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FPSC CSS Islamiat Paper 2015

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18 February 2015, 3:05 am

FPSC CSS Islamiat Paper 2015

Explain concept & structure of Muslim Ummah and give suggestions for its revival.
3: What is difernce between Jihad and Fasaad? Discuss the possibility of practical
application of Quranic concept of Jihad in current international scenario.
4: The entire faith in Prophethood is unacceptable without faith in finality of the
Prophethood. Discuss in the light of Quran & Sunnah.
5: Highlight the importance of Zakaat and prove that economic stability of a society can
be ensured through its efective implementation.
6: Write a comprehensive note on the importance of sunnah in interpretation and
7: Argue for supremacy of Wahi as the solution of human problems against other
sources of knowledge.
8: Stability of modern society depends upon a strong family system in the light of
islamic principles. Discuss
9: Give comparison of Islamic Ideology and modern Western thought about the present
trends of individuality.

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