JPMV Setup Ubuntu

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Setting up Development Environment

on Ubuntu


Generate and get SSH Public Key

Install Mono (.Net Compiler for Linux)
Install Monodevelop , .NET IDE for Linux
Install Java JDK (OpenJDK)
Install eclipse
Install Git
Install Maven2

Generate and get SSH Public Key

Step 1: Check if public key exist
ls -l ~/.ssh/

Step 2: If Key exist,

cat ~/.ssh/
Update ssh public key on your git account (bit bucket)

Step 3: If key does not exist

Generate the key
Run ssh-keygen
If asked about password, please press enter

Goto Step 1

Install JDK and IDE

Install Mono
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Run command mono, it should display help

Install Monodevelop
sudo apt-get install monodevelop
Sun command monodevelop, it should open UI

Install Java JDK

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
Run command java version, it should display java version

Install Eclipse
sudo apt-get install eclipse
Run command eclipse, it should open eclipse UI

Install GIT and Maven

Install Git
sudo apt-get install git
Run command git, it should display help

Install Maven
sudo apt-get install maven2
Run command mvn
It should display help

Download & Unzip libmetaopenverse

Create a workspace directory and cd to
workspace directory
Download libmetaopenverse
Run wget
wget <url> command download the url
Unzip the file
unzip <filename>

Create BitBucket Account

Go to Bit Bucket and register an account

Get invited to jopenmetaverse project

Please email your request to

Once you are invited to jopenmetaverse

project, you should be able to see the project
in your repositories.

Configure BitBucket Account

Step1 : Go to Account

Configure Bit Bucket Account

Go to SSH Keys

Configure Bit Bucket Account

Step 3: Get the Public Keys

Configure Bit Bucket Account

Step 4: Paste the ssh keys

Configure Bit Bucket Account

Step 5: Clone the Repository


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