or wit we asd the Foran ha wae Keowee nsf, aa, td chica als Gay son, Projet Co Lea Telos {nadine otal eam les etd ear neers mold cle 1 ep wits ecuentng the {ap bcc ol adm tins processes and ping {SEk mtr dat oad andes. Because fe basis: nioyees designated to tee las oul continue 10 ‘Wo i thle bie rns ag the prj, several of "hey woul be he ims sri reparation foGo Live, Aer he tnt uy Wout as ve fn leeesper coe We probaly consumed ayers Bere 15010 200 resource ugha the rjc in one ay 0 Sroter ie scabing ae dt tang, tern Knows what le If we ezoded ans 0), tre meat and go them, Tas bow many peop ‘Rly got ioied apd ee wea Ro Manes Busnes Stems Analyst. “Te projet ick was Seger Mh. Tok ibe company 1 moat of planning gett he ikon the team had 13 months to daiver the ERP syste Dang th fist mec, formal am bing eases ttre conducted offee. Daring the second Week. TBM Bang: An SaPteglenenttion 475. fecoos ed he ete tea ough dscns abot {he hinds of ehaner the projet would pees. For ‘tame cam members were sted to hink throush Shar le won mesa wo change a stnddacd proven From f0-difesene ways of ding things ia 10 ifort Dans with Toren dtabases Th tnt was ey the nad foresly cama ee * Fotuctoryevel taiing an tsnig oo 1S roduc were eld it fea nibs wee sea 10 “vious SAP wining sts in Nowy Areca for more op oo io five dy courses, Atogete,the tea (conte nat 00 ny feng Working ia theTIGER Den ex arin x commit eases the etre projet {eum og pie cabo. The oa plan was © tovetie union ost Matin ted the gupta hor to NIDCO ser manages ‘Nj remodting jet wasn gress athe hadnt ing. and he enn was allected 5.000 Sr fenton the ft None Beatie od Davis ed books ‘mien maragemen and eine up wt. planta cone {he aye, whieh came tebe cll the TIGER den. The Conanys funiare wanvictoer designed a movable ‘2a Mama, whieh would erable Ree workspace onfigusione. Inthe ond, we wer ss bile than we hugh we mah tot ented anemone fl a ‘vk nd kot mses 0 OF Tope angtove what we nos gece, lim Davis Projet Co-Lad, Change Management ‘The TIGER de a case doo ad no pate ‘fice lage open space ale he “har OO” Pad SPicosds a ey wl arsed for mec of he Show pj tent open mewtngs wth eer NIBCO “iia, eon poping ot for cream ing ‘length projet Brera is edie asst, the ange management eam, an the TBM project manger {Sedan en ith fot prion, that ha Usbaped Confereos ible und warkatane Woe kept i fice ‘itn tS area antereoson f e se bn ren saat 0 pee is meine den, ach bsinese poss el 8 Sal oe centatica oom fortes mtg. They conipsed ter ‘Nomads tft wap, a each eas spac ok 2 [sown pony Tre wa ao sober ope ace exec emer sod week 3 that Uh eveconfiged a ceed. 6 peat ‘Avon eo ofthe TIGER den ws arom with sot couches and chaise to foie informa eet top Hwa aoe for foal enings a wel a ee Saige round signfcae projet mletones teh erie tide Bocas up 0 7 people oul ke working nthe dn tthe me ne pon wd ave ee ery dtractn. “The umiarive ea ha 9 fw phones for tbo ‘Scone eters wer gen pate ce ribo a per: heir pager sled hem wen resige went inthe wee manboe. Aan of pens ‘insted isl allay aig cu he dn nd Ceryency nantes wee given to ay ene. "ine dren te poet tam wee aed ng. rbseiies sn waking wiv acy non open eat unanide he stfthe tea ook soe sen. They ‘eretl:"Hse'va conc toe ange management” Fine! Project Plan Daring the ini moots of he project the co-eads erked with the IBN project ead to one ia onthe Seope, cost aad magnitude of the projet in eeder 10 evelop afl projet pan with eatin bacget tk tay Deserber 196 the inal prje cape a rerorce ‘stmites were presesod the ELT an the Boar, based fone Go Lie date 12 nh ater “The fal projet bacet ws essed (© be 17 millon, wich was 39 prent ger ante mie sue esti, One of te major esos forthe sin amt ieaee wa the elon ochre maggrent os ‘cong rain) hat a ben ising Rohe sare ‘udp About ne hid of he a tue was or ctenlo- ay iesevctre caste the sate. Annee third nso tea on and the edt of NIBCO se ‘es Te nl is war tpt coe, ‘The December plan also ucresied two moe lanes in projet scope. One was «recommendation to incade Nort Amercs ony For ebampl sales fies ‘ude the United Sse (Gch operations in Poland) souldotbe iced inthe tg tan nolerentaton ‘A secon scope change was even by tshnaogy tenes Ath endo 1996, NIBCO bad 1 tbo ce ‘es, bt is longterm stratgy was toons tates tal hat omer. An RP projet nvoving 17 abton ote wl ave igh ecnalogy lion nd opera tions cosas well as high project complexity do othe ‘Shee nme of aon A tion ete consods ‘bon port the ERP Go Live date wuld hefre ecce ‘bh ecology cots an inlemenition compen “Aboud th dtd plataig forte dstibuton ‘xr DO) conslision wa noteuple wha thea project plan was pst 0 the Boar, by Marc 1957 he company ha cone conte om severeen fal Des our rg one On exiting ely wou Ie enrged. adn’ agers 1s Wow be in ne tree new DC ities Te geal 9 mpl ts cemidaon by Septem 1997 ta log Unto opr forte ctver db ERP syste, SAP posi porns fr onto si ‘acme or eampnis die cm certain ‘at of coaiion or smaing Theo inl ming ba he worhowe coco going Aiea of SAP byssus Gas Waa, Pst Coton, Tehnaage “Tete wot etl major Dine ss eed sche pt tn abo weal ve wo ema. Fs ‘he ineriton oly hl work fects Sy Sone prt the egaizion col ch th hey were eer freer lose wel if han before the pret, facased on te iteration goo which woul esa in [iin sme “scred cow ng ‘Second tbe company could esgiicomly harmed during the project seas most eter emp ies ‘wold tly ep en hl. The exception ws the di ‘cing. Ati sme Ge wend be npr {sins much cote stisaton posse, Management als ew that he petra eit soul ely bt the company. So the pret had be ‘You can pl 27 fume people ot of tases {Str at en and en a kl ad pect ‘ich one compesio of our go ive wit SAP Ging eae fo plementation, abe ast 2 eas toy were th culmea sasones ‘15. And owe were ela some eae Honor Stores fo of, So, th isk age fo ‘ur pspectie was Wee span deep Sx is com ary it wed this oye e dort itn te. ~ din Devi, Pret Co-Lzad, Change Managenent cause there wat no bck ofthe jobs at bythe projet eam members, NIBCO asec nt 08 the proj team ha otk on eka work sista aot ‘tal operons. This ment tat the whole oranzaton teed tobe commited tot ERP poet. An pont {oa of patipdon by onesie of NIBCOs sari [Sssocits wae srtablished wo be ste they unerrond oe Sindy 1S © NINCO' "Big ans An SAP Inlet 477 cs aa oo Sa aa eT TT aetna Sereda sineclena aetae en Semen | Semaine ana = coanres Seana tstinttemr ate) RTD ay 1 eet nme mesa ape Seen ‘case books though SAP within 15 day at first month end Sins a success vale di ie non ye cease aes to ar scan wae Cammarata pontine es sohmbist nH Ciera Poy ware the post was gong 9 pomote buyin, an 0 ihe wor done, “There wa a ea of people wbo were vag and reuhing very dy, ut Rely ase whole oy Thad wo ion ht yoga Testo on were line mene fhe tum We (i heir wok we buovied That was ave ‘hrougbout be campany ie al, Dice Cisomer ‘ni Marking eres ‘A few sons afer he project begun, special Incemive pay bones was etbled for every aad INBCO atc," bono We te toa aldose ‘nee Exh), The Go Live scale a tobe met oe tm incentive py would be td: A 3O-y rece Pesad, oly, would Be alowed rm te ei at st, teh we the Monday afer Thssgiving (November 2 The incentive py po! wou be eaued by 3 eens fovevery lar oe bags Po overal pet ccs” ‘sien were aso extalised sng wih specie mess es The result thse ser wood aisle foc {ever by Ge ELT wie 2 mente afer eplemetstn, Ste Bou woud make te al decisions whee ‘ror en reales ooletey mt he sca ei. Inthe ending ht solid ore in boing fm ne een wa probably ae of th aia gs (hat mae ur soos. There was eave a pion. Stigpge was ato oon. We ha to make ~ Scot Beater Projet CoLead Business Paces Sook otons were aio grid al ere ten snemtersin Ape 187 a5 eon ince ‘chioving the Milestones “Te poet was conde is four rs pass prepara: ton nat dovige ane lnplemeston ee EBT 8 ecco fue wer aa for prc, eS ‘sam els mabe of wl ep wih proces seping rel spec maragemert For example, Poet Oe trans NISCO-develpe ol fer ject miragenent ad Frojet tacking tat aed an Aces ase (MS Oe 55) Project Oe became te repeitor forall poe planing documents, Aris and To-Be process Sis, fable to oppor ite documentation ote poy sins ‘ls and ey st its ning sobedls, sue Toping, nd much nore. Te sles or prose Sip. Fer exugle, consisted of mere th 100 pags of eld Shcumectaton, and war rad a te bats fo soon ‘sitigdocimtson. Tiron abowedean members Scone th et oj dosent ado gaog where thy ‘vere in elan tthe poets hry esos, ‘Doe to the tin conde ofthe project all ea members were povided wth ligt a0 ta ey ud (fovt 34 too dy, aye sk fr aye Ey 478 rit + Acguing nfrmation Sys i Wajor Aces panos Fa pn eT “ern starr species rot manager a ace os Setop Anais Denes pacer foe pce Arse ap etre Toe process and process ery acs ore a hoes 8. Deauretasn ngs es, Wags, bes athe, ce les, change tga, ‘erin eure ston contig 3, Deven taring mates Develop aed doce petitions (mast aa, etal ystems nee, por Beecop atop + Spero! module-enepeaypig a ein ol Bsns grocery ‘Meee reer em 2, Maragemest moderne demonstrate unctesity ode ot es. 5: Banat pe ey debcauecotigie Implementation Some op wit dean phe "Now ten ar ore th rector Necing un ky 8 "ote ta ear tae, 2 Cistoaato teu Stemi stoieon nested eo lt 5 ingen ntact team ese ostaning Marder Hts po Yaron ewan rmHBiTimplemenaon ses asad Becae thee ws a soppor for oil (ete ‘258 computing prior ote TIGER prot. providing “nyielanyiee suport ws 9 sya ofNIBCOS ne commie alpina ts empleee leverage it ine be sing Information og) ‘Thee wast muck af an eal culture before this bt befor ti project was oe, etsy ‘pulled be whol omy nos way of He Gary tse, Projet Coes Techies asi 28 Responsibilies Fiance and Cortlig Yes ‘The basines vow led fr the contliag Snton wat Ste Swartanbes, who hd spat a ha Ge ear it ‘ven pla postions, string ean neil engines tnd working his wy up tough lar admisvato; Re hd eu been promt produc anager Dring te project Swactaenerg worked nt ony with hs cue brs be VP of matting, ba wih be CFO tects the ntl mange of te new soning mode wold be contrite the coming ane eau My buses review fle esponsibiy was o make sure that he ution sso: who woul be pds: del post re ppt proces, lakirg ownership for he cotling nodule once ie tnd i on were ulin ort hap hem 9 Spend on ow we wete dag on the sues on he things they needed hep With along te wa. 50 at hey nem bt her role wa ti Ah ose nti mlesones None wae nt ae owe Knew how ith knit together ve Ke seve Swarnbeg Buses Review Led “Thre were wo IBM constants on te contol ‘eam, One aged wih contling (CO) mole fe hog of roduc conn. cot eter aeons rs ‘rs tum mens veld os this eons are ‘eed gonsons about wt the package cols om ‘ot. The szond cesar supped th tenon ‘rfanbiliey analyst (PA) and poi eter asoutig (CA) edb modeler, When the second cost elt th ‘oj, Soaenierg held select a epee wo wt yun RU Beals, bt so hada tong faci Teakgran, Not coming rm accounting, nd of ed him as ‘ny sscouting conrltao at ind of sy heck To canoe module in SAP reli * Pt 8 (Ce Say IS + MICOS Bong” ANSAPIogemenin 474 Spat whee ial comes gee: Wha you fin at sath al cone the paces ae lie ‘ped one it Tl oa enh up — Steve Scene, Banas Revie Lead [Alor sine pacess change would be ten rie i ecm payee rts at een eo “aed te piste pst. Scenery pet ext me slong docuenin that ded fs hats ‘er fo to hep ith te eamio, Foy example Ghecciatinee proves ws ceiged fo ooking at ‘rsacon in soci ete wie probleme wool Te wale The aos gr i hem checks ery {iy Tor he fist monty afer Go Live so that peoblems ‘Sold ei ss they append eo ed sags at be ‘hn extended tom meer fm ereting Reged velop platy reporting CAL) foreach of fret het-copper iting, cs ings lambing Treating ares, and so on-inferation hat Wi tra sb ue the od syste Mates hensyenvProatts Paring Teo ‘Toetins reveled rhe enuf preston Pai (PP) mods was fhe Hl 2 NIBCO veteran oF year Halt eee «won of fe BCC my earn fed was holed inthe sso kee tanga prosch. Six mane pior othe TIGER projet Kc, Hal hadbecome deco of pts msnaictring “The basse eve tan hae 100 prent suport feo Rex Moin and the ELT They sowed oso tomy tn hem for major sk We ha te oe Hol Bains Review Lead ‘One ofthe ro per ses on the PP tesa was le 25-year NIBOO vet in production sonal ‘tho ind word on he manafctrng egy system (aM) an ie pedecers Me a0 a3 B00 p= ot thal te oir ta wu spy nin marcha at ta ie a ‘he postion Ime etd oron he TIGER pj. Soar a» power tr for be MPP ea no of he ‘sony at as cose sa ad been onal The manatee pees at have ‘eppered ae at NIBCO nee en amp ‘aed Soit ally asa at fe mew a= is, ‘en ered tect tee hr ipl hone tat aon Tignes Select i ati 100 percent dew tn Bele Power User From the ote, there were concer eet al te ew procases and ecw stems at the pla Hall Svked wih other manocrring ecto ie VP of Imanafctorng, and Seat Beetle to setup 3-0 4) ‘nesting wil TIGER team members at every pint (ving December 1996. A thve moctngy the core ojet fam emghasze tat R/S wax te system ch ‘wou eed apa, al ta woul sie Jee fem te tage ow things ere ne fn ich of he plans nang who esc plant tug ‘Bhat was nie Ato ws analy cer wheter emmon proves col be ingle ars NIBCO plans, the poet eam wat blo re each pla sas id Hp lvel generic pees The ile nt 0 Rep things ‘Sativa simp tre Then, peopl ecm como. ‘lei steng the pom, the oer of compl ear Sd functor could be incre. The prot a ten paned contenu fr thx commen way of done things: ny platter be manacng process ts lice, ory mati, ad 50, ‘We kee sounding the message eta you don't hetotalee us bt otae ts and doth ‘open mind Every tine smeene woul eal 2 yr Wen do ths wee dle we ne hs, ‘eae hat” we wou sy "yom ging ek ian yn'e gut i ne yt having te (CEO she aor champion eps overcome ny and sl obsaces you can ink of Extend tam memes the PP module were fe mally denigented ery on. Although the eee a he ‘a ty ao sen tne te TIGER den tease Uealering heh ster ea plane ad eae oF ‘ele ole processing. Tooth hse i-perone felons, the poet eam members lersed what roses Changes would sono beeps tbe most we be plore wecere wre nine. Dueng the fia ous of he project many otha extended team mars dedicated Yoo pers of hii to condcing ing clase at deen facilites Every NIBCO sasocite who woud teed oR Lense we ged up fr wearin samen of ‘Seon ting Ds "Te bans ove lad fer the mati manager etd et the company i My 197. Alou his tent mat vowed pone overall (ee intel eam onic) a e's major gap. Becase hs happened fo ite tt projet Jb Hal took tis ole aswel, ‘wip oo Bote, 20 Fe + Aci elomain Stee Setettraton Tam Seren major proce changes wore ite inplencted forthe fancons Fist onal cans (hich ccont- cara ge percentage of sales would hve dead NIBCO aust Second, « mich ror onl pro: cesingeient wold esp king hg to ‘Soe ase dit tps canes to cate inching ping dt, could be ude fy a sue t= ‘cesiCS)posonnel Lider SAF neni arc Ing tect group woul be foraed i exer Mase (iu shanger would ae ou. Tis mae on tricd: cid proach wold exc aa om exer ragone cotton! soon woul ko ye dolar igs becuse ewe ice eluctions woul have tate svn fo casiomer ict iil processing em One ofthe ro calege fang he poet ea le, term ofl t NIBCO fa tear died ems ‘fin ls canoe fe castorate post ut in RB, Pieig distinctions ae made Between wholesales and fetal. Tis meant that ll NIBCO easnmer oY be hse by heise chapel. raling wala majo hale tests aut halo he CS a ad red pen PC witha muse snd papi! werner (Widow). Cs To the C8 soup wee stalled aoa elgbt mons rior the Go-Live dt, an each amber of hi gap adver hereof mandatory RI ean NIRCO’s warn pean had nr bes phy lsilines inthe par large le proces change ‘tela be insementel er he datas uncon, The kof he warehouse management inpemeataion wes nts by the aurbuton cena omoldin that ‘8 going on ing the sme ine pr. ‘We wed orn ein cee wth books Joh, hop stskavay, pti ore ibn 12 othe ‘omer and would wie do. Heke here he ‘restock as and you could get way wth hn 50000 square foot fai But when roning 230,000 square fon fees, oa ean 0 ha you've pottohavensymeneam yur fit fr 904 Larry Conn, Beni Team Menser Technical Responses ising the preparation pas, while the bases proses ‘eons wea or A esas abou 8 psi ner ‘Wihon developed « 80;age tecical dosiment tat tecame the ep fr blag the new tectooey Intasetre—ihe POS, sects, ad etwors for ey NIBCO icon Ove te se nine ons he wel tsa wore hough he slates foal he pts ad tation err anda woul te eh tied tehsil a ae do snd Windows tng 3 ete, “The TIGER poet en the ww censere ra recur a equied pew work processes forthe 1 orp tanto. New reser for geiork anager acy ‘eve. Many of these Charger were mae War he TIGER projet sitet the IBM eonsuacts epe ane proces design and I workers, “he projet leaders worked ery hiro mata oe const. We expanded when we need fo and Swe contacted very quickly When a const m9 Tonge i ae fora. et hit Hose, A one tie we oun 3 corse rng peat ie, ew sear vel sion rey devopment ied wh aie oe, Ge Tipton, ean ote oer ey 8 Pega ‘agement sz om Wis, Tien me he ary ion een Oe TIGER ema eS develo Pet sous dct he design tse ws ABAP po ng eds inetd. Al aime suppor fr ley ‘seas was eset shl ova by he ster of 197A he emie 8 wou esd on he peo. Ine at on of ret the 1S ars Ws sing alge enviar eget yt friction ten wo ining tums ad st ste TS spelt wereld Cig pan cave ng maser da, loaling maser dats, and Stes teting ‘system with ei cars, Dan fom 85 feet ep er fl and las of Asetedtabees hd Yo be comet [Ai decusons sa howto compli hse cea Se tepan sey Mach 197, he ster dated ing proces pronto ore complex ban expec, nd fou conplas hear. duyestng ns were ‘Change Management Responsibilities We mere convinoed we could configure sytem. ‘We were convinced we cul lt tenia ne srctie tat weld appr i We were NOT con ince that we cul einge people's tubes ad Techs away that we oul cess se suka we eae op ith in Davis, Poet Co Lea, Change Management Because BM lange mnagement pic wa ot ERP specif be NIBCO tea hd wars howto ply it ‘oan igang inplenestaion Some ct he BM chee !mangenes people bet tae in mets Gage {by Dag Comet, CEO of Orguieatonal Deolpman ae ae 7 ‘Cove Siy IS + NIBCO"Bi Bon” AcSAPimpenentin 81 OO _ Tier work en) Te pups ds cpr wo TGh wha sw fs weed Pow wnens ne e Teporse eral cosuted or tonne yous eferin onda das sou the Pb yOu rk ouloe (tele dining or deg teva rangle Maer data gt raraned an one ins cn (Gato Ts woud equ soon ol ane whch fase olen thse faces) [Rutoation of ld work (autonte) Ths shoul’ be uid whe an acy which ws reveuy formed mana ‘Stn be ated ete nif pa Messe wheter hs avy Sos ean the ame eamnaSerwnter venir wouldeupon tamonmet eater unten! are. Eumple The stn, erstmavcay pein ne Scnay math oP, essere nich we cry ecaceraay) “ination of relate acti etna) Te sro bead when aces ree pred asst wth ‘Arata ato lonper uted eee a canged proces. eat wie non pest peorred WS ‘ate won tangle People ssa te etn Spee! epaa a surat cata a meaning way {etna ne ster mt rons ha ats ine na ey wth alow rans to cu wihou he fine werk) ‘Work moved em one group te another (ranser)Thsshoud be we when work mows am ee Mettensepacrent ip enter nme up don om ane eof maraperen to anathet Te gs {erie cietont so Yoho yovenps work oi 3 etl te nev acy or rcs Exaile: cours ‘Rese sttes xc on pst he come sera ects he ee fo cremation Wh SR, Te et et owe rain oy te sha acs tote promos he esa 09) ot proces nat being done el lk) spore ht a new rcs be prorred fice a0 cence ets be te when tact parca enclt aceespromed dwn Sessa tonight that oh pansion, sample Te new dma pul mehaclogy has a parar Pegi cen ech es to he coun eve Hs erperare ht sei spestormed cia orn ‘art ine Farme e with yer fea) Increased evel of ity (oly) The eroné be wed when 2 new acy poe sania nr \Gmpicer meh an pevousy thew ge ura hope vaning oe rganzationl ies a prepare for 8 ‘Po sta speston sarge ecsent pose aso sts e be rout thou ay guy eve or ana, {enon pws: ques sen anaes tobe pore o daa ob renewed a approve em the Seen) New business paterhipe teatnshige) Th sub veda idly where te new sty of rcs wes pee adit opun er labwate eset aye Te ould nse herman ust be stare tween oops Beet enon mo tse ape cent work wih te ngs ec gt ot for ane prion nthe new pees: atria il cre om ranula) sclaneces (Othe) Tisha bead when ou want hghight an ue rnc hat ot overdone ecto change eter Resoures, Ie. Cos’ toot eghen ihe leaden team's undemtnding of te inornce of dealing with ‘Spe manage este el oe nisl, Te eral change mapaamest rt became How fo ese thn de R inpleneation woul ot ive NIBCO ters ‘ond ei bis tas tags ‘tough cel Das nd ro tr ea ber vce working alse oe change agent ses, all {eo members wee espeted tobe chung ders During the selection proces they were old Oat the es ofthe ‘rpmization would be Hole 0 them 10 undersiand where he TIGER projec ws feaing and why mae ee Soe Mom ate pe Clue Hs sens tobe gong in tht reson. The wm member lo ado unas the change imleatons of ir de ions Ty wee ed to cy what he manips trou be for pople prong a paricua fenton — Tow tty Wood wert tgeer cent, or we ii. {nt ifution Th change management nan se ti Lolo to deep omieson and waning ans tha woul belp NIRCO ssnits make tee cha. aay Key Canes Information to lp the change mangement eam was antes ofthe baie process docuneta Foreranple boss process team was preparihg ‘Tobe business proces documentos, te tem mea ters weve ake dent anges a given gross Tnwodaced and 10 estegoran them (28 EAhbit 7). fina Pet + Acyaglrmaion Sytem No proces dcamenaton (nd tr no ang sp) ‘td be approved unt the change management le mets were complete For example sy noociin cunts payable who worked wi NIBCO' egy sss inthe p rely ad eae oof pret depart 3 ta ‘ie he rovarenmt prorat Being on Theta doce think wy oes foyabe So the commorieation an informs si Bates those srs Secoes wry ng Te hangs catpny hee wos ke lari, "Team wire wees ned op ering ‘he ting neste or hee sedge snaps In SI A30 ferent sees evi 91 sate a eau Ira annanstin Pan ‘Acres par of he chnge sung elas wa 10 rove iforaton dt ep open the communication ns trae te pees ema he NIBCO aso- nes. Ths evolve sever pee fates st eadquresund some ose teat a abation ‘terse Noth Ae. Webnsclyftione he ale. robo et tear sting ve ea ms om te nu tues fro hl So we kao every ferent ay hat we col get ald efsonetdy et ‘inattention ith hey, Jin Das, Poet Co-tead Chae Management ‘communication ssl af reso fou handed people a NIBCO yo a tpe af pdr wet” map oF ‘ual communication let fr which te "ent on ‘ct associates cold be deen The supervises of ‘Ssocae with score shove a sen level ware then ‘Sie forthe puison to fae the snes nied ‘opmicpae ina TIGER oss greop Abo ern ere orpmi and ecto people seach lat and st ation cmc er then poorly eet on the Fue ‘rep. The job wae wo bea “bwin the bases ‘ovo dren feed tet the wih ‘whom hey were connec ne wear We it say “Youve tobe a hed fer tbe prec” Ara mater of ct we sd "We fe hat Soup tok bec ts only at po 0 dep robles —pepl eu ot buying i> ‘is Or ere wire yoo ona illo eee” im Dani Pre! Co-L40d Chg Management Anotber Nay commanicatons atity Ya holding swombly "TIGER task leery compe ea ‘gare Jim Davie and sled TIGER tes member ‘ade preenaions snd aewere seston, and Dag ofin aitzahemaetags, Each NOER ak ai ‘ent min mesg. seh pt Hes poo Sect pln fa pepe ein patil ‘dg inpememan pase sates “meses SAP stat pins ot ests, Tres nett ae seasons were ops all NIBCO sala each son ware Our ine aha pope ul pk ies wo tii sheds tendons ‘eos veuny Ra ere was an epeetion at ems af the ects group would he song the aendees A ‘ney an sem res eee hilihg th mala Ines ere pak o fee erganraon win $hour On arom hase femaon wal be en ‘tt fae group member ind ther bay player to ‘were not athe tig a idles of he Slane ‘reo ade vail “Team meer ito contd too hes rounds of nie wt each NIBCO plat a ton es ter Tha ea hat al acne aan porn for a plynial lcenface meeting with tem meters ce er he o fur months. gin ques ad ase from thee mosing were summatzed nd ised wii tors to eee ogi "Arech mating. th eam fom omessare he level of insiviga! commitment to Change” A change doton carve was posed on» ican adhe tig Teoders pistol oat tat tele goal wast got eve 'NIBCO associ the Bayi patente cave. Eh arian wa given aod Sher shed place ck on the crv to fecord “where they wee” tad of each mecting, out of ght ofthe TIGER team ‘menor, Over the cour of th pos, these str rams becate a ay omesre prores om nef nei aml oy wi ‘or dibuton center were lagging bhi, and {hen fearon te sly of hone mass oma ‘heanteipted changes ‘About alfay trough the projet. a weelly sowsteer foro soir who woud Be sig RD Sega te ied vin ma Arimining abe, the aewsleter gcaded questions ake othe tang clases sad the emer provided by the claoe aes ing ‘Over 1200 hours of walang were delivered atte [INC traning exon te for month pesod before ‘Gobi Depenting onthe je, wes eevee ° ky oe mens ‘cine Soe IS + NIBCONPig Bate AnsaPinplnention ABS and hous fining tt fora othe ne process, ‘just iv ni In ain, se TD wa ed Cheng te ang lanes ated ascites e058 Siig "ero" where hy ebay ins ut ad Frac mations ssn. User anne a the TCaning ses was oc x ort of the egaiations Ince shen, ut anon pace ws laying the “Go Live™ “Te evga! plon was 1 go Hie the Mentay ate ‘Tanking. De date proved yt wo be sii Fr ay sens Pin the distin one comoiaion wes Sig- icantly dla Tae nested ns seta haatie Stan of he DC manages wer tl Fecoe on he “suklton rer hn on pep for he 3 ys tem Te ne sa tardy hav have 1 gt no FlbCO's sins pare etc rear fr ne Sse bythe GoLive de “Thee now people who were al he new fie Tis nver ad tne ogi te SAP po ei They never we throug) appropriate ating because thy were focused nthe consoliton You cans d to arom projets a he ‘mete Dstbton wat prepare For the “SAP startup sd we pat x Laney Con Ended Tn Benbr Second. a complete maser dita load was sting shout 17 If day ound he ack. The fst ening of the mano dat or manafting wos suey bat the the constants ad ware} Ie tat hey were in trouble. The manufscaring dn sone was loaded six tives A "sae eta th begning a November 0 Fence eed for mothe" ou es ab ie We mee probly gh ot ther the maxima tome ofa Hime to get seeing Ise is foe Tere were ter sl empanes om tere ‘tat had done to fie o seven ooh whee they ut shan in. We day th. We Tadao of mer ceo oe sod, wh Wes tig dea for wena jor major ff lowed dorm = Set Beer Project Co ead Business Process ‘The GoLive ee was moved bak ene pot sible ten ofthe 3 gre period The chnge Inonogeset ex eth projet Jey temps uri tinng tt Tossed more on Sins roots ‘hangs Atovgh he atendans tring ben ery ‘here wae no fom anencerien'on proses a “The Big Bangi December 30, 1097 (On the GoLive de, there were no cums om sit. Inne ayng te coarse come in fore dys Ine mii oa lca wes they were ct se or Tice wet Dosermbor Mnguent bnew Dt even Tey singzled for tow fv day they would be twinging esse back don and wl are ime co ‘hy Fac, Cove fea moter were os ie plat ot inthe clan help desk wos rad by project tem rember ede ving woe coma COss, wa 8 yebole move: The company was realy fo operate RS nice, "The co-eds ad wend the Bains at “it nat ving tobe wly" inte begiming, Everyting they Nad Fead ood etd suggested thal hae woul be a inal ‘Gop input The hy wat nto deny iB plan fort and manage trough Os De ey wee pep {ote let operate aro he 0 pec ve, “The resem ate wee Rept on te eam fo nly to mont lt the GorLve daha tha fe tne te snes ite were elmaring fe ope to ‘She back a dnt 1 wa any Inge ecally, me shel have tho or actor 6 days tet we wer tought of wowing pas, ad Se cl fave Soe mack beter eh he ea opine onger Datta uneling ur and we Jerod peopl — i Davi, Pct Co Lea, Change Managenant By the sme they went tive, most team members new te they wool eredeplyed Some weak tii job, bt several eeved promotons on op tunis od many we! ino newly erste job. Some rth extended tam mcebere found ta et bases [rooscttiucd to lyon them for el tcp BS Fowl. A fe ofthe power xc wantin SAP p= pvt pins within he 8 open

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