Sr. No. Name of The Company Responded To The Advertisement Company Name Company Name

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Sr. No.


Annexure I
Technical Evaluation Matrix Out Station Transportation Services for AAP-ON-94/1 (Assam)
Score (0- Sub
Score (0Weightage
Name of the Company Responded to the advertisement
Company Name Company Name
Previous experience of providing the Required equipment and Services worldwide;
including India
Provided Technical and engineering Support

Demonstrable capability to mobilize commission and deliver the proposed equipment and
services and commence work to meet HOECs schedule.


Suitability of the proposed equipments and services in terms of the technical specification
and makes of the various equipment required


Repair, maintenance and infield support of equipment and products after commencement
of work

Quality HSE Management and Capability to comply with safety norms as per the
guidelines of DGMS (Directorate General of Mines Safety) and HOEC Safety Standards


Previous experience with HOEC.

Financial Standing to commence and continue operation of this magnitude is arrived at as
Go or NO GO based on note 1 below


Technically acceptable ( Companies with an overall score % Over 70 Only)

Total Score %
Note on GO / NO GO Criteria: -


1. The bidders current finical position should be sound and be able to demonstrate prospective long term portability. As a minimum bidders net worth calculated as d
total assets and total liability should be positive. Financial pre qualification shall be arrived at as GO / No GO based on the above evaluation and the estimated co
tender. The embedded finance team will decide and convey which bidder meets the criteria.
2. Companies which are black listed in HOEC with proper documentation shall be considered Not Pre Qualified.

3. Other than the above on other GO/NO Go critenas are recommended at the (Initial) pre-qualification stage and same be built in at the detained technical evaluatio

Sub Total

Company Name

Score (0Sub Total

Company Name

s net worth calculated as difference between

ation and the estimated contract value for each

etained technical evaluation stage for each

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