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CASE STUDY 1V-6 The Challenges of Local System Design for Multinationals: The MaxFli Sales Force Automation System at BAT Will dietsisiotionatkts evenly Ne Mani sy er abv ys thy Whi At why! case rea abe ne ‘Somes sli nan sling et gts. “eter Prickly Chit Inbrmaion et. BAT ‘lobe Heme ae very high ew of Mex [trees as ine proces Wallan oy fave 4 el campaitive tuvonnge ia te ld. ely a ax ‘Slowey to ect our proreso, il our het aes the gt tat th ie ie Ta ino es us conpetivenivase Ove Goma, forery BA Combi ‘rnfred ip Glbe Heusen 20 st ody he ae sme eens ith Man Why ith Tne ole the on oF Mes ed intent paying ot Tha big concr. Wy ot the amore spe yer tobsp aso sel? Seo, inoor snes, So we stow ak tou] op tense of Mane = Morales «marating execu a BAT ‘ental Ameria anf wae a busnes chang nisv: a sles force htemaon (GFA) sytem eed i stuctre and ato ‘nae te eles process iio mp oats around the glove: However, ser the implementalons, the seers of ManP was in qbesion. ‘By aay = cer eh 1. wn ay bn etre {Wes a testy Sent Te ‘aot ioe case ‘Shih viemsnd Atma hafnpnesona ewes Sportage ater Background British American Tebaceo Founded in 1902, ish Amerie Tobacco (BAT) bos ron tung gnc oun angina ote one {eto sslaal pigren he hao. By 2072 inane anh 27 the Roane Gal 30st cm rok ort 1986, BAT Indies PLC orice Tenis mong x mmr ured bases ee 11986 hice ser wat vedo mere ou Iinopendet tabasco bynes int one. Nowtbaseo ‘ines ancl sevice rating nd tes) ee (Gres sad BAT becme a sanalse sie foctod nly oa bac, The compar ten merged ie 1599 wih the global cigar company Retiane Iteration. the fl of 200 Bas lca ail tel ee Sek hough re eos isons Ames Pas, A Pie Bape Lain Arse, and AMESCA (Aa the ‘Mile Ese Sout and Cena Asa). sith cvs, SC Groking Tose and Gea, lb nd operas Ire thn 120 couricn “Ie rot cots ae 120 “nd mat ech yp cally «coon Earnarhet decors (ger anoges) topo repo devas, who are members of BAT stop ‘eva marke Tocco Maageest Berd (TMB). ‘Toe company's stay lewragen global economics of ‘eile whl fering aero to ed maa Th oval end arse inte he rect tore ents itr om rc onde lc (0% Cistatue) ete aber dbeton erie servic com nes Tee duet dribtion ots sand soc crv end owed by many end are worldwide ‘ioc wa designed ofits the waa and ‘Soshulon aves win det ston marks. Dinh of Max in Latin America ‘he Origins of Max Several tones and test aues converged for the teton of Man Th rape atraton tae are ing and dition (FMD) win BAT ences bad on {68 Pa V +The ior Magnet ys upd the bility fein techy. As sls ‘etn, ad extcolecton mths evaed, em sere ‘were neal spor et. Aiton, DAT Bese to ser he ingens of 2 ses oti Ty ‘ems, By the mis 1990s many Laveen mares ‘scone eed 0 replace the eiing SEA sto, {Saal of ¥2K concern andthe pd aseleton of Cranage don pacts Besa ese ‘ere all docdtiton rae inl bese proves oleelogmens Seay ene ‘Arend market dinevssednratepes for 8 Y2K- complet TMD sytem. ne oppaity arose, BAT shal eadquarers (Gite Howe! reson at lobal Economie of sale could produces fer em at 2 Tower per user cost Ip paul exeatvn at Cloke Novae and several end aren Ge vppory develo exible, eal IT spite vo spor ede ‘marketing and disvibation within dieet deibtion Choosing the Rie Approach for Developing Max Based on expvience witha recent Gite Hogs 1 TT itive to develope TMD ye raion Suton market, thee as «widely ld bli thatthe may desig fhe sytem soul ocr inte end mat es ot in Globe Howse Berane TMAD inches many he slo ood processes tha auprr the tae ‘as hove cul for Gibe Mosse to anerand or {preiathe ounces and compen of regina fees Hans Neicermann, global rer of wade t= ‘ating for BAT, need, "Ter avo many ferences laters of tcl groceses ring olnvtce,edog inti inte fist ple. ‘night othe completes ioe ia hea! rade iarktng process, Glee Howse dcied ona stb ted approach fer he design and development of Ma Globe Hass would coon mesh of th development flo is London withthe bei 9 Anerson Conealing {ow Asset), ut the dsige woul aecri the e ‘skew of atin Aric. 1m Febuary 1995, represettes fom 15 makes Including Colombia. endo, ene, rll Meio, ‘UK USA. Begun, sal ame ep amen sy sty to develop he sas ese for Me, Ta specie nals foc the feb study were to derine the “best Fret” of det iron mares te ened the ‘sta, adi demin Ifthe di tin son foal within he exsing colognes tA. ‘he busesscac fom is ey SoH was eee ‘TMB, ich rane fal apron gh development ‘in Ay 1988 Te Mant sing eons planned foe hee separa inglemsnaton rollouts sor the en ot ‘20-Chie, Colombe Arse Se Eh Chistabaes, BAT": operating conpuy in Cie, os seeto ket ad in dering an ple ‘Man, several eso. Cleator wa ne fe leaders among the BAT srt n ain Aeron. They ‘eral uelhetblanedceipay with aston: ha Ker greene in Chile, With RS pon eer se ‘Ctiesbaco hl ens comin ity o Joel ‘op scene! Rosine otis ener fev ‘tonal Chaces Goer Mamie Raber Pee ‘osha ected hough! the BAT commun Designing and Bung Mans Man wis viewed wan ior let athe cme ‘estrone TAD Toc BAT Ue ch bation markers Desay tr nceprste th ost psctcs fom (5 ond mares was 3 complex ask. Mach ieston was eno the dein bjs nd Design objectives Hons Neiermana cope essence of he esi oie {efor Maxi styng. "we ade a te raion ‘of teseling proces andthe emer The fl ote ae eas on fo hey steele ecasing onthe nse expeete of he consuner Panoering with the eer epi trace Masinising marketing costs by wadertonding Instore protsionl success Forcing rel lessee apy hin To acomplsh these goss, ManP had to provide accurate ties information that woul low BAT {rose seerence rl sles and coset afrnation, ‘whieh was he ony wy fr BAT o comme sce ‘ous where sversing wa increasing rate lly Maxed tote eps th ascent nd Inver munageneto aot pcan of fort and scouning dieutiesexpsnced wih rviour ee Desig tenes ‘Beste the sytem wast be won mats of ferent sas sd mare coon, he sgn of MaxPh oe sgeeneaton meal ery docions Acsoding © Robe? Pacis be Max project manager in Cie, ti Tete ‘eps tt guide te deehpent of MxF nee + Aceon mustle and sebbletotnaloy platoon 1 Shared batwee sles, conning a matin * Appropriate se of package fie ca Suiy V6 + The Chango Li Sem Dain er Minion ‘Chis ts coed so ppde ante in ie BAT Calon ira nip eal aa ew “mo iy ty o Man Seek a obliga son BAT ples Andrea Cnsing wih Est & Yous ‘Cbion aed i venue wit BAY and BAT [svat + AN fn Sales Face Aomstion yeni mei BAT iced vty of pint asi tse pie ties, Shoald BAT us an existing pedeto devel thei ‘ow Shou! hey develop a prec indepen or in rrp witha sper? What pf povided x [nun sath, esabigand tig? What were he Iimplcaions of MxF forthe Enenprne Resource Planning (ERP) aplicons being ntaledtroghout BAT? What taal! device sled fx terstona sp por and mineoncs? What implies de vacaze {seca experts throushoat Latin Asin presen? ‘Afi early rvewing is options, BAT nego ste with Sito Systeme Bl s nd slo or ‘ict ditibuion martes withe BAT. However, oe noah foe development was bei, Sebel wibrey to focus on ote eopoate pie Tis Orn Design choeas inn 1998, RAT Ran declpite Max with ho lp of Andersen Cnsing, The pimary design work and projet leadership were Santige de Chile and cossad (flea of BAT staf rom Br, Chile, Colombs, Honduras, Mess a Venere. The development fo ‘ook pie Ia London, pcormedby Andersen Consling tnd ransged by BAT personnel. The system ws to be Fins nd iret lementedn Cin My 1999. Masi was deeds erga anenble, eign di ttson nye fer BAT 1a form Ma cased of ene eter tere "ak sls, inion, re accom, compar iar be, mechani, sd eet clastfcabon (Se ECD?) “The fon ea of Man waa Vil Basie appl cation runing on » haheld Hew et Pakar Joma (50% sing Windows CE 21. Tas Rand war oned by hee eperenttive ac yo pace order te fe, prin voles, tack sven, a moar mer ‘Sanding an eopdter aciy. Ate edo ach da. the sales eps sychronind he hands wit the back ‘ice system, Synchronization cul cee tog ts ‘fice network iupconraton fom a land-based {eephoe, orem a mobile pas. Te tck fo syaem vasa Sibel Sysens customer laos management ‘seo (CRM) and Ore 8 dats warehouse rennin 650 IV +The eatin Magi Sat MH Nan ToogilConitn on sere. The epg engine ws Busnes: 2 neta inva Lote Notes workspace, MxF ‘pred sales sd compet norman, te cat “signed tobe wel by manager tsi evs rom jes manager tase eset lenplomenting Maxi in hile Chile isa lng. sow cous of 5 lion people se- ‘ean ye Anes Mois thee and te Pate (tein ihe west and ou I oper but 5 percent of the wosers edge uf South Ameren as bee espe (BAT pods verb eam Chloe commas era ge pcengs ofthe age rat n Chile, “The fnctin at Chitbnes wa tue fiction wih tong presence inthe Bess. Dspe ity ot Site TT implementations, General Manager Rabo Frere exresed grt conten in thee fF ee Sonus in his ration. One ser esate ued at implementing MaxF was an ingenant move for esse our tack eco Wi lage Tsar pena (MxF was the Ingest poet a he sary of Collabacos. Chiletaacoeshoulered $89 millon of ‘be development costs, wich cumalately ted ney SIS millon Before aking us te prot Frit serted ‘wo conto t Gite Howse! bd bef ad ie ‘ata Chen salsion (opposed lol sation ‘hat read Chileon adoption af had To have fs ‘otal over projet develope Palais was sled a be projet manager on the bois of ie tnck record of sasagog Tare pecs ‘througout i 20 years in ance at Cenc I tot ake log for Pca develop «cle vison eat {heimpleeattion f MaxP From the beginig bes MaxPias abasnes change poe, jot an T proj ‘The test oe of the ky crmponents ofthe notching sything, So people process i FT ‘Strand fe be aligned, Manta bness ataeprgza ta econ huge oguiatona ‘ton it our major workeune anager, “Sommancation. proepepl sn tae. Free std Palisiox shared belief that decisively desing peje calengor as hey are woul ee ical Yor seees inthe Max inplementaion. Palco ‘Sronsted his by ceting weldoed ple for pe Inplementron. implementation readiness and post implementation aceprance Stil atone poi i he velopment process, Free Relieved ht He needed ‘ram ed no quien wh wns in care De ey {ext befoze he developer fot far we weak he was convinced thr his play bjs. ret tng Chilean soaion and minninng cook wo be "Ri This helped he development team rman fos nth tok at hd desu tt hey the "gh things. he it way, sig the ih ot ‘bn implrenation ofthis size represent a scous Challenge: thr the raion nad #0 Ye aware atthe i te poems Den an role ‘Should be communis an xine tote whole ganization. The business apd che laring ‘une uncial So lel of servic exptaons ood bemasge Pails demons a pater of uadeeing the eof of Max while ovecdlvering on saan ‘i in over to manage expectations. Passos cated is comsnaccaions aboot Maxi vey ‘uty MatPi was ur very hose set ron ma geal boise a scot Comoe, Placa sere eMart Respiestiy sets Etna exninr 3 Casing Moz End Atoka eponses or rich of hs enertiox“mnasngupwart—aking sire menage ndesood what we wer ig ab why ‘rere ding” Palio cat “onermaps oe ro0- itr commuskaton. These grape representations dis played ea inportan person onthe Maxi eam, Dow (hey wete all ated, and wha communication Were {Suc These maps tlpeePasros Leo manages Infermed abot he tae sagges and cess of the rie Tis pe waked wall encng to GM Fre: verve as wal informed row the (eres) Sagoo the roves lew nota oe where We PLE inthe money aml Doped we ptt ak stem” “Tis war ingore cma MaxF aster (0 tb sain formany det iebuton wares Latin ‘Aiea, By “managing upwarl” Palacios secsted he ‘ppl and proto f thems power oe ie the NatFi iplemenaen, te sracgie serng commits. ‘Tha ete sever challenges effective corm tation ing the Maxi evelopment fer Fast was he fstoempbialdstnee betwen te dig eum bse in {Ebadon andthe development eam based in Stato Fregeettwconereaces,wde> conference, and at ‘anc rip helped to moet the eect of ime an ‘Sse on comaictonbewen signer al deel topes A second constant cov not be moderated by {velo loons Most of he dean a wete nave Spunshspetker wile the development team inthe United Kingdom were pm Engsh speakers. This lus was mode sea the ent igen an figs ss of rere, Plcos, ed ters on the an Processes and People Flac isl ht Mn wasn imal a echslogy ‘anal sb proce change poet pone hy teckmoigy, Three, tose implementation ‘pend on ch re an ving one fc ‘Sippor it He aged, “To capre fall penal [Max equ nin dept ovion of caret TMD roses rnnanal che and song coin” “hs ew is laatte by Exile 3 hi Pcs sed in describing MasFi. If playe te tle of fe ManPisysem adhe olf the implementing end market Tndecnining sip sce wh MacP Theustded teas eps! end-maretvesproublies for socess ‘ite the sade reas represent Ma's conibston Tovar yee scene, Astrdnghy lnoe 75 pct of the final etzome cepeds on he eters othe ca end Ia pat fom MaaP MxF was oa expected wo ‘hulSandedyinrete marketshare, stealice po ‘rosa manage ale sarki ine end aes Seo ecolgial too at emo thse desea at {not comman es alae lane eileen 3 a [Soh Sse pln contig of arenes resem bse ‘auto, snp are mpemestin Over SO perce [fetal effort was expend in end-maret bases [rots improvement and prepetons before th em trent live The ft 2 most wore sent n develop varneyb cas, and cooing se ‘gern ean Tne montis wee pel reviewing sd (pnzing cet oraleonal roses to era © ‘Sepleent he se Fly ce este inlemenston ‘tl eed 6 rns ned to welled recesses, pop anes alain gve comida ateson to exining nd suppor Tamsin tee business posses wel the Max too ict were offered i parallel wth he osen peoveens forall employees who wea te Mal Palais bleed hat egg spp as ie ai aig He red {athough thorough system tenting and aque teinng are ese nplenentaion, ith ‘yh comple ym, soppy ey le The sep rl spo en oa ea ted a daly shold ten pli ete a “Te supa tea ado be propre answer bust tec questions eg. Howe pat an noice”) brine questions ("Can mae are deci oe ttisasomer odo have w chek wih somone ee By focusing on talnag aad rapport Palacios samo presng soe ofthe esos oes at en Pee lager mpementtons, Assi by ON Free Tire are pena see oles oy pol ht Se Tresor people) well ber exper” Teetnoloay Previous systems tCittbacos wee Sige conta support Bac sales ep ati tl eve "alu Sls 2 marketing nmin, One of he Py jets of Mah as oe efron tablet manager soa hy ol uc ey ‘kt tents td compte svi and make ete "adearing apf dtibuon dossian. Blow. Mat Ig nae tty ly 2 int sls ‘ich mae protons mmm ech tet, Ma ‘owed manages to romindee tle with promeons ete nv us tier cand Snes of mcketing prmodons ine enn of al ‘Thistegireda cotraton of echoaogs, (Soe ahh) When Max was it pops 1997 hare were a imegrte, feet sytem tht bah Stays oa CRM syem, The calls at by he Maxfli steering commie ad poet miner Wao Ingres and cao component she mai ‘ining ow sma esis and bi. 0 tne nce aah wont ive in Chile ia Noverbe 19 on chalte ‘and pent over bat, Dept ing owes Ba th auhtimploncitaton in Chi wos vowed sats it roviedsaasefnformation Yo menagerie soe ait wens a enabled efit de martin do ‘one. Chiltbacns GM Fe elo “The es hing soa Max tht or ny of snamager. canst ny desk sd se early hipped esr hoz he cout. reo, cigoreen nlc Pa nicely pve {aloe mating Sco sb rnd, roman, By the spring of 00 he bse of Matin Chile ws seule: Manages at every level i be option strewn However. bigaet ex wold Re ite Ahicon taker end ars Lain Armes ad ard tte won Main Colombia ‘The oes fr Matt na BAT Colombia. BAT Colonia pnd inlet Mann May 200, 6 mons ae Chiesabacss completed ingementiton BAT Caloris ‘vasa envy Your fi, funded by Chiao i 195. Begining ora making ogeon it had expanded cues tobe compete direst dstbuon mare, Many oft biness praceser were impored fom Chleabace, slong wih seveat members of the etectve eam Consequently. coring to ergo the err gt ‘of BaT Colonia, thy very "Chiean ene” THe ‘eluaship between BAT Calbia ad Chieubases ‘mins beth clos and ipo Atthough te btn process nd eae se to CClombis were simile to Cileabacos te compete ‘eneame wie quite ail Threw or eb Frm competing forthe markt Coen wth each hovng approxima 28 pce of the rarket Two of BAT Clana’ songetiore were Colombian companies fected on vale bendy, wile Philip Mot Ine and [BAT bated eer prem bas. ‘Chiletanaoe was primary concerned wih Max competitive information ols BAT Colombia Was moe concened with conser formation ting oe, {nd ereaing efficottes with Max. The new sem ‘robes BAT Colombia to mre qicly identify and derstand the consumes anes and preferenees. This Tnformaton help them prodce and target promis trans tothe lig nd se tb ‘Prjet Team in Colombia AT Colonia apeesvely adopted ow ectnaales cease eens fr sve Yt ut MOR 8 ‘her arent TT projet ode The Maxi pete (Colonia ws el by on the seniar TAD Nansge, Pasco Ker Tae FT personel aspned to he Max et neler of he best ane rae Talent a BAT Colombia, cluding Sytem Adinistator Juan Cros Hidhge, who ha lend seat I yet in Chile ‘working 98 Mes a uly 190, rhe begin of he Max poet in ‘colonia, Cewincs tosed "MaxPh Universi and Seve mente ofthe pops tan penton wet Ca ‘econing fae wi Ma Up reine Bom, the projet taf panto vein th an pow, They ‘afilly examined exch omporant an ele to dacovet Seppe, input aad cups. This was ese! base there war lite exiting documents to desibe the (Sad species of Max In aon teas ‘University Chie soto TT pesonel oe monty 2 isis to Colonbie troogou te impetextaon proces. Lnplomentation in Colombo BAT Colonia plemented MP ontine st 1 pet des budget. Overall, the NBR seplemestaton + Te Calero Loc Sen into Matin 653 Coloma wis considered sues. Like Chietsbaos, [BAT Clonbisundenoo an exer ing rosa. ‘BAT Colonia GM age Soo atau he cess wit the uty of gene BAT Calonbi {he ing: "ae in Cob we hve oft of yen td ele We ae eth many chang nthe Fw yea thy te ely tole ore change Maria Laon, the infestructure mutazer for Manin Coli speed: Thi iu very za exp thee ne haere sae of he tng. Even hgh sa F wn widely cidra a anes 1 Colonbia tere were evo major obstace. Fis e ception at Mie we ete aang ‘ptm This poblen ux naceted by BAT Colombia's {conto ile matte roof the stom May 2000 estan went, tao eo aes Fee stain fnetoalis of Mash wer We. The me advanced ils ut lowed for ating cm pesto ac. structuring te aes vis, a ating. toeshanding mater ere no actimted wi anary ZL BAT Colombia CIO Jaime Nv ep hate tpprosh wasbenial esi reduced Onl com ‘ony end sna he aration o MS om leas yes: Wale issue) mete meds ped fo ‘ov ak spt, didn ioe pin Be re sof Max ea compeitie eration oo [Altough theme wor imple oa ene ad ‘ules bee, ied nil eles MX ay vealed some we’ vows os yale One mange from tademarhting sues "We pee a sew Sse foruade mthting MoxPl dees Geuton very wal ba wit it we era manage india promotions ore {tote marking eves” ‘These-cnsen le oe developct of a ealy signed ade maa syste sare ADT. This tem var eoveloped for st by sles manages cosh, ‘motor snd spor individ sales rps This sem fine on palm-sizee HP lore 8 aggrerses Mas ‘it and tates seles review process fre slet ‘manager. Sar matupr be Bisse oor eke Paming dates acto wel as omelets ‘Aro Fal 200, AMET wa oly big wsdl Coon ‘The second major ase for MxF in Colombia ‘va te alty ad peomance of badhel device ‘rte 680). Based 00 Chietmtnes's expect, C1O idme Navas expected relinbity problems wal ‘Consgonty he chne a aiferet stg) for seging ‘he deve. stead of prising he devs rom fe ‘endo eptintng service ageeent for supp. be [Breage the strength of BAT Colombi' latonship ‘dh Pt ego a esing rane} HP Coloabia ‘Whe BAT Colombia expat a hgh a ei te Jad Cheah thy ba lowe ‘Supp cou C10 Navan claimed ht his angen {Svee BAT Coloma $150,000 oer 3 ete compared > Soriag with acl vende Evenly“ decd op ‘de eer Joa BAT Comb fechas se (0 rae te supp ess Dest hs Heel ens rangement. tbe tundbelds were jor obsace Ioe “Mas Colon Mor sm dae po eho te ry ining asthe a he Bocas the server we (cui arage Te ere many new things othe are Ole wa Terthe compny All egrets tt MiP were mw we andrsod et pres ds ‘ue a a0 bio ih ha Te ws ss olem ou hey es So frat, Orc ea Wis ots pole Webad apres abun tte opaing ysen othe MF ws ts pb, ne Ke We had change the connie Tks we ad dle outdo Tha at ‘poten We in ree acessories RAS) Inerdetosgen sme syeple wi work ny faraway sal ies S they os al Ta ws ot 2 problem Butte handel has ber « contin tteege, And we spent af nm i the a es Alte Begin. we ol ay rotons ah Che tha rte, So Ci th che thle, nd power dec an sable is ‘ete main challenge, Volume ran Countey “The net ts (Or Mall wos BAT Cantal Americ IBATCA) BATCA fasten fom Cac BAT Colaba BATCA sige ela oral ste ake oon, capes tod bein psec ATCA operate “se mkt" iy ton shen coun of Coral Are Cit Ris, Hanna. Niaegus Gases Et Saleen and Paar form ingen tT re pe Sted ndependey por 0195 In 199 BATA tan. Sgemetwas conteinad in San Jove, Coto Ree and Droution wos centred n Honda Each eountry Maintained indepencst marering and aes options, By combining rues nos clave, ORTCA was se tocsnan pict and ete ela thir perio The grb he he lowed BTCA wo imple gr nw expensive oye lie Maxis atiugh nor ofthe ndependet exons af Cena Arerin wouidhave teen ae, Mart Forces in Canta Amerie Coordinating six sets of aries races in one ‘ganization red mary compton for BATA, The ‘iteouniesofCeatal Aerie sre common ngage {nd region bat ie ee Ese ony er oem oF ongettveenromen ttt, elton caren. ea tire, sd basin tay See Sei 5) ‘orld Hank Income Casiicaton* Low-income, ence Lovitincs endo "as nh We ants Cay Caen ila) asc i Wc on wordbanorptltabyeplsCLASSITS. [nH reno of BT al Amaenty oan us Sy 176 «The challenger foe Sym Des fr Mann 685 ‘ ‘Semmary Description f Risk 1 Upmann dey eo sting probe 2 Implementation dys da to ‘evden cher by end ket 3. Implementation days vetted ‘onstaits Organization dass tachi xpeted evel of imgrovemaat ine ‘vay fing buss 5. edict ena’ pcfermance socoptina & Synamineiwok caiguaton dove ‘otal suppor vst dag bose "The rps Cvs wot ain ‘hives eel of efoenace he teapot doing bashes 8 Exel factors ay ten Implementation “Teetnisl # ™ Keyword Probabiiy tact eons ™ u Reatnes « ; ebiove # # ‘Tem L ™ Sem v w Sarai a Wt ‘eral u L ‘9407 6k anspor on pamantatin in Cen Ane ‘hn iran nr eatin BATCA was that the sil of nntbace procs (mates) war a impo {tnesuee of eremse However ode eco oxy ofthe now ejtrn,th bl slering commer feided not 9 reppert aonbarc produc in Man ‘Since Mant woud be honeys est by BATCA Sales reps the inplementaion of MazF pied a= immedi detec never os last ouch as. 1 tnatrctre an History nCotrt Ameo Port 1995 each counzy In BATCA had developed Jndpendent information syste o monitor and ie ‘Sle Two matt, Gusemmia nd Cota Rca, spe- file concerns sou mgrating w MaXFL bee oth of those coumtncs had developed easton IT applications that mapped well (9 the cowous of thee existing ‘asiness procera, Te "best practices” embedded in anf eu th serie of thse customize ep {atone shes cave or MxF in Cental Aerie densified eight mpc rik act soca with he anf poet (See Exhibit 6) Tun ao preset igh rable iss that ‘would havea high imac. ron the easing. ele Iretiton tars concerned abut MaxPI iy 12 hive and asain iproverents nthe way of ing Business Theve concerns WouTd continue tobe preset throughout be inplementaion proses tem 3 addressed possible "echlcl consuoins tot om to spec cones, Fit, BATCA' TT fae Sac led on completed raionsis wih econ Ironic proves psx cous. was w challenge {Derete an iterooety backbone capable of ining ‘Maa, bcaue each county hal a nde! dome ‘etelecommanions evi (Soe Exit?) ‘ved on previous experiences wil is pimary teecommunzation vende BATCA estimated hat tian pton ofthe ogg ect fo Max woud be {Tue improving te conmnicaion ssc ‘The communion infstutue Wes an ongoing ‘roan ding the ial ase of iemenaon a, Carlos Gri the pet Foner (Os of he lasers om an IT pepecive ot ve fhend tin asf eating wit fre ee hone compas when Stinger wi ea neck Teresi he pen of Maat, Tat scone thing tas you relly hve to ake jm cosieae ‘rer houg we ares laser we pt he sel ins wehae many ings incon cten he sane ‘eigen, Bothy eae many difeencs eos unties. S [eath ta oe tees ire “eo ae pratense (tp ety meget Cota Ris an Hol as ‘wher we ema eoarpentons oe ‘A second techie! coment te cles of Soin» vendor able wo suppor the Jonas handheld ros the st cluster enter The Mit pj en faced choice: Fis vendor who could povitet aves: level agement to provide and minty the bandh local nll sx costs, finda vero in one cot ho could corte shipping he had eoupon Cental Ameria and pero al the mnensce fom ‘oe cout. They che the rt pte signed a see Ieeeelagcemen: wit a vendor to grove al of he Jorma handhelds pls sn aoa 1 perce sanding inveror teas ues alee comin provi = Hay repiepace serve ely each en) ‘The Projet asm in Canta Amerie Similar tthe Cotombian team, the MaxFl impenenta ‘ion eam t Contd Amer wa fed by no epee {tae makeing magger Water Kroge fd worked tiny ep trough the BAT tade-marketing Fonction in CCeal Areva. Unie BAT Cota, BATCA dnt ‘Share many busines pate wi Clb nr ave strong rata er wih hem ‘ne ofthe acts fr he BATCA proj ee salckot talaga MeFi: Gracia emer the “ying doezrs" te he wet refer tothe Mas spor tem, dogmatic sized tha 96 one om the Inpeneniin tea ced Max tig sed ny ‘uggs ha revivins the Max doonnctaon a System ouput ware noi ree te ngleetaton tea The Man Unversity" tining wed by BAT Colombe sere key jet poe spe in Chie saying Max, wasnt flere © BATCA, Toe ves eel protec o rca wh a ait hi TT ‘er ouside of BAT snd joited BATCA ote begining ‘ofthe ManF poet o provide expert assance din this Inge syste mpemertaton. With oy win BAT; hee a dsadanie lange etal of he MaxFisysen, Gracia anes: Maro [colleague FT manag) od me, “oh 08 rust goto Coe fortwo moat whore youl be Wale in MatP. How ith een dont ow the Inplemeatioe wrk, what the neice od Coen V4 + TheChalnger of Lec Sytem asi oe Maisons 657 Feds ow do you othe change mangement” Chiles owen, de 0 ert ering he fr cd nin Tey sa iis ow youre to geting” as Shimane, We do rely om ane ptr smc ht ho sen a tear pa fe mp Iretton fa Chile, Ls Bose. He Beane ery ingot, Definitely. be as an onbusmas Italy we were so ston hi ht heed so Feaveeven io rae cnn Cat hich tate ther mae impieen sg Mn, “Trough ang ad ii res of examining scree rots an documento the MOXP pee {eum bear to Grm Mes aout npr. Jrocecsnolved ia Max Hover ap Cen me {ete wih Lai ce pein several ls trie dsusson groups abot MXP implement, thee wos no ways vey tir conelsons “Tae BATCA projet team saga oid guid Ir penne! t appt Mas each couiy. While Stoner econo ike Paar nd Cots cs ha ade Gute T personel, war more dieu ing Quid Fr penonme in rating ecoumes he Nisa and Savor Cree the Max projet ea hed nd coordinated al developments in Costs Ric. TO ‘nim te capbliin of picts roca ado ‘hur compte sal programming sero alors with thee wien appicnionoremplormet. Those apc tthe successfully completed he progamaies dle “ere fhe oar for ring Ts eros lowed ‘Gracia entfy qualified posone! whom he believed ‘Mid value ot developmans pes Uline Gas ‘ras aie with he oly fis eam ‘Rn lenge aed th rot ee BATCA ‘vas move on te HATCA exeeveseerag commen ‘Sh mony ot the MAAP proj the OM of BATCA, trnfered vo Eorp, tn new GM, Rayman coe Sto sete fom Soran Crm, 3AT' Bear operat. "Tensolite poe ro, a ew maken tte, hun Mews, fed the soe commit. While fot Aco and Mise speed MP es-project odripchmge crest tna! cules foe he Srpeneston ea Implementation in Central America ‘The Maxi inplenenition i Cental Americ supe, Wve completed on ine bat oe badge Much ofthe toon overage was caused bythe neces tasiton From Mas 1.0 fo BaF LL This transition was royce becnse Masts 0 wet delgnd o handle 8 ‘ingle ureney and sale management sac. I ‘ld nt spot the complet of mal couse nd tle corences eee by BATA eye str. ‘The stare development challenge sowed wi {rst ooaming wi BAT hoa Tn ay 199), lode Hr ide to pas xt i rece wi Adnan Casing Tocris Irena appt cP HAT bes je ve (Cap Gomi & Yes cle Cibron In Soper £99 fom egos ete ong app Inga evelopment of Noe wee pent Ciberion ‘Gerona ete to vl na od he Maa sys to BAT en essex epi fe Chieaboa so BAT Cabin a epi InCental vs To Gra. Shen ea on Fee tia esto yates so of BAT NP wer Along eso aorta toa 2s tuaourd or Maxi pobls cron "uzen” suppor fecaet oak ay vege of 0 days to resale Cre ‘ale wing fr woes oho Caeon een when pst ad heal develope solar othe robin, Projet IT Lear Gracia fl hat several requir rents tt BATCA coneed knot were neg typ Cheron At nite se ort mentite tissgreonet abt the portance of Max ci or the implementation eam ese continual Frestatios Despite son eqs orang ors Kruger a ‘ac, Cie td ar wos net eure. Ths hat Tengstinding pian fo th ccs othe Max fnpleetton fe Cental Amenen. Ar lest staed by Rodrigo Paces of Cie, "MaxPi iss usness change [rogem supported by an IT program Without popet frng te BATCA implememoe eam mas te {Geaaiage in inplemening the stem ‘toon: by the tine BATCA plemented MaxP it ‘es ler ht here wee poblens ith the ow {suet by Ment Bah Clemo ed BAT Colombia au experince cles wth be ed Sebi a Srey fhe Jord he BATCA peje a el. tha hee ftir would nly be wos in Cental ‘Ame, Cal Ames at epi clare wt Taft dy, eis of Messy a The pete Ft that he cline might be foo Sees for the hanes ‘Anal, many te ses oer Cel Areca tn ere, roars toed oss. Crs wae ‘cd ety he ban ere ot Stn: ‘We astaed the ntl ruggedness ard therfore owt vas ot rouse amd was pin 10 Twinglow of toutes orale foe However, co {58 nV +The font Meena ys here wi ae at teste a te ingle Imi dre Yer 2001 andthe decison few {Goa wes “Lnk we a nt ging te ect bv ary etee moc ese is he anes ‘yeu woman emcee wai expt cand co Drs stale Tis wax tthe ng enn. thea per se ws mane Sa me wet TOhamiels ach week trata ee Uri newer, more gg Bache dvs wos mee campiaed than mip ave aad ‘Gn Misra rclenl Winks CE30 ding at ‘Sogesof MaaP dove Bers te nw eon is “imap om Winn CE trend ‘allmngein bow Max cui rt ehh ane “he aon CE Sent handel! devs WOU 8 Max iy erent ern Citron desta i foe ‘evar ming the shit oes CE 2119230 The Joma (0 we by Chistes, BAT Colombia, sod BATCA euler C3. ond was thease ei Coupland ‘Senor vc rss fr marking ands a tao ep ht ecse of he at ht ee ei ‘esa tu, we Ba pt ew ate he Tartare was ow ato You eal by Tee the code was obsbleteo. The focus wie pt on atl poling» working eo onthe a he” ‘Complicaing tbe difies ith he oas the ‘sevice ee agreement ith he eapliewho provided {nd sipped be Sra nal ix come ws st isetry. The average sepirreplace der rye & reeks insted of the ortctualy aged 2 weeks The (Stuy reaped an alonl 20 pct eve py adel Eventual, Gracia switchs te vento {Cots Rca. who agreed oppor sx conte cen telly and manage the shipping the ale ein each ‘Athi ni at important to BATCA bt ge- Iya by ier wth gested oe” fate Sai The sapere tnd provi ibetlipoe wi a sogeesed oder of sas and qs tes ateach cut. This fnctoaly wa one of major sein pias of MnP ihe minds of he de cing ‘parte By gig the seperon sn neste uptoe ‘ite oder history Tor ea et BAT hoped nese ‘sles nd rut share However, dt enc robles wih he Siebel and Oracle ystems, aeons ‘ot inplonene nl Man ves. Ti tated te projet team in Chile nd Colonia wel 3 ATCA. Kruger mpi pred Citi soot ihe imponc fe gs eer oe, ne 20, heaps oder fctonay wt tingle ‘Mh 'BATCA inl mule sewers manage Moa Stree sues discus previo the munagersn team ene opt the sere Hons iT ap pot unio Costa Res The root necre teee Pes Beaune Micwazu wan he sage ih in Corl Ameria thy mere ste og fe Cn i Pinan Hon wet Iie in he eee! phase of ipomenaton. nd ly Et Sate al Gane in ee pine ike BAT Coli the BCA Maa prose aba in lene sy onthe projet tam swe gis the boxer oan. voi. mxeing pen The ‘ate al etre Man ie Band eve coe peste sleonton ether. yee planing. woh ‘Asn Colt, his inpemenano deson ead peep blr fr Mas The sem a ile {apna Cental Amer Ufone. teers ‘st expects ov MP ure x ial pe fe Bee he ina sytem ony hed te ae ‘vo mena epicenter the lay heh anal pty in ee iu wae Fetes of MatF, Catal Arercon ne hyd he ‘worst of Hah was ‘They tive vp the Heh Sti sles eatin stn they were ed ‘out gunn te infarmaton beets promoted for MsaFi. The morale and eater for Maxi aed quel Ts senior sexes by Mars, ho Iehink we oes hi tel... Oar basins i ‘ery ey snp Ad now wee ung i. big, very complied fol Ti sii because we ‘ea big complicated owes Tis Stal, Eton and ers th ae as the lemon and pep sags 25) ts ds Knd of sytem to Shel nd Fon, But wor ieoues ta the om np hos is ‘oot important. Whst they ooking fr shat our Salesperson wil be there every week, be hee on “ne, provie the ght product, an 0 on They ee aout all ot afornoa ether. ‘While inal wer sisson ws Hower sha in Chile and Comte we reson pf. One ofthe echnical eallenge fe y the Max tn hd become one ofthe ete stents of BATCA, The ‘Max projet tam sucessfully sept with et | ce Sy V5 + Theo La Speman Maes 689 telecom vies oiler he neers comenin tons buekbone fo MGA As ares BATCA nO i ‘neo he ben communion farts Cesta ‘Nave, Gracia mat \Whut ani youright oy thr eine the Best ominnieions fasts Cental Ameren it tera company, We Bae ceed ppl rh {Son wap -Lidke th hea copy You owes oe het Css Ameria has” Tht “Sind a hough we ee make = ore {iene th nal serves i BL tat te ofthe challenge of lene i iret ‘Senter or one a As of the suri of 201, the Genial Ameen implementation of Man? fat been the mos it mpleventatn o ie Hwees itm ss ae bee he ‘ot importa. Neil Couple of Ciberon soared {central Americal was erica! faaly. Cental ‘Amerien proved 8 awfol Lot of thins. That MaxPs cosld work fr example. Not Jost in hoes mnt oud of Che Dat hat coal ioc Really (werk). sin martcs sialon busy Frankly, Fon Kao tat anyone bad ‘hough heh How dl ht wool eB ‘roe. and working il, ‘mth her nd, Moats smmarizd is em ths i ‘Outs sven. ey gle ty iio, uly we ave ey very imple uses strep complica odo hne oop , ‘Wonca lanes our ol with our bins. ar the Globe Howe, the quent be answered wei: Masi specie he bes Way 1 ud ts Tordoteload sys hea be sured by ile ‘onl mae? tte tbe res deveboptet aprons 6 Fenn frre molar stm that eb = ‘asin: change Iie? Ora the nea end artes igo veg io demand ie ely aloe sosion?

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