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@ THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO belt 4.810%) deol td EXPEDITION: CONTRACT CONTROL SOFTWARE (LEVEL I) “Special Course For Talaat Mostafa” JANUARY,2009 Course Instructor: Eng.Anas El-Wahdan Primavera® Course E202 Version 10.1 (© 1997 2006 Primavera Systems, Inc. Al rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted this Software isthe property fof Primavera Systems, In. (Primavera) and is ended 1 copynght protection. Aay reproduction in whole or in parti suey prohibited. ‘While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure te accuracy ofthis document, Primavera assumes no abil ty resulting fom any omission or inaccuracies in this documento from use of the information obtained herein Primavera reserves the rightto make changes wo any products described herein to improve reliability function. or ‘desig, and reserves the right to revise dis document and to ake changes from tim to ime in content hereot with no obligation to notify any person of revisions o changes. Primavera doesnot assume any ability ansing ‘gu af he application or use of any product described herein: nether does i canwey license under its patent rights or the Fights of eos, Please send your comments to Primavera Systems, Ine ‘Thre Bala Plaza West Bala Cynwyd, PA 19008 Telephone: 1-630-657-8600 PAX: 1-610-887-7894 ‘World Wide Web site: hap primavera com Computer Software Copyrights: The Primavera software products described in His dacument may no be cop- ied, reproduced, modified. or distsbuted in any manner without Primavera's express writen permission. Use and Disclosure Restrictions The software described in this documents the property of Primavera Sys tems. ts fuished under a license agreement and may be used andlor disclosed only in accondance withthe terms ofthe agreement [Us Government Restricted Rights: Ifthe Softwares acqulred fr orn beblf of the United States of America, its agencies andr instrumentals (U.S. Government”), 1s provided wit ested rights. The Software an accompanying documentation are “comumercil computer software" and “commercial computer software daca. mentation.” respectively, pursuant io 48 C FR. 12212 and “retcted compte software” pursiantto 48. CFR 52.227-19 (a) as applicable. Use, modification, reproduction, release. performance, display, or dsclosure of the Software and arcompanying documentation by the US Goverment are abject to resrictons a5 set forth inthe ‘his Agreement and pursuact co 48 C FR. 12.212, 5227-19, 227 7202 and 1852 227-85, as applicable ‘Trademarks: Primavera, the Primavera sundial loge, PS. PSe, Primavera Eterpise, Primavera Expedition, Pr _mavera Project Planner, Primavera TeamPlay. Primavera, PrimeConsect and Sure Trak ate ee regisered ttademarks or trademarks of Primavera Systems, Inc, in the United Sates andlor in other counties. All other ltademarks mentioned herein are the property of det respective omnes Printed in the United States of Ameria, Course Contents Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera 1 What is Primavera? . ‘The Primavera Browser Client . . i Hl Lope Accessing Primavera. . . . a 4 ‘The Login Screen : 4 The Primavera Main Window. ‘The Project View : 6 Changing Your Views if ‘The Control Center. Customizing the Control Center . Selecting the Workspace 9 Customizing the Workspace... 0.0.0. woes 10 Using Control Center Objects... Ul Reviewing Alerts 5 i Editing Alerts i e 12 Subscribing to Alerts at Subscriptions. i = 15 Editing Alerts 16 Viewing All Alerts 7 Reviewing Actions i E 18 Adding Documents to the Prepare Documents Object 19 Using the Prepare Reports Object. 20 Reviewing and Printing Reports 21 Reviewing Issues 2 Course £202 Course Contents Lesson 2: Create a Project 25 Creating a New Project in Primavera... 27 Project Screen fel ee ‘Template Screen : : 29 Contacts Screen : E 30 Key Parties Screen o ip cee 32 Currency Screen... 33 Cost Codes Screen... .., 34 Schedule Screen... 2... 35 GUERP Screen 36 Users Screen... ey 37 Updated Project View ..... i 38 Workshop: Creating a Project . Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory 43 Companies . Sea Company Directory... Adding A New Company. . Adding Details About a Company Adding Contact Data i : i 49 Generating a New Contact. piece ele Deactivating Companies and Contacts . : re Project Settings for Companies . i : 54 Selecting a Set of Companies To Use in the Company Directory 55 Copying Contacts 56 Viewing the Results Distribution Lists... Adding a New Distribution List... ... ea 59 Workshop: Creating the Company Directory ... i Course E202 Course Contents Lesson Tracking Drawings _ 65 Drawings .. # Recording Drawings................ = Viewing the Drawings Log 68 Adding a Drawing Document 69 Specifying the Drawing Details 70 Entering a Drawing Revision. . Generating a Drawing Generated Drawing B Previewing Drawing Reports. . “74 ‘Transmittals .. ‘Transmittal Settings .. . Using the Transmittal Queue... . ‘Transmittals Log HE See 80 Print a Transmittal ee 81 Viewing the Results .... : 82 Drawing Sets .. qeoees El lear ct po - 83 Creating a New Drawing Set...........000.00002005 84 Adding Drawings to the Drawing Set A 85 Distributing the Drawing Set . ae 87 Workshop: Create and Distribute Contract Drawings. . Lesson 5: Communicating Project Information 93 Letters . . Defining a Letter Template .. Creating the Letter Template j 97 Creating the Letter .. Viewing the Letter .. Workshop: Creating Letters .. Course £202 iit Course Contents ‘Tracking the Reviewers’ Approval ae pe ioigee ess 18 Receiving the Approved Submittal . eee coe MM Forwarding the Submittal Back to the Supplier ......... : 145 Using Dunning Letters with Submittals S == - 146 Workshop: Tracking Submittals. 147 Lesson Documenting Project Issues 149 Issues . . ‘Tracking Issues .. Issues Log 152 Issue Document... 153 View Linked Documents 154 Linking Search Results to an Issue . s se 155. Creating an Issue Document 156 Lesson 8: Recording Project Communications 159 Daily Reports. --- 160 Creating Daily Reports.......... + 162 ‘Adding a New Daily Report cee 163 Documenting Equipment in the Daily Report eet) 164 Documenting the Field Force in the Daily Report 165 Documenting Visitors in the Daily Report : 166 Materials .- 167 Weather 168 Generating Daily Reports - 169 Workshop: Creating Daily Reports =170 Meeting Minutes ce AID Course £202 v Course Contents Telephone Records, 102 Telephone Conversation. ees 108 104 - 105 Documenting Answer to RFL : 107 1 Documenting Request for Information (RFT) Creating a Request for Information . Workshop: Producing RFIs Lesson 6: Logging and Tracking Submittals 113 Submittals. . . 4 15 Submittals Document Flow. Submittal Packages ..... 17 Creating a Submittal Package ............ 118 Adding Submittals to a Package ... oe . 120 Assigning a Workflow to Submittals. 122 Updating Submittals . a ict 125 Update Schedule Dates from Lead Time. & + 126 Workshop: Logging Submittals Tracking Submittals . . . Ree ‘Tracking a Submittal Item With One Reviewer. Receiving the Submittal from the Supplier 127 = 129 130 seeee IBI oes 132 Using the Actions Object Sending the Submittal for Review . a < 133 Distributing the Submittal . 134 Recording the Reviewer's Approval ............... 136 Receiving the Approved Submittal 137 Forwarding the Submittal Back to the Supplier... ----.. 2.222200. 138 ‘Tracking a Submittal Item With Multiple Reviewers .--..---.......06........- 139 Updating the Workflow 139 Starting the Review Cycle 140 Sending the Submittal for Review .............. PBB ee DE : 141 iv Course £202 Course Contents Documenting the Procurement Estimate .. Adding Scope Items 209 General Items Recording Bids . . Organizing Bids Awarding the Procurement Item. .. Completing the Award ContracvPO Wizard 220 Revisiting the Procurement Item ..... i si 222 Awarding Multiple Items. Choosing Procurement Items to Award 224 Completing the Award ContracvPO Wizard : 25 Lesson 11: Using Contracts, Purchase Orders & Trends 227 Contracts .... ‘The Contracts - Budgeted Log... 2.2.5. 231 Budgeted Contract . Contract Summary 0... eee eee veces eevee 215.1983 Line Items 2 : 234 Details iS! . nee BBS Schedule . ‘ i 236 Contracts - Committed. Cost Distributions for a Line Item : 238 Purchase Orders......... ; Purchase Orders Log 239 Creating a Purchase Order 240 Adding a Unit Price Line Item 241 Generating Materials Delivery . . 243 Trends ........ 3 Creating a Trend... 246 ‘Cost Distributions for a Line Item z 2.247 Course E202 vil Course Contents Documenting a Meeting . - 14 Business Items Section : 176 Attendees Section f : 178 Previewing the Meeting Minutes .... 179 Generating Meeting Minutes ....... 180 Workshop: Recording Meeting Minutes. 182 Lesson 9: Managing Project Costs 185 Cost Worksheet 186 Using Cost Codes. 187 Project Cost Process .. - 189 Defining Cost Code Defini 190 Viewing the Cost Code Definition Berea 191 Managing the Cost Worksheet 22.2... .....0000000.... pn 192 Budget... a fe 193 Commitment . E . 194 ‘Actuals and Variances... pe ve 195 Viewing the Cost Code Detail eee ee gl eet es 196 ‘Viewing the Budgeted Contract Detai - 197 Viewing Cost Distributions. : - 198 ‘Copying Cost Codes = arti 199 Workshop: Defining the Cost Codes : 201 Lender, Lesson 10: Awarding Procurement Items 203 Procurement Log Procurement Items .. 22-0... 00.0. wi Course 202 Course Contents Lesson 13: Payment Requisitions 293 Payment Requisitions Payment Requisition Process Overview . 296 Project Settings - Requisitions 297 View the Contract’s Cost Distributions 299 Generating the Initial Requisition. .. - 300 Using the Schedule of Values. coe . 301 Workshop: Generating Requisitions. .. Updating a Requisition... . Updating the Work Completed : 309 Cost Distributions = 7 310 Certifying the Requisition Generating a Requisition Workshop: Recording Progress for Payment Requisitions 315 Appendix A: Using the Safety Module 317 Safety Log ...... Recording a Safety Violation Updating the Safety Violation . Generating Injury or Hiness Report Completing the Injury or Illness Report The Status Section ‘The Employee Section The Incident Section The 'njury or,Iness Section . 328 Printing OSHA Form 301 (Injury and Mness Incident Report)... 60... 06... 000eee 330 ‘The Safety Object . Workshop: Using the Safety Module Course £202 ix Course Contents Workshop: Distributing Contract Costs... .. + 249 Lesson 12: Change Management 253 Configuring Project Settings .... 256 Initiating Change Management ... ... ES 258 ‘Viewing the Change Management Document... . 259 Adding Estimates. iE seeeeteteceee es 261 ‘Viewing the Line Items in the Commitments Section and Sending Transmittals ....... 262 Documenting the Quote. dhteee Documenting the Second Quote ........ . s+ 266 Initiating the Negotiation Phase . + 268 ‘Completing the Negotiated Offer .. a sprees 269 Completing the Negotiation ......... am ‘Completing the Negotiated Document be “272 Reviewing the Total Value for Each Phase.............. eect pa - 273 Defining Markup for a Contract i EEE 275 Copying Commitment Values to Budgeted in Change Management... 277 Viewing the Budget Section Ee i 279 Initiating the Final Phase in Budget. ...... F - 281 Approving the Budgeted Change Order : ~ 282 Initiating the Final Phase for Commitment... fee - 284 Approving the Committed Change Orders .... sere, 285 Initiating the Final Phase for the Second Committed Contract. ++ 286 Viewing the Latest Documents by Phase j 288 Viewing the Change Management Summary . .. E 289 Workshop: Change Management .. : - 291 vil Course £202 Course Content Append G Lessont4: Customizing Layouts 335, Log Layouts... .. 336 Adda Layout 337 Formatting the Layout . 338 Adding and Assigning a Filter to the Layout ae 338 Viewing the Filter Results... . 339 Sorting aLayour -. 340 Miewingithe Sort Results |.14..02.2.000)) 2201 & 341 Grouping in aLayout..... 0, peered sepee s! BA? Create a Grouping ..... Be REEL, +. 343 ‘Viewing the Grouping in the Layout... .. = 344 Selecting Columns to Display in the Layout... vee 345 Exporting a Layout to Excel... == ence -. 346 x Course E202 LESSON 1 Introduction to Primavera Objectives This lesson introduces you to Primavera. At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to: v Identify the advantages of using Primavera Log in to Primavera Identify Primavera's components in the Main window Customize the Project View in the Main window Les Customize the Control Center in the Main window Lesson 1° Introduction to Primavera What is Primavera? Primavera ts a multi-user, multi-project database that manages all aspects of Contract control from contract changes and submittals. Provides information to keep your contracts on-time and within budget Enables you to respond to information requests by cross-referencing and linking documents for quick, easy retrieval. * Maintains historical data that can be used for the life of the project and readily referenced in future projects. + Aids in resolving disputes or claims Introduction to Primavera The Primavera Browser Client The Primavera browser client allows you to access project data at the job site, the home office or anywhere else via the Web 2005 lg reser Mpa os pbc scon my berepoaice a pr wan permanon Friesen 3 FIG. 1.1: The user 1D and password are not case- sensitive. —_—— ® EXERCISE: Launch Primavera Lesson 1. Introduction to Primavera ee Se Accessing Primavera Access Primavera through an Intemet browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. The Login Screen A user ID and/or password is required to log into Primavera. The password can be changed in the User Settings. > PRIMAVERA Expedition: Steps 1. In the Start menu, click Programs, Internet Explorer. Or, double-click the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop. 2. In the Address bar, type the Web address of the Primavera Web server. Write the Web address below for future reference Please note that this is the Web address you will use to access Primavera for the duration of class. This address may not be accessible from outside the classroom. 3. Type the user 1D and password assigned by your instructor. 4. Press Enteron your keyboard a selected project or all projects. Lesson = Introduction to Primavera The Primavera Main Window When Primavera is launched, the Main window displays. You can navigate to all areas in Primavera from this window. The Main window consists ef two ‘components: Q Project View — Displays the project hierarchy. The top-level folder includes information about all projects. Control Center — Contains customizable fields called objects, which: + Alert you to tasks that require your action or attention. + Inform you of document status. + Enable you te create documents and view reports with a single click aa. i tae oy = 5 208 An pt eae Hs pt ee pan rb ered weft men permanent Pavers Syste he 5 = Yous can report on -matiple projets at the ‘A Projects level or at a falder level, based on the folder structure “EXERCISE: View the project tecarchy for project DEMO. Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera The Project View he Project View, located in the left pane of the Main window, displays the Project hierarchy. The project hierarchy contains project folders that consist of Project and module information. It enables you to organize folders for different areas of business, such as geographic location or project manager. The top-level folder in the hierarchy is the All Projects folder. You can right- cick the All Projects folder to access available commands at the group or database level. You can right-click a project folder to access the available commands for that specific project. Click on-a project in the hierarchy to open the project All Projects Project level Folders Modules (logs and documents) FIG 1.3: The Project View Steps 185 Bg Contract nvermation © Ga Logs SEB ENGR - Otte Buscng B=ED FUEL - Fuel System Expansion’So ® EB) HOSP - South General Hosptel Ad 2 OFC. Phi Ortee Bulking Aaa BEB] ORDIL- Runway OR. Reconstruct Templates FB] PROCUR Procurement Lesson 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 2. Click [I to expand the Project Information folder and view the modules Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Changing Your Views # Youean deine Use the Project View drop-down list to set up your project hierarchy in views cater te Proe |” that best suit your needs. For example, you can create a view based on View geography, such as North America and Europe, and then arrange folders and projects accordingly. Or you can create a view based on roles, such as Construction Manager, General Contractor or Owner. FIG. 1.4: The Project View menu. © EXERCISE: View Ste the prjecs and flrs PS according tothe Project 1. In the Project View drop-down list, select Project Manager. Manager role 2. Review the Project View for the Project Manager role. 3. In the Project View drop-down list, click A Projects. © Any eseved No ptf Ys etry reegued mt Ht wien pmean oPnves Sten Ne 7 FIG. 1.5: The Control Center is made up of objects, stuch as Inbox and Actions. —_— Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera The Control Center The Control Center is a starting point forall areas in Primavera. It provides a Configured interface of objects to quickly view and access project information With only two clicks, you can access any document that requires your attention, You can view information for all projects or a single project, and customize data to meet your needs. a e® = Sebmnate(29) Pratuasaanians Coats « Je 0 Chums udrecamens Sane tease 2 Meets ese Gennes: tess ot © Ginbiiemast cue ae Table 1: Editing Options in Control Center | Select options are displayed for each object | ‘Show detailed items for all projects or items in selected folder Select type of documento include in Cantrol Center. Configure graphic properties 4S EXERCISE: Select Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Customizing the Control Center Modifying the Control Center enables you to create a personalized workspace that displays the objects you need to see. Selecting the Workspace ‘A workspace is a customizable screen that is assigned to users to ensure they see the same set of objects. Primavera provides 11 role-based workspaces. Each workspace has a maximum of 12 objects. Use the Workspace Selection drop-down list to change the workspace view. The My Workspace view is user-specific, based on your user ID. customize this page FIG 1.6: The Workspace drop-down list Steps 1. In the Workspace drop-down list, select a view, General Contractor 2. Click Go. 3. Review the new workspace. 4. In the Workspace drop-down list, select My Workspace. 5. Click Go 06 Ans etre Nop las peter may oe eos wo pt ten ere cl roves Spee 9 Lesson T Introduction to Primavera Customi ing the Workspace You can create multiple custom workspace views that only display the objects you have selected. You can display the same object multiple times in the workspace. For example, you can have two objects in the workspace that display issues. flei.cca EE Cosrize Workspace Pero torn OSE Se Move Upon Move somize Workspace . en ee Mote Cusomize Worst F the order of the Z | Selected objects. Please select tems to appear on the poject workspace, | eter nas i Je) Tumeround Tone i Siac | ae | |Pvracee Surnsy 5 PA | The | ot teers ~®) EXERCISE: St Customze te Conra FPS Center workspace 1. At the top of the Control Center, click customize this page. 2, In the Layout section, select the object you would like to remove from the workspace, /nbox. 3. Click Remove. 4. Inthe Available Items section, select the object you would like to add, Safety. 5. Click Add. 8. Use the Move Up button to move Safety to the third position in the Layout section, 7. Click OK. 8. View the modified workspace 10 FIG. 1.8: Click a link to view documents with the selected priority. Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Using Control Center Objects The objects displayed in the Control Center enable you to quickly access the important components of the project Reviewing Alerts Users are notified through the Alerts object when documents meet certain parameters. For example, you can choose to receive alerts when a document is ‘over budget. Alerts are broken down into high, normal, and low priorities. You can click each priority link — High, Normal, and Low — to view a list of documents that have the selected priority. Alerts Update subsenplons eat ® Yewall ler ice mo pr wn pcr Pena Sy 1" Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Editing Alerts In the Alerts object, the edt link opens the Edit Alerts window, where you can define and organize the data you want to display. In the Projects section, you can choose to display actions for all projects, 0 for projects within the currently selected folder. 2 In the Documents section, select the primary method for organizing the documents. co Edit Alerts Projects © Shaw aes al pepects Stow at cers seed eae Oocuments et Orgonce doommentsiy ny Tray ae) _ ee FIG 1.8: Eait Alerts window EXERCISE: Revew Steps the Ales object settings. 1. In the Alerts object, click edit 2. In the Projects section, verify Show alerts for al/ projectsis selected 3. Click OK 2 2006 ga eer Np tat sy be rch wten parent Pera Sytem he FIG. 1.40: Chick Transfer Alerts to copy alerts between groups. A) EXERCISE: Aad a ser to the Alert Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Subscribing to Alerts ‘You must subscribe to an alert so Primavera can notify you when the alert criteria has been met. You can access the settings that define the alert criteria through the All Projects folder. Beline Alerts WF Crenjenoragerentoms ot cone 1 nsrne pobre ce baht evecee Steps 1. In the Project View, select A// Projects. 2. Right-click AM Projects, and then click Define Alerts. 13 Priorities section to define the criteria that will initiate an alert. 4 Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Subscribing to Alerts (continued) Use the Define Alerts dialog box to set the criteria for each alert. When defining an alert, you must specify a unique name for the alert in the Title field. {In the Priorities section, the criteria you set determines the alert’ priority level Also, you can specify the types of documents to which you want to apply the alert. Assign the alert to users in the Subscribers section. The users listed in this Section receive a notice when the alert criteria has been met for a document. Dating Alerts 8yget Change Order Amount Thesis Cos nerease Green oe ecu [GT eaten Ba we ea ore _ fo ates aeRO: 3. cick [8] to open an alen, Budget Change Order Amount Threshold Cost Increase. 4. Inthe Subscribers section, click Add Subscribes to This Alert. 5. Select a user, 7rainxx (where xx equals the ID provided by your instructor.) 6. Click Save. 7. Click Save and Return to Menu 8. Click Close. Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Subscriptions Use the Subscriptions link in the Alerts object to see all of the alerts to which you are subscribed. You can click on each alert to view its details. FIG. 1.12: Glick the alert to see view | alert details. | i 7 ‘eswrmanaremianestaicara: | . Beteon $98 5d 360 tes | | | 1 Between 2280 80 dots | | | “O EXEROISE: View Sti the alerts to which you Pee ate assigned 1. Inthe Alerts object. click subscriptions. 2. Click Budget Change Order Amount Threshold Cost Increase. 3. Click Return to Subscriptions main screen. 4. Click Close. 20 ges estons No anf Ne baer maybe epee ind por wen prance Sys 5 EXERCISE: Review the Nens object settings. 6 Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera ee nal — eee eee Editing Alerts In the Alerts object, the eait link opens the Edit Alerts window, where you can define and organize the data you want to display. _In the Projects section, you can choose to display actions for all projects, or for projects within the currently selected folder. @_In the Documents section, select the primary method for organizing the documents. 4 Shom lene trall pcp etter ay Tal ‘Then by [aenTee B] FIG 1.13: Edit Alerts window. Steps 1. In the Alerts object, click edit 2. In the Projects section, verify Show alerts for all projects is selected. 3. k OK. © 06 caps esr Ne ft 3 pubntn mny eepoGLcss mt wien erin lara Stns Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera FIG. 1.14: Click Updateto refresh Pages ae the list of alerts. oe Se sre nts POP cites revesbyansnee ve nen FRE wacetennes ats sncneesby 6 00 Pande weedy 7200 ~b EXERCISE: View Steps 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 2. In the Alerts object, click update. 3. click View All Alerts. 4. Scroll down to view the alerts in each priority. 5. Click return to control center 05 A pt seve Na i ect ny erotic fet wn psa of PevaeSytans oe FIG. 1.15: Bold links indicate unread items in that priority. “EXERCISE: View the Actions object 18 Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Reviewing Actions The Actions object allows you to review a list of all items for which you are the Ball in Court Actions differ from Alerts, in that you do not have to be subscribed to receive an Action item. Like Alerts, Actions are displayed according to a high, normal, or low priority. A bold link indicates that items in that priority have not been read. Click View Al/ Actions to see a list of all action items. | q Steps 1. View the Actions object in the Control Center. editto add document types. EXERCISE: Aad ‘document types to the Prepare Documents ‘object. Lesson 4 Introduction to Primavera Adding Documents to the Prepare Documents Object You can edit objects within the Control Center without opening an individual module within a project. The Prepare Documents object can be used to quickly Create up to five different types of documents from the Control Center, without opening an individual module within a project. You can create links for the documents most often used in the project. Examples of different document types include requests for information (RFI), letters, and drawings. Prey i GED Re ‘Taionhane Reco: B Hequestiornormstor Steps 1._ In the Prepare Documents object, click edit 2. Click Select adjacent to the document types for Letters, Telephone Records, and Request for Information. 3. Click Save. 4. In the Prepare Documents object, click Letters. 5. View the new Letter document. 6. Click return (0 control center Click Wo, 1 008 Aung reared Nepal a pct may beep add mk tet ten esa ol remts Syn 9 It you need to aocess more than five feports, add another Prepare Reperts object 20 Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Using the Prepare Reports Object The Prepare Reports object enables you to run commonly needed reports from the Control Center. For each project. a maximum of five reports can be added to the Prepare Reports object. To access multi-project reports, you must select the All Projects level in the Project View, Prepare Reports Bending Requests and Changes (r 1c 02 E) | Change Management Status Report (cho 06) i B | Meeting Minutes Business tems (1 mm_O1 DJ Submital Log by Ball In Cour (r sb 06) FIG 1.17: The Prepare Reports object. Lesson 1 Introduction to Primavera Reviewing and Printing Reports You can preview reports that have been added to the Prepare Reports object Click the paper icon or the report link to open a preview of the report. FIG. 1.18: Click Printto print the | report. | || 2 primavera [ACME Genera Conan “0 EXERCISE: Steps Proview the Requests 4nd Changes Log 1. In the Project View, verify the project selected, DEMO, re 01) e900 2. In the Prepare Reports object, click Pending Requests and Changes (r1c_02). 3. Click Close. (06 Ag este Nop ov jun maybe raroed wien ra ten ene rts Spree a Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Reviewing Issues Use the Issues object in the Control Center to quickly obtain the status of issues for each project or for all of the projects. Click on the bar graph to see a list of documents with the selected status. bar for NEWissues FIG.1-19:Clickthe [J to see alist of 1 naa cl okra aer sae Som seiofoonone Can LEC) 10 GrCamar ome ‘Sid etn dk EIR Sci Ga |< Set inn at GENE ME Gna gh Sco Atnr onan ee 6) fa sac oem Cri) ACE iat cami {Aton enone er DE) tune | ES “D EXERCISE: Open Steps the Issues log window to-wiew the new issues_ 1. In the Issues object, click the MEW graph bar. 8 © 2005 A seve op pean may Sted wes Ge wen as fmt Sirs Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Reviewing Issues (continued) In the Issues log window, you can view the details of an issue document. Click the document icon or the title to open the issue document. In the issue document, the Linked Documents section lists the documents related to the issue Arora ang ote va i9 2007 lea { é OME General Contractors: Pa ec FecatiMBfBysereocgeres ser iO » cagnetexeeatand ea Pibebeinnrine late Se oe wie 0. we 07 oman Se i i se 207 sie 207 > sttel ase ena Mee 200- sto.) 5 ga Pi tons e202) + asta Emana ama sia et er 0 + meant, ste 07 Mee we? wetzz00 saree? et 7 oun 0) mera ‘Soshescsame A8 07 sere 20) > aaaeeacEatcaSeana.iiQe Mepteed Change ue op? 207 | seta) at ae ene 007 sane 2. In the Issue log window, click an issue, Additional Parking. 3. Review the document. 4. Click return to control center 06 A opts seve Hope al hs ct my nx dtm pint Pees Sy he 2B 4 Lesson 1: Introduction to Primavera Lesson Review Primavera is a multi-user, multi-project database that manages all aspects of contract control from contract changes and submittals. When you log into Primavera, the Main window displays. The Main window consists of the Project View and the Control Center, In the Project View, you can modify the view of the project hierarchy. The Control Center enables you to quickly view and access project information. 1. True or False: You can add the Prepare Documents object more than once to any workspace in the Control Center. 2. True or False: The subscriptions link allows you to see all of the alerts to which you have been subscribed 3. True or False: The Control Center always displays the same information and cannot be changed. 4. The maximum number of views available for the Project View is: ad bs e3 4.10 LESSON 2 Create a Project Objectives This lesson explains how to create a project. At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to: v Create a project using the New Project wizard 26 Lesson 2: Create a Project New Building Project ACME General Contractors has been awarded a $10,000,000 contract from Philadelphia County to build an office building, Lesson 2: Create a Project Creating a New Project in Primavera Primavera has a step-by-step wizard that allows you to easily create new Projects. The wizard enables you to specify project information, such as the Project name, start and finish dates, names of key participants, and more. The New Project wizard is located in the right-click menu for All Projects. Project Screen In the Project screen, specify the project name, title, 1D, description, and more. You must type a unique value in the Name field, An asterisk next to a field name indicates that information must be specified in the field to move to B the next step in the wizard. The Title is a short description of the project name. EXERCISE: A003 Steps ew project. 1. In the Project View, right-click on the Al/ Projects folder, and then select New Project. 2. Type a Name 3. Type a Title . 2 Anges Nopara saat yt mre Warn en een matt 2 22 Aner 3 nem project 's added. you can ‘change the values these fields in the Project Settings. 28 Lesson 2: Create a Project Project Screen (continued) In the Project screen, you can place an identifier in the /.D. field, such as the Project phase or architect’s number. In the Job Number field, specify a number to identify the project. The job number is used frequently on standard reports and forms. The same project can have different job numbers. For example, the contractor, owner, and architect may each have a copy of the project with a different job number. In the Vaiue field, you can specify a total cost amount for the project. Use the Description field to include a note for the project. This field is beneficial to record the purpose of the project. Se ae == oleee FIG 2.2: The Project Screen in the Add Project Wizard. 4. Type an 1.0. . 5. Type a Job Number . 6. Type the Location . 7. Type a Value for the total amount of the project <10,000,000>. 8. Type a Description 9. Click Next. Fig. 2. ‘Three options are provided when creating anew project. the option to Start With a Blank Project Lesson 2: Create a Project Template Screen The Template screen offers the option to use other projects as the basis for Creating a new project. There are three different options to transfer data into a new project: Q__Use Template — Select this option to use an existing project template as, the basis for the project. Select the template to use from the Template drop-down list. Q Copy Information From Another Project — Select this option to use the data from an existing project as the basis for the new project. Select the project to use from the Project drop-down list Q Start With Blank Project — Select this option to create a project with all new information. You will be prompted to confirm this choice Steps 1. In the Template screen, select Start with blank project. 2. Click Yes to continue 3. Click Wext. Lesson 2: Create a Project Contacts Screen The Contacts screen displays information about the contacts involved in the Project. Contacts can be copied from other projects to minimize data entry. If a contact does not exist in another project, you can add information about the contact. If you selected to use a template in the Template screen, Primavera copies the contacts defined in the template. You can edit the contact list after the project is created FIG. 2.4: Glick to select existing contacts and companies. © EXERCISE:Seet Steps the companies to copy {or the new project. 1. Click Copy Companies. 30 © 2006 fg ered No po spun yb pnd win nen perms of Prt Se be Lesson 2: Create a Project Contacts Screen (continued) In the Copy Companies screen, the Copy From section provides a list of companies from which you can select. You can add the companies to include as contacts to-the Copy To section using the Add and Add Ai/buttons. 2. Inthe Copy From section, select Acme General Contractors. 3. Click Add. 4. Click Addto add two additional companies, Design Group and Philadelphia County. 5. Click OK 6. Click Next. 1200 A apts ser) op cf Ye pecan may be nadie wih nt en panes ol Pee Sy he 31 “® EXERCISE: ‘Complete the Key Parties screen. 32 Lesson 2: Create a Project Key Parties Screen The Key Parties screen defines what role the contact/company plays within the project. The options available in the drop-down lists for each field is based on the companies and contacts selected in the Contacts screen, The following fields in the Key Parties screen require a selection: Q Your Company — The company or contact selected automatically will be the key contact when creating documents. Q_ Engineer of Record — The company or contact selected will represent the leading project architect or engineer. Q Submittal Coordinator — The company or contact selected will receive and review submittals for the project Add Project en —__———s Cantatas ‘Scheate SuEee [earcem SY ACME Gensval Contractors 2 aE FIG 2.6: The Key Parties screen Steps 1. Complete the information as indicated in FIG 2.6 above. 2. Click Next. Lesson 2: Create a Project Currency Screen 25 IF tne Project The Currency screen defines the currency to use in Primavera. This step in the Currency vale set to Ue deter Prawn. Wizard enables you to select a currency for the project and a currency to use automaticaly wil use fOr reporting. In the Calculation field, specify how to convert the Project the US. dala fr the Reporting Currency Currency and Reporting Currency. In the Rate field, specify an exchange rate to use for reports if the Project Currency and Reporting Currency are not the same currency type. The Currency settings can be changed in the Project Settings. CUTE E Oy irs Calculation and Add Project Rate values are automatically set | lane for U.S. dollar. — Pearcy Sotices ‘Somase ae *P EXERCISE: Specly Steps 1. Inthe Project Currency drop-down list, confirm U.S. dollar 2. Inthe Display Worksheet in drop-down list, confirm U.S. dollar 3. Click Mex. © 206 Ans ess Ho os pba mayb ered wid retin pene Pre SE 3 Lesson 2: Create a Project Cost Codes Screen The Cost Codes screen enables you to copy cost codes from other projects within Primavera. If you choose to skip this step, you can right-click the selected project in the Project View, and click Copy Cost Codes. FIG. 2:8: Chick to select cost codes from other Projects. Add Project Bet Up Cont Cont Codes Projet mse! on ‘Saas care asa Steps 1. Click Next. 34 © 206 At eserves No pa it poe aon may aoc no awn pment Str FIG. 2.9: Click the ‘calendar icon to ‘select dates. “Al EXERCISE: Specify ‘he dates for the Brgject. Lesson 2: Create a Project Schedule Screen The Schedule screen enables you to enter initial project dates, such as the Contract Date, Proceed Date, and the Completion Date. The Contract Date Fepresents when the contract was signed or approved. The Proceed Date fepresents when work on the project will begin, and the Completion Date Tepresents when the project will be completed. In the Schedule field, you can link the project to a Primavera schedule. Steps 1. In the Contract Date field, click [E] and select a date, Mar 3, 2006. 2. In the Proceed Date field, click [EE] and select a date, Ju/ 20, 2006. 3. In the Completion Date field, click |EEJ] and select a date, Nov 17, 2006. 4. Click Next. {25 At rages eserves Mo parc pecan ry bmp mak pr weten pms Pines Sythe 7B EXERCISE: Review GL/ER® screen in Ada Project wizard. Lesson 2: Create a Project GL/ERP Screen The General Ledger/Enterprise Resource Planning (GU/ERP) screen describes Primavera's ability to integrate with other software packages. Ade Praysat “Some perc bend ery tac chee st, Gulia yet cvester irae pererd once fie ier jeecmieen laa Sac cuene aes FIG 2.10: The GL/ERP Screen Steps 4. Click Next, © 06 Aap tava Nap ole beter ye eee to ree wien prof Panera Sys 2. Use the Primavera ‘Administration program 10 add additional users ata later Fig. 211: By defautt, al 2. EXERCISE: Finisn the Add Project wazara Lesson 2: Create a Project Users Screen The Users screen enables you to define Primavera users who have access to the project To copy user access from another project, in the Project View, right-click a project and select Copy User Access. Add Project | Faowore ie Steps 1. Click Finish, 2. Click Yes. : © 2006 A gt ear eo npc may be eed hare wen pasa of Pneves Spt Re a7 Lesson 2: Create a Project Updated Project View ‘When you have completed the New Project wizard, the new project will appear in the Project View, under the Ai/ Projects folder. FIG. 2-42: The new project, PHILA, is listed in the Project View. aerate - | 38 12006 A gs eserves No rtf pean ye erica ak Sr wan pin of ner Se Lesson 2: Create a Project Lesson Review The New Project wizard guides you through each step of creating a project. The wizard enables you to specify project information, such as the project name, start and finish dates, names of key participants, and more 1. True or False: The New Project wizard is located in the right-click menu for All Projects. 7008 A gps eave et fs pean yb ped mo wien pan of rears ype he 39 Lesson 2: Create a Project Workshop: Creating a Project Background The Philadelphia Airport recently expanded, offering more air service to Customers. The expansion includes extending the runway to accommodate the flow of air traffic. Action Construction, your company, has been hired as the general contractor. ‘The owner of the project, Philadelphia Airport, has procured the services of Design Solutions Limited to design the project and prepare contract documents. The $1,000,000 project consists of design and construction of an extension to the runway, including lighting and striping. As the generat contractor, you will be using Primavera to document and manage the project. Action Construction has finished setting up the field office traiters complete with a network of PCs. You have already advertised the project and awarded Subcontracts to local contractors. The sitework activities have been completed and trenching for utilities has started. The current date is June 19, 2006 Objective 1. Right-click the All Projects folder and select New Project. 2. Type the following information into the new project: Name: Title: |.D.: Job Number: Value: <$1,000,000> 3. Click Zemplate in the upper left hand corner of the screen 4. Select Start with a blank project. 5. Click Contacts in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Lesson 2: Create a Project 6. Add the following contacts to the Company directory Initials: AS Title: Me. Name: Alan Smythe Abbreviation: ACTION ‘Company: Action Construction Role: General Contractor | Initials: TR Title: Me Name: Tom Robens ‘Abbreviation: PHL ‘Company: Philadelphia Airport Role: Owner Initials: MB Title: Ms. Name: Mary Blake Abbreviation: DSL Company: Design: Solutions Limited Role: Architect, 7. Click Key Parties in the upper left hand corner of the screerrand select the following information Your Company: Action Construction Company Role: General Contractor Owner: Philadelphia Airport General Contractor: Action Construction Engineer of Records: Design Solutions Limited Project Manager: A/an Smythe ‘Submittal Coordinator: Alan Smythe 8. Click Finish, 9. When prompted to create the project, select Yes. © 20 AN psec No a of es puto my be ce mh ersten prs ol Bree Sy he a 1 2005 At es ese No pr es caer ay repent ee writen sean Pavers LESSON 3 Creating the Company Directory Objectives This lesson describes how to track contact information for companies and People that are involved with a project. At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to: ‘Add a new company Create contacts Edit contact information Distinguish between group and project contacts Copy contacts from another project Create distribution lists from contacts in project PREV Vyrs Designate companies or contacts as inactive Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Companies ‘Add information in the Companies module that identifies each person and Company involved in the project. The company directory enables you to share information throughout Primavera, eliminating the need to re-enter contact information in other modules. Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Class Case Scenario ‘A new subcontractor has been awarded the contract for all of the masonry work. Steve Johnson of ACME General Contractors will add ACE Mason and their three employees to the company directory to facilitate the distribution of documents. Steve will also create a distribution list of subcontractors who will be involved in the project. 45 Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Company Directory ‘The Company Directory provides an overview of all companies used in the Project. Click Companies in the Project Information folder to access the Company Directory. The contact information listed can be copied to other projects. In the Company Directory, you can: Q Store contacts and companies by project or group Record an unlimited number of contacts and their addresses for each ‘company listed. FIG. 3.1: Click to edit the document. EXERCISE: View Steps the Company Directory forthe DEMO project.__1._In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 2. Click EI to expand the Project Information folder. 3. Click Companies to open the Company Directory. 6 (206 ngs esr No pa of pan iy eee ed atin permis of Penver Sia To moaty an _bbreviation, you must delete the company and add it aga “EXERCISE: Ago ‘company information for ACE Mason, Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Adding A New Company Use the Add Company command to add information for a company and its contacts in the Company document window. Each company in the Company Directory must have a unique abbreviation with @ maximum of eight characters to identify the company. In the Remarks section, add information such as directions or office hours. Pssst Besoin, FIG 3.2: The Company document window Steps 1. Click Ald Company. 2. In the Company section, type an Abbreviation . 3. Type a Company Name . 4. In the Spec Section drop-down list, select 04050 (Basic Masonry Materials and Methods). 5. Inthe Role drop-down list, select Subcontractor © 06 anges reserved Mopar tn eaten mayb ered wend rar wren pari of Primer Sys a7 Lesson 3: Creating the Company birectory Adding Details About a Company In the Details section, enter additional information about the company, such as the tax ID number, location, type of business, the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System), and the contract associated with the company. If applicable, mark the checkboxes to designate the company as: Q DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) Q_ MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) WBE (Women-owned Business Enterprise FIG. 3.3:The | NAICS (North ‘American a Industry siete Classification 3 aiieectaae ra TEL System) code is | saa a) (Seamer —— a] used to classify | — a organizations: | 35a + poe 2 » aaactmente 2 EXERCISE: Sele Steps an NAICS code for the company. 1. In the Details section, in the WVA/CS Code drop-down list select 23874 : (Masonry Contractors). 48 ©2008 esr No oe pheno yD repaid wr wien preter Panavise Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Adding Contact Data You can add contact information about people in the organization. Primavera Fequires one of the contacts to be the Key Contact, which is the person to whom Primavera will address most documents. By default, the Key Contact is the first contact added, but this can be changed in the Contact dialog box, while in edit mode FIG. 3.4: Contac! te Salutation is used | — for letters. Pages Pasncronane 2S eo Keosssze ——— 7 fewaal ay i 49 Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Adding Contact Data (continued) “O EXERCISE: Adds Steps contact to project, EMO. 1. Click Add Contact. 2. Click Yes. 3. Add a new contact Initials: Title: First Name: Last Name: Gender: Job Title: 4. Add the Address information for the new contact: Location: Line 1: <14 Market Street> Line 2: City: Postal Code: Country: 5. Add the following information for the contact Office: <609-555-2222> Ext: <5039> Fax: <609-555-2220> Mobile: <609-555-2221> E-Mail: 6. In the Paper Size for Drawings drop-down list, select B(12 x 18 in.) 7. Inthe Copies field, type <2> 8. Click Save & Close. Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Generating a New Contact To minimize the amount of data entry when adding multiple contacts for the same company, use the Generate command. The Generate command copies the address, phone numbers, and drawings information from one contact to a new contact. FIG. 3.5: Click to open the contact’s information. Gee abe ea Ae 2 fe ConriePrisher OFFICE blasetSreet Sos 2 EXERCISE: Ste Generate information Ps fora new contact. 1. In the Company document window, in the Contacts section, click the contact name, Jennifer James. 2. Click Generate. 3. Add the new contact information: Initials: Title: First Name: Last Name: Gender: Job Title: E-Mail: 4. Click Save & Close. isher> 5. In the Company document window, in the Contacts section, click the contact name, Dave Barron. 6. Click Generate. 208 Ags eserves Hop 8 tear ay be pra thn ra en amt Pers Sys 51 Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Generating a New Contact (continued) FIG. 3.6: Indicates that this person is the Key Contact and the default contact person each time ‘a company is selected. ig ee ase aa ae vn Srkson CE Vote Snen | Steste HDS ~— Devs Barcs Mala —— Title: First Name: Last Name: Gender: Job Title: Ext: <8765> E-Mail: B. Click Save & Close. ~ —— 52 ©2006 A ser No pas pbs ry Se prod wh mien pan of Pennae Sys Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Deactivating Companies and Contacts If a company or contact is no longer involved in the project, you can deactivate the company or contact without permanently deleting it. When a company is made inactive, all of its contacts are inactive, too. You will not be able to select the company and the contacts that are inactive because they will not appear in any lists. However, an inactive company still appears in the Company Directory % You samot make3__ The setting to deactivate a company és located in the Status tab in the tego nacre Company document window. You can also deactivate an individual contact for ‘ts company is active 0 = accompany in the Contact dialog box FIG. 3.7: Mark the ‘checkbox to deactivate the contact, Connie ® EXERCISE: Steps Inacivate 9 contact and splay the inactive 1. Click return (0 log. - contact in the Company ‘document window, 2. Scroll down and select a company, ABE Plumbing. 3. In the Contacts section, click [i] to edit the contact, John Price. 4. Mark the /nactive checkbox, and then click Save & Close. 8. In the Contacts section, mark the Show Inactive Contacts checkbox 6. In the Contacts section, verify the check mark in the /nactive column for John Price. 2006 Ate reseee No pa of i pence ay D6 seed thn Ge mai of Psu Str he ES) 54 Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Project Settings for Companies Project Settings is used to configure options, preferences, and workflow for a Project. You can also view and edit project information, such as the project ame and title and the names of key participants. In the Project Settings, the Companies section enables you to specify which set of companies to use in the Company Directory, Project or Group. ‘Two options are also available for updating the Group Companies list: Q Add Company to Group After Adding to Project — Adds a company to the Group list after adding it to the project list Update Group When Project Company Edited — Updates the company's information at the group level when it is updated at the project -level Lesson 3. Creating the Company Directory Selecting a Set of Companies To Use in the Company Directory Each project contains its own directory of project companies. You can specify whether to list the companies from all of your projects (Group), or only list the companies from the project (Project), in the Project Settings, Companies section. FIG. 3.8: Click switch to change between Group Sd el and Project companies. > hawiomones @ seeotae 4 EXERCISE Open Steps the Projet Sotungs to rewew the Company 4 Click return to control center Directory options? 2. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 3. Right-click and select Project Settings. 4. Expand the Companies section. 5. Verify that Project is selected in the Group or Project Companies field 6. Click Save. {108 At esr ep pesto ny byrne wen pi i o Pre Spates 55 FIG. 3.9: Click Select to choose the company from which to copy. “® EXERCISE: Copy contacts fram another praject into project PHILA, Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Copying Contacts Copying contacts helps decrease time when entering contact information and minimizes the risk of data entry errors. You can: Q Copy contacts from_a project to the group level. Copy contacts froma project to another project. 2 Copy contacts fromthe group level to a project. Steps 1. In the Project View, select a Project, PHILA. 2. Right-click and select Copy Companies. 3. Click select. 4. Select a project to copy companies from, School Addition-Automotive Center (DEMO). §. Click Add Al, 6. Click OK. 7. Click OK. FIG. 3.10: Click the fink to retum to the Controt Center. “0 EXERCISE: View the new contacts in PRILA project. Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory feria) © ain = ee] «cee Steps In the Project View, select a project, PHILA. oa eT Click [EI to expand a project, PHILA, and a folder, Project Information. Click Companies. Review the list of contacts for the project. Click return to the controf center Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Distribution Lists Creating a distribution list eliminates the need to individually select contacts every time you distribute documents from Primavera. You must open the Company Directory to create a distribution list based on the available contacts You can access distribution lists in the Select an Action menu. Use the Distribution Lists window to view and delete lists that have been created. In the following exercise, Steve Johnson needs to create a distribution list that contains ABC Plumbing, Electrical Contractors, ACE Mason Contractors and Baines Steel FIG. 3.17 to make a copy of a distribution fist, and save it under a new name. —_—_—_—— EXERCISE: Create Steps 2 distribution it for project DEMO. 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO, 2. Click to expand a folder, Project Information. 3. Click Companies to open the Company Directory. 4. Click Define Distribution Lists. 5. Click Ada. 58 208 peared i ss pba may Oe epee mt wh fe nmr Sys “EXERCISE: Aad a ew distribution ist called Subcontractors. Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Adding a New Distribution List The Add Distribution List screen enables you to add contacts to a distribution list, and edit contacts in an existing list Each defined list must have a unique name (Abbreviation). You can also add a description for the distribution list. Distribution Lists - Project Companve: = (85 x Steps 1. In the Abbreviation field, type 2. In the Title field, type <: 3. Click Select Repraduction of this material is prohiin ; rohibited by {nt patent ght Law if found pie : shineoens ASE contact us © 205 gt seid pr a pun may Ge pred ah pu wn perms of Prnaver Sys ne 59 Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Adding a New Distribution List (continued) Im the Select Contacts window, you can choose the contacts, companies, or distribution lists to add to the new distribution list. You can use the Search field to quickly find the contact, company, and distribution list you want to select. Distibution Lists - Project Companies A Ditotian ist as ae ES 4. In the Organize Byfield, select Contact. 8. Select the following contacts: Dave Nardin (ABC Plumbing) Etic Thompson (Electrical Contractors Jennifer James (ACE Mason Contractors) Helen Prugh (Baines Steel) : 6. Click Save, 7. Click Save and Return to Menu. B. Click Close, 9. Click return to the contro! center 60 206 gp resaes No pa puatun may oe epodund tht en pers Primers Syst He Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Lesson Review The Company Directory is located in Compamees, in the Project Information folder. You can generate contacts to save time when adding similar information for each new contact. Use distribution lists to eliminate the need to individually select contacts every time you distribute documents from Primavera 1. The Company Directory performs which of the following? a. Lists contacts addresses b. Stores contacts by project or group ¢. Identifies each contact in the project d. All of the above 2. Which of the following is not part of the Company Directory? ~ a. Unique abbreviation b. Contact's name and role ©. Cost associated with the contact 4. Specification section code 3. True or False: To modify an abbreviation code, you must delete the company and re-add it. 4. To configure Primavera to use group or project contacts, use a. User Settings b, Layout Options ¢. Project Settings d. Layouts to sort the vendors © 200 A rept ere pr le pt rin be epost write pra cf Pata Sys He 6 Lesson 3: Creating the Company Directory Workshop: Creating the Company Directory Background Action Construction will use the Company Directory to list address information of all project participants. Objective Use the following information to add address information for Action Construction, Design Solutions Limited, Philadelphia Airport, and Digger inc Then add Mechanical. Contractors as a contact from the group directory 1. Open the RUMWAY project. 2. Open the Company Directory, 3. Open the listing in the Company Directory for Action Construction, Philadelphia Airport, and Design Solutions Limited and update the address information, in the Contacts section, for the contact indicated in the table below. Action Location: FIELD Construction Company ‘Address: 8000 Essington Avenue. Philadelphia, PA. (Alan Smythe) 19183 Tel: (215) 788-7552 Fax: (215) 788-7550 Drawing Size: E Copies: 6 Design Solutions Limited | Location: OFFICE (Mary Blake) Address: 1915 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA19045, Tel: (215) 456-1330 Fax: (215) 456-3442 Drawing Size: E Copies: 5 Phitadelphia Location: OFFICE Airport Address: 2400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19043 (Tom Roberts) Tel: (215) 365-1200 Fax: (215) 365-4500 Drawing Size: E | Copies: + ae Lesson 3 creating the Company Dire 4. Add subcontractor Digger Inc. to the Company Directory Digger. ine | Abbreviation: DIGGER Company Name: Digger, Inc Role: Subcontractor nti: AG | Full Name: Al Green | Location: OFFICE | Address: 100 Second St. Philadelphia, PA 19002 Tel: (215) 949-6900 Fax: (215) 949-3279 Drawing Size: C Copies: 3 | } | Contact for Digger, ine 5. Use the Generate function to add a second employee to Digger Inc., with the same contact information as Al Green. Initials: Full Name: Job Title: 6. After you save the information, return to the Control Center. 7. In the Project View, right-click RUNWAY and select Copy Companies. 8. Copy Mechanical Contractors into the RUNWAY project. 9. Create a Distribution list with the following information: Abbreviation: Title: 10. Add the following contacts to the distribution list: Al Green (Digger, Inc.) Terry Mills (Mechanical Contractors) 11, When finished, return to the Control Center. | 2005 A es ese Ho pare ns puta maybe eros wth ra men perc of nae Sp 63 £ £ 18200 Ap esr No pa of pun ny eee min rr ween panto Pavers Sr he LESSON 4 Tracking Drawings Objectives This lesson will show you how to use the Drawings log to manage and distribute contract drawings, and oversee revisions. At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to: v SLL Review the distribution process Record and view drawing logs Create transmittals from distribution lists Use the transmittal queue Package a group of drawings as a set ‘Add multiple drawings to the drawing set Distribute drawings to project participants © 2 apsn No pa ts pean repented er ments Pena Sys he 65 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Drawings ‘The Drawings module enables you to keep a record of drawings, the number of Copies, and paper sizes for each document sent to a recipient. You can distribute drawings to all project participants. Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Class Case Scenario Steve Johnson of ACME General Contractors must log two additional civil drawings received from the Design Group. Steve also needs to send revised drawings to the appropriate subcontractors. Phitadelphia County Design Group (Owne) — _ __ __ _. (Arching) Review Process Distribution Process Distribution Process ACME General Contractors (6c) Vendors ‘Subcontractors © so ape esmves pr cl spb mn 6 grad wher wtn prt Panast yen or FIG. 4.1: Use the navigational links to view other drawings in this project. —_—— “EXERCISE: Open, the Drawings log 68 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings SER — eS 9 Recording Drawings Use the Drawings log to track the revision history of the drawings associated with the project. Viewing the Drawings Log The Drawings log keeps a list of all drawing information for a project The Drawings log ts located in the project's Logs folder etait | a SSRERSMAR ERR RY Steps 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 2. Click [&] to expand a project folder, DEMO. 3. Click [9] to expand a folder, Logs. i 4. Click Drawings. FIG. 4.2: Click ‘select to choose a Designer for the drawing “A EXERCISE: Add a ew drawing document Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Adding a Drawing Document Use the Drawings document window to add new drawings and update existing ones. Track information such as revisions, the phase the drawing is in, and the drawing sets in which the drawing is included. > tswer wie > acimens 2 teteen Steps 1. Click Add Document o add a new drawing document. 2. Inthe Drawing Number field, type 3. In the Title field, type 4. In the Designer field, click Select. 5. Select a contact, Design Group (Chris Atkinson). 6. In the /ssued Date field, click [2] and select a date, Aug 9, 2006. ©2005 Ag see No prot in pbeten my epee tng wtien pmsen df ravers Sy 6 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Specifying the Drawing Details In the Status section of the Drawings document, specify the contact person responsible for the drawing, the priority and phase of the drawing. You can also specify the progress of the design of the drawing, as a percentage value. In the Details section, specify the discipline, area of the project, a file number, ‘and link the drawing to a contract. Piotidejaeecs 0 EEE fi) [lB Gg a | = | = —— | EE (fi== a | Attachments 2 109.0 9298 “P EXERCISE: Specty Steps the status ofthe crawieg 1. In the Status section, verify the Priority, Normal 2. In the Phase drop-down list, select /ssued for Bid. 3. In the Progress field, type a percentage for the drawing <100> 4. In the Details section, in the Discipline drop-down list, select Civil 5. In the Area drop-down list, select Area A 6. Click Save. 7 £2008 Ati ese Nos cl 2 pbteaon may Be jedi okt wen perso Pres Sy he Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Entering a Drawing Revision Use the Revisions section in the Drawings document to identify each revision of a drawing. You can create an unlimited number of revisions, and have an unlimited number of recipients per revision. name to display that person's contact information. bf Gesiee Conc Econo. 2 Biaxin | gimme eames eppenre aerate ra 9) | ar iatame P atacrmente ooo tadane| “S EXERCISE: Aid Sey ‘eison information for ee 2 crowing, 1. In the Revisions section, click Add. 2. In the Revision Number field, type <0.0> 3. In the Revision Date field, click EB and select a date, Aug 9, 2006 4. Inthe Title field, type 5. _ In the Received Date field, click EE] and select a date, Aug 9, 2006. _ 6. In the Revision Distributed To section, click Add. 7. Click Yes to continue 8. In the Sent Date field in the Add Distribution window, click adate, Aug 17, 2006. and select 9. Click Select, and then select the following parties: Helen Prugh (Baines Steel) Jan Shady (Button Paint & Paper) Eric Thompson (Electrical Contractors) 10. Click Save twice 08 At ges ese opr a eo yb ered ih en pero t Paves Se n Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Generating a Drawing The Generate command reduces data entry by duplicating the details of an existing drawing. You must open a drawing from which to generate new drawings. You can choose the number of drawings to create. Steve has documented the first drawing and needs to document the remaining drawings in the set. He will use the Generate command to facilitate this, process, Pec amen Ste ela TE Generale Drawings | iow mary ow Growngs do you wait ib ganeaie? | 2 (Grats ne sin) Deeg ee Link the new Drange tothe Game Issues Sethe onginal? Link the new Drawings 1 the same attachments asthe ong” “EXERCISE: Steps Generate a dang +i 1. In the Select an Action drop-down list, select Generate Document. 2. Click Go. 3. In the How many Drawings do you want to generate field, type <1> 4. Verify the starting Drawing Number, C-09. 5. In the Link the new Drawings to the same Issues as the original field, verify Yes. 6. In the Link the new Drawings to the same Attachments as the original field, verify Yes. 7. Click Finish, nm EXERCISE: Eat the generated Drawing C09 © 2008 At ges eserves i poten ry be eo mh Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Generated Drawing Drawing C-08 is copied into Drawing C-09 during the generate. After a drawing has been generated, you can modify the new Drawing document. et ‘Ayg 2006 Sent —B feewar === Foe ‘ree enensiy Steps 1. Click Fait Document. 2. Inthe Title field, type 3. Inthe Title field in the Revisions section, type . 4. Click Save te of en Sy ne B Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Previewing Drawing Reports You can create reports of the Drawing log to display drawings in various views —_. FIG. 4.7: Choose the type of int - Drawings document to list. Print os Bi nae —e Dros tngeenped es ET Acveng am bo se acters reo em roung ag ceed mist ye EC RES NO) ie all 8 bal fase ste arepon ~#: EXERCISE: Steps Provo repr ram the owe top 1. In the Sefect an Action drop-down list, select Advanced Print 2. Click Go. 3. Select Reports 4. Select a report, Drawing Log Grouped by Discipline with LATEST REVISION (r-araw. 02), 4 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Previewing Drawing Reports (continued) FIG 4.8: The Drawing Report 5. Click Preview. 6. Click Ciose. 5 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings SS LE Transmittals Transmittals are memos or cover letters that accompany project documents or items, such as submittals or materials. Transmittals document all items that arc sent, and can be automatically created whenever a submittal item is sent or forwarded. You can send transmittals to multiple recipients via a distribution list. 9 You can combine muttiple transmittals into one transmittal as needed Transmittals store tracking number information for easy reference, and can aid in dispute resolution or claims by documenting when and to whom the documents were sent. Lesson 4. Tracking Drawings Class Case Scenario ‘Steve Johnson of ACME General Contractors needs to print a transmittal to accompany the drawing that was sent to the subcontractors. This transmittal is for the Enlarged Area A Plans & Details. FIG. 4.9: Mark ‘checkboxes to define transmittal settings. “8 EXERCISE: Open the Project Settings for the transmittal preferences 7% Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Transmittal Settings Transmittal settings are options that define how and when Primavera ereates transmittals. For example, you can specify creation of a transmittal when you send a document, such as a drawing, to members of a distribution list You can combine transmittals to the same contact or create multiple transmittals for one person. You can also print transmittals automaticaly. rojeat Setting i Section ta tata Newmont S10) 2 EMO ie me + mnachments 2 tenatsee ime es Steps 1. Click return to control center 2. In the Project View, right-click a project, DEMO. 3. Select Project Settings 4. In the Communication section, verify the checkbox Combine Iransmittals to Same Company's cleared. 5. Click Save. % You can access the Transmittal Queue trom the top of the Primavera FIG. 4.10: Glick Create Ailto create transmittals for the entries in the queue. “8 EXERCISE: Create the transmttals inthe Trensmttal Queue Lesson 4: fracking Drawings Using the Transmittal Queue The Transmittal Queue stores all transmittal entries created by Primavera. It uses options selected in Project Settings to create and print transmittals. The queue allows you to create the transmittals you deem necessary. Based on the Transmittal Preferences, Primavera will automatically create a Transmittal Queue entry for each recipient of a drawing. In the queue, you can combine the transmittals listed to one contact. ee jf 4 Somerset eaenay Orowegheween Te Enleges Meo Fin 8 Dei (28) Res || sopacnraarecec aati eagrenin ‘Tae ayes es NesGn A eteue CE (© leencalContocors Ere Thamnran Orwng Rewion Tie Enarged Aa Pon & Desai 0) Rew Steps 1._In the Project View, expand the Zags folder in the DEMO project. 2. Click Drawings. 3. At the top of the screen, click Zransmittal Queue 4. Click Create All ©2005 pt avd Ha par ok pub ay be repreeed win ru tan pees naa ys a 9 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Transmittals Log ‘Once a transmittal has been created in the Transmittal Queue, the transmittal entry 1s placed in the Transmittals log, The log provides an overview of all transmittals in the project. You ca ——— FIG. 4.11: The default sort order for the Transmittals log is by date. “) EXERCISE: Steps Preview a transmittal, epon 1. Click Close, 2. Click return to control center 3. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 4. Click & to expand a folder, Communication. 5. Click Transmittals. 208 ones No ens aon may beeen wn frye al er Sys Lesson 4) Tracking Drawings Print a Transmittal Click on a transmittal date to view the transmittal details. You can also print the transmittals listed in the Transmitials tog Fig. 412: The document linked — tothe transmittal. | ee ERR in shsa ours haues ona + anachmente Z eden “EXERCISE: Open2 Ste transmittal document, Ps: 1._ In the Transmittal log, click a transmittal for Jan Shaay with today’s date. (You may need to click Mext>> at the bottom of the screen to scroll through pages to find the Shady entry) 2. Review the details of the transmittal © se At eseved Ho are pean may be nce mtn an fem Pont Sy en at “8 exercise: review the trarsmittat for the revised orawing, Enlarged Area Alans & Detaits Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Viewing the Results Use the Advanced Print command to preview a transmittal form | Steps [ACME General Contractors TRANSMITTAL fm: Sots No. 00076 npn PA 100 nase PROJECT: Schoo! Addoo-Autemctet Caer DATE: $06 [tO Baton Pact & Paper REF DrnwmgRensoo 1234 LageasterAvemse messed PA T9005 | Lraue | FIG 4.13: The printed transmittal 1. In the Select an Action drop-down list, click Advanced Print. 2. Click Go. 3. Select a report, Transmittal - CASCADING (ftr_02). 4. Click Preview. 8. Click Close, 6. Click return to control center Lesson 4 Tracking Drawings Drawing Sets You can organize drawings in sets for easier distribution, review, and record keeping. Drawing sets can correspond to phases such as schematic, issued for bid, and issued for construction. You can the access a project’s Drawing Sets lag in the Logs folder in the Project View. “A EXERCISE: View Steps the Drawing Sets fog. 1. In the Project View, verify the DEMO project is selected. 2. In the Logs folder, click Drawing Sets. © 2008 es ern opr thon oy beeper ate par Paves Sys 83 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Creating a New Drawing Set Use drawing sets to track when a project participant receives revised drawings. Create a drawing set for the following scenario: Philadelphia County made ‘comments that the building perimeter needs 10 feet of clearance from the building, and the utilities need to be moved 5 feet away from the foundation, ‘The revised drawings need to be distributed to the appropriate subcontractors. ———— Aone | CE the owing ace > Schedule ‘anata ‘snalaone | | A EMERCISE: Adds §| ‘new drawing set. eps 1. Click Add Document to add a new drawing set. 2. Inthe Name field, type 3. Inthe Titlefield, type . 4. In the Date field, click EI and select a date, Sep 6 2006 84 ©2006 A gus eserves pun may Bap oA mo er Men prin Pome Sy Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Adding Drawings to the Drawing Set In the Drawings in This Set section you can add multiple drawings to the set. The Record command opens the Record Drawings sereen, where you can select drawings, make revisions, and add them to the drawing set. The Select command allows you to select an existing drawing. However, unlike the Record command, you cannot make revisions to the selected drawings. that begins with that letter. peer | ABC OREGHIIKLMNOPORSTUVWEZ ore | ors (Ste Unites Remove an) | sos Gre unites Fan} f= (Ste Utittes Oetais) | os (Gxostng SteyRemoval Man} ° (Site Layout Fan} J (Site Graang Fen} Pe (Ste Storm Oras) (Enlarged area A Pian & Detats) (Stoan Dean Feats) Selecied Deowinas a 603 {Site Utines Borate) C05 (Site Layout tan) C06 (Ste Grating Pin) ~) EXERCISE 46° Steps rowing tothe rowing set 1. Click Recordin the Drawings in This Set section. 2. Click Select. 3. Click Yes. 4. Select the following drawings: €-03 (Site Utilities Details) €-05 (Site Layout Plan) C-06 (Site Grading Plan) 5. Click Save. © 0s A pts reser Ho part pcan mayb eteen wiht r sitr pms Farnese he 85 FIG. 4.17; Mark the ‘checkbox to indicate the drawing is anew 6 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Adding Drawings to the Drawing Set (continued) ‘Once the drawings have been selected, you can revise the drawing information in the Record Drawings screen. Somer Record Dring: as eso ; ee | ere mamta 2 SIRT Feeomrive Goria a oe meen ape gr a earn Me ete Els 6. Mark the New Revision checkbox for each drawing, 7. Inthe New Revision field, type <2.0> for each drawing. 8. Inthe Revision Title field, type for each drawing 9. In the New Revision field, click EE and select a date, Sep 6 2006, for each drawing, 10. Click Save. 12005 Aa naps eid pat of pater my 9 den me ft ween perms ot Perera Ste Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Distributing the Drawing Set Distributing drawings in the set allows project participants to receive the latest drawing revision. In the Distributed To section in the Drawing Set document window, the Copy From Drawings command enables Primavera to combine the distribution list from each drawing in the drawing set. 2 The Copy From The Addcommand enables you to assign contacts to the distribution list for the Drawing commana s ‘enabled onty wnen you fawing set Serene In the following exercise, due to Philadelphia County's requirements, Steve Johnson needs to notify the subcontractors about the revised drawings. e emt Rewsea brounat ter Canty Sep 200 ‘Peisenten te SusCasnaien 28 sina) Deer se) Diaiaeny etree) ORE Stern) ~B EXERCISE: Seed Steps the people for the Staning distribution iss 1, In the Distributed To section, click Ade. 2. In the Add Distributions window, click Select. © 206 A ae reseed ap of pcan my hice men wen perms ears Syste a7 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Distributing the Drawing Set (continued) 3. Select the people to receive this drawing set Adams Masonry (Greg Fox) Baines Steel (Helen Prugh) Moore Paving (John Kelly) Standard Paving, Inc. (Jim Wesley) Stesson Industrials (Michael Austin) Structure Inc. (Samual Adamson) Tri-State Steel (James Taylor) 4. Click Save. 8. In the Sent Date field, click EE and select a date, Sep 6 2006 6. Click Save. 7. Inthe Drawing Set document window, click Save. Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Lesson Review The Drawings module enables you to keep a record of the project's drawings. You can create group drawings that share a common interest using in a drawing set 1. The maximum number of revisions per drawing is: al b.7 . 100 d. Unlimited 2. True or False: Generating drawings allows the information from one drawing to be copied to other drawings as they are being created 205 A pt rere Na pt i pbton ay Se egies min ha wien pms Penves Sten Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Workshop: Create and Distribute Contract Drawings Background ‘Action will use Drawings to create and distribute their Approved for Construction Civil drawings. They will use a distribution list to make sure all subcontractors receive these drawings Objective Open the RUNWAY project. 2. In the Logs folder, select Drawings. 3. Add a new drawing Drawing Number: Title: Designer: Mary Blake (Design Solutions Limited) Issued Date: Jun 20. 2006 Phase: Approved for Construction Progress: <100> 4. Enter a Drawing Revision: Revision Number: <001> Revision Date: Jun 20, 2006 Title: Received Date: Jun 20, 2006 5. Distribute this drawing to every member of the Subcontractors distribution list created in Lesson 3's workshop. 6. Save the drawing. 7. Click Generate Documentto create four additional drawings. Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings Workshop: Create and Distribute Contract Drawings (continued) ‘8. Open the drawing that corresponds with the drawing number listed below and modify the Title as indicated in the table below: ‘Site Utiities Pan Cos Ze Site Utlties Detail Plan 4 co Site Layout Pian C05 Site Grading Plan Note: Open each drawing from the Drawings tog 9. Open the Drawing Sets log 10. Add a new drawing set: Name: Title: Phase: /ssued for Construction Date: Jun 27, 2006 Progress: <100> 11. Use the Record function to update drawings C-02, C-04, and C-05to reflect the new drawing revision 0020n Jun 27, 2006: a. Click Recordin the Drawings in This Set section. 'b. Click Select and choose the drawings, C-02, C-04, and C-05. ¢. Mark the New Revision checkbox for each drawing. . Type a New Revision number for each drawing <002> €. Modify the Revision Title for each drawing f. Select the New Revision date, Jun 27, 2006. g. Click Save. © 20 ngs esd Na prt bc aton may be proce hn ar sien pemsben cf Pre Sarr 1 2 Lesson 4: Tracking Drawings emuiss ‘sued fer Constucton hun27. 2006 sone selected> * Nor 'ssued for Construction © 206 ante ese Ne rt i puteaon mayb edad when we pom of Pave yea LESSON 5 Communicating Project Information Objectives This lesson explains how to record project events through letters, meeting minutes and daily reports. At the completion of this lesson, you will be able to: v Coad Create letter templates Add letters Document a telephone record Enter a request for information Record an answer to a request for information 4 Lesson 5: Communicating Project Information Letters The Letters module provides a central location to store letters and letter templates that you use for project communication. Primavera uses Microsoft Word to create letters and letter templates, such as standard corporate letter templates, and fax cover sheets. The familiarity of Microsoft Word allows for ‘easy document formatting Lesson 5: Communicating Project Information Class Case Scenario Steve Johnson needs to create a fax cover sheet for everyone in ACME General Contractors. He will use the Letters module to create the fax cover letter. 95 Group or Project evel. “EXERCISE: Define 2 new letor template, Lesson 5: Communicating Project Information Defining a Letter Template Letter templates enable you to create the form of a letter and then use merge fields to import letter-specific content. A merge field is a placeholder for specific data types, such as address or job title Use the Define Letter Templates window to create a new letter template. In the Leve/field, specify whether to store the template at the Group or Project level. At the group level, all projects can access the letter template. At the project evel, the template will only be available in the project it was created. When the template is saved, Primavera launches Microsoft Word and creates the letter template. In the following exercise, Steve Johnson will create a letter template to ensure that everyone uses the same cover letter for all faxes. Deine Loker Templates Steps 1. In the Project View, select a project, DEMO. 2. Expand the Communication folder. 3. Click £etters to open the Letters log 4. Click Define Templates. 5. Click Add'to create a letter template. 6. In the Zemplate Name field, type 7. In the Leve/ drop-down list, confirm Group is selected. 8. Click Save and Create Letter Template. Lesson 5: Communicating Project Information Creating the Letter Template The most commonly used functions in Microsoft Word, such as making text boldface or adding a company logo, are available when creating letter templates in Primavera. In Microsoft Word, the /nsert Merge Field command enables you to pick the merge fields to include in the template, from a drop-down list. The merge fields are indicated by <<>> in the letter template. Sepums hiss neste ser “8 EXERCISE: Insert the merge kts nto the letter tempiate in 1. At the top of the MS Word document, type . Use MS Mezosoh Word Word commands to center this text on the page. 2. Click 3] to open the Insert Merge Field dialog box 3. Select merge fields in the Insert Merge Field dialog box as indicated in FIG 5.2 above. Use Word commands to align text on the page. Note that you must click /nsert in the Insert Merge Field dialog after each selection. 4. Close the Insert Merge Field dialog box 5. In the File menu, click Save, and then close MS Word. 6. Close the Define Letters Template dialog box. © 208 Ags neve Nap ol s pukan aySarepreend wd tenerife Sym he 7

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