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Announcing the 2016 Annual CRFV Convention!

Please Join the College Republican Federation of Virginia as we

celebrate our past years accomplishments and the 2016 election.

Friday, January 29th, 2016

Saturday, January 30th, 2016

Sponsorships For Virginia Leaders

Host: $2500 10 Min. to Speak at the 3rd Annual CRFV Convention Gala Friday Night or Convention
Saturday, (2 tickets to Gala), Sponsor CR Table, Full Page Ad, Signage, Recognition at Gala
Co-Host: $1000 5 Min. to Speak at the 3rd Annual CRFV Convention Gala Friday Night or
Convention Saturday, (2 tickets to Gala), Sponsor CR Table, Half Page Ad, Signage, Recognition at Gala
Sponsor: $500 2 Min. to Speak at the 3rd Annual CRFV Convention Gala Friday Night or Convention
Saturday, (1 ticket to Gala), Quarter Page Ad, Recognition at Gala
Friend: $250 (1 ticket to Gala), Quarter Page Ad

Patron: $100 (1 ticket to Gala)

If you are interested in speaking at our event or have any questions, please contact Kasha Nielsen at (571) - 425-0656 or
Must RSVP for Gala by January 20th.

*Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

*Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________________ *State: _____ *ZIP: ___________Phone: (_______) ___________________________
*Occupation: ___________________________________________ *Employer: _________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contributions: $250






Check Number __________

Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Items with an * are Required

Please address checks to the College Republican Federation of Virginia and mail
to CRFV at 2705 Oak Lane, Room 206. Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
DISC LAIMER : Paid for and approved b y the College Republi can Fed eration of Virginia, a regist ered
527organization. Donations to CRFV are not tax d eductible

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