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The Episcopal Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa



Seventh Commencement Exercise & First MA Graduation

On 18 July, thirty two students graduated; one with a Diploma, twenty seven with a Bachelor in Theology
and for the first time, four with a Masters in Biblical Studies from Moore Theological College, Sydney.
We were honoured to have Dr. Atef Mehany, Dean of the Presbyterian Seminary in Egypt, give the keynote
address and also, Bishop Peter Tasker, Archbishop of Sydney's Bishop for International Relations, join us.
Mr. Philip Beshay, the elected representative of the graduating class said, We applied to AST to learn about
theology; however, over the last four years of study, we embraced Christ.
It is very exciting and encouraging to hear how this time has formed the students academically, spiritually
and in mission.

AST Conference, Wadi Natroun, Sept. 24-26

In early September, we held the orientation day for new students enrolled in our undergraduate programs in
Alexandria and Cairo which commenced in the two subsequent weekends respectively. Following this, our
three day residential conference took place during the Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) public holiday in Wadi
Natroun. We accepted over eighty new students between the three campuses in Alexandria, Cairo and now
Menya! We thank the Lord for the good standard and number of new students starting this academic year.

Launch of AST Program in Menya, Upper Egypt, Oct 1-3

In 2009, we had a real sense, as we prayed
together, that the Lord wanted AST to establish a
branch in Upper Egypt. The following year, for the
first time, AST started receiving students from
Menya, a city with a high concentration of
Christians in Upper Egypt. From 2011 to 2014,
however, Egypt was in great turmoil and AST also
had a change of principal and implemented a more
integrated learning approach. Because of this,
nothing happened, other than we continued to have
more and more students from this area in Egypt
and the vision stayed in our hearts!

Last year, a couple who are AST students and live in Menya built rooms to take 60 people, on the land they
bought beside the north-south desert highway close to Menya, for discipleship training and prayer retreats.
In March, they took the step of faith to extend the meeting hall and invited AST to begin teaching there!
Following acceptance of the proposal by the AST Board and Diocesan Synod for an initial one year
programme of courses taught intensively, AST enrolled 27 students from cities in Upper Egypt and
launched the programme in early October with a 16 hour course on Systematic Theology. They selected
Upper Egyptian AST graduates to assist with the academic administration.

Opening of AST affiliated college in the Horn of Africa

The Diocese has opened
St. Frumentius Theological
Ethiopia where there are
80 Anglican congregations
served by 16 priests!
The college will provide
training for the current
leadership, and will train
new lay and ordained
growing church in this
Rev. Jeremiah, one of the
Gambella clergy and AST
BTh graduate, is a faculty
member at St. Frumentius

Launch of AST
M.Div. in Pastoral
Studies Program
This December, in cooperation with Wycliffe
College (Toronto) and Trinity School for
Ministry (Pennsylvania), AST is launching a
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Studies
Program which will comprise of eight
courses studied over a two-four year period
for the primary purpose of preparing welltrained pastoral leaders. The Program will
be taught in English and to those with a
Bachelor in Theology.

Praise & Prayer

Give thanks for the good standard and
number of students enrolled on the BTh
program this academic year. Pray for their
academic, spiritual and missional formation.
Give thanks for the students enrolled on
the M.Div. Program. Pray for the successful
launch of this in December in cooperation
with Wycliffe College, Toronto.
Give thanks for the launch of the AST
Program in Upper Egypt. Pray for the faculty,
students and alumni participating in this.
Give thanks for the opening of St.
Frumentius Anglican Theological College.
Pray for the full and part time students and
faculty and its dedication on November 24.
Give thanks for the funds raised to buy-out
the tenant in the flat in Alexandria. Pray for
funding needed for the extensive renovation
for this Space to Learn.
Give thanks for MEATE (Middle East
Accreditation for Theological Education).
Pray for the meeting in Turkey in early
Give thanks for the AST Alumni. Pray for
the celebration in mid-November at All
Saints Cathedral, Cairo with AST students,
faculty and staff.

AST Family Facilities

Space to Learn Project

St. Marks Pro-Cathedral, situated in the heart of

Alexandria, Egypts second largest city, has been the
home of the AST Alexandria campus since its inception in
In 2008, as AST approached its fourth intake year of
students, it was in desperate need for more classroom
and office space. This immediate and pressing need was
met by the church re-gaining possession of a small two
level flat owned by the church.
Since then, we have been praying that the other flats in
this building would be returned to the St. Marks. Last
year, St. Marks was able to raise the funds to buy out
the tenant in a 700 m2 flat on the second floor which will
provide AST with the space for the facilities it needs. This
flat is a real answer to prayer, but it requires extensive
renovation to make it useable. Please consider giving
towards this project.

Over 150 AST Alumni!

students studying on
have now graduated!
On 13 November, we
celebration with AST
faculty and staff at
All Saints Cathedral,

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