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8th Grammar Assignment

1. Conjunction
2. Punctuation [commas and semi colon]
EXERCISE 1. Fill in the blanks with Subordinatiing Conjunction
[when, as if, while, although, even though, even if, when, while, as, as soon as, before, after, since,
until, because, as since, in case, so that, in order that, if, unless, as, than ]
1. I went to bed early in order to [ so as to] be able to catch the train.
2. Speak clearly so that [ in order that] the audience can hear you.
3. Well have to wait some hours so that [ in order that] the paint has time to dry.
4. I sometimes write telephone numbers on my hand so as to [ in order to] remind myself of them.
5. Susie always folds her clothes neatly so that [ in order that] they dont crease.
6. You should eat this fruit soon so that [ in order that] it doesnt go bad.
7. Eat plenty of fresh fruits soon so as to [ in order to] stay strong and healthy.
8. You can record the song on tape so as to [ in order to] remember them better.
9. Stand in a line so that [ in order that] I can count you.
10. Please move up so as to [ in order to] make more room.
11. The bird will fly away if you leave the cage open.
12. I returned home after he had gone.
13. I shall wait while you get ready.
14. We shall start as soon as you are ready.
15. I hurried because I was late.
16. Since you wish it, it shall be done.
17. As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.
18. We eat that we may live.
19. He took medicine so that he might get well.
20. He was so tired that he could scarcely stand.
21. Rama will go if Hari goes.
22. You cannot be pardoned unless you confess.
23. I will not see him, though he is anxious to meet me.
24. He is as clever as Govind.
25. Men will reap as they so.
26. He is richer than I am.
27. The shirt got burnt as the iron was a little too hot.
28. They advertised on television so that they could improve their sales.
29. Take an umbrella lest you should be caught in rain.
30. He wanted a job so that he could support his parents.
31. Although it is an old car, it doesnt need much repair.
32. The teacher didnt give me full marks even though there was no mistake in my answer.
33. I wont accept this job even if they offered double the salary.
34. Although he was my childhood friend, he deceived me.
35. The driver lost control when he was taking a right turn.
36. A sincere person creates goodwill wherever he goes.
37. As soon as I pressed the button, the water gushed out of the tap.
Exercise -2 : Fill in the blanks with Subordinating Conjunctions given in the bracket.
1. She found her purse ______ she had kept. (when, where, although)

2. He painted _____ a fine picture _____ everyone admired it. (so that, such---that, no sooner--than)
3. _____ you apologize, I wont pardon you. (If, Unless, As soon as)
4. Make hay ______ the sun shines. (when, while, than)
5. I assured her ______ I would help her. (that, if, till)
6. He talks ____ he were a prince. (though, when, as if)
7. Walk slowly ____ you should fall down. (until, wherever, lest)
8. ______ you are old, nobody will serve you. (whether, when, although)
9. ______ it rains, I shall go to school. (Because, since, even if)
10. I like your brother more _____ I like you. (as, than , so that)
11. God helps those ____ help themselves. (which, who, if)
12. I will go with you ____ you desire it. (since, while, till)
13. The doctor came _____ the patient had died. (before, after, until)
14. ____ she did not work hard, she failed.( As, Although, If)
15. She takes regular exercise ______ she may remain healthy. (unless, since, so that)
16. Do not keep dinner waiting for us ___ we are late. (when, if, till)
17. You must reach here ______ you wish or not. (whether, even if, so that)
18. I work hard in Maths _________ I may become an engineer in future. (because, in order that,
19. Here is the laptop _____ my uncle has brought for me.(which, who, why)
20. ______ he is hardworking, he fails to get good marks. (Unless, Although, As)
21. Rohan worked ___ hard _____ he lost his health. (so that, suchthat, in order that)
22. Those ____ live in glass houses should not throw stones on others. (who, which, that)
23. He was put in trouble ______ he ignored the advice of his parents. (Even though, because, while)
24. _____ the weather improves, the match will be cancelled. (If, Although, Unless
Exercise : 3 : Fill in the blanks with correct Coordinating conjunctions given in the bracket.
1. I ran fast ___ I missed the train. (yet, so, for)
2. He fled, ____ he was afraid. (for, so, therefore)
3. He began late ____ he finished first. (unless, otherwise, yet)
4. The night is dark ____ take a lamp. (so, else, still)
5. I do it _____ I choose to. (for, else, however)
6. Richard is slow _____ sure. (or, and , but)
7. He was industrious _____ I encouraged him.(for, yet, so)
8. He is very rich _____ he is not happy. (still, for, as well as)
9. He is witty _____ vulgar. (and, or, but)
10. He lost his balance ______ fell off the bicycle. (but, and, or)
11. Water ____ oil will not mix. (or, but, and)
12. Virtue ennobles, ____ vice degrades. (but, so or)
13. Give me ____ poverty _____ riches. (Either---or, neithernor, not only---but also)
14. I am well, ____ I do not feel very strong. (and, otherwise, however)
15. I believe him ____ he is truthful. (so, for, but)
16. His plans ____ vast, were never visionary. (therefore, as well as, however)
17. She was afraid of being late _____ she ran to the bus stop. (therefore, for, nevertheless)
18. _____ Harry ____ Larry passed the exam. (Neither --- nor, so---that, Either ----or)
19. Man proposes ____ God disposes. (so, and, but)
20. The train was derailed _______ nobody was hurt. (still, otherwise, for)
21. The kind man _______ gave food to the beggar _____ offered him some money. (in order---that,
Either----or, not only --- but also)
22. We can travel by land ___ water. (but, so, or)
23. Pay the bill at the earliest ______ your electricity will be disconnected. (for, otherwise, till)

24. ______ a borrower , ____ a lender be. (Either---or, Neither---nor, Not only---but also)
25. Walk quickly, _____ you will not overtake him. (so, yet, else)
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with coordinating conjunction
1. Miss Lee is kind _but _ quite firm with her pupils.
2. The sea looked calm _and- flat.
3. In England, we visited a lot of castles and palaces.
4. We didnt see many factories or offices.
5. Would you like n ice cream or an ice-lolly?
6. George works fast but very accurately.
7. Is this lift going up or down?
8. The game was very strenuous but good fun.
9. Im making a cake and sandwiches for tea.
10. Im not sure whether to go right or left.
11. The dancer was rather fat but quite graceful.
12. What does he look like? Is he dark or fair?
13. The cage was open and the bird flew away.
14. He called me and I answered.
15. He was both tired and angry.
16. He is slow but sure.
17. She must weep or she will die.
18. She went into the room and switched on the light.
Exercise. 5. Join the sentenses with the help of conjunctions given in the bracket.
1 The weather was fine. The sea was calm.[and]
The weather was fine and the sea was calm.
2 He rang the bell. No one came.[but]
He rang the bell but no one came.
3 Shut the door. The dog will enter.[or]
Shut the door or the dog will enter.
4 He worked hard. He did not succeed.[yet]
He worked hard yet he did not succeed.
5 He is poor. He is happy.[yet]
He is poor yet happy.
6 I went to the book shop. I bought this book.[and]
I went to the book shop and bought this book.
7 Our tongue helps us to talk. Our tongue helps us to taste.[and]
Our tongue helps us to talk and to taste.
8 We ran all the way. We are still late to school.[but]
We ran all the way but are still late to school.
9 I tried my best. I failed. [yet]
I tried my best yet I failed.
10 I was going to write. I lost your address.[but]

I was going to write but I lost your address.

11 Do you want tea? Do you want coffee?[or]
Do you want tea or coffee?
12 Work hard. You will fail.[otherwise]
Work hard otherwise you will fail.
13 Work hard. You will fail.[otherwise]
Work hard otherwise you will fail.
14 I had a headache. I went to bed. [so]
I had a headache so I went to bed.
15 The meal did not cost us much. The meal was not very good.[nor]
The meal did not cost us much nor was very good.[nor]
16 We arrived. It was raining at that time.[when]
When we arrived, it was raining at that time.
17 I will give him your message. I see him.[whenever]
I will give him your message whenever I see him.
18 The farmers had harvested the crop. The rain set in. [and]
The farmers had harvested the crop and the rain set in.
19 They reached the theatre. The show had begun.[after]
They reached the theatre after the show had begun.
20 My friend asked me to wait. He returned. [till]
My friend asked me to wait till he returned.
21 I got the telegram. I left for Delhi. [as soon as]
As soon as I got the telegram, I left for Delhi.
22 He checked the cash book. I took a cup of tea.[while]
He checked the cash book while I took a cup of tea.
23 I came across an old friend. I was walking to the school.[as]
I came across an old friend as I was walking to the school.
24 He found his pen. He had left it in the office. [which]
He found his pen which he had left it in the office.
25 He goes. He wins respect. [wherever]
He wins respect wherever he goes.
26 He was punished. He was found guilty. [because]
He was punished because he was found guilty. [because]
27 I could not go to school. It was raining hard. [since]
I could not go to school since it was raining hard. [since]
28 The ground is wet. We cannot play today.

The ground is wet so we cannot play today.

29 They acted. They had been advised. [as]
They acted as they had been advised.

1. Bobby you didnt tell me you know Japanese.
Ans: Bobby, you didnt tell me you know Japanese.
2. All the rooms in this house are small dark and dingy.
All the rooms in this house are small, dark and dingy.
3. The trains in this route are fast comfortable and punctual.
The trains in this route are fast, comfortable and punctual.
4. Gandhiji was respected by all kinds of people rich and poor young and old high and low.
Gandhiji was respected by all kinds of people, rich and poor , young and old, high and low.
5. I have a friend who was born in States who was educated in England , who has travelled all over
Europe, and who teaches in a school in Australia.
I have a friend who was born in States, who was educated in England, who has travelled all over
Europe and who teaches in a school in Australia.
6. Standing or sitting eating or drinking, sleeping or walking he is always thinking of his past.
Standing or sitting, eating or drinking, sleeping or walking, he is always thinking of his past.
7. I must get a new dress for Shivani a pair of gloves for Vibu, a pair of socks for Anshu and a scarf
for Mukul.
I must get a new dress for Shivani, a pair of gloves for Vibu, a pair of socks for Anshu and a scarf for
8. Akbar the greatest Mughal emperor founded a new religion.
Akbar, the greatest Mughal emperor, founded a new religion.
9. He enjoys tennis badminton skating and football.
He enjoys tennis, badminton, skating and football.
10. We study English Maths Science History and Geography at school.
We study English, Maths, Science, History and Geography at school.
11. I bought two apples three oranges and some grapes.
I bought two apples, three oranges and some grapes.
12. This house has a living room three bedrooms a study a kitchen and three bathrooms
This house has a living room, three bedrooms, a study, a kitchen and three bathrooms.
13. A giraffe is a tall long-necked long-legged animal.
A giraffe is a tall, long-necked, long-legged animal.
14. He is a tall handsome smart and ambitious young man.

He is a tall, handsome, smart and ambitious young man.

15. Can you tell me what time it is please?
Can you tell me what time it is, please?
16. No it has stopped Raining.
No, it has stopped Raining.
17. Goodbye, George.
Goodbye, George.
18. Unfortunately she damaged her knee skiing.
Unfortunately, she damaged her knee skiing.
19. My other cousins Helen and Margaret were unable to come.
My other cousins, Helen and Margaret, were unable to come.
20. The chairman Mr Jim Hard, brought the meeting to an end at 5 pm.
The chairman, Mr Jim Hardy, brought the meeting to an end at 5 pm.
1. Preeti is quiet and hardworking Kanika is noisy and active.
Preeti is quiet and hardworking; Kanika is noisy and active.
2. The machine made a strange noise then it just stopped.
The machine made a strange noise; then it just stopped.
3. You havent returned the earlier loans nevertheless I will not disappoint you.
You havent returned the earlier loans; nevertheless, I will not disappoint you.
4. The family is going on a picnic father carries the rugs mother the food and the children the
rest of the things.
The family is going on a picnic; father carries the rugs; mother, the food; and the children,
the rest of the things.
5. Yesterday I lost my keys I found them today.
Yesterday I lost my keys; I found them today.
6. I have lost my bags I dont know what to do.
I have lost my bags; I dont know what to do.
7. The sky looked threatening I took an umbrella.
The sky looked threatening; I took an umbrella.
8. Dad has gone out he hasnt come home yet,
Dad has gone out; he hasnt come home yet.
9. The villagers were poor they had too little to eat.
The villagers were poor; they had too little to eat.
10. It is nice to get up in the morning it is nice to stay in bed.
It is nice to get up in the morning; it is nice to stay in bed.

11. Mum enjoys sports she is a nice tennis player.

Mum enjoys sports; she is a nice tennis player.
12. I am practising piano everyday my exam is on Sunday.
I am practising piano everyday; my exam is on Sunday.
1. Ghanshyam is a writer Ram an actor Shyam a singer
Ghanshyam is a writer; Ram, an actor and Shyam, a singer.
2. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a brave large hearted man and we all honoured him.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was a brave, large hearted man and we all honour him.
3. We need food water and medicines to survive tables chairs and computers to work on beds
mattresses and pillows to rest here.
We need food, water and medicines to survive; tables, chairs and computers to work ; and beds,
mattresses and pillows to rest here.
4. Bangalore the Silicon Valley of India Ahmedabad the Manchester of India and Mumbai the
financial capital have brought a sizeable amount of foreign exchange.
5. Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India; Ahmedabad, the Manchester of India and Mumbai, the
financial capital; have brought a sizeable amount of foreign exchange.
6. Study harder otherwise you will fail.
Study harder; otherwise you will fail.

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