Case IV-2 Fast Track IT Intergration For Sallie Mae Merger

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CASE STUDY I1V-2 FastTrack IT Integration for the Sailie Mae Merger ‘hic neaton combines out apt strength an sles pate was USA G's premise iy Kwoald be elle vo evens the ‘Spnieance otha dea to ue thee pineal ‘once: aon sets, breeder Alber La, Vee Chairman ad Chie Excutiee Otie Salle Mae tn oe 200, the two gest players in the etn Fane indy sanouned heen fo merge! Sallie Mie of Reston, Virginia, would acquire USA Group of Todiarapoti, indians. The sere anouncenent I The ‘Wl Ses Jour! ite tte ee hat USA Coup sere opiates wel ly inthe new on ‘ined comgeny: USA Grou len nner process buses campuslanerpton and nanos Ing proce wee eget to mala tbecomboed company mre congestive Ath Sie Mos eld eleoonerence frat rpajes onthe dy of te retger amowcenens eo tensions abou te Fresnel. Peogls ttre stunned. USA Group wa ur lags ort Tors thee me ator of tac about how Ot last employent fol of Tee Wass ‘noch snes, People hd i hie ‘rsa thes compan, Cindy Ouse, Vie Pesien of Compu (pentions fr Salle Mie res ironnt ten teres Rega “recta “st ain a oom Sle Mae plane oc ts wok foe by 170 imployes or 25 pera by th ed f 20D oie trad seperation with USA Group, Most ofthese Ft (1) wot ene formation eclory tinlcnncsrvo the rma 300) would Be Minton an eager joe? "Te ny sea rhe econ ncn ndsty icine summer tet perce ola proces 20S uring te nmsar mons penalon eh al ees tor wih Jae he peak month When th governs Dist Landing program al undergone a ajo stare hoger eure, Cte ha boxn er fale Tia tone nd pocensing ores wk tue ars ‘hing he bn ean. Sale Mae's nanagemen: tu ‘twa to mk e pe mses: oie at I ‘isomers woud ot go fo empetoy, camiomer eng {epmrtons weal uo be competed before th comin ‘tne son, ith po pete os fence. Some were arid the merger might mest shre- er objective bat woud ht he easton. The ener concers wee thi ave would wafer, {Sly would be low, ad we woot create pe Sureucrey, We were combining the volume of two company’s loans on ane system with 8 tanagemen ia sadam acto. Ad tre wore doing tj before pk season Ata Oma, Sir Vie Pesiers, “Techalogy rep Company Histories Salie Mae war founded ig 1972s a government: [Sponsred enter (GSE) lo Reston, Vii, ro ‘ide secondary market for banks and ee ender 10 el ie sent nen, Port the mera Sale Mac Tesh let 208. Wat ss ahaa seSuSRSRe isi abba Naat Nee 512. PaIV +The fon Magi Sse had 3 $50 bili portfolio of tien loans and was the [opt funding sours an sevice for student loans Ihe United States The eompany’s rary roe wis 1 purchase met Jos from bunks ad eer lends, ring arcana mare nd ecig up funds forthe inition end ot mane to ter Borrowers ‘Abe LL Sle Ma's CED, al ee be sagt in arti the company om GSE os pub- "ly be ese Ine ery 190s ep ee ‘he conpry opens, ethene he copy 98 thet ar opposed plas fo earring he ny Tw yeas ere ea side ie oe ie {ee tht var dec othe 21m bard ed ase ‘cea lane pln fo epsiion the company oma tay lars to « compete tt stds ‘As CEO since 1997, Lad bagi psig et Te ‘company’s govermenesponsoed satu despite some icra opposition? Lord sso swiched ste makeing Feet get son to hector Rater an Work telly with Ser and nc ieeton, he company ‘gan marketing to stadon throug the schools A the ine ofthe merger announcement in-ue 2000, Sle Mie saa Sia bition pb fe USA Groups egal found in 1960 28 USA Fons, rotor coit company as abe enol, Indian, aes Atte nef te mere USA Crop hal Si6 tion porlio of oder! lan, was te lage [psn of dent oor inthe Ue Sate, sd bad een agressive grog see bed tsines oan, ‘nino ind deta collection. 199, Ie company idan excer of LSD moe nretenuc over expen ‘employed 300 people, srt 20 ss tbe DSi of Columbia sed Canada Laying the Groundwork forthe Merger ‘As Sle Mae ener he new ain, is ecetve {sum was conse tha te company couldnt maintain Te doubedigi growl in 2004 ao beyond if det ‘xpd i Servicing le. Ath sane tine, USA Groups ‘heats tam ws coking 4 bayer aie acces ‘opi iosedod 9 tke avanas of mat oppriee tem the company’s privat os ed forgot cabs ‘ons basnester USA Grog became an equa met for Sale Mae forte rinary earns {ts complementary stent lan Services ould resin illo Mae having ale Ine este fe ercoreneneencnareae ~~ fa le of he ste on, fom gitton od ‘estoo 2. Beoromier of sce eam combining operons trl slow Salli Met cota ig rofiae Iie of avg argon. 2: Sule Mae lenders ctl leverage the inforation teclnology and marking proves of USA Groups ow revenues Pre ting down he tf Sali Mae en 4 tum of ar fed fo danse May 200019 Sombie! dedtigense fr the merge The goals fhe ait twee oadne te iafrnaton svt he comnpany hat ber eeined ano repr bk 1 fhe CEO tay revo ofrecer fost cou materially nga The pcs fee My colleagues and I were prety impressed with ‘sha USA Gro wating fom 3 etc sand Sos Ti aproch ne ough see and focused. We wore mpresed wih the ay to inske popes on saepicaciies and hey adenoid very testis. They wee a od sep abead of in he lot and deployment of temoted alcate fecologles aswel a ols to ennage tir ardor nd software eee, We ad langised bebind apd eal get feed newer echnlogie btve us was tp 10 1 period of veal changes in IT ansgees! Ie be peous yasmin ical ous on Lon ‘Sm pect ont, USA Group moe ‘Sen au vas very sb uhd bd worked oper Toca ng tine. Cindy Gunn, Vice rset of Compa: (penton er Sale ise ‘The New Merged Company USA Group was sabe by Sali Mae fr $77 ion on July 312000. Theme Sali ce became sage tuceof sevice for eutmers—om te pt of fan ‘spnlieton sues payne: (= Exh 1). ‘The immediate ancl gous othe meer were 9 reduce headcount by 1700 (25 percent) and to reduce ‘onsby 40 percent Deo sigicant redtacies es the two compas, ine asomer serie centers would berets sand fou datacenters would be con dled int one in aldion to success achieving Sisco rtucton gal forthe age te combined com pay Sougt atin dovble-dig growth nits sins as Trek th eget eee ‘ce Say 12 + Fn ain rte Sale Me Menger 613 +4} Th set aol ofits vith a key aso, 0 tc ati, ough stent at pat sus Se Ne 12) Arte sporaon abit,» ka goo processes le: san ap os wh rd goes aati be pad Bak Garam areas sents a aero eae ha de on evans lecr abr fea Fan Cesena Poa (FE) a. ‘9 Tannen bro fri wich Su an owogee Oya Hoe tides bse ear ga {Bel pneion ngcnoen ses roo ei Het sce pot ese ed ‘Stock options wore isued 0 all USA. Group ‘employees when te merger was rained, Since USA. ‘Grup as founted anton pst company, Bis was ew fil oponiny for many mane. We moe ely ex a pting stack sions: We ‘wld eerie lf han ne 20 and bal lem inne 202. atu peg wok nveage of tie opon sine the stock pe mere tan double ruta Los, Manager. Appleton Deslopmen Seppe Series Another jor change fr USA Group employees wa adjting toa rosltedine,forpratitcaltre in Which isksiking ws viewed a otive a long ns he sks were wel sage One ofthe biggest erences teen USA Grp Su sale Mette teed ate tan ad fudge We now nove sharers Many of out tenpajes ve always worked ia = aeforput ‘Siena ie change as ome of shock, Lary Mogan, Seto Vice Prien, Appizaion stm Develop ‘Within ope cen year fn the June annonce ment of the merge, the IT giou of he new company ‘rol neat is osteitis sytem appcatos and TT ‘SpuaiTo rel the pce ving, single HP heatats locaton woul be sled the dls com tee ald be confit sl $0 techaclogis Win the oro compnies woul eed be rationalized, wal tloset or eed. One of he et comenions aeiions ‘weld be nich oe ow hop oases Many sess ad acquisition al: ne fail ban ‘hess Sots ey mporan do the gins tien ee ing ng wo paabos pee, “Yas have to die wit ry goed ecco ot igh—or you wil goo oF sins, or wi ‘dently foede. Hues Ona Senior Vie Presiden, Teehology Group ‘The Oxganiations “The Sallie Mae IT onaizaton ad undergone a ret de of ehnge in the yeas poe wth ere. CIO Turow a een igh aking ein forthe ema to ma ‘Sa coberet FT achietice Plas for tegrating te peas fortwo recent scqustons(Nelie Me of Biss, Massaeherets, snd Studem Lon Fond Resoures of Cincanst) had oot yet ben comple. ‘Several arte spleens nd bee aly osu, {he I woot force had banc ac oe ar S00 jst porto the merger anouncenen Ta conta he Tergainon at USA Group bad 2 fsny sable history and hed grow wo SOD prsoavel: ‘ppoximatey 40 develops and 200 operat sa, {GO Greg Caney at 20 er ere with he comoan, Sdhie Tt mimagenet amo he pat 6207 eee wae ‘relies, with proven tack reer for developing ‘Setplecsyseme aod kepingoperaioeal cous Lv. ‘Within the 5 yer por ote merger, oe than ‘100 milion nad been vested by USA. Grou Io Cro Ines deep sare apietons: (1) the Eagle Tt formes agency astm whch task all federal ean ‘igi sad gare cites sere on teal grass and (2) be Unity Inorg ster, ‘he calles roti pion, which ues Incoming tomer als bse on sn eco arate es ath all ae fae cllceater epee thes, hat won 9 Sint aaovaton aati 1998 ti eda ecogion for atandng cose sevice ‘CIO Mogi Top 10019 2000" aa Aa 5, 399, ETD Mae es ‘bea em!" gO 614 Pra = Th fentin Manet Syston PeopleSoft soles for ianils ané haman esos hd lo een imple ede rjc as Tey Tt groupe wid he buses wi “The former USA Groyp ten hl work ster feratang ine. One fe nj eres eu (ase ht we ha ow to work with ee th “Te roup in Reston i ave secon, iO tumover mad been very hgh jets tok Tonge fo comple st thre send ob ne ining. (n Joe 15. Clancy was pate nore a ie would b CO fine ew Sle MAb he ute mnouncement of bis apeininent wna ale wt ‘Aap 1, bath erat a exe Corman de iRaparat ote Reon FT group hat oder the 1 Sale Mae woul primate hard of he fr mer USA Grou team. Fr example srding scp in The Washington Por Sali Moe ecu vce ret wel “Tei sgrach was ao cred wel by thao ws who Baste exry out ths move: The approach Troe generis hey werent sowing a Bow theres could be apple in oe station _—ohe Benet, Projet Manager for Dat Center Reteston From the begining, we felt i we wee sething them They bade logy, an we waned tates, we ented osha fk petty clay From day they sid woud ake 12 8 ons. |We asked if we could orelrte the metho, tnd they were wneomforabe with approaching —Beaky Robinson, Distr of Sym Following te icf mesting, the FT conuting team Jad add Sallie Ma's ezciive teu athe goenivenes of te Indianapolis group's FasTrae) proach was nigh isk Instead of aeapng 0 complet ‘hedarcemeroveie 7 months es propor by thee ‘alten, the sonal yoommended eat tbe ted ‘hl sezoss 12 8 mont, ode tet ede. “Tis event proved tobe 8 caalyst for he Iodianapoi and Resto F leaders to om ogetber and take ver ae lesen ote date rection po ts: C10 Chaney presented to hs aay ‘ate Acromplied” Sock re Mage around Tw i5, 2000 “SBS TANSTSY Mage Fld: 0 enaunced ug. 1.2000 $3.38 (4p Dau eee etn and Univ cone aacunced Gabe 7000 $4869 (02122 Feoratne hee er data conte eecaton ON projet Mowenber2000 $57 (N41) cn esd OCR ae irealy acenter2000 $5787 0x1) Nove clenens ers and mir miesones eased Janay 200188281 Gana} Feson da er moves bean Fetrany2001——500(Feb.) rs eaerenmartstocutomevcng pcan completed A 2001 7480 pa) Reon mantame ror comptes ay 13,2001 $8620 ay 19 Prakoanprocesing ein bis dune, 2008 $63.60 ue) ‘ate Scheduled Pepi nents implore over 201 fa ehancerants ol ete tig appcaton spat 2002 xe” engin Tina sn Mert Responses ners eta would compete he acento ‘Son pj, sling te comenon of the S18 iin Tea fom Unity 9 Clu by May 201 (Ge imelie Ebi "Tae CO's pla calles for uaging te projet realy sing ject manage oes PMO) st Tue tht ad Been ane ee he S80 lion USA Croup Eig gener ser = fo yar ener Bees of the maine! ons othe sig a eons es ‘rere jee be 8 lion Se Ma's exces hn that ini ya age tthe everytiog Mat Be doe Inert pen the meer ad fo be ncediby fst sed ee feces. Otlerie the malatgie wold really sh you... The longer a meer ges, the more cel ht of ow wel yer apne pall othe more your potas services havea nse reception by your eascomer, and the ose $euendrip ir ncoain. Inve ore usta, ‘ypu enatsaying "we're geting done" yoo will fee youratck pce bag alee. We died tha ihe consulate weren't heings ach owt ol, we di 08 Hane Ome, Snze Vice eset, “etoony Group Salo aes mnagerent ied otek th intr sal 1 lade Forte Inglanopob team memes ‘ita oton seed was sab ht consul panne he lon servicing nyse ep anlyss habla Sie Mie excavate nape eam oul ok pall off he FastTrack ineration pin, This ad made eryone sad, id crete a rebon for breaking tee ours of hour weeks ‘The Date Center Relocation esm ‘Te tam seaere for wong the TT headguarters 9 Irani e some a Geib The datacenter los ton (DCR) team he sown seeing commie of Ase epuneiathe CIO, chose bees ofthe cieay Sf raven ofresponsibity within he wo FT ogni tione, Te primary sjetves of the stein commiter tere omale tp vel css ad tke obsackes out ‘tthe way 0 ta be poet eam mamer ou et jab done Taey were reaponible for acting static ‘ieston and igang hein the poet whol ‘evely maaging ter own fais ‘ong te way 1 qustione bags uit abit from 2 fine ad sk snp Ton’ at 0 pat the compeny at sak by moving the integration Song to sulky, We da num of ceskpeint Imecige entre we be roost a a eee ‘bcos. Greg Clan, Cie Information Ose You have to tat your people. Give thee auton omy ise, and dont ld then: ack A jokey Coa 12 + Fata Tain rte Sie Me Mager 619 Projet Management Ot ‘TARGET TECHNOLCGY OWNERS jes Moneger—abn Bie FROIECT MANAGEMENT Fw "Net Fn Nowa New nt ced y stu ‘Acquisitions | BSS, Wied Seholar 4 a sae nat ou Without comags saewzrneteson| | oggct tere cd ‘Systems Macapemen. Moran's Mis APR FPMO eth Tom Ai nena Ta noe iT bata contr Reeaten Tam secre ‘who pals bo Bard onthe ris wil never have ‘wai howe, We eld he, "Gy, ra fie your faire on fe» We ony got ivolved ih ‘epoca th gro cul’ grec on Wht ed fda be done orf the cecisonnolved abigh isk fee, For example, the sting commie got rived wien we were decing whether to have Alin Horn, Vie Pesient Techno ‘Operon In merger made, you have to have cern way People are watching your cofdence, You's not ‘only sanazing the projet, bot youve snap perception. You nod to kep cofidence high that he merger can be done wie uae, wth sscepiable risk, and that the management team ‘an plo ar Omar, Soir Vie Pasident,Technlogy ‘Gren “Te projet ofc forthe DCR employed sme of the same eat meters woo had managed the Eagle IL ‘stem fw yeas earlier The étated proces and ‘view mechanisms developed for Eagle UI ad beea trearvely reviewed by the MeKiasey consultants bf the decision war mae fo maae th TT cee ‘Son terol. Mes or proceses wer reiewe at an exeeve eel, he consulta) spent boa wo mes with (Shand io and to cant whether our project, ‘vere very impressed with the size of Eagle Hand fw we toned isk marageneds hangs Manse ent and prog wows Che. Dayton, Sear Manger. Grice ‘Syste Developmen te duacontr move fon 4 bnese pepe, Leng, the hy plage te br. CE. Met, ito lon, a satin ite of he IR e's Under the author ofthe agp fie te toes pen angen ie FPO) Fs the DER ing sats of ject plan, open eks, nana res, The si for ses for she DCR Poet ae posenein Exh “The projet leader fr ake DCR tam wa ohn Group 13 yen entice Henne ad owl cooriiy for planning. management and camsunicaons. One fossa thettpa Coy tn rte ane Fong nt bast wh cnt Successful ogra of aati an nasa ava con, During the Rieko mori i Keston, Bennet ‘ork tie, nd wings ite, Defining and implementing by Move Element ‘he poet manager he moras on te DCR em were repos speci verte om ech pase, = —— See| | eee] | |p er segs | | | Sending-echnology owners rina based in Reston) sere response for eating th ibid ti hyo the pemove echo spd ens at al esoay ae ot la or te re es inp tesnalogy owe iar Based in spas) ‘Metta ke over the gn tay Each workplan anager hl eral acoumity for spectic ner lage sk th eel Fe thine por othe ome ting cow he plein aad ‘ean te oe This ne sil derstanding Steiner an tes een ec ve men iove-cment ler tlped esate the detailed plas whee work pan ena wee eld x aly teounibe for hcg spd move element Loretto ihn he che ine fans, with wound ap ‘ion eusge a mii tone ig ‘Assert Exhibit rove cements were dei in ety planing pace, Gren deal wo thom ae ‘tach mote plan Beipment an setae wee spec Fed openness nd eng pans peseibl ‘Tempter were provided to ingrove commanictoo ne Pc nd He HE ‘Sct platen a en eocesally pt t pet ttn The psemoneexecton ended we I tnd Intact wa disposed of a he support a he plication had bocome a seponsbty of the regular ‘heaton suport tam See Ex Yor he moe ‘sent pet pl) ln wan tl mening i es. 2 Cenk enreoaet ove 2 Ane eaneoament &dtoe nove sens 2a Cesiehenpeorenien 2 Gar an ic app apesie osainion 2 Define and domes nove Se 2 Denne nove “ti Hadar amet peated ech ment. Mor Een “Mov lene? More Benet 31 Bete and Doesnt | [41 Deine rd Dosree | [51 Define on Deco NoveRegizenas | |" Mow Requrnens Move heenes 9.2 bei Pais “capa anne 52et Paice saPexovememia | |43ReMowtsmte | | s3remoyesecvon sa noretaecnon | | 4antve eon Sore enon ss fos Morena | | 4SPouMoteBteouios | | S5PesiMove Been x97 Move Samer: roe on (622 Pan + Te avn Seapets [Titi move seme fam he seicaons | tac ec) re ‘On major diteence betwee the pro ales by Salle Me and he sppoach intoces by thelr FT ‘tssane wast one semente wee fest ered, ‘nd marge. tom tesineappesion erect, ater than a ecology astvcre perspective. Ax easier the sae spat vw po ‘ide vera snes perspective, the choos lnfesrucre iw posed oriental respon fpuspecite Move cements were tetefe mmged 64 St of isedependen rare ad aware compare: Lng sine aphesans were dia it sal og. ‘slow clement to tr folie pes pani rd (The IT consltans]bud ws okie this move ‘rom ateclogy viewpene. The yw loko ‘Kesuperstctere wart apliion Woon rove lets ae mer eta Crmponets that eas and shoud sve topeter ett of ierdependenie ota Beant, Projet Manazerfor Data Cone Reveton ‘Te stems development people bce the tea Tend They sdestord the depends, thie ‘raion pons. Tas «had desson to ate, edit wae fl lt sso eo bein hase ‘ofthe dntcenter move Bu ma cial ht ia’ lose sigh oF te applications because they wrote concer then ae job © Teens on higher vel of coordinate, ening te epondecis to ine fo Be on esa se. whol sractie shook at oer about womens -Beaky Robin Distro Syms ‘Maragemen “Te plans wore Intel deta, hey were write rman ‘aplisin-ownt pot of sew “Tree mmc seth depenonce The pp ations people knew thors depensncies hd Meee abet aig th with wh ty a Allan Hor, Vie Pk Technolgy Operon: Move-iement (eens policies (ce Exhibit 9) resi ht appanage be plement ade -veok pc aetwInfsteacre cages ‘were a alin feck before the ve lee ing Imnttion ed fra Ieweck pd stern ‘plans, plces tmcine: popes separ nd ‘ty slender were connate bythe FPMO uff for ech ares ofthe itgraion. These documents ‘we then e-mailed to key mangers end pte o Sle "Nae Cent th organs ne. Tis pie co ppmyeleseces othe iteration herded by ath nd Bisiness manager 6 manage the projec ety ell asta marageeaoing operations Equipment Move Stategies (ne ofthe fist steps in moving the dts center was © tune desis on ow al of the gupment om Reson ‘Soul Rito the Talanpolis fey. A amber of ppmaies were se fo edsigh the space wae te te ew ese (efit mgenin, and hic, wa “hin wil never fe" The Sale Mw scott was dhe nth oft focal etd Once we tated dng or las Ne found that Sao Me was angraiing their pce. We ted member of strategies bere. We ‘trated oat montane Keybourts os storage ‘seta, for exarpie This saved lt of pace. Repicig old eqvipment with sme nem eel met lp to. Yon Jones, Director of Cin Server Computing ‘velot wna elaonsips were By oationt- Jang equipment aking iaasescue improvements, nd eying che projet on na wit ae, ‘ce Sty 12 + Fare Teg rt Sale Mae Mager 623 ce pr dees ne smi me et gery one oben Ingen ranean et a ee meme cee msiematts sheeted ee ee oe cen tle PH ty mat ern Fe sce en sme non a eee geil Sie Seer ptt egy tomar Saeki icine reser nto ge a at 17. pining nen in ‘Some Hem coe Rrnay me tegen Fan ca oem assign | | TB kgs me ve Se ee te i et ON a geno un nem ty a Soiled: epoca” yer ee Zdpurois went ocean Wma erhne Sera oa yt ey cron sao mcs ae “+ Noinnce ange ting te eve met be ava implemen i fen prod orcs cn mm oe ‘ep re ‘Ri rene nv pl pen mn i rhc ep oie y ‘Steen ig wi tse a pba eran Sete Eaamteewsc pence Coan trae sone = one dene enrol omy Sinan speectte oem TSC ae eo ep Siempre gees ss ci cnn on ie coat i ct Sits Sa an oxen te en ei cr ha sees np He ean si ee Cs man oe ca Sa wet eres ‘Sete battery mae ney won Mara Dimment Pee Commventcaton Rewpenetity ‘at Feige cong fit egy i ime eb tebe dace ott ns ee aoe SEG ee pees te ennsoge Wengen, ot De Srnuchepsomes das Bone oe ‘When we were spstisting with vndors fe USA. Groep, ee weren't really Bi payer ia the maha ap a Ins tude An prof Sli nd conditions ome anes, ve were Working Wh vendor reps In DC. ad they were able tO make ner and ster dese td were more Rese rol hem whut we wanted and they dates —Hexty Robin, Disstor a Syste ‘Managemen ‘Thre diferetsteies were ed for ntaling cunputer eum in he Indianola hat had ponent sesh tackap equips and tore ee Me ‘allwere ab bulma the igratn puns) 1 The Ase hyp meth was we for equipment in Reson ren 0 be tres. Now super Wa pt ‘ace fom th aa endrfethe Indianapolie faci. Once the aplicaons or he of equipmers id bea moved (etl one aw einer, in fndanapot, he ol equipnent in Reston 8 tte inti ene 2 The PuvPuitseategy was used fo set equip. Trent in Reson tat as ot ely ob rte a {Leal repli th ol pepe sake ou, toed snd ote ldap, The Sing method was wed fr equipment tat existe in muti. Now agp was purchased Fee Indianapalis tote eatest moves. Afr i= a applications were sccessaly stale on te re eeupment the lot pe of eum a cere on Rena ped arts The sutegy choi foreach nove clement wes ‘sedan sllowble downtime for te appilenons) Imolve, veo pcs for elacerteeupment and ‘aceine and pyc move costs Te overall obetive vrs to decreas integration iss by einiizing the bad- rae ase ha would be physically moved from Reston 1eIndunapols. For example, «Res data warehouse tea sted on 0 Sin ELOK sever Since ie was a ery {rpensive piece ofequipmers, an ste wp eategy ‘wold bavetben very cosy. However tas lered hat Chebasies could neat toa mek of dowetine ct Side ofthe pea proesing sso, sox pushpl sate Reon tached ito Taian, and rob tat the Indiana fs Lack of okay waste gps rok. We determined ‘he maximum dowatine thatthe operation sould Ine witout sing enone and we eabished kp andsysom donc a ode Joa Geant Pitt Manage fr Dats Center Relation In cones. sh eompany couldnt afford uch -éowaine for ths maifams on which the Clas ou ‘Sring nyt cunt serie centred abe tle to conmasite with carloners The php rethod require too much doweime othe et ep tthe was sed. For DASD sorag, 4S venir wa ‘elected nore to prove newer rhanogy Cat weal Deer handle the company’s hceusod soege fees ‘ella reduce te maintenance ks essed wih odor (echaalonies Redundances were ui in, wherever possible 0 nie the snes imp he go aso i Sal aplication, For example, begining ia Mach 200, three Fine mere lee fran EEC 0 hve fasteletonebackyp forte mor moves. ‘We pent tof money, slat a ion drs in ‘womans osetia: pipe betwee Shetwacemor maderiomes ey fit nko ‘yo col ensenaly ron he bss eof ether ‘Serif your migra ha spelen. Paes ‘ost of dr migrations weet wel a hey i na ve any robles att war agent big are Hla Ona, Sei Vie Presiden, Tesbsiogy ‘Gro worked wit he ret recive) tchaloey wae ars te Inowlegeezded bythe Taaapats apr ‘one af to handle the changes in appieaions. ardrare, td age increases inns vote ing nd seeding tsk ated Yo ning, THe ‘Syren a tl ther abw ha, wach es Allan Hom, Vice President, Tekosogy Operations “The Major Date Center Moves ‘The DCR team besan moving aplication in February 2001, stay wore seedy Gee Eat 10) From te ‘recor ove ova, eT ate a Reso dango | | ‘Sy 9» Fi negro rte Sale Meer 62S nro by fonction to work om knowedge-raster ‘sterinldingeompstr opens, eles people. fhatbre adminston, aad der techies spor ple "ia rns weve conc rede to deterioe tne lent of tie tat vrs tnt Would take India! move element teams et every day, and a project com was dented for purpose. ABjore oF {he DeR team was authored ll mesg ‘The Data Center Relation am ba an action enaton They ween vag for someone tl them what odo ey wer of ing it We ad {tumor of os from Macht Jane and fone mers fee, Very ei work 1s ‘rly anata eg Cl, Chi Ieormtion Oe We clicked, We bad » sion. No confsion, ‘Masons or sere vara ht we man: tated peoples onic, Allan Hor, Vie Psion, Tehsolgy Operations Suiting Febrary 1, DCR seam members were respon for ween ats reports ad updated projet Plansons wel bss, lane were sites oe EMPO on Manda an 2-towr mong wereld ideo Conference every Testy to doar projec sas. Abt 530 yep fn nang preted ine mec a ‘ont 15 peopl paricptng rm Ren Meeings ee eld withthe tenn comme votes Weck, Vidoconerencing ws ny maim fo Tit Sheer wast emotional event. In Reston, poeple 26. PentY +The seman Mame Spe wes oting the jos in inp, people tere srupting Yo heap teros Body> ‘ws everyhing It You could’ se pele, YOu iow know wh was ging om, Viesonerencng ts led ut ree the imeem a bi 9 ‘erkingtegtherowad comes sel ot Bene, rjat Manage ox Data Cener During ise, te ype marke ws (2 Hous eng. Sins weekend fede sme sori or ese ings move ete were mary weekens wien TT fople con't gu Rae, A comma cere ws {he nsanapoleofce every weeleod 1 help monitor Ive cal command cote were et ip Core thee mou cia! weekend mover iMac ‘oranda. (nthe weekends with very lage numbers of move tlemenis, complied es of Yer nerated tov deen we cet ee bao ook at Tats everyting a would bere impart tia plas endo information omsngeny plans, Fisk dnter emery pln. nd pss npoc tothe tusnes is ove fllec. We manned Be PMO communiestions center th texm momen PMO member, nds and specie hey cote reed empleo Che, ign, Senior Manager, Gusates ‘Spats Development ‘tok ney appre fr eanmuniy bulla Cn tinse ang wotends we sera gates fr emo flix. Abu once a week, we hl fra ane {205 ecognize successes aon the way We hd lope badge nfo wat dived rund the {ick ser doy Yuen take o> poe ae Your popl, ty ea communi ouch Nia Hor, Vice rien, Tecolony Operon ‘The movemeet of te Reson intrame operations foe he lunservcngsppleaton was sed te most. “Timings were ade for tuck haul between Reson and Todanpot inating tating and volating tines. The “Tine woulallow the company tree ack oe tins i Reston if ite in Tntampolis precio ‘ning the loanseveng stem rm ts ne lean. “Tremaine mots waco ae ple oer west nt May, fll ere wei ple, fd sooat = dove rprsontier om harvard software vena wee equa eon ste forthe weekend Inn ll ends were requ o have pls in pce 10 provide mee nec 9 ther pone td ces ‘oul! de hea pablm ith tr equipment er sows ‘Theteum mene: neon con ound clock, “Te techie part fat weaken was calenng et wast adept The plod a tes ramification of that move wre ge, The inane th blo ofthe company. The el ents ake ery tte of rey dy. was he ‘nos erica par of be ene moe “ote Beat, Poet Mage for Data Cer Reteston You have ttl yours ha you can be the it nest do tht you Te nota tera campy an ‘hn find 0 wy fo sisee, That can-do ate Hin Oma Sin Vie Pein, “eshalony Geoup Before the msinframe sich at ippe fhm ‘Beane pile he a og fo go-go decisions 2am Sunday moming 1 got ot of ck for ving a mating at hat ine ‘of ang people wanted know why sulin Sita Tam, Weoley wat at og oom there war a problem. We had dupleate enous tapes so thn we cold sar isang cul Reson and corporate Learjet wa wig £0 thes tapes sk to Reson, We nvr aed his Iekap, but was good fo know twa here, We a epet alto ime werking ake sore the ‘mune ove weet sou and it weet pa oa Heart, Poet Mange for Dat Cente ‘A month before the Reston dts centr move was cen completed (Be conse en th os te ‘Siac kao We would be secs They fle ‘ar they plone wo cme up wit a "Fara meth for meres bed en Wha hy ha ened ‘toagh he engagement —Gieg ny, Chit lafrtin Oticee ‘Tho Challongos Ahead ‘The ow I group at Sale Me wou soon be ested Ing peak lending sean ot only weld te tsacton cine Say 12 Rach apn re Sle Mae Moyer 627 procesting oud be ager, bit te systems would so ferrunning on ems rade harare an comm ne es Wi ye le 1 ei ie ate ‘Ending program saegeower ba conse i previous eur! So tar the sock tact taco bad bee Dv, ti hoe wore serving alle ow WM {he arc ot? old Sale Mo be se oan Sill sae were more FT oppiaionchllenges— lacudng inplenering the fvaned e-em owing peblyTor the new ombied organ. goting Bah ‘Stmpnis n the sin ntne andes ptr nd Inoing the cop st bse in aston oto PopSet Font anes ayer, Wath Thong tosis lina snd compre Nearer in Reson trol he proj ete abe wo succes me The ota challenges thse geste wel?

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