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The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies

Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor

Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor
Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee,
Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston,
Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi


Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Honoring the humanitarian and philanthropist Michael Currier (1961-1998) whose donation of fifteen thousand dollars in
1986 allowed the UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies to purchase an Apple computer and thereby made possible the entry of the original form of this Dictionary in a database. It was
then printed and eventually made available free-of-charge
on the web. This seminal gift has since spawned numerous
publications and the flourishing of our translation projects.

Website for UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies (Union of the Modern and the Ancient: gsar rnying
zung `jug khang): UMA stands for "Union of the Modern and the Ancient" and
means "Middle Way" in Tibetan. UMA is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies

Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Jeffrey Hopkins, Editor

Paul Hackett, Contributor and Technical Editor
Contributors: Nathaniel Garson, William Magee,
Andres Montano, John Powers, Craig Preston,
Joe Wilson, Jongbok Yi

UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies

Education in Compassion and Wisdom

UMA Great Books Translation Project
Supported by generous grants from the
ING Foundation and Yeshe Khorlo Foundation
and gifts from individual sponsors
Hsu Shu-Hsun; Chou Mei-Dai;
Chien Jin-Hong; Pu Chih-Pin;
Daniel E. Perdue
Translating texts from the heritage of Tibetan and Inner Asian Buddhist systems. The project focuses on Great Indian Books and Tibetan commentaries from the Go-mang College syllabus as
well as a related theme on the fundamental innate mind of clear light in Tantric traditions. A
feature of the Project is the usage of consistent vocabulary and format throughout the translations.
Publications available online without cost under a Creative Commons License with the understanding that downloaded material must be distributed for free: UMA
stands for Union of the Modern and the Ancient (gsar rnying zung jug khang). The UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies
7330 Harris Mountain Lane
Dyke, VA 22935-1008
Version: June, 2015
Library of Congress Control Number:
Hopkins, Jeffrey, 1940-.
The uma institute for tibetan studies dictionary: tibetan-sanskrit-english / by Jeffrey Hopkins.

1. Hopkins, Jeffrey, 1940-. 2. Dictionary of Tibetan religious and philosophical terminology.
I. Title.

The Dictionary basically reflects the experience of a number of translators associated
with the UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies and the University of Virginia who
worked with Jeffrey Hopkins. The translation equivalents in boldface type arose
from group interaction over five decades in the process of translation. Thus the Dictionary arose from the process of translation rather than an attempt to include as
many words as possible from the Tibetan language.
The compilation of terms was started by Joe B. Wilson on index cards which
were Xeroxed in groups onto pages, but shifted to an early Apple computer which
allowed the collection to be entered into a database with fields for the entry, Sanskrit,
tenses including verbal elements in nouns and adjectives, the approved English, examples, definition, divisions, and comments. John C. Powers added translation
equivalents and Sanskrit from the works of Edward Conze and others, and Paul
Hackett added almost 2,000 entries; these appear in regular type and are marked with
their source, the key for which is given below. Jongbok Yi added 1,300 entries with
English in bold type from the translation of Jam-yang-shay-pas Seventy Topics by
Hopkins and Yi.
The dictionary is a work in progress. Please bear with inconsistencies of form
and inform us of mistakes.
Paul Jeffrey Hopkins
President, UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies
Emeritus Professor of Tibetan Studies,
University of Virginia

B-7: {standing for bsdus grwa Part 1} Pur-bu-jog (phur bu lcog byams pa rgya
mtsho). Explanation of the Lesser Path of Reasoning (rigs lam chung ngu'i
rnam par bshad pa), Chapter Two on Established Bases, debate 7.

{standing for Pal-jor-lhn-drub} Pal-jor-lhun-drub (dpal 'byor lhun grub).

legs bshad snying po'i dka' 'grel bstan pa'i sgron me. Buxaduor: Sera Monastery, 1968.

BR: {standing for blo bzang rgya mtsho blo rig} Lo-sang-gya-tsho (blo bzang
rgya mtsho; 1928-1997). Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge (blo rig).

{standing for Conze} Edward Conze. Materials for a Dictionary of the

Prajpramit Literature. Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1967.

col.: colloquial.

{standing for bsdus grwa Part 1} Pur-bu-jog (phur bu lcog byams pa rgya
mtsho). Explanation of the Lesser Path of Reasoning (rigs lam chung ngu'i
rnam par bshad pa), Chapter Four on opposite-from-being-something and opposite-from-not-being-something, debate 1.


{standing for bsdus grwa Part 1} Pur-bu-jog (phur bu lcog byams pa rgya
mtsho). Explanation of the Lesser Path of Reasoning (rigs lam chung ngu'i
rnam par bshad pa), Chapter Four on Opposite-from-Being-Something and
Opposite-from-Not-Being-Something, debate 1.

DASI: {standing for Decisive Analysis of Special Insight} Lo-sang-dor-je (blo

bzang rdo rje). Ship for Entering into the Ocean of Textual Systems: Decisive
Analysis of (Tsong-kha-pas) Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.
DG: David Germano. Poetic Thought, the Intelligent Universe, and the Mystery of
Self: the Tantric Synthesis of rDzogs Chen in Fourteenth Century Tibet. Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1992.
Gan-dan-tri-pa: Oral commentary of Gan-dan-tri-pa Jam-pal-shan-pan.
GCT: {standing for Go-mang Collected Topics} Ngag-wang-tra-shi (ngag dbang
bkra shis). Collected Topics by a Spiritual Son of Jam-yang-shay-pa (sgo
mang sras bsdus grwa).
GD: Georges Dreyfus. Ontology, Philosophy of Language, and Epistemology in

Buddhist Tradition. Ph.D. dissertation. Religious Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1991.
Jang: Jang-kya (lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje). Clear Exposition of the Presentations
of Tenets: Beautiful Ornament for the Meru of the Subduers Teaching (grub
mthai rnam bzhag / grub pai mthai rnam par bzhag pa gsal bar bshad pa
thub bstan lhun poi mdzes rgyan). Varanasi, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Printing Press, 1970.
Kn-chog: Kn-chog-jig-may-wang-po (dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po). Precious
Garland of Tenets (grub mtha' rin chen phreng ba).

Khetsun Sangpo, Biographical Dictionary of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.

(LTWA: Dharamsala, H.P.)


tienne Lamotte. Sadhinirmocanastra: LExplication des mystres. Louvain: Universit de Louvain, 1935.

LAK: {standing for Lo-sel-ling Awareness and Knowledge} Jam-pal-sam-pel

('jam dpal bsam phel). Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge (blo rig gi
rnam bzhag).
Lati: Lati Jang-chub-tshul-trim oral commentary.
LCh: Lokesh Chandra. Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary. New Delhi, 1987.
LG: Lo-sang-gya-tsho (blo bzang rgya mtsho). Compendium of the Important
Points in the Presentation of Types of Awarenesses, [An Internal Division of]
the Greater Path of Reasoning.

{standing for lam rim} Jeffrey Hopkins. Glossary for gsung rab kun gyi
snying po lam gyi gtso bo rnam pa gsum kyi khrid yid gzhan phan snying po
by the Fourth Pa-chen Lama, Lo-sang-pal-dan-tan-pay-nyi-ma (blo bzang
dpal ldan bstan pai nyi ma).

LSR: {standing for Lo-sel-ling Signs and Reasonings} Tsl-trim-nam-gyal (tshul

khrims rnam rgyal). Presentation of Signs and Reasonings, Mirror Illuminating All Phenomena (rtags rigs kyi rnam bzhag chos kun gsal bai me long).
In: The First Magic Key Opening a Hundred Doors to the Path of Reasoning
(rigs lam sgo brgya byed pai phrul gyi lde mig dang po). Mundgod, India:
Drepung Loseling Library, 1979.
LWT: {standing for Lo-sang-kn-chogs Word-Commentary on Tenets} Lo-sangvii

kn-chog (blo bzang dkon mchog; 1742/1743-1803/1804). Word-Commentary on the Root Text of (Jam-yang-shay-pas) Tenets: Clear Crystal Mirror (grub mtha rtsa bai tshig ik shel dkar me long). In Three Commentaries
on the grub mtha rtsa ba gdong ngai sgra dbyas of jam dbyangs-badpai-rdo-rje ngag-dbang-brtson-grus. Delhi: Chophel Legden, 1978.
ME: {standing for Meditation on Emptiness} Jeffrey Hopkins. Meditation on
Emptiness. London: Wisdom Publications, 1983; rev. ed., Boston, Ma.: Wisdom Publications, 1996.
MGP: {standing for Mantric Grounds and Paths} Ngag-wang-pal-dan (ngag
dbang dpal ldan), also known as Pel-den-ch-jay (dpal ldan chos rje). Commentary on Presentation of the Four Great Secret Tantra Sets: Illuminator of
the Tantric Texts (sngags kyi sa lam/). rgyud smad par khang edition, no other
MSA: {standing for Mahaynastrlakra} Gadjin Nagao. Index to the Mahaynastrlakra. Tokyo: Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkvo-kai, 1958.
MSI: {standing for Medium-length Special Insight} Tsong-kha-pa. MediumLength Exposition of Special Insight in Medium-Length Exposition of the
Stages of the Path to Enlightenment to be Practiced by Beings of the Three
Capacities (skyes bu gsum gyis nyams su blang bai byang chub lam gyi rim
MV: {standing for Madhynta-vibhga} Gadjin Nagao. Index to the Madhyntavibhga. Tokyo: 1961.

{standing for Nakamura} Zuiryu NAKAMURA. Index

Ratnagotravibhga-mahaynottaratantra-stra. Tokyo: 1961.




{standing for Peking edition} Tibetan Tripiaka. Tokyo-Kyoto: Tibetan Tripiaka Research Foundation, 1955-1962.

PGP: {standing for Prsagika Grounds and Paths} Lo-sang-ta-yang (blo bzang
rta dbyangs, also known as blo bzang rta mgrin). Brief Expression of the
Presentation of the Grounds and Paths of the Three Vehicles According to the
System of the Perfection Vehicle, Essence of the Ocean of Profound Meaning
(phar phyin theg pai lugs kyi theg pa gsum gyi sa dang lam gyi rnam bzhag
pa mdo tsam du brjod pa zab don rgya mtshoi snying po). The Collected
Works of Rje-Btsun Blo-Bzang-Rta-Mgrin, vol. 4, 65-190. New Delhi: Guru

Deva, 1975.

Paul Hackett.


{standing for prasannapad} Chandrakrti. Clear Words: Commentary on

(Ngrjunas) Treatise on the Middle. Sanskrit: Louis de La Valle Poussin. Mlamadhyamakakriks de Ngrjuna avec la Prasannapad commentaire de Candrakrti. Bibliotheca Buddhica 4. Osnabrck, Germany: Biblio
Verlag, 1970. Also, J.W. de Jong. Text-critical Notes on the Prasannapad.
Indo-Iranian Journal 20, nos. 1/2 (1978): 25-59 and nos. 3/4 (1978): 217-252.
Also, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and French translation of the Madhyamakastrastuti
that concludes Clear Words: J.W. de Jong. La Madhyamakastrastuti de
Candrakrti. Oriens Extremus 9 (1962): 47-56.


{standing for Sadhinirmocana} Sadhinirmocanastra. Tok Palace version, 160 pp. Leh, Ladakh: Shesrig Dpemzod, 1975-1980, vol. ja.

TAK: {standing for Tutors Awareness and Knowledge} Pur-bu-jog (phur bu lcog
byams pa rgya mtsho). Explanation of the Presentation of Objects and ObjectPossessors as well as Awareness and Knowledge [from within] "The Greater
Path of Reasoning" [section] of The Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning,
Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treatises
on Prime Cognition (tshad mai gzhung don byed pai bsdus grvai rnam
bzhag rigs lam phrul gyi sde mig las yul yul can dang blo rig gi rnam par
bshad pa).
TCT: {standing for Tutors Collected Topics} Pur-bu-jog (phur bu lcog byams pa
rgya mtsho). Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treatises on Valid Cognition
(tshad ma'i gzhung don 'byed pa'i bsdus grva'i rnam bzhag rigs lam 'phrul gyi
sde mig/ yongs 'dzin bsdus grwa). Buxa India: n.p., 1965.
TGP: {standing for Tantric Grounds and Paths} Ngag-wang-pal-dan (ngag
dbang dpal ldan), also known as Pal-den-ch-jay (dpal ldan chos rje). Presentation of the Grounds and Paths of the Four Great Secret Tantra Sets: Illumination of the Texts of Tantra (gsang chen rgyud sde bzhii sa lam gyi rnam
bzhag rgyud gzhung gsal byed/ sngags kyi sa lam). rgyud smad par khang
edition, no other data.
TK: {standing for Tsong-kha-pa} Tsong-kha-pa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags

pa). drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par phye ba'i bstan bcos legs bshad
snying po. Sarnath: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1979.
TN: {standing for trisvabhvanirdea} Vasubandhu. Trisvabhvanirdea.
VM: {standing for Vajra Maala} Bu-tn Rin-chen-drub (bu ston rin chen
grub). The Practice of "The Rite of the Vajra-Element Maala: The Source
of All Vajras": A Precious Enhancer of Thought (rdo rje dbyings kyi dkyil
'khor gyi cho ga rdo rje thams cad 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i lag len rin chen
bsam 'phel), in Collected Works, Part 12 na. Lhasa: Zhol Printing House,

{standing for Yamaguchi} Susumu Yamaguchi. Index to the Prasannapad

Madhyamakavtti. Kyoto: Heirakuji-Shoten, 1974.

YT: Ye-shay-thub-tan (ye shes thub bstan) oral commentary.

The Uma Institute for Tibetan Studies

Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary


ka {PH}[verbal suffix meaning about to]

ka khor ba [beginning of alphabet-

Sanskrit kya]

k la tsa kra klacakra Klacakra

cycle]; beginningless cyclic existence; cycling

from the beginning; cycling from the first letter
of the alphabet, ka

[transliteration of the Sanskrit]; Wheel of Time

kan rtsa

ka cog zhang

kai nye bai nyon mongs pa

{PH}the three Ka-wa

[Pel-tsek (ka ba dpal brtsegs)]; Jok-ro [L-gyal-tsen
(cog ro klui rgyal mtshan)]; and Zhang [Na-nam
Ye-she-de (zhang sna nam ye shes sde)]

{L}upaklea secondary afflictive emotions

kara pa {PH}the people of Kara

kar sa pa na krapaa krapaa

ka dag {PH}primordially pure

ka nas dag pa; ka dag


kas gdugs {C}chattra

[beginning-pure]; essential purity; pure from the

beginning; pure from ka, the first letter of the

kun {C,MSA}sarva; {MSA}akhila; {MSA}

ktsna; {MSA}samagra; {TN}mtra all; complete;

entire; whole; total; entirety; thorough
sems can kun all sentient beings

mtshan nyid/ gdung degs don byed nus pa Def.: That

kun dkris paryavasthna thorough

which can perform the function of supporting a


ka bum gnyis the twopillar and pot


kun dkris; dkun

{PH}pillar and pot, the two

ka bum gnyis chos
can/ yin pa mi srid pai shes bya yin par thal/ It
follows that the subject, the two, a pillar and a pot,
is an object of knowledge the being of which does
not occur.

nas dkris pa na dkri dkra

dkris dkris {LCh}paryavasthna thorough
entanglement; entanglement

kun khyab mun pa

ka bum gnyis chos

ka ma la sh la kamalala

kun mkhyen kun gzigs



all-knowing and all-seeing


kun mkhyen nyid

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend sarva-

three [core Sanskrit grammarians;] Klpa

(arvavarman); Candragomin; and Anubhti

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {LCh,C}

sarvaj; {C}sarvajat; {C}sarvajatva;
sarvkrajna omniscient; all-knowing;
omniscient one; all-knowing one; omniscience;
omniscient consciousness {C}(state of) allknowledge kun mkhyen phags
pa od the omniscient Pak-b#a-

can/ yin pa mi srid pai shes bya yin par thal/ It

follows that the subject, the duo, a pillar and a pot,
is an object of knowledge the being of which does
not occur.

k ya kya body [transliteration of the


pervading darkness

ka bum; ka ba dang bum pa

kun mkhyen
pillar and pot, pillar-and-pot

ka tsan dbyangs gsum



ka ba pillar; column; pole; post


{PH}pulse [felt with / under the

middle finger]

jatva omniscience; all-knowingness {C}(state


kun groi dbye ba ni/ tshor ba/ du


of) all-knowledge

kun mkhyen bu ram shing pa

shes/ sems pa/ yid la byed/ reg pa/ Div.: feeling

(vedan), discrimination (samj), intention /
attention (cetan), mental engagement (manasikra),
contact (spara).

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend ikvku The Omniscient Sugar-Cane


kun gyi don grub byed

kun gro bdag nyid {MSA}sarva-

/ grub grub grubs/grub

gtmika that which has an omnipresent nature

kun groi rgyu sarvatraga-hetu

grubs (MSA)sarvrtha-siddhi accomplishing/

achieving/establishing the welfare of all

kun gyi dbang phyug

omnipresent cause

kun groi tshul

powerful lord of all [that exists]; powerful lord of
all [samsara and nirva]

{PH}applicable to


kun dga snying po nandagarbha kun gro; kun tu gro ba

{L,MSA}sarvatra-ga omnipresent; all-pervading;

omnipresent factor; omnipresent mental factor


kun dga ra ba rma pleasure

rgyal kun yab gcig

grove {PH}vihra; monastic complex

kun dga ra ba phun

only father of all the Buddhas

kun chub par bya ba {C}paryava-

sum tshogs pa {C}rma-sampad excellent

garden; marvelous garden; perfect garden
{PH}perfect garden {C}gardens

kun dga rwa ba

pnoti understand all; realize all {C}study;


kun chub par byed {C}paryava-

{PH}personal altar

tha na kun dga rwa bai rgyab

pnoti understand all; realize all {C}study;


kun brjod pai cho phrul

log dang; gad snyigs tshud chad kyi nang du zhib

tshol byas; [We] searched carefully even behind
his personal altar, and down to and including in the
rubbish. {GCG} p. 47/27

brjod rjod brjod rjod

{C,MSA}dean-prtihrya {C}miraculous
reading of thoughts

kun dgai sgra {MSA}nanda-abda

kun nyon dang rnam

sound of joy

byang tha dad med pa {PH}a non-difference

of thoroughly afflicted phenomena and purified

kun gro lnga the 5 omnipresent

[mental factors]; the 5 omnipresent [mental]


kun gro lnga dang yul nges lnga / dge ba bcu gcig
rtsa nyon drug nye nyon nyi shu gzhan gyur bzhi/
sems byung nga gcig di dag go Five omnipresent
factors, five determining factors, eleven virtuous
factors, six root afflictive emotions, twenty
secondary afflictive emotions, and four changeable
factors are the fifty-one mental factors.

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


kun nyon mongs rnam par

byang byang byangs

byang byongs {MV}saklea-vyavadna purify
thorough afflictions

kun nyon mongs;

kun nas nyon mongs pa {L}saklea thoroughly

afflicted; afflictive emotion; thorough affliction;


kun tu {MSA}sarvatra; samantatas; samanta

For example, a wandering female ascetic thought I

will go into that house, ... {A4C-C}

kun tu dngang bar gyur

in all ways; everywhere; always; at all times;

in every way; entirely; thoroughly; completely;

wholly; totally {C}in every way

ba dngang dngang
dngangs dngangs {C}satrsam padyante
become thoroughly terrified/fearful/panicked; is
terrified/fearful/panicked {C}is terrified

kun tu skyed par byed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}(sa

kun tu bcom dkar

vdh): savardhayati thoroughly produce;

thoroughly generate; thoroughly engender

poi chos rnams gzhom

joms bcom choms {MSA}samudghtita-ukladharma all-conquering wholesome doctrines/

kun tu skyo ba {MV}savega

thoroughly despondent; thoroughly sad;

thoroughly depressed; pathetic; thoroughly

kun tu skrag

kun tu chad pa dge bai

rtsa ba chad chad chad

chad {MSA}samucchinna-kuala-mla roots of
virtue completely severed/annihilated

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}(sa tras):

satrsayati thoroughly fear; be terrified; be

kun tu bskyed pa

kun tu jug engagement in all

kun tu joms pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {L}samutpda

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}samudghta

production; arising; generation; engendering

kun tu bskyod

thoroughly conquered; thoroughly destroyed;

thoroughly wrecked

bskyod skyod bskyod skyod {MSA}(sa kamp):

sakampayat thoroughly move; completely
cause to go

kun tu khebs par mdzad nas

kheb khebs kheb khebs

{C}sachdya having completely covered

{C}having covered

kun tu khrugs pa

kun tu rtog pa {MSA, MV, C}

parikalpita; {MSA}parikalpana conceptuality;

thorough conceptualization; imputed;
imputational; imaginary; thoroughly [mentally]
constructed; imagined

kun tu rtog pa tsam {MSA}

parikalpa-mtra imputation-only;

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs

{MSA}sakubdha thoroughly disturbed

kun tu rtog pa las byung

rgyu rgyu {C}sadhvati move; wander; go

{C}err about; run together

kun tu rtogs pa

byung byung byung

byung arisen from conceptuality; arisen from
conceptualization; arisen from imputation

kun tu rgyal sajaya {PH}Sajaya

kun tu rgyu ste rgyu rgyu
kun tu rgyu ba

rgyu rgyu

kun tu rgyu mo

{PH}wandering female

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}sakalpa
thorough realization; thoroughly realize

kun tu rtogs par bya ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}

rgyu rgyu {C}parivrjaka wanderer; moving;

wandering {C}wanderer

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

vedhyate is to be thoroughly realized; that

which is to be thoroughly realized

kun tu ston pa


kun tu spyod

bstan ston bstand stond {C}darana; {C}

avadarika; {C}khyna; {MSA}darana; {MSA,
MV}sadarana thoroughly teach; thoroughly
show; thoroughly demonstrate; thoroughly
reveal; thoroughly disclose {C}perceive; show
up [in a mirror]; advise; tale; communication

kun tu bstan pa

spyod spyad spyod {C}paricrayati (kmaguai)

thoroughly enjoy; thoroughly make use of;

thoroughly partake of {C}enjoys the (5) sensepleasures

kun tu spyod pa med pa

asamudcra {C}habitual absence

kun tu spyod pa; kun spyod

thoroughly teach; thoroughly show; thoroughly

demonstrate; thoroughly reveal; thoroughly
disclose {C}show up (in a mirror)

{C, MSA, MV}samudcra; {MSA}samcaraa;

{C}samudcarati enjoyment; usage; behavior;
life-style; partaking {C}ideas; habits; befall;
nurse; credit with; commit to

kun tu dren pa

drang dren drangs drongs/drend {MSA}

kun tu byin

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}samudcarati
issue forth {C}nurse; commit to; befall; use;
credits with

karaa thoroughly lead

kun tu dres pa

/ /
dres/dre dres/dre dres dres

kun tu byung ba; kun

kra thoroughly mixed/conflated/blended

byung byung byung

byung byung {L}samudaya; {MV}samudcra
origination; origin; arising; source

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus sagraha combined;

comprised; combination; summary; thorough
inclusion; thorough withdrawal; assembling;
attraction; comprising; collection; are summed
up in {C}means of conversion

kun tu sbyar

snang snang snang {C}sadyate appears; is
beheld; appear bright; thoroughly illuminate
{C}be equal to(?)

kun tu sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {LCh,MV}sayojana;
{C}sayunakti thoroughly join together; unite;
practice; apply; affix; entanglement; thorough
enwrapment {C}deprivation; loss

kun tu snang ba

snang snang snang snang {C}samanta-avabhso;
{C}samanta-loko thorough illumination {C}
All-round Illumination; Illumination All-round

kun tu sbyor bar byed

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}

kun tu snang bar byas nas

snang snang snang snang {C}

bhya-avabhsya having appeared everywhere;
having illuminated everywhere {C}illuminate
with their lustre

sayojayati thoroughly join together; unite;

practice; apply; affix; entanglement; thorough
enwrapment {C}unite

kun tu mi sbyor bar byed pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}

gzigs dbang po {C} avalokitevara {PH}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sbyor sbyard sbyord {LCh,MV}sayojana; {C}

sayunakti thoroughly join together; unite;
practice; apply; affix; entanglement; thorough
enwrapment {C}deprivation; loss

kun tu snang

kun tu spyan ras

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

bstan ston bstand stond {C}darayati

kun tu sdud pa


visayojayati {C}disunite


kun tu rmongs pai sa bon

Bodhisattva]; thoroughly good; the thoroughly

good [basic reality]

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs

kun tu bzang mo {PH}Samantabhadri

kun tu bzod

samohabja seeds of obscuration

kun tu

rmongs pa; kun rmongs; kun rmongs pa

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs
{MSA,PP}samoha; samha thorough
obscuration; ignorance; delusion

kun tu btsal

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}knti sarvatra

patience/forbearance/tolerance/endurance in all
[situations]; thoroughly patient, etc.

kun tu od samantaprabh Completely


kun tu shes {C}sajta (=sakhyta);

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}paryeama

thoroughly seek/ search/ examine/ analyze/
investigate {C}searching

kun tu tshim pa skye {C}sahara-

jta generate thorough satisfaction {C}thrilled

kun tu dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA,C}graha;

kun tu shes par bya ba {MSA}

kun tu zhum

jum jums zhum zhums {C}avalyate become
thoroughly slack/weak/timid/cowardly {C}
become cowed; be cast down; hide despondently

jey that which is to be thoroughly known/


kun tu shes par byed {C}

sajnti thoroughly know/understand/

comprehend {C}perceive; can cognize; holds to
be true

kun tu song; kun

jum jums zhum zhums {C}lna become

thoroughly slack/weak/timid/cowardly {C}
cling(ing) to; hanging on to

song; kun tu song ba song

song song song {MSA}sarvaga [all-to-go]; allpervasive; omnipresent; go everywhere

kun tu zhum par gyur

jum jums zhum zhums {C}

kun tu gsog

salyate become thoroughly slack/weak/timid/

cowardly {C}become stolid; despond; is cowed

bsag gsog bsags/ gsogs thoroughly accumulate/


rab tu zlum po {GST} parimaala

kun tu gsogs

{PH}completely round; perfectly round

kun tu bzang

kun tu shes pa {C}aj thoroughly

know/understand/comprehend {C}nonknowledge; to know; perceive

{MSA}dhraa thorough grasping; thorough

apprehension {C}acquisitiveness

kun tu zhum pa

jnti; sajnti thoroughly know/understand/

comprehend {C}reckoned as; be called; knows;
cognizes; identifies; perceive; can cognize; holds to
be true

bsag gsog bsags/ gsogs thoroughly


{PH}thoroughly good;

kun tu bsag

thoroughly beneficial

kun tu bzang po Samantabhadra

bsag gsog bsags/ gsogs thoroughly accumulate/


{PH}Samantabhadra [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

kun tu bzang po; kun bzang kun tu bsags

samantabhadra Samantabhadra [p.n. of a

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsag gsog bsags/ gsogs thoroughly

to occur with respect to imputational natures
since they are not truly established


kun tu bsags pa

kun btags pai chos

bsag gsog bsags gsogs {C}acita

/ gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {ME} parikalpita-dharma imputed
phenomenon; imaginary phenomenon

thoroughly accumulated/collected {C}piled up

kun tu bsrung bar byed pa

kun btags pai ma rig pa

bsrung srung bsrungs

srungs {MSA}raka thoroughly protect/guard/
keep/safeguard/maintain/preserve [e.g., vows
and pledges]

/ gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs parikalpitvidy artificial
ignorance; acquired ignorance; imputed
ignorance {N} artificial ignorance

kun gtong

gtong btang thongs {C}satyga give away all
{C}complete renunciation

kun gtong ba

kun btags pai mtshan nyid

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs parikalpita-lakaa
imputational character; imaginary character

gtang gtong btang thongs {MSA}sarvsti-dna

giving away all

kun btags

kun btags pai rang bzhin

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs parikalpitasvabhva
imputational nature; imaginary nature

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{MSA}parikalpita artificial; imputational factor;

imputational; imaginary; thoroughly imputed;
imputed; imagined; acquired; thoroughly
[mentally] constructed; artificial [intellectually
acquired]; imputational [nature]
bden dzin kun btags artificial/ acquired
conception of true existence

kun btags spang bya artificial

object of abandonment

kun btus

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs parikalpitasvabhva
imputational nature; imaginary nature

kun btags kyi mtshan nyid

kun rtogs pa

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs parikalpitalakaa
imputational character; imaginary character

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}vidhyate thoroughly
realize; realize all {C}is pierced(?)


kun rtog; kun tu rtog pa

btags kyi rang bzhin; kun btags kyi ngo bo nyid

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs parikalpitasvabhva
imputational nature; imaginary nature

parikalpa ideation; comprehensive imagination;

comprehensive construction

kun brtags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{MSA, MV, LCh}parikalpita; {LCh}parikalpana;
{C}sakalpita; {MSA}kalpita; {MV}parikp;
parikalpyate imputational [nature]; imputation;

skye don med no sensible way for such a qualm

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

btu thu btus

thu {LCh}samuccaya group; collect; summary;

compendium; [Asagas] Summary [of Manifest
Knowledge] {PH}[Asagas] Compendium [of
Manifest Knowledge] (Abhidharmasamuccaya)
mngon pa kun btus
Abhidharmasamuccaya [Asagas Summary of
Manifest Knowledge] chos kun btus
Dharmasagti [Compendium of Doctrine Stra]

kun btags kyi ngo bo nyid

kun btags bden med yin pas de drai dogs pa

/ gdags dogs

artificial; acquired; imputational factor;

thoroughly [mentally] constructed; imagined;
imaginary; imputed; thoroughly imputed;
imputational {C}represent what is not really

btags/brtags thogs {MSA}parikalpita-svabhva

imputational nature; imaginary nature

kun brtags pai chos

mtshan nyid/ kun brtags

thams cad /
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}sarvadharm parikalpitn all imputational
phenomena; all imaginary phenomena

gzhan dbang yongs grub gsum po gang rung gang zhig

rnam dag gi dmigs pa mthar thug pa min zhing don

kun brtags pai chos med

byed mi nus pa/ Def.: that which is (1) any of the

three: imputational nature, other-powered nature,
or thoroughly established nature and (2) not a final
object of observation of purification and not able to
perform a function

pa / gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}parikalpitadharma-abhva non-existence of imputational
phenomena; non-existence of imputed

dbye ba/ 1 mtshan nyid yongs


kun brtags pai bdag med

su chad pai kun brtags/ 2 rnam grangs pai kun

brtags/ Div.: (1) imputational natures of which
the character is thoroughly nil; (2) enumerated
imputational natures

/ gdags dogs

btags/brtags thogs {MSA}parikalpita tma nsti

non-existence of the imputed self

kun brtags pai mtshan

kun brtags kyi

nyid / gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}parikalpitalakaa imputational character; imaginary

mig ngos dzin skabs occasion of identifying the

imputational eye

kun brtags pa

/ gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

kun brtags pai

parikalpita imputational [nature]; imputation;

artificial; acquired; imputational factor;
thoroughly [mentally] constructed; imagined;
imaginary; imputed; thoroughly imputed;

mtshan nyid kyi gnas /

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs
{L} parikalpitalakaraya foundations of
imputational characters

kun brtags kun brtags pai gzugs

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs parikalpita-rpa
imputational form

pa la sogs pai ngo bo nyid gsum

/ gdags dogs btags/brtags
thogs {MSA}parikalpita-di-svabhva(tri-) the
three naturesimputational and so forth [i.e.,
other-powered and thoroughly established]

kun da kunda kunda [transliteration of

Sanskrit word for jasmine]; jasmine {PH}

kun brtags pai gang

kun du in all ways; [with negative] in any

zag med pa /
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}parikalpitapudgala-abhva non-existence of the imputed

kun brtags pai ngo bo nyid

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


kun dus

/ du

du/dud dus dus [all-assemble]; compendium;



kun dus pa {PH}compendium

kun dri {C}samprana question {C}

byang {PH}thorough affliction and purification

If you assert the mind [to exist] in reference to
thorough affliction and purification, ... {BMH}


kun bsdums pa


bsdum sdum bsdum/bsdums sdums

kun nas nyon mongs pa can; kun nas nyon mongs

can {C,MV}saklia; {MV}saklia(tva) that
which has thoroughly affliction; that which is
thoroughly afflicted {C}afflicted; polluted

putting all together; bring together; make agree;


kun bsdus pa

kun nas nyon

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA} sagraha

summary; compendium

mongs pa rjes su bsrung ba

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}
sakleasynuraka protect/guard/keep/
maintain/preserve/safeguard against thorough

kun nas {C,MSA}samantt; {C}sarvatas

[all-from]; completely; thoroughly; complete; in

every way {C}from every direction; everywhere;
at all times; in every direction

kun nas dkris pa; kun

kun nas nyon mongs

kun nas nyon mongs kyi

dkris dkri dkra dkris

dkris paryavasthna entanglement; thorough

pa bstan pa bstan ston

bstand stond {MSA}saklea-nirdea indicating
thorough affliction

chos thoroughly afflicted phenomena

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par dag pa

ma yin pai don (MV)nisaklea-viuddhy-artha
object/meaning that is neither afflicted nor

kun nas nyon mongs

kyi dmigs pa
dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs saklea-lambana
object of observation of a thorough affliction

kun nas


nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba

byang byangs byang

nas nyon mongs can; kun nas nyon mongs pa can

{MSA}saklia that which has thoroughly
affliction; that which is thoroughly afflicted

byongs {MSA}saklea-vyavadna; {MV}

saklea-viuddhi; {MV}saklia-vyavadna;
{MV}sakleo vyavadnam; {MV}sakleikavaiyavadnika the afflicted and the pure;
afflictions and purifications

kun nas nyon mongs gnyen

po {MSA}saklea-prtipakika antidote to
thorough afflictions

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam

kun nas nyon mongs

par byang ba tha dad par nga rgyal med pa

byang byangs byang byongs
{MSA}saklea-vyavadna-bhede nirma
without the pride/conceit [thinking] that the
afflicted and the purified are different

dang rnam byang {PH}thorough affliction and


kun nas nyon

mongs dang rnam byang gnyis {PH}both the
thoroughly afflicted and the purified

kun nas nyon mongs rnam

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kun nas
nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba dag

byang byangs byang byongs

{MSA}saklea-vyavadna-paka spheres of the

afflicted and the purified; the afflicted and the


kun nas nyon


mongs pa med pai yan lag {MSA}asaklega

unafflicted branch; branch of the unafflicted

nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba mi lta

ba blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}
saklea-vyavadndarana not viewing the
afflicted and the purified

kun nas

nyon mongs pa med par sgrub pai rnam pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
{MSA}nikleatopasahrkra aspect of
achieving non-affliction; aspect of achieving the
absence of afflictions

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par

byang ba yang dag par ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}saklea-

kun nas nyon

mongs pa med par mos pa

mos mos mos mos {MSA}asakledhimoka
belief/interest/zeal in/being keen for the absence
of afflictions

vyavadna-sadeanat teaching the afflicted

and the purified; teaching on afflictions and

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang ba

yongs su tshol ba /
btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}sakleavyavadna-paryei thorough investigation/
examination/research of the afflicted and the

kun nas nyon mongs pa med par yongs su longs

spyod pa spyad spyod spyad
spyod {MSA}asaklia-paribhoga unafflicted
thorough enjoyment; partaking without affliction
{PH}unafflicted thorough enjoyment

kun nas nyon mongs

kun nas nyon mongs pa dang rnam par byang

bai mtshan nyid
byang byangs byang byongs {MSA}sakleavyavadna-lakaa characters of the afflicted
and the purified

pa yang med {MSA}na saklea without


kun nas nyon

mongs pa las ldog pas ldog

ldog ldogs ldogs {MSA}saklen nirvttita
due to turning away from afflictions

kun nas nyon mongs

pa spang bar bya ba spang
spong spangs spongs {MSA}saklea-praha
afflicted objects to be abandoned

kun nas nyon mongs pa

bsal bsal sel bsald seld

{MV}klepaama (=apagama?) eradicate/
remove/clear away/eliminate/avoid/exclude

kun nas nyon mongs pa

spangs pa spang spong
spangs spongs {MSA}saklea-varjita state of
having abandoned afflictions

kun nas nyon mongs pai

kun nas nyon mongs pa

rgyu {MSA}saklea-hetu cause of thorough


ma yin pa {C}asaklea non-affliction {C}

without affliction; non-affliction

kun nas nyon mongs pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

med pa {MSA}asaklia; {MSA}nisaklea;

{MSA,MV}asaklea; {MV}saklea-abhva
without affliction; non-afflicted

kun nas nyon mongs pai

chos {MSA}klio dharma thoroughly afflicted

mongs; kun nas nyon mongs pa {MV}sakliyate;
{MV}saklia thoroughly afflicted; thorough


kun nas nyon

kun nas ldang ba

mongs pai nad kyi gnyen po {MSA}klea-vydhipratipakatva antidote to the disease of the

ldang ldang ldangs ldangs {C}paryutthna

rise up; get up; flow; suffice {PH}obsession

kun nas nyon mongs


kun nas mnar

pai phyogs {MV}saklea-paka sphere of

the afflicted; afflicted quarter; class of thorough

mnar mnar mnard mnard {L}ghta

thoroughly harm/torture/torment

kun nas nyon

kun nas mnar sems kyi

mongs pai phyogs gag pa

gag gag gags gags {MSA}sakleapaka-nirodha ceasing the sphere of the
afflicted; ceasing the afflicted quarter; ceasing
the class of thorough afflictions

sems mnar mnar mnard

mnard {L}ghta-citta attitude of harmful

kun nas mnar sems byed

de mnar mnar mnard
mnard {C}ghtayati have harmful intent
{C}cherish malice for; feel anger

kun nas nyon mongs

pai mtshan nyid {MSA,MV}saklea-lakaa
character of the afflicted

kun nas snang ba

snang snang snang snang {C}sadryate

kun nas nyon mongs

par gyur pa gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {MV}sakliyate will be afflicted

thoroughly illuminate/appear/shine {C}

appears; is beheld; appears bright; be equal to(?)

kun nas nyon kun nas byung ba ma mchis

pa byung byung byung
byung asamutthna no arising; non-arising

mongs pa; kun nas nyon mongs {L,MSA,MV}

saklea; {N}sakleika; {MSA}skleikdharm; {C}sakilea thoroughly afflicted
{C}afflicted; made miserable

kun nas mi ldang ba

ldang ldang ldangs ldangs {C}

kun nas nyon mongs

asamutthna rise up; get up; flow; suffice {C}

no arising; non-arising

med rnam dag {MSA}nisaklea-viuddhit

unafflicted purity

kun nas mdzes pa {C}samanta-

kun nas nyon mongs

prasdika beautiful in every way {C}fair in

every way

gzung rtog gzung dzin

bzung zungs conception of thoroughly afflicted

kun nas zhi thoroughly pacify

kun nas langs pa

kun nas nyon mongs

nyid las byung ba byung

byung byung byung {C}samutthita {C}arisen

shin tu grol grol

grold grol grold {MSA}suvimokya saklest
complete freedom from afflictions; complete
release from the afflictions

kun nas nyon

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kun nas slong


bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}


kun spyod gtsang bai dpe

samutthpayati motivate; ask; beg; collect;

gather; raise; cause to rise; inspire; excite;
arouse; urge on {C}raises

byad {PH}minor mark of pure proper conduct

kun nas slong ba dang mi kun byang

ldan pa / bslang
slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}asamutthna-yoga
{C}not joined up with the world of appearance

kun nas slong ba po

kun byang gi grib phel

{PH}increase and decrease of the thoroughly

afflicted and the purified

kun byed las rlung

/ bslang slang /slong bslangs

slongs {C}samutthpaka one who asks/begs/
causes to rise/urges on {C}raiser

kun byung

kun byung gi

kun nas slong bai thabs

/ bslang slang /slong

bslangs slongs {MSA}samutthna-upya means
of raising up/motivating/urging on

bden pa; kun byung bden pa

byung byung byung byung {MV}samudayasatya true sources/origins; truth of sources/
origins [the second of the four noble truths]

kun byung chos bzod doctrinal

forbearance with respect to origins of sufferings

kun byung chos shes doctrinal

kun nas slong bar mi

bgyid pa / bslang
slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}asamutthpika
does not ask/beg/collect/gather/raise/inspire/
excite/arouse/cause to rise/urge on {C}which
raises nothing

knowledge with respect to origins of sufferings

kun byung rjes bzod

subsequent forbearance with respect to origins of


kun nas slong ba; kun

slong / bslang
slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}samutthna
motivation; ask; beg; collect; gather; raise; cause
to rise; inspire; excite; arouse; urge on {C}
manifestation; arising

bslang slang /slong bslangs

kun byung rjes shes subsequent

knowledge with respect to origins of sufferings

kun byung mthong

spang nyon mongs bcu {PH}ten afflictions to
be abandoned by the path of seeing [related to the
Noble Truth of] Origins

kun byung bden pa

samudayasatya true origins; true origin

kun byung bden pai

slongs {C}samutthpita motivate; ask; beg;

collect; gather; raise; cause to rise; inspire;
excite; arouse; urge on {C}raised

khyad chos bzhi {PH}four distinguishing features

of the truth of the origination [of suffering]

spyad spyod

spyad spyod {C}samcra behavior; habit; lifestyle {C}habits

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung byung samudaya source;


med pa gtogs pa /
bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}
asamutthna-parypanna {C}not included in the
world of appearance

kun spyod


creating wind of karmic action

kun nas slong ba

kun nas bslang ba

{PH}the thoroughly afflicted

and the purified


kun byung
bden pa; kun byung gi bden pa

byung byung byung byung samudaya-satya

true sources/origins; truth of sources/origins

[the second of the four noble truths]

kun byung bai don


kun rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}sapra

thorough fulfillment/completion/finishing

rnam pa gsum byung

byung byung byung {MV}trividha samudayaartha three aspects of the meaning of soure/

kun rdzob


rdzob brdzabs rdzobs {LCh,C,MV,MSA,L}savti;

{MSA}savta concealer; conventionality;
fraudulence; relative [truth]; conventional;
concealing [consciousness]; convention
bum pa la sogs pai kun rdzob
rnams conventionalities such as pots and so forth

kun byung bai bden pa; kun byung
bden pa; kun byung gi bden pa
byung byung byung byung {C,MV}
samudaya-satya true sources/origins; truth of
sources/origins [the second of the four noble

dbye ba/ 1 btags pai kun


kun byung ba; kun byung

rdzob/ 2 shes pai kun rdzob/ 3 brjod pai kun

rdzob; yang na: 1 yang dag kun rdzob/ 2 log
pai kun rdzob Divisions: (1) imputational
conventionalities; (2) mental conventionalities;
(3) expressional conventionalities. Also, (1) real/
correct conventionalities; (2) unreal/incorrect

byung byung byung byung

{C}samudcra; samudaya source; origin;

origination {C}befall; use; credit with; ideas;

habits; origin; origination; source

kun sbyong ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}sauddhi
thorough purification/cleansing/washing/
practicing/training/cleaning {C}thorough

kun rdzob kyi rtog pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

{LCh}sayojana thorough enwrapment

kun rdzob kyi bden pa nyid

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs

conventional conception; conventional

conceptual consciousness; conceptual

consciousness of a conventionality

kun sbyor; kun tu sbyor ba

kun ma stud pa {C}asagraha

brdzab rdzob brdzabs

rdzobs {MV}savti-satyatva conventional
truth itself; concealer-truth itself



kun tshol ba

kun rdzob nyid

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}

kun rdzob tu

kun dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}saparigraha
thoroughly holding onto; miserliness

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs {C}savty;

savtita conventionally {C}in a conventional

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}parigrahahetu cause of thoroughly holding onto; cause of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs {MSA}savtisatyat just a conventionality

paryeaa thorough investigation/examination/

search {C}search for

kun dzin pai rgyu


kun rdzob tu brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod expressed

as conventionalities; conventionally express/



kun rdzob tu yod pa

kun rdzob

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs {ME}

savtisat conventionally exist/existence/
existent {GD:115} relatively existent

las bzlog pa don dam pai ngo bo nyid emptiness

that is the ultimate nature which is the opposite
of conventionalities

kun rdzob dang don dam pa

kun rdzob sems bskyed

kun rdzob bden

kun rdzob; tha snyad savti;

brdzab rdzob brdzabs

rdzobs {MSA}savti-paramrtha conventional
and ultimate

bskyed skyed bskyed

skyed *savticittotpda conventional mind
generation; conventional mind-generation

pa; kun rdzob kyi bden pa

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs {MSA}
savti-satya(ta); {LCh,ME}savtisatya
conventional truth; obscurational truth; truthfor-a-concealer; concealer-truth; relative truth;
truth-for-an-obscured-mind; obscured truth;
truth-for-an-obscured-awareness; truth for a
conventional [mind]
shes bya dang
rtag dngos gnyis dang dus ma byas kyi nam mkha
kun rdzob bden pa yin/ object of knowledge; [the
set of] the twopermanent phenomenon and thing;
and uncompounded space are conventional truths
mtshad nyid/ don dam par don byed mi nus pai chos/
Def. in the Stra School Following Reasoning: a
phenomenon that is not ultimately able to perform a

kun rdzob pai chos can

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs

conventional subjects

vyavahra convention

kun gzhi {LCh,L,ME}laya basis-of-all

storehouse; hang on to; settling place


gzhi rnam par shes pa; kun gzhi rnam shes

{LCh,ME,MSA,MV}laya-vijna mind-basisof-all storehouse-consciousness; foundationconsciousness


gzhi rnam shes; kun gzhi rnam par shes pa

{LCh,ME,MSA,MV}laya-vijna mind-basisof-all storehouse-consciousness; foundationconsciousness

kun bzang Samantabhadra

kun bzang samanta-bhadra


thoroughly good; magnificent

kun bzang samanta-bhadra

kyi sems brdzab rdzob

brdzabs rdzobs savtibodhicitta conventional
mind of enlightenment; conventional mind
[directed] toward enlightenment



kun bzang mchod sprin

clouds of offerings [like those] of Samantabhadra

kun bzang rdo rje chang

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs savtimtra

mere conventionalities

chen {PH}great Samantabhadra Vajradhara

kun bzang rnam phrul

kun rdzob la ltos pai

magical display of Samantabhadra

zhi mtha extreme of peace relative to the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kun rdzob/ tha snyad savti/

Samantabhadra [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

kun rdzob byang chub

kun rdzob tsam

vyavahra convention




kun bzang; kun tu

kun song; kun

kun la {C}sarvatra to all; in all places; in

kun slong

kun las from all; in all ways

kun las btus pa

kun slong ba dang

tu song; kun tu song ba

song song song song {MSA}sarva-gata gone
everywhere; omnipresent; all-pervasive

bzang po samantabhadra thoroughly good;

Samantabhadra [name of Bodhisattva; in Nyingma, name of primordial being]

every way; at all times {C}always; everywhere;

at all times; in every way

bcas pai ngag gis /

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {MV}
samutthnay vc through speech together with

btu thu btus thu samuccaya group; collect;

summary; compendium; abbreviated title of
Asagas Summary of Manifest Knowledge

kun slong byang chub sems

kun las das passed beyond all;

{PH}motivation to [attain highest] enlightenment

kun gsal ra ba

completely transcended; passed beyond; is

beyond all

kul ka byed pai gnas


disputed place

keng rus {MSA}sakalik skeleton

keng rus kyi

pa {MSA}parijtvin endowed with allknowingness

gzugs brnyan yid la byed pa {MSA}pratibimbasakalik ca manasikurvata taking to mind

the image of a skeleton

kun shes pa rig pai

dbang po {C}jtvndriya {C}the dominant

faculty of one who has fully understood

ko still again; still {PH}[emphatic particle]

ko gru leather boat
kong chu {PH}Kong-po river
kong sprul bol gros mtha

kun shes pai dbang po

{C}jendriya {C}the dominant (faculty) of


kun shes par byao zhes {C}

yas Kong-trl Lo-dr-ta-yay [author of the

Encyclopedia (theg pai sgo kun...)] complete

jsymi-iti {C}I shall fully understand

kun shes pa; kun shes {C}

kou sham bi {PH}Kauambi

kau shi ka {PH}Kauika [an epithet of

samaj (=vastu-sametam aham iti jnam);

{MSA}parij all-knowingness (C)
denomination; appellation


kyang {LCh}eva; api; {C}ki cpi; {C}punar;



{C}yadypi; {C}tu but; even; also; however;

nevertheless; although {C}but if; although;
again; although; even if; of course

kun shes; kun shes pa {LCh}

jta; {LCh}j all-knowingness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


enclosure (i.e. the sky)

kun shes knower of all

kun shes nyid knowledge of all
kun shes pa dang ldan

kun shes shing {C}jyate

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {LCh}

samutthna motivation



kyang ci {L}kim uta

klad pa brain
klan ka {C,MSA}codya critical; censure;

how much more?; how

much less?

kyi [as genitive particle] of; by; in; which7 [as

fault; finding fault; objection {C}problem

klan ka jug rung suitable for the

non-case particle] and; but; (semi-colon)

kyi hud a za

gcig gis mthong nas kyi hud a za zhes ngu


assessment of censure

la gnyis pa shos kyang kyi hud o po zhes nguo

One [brother] have seen [the other], [he] cried out
Alas!, and the other [brother] cried out Alas! as
well. {A4C-C}

klan ka yongs su
spang bar bya bai phyir
spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}codyasya
parihra-artha in order to thoroughly
overcome objections

kyis [as instrumental particle] by; by means

klan kai skabs mchis pa

kye [vocative; form of address] O!; hey!

kye rgyal bai sras dag

klan kai rtsod pa critical dispute

klu nga nga; dragon; snake {C}snake;

of; with; because; through7 [as non-case particle

corruptly used in place of the non-case usage of
genitive particles] but; and; (semi-colon)


di lta ste O Conqueror Children, it is thus:

klu sgrub ngrjuna Ngrjuna

kye ma alas! {S}Ah!

kye mao alas!
kyei rdo rje zhes

[expounder of the Mdhyamika school]

klu bdag {C}nga-pati {C}lord of ngas

klu bdud nga demon; nga spirit
klu dbang {C}bhujagendra {C}Lord of

bya ba rgyud kyi rgyal po Hevajratantrarja

Hevajranmatantrarja [title of a Highest Yoga
Tantra, P10, vol. 1]

the Serpents

kri ya; kri y kriy transliteration of

klu btsan nga emperior; violent nga

Sanskrit kriy [action; Action Tantra]

spirit; king spirit

kri y; kri ya kriy transliteration of

klu yi bdag po {C}bhujagdhipa

Sanskrit kriy [action; Action Tantra]

{C}Chief of Serpents

kla klo mlecca barbarian

kla klo skye bo {C}mleccha-jana

klu srin serpent spirit; serpent vermin


barbarian person {C}barbarous populations

klag pa bya ba {C}vcyate



klag par bya ba {C}likhati

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

klung {L,MSA}nad river

klung gi rgyun {MSA}nad-rotas

current of a river; continuum of a river; river


copy out

klad nad {BCA} irala

provides an opportunity for assessment of

censure; provides an opportunity for finding


klung la rnag pya-nad pus-river

klubs pa wear; adorn


klui rgyal

bkral grel bkrald greld {LCh}pajik

commentary on the difficult points; difficult
points commentary

po rgya mtshos zhus pai mdo sgarangarjaparipcchstra Questions of Sgara,

King of the Ngas, Stra [P820, vol. 33]

dka bcu pa

{PH}Master of the Ten

Difficult Texts (dka bcu pa)

klui rgyal po ma

dka gdams pa Ka-dam-pa

dros pas zhus pai mdo anavataptangarjaparip

cchstra Questions of Anavatapta, King of the
Ngas, Stra [P823, vol. 33]

dka spyod; dka ba spyod pa; dka spyad; dka ba

spyad pa {MSA}dukara; {MSA}dukara-cary
[difficult-deed] performing difficult deeds;
asceticism; austerities; difficult deed; difficult act

klui dbang poi sgra {MSA}

ngendra-rut roar of the nga lord

klui rtsa she rab

dka spyad; dka ba spyad; dka ba spyad pa;

Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way; Called

klui rtsa she rab byed

dka ba spyod pa {LCh}tapasy [difficult-deed]

asceticism; austerities; difficult deed; difficult
act; performing difficult deeds

Ngrjunas Fundamental Treatise on the Middle
Way; Called Wisdom Chapter #


dka ba {C,MSA}dukara; {C}dhandaka;

bklag klog

{MSA}dukha difficult; hard; hardship {C}

hard to understand; hard to express; to do what is
hard; stupid

bklags klogs read out loud; read out {PH}


klog tu gzhug par {C}vcayanti

dka ba bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}dukara-kraka

cause to read out {C}preach; speak

klog thabs {PH}pronunciation manual

klog pa bklag klog

{C}doer of what is hard

bklags klogs {C}vcayanti; {MV}vcana; {MV}

vcyamna; {C}pahiyanti; {C}likhati read; read
out {C}preach; speak; will recite; write; copy

klong expanse; sphere

klong chen great expanse; great sphere
klong chen pa;

dukara-kraka {C}doer of what is hard

dka ba yin {C}dukaratara; dukara

gha difficult; hard {C}hard to understand;

hard to express; to do what is hard

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dka ba byed pa yin pa {C}

dka {C}dukara; {MSA}kcchra; {MSA}

dka ba spyod pa {LCh}tapasy; {MSA}dukara;

{C}dukara-cary asceticism; austerities;
performing difficult deeds {C}austerities

dka ba spyod pa; dka spyod; dka spyad; dka ba

spyad pa {MSA}dukara-caraa; {MSA}dukaracary; {MSA}dukara-vyyma [difficult-deed]
asceticism; austerities; difficult deed; difficult
act; performing difficult deeds

klong chen pa dri med od zer Long-chen-pa

(1308-1363, a central Nying-ma [rnying ma]

dka grel

dka ba spyad pa; dka spyad; dka spyod;

is difficult; is hard {C}extremely hard; difficult;

(to do what is) hard



dka ba yun ring pos mi

rnams kun tu bcom

gzhom joms bcom choms {MSA}samudghtitaukla-dharma completely destroy/overcome
wholesome phenomena/practices/attributes

skyo ba {MSA}drgha-klika-dukarkheda not

fatigued/discouraged by lengthy asceticism

dka zlog {PH}ascetic

dka zlog dad {PH}devotee of Durg
dka sa [difficult-place] difficult point
dkar skya whitish; light gray; grayish
dkar khung passage; window; chimney;

dkar poi phyogs {MSA,MV}uklapaka wholesome quarter/faction/part

dkar dmar mdangs gsal

{PH}clear white complexion with a tinge of red

dkar yol cup; chinaware

dkar gsal {PH}radiant white
dku {C}kukit waist; side [of the body,

a white/wholesome passage/window/opening
gro ba yi ni dkar khung
dbye slad du/ for the sake of opening the passage
[out] of transmigration {GZ 68b.5}

above the hip] {C}belly

dku gtsang

dkar chag table of contents; catalogue

Entering into the confidence

mtshan byang gzhung tshad dang


of the king and ministers, those who deprecate the

Holy Dharma will arise in great number.

bcas pa lo tstsha ba dpal brtsegs kyis dkar chag tu

btab bo/ the translator B#el-d#zek put the titles,
along with the length of the texts, in a catalogue
{GZ 70b.6/ 140.6}

dkon mchog {LCh,MSA,MV,C}ratna

jewel; supreme rarity {C}precious jewel;

dkar nag gi las wholesome and

precious substance; treasure

dkon mchog gi sprin {LCh}

unwholesome actions; white and black actions;

light and dark actions

ratnamegha {PH}Cloud of Jewels [Stra]

dkar po {C,MSA}ukla; {C}avadta; {C}sita dkon mchog jigs

white [one of the four primary colors (rtsa bai

kha dog)]; wholesome; pure pure; bright; very

white; {C}pure; {C,D1}bright
chos dung dkar poi kha dog the color of a white
religious conch dkar
po yin na kha dog yin pas khyab whatever is white
is necessarily a color

dkar po rnam par

Sutra on the Recollection of the Three Jewels

dkon mchog sprin {LCh}

dkar poi chos {MSA}ukla-dharma;

ratnamegha {PH}Cloud of Jewels [Stra]

{MSA}ukla ... dharma wholesome/white


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dkon mchog rjes dran

dkon mchog bstan pai sgron me; gung thang dkon

mchog bstan pai sgron me; gung thang jam dpal
dbyangs Kn-chog-ten-pay-drn-may (17621823) [aka. Gung-tang Kn-chog-ten-pay-drnmay and Gung-tang Jam-pel-yang]

mthong bai sa ukla-vidaran-bhmi; {C}

ukla-vipayan-bhmi ground of seeing pure
[phenomena]; ground of seeing the wholesome
{C}stage of bright insight

dkar poi chos

med dbang po Kn-chog-jig-may-wang-po


dkon mchog sprin gyi mdo

{LCh}ratnameghastra Cloud of Jewels Stra


dkhyil khor gyi cho ga {LCh}maalavidhi;
maalopyik maala rite

[P897, vol. 35] {PH}Cloud of Jewels Stra

dkon mchog brtsegs pa {MV} dkhyil smad lower half

ratnaka pile of jewels; name of a Mahyna
dkyus {PH}section; separate section
stra and of a collection consisting of many

[I] will explain [this] later in

a separate section. {GCG}

stras of different styles and doctrines [including

some of the earliest Mahyna stras]

dkon mchog rin chen gsum dkyus btags

{PH}Three Precious Jewels


dkon pa {MSA}durlabha rare; precious;


triaraa [rarity-supreme-three]; Three Jewels

{PH}Three Jewels
scarce hard to get; hard to find; hard to reach

dkri dkra dkris dkris

{C}parta; {C}veayati roll up; wind; wrap up;

entangle {C}overcome; wrap

dkri dkra dkris

dkris {C}parta; {C}veayati roll up; wind;

wrap up; entangle {C}overcome; wrap

dkon po durlabha rare; rarity; precious;

scarce hard to get; hard to find; hard to reach

dkar; dkar po {C,MSA}ukla; {C}sita

white; wholesome {C}pure; bright

dkon; dkon po durlabha rare;

dkris sam bcings te {C}

baddhv wound up or bound {C}bound


dkrug dkrug

dkrugs/ dkrugs/ disturb; agitate; stir up; trouble

dkrug par bya {C}vikopayitavya

rarity; precious; scarce hard to get; hard to find;

hard to reach


should deflect from


dkhyil center; essence; middle

dkhyil khor {LCh,L,C,MSA}maala;

dkrug dkrugs/ dkrugs/ disturb; agitate; stir up;

{C,MSA}paran-maala mandala; maala;

circle; sphere; disk {C}(circle of the) assembly

dkrugs nas

dkhyil khor gyi khyams na

dkrug dkrug dkrugs/ dkrugs/ {C}samkulikta

having disturbed/agitated/troubled/stirred up

{C}maala-ma {C}circular hall with peaked


dkrugs pa

dkhyil khor gyi

dkrug dkrug dkrugs/ dkrugs/ {C}amara

disrupt; disturb; agitate; stir up; trouble {C}

cho ga; dkhyil chog {LCh}maalavidhi;

maalopyik maala rite

dkhyil khor rgyal mchog

supreme king of maalas

dkrol ba

{PH}the complete maala

meditation on the complete maala


dkrol dkrold dkrold ring/sound [e.g., a bell]; play
musical instrument

dkhyil khor yongs rdzogs

dgag gog bkag

khogs stop; negate; refute; negation; negative;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}kha-ta (scarf) of

ordinary quality

dkon mchog gsum triratna;

dkhyil chog;



bkag pa

dgag gog
bkag khogs {C}nisiddha; {C}niedha negation;
stop; negate; refute; negative; limit {PH}
negation; that which is forbidden {C}has (learned
to) refrain; has refrained; inadmissible; refrain;

bkag shul


bka rtags kyi phyag rgya

[Buddhas] word and [Indian] treatises

bka drin {LCh}parigraha; {LCh}prasda

kindness (hon.); beneficence; beneficent force/

dgang gengs bkang gengs {MSA}paripra fill;

fulfill; satiate

bkan bkan


bka gdams

gdam doms gdams doms [word-advice];

the Ka-dam school [name of lineage traced to
Atia]; name of mansion; advice; instruction;
counsel; preceptual instruction; advisory speech;

bkand bkand turn/face upwards

bkan bkan bkand bkand place facing



{PH}signifier of the Word

[of the Buddha]

bstan ston bstand stond

gengs bkang gengs {C}prapra fill; fulfill;
satiate {C}be filled

bkan te bzhag

bka rtags

bka dang bstan bcos



{PH}decree; command;

sealed order

bzhi {PH}four seals that are the signifiers of the

Word [of the Buddha]

gog bkag khogs in place of the negation; left

over after the negation

bkang ba

bka rtags

bkan bkan

bkand bkand turn/face upwards

bka gdams gdams ngag

pa gdam doms
gdams doms Preceptual Ka-dam

bka {LCh}vc; {LCh}j; {MSA,PP}

bka gdams pa

bka bsko ba

bka gdams gzhung pa ba

gdam doms gdams doms Ka-dam-pa [a

vacana; Buddhavacana word; saying; teaching;

order; word [of Buddha]

Tibetan order, or person of that order]


gdam doms gdams

doms Textual Ka-dam

sko bskos skos order; command

bka gyur Translated Word of Buddha

bka bsdu bzhi pa The Great
bka rgya dam po {PH}tight seal of
Calculation of the Doctrine, Which Has the

Significance of a Fourth Council (bka bsdu bzhi

pai don bstan rtsis chen po) by Dol-po-pa Shayrap-gyel-tsen (dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan)

bka rgyud transmission of the word

bka brgyud Ka-gyu Order [a sect of

bka bab

babs bab babs transmission; doctrine that has
befallen one through transmission

Tibetan Buddhism]

bka bsgo ba

{PH}order; command
bka bsgo ba

bka mchid {C}kath

bka blon rogs


Cabinet Minister

conversation; story; talk

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




bka stsal

bkur extoll; services

bkur rnyed {MSA}satkra-lbha

stsol stsald stsold {C}bhaati [word-bestow];
say (hon.); spoken; prounounce; explain; teach;
speak; grant; order; pronouncement {C}
preach; report; teach

bka stsal bdun

wealth and respect

stsal stsol stsald stsold seven pronouncements

[the mental and physical aggregates, sensespheres, dependent-arising, foods, noble truths,
constituents, and harmonies with enlightenment]

bka stsal ba

bkur stir byed {C}satkaroti

bkur bsti {C}gaurava respect; service

{C}respect; dignity; a title to be respected

bkur ba {C}stobha {C}eulogy

bkod dgod god


jam-pa [degree]

bka lung {A4C} krya

call someone who [always] seeks power a fool.

bkod god pratihpayati; {C}ropita set; state;

establish; arrange; register; make a record;
place [on throne]; put [a signature]; array; affix
{C}get from

{A4C} VII.21cd

bkod pa

dgar dgar bkar


god bkod god {C}pratihpayati (=ghtn

sthirkarat); {C}vyha (=samha) set; state;
establish; arrange; register; make a record;
place [on throne]; put [a signature]; array; affix
{C}mass; array; display; harmony; establishes;
introduces to; transfers to; builds; places; deposits
in; bestows

dgard separate; segregate; isolate; tie down to;


gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

distinguish as [Buddhas] word

dgar dgar

bkod mai chu {C}prasravanodaka

bkar dgard select; put aside; separate; tie down

to; specify

spring {C}fountain

bkas bcad pa decreed

bkug dgug gugs

bkod mai chu lta bui

sems bskyed mind-generation like spring

bkod tshod gyi rtags stated sign

bkor bdag rgyal po custodian of

bkug khugs summon; draw in

bkug nas

dgug gugs bkug khugs {C}nayitv having
summoned; having drawn in {C}having

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


with respect; honor; revere

ma [Jang-chup-dz-trls (byang chub rdzu

phrul)] Validity of the True Word [P5839]

bkar ba

bkur stir bgyis par gyur

{C}to honor

bka yang dag pai tshad

bkar btags

{MSA}sat-kriy; samna respect; respectful;


bkur stir bya ba {C}paryupsan

stsal stsol stsald stsold [word-bestow]; say

(hon.); prounounce; explain; teach; speak;
grant; order; pronouncement


bkur sti {LCh,MV,MSA}satkra; seva;

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}

satkaroti {C}treat with respect; revere; honor

bka rab byams pa




bkur; bkur sti respect; respectful;



service; honor {C}eulogy

bkra ba {LCh}citra; {LCh,MSA}vicitra

bkru ba

bkru/ khrud/
bkrus/ khrus/ wash; cleanse; bathe

shining; beautiful; variegated {PH}shining;

beautiful; variegated

bkra bai skad byin

bkren {MSA}kpaa; {MSA}kpa

producing a beautiful sound (n. of a bird)

bkra mi shis pa

bkres hunger
bkres pa {C}bubhukita; {C}jighatsita;

{PH}bad luck

chos sems can ga zhig gis dpe khrug pa nyar

na bkra mi shis pa yong zer; Some religiouslyminded [persons] said that if you keep mixed up
books, bad luck will come. {GCG} p.17

bubhk hunger; hungry {C}famished;

starving; hungry

bkres pa dang skom pa

bkra shis {C}svastika good fortune;

bzlog pa {C}kut-pips-nirvartaka overcome

hunger and thirst

good luck; auspiciousness {C}svastika

bkrol pa

bkra shis kun nas khyil ba

grol/ bkrol/ khrold/ {C}parimokaa release;
liberate; set free; loosen {C}set free


bkra shis khyil Tra-shi-khyil

bkros phor {PH}engraving

bklag bklag kolg

[name of Monastic University in Am-do (a mdo)


bkra shis rtags brgyad eight

bklags/ klogs/ read out loud; read out


good luck symbols; eight auspicious symbols

bkra shis yin pa {MSA}magalatva

bklag kolg

bklags/ klogs/ read out loud; read out

bklags pas

bklag kolg bklags/ klogs/ {C}pahita {C}recited

being auspicious

bkra shis lhun po Tra-shi-hln-po

[name of a monastery in gtsang province, Tibet,

seat of the Pa-chen La-mas]


grel bkrald greld commentary; comment;

elucidate mdoi don bkral ba
ni commenting on the meaning of the stra
grub chen tshad ldan gyis
bkral ba elucidated by a fully qualified great adept

bkral ba la ltos med du

bkri bar mi btub {C}aneyat


bkral grel bkrald greld

without depending/relying on commentaries
one cannot be led astray

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



bkral ba

bkru/ khrud/ bkrus/

khrus/ wash; cleanse; bathe


rkang mgyogs swift-footedness [a

tantric feat]

rkang rten

{PH}portable stool [used to aid

in dismounting from a horse or vehicle]

rkang pa {MV,MSA,C}pda foot; a line of

poetry; leg

rkang pa skud pa dang bral

ba {C}apagata-pda-mrakaa {C}frugal

rkang pa skong tshe yi thob

bo / thob/thob thob
thob thobs Yi obtains when filling out a line of


rkang pa gnyis kyi mthil {C}

through the force of conditions

pda-tala soles of the two feet {C}sole of the


rkyen rgyal {C}pratyaya-jino


gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

rkang pai mtha la at the end of a

developmental lineage

line of poetry

rkang pai mthil {C}pda-tala sole


rkyen nyid di pa tsam

of the foot {C}sole of the foot

rkang pai og na gnas pa


state of conditionality

rkyen bstan pa

{C}pda-tala-sannirita abiding under the foot

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}pratyaya-

rkan {LCh} tlu {PH}palate

rkan {LCh} kkuda {PH}hump of the

sadarana indicating the condition

rkyen dang phrad {MSA}pratyaygama

shoulders (kkuda)

rkan {LCh} jihva {PH}tongue (jihva)

rkun po {MSA}dasyu robber; thief
rkun ma robber; thief
rkub {LCh}pyu anus; rear end; the behind
rkub kyag chair
rkyang wild ass [a horse-like animal]
rkyang pa alone; only; mere {PH}whole;

meet with conditions; encounter conditions

rkyen dang phrad par dod pa

{MSA}pratyaybhigambhila wishing to meet

with/encounter conditions

rkyen du ma yin pa {C}apratyaya


rkyen de dang de la brten nas dngos po de dang

de dag byung ngo byung
byung byung byung {MSA}ta ta pratyaya
prattya te te bhv bhavanti in dependence on
this and that condition this thing and that thing

complete; totality
If a sound does not come as a whole, why
is it apprehended as a whole? {A4C} 13.19

rkyang ma lalan left channel

rkyen {C,MSA,LCh,MV}pratyaya condition;

rkyen di pa tsam nyid {ME}ida

pratyayat; idapratyayat having just these

conditions; conditionality {PH}having just these

cause; minor cause; factor; reason {C}

conditioned; reason
mtshan nyid/ grogs byed/ Def.: assister

dbye ba/ 1 dmigs rkyen/ 2 bdag rkyen/ 3 de
ma thag rkyen/ 4 rgyu rkyen/ Div.: (1) observedobject condition; (2) proprietary condition/dominant
condition; (3) immediately preceding condition; (4)
causal condition

rkyen gyi dbang gis jug pa

{L}pratyaydhnavttitva operating/working

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rkyen gyur gyi rigs


rkyen rnams grub pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub

grubs {MSA}pratyaya-siddhi accomplishing/

achieving/establishing conditions

rkyen rnams tshogs nas {C}

smagri-pratyatu the conditions having gathered

{C}full complement of conditions

rkyen bu

rnga mo des di ni rkyen bu zhig go

snyam du shes te; That camel thought, This is a
reason [to leave]. {A4C-C}

impermanence}; (2) very hidden phenomenon [e.g.,

the particular effects of karmas]

rkyen dbang gis jug pa

lkog tu ma gyur pai chos

rkyen ma tshang ba med pa

lkog na mo

aparokadharma non-hidden phenomenon; nonobscure phenomenon

{L}pratyaydhnavttitva operating/working
through the force of conditions

{GD:565} hidden [though in

a different sense than lkog gyur, referring to the
manner in which aspects are produced, as opposed
to hidden from ordinary perception]

{MV}pratyayvaikalya non-incompleteness of

rkyen mi zad pa {MSA}bha...(tat-)

pratyaya non-exhaustion of conditions

rkyen la brten nas {MSA}pratyaya

prattya having depended upon conditions; in
dependence upon conditions

rkyen la rag las pa {MSA}

tat-kau period; instant; moment {C}that

very instant

byung byung byung byung {MV}

pratyaya-pravtti arisen from conditions


skad cig skad cig {L}kae kae


moment by moment {C}in every moment;

moment by moment

rkyong brkyangs rkyongs {C}prasrita; {MSA}

nighya (also: bag brkyang = nighya) extend

skad cig gcig {C}eka-kaa


rkyong brkyangs rkyongs {C}prasrita; {MSA}
nighya (also: bag brkyang = nighya) extend

momentary; single moment; single instant; single

period {C}one single moment

skad cig gcig gi rtogs pa

lkug pa {C}jada dumb; stupid; imbecile;

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{C}eka-kaa-avabodha {C}single-instantaneous

idiot {C}idiot; stupid; stunned; senseless

lkog obscure; hidden

lkog gyur lkog tu gyur

skad cig gcig gis {BCA} kaena


skad cig gcig

pa paroka hidden phenomenon; hidden;


mtshan nyid/ 1 bsdus grwa las/ rang dzin rtog pas

mngon rdzogs byang chub; skad cig ma gcig gis

mngon par rdzogs par byang chub pa {C}ekakaa-abhisabodha {C}the single instantaneous
full understanding

lkog tu gyur pai tshul gyis rtogs par bya ba/ Def.:

(from Collected Topics): Object to be realized in

a hidden manner by the conceptual consciousness
apprehending it{TCT}

skad cig gcig dang ldan pa

dbye ba/ 1 cung zad lkog gyur/ 2 shin tu lkog
gyur/ Div.: (1) slightly hidden phenomenon [e.g.,
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}ruta sound(s); language; voice {C}vocal


skad cig {C,MSA}kaa; {C}kaika; {C}

pratyaydhnatva reliance on conditions

rkyen las byung ba

lkog ma throat; adams apple??

ska ba astringent {PH}astringent
skad {L}kaa; {MSA}bh; {MSA}vacana;

{C}eka-kaa-samyukta {C}associated with one

single moment



skad cig ma ma yin pa las skad cig

skad cig cha med temporally

ma byung bar ni os pa ma yin

byung byung byung byung {MSA}na
tv akaikt kaika bhavitum arhati it is not
suitable for the momentary to arise from the

partless moment

skad cig tha ma last moment; final

moment; last period; final period; last instant;

final instant

skad cig dang po {PH}first moment

skad cig bar {PH}momentarily

skad cig ma yin pa {MSA}

kaikatva momentary; instantaneous

skad cig ma re re la {MSA}

ji ltar mtshan mo mun nag sprin rum na; glog

pratikaam in each moment; in each instant

gyu skad cig bar snang ston pa ltar Just as a flash

of lightning on a dark, cloudy night, momentarily
brightly illuminates [everything], ... BCA I.5ab

skad cig mai rgyu yin pa

{MSA}kaika-hetutva being a momentary cause

skad cig ma {MSA}kaika

skad cig mai bras

bu yin pa {MSA}kaika-phalatva being a
momentary effect

momentary; moment; momentary phenomenon;


skad cig ma gcig {MSA}eka-kaa skad cig mai sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

kaikaprayoga momentary training

one instant; one moment

skad cig ma

gcig gis mngon par rtogs pa clear realization in a

single moment

skad cig ma gcig po



skad cig ma gcig po de nyid

{PH}the very first moment

skad cig ma nyid {MSA}kaikatva

a moment; only an instant; a mere moment; a

mere instant {C}a mere moment

skad cig tsam yang {MSA}

kaam api; {MSA}kaa-mtram api even only a


skad cig re re la {MSA}pratikaam

skad cig re re la byung ba

momentary; just instantaneous

byung byung byung byung

skad cig ma tha ma la {MSA}

{MV}pratikaotpda arising in each moment/

carame kae in the final moment; in the final

instant; in the final period


skad cig ma dang

po dang khyad par med pa {MSA}di-kaanirviiatva not different from the first moment/

skad cig ma ma yin pa {MSA}

skad cig la jig pai don

{MSA}kaa-bhagrtha meaning disintegration

in a moment

skad dod equivalent term; translation

equivalent; equivalent in the [original] language;

[Sanskrit] original

akaika non-momentary; non-instantaneous

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skad cig tsam {C}kaa-mtra only

in each instant/moment/period

momentariness; instantaneousness; jsut


skad smras pa utter


skad rigs chen po bzhi


mtshan nyid/



the four major languages (Sanskrit; Prakrit;

Apabhraa; Pisachi)

skad shes {C}ruta-jat

rang gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen yid dbang las


byung bai skabs dir bstan gyi rtog bral ma khrul bai

skad sor bzhag tu bzhag the

other-knower indicated on this occasion that arises

from its own uncommon empowering condition, a
mental sense power

gzhan rig/ Def.: a non-conceptual non-mistaken

of speech

language was left as is

skad gsar bcad new language/

dbye ba/ gzugs dzin yid


vocabulary; new translation system

skabs {LCh,L,MSA}adhikra; {LCh}

mngon nas reg bya dzin pai yid mngon gyi bar
lnga/ Div.: the five ranging from mental direct
perceptions apprehending forms through to mental
direct perceptions apprehending tangible objects
[the other three are mental direct perceptions
apprehending sounds, scents, and tastes]

avasara; {C,MSA}avaka; {C}ma occasion;

time; context; chapter; with reference to {C}
opportunity; occasion for; room; smooth

skabs khyad

skabs phyin {C}ma appropriately

par can yod pai bstan pa teaching in relation

to which there is occasion for something more

skabs mchis pa

sized {C}smooth

skabs ma mchis does not afford an


opportunity [for refutation]

mchis {L} sa-avaka affords an occasion [for

refutation]; affords an opportunity

skabs mi byed {MSA}

skabs dang poi spyi don

avakasykti not opening up an opportunity

skabs shes pa {C}avasara-jat

general meaning of the first chapter

skabs dir on this occasion; in this

knowing the occassion {C}cognition of their

circumstances; knowledge of their circumstances

context; at this point

skabs su bab pa;

skabs dir dngos su bstan pai mtshan

skabs su babs pa bab

babs bab babs {MSA}iti prakta (pra k)
appropriate; relevant; germane
skabs su bab pa gang yin dei nga
rgyal gyis through the pride of being whichever of
those is relevant {Dor 47a.5/ 277.5}

nyid ngo bo nyid med pai don meaning of the

character-non-nature explicitly indicated on this

skabs dir bstan

bstan ston bstand stond indicated on this

skabs su babs pa;

occasion; indicated in this context; indicated at

this point

skabs dir bstan gyi

yid mngon bstan ston

bstand stond mental direct perception that is
indicated on this occasion [i.e., in Dharmakritis
Commentary on (Digngas) Compilation
of Prime Cognition (tshad ma rnam grel,

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


skabs su bab pa bab

babs bab babs {MSA}iti prakta (pra k)
appropriate; relevant; germane
skabs su babs pa rnal byor
rgyud kyi gsungs tshul the mode of setting forth
yoga tantras, which is germane [to the topic of this
text] {GZ 4a.5/ 7.6}


skal pa bzang po

skabs gsum {PH}three times

skabs gsum {PH}three realms
skam bskam/ skam/

skal pa rab tu gyur pa

skal ba lot; share; portion; share/portion of

good or bad fortune

skal ba ji bzhin {C}yath-bhavyam


torch; meteor; shower of meteors

skar mda ltung ba {C}ulk-pta

{C}which corresponds to the merit

skal ba mnyam pa {C}sabhgat

{C}shower of meteors

skar ma {C}traka; {C}nakatra (=puya-

having equal lot {C}companionship

skal ba med pa {C}abhavya without

daya) star {PH}star {C}constellation

skar ma lta bui bskal pa {C}

the lot; without the fortune {C}impossible;

unable; unfit; uncapable

trakopama-kalpa {C}star-like aeon (period of

Tathgata Suvara-pupa)

skal tshigs {PH}backbone

skal rdzongs {PH}dowry
skal bzang fortunate (good lot)

skar mai tshogs {C}traka-gaa

collection of stars; group of stars; host of stars

{PH}collection of stars; host of stars {C}
host of stars
lha brgya stong gi skar mai tshogs kyis shin tu
brgyan pa, He is adorned by the hosts of stars of a
hundred thousand gods. {LVS} = 1-02-00087-H96-

sku {C,LCh,MSA}kya; {C}mrti; tanus; tm-

bhva; raya; gtra; gtrat; gtratva; vigraha;

{MSA}arra body (hon.); image; statue {PH}
lifetime {C}figurehead; personality; personal
existence; extent; all they have and all they are;
receptacle; physical (or bodily) basis; based on;
foundation; by resorting to (as a basis); limbs;
frame; shape
bla ma di
sku tshad dpag tu med pai snga rol nas, rje btsun
jam pai dbyangs kyis rjes su bzung ba yin, Over
countless prior lifetimes, this teacher was mentored
by the venerable Majur. {W23693} Mkhas-grub-



skal mnyam gyi rgyu sabhga-hetu

cause of equal lot; cause of similar lot

skal mnyam pa {LCh}sabhga; {LCh}

sabhgat those of equal lot/share/fortune

skal don

bskal don

rnam-thar-bsdus-pa, 2a.2

supersensory object

sku skye

skal ldan [fortune-possessor]; one who

khyed rjei gos kyi sku skye yin pas ...

has fortune; the fortunate; a Bodhisattva; one

who has the lot

Since you are an incarnation of Lord G [Khuk-palhe-tse], ... {W23693} Mkhas-grub-rnam-thar-bsdus-

skal pa {MSA}bhavya lot; share; fortune

skal pa can {MSA}bhgya having the

pa; 4a.3

lot; having the share; having the fortune

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


good fortune; auspicious age


skal lot; share; fortune


most fortunate

bskams/ skams/ {C}upauyati; {L}u to dry

up; wither; parch

skar mda {C}ulka; {C}ulk-pta




sku khams health (hon.); constitution

sku khrus [body-wash]; bathing; washing;


sku zla [body-equal]; spouse (hon.)

sku yi kho lag {L}maala-paryanta

ablution (hon.)

sku chas things; possessions (hon.)

sku che drang large straight body
sku che zhing drang ba {C}bhad-


sku yongs su rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

ju-gtrat {C}his bodily frame is broad and


{MSA}paripra-ky fully developed/perfected


sku mched sibling; brother; relation

sku la dbang byor ba nyid


{MSA}kya-vibhutva attainment of mastery with

respect to the body

sku nyid {C}gtrat {C}body; limbs

sku dang gsung dang

sku gsum {MSA}trikya the three exalted

bodies [of a Buddha

thugs sprul pa {MSA}kya-vk-citta-nirma

emantions of exalted body, speech, and mind

sku dam par {C}sat-kya

sku gsum la bstod pa

kyatrayastotra Praise of the Three Exalted

Bodies [by Ngrjuna; P2015, vol. 46]


individuality; (true) individual body

sku gdung {C}arra relics

sku bsam gyis mi khyab {MSA}


kycintya inconceivable exalted body

body; dead body

skui khyad par {MSA}kya-viea

sku bdun dag seven body areas

sku mdun exalted presence; the presence

attribute of exalted body; feature of exalted

body; physical attribute

[H.H. Dalai Lama]

sku mdog [body-color]; color of the body;

color (hon.)

sku dra religious image

sku dpung [body-shoulder]; shoulder

sku blugs {PH}metal image

sku blugs ma {PH}metal image
sku med pa {MSA}akya bodiless
sku tshe {PH}life; life-span
sku tshe tshad ni lo khri tshig stong ngo;
The extent of his life-span was ten thousand years.
W19357 - Kangyur errata; fol. 2a.3

sku tshe ring ba {C}drgha-yukat

exalted physical activity

skur deprecate; depreciate; deny

skur btabs deprecate; depreciate; deny
skur debs
gdab debs btab thobs {MV}apavda;
abhykhyna deprecation; depreciation;
denial; underestimation {GD:305} nihilism
mtshan nyid/ rang gi dmigs yul gyi don
de las chad par lta bai blo/ Def.: an awareness that
views that object which is its object of observation
as less than that [i.e., as less than it is]

skur pa {C}apavda deprecation;

depreciation; denial {C}negation; rejection;


[body-life-long]; long life (hon.) {C}long life

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skui phrin las {MSA}kya-karman


skur pa btab byas {C}apodya


skong bskangs skongs fill; fulfill; complete

go away from; withdraw from; negate

skur pa debs


gdab debs btab thobs {C}apavda

pipsita thirst {C}thirsty

deprecation; depreciation; denial {C}negation;

rejection; underestimation

skur pa debs pa

gdab debs btab thobs {MSA,MV}apavda
deprecation; depreciation; denial

skur ba {C}apavda deprecation;

bskord/ skord/ to turn round; revolve; encircle;



skor ba bya bar os par

calumniate; misrepresent

bskul/ skul/

gyur te {C}pradakiya {C}worthy of being

honored by circumambulation

bskuld/ skuld/ rouse; arouse; entreat; urge on;

incite; urge; exhort

skul cing {C}codayati

skya ga magpie
skya nar gyi bu {Das} Ptalputra

{C}exhort; warn

against; make the charge

skul bar byed cing {C}codye

{PH}Ptalputra {SBC}

skya ba paddle
skya bas legs bsrabs churned


I am exhorted

skul byed ma {GST-V} *cundavajr

well by a paddle


skya bo greyish; whitish grey

ske lba ba {PH}neck goiter

skem shing {C}tapeti {C}dry up
skems par byed cing {C}tapeti

Having smeared butter on a cats nose, [she] was
given a small morsel of food. {A4C-C}

skya ser gnyis

{C}dry up


bskang skong
bskangs skongs fill; fulfill; complete



Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bskor/ skor/

skor dgu {PH}nine cycles

skor bcu gcig {PH}eleven cycles
skor ba bskor/ skor/

gdab debs btab thobs apavda;

abhykhyna deprecation; depreciation; denial


skom po a hybrid cow that is thin and gives

bskord/ skord/ preposition: around; about;
surrounding; concerning; ; verb: to turn round;
revolve; encircle; circle.; noun: topic; cycle

gdab debs btab thobs {C}apavda

deprecation; depreciation; denial {C}negation;
rejection; underestimation

skur bar gyur {C}abhycikati

tapta tormented by thirst; pained by thirst

{C}tormented by thirst; pained by thirst


skur ba debs pa

skom pa pips thirst

skom pas gdungs pa {C}pipsa lot of milk

depreciation; denial {C}negation; rejection;


skur ba debs

skom pa {C}pips; {C}

{PH}ordained and lay


skyabs {MSA}araa refuge; protection;

something like a dandelion which grows in the



skhyil mo krung cross-legged; cross-

woods and has three flowers to a stalk

skyabs gro {PH}going for refuge

skyabs groi sdom pa {PH}

legged posture

skhyil mo krung gcig gis {C}

eka-paryakena (=ekena-paryakena) {C}during

one single session of cross-legged meditation

refuge vows

skyabs bla na med pa yin pa

skyu na gsal it is clear in the run of the

{MSA}araatvnuttarya unurpassed refuge

skyabs med {MSA}aaraa without


skyu ru ra malak olive; sour medicinal

refuge; protectorless

skyabs su gro ba {L}araa-


skyug cing {C}gacchati

gamana go for refuge {PH}going for refuge

(along); approach; comes to; spurts out of

skyabs su gro bai skabs

skyug log pa [vomit-turn-out]; nausea

skyung ka a black bird with a red beak
skyur ba mla sour
skye skye/ skye/ skyes/ skyes/

{MSA}araa-gamandhikra occassion of going

for refuge

skyabs su gro bai khyad

par {MSA}araa-pratipatti-vieaa features

of going for refuge

skyabs su gro bai cho ga

{PH}ritual for taking refuge

skyabs su gro bar nges pa

{MSA}araa-gamana-vyavasya definite/certain
to go for refuge

skyabs su rab tu slu ba {MSA}

araa-vipravdana deceived with respect to

skyabs seng pu

skye dgag gnas

gsum mi rung bai chos a phenomenon of which

the threeproduction, abiding, and cessation
are not possible

of the five Pandavas]

skyabs gsum {LCh}triaraa the

skye dgag gnas

three refuges [Buddha, his Doctinre, and the

Spiritual Community]

gsum rung bai chos a phenomenon of which the

threeproduction, abiding, and cessationare

skye dgu {MSA}praj [creatures-nine]; all


safety; secure from attack

beings {PH}nine-fold birth [realms]; [all those of

the] nine-fold birth [realms]; (many or all) beings

skyid pa {C}saukhya comfort; happiness

skye dgui don for the benefit of [all]

{PH}happy; joyful {C}happiness

skhyil krung; skhyil mo krung


cross-legged; cross-legged posture

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skye dgag gnas gsum the

three: production, abiding, and cessation

{PH}Pu [father

skyar mo heron
skyid {C}kema comfort; happiness

{MV}jan; {C}upapadyati; {C}viruhati; {C}upapatti;

{C}janayati; {C}jti; {MV}utpatti; {MV}( jan)
jyate; {MV}jta be born; be produced; grow;
generate; production; birth {C}arise; produce;
grows; (place of) rebirth; genesis; generate; give
birth to; birth; species; kind; different varieties


skye dgui bdag po



skye phreng

[n. of the fourth constellation]

{PH}garland of lives;
sequence of lives; successive incarnations


skye ba

skye/ skye/ skyes/

skyes/ {C,MV}jti; {MV,MSA}janma; {MV}utpatti;
{C,MSA}utpda; {C}tmopapatti; {C}utpdika; {C}
upapatti; {C}upapadyate; {C}updu (=utpda); {C}
janman; {C}jyate; {C}pratyjayate; {MSA}caya;
{MSA}utpadyamana; {MSA}udaya; {MV}janmatva
birth; production; produce; grow; be born;
arising {C}rebirth; place of rebirth; genesis;
arising; in his rebirths; which produces; is reborn;
gain rebirth; appears; produced things; manner of
birth; species; kind; different varieties; to be reborn

dgui bdag po dang bcas pai lha rnams {C}

saprajpatik dev the gods together with
Prajpati {C}the gods around Prajpati

skye gyur {C}upadyati {C}arise; set up

skye rga na chi birth, aging, sickness,

skye mched {MSA,C,MV}yatana sensespheres; sphere; sense-sphere; sensory sphere;

source [of consciousness] {PH}sense-sphere;
source {C}sense-field; occasion for
gzugs kyi skye mched form sense-sphere

skye ba dkar po {MSA}ukla-janman

wholesome birth

Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 phyii skye mched 2 nang gi skye mched
Div: external sense-spheres (i.e., the six sensespheres of forms, sounds, odors, tastes, tangible
objects, and [other] phenomena) and internal sensespheres (i.e., the six sense-spheres of the eye, ear,
nose, tongue, body, and mental sense powers)

skye ba khyad par can thob

nas / thob/thob thob

thob thobs {MSA}upapatti-viea prpya
having obtained/attained a special birth

skye ba dgu

{PH}nine-fold birth [realms];

[all those of the] nine-fold birth [realms]; (many or
all) beings

skye mched bcu gnyis twelve

skye ba ngo bo nyid production-


skye mched drug {MV}ayatana six

nature; [self-]production-nature; nature of [self-]


sense-spheres; six sources the six sense-fields

skye ba ngo bo nyid ma

skye mched la mkhas {MV}

mchis pa utpattinisvabhvat productionnon-nature; [self-]production-non-nature;

naturelessness of [self-]production

yatana-kaualya skill in the sense-spheres

skye mchog {C}puruottama supreme

skye ba ngo bo nyid med pa

person; supreme creature {C}supreme man

skye thebs {PH}section of generation

skye thebs gnyis {PH}two sections

utpattinisvabhvat without a nature in terms

of production; without a nature of production;
production-non-nature; [self-]production-nonnature; naturelessness of [self-]production;
production naturelessness

of generation

skye dang chi {MSA}janana-maraa

skye ba ngo bo nyid med

birth and death

skye gnas yoni birth-place; birth-

pa nyid utpattinisvabhvat productionnon-nature; [self-]production-non-nature;

naturelessness of [self-]production; production


skye po bdag dzin can


Proponent of Permanent Existence

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



skye ba gcig gis thogs pa

{MV}notpatti not born; not reborn; not


skye ba med dang skye ba {C}

{C}eka-jti-pratibaddha impeded by one birth

[i.e., removed from enlightenment by only one
more birth] {C}bound to one more birth only

anupdupdu {C}non-production and production

skye ba med pa {C}asamutpda;

anutpda no production; non-production;

birthless {N}no production; {C}what is not coproduced

skye ba gcig gis thogs pai byang chub sems dpa

Bodhisattva who is one lifetime away from
[achieving Buddhahood]

skye ba dang gag pa

skye ba med pa la sogs pa

gag gag gags gags {MSA}

{MSA}anutpaddi no production and so forth;

non-production and so forth; birthless and so

utpda-nirodha production and cessation; birth

and cessation

skye ba med pa shes pa {MV}

skye ba dang mthun pa {MV}

jnjti knowledge of no more birth

utpatty-anukla concordant with birth;

concordant with production

skye ba med pai chos la

skye ba don med pa {MSA}

bzod pa bzod bzod bzod

bzod forbearance/patience/tolerance/endurance
with respect to the doctrine of non-production

cayprthya purposeless production; pointless


skye ba dman la brten {MSA}

skye ba rnam pa bcu bzhi po

hnopapatti rit dependent on low birth

{MSA}catur-daa-vidha utpda fourteen types

of birth

skye ba po {C}jantu (=vcika-di)

skye ba tsam mere production

skye ba gzhan du in another birth; in


vermin; creature

another lifetime

skye ba sprul sku incarnation

skye ba zad pa {MSA}janma-kaya

emanation body

extinction of birth

skye ba phongs shing {C}jti-

skye ba bzang po {MSA}ubha-janman;

vyativtta, (=sva-prakti-paritygj = janmaantara-gata) {C}(after they have) passed through

this present birth (life); after one has died

{MSA}obhana ... janman good birth; auspicious


skye ba ma

skye ba yang med

skye ba ma yin pa {C}anupapatti

skye ba yongs su len pa {MSA}

gag pa yang med

gag gag gags gags {MSA}notpdo na nirodha
no production and also no cessation; neither
production nor cessation; both no production
and no cessation

mchis pa rnam par shes par bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}anutpdavijpanat; {C}anupapadyammana {C}it is
informed about non-production; without ever being

upapatti-parigraha thoroughly taking birth

{C}no rebirth

skye ba med

skye/ skye/

{MSA}upapatti-niyatipta definite to be born/

skyes/ skyes/ {MSA}na jyate; {MV}ajanma(tva);

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skye ba la nges par gyur ba



crowd of people; beasts; audience

skye ba la don med pa {MSA}

skye bo ngan pa {MSA}durjana bad/

cayprthya pointless production; purposeless


evil being; bad/evil person

skye bo ngan pa dang

skye bai kun nas nyon

grogs pa {MV}kujana-vsa acquainting with

bad beings; companying with bad beings

mongs pa {MV}janma-saklea thorough

afflictions of birth

skye bai skad cig ma

dang po phyin chad {MSA}janma-kad rdhva

(prathama-) from the first moment of birth

skye bai rgyu {MSA}utpda-hetu cause

skye bai sgo {MV,C}ya-dvra door of

production; door of biruth (C)(acting as a) door

of coming into being; door of arrival

beings {C}people; crowd of people; beings;


skye bo phal po che {L}mahjanakya

skye bai chos can {C}utpda-

a large crowd of people

skye bo blun pa {MV}mrkha-jana

dharmin {C}subject to production

skye bai sprul sku construction

stupid being

skye bo mang po {C}bahujana many

emanation body

skye bai phreng ba

beings {C}many people; the many

{PH}garland of
lives; sequence of lives; successive incarnations

skye bo mang po dga ba {MSA}

skye bai lus

bahu-jana-supriya liking many beings

skye bo rmongs pa

bor te sprul pai lus dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}janma-

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs {MSA}

vimha ... jana confused being {PH}confused


kya tyaktv nirma-kya ghti having

given up the body of birth, taking an emanation

skye bar {C}updu (=utpda)

skye bo mdza ba la byams pa

{MSA}priya-jana-preman loving friendly beings


skye boi tshogs {C}jana-kya; {C}

things; production

skye bar gyur {C}upapadyayti; {C}

janapada-bala-kya group of beings; collection

of beings {C}crowd of people; body of people;

updayti; {MSA}(upa pad) upapatsyante; {MSA}

upapadyate {C}is reborn; produces

skye bo {C,MSA,MV}jana; {C,MSA}janat;

{C}janakya being; creature; people {C}men;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skye bo sdang ba dang

skye bo phal cher {C}jana most

gzhom joms bcom choms

{GD:532} destroying the possibility

nyon mongs pa can la rjes su brtse ba {MSA}

kliajannukamp mercy/compassion for beings
with afflictions; mercy/compassion for afflicted
grogs pa {MV}dua-jana-vsa acqainting
with hateful beings; accompanying with hateful

of production; cause of birth

skye bai sgo bcom pa

skye bo

skye bai ngo bo nyid med pa

without a nature of production



skye ma {PH}that which is produced

skye mi rung gi chos can

{C}is produced; appear; arises; genetrix; creator;


skyed par byed


having the quality of not being suitable to be

produced again

skye med {C}ajtika unborn; unproduced;

skyed par mdzad pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}

birthless {C}unborn

skye med gnas la {C}anupdapade

janayitr (=dv utpdand) producer; means of

production/generation {C}genetrix; begettor;

in the state of non-production {C}to the track

of non-production

skye med blo ldan {C}anupdadh

skyed byed

skyed bskyed skyed janaka; {C}updayti;
{C}janetr; {C}janan (=janetr) producer;
generator; engenderer; that which produces
{C}produces; creator; begettor; genetrix

{C}his thought on non-production

skye rmongs {PH}confused being

skye tshul mode of production; mode of

skyed byed cing

skye zhing {C}jyi; {C}jyate is born/

skye zhing jig pa {MV}utpda-

skyed byed pa

bhaga; {MV}utpda-vyaya; {MSA}pyika

is produced and disintegrates; is born and is

skyed mos tshal {C}udyna grove;

park {C}park; (pleasure) grove

produced and diminish

skyed mos tshal gyi sa {MSA}

{PH}birth; death; and

udyna-bhmi place of a grove; location of a


the intermediate state

skye srid birth-state

skyed tshal
skyed bskyed skyed bskyed skyed tshul

skyen pa {C}ghra(m)


{C}soon; hurry up

with; quickly; speedily

skyen bu

rnga mo des di ni rkyen bu zhig go

skyed bskyed skyed {C}upabandhati {C}extend


bskyed skyed

bskyed skyed {MV}ropaa; {MSA}dhna; {MSA}

upapatti; {L}prasavati; {C}utpadyate; {C}janayitr
(=dv utpdand) produce; generate; engender

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}grove; garden

skyed bskyed skyed mode of production/

skyed {C}upapdayti; {C}updayti; {C}vahati;

{C}vardhayati produce; generate; engender
{C}produces; harbors; transports; increase;

skyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}rohayati {C}

cause to grow

skye zhing bri {MSA}udaya-vyaya be

skyed cing

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}upadyati; {C}

vkati {C}arise; set up; behold

produced/generated {C}is born

skye shi bar do

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}avaropaa;

{MSA}( jan): janayanti produce; generate;


snyam du shes te; That camel thought, This is a

reason [to leave]. {A4C-C}

skyem tsam re

{PH}just briefly


skyeo upapadyate

jig par mi gyur skye/ skye/

skyes/ skyes/ {MSA}utpanna-mtra vinayet (na) due to merely having been produced it is not

{C}is reborn; gain rebirth;


skyel {C}anugamana; {C}anuyna verb:

escort {C}follow; following

skyel ba

skyes pai rabs {C}jtaka life


skyel/ bskyeld/ skyold/ to conduct; accompany

skyel ba

bskyal/ skyel/

bskyal/ skyol/ take away; carry; send; risk; use;



present; gift
[They] offered the gifts that were sent by the king.

sequence of lives; successive incarnations

skyes bu {MSA,MV,C}purua; {C}jana; {C}

Red Annals

skyes mchog ka lo sgyur ba

pumn; {C}pus being; creature; person

{PH}The Person {C}person; personality; (some)
one; men

{C}pugava {C}hero

skyes na {C}jyamna when generated; if

skyes bu gang zag {L}puruapudgala

generated {C}has been generated



skyes bu chung ngu adhamapurua

skye/ skyes/ skyes/ {C}utpadya (=upapadyaparinirvyin) having been born; having been
produced {C}as soon as he has been reborn

being of small capacity

skyes bu chung ngu khyad

skyes pa

skye/ skye/ skyes/

skyes/ {MSA.MV}jta; {C}janman; {C}nirjta
(=niryta); {C}jana; {C}pumn; {C}purua;
{MSA,MV}utpanna; {MV}utpatti; {MSA}upapatti;
{MSA}upapanna; {C}dyanutpannatva created
phenomenon; created; man; human being
[synonymous with skyes bu]; produce; grow; be
born; persons; that which is created {C}to be
unproduced from the very beginning; (manner of)
birth; come forth; issued; source; creation; person;

par can special being of small capacity

skyes bu chung ngu

khyad par can gyi lam a path of a special being

of small capacity

mtshan nyid/ rang kho nai

don du tshe phyi mai khor bai mngon mtho tsam gtso
bor don du gnyer bai cha nas bzhag pai bsam pa/

Def.: an attitude that is posited from the standpoint

of seeking mainly mere high status within a future
cyclic existence for ones own sake alone

skyes bu chung ngu


men themselves

dang thun mong pai lam path in common with

those of lesser capacity

skyes pa bud med {C}puruestri

skyes bu chung ba khyad

man or woman; man and woman; men and


skyes pa tsam gyis

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

life stories; discourses on [Buddhas previous]

skyes phran {PH}boy

skyes phreng {PH}garland of lives;

be born; be produced; be engendered {PH}

skyes pa nyid {BCA} puruatva

skyes pai rabs kyi sde {C}jtaka

births {C}birth-story

skye/ skye/ skyes/ skyes/

skyes nas

stories; discourses on [Buddhas previous] births


par can {PH}special being of small capacity



skyes bu chung

sentient beings attaining Buddhahood

skyes bu gti mug can {C}

bring thun mong gi lam a path that is common

to beings of small and middling capacity


mohapurua beclouded/ignorant/confused/
befuddled person {C}deluded person

mtshan nyid/ skyes bu gsum kai

skyes bu dam pa {C,MSA}satpurua;

{MSA}satpauruya excellent being; holy being;

true being {C}worthy person; real man; true man

nyams su blang bya yang yin/ bring gi lam rang rgyud

la skye ba la rang nyid la thog mar blo sbyong dgos pai

skyes bu dam pa la

bsam pa/ Def.: an attitude (1) which is an object

of practice of the three [types of] beings and (2) in
which it is necessary initially to train the mind in
order to produce a path of [a being of] middling
capacity in ones continuum

brten pa {MSA}satpurua-sasev; {MSA}

satpuruyraya relying/acquainting with on
a holy/excellent/true being

skyes bu dam pai las

skyes bu che bring

byed pa {MSA}satpurua-karma-karaat
performing the actions of a holy/excellent/true

thun mong gi lam a path that is common

to beings of great and middling capacity

skyes bu byed pai bras bu

mtshan nyid/ skyes bu che bring

{MSA,MV}purua-kra-phala personally made


gnyis kai nyams su blang bya yang yin/ chen poi lam

rang rgyud la skye ba la rang nyid la thog mar blo sbyong

dgos pai bsam pa/ Def.: an attitude (1) which is

an object of practice of both beings of great and

middling capacities and (2) in which it is necessary
initially to train the mind in order to produce a path
of a being of great capacity in ones continuum

skyes bu chen po {C}mahpurua

being of great capacity {C}great man; great
person; superman

skyes bu bring madhyamapurua

being of middling capacity; being of medium


skyes bu bring gi lam path of


nyid/ khor bai phun tshogs la blo log pai sgo nas

{MV}mahpurua-lakaa characteristic of a
being of great capacity

rang kho nai don du thar pa gtso bor don du gnyer bai

skyes bu chen poi lam a path of

mtshan nyid/ snying rje chen poi gzhan dbang


du gyur pai sgo nas sems can gzhan gyis sangs rgyas

thob phyir du rnam mkhyen don du gnyer bai cha nas

cha nas bzhag pai bsam pa/ Def.: an attitude that

is posited from the standpoint of mainly seeking
liberation for the sake of oneself alone, from the
viewpoint of having turned the mind away from the
marvels of cyclic existence

skyes bu rmongs pa



skyes bu tshad ma pramabhta

bzhag pai bsam pa/ Def.: an attitude that is posited

from the standpoint of having come under the

influence of great compassion seeking [to attain] an
exalted knower-of-all-aspects for the sake of other
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

stupid being/person {C}deluded person

a being of middling capacity

skyes bu chen poi mtshan

a being of great capacity

skyes bu blun po {C}mohapurua

valid person/being


skyes bu gsum beings of the three


skyes ma thag tu

skye/ skye/ skyes/ skyes/ {C}jtamtra; {MSA}
sahodaya immediately/right/just after being
born/produced {C}when just born

capacities [i.e., small, middling, and great]

skyes bu gsum ka

{PH}beings of

the three capacities

skyes bui

skyes zin pa yang skye

rgyud kyis bsdus pai rdul du grub pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs
that which is atomically established and is
included within the continuum of a being

ba ni ma yin skye/ skye/ skyes/

skyes/ {MSA}utpanna punar utpadyate (na-)
what has already been produced is not produced

skyes bui skyes rabs

rgyud kyis ma bsdus pai rdul du grub pa
/ grub grub grubs/grub
grubs that which is atomically established and is
not included within the continuum of a being

skyes bui mthu {C}puruakra

pai rabs/ jtaka life stories; discourses on
[Buddhas previous] births {C}birth-stories

skyo {MSA}savigna grief; sorrow; weariness;

pathetic; poor

skyo ngogs {PH}quarrel

skyo bcas sems can


(manly) doing; work

bui dod pa tsam gyis bzhag pai brel ba
{GD:785} a relation established by the mere
intention of the speaker

smin par byed {MSA}sodveg sattva-pcan

ripening poor sentient beings

skyo ba {C,MSA,MV}udvega; {C}nirvinna;

skyes bui shes rgyud mental

{C}nirveda; {C}udvigna (-cittena); {C}khidyati;

{C,MSA}kheda; {C}nirvartate; {MSA}nirvid;
{MV,MSA}parikheda; {C}bhajyati; {C}savega
discouragement; sorrow; grief; weariness
{PH}disgust; disregard for {C}agitation;
depressed; meek; disregard for worldly things;
sorrow; repentance; indifference; disgust; anxious;
feel exhausted; fatigue; turns back; recedes; is
made to desist; is worn down; tribulation
Hence, because
impermanence coincides with disgust, ... {A4C-C}

continuum of a being

skyes bui

shes rgyud kyis bsdus pai gzugs

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus form included within
the mental continuum of a being


bui shes rgyud kyis ma bsdus pai gzugs

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus form not

included within the mental continuum of a being

skyes bui shes rgyud bsdus skyo ba can {MSA}khedavat discouraged;

pa bsdu sdud bsdus sdus
contained/included within the mental continuum
of a being


skyo ba dang ldan pa {MSA}nirvitsahagata discouraged; weary

skyes bui shes rgyud ma skyo ba spangs pa

bsdus pa bsdu sdud bsdus
sdus not contained within the mental continuum
of a being

skyes bus byed pai bras bu

personally made effect

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}kheda-

vivarjita abandoned disregard for

skyo ba med pa akheda{MSA};

akheditva{MSA}; khedbhva{MSA} non-


skyo ba med pa yid la byed

pa akheda-manaskra{MSA} taking to mind an

absence of fatigue/discouragement/weariness

skyo bar gyur ba {C}khedam

skyo bar du shes pas {C}nirvit-

dang yon tan du so so yang dag par rig pa {MSA}

doa-gua-pratisavedana thorough knowledge
individually of faults and good qualities/
disadvantages and advantages

skyo bar byed become discouraged;

develop aversion; be averse{S 52.3}

skyon du mi byao {C}anapard(d)ha

skyo bar byed pa {C}savegam

not take as a fault/defect/disadvantage {C}free

from guilt

padyate develop disregard for; develop

weariness toward {C}it is a source of anxiety

skyon phen pa casting faults; critique;

skyo bar byed par gyur na


savegam padyate{C} when/if one has become

weary {C}it is a source of anxiety

skyon ma mchis pa {C}nirdoa

skyo bar mi gyur {MSA}na khedam

flawless; faultless {C}faultless

skyon mi brjod pa {VN}

padyate; {MSA}nodvegam yti not become


adoodbhvana {PH}non-fault-statement [(1) not

pointing ou the fault; or (2) pointing out the nonfault]

skyo med {MSA}akhinna without fatigue/


skyon mi byung

skyon med {C}niymata; {C}nyma;

nirdoa faultless; flawless; flawlessness {C}

certainly; (lit.: re-drawing); the way of salvation (of
rvakas and Pratyekabuddhas); the fixed condition
(of Bodhisattvas); ripening; (distinctive) way of
salvation (of Bodhisattvas); definite way of certain


skyong/ bskyangs/ skyongs/ p keep; sustain;

maintain; protect; guard

bskyod skyod

bskyod skyod arouse; stir; move; cause to go

skyon med pa {C}acchidra; {C}niyama

skyon {MSA,C,MV}doa; apakla fault;

faultless; flawless; flawlessness {C}flawless;

disadvantage; fallacy; defect; flaw {PH}fault;

mistake {C}defect; hatred; fault
la la dag
ni lcags kyi thu lum bar ba la sbrang bu dag bzhin
du dei skyon mthong, Some see the faults of that,
just as insects near a metal ball of blazing iron.

certainly; destined; definitely; established

skyon med pa la jug nyid

{MSA}niymvakrnti entry into flawlessness

skyon med
par jug pa yang dag par grub pa


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung byung fault will not arise

skyong ba / bskyang/ skyong/ bskyangs/ skyongs/

p keep; sustain; maintain; protect; guard

skyod pa

skyon dang yon tan dag


samjin (=myopama-nirva-dharma-avagamn)
{C}with disgust


skyon yon gua-doa faults/defects and good
qualities; disadvantages and advantages

dbye ba {MSA}gua-doa-bheda differentiating

faults and good qualities/disadvantages and

padyate become discouraged/weary/fatigued

{C}to feel fatigue


skyon dang yon tan



skra bregs {C}mua {C}shaven head

skra zla la sogs pa med pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

{MV}niymvakrnti-samudgama thorough

establishment/accomplishing/achieving of entry
into flawlessness

asat-kea-candra-di non-existent hairs, moons,

and so forth

skyon yongs su shes {MSA}doa-

skra la phog par {C}blavedha; {C}

parijna thorough knolwedge of faults/flaws/


skyon yon

blavedhan {C}split a hair; splitting a hair

skra shad {PH}strand of hair; comb

skra bshad dzings pa keouka

skyon dang

yon tan faults and good qualities; disadvantages

and advantages

skyon sel mi nus pa



bsal sel bsald seld [you are] not

skrags bhaya; trsa fear; fright; terror; horror;

panic; alarm; dread; fearfulness; trepidation
[and corresponding verbs]

able to avoid/eradicate/remove/clear away/

eliminate/exclude the fault that...

skyob cing

bskyab/ skyob/ bskyabs/ skyobs/ {C}paritran
(=trabhta) protecting; defending; sheltering

skyob pa

skrag cing

skrag skrags skrags {C}uttrayayati be afraid; be
fearful; dread {C}tremble

skrag ste


skrag dang dngang

skrag pa

bskyab/ skyob/ bskyabs/ skyobs/ {C}

trayate protect; guard; defend; shelter {C}


pratiedha stopping fright; ceasing fear

support; hold

skrag pa med pa

skra {C}kea hair {C}hair

skra khang barber-shop
skra nyag ma {C}vla {C}hair
skra dang sbrang bu la sogs

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MV}atrsa without


skrag pai rgyu

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}trsa-kraa

cause of fear/fright/dread

pa kea-bhramara-di hair, bees, and so forth

{PH}hair oil

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skrag skrag
skrags skrags {C}trsu (bhavate); {C}trso;
{C,MV,MSA}trsa; {MSA}( tras): trasanti; {C}
paritrsaa; {MSA}bhaya; {MV}uttrsa; {MV}
trasana fear; fright; afraid; frightened; dread
{C}terrified; trembling; worry

skrag pa dgag pa {MSA}trsa-

skyor ba recite; repeat;

skra snum

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MV}trsatmna fear and dread; fear and panic

bskyab/ skyob/ bskyabs/ skyobs/ protector;

guardian; shelter

skyob par byed cing

skrag skrag

skrags skrags {C}trasati be afraid; be fearful;

dread {C}be afraid; be alarmed

skyob/ bskyabs/ skyobs/ tr; {C}tyin; {C}tra;

{MSA}paritra protective; protect; guard;
defend; shelter; protector; guardian; defender
protector; shelter; protection

skyob pa po

skrag skrag skrags


skrag pai gnas

rkyong brkyangs rkyongs {C}prasrita; {MSA}
nighya (also: bag brkyang = nighya) extend

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}uttrsa-pada;

{MSA}trsa-sthna state of fear/fright/dread

bska ba {C}kasava; {C}kasya; kaya

skrag pai gzhii

astringent {C}bitter; astringent

gnas ma yin pa nyid skrag

skrag skrags skrags {MSA}atrsa-pada-sthnatva
not a foundation of fear/fright/dread

skrag pai yid kyis


skong bskangs skongs fill; fulfill; complete


skrag skrag skrags skrags {C}trastamanas with a mind of fear/fright/dread {C}

trembling in mind

skrag par du shes pas

skong bskangs skongs fill; fulfill; complete


bskal mchog {MSA}uttama-kalpa

supreme eon

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MV}uttrastavya; {MV}

trsya be afraid; be fearful; dread

skrag par bya ba

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}uttrsa; {MSA}

( tras): trasitavya that which is to be feared;
object of fear/fright/dread

skrag par byed

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}( tras):

trsyate; {MSA}satrsaka cause fear/fright/
dread; frighten


bskal don supersensory object

bskal pa {C,MV}kalpa eon; aeon; age
bskal pa gang gi

klung gi bye ma snyed {MSA}gag-nad-vliksama ... kalpa as many eons as there are grains
of sand in the Ganges

bskal pa grangs ma

mchis pa {C}asakhyeya-kalpa innumerable/

incalculable eons {C}incalculable number of

bskal pa grangs med {MSA}

bskrad/ skrod/

bskrad/ skrod/ expel

kalpsakhyeya innumerable/incalculable eons

skran tumor
skrai rtse mo {C}vlgrakoi tip of a

bskal pa grangs med da

ba passage of countless/innumerable eons

bskal pa grangs med pa

hair {C}the fine point of the tip of the hair



skam/ bskams/ skams/ {C}upauyati; {L}u

dry; dry up; wither {C}shrivel up

skrag skrag skrags skrags {C}

sajin {C}one who perceives; has a notion of

skrag par bya


bskrun skrun

gsum {MV}trikalpsakhyeya three periods of

innumerable/incalculable eons

bskrund skrund make; form; produce

bskal pa chen po mahkalpa great

brkam pa desire; greed

brkyang brkyang


bskal pa stong phrag du ma

rkyong brkyangs rkyongs {C}prasrita; {MSA}

nighya (also: bag brkyang = nighya) extend

{MSA}naikasahasra ... kalpa many thousands of


brkyang ma lalan left channel

bskal pa dpag med {MSA}ameya
brkyangs brkyang
... kalpa immeasurable/uncalculable eons

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



bskul na {L}preita if/when dispatched/

bskal pa bye ba stong {MSA}

kalpa-sahasra-koi thousand ten million eons

aroused/entreated/urged on/incited/urged/

bskal pa mang po {MSA}bahu-kalpa

bskul ba

many eons

bskal pa rdzogs ldan ktayuga

skul/ bskuld/ skuld/ {MSA}prerita; {MSA}

samdpana rouse; arouse; entreat; urge on;
incite; urge; exhort

{PH}age of perfection [first of the four ages of the


bskul bai spang ba

bskal pai me bar ba {C}

bskul bar byed {C}codayati arouse;

entreat; urge on; incite; urge; exhort; cause to
arouse {C}exhort

bskal bzang rgya mtsho Kel-

bskul byed {LCh} cunda {PH}Cunda

bskul byed rdo rje ma {GST}

sang-gya-tsho [1708-1757, the Seventh Dalai



skum/ bskums/ skums/ {C}samijita to contract;
draw in; withdraw; bend [as in bending limbs]

cundavajr {PH}Cundavajr

bskul ma exhortation; entreaty; urging

on; inciting; urging

bskul ma mdzad pa bzhin in

accordance with the exhortation/urging

bskum/ skum/ bskums/ skums/ {MSA}kucitaka

(=sakucitaka) to contract; draw in; withdraw;
bend [as in bending limbs]


bskul tshig

bskur/ skur/

bsko ba

bsko sko bskos

skos order; command

bskur ba {C}netavya {C}should be guided

bskur byas satktya (=r-paabandhdinvieapada sthpant = maala-dikarat) {C}having honored


bskul/ skul/
bskuld/ skuld/ rouse; arouse; entreat; urge on;
incite; urge; exhort


bskor skor
bskord skord pravartate encircle; surround;
revolve; circumambulate; turn round; turn [a

bskor mgo {PH}computational sequence

bskor pa bskor skor

bskord skord {L}pravartate encircle; surround;

revolve; circumambulate; turn round; turn [a
wheel] turn; spread; proceeds; takes place; moves

bskul/ skul/

bskuld/ skuld/ rouse; arouse; entreat; urge on;

incite; urge; exhort

bskor ba

bskul cing {C}codayati arouse; entreat;

bskor skor

bskord skord {C}parivarta; {C}nirdea; {MSA}

(pra vt): pravartayati; {C}pravartan encircle;
surround; revolve; circumambulate; turn

urge on; incite; urge; exhort {C}exhort; warn

against; make the charge

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


[grammatical term]

bskurd/ skurd/ {MSA}abhiikta; {MSA}abhieka

bestow; make someone carry; send



of encouraging [gifts]

kalpoddha blazing fire [at the end] of an eon

{C}universal conflagration (raging) at the end of an




round; turn [a wheel] {C}chapter; revolution;
exposition; book; section; revolving; turning

bskor ba byas nas

bskor skor bskord skord {C}pradakiktya

having circumambulated/ encircled/

surrounded/ revolved/turned {C}circulate

around; circumambulate

bskor bar bya

bskyed cing

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}upabandhati; {C}
upapadyat generate; produce; engender {C}
extend to

bskor skor bskord skord {C}pravartayati; {C}

utpdayiyati encircle; surround; revolve;
circumambulate; turn round; turn [a wheel]
{C}spread; turn

bskor byas nas

bskyed cing yongs su bsngo

ba {C}avaropaat generate and thoroughly

dedicate; produce and thoroughly dedicate;
engender and thoroughly dedicate {C}planting

bskor skor bskord skord {C}vartitva having

circumambulated/ encircled/ surrounded/
revolved/turned {C}having turned

bskol thang {NOC} kvtha

bskyed dang rdzogs


pa zung jug {PH}union of generation and

completion [stages]

decoction (of)

bskol bai thang {NOC} kaya

bskyed de

skyed bskyed skyed {C}mpayitv produce;
generate; engender {C}having planted

{PH}decoction (of)


skyong/ bskyangs/ skyongs/ keep; sustain;
maintain; protect; guard

bskyed nas

skyed bskyed skyed {C}mpayitv; {C}updayti
produce; generate; engender {C}having
planted; produces

bskyang nul {PH}clay-floor

bskyangs bskyang/

bskyed nas bzung ste

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}updu

skyong/ bskyangs/ skyongs/ keep; sustain;

maintain; protect; guard


(=updya) {C}beginning with


bskyed pa

skyob/ bskyabs/ skyobs/ {L}rakita protect;

defend; guard

bskyab par
bya bai sems can yal bar bor {MSA}trtavyasattvopek abandon/neglect sentient beings
who are to be protected

bskyar zlos {PH}repeated; repetition

bskyud pa {L}pramoa loss; forgetfulness


bskyed skyed

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bskyed skyed {C}avaropaa; upadyati; kurute;

sajanayati; janeti (=janayati); janita; updayti;
{MSA}adhi (=adhyropa); {MSA}dhi; utpda;
utpdayanti; prabhava; vddhi; {MV}avaropita;
dhna; ropita; utpdita; ropita; vihita
generate; produce; engender {C}arise; set
up; planting; suffers; create; engender; generated;


skyed bskyed skyed {C}sajanayati; {C}
prasavanti; {C,MV}avaropita; {MSA,MV}dhna;
{MSA}vaha; {MSA}vhaka; {MV}ropita;
{MV,C}utpatti; {MV}utpda; {C}utpdayati;
{MSA,MV}utpdita; {MV}upagama-prabhavana;
{MSA}upapdana; {C}updayti; {C}janan;
{MSA}( jan): janayanti; {M generate; produce;
engender {C}having planted; beget(s); create;
generate; genesis; arise; raise; give rise to; cause
to be produced; bring forth; produces; creator;
begettor; genetrix; drew their strength from; brought
about (from); brought forth; derives its dignity; one


bskyed pa nas

skyed bskyed skyed janya object produced; that

which is produced

bskyed byed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}updu {C}

beginning with

skyed bskyed skyed {C}utpadyate producer
{C}is produced; appear; arises

bskyed pai bras bu

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed effects that

bskyed bras

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed effect of production

are produced

bskyed par bgyid

bskyed par gyur

bskyed rim

skyed bskyed skyed {ME} utpattikrama stage of
generation; generation stage

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}janayati

produce; generate; engender {C}generate


bskyod skyod
bskyod skyod {C}clayati; kobhya; rita
(=prerita); {MSA}kampana arouse; stir; move;
cause to go {C}shake off; deflect

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}janayati

produce; generate; engender {C}generate

bskyed par bya ba

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MV}

bskyod na

skyod bskyod skyod {C}veate (adhi mtram)
{C}is (all) twisted

utpdanyatva; {MV}utpdayitavya; {MV}

utpditavya that which is/is to be produced/

bskyed par byao

bskyod pa

skyod bskyod skyod {C}kobhya; {C}rita
(=prerita); {C}clayati; {MSA}kampana arouse;
stir; move; cause to go {C}agitated; angry;
stirred; said to be; driven along; shake off; deflect

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}avaropitavya

will produce/generate/engender; should produce/
generate/engender; that which is/is to be
produced/generated/engendered {C}must plant

bskyed par byas la

bskyod par bgyid lags

bskyod skyod bskyod skyod {C}

ucclayati {C}free oneself from

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}sajanayati

produce; generate; engender {C}create;

bskyod par mi nus


bskyed par byed de

bskyed par byed pa

bskyod mi nus so

producer; generator; engenderer; creator {C}

genetrix; begettor; creator

bskrad expel
bskrun bskrun

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

janaka producer; generator; engenderer;


bskyed bya


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bskyod skyod bskyod skyod {C}clayati

cannot be moved; cannot be shaken; cannot be
deflected; cannot move {C}shake off; deflect

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}janetr

bskyed par mdzad pa

bskyod skyod bskyod skyod {C}

asamprakampyo unmovable; unshakeable {C}

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}vardhayati

increase {C}increase; strengthen

skrun bskrund skrund {C}samgamati

(=prdurbhavanti); {C}upta make; form;
produce {C}are brought along; are assembled;
come forth; sown



bskrun pa

byang byangs byang byongs

skrun bskrund skrund craft; make; form;

{C}vacas paricita learned recitation {C}

religious texts (?)

kha {C,MSA}mukha; {C}rami-mukha; {C}

kha ton byed pa {MV}svdhyya; {MV}

daana mouth; opening; face; area; verb +

kha or ka = about to (do something) {PH}
mouth; face; faction; division {C}face; door;
marvellous power(?); so also(?) two
factions {Red Annals}

bye {PH}sand
kha skong ba

svdhyyana perform recitation

kha gtam {PH}oral tradition

kha steng du {PH}upon; above
kha thur {PH}downwards
kha thur du {PH}downwards
bye them {PH}sand dune
kha thor ba scattered
kha dog vara color
kha dog kho rang color itself

bskang skong bskangs skongs fill out [as in

replacing a missing syllable in a line of poetry
with an extra syllable]

kha rgyab {PH}backward

kha rgyab ngos {PH}facing backward
kha cig someone; some; a certain [person]
kha cig tu in some
kha cig na re someone; some; a certain

{GD:253} hypothetical color in general

kha dog gi gzugs color-form;

form that is a color

kha dog sngon po {MSA}nla-vara

blue color; color blue


srin gyi kha chu

kha dog gcig tu {C}eka-vara as

{PH}silken threads;

one color; in one color {C}of one color

insects cocoon

kha dog dang dri dang

kha che kamr Kamr is dot under

ro dang reg bya {MSA}vara-gandha-rasa-spara

color, odor, taste, and tangible object

correct? slash in next item; Moslems; Kashmiri

kha che bye brag smra ba kamri

kha dog du ma {C}aneka-vara many

vaibhika Kamri Vaibhika; Kamri

Proponent(s) of the Great Exposition

colors; many colored; multi-colored {C}manycolored

kha ton recitation

kha ton du {C}svdhyyati; s what is this

kha dog sna lnga


s? {C}vdhyyanti in recitation {C}repeat

kha dog sna tshogs pa {C}

kha ton du bya {C}svdhyyati recite

nnvara variegated in color; having various

colors {C}various-colored


kha ton duang byed {C}

kha dog phun sum tshogs

svdhyyanti do also in recitation {C}repeat

kha ton byang bar byas

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}variegated five-

pa {MSA}vara-sapanna excellent color;

fulfilment of color



kha dog yin na if [something] is a

unseemliness {C}faultless

kha na ma tho ba

color; whatever is a color

kha dog la sogs pa

med pai las can yin pa {MSA}anavadya-karmatva

having acitivities that are without unseemliness/

rnam par gyur ba gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}vardi-viparima
changes/transformations in color and so forth

kha na ma tho med yul {MSA}

kha dog las shin tu das pa

anavadya-viaya objects without unseemliness;

areas without unseemliness

{C}abhikrnta-abhikrnta-var {C}who have

quite passed beyond materiality of any kind

kha nang antarmukha inwards; internal;

kha dog shin tu jam pa {C}


kha nang ltai cha

laka-cchavit {C}his skin is smooth

kha dog ser po {MSA}pta-vara

blta lta bltas ltos factor directed inwards

{GD:603} an internal cognition [which perceives
the objectal aspect of an external object]

yellow color

kha drang {PH}straight-forward; forthright

kha mdun {PH}forward
kha mdun ngos {PH}facing forward
kha na ma tho {MSA}avadya {PH}

kha nang ltas kyi gros

blta lta bltas ltos type which is

directed inwards

kha nang bstan

kha nang du bstan pa facing inwards; directed



kha na ma tho ba {MSA}avadya

kha nang du bstan pa

kha na ma tho ba dang bcas

kha spos move over

kha phyar {C}pragalbha {C}arrogant
kha phyir outwards; directed outwards
kha phyir ltai cha

kha nang bstan facing inwards; directed

unseemliness; fault; blemish; blame {PH}

re zhig dor ba la kha na ma tho ba med do
There is no unseemliness in temporarily putting this
aside. {PGP-121}


pa {MSA,C} svadya involving unseemliness;

faulty {C}has blemishes; faulty

kha na ma tho ba phra rab

blta lta bltas ltos factor directed outwards

{GD:603} an external cognition [which perceives
an external object]

tsam {MSA}anu-mtra ... avadya even/just a

slight unseemliness/fault

kha na ma tho ba mi mnga ba

mnga mnga mnga mnga

kha phyir ltas kyi gros

blta lta bltas ltos type which is

directed outwards

{C}anavadya without unseemliness; faultless;

not involving unseemliness {C}faultless

kha phyir bstan

{MSA,C}anavadya; {MSA}niravadya without

unseemliness; faultless; not involving

kha phyir bstan pa

kha na ma tho ba med pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


kha phyir bstan pa facing outwards; directed

bstan ston bstand stond directed outwards;
facing outwards

kha ba tikta bitter {PH}snow; bitter

kha ba can gyi yul {PH}Land of

kha zheng che {PH}vast and open

kha zas {MSA}bhojana; {MSA}bhojya; {C}

kha bai ro bitter taste

kha byang {PH}label; index; register;

bhaktgra food; fare; foodstuff; provisions


[] ya tse nas slob dpon od zer


kha zas chung ngu tshal

bar gyur btsal tshol
btsald tshold {C}alpa-hra seek a litte food
{C}takes little food

seng ges phul ba [zhes] bya bai kha byang can;

[It] has a label that states that [it] was offered from
Yats by Master ser Seng. {GCG} p. 26/46

kha zas zhim po {MSA}ma ... aana

kha byang {PH}[identifying] note

kha bye [mouth-open]; to blossom
kha bye ba / / /

delicious food

bye / bye / bye / byes/ to blossom


out his blossoms

kha bye

/ / / bye

/ bye / bye / byes/ to blossom

kha byed

/ dbye/

/ dbye/

byed/ phye /phyes/ open; blossom

kha sbyor

sbyar sbyor
sbyard sbyord face to face in [sexual] union

kha sbyor gyi lus

kha lag food

kha lo bsgyur ba

bsgyur sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {C}srathi {C}


kha sha spotted deer

kha shags dispute; argue; use rough

kha sa yesterday
kha gsab {PH}everyday expressions
khwa ta magpie
khag {PH}units; sections; types; parts
khang house; building; dwelling; abode;

byed/ phye /phyes/ open; blossom

kha byes

kha tshon chod pa limited; decided

kha zhe mi mthun pa discordance of
mouth and heart{TGP-77}

Snows (Tibet)

kha bus pa {C} sabhta (?)

stated just the beginnings of analysis

domicile; habitation; structure; edifice; institute

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord bodies [of god and

goddess] face to face [in sexual union]

khang khyim [house-home]; house; home;

kha ma one who is about [to do something]
kha tshon gcod make a decision; limit khang steng {PH}upper level of a house
kha khang pa {C}prsda house; building;

dwelling; abode; domicile; habitation; structure;

edifice; institute {C}palatial building; palace

tshon gcod dka bas dpyod pai sgo tsam bkod do

dgod god bkod god
Since it is difficult to make a decision, [I] have

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


khang pa bkra ba



khams kyi rgyal po {C}koa-rjan


og khang

{C}commander of a fort

og khang gi phyag
dar khrod du phangs pas thams cad chud zos;
Because [they] were thrown into a rubbish heap in
the cellar, all [of the texts] were wasted. {GCG}

khams gong ma upper realm

khams gong ma gnyis {PH}two
upper realms [Form and Formless]

khams rgyas pa {MSA}dhtu-pui


khad pa verb + la + khad pa = on the

increase the constitution [as in increasing health]

khams bco brgyad eighteen

verge of (verb) dbang bskur

la khad pa on the verge of bestowing initiation/

khab {PH}court; residence

khab dang me btsa


khams chen {PH}major constituents

khams gnyis rtas pa
brta brta brtas rtas {MSA}


cauterization and moxibustion

dvaya-dhtu-puat increase/improve the two

constituents; improve health

kham gyi zas morsels of food [i.e.,

khams rtas pa

ordinary food]; morsel food

kham che ba

brta/ brta/ brtas/ rtas/ {MSA}dhtu-puat;

{MSA}dhtu-pui increase/improve the two
constituents; improve health

{PH}great activity; great

[He] made


khams rtas par byed pa

brta/ brta/ brtas/ rtas/ {MSA}

offerings in this manner, and because of performing

such great deeds, he was secretly killed by Minister
We-tak Na-jen and other, who had no fith in the
Dharma. {TDCM}

kham ches ba

dhtu-pui increase the constituents; improve

the constituents; improve health

khams brtas pa

brta/ brta/ brtas/ rtas/ {MV}dhtu-

{PH}great activity; great


khams {MSA,MV,C}dhtu Kham (place in

pui increase the constituents; improve the

constituents; improve health

eastern Tibet); constituent; basic constituent;

realm; element; disposition; type; constitution
[as in health] {PH}constituent; element; basic
constituent; disposition; type; constitution; Kham
[eastern province of Tibet] gzugs
khams form realm (rpadhtu)

khams brtas byed {MV}dhtu-pui

that which increases/improves the constituents;

that which improves health

khams tha dad pa {L}dhtu nntva

various constituents

dbye ba/ 1 dod khams/ 2 gzugs khams/ 3


dbye ba/ yul drug dbang po drug rnam
shes drug dang bco brgyad// Div.: the eighteen
consisting of the six objects, the six sense powers,
and the six consciousnesses

gzugs med khams; dbye ba/ yul drug dbang po drug

rnam shes drug dang bco brgyad// Div.: (1) desire
realm; (2) form realm; (3) formless realm Div.: the
eighteen consisting of the six objects, the six sense
powers, and the six consciousnesses

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


khams dang skye mched {MV}

dhtv-yatana constituents and sense spheres;
[eighteen] constituents and [twelve] sense spheres

khams du ma {L}dhtv anekatva

khams gsum snod bcud

{PH}environment and [its] inhabitants of the three


khams gsum pa po {C}traidhtuka

khams drug six constituents

khams sna tshogs pa {L}dhtu

{C}the triple world; what is in (or: what belongs

to) the triple world

khams gsum pai

nntva various constituents

nyon mongs pa spong ba

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}tridhtuklea-praha abandon the afflictions/afflictive
emotions of the three realms

dbye ba/ yul drug dbang po drug rnam
shes drug dang bco brgyad// Div.: the eighteen
consisting of the six objects, the six senses, and the
six consciousnesses

khams gsum po traidhtuka all

khams gzhan {MSA}anya-dhtu other

three realms

khams gsum ma lus pa


las {C}traidhtuknta from the entirety of the

three realms {C}the triple world

{PH}Kham and

regions to the west

khams gsum la

khams la mkhas {MV}dhtukaualya skill in the constituents


gsum pa {C}tridhtu; {C}traidhtuka the

three realms [i.e., desire realm (dod khams,
kmadhtu), form realm (gzugs khams,
rpadhtu), and formless realm (gzugs med
khams, arpyadhtu)] {C}the triple world; what
is in (or: what belongs to) the triple world

khams gsum gyi sa

khams gsum sa dgu three

realms and nine levels

khar gcod pa la {C}nigraha



khar yas khar yas

inexplicable numbers

levels of the three realms

khams gsum thams


gshegs pa khar yas khar yas zhes bya ba snyed

kyi sku gdung ring bsrel rnams gnas so Bodily
relics of inexplicable numbers of Tathgatas reside
[there]. Toh. 507 / Bentor 1995

cad kyi dbang po {C}sarva-traidhtuka-adhipati

lord of all three realms {C}sarva-traidhtukaadhipati [name of a Buddha]
traidhtuka in the three realms {C}the triple

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bcings par gyur pa {C}traidhtuka-bandhanagata bound in the three realms {C}imprisoned

in the triple world

de bzhin


khams gsum dag la {C}

{MSA}traidhtu-ktma-saskra compounded
phenomena of the three realms

dbye ba/ 1 sa/ 2 chu/ 3 me/ 4 rlung
/ 5 nam mkha/ 6 rnam par shes pa/ Div.: (1)
earth; (2) water; (3) fire; (4) wind; (5) space; (6)

khams gsum

khams gsum dus byas

/ du du/dud dus dus

manifold constituents

khams yan chad

world; what is in (or: what belongs to) the triple



khas che ba pratij claim

khas blang blang/


khas len byed {MSA}samupeta make

len/ blangs/ lend/ iyate; abhyupagama [bymouth-take]; assert; accept; promise


khas blang bar bya ba

khu khrag rasarakta [semen-blood]; semen

blang len blangs lend {MSA}

and blood; initial embryo

khu ba {LCh}rasa ; ukra regenerative fluid;

abhyupagantavya that which is to be asserted/


khas blangs



len/ blangs/ lend/ iyate; abhyupagama [bymouth-take]; assert; accept; promise

khas blangs kyi bsal ba

bsal sel bsald seld {GD:791}

contradiction of opinion

khas blangs pa


khungs source; source quote




khums/ khums/ khums/ listen; hear; understand;


blangs/ lend/ {JH}abhyupagam; {C}upaiti; iyate

[by-mouth-take]; assert; accept; promise7 as
noun: assertion; acceptance; promise {C}
approach; come to; run through; implies; undergo;

khur {MSA}bhra burden; load



khur khyer ba {MSA}bhrahra; {MSA}

bhradna carry a burden/load

khur dor ba {MSA}bhra-nikepaa

blang/ len/ blangs/ lend/ {C}upagata; {MSA}

(abhi i): abhyeti; {MSA}abhyupagama; {MSA}
abhyupeta; iyate [by-mouth-take]; assert;
accept; promise7 as noun: assertion; acceptance;
promise {C}takes place; can be approached; has
admitted into himself

forsake a burden/load

khur po {PH}load; burden

khur po ba {PH}coolie; porter; load-carrier
khur bor ba {C}apahta; {C}apahta-

khas len pa med cing {C}

bhra leave/pur down a burden {C}put down

(a burden); their burden laid down

anupagata without assertion/acceptance/

promise {C}unapproachable

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

khum/ khums/

khums/ khums/ listen; hear; understand; realize

blang/ len/

khas len pa



blang/ len/ blangs/ lend/ {C}ananujna [bymouth-not-take]; nonassertion; not assert; not
accept; not promise {C}no consent

khas len

The Analects of Confucius

{TBRC} W20222

len/ blangs/ lend/ {MV}anupagama [by-mouthnot-take]; not assert; not accept; not promise

khas mi len pa

darkness; obscurity; gloom {PH}hole; cave; pit;

root; panting; snorting; depths [of the heart]

khung bu [hole-small]; small hole

khung tsi {PH}Confucius; Confucianism

blang/ len/ blangs/ lend/ {MSA}abhyupagata; {C}

upagata; iyate [by-mouth-take]; assert; accept;
promise {C}takes place; can be approached; has
admitted into himself

khas mi len

khu byug cuckoo

khu tshur {C}mui fist
khug sna {MSA}nihra mist
khung mun khung {MSA}tamas



khur mang dandelion

khur mi khyer ba {C}anropaat not
carry a burden/load {C}not put on (of a burden)

khur rin {PH}wages for carrying a load

nang khul {PH}inside nang khul phan
tshun khe bzang mi za bar rang yod dngos po
tshong ba selling things that one has without
eating the profit and mutual benefit inside {bya

khegs ityama negate; refute; cease; stop

khegs pa ityama negate; refute; cease;

kho nar only {PH}only

kho bo I

kho bos

ambha; {MSA}unnata haughtiness; arrogance;

puffed up {C}rigidity; arrogance; support

sngon po mthong ngam ma mthong snyam pai

the tshom dren par byed pai sngon dzin dbang
po mngon sum /
drang dren drangs drongs/drend a sense direct
perception apprehending blue which induces a
doubting consciousness that thinks, Was blue
seen or not?

khengs pa dang bral ba {MSA}

kharatvapgama free of haughtiness; free of
arrogance; free of being puffed up

khengs pa med pa {MV}anunnati

without haugtiness; without arrogance; without

being puffed up

kho bos bris pa las


shes par byao These are to be known through/

from my own writings

khebs kheb khebs {L}chadana; {MSA}channa

covering; veil; lid; affliction

kho bos bshad par bya I will


explain [this]

kho lag limb

khog pa {MV}arra the inside; the trunk

khebs kheb khebs {MSA}upaklea covering;

veil; lid; affliction {PH}affliction

khem pa a brief period

khem pa gcig las med

(of the body); the container

khong he (hon.); she (hon.)

khong khro {MSA}pratigha; {C}kauka

pa min te it is not the case that it is not be more

than one brief period{TGP-64}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bya bai sgras nges par gzung ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}
eva-abdenvadhraa delimited by the term

{C}veika {C}peculiar to; special

kheng po stale
khengs pa {C}stambha; {JH}mna; {C}

kho he; she; it

kho cag we
kho na {MV,C}eva; tattva only; just; sole

kho na zhes

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres


khebs pa

[person] is still attached to them. {A4C-C} ad 1.22

kho na re ... zer na if someone says...

kho nai ma dres / /

tshig: shug}


{PH}still {C}exactly; truly real

di de dag la chags pa kho na yin/ This

anger {C}sharp; bitter

khong khro dang

yal bar dor dang nga rgyal {MSA}pratighopekmna anger, neglect, and pride



khong khro ba {MSA}pratighta; {C,MV}

{C}avatarati [inside-to-enter]; understand;

internalize; realize; penetrate {C}enter on; go
into; enters (into); descend; alight; come back to;
plunge into; introduces; take off; fathoms

pratigha anger {C}resisting; impact; aversion

khong khro ba med pa {C}

apratihata not angry; non-anger; without

anger {C}unobstructed; free from aversion; nonobstruction; not hostile

khong khro bar gyur

khong du chud par dod pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

pratihanyate become angry {C}is obstructed; is
frustrated; beat back; be upset

khong du chud {C}samanubuddha

{C} avaboddhu-km wish/desrie/want to

understand/penetrate {C}(wants to) look
through to

khong du chud par bya ste {C}

anugantavya that which is to be understood/
penetrated; should be understood/penetrated
{C}one should follow; one should know

khong du chud par bya ba {MV}

[inside-to-enter]; understand; internalize;

realize; penetrate {C}fully understood

khong du chud cing {C}avaghate

anugantavya that which is to be understood/


[inside-to-enter]; understand; internalize;

realize; penetrate {C}plunge (into)

khong du chud par byao

khong du chud pa adhigam; {MV}

adhigama; {C}adhigata; {N}avagacchati; avabudh;

{MV}avabodha; {C}avabodhanat; {C}avaboddhu;
{C}anubuddha; {C}avabudhyate; {MSA}
prativedha; {C}pratvidhyati; {C}pratividhyate;
{C}nirvedhika [=nirbhedika (?)]; {N}avasya;
{C}anupravea [inside-to-enter]; understand;
internalize; realize; penetrate {C}penetrates
to; is penetrated; has been pierced; look through to;
appreciate; (one who has) understood; thoroughly
understood; entrance; recognize; understanding;
sharp; penetration; penetrating don
khong du chud pa understand the meaning

{C}pratiboddhavya; {C}prativedhayati; {C}

avaboddhavya it should be understood/
penetrated {C}should be observed; should
penetrate; must see through; should be understood;
one should look through to; should understand

khong du chud par byed pa

{C}nir-vidhyate penetrate; understand; means

of penetration; means of understanding {C}

khong du chud par byed la {C}

bodhayati cause to understand/penetrate {C}
make aware of

khong du chud pa ma yin

khong du ma chud pa {C}

khong du chud par dka ba

khong du dzin

anavabudhyamna not understand/penetrate/

realize/understand {C}without understanding;
not understanding

{C}ananubuddha [inside-to-enter-not]; not

understand; not understand fully; not penetrate;
not realize; not internalize {C}not understood

{C}duranubodha hard to understand/penetrate/

internalize/realize {C}hard to understand

khong du bzung nas dug na

khong du chud par bgyi ba

{C}anuayabaddho viharati {C}dwells tied to a


{C} avataraa [inside-to-enter-do]; understand;

internalize; realize; penetrate {C}introducing

khong du chud par gyur

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}anuaya-vahati

{C}harbor a latent bias towards


khong du song ba

[from a text]

song song song song {C} kohagatu gone

khyad distinguishing feature; feature;

within {C}(got into the) stomach

khong na dzin par byed

distinctive feature; attribute; particular;


gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

garbhea dhrayati hold within

khyad chos

khyad par gyi

chos distinguishing feature; feature; distinctive
feature; attribute; particular; distinction; quality
{PH}distinguishing feature
bla mai kho nai khyad chos distinguishing
feature of only Highest [Yoga Tantra] {TGP-522.1}

khong nas {MSA}gata from within

khongs sa {PH}territory
khongs su in middle; within
khongs su gtogs included within
khod yangs po {PH}vast expanse
khon {MSA,L} vaira enmity {C}hatred;

khyad chos kyi gtso bo

khyad chos gcig pu unique

distinguishing feature

anger; emnity

khon pa {PH}anger; resentment

khon med {L} avaira non-enmity

khyad chos che ba

khyad chos brjod pai sgra


brjod rjod brjod rjod term

khom {MSA}kaa condition of leisure;

expressing an attribute

khyad du phags pas {C}viiyate


khom pa {LCh,MSA}kaa condition of

is distinguished; is elevated; is superior to

{C}is distinguished

leisure; leisure

khyad du gsod pa {C}atimananat;

khoms familiar; familiarize; condition to;

{C}kutsayati; {MSA}(vi man): vimnayati

despise; contemn {C}contemptuousness;


khoms pai lam path of


khor ba las

nges par byung ba; nges byung

byung byung byung byung {MSA}sasrn
nisaraa definite emergence/deliverance/
leaving from cyclic existence

khor yug {C}parismanta; {C}

khyad du bsad despise; not care about

khyad par {MSA,MV,C}viea; {MV}viia;
{GD:264}bheda attribute; differentiation;
feature; qualification; particular; distinction;
distinguishing feature; distinctive feature;
in particular; particularly; difference {C}
distinction; difference; distinctive (goal)

khyad par gyi dga ba

parismantaka surrounding area {C}

neighborhood; circumference

khor yug tu {C}parismantaka in the

virmnanda special joy

khyad par gyi rgyu med

surrounding area {C}circumference

pa {MSA}viea-krabhva without a
distinguishing cause

dbyung byin phyung phyungs extract; excerpt

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


significant distinguishing feature

non-emnity; lack of hostility

khol phyung


distinguishing feature



khyad par gyi chos attribute;

correct nature sign free of qualification

khyad par du {L}viia in particular;

feature; qualification; particular; distinction;

distinguishing feature; distinctive feature

khyad par gyi chos

especially {C}distinguished; more distinguished;


khyad par du gyur ba


gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MV}

distinguishing feature

khyad par gyi tshul can {C}

viea become distinctive

viea-bhgya having a distinctive mode

khyad par du gro enhance; become

khyad par gro {MSA}viea-gatva


khyad par du gro ba {MSA}viea-

enhance; become distinguished/distinctive

khyad par can {MSA,MV}viia; {C}

gamana; {MSA}viea-gmitva; {MV}viea-gati

enhance; become distinguished

viea; {MSA,MV}vaieika; {MSA}vaieikat

[particular-possessing]; special; distinctive;
extraordinary {PH}distinctive; special {C}
difference; distinction; distinctive (goal)
nus pa khyad par can gsar du
thob pa the new attainment of a special capacity

khyad par du rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

viedhigama special realization

khyad par du phags

khyad par can special

khyad par du phags pa {MV,L}viia;


{MV}viiat; {MV}viiatva superior; exalted;

enhanced; distinguished; more distinguished;
elevated {C}distinguished; more distinguished;


distinctive; special
nus pa khyad par can gsar du thob pa the new
attainnment of a special capacity {PGP-75}

khyad par can gyi snang bas khyad par du phags pa

snang snang snang snang by

{MSA}(vi i): viiyate; {MSA,MV,C}viia;

{MV}viiat; {C}viiatara; {MV}viiatva;
{MSA}vaieya superior; exalted; enhanced;
distinguished; more distinguished; elevated
{C}distinguished; more distinguished; distinction

means of a special appearance

khyad par cha mthun vieabhgya

concordant with enhancement

khyad par rtogs pa

khyad par du byas qualified (by)

khyad par du byas pa qualified/

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}

viedhigama special realization

khyad par ltos pa pa involving a

enhanced [by]

khyad par gdags


pa yongs su tshol ba /
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs
{MSA}viea-prajapti-paryea thorough
investigation/examination/research of the
designation of attributes

par ltos pa pai rang bzhin gyi rtags yang dag
correct nature sign involving a qualification

khyad par dag pa free of

khyad par dogs


par dag pa pai rang bzhin gyi rtags yang dag

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


pa yongs su tshol ba /
btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}viea-

prajapti-paryea thorough investigation/
examination/research of the designation of

khyad par la rnam par rtog

uttarottara-viea latter features/distinctions/


khyad par lam elevating path

khyad por ltos pa involving a

khyad par phyi ma phyi ma {MSA}

khyad par phags

khyad par du phags pa {MV,C}viiat

superior; exalted; enhanced; distinguished; more

distinguished {C}distinctive superiority

khyad par phags pa


khyad phags

khyad par du phags pa {MSA}viia superior;

exalted; enhanced; distinguished

khyad bar la kun btags pai

khyad par du phags pa {MSA}udagra

superior; exalted; enhanced; distinguished;

more distinguished

khyad par sbyar ba

pa {MSA}viea-vikalpa conceptualization of

kun btags su gyur pai ngo bo nyid la kun btags pa

/ gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs imputation of just the entity
that is an imputation of attribute

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord affix a


khyad med {MV}aviia without

khyad par mi dra ba phye


khyad zhugs {C, L}viia; {C}viiatara

distinguish the different features

khyad par med {MSA,MV}aviia

superior; more distinguished; superiority {C}

distinguished; more distinguished

without difference; without distinction

khyad par med pa nyid {MSA}

nirviiat non-difference; non-distinction

khyad par med par {MSA}avieea

without difference; without distinction

khyad par mtshan nyid

differentiating characteristic

khyad zhugs par byed pa

enhance; make more distinguished; make

khyad gzhi [attribute-basis]; substratum;

basis of qualities

khyad gzhi khyad chos sbyar

ba sbyar sbyor sbyard
sbyord aassociate substratum and attribute;
predication {PH}associated substratum and
distinguishing feature

khyad par zhugs pa differentiator

as superior

khyad par gzhan spongs

khyad gzhi brjod pai sgra

spang spong spangs

spongs eliminate other features/distinctions/

brjod rjod brjod rjod term

expressing a substratum

khyad gzhii gnad {PH}qualified

khyad par la kun btags pai
It is said that emptiness

kun btags su gyur pai bye brag la kun btags pa

/ gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs imputation of a particular
that is an imputation of attribute

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

is divisible into twenty, eighteen, sixteen, or

four [types] in terms of the bases qualified [by
emptiness]. {HHDL KMW}



khyab pa khas

khyad gzhir bzung ba taking

khyab pa khas blangs pa red [you] have asserted

entailment/pervasion; the entailment/pervasion
has been asserted

[such and such] as substrata


khyab khyab khyab

khyab {MSA,MV}vypin; {MV}vypana; {L}
vypada; {MSA}(sphur): sphurati entail;
pervade; fill; embrace; cover over

khyab pa khas blangs pa red

khyab pa khas [you] have asserted

khyab chungs pa {GD:692} avypti

entailment/pervasion; the entailment/pervasion

has been asserted

too little pervasion; insufficinet entailment;

too limited; too narrow {GD:692} insufficient
extension; under-inclusion

khyab pa du byed

entailment pervasion; extent of entailment/


khyab pa rnal ma normative

kyi sdug bsngal saskradukat pervasive

suffering of conditioning; suffering of pervasive
conditioning; pervasive suffering of composition

khyab che chung greater or smaller/

khyab che bai skyon fallacy of a

entailment/pervasion; natural entailment/

pervasion; correct/entailment/pervasion

entailment/pervasion that is too extensive

dbye ba/ 1 rjes khyab

khyab ches ba {GD:692} ativypti


overly broad; too broad; too inclusive

rnal ma/ 2 ldog khyab rnal ma/ 3 thur khyab rnal

ma/ 4 gal khyab rnal ma/ Div.: (1) normative
forward entailment/pervasion; (2) normative reverse
entailment/pervasion; (3) normative downward
entailment/pervasion; (4) normative negative

khyab jug viu Viu

khyab jug pa vaiava Vaiava;
follower of Viu

khyab ste there is entailment/pervasion

khyab pa phyin ci log perverse


khyab mtha boundaries of entailment/

forward pervasion; perverse entailment/

pervasion; mistaken entailment/pervasion


khyab bdag [pervade-master]; pervasive


khyab pa

khyab khyab

khyab khyab {MSA,C}vypti; {MSA,MV}vypana;

{MV,C}vypin; {MSA}vypta; {MSA}praa;
{MSA}prast; {C}parispha; {MSA}sphuraa
pervasion; are necessarily; encompassable (as in
opposite of bsam mi khyab pa); entail; pervasive;
entailment; fill; pervade; penetrate; cover over
{C}all-pervading; filled with

Divisions: dbye ba/ 1 rjes

khyab/ 2 ldog khyab/ Div.: (1) forward pervasion;
(2) reverse pervasion
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dbye ba/ rjes


khyab phyin ci log ldog khyab phyin ci log thur

khyab phyin ci log gal khyab phyin ci log Div.:
(1) perverse forward entailment/pervasion; (2)
perverse reverse entailment/pervasion; (3) perverse
downward entailment/pervasion; (4) perverse
negative entailment/pervasion

khyab pa ma byung

byung byung byung byung vyptir na

bhavati the pervasion/entailment does not exist;
there is no pervasion/entailment

khyab pai dmigs pa


dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs


khyim {C}gha; {C}geha home; house

vypylambana pervasive object of observation

khyab pai rang bzhin


khyim stong du {C}nya-gra


khyab par {C}vypin; parispha


empty shed


pervading; filled with

khyab par byas nas {C}sphritv

khyim thab med pa {C}apurua

{C}without a husband

having pervaded/filled/penetrated/covered over

{C}diffused; irradiated

khyab par byed {C}spharati pervade/

khyim du at home
khyim bdag dpal sbyin


the householder; rdatta

fill/penetrate/cover over {C}radiates over

khyim dris byed ldan zhing

khyab bya object pervaded; that which is

{C} kula-sastava-saprayukta {C}intent on

familiarity with the families (of the faithful)


khyab byed pervader


house; home; residence; reside

khyim pa {C}kula; {C}ghin; ghasta



householder {C}family

khyab byed kyi rlung pervasive wind khyim pa dang rab tu

byung ba byung byung
khyab byed dang
gal bai rang bzhin nature contradictory with a

khyim par gyur {C}ghi-bhta became

khyab byed du jug pai rang gi rigs yod pa can gyi

chos phenomenon which has a type engaging it
as a pervader

a householder; householder {C}householder

khyim bya house bird

khyim med pa homelessness; homeless

khyab byed ma dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs vypaka-anupalabdhi nonobservation of
a pervader

khyim nas khyim

med par rab tu byung ba went forth from home to
homelessness [i.e., became a monastic

khyab brel related pervasion

khyams courtyard; hall
khyi {C}kukkura; va; vn dog
khyi phag gi brtul zhugs

khyu mchog {C}gopati; {C}vabhi

supreme bull; king bull [used also to refer to a

leader of humans] {C}lordly bull; majestic man

khyu mchog tu gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

vabhit supreme bull; king bull [used also to

refer to a leader of humans] {C}manliness

{PH}yogic discipline of dogs and pigs

khyi ma western channel at the heart

khyi smyon pai dug {PH}rabies
khyi so {PH}dogs tooth
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung {MSA}ghi-pravrajita-paka

householders and those who have left the
household (i.e., monastics)

khyung rin chen grags Kyung-

rin-chen-drag [c.1150 - 1200; a disciple of Chapa Ch-kyi-seng-ge (phya pa chos kyi seng ge)]


khyed you (hon.)


khyod kyi yin pa yod pa being

khyed rang you (hon.)
it exists; its occurrence exists
khyed rang tsho you (hon. pl.)

khyeu mnava; iya boy; youth; children

khyod kyi
yin pa yod pa yang yin bloi yul du bya rung ba
khyer khos khyer/

yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs
that observed as a common locus which is (1)
something of which being it exists and (2) also is
suitable as an object of an awareness

khyer/ khyerd/ khyerd/ ability to bear; capacity

to do so

khyer bde {PH}convenient; simple

khyer ba khyer/

khyod kyis by you; you

khyod chos dang tha dad gang zhig de ldog

khyer/ khyerd/ khyerd/ {MSA}vahana; vikipta;

vinihita carry; bear; bring

khyer bar gyur pa {C}uhyamna

stobs kyis khyod ldog dgos

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs (1) it is different from
phenomenon and (2) it must cease through the
power of that ceasing

(=preryama) {C}borne along

khyer so {PH}manner
khyod you; it

khyod gzhi

grub/ khyod khyod rang ma yin/ khyod ma yin pa

khyod yin/ khyod kyi ldog pa ldog chos phung sum
tsam po ba dang mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi
mthun par dmigs pa/ that which is observed as a
common locus such that (1) it is an established base,
(2) it is not itself, (3) non-it is it, (3) its isolate is
not mutually exclusive with isolate-phenomenonof-the-third-type
kha dog chos can/ khyod
khyod kyi ldog pa yin par thal/ khyod gzhi grub pai
phyir/ it follows with respect to the subject, color,
that it is its own self-isolate because of being an
established base

khyod kyi yin pa med pa being

it does not exist; its occurrence does not exist

khyod kyi

yin pa med pa yang yin bloi yul du bya rung ba

yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa
dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs
that observed as a common locus which is (1)
something of which being it does not exist and (2)
also is suitable as an object of an awareness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


khyod tha snyad kyi

dbang gis bzhag pa ma yin par rang gi mtshan

nyid kyis grub pai dngos po they are things
established by way of their own character
without being posited through the force of verbal

tha dad kyang yin/ gzhi mthun mi srid pai chos
phenomena (1) that are different and (2) a
common locus is impossible

khyod de

dang tha dad gang zhig khyod de las byung ba

byung byung byung byung
(1) it is different from that and (2) it has arisen
from that

khyod de dang tha dad

gang zhig de dang bdag nyid gcig pai sgo nas

brel ba grub pa (1) it is different from that and
(2) relation is established from the viewpoint of
being one nature/essence with that


khri mthon po {PH}high throne

khri gdugs {PH}throne and canopy
khri ral pa can {PH}King Ralpajen
khri lo {PH}enthronement year
khri srong lde btsan Tri-song-day-

khyod don dam pa yang yin chos bdag med

pas rab tu phye ba (1) it is ultimate and (2)
it is thoroughly distinguished by [being] the
selflessness of phenomena

khyod spobs par gyis shig

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis

{C} pratibhti {C}may you make clear; flashes
into my mind; inspire; it is clear; it becomes clear;
lighten up (the mind); intelligibly; make clear;

tsen (king of Tibet, r. 755-797)

khri bsrong ldeu btsan


King Trisong Deutsen

khyod ming dang brdas bzhag


khyon {PH}size; extent; expanse

khyon nas {PH}thoroughly
khra sparrow hawk
khra bo {MSA}citra mottled; variegated
khra brug {PH}Tren-druk [a temple in

khrid skor {PH}myriarch [governorship]

khrid pa khrid/ khrid/

khrid/ khrid/ khrid/

khrid/ {MSA}(n): nyate lead; lead through;

guide 7 as noun: leader; instruction
og min du khrid de having led him to a
Highest [Pure] Land

pa tsam yin gyi rang gi mtshan nyid kyis ma grub

pa they [i.e., imputational natures] are only
posited by names and terminology and are not
established by way of their own character

khrid/ khrid/ {MSA,MV}nayana lead; lead

through; guide 7 as noun: leader; instruction

khrid yig [lead-letter]; manual of


khrims law; rule; ethics

sbyin pas longs spyod khrims khyis

Yarlung built by Songtsen Gampo]

khra brug lha khang

{PH}Trendruk Temple [in Yarlung built by Song-tsen-gampo]

bde from giving, resources; from ethics, happiness

khrims chal {C}dula deviant

khra ma type of grain; quick 60 day barley

disordered {C}immoral
khrag {LCh,C}rudhira blood
khrims gnyis {PH}two [systems of]
ethics (i.e. stra and tantra)
khrag kris {L}nayuta {C}one hundred
thousand million; an incalculably large number
khrims ldan {C}lavat endowed with
ethics {C}gifted with ethics; endowed with ethics
khrag thung drinking blood
(or good conduct)
khrag dang khu ba dang rlung
khrung khrung crane
blood, semen, and wind
khrag lba blood goiter
ethics; non-ethical; immoral; ethically

khri {C}sana throne; ten thousand

thousand {C}seat(s); pulpit; many; multitude

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bkru/ khrud/ bkrus/ khrus/ khru/ khru/ khrus/

khrus/ bathing; ablution; wash; cleanse; ablute;
become clean; be washed


khrus mkhan mo {PU} rajak



khrus byed pa [wash-perform]; perform

ablution; wash; ablute

khregs hardness
khregs chod break-through
khrel embarassment; shame; bashfulness
khrel dang ldan {MSA}hr-yukta



gsung ni/ rdo

rje dang / khro bo dang / chos dang / gsal bai dbye

ba ste/ bzhio/ Exalted speech is fourfold: vajra,
wrathful, doctrine, and clarity {Dor 3a.2/ 189.2}
khro gnyer
dang bcas zhing khro bo rdo rje lta bas gzigs pao/
He has a wrathful frown, and he looks with the
wrathful-vajra gaze {Dor 25a.6/ 233.6}

khrel med anapatrpya

nonembarrassment; unabashedness

khrel med pa anapatrpya non-

khro bo gtsug tor khor


bsgyur {PH}Ulagriva-cakravarti

khrod {PH}among; in the midst (of)

khrod du {PH}among; in the midst (of)



khrel yod pa {LCh,C}apatrpya

khrel yod pa dang ngo tsha {C}

hrr-apatrpya embarassment and shame; sense

of embarassment and sense of shame {PH}
embarassment and modesty {C}sense of shame
and dread of blame

{GCG} p.47/27

khrod na {PH}among; in the midst (of)

khrom marketplace; market [in outdoor area]
khros pa {C}rua; kopa enraged; angered;


wrathful; belligerent; hatred {C}angry


khro ba {LCh,MSA,C}krodha; {MSA}

khros ma nag mo Fierce Black


kruddhi; {C}kruati; {C}kroyate belligerence;

wrathful; fierce {C}wrath; anger; frenzy; insults;
abuses; is abused

mkhan {MV}kra [marker for agent]


mkhan brgyud rnying pha

khro ba can {MSA}krodhana belligerent;

khro ba zil gnon {MSA}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rigs shes de btsal

mkhan yin la that reasoning consciousness is an
old preceptor lineage

krodhbhibhti overwhlem belligerence;

overwhelm wrathfulness

khro ba bzod pa

da dung
pod chen poi khrod du tshud pa yang re gnyis yod
srid; Still, it is possible that there are one or two
[texts] yet stuck in the midst of a large volume.

embarrasment {C}dread of blame

khro {MSA}krodhana belligerence

khro gnyer {C}bhrku frown

khro bar byed {C}kruati

khro bo krodha wrathful

endowed with a sense of embarassment/shame

khrel yod {LCh;C}apatrpya

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}kaya (=kama)

kruddhe withstand/bear/forbear/endure/
tolerate belligerence/wrath



mkhan pa {PH}guide
mkhan po {C}updhyya preceptor;


mkha dbyings phyag rgya

abbot; professor; scholar {C}preceptor

mkhan po dra ba {MSA}updhyya-

{PH}space mudra

mkha la {C}vihyas (=kena) in the

kalpa like a preceptor/abbot/professor

nye rabs {PH}recent generation

mkha ambara; {MSA}ka; {C}vyoma

sky/space; through the sky/space {C}through

the air

mkhar {PH}walking stick

mkhar gyi rgyal po {C}koa-

space; sky

mkha khyab mkha yi

rjan king of a fort; comander of a fort {C}

commander of a fort

rdo rje can that endowed with the space-vajra

pervading space

mkha gro ka [sky-goer]; ka

[realized beings who in male form provide help

to Tantric meditators]; male sky-travellers; male

mkha gro ma k [sky-goer-

female]; ki [realized beings who in female

form provide help to Tantric meditators]; female
sky-travellers; female sky-goers

mkha mnyam lus can

mkha steng gro {PH}[planet] Mars

mkha drai snang ba {PH}
*khecara-vidydhara {PH}sky-traveling tantric

of khecaris

{PH}realm of sky-

travellers; celestial realm

mkhas pa dang ldan pa {MSA}

kaualya-yukta endowed with skilfulness;
endowed with wisdom

dang dzangs pas rig par bgyi ba

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C} paita-vijvedanya {C}to be felt only by the learned and

*khecara-vidydhara {PH}sky-traveling tantric

{PH}clouded sky;

mkhas pa rnam pa bcu {MV}

[n. 7th month]

daavidha kaualyam ten aspects of skill/


{PH}expanse of space

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mkhas grub

mkhas pa

mkha spyod rig pa dzin pa

mkha dbyings

mkhas grub; mkhas grub rje dge legs dpal bzang po

Khay-drub [1385-1438; one of Tsong-kha-pas
two main students and 3rd abbot of Gan-dan
(dga ldan) monastery]

kuala; {MSA,C}kauala; {MV,MSA}kaualya; {C}

daka; {MSA}budha; {MSA}vicakaa; {MSA,C}
vija; {C}vidu; {MSA}vidus; paia adjective:
skillful; wise; skilled; proficient7 noun: scholar;
the wise; wise person {C}circumspect;
beneficial; skill; clever; expert; discerning;

mkha spyod pai rig dzin

mkha sprin can

mkhas pa {MV,MSA}paita; {MSA}


mkha spyod zhing

{MSA}budha; {MSA}vgmin wise; skilled; be

skillful; scholar {C}hero

{PH}Ke-drup Ge-lek-belsang-bo (mkhas grub dge legs dpal bzang po; 13851438)


[all] beings as infinite as space

mkha spyod dbang po

mkhas {MV}kauala; {MV}kaualya; {C}sri;



mkhas pa rnams

mkhas shing thabs shes

mkhas pa

mkhur tshos cheeks

mkho ba necessary; important
mkho bai yo byad phran

kyi las rnam gsum po {MSA}budheu karma

trividha three aspects of activites of the skilful

pa yin {MSA}vicakaa ca bhavati upya-ja

wise/skilful and knowing methods/techniques

rnams kyis tshul bzhin brtags na

brtag rtog brtags rtags {MSA}vidu
yoni-vicayt if/when the wise analyze properly

mkhas pa la

tshegs {PH}minor articles of necessity


byung bai dogs pai gnas

byung byung byung byung topic of qualm
arising in scholars/the wise

mkhyud/ mkhyud/ mkhyud/ {MSA}mui fist;

keep; hold; retain; conceal

mkhas pa shes phyir


mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}jnit; {C}jna;
{C}jto; {C}buddha; {MSA}boddh; {LCh}
vid exalted wisdom; know; wisdom (hon.);
knowledge; cognize; cognition {C}cognize;
known; cognized; Buddha

jig rten {C} loka-vidusya {C}for the sake of

knowing the world (?)

mkhas pai jug pai

rnam bshad {GD:847} Commentary on the

Entry Gate of the Wise [by kya Chok-den ( kya
mchog ldan)]

mkhyen nas

mkhas pai dmigs pa; mkhas par byed pai

mkhyen pa

mkhas pai rang bzhin can

{C}paita-jtya having the nature of a wise

person/scholar {C}intelligent

mkhas par proficiently; skillfully

mkhas par ldan {MSA}kaualya-yukta
endowed with skill/wisdom

mkhas par bya ba {C}kaualya

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}jna; {C}

jta; {C}jnti; {C}prajnti; {C}prajnayati;
{MSA}boddh; {LCh}vid; {MSA}( vid): vetti
exalted knower; exalted knowledge {C}
cognize; cognizes; cognized; known; knows;
knowing; knows, in his wisdom; knows wisely;

mkhyen pai gter

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

treasure of exalted knowledge

object/topic of scholarship/skill {C}skill

mkhyen pai yon tan quality of

mkhas par byas nas having

exalted knowledge

become skilled/proficient

mkhas par byed pai

dmigs pa dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs objects that make one skillful

mkhyen brtse

{PH}wisdom and
compassion; wise and compassionate

mkhyen bzhin du

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}
jnann eva while knowing {C}although he
knows the answer


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}buddhv

having known/cognized/realized {C}having

dmigs pa dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs kaualylambana object of
observation for [developing] skill

mkhas rig pa {C}vidu




mkhyen rab supreme knowledge


khod/ khod/
khod/ khod/ niad sit; set; settle



mkhyen gsum three exalted knowers

khod pa

mkhyen gsum gyi rnam pa

khod par phags {C}visia

khod/ khod/ khod/ {MSA}(sth): tihanti sit;
set; settle

(exalted-knower-of-all-aspects, knower of paths,

and knower of bases)
aspect of the three exalted knowers


khon {LCh}upanha resentment; malice

rje bo la khon pa resentment
towards leaders grogs khon
resentment towards friends

gsum bsdus sgom gyi sbyor bai rnam pa aspect

of training involved in meditatively cultivating
collectively the three exalted knowers

mkhris; mkhris pa bile

rlung mkhris bad kan dus

pai nad chen great diseases of the combination of

wind, bile, and phlegm

mkhris {NOC} pitta

the great diseases of the
assembly of wind, bile, and phlegm {GZ 69a.3}

mkhris pa bile
mkhris pai spyi rtags bdun
{PH}seven general signs of bile

mkhris lba bile goiter

mkhregs po solid; hard
khu ba {LCh}drugdha; {LCh}droha scorn;

khon can {PH}full of resentment

khon dzin khon du

dzin pa upanha resentment {PH}resentment

khor {MSA,C}parivra; {MSA}parad; {C}

parat; {C}sasaraa (=janma-grahaa); {C}

sasarati; {MSA}sasti; {C}cakra; {MSA}gaa;
{MSA}maala sphere; retinue; companion;
attendant; repaying {C}repeated rebirths;
wander about in birth-and-death; wander about;
assembly; wheel

khor gyi dkhyil khor {MSA}

parian-maala; {MSA,C}paran-maala circle

of attendants; circle of companions; circle of the
retinue {C}circle of the assembly

vie with; contend; harboring ill-will; wrong ideas

khu ba lnga sogs five wrong ideas

khor gyi skye bo {MSA}parijana

being who is in the retinue

khor gyi gling {LV} paraddvpa

and so forth

khun bu {PH}sigh; sighing

khums khum/

{PH}surrounding continents

khums/ khums/ khums/ listen; hear; understand;

realize jam dpal
dang ni mu ti ta la khums/ listened to Majushr
and Mutita {GZ/BG 69a.3}

khur responsibility; burden; carry; take on

khor gyi nang du {MSA}paratsu in

the retinue

khor gyur


gyurd gyur gyurd circling

khor gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}sasarati {C}

wander about (in birth-and-death)

a burden bde ba dang

ldan par bya bai khur responsibility of causing
them to have happiness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




khor rgya mtsho mi

khrugs pa khrug
khrug khrugs khrugs {C}sgaropamay parad
akobhyaya {C}to an assembly vast like the ocean
and imperturbable

khor sgyur

long as there is cyclic existence

khor ba gtong ba med nyid

gtang gtong btang thongs

{MSA}sasrtyga non-forsaking of cyclic


khor lo

khor ba bsten pa

sgyur ba cakravartin universal monarch

bsten sten bstend stend {MSA}sasranievaa partaking of/adhere to cyclic existence

khor nye

ba dang ring bas mtshungs par thos {MSA}

drntika-parat-tulya-ravaa retinue near and
far similarly hear

khor ba thog ma

parivra together with the retinue/companions

khor ba dag tu yongs su

dang tha ma med pa {MV}anavargrasya ...

sasrasya cyclic existence without beginning
or end

khor dang bcas pa {MSA}sa-

khor dang ltung ba {C} sabhraya

bsngo {MSA}sasre pariman thoroughly

dedicate to those in cyclic existence


khor dang longs spyod

khor ba dang mthun pa nyid


attendants and wealth

{MSA}sasrnuklat concordant with cyclic


khor de nyid {PH}that very assembly

khor dus thebs {PH}assembly

khor ba dang mya ngan

las das {MSA}sasra-nirva cyclic existence

and nirva; sasra and nirva

khor ba

das; khor ba dang mya ngan las das pa cyclic

existence and nirva

dang mya ngan las das pa la mi gnas pa {MV}

sasra-nirvpratihit not abiding in cyclic
existence and nirva; not abiding in sasra
and nirva

khor phun sum tshogs pa

{MSA}paricra-sapad marvelous/excellent/
perfect retinue

khor ba {MV,MSA,C}sasra; {MSA}

khor ba khas len pa {MSA}

khor ba dang zhi ba ro

sasarat; {MSA}savti cyclic existence; cycle

[of powerless birth, aging, sickness, and death]
{PH}cyclic existence {C}transmigration; birthand-death

khor ba dang mya ngan las das pa la mi gnas pa

nyid {MSA}apratihita-sasra-nirvatva
not abiding in cyclic existence and nirva; not
abiding in sasra and nirva

gcig pa {MSA}sasra-nty-eka-rasa the one/

single/sole taste of cyclic existence and peace

sasrbhyupagama assert cyclic existence

khor ba ji srid {C}asasram as

long as cyclic existence lasts; as long as there is

cyclic existence {C}as long as the samsaric world

khor ba ji srid par {MSA}yvatsasram as long as cyclic existence lasts; as

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


khor ba na rgyu ba

rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu {C}sasrvacara

wandering in cyclic existence {C}bound up with

samsara; which afflict on the plane of samsara;
belonging to samsara


khor ba na gnas pa {C}sas-

khor bai nyes pa fault of cyclic

gata dwelling in cyclic existence {C}subject to


khor ba na spyod pa

existence {PH}faults of samsara

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}sasrvacara

coursing in cyclic existence {C}bound up with

samsara; which afflict on the plane of samsara;

belonging to samsara

khor ba zad kyi bar du {C}

sasra-dukha suffering of cyclic existence

khor bai rtsa ba root of cyclic


khor bai zag pa contamination of

cyclic existence

sasrt until the extinction of cyclic existence

{C}throughout the round of birth-and-death

khor ba yongs su gtong

khor bai zag pa

dang bcas pa together with a contaminated

phenonemon of cyclic existence

khor bar khor nas {C}sastya

gtang gtong btang thongs

{MV}khinna sasra parityajeta thoroughly

having wandered/travelled in cyclic existence

{C}after he has wandered about

renounce/forsake/give up cyclic existence

khor ba yongs su mi

khor bar gyur ba

gtong ba gtang gtong

btang thongs {MSA}sasrparityga nonrenunciation/non-forsaking of cyclic existence

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}sasarati

cycle/travel in cyclic existence {C}wander about
(in birth-and-death)

khor ba yongs su shes pa

khor bar mngon mtho byed

{MSA}sasra-parijna thorough knowledge

of cyclic existence

{MSA}sasre bhyudayya cause [attainment

of] high status in cyclic existence

khor ba len pa dang spong

khor bar gtogs pa {MSA}

ba spang spong spangs

spongs {MV}sasrdna-tyga assumption
and abandonment of cyclic existence

sasra-gata included in cyclic existence

khor bar yongs su bsngo

khor bai {C}bhava {C}becoming

khor bai khor lo {C} sasra-

{MSA}sasre pariman thoroughly

dedicate to cyclic existence [i.e., to those in cyclic

cakri wheel of cyclic existence {C}the wheel of


khor bai rgyun {C}sasra-srota

continuum of cylcic existence {C}the flood of

khor bai mngon mtho high

khor bas jigs pa {MSA}

sasra-bhta frightened by cyclic existence

khor mo jig {PH}Varanasi

khor mo jig gi yul
du bdud {PH}the demons of the surrounding
transient world


status within cyclic existence

khor bai chos can {C}

zhi ro gcig pa; khor ba dang zhi ba ro gcig pa

{MSA}sasra-nty-eka-rasa one taste of cyclic
existence and peace

sasraa-dharmin subject to cyclic existence

{C}subject to wandering about in birth-and-death

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

khor bai sdug bsngal {MSA}



khor la dga ba liking companions khor los bsgyur bai

rgyal po bsgyur sgyur
khor lur byed par {C}paradbsgyurd sgyurd cakravartin universal emperor;
guruka {C}one who prefers a communal life

universal monarch

khor lo {MV}cakra wheel; channel wheel khor los mtshan {C}cakrka

{PH}wheel; channel wheel

marked by a wheel {C}lines depicting a wheel

stamped on

khor lo sgyur ba; khor

khor gsum {MSA}trimaala three

sgyur cakravartin universal monarch

khor lo sgyur ba cakravartin

spheres (as in three spheres of self-contradiction;

as in The three spheres!); three spheres [i.e.,
agent, action, and object] khor
gsum khas [You] have asserted three spheres [of
self-contradiction] khor
gsum mi dmigs pa non-apprehension of the three
spheres [of agent, action, and object as when giving
a gift or meditating]


wheel [turning] monarch

khor lo sgyur bai rgyal po

{PH}wheel [turning] monarch

khor lo bsgyur ba


[turning] monarch

khor lo lnga {PH}five cakras

khor lo rnam pa can gyi

khor gsum gyis dag pa

{MSA}uddha trimaalena devoid [of

conceptualization] of three spheres [i.e., agent,
action, and object]

sems mind possessing the aspect of a [divine]


khor gsum rnam par dag

khor lo bar pa middle wheel [of

nyid {C}trimaala-viuddhat devoidness [of

conceptualization] of three spheres [i.e., agent,
action, and object] {C}three-fold purity

the teaching, mainly the Perfection of Wisdom


khor lo rtsibs stong

khor gsum rnam par

dang ldan pa {C}sahasrracakra wheel having

a thousand spokes

dag pa {C}trimaala-viuddhi devoid [of

conceptualization] of three spheres [i.e., agent,
action, and object] {C}three-fold purity

khor lo rin chen {C}cakra-ratana

khor gsum yongs su

precious wheel {C}precious wheel

khor lo rin po che {MSA}cakraratna precious wheel

khor lo la sogs

pa rin po che sna bdun {MSA}cakrdi-sapta-ratna

seven types of precious articlesthe wheel, and
so forth

khor los sgyur ba {MV,MSA,C}

khyags rum {PH}ice-slip

khyam khyam/
khyam/ khyams/ khyams/ wander


cakra-vartin universal monarch

khyam/ khyam/ khyams/ khyams/ {C}bhramate
wander {C}revolves

khor los sgyur bai rgyal

po {C}rja-cakravartin king who is a universal

monarch {C}universal monarch

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dag pa {C}trimaala-pariuddhi thoroughly

devoid [of conceptualization] of three spheres
[i.e., agent, action, and object] {C}three-fold
perfect purity



khyams shing {C} sadhvya

kubhyati get disturbed/agitated; become angry;

fight {C}get angry with

wander {C}after he has erred about

khyar khyor

There wasnt
even a single pillar [in that temple] that was good
and straight, [all having been made] from crooked
trees. {GCG}

khyil ba


khyud pa


khrug pai sems

khyer/ khyer/ khyerd/ khyerd/ ability to bear;

capacity to do so

khri shing {C}lat vine; creeping plant;

khrug pai sems ga tsam yang skyed par mi byed

de bskyed skyed bskyed
skyed {C}cittotpdam api na kobhayati does not
generate even any mental disturbance/agitation
{C}does not get angry even in his mind

creeper {C}creeper; creeping plant


khrig/ khrigs/ khrigs/ gather; be piled up

khrug par gyur zhing

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs

khrid/ khrid/

khrid/ khrid/ lead; lead through; guide 7 as

noun: leader; instruction

{C}kubhyati become disturbed/angry/agitated

{C}get angry with

khrid pa {MV}nayana lead; lead

khrug par bya ba

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

through; guide 7 as noun: leader; instruction

khrid mdzad lead

khril bag chags {C}vttat

vikopayati {C}do harm; upset; disturb

khrug par byed

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

elegant {C}well-rounded

khris near; close to; next to

khrug khrug

kutsayati;{C} pratikopayati; {C}vikopayati

disturb; make angry/agitated {C}contemns; be
angry; do harm; upset; disturb


khrug khrugs khrugs {C}upysa; {C}kobha;

{C}vikipta be disturbed/angry/agitated; fight
{C}despair; misery; rage; anger

khrug pa byed pa

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

kobhaa-citta mind of disturbance; disturbed/
agitated mind {C}watchfulness

khyerd/ khyerd/ carry; bear; bring


non-disturbance; non-anger; absence of anger;

non-agitation {C}immovability; undisturbed;
imperturbility; absence of distractions; nondisturbance; non-distraction

khyer/ khyer/


khrug pa med pa

{C}akopan; {C}akobhaat; {C} avikepa

khyud/ khyud/ khyud/ embrace; hug

khyer khos

med cing yongs su rdzogs pa med pa

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs
{C}ansvdanat {C}no enjoyment; derive no

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs

khyild/ khyil/ khyild/ {C}vartat; {C}vartta

twisted; turned; accumulate together {C}is
twisted; curl and turning


khrug pa



khrug khrugs khrugs {MSA}kupita; {MSA}

vikrya be disturbed/angry/agitated; fight

khrugs pa


khrul rgyu cause of error/mistake

khrul rgyu can having a cause

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}kubhita; {C}

upysa; {MSA}kopa; {MV}kopyatva; {MSA}
kobhya; {MSA}vikopana; {MSA}vibhrama be
disturbed/angry/agitated; fight {C}agitated;
disturbed; despair; misery

khrugs par gyur ba

of error/mistake {GD:486} cause of error;

{GD:736} leading to error

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

kobha gacchati become distrubed/agitated/

angry {C}get into a rage

khrung khrungs khrungs {C}prarohati come
into being; be born {C}grow up

that having a cause of error/mistake in the abode

khrul rgyu yul la yod pa

that having a cause of error/mistake in the object

khrungs dpe {PH}formulary

khrud bkru/ khrud/

khrul snang yod mkhan

snang snang snang snang

bkru/ khrud/

khrul pa

bkrus/ khrus/ bathing; ablution; bathe


khrul/ khruld/ khruld/ {MV}bhrnti mistake;

be mistaken; be confused; err7 as noun: mistake,

khrul khor {C}yantra device;

machine {PH}yantra; device; magic wheel;

machine; yogic exercises {C}machinery
comparing the points of time that are dependently
arisen with the magic wheel of many aspected
activities, ... Mi-pham, Svarodaya comm. 4b.3-.4

khrul khor sbyar ba

khrul/ khrul/ khruld/ khruld/ {C}skhalita;

bhrntu; {MSA}bhrnta; {MV}bhrntatva;
{MSA,MV}bhrnti mistake; be mistaken; be
confused; err7 as noun: mistake, error trip up;
revolving (deluded)

khrul pa mi mnga

mnga mnga mnga mnga {MSA}

aparyasta unmistaken; non-erroneous; not

having mistake/error

khrul pa med pa {MSA}askhalita

unmistaken; non-erroneous; not having mistake/


khrul pa tsam {MV}bhrnti-mtra

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}yantra-

only mistake; mere error; only/merely

yukta put together a device; put together a

machine {C}a puppet which can be moved by
pulling the strings


khrul pai rgyu {MSA}bhrnter

khrul khor bsre

nimitta cause of error/mistake

ba brgya brgyad pa {PH}Hundred and Eight

Combined Yogic Exercises

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thattwhich is mistaken regarding the appearance

[of its object]

bkrus/ khrus/ bathing; ablution


khrul rgyu de ma

khrul rgyu gnas la yod pa

khrung khrung khrungs khrungs grow; come

into being; be born {C}abundant; grow up


that having a cause of error/mistake in the basis

thag rkyen la yod pa that having a cause of
error/mistake in the immediately preceding



khrul rgyu rten la yod pa

khrul pai rgyu mtshan {MSA}

bhrnti-nimitta cause of error/mistake



khrul pai rten {MSA}bhrnte ...

where [so-and-so] lived

r pa ti

saniraya basis of mistake/error; mistaken


{PH}Rpati [n. of a minor king who

fought with the Kauravas]

khrul pai mtshan nyid {MSA}

bhrnti-lakaa character of mistake; mistaken

character; definition of mistake

khrul pai sems {C}vibhrnta-citta

mistaken mind {C}confused thought

khrul par byed pa {MSA}bhrntikaratva that which causes mistake

khrul ba

khrul/ khrul/ khruld/ khruld/ {LCh}bhrnta;
{TN}bhrnti mistaken; illusion
rang gi snang yul la khrul ba mistaken
with respect to its appearing object

where {C}how?; where?

How can there be liberation [for] those who hate the
self? BMH VIII.1d

khrul ba dgag pa refutation of

ga la yod how could there be?; where is?

ga las jigs med akutobhay

mistaken [views]

khrul ba rtog pa

khrul pai rtog pa mistaken concepttal

(?) Akutobhay [title of a commentary on

Ngrjunas Treatise on the Middle, Toh. 3829]

bod mang pos ga las jigs med rang grel du dod
pa mi thad pa the assertion by many Tibetans
that the Akutobhay is an autocommentary is not
correct{DASI 582.1}


khrul med {MV}abhrnti nonmistaken; without mistake

khrul shes bhrnti-jna mistaken

mtshan nyid/ rang gi snang
yul la khrul bai rig pa/ Def.: a knower that is
mistaken with respect to its appearing object


khren pa {C}mtsarya

ga ler slowly; gently

gag po difficult; hard
gang {LCh}ka, {C}katara; {MSA}yad; {MV.


IV.4}katame relative and interrogative pronoun:

what; who; which {PH}anything; that; what
thabs gang la brten nas
method in dependence on which
gang bskur bai dbang de initiation which is
Other than the ability to make its end longer, [how
can] that come [to be] greater in width? {GCG}

meanness; niggardly; jealousy

khro ba krodha belligerence

ga {C}daana interrogative particle; all [of

a certain number] {PH}where (= ga la) {C}

marvellous power gsum ga all three; the

ga nya dzi ra {PH}spire

ga dus when?; at what time?
ga na where? ga na bzhugs
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ga nas from where?; from whence?

ga par where?
ga pur camphor
ga tshad how many?; how much?
ga tshod how many?; how much?
ga re what?
ga la {C}kuta how?; where? {PH}how;

gang gang particular

gang gi klung {L}Gag-nad
Ganges River



gang gi klung gi bye ma

gang ci which?; why?

gang ciang rung any and all
gang ltar khas

snyed {C}gag-nad-vlukopama as many as

the grains of sand of the Ganges {C}countless
like the sands of the Ganges

len pa ni dpyad par byao it should be analyzed

what sort of assertion should be made

gang gi klung gi bye ma di snyed dang mnyam

pai sangs rgyas {MSA}gag-nad-vliksamna-buddha (iyat ...-) Buddhas equal in
number to these grains of sand of the Ganges

gang ltar yang in any case

gang dag {L}katara what; which; who;

gang gi klung mnyam {C}


gang dang gang {PH}back-and-forth

gang dang gang {PH}each-and-every
gang du {MSA}yatra; {MV}yatra ca [what-

gag-nad-vli-sama equal with the Ganges

{C}like the sands of the Ganges

gang gi {MSA}yasya relative and

interrogative pronoun: of which

in]; in which; where; as which

gang gi don du {MV}yad-artham for

gang du dod pai zhing

the sake of which

du gro ba {C} yatrecch-ketra-gamanat going

to the pure land to which one wishes/wants
{C}going to the field one wishes to go to

gang gi phyir {MV}yad-artham; {MSA}

yasmai because; for that reason; for the sake of;


gang du dbang

gang gi tshe yad; {MV}kasym

bskur pai dkhyil khor the maala in which

initiation is bestowed

avasthym when; at what time

gang du yang ma song ba

gang gi tshe/ dei tshe {MV}yad

song song song song {MSA}

... tad correlative construction: when

gang gi yang any; of any

gang de {PH}whatsoever
gang gi slad du for what reason?; for
May all

kacid-gata (na-)(from kim) not gone anywhere

the sake of what?; for the sake of which

transmigrators, by means of whatsoever virtues,

engage in bodhisattva deeds!

gang gis {MSA}yena interrogative or

gang dran dran whatever you thought;

correlative particle: by what; by whom; by


whatever might be imagined

gang gis stong nyid shes pa gang dul sprul sku

Emanation Body taming whoever [needs taming]

de one who knows emptiness

gang gis dang gang du

sgrub pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}yena ca pratipadyante yatra
ca by whom and where achieved

gang grub

{PH}however [many] can be


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gang nas {BCA} yata

{PH}at whatever
[point]; from [whenever] At
whatever [point] ... from just that point on ...
{BCA} I.18-.19

gang phyir {C}yatas; {MV}yad-artham

because; for that reason; for the sake of; why?



gang ba

gang gang

ba/ so soi skye bo dang phags pa gnyis/ Div.: the

twoordinary beings (pthagjana) and Superiors

gang gang {C}pratva; {MSA}prapratva; {C}

bharita be full; become full {C}completion;
repletion; filled with

gang ba med pa

gang bar gyur

{PH}whatever person;


gang gang gang gang {C}aparipra not full

{C}without having fulfilled; (in)complete

gang zag gang gis yid gtad pas mthong tsam nyid
nas di dang di drao snyam pai blo ngang gi
skyed nus pai chos bskyed
skyed bskyed skyed phenomena naturally able to
produce an awareness thinking, This and that
are alike, upon merely being seen by whatever
person directs the mind [toward them]

gang gang gang gang {MSA}( p): pryate

will fill

gang med

gang zag gang


gang gang gang {C}apratva not full {C}

non-completion; no increase

gang tshun up to the point of

gang zag gi bdag pudgaltman
self of persons
gang tshe yad; {C}yatra-antarasmi (=yad);
{C}kli; {C}yath (=yad) when; at what time
gang zag gi bdag tu

dzin pai blo {PH}awareness that grasps at a self

of persons

{C}when; time; so that

gang tshe tshe {L}yad when

gang zhig {MSA}yad for one [indicates

gang zag gi bdag med

pudgala-nairtmya without a self of persons;

selflessness of persons

the first part of a reason]; whoever; which

dus ma byas kyi nam

dbye ba/ 1 gang zag gi bdag


mkha chos can/ rtag pa yin par thal/ yod pa gang

zhig skad cig ma ma yin pai phyir/ It follows that
the subject, uncompounded space, is a permanent
phenomenon, because of (1) existing and (2) not
being momentary.

med rags pa/ 2 gang zag gi bdag med phra mo/

Div.: (1) coarse selflessness of persons; (2) subtle
selflessness of persons

gang zag gi bdag med kyi dbang

gang zhig gang {ntideva}

du byas pai don dam pa ngo bo nyid med pa

ultimate-non-nature in terms of the selflessness
of persons

yadanyasa {PH}anything whatsoever

gang zhe na {C}katamni if [someone

asks], What?; if [someone asks], Which?

{C}what is?

gang zag {C,MSA,MV}pudgala; purua

person; individual
mtshan nyid/
phung po lnga po gang rung la brten nas btags pai skyes
bu/ Def.: a being imputed in dependence upon any

among the five aggregates



Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


zag gi bdag med rtogs pai rnal byor gyi sa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs yogic
ground of realizing the selflessness of persons

gang zag gi bdag med dang

chos kyi bdag med kyi dbang du byas pai yongs
grub thoroughly established natures in terms



gang zag mngon par rtogs

of selflessness of persons and of selflessness of


pa rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs {MSA}pudgalbhisabodha manifest
realization of the person

gang zag gi bdag med

spyi ldog generality-isolate of the selflessness of


gang zag tu smra ba {MSA}pudgala-

gang zag gi bdag med

vdin propound a person

gang zag tu dzin pa

phra mo subtle selflessness of persons

mtshan nyid/ gang zag rang rkya thub pai rdzas
yod kyis stong pa Def.: In non-Consequentialist
schools: a persons emptiness of being a selfsufficient substantial entity

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

pudgala-grha apprehend a person; conceive a


gang zag gi

zag rtag gcig rang dbang can gyis stong pa

nityaikasvatantra-nyapudgala a persons
emptiness of being permanent, unitary, and

bdag med phra moi rnam pa can {PH}having

the aspect of the subtle selflessness of persons

gang zag gi bdag

gang zag

med rags pa coarse selflessness of persons

mtshan nyid/ gang zag rtag gcig rang dbang
can gyis stong pa Def.: In non-Consequentialist
schools: a persons emptiness of being permanent,
unitary, and autonomous

dang chos dag mi dmigs pai phyir

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

pudgala-dharmayor anupalambht due to/

because of not apprehending persons and [other]

conception of a self of persons

gang zag

pai blo gzung dzin

bzung zungs awareness apprehending a self of

gang zag dang chos

gang zag gi bdag dzin


gang zag gi bdag dzin

la bdag med pa {MSA}pudgala-dharma-nairtmya

selflessness in persons and [other] phenomena

gang zag gi bye brag {MSA}

gang zag dang chos la bdag med

pudgala-bheda instance of a person

gang zag gi longs spyad


pa dag yongs su shes par bya bai phyir {MSA}

pudgala-dharma-nairtmyayo parijrtha in
order to thoroughly understand selflessness in
persons and [other] phenomena

spyad spyod spyad spyod

objects of use of a person {PH}objects of

enjoyment of a person

gang zag gi bsam pa

gang zag dam pa {MV}sat add

attitudes of a person; thoughts of a person

pudgala after checking? excellent person; holy


gang zag gi bsam

gang zag gdags pa

pa la dgongs pa {MSA}pudgalaybhiprya
thinking of a persons attitude; in consideration
of a persons thought

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dang chos med pai mtshan nyid yin pa {MSA}

pudgala-dharmbhva-lakaatva character of
non-existence of persons and [other] phenomena

/ gdags dogs

btags/brtags thogs {MSA}pudgala-prajapti



gang zag smra ba pudgalavdin

imputation of a person

gang zag bdag med gi

Proponent of a Person

gang zag tsam mere person

gang zag zla med pa {C}

rang ldog self-isolate of a selflessness of persons

gang zag bdag med rang

ldog self-isolated selflessness of the person

gang zag bdag dzin

apratipudgala person without equal; matchless

person {C}without a match



conception of a self of persons

gang zag bdag dzin gnyis

zag yin par gyur pai ldan min du byed

*pudgala-viprayukta-saskra non-associated
compositional factor which is a person

{PH}the two types of conception of a self of


gang zag ni nam

gang zag yod par

gang zag rnam par gzhig

gang zag yod par smra ba

yang med pa ma yin pa {MSA}kad cit pudgalo

nsti (na-) persons are never non-existent

khas blang bar mi bya {MSA}na v pudgalo sti

persons are not to be asserted as existing

pa {MV}pudgala-vina disintegration of the

person; destruction of the person

pudgala-vdin Proponent of a Person

gang zag rang rkya

gang zag rnam par bzhag

thub pai rdzas yod {PH}being substantially

existent in the sense of being a self-sufficient person

pa {MSA}pudgala-vyavasthna positing of the




zag rang rkya thub pai rdzas yod kyis stong pa

emptiness of a person as being substantially
existent in the sense of being self-sufficient

zag ma yin pai ldan min du byed

*apudgalaviprayuktasaskra non-person
compositional factor



zag rang rkya thub pai rdzas yod du ma grub pa

non-establishment of the person as substantially
existent in the sense of being self-sufficient

zag ma yin par gyur pai ldan min du byed

*apudgala-viprayukta-saskra non-associated
compositional factors that are not persons; nonassociated compositional factor which is not a

gang zag la mi srid snyam pa

{MV}asambhvan pudgale thinking, [Such
and such] does not occur among persons

gang zag

gang zag; skyes bu pudgala/purua

mi rtag pa nyid du thal bar gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd
{MSA}pudgalasynityatva-prasagt it would
[absurdly] follow that persons would be just

gang yang

nipudgalatva non-existence of persons {C}

no personality; without personality; absence of a

gang yang rung ba anayatara; {L}


gang zag med pa {C}nipudgala; {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gang gi yang
{C}kicit; {MV}kicid; {C}kahici [what-even];
any; whosoever. With negative: not any; none
{C}anyone; whatever; anywhere

anyatama; {L}anyatas-anyatara any; some;

some...or other


gang yang rung ba zhig

from what?; whence?; why? {C}with what?;


ma tshang ba {MV}anyatama-vaikalya any


gang yang rung ba zhig

gang las bskyod par

bgyid lags bskyod skyod
bskyod skyod {C}ucclayati {C}free oneself


any single; any single [one]

Any single one [being] incomplete, ... {MV}

gang shar thams cad all of


gang yang rung bai {C}

whatever appears

gang su dag {L}ye kecit whichever of

anyataranyatara of any {C}some or other

gang yin what is?; which is

gang yin pa which is; whatever is
gang su dag di {PH}whichsoever
of these
gang yin pa de thams cad all
gangs hima snow
of whatever is...; all whatsoever
gang yin par gro {C}yathgami gangs can that endowed with snow; The
Snowy Land [i.e., Tibet]

{C}goes into...which he comes across on his way

gang rung any; one among; either one

gangs can mkhas pa scholar of

or both; whichever is suitable {PH}either one

of; whichever
rtsa bai kha
dog yin na dmar po dang / dkar po dang / sngon
po dang / ser po gang rung yin pas khyab / If
[something] is a primary color, [it] is [necessarily]
either one of red, white, blue, or yellow.

the Land of Snows [Tibet]

gangs can gyi ljongs

Realm of Snow [Tibet]

gangs can gyi ljongs chen

po {PH}Great Realm of Snow [Tibet]

gangs can gyi yul

gang la {C}kutra; {C}kutu; {MSA}yatra

gangs can ljongs

gang la gang any...whatsoever

gang la gang med pa

{PH}Realm of

Snow [Tibet]

gangs can mun pai smag

rum {PH}the dense darkness of the Land of

de ni des stong the non-existence of something

in something is [its] emptiness of that

gangs ljongs

gang la dgongs nas in

{PH}Realm of Snow


gangs pa seu Gang-pa-say-u [c.1200;

consideration of which; thinking of which

gang la rnam par mi rtog

a Ka-dam-pa author on epistemology]

gangs ri sngon por

{MV}yac ca na vikalpayati non-conceptual/

not conceptualizing with respect to which; nonconceptual with respect to anything

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}Land of

Snow (Tibet)

with respect to which; of what; where; of which;

in which/whom {C}in whom; how

gang las {L}km; {C}kuto; {MSA}yatra


snang bai dbang shes snang

snang snang snang sense consciousness to which
a snow mountain appears as blue



gangs ri ba {LCh}haimavata one

non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)

gi gu

[person] of the snow mountain

gangs rii ljongs

{PH}i vowel mark; [name of vowel

marker for i]
ring po la ii zhes gi gu nyis brtsegs; For the long
vowel , ii [is written], that is, two i vowel
marks are stacked. {GCG} p.21

{PH}Realm of

Snowy Mountains [Tibet]

gad mo laugh; laughter; laughing

gad mo dgod

nyams len gyi cha

{PH}elements of


bgad dgod bgad dgod laugh; smile; make laugh/


gis (as instrumental particle) by; by means

gand essence; important point; pith;

of; with; because. (as non-case particle corruptly

used in place of the non-case usage of genitive
particles) but; and; (semi-colon)


gand mthar gtugs pai

gu a ma ti guamati Guamati [name

phra ba final subtle essential{N}

gand rnams shes dgos it is

of a Bodhisattva]

gu a shr guar Guar [proper name]

gu ru guru [Tibetan transliteration of

necessary to know the essentials ...{LG}

gab tshe {C}karaaka {C}basket

gam or; and; particle indicating question;

Sanskrit word, guru]; guru; teacher

gu ru yid bzhin nor bu {RY}


gar {C}ntya [what to]; where; dancing;

cintmani {PH}Guru Chintamani (a form of


dance {PH}dancing; dance

sgyu phrul dra bai gar dance of magical
emanation {DASI 552.3}

gug kyed {HT} mudram [=gug skyes];

wished {C}wherever it wishes

gug skyed {HT} mudram [=gug skyes];

{PU} mtr [=gug skyed] {PH}vocalic


gar dod pa {C}yatreccham wherever

gar yang khyab pa ni

{PU} mtr {PH}vocalic ornaments

gug skyes {HT} mudram; {PU} mtr

chu zla lta buo pervading everywhere like a

moon in water

[=gug skyed] {PH}vocalic ornaments

gar log

{PH}Garlok (a small kingdom in

Nga-ri; western Tibet)

gal te if; in case of

gal te ... gyur {MV.I.21 v}ced bhavet if
it would be

gal na If...
gas dang glu tshig dang
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsgrig sgrig bsgrigs/ sgrigs/ arrange; put in


gung thang dkon mchog bstan pai sgron me; dkon

mchog bstan pai sgron me; gung thang jam dpal
dbyangs Gung-thang Kn-chog-tan-pay-drn-

sbrung {C} naka-itihsa {C}play

gi (as genitive particle) of; by; in; which. (as

gung {PH}middle; center

gung {PH}midnight
gung bsgrigs


may [1762-1823; aka Gung-thang Jam-pal-yang]

gung thang jam dpal dbyangs; gung

toward; exert oneself for; interest onself in; be

zealous; be intent upon {C}loves; attends to

gus par bya ba {C}satkti that which

thang dkon mchog bstan pai sgron me Gungthang Jam-pal-yang [1762-1823; also known as
Gung-thang Kn-chog-tan-pay-drn-may]

is to be respected {C}honoring

gus par bya ba yid la byed

gung bran communist

gung mo middle finger
gud du separately; apart
gud du gro bar gyur cig

pa {MSA}satktya-manaskra taking to mind

an object to be respected

gus par byed pa {L}darakra;

{MSA}satktya be respectful toward; exert
oneself for; interest onself in; be zealous; be
intent upon

{C}apakrmatu {C}may depart

gud du song bar gyur

gus par mi byed pa {L}andara

disrespect; be indifferent; neglect; not be intent


song song song song {C}apakrmati

{C}go away; departs; takes his leave

gus byas {C}satktya (=r-paa-

gud na med [separate-in-not exist];

bandhdin vieapada-sthpant = maaldikarat) having respected {C}having honored

inseparable; not exist separately

guptai skabs {PH}Gupta-style

gur kum mdangs ldan {PH}

gus sbyor

ge sar {PH}flower bud

gegs {LCh}vighna; {L}vibandha obstacle;

saffron colored

gur khyim [tent-home]; abode

sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord intense application


mansion [under] a tent; abode

hindrance; impediment; obstruction

gur gum saffron

gus respectfully; respect
gus pa {LCh,C}gaurava; {MSA,L}dara;

gegs byed {LCh}pratibandha

[hindrance-make]; hindrance; interference;

prevention; impediment

gegs su gyur pa {MSA}vibandhana;

{MSA}bahu-mna; {C}bhajati respect; devotion;

humility; be intent on {C}dignity; a title to
be respected; regard; care; trouble; bring to light;
loves; attends to

{MV}vibandha [hindrance-as-became];
hindrance; interference; prevention; impediment

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

darotpdana generate respect

gel pa {C}gulma {C}shrub

go {C}avaka understand; opportunity;


go skabs {LCh,MSA} avaka chance;

gus pa bskyed pa

occasion; armor; (terminating particle indicating

the end of a statement). As verb: understand
{C}opportunity; occasion; room; occasion for

gus pa chen po {PH}great devotion

gus pai phyag {PH}respectful

gus par bya {C} bhajati be respectful

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

opportunity; chance to

go skabs byed par

mi gyur ba {C}(na) avaka dayanti not



go phang {LCh,MSA} pada position;

provide an opportunity/chance {C}they are

given no opportunity

go skabs ma mchis pa {C}

rank; state

go phang bla na med pa {MSA}

anavaka no opportunity; no chance {C}it

cannot be; impossible; no room

anuttara ... pada unsurpassed/highest position/


go gyon te {C}sanahati put on armor;

go ba {LCh}gata; {LCh}avagama; {MSA}

wear armor {C}put on the armor

go gyon pa {MSA}sanahana put on

gamya;{MSA} ja (e.g.: udghaita-ja; vipacitaja); {MSA}bodha understanding

go bar byed pa {MSA}saprpti;

armor; wear armor

go bgos pa {MSA}sanahya put on

{MV}prpaa; {MV}saprpaa cause

understanding; communicate; cause to know/
comprehend; means of understanding


go sgrub


go bar zad {MSA}gata reduced to/

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}sanha-pratipatti

achieving through armor; achieving armor

exhausted as understanding

go gcig samna-dea ninety-one; same

go bar sla {MSA}subodha easy to



go cha {C,MSA}sanha; {C}sannadhu

go byed {MV}pryaa; {MV}saprpti

armor {C}armor; armed with

means of understanding; that which causes

understanding; means of communication

go cha bgo dgos so {C}

go mi chod does not fulfill the role; does

sanahitavya must/should put on armor {C}

must put on the armor

not fulfill the meaning of; does not function as

go cha bgos shing {C}sannadhu

go ra {PH}Quran
go rams pa bsod nams

put on armor {C}armor

go cha chen po bgos so {C}

seng ge Go-ram-pa S-nam-seng-ge [1429-1489]

go rim {LCh}krama; {LCh,MV,MSA}

mah-sannha-sannaddha put on great armor

{C}armed with the great armor

go chai sgrub pa

anukrama; {MSA}nuprv order; series;


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs sanhapratipatti achieving through armor; achieving

armor; achievement of armor

go chod fill the role; fulfill what it means to

be; perform the function

go tan

{PH}Go-tan [Khan] (Mongolian

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

go rim pa {C}anukrama [place-series];

order; series; arrangement {C}gradual action

bzhin du {MV}yath-krama in order; in

accordance with the order; respectively {C}in
due order; respectively

brjod rjod brjod rjod express in an easy to

understand form


go rim bzhin; go rim


go bde bar brjod

go rim du gradually
go rim du byed pa gradually



go rim bzhin du yathtram in order;

in accordance with the order; respectively

/ go rims bzhin / go

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {MV}uttarottara-nirhra achieve
progressively higher [states]

gong bar gyur;

rims bzhin du respectively

gong bar mi gyur gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}avalyate {C}becomes
cowed; be cast down; hide despondently in; does
(not) despond; (not) cow

go sa place; area; rank; station

go sa gnon nus pa capacity to
occupy/cover an area

gong bu {LCh}pia lump; mass

gong ma {MSA}upari; {C}uttri (?); rdhva

go sla easy to understand

gog yul {PH}Wakhan (Afghanistan)
gong {MSA}upari high; the above; price;

{GD:265} upper; superior; higher; emperor

{C}superior; {GD:177} vertical gong
mai spyi vertical-universal {GD:177}


gong chen greatly high

gong ma gong ma {PH}higher and
gong du {MSA}uttara; {MSA}rdhva above;
earlier; upward
gong ma gong
mai lta ba go byed kyi stegs
gong du gro ba dang
blta lta bltas ltos platform for causing
ldan pai phyir {MSA}rdhva gamana-yogt
because of possessing progress upward

gong du brjod zin

understanding of views of the higher [schools]

gong ma bas ches gong ma

{L}uttarev uttama much higher than the high

brjod rjod brjod rjod already explained


gong ma sa {MV}uttrasu ... bhmiu

gong du bshad ma thag pa

high ground

gong mai skyed tshal

{MV}anantaram uktam explained just above/

immediately above

imperial garden

gong na {MV}rdhvam above; earlier;

previously; higher

gong na ma mchis pa {C}

niruttara; {C}uttapta none higher; unsurpassed

{C}unsurpassed; highest; most excellent; the utmost

gong na med pa {C,MSA}niruttara

none higher; unsurpassed {C}unsurpassed;

highest; most excellent; the utmost

stolid; despond; is cowed

gong sa {PH}His Holiness

gong gsal ltar {PH}as clarified

gom step
gom snyoms pa {C}sama-kramatva

uttarottara; {MSA}uparyupari from high to

higher; progressively higher

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gong mai spyi {PH}vertical-universal

gong mo grouse
gong shing {C}salyate {C}becomes
above [in the text]

gong nas gong du {L,MSA}

gong nas gong du bsgrub pa


{C}walks at an even pace



gom pa gcig bor bas saktapda-kepea with a single step


goms/ goms/
goms/ goms/ {LCh}abhysa familiarize; become
accumstomed to; condition to; familiarization;
yang dang yang du yid la byed pa goms na if one
familiarizes with taking to mind again and again

{MSA}vastra cloth; clothing; cover {PH}cloth;

clothes; clothing {C}garment; robe; strips of
cloth; cloth; cloak; robes
gos smyug poi rnam sbyar zhig
gsol ras su gnang dug, It is [said that he] gave
[him] a robe of brown cloth as a gift. {GCC} p.14

gos khyad par du phags pa

{MSA}vastra-vieaa special clothing; special

goms dri conditioning; familiarization; gos chen ri mo {PH}brocade designs

gos thum {PH}layer of cloth
goms pa {MSA}abhysa; bhvita; abysa
familiarize; become accumstomed to; condition
to; familiarization; conditioning; cultivate

la yang rgyus med pai dpe ring zhig gos thum dgu
tsam gyis dril nas dug; There was a long text that
was unfamiliar to everyone, having been wrapped in
nine layers of cloth. {GCG} p. 17

goms pa can abhysavat familiar;

conditioned {GD:734} trained perceptions

don goms pa can gyi
dbang mngon gyi tshad ma sense direct prime
cognition having a familiar object

gos dag {C} caila {PH}clothes

gos dag thor zhing {C}caila-

goms pai lam {C} abhysa-mrga

vikepamakru {C}wave their garments (?)

gos pa {LCh}upalipta; {C}lipyate; {MSA}

path of familiarization; path of conditioning

lepa; {MSA}nirlepa sullied; covered; polluted

{C}be sullied with; be polluted; change

{C}path of repeated meditational practice

goms par byas pas {C}

gos pa ma mchis pa {C}

sevana; {C}sevan; {MV}abhysa by having

familiarized/conditioned {C}cultivation;
tending; cultivation

anupalepa [covered-not-being]; not sullied; not

polluted; not covered {C}stainless; spotless

gos pa med cing {C} nirupalepa

goms bya yon tan {MSA}abhysagua quality to be cultivated

[covered-not-being]; not sullied; not polluted;

not covered {C}without a stain; stainless;

gou shambhi {PH}Kauambi

gor gor circle
gor ma chag par {LCh}avayam

gos pa med pa {C}nirupalepa; {C}

nirupalepat; {C}nirpalepa (=nirupalepa);

{MSA}nirlepa [covered-not-being]; not sullied;
not polluted; not covered {C}without a stain;
stainless; untainted; free from stains; untainted

without a doubt

gol ba {MSA}utpatha deviant; deviating

from the proper

gol sa place where one can go wrong; place

of possible error; place of deviance

gos {LCh,MSA,C}cvara; {C}ambara; {C}

caila; {C}prvaraa; {MSA}lipta; {MSA}vasana;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gos par gyur {C}lipyate be sullied/

covered/polluted {C}be sullied with; be
polluted; change

gos med [covered-not-being]; not sullied/




gos dmar ba tmraaya red

bgyid bgyis gyis {MSA}lo; {MSA}(phal)

[imperative form]: do


gos la sogs {MSA}cvardi clothing/ gyur

gyur/ gyurd/
gyur/ gyurd/ {LCh}as; {LCh}bh; {C}s
become; change; transform; arise; be {C}have;

garments and so forth

gos la sogs pa ... tshol ba

/ btsal tshol/tshel
btsal tshold {MV}cvardy-anveaa seek
clothing/garments and so forth

gyur cig

garments and so forth

gyur cing {C}upagacchati

gyurd/ gyur/ gyurd/ imperative verb: let it be/

become/change/transform/arise/be!; may it be!

gos sogs {MSA}cvardi clothing/

gya gyu ba {PH}dishonesty
gya gyu med pa {C}akuila

{C}come (to);
go to; be overpowered; approach; take to; undergo;
with negative: remain (un)aware of

gyur pa {C}upagata; {MSA}upagamana



(e.g.: ek-bhvopagamana); {MSA}gata (e.g.:

aprameya-sakhy-gata); {MSA}gamatva; {C}
bhinno; {C}bhiy; {MSA}bhta (e.g.: agra-bhta);
{MV}pariata; {MV}praata; {MV}(vt): vartate;
{MSA}parvtti; {MSA}parivartana (e.g.: str-p
serve; is; become; change; transform; arise; be
{C}takes place; can be approached; has admitted
into himself; there would be

gya nom snang

snang snang snang snang {C}sud (dev)
auspicious/sublime appearance

gya nom snang ba

snang snang snang snang suda excellent


gya nom pa {LCh,C,L,MSA}prata

gyur ba {C}padyate; {C} bhavati become;

auspiciosuness; fine; auspicious; sublime {C}

sublime; fine; good to eat; superior; exalted

change; transform; arise; be {C}bring about;

undergo; show; feel; fall into; incur; put forth;
experience; becomes; stands; takes place; occurs;
comes about

gya noms pa prata auspiciousness

gya tshom du {C}sahas {C}hurries
gyad bu nor dravya mallaputra {PH}

gyur la ... yang gyur

gyar {PH}fragment
gyi (as genitive particle) of; by; in; which. (as

gyen upward
gyen rgyu upward moving; upward-moving

non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)


bgyi/ bgyid/ bgyis/

gyen rgyui rlung upward-moving

gyis/ (as instrumental particle) by; by means of;

with; because.7 (as non-case particle corruptly
used in place of the non-case usage of genitive
particles) but; and; (semi-colon).7 (as imperative
verb form) do

gyis shig


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MV}bhtv

... bhavati became and becomes again; having
become, it again becomes

Dravya Mallaputra (an arhat)




gyen du {C}rdhvam; {MSA}urdhva

upwards {C}upwards

gyen du bteg cing {C}abhyutkipya

{C}having lifted up



grags chen bco brgyad

gyen du dren pa draw upward

gyen du phyogs {C}rdhva standing

eighteen [texts] of great renown [a Sa-kya


upwards; face upward; directed upward {C}

point upwards

gyes spread out

gyo hya dissimulation
gyo dum potsherd; sugar
gyo mo {C}kahalya; {C}pa

grags chen ldan {C}mah-yau

grealty famous; greatly renowned {C}greatly


grags mchog {MSA}mah-yaas

supreme fame; supreme renown

grags rtags yang dag


correct sign of renown


grags thob

gyon {MSA}prvta put on; dress; wear

gyon gyon pa {C}yath-vta wearing

grags pa {LCh,MV,L}prasiddha; {MV}

prasiddhaka; {LCh,C}krti; yaas; {MSA}pratta;

prttya; nman (e.g.: a-buddha-nman); ravita
(e.g.: svara-ruta-ravita) renown; renowned;
fame; notoriety; consensus; consensual renown
{C}brought about; accomplished; adorned;

gyon byed {C}sanahant put on; dress;

wear {C}put on

{PH}[a Guru

Rinpoche cave]

grags pa rgya chen {L}vilakrti

grwa tshang monastic college

grwa sa bzhi the four [Ge-luk-pa]

Vilakrti [name of a Tathgata]

grags pa can krtimat renowned;

monastic colleges [Se-ra (se rwa); Dre-pung

(bras spungs); Gan-den (dga ldan); Tra-shihln-po (bkra shis lhun po)]


grags pa thob pa

grwa sa gsum the three [Ge-luk-pa]

thob famous; attained fame

grag {MSA} anuravita

{PH}sound; noise
the three appearances, sounds,
and thoughts {YIA}

hetutva cause of fame/renown/notoriety

grags pai rjes dpag

grag stong dbyer med

prasiddhnuma; prasiddhaanumna inference

through renown

inseparability of being audible and yet empty

mtshan nyid/ rang gi rten grags


rtags yang dag la brten nas rang gi gzhal bya sgra byung


grags pa la mi slu bai zhen rig Def.: a determinative

grags {MSA}yaas; {MV}prasiddha(ka)

renown; renowned; fame; notoriety; established;

consensus; consensual renown

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


grags pa tsam merely renowned

grags pai rgyu nyid {MSA}yao-

monastic colleges: [Se-ra (se rwa); Dre-pung

(bras spungs); Gan-den (dga ldan)]

grag pa {MSA}anuravita

grags pa thob

pa/ famous; attained fame

[continuously] {C}in a proper and correct

manner; fitly

grwa gyu sgang brag



knower that in dependence on its basis, a correct

sign of renown, is incontrovertible with regard
to its object of comprehension, a terminological


grags pai rtags *prasiddha-liga grangs can pa {LCh}skhya

sign of renown

Skhya; Enumerators

grang ta cold; cool

grang nges precise/definite enumeration
grang ba {LCh,MSA}ta cold; cool
grang ba

grangs snyed

{PH}however many equal

in number (to)

grangs pa gaan counting

grangs pai ting nge dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs

dang tsha ba la sogs pai sdug bsngal {MSA}

talodi ... dukha sufferings of cold, heat,
and so forth

meditative stabilization of counting

grangs ma mchis {L}asakhyeya

grang bai nad {PH}rheumatism

grang dmyal ba cold hell-being; being

innumerable; uncountable; countless;

immeasurable; incalculable; inestimable;

measureless; infinite

grangs med {MSA}asakhyeya

dwelling in a cold hell

grang srong i sage; seer

grangs {LCh,C,L,MSA}sakhy number;

[number-not existing]; innumerable;

uncountable; countless; immeasurable;

incalculable; inestimable; measureless; infinite

enumeration; calculation; computation;

reckoning; tally {C}calculation; counting;
numbering; definition; are counted as

grangs med gnyis ni

[number-by-not-cut-off]; not delimited in

number; innumerable; uncountable; countless;
immeasurable; incalculable; inestimable;
measureless; infinite

grangs med pa {L,MV}asakhyeya

rdzogs pa rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}dvyasakhyeya-sampti
two [periods of] countless [eons] finished/

grangs kyis mi chod pa

innumerable; uncountable; countless;

grangs gro {C}sakhy gacchati

immeasurable; incalculable; inestimable;

measureless; infinite

grangs bzhin {MV}yath-sakhyam

(=vyapadea gacchati) go in the count of;

reckon as {C}comes to be styled/called; derives
his name from; it gives sense to say; be reckoned
among; is called

according to the count/calculation

grangs las das pa innumerable

grangs su {C}gaan gantu-kmena;

grangs nges enumeration; definite

enumeration; limited number

{C} gaan {C}wants to be numbered among;

counting; count; enumeration

grangs nges definite/limited in

grangs su bgrang bar

number; numerically limited; all-inclusive;

comprehensive; enumeration

grangs nges pa

gtogs pa {C} sakhy-gaan pravia

included in numerical calculation {C}they have
transcended all counting

{PH}definite in


grangs su gro {C}sakhy gacchati;

grangs can skhya Skhya

{C} parisakhyta go in the count of; reckon as

{C}comes to be styled/called; derives his name


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



gru char fertile rain

gru chen {PH}vessel; confines; interior
gru bo {LCh}nva; {LCh}nau; {C}nvi {PH}

from; it gives sense to say; be reckoned among; is

called; reckoned up as

grangs su gro gyur ro {C}

parisakhyta go in the count of; reckon as

{C}reckoned up as

boat; ship

grangs su mchio {C}sakhy

gru dzin {PH}rudder

gru dzin bdag po

gacchati go in the count of; reckon as {C}

comes to be styled/called; derives his name from;
it gives sense to say; be reckoned among; is called;
reckoned up as

Potala (Avalokitevara)

gru zhig {C}bhinna-bhvo

gram sa {C}ujjagala {C}arid

gral {PH}status; series; rank
gral rked {PH}middle rank
gral stod {PH}front rank
gral mtho sa {PH}head of the row
gral og {PH}end of a row
gral rim {PH}line sequence
gral gsham {PH}lower rank
gras mtshungs pa {PH}order;

{C}who suffers


gru bzhi {LCh}catarasra square; fourcornered

gru gzings ship; boat

grub / grub

grub grubs/grub grubs sidh; {MSA,MV}siddha;

siddhi; {MSA}pti (e.g.: manorathpti) be
established; be accomplished; establish; exist;

grub jug gi blo

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

*viddhipravttibuddhi awareness/mind of

orderly fashion

complete/total engagement; awareness/mind

which engages [its object] in a complete/total

grib defilement; filth; stain; contamination;


grub thabs

grib pa chy shade

grib pa rnam sel

grub grub grubs/grub grubs sdhana

means of achievement

grub mtha

sarvanvaraavikambh {PH}
Sarvanvaraavikambhin (p.n. of a bodhisattva)

grib pa med par {L}anvaraa

grub pai mtha

{LCh}siddhnta; siddhyanta tenet; established

conclusion; tenet system; system of tenets;
system; outlook in the ety I changed grub pai
to grub paam; check

undefiled; not filthy; without stain;

uncontaminated; without covering

dpal mchog grel pa chung ba slob dpon kun

grib ma {LCh}cchy; {MSA}chy


grims pa taut
gru {LCh}nva; {LCh}nau; {C}nvi boat; ship
{PH}angle; corner {C}ship

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}Lord of the


snying gis mdzad pa ma yin te/ de dang grub mtha

mi mthun pai phyir/ the shorter commentary
on the Glorious Paramdya was not composed
by nandagarbha because it does not accord in
outlook with his great commentary on the Glorious
Paramdya Tantra

gsang sngags kyi grub pai mtha

of Good Explanations [by Ngag-wang-pal-dan

(ngag dbang dpal ldan, b. 1797)]

rgya mtshoi pha rol du son pa [he] reached the

far shore of the ocean of secret mantra systems


mthai rnam par bzhag pa rin po chei phreng ba

Precious Garland of Tenets [by Kn-chog-jigmay-wang-po (dkon mchog jigs med dbang po;

sgra bshad/

lung rigs gang rung la brten nas thag bcad cing grub

grub mthai rnam bzhag

paam dam bcas pai don de nyid rang gi blo ngor tshul
de las gzhan du dor med pas na/ grub pai mtha zhes

*siddhntavyavasthpana presentation of tenets

[genre of literature]

brjod pa Contextual etymology: A tenet [literally,

an established conclusion] is a meaning that has

been decided upon and established or promised in
reliance upon scripture and/or reasoning and which,
from the perspective of ones mind, will not be
forsaken for so

grub mthas bslad pa

la ltos med du without relying on being affected
by tenets

grub dus /

grub grub grubs/grub grubs time of

grub mtha kun shes nas mtha bral sgrub pa zhes
bya bai bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa legs bshad
kyi rgya mtsho Ocean of Good Explanations:
Explanation of the Treatise Establishment of
Freedom from Extremes through Understanding
All Tenets [by the Translator Tag-tshang Shayrab-rin-chen (stag tshang lo ts b shes rab rin
chen; b. 1405)]

rang grub dus las dus

gnyis par mi sdod pa [a thing] will not remain for

a second period after its time of establishment

grub bde gcig

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

grub mtha dor ba forsake the tenet

[by holding a tenet contrary to it]

grub mtha rnam bzhi


systems of [Buddhist] tenets

ekayogakema one establishement and abiding;

same in terms of establishment and abiding

mtshan nyid/ grub pa dus
mnyam/ gnas pa dus mnyam/ jig pa dus mnyam/ Def.:
those which are established simultaneously, abide
simultaneously, and disintegrate simultaneously

grub bde gcig pa ekayogakema

grub mtha smra ba proponent of

{PH}sameness in establishment and abiding


grub mtha rtsa ba The Root Text on grub bde rdzas gcig
Tenets [by Jam-yang-shay-pa which is the basis
for his own comentary called Great Exposition of
Tenets (grub mtha chen mo) in its short title]

grub mtha bzhii lugs kyi kun rdzob dang

don dam pai don rnam par bshad pa legs bshad
dpyid kyi dpal moi glu dbyangs Explanation of
the Conventional and the Ultimate in the Four
Systems of Tenets: The Spring Cuckoos Song

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


/ grub grub grubs/grub

grubs one substantial entity of establishment

and abiding; one substantiality of establishment
and abiding; same substantial entity in terms
of establishment and abiding {GD:241}
simultaneous substantial identity; {572} one
simlutaneous substance
grub bde rdzas gcig pai yon tan qualities that
are the same substantial entity of establishment and


grub pa

grub par gyur pa rtogs pa

/ grub grub grubs/

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {L,MV}

siddha; {L,MSA}siddhi; samuprjita; {MSA}
nipatti; {MSA}nipanna be established; be
accomplished; establish; exist; achieve; existent;
establishment {C}power; succeed; accomplish;
stored up

grub pa

grub grubs {MSA}nipanna-bodha realize that

it has been established/accomplished/achieved/

grub par gyur ba

/ grub grub grubs/grub

grubs {C}siddhyanti; {L}siddhyeta establish;

accomplish; achieve {C}will succeed; become;
arise; come to be; perfect

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {TN}nipanna

established; perfected; accomplished; completed

grub pa kun thob par gyur grub par bya ba

grub pa dang bde ba

/ thob/thob thob thob

thobs {MSA}eti sarva-siddhim will attain all
feats/yogic achievements

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs {L}

sdhya that which is to be achieved/established/


grub par mdzad

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

yoga-kema establishment and abiding

grub pa dang bde ba med pa

/ grub grub grubs/
grub grubs {C}ayoga-kema {C}surrounded by

grub pa dus mnyam/ gnas pa dus mnyam/

snang bai dbang shes snang

snang snang snang a sense consciousness to
which, in dependence upon having entered into a
boat, trees appear to be moving

... kyi sngon du gro bai bkra shis yin pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub

grubs {MSA}siddhi-prvagama-magalatva
auspiciousness preceding a feat/yogic

gre po gnyan mischievous ghost spirit

gre mo ghost spirit
grel chung


mtha {LCh}siddhnta tenet; established

conclusion; tenet system; system; outlook

don gsal; grel pa don gsal

bkral grel bkrald greld [Haribhadras]
Short Commentary: Clear Meaning (spuhrtha,
grel pa don gsal), or Commentary on
(Maitreyas) Ornament for Clear Realization,
Treatise of Quintessential Instructions on the
Perfection of Wisdom (abhisamaylakranm



grub pai lha

{PH}god of magical


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

grum pa badger
grum po {C}khaja {C}lame
grur zhugs pa la brten nas

grur zhugs la brten nas ljon shing gro bar

grub pa

grub pai mtha spyi


zhug jug zhugs zhugs in

dependence on residing in a boat

jig pa dus mnyam/ established simultaneously,

abide simultaneously, and disintegrate

grub pai mtha

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

established; taken/treated as established/



grogs pa la dad che


bar mi gyur gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {C} (na) savsa-l (bhavati) {C}
she abstains from habitual cohabitation(?)

grel pa
don gsal; grel chung don gsal
bkral grel bkrald greld

abhisamaylakrloka [Haribhadras] Clear

Meaning Commentary (spuhrtha, grel pa don
gsal), or Commentary on (Maitreyas) Ornament
for Clear Realization, Treatise of Quintessential
Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom (abhis

gro ga birch
gro gcig {PH}one days journey
gro shod {PH}Troch [n. a district in Tibet]
gro lhug {PH}paunchy; chubby
grog sbu ant
grog mo {PH}ant
grog rong {PH}ravine; gorge
grogs grogs po/ grogs

{MSA}sahya; {C}bndhava; {C}mra friend;

companion; accompanier; assister {C}teacher;
adherent; advocate; maternal relative; Sir!

grogs po dra ba {MSA}mitra-kalpa

like a friend/companion/assister

grogs po

dman pa dag gis yongs bskor ba

bskor skor bskord skord {MSA}hnai
sahyai parivrita completely surrounded by
low friends/companions

grogs po las blangs pa {MSA}

mitrd tt taken from a friend

grogs por ngan pa {MSA}kumitra

bad/false friend

grogs bya ba la skyo ba

med pa {MSA}shyya-kriykheda without
discouragement concerning accompanying/

pa/ {LCh,C,L,MSA}sahya; {LCh,MSA}mitra;

{MSA}sahyaka; {MSA}shyya accompanier;
association; concomitant; friend; companion;

grogs byas [companion-done]; helped;

grogs gi rim gro byas pas

aided; assisted

grogs byed that which acts as an

{C}jvita-anugraha-karaa {C}help living beings

grogs ngan {MSA}asan-mitra; {MSA}


grogs tshul khrims

kumitra bad friend

grogs mchog {MSA}sumitrat

dang lta ba mthun pa blta lta

bltas ltos {MSA}sabhga-la-di-sahyakatva
friend/companion with concordant ethics and

supreme/good friend; supreme/good friendship

grogs snying rje chen

pos zin cing affected by great compassion which

is its accompanier

grogs bzang po {MSA}susahyaka

grogs stobs {MSA}mitra-bala power

good friend/companion

grogs su gyur pa {MSA}sahyatva

of an accompanier/assister

grogs pa {L}sahya friend; companion;

friendship; became friend


grong /
grongs/ grong / grongs/ {L}grma town/village.

accompanier; assister

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

grogs po {C,MSA}mitra; {C}sahyaka;



grol ba po

(as verb) die; one who has died

grol grold grol grold {MSA}mokt releaser;
liberator; freer; loosener

grong khyer {LCh,C}nagara; {C}pura; {L}

grma; city/town {C}town; abode, village

grong khyer dpe med

grol bar gyur

Anupamamahpura (n. city in Kamir)

grol grold grol grold {MV}mukt syu

will release/free/liberate/loosen

grong khyer ba {MSA}paur city-person

grol bar byed
grong gi nang {C}grmnte inside a
grol grold grol grold {MSA}(muc): mocayanti;
town/village {C}in the neighborhood of a village

grong jug gi rnal byor

gla ba musk deer {PH}musk deer

glags {L}avatarati; {C}avatra; otru

{LCh}parakya-pravea-yoga yoga of entering

the dead

grong joms

(=avatra) opportunity; possibility {C}enter;

descend; penetrate; descent; opening; opportunity;
possibility; entry; phrase at; descent; opening

gzhom joms bcom choms grmaghtaka

Grmaghtaka; Destroyer of Cities [epithet of
iva]; destruction of city

glags rnyed gyur {C}avatru

grong dab na gnas pa {C}

labhiyati find a chance; gain an opportunity

{C}gains entrance

grmnta-vihrin {C}living near a village

grong rdal {C}nigama

{MV}vimocana release; liberate; free; loosen

glags rnyed par gyur {C}

{C}market town;

avaka labhate find a chance; gain an

opportunity {C}a chance with

market place

grong tshigs {L}grma city; village

glang {C}balvarda bull {C}bull
grong gseb pa villager
glang chen blang po che gaja;
{C}ibha elephant
grol grol grold grol
grold {C,MV}mukta; {MV}mukti; {MSA}vimukti;
glang thang pa Lang-tang-pa [a Ka{MSA}vimoka released; loosened; freed {C}
freed; let loose; delivered

grol nas

dam-pa Ge-shay reputed for never laughing]

glang po {L,MSA}hastin elephant

glang po che gaja; {C,MSA}hastin


grold grol grold {C}mukta having released/

loosened/freed {C}freed; let loose; delivered

grol ba


glang po che khrul pa {MSA}


grold grol grold {L,MV,MSA}mukta; moka;

{C}nirmukta; {MV,MSA}mukti; {MSA}vimukti
release; liberation; freedom; released; loosened
{C}freed; let loose; delivered; sundered from;

grol ba nyid

bhrnta-hastin illusory elephant

po che dang rtai tshogs la sogs pa dang dra ba
{MSA}hasty-ava-kydi-bhtatva similar to
herds of elephants and horses, etc.

glang po che la sogs pa {MV}

grol grold grol grold {C}muktat release;

freedom; liberation; loosening {C}freedom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

hastydi elephants and so forth



glang po che la sogs

gling phran brgyad kyi mi

glang po chen po {C}mah-nga

gling phran ba rgyad

par med pa {MSA}hastitvdy-abhva without

elephants and so forth

humans of the eight small continents; humans of

the eight subcontinents

{C}great serpent

minor continent

glang po chen poi lta stangs

gling bzhi caturdvpa the four continents

blta lta bltas ltos {C}

ngvalokita (=mah-ngvalokita) elephantgaze; gaze of an elephant {C}elephant-look

[of traditional Buddhist cosmology]

gling bzhi gling phran brgyad

glang po chei sgra skad {MSA}

{PH}four major and eight minor temples

gling bzhi gling phran bcu

nga-svara-abd sound/bellow of an elephant

gnyis {PH}twelve major and minor continents

glang po chei gzugs {MSA}

gling bzhi pa {L}caturdvpaka four-

hasty-kti form of an elephant

glang po rin po che {MSA}hasti-

continent world-system

gling bzhi ma

{PH}four-sided; with four

sides At the gate
of Gyal Lhakhang temple is a stone pillar with four
sides. {GCG}

ratna precious elephant

glang poi rjes {C}hasta-pada footprint of an elephant {C}elephants foot

glang poi gzugs {MSA}hasty-kti

gling bzhii mi humans of the four

form of an elephant



gling g.yog gam gling

blang / len/

phran brgyad {PH}eight attendant or minor


blangs/ len/ {C}grahiyna take; get; grasp;

receive {C}would have taken

glan de jog pa

glu {C}gta song {C}song

glu gyan mischevious ngas
glu dbyangs {LCh}gta; {LCh}sagti;

{PH}resetting [the
3rd mental abiding (sems gnas)]

glal ba {C}vijmbhate yawn {C}yawn

gling {LCh,C}dvpa continent; island;

{MSA}sagti-gho pleasant song; song

glu dbyangs lta bui

location [as of a monastery] {C}island

gling kha park

gling dang gling phran

sems bskyed mind-generation like pleasant song

glu bsen mo evil female nga

glegs {C}pustaka book {C}book
glegs bam {LCh}pustaka; {C}puste; {C}


continents and [eight] minor continents

gling phran {PH}island; minor continent

gling phran brgyad {Rigzin} aa

pusta [boards-what is gathered]; book; volume

glegs bam du chud par {C}

kudradvpni eight small continents [of

traditional Buddhist cosmology] {PH}eight
minor continent

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


pustaka-gata included in book {C}has got it

from a book; from a book



glegs bam du bris nas {C}

glo bur dri bral gyi cha factor of

glegs bu page; label

gleng brjod brjod

glo bur dri bral gyi myang

pustaka-likhit ktv written in a book {C}

written down in a book

freedom from adventitious defilements; factor of

being separated from adventious defilements

das {PH}nirvana that is free from momentary


rjod brjod rjod {LCh}nidna introduction;

specific teachings

glo bur rnam dag gi cha factor

gleng gzhi {LCh}nidna introduction

gleng gzhii sde {L}nidna

of adventitious purity

glo bur ba {MSA}kasmika; {MSA}

gantuka adventitious; sudden; temporary

introduction; specific teachings


gleng / gleng /

glengs/ glengs/ {C}vyprita talk; say; mention;

express; propound {C}set to work

glengs pa

gleng /

adventitiously/suddenly arisen

glog {C}vidyuta; {C}vidyut; vidyuj-jyotis

glog gi rjes gro ba


glo side; proximity

glo mkhan chen

bsod nams lhun grub Lo Ken-chen S-nam-hlndrup{GD:ix}

glog gyu {PH}flash of lightening

glog gyu ba {PH}flash of lightening
glog lta bui ting nge dzin
gzung dzin bzung zungs
{C}vidyutopama lightning-like meditative


glo ba dga/ dga/ dga/ dga/ take joy (in);

delight (in)

glod pa

{MV}gantukatva; kasmika adventitious;

temporary; sudden; circumstantial


glod pa/ glod pa/

glod pa/ glod pa/ {MSA}samavaghta loosen;
relax; release; set free

glo bur {MSA,MV}gantuka; gantakumala;

dgag gog bkag

khogs negate; stop; refute; block; limit

glo bur gyi dri ma adventitious

dgag sgrub refutation and proofs

dgag sgrub gnyis

defilement/stain {PH}adventitious defilement

glo bur du {C} gantuka(m) sudddenly;

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs the two

negative [phenomena] and positive [phenomena];
the tworefutation and establishment; the
tworefutation and proof

adventitiously; temporarily {C}(something)


glo bur du byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MV}

dgag sgrub byed

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs refutation

and establishment; refutation and proof

gantukatva adventitiously/suddenly arisen

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



senseless idiot; stupid

glo ba dga

byung byung byung byung {MV}gantukatva
lightning {C}lightning flash

gleng / glengs/ glengs/ {MSA}prvdhikta talk;

say; mention; express; propound

glen pa {C}jada stupid

glo bur byung ba



dgag bya bkag pai

refutation and establishment

dgag pa

dgag gog

med gag {PH}non-affirming negation that is the

negation of the object of negation

bkag khogs {LCh,MSA}pratiedha negation;

negative; negative phenomenon; refutation;

dgag bya khyab ches pa too

mtshan nyid/ rang dzin rtog pas rang gi dgag bya

extensive object of negation/refutation

dgag bya gog pai rtog

dngos su bcad pai tshul gyis rtogs par bya ba/ Def.:

pa a conceptual consciousness that [merely]

refutes an object of negation

an object realized by the conceptual consciousness

apprehending it in the manner of an explicit
elimination of its object of negation.

dgag bya ngos bzung ba

identifying the object of negation

Divisions: dbye ba/

1 ma yin dgag 2 med dgag Div.: (1) affirming
negative; (2) non-affirming negative

dgag byai chos *pratiedhya-

dharma predicate to be negated; predicate of

the negandum

dgag pa dngos

dgag gzhi basis of negation

dgag gzhi can gyi chos

su rtogs pai tshad ma

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs direct perception
explicitly realizing a negative phenomenon
mtshan chid/ dgag pai rnam pa
shar nas dgag pa la gsar du mi bslu bai rig pa Def.:
a knower newly incontrovertible with respect to a
negative phenomenon upon the aspect of a negative
phenomenon appearing [to it]

phenomenon which has a basis of negation

dgag bzhag spong

gsum; khrul ba dgag pa rang lugs bzhag pa de la

rtsod pa spong ba the threerefuting [others
mistakes], establishing [our own system], and
dispelling [objections with respect to our own

dgag pai sgra negative word/term

dgag pai rnam pa shar nas dgag pa


bkab/ khob/ {MSA}vasana cover; spread over

la gsar du mi bslu bai rig pa a knower newly

incontrovertible with respect to a negative
phenomenon upon the aspect of a negative
phenomenon appearing [to it]

dga {C}prti; priya; rati; {MSA}rata; {C}

nanda; {C}paritoayati; {C}sukha; {MSA}(mud):

modate; {MSA}muda; {MSA}moda; {C}sph joy;
happiness; liking {C}joyous; remains contented;
kind; dear; ease; pleasure; happiness; happily;


par gyur pai ldog pa rigs gcig pa negative

phenomena which are the same isolate type

dga bgyid

dgag bya {LCh}pratiedhya; niedhya

bgyid bgyis gyis {C}sphti {C}emit radiance

negandum; object of negation; object negated;

object stopped; that which is to be negated;
object to be negated

dga mgu {PH}immense joy

dga mgur arbitrarily
dga ston {LCh}utsava festival; fest;

dgag bya bkag pa negative of

the object of negation; negation of the object of


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dgab/ gebs/

party {PH}festival; party


delighted; delight in

mkhas pai dga ston festival for the wise

dga ba bskyed pa

dga dang ldan pa {MSA}rati-yukta

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed prty-utpda

endowed with joy/happiness

generate/produce/engender joy/happiness

dga ldan {LCh,C}tuita; {MSA}sphvat;

dga ba khyad par can

{C}tuita-deva Gan-dan; Joyous Place; Joyous

Land; [name of a Buddhist pure land]; Gan-dan
(Joyous) Monastic University [name of one of
the large monasteries of the Ge-lug-pa order in
Tibet founded by Tsong-kha-pa in 1408] {PH}
Tuita [Joyous, fourth of the six Desire Realm
Heavens]; Ganden Monastic University [one of
the three large monastic universities in Lhasa/
Mundgod]; Ganden [Government]


special joy

dga ba nyams su myong ba

{MSA}sukham anubhavati experiencing joy

dga ba thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {L}prti;

{L}prti-lbha attain/obtain joy/happiness

dga ldan khri pa holder of the

throne of Gan-den [head of the Ge-luk-pa order]

dga ldan gyi gnas na gnas pa la sogs

dga ba dang bde ba {C}prti-

sukha; prti-sukhado; joy and bliss {C}rapture;

zest and joy; which gives joy and ease

dga ba dang bde ba

bskyed pa bskyed skyed

bskyed skyed {MSA}prti-sukha-sajanan
generate/produce/engender joy and bliss

pai sprul pa nges par ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA} tuitabhavana-vsdi-nirma-nidarana definite
display of emanations such as that dwelling in
the Joyous Land

dga ba dang

bde ba yang dag par myong ba {MSA}prti-sukhasavedana thoroughly experience joy and bliss

dga ldan gyi gnas na dga ba dang ldan {C}hrmat

bzhugs pa {MSA}tuita-bhavane vasati; {MSA}
tuita-bhavana-vsa dwelling in the Joyous Land

dga ba dang ldan pa {MSA}prti-

dga ldan gnas la sogs par skye bar kun tu ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond
thoroughly displaying birth in the Joyous Land
and so forth

sahagata joyous; possessing joy; endowed with

joy; happy

dga ba dang bral ba

med pa {C}avirati not separated from joy/

happiness; not devoid of joy/happiness {C}no

dga ba {MSA,C}priya; preman;

{MV,MSA,C}prti (=lokottara- dharma-paryei

= saumanasyam); {C}rata; udbilya; moda;
udagra; tua; (=sneha); {L}nandi; nandana;
priyat; supriya (e.g.: bahujana- supriya); mudit;
nanda; rati; rma; modana (e.g.: anamodana);
m rejoice; like; joy; happiness; liking; prefer;
incline toward {C}joyous; satisfaction;
happiness; elated; contented; dear; kind; zest;
rapture; affection; love; sympathetic joy; delight;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

joyous; possessing joy; endowed with joy; happy


dga ba dang mtshungs

par ldan pa {MSA}rati-saprayukta having
similar association with joy

dga ba dang yid bde skye

ba {C}prti-saumanasya-jta generate/produce/
engender joy and mental bliss {C}exultant
and glad; full of zest and gladness; overjoyed and



dga ba sdud pai yid

dga bai ro {MSA}prti-rasa taste of

byed bsdu sdud bsdus

sdus ratisagrhaka-manaskra mental
contemplation of joy-withdrawal


dga bai bsam pa {MSA}

muditaya joyous thought; thought of joy

dga ba

dga bar {C}udagra; {C}prta joyous;

ni bde ba dang mi bral bai rnam pa yin {MSA}

mudit sukhviyogkr joy has the aspect of
[wishing for] non-separation from happiness/

happy {C}elated; full of zest; glad

dga bar gyur ro

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}ramate

(=bhakti karoti); {C}sphaya become joyful
{C}enjoy oneself; delights in; have joy; to be
envied; enviable; desirable

dga ba spong ba

spang spong spangs spongs {C}rati-jaha

abandoning/forsaking joy {C}forsaking delight

dga ba byed pa {C}rati-kara; {MSA} dga bar byed pa {MSA}varjana;

mudityata {C}giving (joy)

dga ba med {C}arati joyless; absence

of joy; without joy/pleasure {C}not content; no

{MSA}(pr): prayati; {MSA}premay; {MSA}

rajikatva; {MSA}satui-karin take delight

dga bar mi bya ba {L}anabhirati

not take joy

dga ba yid la byed pa {MSA} dga bar mi byed {L}apayti not

take joy; not take delight

pramoda-manaskra; {MSA}prya-manasikra;
{MSA}rati-manaskra; {MSA}sph-manaskra
mental contemplation of joy; joyous mental
contemplation; taking joy to mind

dga bar tshim par byed

{MSA}(pr): prayati satisfy; joyously satisfy

dga bar mdzad pai

dga ba yongs su smin pa

tshul gyis {C}saharayama-rpa in the

manner of making joyous {C}with a thrill

{MSA}ruci-paripka thorough maturaion of joy

dga bai khyad par bskyed dga bas gnas pai phyir
pa bskyed skyed bskyed
skyed {MSA}tui-vieotpdana generate a
particular/specific/instance/type of joy

{MSA}raty viharat due to abiding with joy;

due to abiding joyously

dga bo

dga bai rgyu {MSA}tui ... hetu

{PH}Nanda (p.n. of a monk during

the time of the Buddha)

dga byed {C}pramodayti make happy

cause of joy

dga bai rgyu nyid {MSA}rati-

{C}makes happy

dga byed pa {MSA}( mud): modate

hetutva cause of joy

dga bai mchog {MSA}prti ...

[mi dga byed pa = {MSA}udvejana] make happy

dga tshal {C}ramya-vana

agry supreme of joys; supreme joy


bai rang bzhin can bde bai rang bzhin can {C}
priya-rpa-sta-rpa {C}dear and pleasant forms
(things would be better)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


delightful forest

dga zhing {C}nirata; {C}ramate

(=bhakti karoti) enjoy; like {C}take delight

in; enjoy oneself; delight in; have joy



dga rab dbang phyug Lord of

dge bsnyen ma upsik female

Love; demonic Lord of Love

approacher to virtue; laywoman

dgu nava; {C}kukit nine; all {C}belly

dgu pa {L}nava; {MV.V.28}navama; {MSA}

dge dang mi dge bskyed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

ubhubhdhi generating virtue and non-virtue

navam ninth

dge bdun dkon

dgu po the nine; all nine

dgung (1) sky; space (2) middle
dgung grangs {PH}age (hon.)
dgung nam space; sky; mid-space
dgung spar {PH}trigram
dgung seng vacation; holiday
dgun sgang {PH}period of winter
dgun chung {PH}late-winter [season]

mchog rjes su dran pa recollection of the

spiritual community jewel

dge dun {LCh,L,C,MSA}sagha; sagha

[virtue-aspire]; community member; spiritual

community; assembly; aspirants to virtue {C}
crowd; group; assembly; congregation
slob pa phyir mi ldog pai dge
dun irreversible aspirants to virtue who are [still]

dge dun dkon mchog

Spiritual Community Jewel

The time [of

dge dun grub Gen-dn-drub [the

first Dalai Lama (1391-1474)]

the seasons] mid-winter, late-winter, and spring

increases gradually with each minute, second,
and instant. {A4C-C}

dge dun rgya mtsho Gen-dn-gyatsho [the second Dalai Lama (1476-1542)]

dge {L,MV}ubha; {L}kuala; {L}kalya

dge dun rjes su dran pa

virtue; virtuous; wholesome good; merit;

{PH}mindfulness of the Sangha

lovely; pleasant; helpful

dge dun nyi shui mdo stra

dge rgan teacher

dge rgyas pa {C}ubhakts (dev)

passages on the twenty members of the spiritual


dge dun phal chen pa

{C}ubhakts (gods)

dge bcui las kyi lam {MSA}

mahsghika Mahsghika; Great Assembly


daa-kuala-karma-patha path of the ten

virtuous actions

dge dun zhal grangs

census of the sagha; head-count of the sagha

dge chos {MSA}kuala ... dharma

dge ba {LCh,C,L,MSA,MV}kuala;

virtuous doctrine

dge bsnyen {LCh}upsaka approacher

to virtue; layperson with vows; lay practitioner

dge bsnyen dang

dge bsnyen ma gnyis the twolaymen (upsaka)

and laywomen (upsik) with vows

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{C,L,MSA,MV}ubha {C}(=praasta); {C,L,MSA}

kalya; {MSA}kalya; {MSA}ukla virtue;
virtuous; wholesome; virtuous factor {C}
wholesome; good; lovely; pleasant; merit;
helpful(ness); lovely

mtshan nyid/ lung du bstan pa gang zhig rang


dge ba dag ni sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

bras rnam smin bde ba byin byed kyi rigs su gnas pa/

Def.: that which is (1) indicated [as a virtue] and

(2) abides in a type bringing forth happiness as a
fruition which is its own effect

{MSA}kualasya ca bhvan meditatively

cutlivate virtues

dge ba dang ldan pa {MSA}ubhin

dbye ba/ 1 dad pa/ 2 ngo tsha shes pa/ 3 khrel


virtuous; endowed with virtue; possessing


yod pa/ 4 ma chags pa/ 5 zhe sdang med pa/ 6 gti

mug med pa/ 7 brtson grus/ 8 shin tu sbyangs pa/
9 bag yod pa/ 10 btang snyoms/ 11 rnam par mi
tshe ba/ Div.: (1) faith (raddh); (2) shame (hr);
(3) embarrassment (apatrpya); (4) non-attachment
(alobha); (5) non-hatred (advea); (6) non-ignorance
(amoha); (7) effort (vrya); (8) pliancy (prasrabdhi);
(9) conscientiousness (apramda); (10) equanimity

dge ba goms pa {MSA}ubhbhysa

las {MV}kualkuala-karman; {MV}ubhubhakarman virtuous and non-virtuous actions

dge ba dang mi dge bai las

kyi lam dang dei bras bu rnam pa sna tshogs shes

pa {MSA}kualkuala-karma-patha-tat-phalavaicitrya-jna knowledge of the various aspects
of virtuous and non-virtuous paths of action and
their effects

dge ba dod pa {MV}kuala-ruci

cultivate virtue; become asccustomed to virtue

dge ba sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}ubha-

desiring virtue; wishing virtue; wanting virtue

dge ba dpag tu med

bhvan meditate virtue; meditatively cultivate


dge ba sgrub pa

dge ba dang mi dge bai

pai gnas {MSA}ameya-ubhatraya source of

immeasurable virtue

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}ubha-

dge ba phel ba {MSA}kuala-

{MSA}kualbhinirhra-nimitta aspect of

dge ba bya ba {L}kalya helpful;

vivardhana; {MSA}ubha-vddhi increasing


nirhra achieve virtue; accomplish virtue

dge ba sgrub pa rnam pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

good; lovely

achieving virtue

dge ba bcui las kyi lam {C}

daa-kuala-karma-path paths of action of the
ten virtues {C}ten ways of wholesome action

dge ba chos {L}kuala-dharma

dge ba bla na med pa la

sgrib pa {MV}ubhnuttaryvaraa obstructing

unsurpassed virtue

dge ba ma yin {L}akuala nonvirtue; non-virtuous; unwholesome

dge ba ma bsags pa {MSA}

virtuous/wholesome doctrine/phenomenon

dge ba jug dod {MSA}ubha-

anupacita-ubha; {MSA}ubhe ... anrabdhv

non-accumulation of virtue

vttau ... aya wish to engage in virtue

dge ba gnyis {MSA}ubha-dvaya two dge ba mi bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MV}


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kualasynutpatti ungenerated virtue; not

generating virtue



dge ba mi zad bya bai

accumulated virtue

dge ba ... mngon par dga

phyir {MV}kualasykayya in order not to

extingtuish virtue

{MSA}ubhbhirmat manifestly liking virtue

dge ba zhan pa {MSA}ubha-daurbalya dge bai grogs po {MSA}kalyamitrat virtuous friend; spiritual guide

weak virtue

dge bai chos {L,MSA}kuala-dharma;

dge ba yang dag len du

jug {MSA}ubhe samdpayate (sic) cause to

assume pure virtue

dge ba yid la byed {MSA}ubha-

manaskra taking virtue to mind; contemplating


dge ba rab tu sbyor ba

dge bai chos kyi gtso bo

{MSA}kuala-dharma-prdhnya chief/principal/
main of virtuous qualities/practices/phenomena

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}


kuala-prayoga thoroughly engaging in virtue

dge ba la god pa

{MSA}kuala ... dharma; {MSA}kuala-mla;

{MSA}dharma ... kuala; {MSA}ubha ... dharma
virtuous/wholesome qualities/practices/

bai chos sgom pa la bar chad med par brtson

pa {MSA}kuala-bhvan-nirantarbhiyoga
uninterrupted effort at meditative cultivation of
virtuous qualities/practices/phenomena

dgod god bkod god {MSA}kuala-

pratihpana establish/set in virtue

dge ba la jug par dod

pa {MSA}kuala-pravttich (sic) wishing to
engage in virtue

dge bai chos can {C}kalya-

byed pai phyir {MSA}kuale pravartant

because of engaging in virtue; in order to engage
in virtue

dge bai chos thob bo

dharmin having the quality of virtue; having

the attribute of virtue {C}virtuous/lovely in

dge ba la jug par

dge ba la sbyor ba

{MSA}kuala-dharma-lbha attained virtuous

dge bai chos sdud

pai tshul khrims bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus {MSA}kuala-dharma-sagrahakala ethics that is the composite of virtuous

niyojant training in virtue; endeavoring in


dge ba la ma zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}

dge bai chos spel ba

kuale prayukt not engaged in virtue

dge ba la gzhol ba {MSA}kuala-

spel spel speld speld {MSA}

kuala-dharma-savardhana increasing virtuous


nata tending to virtue; flowing to virtue

dge ba bsags pa {MSA}

dge bai chos phel

kualcaya; {MSA}ubhcaya virtue


bar gyur ba {MSA}kuala-dharma-vddhigamana increasing virtuous qualities/practices/


gang {MSA}ubhcaya-prapra filled with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob/thob thob thob thobs


sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}kuale

dge ba bsags pas rab



dge bai chos phel


dge bai rtsa ba gcod pa

bar byed pa {MSA}kuala-dharmbhivddhi

increasing virtuous qualities/practices/

{MSA}kuala-mla-samucchedana cutting roots

of virtue; severing roots of virtue

dge bai rtsa ba nyam chung

dge bai chos la

ba {MSA}kuala-mla-daurbalya weak roots of


goms par byas pa {MV}kualadharmbhysa

accustomed to virtuous qualities/practices/

dge bai chos la sbyor ba

dge bai rtsa ba

dpag tu med pai gnas {MSA}aprameya-kualamlraya source of immeasurable roots of


sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}

kuala-dharma-yojana endeavoring at virtuous

dge bai rtsa ba dman pa

dge bai chos su snang ba

{MSA}hna-kuala-mla low/lesser roots of


snang snang snang snang

{MSA}kuala-dharmbhsa appear as virtuous

dge bai rtsa ba yongs

su ma smin pa {L}aparipakva-kuala-mla
unripened/unmatured roots of virtue

dge bai gnyid {PH}virtuous sleep

dge bai phyogs {L}kuala-paka

dge bai rtsa ba

yongs su smin pa {C}paripakva-kuala(-mla)

thoroughly ripened/mature roots of virtue {C}
virtuous/wholesome roots are mature

class of virtues; class of virtuous qualities/


dge bai me tog

dge bai rtsa

rgyas shing gsal ba {C}ubha-pupita-uddhi

broad and bright flower of virtue {C}sweetly
blooming purity

ba yongs su smin par byed pa {MSA}paripcan

kuale thoroughly ripening/maturing roots of

dge bai rtsa ba {L,MSA,MV}kuala-

dge bai rtsa ba bsags

mla; {MSA}kuala-dharma virtuous root;

wholesome root; roots of virtue

pa {MSA}upacita-kuala-mla; {MSA}kualamlopacaya accumulated roots of virtue

dge bai rtsa ba kun

dge bai tshogs {MSA}kuala-

tu chad pa chad chad

chad chad {MSA}samucchinna-kuala-mla
thoroughly annihilated roots of virtue;
thoroughly severed roots of virtue

sabhra; {MSA}ukla-gaa collection of virtue

dge bai yon tan {MSA}gua ...

ubha virtuous quality; quality of virtue

dge bai rtsa ba bskyed pa

dge bai las rnams byed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{MSA}ubha-karma-krin performing actions

of virtue

{C}avaropita-kuala-mla growing roots of

viture; generating roots of virtue {C}one who

has planted wholesome roots

dge bai rtsa ba rgya che ba

nyid {MSA}kuala-mulaudryatva vast roots of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dge bai las lam {C} kuala-

karma-patha path of virtuous action {C}

wholesome path of action


dge bai lo tog {MSA}kuala-mla-


dge byed pa {MSA}ubha-kara making

sasya; {MSA}kuala-sasya harvest of virtue

dge bai lo tog skyes


dge sbyong

pa joms pa gzhom
joms bcom choms {MSA}utpanna-kuala-mlasasya-dhvasana destroying harvests of virtue
that have been generated

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {L}rmaa one

engaged in virtuous endeavor recluse; ascetic

dge sbyong ma yin

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}

dge bai lo tog rgyu mtshan

armaa not engaged in virtuous endeavor

{C}ceases to be a recluse

{MSA}ubha-sasya-nimittatva signs of harvest of


dge bai bshes gnyen

dge mi dge gang

du lung du ma bstan pa
bstan ston bstand stond neutral; not indicated/
revealed as either virtue or non-virtue

dge bshes {L,MSA,MV}kalya-mitra

spiritual guide; spiritual friend; virtuous friend;
virtuous spiritual friend {PH}virtuous friend;
spiritual guide good friend

dge bai bshes gnyen

dang ldan {C}kalya-mitra-sahita one who has

a sprititual guide; possessing a spiritual quide
{C}one who has a good friend

dge bai bshes

gnyen dang mi ldan pa {MV}kalya-mitravaidhurya not having a spiritual guide; one who
does not have a spiritual guide

dge bai bshes la nye

bar brten {MSA}satya mitram uprita
relying on a spirirtual guide

dge bai sems

kuula-mla virtuous/wholesome root(s); roots

of virtue

dbye ba/ 1 ma chags pa/ 2


dod chags med pa/ 3 zhe sdang med pa/ 4 gti mug
med pa/ Div.: (1) non-attachment (alobha); (2)
non-desire (arga); (3) non-hatred (advea); nonignorance (amoha)

dge rtsa ci rigs


das {PH}[nirva which is] a passing beyond the

sorrow of the severance of virtuous roots

dge rtsa thun mong ma yin pa


uncommon root of virtue

virtuous mental factors

dge tshul ramaera novice; novice

dge bai sems byung

bcu gcig {PH}eleven virtuous mental factors


dge bai bsam pa {MSA}

kalyaya virtuous thought; thought of virtue

dge bar bya ba {C}kalya acting

virtuously {C}helpful(ness); lovely; good

dge tshul gyi phyir bcos


Buddhist monastic discipline for a novice

dge tshul gyi slob dpon


novice preceptor

dge tshul gyi bslab

pai gzhii mdo ikapada-stra {PH}Stra

{MSA}kualair vardhayanti increase through

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dge bai rtsa ba

dge rtsa chad pai myang


dge bas phel bar byed pa

dge rtsa

roots of virtue

{PH}virtuous state of

dge bai sems byung




dge slong dang dge slong ma

of the Basic Points of Novice Monastic Training


/ bslang slang /slong

dge tshul bslab pai gzhi

bslangs slongs {MSA}bhiku-bhiku monk and


mdo ikapada-stra {PH}Stra of the Basic

Points of Novice Monastic Training (ikapadastra)

dge slong du shes pa

/ bslang slang /slong bslangs

dge mtshan {PH}virtuous signs

dge la bag yod {MSA}

slongs {C}rmayat {C}honoring recluses

dge slong ma

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs bhiku

kualpramatta conscientious with regard to



dge la yang dag par spro

dge slong ma yin

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs

ba {MSA}utsha kuale samyak delighting in

virtue; taking enthusiasm in virtue

{C}abhiku non-monastic {C}cease to be a

dge lugs Ge-luk

dge lugs pa Ge-luk-pa [school of


dge slong mai bslab bya

{PH}monastic rules for nuns

dge slob rmaa training in virtue;

Tibetan Buddhism founded by Tsong-kha-pa Losang-drak-pa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grag pa)];
Ge-luk-pa order

ascetic; novice monk

dge legs virtue and goodness

dge bshes; dge bai

bshes gnyen/ {LCh}kalya-mitra [virtuousfriend]; spiritual guide; ge-shay; ge-she [a

person who has completed the scholastic phase of
monastic training]; geshe

dge sems khyad par can

dge sogs gsum the three: virtue

sadhi; abhipretya; {MSA}abhiprya; {C,L,MSA}

(sadh): sadhya thought; thinking;
thinking of; hidden meaning; intention; notion
{C}hidden intent; with hidden meaning


and so forth

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}bhiku; {L}

rmaa [virtue-beg]; monastic; monk; nun
{PH}mendicant recluse; ascetic
and renunciants should avoid these two extremes.

dge slong gi sdom pa

dgongs grel; dgongs pa nges par grel pai mdo

bkral grel bkrald greld
sadhinirmocana-stra [thought-unravel];
Sadhinirmocana-stra; Stra Unraveling the
Thought [title of a third-wheel stra considered
to be definitive by the Mind-Only School];
commentary on the thought

dgongs nyams experiential

/ bslang slang /slong bslangs


slongs {MSA}bhiku-savara monastics vow

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dge slob ma rama female novice

dgo ba antelope
dgongs; dgongs pa {L}
dgongs grel commentary on the

{PH}especially virtuous state of mind

dge slong


dgongs te {C}sadhya thinking of;

behave towards(?); thinks to himself

thinking; in consideration of; intending {C}

hidden intent; with hidden meaning

dgongs pa bzhi catvro bhipry

dgongs te bshad pa set forth

four thoughts

dgongs pa rab gsal

with a thought behind it

dgongs pa {LCh,C,MSA}abhiprya; {L}

Illumination of the Thought [Dzongka-bas commentary on Chandrakrtis

Madhyamakvatra, Illumination of
the Thought, Extensive Explanation of
(Chandrakrtis) Supplement to (Ngrjunas)
Treatise on the Middle (dbu ma la jug pai
rgya cher bsha

abhipryika; {C}samanvhra; {MSA}anusadhi;

{MSA}abhisadhi; {MSA}aya; {MSA}bhva;
{MSA}sadhi; abhipreta consideration; exalted
consideration; thought; thought behind it;
standpoint; intent; perspective {C}intent(ion);
desire; purpose; attempt (to hurt); veiled; indirect;
with hidden meaning; grace(?)

dgongs pa bkral ba

dgongs pa shin tu zab {MSA}

bhvtigahana very profound thought

dgongs pai skad {CG} sadhy-

bkral grel bkrald greld

bha {PH}implied speech

commenting/commentary on the thought;

dgongs par {C} samanvharati

unraveling the thought

(=bhavaty-rpea-avadhrat) {C}his mind

is impressed by; consider; bring out; bear in mind;
bring to mind; behave towards(?); thinks to himself

dgongs pa nges par grel pai mdo; mdo sde

dgongs grel bkral
grel bkrald greld {MV}sadhinirmocana-stra
[thought-unravel-stra]; Sadhinirmocanastra; Stra Unraveling the Thought [title of a
third-wheel stra considered to be definitive by
the Mind-Only School; P774, Vol. 29]

dgongs par gyur {C}

samanvharati {C}his mind is impressed by;

consider; bring out; bear in mind; bring to mind;
behave towards(?); thinks to himself

dgongs par snang ba

dgongs pa can {MSA}abhipryika

snang snang snang snang appears to

be the thought

having another thought [behind it]; having a

thought behind it

dgongs par mdzad {C}

dgongs pa can gyi don {MSA}

samanvharati {C}his mind is impressed by;

consider; bring out; bear in mind; bring to mind;
behave towards(?); thinks to himself

abhipryikrtha meaning that has a thought

behind it

dgongs pa rtogs pa

dgongs gzhi basis in [Buddhas]

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MV}

thought; [factual] basis in Buddhas thought

abhisandhi-pravea realization of the thought;

realization of the thought behind it

dgongs gzhi dang

dgongs pa der bab pa

dngos la gnod byed the basis in [Buddhas]

thought and the damage to what is explicitly

thought comes down to that

dgongs pa mdzad de {C}

dgongs su gsol please pay heed

samanvharati consider; take under

consideration {C}his mind is impressed by;
consider; bring out; bear in mind; bring to mind;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bdag la dgongs


dgon pa {C,MSA}araya; {C}rayaka;

su gsol ni/ tshig la snyan gtad cing don nges par

dzin pa dang bcas pas rnam par gzigs shig pao/
Please pay heed to me means hear [my] words
and definitely grasp their meaning, and therefore
means watch [over me]!{Dor 45a2./ 273.2}


{C}rany monastery; forest; hermitage {C}

remote forest; jungle; wilderness; forest dweller;
belonging to the forest; in the remote forest

dgon pa dang nags dab {C}

dgod god bkod

araya-vanaprastha {C}jungle

dgon pa nags khrod chen

god set/state/establish/arrange/register/make
a record/place [on throne]/put [a signature];
laugh; smile; make laugh/smile

po {L}arayamahvana-prastha great forest;

hermitage in a great forest

dgod pa

god bkod god {C}niveana; {C}pratihpayati
(=ghtn sthirkarat = vinayaset) set/state/
establish/arrange/register/make a record/place
[on throne]/put [a signature]; array; affix; make
laugh/smile {C}house; entering on; show respect
to; establishes; introduces to; transfers to; builds;
places; deposits in; bestows

dgod par bya

dgon pa pa {C}rayaka

dgon pa la gnas pa {C}arayavsa forest-dweller; dwelling in monastery

{C}dwelling in the forest

dgon pa lhur byed cing {C}

araya-parama {C}one completely devoted to

life in the remote forest

dgod god bkod god {C}sthpayati set/state/

establish/arrange/register/make a record/place
[on throne]/put [a signature]; affix; array; make
laugh/smile {C}to place (in); discard(?); to store;
affix; to fix; deposits; to put up

dgod par bya

dgon pai thig le {GC-GT}

arayetilaka {PH}Drop of wilderness [n. of

a tree]
In any case, it is like [the name] Drop of
wilderness etc. .... {PP} D 3860; fol. 4a.1-.2

dgon pai lam {C}kntra-mrgi

dgod god bkod god {C}pratihpayitavya set/

state/establish/arrange/register/make a record/
place [on throne]/put [a signature]; array; affix;
smile; laugh; make smile/laugh {C}should

dgod par byao


dgon dben spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}raya-viveka-

dgod god bkod god {C} pratihpayeyam set/

state/establish/arrange/register/make a record/
place [on throne]/put [a signature]; array; affix;
smile; laugh; make smile/laugh {C}I could

dgon {PH}wilderness
dgon {PH}lord
dgon rnying {PH}ancient monastery

cri {C}one who courses in the detachment of the

remote forest

dgos {C}krya; {MSA}prayojana must;

need; purpose; necessity; need to; necessary

{C}work; business; function; task

dgos ched kyi sgra dative case

[term of purpose or benefit]

dgos pa {LCh,MSA}prayojana; {C}ktya;

{MSA}krya [yid ches par bya dgos pa = {MSA}
pratyetavya] purpose; aim; necessity; need;
must; should; intention {C}duty; necessary

Most all of the ancient Kadampa monasteries are
filled with stupas. {GCG}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dweller; belonging to the forest


dgos pa chung


Victor; Foe Destroyers and Solitary Realizers

dgra bcom pa


dgos pa ltos pai grangs

gzhom joms bcom choms {L,MSA}arhat; arhan

Foe Destroyer; Worthy One

nges definite enumeration in terms of purpose;

definite enumeration relative to purpose

dgos pa thams cad byed pa

{MSA}sarva-krya-karaa effecting all purposes/

dgos pa byed do {C}krya karoti

dgra bcom pai mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend exalted knower of a Foe Destroyer

dgra bcom bras gnas

gzhom joms bcom choms

performs its purpose {C}does its work

arhattva-phalastha ; arhattvaphalasthita abider

in the fruit of Foe Destroyer

dgos pa byed nus pa {C}krya-

dgra bcom zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs arhattva-

samartha able to perform its purpose {C}

capable of doing; business

dgos pa med pa {MSA}niprayojana

pratipanna ; arhattvapratipannaka approacher to

Foe Destroyer

without purpose; without need

dgos pa yongs su grub

dgra bcom rang rgyal

dgos pa shin tu yongs

dgra bcom rang rgyal

gzhom joms bcom choms

pa ktynuna; {L}ktynuhna thorough

achievement of the purpose; thoroughly achieve
ones purpose

{C}raha-pratyaya Foe Destroyers and Solitary


su rnyed pa {C} supariprptakrya {C}one who

has well done his work

dgos pai dbang by the power of

dgyes pa prasda; {L}anumodita; {MSA}

{C}multitude of enemies

dgra bo {C}pratyamitra enemy; foe

knta to be pleased (hon.); rejoiced

dgra {LCh}ari; {LCh,MSA}ripu; {LCh,L}atru;

dgra boi du shes {MSA}amitra-

saj discrimination of [someone as being] an


dgra boi du shes su byed

gzhom joms bcom choms arhan; arhat; {MSA}

arihan Foe Destroyer; Enemy Killer

pa {MSA}atru-saj-karaa discriminating
[someone as being] an enemy/foe

dgra byed {C}amitra one acting as an

gzhom joms bcom choms

Unadorned Foe Destroyer

enemy; foe; enemy {C}foe

dgra bcom dang rang rgyal

gzhom joms bcom choms

{C}raha-pratyaya Foe Destroyers and Solitary

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


inimical force; foe

{C}pratyarthika foe; enemy {C}provokes

hostility; hostile forces

dgra bcom rgyan med

theg pa gzhom joms

bcom choms {C}raha-pratyaya-yna vehicles of
Hearers and Solitary Realizers

dgra rnams {C}trava enemies; foes

necessity; through the force of a purpose

dgra bcom


dgra byed mang ba {C}bah-matro

having many enemies/foes {C}full of many

hostile forces


bgo ba {C}prvaraat; vastra clothing

dgra mang ba yin te {C}bahupratyarthikni-bhavanti {C}provoke much

hostility; surrounded by much hostility

{C}upper garments (of a monk)

bgo gzhi basis of infusion

bgyi bgyi bgyid bgyis

dgram pa arrange; set out; spread out

dgrai dbang du song ba

gyis do; perform; make; act

song song song song {MSA}atru-

bgyi ba

bgyi bgyid
bgyis gyis {C}krya do; perform; make; act;
manufacture {C}work; function; business; task

vaa-ga come under an enemys power

dgrol {C}mocayanti (=mociya) loosen;

release; free {C}release; liberate; set free

dgrol ba {C}pramocana; {C}parimocayati

release; free; looosen {C}liberation; set free

bgyi ba ma mchis pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {L}akaraya
not something to be done

dgrol bai phyir {C}parimocayati in bgyid

order to release/free; because of releasing {C}
set free


bgyi bgyid bgyis

gyis do; perform; make; act; manufacture

bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid
bgyis gyis {C}kriya do; perform; make; act;
manufacture {C}something to be done

bgad dgod

bgad dgod laugh; smile; make laugh or smile

bgegs {LCh,MSA}vighna obstacle;

obstructing force; obstructing entity; obstructor;

interference; evil interference; interfering being

bgegs gtor

{PH}Gektor [torma
offering to an obstructing being]


bgyi bgyid bgyis

gyis do; perform; make; act; manufacture

bgyis par gyur

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}satkaroti do;

perform; make; act; manufacture {C}treat with

respect; revere; honor

bgegs byed pa {MV}vibandhana

act/serve as an obstacle/interference/evil

bgrang {C}gaaye; {C}sakhyeya count;

unobstructed; without obstacles/ interference

{C}without fail

bgrang ba {C}gaan; {MSA}sakhy

bgegs ma mchis pa {C}avighena

bgegs med pa {C}avighena

bgrang ba las

{PH}types of obstructing


bgo skal la spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}dyda
partake of/enjoy the share

bgo ste {C}savibhajati (=tvatklikatvena

yang dag par das pa {C}gaan-samatikramat

thoroughly passed beyond enumeration {C}
they have transcended all counting

bgrang bar dod pas wish to


bgrang yas [number-lacking];

numberless; uncountable; countless;

dant) share; divide up {C}share (out)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

count; number; calculate; compute; reckon;

enumerate; tally; numerate {C}counting;


unobstructed; without obstacles/ interference

{C}without fail

bgegs rigs

number; calculate; compute; reckon; enumerate;

tally; numerate {C}calculation


please; make happy; gladden {C}elated

incalculable; inestimable; immeasurable;

measureless; infinite

mgu ba {C}udagra; {MSA}dhti please;

bgrangs count; number; calculate;

make happy; gladden {C}elated

mgu bar gyur ba {MSA}rdhana;

compute; reckon; enumerate; tally; numerate

bgrangs pa

{MSA}(tu): toayati will please/make happy/


dang gzhal ba dang brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags {MSA}gaitatulita-mmsita counting and measuring/
comprehending and analyzing

mgu bar byas te {MSA}varjya (

vj) having pleased/made happy/gladdened

mgu bar byas te dzud do

bgro ba {C}sagti {C}chorus

bgro bar byed pa {C}sagyamna

{MV}varjyvatrayati having pleased enter;

enter pleasingly

mgu bar byas pa {C}rdhayati

(=paraspara grantha-artha-nirayt) {C}



(cittam) pleased; made happy; gladdened {C}


/ bgrod

mgu bar byed pa {MSA}varjana;

bgrod/grod bgrod bgrod {L}yna progress; get

along; advance; proceed; travel; go; traverse;

{MSA}(yang dag mgu bar byed = sardh)

please; make happy; gladden

bgrod dka

mgu bya {C}toiyi that which is to be

bai lam la kun tu zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}durga-mrgasamrha entering a path difficult to traverse

pleased {C}I will please

bgrod thub pa can progress/get along/


bgrod pa

bgrod bgrod/grod bgrod bgrod {LCh}ayana;

{C}gati progress; get along, advance, proceed;
travel; go {C}going; route; destiny; resort; where
it has gone to; means of salvation; route; departure;
situation; place of rebirth; goal

bgrod pa gcig pai lam

{MSA}ekayna-patha; {MSA}ekayna-mrga path

of sole progress; path of sole passage; path of the
one vehicle

bgrod par bya ba {MSA}ytavya



mgu {C}udagra; {MSA}(tu): toayati

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

beginning; top; Mgairas [Indian constellation]

bai dngos po bzhis shin tu bsdus pai mgo dang
ldan pa, He has a powerful head that gathers
others through the four ways of attraction. {LVS} =

mgo gcig tu {L}ekika certain; for


mgo gcod pa {C}ira (c)cheda;

ra-ccheda cut off the head; decapitate {C}

decapitation; his head is about to be cut off

something to be traversed/progressed over/

proceeded over/travelled

bgros pa {C}mantrita

mgur {C}grv {C}(nape of the) neck

mgul ba neck
mgul srung {PH}protection amulet
mgo head; top; beginning {PH}head; start;

mgo mjug beginning and end

mgo mjug pa {PH}beginning and
end; two ends




mgron gnyer las byed

thabs kyi mgo mjug thams cad All the means of

achievement from beginning to end ...

mgo dang rkang lag {C}ira-

hasta-pad head, legs, and arms; head, feet, and

hands {C}head, hands, and feet

mgo nag [head-black] laity; lay person

mgron bu shell [cowries, that is, small

shells used as dice]


gag gag

gags gags {L}(nirudh): nirodha; {L}niruddha

be stopped/obstructed/destroyed/ceased/halted
be stopped/obstructed/destroyed/ceased/halted

mgo smos pas go ba/ mgo smos pas go ba ma

yin pa {C,MSA}udghaita-ja understands
through mentioning the beginning and does not
understand through mentioning the beginning;
those who... {C}(un)acquainted with the main
points; understands as soon as the main points are

gag pa

gag pa med

gag gag gags gags {L}anirodha not be


gag pa med {L}anirodha

{C}benefactor; savior


ceaseless; without hesitation

gag pa med pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}ntha-karin act as a

protector {C}one who protects; protector


without hesitation

mgon bcas pa {C}santha having a gag bya

protector {C}they have to help them


gag gags gags object stopped/obstructed/


mgon po {LCh}ntha protector;

gag med


mgon por gyur ba

gag gag gags gags {LCh,MV}(nirudh);

{LCh,L,MSA}nirodha; {L}niruddha; {C,MV}
nirudhyate be stopped/obstructed/destroyed/
ceased/halted {C}stopped; destroyed; obstructed

mgo tshugs begin; start

mgon {C}ntha protector; benefactor
mgon bgyid pa


assistant to the chamberlain (4th rank)

gag gag gags gags {LCh}aniruddha without

cessation; unimpeded {PH}ceaseless; without

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}nthakaraka {C}which make him into a savior


mgon med pa {L}antman


gag gags gags {C}niruddhiya; {L}niruddha;

{L}nirodha be stopped/obstructed/destroyed/
ceased/halted {C}is stopped


mgyogs por fast; quickly; soon

mgrin pa {LCh}grva neck; throat (hon.) gags pa

mgrin pa ye mi mngon pai


khro gzugs di dag nyams shin tu legs mod, ... The

impression [made by] these [paintings of] forms
of the wrathful deities in which their necks are not
visible may be very good, but ... {GCG} p.15

mgron chen

{PH}chamberlain (2nd rank)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gag gags gags {L,MSA}niruddha; {L}nirodha
be stopped/obstructed/destroyed/ceased/halted

gags med

{PH}ceaseless; without





gan khur gyi dge rgan

those which are different and phenomene of which a

common locus is not possible


teacher who bears responsibility

dbye ba/ 1 phan tshun spang gal/ 2 lhan
gcig mi gnas gal/ Div.: (1) contradictory in the
sense of mutual abandonment; (2) contradictory in
the sense of not abiding together

ga zhig {LCh}kacid some

ga rab very many; quite a few
ga shas several; a few
gal {MSA}viruddha; virodha; virodhitva;

gal ba ltar snang lnga

vilomayati (vi-loman) contradict; contradictory

with; mutually exclusive with

five facsimilies of contradiction

gal ba med {MSA}aviruddha non-

gal rkyen [contradict-condition];

contradictory; no contradiction

contrary condition; contradictory condition;

discordant condition

gal khyab rnal ma contradictory

normative pervasion Check Kathy

gal khyab phyin ci log

perverse negative pervasionCheck Kathy

gal brjod thal gyur


viruddha-hetu;{GD:276} viruadhahetu GD looks

mistaken; check his source contradictory reason
{GD:276} contradictory evidence, a form of
faulty reasoning

gal bai tshig {Toh.1785}

gal bar byed {C}prativahati; {C}

virodhayati contradict {C}opposes; to obstruct;

contradict; bring into conflict with

gal bar byed pa bya ba {C}

dus skyon med jig rten dpe las das pa without

the flaws of a combination of contradictions,
beyond worldly examples

gal spong gi dris lan

gal bai gtan tshigs

viruddhlpa {PH}contradictory words

brjod rjod brjod rjod contradictory



virodhayati {C}opposes; to obstruct; contradict;

bring into conflict with

gal bar byed/ gal

gal ba {LCh,C,MSA}virodha; {L,MSA}

gal me firebrand

gal med myur du bskor

spang spong spangs spongs

bar mi byed {C}virodhayati {C}opposes; to

obstruct; contradict; bring into conflict with

question about contradiction and answer

disspelling contradiction

viruddha; {C}rodha; a{MSA}virodhitv; {MSA}

vilomayati (vi-loman) contradictory;
contradiction; mutually exclusive; mutually
exclusive phenomena {C}obstruction; conflict
dngos po dang gal ba
contradictory with [functioning] thing
rigs can gsum
gyi bsgom byai gtso bo gal ba yin te the main
of the objects of meditation of the three lineages
are contradictory
mtshan nyid/ khyod
tha dad yang yin/ gzhi mthun mi srid pai chos/ Def.:

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ba la brten nas gal med khor lor snang bai dbang

shes bskor skor bskord
skord sense consciousness to which a firebrand
wheel appears in dependence upon quickly
turning a firebrand

gal zla {LCh}pratidvandin contradictory



gugs pa attract


gul ba {C}calayati move; vibrate




gog pa rjes shes subsequent

gengs bkang gengs fill; fulfill; satiate

gengs pa

knowledge with respect to cessation [of the

origins of suffering]

dgang gengs bkang gengs fill; fulfill; satiate

gog pa mthong

go {MSA}avabodha head; top; beginning

go ba {MSA}avasabodha; {MSA}gamika

spang nyon mongs bcu {PH}ten afflictions to

be abandoned by the path of seeing [related to the
Noble Truth of] Cessation

head; top; beginning

go bai nad {C}upasarga

gog pa rjes bzod subsequent

forbearance with respect to cessation [of the
origins of suffering]

is moved along

gog pa dang lam gyi


bden pa {MSA}nirodha-mrga-satya truths of

cessation and of path; true cessations and paths

misfortune; troublesome

go rtsom begin; initiate

gog pa med pa {C}aniruddha
go log Go-lok [an area in Am-do]
non-cessation; not stopped; not ceased {C}not
gog dgag gog bkag
khogs {LCh}(nirudh); {MV}nirodha cease;
gog pai snyoms jug
stop; negate; refute

nirodha-sampatti meditative absorption of

cessation; absorption of cessation

gog rgyu

gog bkag khogs that which is to be stopped/
refuted; object negated/refuted

gog pai bden pa {MV}nirodhasatya true cessation; truth of cessation

gog cing spong dod

gog pai nus pa capacity to stop/

byung wish to cease and abandon it arises


gog snyoms nirodhasampatti

absorption of cessation; meditative absorption of


gog bden

gog pai
bden pa nirodha-satya true cessation; truth of

gog pa {L,MSA,MV}nirodha; {C}nirodhi;

{C}nirodhika; {C}niedha; lam gog pa = {MSA}
paripantha cessation; stopping {C}which
stops; inadmissible; refrain; repudiation

ceases; refutes {C}rejects

gog byed negator; that which stops

god dgod god bkod
god {C}vyaya (= nirodho); {C}sthpana; {MSA}
(nivi): niveayati; {MSA}niveyate set; state;
establish; arrange; register; make a record;
place [on throne]; put [a signature]; array; affix
{C}passing away; fall; establishment

god pa

gog pa chos bzod doctrinal

dgod god

bkod god {C}niyojana; {C}prasthpayati; {MSA}

pratihpana; {MSA}ropaa; {MSA}saniveana
set; state; establish; arrange; register; make
a record; place [on throne]; put [a signature];
array; affix {C}enjoining; set going

forbearance with respect to true cessation

gog pa chos shes doctrinal

knowledge with respect to cessation [of the
origins of suffering]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gog par byed {C}pratikipati stops;



god par byed

{C,MSA,MV}vikra; {MSA}vikrit; {C}sambhava;

{MSA}cacal; {MSA}vrajati (e.g.: buddhatvam
u vrajati); rgyags par mi gyur ba = {MSA}
madnanugamana; mir gyur ba = {MSA}
manua-bhta; vikriy change; mutate; become;
be; come to be; transform; grow; translate;
translation {C}transformation; evolution; come
to; incur; alteration; source; there can be; possible
origin; make possible

dgod god bkod god {C}prasthpayati

set; state; establish; arrange; register; make

a record; place [on throne]; put [a signature];
array; affix; cause to set, etc. {C}set going

god tshul


god bkod god mode of statement

gying high-and-mighty
gyur gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {LCh}as; {MV}syt; {LCh}bh; {MV

V.daa-vaj}bhavati; {L}parima; {MSA}(nigam):
nigacchati; {MSA}yti vikti; {MV,MSA}vikra;
{MSA}vrajati; {C,MV}prpnoti; {C}arcchati; {C}
hu; {C}upaiti; {L}abhyupaiti; {L}padyate; {C}
gata; {C}savartate; {C}bheyanti translation;
will (future); will be; will become; to become;
might be; about to be; change; mutate; become;
be; come to be; transform; grow; translate
{C}becoming; evolution; transformation; change;
provide; is; approach; come to; run through; get
to; implies; undergo; bear; admits of; will become;
come to; incur; attains; gains; bring about; grow;
gone (to); reached; (is) conducive to; lead to (a rebir

gyur khyad different translation;

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{C} visavdayati {C}go back on; break ones


gyur ba med pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}avaivartika;

{L}akraka; {C}avikra; {L}anabhisaskta

immutable; unchanging {C}irreversible; does
nothing; without an agent; not effected; not brought
about; free from conditions; without modification;
immutability; immutable

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

unchangeable {C}equal in remaining unaffected

by change

/ gyur gyi phyag / gyur

phyag translators homage

gyur gyurd
gyur gyurd {C}savartayati {C}will lead to

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

viparima-dukhat [change-of-suffering];
suffering of change; suffering of vicissitude

gyur ba os pa ma yin

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}

na bhavitum arhati (bh) not suitable to change

gyur bai chos can

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

viparima-dharmin having the attribute/

qualilty of change {C}liable to reversal

gyur bai sdug bsngal

gyur phyag byed pa make

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

viparimadukat suffering of change/

translators homage

gyur ba

gyurd gyur gyurd {L}parima; {L}abhyupaiti;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gyur ba mi slu ba mod kyi

{C}nirvikra-sama equal in being immutable/


gyur pai sdug bsngal

{L}avaivartika; {L}akraka; {L}avikra; {L}

anabhisaskta immutable; unchanging


gyur te

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

gyur ba med par mnyam pa

difference in translation

gyur gyi phyag

gyur ba ma mchis pa


gyur bai bye brag


gyod par byed {MSA}kauktyyate

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd parimaviea type/instance of transformation

gyur tshul

cause to be contrite/to feel regret/to feel sorry/to

be remorseful


gran sems {PH}competitiveness

gram {C}tira bank of a river; riverbank

gyurd gyur gyurd how it comes to be

gyur tshod
gyur zhing

{PH}length of translation

{PH}banks; shores {C}riverbank; shore


gyurd gyur gyurd {C}upaiti {C}approach; come

to; run through; get to; implies; undergo; bear;
admits of

gyed pa {C}vivda

disputation; wrangling; dispute{C}



gras pa {C}aparddha

{C}one who has

offended; offend

grig pa put together; fit in/together with

gyed par {L}sacodayanti impel

gyed par byed {C}vighte {C}

(as in since this does not fit together with the

statement...); make correspond

quarrel with

gyel ba {C}patana {C}fall; falling

gyogs pa jva rapidity
gyod {LCh;L;MSA}kauktya; {C}vipratisrin;
{MSA}vipratisra {PH}contrition

gyod pa {LCh,L,MSA}kauktya; {C}

vipratisrin; {MSA}vipratisra contrition; regret;

feeling sorry; remorse {C}regrettable; remorse;
regretful; one who regrets

gyod pa med pa {MSA}akauktya;

grig lam {PH}regulation; rule

grib {C}parihyate; {C}hni decrease;

diminishment; diminish {C}is diminished; fails

of; avoids; desists; diminish; decrease; lose; fail to
win; failure; diminution; decrease; waning; loss

grib pa {L}apacaya; {C}parihi; hyate;

{MV,MSA}hni; {MSA}hrsa diminishment;
decrease; diminish {C}removal; take away;
diminution; loss; never fails; is decreased; is
diminished; fail

grib pa med {C}ahna; {MV}ahna(t)

non-diminishment; non-decrease {C}cannot

{MSA}avipratisra lack of contrition/regret/

feeling sorry/remorse

gyod pa med pa la

sogs pai rim {MSA}avipratisrdi-krama stages

of non-contrition/regret/feeling sorry/remorse
and so forth

gyod pa med par

grib pa med pa {MV}ahna(t)

non-diminishment; non-decrease {C}cannot


grib par bgyid pa {C}hrika

diminish; make diminish {C}which takes away

grib par ma byas pa {L}

chi bai dus byed pa {MSA}avipratisr kla

karoti undergoing the time of death without
contrition/regret/feeling sorry/remorse

aparihi not diminished; not decreased never

diminish; will never lose again

gyod pai sgrib pa {MSA}

grib med {C}ahni non-diminishment;

kauktyvaraa defilement of contrition/regret/

feeling sorry/remorse

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gram pa {C}hanu cheek

not diminished {C}do not diminish




grim/ grims/ grims/ wander; rove; walk about

grims grul {PH}transport

grims pa

sdhaka that which accomplishes; accomplish;

cause to accomplish/achieve/establish

grim/ grim/ grims/ grims/ wander; rove; walk



rgya rje gris Ling

Dynasty [502 - 557 ce] of China


grub grub grubs/grub grubs {L}

nipdana; {C,MV,MSA}nipatti {C}(=parinipatti

= parinipadyate); {MSA}parinipatti (e.g.:
dharma-kya-parinipatti); samddhi; sapatti;
sapdana; {MSA,MV}siddhi; yang dag par grub
pa - {MSA}samudgama establish; achieve;
exist; accomplish {C}accomplish; accomplished;
accomplishment; (reach) consummation; creation;
total reality; comes to completion

grub pa dam pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

{C}nipatti (=parinipatti = parinipadyate)

accomplish; achieve; establish {C}

grub grub grubs/grub grubs want/

wish/seek to accomplish/achieve/establish

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


grems/ bkram/ khrems/ arrange; set out


bkral grel

bkrald greld comment on; interpret; elucidate;


grel rkang

grel chen Haribhadras Great


grel chen dri med od

bkral grel bkrald greld

grel pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub

grubs {MSA}samudgama that which is to be

through extending the previous reasoning);


mahbhya vimalaprabh [Kalki Puarkas]

Great Commentary on the Klachakra
Tantra: Stainless Light (bsdus pai rgyud kyi
rgyal po dus kyi khor loi grel bshad rtsa
bai rgyud kyi rjes su jug pa stong phrag
bcu gnyis pa dri ma med pai od ces bya ba,

accomplishment; (reach) consummation; creation;

achieves; comes to completion

grub par byed

grus zeal; enthusiasm; diligence

gre extend (as in these can be known

bkral grel bkrald greld basis for commentary/

{MV}nipatti-paramat highest/excellent/holy

grub par bya ba

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

nipatti-lbha attained through achievement/

sdhaka; {MSA}siddhi (e.g.: artha-siddhi)

accomplisher; that which accomplishes; means
of accomplishing/achieving/establishing

grub par dod

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {L}

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {MV}prasidh-;

{MSA}(sidh): sidhyati; yang dag par grub
= samudgata establish; achieve; exist;

grub par gyur ba

grub pas thob pa

grub byed

grub pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs {L}

grel bkrald greld {LCh}vtti; {L}nirmocana;
{MV}bhya commentary; exposition;
elucitation; explanation



grel par gsungs so it is said in gro don rab tu dod pa {C}

jagad-artha-kmo intensely wishing for the
welfare/weal/aims of transmigrating beings
{C}keen on the welfare of the world

the commentary

grel byed

bkral grel bkrald greld commentator;


grel bshad

gro lding pa {Pagel; Dharani 2007;

p.163} dramidha {PH}Dravidian

gro na {C}prakrmati if go; when go

bkral grel bkrald greld k explanation of

[someone elses] commentary; commentarial
explanation; explanatory commentary;

{C}functions; proceed; go away; set out for; take

their leave

grel bshad tshig gsal

[Dharmamitras] Clear Words; An Explanatory
Commentary [on (Maitreyas) Ornament for Clear

gres rkang basis for extending; basis

for exposition/explanation

gro {LCh}gam;

y; {L,MV}gati; {C,MV}
gamana; {MV}ga; jagat; {C}gamiyanti;
calate; upayti; sakramaat; sakrmati;
anbhikramaa; avakrnti; carati; caran; (vraj):
{MSA}ytr; vrajati; vrajate; dehin verb: go;
become; serve (as in serving as vitality and
exertion); act7 noun: transmigrator; goer
{C}move away into; passing on; to pass on;
transmigrates; pass away from; come along;
approach; submit to; come to; going (to); motion;
walk; pursue; they will go away; courses; walks;
coursing; destiny; birth; going; route; going out;
entrance; descent;

gro skyabs

gro phan jagad-dhta helping

transmigrating beings {C}well-disposed

towards the world

gro ba {L,MV,MSA,C}gati; gant;

{L,MV,MSA,C}gamana; {C}gacchati; {MSA}

upaga; {MSA}ga (e.g.: pra-ga); {MSA}gmit;
{MSA}gmin; {C,MSA,MV}jagat; {C}jagat; {C}
sakrmati; {C}prakrmati; {C}abhikramaa;
{C}avakrnti; {C}vrajate; {MSA}yti; {MSA}
yna transmigrator; transmigration; going; go
away from {PH}transmigration; rebirth {C}
goes; go away; walk; go through; come to; journey;
the journey will bring to; the world; to pass on;
transmigrates; pass away from; come along; going
All these worldy beings are led
to this and that transmigration by their actions and
afflictions. {A4C-C}

gro ba kun {MSA}sarva-jagat all

transmigrating beings; all the world

gro ba lngar khor ba {C}

{PH}refuge of

paca-gatika cycling/travelling in the five

transmigrations {C}with its five places of


gro nyams degenerated from

gro ba thams cad dul ba

gro nyid {C}gmitva {C}moving towards
gro don {C}jagad-arthya; {C}jagrtha
gro ba drug a-gati six

welfare/weal/aims of transmigrating beings

{C}weal of the world

transmigrations six destinies

gro ba dul ba

gro don {C}jagrtha welfare/weal/aims


of transmigrating beings {C}weal of the world

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




gro ba po {MSA}yt goer;

go; cause to go/depart {C}move forward


gro ba ma mchis pa {L}agamana

not go; not transmigrate; not go away

gro ba med do {C}visarati not go;

not transmigrate; not go away {C}disconnect

gro bai dge bai lo tog

gro med {C}anirgamam; {C}agati not

go; not go away/depart {C}not going; without a

resort; cannot do anything

gro tshul way of going/departing

gro zhing {C}anuvartate {C}last long;

pursue; follow after; complies with; imitate; come

to; go with; go likewise

{MSA}jagat-kuala-sasya harvest of the virtues

of transmigrating beings; harvest of the worlds

gro bai don {C}jagrtha welfare/

weal/aims of transmigrating beings {C}weal of

the world

gro bai don {C}jagrtha welfare/

gro ong going and coming

gro la snying brtser

ldan pai phyir {C}jagnukampi because

of being endowed with compassion for
transmigrating beings {C}compassionate for the

weal/aims of transmigrating beings weal of the


grogs pa ma yin {C}asamavahita

sake of transmigrating beings {C}weal of the



gro bai don du {C}janrtha for the

gro bar {C}gamana going; going away
from {C}motion; pursue; walk; going (to)

gro bar bgyid pa {C}nirgamika

/ /

grong / grongs/ grong / grongs/ {C}sthita

(=vyavasthita) die {C}establish; stood firm;
stand (just now); standing; abide; abiding; steadfast;
established remains; continuous


going; going away from; make go away {C}

which causes to go; what makes go away

/ /

grong / grongs/ grong / grongs/ die

gro bar gyur {C}pariyti; {C}

vrajate; {C}samgamati (=prdurbhavanti); {C}

gacchati; {C}kipati; {C}prasthita; {C}prakrmati;
{C}sakrmati go; go away from {C}move
along; move onto; travel; walk along; are brought
along; are assembled; come forth; hurl; throw;
shoot; cast off/away; reject; move into; set out for

gro bar du shes pas {C}

gamana-sajin thinking to go/go away {C}

with the constant thought of getting away

gro bar bya bai phyir {L,C}

apakrama in order to go/depart {C}to
induce to depart; go away

gro bar byed pa {C}anubandhayati

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

not accompany {C}they do not meet; do not

achieve a synthesis; is not in touch


gron bu shell [cowries, that is, small

shells used as dice]

grol ba


grold grol grold release; liberate; free; loosen

gros type; extension


mdor na kha phyir ltas

kyi gros gnyis dang kha nang ltas kyi gros gcig cig
char du skye bar dod In short, it is asserted that
two types directed outward and one type directed
inward are produced at one time.
If the eye were
possessed of motion, it would perceive [visible
form] in the distance [only] after a long period of
time. {A4C} 13.13ab


gros gsum par skye ba

elevated; prideful; puffed up; conceited; agitated;

laughing; unsteady

rgod pa dang gyod pa

production in three types

rga {LCh}j; {L}jara grow old; age; wear

auddhatyakauktya excitement and contrition;

desirous excitement and contrition/regret {PH}
excitement and contrition

down decay

rga rga grow old; age; wear down

rga chen po {C}udra {C}sublime;

rgod par {C}cala-acala {C}unsteady

rgol brgal rgal

exalted; an uncommon degree of

rga chi jarmaraa aging and death

rga ba {PH}old age
rga shi {LCh,L,MV}jar-maraa aging and

brgald rgold debate; argue; to object

rgol ba

rgal brgald rgold {C}prativda; {MSA}pravda;
{MSA}pravdin; {C}paryanuyoga; {MSA}codya;
phyir rgol ba = {MSA}pratyarthika opponent;
party; debate; argue; arguement; disputant
{C}question; censure; rejection; adversary;
contradiction; refusal; answer; fight; reply;
rejoinder; defendant; opponent

death; aging or death

rgan old; teacher {PH}palate

rgan pa old
rgan pa brda la byang ba

byang byangs byang byongs

mature person trained in terminology/language

rgan po {MSA}vddha old person

rgal brgal rgol

rgol ba gzhan
gyi klan kai skabs mchis afford an occasion/
opportunity for censure by an opponent

rgol bar byed pa

brgal rgal brgald rgold codya argue;


dispute; debate


rgol dzing {PH}fighting

rgold brgal rgol


rgod {MV}uddhata; {MV}auddhatya wild;

excitement; desirous excitement; excited {PH}


brgald rgold cross over; objection; object;


rgya {L}mudra vast; broad; extensive; seal


puffed up

{PH}Chinese; Indian; seal

rgod pa {MSA,MV}auddhatya; {L,MSA,MV}

uddhata;{C}hasan; {C}cala-acala excitement;
desirous excitement; wildness {C}raised;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rgol ba ngan pa {PH}evil opposition

rgol ba dang bcas pa
to dispute

rgas shing {C}jra {C}(very) aged

rgud trouble {PH}trouble; misfortune
rgud nyams {PH}ruin; decline;

rgod cing {C}uddhata excited

hypothetical dispute

brgal rgal brgald rgold susceptible

brgald rgold {LCh}t; dba rgal = {MSA}augha

cross over

rgud pa {MSA} vipatti

rgol ba khong nas bsus pa


rgya khyon {PH}area; extent

rgya khyon che ba {PH}large extent


rgya cher rol pai mdo lalita-

rgya gar India

rgya che {C}vaipulya; {MSA}vipula [extent-

vistara-stra Lalita-vistara-stra (Extensive

Sport Stra), P763, vol. 27

big]; vast; broad; extensive {C}Expanded

Text(s); abundance; vast

rgya che gting zab

rgya rje gris Ling Dynasty [502 - 557

CE] of China

rgya rje thang Tang dynasty [618 - 906

{PH}vast and


rgya che ba {LCh,MSA,MV}udra;

CE] of China

{LCh,C,MSA}vipula; {L}prahyante; {L,MSA}

vistra; {MV}vistratva; {MSA,MV}audrya;
{MSA}viada [extent-big]; vast; extensive;
broad; the vast [i.e., practices of compassion]
{C}wide; abundant; expand; expanded; in detail; to
explain in detail

rgya chen {C}vipula; {C}udra; {C}

pravistta; {MSA}viada; {C}pthu [extent-big];

vast; extensive; broad {PH}extensive; broad;
great {C}many; all; large; long; very much;
sublime; exalted; an uncommon degree of

rgya chen po {MSA}vipula; {C,MSA}

dra; {MSA}audrya; {MSA}viada; {MSA}vistra

[extent-big]; vast; extensive; broad {C}
sublime; exalted; an uncommon degree of

rgya chen po rgya chen po {C}

udrodra very vast; very extensive {C}very


rgya chen po dpag tu med pa

{MSA}aprama-vistra immeasurably vast/

rgya cher {C}vipula; {L,C,MV}vistarea;

{MV}iti vistara; {C}bhyasy mtray vast;

extensive; broad {C}in detail; expanded; in full;
for the most part; more and more; again and again;
still more; wide; large; abundant

rgya cher ba {L}prahyante; {L}vistra

vast; extensive; broad expanded; in detail

rgya cher byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MV}(iti)

vistarea; {MV}iti vistara arise/appear/occur


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


rgya rje tshin Chen Dynasty [557 - 589

CE] of China

rgya rje song Liu Sung Dynasty [420 479 ce] of China

rgya gdan India

rgya mdud {PH}knotted seal
rgya nag {LCh}cna [vast-black]; China

rgya nag grel chen; rgya nag gi grel chen;

phags pa dgongs pa nges par grel pai mdoi

rgya cher grel pa
bkral grel bkrald greld Chinese Great
Commentary; Extensive Commentary on the
Stra Unraveling the Thought [by the Korean
scholar-monk Won-chuk (612/613-696; Tibetan:
rdzogs gsal / wen tshig / wen tshegs / wanydzeg;
Chinese: Yan tse); P5517, vol. 116]

rgya nad {PH}syphilis

rgya spos me tog


incense flower

rgya ba enlarge; extend; broaden

rgya bris thang ka {PH}Chinese-style

rgya mi Chinese
rgya mii za khang Chinese restaurant
rgya dmag {PH}Chinese army
rgya mtsho {L,C,MSA}samudra; {C,MSA}

sgara; {C,MSA}arava [vast-lake]; ocean; large
lake {C}great flood

rgya mtsho che ba {C}mahodadhi

rgyang chad distant and cut off

rgyang chad chad
chad chad chad distant and cut off

rgyang chad du snang ba

great ocean; great lake {C}great ocean

rgya mtsho chen po {C}mahsamudra

appearing to be distant and cut off


great ocean; great lake {C} [great] ocean

{PH}far away
grogs po rgyang nas slebs na ... When a friend

rgya mtsho lta bu {C}sgara-upama

comes from far away, ... {W20222} Confucious 1.1

(=sarva-gua-ratna-karatvd) like an ocean/

lake {C}vast like the ocean

rgya mtsho dra ba {C}sgara-samna

like an ocean/lake {C}ocean-like

rgyang phan pa

jig rten rgyang phan pa yata; lokyata [afarflung]; nihilist; Annihilationist; Materialist;
Lokyata School

rgya mtsho sprin Sgaramegha

rgyang phan pa lokyata Lokyata;
rgya mtshoi chu {C}sgara-jala water
of an ocean/lake {C}watery ocean

rgyang phen pa

rgya mtshoi pha rol gro ba

jig rten rgyang phen pa yata Flung

{MSA}arava-praga go to the other side of an

ocean; cross an ocean

Afar (Nihilist); yata; nihilist; Annihilationist;

Materialist; Lokyata School

rgya mtshoi pha rol

rgyang ma {PH}distance; far away

rgyang ma nas {C}rt {C}from a

phyin par gyur {C}pra-sthala prayti go to

the other side of an ocean; cross an ocean {C}
travel to the other shore and reach it


rgya mtshoi rlabs ocean wave

rgya mtshor jug pa {C}smudriya

rgyang ring du byed par gyur

{C}dr-karoti {C}move away from; keep aloof

enter an ocean/lake {C}sea-going (?)

rgyang ring po far away; distant

rgyang ring po na {C}viprakta far

rgya gzhung Indian text

rgya yan pa dispersed
rgya ser {PH}Russia
rgya sran Chinese bean [a reddish or

away; distant {C}athwart

rgyangs bcad par {MSA}dra

distant and cut off

rgyangs chad

whitish bean with a thick skin, not shaped like a



chad chad chad distant and cut off

rgyags {LCh}mada {PH}haughtiness

rgyags pa {LCh}mada haughtiness
rgyags pa dang bral ba {MSA}

rgyan {LCh,C,L}lakra; {LCh,C}bhaa;

{C}vyha (=samha); {MSA}maana; vibhaa

ornament; adornment {C}mass; (miraculous)
harmony; display

mada-vyapet devoid of/separated from


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


rgyan mkhan po author of the

conquest; victory {PH}[the Indian month of]
Puya {C}victory

Ornament Prajkaragupta

rgyan stug po bkod pai

rgyal khams kingdom

rgyan drug six ornaments (who beautify

rgyal khrims secular law; royal law

bsod nams chung bai rgyal

mdo dgod god bkod

god ghandavyha-stra Stra on the Heavily
Adorned [ghandavyha-stra, P778, vol. 29]

khams smin byai phyir/ in order to ripen the

kingdom of those of small merit {GZ 68b.7}

the teaching of the BuddhaNgrjuna,

ryadeva, Asaga, Vasubandhu, Dignga, and

rgyan sdud

bsdu sdud
bsdus sdus ornament-conjunction particle [a
grammatical particle]
kyang yang ang gsum rgyan sdud de the three-kyang, yang, and ang--are ornamental inclusion

rgyan snang Haribhadras Illumination

{PH}the great king Vairavana

rgyal chen po bzhi po dag {C}

rgyal chen bzhii ris {C}(catur)
mahrjakyik devaputr {C}the divinities
belonging to the four Great Kings

rgyan pa

rgyan brgyand rgyand alakta; {MSA}hrbhita decorate; ornament; beautify; wear

rgyal chen bzhii ris kyi

lha rnams {C}catur-mahrja-kyik dev {C}
the gods of the Four Great Kings

rgyan spras ornamented; adorned; laid

rgyal chen rigs bzhi

out with ornaments

rgyan byed pa making bets

rgyab behind; rear {PH}bottom
rgyab snye {PH}inner backrest
rgyab na {PH}behind
rgyab bol {PH}back cushion
rgyab rdzi {PH}supervisor
rgyab log {PH}behind

cturmahrjakyika four great royal lineages

rgyal chen ris {C}(catur)

mahrjakyik devaputr {C}the divinities

belonging to the four Great Kings

rgyal mchog {LCh}jinavara supreme


rgyal nas {C}vyatikrama having

conquered {C}transcending

rgyal po {C}npa; {C,MSA}rja(n)


monarch; king; king spirit

khor los bsgyur bai rgyal po universal monarch

na kun dga rwa bai rgyab log dang; gad snyigs

tshud chad kyi nang du zhib tshol byas; [We]
searched carefully even behind his personal altar,
and down to and including in the rubbish. {GCG}

rgyal po lta bui sems

p. 47/27

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rgyal rgyud {PH}royal lineage

rgyal chen rnam thos kyi bu
(catvro) mahrjni {C}the four Great Kings

of (Maitreyas) Ornament for the Clear


rgyal {C}nirjaya king; monarch; victor;

spyir rgyal
khrims la brten nas chos khrims byung ste/ In
general, religious law arose in dependence upon
secular law {GZ 68a.3}

bskyed mind-generation like monarch



rgyal po don

pa) School]

rgyal ba rig dzin Conqueror


grub rgyal rigs dang bram zei rigs gang rung

yin zhing bram zei rigs ma yin pa the prince
Siddhrtha who is either of the brahman lineage
or of the katriya lineage and is not a brahman

rgyal po drag pos byin

rgyal ba rin po che precious

conqueror [i.e., the Dalai Lama]

rgyal bai rgyal tshab


regent of the Conqueror

King Ugradatta

rgyal bai bstan pa mchog

rgyal po dmag brgya pa {Negi}

bstan ston bstand stond

supreme teaching of the Conqueror

atnka {PH}King atnka [a Licchavi]

rgyal po dmag brgya ba {Negi}

rgyal bai mdzad pa {MSA}jina-

atnka {PH}King atnka [a Licchavi]

kriy activities of a conqueror

rgyal po brtse ba

rgyal bai yum mother of the

med pa drag pos byin {PH}the merciless king


conquerors/victors [the perfection of wisdom]

rgyal bai yon tan {C}jina-gua

rgyal po gzugs can snying

qualities of a conqueror/victor {C}victor-

po King Bimbisra {PH}King Bimbisra


rgyal po

rgyal bai ring bsrel {C}jina-

la gtam bya ba rin po chei phreng ba rjaparikathratnval [Nagarjunas] Precious

Garland of Advice for the King [P5658, vol. 129]

dhtu relics of the conqueror/victor {C}relics

of the Jina

rgyal bai sras {L}jina-putra

rgyal poi khab {C}rja-gha

Conquerors child; Conqueror-child [i.e.,


Rjagha {PH}Rjagha {C}name of a town

gnas rgyal poi khab tu ... In
the area of Rjagha, ... {BJ 29.6}

rgyal poi mthus {C}rjnubhva

by/with the power/force/might of the king {C}

royal might

rgyal poi pho brang khor {C}

rja-dhn {C}capital; royal city

rgyal poi bu zhig {C}rja-putra a

child of the king; prince {C}prince

rgyal dpog pa {PH}Jaimini

rgyal ba {C}jina conqueror; victor;
epithet of Buddha {C}victor

rgyal ba pa jaina Jaina [also known as

Nirgrantha I think this is gos med pa (gcer bu

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



rgyal bu rgyal byed {PH}Jetavana

rgyal blon {PH}king and his ministers
rgyal dbang {PH}Lord of Conquerors
rgyal tshab {LCh}yuvarja regent of

the Conqueror; regent [sometimes refers to

Maitreya]; Gyal-tshab [rgyal tshab dar ma rin
chen, 1364-1432, who was one of the two main
disciples of Tsong-kha-pa (tsong kha pa), the
other being Khay-drub (mkhas grub)] {PH}
Maitreya [epithet of]; status as crown prince; royal
inheritance; Gyel-tsap Dar-ma-rin-chen (rgyal tshab
dar ma rin chen, 1364-1432)
In the end, having renounced his
status as crown prince, [he] took renunciation in
that very same [lineage]. {A4C-C}


rgyal tshab dam pa



rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen

Gyal-tshab Dar-ma-rin-chen [(1364-1432), one

of the two main disciples of Tsong-kha-pa (tsong
kha pa), the other being Khay-drub (mkhas

rgyal mtshan {C}hvaja victory banner

spread; increase; further7 adjective: extensive;

broad; wide; full {C}broad; in full; in detail;
singleness; compact; well-developed; thick;
muscular; full (of); fullness (of); fulfilled; complete;
fully developed; large

rgyas gyur developmental

rgyas gyur gyi rigs

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

developmental lineage

{C}banner; ensign; flag

rgyas btab pa lta bur {C}mudrita

rgyal mtshan dpal {C}dvaja-ketu

as if sealed; like sealed {C}sealed

glorious victory banner {C}glorious ensign

rgyas bstan pa

rgyal zla {PH}the twelfth month

rgyal yum Mother of the Victors (the

bstan ston bstand stond extensive indication/


rgyas debs

perfection of wisdom)

rgyal rabs reign; royal succession;

gdab debs btab thobs [seal-implant]; affix a

seal; seal


rgyal rigs {L}katriya royal class; royal rgyas ldan

{PH}Pukaravat (ancient
capital of Gandhra)

lineage; royal caste warrior and ruling caste

rgyas pa {C}ipula; {C}vistarea; vaistrika};

rgyal rigs che zhing mtho

utsada (=udgat); {MV}paripui; {MSA}paripua;

pui; upacaya; caya; vibuddha; virhi; vddhi
(e.g.: svabhva-vddhi) verb: extend; fill;
spread; increase; further7 adjective: extensive;
broad; wide; full {C}(over) crowded; with
prominences; in (full) detail; in extenso; in its full
breadth; in greater detail; extensive; widespread

ba {C}katriya-mahlala-kula great and

high royal lineage/class/caste {C}good warrior
family; good families, i.e., nobles

rgyal sa {PH}kingdom; capital city

rgyal sras {C,MSA}jina-putra; {MSA}

jintma-ja Victor Children; Conquerors child;

Conqueror-child [i.e., Bodhisattva] {C}son of
the Jina

rgyal sras rtag tu ngu

rgyas pa byed par gyur {C}

bhayati {C}strengthens

rgyas pai {C}dhamyate (=dhamyamne =


pryamne) {C}is inflated

[Bodhisattva] Sadaprarudita

rgyal sras ma Jinaputra

rgyal srid {C}rjya government;

rgyas pai bstan bcos tshad ma

political authority; kingdom {C}kingship

rgyal srid gnas nas {C}rjya-

rnam grel gyi bka grel dgongs pa rab gsal zhes

bya ba mkhas pai dbang po bsod nams grags
pas mdzad pa bol gsal mkhas pai mgrin rgyan
{GD:846} Pa-chen S#-nam-drak-b#as (pa
chen bsod nams grags pa) The Throat Ornament of

sthitu {C}established as the ruler of a kingdom

rgyas {L}vipula; {L}vistarea; {C}pra; {L}

taktva; {C}cita; {C}pna verb: extend; fill;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



rgyas par gengs pa

Clear-minded Scholars Composed by the Mighty

Scholar S-nam-drak-ba called Commentary on the
Teaching, the Complete Revealer of the Thought of
the Extensive Treatise

dgang gengs bkang gengs {C}
spharaat; {C}sphuraa {C}radiation; radiant

rgyas par ston pa extensive

rgyas pai bstan bcos tshad


rgyas par spro na if [one] elaborates

ma rnam grel gyi rgya cher bshad pa rigs pai

rgya mtsho {GD:845} Kay-drups (mkhas
grub) Extensive Explanation of the Extensive
Commentary on Prime Cognition, the Ocean of
Reasoning (Collected Works, X)

extensively/at length; to elaborate extensively/at


rgyas par bshad pa extensive

rgyas pai


bstan bcos tshad ma rnam grel gyi ngag don rnam

par bshad pa kun tu bzang poi od zer {GD:842}
Go-ram-pas (go rams pa bsod nams seng ge) The
Perfect Light Explaining the Meaning of the Words
of the Extensive Commentary on [Dharmakrtis]
Valid Cognition (The Complete Works of the
Great Masters of the Sa-sKya Sect, XI)

rgyas pai bstan bcos tshad ma rnam grel gyi don

grel rgyal tshab dgongs pa rab gsal zhes bya ba
leu dang poi dka bai gnas la dogs pa gcod pa di
ni rje btsun chos kyi rgyal mtshan dpal bzang poi
gsung rguyn lags so {GD:844} Jay-d#zn Chg#yi-gyel-tsens (rje btsun chos kyi rgyal mtshan)
Stream of Sayings of the Noble and Glorious
Jay-d#zn Ch-g#yi-gyel-tsan, the Elimination of
Qualms with Respect to the Difficult Points of the
First Chapter, Called the Complete Re

rgyas par {C}vistarea extensively; at

length; in detail

rgyas par bkang

dgang gengs bkang gengs {C}sphurati;

{C}sphrati {C}irradiate; radiate (over)

rgyas par dgang bar

dgang gengs bkang gengs {C}

sphurati; {C}sphrati {C}irradiate; radiate (over)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


rgyas shing phel ba {L}vddhi

virhim extending and increasing

rgyas bshad extensive explanation

rgyu {LCh,L,MSA,MV}hetu; {C,MV}hetutva;

{LCh,MSA,MV,C}kraa; {C,MSA,MV}upaniad;
{C}(=hetu-bhva); {MSA}anvaya; {MSA,MV}
nimitta; {MSA}nimittatva; {C}nidna; {C}etannidn; {C}ki nidnam; {C}tato nidnam; {C}tannidnam; {C}pracra; {C}pravartate (=pravarta
cause; [as verb]: wander; move; go; [following a
verb, indicates]: to be done {PH}cause {C}
comparison; reason; for the sake of; linked with;
foundation; Origins; because; wherefrom and for
what reason?; on the strength of that; as a result
of; that link; observation; performance; proceeds;
takes place; move forward; spread;causality
mtshan nyid/ 1 skyed byed/ 2 phan dogs byed/ Def.:
(1) producer; (2) benefitter

sgras brjod rigs kyi sgo nas dbye ba/ 1


byed rgyu 2 lhan cig byung bai rgyu 3 skal mnyam

gyi rgyu 4 mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu 5 kun groi
rgyu 6 rnam smin gyi rgyu Terminological Div.:
(1) creative cause; (2) co-arisen cause; (3) cause
of equal/similar lot; (4) associational cause; (5)
omnipresent cause; (6) fruitional cause

rgyu rkyen hetu-pratyaya causes and

conditions; causal conditions


rgyu rkyen gzhan gyi

rgyu dang gal bai bras bu

rgyu khyad par asdhraa-kraa

rgyu dang bras bu {MSA}hetu-phala

dbang gis byung ba arise through the power of

other causes and conditions

cause and effect

particular cause

rgyu dngos actual cause

rgyu sngon song *samanantara-hetu

rgyu rdo rje dzin pa

rgyu rnam gnyis kyis {C}

rgyu chos rjes dpag inference of

vikraena {C}for a double reason

rgyu pa med pai tshig

causal attributes

rgyu chos rjes dpog inference of

rgyu snyoms jug *kraasampatti

causal meditative absorption

rgyu mthun {JH,C,MV}niyanda causally

concordant {C}outpouring; outcome

dbye ba/ 1 myong ba rgyu mthun


rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu

rgyu byed tshul mode of acting as a

gyi bras bu/ 2 byed pa rgyu mthun gyi bras bu/

Div.: (1) causally concordant effect in terms of
experience; (2) causally concordant effect in terms
of performance

cause; way of acting as a cause

rgyu bras cause and effect

rgyu bras che bai rnam

rgyu mthun pa {C,MV,MSA}niyanda

causally concordant; concordant causes {C}

outpouring; outcome

bzhag greater presentation of cause and effect

rgyu bras man ngag bdun

rgyu mthun pai bras bu

seven cause-and-effect quintessential instructions

rgyu ma dmigs pa

{MSA}niyanda-phala; {MSA}nisyanda-phala
causally concordant effect

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

nonobservation of a cause

rgyu med pa {C}ahetuka; {MSA}

krabhva no cause; without a cause {C}

without a cause

rgyu dang rkyen hetupratyaya causes

rgyu med las skye ba causeless

and conditions

production; produced causelessly

bzhin nature contradictory with a cause

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ki nidnam; {C}tato nidnam; tan-nidnam {C}

because; wherefrom and for what reason?; on the
strength of that; that link
{LCh}car; pracra; {MSA}cra; {C}pravartate
(=pravartayati); craa move; movement; the
mobile [i.e., living beings]; the animate {C}
proceeds; takes place; move forward; spread

niyanda-phala causally concordant effect

rgyu dang gal pai rang

rgyu spyi *smnya-hetu general cause

rgyu phyir {C}nidna; {C}etan-nidn; {C}
rgyu ba

rgyu mthun gyi bras bu

causally concordant application


conventional expression

causal attributes

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord



preceding cause

rgyu mthun pai sbyor ba

*hetu-viruddha-krya effect contradictory with

a cause



rgyu tshogs

lacking a reason

rgyui tshogs
prerequisites lhag mthong gi
rgyu tshogs prerequisites for special insight
rgyui tshogs med du mi rung ba

rgyu mtshan gzhan ni yod pa

{GD:119}abdasynimittn get from Annes


rgyu mtshan yang dag samya-

indispensible prerequisites

rgyu tshogs pa hetusmagri;

nimitta correct reason/evidence


hetusmagr causal collection; collection of

causes; aggregate of causes {GD:88}causal
complex; {GD:153}causal aggregatethis is out of
place: the causal nexus which has the fitness to
produce its effect, the nature of a thing

mtshan yod kyang gtan la ma phebs pai yid dpyod

correct assumption for which one has a reason
but has not ascertained it

rgyu mtshan {LCh,MSA,MV}nimitta; {LCh} rgyu zhing song

nibandhana; {MSA}nimittatva; hetu [cause-sign];
reason; cause; factuality; other-powered nature
(gzhan dbang, paratantra); the fact; evidence
{GD:119} other factors
rtogs sla bai rgyu mtshan gyis yin la is due to the
fact that realization [of...] is easier

rgyu mtshan nyid pa fully qualified

cause; fully endowed cause; cause having all the

necessary characteristics

ltar snang la brten pai yid dpyod nimittbhsamanasikra correct assumption depending upon
a pseudo/quasi/counterfeit reason

rgyu mtshan

wander and go {C}wanders along;


rgyu la skur pa debs pa

gdab debs btab thobs {MV}

hetv-apavda deprecate the cause

rgyu la sgrib pa {MV}hetv-varaa

rgyu la brten pa {MSA}hetu-sanirit

depend on a cause

rgyu las skye ba {MSA}hetuta upatti

generate from a cause

rgyu las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C,MSA}hetuka;

{MV}anvaya; {MV}hetutva arisen from causes;
caused {C}because of; the cause of

dang gal bai yid dpyod correct assumption

contradictory with a reason

rgyu mtshan ma

rgyug {C}dhvati

grub pai yid dpyod /

grub grub grubs/grub grubs correct
assumption whose reason is not established

{C}flow towards; rubs off


rgyud {L,MSA,MV}satna; {MSA}satati;

rgyu mtshan ma nges

tantra; prabandha; {C}jti; {C}vaa; {MSA}

anvaya continuum; mental continuum;
life continuum; tantra {PH}lineage; tantra
{C}birth; species; kind; different varieties;
lineage;{GD:515} indirect (as opposed to direct,

pai yid dpyod aniyatanimitta-manasikra

correct assumption in which the reason is not

rgyu mtshan mang tsam quite a

number of reasons

dpyod animitta-manasikra correct assumption

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

song song song song {C,L}anucakrmati

obstruct the cause

rgyu mtshan

rgyu mtshan med pai yid


rgyud gal praparyavirodha

indirectly contradictory; indirect contradictories


mtshan nyid/ dngos su gnod
bya gnod byed ma yin zhing / gzhi mi mthun par med pa

Def.: Those which are not explicitly harmed and

harmer and of which a common locus does not exist
check Perdue

rgyud tha dad pa {MSA}satna-bheda

different/individual continuums

rgyud drug six transmigrations/tantras/

mahynottaratantrastravykhya [Asagas]
Commentary on (Maitreyas) Great Vehicle
Treatise on the Sublime Continuum [theg pa
chen poi rgyud bla mai bstan bcos kyi rnam
par bshad pa; P5526, vol. 108]

rgyud smrad grwa tshang Gy-may;

rgyud gzhan grub pa; rgyud

rgyud sde {LCh}tantra-piaka [tantrasection]; tantra set; tantra

rgyud sde og ma gsum the

gzhan grub pa zhes bya bai rab tu byed

pa satnntarasiddhinmaprakaraa
[Dharmakrtis] Proof of Other Continuums
[P5716, vol. 130]

three lower tantra sets

rgyud nas skye byed indirect

rgyud gzhan grub pa zhes bya bai rab


rgyud pa parapar; {L}vyasana

continuation; tradition; lineage ruin; fall(ing)

away from

brgal rgal brgald rgold {C}jalp-jalpi {C}

disputations and talk

rgyud bla; rgyud bla ma; theg pa chen

tu byed pa; rgyud gzhan grub pa satnntarasiddhi-nma-prakaraa [Dharmakrtis] Proof of

Other Continuums [P5716, vol. 130]

rgyud bzhi Four [Medical] Tantras

1 rtsa bai rgyud/ 2 bshad pai


rgyud/ 3 man ngag gi rgyud/ 4 phyi mai rgyud/

Enumeration: 1) Root Tantra, 2) Explanatory Tantra,
3) Oral Tradition Tantra, 4) Last Tantra

po rgyud bla mai bstan bcos uttaratantra;

mahynottaratantrastra [Maitreyas] Great
Vehicle Treatise on the Sublime Continuum /
Treatise on the Later Scriptures of the Great
Vehicle [P5525, vol. 108]

rgyud lung

rgyud bla tk chen Gyel-tsaps (rgyal

tshab) Great Commentary on (Maitreyas)
Great Vehicle Treatise on the Sublime

rgyud bla ma; rgyud bla; theg pa chen po rgyud

bla mai bstan bcos mahynottaratantrastra;
uttaratantra [Maitreyas] Great Vehicle Treatise
on the Sublime Continuum / Treatise on the
Later Scriptures of the Great Vehicle [P5525, vol.

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bkral grel bkrald greld

Tantric College of Lower Hla-sa


rgyud par rgol

rgyud blai grel pa


rtogs kyi yon tan gyis lci ba mental continuum

weighty with good qualities of scripture and

rgyud legs par brel {C}

suliha {C}tightly knit

rgyun {LCh,L,MSA}satna; {LCh,MSA}

satati; {LCh,L,MSA}srotas; {L}srota; {L}sarit;

{MSA,MV}prabandha; {MSA}pravha; {MSA}
satata continuation; continuum; mental
continuum; life continuum; stream; continuity
{PH}continuum; continuation; stream; current;
line kun gzhii rdzas rgyun
the substantial continuation of the basis-of-all


rgyun mtha end of the continuum (as a

mtshan nyid/ skad cig du ma cha shas su ldan pai
dus Def.: [Ke-drup (mkhas grub)]: a time which
possesses multiple moments as its parts

rgyun gyi yi dam

sentient being just prior to Buddhahood); end/

limit of a continuum

rgyun mtha kho nar skye ba


production only at the end of a continuum

rgyun mthai bar chad med

tutelary deity

rgyun gyis gro {MSA}prabandhena

lam {PH}the uninterrupted path of the end of the


gacchati going/moving continuously

rgyun gyis jug pa {MSA}

rgyun mthar skye ba production at

prabandhena hi vtti continuous engagement

the end of a continuum

rgyun gcod {C}ucchoayati severance

rgyun du {MSA}nirantara; {MSA}sataty;

of the continuum; interrupt; sever/cut off the

continuum {C}abolish; shrivel up

{MV}abhka continually; continuous;


rgyun du sgrog pa continuously

rgyun bcad bya gcod byed kyi sgo nas mi mthun

par gnas pa those which abide discordantly
from the viewpoint of the one acting to sever the
continuum [of the other], the object to be cut


rgyun du jog pa samsthpana;

sasthpana continuous setting

rgyun du yid la byed pa {MSA}

rgyun bcas kyi dngos po thing

nirantara-manaskra continuous taking to mind;

continuous mental contemplation/attention

which has a [further] continuum

rgyun chags {L}prabandhana; {MSA}

arit; {MSA}stata; {MSA}prabandhatas

rgyun ni ma bcad pas {MSA}


rgyun phyi ma

satater anucchedt through not severing the

continuum; due to not interrupting

rgyun chags med pa not

rgyun chags yin pa {C}


rgyun ma chad pa

chad chad chad chad {C}(avicchinnam-)

prbandhikatva continuous {C}making a

continuous series

rgyun chad par gyur

avihita; {MSA}prabandhnupacchinnatva
continuously; without interruption {C}not
unfixed; not discontinous; the same confusion at

chad chad chad chad {C}ucchidyate

continuum is severed {C}forget; is annihilated;
is cut off

rgyun chad med par

chad chad chad chad [continuum-cutnot]; without interruption; continuously

rgyun tu zhugs pa

rgyun mi gcod {MSA}accheda; {MSA}

aviccheda; {MSA}statya continuously; without


rgyun mi gcod pa {MV}aprasrabdhi;

{MSA}accheda; {MSA}aviccheda; {MSA}statya
continuously; without interruption

zhug jug zhugs zhugs rota-panna

Stream Enterer

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



rgyun mi chad pa

chad chad chad chad {L}samita; {L}
anupaccheda; {C}anucchinnam; {C}satata
samitamx; {C}(=satatam); {C}avyavacchedya
continuously; without interruption {C}
assembly; joined; same; like; promise; agree;
complete; measure; mete out; commensurate;
always; uninterrupted; constant(ly and always);
always; non-interruption

rgyun mi chad pai phyir

chad chad chad chad {C}

pa {MV}hetu-saklea causal affliction; causal

afflictive emotion

rgyui kun slong

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs

causal motivation

rgyui theg pa hetuyna Cause Vehicle

rgyui tshogs; rgyu tshogs

prerequisite rgyui tshogs

med du mi rung ba indispensible prerequisites
lhag mthong gi rgyu tshogs
indispensible prerequisites

avyavacchedya because of non-interruption; in

order not to interrupt

rgyun mi chad par bya ba

chad chad chad chad {C}

anupaccheda continuously; without interruption


rgyun mi chad

chad chad chad chad {L}samita; {C}

samucchinnam; satata samitam; {MV}
anuparama; nairantarya; sadhna; {MSA}
anupaccheda; apratiprasrabdha; avicchinna;
aviccheda; avyavaccheda; asrasana; satata;
samita continuously; without interruption

rgyun mi chad pa

no familiarity sgyu
mai rgyus med pai ltad mo ba member of the
audience who is unfamiliar with magic

rgyus shes bya bai phyir {C}


jnanya {C}so as to get acquainted with

sga ginger
sga skya ginger
sga smug ginger; brown ginger
sgang {PH}period

tu zhugs pa {LCh}rota-panna; rotpanna

Stream Enterer

rgyun zhugs bras gnas

zhug jug zhugs zhugs Abider

in the Fruit of Stream Enterer

rgyun zhugs zhugs pa

de dus tsa na bod pa mang po

zhug jug zhugs zhugs Approacher

bi kra ma shi lar groi sgang yin; At that time,

it was a period when many Tibetans were going to
Vikramala. {GCG} p.21

to Stream Enterer

rgyun ring {PH}long time; long duration

rgyun ring po {PH}(for) a long time
rgyui kun nas nyon mongs
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nidnam; {C}tan-nidnam familiar; familiar

with {PH}familiar {C}linked with; foundation;
for the sake of; Origins; because; wherefrom; and
for what reason?; that link; as a result of
la yang rgyus med pai dpe ring zhig gos thum dgu
tsam gyis dril nas dug, There was a long text that
was unfamiliar to everyone, having been wrapped in
nine layers of cloth. {GCG} p. 17

rgyus med having no knowledge; having

chad chad chad chad {L}samita; {C}

anucchinnam; satata samitam continuously;
without interruption

rgyun zhugs

rgyus {C}nidna; {C}etan-nidn; {C}kim


sgang la on top (of)

sgang shongs {PH}ridges and valleys


sgo nas {LCh}dvrea [door-from]; from

sgal gzhung {PH}backbone; spine

sgur po {C}kubja {C}hunch-backed
sgeg rdor, sgeg pai rdo rje

the point of view; from the viewpoint; from the

approach of; through; by way of {PH}from the
point of view (of); through; by way of
dei sgo nas from that point of view {BJ 12.3}

Vilsavajra/ Llvajra Vilsavajra/ Llvajra

sgeg pa
sgeg pa

sgo ba

bsgo sgo bsgos sgos

pari-bhu infuse; deposit; order
bag chags sgo ba infusing predispositions/

{PH}playful; charming

{PH}mesmerizing (one of nine

moods of dance)


sgeg pai rdo rje, sgeg rdor

sgo ba yab yum

Vilsavajra/ Llvajra Vilsavajra/ Llvajra

{PH}gate keepers

and consorts

sgeg mo, sgeg mo ma [Vajra]

sgo mang many doors; Go-mang (Many

lsy, offering goddess of dance

Doors) College [of Dre-pung Monastic


sgeg mo ma, sgeg mo lsy

sgo mang grwa tshang Go-mang

[Vajra]lsy, offering goddess of dance

sgegs {VM} obstructor

sgeu khung window
sgo bsgo sgo bsgos sgos

College [of Dre-pung Monastic University]

{C,L,MSA}mukha; {L,C,MV}dvra; {C}nirhra;

{MSA}pua approach; door; mode; gate; infuse;
deposit; order {PH}door {C}face; calling
forth; consummation; emission khyab
pa sgo brgyad eight doors of pervasion
rigs pai sgo du ma nas through many
doors of reasoning

sgog skya white garlic

sgog sngon blue garlic
sgom bsgom sgom
bsgoms sgoms {LCh}bhvayati meditate;
meditation; cultivate; cultivation

sgom pa


sgom bsgoms sgoms {L}bhvayati; {C,MV,MSA}

bhvan; {MSA,MV}bhvana (e.g.: {MSA}cintanabhvana); {MSA}abhysa meditate; meditation;
meditating; cultivate; cultivation {C}progress;

sgo khyim {PH}arched niche

sgo nga aa egg; gonad
sgom pa bgyid {L}bhvayati; {C}
sgo nga nas skye ba {L}aaja [egg-
bhvan meditate; meditation; cultivate;
from-born]; egg-born [i.e. bird]

cultivation; cause to meditate/cultivate

sgo nga phyed tshal pa Half-

sgom pa med

Eggists; Half-Eggist School

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {C}abhvan not

cultivated/meditated; non-cultivation/meditation

sgo gnyer

[Each person should] look after their own

sgom pa zhes bya ba

individual responsibilities. {GCG}

sgo drung du

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{PH}at/to the gate

{Bu-ston; chos-byung} [He]
came to the gate of Nlanda.

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}bhvan-khya meditation {C}path

of development; one speaks of meditational




sgom pai khor gsum three

sgom bsgoms sgoms object of meditation

spheres of meditation; (agent, action, and object

of meditation)

sgom pai rim pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms bhvankrama [Kamalalas] Stages of Meditation

(bhvan-krama) [P5310-5312, vol. 102]

sgom bya gtso bo

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms principal

object of meditation

sgom byung


byung byung byung bhvanmay arisen from

meditation; [experience] arisen from meditation

sgom spang

spong spangs spongs {LCh}bhvanheya that
which is abandoned by the path of meditation;
object of abandonment by a path of meditation

sgom byung gi rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs realization which is a state arisen from

sgom spang skor dgu nine cycles

sgom byung gi myong ba

experience that is a state arisen from meditation

of objects of abandonment by the path of


sgom byung gi shes rab

sgom spang skor bcu gcig

bhvanmaypraj wisdom arisen from

sgom spang nyon mongs


the afflictions that are to be abandoned by the path
of meditation

sgom rim

mongs chen poi chen po {PH}the great of the

great afflictions that are to be abandoned by the path
of meditation

sgom rim tha ma

sgom spang nyon

spang spong spangs spongs

conception of true existence which is abandoned

by the path of meditation

sgom spang shes sgrib

sgom spang shes

third] of [Kamalalas] three works on the

Stages of Meditation (bhvan-krama) [P53105312, vol. 102]

sgom rim dang po

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms the first of

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms the middle

[or second] of [Kamalalas] three works on the

Stages of Meditation (bhvan-krama) [P53105312, vol. 102]

sgom spang nyon sgrib

sgom lam

afflictive obstructions that are to be abandoned by
the path of meditation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms the final [or

sgom rim bar pa

sgrib chen poi chen po {PH}the great of the

great obstructions to omniscience that are to be
abandoned by the path of meditation


bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms bhvankrama
[Kamalalas] Stages of Meditation (bhvankrama) [P5310-5312, vol. 102]

[Kamalalas] three works on the Stages of

Meditation (bhvan-krama) [P5310-5312, vol.

the obstructions to omniscience that are to be
abandoned by the path of meditation

sgom bya

byung byung byung byung

{PH}the eleven cycles of the objects to be

abandoned by the path of meditation

sgom spang bden dzin


sgom bsgoms sgoms {C,MSA}bhvan-mrga; {C}

bhvan-patha path of meditation {C}path


of development
mtshan nyid/ rjes la mngon rtogs Def.:
subsequent clear realizer

inadequacy; laziness of low self-esteem

don gcig sgom lam pai mkhyen pa/ rjes la mngon
rtogs/ Syn.: exalted knower of one on the path of
meditation; subsequent clear realizer

sgom lam skor dgu


sgyu {C,L}my; {C}ahu deceit; magic;

illusion {C}artfulness

sgyu phrul, sgyu mai

phrul pa magical emanation; illusory

sgyu phrul dra ba magical

emanation net; illusory emanation net

jam dpal gyi sgyu phrul

cycles of the path of meditation

sgom lam gyi byed pa

drwa bai rgyud Majushrs Magical Emanation

Net Tantra (Majur-my-jla-tantra)

bhvanmrgasya kritra function of a [Great

Vehicle] path of meditation

sgom lam pai mkhyen pa

sgyu phrul drwa ba magical

sgom lam

drwa ba

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend exalted knower of one on the path of

don gcig sgom lam/ rjes la mngon rtogs/
Syn.: path of meditation; subsequent clear realizer

bar chad med lam bcu gcig {PH}the eleven

uninterrupted paths of the path of meditation


bsgom sgom
bsgoms sgoms bhvayati meditate; meditation;
cultivate; cultivation

sgoms pai ye shes kyi rig

ma bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms meditated wisdom knowledge woman

bsgo sgo bsgos sgos

pari-bhu infuse; deposit; order; private;

especially; particularly
bag chags bsgo gzhi/ basis of infusion of
predispositions sgos chos/ private

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}illusory drama;

magical drama

bhvanmrgamrdhaprayoga path-ofmeditation peak training/ peak training of the

path of meditation

sgos chos private phenomena

sgyid lugs pai le lo laziness of

{PH}net; network
Majushrs Magical Emanation Net
Tantra {Majur-my-jla-tantra}; Tx / P y; vol.

sgyu phrul gar

sgom lam rtse sbyor


emanation net; illusory emanation net {PH}

net of illusory emanations
jam dpal gyi sgyu phrul drwa bai
rgyud Majushrs Magical Emanation Net Tantra

sgyu phrul rwa bai gar


the web of magical display

sgyu ma {C,MSA}my; {C}ktrima

magicians illusion; illusion [especially those

created by magicians] {PH}illusory; magical;
magicians illusion {C}magic; magical
illusion(s); deception; mock show; artificial
kun rdzob
sgyu ma lta bui stong pa mngon sum du rtogs
pai ye shes exalted wisdom directly realizing
conventionalities as empty, like illusions {PGP-73}

sgyu ma mkhan {C,MV,MSA}my-kra;

{L}y-kta; {C}veu-kra magician {C}
juggler; bamboo worker

sgyu ma sgrub shes sgyu ma

drar {C}my-vidhi-j-paramo {C}perfect in

knowing the various forms of magical illusion



sgyu ma lta bu {C}myasado; {C,MSA}

myopama illusion-like; like a magicians

illusion {C}like illusion; magical image; like (an)
illusion; similar to a mock show

sgyu ma lta bu gnyis

sgyu ma lta bui ting nge dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{C}myopama-samdhi illusion-like meditative

stabilization {C}concentration on (everything as

an) illusion

sgyu ma lta bui snang ba

sgyu ma rigs grub pa

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs

sgyu mai skyes bu {C}myo(kara)purua {C}magically created person

sgyu mai rgyus med

pai ltad mo ba member of the audience who is

unfamiliar with magic

sgyu mai chos nyid nye

bar bzung na {C}my-dharmatm updya if/
when the illusory final nature/reality/noumenon
is apprehended {C}seeing that their nature is

snang snang snang snang

appearance that is like an illusion; illusion-like

sgyu mai ting dzin

sgyu ma lta bur {C}myaja illusion-

of illusion; samdhi [that perceives all as an]

like; like a magicians illusion; illusory {C}

born of illusion

sgyu mai rdeu shing rta

sgyu ma ltar {C}myopama; myvat

glang du med pebbles and sticks of a magicial

display do not exist as horses and elephants [but
appear as such]

illusion-like; like a magicians illusion; illusory

sgyu ma mthong ba {C}my-darana

see an illusion {C}seen as illusion

sgyu ma dang sprul pa lta bu

{C}nirmita; (=my-nirmita-sada = manomaya

= {C}nirma) like an illusion and emanation
{C}fictitious; magically created; magical
creation; conjured up by; illusory magical creation;

sgyu ma drar {C}myakalpa; {C}

sgyu mai nor {PH}illusory wealth

sgyu rtsal cho ga shes {C}kalvidhi-jo {C}instructed in many arts

sgyu rtsal jig rten pa


[sixty-four] worldy arts

sgyu lus my-kya; mydeha illusory


myopama illusion-like; illusory {C}like an

illusion; like illusion; similar to a mock show


bsgyur sgyur
bsgyurd sgyurd change; transform; affect;
control grub mthas blo bsgyur
ba those whose minds have been affected by
tenets gling bzhi dbang
bsgyur bai rgyal po monarch who controls the
four continents khor los
bsgyur bai rgyal po universal monarch [monarch
who controls by means of a wheel]

sgyu ma sprul mkhan pa


sgyu ma byed pa mkhas pa

{PH}a master magician

sgyu ma byed pa nye

gnas {PH}an apprentice magician

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

a magicians illusion {C}like an illusion

Reason-Established Illusionist

su med par smra ba myopamdvayavdin

Proponent of Illusory-Like Non-Dualism

sgyu ma bzhin du {C}mya-tulya like



sgyur ba

literally the literal meaning {DASI 572.4}


sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {MSA}parimikatva; {MV}

pariati; {MV}vartin; {MV}vartana change;
transform; affect; control

sgyur bar byed pa transform

sgyogs rdo {PH}boulder
sgra {C,MSA,MV,GD}abda; {MSA}ghoa;

literality sgra ji
bzhin par bzung bas chog kyang although it is
suitable/fit to be taken literally

sgra ji bzhin pa min par

bshad pa set forth non-literally

{MSA}svara; {C,MSA,MV}ruta; {C}yatana

sound; term; roar {PH}grammar {C}voice;
message; sense-field; occasion for; source; voice;
meaningful sound; sounds; language; vocal sounds;
speech; {GD:681} verbal testimony
sgra chos can mi rtag ste byas pai
phyir the subject, sound, is impermanent because
of being a product

sgra sgrogs pa

sgra ji bzhin pa yathruta literal;

bsgrag sgrog bsgrags/ sgrogs/ proclaim; call out;


sgra sgrogs par {C}nadati; {C}nadate

proclaim; call out; roar {C}roars

sgra gcan rhu Rhu [in Indian

astronomy, the name of a planet]

nyi zla gcan gsum the three: sun, moon,
and rhu

sgra ji bzhin par zhen pa

adhering literal

sgra jug usage of a term; affix a term

sgra jug gzhi {PH}basis of
application of terms

sgra nyid {C}ghoat {C}voice

sgra snyan {C}nandokti pleasant sound
{C}pleasant sound

sgra snyan lta bui sems

bskyed mind-generation like guitar

sgra brnyan {C}pratirutkx echo



sgra rtag gam snyam pai

the tshom a doubting consciousness that thinks,

Is sound permanent? [or, Sound is probably

sgra gcan gza bral {C}rhu-

sgra rtag gam

graha-mukto {C}released from the planet Rhu

sgra chen po mahnda; mahrva

mi rtag snyam pai the tshom A doubting

consciousness that thinks, Is sound permanent
or impermanent?

{PH}Mahnda; Mahrva

sgra ji bzhin {L,C,MSA}yath-ruta; {C}

sgra rtag dzin rtog pa

sgra ji bzhin

sgra rtog gis btags pa tsam yin gyi rang

gzung dzin bzung zungs

yathvaj-jna literal; literally; literal meaning

{C}according to the letter; the cognition of what
really is

conceptual conciousness apprehending sound as


gyi don gyi rjes su brangs nas {MSA}yathrutrthnusrea following the literal meaning

mtshan du ma grub pai chos

/ gdags dogs btags/brtags
thogs a phenomenon that is merely impued by
terms or thought and is not established by way of
its own character

sgra ji bzhin du literal; literally

sgras zin sgra ji bzhin du khas len du mi rung
bai mdo stra of which it is unsuitable to accept

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



sgra rtog

gis btags pa la ma ltos par grub pa establishment

without depending on imputation by terms and
conceptual consciousnesses

sgra don dres rung du dzin

pa gzung dzin bzung
zungs abdrtha-sasarga-yogyatograhaa
apprehending sound and meaning [generalities]
as suitable to be associated/mixed

sgra rtog gis btags pai ngo bor rang gi mtshan sgra don dres
nyid kyis grub pa establishment by way of its
own character as an entity for imputation by
terms and conceptual consciousnesses

sgra rtog

gis btags tsam ma yin par yul rang gi thun mong ma

yin pai sdod lugs kyi ngos nas grub pa
/ gdags dogs btags/
brtags thogs that which, not merely imputed by
terms or thought, is established from the side of
the objects own uncommon mode of subsistence

rung du dzin pai zhen rig

gzung dzin bzung zungs abdrtha-sasargayogyatograhaa-adhyavasya-savedana
determinative knower that apprehends a sound
[generality] and a meaning [generality] as
suitable to be associated/mixed


don dres rung du dzin pai zhen rig dang bral ba

free from being a determinative knower that
apprehends a sound [generality] and a meaning
[generality] as suitable to be associated/mixed

sgra rtog gis btags tsam ma yin par
sgra don dres rung du dzin pai zhen rig dang
rang gi mtshan nyid gyis grub pai chos
/ gdags dogs btags/

bral bai rig pa awareness free from being a

determinative knower that apprehends a sound
[generality] and a meaning [generality] as
suitable to be associated/mixed

brtags thogs phenomenon which, not merely

imputed by terms or thought, is established by
way of its own character

sgra mdo {PH}grammar treatise

sgra gnas kyi bsam gtan

sgra mthar thar pa liberation at the

end of sound

sgra mthar thar

concentration of abiding in sound

sgra spyi abdasmnya term-generality;

pa ster bai bsam gtan concentration bestowing

liberation at the end of sound

sound-generality {GD:436}term-universal

sgra spyi kho na dzin pai

sgra dang sgra mi rtag pa sgra dzin

rtog pa gzung dzin

bzung zungs conceptual consciousness that only
apprehends a meaning generality

mngon sum gyi snang yul du mtshungs sound

and sounds impermanence are similar in
being appearing objects of a direct perception
apprehending sound

sgra phyung ba

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}anubhate

sgra dog jug strict usage of a term


{GD:109} strictly

sgra don meaning of a term; term and

byas pa dang byas na mi rtag pas khyab pa tshad

mas ma nges par byas rtags las sgra mi rtag par
dzin pai blo awareness apprehending sound

meaning {PH}object [indicated by] words

object [indicated by] words {GD:248}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



sgra mi rtag pa chos can

as impermanent through the sign of [its being] a

product without ascertaining by valid cognition
that sound is a product and that whatever is a
product is necessarily impermanent

sgra mi rtag par sgrub

sgra byung grags pa linguistically

pai rtags bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs sign/reason proving that sound is

established; terminological suitability;

terminological suitability to call any object by
any name

sgra med {C}aabda without a sound;

sgra dbyangs {C}grghoa melody;

without terms/words {C}no word; without


melodious {C}melody

sgra dzin dbang mngon

sgra mi nyan Unpleasant Sound

sgra mi snyan kuru; uttarakuru

gzung dzin bzung zungs

sense direct perception apprehending sound


unpleasant sound; Kurava {PH}unpleasant


mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun

sgra mi snyan gyi zla Kaurava

sgra mi snyan pai mi {PH}people

mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen rna dbang dang / dmigs

rkyen sgra la brten nas skyes pai rtog pa dang bral zhing

ma khrul bai rig pa/ Def.: a non-mistaken nonconceptual knower produced in dependence upon its
own uncommon proprietary/empowering condition,
the ear sense power, and observed object condition,
a sound

of Uttarakuru (northern continent)

sgra mi rtag gam snyam

pai the tshom a doubting consciousness that
thinks, Is sound impermanent? [or, Sound is
probably impermanent.]

sgra gzhi

sgra mi rtag ces pai ngag tsam la

{PH}referent basis; basis of the


sgra rig pa {MSA}abda-vidy science

brten nas sgra mi rtag par dzin pai blo

gzung dzin bzung zungs
awareness apprehending sound as impermanent
in dependence upon merely hearing, Sound is

of grammar; science of grammar and philology

des gzhon nui tshe
bram ze lhai dbang po zhes bya ba dang / rgyal
rigs nyi mai blo gros la sgra rig pa brlab ste/
during his youth, [Majushrkrti] studied the
science of grammar and philology with the brahmin
Devendriya and the khatriya Sryamati {GZ

sgra mi rtag rtogs kyi

rjes dpag rtogs rtogs
rtogs rtogs inference realizing that sound is

sgra las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}ghocr;

{GD:692} bda {GD:692} verbal testimony

sgra mi rtag rtogs kyi rjes dpag skad gcig gnyis pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs
second moment of an inference realizing that
sound is impermanent

sgra shes par bya ba la

mkhas pa {C}ruta-jna-kaualya {C}skill in

the cognition of words

sgra mi rtag pa impermanence of

sound; impermanent sound

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


the subject sounds [being] impermanent



sgra bshad etymology

sgrai skye mched abda-yatana


sound sense-sphere
mtshan nyid/ rna shes kyi nyan bya Def.:
object heard by an ear consciousness

sgrai khams abda-dhtu soundconstituent

sgo nas dbye ba brjod rjod

brjod rjod terminological division {GD:176}
metaphorical division

sgras zin literal reading; literal level;


sgrai dngos kyi bod bya

sgras zin kyi dgongs pa

skill in the cognition of words;{GD:420} direct
object signified by words

thought of the literal rendering

sgras zin gyi don meaning of the

sgrai jug gzhi referent of a term;

literal reading

basis of engagement of a term

sgrai brjod bya

brjod rjod brjod rjod object expressed/verbalized
by a term

sgrai snyan pa {L}abda-prya

sgras zin ltar na if taken literally

sgras zin la ma bstan not taught
on the literal level; not indicated in the literal

sgras zin sogs

melodious; well-sounding

kyis gsal bar mtshon pa clearly characterized/

make known by the literal term and so forth
{GD:515}clearly indicated by words

sgrai mi rtag pa impermanence of


sgrai gzhan sel

sgras brjod rigs kyi

bsal sel bsald seld verbal other-exclusion

{GD:406}verbal exclusion

sgrai gzhi basis of a term

sgrai yul ma yin abdasyviaya

not an object of a term {GD:119} not directly

denotable by language

sgrai shugs {MSA}svara-veg force of

sgrig {PH}alignment; accord

sgrin competition /

bod kyi mi ni sgrin la tshor rkyen te/ The Tibetan

people, having a keen sense of competition, {GZ/
BG 69a.5}



sgrib/ bsgribs/ sgribs/ ni-v; -v; {C}

dhvnta; varana obstruct; defile; obstruction;
defilement {C}darkness

sgrib gyogs {PH}[smoke-] screen

sgrai lha sound deity

sgras brjod kyis terminologically

sgrib gnyis zad par spangs pai mthar thug gi
mkhyen pa spang spong
sgras brjod pa tsam
a term/word

brjod rjod brjod rjod merely expressed/

spangs spongs final exalted knower that involves

a state of having exhaustively abandoned the two

verbalized by a term

sgras brjod rigs {PH}terminology

sgrib pa
sgras brjod rigs kyi sgo nas
bsgrib/ sgrib/ bsgribs/ sgribs/ {LCh,MSA,MV}
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


varaa;{LCh,MV,L}nvaraa; {MV}nivaraa;
{LCh}vti; {C,MSA,MV}vti; {C}dhvnta; {MV}
chdana; vt obstruction; obstruction,
defilement {C}obscuration; covering; veil;
hindrance shes sgrib obstructions to
omniscience nyon sgrib afflictive
obstructions [obstructions to liberation]


sgrib pa med {MV}anvaraa; {MV}

anvti; {MV}nirvaraa unobstructed;

sgrib pa med pa {C}vivta; {MSA,MV}

nirvaraa; {MV}anvaraa; {MV}anvti
unobstructed; undefiled {C}uncovered

sgrib pa brgyad kyi gnyen po

sgrib pa las nges par grol

{MSA}avaraa-pratipaka antidote to the

eight obstructions

ba grol grold grol

grold {MSA}varaa-nirmukta definite release
from obstructions

sgrib pa nyon mongs {C}varaaklea afflictive obstructions; obstructions to

liberation {C}obscurations of the afflictions

sgrib pa las thar pa {MSA}

sgrib pa gnyis {MSA}varaa-

varaa-nirmoka liberation from obstructions

sgrib pai mun stug

dvaya the two obstructions [namely, afflictive

obstructions and obstructions to omniscience]

darkness of obscuration

sgrib pa nang na yod pa those

sgrib byed obstructor; that which

whose obstruction is internal


sgrib pa nang na yod


sgrib/ bsgribs/ sgribs/ obstruction; defilement;
obstruct; defile

pai yi dwags hungry ghost having internal


sgrib pa spangs pai

sgribs pa lnga {PH}five obstructions

sgrim sgrim po {PH}fixed tight
sgrim ste jug pa balavhana

sems bskyed mind-generation of one who has

abandoned the obstructions

sgrib pa phyi na yod pa those

forcibly engaging; forcible engagement

whose obstruction is external

sgrib pa phyi na yod

pai yi dwags hungry ghost having external

sgrib pa phyi nang gnyis

ka yod pa those whose obstructions are both
external and internal

sgrib pa phyi
nang gnyis ka yod pai yi dwags hungry ghost
having both external and internal obstructions

sgrib pa phra {MSA}skma ... varaa

subtle obstruction

sgrib pa sbyang ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs purify

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



sgrung pa {PH}story teller

sgrung yig {PH}folk tale; folkstory
sgrub bsgrub

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs ni-pad; {C}nipdayati

(=parinipadayati); prati-pad; {MSA}pratipatti;
{C}pratipadyate; sidh; {MSA}siddhi; {C}
nirhra; {C}samudnaya; {MSA}(sdh):
sdhayati achieve; attain; accomplish; prove;
complete; practice {C}calling forth; emission;
consummation; door; progress; hasten towards;
promise; behave; full attainment; accomplishes;
creates; perfects; achieves

sgrub ngag

anu positive; positive phenomenon;
achievement; achieving; proof; practice {C}
progress; progressive (path); accomplishment;
(reach) consummation; creation; path; practices;
(bound to) progress towards

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs proof statement;

statement of proof

sgrub ngag yang dag

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

mtshan nyid/ rang dzin

correct proof statement

sgrub jug

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs vidhipravtti
collective/complete/holistic/full engagement/

rtog pas rang gi dgag bya dngos su bcad pai tshul gyis
rtogs par bya ba ma yin pai chos Def. of positive

dbye ba/ rje btsun pa: 1 rtog med tshad
ma 2 sgrub jug gi gang zag Div.: According
to Jay-tsn-pa: (1) non-conceptual prime/valid
cognition; (2) person who is a collective/complete/
holistic engager

sgrub jug gi gang zag

person who is a collective/complete/holistic

yongs su ma zhen pa la doms pa guidance

concerning thorough nonattachment which is a
cause of enhancing achieving
abhinirhrasvabhvo bhvanmrga [Great
Vehicle] path of meditation of achieving


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs awareness

that is a collective/complete/holistic engager

mtshan nyid/ rang yul la dngos dbang gis jug
pai rig pa Def.: an awareness engaging its object
by the power of the thing

sgrub rtags yang dag

sgrub pa khyad par du gro bai rgyu

sgrub pa sgom lam

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

sgrub jug gi blo

phenomenon: a phenomenon which is not an object

of comprehension by the conceptual consciousness
apprehending it through explicitly eliminating its
object of negation

sgrub pa chen po nyid

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{MSA}pratipatti-mahattva greatness of


sgrub pa gnyis {MSA}

pratipatterdvayostath {PH}the two


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

sgrub pa don dam

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}sdhana

means of achievement {PH}means of

sgrub pa po

correct sign of a positive phenomenon

sgrub thabs
sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs practiceultimate [i.e., exalted wisdom of meditative

equipoise (mnyam gzhag ye shes)]

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}pratipatt
achiever; practitioner; accomplisher


sgrub pa phun sum

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}vidhi; siddhi;

{LCh,MSA,C}nipatti; {LCh,MSA,MV,L}pratipatti;
{C}(=parinipatti = parinipadyante); pratipad
(=mrga); {MV}prapatti; prapannat; {C,MSA}
nirhra (e.g.: {MSA}sapdana; ubha-nirhra);
hra; upasahra (e.g.: nikleatopasahra);

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tshogs pa dang ldan pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}pratipattisampanna possesses/endowed with the marvel
of achievement/accomplishment {C}able to
substantiate his claims



sgrub pa bla na med pa

dusdha difficult to achieve

sgrub par gyur

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

pai ldog pa rigs gcig pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs positive phenomena
which are the same isolate type

{MSA}siddhi ... anuttama highest/unsurpassed


sgrub pa mi nyams pai rgyu

sgrub par bgyid

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}hartr

theg chen gyi lam yongs su dzin pa la doms pa

guidance concerning thoroughly maintaining
Great Vehicle paths which is a cause of
nondegeneration from achieving

sgrub pai khyad par

prove; achieve; accomplish; establish {C}as

productive of; brings about

sgrub par gyur ro

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{C}sampdayati prove; achieve; accomplish;

establish {C}perfect (oneself); progressively
train in

{MSA}pratipatti-viea feature of achievement/


sgrub pai che ba nyid

sgrub par byed

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs


sgrub pai chos

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}

pratipatti-dharma doctrine of practice; practice;

positive phenomenon

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

definition/qualifications of achievement/

sgrub pai yan lag mi

brjod pa {VN} asdhangavacana {PH}stating

what is not the element of a means of proof; stating
what is not the factor of proof; stating what does
not have proof as the factor; not stating the factor of
proof; not stating the element of a means of proof


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sgrub par mdzad

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs prove;

achieve; accomplish; establish; cause to prove;
taken as established

sgrub byai chos

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

sdhyadharma predicate of the probandum;

predicate being proven {GD:275}property
of the probandum, one of the four terms of an
argument (sbyor ba)

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}haraka; {C}sdhana

{C}bring about; which effect

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}

sdhana; {LCh,MSA}sdhaka; {C}prasdhaka;
prasdhayati; {MV}prapadyate; {C}hrika
proof; probans; establish; prove; achieve;
accomplish; cause to prove {C}nourisher; nurse;
nourishes; that which feeds; one who accomplishes

{MSA}pratipatti-lakaa characteristic/

sgrub par dka

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}dadti

sgrub par byed pa


sgrub par

sgrub par byed kyi

{C}gives; give over to; permit

{PH}capacity for

sgrub pai mtshan nyid

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs sdhana; sdhaka;

{MSA}(pratipad): pratipadyate; {MV}prapadyate;
yang dag sgrub par byed - {MSA}(sam-ud-n)
prove; achieve; accomplish; establish; cause to

{MSA}pratipatti-mhtmya greatness of

sgrub pai nus pa



sgro btags

sgrub byed

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {L}sdhaka; {L}
siddha; sdhana proof; establish; establisher
that which accomplishes/succeeds/proves; proof;

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs samropa;

sgrub byed dam pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs sdhakam-

matam {GD:626}constitutive factor; epistemic


ropa; {L}ropayati; ropita superimposed;

reified; exaggerated; superimposition;
reification; exaggeration

sgro btags kyi

cha gzhan bkag nas having refuted other
superimposed factors

sgrub byed phen sgro btags pa

pai thal gyur yang dag correct consequence
which implies a proof check Med for five types??

mtshan nyid/ thal gyur yang
dag gang zhig bzlog don tshul gsum tshang ba Def.:
that which (1) is a correct consequence and (2)
implies its opposite meaning

sgrub byed

mi phen pai thal gyur yang dag correct

consequence which does not imply a proof check
Med for five types??

sgrub byed med

pai dam bca tsam du zad

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs exhausted as a
mere thesis lacking a proof

sgrub byed yang dag

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
samyak-sdhana correct proof

sgrub tshul

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs mode of proof


bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs achieve; attain; accomplish;

prove; complete


bsgreng sgreng

bsgrengs sgrengs raise



sgro skur

samropya superimposed; exaggerated; reified

sgro dogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{LCh,L,MV}samropa; {LCh,L,MV}ropa; {MSA}

adhi (=adhyropa); ropita superimposition;
exaggeration; reification; overestimation;
that which superimposes/exaggerates/ reifies/
mtshan nyid/ rang
gi dmigs yul gyi don de las lhag par lta bai blo Def.:
an awareness viewing that object which is its object
of observation as more than it [is]

sgro dogs pa dang

skur pa debs pa {MSA}dhyropa ... apavda;
{MSA}samroppavda superimposition and

sgro ba debate; discuss

sgro ma brtags pai yul

/ gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs non-reified object


bsgrag sgrog

bsgrags/ sgrogs/ {LCh}ghu; {LCh}ava-ghu

proclaim; declare; shout forth

sgrog bzhin constant/continuing


bsgrag sgrog

bsgrags/ sgrogs/ to proclaim; declare; shout



dogs dang skur debs/ superimposition and


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

/ gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs


sgreng bsgrengs sgrengs raise


sgrogs pa


sgrog bsgrags/ sgrogs/ {C}nadati; {C}nadate; {C}
nadanat proclaim; declare; shout forth {C}
roars; roaring; resounding declaration

sgrogs par byed {C}nimayt

brgal rgal brgald rgold {C}

durgasakrama bridge difficult to cross {C}
bridge leading to inaccessible places

brgal nas

rgal brgald rgold {C}tra having crossed over;
having objected/debated {C}(I have) crossed;
having crossed over; surpassing

proclaim; declare; shout forth {C}preach

sgron ma, sgron me {C}pradpa;

{MSA}dpa; {C}ulka lamp; light {C}torch;


sgron ma gsal bar byed pa zhes bya bai
rgya cher bshad pa, sgron gsal [Candrakrtis]
Brilliant Lamp: Extensive Commentary [on the
Guhyasamja Tantra] [P2650, vol. 60]

sgron me, sgron ma pradpa; dpa

brgal ba


rgal brgald rgold {C}tra; {C}uttra; {MSA}

kipta; {MSA}plava cross over; objection;
object; disputation {C}(I have) crossed; having
crossed over; surpassing; escaped from; (definitely)
crossed over

brgal ba dang lan

brgal rgal brgald rgold {MV}codya-

lamp; light

sgron gsal, sgron ma gsal bar byed pa

parihra objections and answers

zhes bya bai rgya cher bshad pa [Candrakrtis]

Brilliant Lamp: Extensive Commentary [on the
Guhyasamja Tantra] [P2650, vol. 60]


brgal dka bai zam pa

bsgral sgrol

bsgrald sgrold {LCh}t liberate; save; free;


brgal lan

brgal rgal brgald rgold answers to objections;

objections and answers


brgal rgal
brgald rgold cross over; object; controversy;

sgrol ba


brgya {LCh,L}ata hundred

brgya gyur gyis lhag

sgrol ma


brgya phrag bcu gnyis {MSA}

sgrol bsgrald sgrold {C}nistrayit; {MSA}

uttraa liberate; save; free; release {C}one
who has finished with

pa yin pas gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd since it is a hundredfold greater than

sgrol bsgrald sgrold tr Tr; liberatrix

sgrol mdzad

dvdaa-ata twelve hundred

brgya byin {C}akra akra; Shakra [a

bsgral sgrol bsgrald sgrold liberate; save; free;

release; untie; one who liberates/saves/frees/

name for Indra, the king of the gods in Hindu


brgya byin la sogs pa {MSA}


bsgral sgrol
bsgrald sgrold liberate; save; free; release

akrdi akra and so forth


brgal rgal
brgald rgold cross over; objection; object;
disputation controversy; disputation; cross

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


brgya lam {PH}rare

brgya lam na {PH}rarely; occasionally
brgyad aa eight


brgyad ka {PH}all eight

brgyad cu rtsa gcig

brgyud kyis dag pa {C}mtuddha {C}of pure race

brgyud gal praparyavirodha



brgyad stong don

indirect contraction/contradictories

brgyud rgyu paraparyakraa;

bsdus bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus prajpramitpirtha
[Digngas] Summary Meanings of the
Eight Thousand Stanza Perfection of
Wisdom Stra [prajpramitpirtha /
prajpramitsagrahakrik, brgyad stong
don bsdus / shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin ma
bsdus pai tshig leur byas pa; P5207, vol. 94]

praparyakraa indirect cause

Definitions: mtshan nyid/
brgyud nas skyed byed Def.: indirect producer

brgyud ldan [lineage-possessing];


brgyud ldan

brgyad pa {MV}aama; {MV}aamx

mkhas pai ded dpon bsten

bsten sten bstend stend relied on captains who
are scholars possessing the transmission


brgyad pa sa aamakabhmi ground

brgyud nas skyed bya

of the eighth

brgyad pai sa {LCh,C}aamaka-

bhmi eighth ground; level of the eighth {C}

eighth-lowest stage

brgyan pa

rgyan brgyand rgyand alakta; {MSA}hrbhita adorned; decorate; ornament; beautify;

brgyar bzhags pa {C}atadh-


rgyal brgyald rgyald {LCh}mrccha faint

brgyal ba la sogs pai

skabs brgyal rgyal

brgyald rgyald occasion/time of fainting and so

brgyal bar gyur {C}ptyate

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed indirect


brgyud pa {LCh,MSA}parapar; {LCh}

pramparya; {MSA}prapar indirect;

brgyud pai byin rlabs


brgyud bras paraparya-phala

indirect effect

brgyud mar {C}parampar indirect;

lineaged; successive {C}regular succession

brgyud dzin chos bdag


master who holds the lineage transmission


bsgo sgo bsgos sgos

pari-bhu infuse; deposit; order


is struck down

brgyud kyi nyer len indirect

bsgo ba {PH}command; order

bsgo bar bsgo sgo

substantial cause

brgyud kyi lhan cig byed

bsgos sgos {C}adha (=adhyeita) infuse;

deposit; order {C}asked about; bidden (to
come); requested

rkyen indirect cooperative condition

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brgyud nas skyed byed

the blessings of the lineage

bhinna {C}split a hundredfold

brgyal ba


which is indirectly produced



bsgo bar byed

{MV}( bh): bhvayati; {L}bhva meditate;

meditatively cultivate {C}being

bsgoms pa las byung ba

bsgo sgo bsgos sgos {C}diati infuse; deposit;

order; cause to infuse, etc. {C}announce; tell

byung byung byung byung

bsgo gzhi basis of infusion/depositing

bsgom bsgom

{MSA}bhvanmaya; {L}bhvanmay arisen

from meditation

bsgoms pa las byung

sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}( bh): bhvayanti

meditate; meditatively cultivate cultivation

bai shes rab byung

byung byung byung {LCh}bhvanmay-praj
wisdom arisen from meditation

bsgom pa

sgom bsgoms sgoms {L,MSA,MV}bhvan; {MV}
bhvana meditate; meditatively cultivate
cultivation; development; practice

bsgoms pai nyams

yid la char ba a dawning to mind of meditative

experience; a dawning to mind of spiritual
experience from meditation

bsgom pa thabs la brten pa

{MSA}upya-sanirit bhvan meditation/
cultivation relying upon method

bsgom pa las byung

bsgoms pai stobs

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms power

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

of meditation; power of having cultivated

bsgoms par bya

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}

bhvan-may arisen from meditation

bsgom pai lam

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {L,MV}

bhvayitavya to be cultivated; to be meditated

on; that which is to be cultivated/to be meditated

bhvan-mrga; {C}bhvan-patha path of

meditation {C}path of development

bsgom par rnam pa jig

bsgoms pas thob pai lam

bsgom par bya ba ma yin pa


pa {C}vibhvan (=nih-mrga kayaanutpda-jnam) {C}annihilation; undone; clear

understanding; undevelopment

bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms {C}abhvya not to be cultivated in
meditation {C}not to be developed

bsgo sgo bsgos

sgos pari-bhu; {L}vsita infuse; deposit; order
abide in
bsgo sgo
bsgos sgos {L}vsita; {MSA}bhvan; {MV}
bhvita infuse; deposit; order abide in

bya ba {MV}bhvan-heya that which is

to be abandoned by meditation; object of
abandonment by meditation


sgom bsgoms sgoms {C}vibhvayanto meditate;
meditatively cultivate {C}development;
practice; having meditated


bsgyur sgyur

bsgyurd sgyurd {MSA}pariati transform;

change; affect; control; form

bsgyur bcos

{PH}correction; corrected

dul bai skor dang nyis khri sogs la

bsgyur bcos mang po mdzad; He made many

corrections to the translations of the vinaya [texts]

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA,MV}bhvan;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thobs {MSA}paribhvita-pratilabdha-mrga
path attained through meditation

bsgos pa

bsgom pas spang bar

bsgoms pa

/ thob/thob thob thob


sgrib/ bsgribs/ sgribs/ {MSA}varaa; {MSA}vti
obstruct; defile

and [Perfection of Wisdom in] Twenty Thousand

Lines. {GCG} p.21

bsgyur ba

bsgribs na {C}vta if/when


obstructed/defiled {C}covered; covered with

sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {MSA}parimana;

{MSA}parimik; {MSA}vartaka; {MSA}vartin
transform; change; affect; control; form


bsgrag sgrog
bsgrags/ sgrogs/ proclaim; declare; shout forth



sgrog bsgrags/ sgrogs/ yongs su bsgrags = {MSA}

parikrtita proclaim; declare; shout forth

bsgrags pa

bsgrag sgrog bsgrags/ sgrogs/ {C}krtana; {C}
krtita; {MSA}ravita (e.g.: brahma-svara-rutaravita; yang dag (par) bsgrags pa = {MSA}
sarvaa) proclaim; declare; shout forth
{C}renown; fame; proclaimed


bsgral sgrol
bsgrald sgrold {MSA}uttaraa liberate; save;

bsgral ba

sgrol bsgrald sgrold {L}uttarati; {L}tarai
liberate; save; free cross over; rise above; boat

bsgral ba bya ba

bsgral sgrol bsgrald sgrold {L}uttarati; {L}

tarai liberate; save; free cross over; rise above;


bsgral bar byao

bsgral sgrol bsgrald sgrold {C}

parimocayitavya should/will liberate/free/save

{C}I should liberate


bsgral sgrol

bsgrald sgrold liberate; save; free



bsgrund sgrun

bsgrun sgrund compete; vie with


sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MV}abhinirhra; {MV}
sdhya; {C}nipdayati (=parinipdayati)
achieve; attain; accomplish; prove; complete
{C}accomplishes; creates; perfects; achieves

bsgrub cing

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}pratipadyamna
achieve; attain; accomplish; prove; complete
{C}when he progresses

bsgrub nas

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}pratipadyate
having achieved/attained/accomplished/proved/
completed {C}progress; hasten towards;
promise; behave

bsgrub pa

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {L,MV,MSA}pratipatti; {C}
pratipad; {C}pratipadyate; {C}mrga; {C}hartr;
{C}upanyaka; {C}vihapana; {MSA}anuhna;
{MSA}sdhana (e.g.: artha-kriy-sdhana); {MV}
nirhra achieve; attain; accomplish; complete;
establish; prove {C}progress; progressive
path; as productive of; brings about; lead to; path;
practices; (bound to) progress towards; fabricated

bsgrub pai sa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

will obstruct/defile {C}obscures

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bsgrub par gyur

bsgrib par gyur ro {C}voti


tamo-vta) obstruction; defilement; obstruct;


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}pratipattibhmi ground of achievement {C}progressive


sgrib/ bsgribs/ sgribs/ obstruction; defilement;

obstruct; defile


bsgribs pa {MSA}vta; {MSA}vta (e.g.:

samudgacchati (=samudagacchati) will achieve/



bsgrubs byas shing

attain/accomplish {C}arrive at; result in; gain;

full knowledge; attain enlightenment; rise up
together; reach the fullness of perfection

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

bsgrub par bya ba {MSA}

samudnayati (=anuprpnoti = samudnayanat)

pratipattavya; pratipatti; sdhya {PH}that which

is to be proven (probandum); thesis

bsgrub par byao

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}harati
brings; brings about

bsgrub bya sdhana probans; proof;

means of proof {PH}that which is to be proven

(probandum); thesis

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}sdhya
probandum; proposition; proven; that which is
to be proven; object being proven; thesis {PH}
that which is to be proven (probandum); thesis

bsgrub bya mthar thug

grub pa la bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs in order to achieve the final
object of achievement

bsgrub byai chos

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}

sdhya-dharma predicate of the probandum;

quality/predicate to be proved {GD:783}
property of the probandum

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}sampadita achieve;

attain; accomplish; prove; complete


bsgrol te

sgrol bsgrald sgrold {C}uttrayitavya liberate;
save; free; release {C}should be rescued

nga aham; tman I


ngai tshig my

nga rgyal {LCh,L,MSA,MV}mna; {C}

manyan; {L}adhimna; {MSA,MV}abhimna

(e.g.: {MSA}ama-mtra-abhimna); {MV}
unnati; ahakra [I-victor]; pride; I-principle
{PH}self-confidence; I-principle; ego {C}
egocentricity; conceit; (vain) conceitedness;

When the I-principle is divided, [there are] three:

the activity dominated I-principle, the lightness
dominated I-principle, and the darkness dominated
I-principle. {Gn}

nga rgyal gyi zil gyis non

cing {C}mna-abhibhta overwhelmed by the

vibrance of pride/conceit {C}overcome by

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}samsdhya

having achieved/attained/accomplish/proven/
completed {C}having met with

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}upahra;

{C,MSA}sdhita; {MSA}sapdan (e.g.:
adhipraj-sapdan; yang dag par bsgrubs pa =
{MSA}samudnta) achieve; attain; accomplish;
prove; complete {C}achievement; achieved

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



bsgrubs pa


mthe bo gnyis
sgreng bsgrengs sgrengs raise

sgreng bsgrengs sgrengs raise

bsgrub bya

bsgrubs nas


rdo rje ste/ mi phyed pai tshul gyis gshibs te

bsgreng bas align and raise the two thumbs in the
manner of a vajra, that is to say, inseparably{Dor

will/should achieve/attain/accomplish {C}


{C}to procure


nga rgyal can {L}abhimna; {L}

abhimnika; {MSA}mnin prideful; conceited

proud; boastful; conceited

nga rgyal gcom

{PH}pride and
conceit [His] pride and conceit
were diminished.


nga rgyal bcag pai {C}nihata-

nga roi rnam pa

nga roi rnam pai

mna {C}(one who) has slain (all) pride

nga rgyal dang bcas pa {MSA}

mtshon rtags ni gsham gsal ltar ro; The indicating

sign of the tone is as clarified below. {TBRC}

samna prideful; proud; conceited

nga rgyal du gyur ba

W20229 vol. 2; p.2

ngag {LCh,L,MSA,MV}vk; vc speech

ngag kyal sabhinnapralpa senseless

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

adhimanyate prideful; proud; conceited {C}

be conceited


nga rgyal phra ba {MSA}skma-mna ngag gi sgra sounds of speech

subtle pride/conceit
ngag gi dngos po {C}vg-vastu
nga rgyal med pa {MSA}nirma;
verbal thing {C}merely a nominal entity
{MSA}nirmna without pride/conceit
ngag gi tha snyad verbal convention
nga rgyal las kyang nga rgyal
{GD:726} verbal designations for a name applied
{C}mna-atimna (=reyasa reynaham iti)
pride beyond pride {C}hauteur

to an object

ngag gi lam dang sgra {C}vk-

nga dang ngai zhes bya ba

patha-ghoa {C}the sound of the paths of speech

ngag chal senseless chatter

ngag snyan pa {C}priya-vadya; {C}

{MSA}aha mameti I and mine; I and my

nga tsam mere-I; only I

{PH}mere I;

mere notion of a self

laka pleasant speech/talk {C}kind words;

soft; smooth

nga tsho we
nga yi ba mama; tmya mine
nga yir dzin pa

ngag dbang chos grags

{GD:xii,845}Nga-w#ang-ch-drak [1572-1641, a
S#a-g#ya author on epistemology]

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C,MSA}

ngag dbang dpal ldan Ngag-

mama-kra (e.g.: {C,MSA}ahakra-mamakra)

conceive/apprehend as mine {C}mine-making

wang-pal-dan [also called Pal-dan-ch-jay (dpal

ldan chos rje) b. 1797]

nga rang gnyis we two

nga ro nda roar {PH}roar; pronunciation

seng gei nga ro chen po great

lions roar ming dang tshig
tshigs kyi nga ro, The Pronunciation of Words and
Combinations of Letters {TBRC} W20229 vol. 2, p.2

nga ro chen po

{PH}great roar
bdag med par
sgra brjod pai senggei nga ro chen po sgrog
pa; He bellows forth the great lions roar that
proclaims the word that [all are] selfless. {LVS} =

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ngag dbang blo bzang rgya

mtsho Ngag-wang-lo-sang-gya-tsho [1617-1682,

The Fifth Dalai Lama]

ngag dben verbal isolation; isolation of


ngag mi smra ba {PH}not speaking

ngag smra speak
ngag tshad ma valid speech
ngang {LCh}nisarga; {LCh,MSA}rasa; {L}


ngan du brjod par byed

dhytma situation; within; nature; condition;

state; sphere taste; character; disposition;
essence; internal; inside; within; inner

brjod rjod brjod rjod {L}kutsayanti


ngang skya grey teal

ngang gis byung ba yod na

yang byung byung byung

byung even if it did occur naturally

ngang nas from within the state; from


ngang pai rgyal po {C}hasa-rja

king of the geese {C}the royal goose

ngang pai stabs su

bzhud pa yin {C}hasa-vikrnta-gmin {C}one

who moves in the manner of a goose

ngang tshul state; natural state; condition;

inner mode

ngad strong aroma

ngan {MSA}avara; {MSA}asat bad
ngan gro {LCh,MSA}durgati [bad-go];

ngan groi skye ba gog pai so sor btags min

gyi gog pa non-analytical cessation which is a
cessation of birth in a bad transmigration

ngan du zer ba {C}dur-bhita


insulting; insulting words

ngan bdud evil devil

ngan bdud kyi pho nya messenger
of an evil devil

ngan pa {L}kuhan; {MSA}ku- (e.g.: ku-

ceita; etc.); {MSA}dua; {C,MSA}hna; puria

bad; excrement {C}false; imposter; cheat;
inferior; low; small; disagreeable; left behind; mean

ngan pai wa skyes bad wolf

ngan sems {PH}evil thought; evil intent
ngan song song song

iodhana/*Durgatyapoha/*Apypoha [p.n. of

gamana go to a bad transmigration

ngan gror ltung ba fall into a bad

ngan song du skye bar gyur

ba song song song song
{C}apya-savartanya will be born in a bad
transmigration {C}liable to lead to the states of


ngan ngon {C,MSA}avara; {C}avaraka; {L}

itaretara {C}small; puny; vile; pitiful; mutual;
one another

brjod rjod

brjod rjod {C}dur-ukta {C}offensive; offensive


brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}dur-gata {C}abusive;

abusive words

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

offensive; offensive word

ngan song sel

ngan gror gro ba {MV}durgati-

ngan du brjod pa


song song {LCh,MSA}apya; {LCh}durgati;

{MSA}ppa(?) [bad-went]; bad state; bad
transmigration; bad condition
ngan song thams cad yongs
su sbyong bai rgyud Purification of All Bad
Migrations Tantra (sarva-durgati-pariodhanatantra) [a Yoga Tantra]

bad transmigration; bad condition

ngan brjod

ngan du smras pa {C}dur-ukta


ngan song du lhung fall into a bad


ngan song pa

song song song {C}apya; {L,MSA}apyika; {L}
durgati bad transmigration; one who is in a
bad transmigration {C}place of woe; states of

woe; become; taste; drink; proceed; bad rebirth(s);
wretched; tiny

ngan song gsum

song song song song {C}tri-apya; {C}tri-apyi;

{C}triyapaya the three bad transmigrations
{C}the three states of woe; the three places of woe


gam ngam dam nam bam mam am/ ram lam sam
rnams byed sdud sgra gam, ngam, dam, nam,
bam, mam am, ram, lam, and sam are disjunctive
and conjunctive sounds

ngal ba {LCh,MSA}rama; {LCh}klama

fatigue; weariness; tiredness

ngams gyur ong zhes {C}hni

{C}failure; diminution; decrease; waning; loss

ngai chos

ngai phrag pa la {C}sama-aena

gtad gtod btad gtod {C}anuparndmi

ngai mig my eye

ngao snyam pa {LCh}asmimna the

{C}I transmit; (I) entrust; again entrust

ngu bod raurava cry; Crying [Hell]

ngur pa duck {PH}duck
ngur smig dzin pa {PH}saffron-

thought I

ngao snyam pai nga rgyal {C}

asmi-mna pride of thinking I {C}selfconceit

clothed; monk

ngur smrig {LCh,C}kya saffron

ngar intensity; to me {PH}rough; coarse

ngar dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV,TN}ahakti the

conception as/of I; conception of [an inherently
existent] I selfishness; grasping

ngar dzin gyi gzhi

gzung dzin bzung zungs basis of the
conception/apprehension of I

gzung dzin bzung zungs object of the

conception/apprehension of a [truly existent] I

{PH}saffron {C}saffron; reddish-yellow; yellow

me tog
phreng rgyud du, ngur smrig btsag dang sngon po
zhes rung tshon gsum gsungs pai btsag mdog de
yin rgyur dug, That would seem to be the red
ochre hue that is spoken of [as one of] three suitable
colors saffron, red ochre, and blue in the Flower
Garland Tantra. {GCC} p.14

ngur smrig gos {PH}saffron-robes

ngur smrig dzin pa {PH}one who
wears saffron (i.e. monk [Buddhist])


gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}ahakra

conception/apprehension of I {C}I-making

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gtad gtod btad gtod {C}

ngas yongs su gtod

{C}an equal share

ngar dzin pa

ngal ba mang with much weariness

ngas by me
ngas yongs su gtad kyis

anuparndmi {C}I transmit; (I) entrust; again


dul ba my disciplinary doctrine

ngar dzin gyi yul

nga yir dzin pa gzung

dzin bzung zungs {MSA}ahakra-mamakra
conception/apprehension of I and conception/
apprehension of mine

ngal {MSA}rama fatigue; weariness;

ngam or; and; particle indicating question

ngai my; mine

ngar dzin pa dang

nges nges nges

nges {L}niyata; {L}ekntika; {MSA}aikntya;



nges pa dren pa induce

{MSA}ntatva; {MSA}vyavasiti ascertain;

ascertainment; certain certain; truth;
exceedingly; devoted to one aim only


nges pa med a-niyama non-restriction;

nges ngo [ascertainment-face];

no ascertainment/certainty

ascertainment factor

nges ngor to/for the ascertainment factor

nges bcom ste

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}nihanitvana;

{MSA}(ni han): nihatya {C}slain

nges pa zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}abhiprasthita

{C}set out; well set out

nges pai {C}niyatam (=avaya)


nges cha ascertainment factor

nges pai don {L}ntrtha definitive;
nges rtogs rtogs
definitive meaning; definitive object
rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}nidhyna; {L}nidhna {C}
nges pai don gyi mdo
sde ma thos pa {MSA}ntrtha-strntravaa
not hearing stras of definitive meaning

nges don, nges pai don

nges pai tshig, nges tshig

{LCh,MSA}ntrtha definitive meaning;

definitive; definitive object

{L,MSA}nirukti; {C}nirukti-pratisavid; {C}

sunirukta; {MSA}nirukta; {MSA}nirvacana
creative etymology; contextual etymology {C}
grammatical analysis; analytical knowledge of a
language; well-analyzed (grammatically)

nges don gyi mdo ntrtha-stra

stra of definitive meaning

nges sdom {A4C} niyama


restraint; resolute restraint

nges pai tshig la gdon

nges pa {LCh,L,MSA}niyata; {LCh}

mi za bar {L}nirukti-nirdea {C}exposition of


niyama; {C}niyatim; {C}eknta; {C,L}ekntika;

{MSA}aikntika; {C}avayam; ni ci: {MSA}
nicaya; {MSA}nicita; {MSA}vinicita; {GD:618}
adhyavasaya verb: ascertain; determine;
restrict; noun: ascertainment; certainty; adj.:
determined; ascertained; definite; definiteness;
limited; certain {C}truth; exceedingly;
devoted to one aim only; (it is) of necessity; in all
circumstances; definitely; exceedingly; bound to;
{GD:618} certainty

nges par {C,MV}niyatam (={C}avayam)

definitely; definite; certainly {C}to be sure to

nges par skyes pa {C}niryta

definitely produced {C}come into being; is

issued from; gone forth; removal

nges par gyur ba {C}niyata;

{MSA}niyati-pta; {MSA}nicayo bhavati; {MSA}

naiyamya-pta become definite; certain {C}
fixed (on); definitely fixed; established; destined for;

nges pa nyid {C}nicitatva

ascertainment (a consciousness) {C}certainty

nges pa rnyed pa gain/find

nges par grel pa


nges pa drang

pai sgo nas jug ldog byed {GD:185} applying to

the practical world through inducing ascertainment

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

certainly; to be sure to; definitely


bkral grel bkrald greld {L,MV}

nirmocana; {L}nisaraa; {MSA}nirmoka(a)

(e.g.: sadhi-nirmokaa) unravel; commentary;
elucidation; explanation free; liberate;
deliverance; deliver; escape; going forthfree;

liberate; deliverance; deliver; escape; going forth

nges par jug par byed pa

byung byung byung byung {MSA}vinista (e.g.:

bhmi-vinista) definitely arose/emerged

nges par byung ba

{C}niveika (=avavda-din pratihpik)

definitely engage in {C}place oneself into

nges par brjod

byung byung byung byung {C}niryta

definitely arose/emerged

nges par byed {MSA}nicayam eti;

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}nirucyate; {MSA}(ni

rp): nirpyate definitely express/verbalize
{C}is described

nges par rtogs pa

{MV}niyatkaraa ascertain; determine

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}vibodhati;

{MSA}nidhyna; {C}nirvedhika definitely realize;

definite realization meditation; {C}discerns;
sharp; penetration; penetrating

nges par rtogs par byao

{C}ni gantavya; {C}ni gantavy will/should

definitely realize {C}one should be quite certain

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}vibodhati

definitely realize; that which is definitely realized

nges par ston par byed pa

bstan ston bstand stond

{C}nidarika (=prasthna-pratipattyviearpea) definitely teach/indicate {C}defines;

one who reveals

nges par bsten

nges par thob par byed pa

/ thob/thob thob thob

thobs {C}nirvhika (=nikarika) definitely

obtain/gain/attain; definite means of attainment
{C}carry away

thob/thob thob thob thobs definitely

nges par byung

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nges par byin pa

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {L}

nges par byung

byung byung byung byung {C,MV}nirya; (nir

y): {C,MSA,MV}niryti; {C}niryyanya; {MSA}
nisti definitely emerge/arise {C}going forth;
goes forth; go forth

nges par byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C,L,MSA}

nisaraa; {C}pratisaraa; {C,MV}niryti; {C}
niryta; {MSA,MV}nirya; {MSA}nairyikatva;
{MSA}nairyya definite emergence [from
cyclic existence]; renunciation {C}goes forth;
come into being; issued from; gone forth; removal;
bcas pa byung byung
byung byung {C}sanisaraa together with
renunciation; together with definite emergence
[from cyclic existence] {C}with escape; which
includes the possibility of escape

bsten sten bstend stend {C}nievita definitely

rely upon/make use of/stay close to/adhere to



nges par byung ba dang

nges par thob pa

ascertain; determine; means of ascertaining/

nairyika; avadhraa issue forth; deliverance

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

nges par rtogs bya

nges par byed pa {MV}niyatkaraa


nges par byung ba med pa

byung byung byung

byung {C}apratisaraa non-renunciation; nonemergence {C}without support

nges par byung bar gyur

te byung byung byung
byung {C}nirysyanti will definitely emerge;
will renounce {C}will come forth


nges par byung ba;

highest boon; the definitely good

nges byung byung

byung byung byung {L,C}nisaraa definite
emergence [from cyclic existence]; renunciation
{C}escape; going forth; freedom from faults

nges par byed pa nirvedya; {C}

rang bzhin {PH}transgressions [of vows] and

natural [offenses]

{C}nirvedha-gmin go to definite differentiation

{C}which leads to piercing

nges par byed pai shes

by the power of ascertainment {GD:526} the

power of ascertainment

pa {LCh}nairyika deliverance; salvation;


sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord definite joining/


byung byung byung byung {C}anirya

non-emergence; non-renunciation {C}absence

of going forth; not going forth

nges par dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}avadhra;

avadhraa definitely apprehend/grasp/conceive

nges byin deliverance

nges byung

byung byung byung byung {LCh}nisaraa;

{C}niryyat; {MSA}nirya; {MSA}niryta; {N}
nairyika; {C}naikramya [definitely-emerge];
thought definitely to leave cyclic existence;
definite emergence [from cyclic existence];
renunciation; thought definitely to leave [cyclic
existence] {C}goes forth; leaving home

nges byung sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C,MV,MSA}

niryapratipatti; sabhrapratipatti definitely

issuative achieving; achieving definite emergence

avadhraa; {MSA}nirdhraa; {MV}avadhra

definitely apprehend/grasp/conceive {C}
accurate determination

nges par gzhol ba {C}paryaa

definitely flowing {C}ending in (e.g.: sambodhi);

(bound to) end in

nges par gzung ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {L}avadhraa

definitely apprehend/grasp/conceive accurate


nges par legs pa {LCh}nireyas

nges byung blo

byung byung byung byung attitude of intending

to leave [cyclic existence]

nges byung med

byung byung byung byung {C}anirya nonemergence; non-renunciation {C}absence of

going forth; not going forth

nges byung yan lag

byung byung byung byung {MV}

niryga branch of definite emergence

definite goodness [of liberation from cyclic

existence and/or omniscience]; summum bonum;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nges dbang gis jug engage

nges byin, nges par byin

rab {C}nairvedhika-praj exalted wisdom of

definite differentiation {C}penetrating wisdom

nges par dzin pa

nges par sems pa {C}nidhyapti

nges byas bcas pa dang

nges par byed pa gro ba

nges par mi byung

nia-gatena ... gantavya should/will definitely

ascertain {C}one should know for certain
{C}meditation; pacification

nirvedha (=dharmadhtu-rpea-adhigamt)
definite differentiation {C}penetration

nges par sbyor

nges par shes par byao {C}


nges byed definite descrimination


nges byed cha mthun

{LCh,C,MV}nirvedha-bhgya concordance with

a portion of definite discrimination; concordant
with definite differentiation; partial concordance
with definite differentiation / discrimination
{C}Aids to Penetration

nges byed yan lag {C)nirvedha-

aga limb of definite discrimination; [four]

limbs of definite differentiation/discrimination;
branch of definite differentiation/discrimination
{C}Aids to Penetration

nges tshig creative etymology; contextual


nges tshig, nges pai tshig

{LCh}nirukti contextual etymology; creative

dzin bzung zungs {C}avadhraa definite
apprehension; definitely apprehend/grasp/
conceive {C}accurate determination

ngo mnyam equality; equality of entity

ngo der yod na if [something] exists
for/in the perspective

ngo gnong [face-be ashamed]; be ashamed

ngo sprad sprad sprod
sprad sprod

sprad sprod identify; introduce; point out

ngo bo {LCh,MSA}bhva; {LCh,L}svabhva;

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}avadhraa

definitely apprehend/grasp/conceive {C}
accurate determination

nges bzung emphasis

nges bzung ba distinguish
nges legs, nges par legs
pa nireyasa definite goodness [of liberation
from cyclic existence and/or omniscience];
summum bonum; highest boon; the definitely

{C}svbhvya; {LCh}vastu; {C}bhva; {C,MSA}

rpa (e.g.: abhta-rpa); rpam entity; nature
{PH}entity; actuality; object {C}existence;
positivity; positive existent (=the five skandhas);
concerns; state of own-being; inherent existence;
entityness; own-nature
rang gi ngo bo dzin pa chos kyi mtshan nyid the
definition of phenomenon is that which holds its
own entity

ngo bo rgyu rkyen gyis

ma bskyed pa bskyed skyed

bskyed skyed [its] entity is not produced by
causes and conditions

nges shes nicaya-jna; {GD:494}

adhyavasaya ascertaining consciousness;
determinative consciousness {GD:494}
perceptual judgement

ngo bo nges pa kraniyata definite

nature/entity {GD:124} determinate with respect

to its nature

ngo {LCh}mukha face; perspective; (particle

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang gi ngo skal gyi spang bya its corresponding

object of abandonment

ngo sprod

indicating the end of a statement) {PH}

[terminating particle]; with respect to; relative to;
from the perspective of

ngo skal corresponding

sprad sprod identify; introduce; point out

man ngag gi ngo sprad pa
mi shes shing He did not know the identifications
[of these] quintessential instructions{LWT-187}

nges dzin

nges gzung ba

rigs shes kyi ngor yod dgos it would have to exist

in the face of a reasoning consciousness; it would
have to exist for a reasoning consciousness
ngo der yod na if [something] exists for
the perspective nges ngor for/in the
ascertainment factor

ngo bo gcig ekarpat; ekavastu one

entity; same entity {GD:284} identity in entity



svabhvat-siddhi; *svabhvatsiddha intrinsic

existence/establishment; inherent existence/
establishment; establishment/existence through
[its own] entityness; established by way of [its
own entity]

ngo bo gcig ldog pa tha dad; ngo bo gcig la ldog

pa tha dad ldog ldog ldogs
ldogs same entity and/but different isolates
{GD:154} distinct differentials within having the
same entity; {GD:282} distinct differentials within
the same substance

ngo bo gcig pa ekarpat same

mtshan nyid/ ngo bo so so ba ma yin pai chos
Def.: phenomena that are not of different entities

ngo bo gcig la ldog pa tha dad / ngo bo gcig

ngo bo nyid sku {LCh}svabhva-kya;

svabhvikakya nature body; Nature Truth
Body; Nature Body [of a Buddha]

thabs efficacious means of attaining a Nature

Truth Body

ngo bo nyid gyis khrul pa

ngo bo nyid {LCh,L,MSA,MV}svabhva;

{GD:528} confused by the inherent mistake

{C}svbhvika; {MV}svabhvat; {MV}

svbhvikatva; rpatv; svarpam nature;
entityness; inherent existence; entity {C}ownbeing; own-nature; substantial

ngo bo nyid dag pai

chos nyid thob pa /

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}svabhva-uddha
{C}Svabhva-uddha [name of a Buddha]

ngo bo nyid kyi sku {MSA}svbhvika

(kya) Nature Body [of a Buddha]

ngo bo

nyid kyi rnam pa thams cad yongs su mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend
mkhyend {C}svabhva-sarvkra-parijnat
thoroughly knows all the aspects of entities
{C}comprehends all the modes of the own-being of
all dharmas

ngo bo nyid kyi mtshan nyid

ngo bo nyid dang grogs dang dmigs

pa dang las phun sum tshogs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs
excellence/marvels of entity, accompaniers,
object of observation, and activities

ngo bo nyid dang bcas pa {L}

sasvabhva having inherent existence having

{L} svabhvalakaa character of entity

ngo bo nyid kyis naturally;


ngo bo nyid kyis skye ba intrinsic

production; production by way of its own entity

ngo bo nyid kyis skyes pa

ngo bo nyid dang las kyi

sgo nas {MSA}svabhvatas ... karmatas from
the viewpoint of entity and action

ngo bo nyid ma mchi pa nyid

asvabhva; svabhvato nstika without
inherent existence

ngo bo nyid med {C}naisvbhvya;

produced by way of [its own] nature;

intrinsically produced

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nyid {C}svabhva-nyat emptiness of nature;

natural emptiness {C}emptiness of own-being

ngo bo nyid sku thob pai

la ldog pa tha dad pa one entity but different


ngo bo nyid kyis grub pa

ngo bo nyid kyis stong pa

svabhvato nstika without inherent existence;

absence of inherent existence {C}state of


absence of own-being

ngo bo nyid med nyid {C}

bo dang khyad par du kun brtags pai kun brtags

/ gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs imputations that are
imputations of entity and attributes

asvabhvatva absence of inherent existence

{C}it has no svabhva; absence of svabhva

ngo bo nyid med pa {L,MSA}


ngo bo nyid med pa rtogs pa

ngo bo dang khyad par la

bo dang khyad par la kun btags pai kun btags

imputational factors imputed in the manner of
entity and attribute

nisvabhva; {MSA}nisvabhvat; {MSA}

svbhva; {C}asvabhva; svabhvato nstika;
asvabhvat non-nature; natureless;
naturelessness no own-being

realizing naturelessness

ngo bo nyid med pa tsam nyid

{L}nisvabhvat-mtra mere naturelessness

ngo bo nyid med pa gsum

three non-natures

ngo bo nyid med pai chos

khor wheel of doctrine of naturelessness [i.e.,
the middle wheel, including the Perfection of
Wisdom Stras]

kun brtags pai kun brtags de rang gi mtshan nyid

kyis ma grub pa non-establishmentof factors
imputed in the manner of entity and attribute
by way of their own character

ngo bo dang khyad bar du kun btags pas stong

pai stong pa nyid /
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs emptiness
of factors imputed in the manner of entity and

ngo bo nyid med par smra

ngo bo bden gnyis la

ngo bo nyid mtshan svabhvalakni

ngo bo dbyer med undifferentiable

doms pa guidance concerning the entities, the

two truths [ultimate truths and obscurational

ba nisvabhvavdin Proponents of NonNature [i.e. Mdhyamikas]; Proponents of



essential characteristic

ngo bo ma dres pa kraniyata

ngo bo nyid gsum {MV,MSA}

non-mixture of entity {GD:124} determinate

with respect to its nature

svabhva-traya; {MV}traya svabhv;

trisvabhva three natures

ngo bo la kun btags pai kun

ngo bo mnyam pa equality; equality

of entity

btags su gyur pai ngo bo nyid la kun btags pa

/ gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs imputation of just the entity
that is an imputation of entity

ngo bo tha dad different entity;

difference of entity; separate entity/entities

ngo bo tha dad pa different entities;

ngo bo la kun btags pai

separate entity/entities

ngo bo dang khyad par entity and

kun btags su gyur pai bye brag la kun btags pa

/ gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs imputation of a particular


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



ngogs {LCh,C}tra port; entrance; ford;

that is an imputation of entity

ngo bo so so ba {PH}discrete entities

ngo boi khyad par mi dra

bank {PH}port; entrance; ford; bank; shore; face;

side {C}shore

ngon groi sbyor ba preparatory

ba {PH}essential difference
Although there are no essential
differences among emptinesses, ... {HHDL KMW}


ngoms {LCh}tpta; {MSA}tpti

ngo tsha {C,MSA}hr; {MSA}lajja; {MSA}



ngoms pa {LCh}tpta; {MSA}tpti

lajjan shame; modesty {C}sense of shame

ngo tsha khrel {PH}modesty and shame

ngo tsha ba, ngo tsha {MSA}lajj

satisfaction; be satisfied; satiation

ngoms pa med pa {MSA}atpti non-


satisfaction; not satiated

ngo tsha med pa {LCh}hrkya non-

ngoms shes pa {MSA}tpta knowing


satisfaction; knowing satiation

ngo tsha shes pa {LCh,MSA}hr shame ngor {MSA}anurodht with respect to; in the
face of; to; for
ngo mtshar {LCh,C,MSA}carya; {C}
dukara; {L} carya amazing; fantastic {PH}
ngos side; surface {PH}side; surface; myself
gdags gzhii ngos nas
grub pa ... Establishment from the side of the
basis of designation ...

amazing; splendor {C}wonderful; marvellous;

surprising; difficult; (to do what is) hard

ngo mtshar che {MSA}carya greatly

ngos skal corresponding

ngos skal gyi spang bya

amazing; great amazement; fantastic

ngo mtshar che ba {MSA}carya;

{MSA}caryatara greatly amazing; great
amazement; fantastic

ngo mtshar don

ngos mnyam pa even-surfaced

ngos nas [side-from]; from the side of;



from the point of view of; by way of {PH}from

the side (of); from the point-of-view (of); by way

ngo mtshar ba amazing; fantastic

ngo mtshar bas kyang

ngos nas gyi {PH}because of

ngos nas grub pa {PH}

di ngo tshar more amazing than the amazing;

more wonderful than the wonderful

ngo mtshar smad du byung

establishment from the side [of the basis of


byung byung byung byung

amazing/fantastic and marvelous

ngos dzin

dzin bzung zungs identify; identification; point

ngo ro bar {PH}in ones face

ngo la {PH}with respect to; relative to; from

ngos dzin byed pa

the perspective of From the

perspective of a worldly consciousness, ... {Gn}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


respective objects of abandonment


gzung dzin bzung zungs identify; point


ngos gzung

rjod explicit object verbalized and means of


dngos kyi nyer len direct

gzung dzin bzung zungs identification; identify

ngos bzung ba identification; identify

dngang dngang

substantial cause

dngos kyi stong gzhi actual basis

of emptiness

dngang dngangs dngangs be frightened; fear;


dngang ba

pai gtan tshigs actual indefinite reason

dngang dngang dngangs dngangs {L}uttrasati;

{MV}trsita; {C}satrasayati tremble; be afraid;
panic {C}tremble; be afraid; is frightened

dngang ba gyur

dngang dngang dngangs dngangs {L}

dngos kyi lhan cig byed

rkyen direct cooperative condition

dngos grub

grub grub grubs/grub grubs

{LCh,C}siddhi feat; accomplishment; yogic

accomplishment; actual accomplishment; fact

uttrasati tremble; be afraid; panic

dngul {C}rajata silver; money

dngos kyi ma nges


dngos grub ji ltar sgrub pa


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

dngul khang bank
sgrubs how to achieve feats
dngos skt actual; explicit; direct
dngos grub thun mong {PH}
dngos {LCh}skt; maula;{GD:386} mukhyat
common siddhis
actual [as opposed to imputed, btags pa ba];
actual [as opposed to ancillary, zhar]; explicit [as dngos gal skt-virodha explicitly
opposed to implicit, shugs]; direct [as opposed
to indirect, rgyud]; real; manifest {GD:386}
primary sense; {GD:515} true (as opposed to
metaphorical, btags pa ba); principal (as opposed to
secondary, zhar); explicit (as opposed to implicit,
shugs); direct (as opposed to indirect, rgyud); self
(as opposed to other, gzhan)

dngos kyi bsgrub byai chos

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs skt-sdhyo-dharma explicit predicate
of the probandum

dngos kyi brjod bya

mtshan nyid/ rnam bcad yongs gcod gang zhig



gnyis dang gnyis ma yin gyi phung gsum sel ba/ Def.:

those which are such that (1) the exclusion [that an

existent is one of them] includes [that it is the other]
and (2) a third possibility that is both or not both [of
them] is eliminated

dngos rgyu {LCh}skt-kraa actual

cause, direct cause

mtshan nyid/ dngos su skyed byed

Def.: direct producer

dngos brgyad bdun cu eight

brjod rjod brjod rjod explicit object

categories and seventy topics

expressed {GD:297} the direct signified object;

{GD:434} direct object of signification; {GD:435}
to signify direct objects

dngos brgyud

{PH}actual and of the

dngos kyi brjod bya dang dngos brgyud ci rigs

rjod byed

brjod rjod brjod

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


thing; substantial (entity); root; basis; underlying
reality; (objective) entity; objective reality;
property; possession; cause; objectively existing
entity; objective basis; existence; (= 5 skandhas);
positivity; positi
mtshan nyid/ don byed nus pa Def.: that
which is able to perform a function

pai sgo nas {PH}directly or indirectly as is


dngos gnyen actual antidote; direct


dngos gnyen bar chad

med lam chad chad

chad chad uninterrupted paths that are direct

dbye ba/ 1 bem po 2 shes pa 3 ldan min dus
byed Div.: (1) matter; (2) consciousness; (3) nonassociated compositional factor

dngos btags actual and so-called

dngos rtogs explicit realization
dngos po brgyad eight categories
dngos stobs power of the thing; power dngos po mchog supreme actuality
of the fact
dngos po stobs
dngos stobs kyi rtags *vastushugs kyi rigs pa {GD} vastubalapravttnumna
bala-liga sign through the power of the fact

{GD:760} investigation relying on inference

produced by the power of facts; {GD:765}
inference proceeding from the mere power of fact

dngos stobs kyis bsal ba

{PH}factual exclusion

dngos po thams cad las {C}

aupadhika {C}(derived from) material gifts given

in faith to the Tathgata [fifth puya-kriy-vastu]

dngos stobs rjes dpag, dngos stobs kyi rjes dpag

*vastubalnumna inference through the power
of the fact; inference by the power of the fact

mtshan nyid/ rang gi rten dngos stobs kyi rtags yang

dag la brten nas rang gi gzhal bya cung zad lkog gyur la

dngos po dang gcig one with


gcig du gyur pai dngos po thing that is one with


dngos po dang bcas par {C}

vastukam {C}as if it were an entity

dngos po rnam pa bdun seven

bstan ston bstand stond explicit teaching; actual



dngos po

dngos gnas actual; in fact

dngos po {LCh,MSA,MV,C,L}vastu;

snang ba bstan stobs kyis jug pa engages [its

object] by the power of the things showing itself

dngos po phangs {C}vastu-prema

{LCh,MSA,MV,C,L}bhva; {L}dravya; {L}mla;

{MSA}upadhi; {C}padrtha; {GD:106}sat
category; thing; [effective] thing; functioning
thing; effective thing; functioning actuality;
actuality {N}topic; {C}actual reality; real

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

object; final entity; limits of phenomena

dngos po dang

mi slu bai zhen rig Def.: a determinative knower

which--depending upon its basis, a correct sign
by the power of the fact--is incontrovertible with
respect to its object of comprehension, a slightly
hidden phenomenon

dngos bstan

dngos po mtha {L}vastvanta final

{C}affection for property


dngos po ma mchis {C}abhva


gtso bor skyed byed

non-thing; non-entity

dngos po ma mchis pa {C}

dngos po rang dbang ba bhv

abhva; {C}avastukam non-thing; non-entity

{C}without a corresponding entity

svatantr self-powered thing; independent


dngos po ma yin pa las

dngos po la gnas pa {C}vastu-

log pa opposite from non-thing

dngos po med {C,L,MV}abhva

pratihita abiding in things; abiding in fact;

existing in fact {C}supported by a thing

(={C}asasktam) non-thing; non-entity;

non-existent; without thing {C}absence; nonexistence; non-existent; non-positive; absence of
positivity; negativity; non-positivity; not a positive

dngos po la lhar ma song

yang song song song song

despite not having become a deity in actuality/

dngos po med pa {C,L,MV}abhva;

{C}asad-bhvat without thingness; non-thing;

non-entity; non-existent; without thing {C}has
no real existence; state of non-existence

dngos po med pa stong pa

nyid emptiness of non-entities

dngos po las gzhan pai chos gang gi yang

mtshan nyid mi byed pa does not serve as the
definition of any other phenomenon other than

dngos poi skyed byed

dngos poi bskyed bya

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed producer

dngos po med pai ngo bo

of thing

nyid {C,MV}abhva-svabhva nature of nonthings; nataure of non-entities

dngos po med pai

ngo bo nyid stong pa nyid emptiness that is the
[ultimate] nature of non-entities

dngos po gzhan dang

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed produced

object of thing; that which is produced by thing

dngos poi rgyu cause of thing


mtshan nyid/

dngos poi skyed byed Def.: producer of thing

ma dres pa / /
dres/dre dres/dre dres dres not mixed
with other things {GD:273} [real] things exist
unmixed with other things

dbye ba/


dngos po yin pa las log pa

opposite from thing

dngos po yod pa smra ba

dngos poi brgyud rgyu/ dngos poi dngos rgyu/

yang med na/ dngos poi nyer len/ dngos poi lhan
cig byed rkyen/ Div.: (1) things indirect cause;
(2) things direct cause; (or) (1) things substantial
cause; (2) things cooperating condition

dngos poi rgyu gyur

vastusat-padrthavdin Proponent of True


pai gang zag a person who is a cause of thing

dngos po

dngos poi brgyud rgyu things

rang gi rdzas rgyun du gtso bor skyed byed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed main
producer of a thing as a continuation of its own
substantial entity

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



indirect cause


mtshan nyid/ dngos poi brgyud nas

skyed byed Def.: indirect producer of thing



dngos poi brgyud nas

the limits of phenomena

bskyed bya bskyed skyed

bskyed skyed indirectly produced object of thing

dngos poi brgyud bras

indirect effect of thing

mtshan nyid/ dngos poi

dngos poi don ldog

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs meaning-

isolate of thing [i.e., that which is able to perform

a function (don byed nus pa)]

dngos poi ldog pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs things isolate;

thing simpliciter [i.e., dngos po]

brgyud nas bskyed bya Def.: that which is indirectly

produced by thing

dngos poi ldog

dngos poi dngos rgyu things

direct cause
mtshan nyid/ dngos poi dngos su skyed
byed Def.: direct producer of thing

pa dang yin khyab mnyam mutually inclusive

with thing

don gcig 1 dngos po dang


dngos poi dngos bras direct

mtshan nyid/ dngos poi dngos su

effect of thing

bskyed bya Def.: that which is directly produced by


dngos poi dngos su bskyed

bya bskyed skyed bskyed
skyed directly produced object of thing

dngos poi snga logs su

gcig 2 dngos po dang gcig du gyur pai dngos po/

3 don byed nus pai mtshon bya/ 4 don byed nus
pai btags yod chos gsum tshang ba/ Equivalents:
(1) one with thing; (2) thing that is one with thing;
(3) definiendum of that which is able to perform a
function; (4) the triply qualified imputed existent of
that which is able to perform a function

dngos poi gnas tshul mode of

byung ba byung byung

byung byung previous arising of thing

abiding of things; way things abide/exist {PH}

mode of subsistence of things

dngos poi nyer len substantial

mtshan nyid/ dngos po
rang gi rdzas rgyun du gtso bor skyed byed Def.: main
producer of thing as a continuation of its substantial
cause of thing

dngos poi

dngos poi gnas lugs mode

of subsistence/abiding of things

dngos poi rnam pa bhvajtam

aspects of things

dngos poi spyi ldog

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs generality-isolate

stobs kyis zhugs pai brel ba

zhug jug zhugs zhugs relation which operates
by the power of the things/facts {GD:785}
relation by the power of facts

dngos poi phyi logs su

kyi rigs pa reasoning through the forceful power

of facts

dngos poi bye brag instance of

dngos poi stobs shugs

dngos poi mtha la

dmigs pa dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs vastvantlambana observing

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


[i.e. dngos po]

byung ba byung byung

byung byung subsequent arising of thing

thing; particular of thing


mtshan nyid/ khyod dngos po yin/ khyod dngos po dang

bdag gcig du brel/ khyod ma yin zhing dngos po yang yin

pai gzhi mthun pa du ma grub pa/ Def.: it is a thing;

it is of one nature with functioning thing; and there

are many established common loci which are not it
but are functioning things

bral pas {C}bhva-svabhva-vigata free from

the inherent existence of things {C}in its ownbeing without existence

dngos poi bras bu effect of



mtshan nyid/ dngos poi bskyed bya Def.: that which

is produced by thing

dngos poi rang bzhin


dbye ba/ dngos poi dngos bras/ dngos poi brgyud

bras/ yang med na/ dngos poi nyer bras/ dngos
poi lhan cig byed bras/ Div.: (1) things direct
effect; (2) things indirect effect; (or) (1) things
substantial effect; (2) things cooperative effect

dngos poi mtshan nyid {MV}

bhva-lakaa definition of thing; defining

character of thing [i.e., that which is able
to perform a function (don byed nus pa)]
mtshan nyid/ dngos poi rdzas yod chos gsum tshang
ba Def.: the triply qualified substantial existent of

dngos poi gshis basic disposition

of things

dngos poi lhan cig

byed rkyen cooperative condition of thing

{PH}cooperating condition of functioning thing

mtshan nyid/ dngos po rang
gi rdzas rgyun ma yin par rdzas su gtso bor skyed byed

Def.: that which is a main producer of thing as

a substantial entity but not as a continuation of its
own substantial entity

dngos por gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}bhavati

{C}becomes; stands; takes place; occurs; comes


dngos por smra ba vastusat-

padrthavdin Proponent of True Existence

illustration of thing [e.g., pot]

dngos por lhung ba {C}vastu-patita

yod chos gsum tshang ba the triply qualified

substantial existent of thing

dngos poi stobs

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs illustration-

dngos bral {C}bhva-vigata

dngos poi mtshan gzhi

fallen into [the conception of] true existence

dngos poi rdzas

dngos poi gzhi ldog

isolate of thing; illustration simpliciter [e.g., pot]

dngos poi rang ldog

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs self-isolate of

thing [i.e., thing]

dngos poi rang bzhin bhvasvarpa inherent existence of things

shugs kyi rigs pa reasoning through the forceful

power of facts

from existence

dngos dbang

{PH}the power of the


dngos dbang gis jug pa

affixed through the force of the object itself;

engages [its object] by the power of the thing

dngos bras skt-phala direct effect

dngos bras ma dmigs

dngos poi rang bzhin

mkhas {C}bhva-svabhva-kuala wise with

respect to the nature of things {C}skilled in
seeing the own-being of existence (existents?)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}fallen among things

pa dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs skt-krya-anupalabdhi
nonobservation of a direct effect



dngos ming actual name

dngos med {LCh,C,MV}abhva; avastu

dngos la gnas pa {C}vastu-niraya

abiding in fact {C}basis; support

dngos la gnod byed refutation

thinglessness; non-thing; that which is not a

[functioning] thing; non-existent

dngos med kyi chos abhva-

dharma; avastu-dharma phenomenon which is

a non-thing; non-[functioning] phenomenon
Definitions: mtshan
nyid/ don byed nus stong gi chos Def.: a phenomenon
that is empty of being able to perform a function

dngos med ngo bo nyid {C}

of the explicit teaching; refutation of the explicit

[indication]; damage to the explicit [indication];
damage to the explicit [teaching]

dngos las {GD:696} skt


real thing

dngos shugs la rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

explicit and implicit realization {GD:389}

abhva-svabhva nature of non-things; nature

of non-entities {C}absence of own-being; have
non-existence for own-being; have no own-being;
the own-being is non-existent

explicit-implicit realization

dngos sam brgyud pai sgo

nas {PH}directly or indirectly

dngos smra ba vastusat-padrtha-vdin dngos su {LCh}vastuta; vastutas; {LCh}

skt directly; explicitly; actually

Proponent of True/Inherent Existence

dngos gzhi maula [actual-base]; actual; dngos su skyed byed

actual [session of practice]; actual [topic] {PH}
main part
Just so, having instructed the two
branches of transmigrators in the earlier main part
of the sdhana, ... TKP, Toh. 5303

dngos gzhi khyad par can


dngos su bskyed bya


which is directly produced

dngos su rjes su bzung nas

dngos su rjod

dngos gzhii snyoms jug

brjod rjod brjod rjod directly express/verbalize

{GD:434} directly signify

maulasampatti actual absorption; actual

meditative absorption

dngos su brjod

dngos zin explicit reading

dngos yin pa is actual; actually

brjod rjod brjod rjod directly express/verbalize

{GD:435} directly signify


dngos yin mi dgos pai

phyir te because it is not neccessary that they be


dngos la bdag gir dzin pa

dngos su rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs explicitly

realize; explicit realization {GD:515} direct


dngos su bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond explicitly taught

gzung dzin bzung zungs

dngos su spong byed

{C}vastu-mamat conception/apprehension

mine with respect to things {C}sense of

ownership about property
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed direct

actually being taken care of

{PH}special main part


spang spong spangs spongs means

of direct abandonment/dispelling; direct

dngos su phan tshun mi gnas

directly mutually exclusive

mnga ba

mnga mnga mnga {C}pratilambha; {L,MSA}
vaita; {MSA}gata possess; own; have control
over; have [in mind] {C}acquisition; acquiring;
acquire; to win; will win

dngos su byung explicitly arose

mnga ris {PH}subordinates/ subjects
dngos su sbyar ba
mngar ba madhura sweet
sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord explicitly affixed
dngos su mdzad pa explicitly use/ mngal {LCh,MSA}garbha womb
mngal lci bar gyur pa {C}gurugarbha {C}with a heavy womb
dngos su zhus explicitly ask a question
mngal du gro ba {L}garbhvakrnti
dngos su rig explicitly know/
go/descend into the womb

cognize {GD:520} unmediated cognition (in the

epistemological sense)

mngag gzhug {LCh} preya

mngal du jug pa {L}

garbhvakrnti entry/descent into the womb


mngal nas skye ba {L}jarayu-ja



mnga mnga

born from a womb

mngal las skyes pa {C}jaryu-ja

mnga mnga {C}pratilambha; {L,MSA}vaita;

{MSA}gata possess; own; have control over;
have [in mind] {C}acquisition; acquiring;
acquire; to win; will win

mnga chen po

born from a womb; womb-born {C}born from

a womb


mnga mnga mnga mnga {C}adhipatya great

dominion {C}overlordship

mnga thang

mnga mnga mnga mnga power; control
{PH}power; control
[his] power over the kingdom of existence reaches
to the sky {GZ 69a.1}

mnga thang byor ba


and fortune

mnga bdag

mnga mnga mnga mnga lord; sovereign;

owner; having dominion

mnga bdag khri ral pa can

{PH}King Ralpajen

mnga bdag nyang ral pa

can {PH}King Ralpajen of Nyang

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mngon mngond mngond {MSA}katha gamyate

(gam); {C}prajyate (=pravartate = tat-ktacihna-abhvn) protrude; actualize; manifest
{C}(is/can be) conceived; conceive; come under
the concept of; becomes/is conceivable; have a
conception of

mngon lkog

{PH}manifest [phenomena]
and hidden [phenomena]

mngon lkog gnyis

{PH}the two -manifest [phenomena] and hidden [phenomena]

mngon gyur

mngon mngon mngond mngond {LCh}

pratyaka; {LCh}abhimukh manifest; manifest
phenonenon; manifest object; approaching
{GD:760} evident objects; objects which are
accessible to ordinary perception
rtog pa mngon gyur pa bzhi the four manifest


mtshan nyid/ 1 bsdus grwa las/ mngon sum

clear realizer

mngon mtho, mngon par

gyi tshad mas dngos su rtogs par bya ba/ 2 blo rig las/

tshur mthong rnams kyis nges par rtags la brten nas rtogs
par bya ba ma yin pai chos/ Def.: (1) (Collected

mngon mthoi go phang

mngon du {LCh}abhi; {C}samukh-


bhavati; {C,MSA}abhimukha; {MV}bhimukhya

manifest; actual {C}face to face with; face to

mngon dga, mngon

par dga ba {MSA}abhirma; {MSA}abhirata

great joy mngon dgai
mi la gsang ba ston teach what is secret to people
of great joy {GZ 66a.3}

mngon du gyur pa {C}abhimukh;

{C}abhimukha; {C}samukh-bhuta; {MSA}

abhimukhin; {MSA}bhimukhya verb: make
manifest; make evident; actualize7 adj: manifest;
evident7 the manifest [name of the sixth ground
of Bodhisattva Superiors (byang sems phags
pai sa, rya-bodhisattva-bhmi); for others,
see: byang sems phags pai sa]; Manifest (sixth
{C}face to face; be present; come face to face with;
still (visibly) present

mngon dga zhing {C}

abhinandamno manifestly liking/delighting;

being manifestly happy {PH}Abhirati [great
joy, the Buddhafield of Akobhya] {C}wholly
delighting in

mngon brjod {PH}synonyms

mngon brjod kyi bag chags

mngon du gyur pai tshul

brjod rjod brjod rjod

abhilpavsan predispositions of verbalization

gyis in a manifest manner {GD:684} evidently

mngon rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

abhisamaya clear realization/clear realizer

don mngon rtogs clear realization of
the meaning (arthbhisamaya)
chos mngon rtogs clear realization of the doctrine

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

abhisamaylakra Maitreyas Ornament for
Clear Realization [abhisamaylakra, P5148,
vol. 88]

mngon du bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {L}sktkra

actualize; manifest

mngon du

grub par gtogs par bstan pa {C}abhinirvttiparypanna-nirdea {C}exposition which

comprises the real creation

mngon du bsnyen pa byed pa

perform prior approximation

mngon du phyogs pa {L}

abhimukhya; {MSA}mukha; {MSA}abhimukha

(e.g.: nirva-abhimukha); abhimukh manifestly
regard; approach; oriented; Approaching [the
name of the sixth Bodhisattva ground]; directed

par rtogs pa abhisamaya clear realization;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


state of high status

mngon gyur du skye ba manifest

mngon rtogs; mngon

mngon mtho nges legs

high status [within cyclic existence] and definite
goodness [of liberation from cyclic existence and/or

Topics): an object realized explicitly by a direct

valid cognition; (2) (Awareness and Knowledge):
a phenomenon which is not an object an ordinary
being definitely must realize in dependence upon a

mngon rtogs rgyan

mtho ba {LCh,MV}abhyudaya [manifestlyhigh]; high status; sublime state; high type


toward directed towards; facing; devotion

mngon du bya actualize; manifest

mngon du bya ba {L}sktkra; {C}

{C,MSA}abhimnika having manifest pride;

manifestly proud; thoroughly conceited; one
with the pride of conceit {C}greatly conceited

mngon pai nga rgyal

sktkriy; sktkaraa; {C}mukh-bhva

manifest; actualize {C}(full) realization;
manifestation; realization

can du ltung bar {C}abhimna-patita fallen into

manifest pride/conceit {C}fallen into conceit

mngon du byas nas having

mngon pai chos {MSA}abhidharma

manifested; having actualized

Manifest Knowledge

mngon du byas pa {L}sktkra

mngon pai sde snod

actualization; actualized; manifest

abhidharmapiaka scriptural collections of

manifest knowledge; scriptural collection of
manifest knowledge

mngon du mdzad (hon.) actualize;


mngon du zin {C}abhighta


greed; attachment

mngon dod {C}abhikk desire;

attachment; wish {C}hankering after

mngon dod kyi rtog pa wishing


mngon dod kyi dad pa faith of

wishing [to attain]

mngon pa abhidharma; {L}abhi; {C}

prajyate collection of manifest knowledge;

be evident; be; Manifest Knowledge {C}great;
fully; perfect; (is/can be) conceived; conceive; come
under the concept of; becomes/is conceivable; have
a conception of

mngon pa kun btus

btu thu btus thu abhidharma-samuccaya

Summary of Manifest Knowledge [abhidharmasamuccaya, by Asaga (thogs med), P5550, vol.


mngon pa gong og gnyis the

two, the lower and upper Manifest Knowledges

mngon pai nga rgyal {C}abhimna

manifest pride; pride of conceit {C}great

pride; presumption; conceit

mngon pai nga rgyal can

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mngon pai mtshan ma sngar

{C}prva-nimitta previous manifest indication/
sign {C}symptom; indication; (a certain) sign
which indicates

mngon pai gzhung


Knowledge (abhidharma) texts

mngon par manifestly

mngon par dga

ba, mngon dga {C}abhirma; {C}abhirati;

abhivadati manifest joy; great joy {C}fully
delighted; pleasure; welcome; recommend
mngon dgai mi la gsang ba ston
teach what is secret to people of great joy {GZ

mngon par dga ba manifestly

rejoice {PH}Abhirati [the Buddhafield of

mngon par dga ba yid

la byed pa {MSA}abhinanda-manasikra; {MSA}
abhinandan-manaskra mental engagement of
manifest joy

mngon par dga

bai che bai bdag nyid {MSA}abhirati-mhtmya

essence of great manifest joy

mngon par dga bai

yid la byed pa {MSA}abhinandana-manaskra
mental engagement of manifest joy



mngon par dga bai

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

bsam pa {MSA}abhinandanaya thought of

manifest joy

{C}abhinirharati manifestly establish/achieve/

accomplish {C}consummation; (highest)
achievement; calling forth; aspiration for

mngon par dga bar gyur

mngon par bsgrub pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{C}abhinandati become manifestly joyful {C}
delight in

mngon par grub

/ grub grub grubs/grub grubs {L}

abhinirvt become manifest rebirth; re-creation;

real creation

mngon par grub pa ma

mchis pa / grub
grub grubs/grub grubs {C}anabhinirvtti {C}
does not reproduce itself; not reproduced; noncreation; non-reproduction

mngon par sgrub

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

abhinivea; {C}niviate (=abhiniveo) manifest

attachment {C}settling down in; settle down in;
be inclined

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

mngon par char bai tshe {C}

{C}abhinirharati (=abhinirharaa); {MV,MSA}

abhinirhra; {MSA}abhinirhti; {MSA}adhikra
manifestly establish/achieve/accomplish {C}
aspires (to/for); achieves; consummates; calls forth

abhyudgacchati time of manifestly appearing/

dawning; when manifestly appearing/dawning
{C}has arisen

mngon par sgrub pa la

mngon par brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}abhidhyate

mkhas pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}abhinirhra-kaualya
skilled in manifestly establishing/achieving/

manifestly express/verbalize {C}indicates; is

called; described

mngon par sgrub par byed pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs
sgrubs {C}abhinirvartate manifestly establish/
achieve/accomplish; means of manifestly
establishing/achieving/accomplishing {C}
reproduce oneself; creation; reproduction

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {C}abhinirharati should/will manifestly
establish {C}consummation; (highest)
achievement; calling forth; aspiration for

mngon par chags pa {C}

abhinirharate manifestly establish/achieve/

accomplish {C}acquires

mngon par bsgrub par byao

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {C}abhinirharati; {C}abhinirvartayate
manifestly establish {C}reproduce oneself;
consummation; (highest) achievement; calling forth;
aspiration for

abhigmanyo {C}much sought after

mngon par bsgrub cing

{C}abhinirharati; {C,MSA,MV}abhinirhra
manifestly establish/achieve/accomplish {C}
consummation; (highest) achievement; calling forth;
aspiration for

mngon par bsgrub par byed

mngon par gro bya os {C}

mngon par sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

mngon par brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C,MSA}

abhilpa; {C}abhivadati; {MV}abhidyotana

express; manifestly express/verbalize {C}talk;
expression; welcome; recommend

mngon par gtor


gtor thord gtord gtord {C}abhyavakirati

scatter; spread over; strew {C}strew; scatter;

scatter over

mngon par gtor ba

gtor thord gtord gtord {C}pracarati
{C}proceeds; circulates; be observed; appears;


mngon par rtog pa manfiest

conceptuality; conceptual consciousness

mngon par rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C,MSA}

abhisamaya; {MSA}abhisamita clear realization
{C}perfect understanding; re-union

mngon par rtogs pai rgyan

mngon par du bya ba {L}

abhisaskraa composition compounding;

accumulation; formation; together-making;
conditioned existence; karma-formations

mngon par du bya ba med

pa {C}anabhisaskra; {C}anabhisaskrat
non-composition {C}nothing is effected;
the Unaffected; the Ineffective; not brought
together; not being brought about; not put together;
unconditioned; one does not turn to; what has not
been brought about

pa {L}anabhisaskraa non-composition
nothing is effected; not put together; not brought
about; unconditioned; one does not turn to

Clear Realization [abhisamaylakra, P5184,

vol. 88]

mngon par rtogs pai dus

mngon par du

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

bya ba med par jug pa {MSA}nirabhisaskravhitva engage in non-composition

{MSA,MV}abhisamaya-kla time of clear


mngon par ston

abhyudaya high status [within cyclic existence]

mngon par du bya ba med

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

abhisamaylakra Maitreyas Ornament for

mngon par mtho ba {MSA}

bstan ston bstand stond {C}prasahya (deayati)

manifestly indicate/teach/show/demonstrate/set

forth {C}forcibly (demonstrates)

mngon par ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}abhivadati
manifestly indicate/teach/show/demonstrate/set
forth {C}welcome; recommend

mngon par bstod {C}abhyananda

mngon par du byed {MSA,MV}

abhisaskra; (abhi-sas k): {MSA}
abhisaskaroti compose

mngon par du byed pa

{C,MV}abhisaskra; {MSA}abhisaskaraa;
{MSA}abhisaskraa manifestly constructs;
compose; means of composition {C}
compounding; karma-formations; together-making;
formative influence; accumulation; bringing about;
conditioned existence

manifestly/strongly/thoroughly praise/laud {C}

great praise

mngon par du byed

abhyananda manifestly/strongly/thoroughly
praise/laud {C}great praise

mngon par du

mngon par bstod pa {C}

mngon par thob byed

byed pa med pai mtshan nyid {C}asaskralakaa; {C}asaskta-lakaa character of noncomposition {C}the mark of ineffectiveness; the
mark of being uncompounded

thob/thob thob thob thobs

{C}abhiprpui manifestly attain/obtain {C}
(cause to) reach

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa med pa {MSA}anabhisaskra noncomposition

mngon par du mi byed {C}

anabhisaskti non-composition; non-compose



mngon par phags par

{C}one does not get involved in

mngon par du mdzad pa

{MSA}abhisaskra compose; actualize;


mngon par du mdzad

pa mi mnga ba mnga
mnga mnga mnga {MSA}anabhisaskra noncomposed; non-actualized; non-manifest

mngon par dus par byas pa

/ du du/dud dus dus

{C}abhisaskta composed {C}exercised; put


mngon par bsdus pa

mngon par byed pa {MV}

bhimukh-karaa manifest; actualize

mngon par byung

byung byung byung byung {C}

abhinikrmati manifestly arise; manifestly

emerge; emerge from {C}leave home; go forth;
go out

mngon par byung ba

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}

byung byung byung byung

abhisakepa condensed; brought together;

abridged; summarized {C}abridgement

{C}abhinikramaa; {C}nikrmati; {MSA}

abhinikrmana manifestly arise; manifestly

emerge; emerge from {C}leave home; depart;
go off; come out of; leave

mngon par spel zhing

spel spel speld speld {C}

abhivardhana increase; augment {C}continue

to grow

mngon par sprul {C}abhinirmta; {C}

abhinirmte emanate {C}would conjure up;
conjure up

mngon par sprul pa {C}nirmita

mngon par byung bar gyur

byung byung byung
byung {C}abhinikrmati manifestly arise;
manifestly emerge; emerge from {C}leave
home; go forth; go out

mngon par ma grub par

/ grub grub grubs/

grub grubs {C}anabhinirvtta not manifestly
established {C}not reproduced; unfinished;

(=my-nirmita-sada = manomaya = nirma)

emanate {C}fictitious; magically created;
magical creation; conjured up by; illusory magical
creation; apparition

mngon par ma chags pa {C}

mngon par spro shing

anabhiniveat non-attached; non-attachment;

manifestly non-attached {C}does not settle
down in

skyo bar med pa {C}atyutsahanat-aparikheda

enthusiastic and without discouragement {C}
great fortitude; indefatiguability

mngon par ma zhen pa {C}

mngon par phags te {C}

anabhinivea non-conception; non-adherence;

non-attached {C}not settling down in

abhyudagacchati; {C}abhyudgamya superior;

elevated; risen up {C}rise (up to); advances;
arises; he rises high up into

mngon par mi brtson zhing

mngon par phags pa {C}

atyadbhuta; {C}abhyudaya; {C}udgacchati

superior; elevated; risen up {C}most lofty; rises
loftily high above; be elevated above; be lifted up

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gyur ba gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {C}udgacchati become superior/
elevated/risen up {C}be elevated above; be
lifted up


{C}anabhiyujyamna not endeavoring; not

making effort {C}as he does not practice

mngon par mi shes pa

{C}anabhij non-clairvoyant; without

clairvoyance {C}without higher knowledge

mngon par dmigs pa med

pa dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs {C}anabhilakita non-observation;
non-apprehension {C}undistinguished

mngon par brtson {C,MSA}

abhiyukta manifest effort; endeavor; manifest

endeavor {C}practice; interested in
abhiyukta manifest effort; endeavor; manifest
endeavor {C}practiced; interested in

mngon par brtson pa {C}

abhyutthita manifest effort; endeavor; manifest

endeavor {C}rise up; raised to a height

mngon par brtson byed {C}

abhiyujyate make manifest effort; endeavor;

manifest endeavor {C}practices

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs perfect;

complete; manifestly complete/perfected

mngon par rdzogs par

rtogs pa rtogs rtogs
rtogs rtogs perfect/complete realization

par rdzogs par byang chub par gyur {MV}

abhisabodha become completely, perfectly

mngon par rdzogs par

sangs rgyas {L}abhisabuddha completely and

perfectly enlightened/buddified; complete perfect

mngon par rdzogs

mngon par zhugs

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}abhiprasthita

byang chub {LCh}abhisabodhi complete

perfect enlightenment

enter; manifestly enter {C}set out; well set out

mngon par rdzogs

par byang chub pa {MSA}abhisabodhi; {MSA}

abhisabodha completely perfectly enlightened

mngon par rdzogs par byang

chub pa dang mya ngan las das pa chen po kun tu

ston pa bstan ston bstand
stond {MSA}abhisabodhi-mahparinirvasadarana thorougly teach complete perfect
enlightenment and the great passing beyond

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


par sangs rgyas pa {MSA}abhisabudhyante

completely and perfectly enlightened/buddified

mngon par rdzogs par

mngon par rdzogs

mngon par rdzogs par

byang chub pa dang yongs su mya ngan las das
pa yang dag par ston pa
bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}abhisabodhinirva-sadarana throughly teach complete
perfect enlightenment and the thorough passing
beyond sorrow

mngon par brtson gyur {C}

mngon par rdzogs pa

par byang chub pa dang yongs su mya ngan las

da ba ston par jug pa {MSA}abhisabodhiparinirva-darana-vtti enter into the teaching
of the complete perfect enlightenment and the
thorough passing beyond sorrow


mngon par zhen pa {C,MSA,MV}

abhinivea; {MSA}abhinivia; {C}adhyavasna;

{C}abhivaga manifest conception; strong
adherence{N} {C}settling down in; be bent on;
inclination; desire

mngon par gzhol bar byas

so {C}abhinirmayati {C}inclines to

mngon par yid ches par gyur ba byung

la lta mchis lags sam
byung byung byung byung {C}abhiraddadhti
(=abhisampratyaya kurva) manifestly
believe; strongly believe {C}truly believe


mngon par rab tu gtor

mngon spyod

gtor thord gtord gtord {C}

kyi las tshogs ston pa rnams ma bsgyur bar skad

sor bzhag tu bzhag the parts that set forth the
collection of fierce activities were left as is without
being translated {GZ 70a.5}

abhiprakirati scatter; spread over; strew {C}

strew; scatter; spread

mngon par shes {C}abhijnti

mngon phyogs, mngon

clairvoyance {C}he knows through his

du phyogs pa {LCh}abhimukha approach

superknowledge; knows well

sangs rgyas chos la mngon

mngon par shes pa {C,MSA}

phyogs approach the qualities of a Buddha

abhij; {MSA}abhijat; {MSA}abhijatva

clairvoyance {C}higher knowledges;

mngon byang lnga

{MSA}a-abhij; {MSA}adh ... abhij the

six clairvoyances

mngon byang;

byang byangs byang byongs

mngon par shes pa drug

the five clarifications; {T} the five manifest

enlightenments ?

mngon par rdzogs par byang chub

byang byangs byang byongs
abhisabodhi clarification; full enlightenment

mngon par shes

pa la sogs pa yon tan {MV}abhijdi-gua the
qualities of clairvoyances and so forth

mngon rdzogs thoroughly complete;

mngon par shes pa


mngon zhen, mngon par

lhag ma gsum {MSA}avaia ... tri ... abhij

the three remaining clairvoyances {T}

zhen pa {LCh,C}abhinivea; {MSA}abhinivia;

{C}abhiniveita; {LCh}adhyavasya exaggerated
adherence; manifest conception; strong
adherence {C}settling down in
de bsgoms
pas bden dzin gyi mngon zhen mtha dag gi gnyen
por yang groo meditation on it goes as the
antidote to all the exaggerated adherences of the
conception of true existence{MSI-426}

mngon par shes pai spyod

pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}abhij-cary practice clairvoyance

mngon par shes par gyur

pas {C}abhiniviate through being clairvoyant

{C}settle down in; adhere to

mngon par shes

mngon shes, mngon par

pas rnam par brtse ba {C}abhij-vikrat;

{C}abhij-vikranat playing with the

shes pa {LCh,MSA}abhij clairvoyance

mngon shes clairvoyance

mngon shes skyed pa nyid

mngon par bshad pa {C}

abhibhyate explain; manifestly explain {C}

the words addressed to one

{PH}the very generation of the clairvoyances

mngon par bsags pa {C}

mngon shes drug six clairvoyances

mngon sum {LCh,C,L,MSA}pratyaka;

abhisacetayita collected {C}arranged (into

concrete things and events)

mngon spyod

{C}samukham; {MSA}aparoka; {MSA,C}

samukha direct perception; direct perceiver;
obvious object {C}cognizable by the senses;


spyod spyad spyod {Das} abhicra violent

activities; fierce activities

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sense-perception; open; face to face (with)
od gsal du mngon sum du
jug pai rten basis for manifestly entering into
the clear light
mtshan nyid/ rtog pa dang
bral zhing ma khrul bai rig pa Def.: a non-mistaken
knower that is free from conceptuality{JKA}

nyid/ rtog pa dang bral zhing ma khrul bai gsar du mi

slu bai rig pa Def.: a new, incontrovertible, non-

mistaken knower that is free from conceptuality

sum gyi tshad mas dngos su rtogs par bya ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs an

explicit object of cognition by a direct perceiver

dbye ba/ 1 dbang mngon/


mngon sum gyis rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

2 yid mngon/ 3 rang rig mngon sum/ 4 rnal byor

mngon sum/ Div.: (1) sense direct perceiver; (2)
mental direct perceiver; (3) self-knowing direct
perceiver; (4) yogic direct perceiver

pratyakdhigata realize with direct perception

mngon sum
gyis drangs pai rtog pa bcad shes conceptual
subsequent cognizer that remembers because
of direct perception; {T} conceptual subsequent
cognizer that is induced by direct perception

mngon sum khrul rgyu can

direct perception serving as a cause of error

{GD:736} perception leading to error

mngon sum mngon sum gyis

dren pai nges shes {GD:476} an ascertaining

consciousness induced by perception

gis drangs pai rtog pa bcad shes

mngon sum goms pa can

mngon sum bcad shes

{GD:731} trained perceptions

mngon sum gyi nges ngor

pratyaka-paricchinna-jna direct subsequent


to/for the ascertainment factor of a direct




mngon sum gyi snang yul

snang snang snang snang

appearing object of direct perception7;

appearing object of a direct perceiver


sum gyi snang yul du rang ngos nas grub pa

establishment from its own side as an appearing
object of a direct perception

mngon sum gyi spyod yul

spyad spyod spyad spyod object in

the sphere of direct perception; sphere of direct

mngon sum gyi tshad ma

pratyaka-prama direct prime cognizer; direct

valid cognition; sense direct perception; direct
prime cognition

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ba/ 1 dbang mngon bcad shes/ 2 yid mngon bcad

shes/ 3 rang rig bcad shes/ 4 rnal byor mngon
sum bcad shes/ Div.: (1) sense direct subsequent
cognizer; (2) mental direct subsequent cognizer; (3)
self-knowing direct subsequent cognizer; (4) yogic
direct subsequent cognizer

mngon sum rtogs pa can

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

vikalpaka-pratyaka {GD:126} conceptual


mngon sum ltar snang

snang snang snang snang

pratyaka-bhsa pseudo/quasi/counterfeit
direct perception/ perceiver {GD:480} pseudoperceptions
mtshan nyid/ rang gi snang yul la
khrul bai rig pa Def.: an awareness mistaken with
respect to its appearing object


dbye ba/


1 khrul bai rtog pa/ 2 kun rdzob kyi rtog pa/ 3 rjes
dpag gi rtog pa/ 4 rjes su dpag pa las byung bai
rtog pa/ 5 dran pai rtog pa/ 6 mngon dod kyi rtog
pa/ 7 rtog med mngon sum ltar snang/ Div.: (1)
mistaken conception; (2) conventional conception;
(3) inferential conception; (4) conception arisen
from inference; (5) memory conception; (6) wishing
conception; (7) non-conceptual counterfeit direct

mngon sum dang po pa

mngon sum du bya ba {C,MSA}

ktkriy; {L}sktkra; {MV}sktkaraa;
{MV}sktkti; {MSA}samukh-bhva (e.g.:
mrga-samukh-bhva) manifestation;
actualization {C}realization

mngon sum du byas nas {C}

mngon sum du byed cing {C}

pratyaka directly; manifestly; evidently

{PH}manifestly; evidently; directly {C}in the
presence of os
gsal du mngon sum du jug pai rten basis for
manifestly entering into the clear light

pratyka-krin manifest; actual {C}has

placed directly before his own eyes

mngon sum du byed pa {L}

mngon sum du gyur {C}samukh-

sktkra manifestation; actualization


bhta manifest {C}directed towards; face to

face; presence; be present; come face to face with;
still (visibly) present

mngon sum du ma mdzad pa

{C}asktkta non-manifest; not actual {C}
not realized

mngon sum du gyur pa {C}

bhimukhya; {C}samukh-bhta manifest {C}

directed towards; face to face; presence; be present;
come face to face with; still (visibly) present

mngon sum du bgyid pa

mngon sum bya ba {MV}

skt-karoti (=bhavayitva) having manifested;

actualizing {C}realize

mngon sum ma yin pa {MSA}

mngon sum du

anmukha; {MSA}apratyaka; {MSA}asamaka

non-manifest; not actual

jug ldan gnyis ka both enter and arise from


mngon sum du rtogs pa


mngon sum byas nas {C}

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis actualize;

make manifest

mngon sum du mdzad pa

sktkaraa; {MV}sktkti manifestation;


bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {L}sktkra

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

directly see

sktkra; {MV}sktkriy manifestation;

actualization realization

mngon sum du {C}skt; {MSA}

actualization; make manifest

mngon sum du mthong ba

mngon sum du byas pa {L}


initial perceptions

mngon sum du bgyid

cognize directly; direct realization

skt-karoti; {C}bhvayitv manifesting;

actualizing {C}realize

{GD:736} first perception

mngon sum dang po ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

skdadhigata; pratyaka realize directly;

mngon sum ma yin pai

chos non-obvious phenomenon



mngon sum mi byed {C}

rngai sgra {MSA}dundubhi-svar sound of

asktkriy nonmanifestation; non-manifest;

not actual {C}cannot be realized

a drum

{PH}four types of valid perception

rngub inhalation
rngul {PH}sweat
rngog legs pai shes rab

mdzad, mngon sum du mdzad {C}aka-ga

manifest {C}show up

rngog lo ts ba blo ldan

aiming the mind directly (?) {T} {GD:506}

inattentive perception

rngog lo tsa ba bol ldan

mngon sum tshad ma



mngon sum tshad ma bzhi

{GD:ix,xiii} N#gok-lek-b#ay-s#hay-rap (circa 11th

c.), a G#a-dam-b#a author on epistemology

mngon sum

shes rab {PH}the translater; Ngok Lo-den-shayrap (1059-1109)

mngon sum yid ma gtad not

shes rab {GD:ix,xiii} N#gok Lo-d#za-wa L#oden-s#hay-rap (1059-1109), a G#a-dam-b#a author

on epistemology


rngon pa {C}nida {C}hunter

lnga {LCh}paca five
lnga sde bzang po the first five

sum la snang ba gang zhig so sor mi snang ba

snang snang snang snang
(1) appearing to direct perception; and (2) not
appearing as separate

mngor ba sweet{D1}
rnga {MSA}trya drum
rnga bo che {C}bher {C}drum
rnga bo che chen poi leu

disciples of the Buddha [the five ascetics:

Kauinya, Avajit, Vapa, and Mahnaman]

lnga pa {MSA}pacaka; {MV}pacam; {MV}

pacama the fifth {T}

mahbherhraka-parivarta the Great Drum

Stra (mahbherhraka-parivarta), P. 888, vol.

rnga mo camel
rnga yab cmara Cmara
rnga yab gzhan aparacmara

before; early {PH}half

snga gro gcig

{PH}one half days


snga rgol

rgal brgald rgold {LCh}prvavdin former
party; former opponent; opponent; other party


rngan can byed par gyur {C}

uccagghayati {C}sneer; deride

snga ltas {C}prva-nimitta former sign;

rngan pa {C}puya {C}merit

rngams brjid dur

prior sign; omen {C}symptom; indication; sign

which indicates

snga dro {C}purobhakta; {L}prvhna

khrod rol pai chas {PH}frightful attire of a

charnel ground dweller

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lnga po {MSA,MV}paca all five {T}

lnga po phrod {PH}five-fold alignment
snga {L}prva; {MSA}di previous; former;

morning; forenoon




snga droi dus {PH}morning

venerable Majur. {W23693} Mkhas-grub-rnamthar-bsdus-pa; 2b.2
snga na {PH}previously; formerly
snga na med phyir {MSA}prg abhvt snga rol gyi yang ches snga
prior lifetimes, this teacher was mentored by the

rol {C}parea paratarea {C}farther and farther

away from

former non-existence

snga nas bsags pa {C}prva-

snga rol du prior; before

snga lugs su prior
snga logs prior
snga logs su byung ba

upacita formerly collected {C}built up in the


snga phyi {L}paurvyparyyam former and

later; temporal {PH}previous and later; former

and later before and after; early and late
rgya gar du snga phyi
bsdoms pas lo bco lnga bzhugs, Combining [his]
previous and later [visits], [he] lived in India for
fifteen years. {GCG} p.21

byung byung byung byung prior


sngags {LCh,TN}mantra spell; mantra;

snga phyi kun {PH}all former and later

snga phyi bai rten temporal base
snga phyi med pa {MV}aprvcarama

general word for tantra

sngags kyi theg pa mantrayna

Mantra Vehicle

sngags kyi rigs {C}jpya

chanting(?) {C}muttering

atemporal; no former and later

sngags mthu nyid

snga phyi med par {C}anuprva-

caramam; {MV}aprvcarama atemporal; no

former and later {C}sooner or later

{PH}the power of


snga phyir {L}paurvyparyyam former and


snga ma {C,MSA}prva; {C}purima former;

earlier; prior; early {C}first; the first one

sngags mthus by the power of a


sngags pa bsgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

mantra-sdhana {C}evocation of mantras

snga ma phyi ma khyad med

sngags rim, sngags rim

snga mai las nyon former actions

sngang ba appear; appearance; bright;

chen mo Tsong-kha-pas (tsong kha pa) Great

Exposition of Secret Mantra

{MSA}paurvparyviia no difference between

former and later


and afflictions

sngar before; formerly; previously

sngar kun

snga rabs pa

{C}built up in the past;

{GD:550} previous [thinkers]

snga rol

nas nyon mongs pa phyis rnam par byang

byang byangs byang byongs
{MV}prva saklea pacd vyavadna
formerly afflicted, later purified {T}

bla ma di sku tshad
{PH}earlier; prior; before

dpag tu med pai snga rol nas; rje btsun jam pai
dbyangs kyis rjes su bzung ba yin; Over countless

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



sngar gyi gnas cha jig

sngo ser {PH}blue and yellow

sngo ser dkar dmar {PH}blue;

pa the factor of stability [attained] earlier


sngar gyi mtshan ma {C}prva-

yellow; white; and red

sngo ser dmar dkar

nimitta former sign {C}symptom; (a certain)

sign; which indicates; indication

sngar rgol

sngon {L,C,MSA,MV}prva; {C}purvakara;


{C}prvam (=prvaka); {C}paurvaka prior;

previous; former {C}first; formerly; before;
first of all; up to now; so far; in the past; previously
described; of the past

rgal brgald rgold prvapaka challenger (in

debate); former party; prior opponent

sngar gda bai {C}dyate


sngon goms par byas pa {MV}

seen; has appeared; has seen

sngar nas yod pas since he has

prvbhysa cultivated previously {T}

from before

sngar lung ma bstan

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}dv

avykarat not previously revealed in scripture

sngar utp la mthong

ma myong bai gang zag gi rgyud kyi utp lai kha
dog dzin pai dbang mngon
gzung dzin bzung zungs sense direct
perception in the continuum of a personwho
has not previously experienced seeing an
utpalathat apprehends the color of an utpala


sngon gyi

rgyal ba dag la bya ba byas pa yin par {C}prvajina-kta-adhikra {C}one who has fulfilled/
performed/done his duties under the former Jinas

sngon gyi mtha {C}prvntatas

in the past; from where it begins; at/in the beginning

sngo skya bluish{D1}

sngo sga the leaves of green ginger which

has a round type of leaf and grows in snow

mountains or in stony areas on mountains where
there used to be snow

sngo nag blue black{D1}

sngo dzin gzung

sngon gyi dus {L}prvakla former

age; earlier time

sngon gyi gnas

rjes su dran pa shes pa {PH}superknowledge of

recollecting former lives

sngon gyi
gnas rjes su dran pai mngon shes {PH}
superknowledge of recollects former lives

dzin bzung zungs apprehending blue

sngon gyi smon lam {MSA}prva-


sense direct perception apprehending blue

praidhna former prayer wishes {T}

{PH}light blue

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

parpuruottamena {C}from Him who went

before me

rgyal ba la bya ba lhag par byas shing {C}prvajina-kta-adhikra {C}one who has fulfilled/
performed/done his duties under the former Jinas

sngos/ nmayi; nati dedicate {PH}blue

sngo si

sngon gyi {C}pur {C}who preceeded me

sngon gyi skye mchog gis {C}

sngon gyi

bsngo/ sngo/ bsngos/

sngo dzin dbang mngon


yellow; red; and white


sngon gyi las {MSA}prva-karman


sngon du bsnyen pa prior

former action {T}

sngon gyi srol {PH}ancient tradition

sngon gro, sngon du gro ba


sngon du bsnyen pa byed pa

prior approximation

{LCh}prvaka; {LCh}prvagama; prvagama

[before-go]; preliminary practices; preliminary;
preparation; prerequisite

sngon du ma song bar

song song song song without being

sngon gro tsam yin pas since

preceded by...

[they] are mere preliminaries

sngon groi sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord preparatory


sngon chad {C}alabdha-prva; {MSA}

prva {PH}in the past {C}in the past(?)

sngon chad par paricrik(ya)

sngon chad spyad par

[from the second moment until death; usually the

longest of the four states]

sngon nas {PH}previously; prior

sngon gnas previous situations
sngon gnas rjes

sngon gnas rjes dran gyi

spyad spyod spyad spyod paricrik(y)

shes pa {PH}knowledge of former lives

sngon po {LCh,C,MSA} nla blue

{C}when in the past he served

sngon chad spyod pai tshe



spyad spyod spyad spyod

paricrik(y) {C}when in the past he served

sngon poi tha

snyad kyi gzhir gyur pai sngon po blue that is
the referent of the convention blue


sngon spyod tshe na

which he had not had before

sngon jug prefix

sngon du gro precede
sngon du gro ba {LCh}prvaka;

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}paricrikym {C}

having served them in the past

sngon ma former
sngon med pa aprva

{LCh}prvagama;{C}prva gama; {C}

prvagamat preliminary; prerequisite {C}
preceeded; controller; directs; controls; controlled
by; controlled


sngon med pa skye {MSA}aprvotpatti

not previously arisen

sngon du gro bar dod pa

sngon dzin

{C}prvagamena bhavitu-kma {C}wants to

win precedence over


dzin bzung zungs apprehending blue

sngon du gro ye shes {MSA}

jna-prvagama preliminary exalted wisdom;

previous exalted wisdom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sngon dus kyi srid pa prior state

dran gyi mngon shes {PH}superknowledge of

recollecting former lives


when in the past he served

sngon chad ma {C}aprva-labha


sngon dzin

mngon sum gyi de ma thag rkyen

gzung dzin bzung zungs immediately
preceding condition of a direct perception


mtshan nyid/ sngon dzin mngon sum myong

apprehending blue


ba gsal rig tsam du gtso bor dngos su skyed byed kyi rig

pa Def.: a knower that is the main direct producer

of a direct perception apprehending blue only as a

luminous and knowing experiential entity

sngon dzin

mngon sum gyi bdag rkyen

gzung dzin bzung zungs empowering/
proprietary condition of a direct perception
apprehending blue
nyid/ sngon dzin mngon sum rang dbang du gtso bor

dngos su skyed byed Def.: main direct producer of a

direct perception apprehending blue under its own


sngon dzin

ldan du gtso bor dngos su skyed byed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed main direct
producer of a direct perception apprehending
blue as having its aspect

sngon dzin mngon sum rang dbang du gtso bor

dngos su skyed byed bskyed
skyed bskyed skyed main direct producer of a
direct perception apprehending blue under its
own power

sngon dzin dbang mngon gyis drangs

pai sngon po nges pai shes don mthun factually

concordant determining consciousness of blue
that is induced from a sense direct perceiver
apprehending blue (?)

sngon rol {MSA}di; {MSA}prc prior;

mngon sum gyi dmigs rkyen

gzung dzin bzung zungs observed object
condition of a direct perceiver apprehending
mtshan nyid/

sngon song

of a direct perception apprehending blue as having

the aspect of blue

bsngags {C}praas; (pra as):



bsngo/ sngo/ bsngos/

sngos/ nmayi; nati dedicate

sngon dzin mngon sum sngon poi rnam ldan du gtso

bor dngos su skyed byed Def.: main direct producer

sngon dzin mngon sum sngon poi rnam

ldan du gtso bor dngos su skyed byed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed main direct
producer of a direct perception apprehending
blue as having the aspect of blue

sngon dzin mngon

sum myong ba gsal rig tsam du gtso bor dngos

su skyed byed kyi rig pa
bskyed skyed bskyed skyed a knower that is the
main direct producer of a direct perception
apprehending blue only as a luminous and
knowing experiential entity

sngon dzin mngon sum rang gi rnam

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

song song

song song preceding

{MSA}praasate; {C}ayate to praise {C}

glorification; recommend

bsngags ldan {Das} kaaka; kaika


bsngags pa ( as): {MSA}asanti;

{C}asita; {MSA}praas; {C}praasta; {MSA}

praas vidadhati (vi dh); {L}vara; (
var): {MSA}varayati; {MSA}varitavat praise
{C}glorification; extolled; lauded; color; outward

bsngags pa brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}vara bhate;

{C}vara-vda {C}speak in praise of; proclaim
the praises of

bsngags pa brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}vara-vdin

{C}one who has praised; praise; incite

bsngags pa ston te

bstan ston bstand stond {C}varayati


bsngags pa mi ston te

bstan ston bstand stond {C}varayati


bsngags pa ang brjod la

ci dgos {C}kimuta

{C}what?; why?;

who?; how much more?

brjod rjod

{PH}perhaps {C}but if;

but however; or even; if; or even if

bsngo/ sngo/ bsngos/

sngos/ {C}nmayi; {MV}nati dedicate {C}

dedicate to

ci thub [what-able]; whatever one can; as

much as possible

ci thod thod smra ba {C}yat-kicanapralpin {C}prattling away about everything that

comes into ones head

bsngo bgrang review

bsngo ba {MV}nati; {MSA}parimana

ci dra [what-like]; whatever like;

dedicate {PH}dedication

whatever; what like?

ci dra ba {C}atha [what-like]; whatever

bsngo ba sgom lam

like; whatever; what like? {C}but; if; moreover;

however; but when; as like

parimanlakao bhvanmrga [Great

Vehicle] path of meditation of dedication

ci nas kyang [what-from-even]; in any

bsngo ba chung ngu small dedication

bsngo ba yin {C}parimita bhavati

case; by all means

ci nus [what-able]; whatever one can; as

dedicate {C}becomes turned over

much as possible

ci nus su


{PH}as much as possible; as

many [times] as possible

turns over

bsngo/ sngo/

ci phyir, cii phyir why?; for what

bsngos/ sngos/ nmayi; nati dedicate

ca lag things; goods

cag plural marker
cang, ci yang at all; anything
cang mi smra bar dug {C}


ci phyir zhe na {C}ki kraam


what reason?

tbhvena-atinamayati {C}spend his time in


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

question: Is ... (the case)?; who

ci ste {C}athav

vara-vdin {C}one who has praised; praise;



can possessing; having; subject to

ci kim what; however; whatever; can indicate

brjod rjod what has been told(?)

bsngags pa gsung gis {C}

bsngo yin {C}nmayti dedicate


thorough-bred; well-born

ci brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}

vara bhate {C}speak in praise of


cang shes pa {C,L}jneya


ci bar ma dor {C}antar

meanwhile; midway; prematurely; intermediate

ci bas kyang

{PH}very much; especially


ci la dgongs nas thinking of

bod dpe rnams ci

bas kyang spus legs; The Tibetan texts were of
especially good quality. {GCG} p. 28/48


ci la brten te {L}ki pratihya

ci ma rung [what-not-fitting]; how nice it

depending upon what; having what basis

ci la gnas {L}ki saniritya having

would be!; how would it not be fitting?

ci zhig what
ci ang med pa {C}kicanaya;

what basis

ci slad du on account of what?

ci slad zhe na {C}ki kraam (=na

kicanya nothingness {C}destitution;

absolute non-existence

khalu punar) {C}on account of what?; for what


ci ang med pai skye mched

ci bsam kun grub

{C}kicanyyatana sphere of nothingness

{C}sense-field of absolute non-existence

ci yang, cang at all; anything

ci yang {PH}at all; anything whatsoever

cig particle indicating a or imperative

(often untranslatable) {PH}[imperative marker]

bdag dzin la ci yang mi

cig sgra the sound, cig, (?)

cig car {LCh,C}sakt simultaneously;

gnod de it will not harm the conception of self at

all {MSI 409.2}

ci yang med {LCh}kicanya;

simultaneous {C}once more

akicanya nothingness

ci yang med pai skye mched

{LCh}kicanyyatana sphere of nothingness

ci yod [what-is]; what is?; whatever

ci rigs any; or
ci rigs sgo nas {PH}from the point

ci rigs pa [what-type]; any; and either;


ci rigs par {MV} yathyogam (= ci


sbyor sbyard sbyord {MV}yathrhatas either is


cig car du {LCh}yugapad simultaneous;

cig car ba simultaneous

cig char du {LCh}yugapad

simultaneous; simultaneously; at one time

cig dang yud tsam zhig

cig shos

{PH}other one
The desire that arises
from [external] conditions is easy to suppress, the
other is not. {A4C}

cing and; pronoun indicator; present and past

participal indicator


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}asakt (?); {C}yamaka simultaneously;

simultaneous; at one time {C}sudden;
immediate; quick; together; a few; some; twin

muhrta minute; second

rigs su sbyar bar bya); {MV}yathrhatas (= ci rigs

sbyar) {PH}as is suitable; as either

ci rigs su
ci la of what?

cig car {MSA}yugapad; {MSA}sakt;

at one time; simultaneously

of view of whichever is suitable

ci rigs sbyar

{PH}all your

wishes will be fulfilled


cii phyir, ci phyir why?; for what


cung zad tsam zhig {C}alpa-mtra

reason? [lit.: because of what?]

cii slad du on account of what?; why?

ciu mkhar {PH}prefectural capital
cis by any
cis kyang in any case; by all means
cung {PH}slight
cung mi bden {PH}somewhat untrue
cung zad kicit; {MSA}kicid; {MSA}

only slightly; only a few {C}a few only

ce na {Ch}iti; {LCh}ced; iti cet if it is asked

ces iti particle indicating quotation; thus
ces brjod brjod rjod

brjod rjod {C}ucyate {C}it is said; is spoken of;

one speaks of; is called; is expounded

ces pa iti particle indicating quotation

ces pai mdo tshig bka
stsal pa spoke the words of stra

alpa; {MSA}alpa-mtra; {C}au [little-only];

somewhat; slight; only a little; a little; any
{PH}slightest; slightly something; someone;
{C}atom; smallest thing; particle
khyad par cung zad kyang med pas
Since there is not even the slightest difference ...

ces bya {C}nman indicates quotation; it

is said {C}name(d); word; mere word

ces bya ba indicates quotation; it is said

co {MSA}kea hair
co dri {A4C} vihehaka {PH}injurious

[PGP 79]

cung zad kyang kimcit slight; only a

One sees

little; a little; any something; someone

cung zad lkog gyur kicid-paroka

slightly hidden phenomenon

that the maturation of evil on earth is only injurious.

{A4C} VII.7ab

cog bu pa {C}naiad(y)ika



{C}one who
even in his sleep remains in a sitting posture

nyid/ blo rigz tshur mthong rnams kyis thog mar dngos
stobs kyi rtags la brten nas nges par rtogs dgos pai
chos Definition: Knowledge and Awareness:

a phenomenon which an ordinary being must

definitely realize initially in dependence upon a sign
by the power of the fact

cung zad lkog yur kimcidparoka

slightly hidden phenomena


cod pan crown

[One] naturally assumes the
crown of the nine great [states of existence] of the
triple world system Mi-pham, Svarodaya comm. 3b.1

gcags pa love; be intimate with;

cung zad phye ste slightly extensive

cung zad mi kicit slight; only a little;



gcad/ gcod/
bcad/ chod/ to cut; decided; eliminate; judge;

little; any something; someone

cung zad med nothing in the least; not

gcad du med {C}acchinna not cut;

a little

cung zad tsam {MSA}alpa-mtra;

not decided; not eliminated {C}not cut apart

{MSA}kicid; {MSA}kicitka only slightly; only

a little

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

cog rtse table

cog ro lo chen the Great Translator


gcad pa


dbye ba/ 1 rang ldog gcig pa/ 2 ngo bo
gcig pa/ 3 rigs gcig pa/ Divisions: (1) same self
isolate; (2) same entity; (3) same type

gcod/ bcad/ chod/ {C}chidyate to cut; decided;

eliminate; judge; condemn {C}is cut (off)

gcan gzan {C}vya carnivorous

animal {C}beasts of prey

gcan gzan khro boi rigs

dag {C}caa-mga-jtni fierce carnivorous
animals {C}fierce beasts of prey

gcan gzan gyi dgon pa {C}

vya-kntra a place with carnivorous animals

{C}wild place with beasts of prey

gcan gzan

gyi dgon pai nang du song na

song song song song {C}vya-kntramadhya-gata go into the midst of a place with
carnivorous animals {C}gets into a wilderness
infested with wild beasts

gcig gi rgyu

las gcig byung ba yin pa

byung byung byung byung {C}anyonya-hetuka
{C}mutual production; (lit.: from the cause of one;
the other arises)
{C}common; identical; mutual

gcig gis gcig stong

pai stong nyid emptiness of the one-beingempty-of-the-other

{C}vya-mga carnivorous animals and deer

{C}wild beast; beasts of prey; beasts of prey, deer,
and ferocious wild animals

gcig car sakt simultaneous

gcig car du sakt simultaneous;

gcan gzan gdug pa {C}vya-


mga carnivorous animals and deer {C}

wild beast; beasts of prey; beasts of prey, deer, and
ferocious wild animals

gcig cig at a certain time

gcig char ba one who [proceeds]


gci urine; to urinate

gcig {MV}eka; {MV}ekatva; {MSA}aikyatas;

{C}mitha; abhinna {GD:284} one; same;

oneness; unitary; single; singular phenomenon
{PH}identity; same {C}autonomous; first;
together; one single; alone; the same as; only one;
common; identical; mutual
rtag gcig rang dbang can permanent, unitary, and
autonomous rtse gcig one-pointed
That there is identity
(aikya) - namely, the form itself being the pot - is
not so. {A4C} 14.2a
mtshan nyid/ so so ba ma yin pai
chos Definition: phenomena that are not separate

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

a difference which is a negation of oneness

{PH}a difference which is a negation of oneness
{GD:155} [distinct from something which is] a
mere negation of being one with [that something]

gcig gi gcig {C}mitha one; same

gcan gzan dang ri dwags

gcam bui tshig

gcig bkag pai tha dad


gcig nyid oneness; just one; sameness

gcig tu {C}kevala; {L}eknta this

can mean: one or many devoted soley to;

exceedingly; devoted to one aim only; {C}only;
together; complete

gcig tu bgyid pa ma lags

pa bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis
{C}anekatva-udrika (?) {C}does not exalt the
single oneness

gcig tu nges pa {L}ekntika

devoted to; take pleasure in; one aim/end/thing

only; exceedingly

gcig tu nges par gtan du

{C}ekenaikik {C}an absolute assurance

gcig tu brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}ekodhra {C}single


gcig tu bsdus nas

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {L}kevala

gcig tsam du ni yid la {C}ekaone another; each other

dgod god bkod god {C}

eka-vyha; {C}vyha (=samha) {C}one single

array; array; mass; (miraculous) harmony

gcig tu bral sogs kyi

rigs pa the reasoning of the lack of being one or

many, etc.

gcig du this can mean: one or many

gcig dril to wrap around; bring

gcin mtra urine

gcen mo {PH}elder sister
gcen mo dang gcung mo
sisters (elder and younger)

gcer bu naked
gcer bu pa {LCh}nirgrantha

gces pa {LCh}priya; {C}dhrya;

pradhnatama cherish; dear; precious {C}

leader; the most valuable of all

gcig pa {MV}ekatva one; oneness;

gces spras to value

gces spras byed pa yin {C}

distinguished by; unitary

dbye ba/ 1 rang ldog gcig pa/ 2 ngo bo
gcig pa 3 rigs gcig pa/ Divisions: (1) same self
isolate; (2) same entity; (3) same type

bahu-kara {C}achieves much

gces spres {L}bahulkra value;

esteem; great zeal for; care for; hold dear; exert

oneself; extended; increase

{PH}merely not

gcig pu {MV}eka alone; sole; only; lone gces dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs self cherishing

{PH}sole; lone; sole; single; alone

gcig pu nyid {PH}solitary

gcig pu la mngon par

dga ba {C}ektik-abhirata (=ansaga-vihrit)

{C}fond of solitude

gcig pur {MV} ekatva {PH}alone; sole

gcig bu ekam unitary
gcig bu zhig {PH}alone
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


Nirgrantha; Unclothed


[He] is born

{PH}same or not the


gcig la gcig {L}anyonya mutually;

gcig tu rnam par bkod pa

one {GD:154} merely not one

gcig mi gcig

manas {C}single-mindedly

having condensed/brought together/abridged/

summarized as one; together; only; one

gcig pa bkag pa

alone in the empty celestial mansion (vhra) of

Brahma, ... {PW8-H}

gcong rong {PH}chasm

gcong rong gi chu bu


running through a chasm

gcong rong chu

{PH}river running

through a chasm


gcad/ gcod/

bcad/ chod/ {C}ucchiti; {C}chinat (=chinatti);

{C}vyaparopayati; {C}chindati; {MV}pariccheda
severance; cut; decide; judge; condemn;


eliminate; progress; excorcism; a form of Tantric
meditation started by female siddha Ma gcig lab
sgron ma, which involves offering ones body
to demons in order to excorcise them {C}
cessation; annihilation; cut off; rob of (e.g.: jvitd);
cut off

gcod pa


gcod/ bcad/ chod/ {C}chindati; {L}chedana;

{MSA}upacchedana; {MSA}samucchedana; lam
gcod pa = {MSA}paripantha cut; decide; judge;
condemn; eliminate; progress; excorcism;
decided cut off; cut (asunder/off); end; destroy

gcod byed eliminator

gcod byed kyi bu

cognitions which follow a valid cognition and
cognize the same object as that valid cognition

bcad par bya ba yin {C}

utsrayati {C}drives away

{PH}Vantsik (a

gcod byed pa {C}chindati {C}cuts off

gcod yul pa {PH}Chd practitioner
gcom {PH}conceit [His]
pride and conceit were diminished.

bcag phro {C}avabhedaka


fragment of

/ /

bcang / chang / bcangs/ chongs/ to hold; keep;

put off [past tense of chang, to hold; to keep]


bcad/ chod/ {C}chin(n)atti; {C}samuccheda; {L}

gth decree; cut; decided; eliminated; judged;
condemned {C}take away; cuts (through)
annihilation; extermination; completely cut off;
poetry; verses

bcad pai yul can

class of pretas)


bcad nas {C}chinnu {C}cut

bcad pa gcad/ gcod/

gcad/ gcod/ bcad/

chod/ cut; eliminate; decide; judge; condemn

bcad cing gtubs te {C}chittv

bcad du med pa {C}acchinnat not

dren byed kyi tshad ma snga mas rtogs zin rtogs pai

tshad min gyi rig pa Definition: a knower which is

not a direct perceiver and which realizes what has
already been realized by the former direct perceiver
inducing it

dbye ba/ 1 mngon sum bcad shes/ 2 rtog pa bcad
shes/ Divisions: (1) directly perceiving subsequent
cognizer; (2) conceptual subsequent cognizer

bcad shes don mthun *anvarthaparicchinna-jna factually concordant

subsequent cognition

*paricchinnajna subsequent cognition

distinguishable {C}not cut apart

thob/thob thob thob thobs

not attaining an object with respect to which

superimpositions have been eliminated


bca/ cha/

bcas/ cha/ {MSA}prajapti make; construct

[e.g., a mudr]; arrange [e.g., the legs in a
meditation posture]; formulate

bca sga {L}uh dried ginger{S}

bcad ldog elimination-isolate [a

{PH}dried ginger


conceptually isolatable factor that is a mere


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

*pariccinnajna subsequent cognizer;

subsequent cognition; re-cognition
mtshan nyid/ rang

bcad shes; dpyad shes

{C}having torn off

bcad don ma thob pa

bcad shes {C}paricchinna-jna;

bca/ cha/
bcas/ cha/ as well as; formulate; make;



bcu gnyis po {MV}dvdaa-vidha

construct [e.g., a mudr]; arrange [e.g., the legs

in a meditation posture]

bcas, bcas pa saha; {MV,MSA}

twelfth; twelve

sa- (e.g.: sa-prajapti; sa-dauhulya; etc.); {MSA}

-vat; {MSA}prajapta; {MSA}prajapti having;
together [with] possessing; with; connected with

bcas pa, bcas saha; {MV,MSA}

bcu drug cha

{PH}full-moon-like (lit.
having all 16 parts (lunar digits) [of the full

bcu pa {MV}daama; {MV,MSA}daam

tenth; ten

sa- (e.g.: sa-prajapti; sa-dauhulya; etc.); {MSA}

-vat; {MSA}prajapta; {MSA}prajapti having;
together with possessing; with; connected with

bcu po {MV}daan tenth; ten

bcu bzhi {MSA}carur-daa fourteen
bcu gsum rdo rje dzin

bcas pai skye ba {C}samutpda

{C}production; sprung up

bcas rang

pai sa {PH}thirteenth ground vajra-holder

{PH}transgressions [of vows]

and natural [offenses]


[already] determined (see: bcad pai yul can)

bcugs pa be intimate with; love

bcud {L}rasa beings; essence; what is in the

gzhug jug bcug

chug 1) indicates causative construction; 2)
enter; engage; apply; usher into

bcas shes (lit.) cognition of the


/ /

bcing / ching / bcings/ chings/ {C}bandhana

bind {C}imprisonment; bond(age); joined
together by

vessel; animate being taste; essence; elixir


/ /
bcing / ching / bcings/ chings/ bandhu (=baddha)
bind {C}bound

bcings pa

/ /
bcing / ching / bcings/ chings/ {MV}

gzhil/ jil/

bcil/ jild/ abandon; give up; subjugate

bcu {LCh,MSA,MV}daa; {MV}daan ten


bcu gcig {MSA}ekdaa eleven

bcu gcig pa {MV 5.28}ekdaam

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bcud kyis len {L}rasyana essence bcud len {L}rasyana essence-

extraction; essence-extraction (the treatment of


bcus daa ten; twisted

bcus pa twisted
bco ten
bco brgyad {MSA}aa-daa eighteen
bcom gzhom joms
bcom choms {C}upahata; {C} -h; {C}hni
destroy; overcome; triumph over {C}injure;
oppress; afflict; those who have forsaken; failure;
diminution; decrease; waning; loss

eleven; eleventh

bcu bcu {PH}ten each

bcu gnyis dvdaa twelve

the world; worldly beings; lit.: beings in the



bandha; {MSA}baddha; {C}bandhana; {C}vadhya

bound; bind; bondage{N} {C}murder; prisoner
condemned to death

bcil ba

bcud kyi sems can beings in


bcom ldan

when it is broken up or mentally divided/

gzhom joms bcom choms {MSA}Bhagavat

conqueror; victor

separated into parts

bcom ldan bde gshegs

the Transcendent Victor; the One-Gone-to-Bliss

bcom ldan das

gzhom joms bcom choms {LCh}Bhagavan;

{C,MSA}Bhagavat; bhagavan; bhagavat
[conqueror-possessing-passed beyond];
Supramundane Victor; Blessed One; Buddha;

bcom ldan das

kyis kun tu bstan pa bstan

ston bstand stond {MSA}sadarit buddhena
completely demonstrated/taught/indicated by a
Supramundane Victor

bcom ldan das

dpal brtsegs rgyal po {PH}the Transcendent
Victor rka-rja

bcom ldan das dpal brtsegs rgyal po de bzhin

gshegs pa {PH}the Tathgata; the Transcendent
Victor rka-rja

ldan das s lai dbang poi rgyal po byung ba
*slendra-rjcra {PH}the Transcendent Victor

bcom nas

bcom pa

joms bcom choms {MSA}hata; {C}manthana;
{MSA}samudghta; {C}pratihanyate; yang dag
par bcom pa = {MSA}samutpana destroy;
overcome; triumph over {C}conquered;
shaking; shaking about; agitating; killing; slaying; is
obstructed; is frustrated; beat back; be upset

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}upahanyate

destroy; overcome; triumph over {C}vitiate;

bcom zhing phyir

phyogs par gyur {C}bhagna-ph-karoti {C}

has his back broken

bcom zhing phyir phyogs

par byed gzhom joms
bcom choms {C}bhagna-ph-karoti {C}has
his back broken

bcom zhing phyir

phyogs par mi gyur

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}bhagna-ph-karoti
{C}has his back broken

bcos {MSA,C}prativarika fabricated;

made up {C}counterfeit; similar

bcos pa {MSA}prativarika fabricated;

made up {C}counterfeit; similar

bcos pu {C}prativarika fabricated;

made up {C}counterfeit; similar

bcos ma {MSA}ktrima; {MSA}pratirpa

fake; fabricated; artificial; made up; fabrication

bcos ma ma yin pa aktrima

non-artificial; non-fabricated

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}vidhvamitva

having conquered/destroyed/triumphed over
{C}having disspelled; having destroyed

paam blos cha shas so sor bsal ba na

gzhom joms bcom choms

bcom zhing

bcos ma ma yin pai myong

ba aktrimnubhava non-artificial experience

bcos ma yin pa ktrimam

gang zhig bcos ma yin pa de ni dei bdag
gi ba ma yin That which is fabricated is not its
mine. (yattu ktrima na tattasytmya) [PP,

bcos min, bcos ma min

pa aktrima; {LCh}aktrima; aktaka nonartificial; non-fabricated; uncontrived



bcos min gyi myong ba

tongue-consciousness; tongue consciousness


uncontrived experience {PH}non-artificial

... zhes dam bca bai blo bcos min gyi myong ba
non-artificial experience with respect to the mind
which promises ...

mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag

rkyen lce dbang po dang dmigs rkyen ro la brten nas skye

bai rig pa Definition: an awareness that arises in

lca ba a leaf called ja-wa

lcag {C}kaa {C}whip
lcags {MSA}ayas; {MSA}loha iron
lcags kyi ri ayas-parvata iron

dependence upon its own uncommon empowering

condition, a tongue sense power, and its observed
object condition, a taste

lce shes kyi myong bya


apprehended object of a tongueconsciousness{D1}7 {T}object experienced by a


iron hell-trees

wind that moves through the door of the tongue

lcags kyi shal ma la aya-lmal lcei sgor rgyu bai rlung

lcags kyi shing shal ma li

lcei rnam par shes pa {LCh}

ayalmalvana Iron Grater

jihv-vijna tongue-consciousness7; tongue


lcags khab

{PH}[iron] needle

The south Indians write letters with the tip of

lcei rnam shes jihvvijna tongue


lcei dbang po {LCh}jihvendriya

a needle on palm fronds. {GC-GT} = Delhi (2001)

v.1 p.245 = Jinpa/Lopez; p.187

tongue sense; tongue sense-power

lcags sgrog shackle

lcags mda lcags gzhu steel

bow and steel arrow (an epithet of Tsong-khapas Essence of Eloquence, legs bshad snying po)

lcags ri fence
lcang skya rol pai rdo rje

pai nang gi gzugs can dwang ba Definition: clear

cha {LCh}aa; {LCh}bhga; {C,MSA}kal;

lcang ma tree
lcam pa a plant with a big red flower
lci ba guru; gurutva heaviness; heavy;7

{C}dea; {L}tam; {L}tam; {C}pratirpa; {MSA}

tulya; {MSA}rutka factor; portion; part; an
odd number (see example 2); all of (the parts of
something; see example 3) {PH}even number;
part; factor; [all] parts; all together; whole [as
suffix] {C}pair; fraction; place; region; rain;
fitting; proper; seemly gsum cha all three

teacher; weighty; deep

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen byed pai cha nas bzhag

inner form qualified by acting as the uncommon

empowering condition of its own effect, an eyeconsciousness{D1}

Jang-kya-rol-pay-dor-jay (1717-1786), a prolific

Mongolian Ge-lug-pa scholar

lcid heavy
lce jihv; rasana tongue
lce shes jihv-vijna; jihv-jna

mtshan nyid/ rang bras lcei rnam shes kyi thun


cha factor; portion

{PH}even number; part;

factor; [all] parts; all together; whole [as suffix]


gsum cha all three together

cha brgyad sku gdung

mer zung hold this as a lamp for seeing the entire

path clearly

cha tshang khyer bde


sets of relics

cha can aaka the whole; parts-


and complete

cha tshang ba {PH}complete; entire

cha yis appears{TN}
cha lang {PH}cymbals
cha lugs style; appearance; gestalt; form;


cha gcig {MSA}ekma one part {T}

cha bcas part-owner {GD:174} whole;
{GD:289} part holders

cha mnyam equal
cha mnyam pai the tshom equal cha shas {LCh}avayava factor; part
cha shas can avayavin whole;
possessing parts
cha mthun bhgya concordance with a
portion; partial concordance
cha shas med pa nir-avayava
cha dang mthun {L}pakya
concordant; concordance; limb; wing
cha shas su phye nas having
divided into portions
cha dang mthun pa {MV}bhgya
concordant; concordance
chag to break; to decrease
cha dang ldan pa {L}bhgya
chag gyur la {C}praluptikye
concordance; concordant; entitled to
(=bhinnym) {C}when it breaks up

cha nas bzhag pa qualified by;

{C}in the guise of

chag chag sprinkle; wash

chag nyams skong bai

bsgyur sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {C}

chag med without a break

chags {C}rga; {MSA}saga; {MSA}lobha;

posited from the point of view of

cha byad {C}veea appearance; gestalt

tshogs khor {PH}gaacakra feast for mending


cha byad du {C}vea {C}guise; disguise

cha byad du bsgyur cing
vea {C}in the guise of

cha byad du bcos par {C}vea

chags bcas {C}sa-rga

{C}guise; disguise

cha ma tshang {PH}incomplete

cha med [part-not-exist]; partless;

accompaniment with desire; having desire;

having attachment; desirous; attached {C}with

chags sdang rmongs gsum


cha tshang [parts-all]; entire


complete; entire
lam cha tshang gsal bar mthong bai sgron

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}zur chags = apa-; {C}sajjate to desire;

to become; to form; formed; having; desire;
attachment {C}greed; greedy; dye; hue(s)

{PH}the three attachment; aversion; and




chags pa {LCh}rga; {C}lubdha; {C}

lepa; {C}aga (=sayoga); {C,MSA}sakta;

{C,MSA,MV}sakti; {C}sajjati (=abhiniveate); {C}
parmati (=m rpa-dy-abhinivea-yogena
grahr ity); {C}asakta; {MSA}sakti; {MSA}kpa;
{MSA}kpaa; {MSA}bhakta; {MSA}lbha; {MSA}
saga attachment {C}covetous; pollution;
attached to; tied by; get stuck; misconstrue as;
adhere to; handle; unattached; bent on; home;

chags pa gcod byed {C}sagacched {C}one who cuts off attachment

(=pratihanyate = sajjasyati) be attached;

attached {C}be obstructed

chags par gyur {C}sajyate; {C}

anunyate be attached; attached {C}is
attached; be won over

chags par gyur bzhin

{C}anunyate; {C}anuneyate be attached;

attachment {C}be won over

chags par byao {C}sajjitavya

(=sakti kry) {C}should become attached

chags pa thams cad

chags par byed pa {C}pratideayati

dang bral ba {C}sarva-saga-vigata {C}free

from all attachment

(=ghta-bodhicitta-paritygt = pratypatti-balt
= kta-ppadeann) attachment {C}confesses
his error; see their error

chags pa mi mnga ba

mnga mnga mnga mnga {C}

chags spangs

asaga; asaga non-attachment; unattached

{C}without attachment; unshackled

spang spong spangs spongs {C}ansaga

abandoning attachment {C}free from

chags pa med {C}anopalipta; {MSA}

chags bral kmd virakta separated

sakta (na-); {MSA}nisagat nonattachment;

non-attachment; unattached {C}unstained

from attachment; separated from desire{Gnchok}; separation from attachment

chags pa med {C}parmati

chags bral sngon song

(=m rpa-dy-abhinivea-yogena grahr ity)

nonattachment; non-attachment; unattached
{C}misconstrue as; adhere to; handle

song song song song abandoning

[some] attachments/afflictions before [the path of

chags pa med pa {C}nirupalepa;

chags brel

{PH}love affair
Although a merchants

{C}asakta; {C}asaga; {C}asagat nonattachment; unattached {C}without a

stain; stainless; untainted; without attachment;

son had many love affairs, ... {A4C-C}

chags med {C}nirpalepa (=nirupalepa)

chags pa med pa nyid {C}

non-attached; non-attachment {C}stainless

chags med gyur {C}asaga-bhta

asagat {C}non-attachment

chags pa lam du byas pa

non-attachment {C}true non-attachment;

using desire in the path


chags pai mtha {C}saga-koi

chags tshul {PH}origin

chags shing {C}sajjate; {C}lna being

extreme of attachment {C}point of attachment

chags pai yid {C}sakta-manas

attached; attached {C}be attached; clings;

cling(ing) to; hanging on to

attached mind {C}their minds attached

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chags par gyur te {C}sakati(?)



chad par gyur ba

chags sems {C}abhidhy attached

chad chad chad chad {C}chidyate

mind; mind of attachment {C}covetousness

chang {MSA}madya beer

chang khang bar; beer hall
chang pa stong pa {C}rikta-mui

annihilate; cut off {C}is cut (off)

chad par lta ba

blta lta bltas ltos uccheda-darana view of

annihilation; annihilationist view{N}

chad par smra ba ucchedavdin

{C}empty fist


chad chad chad

Proponent of Annihilation

chad mal {PH}written agreement

chad mol {PH}written agreement
chab water {PH}[honorific prefix particle]
chab rnyog pa {L}vilaugha turbid

chad {C} uccheda; ucchitti severed7 verb: cut

off; split off7 noun: annihilation; nullification

chad lta spong

spang spong spangs spongs the annihilationist
view is abandoned

chad lta smra ba

water; murky water

blta lta bltas ltos ucchedavdin Proponent of

chad mtha

chab rnyog pa

can mchis pai snod {L}vilaugha-bhjana

container filled with murky water


chab ma {L}ghta ghee (i.e., clarified

chad chad chad ucchednta extreme of


chad pa

butter); lid; valve(?)

chab shog {PH}official letter

chab srid kingdom, dominion, territory

chad chad

chad chad {C,MV}uccheda; {C}ucchedat; {C}

ucchidyate annihilation; cut off; nullification
{PH}descendant free from; removed;
separation; {C}cutting off; annihilationist views;
is annihilated; is cut off; forget

chad pa med

{PH}kingdom; dominion; territory; [religious and

secular] government; political affairs
[His] power over the kingdom of
existence reaches to the sky. {GZ 69a.1}

chao {C}pratirpa {C}fitting; proper; seemly

char {L}yugapad; {L}tam; {L}tam; rain;

chad chad chad chad {C}anuccheda not cut

off; non-annihilation; uninterrupted {C}noninterruption; not cut off

{MSA}ambu-vara simultaneously; all; at

the same time; together; rain {PH}rain; all;
together phung po lnga char all five
aggregates together ...

chad pa med par jug

pa nichidravhana ; nichidravhana
uninterruptedly engaging; uninterrupted

chad pai mtha

char rgyas par {C}vaistrika

widespread {C}extensive

chad chad chad chad ucchednta extreme of


chad par bgyid pa {C}ucchedika

annihilate; cut off {C}which annihilates

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

char gcod {C}nighti (=mandatm

pdayati) {C}hold back; supress

char dag {C}vara



{C}rain; shower(s);


char pa rain
char sprin rainclouds
char phab {C}varati

similar to water {T}

chu stod

{PH}Purvasadha [one of twentyeight constellations]

{C}rain down on;

(send) rain

char mi phyod {C}kalpi



char yang phab bo {C} varati


rain down on; (send) rain

chal pa {PH}scattering; covering

chal ba faulty [past tense of chal ba]
chal bai tshul khrims faulty

chu stod zla ba {PH}sixth month

chu dag {MSA} ap {PH}water
chu bur {C}budbuda; {C}arbuda

(=abhivardhamna-piakam) {C}bubble; boil

chu bur can

{PH}those in the Blistering

Hell [the first cold hell]
chu bur can gyis rdo rje chang tha mal
du mthong ... Those in the Blistering Hell see
Vajradhara as a commoner. {W23693} Mkhas-grubrnam-thar-bsdus-pa; 4a.5


chu bur rdol ba can nirarbuda

chas by the factor (= cha + instrumental

Bursting Blisters (Hell)

particle) {PH}clothes

chu bo {MSA,C}nad; {C}apaga; {MSA}

chings structure (?; see example)
pravhin river; stream
chibs {PH}mount [horse; etc.] (h)
chu bo lta bui sems bskyed
chu {LCh,C,L,MSA}ap; {LCh,C,MSA}udaka; {C}
mind-generation like river
daka (=udaka); {MSA}uda; {MSA}jala; {MSA}
chu bran {C}kunad {C}small river
toya; {MSA}nad; {MSA}vri; {C}pnya; p
water {PH}water {C}moisture; streams of cold chu dbus {C}jala {C}water
water shin du
chu bab bab
dwangs pai chu las chu bur rdol ba lta buo it is
like water bubbles surfacing from very clean water
{TGP 56}
mtshan nyid/ brlan zhing gsher ba Definition: wet
and moistening

chu klung Patajali; {L}nad Patajali

babs bab babs waterfall

chu mig {C}utsa {C}fountain

chu tshod {C}nlik; {C}nikntara hour;
wristwatch; clock {C}half an hour

chu zheng {C}parinha

[proper name of the author of the Yoga-stras];

river {PH}river; waterfall



chu klung chen po {C}mah-nad

chu zheng gab {C}maala

{C}great river

symmetrical {C}a circumference like

chu skyes {PH}lotus (lit. water-born)

chu zla {C,MV}udaka-candra; {C}pratibhsa
reflection of moon in water; image; reflection
chu bcu bar bya {C}udaka dtavyam
{C}reflection of an object in a mirror; reflection in
water; image; apparition

{C}would water

chu ltar {MSA}vri-sada like water;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


chu zlai gzugs {MSA}udaka-candra-

bimba form of moon in water

chu yi phung po {C}pa-skandha


the mass of water

chu yi tshigs pa {C}udaka-bindu

first; even; but; only

chung ba {LCh,MSA,C}alpa; {MSA}nyna;


chu lo chulo (sorrel leaves)

chu shing {C}kadal {C}plantain (tree)
chu shing gi snying po {C}kadal-

{MSA,C}partta small {C}little; few; limited

chung bai {C}parttatva {C}inadequacy

chung bar {C}mduka small {C}dull;

garbha {C}the core of the plantain tree

soft; mild

chu shel {L}candraknta moon gem;

chung ma {C}prajpati; {MSA}dra; {MSA}

bhry wife {C}chief wife

moonlight; lovely as the moon

chung {MSA}alpa; {MSA}tanu; {MSA}partta;

chung mar bcas pa {C}sa-putra-

{C,MSA}mdu small {C}soft; weak; low; dull;


dra {C}together with his sons and daughters

chud {C}antar-gata to enter into

chung ngu {MSA,C}alpa; {MSA}alpa-mtra;


included; contained

chud pa {L}pravea to enter into

{MSA,C}partta; {MV}pratanu; {MSA}mdv; {C}

antaas; mdu small {C}limited; few; little;
even though; first; even; but; only


entrance; initiation

chud par gyur {C}pratividhyati will

chung ngu skor lesser cycles

chung ngu skor gsum {PH}the

enter into {C}penetrates to

chud ma zos par gyis shig

three lesser cycles

{C}nayitavyam {C}may not forget

chung ngu dang chen po {MSA}

mdv-adhimtra small and great

chung ngu yid la byed pa {MSA}

partta-manaskra small mental engagement

chung ngui chung ngu {C}mdumdu small of the small {C}very weak

chung ngui chen po mdvadhimtra

great of the small

chung ngui bring mdumadhya

chud mi za {C}ana nonwasted; not

losing out; not wasting {C}indestructibility

chud mi za ba {L}avipra; {L}

avipraa; {MSA}avipraa; {MSA}abandhya not

wasting; non-wastage not lose; not forget

chud mi za bai rgyu yin pa

{MSA}avipraa-hetutva being the cause of not

wasting; being the cause of non-wastage

chud mi gzan phyir {C}aviprae

because of not wasting {C}so that they may not
be lost

middling of the small

chung ngui sems {MV}hna-citta

small mind; small-minded

chung ngus chog shes pa {MSA}

alpa-mtra-satua satisfied with little

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chung chung small; very small

chung du gro ba decrease
chung na {C}antaas {C}even (though);


chud mi gzom {C}vipraayati

(=anyath-karaam) cause to be wasted {C}

forget; lose


chud za vipraa; vipraa; vipra to

sbyangs pa che = tanuka ... prarabdhi great; big


che ge


chud za ba {MSA}vipraa; {L}vipra;

such a one

{L}vipraa to waste

chud za bar gyur ro

che ge mo

such a one

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

vipranyati waste; will waste {C}forgets

che ge such a person;

che chung skor gnyis

chud zos pa vipraa; vipraa to


groups greater and lesser

che ba {LCh}mahat; {L}mahant; {MSA}


chud zos par gyis shig {C}

mhtmya; {LCh}mah; {C}vipula; {MSA}

adhimtra; {MSA}adhimtratva; {MSA}tvra
great; big {C}extensive; vast; abundant

nayitavyam must not waste; should not waste

{C}may not forget

chud gzan {C}nayati; {L}vipraa

waste {C}forgets; forget; lose

chud gzan cing {C}naye wasting;

having wasted {C}would forget

chud gzan par gyur na {C}

naye if one wastes; wasting {C}would

chud gzon {C}nayati wastes

che ge mo/ such a person;

che ba nyid {MSA}mhtmya greatness

che bai nga rgyal {L}atimna pride
of greatness great pride; arrogance; conceit

che bai lhag pai bsam pa

{C}mhtmya-dhyaya great special thought;

great unusual thought {C}magnanimous

che bring chung small, middling, and



che yun ring {C}cira


chub pai skye mched {C}ktsna-

{C}for a long

time; so long; for so long

yatana {C}all-basis

ched {MSA,MV}adhikra; {MSA}dhipateya;

chub byed pa {C}parypunat {C}study
{MSA}adhipateya; {MSA}nimitta intent; for the
sake of; {T} intent {PH}for the sake (of); in
chui klung {L}nad river
order that
chui skye bo daka-jantu water creature
ched du {LCh,MSA}artha; {C}kte for the
chui chu bur {C}budbuda {C}bubble
sake of; for the purpose of; for; benefit. {PH}
for the sake (of); in order that
chui phung po {C}ap-skandha water
gcod pai ched yin la is for the sake of eliminating
aggregate; aggregate of water {C}waterelement

chus {C}udaka

{C}water; moisture; stream of

cold water

chus brtan te {C}udaka dadyd


would water

che {MSA}mahat; {C}prjya; {MSA}shin tu

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ched du ci phyir {C}nidna for what

purpose?; for the sake of what? {C}linked

with; foundation; for the sake of; Origins [e.g.: etannidn, because; ki nidnam, wherefrom; and for
what reason?; tato nidnam, on the strength of that;
as a result of; tan-nidnam, that link]

ched du brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C} uddna saying;
sayings; {T} purposeful expressions {C}

greater cycles

ched du


brjod paang ched du brjod pa ra mdzad pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}udnam
udnayati {C}shout forth in triumph; exult; in
triumph they cried; utter as a shout of triumph

ched du brjod pai sde

chen poi chung ngu adhimtramdu

small of the great

ched du bya ba {MV,MSA}adhikra

chen poi chen po adhimtrdhimtra

intended activity; intended object; trainee;

big of the big; great of the great {PH}the great

of the great

object of intent

ched du bya bai dul bya

chen poi bring adhimtramadhya

special intended trainee [for whose sake a

teaching or tantra was taught]

middling of the great

chen por gyur pa {C}mahad-gata

ched du byed dul bya special

become great {C}gone great

trainee(s); {T} intended trainees ?


a free agent; at will; deliberately

ched bzhin {C}yathoddeam according

to the training {C}according to the program

chen {MSA}ucca; {MSA}drgha; {MSA}pratata;

{MSA}mahat great; big; large

chen mchog {PH}supremely precious

chen po {LCh,L}mah; {LCh,MSA}mahat;

chen por bgyid

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}mahat-karoti make

great {C}makes greater

chen por mi bgyid

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}mahat-karoti not

make great {C}makes greater

chen ma {PH}senior queen; elder woman

cher gyur pa {MV}adhimtra great;
become great

{C}mahatt; {C}mahattva; {MSA}mahat; {C,MSA}

adhimtra; {MSA}adhimtrat; {MSA}ghana
great; large; big; great one {C}excessive;
extreme; preponderant; strong; greatness

chen po skor greater cycles

chen po skor bzhi {PH}the four

cher gcad pa {C}nigraha



cher blun pa nyid


To claim that you are not afraid for that very

same reason is just extreme stupidity. {A4C-C}

ches {LCh} -tara very; big; great; greatly7

greater cycles

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chen po stong pa nyid {C,MV}

adhimtra great of the great {C}very strong

{MV}adhikra train; trainee {C}program

chen po skor gsum

{MSA}mahattva (sapta-vidha-) seven aspects of

greatness; seven greatnesses

chen po yi chen po {C}adhimtra-

ched du bya {C}samuddea; {C}uddea;

ched du bsams {C}sacintya

chen po nyid rnam pa bdun

mah-nyat great emptiness

brjod rjod brjod rjod {L}udna


chen po nyid {MSA}adhimtratva

{T} [comparative indicator]; more; -er ??

{PH}the three


ches skyen par

the syllables [of the alphabet], beginning with the
letter a, are pronounced correctly, ... {A4C-C}

ches khyad par du phags pa

{MSA}viiatara superior; much superior {T}

ches snga {PH}previous

ches snga ba {PH}previous
ches snga bar {PH}previously
ches mchog {C}para greatest; highest;
supreme {C}utmost; outshines them all; others;
(the) other; another; foreign; beyond

ches dpa {PH}great hero

ches zab {PH}exceptionally profound
ches gsal ba brilliantly illuminating
cho ga {L}vidhi rule; knowledge; {T} rite;

chog pa shes pa {L}satui

contented mind; satisfied in mind

chog par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}satua; {L}

satui; {MSA}satuatva contented; satisfied

par dzin pai gnyen po yid la byed pa bsgom pa
bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms
cultivating mental contemplation that is an
antidote to satisfaction

chog ma shes pai brtson

grus effort that is insatiable; effort that does
not know satisfaction

chog mi shes {MSA}vitpta

discontented; discontented mind; unsatisfied


chog mi shes pa {C}secanaka

discontented; discontented mind; unsatisfied

mind {C}glorified

ritual {PH}ritual

cho nge lamentable

cho phrul {C,MSA}prtihrya; {MSA}

chog mi shes pai brtson

grus {MSA}asatui-vrya effort of one who is

not satisfied

pratihrya miracle; magical display {VM}

dbye ba/ 1 rdzu phrul


chog dzin

dzin bzung zungs {MSA}tui contentment;

gyi cho phrul/ 2 kun tu brjod pai cho phrul/ 3 rjes

su bstan pai cho phrul/ Divisions: (1) miracles
of magical emanation; (2) miracles of speaking
everywhere; (3) miracles following teaching

chog shes {C}tui [enough-know];

permitted; when used with instrumental, the

meaning becomes: enough (see example 2)
{PH}ritual; permissible contented; satisfied


be content; be satisfied; satisfaction {C}


cho brang {C}gotra lineage {C}clan

chog shes pa {C}satua; {C,MSA}
satui; {C}satuit knowing satisfaction;
cho rigs fathers lineage
content; satisfied; contentment; satisfaction
chog pa {L}satui permissible; allowed;
{C}easily contented
chog pa dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {L}satui contented;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gcad/ gcod/
bcad/ chod/ (1) to be cut off; (2) imp. of gcod, to

chod par {C}cchettum to be cut off

{C}be taken away


chom rkun {C}caura robber

chos kyi skye mched



chom rkun

gyi gnas dgon pai nang du song ste

song song song song {C}madhya-gata {C}
situated in (a wilderness infested with robbers); be
in the middle of; gets into

chom po yid la bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}cora-

manasikra {C}worry about robbers

choms pa


joms bcom choms uproot

choms par gyur pa

gzhom joms bcom choms uproot

chos {MSA,MV}dharma; {TN,MSA}dharmat;

{MSA}dharama attribute; quality; phenomenon;

topic; doctrine; religion; practice; way {PH}
Dharma; teachings; quality; profound; deep
teaching; reality; true nature of things;
mthong chos la in this life
chos thams cad bdag med pa all phenomena
are selfless {T1 8.17}
chos nyid chos thams cad dang
chos chos chos can du brel ba the relationship
of reality with all phemonena as a quality of those
qualificands {DASI 600.3}
mtshan nyid/ rang gi ngo bo dzin
pa bearing its own entity

chos kun {MSA}sarva-dharma all


chos kyi khor lo {C}dharma-cakra;

{MSA}dharmya ... cakra wheel of doctrine

chos kyi khor lo bskor ba

bskor skor bskord skord

{C}dharma-cakra-pravartana turn the wheel of

chos kyi khor

lo bskor bai rnam bzhag {GD:847} Sakya

Chok-dens (sakya mchog ldan) Presentation of
the Turning of the Wheel. (Collected Works XVI)
Thimphu [Bhutan]: Kunzang Topgey, 1971.

chos kyi grwa

{PH}religious center;
religious college; doctrinal college

chos kyi grags pa dharmakrti

Dharmakrti [name of the Indian philosopher,

author of the Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition]

chos kyi rgyal {C}dharma-rja King

of Doctrine

chos kyi rgyal po

chos rgyal

{C}dharma-rja King of Doctrine

chos kyi rgyun {MSA}dharma-srotas

chos kyi sgo {MSA}dharma-mukha door


of doctrine

subject [that cognizes] all phenomena

chos kyi {C}dhrmika

chos kyi khams dharmadhtu

stream of doctrine


chos kun gyi yul can

pai gzugs {MSA}dharmyatanika ... rpa;

dharmyatanarpa form for the mental

chos kyi sgron ma {C}dharmolk


lamp of doctrine


chos kyi sku {MSA}dharma-kya body of chos kyi rnga rdung ba {C}

sampratana beat the drum of the doctrine {T}


attributes; Truth Body; Actual Body

chos kyi skye mched dharmyatana

chos kyi char {MSA}dharmmbu-vara

phenomenon source; phenomenon-source;

rain of doctrine


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



chos kyi mchog {MSA}dharmottama


chos kyi bdag tu dzin

highest doctrine; supreme doctrine

chos kyi mchog {MV}agra-dharma

pa gzung dzin bzung

zungs dharmtmagraha conception of a
self of phenomena; apprehension of a self of

highest doctrine; supreme doctrine

chos kyi mchog tu gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

chos kyi bdag med

agradharma (gata) highest doctrine; supreme

doctrine {C}Highest Dharmas

chos kyi mchog sdud pa

dharmanairtmya selflessness of phenomena

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}uttamadharma-sagraha compendium of highest


chos kyi rjes su lta ba

blta lta bltas ltos {C}(dharmeu) dharmaanupayin viewer of phenomena; viewer of

doctrine {C}one who surveys dharmas; one who
discerns Dharma

chos kyi rjes su mthun

pai chos {C}dharmasya ca-anudharmat
doctrines that are concordant with doctrine
{C}both the Dharma and its logical sequence

chos kyi bdag med kyi dbang du byas pai

don dam pa ngo bo nyid med pa ultimate-nonnature in terms of the selflessness of phenomena

chos kyi bdag med phra

mtshan nyid/ chos thams

cad sgo blo gnod med la snang bai dbang gyis bzhag

dharma-garbha essence of doctrine {C}

Dharma in embryo; womb of Dharma

pa ma yin par yul rang gi thun mong ma yin pai sdod

lugs kyi ngos nas grub pas stong pa Definition: all

phemomena are empty of being established from the
side of their own uncommon mode of subsistence in
terms of not being posited by the force of appearing
to a non-defective mind

chos kyi gtan {C} dharma-skathya

delineate doctrine {C}lectures on Dharma; to

explain the Dharma

chos kyi de kho na nyid {MSA}

dharma-tattva suchness of phenomena

chos kyi de nyid {MSA}dharma-tattva

suchness of phenomena


chos kyi bdag med

rags pa coarse selflessness of phenomena

mtshan nyid/ 1 phyi

rol don du grub pas stong ba/ 2 bzung dzin rdzas gzhan
gyis stong ba/ Definitions: (1) emptiness of being

kyi de bzhin nyid rnam par dag pai mtshan nyid

{MSA}dharma-tathat-viuddhi-lakaa pure
character of the suchness of phenomena

established as an external object; or: (2) emptiness

of subject and object being different substantial

chos kyi don {C}dharma-artha the

chos kyi mdo {MSA}dharmoddna

meaning of doctrine

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa/ 2 chos kyi bdags med phra mo/ Divisions:

(1) coarse selflessness of phenomena; (2) subtle
selflessness of phenomena

mo subtle selflessness of phenomena


chos kyi snying po can {C}

chos kyi bdag dharmtman self of

dbye ba/ 1 chos kyi bdag med rags


stras of doctrine



chos kyi rnam grangs {MSA}

dharmlambana observation of phenomena;

observation of doctrine

dharma-paryya enumeration of phenomena

chos kyi snang ba

snang snang snang snang {MSA}dharmvabhsa

appearance of phenomena; viewing phenomena

chos kyi spyan {MSA}dharma-cakus

chos kyi tshig {L}dharmapada verbal


chos kyi tshul gyi rnam

pa gang zhig {C}dharma-naya-jti {C}the
method of considering dharmas (in their ultimate

eye of doctrine

chos kyi sprin {LCh,C,MSA}

chos kyi mtshan nyid {MSA}

dharmamegh cloud of doctrine; Cloud of

Doctrine (tenth bodhisattva ground) {C}

dharma-lakaa characteristic of phenomena

chos kyi bar chad du gyur pa

{C}dharma-antaryikat interruptions with
respect to doctrine {C}some obstacle hinders
access to Dharma

chos kyi dbyings {C,MV,MSA}

chos kyi mtshan

nyid phyin ci ma log pa {MSA}aviparta-dharmalakaa non-mistaken characteristic of doctrine/


chos kyi mtshan ma {MV}dharmanimitta sign of phenomena/doctrine

chos kyi mdzod {C}dharma-koa

dharma-dhtu element of [a Superiors]

attributes; element of attributes {C}dharmaelement

treasury of doctrine {C}storehouse of Dharma

chos kyi dbyings su gyur

ba gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{C}dharm-bhavati become the sphere of reality;
become the nature of phenomena {C}becomes
the true nature of Dharma

chos kyi bangs {PH}Dharmadasa

chos kyi sbyin pa {C,MSA}dharma-

chos kyi od {MSA}dharmu light of

the doctrine {T}

chos kyi yang dag pa nyid

{C}madbhtat (=dharma-sadbhtat) {C}selfintoxication

chos kyi rang bzhin {C}dharma-

prakti; {MSA}dharma-maya nature of

phenomena {C}the essential original nature of

dna gift of doctrine; giving doctrine

chos kyi mig {L}dharma-caku eye of

chos kyi ro {L}dharmarasa taste of



chos kyi mig dri ma dang

bral ba {MSA}vigata-mala ... dharma-cakus eye

of doctrine that is free from defilements

chos kyi longs spyod rdzogs

rdul med cing dri ma dang bral ba {MSA}virajo

vigata-mala ... dharma-caku eye of doctrine
that is stainless and free from defilements

chos kyi mig

chos kyi dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}dharma-sabhoga complete enjoyment of
the doctrine {T}

chos kyi longs spyod rdzogs pa rgyun mi chad par

jug pa {MSA}avicchinna-dharma-sabhogapravartana engage continuously in the complete
enjoyment of the doctrine {T}



chos kyi shugs kyis {C}dharma-

protector]; protector of the religion; protector of

the doctrine; Dharmapla [p.n.]

vega force of doctrine; strength of doctrine

{C}impact of Dharma

chos kyis bsdu ba {MSA}dharma-

sagraha compendium of doctrine; collection of


chos kyis

phongs pa gyur pa dang mthun pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}dharma-

vyasana-savartanya concordant with being

impelled by doctrine/phenomena {C}conducive
to the ruin of Dharma

chos kyis

chos khrims religious law{SW,GZ}

chos gos {MSA}cvara [religion-

clothing]; religious robes {PH}religious robe;

outer robe
sngon gyi bar skabs zhig tu chos
gos smyug poi srol di shin tu dar che bar sems,
[I] think that, at one point in the past, this custom of
[wearing] a brown outer robe was very widespread.
{GCC} p.14

chos gos yongs su

longs spyod pa spyad spyod

spyad spyod {C}cvara-paribhoga resources of
religious robes {C}his robe

phongs par gyur ba dang mthun pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}vyasana

(=upaghtam) impelled by phenomena/doctrine

{C}ruin; falling away from

chos gos gsum pa {C}trai-

dharmodgata superior qualities; exalted

by doctrine; superior doctrine; name of a
Bodhisattva {PH}[Bodhisattva] Dharmodgata
{C}ascent to (all) dharmas

chos grwa [religion-school]; doctrinal

chos kyis phags pa {C}

college; religious college

chos grags rgya mtsho

Ch-drak-gya-tso, the VIIth Karmapa (1454-1506)

chos dkar {MSA}ukla-dharma;

chos rgyal

{MSA}ukla ... dharma pure doctrines; pure

phenomena; pure qualities

su dran pa recollection of the doctrine jewel

chos dkon mchog la {C}dharma-

ratna jewel of doctrine; precious doctrine {C}

Dharma-jewel; treasure of Dharma

chos skad doctrinal language

chos sku {LCh}Dharma-kya; dharmakya

chos rgyun stream of doctrine

chos rgyun gyi ting nge dzin

bsgyur sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd [Butns (bu ston rin chen grub)] Catalogue of the
Translated Doctrine




Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kyi rgyal po chos rgyal {C}dharma-rja King of

chos bsgyur dkar chag


chos skyon dharma-pla [religion-

chos rgyal po

gzung dzin bzung zungs

srotnugatasamdhi meditative stabilization of
the stream of doctrine

body of attributes, Truth Body

chos sku nyag gcig

chos kyi rgyal po

{C}dharma-rja King of Doctrine

chos dkon mchog rjes

chos sku rkyang

cvarika (=saghy-di-tri-cvara-mtratvt)
{C}one who possesses no more than three robes

chos ngo bo
nyid med pa nyid du ston pa


bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}dharmanisvabhvatvopadea teach that phenomena are

chos mngon {MSA}abhidharma

substratum; qualification; quality possessor;

logical subject; phenomena {C}doomed; subject
to; character

chos can brjod pai sgra

brjod rjod brjod rjod terms which

knowledge; higher knowledge; higher doctrine

chos mngon rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}

express qualifications {GD:246} subject


dharmbhisamaya clear realizer of doctrine;

clear realization of the doctrine

chos mngon pa {LCh,MSA}abhidharma

Manifest Knowledge; Higher Knowledge;

knowledge; higher doctrine; phenomenology

chos mngon pai mdzod

chos can mthun snang

snang snang snang snang commonly

appearing subjects{N}

chos can nus med powerless


abhidharmakoa; abhidharmakoa Vasubandhus

Treasury of Knowledge (Abhidharmakoa), P
5590, vol.115; T 4809; Vasubandhus Treasury of
Manifest Knowledge


mngon pai mdzod kyi tshig leur byas pa

abhidharmakoa-krik Vasubandhus Stanzas
of the Treasury of Knowledge (Abhidharmakoakrik), P 5590, vol. 115; T4089; Varanasi: Gelug-pa Press, 1972.

chos mngon pai

mdzod kyi tshig leur byas pai grel pa mngon pai

rgyan; mchims mdzod
bkral grel bkrald greld Chim-jam-pel-yangs
(mchims jam dpal dbyangs) Commentary on
[Vasubandhus] Stanzas of the Treasury of
Manifest Knowledge: Ornament of Manifest

chos mngon pai

chos can ba zhig pa merely

propounded subject; mere subject

chos mchog dharmottara; {C}

agradharma; {C} agradharma gata;

laukikgradharma; agryadharma supreme
mundane qualities; supreme quality; highest
mundane qualities; supreme qualities {C}
Highest Dharmas

chos mchog gi rtse sbyor

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

agradharmatmrdhaprayoga supreme
mundane qualities peak training; peak training
of the supreme mundane quality [path of

chos mchog tu gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}agradharma

(gata) supreme quality; supreme mundane
qualities {C}Highest Dharmas

chos mchog sdud pa

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}uttama-dharma-

mdzod kyi bshad pa abhidharmakoa-bhya

Vasubandhus Explanation of the Treasury of
Knowledge (Abhidharmakoa-bhya), P. 5591,
vol. 115

sagraha compendium of highest qualities;

compendium of the highest doctrines

chos chad pai phyag rgya


mngon par rtogs pa; chos mngon rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}
dharmbhisamaya clear realizer of doctrine

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chos can {C}dharmin subject;

{PH}Mudra of Explaining the Dharma


chos chad phyag rgya


of nature

chos nyid kyi sems {MSA}citta-

Mudra of Explaining the Dharma

chos brjod kyi sgra

tathat; {MSA}dharmat-citta noumenal mind;

mind of reality

brjod rjod brjod rjod {GD:246} predicate

expression chos
can brjod pai sgra dang chos brjad kyi sgra
subject expression and predicate expression

chos nyid kyis rnam par

{C}pupil; one worthy to listen

chos nyid skyon med {C}dharmat-

nges pa {MSA}dharmato vinicaya definite by

way of reality

chos nyan pa {C}dharma-ravaika

chos nyan pa rang bzhin {C}

dharma-ravaika {C}pupil; one worthy to listen

chos nyid {C,MV,MSA}dharmat (={C}

dharmatay); {C}dharmatas (opp.: arthatas);

{MSA}tathat final nature; real nature;
noumenon {C}Dharmahood; true nature of
dharmas; in accordance with Dharma; nature of
things; state of affairs; true nature; (understand its)
chos nyid chos thams cad dang chos chos
can du brel ba the relationship of reality with all
phenomena as a quality of their qualificands{DASI
600.3} don
dam rten brel las das pai chos nyid the ultimate
noumenon that is beyond dependent-arising

dei rang gi ngo bo ni chos rnam kyi chos

noumenal fundamental mind

chos nyid thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

dharmat-pratilambha; {MSA}dharmat-labdha
obtaining reality; obtaining qualities

chos nyid dang ni gal

ba med {MSA}aviruddhaiva dharmat not
contradictory with reality

chos nyid dang mi gal

ba {MSA}dharmat na vilomayati not
contradictory with reality

chos nyid de tshad mar byao

chos nyid de bzhin nyid

chos nyid kyi gnas lugs

noumenal thusness

chos nyid rnam par khrug

noumenal mode of subsistence

chos nyid kyi tshul {C}dharma-

med noumenon as without disturbance

chos nyid pa {C}dharmat reality;

naya (opp. artha-naya) mode of reality {C}the

method which shows the meaning


chos nyid kyi gzugs form of

chos nyid phyir {MSA}dharmatas in

reality; noumenal form


chos nyid kyi rig gdangs

effulgence of noumenal intrinsic awareness

dharmat-yukti analysis of the nature; reasoning

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chos nyid gnyug mai sems

{C}pram-ktya valid in terms of reality {C}

is authoritative; when measured by the standard;
when one has taken (taking) as a standard

nyid ces bya ba gang yin pa de nyid yin no That

which is the own-entity of those, called the reality
of phenomena is that [nature]. (y s dharmm
dharmat nma saiva tat svarpam) [PP, 264.11]

chos nyid kyi rigs pa {MSA}

niyma faultless reality; faultless quality {C}

fixed sequence of Dharma-hood


chos nyid zab mo profound reality

chos nyid yongs grub

de bzhin nyid noumenal; thoroughly established


chos nyid rang

bzhin rnam dag mthong tshul the mode of seeing

the pure nature, reality{PGP 79}

chos mnyam nyid {C}dharma-samat

sameness of phenomena

chos mnyam pa nyid {MSA}

dharma-samat sameness of phenomena


btags pa rnam par gzhag pai dmigs pa {MV}

dharma-prajapti-vyavasthnlambana object of
observation that is posited in terms of imputed

chos rten {C}caitya {C}reliquary mound

chos ston pa bstan

cad ngo bo nyid med pa nyid du ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}sarvadharma-nisvabhvatvopadea teach that all
phenomena are natureless

chos thams cad mnyam pa

nyid {MSA}sarva-dharma-samat sameness of
all dharmas

chos thams cad

stong zhing bdag med pa all phenomena are
empty and selfless

chos thams cad bdag med

pa all phenomena are selfless{T1 8.1}

chos thams cad ni

bdag med pao {MSA}sarva-dharm antmna

all phenomena are selfless

ston bstand stond {MSA}dharma-dean; {MSA}

dharma-vihita teaching doctrine; doctrinal

chos bstan pa

chos thams

chos thams

bstan ston bstand stond {MV}dharma-dean

teaching doctrine; doctrinal teaching

chos bstan pa gcig

bstan ston bstand stond {C}eka-

dharma-dean one doctrinal teaching {C}one

single demonstration of Dharma

cad blo gnod med la snang bai dbang gis bzhag

pa ma yin par yul rang gi thun mong ma yin pai
sdod lugs kyi ngos nas grub pas stong pa all
phenomena are empty of being established from
the side of their own uncommon objective mode
of subsistence without being posited through the
force of appearing to a non-defective mind{Lati}

chos thams cad {C,MV}sarvadharma chos thams cad med pa {C}

sarva-dharma-asatt all phenomena are nonexistent; {T} non-existence of all phenomena

{C}non-beingness of all dharmas

all phenomena

chos thams
cad kyi mnyam pa nyid la gnas pa {C}Sarvadharma-samat-pratihita {C}p.n. of a Buddha

chos thams cad

kyi don dam pai ngo bo nyid the ultimate nature

of all phenomena


thams cad kyi yul la mnga brnyes par gyur {C}

sarva-dharma-viaya-vaavarttit (anuprpta)
{C}(reaches) dominion over the range of all

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


thams cad la bdag tu log par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}
dharmeu ... tmsadgrha (sarva-) mistaking
all phenomena as having self

chos thos pa {MSA}dharma rutv

hearing doctrine

chos mthun pa {LCh,MSA}sdharmya

qualitative similarity



chos mthun sbyor gyi sgrub

ngag bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs sdharmya-prayoga-sdhana-vkya
proof statement using a qualitative similarity

chos dang
skad cig ma ma yin pai gzhi mthun pa common
locus of a phenomenon and non-momentary

chos dang gang zag {MV}dharma-

positing phenomena, truths, lineage, and vehicle;
{T} positing the imputations of phenomena,
truths, reasonings, and vehicles

chos dang ldan {MSA} ... dhrmika

having the quality (of ...)

chos dang ldan pa {C} ... dharma

having the quality (of ...) {C}in his nature

chos dung religious conch

chos de dang rdzas tha dad

pudgala phenomena and persons {T}

chos dang chos nyid phenomena

and noumenon

chos dang chos nyid

pai sgo nas chos dei bras bui rigs su gnas pa

abiding in the type which is an effect of that
phenomenon from the side of being a different
substantial entity from that phenomenon

rnam par byed pa dharma-dharmat-vibhaga

Maitreyas Differentiation of Phenonema and

chos de la yon tan du

the Nature of Phenomena (dharma-dharmatvibhaga), P. 5523, vol. 108

chos dang chos ma yin

blta ba {C}gua-nasat viewing qualities

with respect to phenomena {C}appreciation of

pai las {PH}virtuous or non-virtuous karma


chos dran pa nye bar gzhag

dang rjes su mthun pai chos la zhugs zhing

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}
dharma-anudharma-pratipanna entering into
doctrine/phenomena and what is concordant
with doctrine/phenomena {C}one who makes
progress towards the Dharma and its logical

pa {PH}application of mindfulness based on


chos dran pa pa nye bar

bzhag pa dharmasmtypasthna establishment

in mindfulness of phenomena

chos dang mthun {MSA}saha-

dhrmika concordant with doctrine/phenomena

chos dang mthun

pai chos la zhugs pa zhug
jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}dharmnudharmapratipanna entering into doctrine/phenomena
and what is concordant with doctrine/

chos gdags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}

dharmaprajapti imputed phenomena; imputed

qualities {C}conventional dharmas; conceptual
dharmas; concept of (a) dharma

chos gdags pa

rnam par bzhag pa {C}dharma-prajaptivyavasthpana positing imputed phenomena;

positing imputed qualities {C}distinction/
definition of conventional dharmas

chos dang don {MSA}dharmrtha

doctrine and meaning

chos bdag bkag pai

dang theg pa gdags pa rnam par gzhag pa {MSA}

chos bdag med pa {L}

chos dang bden pa dang rigs pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

de bzhin nyid thusness that is a negation of a self

of phenomena



chos rnams kyi ni gtso bo

dharmanairtmya selflessness of phenomena

chos bdag med pa nyid

ste {MSA}dharmm uttara main doctrines/



chos rnams thams cad {MSA}

selflessness of phenomena

chos dul ba dharma-vinaya

sarva-dharma all phenomena

chos rnams thams

disciplinary doctrine

chos dod {C}dharma-kma desire

cad ni bdag med {MSA}sarve dharm antmna

all phenomena are selfless

doctrine {C}one who loves Dharma

chos dod pa {C}dharma-kmat

desire doctrine {C}delight in Dharma

chos rnams dang ni gang

kmena bhavitavyam one should desire doctrine

{C}should have a liking for Dharma

chos rnams sna tshogs {C}

what became Se-ra Monastic University on the

northern outskirts of Lhasa)

chos rnams rang bzhin {C}

zag {MV}dharma-pudgala phenomena and


chos dod par byao {C}dharma-

chos sdings Ch-ding Hermitage (above

chos gnas par bya ba {L}

vividha-dharma various phenomena; various

doctrines {C}a variety of dharmas

dharma-prakti nature of phenomena {C}the

essential original nature of dharmas

chos rnams la sems

dharmasthitaye abiding in doctrine/phenomena

chos rnam par byed pa {MV}

mnyam pa nyid {MSA}dharmeu samacittat

mental equanimity with respect to phenomena

dharma-vicaya investigation of phenomena/


chos rnams so soi

chos rnam par gzhag pa

ming ni sgyu ma ste {C}pratidharma (=dharm

prati nman) individual names of phenomena

{MSA}dharma-vyavasthna; {MSA}vyavasthpitadharma positing phenomena/doctrine

chos pa religious practitioner; Buddhist

chos rnams kyi dngos po

{GZ 68b. 3} bod

kyi chos pa rnams la zhal tai spring yig letter of
advice to the religious practitioners/ Buddhists of

med {MV}dharmnm abhva non-thingness

of phenomena

chos rnams kyi chos nyid {L}

chos spong abandoning the doctrine

chos spong spang spong

dharmm dharmat reality of phenomena

chos rnams kyi stong pa

nyid {MV}dharmm nyat emptiness of


spangs spongs abandoning the doctrine

chos rnams kyi bdag gi ngo chos spong ba

bo nature of self in phenomena

chos rnams kyi ni mchog

yin {MSA}dharmm uttara highest qualities/


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



spong spangs spongs {C}dharma-pratykyna

abandoning doctrine; abandoning phenomena
{C}refusal of Dharma

chos spong bar gyur ba

spang spong spangs spongs {C}

[Superior] Qualities (dharmadhtustava)

dharma-pratykhyna-savartanya abandoning
doctrine; abandoning phenomena {C}(a
karma) conducive to the rejection of Dharma

chos spyod

chos dbyings ye shes

dharmadhtujna exalted wisdom of the

element of qualities; exalted wisdom of the
sphere of reality; exalted wisdom of the nature of

spyad spyod

spyad spyod {C}dharma-cary; {MV}dharmacarita practice doctrine; religious practice

{C}righteous life; practice of Dharma

chos byung source of attributes; source

chos spyod bcu ten practices

chos spyod pa spyad

of phenomena

spyod spyad spyod {MV}dharma-carita practice

doctrine; religious practice

chos spyod pa bcu


mos mos mos {C}dharma-rma(ta) non-belief/

faith/interest/inclined towards/zeal in doctrine
{C}fondness for Dharma

chos phags {L}dharmodgata wise

with respect to doctrine; wise with respect

to phenomena; p.n. of a Bodhisattva {PH}
[Bodhisattva] Dharmodgata {C}wise in
Dharma; exalted by Dharma; ascent to all dharmas

byang chub sems dpa rtag tu ngus phags

chos ma yin pa {C}adharma

improper{N} {C}(what is) no dharma; nondharma

chos mi mthun sbyor gyi

sgrub ngag bsgrub sgrub
bsgrubs sgrubs vaidharmya-prayoga-sdhanavkya proof statement using a qualitative

pa chos phags mthong pa ltar ... It is like when

the Bodhisattva Sadaprarudita saw the Noble
Dharmodgata. {Toh. 5515}

chos dbying dharma-dhtu element of

chos mi ldog pai rtags

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs sign of not

reversing from the doctrine

[superior] qualities; sphere of reality; nature of


chos ming {C}dharma-nma names of


kyi dbyings dharmadhtu element of

[superior] qualities; sphere of reality; nature
of phenomena; the element of [a Superiors]
qualities; basic element of attributes; noumenal
expanse; expanse of reality; basic element
of [superior] qualities; basic element of
phenomena; element

phenomena; names of doctrines {C}names of


chos min {C}adharma non-religious;

improper {C}(what is) no dharma; non-dharma

chos min gyi bsam sbyor

{PH}thoughts and actions contrary to the Dharma

dbyings stod pa, chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa
Ngrjunas Praise of the Basic Element of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chos ma bstan

chos ma mos pa


meaning of Dharma

chos dbyings

{PH}seal of the origin of phenomena (dharmodayamudr)

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}dharmo naiva
deita not teaching doctrine

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}dharma-carita

(daa-) ten religious practices

chos phyir {C}dharma-artha

chos byung gi phyag rgya


chos min pa {PH}non-virtue

chos min bya ba {C}adharma-krya

acting improperly {C}do what is wrong

chos med pa {MSA}dharmbhva nonexistence of phenomena

chos dmigs pa

chos bzod

bzod bzod
bzod bzod dharmaknti doctrinal forbearance;
forbearance with respect to the doctrine [of...]

chos bzod bzhi

{PH}four doctrinal


dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}dharma

chos bzod shes

... upalabdhi observing phenomena/doctrine

chos smos {MSA}dharma ... scana

bzod bzod bzod bzod {C}dharma-jna-knti

doctrinal forbearance and knowledge {C}
acceptance of the recognition of Dharma

statement of doctrine

chos smra {C}dharma-bhnaka Proponent chos yang dag par sdud

pai mdo bsdu sdud bsdus sdus

dharmasagti-stra Compendium of Doctrine
Stra (dharmasagti-stra), P. 90, vol. 36

of Doctrine {C}Dharma preacher; reciter of


chos smra ba {C}dharma-bhnaka; {C}

chos yin pa dharma proper{N}

chos yongs su tshol ba

dharma-vdin Proponent of Doctrine {C}

Dharma preacher; reciter of Dharma; one who
preaches Dharma

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold

chos tshad

{MSA}dharma-paryei investigate/examine/
research phenomena/doctrine

med pa yongs su tshol zhing dzin pa

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold
{MSA}dharma-paryeaa-dhraa (aprama-)
thoroughly investigation/examination/research
and apprehending countless phenomena/

chos ra debating courtyard

chos rab tu rnam par byed
pa {MSA}dharma-pravicaya differentiation of

chos tshig {C}dharma-pada (prabhedo)

{C}verbal expression

chos tshul {C}dharma-netr; dharma-naya

the way of doctrine {C}the guide to Dharma

chos tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}

pa {MSA}dharme ca pratightam varaa ca

obstruction of anger with respect to doctrine/

of doctrine {C}storehouse of Dharma

dharma-sabhoga complete enjoyment of


chos zab mo stong pa nyid

chos la gus pa {C}dharma-gaurava

respect for doctrine {C}respect for the Dharma;

the Dharma which they value

chos la dga {MSA}dharma-rata joy

in doctrine

{PH}emptiness; the profound doctrine

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chos la khong khro sgrib {MSA}

chos la khong khro bai sgrib

chos mdzod {C}dharma-koa treasury

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}dharma-prakana
thoroughly teach doctrine
dharme pratighvati (=dharme pratighvti?)
obstruction of anger with respect to doctrine/

dharma-paryei investigate/examine/research

chos rdzogs longs spyod

chos rab ston



chos la dga ba {C}dharma-rati joy

in doctrine {C}delight in Dharma

chos la sgro dogs

pai mtha
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MV}dharmasamropanta extreme of superimposition/
exaggeration/reification with respect to

mos mos mos mos {MV}anadhimuktir dharme

non-belief/faith/interest/inclined towards/zeal in
unmoving with respect to doctrine/phenomena

spang spong spangs spongs

{MSA}dharma-vibhta-mna abandon pride with
respect to qualities/doctrine

chos la nges rtogs kyi

bzod pa bzod bzod bzod bzod

dharma-nidhyna-knti forbearance of the
definite realization of doctrine

chos la mun pa med {MSA}

dharma-nirandhakra non-obscuration with

respect to doctrine

chos la mos

mos mos
mos mos {MSA}dharmdhimoka belief/faith/
interest/inclined towards/zeal in doctrine

chos la mos pa

chos la nges par

rtog pai bzod pa bzod bzod

bzod bzod {MSA}dharma-nidhyna-knti
forbearance of the definite realization of doctrine

chos la gcig tu dga zhing

mos mos mos mos dharma-rma(t); {MSA}

dharmdhimukti; {MSA}dharma ... adhimoka;
{MSA}dharmato dhimokt belief/faith/interest/
inclined towards/zeal in doctrine {C}fondness
for Dharma

chos la mos

pai rnal byor la brtson pa {C}dharma-rmayogam anuyuktat effort in the yoga of belief in
doctrine {C}the giving oneself up to devoted
fondness for Dharma

{C}eknta-dharma-nirata delighting only in

doctrine {C}take delight only in Dharma

chos la brten pa {MSA}dharma-

saraya depending upon doctrine; depending

upon phenomena

chos la bdag med pa {MSA,MV}

dharma-nairtmya selflessness of phenomena


chos la

mos pai rnal byor la brtson par byao {C}

dharma-rma(t)-yogam anuyuktena bhavitavyam
one should make effort in the yoga of belief in
doctrine {C}should have devotion to Dharma

chos la mos pai sa bon

la bdag med pai ye shes rnam par mi rtog pa

{MSA}nirvikalpa ... dharma-nairtmya-jna
not realizing the exalted wisdom [realizing] the
selflessness of phenomena

mos mos mos mos {MSA}

dharmdhimukti-bja seeds of belief/faith/
interest/inclination towards/zeal in doctrine

chos la bag yod pa {MSA}

chos la mos par byed

dharmpramatta conscientiousness with respect

to doctrine

chos la dbang ba {MSA}dharme vai

power with respect to doctrine/phenomena

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chos la mi mos pa

chos la mi g.yo {MSA}dharme cala

chos la nga rgyal spangs pa

chos la mi dga {MSA}dharme

rata not delighting in doctrine/phenomena


mos mos mos mos {MSA}dharmam

adhimucyate belief/faith/interest/inclined
towards/zeal in doctrine

chos la dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}


chos la longs

dharmlambana observing phenomenon;

observing phenomena

chos la dmigs pai snying

rje dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs dharmlamban-karu compassion
observing phenomena

chos la dmigs pai byams

pa dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs *dharmlaban maitri love observing

spyod rdzogs par mdzad pa {MSA}dharmasabhoga karoti completion of doctrinal


chos la sun byin pa

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}

daka {C}defamer; defame

chos la ser sna med pa {MV}

dharmmatsaritva not miserly with respect to
the doctrine/phenomena {T}

chos la tshul bzhin yid chos las chos nyid

la byed pa {MSA}yonio dharma-manasikra
mental engagement in accordance with doctrine/

chos la zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}dharma-pravtti

enter into doctrine

chos la bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MV,MSA}dharma-knti

doctrinal forbearance; forbearance with respect
to the doctrine [of...]

chos la rin po cher du shes

{MSA}dharma-ratna-saj discrimination
with respect to the precious doctrine;
discrimination with respect to precious qualities/

chos la longs spyod pa

gzhan yin pa {MV}dharmd any dharmat

phenomena are different from reality

chos las mi g.yo {MSA}dharme

cala not wandering from the doctrine {T}

chos lugs order

chos shes {C}dharma-jna doctrinal

knowledge; knowledge of attributes; doctrinal

knowledge{Gn-chok} {C}cognition of Dharma

chos shes pa {MSA}dharma-ja;

dharmajna doctrinal knowledge; knowledge

of attributes

chos bshad pa {MSA}dharma-dean

explanation of doctrine

chos sems can


chos sems can ga zhig gis

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MV}dharmasabhoga doctrinal resources; resources

with respect to doctrine; resources in terms of

minded [person]

dpe khrug pa nyar na bkra mi shis pa yong zer;

Some religiously-minded [persons] said that if you
keep mixed up books, bad luck will come. {GCG}

chos la longs spyod


rdzogs pa spyad spyod spyad

spyod {MSA}dharma-sabhoga completion of
doctrinal resources

chos sred pa {C}dharma-t

longs spyod rdzogs pa rgyun mi chad pa

chad chad chad chad {MSA}
dharma-sabhogviccheda not cutting off the
continuum of completion of doctrinal resources

chos gsum three practices

mchan bu annotations{N}
mchi mchi/ mchi/

attachment to phenomena {C}craving for

(separate) dharmas

chos la

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mche pai sde Damasena

mche ba {C}dar eye-teeth; fangs{VM}

mchis/ mchis/ go; come

mchi ba


mchi/ mchis/ mchis/ go; come will be there

{PH}fangs; tusks {C}eye-tooth


mchi ma {C}aru; {C}bpa tears; tear

mchi ma zad pa {C}parytta-bhpa

smiles with a wrathful countenance, and [his] fangs

are slightly exposed. {Dor 25a.4/ 233.4}

mched {PH}brother
mched pa vddhiprpta increase
mched pa dmar lam pai

{C}his tears dried up

mchi mai thal ba {C}khea



mchin bu {C}kca {C}(spurious) glass

mchims khro chag Chim, the

sems the mind of radiant red increase

mcher pa spleen
mchog {C,MSA}uttama; {C,MSA,MV}agra;

Translator Tro, and the Translator Chak

mchims jal dpal

dbyangs {GD:840} [p.n.] Chim-jam-pel-yang,

commentator on Vasubandhu

mchims nam mkha grags

{PH}Chim Nam-ka-drak

mchil khea spit

mchil ma khea spit
mchil mai thal ba {C}khea




mchi/ mchi/

mchis/ mchis/ to be; be there; exist (=yod); to go;

to come

mchis pa

{MV}agrat; {C,MSA}vara; {C}uka (=utka);

{MSA}utkara; {MV}utka(t); {C}para; {C,MSA}
parama; {C,MSA}reha; {MSA}uttara; {MSA}
tuat; {MSA}mahat supreme. best; superior
{C}foremost; very fine; beginning; highest; boon;
choicest; foremost; high; highest; unsurpassed;
utmost; finest; very fine; others; (the) other; another;
foreign; beyond; further; utmost; outshines them
all; highly; exceedingly; completely; foremost; m

mchog gi dngos

grub rnam pa gsum {PH}three kinds of supreme

siddhis [of body; speech; and mind]

mchog gi chos la zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}

agra-dharma-pravtti enter into the supreme


mchis/ mchis/ mchis/ mchis/ be; be there; exist;

go; come

mchis pa ma lags pa {C}

mchog gi dag par

mchis pai tshe when it was

mchis zhes bgyi ba {C}astit

mchog gi don {MV}agrrtha supreme

mchog tu dzin pa gzung dzin

bzung zungs {MV}agra-uddhi-parmarana
thoroughly apprehend the supreme purity

asavidyamna not be; not exist {C}which

does not exist; non-existent; since he has not got

meaning; supreme object

mchog gi don chos

{C}existence; beingness; there is; it is

mchu {C}ohat {C}lips

mchu sgros lip

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

la bdag med pa {MSA}parama-tattva ... dharmanairtmya the supreme meaning/object, the

selflessness of persons



mchog gi dra ba {C}go-va- like

the best {C}like those of an excellent cow

mchog gi sprul sku

paramanirma-kya Supreme Emanation Body

mchog gi rab tu sa



mchog gi sems can {MSA}agrasattva supreme sentient being

mchog gis {C}nikma-

{C}to his

hearts content

degree of perfection); superiority; highest possible

state; heights; foremost; in the first rank

mchog tu brtan pa yin {C}

dhatama supremely stable; thoroughly firm

{C}very powerful

mchog tu mi dzin pa

mchog tu rmad byung

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

aparma {C}untarnished; intangible

byung byung byung byung {C}paramaadbhuta {C}exceedingly wonderful

mchog gyur {MSA}agra supreme; best; mchog tu dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {L}parmara


mchog gyur pa {MSA}agra-bhtat

judgement; misconstrue; seize; remember;


supreme; best; superior

mchog gyur lus {MSA}agra-janmat

superior body

mchog dga paramnanda supreme


mchog grub

grub grub grubs/grub grubs achievement of

the supreme [i.e. Buddhahood]

mchog nyid {C}agrat; {MSA}agratva;

mchog tu bzung very attached

mchog dang ldan pa {C}avaropeta
endowed with the highest {C}planted(?)

mchog dang po dam pa {C}

mchog dod sems can

mchog tu {C}uttama; {C}paramam;

{Toh.1785} rucisattva {PH}sentient beings

desirous of ultimate [bliss]

{C}agratas; {C}agratu supremely; greatly;

thoroughly; completely {C}in front of;
summit; foremost; great; highest; best; supreme;
unsurpassed; utmost; finest; very fine; very

mchog phags bde ba byed

{C}parama-rya-saukhya-kriya {C}the work of

the holy which leads to the fullness of bliss

mchog tu gyur agratas supreme;

mchog dman value; superiority and

highest {C}in front of

mchog tu dga ba {L}prmodya


mchog dzin byed

supremely happy

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}parmati (=m

rpa-dy-abhinivea-yogena grahr ity) {C}
misconstrue as; adhere to; handle

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}agrat

supreme; highest {C}the highest (possible

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

parmati (=m rpa-dy-abhinivea-yogena
grahr ity) {C}misconstrue as; adhere to; handle

parama supreme; highest; best {C}highly;

exceedingly; completely; foremost; most; farthest;
deepest; most excellent; highest development

{MSA}paramatva supremacy; superiority

{C}highest (possible state of perfection); heights;

mchog tu gyur ba

mchog tu dzin par byed



mchog rab {MSA}pravara supreme;

mchod gnas

best; highest

{PH}(hon.) religious

figure; monk; priest

mchog la {C}para supreme; best;

superior {C}others; (the) other; another; foreign;

beyond; further; utmost; outshines them all

mchod pa {LCh,C,L,MV,MSA}pj;

{MSA,MV}pjana; {MV}pjan offering; offer;

revere; honor; please through offering; worship

mchog la skyabs su gro

mchod pa sngon du byas te

mchog gsum {PH}Three Jewels


mchod pa

ba {MSA}araa-pragata go for refuge to the


{C}pj-prvagamam previously offered {C}

thams cad kyi cho ga rgyas pai snod {C} Sarvapja-vidhi-vistara-bhajana {C}p.n. of a Buddha

mchong / mchong / mchongs/ mchongs/ {MV}

prakip-: {MV}prakipet jump

mchod pa

mchong bar byed cing {C}

dang ldan pai theg pa chen poi chos {MSA}

pjopasahita-mahyna-dharma great vehicle
doctrines connected with offerings

upakipeya(?) {C}would jump off(?)


mchong / mchong / mchongs/ mchongs/ {C}osariyi

jump {C}jump down to

mchod {MV}pjana; {MV}pjan; {MV}pja

offering; offer

mchod brjod


offers; revere {C}worships

mchod pa yang byed {L}pjayati

offer; revere

mchod pa la sogs pa rnyed

{MSA}pjdi-lbha obtain offerings and so forth

mchod pa legs par

brjod rjod brjod rjod expression of worship

mchod nyid {C}pujyata; {C}rehat

bshams layout of offerings

mchod pai cho ga {C}pja-vidhi

offering {C}excellence; is worthy of being


rite of offering; rules for offering {C}ritual for


mchod rten {C}stpa reliquary; basis

mchod pai rdzas

for worship

mchod rten du gyur par

{PH}ritual offering


mchod par bgyis par gyur

byas pa {C}caitya-bhta reliquary; build a

reliquary {C}a true shrine

{C}pjita {C}worshipped

{PH}object of worship

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mchod pa byed pa {C}pjayati

offer worship

{GCG} p.21

mchod gnas

par gyur {C}pjanya worthy of offerings;

worthy of reverence; worthy one {C}worthy of
being worshipped; worthy of worship

mchod pa dbul ba offer offerings;

rjod brjod rjod expression of worship {PH}

salutation verse; verse of offering
dei mchod brjod kyis klu
sgrub kyi mtshan don bshad, Its salutation verse
explains the etymology of Ngrjunas name.

mchod brjod pa

mchod pa bya bar os


mchod par brjod pai ngag

brjod rjod brjod rjod a statement
of speech expressing worship

mchod par brjod pai yul

brjod rjod brjod rjod object of

mchod par bya ba {C}pjita; {MSA}

to confess; to reveal [non-virtue]

chags pai dus {MSA}vivarta-kla

offer; worship

mchod byed yang dag mchod byed =

time of confession

{MSA}samnayati (sam man) offer; worship;


mchod sbyin {LCh}yaja; {LG}yajadatta

sacrifice; Yajadatta [p.n.]

mchod sbyin gyi rig byed


pratideayati (=ghta-bodhicitta-paritygt =
pratypatti-balt = kta-ppadeann) confess;
reveal {C}confesses his error; see their error

chang ba


mchod od arhat; arhant worthy of

chad /

chad / chad / chad [to be cut] or bshad / chad

/ bshad / shod [to explain] {T} {MV}upadi-;
{MV}upadiyante; {MSA}dean; {C}bhate
(=abhasate); scat (=scayati); {MV}prakana;
so sor chad par byed pa = {MSA}pratideaka
(1) to be cut; (2) to explain; to comment {C}
teaches; speaks; says; declares; indicate

nam mkha ma zad kyi bar du skad cig kyang rgyun
mi chad pai longs spyod rdzogs pai sku the
Complete Enjoyment Body of which the continuum
is not cut even for a moment as long as the sky
remains{PGP-101} dgong
pa chad tshul yod de a way that explains the
thought [of Buddha]

worship; Worthy One

mchod os worthy one; Arhat; the

founder of Jainism



mchon par byed pa characterize

chag bcag chag
bcags/ chogs/ {C}sakramam {C}walking;

chag khang

{PH}outhouse; latrine
chag khang gi slar byas
la/ [He] build a [new] outer wall to the latrine.

chad gyur ltar


bshad chad bshad shod as will be explained

chad pa


chad /
chad / chad / chad [to be cut] or bshad / chad
/ bshad / shod [to explain] {T} {C}bhyati;
{C}scan; {L}samuccitti; {C}ucchinna; {MV}

chag bcags/ chogs/ {C}sakramam {C}

walking; coming

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chags par byed pa {C}

bcang / chang / bcangs/ chongs/ {C}dhrayanti;

{MSA}dhrana {C}bear in mind

{PH}ritual offering

chag pa la dad cher mi

gshags/ chags/ bshags/ chags/ vivarta

mchod par byed pa {C}pjayati

chag pa

chags pa

pjya having offered; offering; worshipped

mchod yon


gshags/ chags/ bshags/ chags/ vivarta; so sor

chags pa = {MSA}pratidean to confess; reveal

expression of worship{Lati}

mchod rdzas

gyur {C}(na) cakramaa-la (bhavati) {C}

does not walk about a great deal


prakana; {MV}vakt explain; explanation;
(1) to be cut; (2) to explain; to comment {C}
teaches; indication; interrupt; cut off; perserve;
carries; {GD:247} [critical] explanation

chad pa po lecturer
chad pai tshe

bshad chad bshad shod when explaining/setting

forth {C}teaches; indication; interrupt; cut off;
perserve; carries; {GD:278} theoretical explanation;
{GD:528} critically speaking

chad par byed

daulya faulty ethics


bshad chad

bshad shod {C}bhyama when explaining/

setting forth {C}(is) being taught; {GD:260}
point of view of critical examination

chal ba


daulya faulty ethics

chal bai shes rab {C}

chab {C}mraka {PH}concealment

chab pa

daupraj faulty wisdom {C}stupid(ity)

chal tshul rtsom pai dri

bcab/ chab/ bcabs/ chabs/ {C}mraka

concealment {C}jealous; disparagement

bral {MSA}daulybhoga-vaimalaya free from

the stains of faulty ethics

bca/ cha/


bcas/ cha/ (pra j): {MSA}prajapyate

make; construct [e.g., a mudr]; arrange [e.g.,
the legs in a meditation posture]; formulate

chi/ chi/ shi/ shi/

{C}mriyate die; death

chi kha ma about to die

chi pho {C}cyuti; {C} cyavana

bca/ cha/ bcas/ cha/ {MSA}

transmigrate; transmigration; death; die {C}

decease(d); fallen away from; decease

char char / char shar shar; or: shar /

chi pho dang skye ba {C}

chard / char / shard [Thumi, p.246-to rise, start]

{T} appear; dawn; shine; reflect; present

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dauprajya faulty wisdom

chal ba tshul khrims {L}


prajpayati make; construct

chal pai shes rab {MSA}

chald/ chal/ chald/ faulty

chad rigs pa suitable to explain/set

cha bar mdzad pa


chal pai tshul khrims {MSA}

explication; debate; and composition


char byed {Negi} udayana

chald/ chal/ chald/ tshul khrims chal pa =

{MSA}dula faulty

chad bshad shod deika{MSA} explainer;


chad tshe

shine; reflect. {C}rises

char tshul mode of appearing

chal pa chal/


chad rtsod rtsom pa

char ba {C}udayti appear; dawn;

Udayana [of the Vatsa Kingdom]

bshad chad bshad shod {C}cakta; ( di):

{MSA}deyate; {C}deika explain; set forth
{C}one who demonstrates

chad byed

themselves; manifest don blo

la mi char ro the meaning has not appeared to the
mind snang ba gzhan mi
char ba ni with respect to the non-appearance of
other appearances ...{TGP 24}
sgyu ma bzhin du char tshul phyin
ci ma log pa the unerring mode of illusory-like
appearance{MSI 424}

cyutopapatti transmigration and arising;


transmigration and rebirth {C}decease and

as in the stages of death

chi srid the death state

chi pho ba transmigrate
chi pho ba dang skye ching grol grol
ba dang mi skye ba {C}cyuty-upapatty-anupattit
non-arising of transmigration and rebirth
{C}no genesis of decease and rebirth

chi pho ba yang ma yin {C}

acyuti no rebirth {C}no decease

chi ba

chi/ chi/ shi/ shi/

{LCh,C,MSA,MV}maraa; {C}mriyate; {C}mtyu;

{C}marana; {C}cyavate death; dying {C}dies

grold grol grold bondage and liberation

ching ba

cat shnyasb bcing / chings/ bcings/ chings/

bandhana{LCh,C,MSA} bonds; bondage;

binding bind; fetter; {C}imprisonment; bond;

bondage; joined together by

ching bar gyur {C}badhyate


shnyasb bcing / chings/ bcings/ chings/ (1) to

bind; (2) structure


chi ba mi rtag pa maranitya

imminence of death; impermanence of death

chi ba med pai sgo {C}amtasyadvra door of deathlessness {C}the door to

the undying

chi bai chos can

chel ba

chel /

chel / cheld / cheld [to cling; to be attached to]

{T} fixation

chol ba

chold/ chol/ chold/ confused; mixed up

mortal; subject to death
Dying [means] being mortal. {A4C-C}


gata {C}have died; (when he) has died

ja tea
ji what; how
ji skad bstan pa

chi bai dus byas par gyur

na {C}kla-gata {C}have died; (when he) has

chi bai gnas skabs kyi

bar du {C}maraa-avasth {C}(until) his death

chi bai tshe {MSA}maraa-kla time

of death

chi med {C}amta {C}deathless

chi med ljon shing {PH}tree of

bstan ston bstand stond {C}yath-anuia {C}
as instructed

ji skad du as it is said ...

ji skad du smras pa de

ltar byed pa {C}yathvdit-tathkrit {C}as

he speaks, so he acts

ji skad du ... zhes bshad pa


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bco / chos /

bcos / chos [to make; to build] {T} tshul chos =

{MSA}kuhan; legs par chos pa = {MSA}praihita
{T} to make, build

chi bai dus byas pa {C}kla-

chi tshad {PH}dying

chi rim ji lta ba bzhin du ...


is bound


chi ba nges pa definiteness of

{MSA}yathokta as it is said

ji skad du ... zhes gsungs pa

{MSA}yathokta as it is said



ji skad smras {C}yath-vdin

{C}as he


ji skad bshad pa {C}yathokta


ji snyed yvat as much as; as great as; as

yathvatt exactly; as it really is {C}fact; in

accordance with fact; which exists; the state of
reality such as is actually is

many as; however much; however many {PH}

however much

ji snyed pa ya kcana varieties;

ji lta ba bzhin du {L}yath-bhta;

diversity; the varieties [i.e. cConventional truths

{PH}however much

{MSA}yath; yathvat exactly; as it really is; in

that way {C}in the same way

ji snyed pa mkhyen pai

ji lta ba bzhin du yod pa

rnam mkhyen mkhyen

mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend an exalted knower of
all aspects that knows conventional truths

nyid yathvat(t) exactly; as it really is {C}

fact; in accordance with fact

ji lta ba gzigs pai ye shes

ji snyed pa rtogs pai

yathavajjna exalted knower of the mode

mkhyen pa mkhyen
mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend exalted knowledge
realizing the varieties of phenomena

ji lta bar {MSA}yath the mode; law;

how; ultimate truth; exactly; mode [of existence]

ji lta bu {MSA}ydya; {MV}yath; yda


yon tan jio ltu bu dang ldan what qualities did he

[what-like]; how; what

the varieties

ji snyed pa gzigs pai ye

shes yvajjna exalted knower of the varieties

ji snyed yod pa yid yvat(t)

ji lta bur grub pai

shes rab kyis grub

grub grubs/grub grubs {C}yath-adhika
(=yena madhya-mdv-din prkarea-adhikayadhimukty samprayukt y praj s-api
yathdhik) how it is established (by exalted
wisdom) {C}using to the fullest extent

{C}as great; as much; as long as; until

ji lta ji ltar accordingly; in accordance


ji lta ji ltar ... de lta de ltar

{C}yath yath ... tath tath {C}as ... so

ji lta ba {MSA}yath mode; law; how;

ji lta zhe na {MV 2.2bc}katha ktv

when one asks how?, {T}

ultimate truth; exactly; mode [of existence]

ji lta ba mkhyen pai rnam

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyen
mkhyend mkhyend an exalted knower of all
aspects that knows the ultimate truth

ji lta ba ji bzhin du {L}yath-bhta

exactly; as it really is {PH}exactly; as it really

is in the same way

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa mkhyen mkhyen
mkhyend mkhyend exalted knowledge realizing
the mode of phenomena

ji lta ba bzhin {C}yathvat; {C}

as it has been explained

ji snyed pa thams cad

ji lta ba rtogs pai mkhyen


ji ltar {C}atha [what-like]; how; just as;

what {C}but; moreover; as; however; but when;

of; concerning don ji ltar yin zhe
na if someone asks: What is the meaning ...
ji ltar phye ba ni how the differentiation
is made

ji ltar kun brtags pa de

ltar med


dogs btags/brtags thogs {MV}tath nsti yath
parikalpyate that does not exist in the way it is
imputed [to exist]

snang snang snang {MV}yath pratibhsate just

as it appears; in the way it appears; as it appears

par {C}anupdya {C}without further clinging

ji ltar snang ba byung ba

chos rnam par bzhag pa {MSA}yathdhigamadharma-vyavasthna presentation of phenomena

according to how they are realized {T}

ji ltar byung ba

ji ltar nye bar len pa med

ji ltar rtogs pai

ji ltar brtags pa de ltar

med gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}tath-bhvo yath
kalpyate (na-) does not exist in the way it is
imputed [to exist]

ji ltar mthong ba yath di

ji ltar bzhed pa bzhin {MSA}

yathea as one wishes

ji ltar bzhed pa bzhin du

{MV}yatheccha as one wishes

ji ltar bsags pa
... yasmt how is it that ...

ji ste {C}atha (=yath)

yath di (=yathda) {C}in accordance with

what he has seen

{C}but; however;
moreover; but if; but when; in; at; as; as like

ji ltar di ltar how is it that ...?{S 1}

ji ltar dod pa bzhin {MSA}

ji phra {PH}accordingly subtle

ji phra ji phra {PH}each accordingly

yathea as one wishes; as he/she wishes

more subtle

ji ltar dod pa bzhin

ji ma ji bzhin pai ... which is just

du gnas {MSA}yath-kma viharati stay

wherever he wishes


ji tsam [what-only]; however much; as

ji ltar dod par skye ba {MSA}

much as; as great as

janma yathbhikmam born according to ones


ji tsam gyis na {L}kiyat; {L}tvat

ji ltar dod bzhin {C}yatheccham;

for what reason; how is it that{S} how great;

how much; however much; first of all; how large;
how far

{MSA}yathea as one wishes {C}wherever he

wishes to

ji ltar dod bzhin bstan

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

yath-kma-nidarana teach as one wishes


that; when


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung byung history

ji ltar ... di ltar {MV 1.13c}katha

ji ltar mthong ba bzhin du

ji ltar snang ba

bzhin du nye bar gro ba {C}yath-karma-upaga

{C}(fare) according to their deeds

(=yathda); {MV}yath da {C}in

accordance with what he has seen

ji ltar na {C}kim iti how, just as

byung byung byung byung

{MV}yath pratibhsa utpadyate occurs just as it
appears; occurs in the way it appears

ji tsam du {L}tvat for what reason;

how is it that by that much; then; how much?

ji tsam zhig how many?

ji bzhin [what-like]; just as; like; as

{PH}just as; like; as; correctly; properly how?;

like what?



ji bzhin gyi {C}ythtmya




ji bzhin nyid {MSA}tathat thusness

ji bzhin du {MSA}yath-vat just as; like;
as {PH}just as; like; as

ji bzhin min pa {C}ayath not

like; unlike {PH}not like; unlike {C}not as it

appears; not considered as it really is

jo nang pa Jo-nang-pa
jo bo {LCh}rya; {C}svmin lord; master;
Elder [i.e., Atia]

jo bo rje Elder [i.e., Atia]

jo bo rin po che {PH}Precious Jowo
[kyamuni statue]

jo lugs sgrol dkar

ji bzhin med pa {C}ayath not like;


Tara in Atias lineage


unlike {C}not as it appears; not considered as it

really is


mjal/ mjald/ mjald/ meet; have an audience with

[present tense stem]

ji bzhin shugs {C}yath-vedhyam

mjug {LCh}anta; {MSA}avasna end

mjug gi don {PH}conclusion
mjug tu {MSA}ante at the end
mjug thogs immediately after;

{C}as he intends to hit

ji yang med pa nothing whatever


ji srid {C}yvat [what-exist]; as long as

ji srid cig na {PH}for how long
ji srid du {MSA} as long as
ji srid du ... de srid du yvat ...

immediately subsequent to

mjug thogs kho nar only

immediately after; only immediately subsequent


tvat as long as ... for that long ...

mjug thogs su jug pa {MSA}

ji srid pa {MSA}yvat as long as

ji srid tshoi bar du {C}jvaj-jva

an-antara pravtti engaging immediately after

mjug bsdu ba final summary

jam {C}mdu; {C}mdutva; {C}maju soft

tihan {C}all their lives; during his entire life

jig rten gyi

phun sum tshogs pa mi dod pa {MV}laukikasampatty-anarthitva not desiring the marvels of

the world {T}

{C}low; dull; weak; supple

jam mgon majuntha majuntha;

epithet of Dzong-ka-ba; smooth protector

jing ger {PH}Gengis Khan

jam mnyen {PH}soft and slender
je particle indicating increase
jam pa {C}mdu; {MSA}mduk; {MSA}
je cher bigger
madhura; {C}laka(tva); lakatva softness;
je srab tu thinner = weaken
soft; smoothness {C}low; dull; weak; supple;
tender(ness); smooth
jo bzang {PH}good reputation; good repute
Having given up
jam pai dbyangs majughoa;
such things as hope for a name of good repute, ...

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

majur Majughoa; Majur [p.n. of the


Buddha of wisdom]

jam po smooth
jam por smra {C}mdu-bhin

compare; deliberate; consider

jal byed comprehender

jig gzhig jig


bshig shigs/ {MSA}na; {N}vinaa; {MSA}

vinayati; {C}mriyate; {C}bhidyate (=bhindati)
to disintegrate; disintegrate; destroy {C}dies;
break; break up; broken by; is broken up

soft in speech

jam dpal majur Majushr;

Majur [p.n. of the Buddha of wisdom]

jam dpal tshe bdag nag

jig bskal {LCh}savarta-kalpa aeon

po {PH}Black Manjur (?)

of destruction

jam dbyangs majughoa

jig rten {C,MSA,MV}loka; {MSA}laukika;

Majughoa [p.n. of the Buddha of wisdom];


jam dbyangs mchog

lha od zer Jam-yang-chog-hla-o-ser (circa 15th

c.), textbook author of Tag-tshang-ra-wa-d-ba
(stag tshang rwa ba stod pa) Monastery

jam dbyangs bzhad pa Jam-

jig rten mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

{C}loka-vidu {C}world-knower

jig rten gyi {C}loke {C}worldly

jig rten gyi khams {L,MSA}loka-


dhtu world-system; world system

jal/ bcal/ jald/ {C}tulana; {C} -mna to

comprehend; measure {C}assessment; what

jal/ bcal/ jald/ {L}m measure; comprehend

jal ba


jal/ bcal/ jald/ {C,MSA}tulan; {C}tulayati

comprehend {C}comparing; comparison;
weighing up; ponder; weigh (up); examine;
compare; deliberate; consider

jig rten gyi khams mi

mjed {PH}the [three thousand-fold] Saha worldsystem

jig rten gyi mngon sum

tshad ma {PH}valid worldly perception

jig rten gyi tha snyad

lokavyavahra worldly conventions

jig rten gyi

jal bar gyur {C}tulayati

tha snyad dang brda tsam gyi phyir {C}lokavyavahra-saketam updya because of the
conventions and expression of the world {C}on
account of agreed symbols and worldly conventions

comprehend {C}comparing; comparison;

weighing up; ponder; weigh (up); examine;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs


rainbow {C}the hues of the rainbow

jal pa

jig rten khams {MSA}loka-dhtu

jam rtsub {PH}smooth [and/or] coarse

ja {C}indryudha {C}rainbow
ja tshon indryudha; indryudharaga

jig rten kun rdzob

lokasavtisatya worldly concealer-truths;

worldly conventional truths

yang-shay-pa (1648-1721), principal textbook

writer for Go-mang (sgo mang) College of Drepung (bras spungs) Monastic University


{MSA}laukya; {L}lokadhtu; {C}jagat; {C}jagat

[disintegrating-support]; worldly; world; the
transient world; people {C}living world; worldsystem; worldly



jig rten gyi tha snyad

la brten nas {C}loka-vyavahram updya

depending upon worldly conventions {C}in
reference to the conventional expressions current in
the world

jig rten gyi tha snad {C}loka-

sannivea; {C}loke sannivea abiding in the

world {C}this our position in the world;
fabrication of the world; stay in the world; sojourn
in the world

jig rten pa {C,MSA,MV}laukika

worldly; mundane

vyavahra worldly convention {C}worldly

conventional expression

jig rten pa

loka-artha-kra one who acts for the sake of the

world {C}promoter of the worlds weal

jig rten

dang jig rten las das pa {MSA}laukik lokottar

mundane and supramundane

jig rten gyi don byed pa {C}

jig rten gyi bde ba {MSA}laukika

... saukhya; {MSA}saukhya ... laukhya happiness
of the world; worldly happiness

jig rten gyi bya ba {MSA}lokata

kriy worldly activity

jig rten mgon po {C}loka-ntha

protector of the world {C}savior of the world

jig rten rgyang phan pa

pa dang nyan thos dang rang sangs rgyas {MSA}

laukika ... rvaka-pratyekabuddha {PH}worldly
beings; rvakas; and Pratyekabuddhas


rten pa dang nyan thos dang rang sangs rgyas

rnams {MSA}laukika ... rvaka-pratyekabuddha
worldlings, Hearers, and Solitary Realizers

jig rten pai khams worldly


jig rten pai dge ba

lokyata Worldly Materialists (Lokyatas){N}

jig rten chos brgyad


worldly virtues

jig rten pai chos {MSA}loka-

aalokadharma eight worldly concerns

jig rten don welfare of the world

jig rten bde {MSA}loka-saukhya

dharma worldly phenomena; worldly doctrines

jig rten pai

chos kyi mchog {LCh}laukikgradharma;

laukikgryadharma supreme mundane qualities

happiness of the world; worldly happiness

jig rten das {MSA}loka-samatta

jig rten pai chos mchog


laukikgradharma highest mundane qualities

jig rten das pa {MSA}lokottara jig rten pai rjes thob

mundane states subsequent to meditative equipoise


jig rten dus pa

Consummation of the Worlds [name of the Jain
place of liberation]

bsngal bdag nyid {MSA}dukhtmaka ... loka

the nature of the world is suffering; natural
suffering of the world

jig rten pai ting

jig rten pai mnyam bzhag bsam gtan gzugs med

{PH}[four] concentrations and [four] formless
absorptions of worldly meditative equipoise

jig rten sdug

jig rten gnas pa {C}lokaTenses: future, present, past, imperative

nge dzin gsum po gzung

dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhi-traya ... laukika
the three worldly meditative stabilizations



jig rten pai rtogs pa

awarenesses of supramundane meditative equipoise

jig rten las das pai phags rgyud kyi zag

worldly realization

jig rten pai tha snyad {N}

med bsam gtan supramundane uncontaminated

concentration in the continuum of a Superior

laukika-savyavahra worldly conventions{N}

jig rten pai bya ba {MSA}

jig rten las das pai

laukika-ktya worldly activity

ye shes {MSA}lokottara-jna; {MSA}lokottara ...

jna supramundane exalted wisdom

jig rten pai ye shes {MSA}


laukika ... jna; laukikajna worldly wisdom

jig rten pai lam laukikamrga

mundane path

jig rten pha rol {L}para-loka next

world; dying; death

jig rten dbang {PH}Lokevara

jig rten dbang phyug

jig rten las das pai ye shes shin tu

rnam par dag pai lam {MSA}viuddha-lokottarajna-mrga (su-) thoroughly pure path of
supramundane exalted wisdom

Lokeshvara (an alternate name for Kalk

Puarka) {PH}Lokevara

jig rten las das pai

jig rten min pa {MSA}atilaukik

lam lokottaramrga supramundane path


jig rten rang ga ba ordinary


jig rten la in the world

jig rten la grags pa {MV}

jig rten las das

pai sems tsam Supramundane Mind-Only

jig rten shes ngo worldly


jig rten so skye worldly common


loka-prasiddha well known to the world

{GD:158} reknown to the world

jig rten gsum gyi bde ba

jig rten la snying brtse

{MSA}trai-dhtuka ... sukha happiness of the

three worlds

ba {L}loknukapa concern for the world;

sympathy for the world

jig lta; jig tshogs

la lta ba blta lta bltas ltos

satkyadi view of the transitory; view of the
transitory collection [as a real I and mine]

jig rten las das pa

{LCh,C,MV,MSA}lokottara; {MSA}loktikrnta
supramundane {C}transcending the world

jig pa

jig rten las

gzhig jig

bshig shigs/ {C,L}vina; {C}na; {C}bhedana;

{C}bhidyate (=bhindati); {MV}bhaga; {MSA}
bhagura;{C} rpaa (=rpa); {C}lujyate;
{C,MSA,MV}vyaya (={C}nirodho); {MSA}
savarta; {C}bhetsyati; {C}vivartana (=vivtn);
naa disintegrating; disintegration {C}

das pai mnyam bzhag {PH}supramundane

meditative equipoise

jig rten las das pai mnyam bzhag

rnam par mi rtog pai blo {PH}non-conceptual

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rten las das pai ye shes bla na med pa

{MSA}lokottara ... anuttara ... jna highest
supramundane exalted wisdom



jig tshogs gog pa {L}satkya-

destruction; to be easily broken; crumble; passing

away; fall; breaking (up); breaks (up); is (not)
broken by; is broken; {GD:319} perishable

nirodha cessation of the transitory collection

jig pa dus mnyam disintegrating jig tshogs lta ba

blta lta bltas ltos {MV}satkya-di view of the
transitory collection [as a real I and mine]

at the same time

jig pa med pa {C}avivarta; {C}

asrasanat non-disintegrating {C}it cannot

be overturned; idefatigability

jig pai bskal pa savarta-kalpa

aeon of destruction

jig pai chos can {C}vyaya-

jig tshogs la lta ba

blta lta bltas ltos {C,MSA,MV}satkya-di

view of the transitory collection [as a real I and

mine]; view of the transitory collection [as real I
and mine]; view of the disintegrating aggregates
reifying view; {C}(false) view of individuality

jig tshogs la lta

dharmin; {C}pralopa-dharma disintegrating

subject {C}by its nature a disturbance (or
wrong?); subject to passing away

jig pai bdag

nyid can yin pai phyir {C}sattva-di (=sdanatmakatvt sattva) {C}the (false) view that there
are beings

jig par bgyid pa {C}apaharaka;

{C}vikriya(?) destroy; disintegrate {C}
remove; something to be undone

jig par gyur te {C}vilayam; {C}

ba nyon mongs pa can blta lta

bltas ltos {MSA}kli sat-kya-di having
the afflicted view of the transitory collection [as a
real I and mine]


tshogs la lta bai nyon mongs pai mtshan nyid

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}sat-kyadi-klea-lakaa afflicted character of the
view of the transitory collection [as a real I and

upaiti; {C}nayati; {C}pryati; {C}prpuati; {C}

vrajati disintegrating; will disintegrate

jig tshogs la lta

(=bhindati) disintegrating; will disintegrate;

disintegration {C}breaks (up); is (not) broken
by; is broken

jigs {MV}bhaya; {N}bhayakara; {MSA}

disintegrate {C}draws back; withdraws

jigs bcas zil gyis gnon

bai bag chags blta lta bltas ltos

predispositions of the view of the transitory

jig par gyur ba {C}bhidyati

(tras): trasyati; {MSA}bhaga (=bhaga?); mi

hjigs = {MSA}nirbh fear; frighten; fright

jig par byed {C}pratisaharati

{C}bhaya-abhibhta {C}overcome by fear

jig med {C}alujyana; {MSA}na vyeti

jigs rten gyi khams {L}loka-

nondisintegrative; non-disintegrating {C}not


dhtu worldly realm

jigs rten gyi khams mi

jig med gnas {LCh}abhayagirika;

dra ba {PH}different world-systems

{LCh}abhayagirivsin Abhayagirika;

jigs rten gyi khams

the transitory collection [of aggregates]7;

disintegrating collection

jigs rten las das

jig tshogs {MSA}sat-kya

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mi dra ba brgya {PH}one hundred different

worldly realms



jigs byed {LCh}bhairava; {MSA}

par bstod pa {PH}Ngrjunas Praise of the

Supramundane (lokttastava)

pratibhaya Bhairava (a wrathful deity) {T}

jigs pa {C,L,MV,MSA}bhaya; {MSA}

jigs med abhaya; nirbhayat; nirbhta;

(bh): bibheti; {MSA}bhta; {MSA}bhru; {C}

bhaga; {C}trso; {MSA}trsa fright; frighten
{C}fear(ful); peril; breaking up; trembling

abhru fearless

jigs pa lnga {L}paca-bhaya the five

fears [of beginning Bodhisattvas]

jigs pa lnga

(=pratikkitavy) {C}uphold; look for support

in; catch hold of; hangs on to; find support on; seek
(for) rebirth in; bases his rebirth on

pa {C}man-bhaya-bhairavi {C}great fears

and terrors


bstan ston bstand stond {C}bhaya-

darana-artham {C}in order to cause fear

jigs pa dang skrag

pa dang dngang ba {C}bhaya-bhairava-satrsa

{C}fearful and terrible things

jigs pa byed par byed do

{C}bhaya janayati frighten {C}generate fear

jigs pa mi bzad pa {C}bhayabhairava {C}fear and terror

jigs pa med pa {MSA}abhaya;

{MSA}nirbhayat; {MSA}nirbhta; {C}abhru(tva);

{C}bhaga; {C}virada fearless; fearlessness
{C}breaking up; versed in; self-confident

jigs pa med pai sgra {C}


chug {LCh}avatra; {C,MSA,MV}(ava t):

avatarati; {LCh}pravea; {MV}(pra vt):
pravartate; {MV}vtti; {MSA,MV}pravtti; {MSA}
vartante; {C}vttimat; {C}kramate; {MSA}
avakrnti; {C}kramati; {C}prekati; {MSA}
pratipadyamna; {MSA}(sa-pra vas):
sapravatsyati enter; engage; apply; usher
(into); engages {C}march on to; which reaches;
enters (into); descend; come back to; alight;
fathoms; enter on; go into; views; step on; moves
into; assail od gsal
mngon sum du jug pa manifestly entering into the
clear light de na la jug kyang
although that applies to ... byis pa
ltar jug behave like a child

jug sgrub


jug ngogs [entry-shore]; port;

terrifying black darkness

jigs par byed {C}pratisaharati

harbor; [river] bank

jug pa

frighten {C}draws back; withdraws

gzhug jug
bcug chug {LCh,MSA,C}pravtti; {C}pravartate
(=pravartayati); {C}pravtta; {C}eva pravtta;
{MSA}vtti; {C}avatarati; {MSA}avatra; {MSA}


spong spangs spongs {MSA}trsa-hni

abandoning fear

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzhug jug bcug

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs prasthnapratipatti

achieving engagement; achieving through

astambhita-nda {C}the fearless roar

jigs spang

jigs su rung ba [frightened-as-

jim pa clay; mud

ju bar {C}adhylambate

jigs pa chen po mi bzad

jigs pai mun nag

nirbhta; abhru; {C}acchambhi fearless;


fitting]; frightful

las yang dag par das pa {MSA}paca-bhayasamatikrntatva completely transcend the five

jigs pa bstan phyir

jigs med pa abhaya; nirbhayat;


avatraa; {C,MV,MSA}pravea; {C}praviati;
{C}praveayati (=praviati); {MSA}viaa (sic);
{L}praskhandha; {MSA}(pra skand): engage;
engagement; operate; continuity; enter; begin;
apply; entrance {C}produce; productive;
arising; find satisfaction; strides forth; entrance;
descent; depart; descend; fall into; enter into;
enter on; depart; functions; proceed; go away; set
out for; take their leave; forms (habit); frequents;
proceeds; takes place; mo de ltar
jug pai tshe at the time of such reference{DASI
561.4} jug tshe gcig tu
khrul mistaking as one [what is actually not one,
this being] in the context of [practical] application
{GD:247} jug pai tshe practical
point of view {GD:260}

jug pa chad pa


jug pai mtshan nyid {MSA}

pravtti-lakaa characteristic of engagement ?


jug pai gzhi basis of affixing; basis

of engagement

jug pai rim pa stages of entry{N}

jug par gyur {C}avakrmati;
{MSA}(pra vas): pravatsyati engage; enter;
apply; operate; operates

jug par bya {C}osaritavya engage;

engagement; enter; entry {C}should plunge into

jug par byed {MV}praviati; {MSA}

chad chad chad chad {C}chinna-vartmin

(=nikleatvena vabhtatvena) continuity cut
off; cut off continuity {C}his course cut off

(prati pad): pratipadyate; {MSA}pravartaka;

{MSA}pravartana engage; enter; apply

jug pa bde

ba dang go sla bai dbang du byas made in terms

of a felicitous and easy to understand usage

jug pa gzung rtog

conception of the true existence of objects to be
engaged in [by Bodhisattvas]

jug bya that which is to be entered into

jug byed {MV}pravea; {MV}preraka
engager; means of engagement {T}

jug tshul mode of relating

jug gzhi basis of affixing; basis of
reference; basis of engagement

jug pa gzung rtog dgu

the nine conceptions of the true existence of objects
to be engaged in [by Bodhisattvas]

jug pai rten la {C}pratih in

dependence upon entering {C}support; source

jug pai gnas {MV}pravevasth

place of engagement ? {T}

jug pai rnam par shes pa

jug yul pravttiviaya object of

engagement {GD:247} object of application

jug rim stages of operation

jug shes operative consciousness
jug sai gzhi basis which is the
place of engagement

jug sems [enter-mind]; practical

mind; practical mind of enlightenment; attitudes

or aspirations conjoined with actual practice

{MV}pravtti-vijna engaging consciousness

? {T}

jug pai bya ba activity of engaging jur gyis {PH}suddenly

jo sgeg {C}lsya {C}musical show
jug pai bye brag {MSA}vttibheda instance of engagement ? {T}
jo sgeg rdo rje {PH}Llvajra /
jug pai tshe {GD:528} practical
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




gzhag jog bzhag

zhog sthna{MSA}; {C}nikipati (=ptayati)
posit; establish; deposit; designate; put; set aside
{C}let drop; throw/put down; lays aside

jog dka difficult to posit

jog sgom bsgom

positing it

jog tshul mode of positing; way of


jog zhing {C}sasparana positing;

establishing; designating {C}(touches) places


gzhom joms
bcom choms {LCh}hna; {C}vidhamitva; {MSA}
(upa han): upahanti to destroy; suppress;
overcome {C}having dispelled; having destroyed

sgom bsgoms sgoms [set-meditate]; stabilizing


jog sgom gyi sgom

byung gi rtogs pa rtogs
rtogs rtogs rtogs realizational consciousnesses
which are states arisen from stabilizing

joms pa


joms bcom choms {C}hna; {C}ghta; {MSA}

vighta; {MSA}dhvasana overcome; to destroy;
suppress; destruction; suppression {C}
forsaking; loss; conquer; subdue; conqueror; charm;
magical formula; sacking; is sacked

jog thub pa can be posited

jog pa gzhag jog

bzhag zhog {MV,MSA}pratihpana; {MSA}

avasthna; {MSA}avasthpan; {MSA}niveana;
{L}prasthna set up; posit; establish; set; assign;
deposit; designate; put; set aside; placement

jog pa gzhi basis of positing; bases

joms pai nus pa

gzhom joms bcom choms the capacity

to overcome

jol mo a bird whose body is either white,

red, black, or yellow, stays in trees, and has a
beautiful voice

that are being posited

jog pa rags pa {L}sthla coarse; rje {LCh}svmi master; lord; leaders

unrefined; stolid; large; massive; tangible; heap;
rje nyid the Master [i.e. Dzong-ka-ba]
quantity; put; place
jog par byed {L}prasthna; {MSA}


rje thams cad mkhyen pa

(sth): sthpayati certification; positing;

establishment method; procession; setting out

rje bo {C}bhartka; {C}svmin master; lord;

jog par byed pa {MSA}


niveaka; {MSA}nivein certification; positing;


rje bo la khon pa malice towards

jog ba sthna placement

jog byed set up; positor; means of


rje btsun {LCh}bharaka venerable;

reverend; the Foremost Venerable [i.e. Maitreya]

ma di sku tshad dpag tu med pai snga rol nas, rje
btsun jam pai dbyangs kyis rjes su bzung ba yin,
Over countless prior lifetimes, this teacher was
mentored by the venerable Majur. {W23693}


jog byed gzhan la ma

ltos pa certification that depends upon another

jog byed gzhan la ma

ltos pa it does not rely upon another means of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


Omniscient Lord



rjeui rigs

Mkhas-grub-rnam-thar-bsdus-pa, 2b.2

rje btsun chos kyi rgyal

rjes {C}pada after; subsequent to

mtshan rje btsun pa Jay-tsn Chkyi-gyal-tshan (1469-1546), textbook author of

Sera-jay monastic college

word; verse; foot; tracs; tracks; verbal expression

rjes khyab anvaya-vypti forward

rje btsun jam dpal Foremost

entailment; forward pervasion {GD:519}

positive pervasion

Holy Majushr

rje btsun pa

rjes khyab rnal ma normative

btsun chos kyi rgyal mtshan Jay-tsn-pa [Jaytsn Ch-kyi-gyal-tshan] (1469-1546), textbook
author of Sera-jay monastic college

rje btsun bla ma

{PH}merchant/ bourgeois


forward pervasion; normative forward


rjes khyab phyin ci log perverse

forward pervasion



rje yang sras kyi dgongs pa

the thought of the foremost father [Dzong-ka-ba]

and his spiritual sons [Gyel-tsap and Kay-drub]

rje yab sras bzhi

{PH}Tsong-khapa and his three disciples; Rgyal-tshab; Mkhasgrub; and Dul-dzin Grags-pa-rgyal-mtshan

/ rjes gro / rjes la gro follow;

go afterward

rjes gro; chos sgo rjes

gro {MSA}dharma-mukhnuyna {GD:260}

concomitance; {GD:275} positive concomitance

rjes jug [after-put]; (1) in grammar:

suffix; (2) followers; follower {PH}follower;

followers ga
nga da na ba ma a/ ra la sa rnams rjes jug bcu/
ga, nga, da, na, ba, ma, a, ra, la, and sa are the

rje yab sras gsum

{PH}Tsongkha-pa and his two disciples; Rgyal-tshab and


rje rin po che Dzong-ka-ba

rje su dran pa drug {PH}six

rjes jug phal cher most


rjes bstan gyi gdams ngag

rjed {C}vismarati {C}forget
guidance that is subsequent teaching
rjen char {PH}nakedly rjes thob thob/thob

yul rnam med rjen char (cher?) du dzin pa

the apprehension of objects nakedly and without
aspect {LWT 106}

rjen cher kyis [naked-great-ly];

mthong lam la dbye na gnyis yod de mnyam


rjen char; rjen cher nakedly

rjen pa naked
rjeu rigs vaiya merchant class
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob thob thobs {LCh}pha-labdha [afterattain]; attainment subsequent [to meditative

equipoise]; subsequent attainment; state
subsequent to meditative equipoise

bzhag ye shes dang rjes thob ye shes de de yin pai

phyir when the path of seeing is divided there
are two, because the exalted wisdom of meditative
equipoise and the exalted wisdom of subsequent
attainment are those{PGP}


rjes thob rgya yan pa

dispersed state subsequent [to meditative equipoise]

rjes thob sgyu ma lta bu

thob/thob thob thob thobs

subsequent realization of phenomena as illusory;

illusory-like state subsequent to meditative

rjes thob tu nges

rjes thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}anulbha
subsequent attainment

rjes dran anusmti subsequent


inferential cognition {GD:96} inference

mtshan nyid/

rjes thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs pha-labdha; {C}
anuprptavanti subsequent attainment {C}
arrive at; reach

rang gi rten rtags yang dag la brten nas rang gi gzhal

bya lkog gyur la mi slu bai zhen rig Definition:

a determinative knower which, depending on

its basis, a correct sign, is incontrovertible with
regard to its object of comprehension, a hidden
phenomenon{TAK 4b.2}

thob/thob thob thob thobs pha-

dbye ba/ 1 yid ches rjes


labdha-jna exalted wisdom of subsequent

attainment; wisdom subsequent to meditative

rjes mthun {LCh}anurpa similitude;

concordant with dang

mnyam pa rjes mthun a similitude equal with ...
di ni sems dben rjes
mthun yin pas since this is a similitude of mental
isolation ...{TGP 39}

dbye ba/ 1 rjes chos


kyi rjes mthun/ 2 rang yin pai ldog chos kyi rjes
mthun/ 3 rang ma yin pai ldog chos kyi rjes mthun/
4 ldog chos phung sum tsam po bai rjes mthun/
Divisions: (1) concordance with concordant
phenomenon; (2) concordance with isolate
phenomenon that is itself; (3) (2) concordance
with isolate phenomenon that is not itself; (4) (2)
concordance with isolate phenomenon that is a mere
third possibility

rjes mthun pa in accordance with;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

concordant with {C}with reference to

rjes dpag {LCh}anumna inference;

shes dren gyi khyad par {PH}the feature of the

mode of inducing an ascertaining consciousness in
states subsequent to meditative equipoise

rjes thob ye shes

rjes mthun par {C}anurodhatas


dpag 2 grags pai rjes dpag 3 dngos stobs rjes dpag

Divisions: (1) inference through belief (ptaanumna); (2) inference through renown (prasiddhaanumna); (3) inference by the power of the fact

rjes dpag gi rjes

su byung bai rtog pa byung
byung byung byung conceptual consciousness
that arises subsequent to inference

rjes dpag gi rtog pa inferential

conceptual consciousness; inferential conception

rjes dpag gi snang yul

appearing object of inferential cognition

rjes dpag gi gzhal bya

anumnaprameya object of inferential


rjes dpag
gis drangs pai rtog pa bcad shes conceptual
subsequent cognition induced by inference

rjes dpag bcad shes anumna-

samanuj happiness; joy {C}encourage(?);

paricchinna-jna inferential subsequent


rjes dpag tshad ma {LCh}

rjes su gro ba {MSA}dharma-

anumna-prama inferential prime cognizer;

inferential vaild cognizer; inferential valid
cognition; inferential prime cognition {PH}
inferential valid cognition

mukhnuyna; {GD:783} anvaya; anugama

following; concomitance; forward concomitance
{GD:783} second criterion

rjes su rgyu ba

rgyu rgyu
rgyu rgyu {C}anuvicarita; {L}anuvicara {C}
infested by; roams along

rjes mi la

{PH}Lord Milarepa
On the occasion when
Lord Milarepa asked about Marpa to a cowherd, ...

rjes bzhin du

rjes su sgrub pa

{PH}accordingly; after a

rjes su chags pa {C,MSA}anunaya


rjes bzung to be taken care of

rjes bzod bzod bzod

desire; become {C}affection

rjes su jug {C}anuvartayati; {C}

bzod bzod subsequent forbearance

rjes bzod bzhi

anuvartate (=samdya vartate) engage; enter;

apply; continuity {C}comply with; imitate; last
long; pursue; follow after; complies with; come to
(where he is); go likewise; go with

{PH}four subsequent


rjes la {C}phatas subsequent; after;

rjes su jug pa {L}anugata; {C}


rjes la mngon rtogs

anuvartate; {MSA}anuvtti; {C}anupravtta; {C}

anupravia engage; enter; apply; continuity
{C}comply with; imitate; last long; pursue; follow
after; complies with; come to (where he is); go
likewise; go with; approached; conformed to; keep
moving; enter together with; entrance

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {LCh}

rdhvbhisamaya subsequent clear realizer

rjes la thob pa

rjes su brnyes pa {C}anuprpta

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}phalabdha subsequent attainment

attained; obtained {C}reached

rjes las thob

rjes su gtod {C}anuparndmi focus;

pa jig rten pai ye shes

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}phalabdha ... laukika ... jna subsequently attained
worldly wisdom

aim {C}I transmit; I entrust

rjes su rtog pa {C}anuprekita

examine; think {C}repeatedly consider

rjes shes {LCh}anvayajna subsequent

rjes su rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}anubuddhayati; {C}
anubuddha realize; cognize {C}understand;
(one who has) understood; thoroughly understood


rjes su {LCh,L}anu after; subsequent

afterwards; later

rjes su skyes pa produce after

rjes su dga bar byed {C}
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}anuhna

establish; prove

rjes su rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C,MSA}anubodha; {C}

anubodhana; {MSA}anuboddh realize; cognize



rjes su tha snyad dogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags

{C}understanding; recognition

rjes su rtogs par byed pa

thogs {L}anuvyavahra subsequently impute

conventional designations{S}

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}

anugacchati realize; cognize

rjes su ston

rjes su thugs brtse ba


ston bstand stond {C}anusayati teach;

indicate {C}instruct

rjes su ston pa

rjes su thob pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}anusati; {MSA}

(sam-anu s): samanusti teach; indicate
{C}admonish; instruct

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}(anu

s): anusti teach; indicate

rjes su ston byed

pha-labdha-jna [after-attain-wisdom];

subsequently attained exalted wisdom; wisdom

after arising from contemplative equipoise

rjes su mthun {L}anulomika; {MV}

rjes mthun/ {L}anulomika concordant; in
accordance with

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}anuvitarkita

rjes su mthun pa {L}anulomika;

investigate; analyze {C}pondered on

rjes su brtag par bgyi ste

{MSA,MV}anukla; {MV}nuklya concordant;


{C}anuprekitavya investigate; analyze {C}

should repeatedly consider

rjes su mthun

pa las byung bai yid byed

byung byung byung byung concordant mental

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}anuvitarkita

investigate; analyze {C}pondered on

bstan ston bstand stond {C}anusana; {C,MSA}

anusan teach; indicate; teaching {C}
admonition; instruction

rjes su bstan pai cho phrul

bstan ston bstand stond
{C}anusan-prtihrya miraculous teaching;
wondrous teaching {C}miraculous admonition

rjes su tha snyad gdags

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {L}anuvyavahra subsequently
impute conventional designations{S}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob/thob thob thob thobs

rjes su mthun pa

rjes su brtag pa

rjes su bstan pa

rjes su thob pa ye shes

anukla; {MV}nuklya concordant; similitude

bstan ston bstand stond {C}anusaka teach;

indicate {C}one who instructs

rjes su brtags

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}anuprpta

subsequent attainment

rjes su ston par byed pa


mind of exceptional loving compassion


rjes su mthun pai chos

{C,MV}anudharma (={C}yath-praihitasya
nyat-dharmasya pratipattim); {MV}
nudhrmik; {C}anudharmat concordant
doctrines; concordant phenomena {C}logical
sequence of Dharma

rjes su mthun pai chos

la spyod na spyad spyod spyad
spyod {C}anudharma-crin one who makes
use of concordant doctrines/phenomena; one
who practices concordant doctrines/phenomena
{C}one who courses in the logical sequence of


rjes su mthun pai bras bu

{MV}nuklya-phala concordant effect

rjes su mthun pai bzod

pa bzod bzod bzod bzod

{C}nulomik knti concordant forbearance/
patience/tolerance/endurance {C}adaptable

rjes su dpag pa

las byung bai rtog pa byung

byung byung byung conceptual consciousness
arisen from inferential cognition

rjes su dpag pai tshad ma

anumna-prama inferential prime cognizer;
inferential prime cognition

rjes su mthun par {C}anuloma(m)

concordant {C}in agreement (with reality); in

direct order

rjes su mthun par spyod

sanction; ordained

mtshan nyid/ rang gi rten
rtags yang dag la brten nas rang gi gzhal bya lkog gyur

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}anugtam

padyate concordant practice {C}imitates

rjes su mthun par byed {C}

la gsar du mi slu bai rig pa Definition: a knower

that is new and incontrovertible with respect to its
object of comprehension, a hidden phenomenon, in
dependence upon its basis, a correct sign

anuvidheya bhavati accord with {C}act in

obedience to

rjes su dpag par bya ba {C}

bar byao {C}samanuj concordant happiness

{C}encourage(?); acquiescent

rjes su dpag bya {LCh}anumeya

rjes su mthun pas dga

anumeya object to be inferred {C}measured;

proved; inferrable

object to be inferred

rjes su mthun byed {C}anuvartayati rjes su dpyad pa

accord with; concordant with {C}comply with

rjes su mthun la phyin

anuvicrita analyze; subsequently analyze

{C}pondered over; reflects

ci log {MV}anukl viparyast perverse


rjes su dpyod pa {C}anucarati

rjes su mthong yan dag par rjes su

analysis; subsequent analysis {C}follow; pursue

rjes su dpyod pai sems

mthong = {MSA}(sam-anu pa) see; appear;

subsequently see; subsequently appear

rjes su thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {L}anuprp-

subsequently attain; subsequent attainment

rjes su dran pa

dran/ dran/ drand/ drand/ {C,MSA}anusmti;

{MSA}anusmaraa memory; recollection;
subsequently remember

rjes su dran pa bcu

rjes su spyad pa; rjes

su dpyad pa spyad spyod spyad
spyod {C}anuvicrita analyze; subsequently
analyze {C}pondered over; reflects


rjes su byung ba arise after

rjes su byung bai


rtog pas ling po byung byung

byung byung {GD:151} arising later than the

{MSA}anujna give; grant; make {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}anucara-citta analytical mind; mind of

subsequent analysis

rjes su phrang dgos need to


rjes su gnang ba {C}anujta;

dpyad/ dpyod/ dpyad/ dpyod/ {C}


connect; apply {C}preoccupation

perception of the collection


rjes su mi jug min {C}

su byung bai rtog pas ling po gcig tu bzung ba

{C}paala (=ghanat) {C}cataract; covering;

vivarjayati non-non-engagement {C}avoid; get

rid of; abandon; give up; reject

rjes su byed pa {MSA}anuvidhyitva

accord with; be concordant

rjes su byed par gyur

rjes su brang

rjes su dzin pa

rjes su brang ba {L,MSA}anusra;

rjes su zhugs pa

brang / brang / brangs/ brongs/

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {L}pravea; {MSA,MV}

anupravia engage; enter; engagement;
entrance introduction; enter together with;
entered into

rjes su brangs ba anusaraa


rjes su brel bcas bzlog

pa {MV}snubandh viparyay perverse

rjes su zungs

rjes su gzung

gzung / dzin/ bzung / zungs/ follow; believe; take

care of

rjes su brel dod want to


brel/ brel/ breld/ breld/ {L}anubandha;

{C}anuparivartate relate; join; subsequent

relation {PH}indicatory phonemes [in Paninian
grammar] {C}pursue; revolve around; conform to

rjes su brel byas nas {C}

anubandhayitv having related; having joined

{C}has communed with

gzung dzin bzung zungs compassionately care

for; take care of; follow; believe

rjes su bzung ba

rjes bzung rjes su gzung

/ dzin/ bzung / zungs/ {C}anughti (=kryanipdand) compassionately cared for;

retained; took care of; followed; believed {C}
help; favor

rjes su bzung bai phyir du


for the sake of taking care of

sbyor sbyard sbyord {C,MSA}anuyoga join;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzung dzin bzung zungs (anu grah): {MSA}

anughat; {MSA}anugraha [after-to-grasp]
compassionately care for; take care of; follow;

{MSA}anuparivartin follow {C}going to;

following; consequence; result

rjes su sbyor ba

dzin bzung zungs {MV}(anu grah): anughti
compassionately care for; take care of; follow;

anugacchati; {C}anubaddha; {C}anuvartita

follow {C}going to; following; consequence;
result; pursued

rjes su brel pa

rjes su btsal

rjes su dzin

brang / brang / brangs/ brongs/ {C}

anusaraa follow

agree]; not concordant with; not agreeable to

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}paryeati seek;

search for {C}searches (for); try to determine;
seeks for; decides to look for

zhing {C}anuktim padyate accord with; be

concordant {C}imitate

rjes su brangs

rjes su mi mthun pa [after-to-not-


rjes su yi rang {C}abhyanumodita;

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {L}anuraka
[e.g., vows and pledges]

{C}anumodayi; {C}anumodana; {C}anumokaku;

{C}anumodyate admire; sympathize with;
empathize with {C}enjoined; rejoicing; rejoice;
jubilation; one who rejoices; is approved

rjes su yi rang sgom lam

anumodalakao bhvanmrga (Great Vehicle)

path of meditation of admiration

rjes su slob pai tshul {C}

anuikama-rpa the mode of learning; way

of learning {C}engaged in learning; engaged in
regular training

rjes su yi rang ba {C}anumoda;

rjes su bsam pa

rjes su yi rang

rjes su bsrung ba

rjes su yid rang ba bsam

rjes su bslab

rjes su yid rang bai

rjes song

bsam/ sems/ bsams/ soms/ {C}

anuvicintita think; subsequent thought {C}
thought over

{C,MSA}anumodan; {C}anumodayi [afterto-mind-delight]; admire; sympathize with;

empathize with {C}rejoicing; jubilation; rejoice

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {C}

bai mod las byung ba byung

byung byung byung {C}anumodan-sahagata
arisen from admiration; arisen from sympathy
with {C}connected with jubilation

anurakya; {L,MSA}anuraka protect/guard/

keep/maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows
and pledges] {C}which can be preserved(?)

learn; train in {C}train regularly

yid la byed pa {MSA}anumodana ... manaskra

mental engagement of admiration; mental
engagement of sympathy

{C}anuparighta take care of; follow; believe


rjes su rig par bya ste {C}

anugacchati know {C}approach; conform to;

follow (after); regain; emulate; arrive (at); pursue;
follow up

rjes slob

bslab/ slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ {C}anuikati; {MSA}
anuika learn; train in {C}train regularly


brjod rjod brjod rjod

vc;{GD:413} vcaka to speak; say; to express;
state; expression; statement {GD:413} to

rjod byed

brjod rjod
brjod rjod {LCh}abhidhna; {LCh}abhidhyin;
{N}vcaka means of expression; expressive;
expressor {GD:439} signifier

rjes su shes pa {C}anvaya-jna

subsequent knowledge; subsequent cognizer;
subsequent cognition

rjes su song ba

song song song {L}anugata; {C}anugacchati; {C}
anugamiyanti become; subsequently become;
gone; passed {C}approach; conform to; follow
(after); regain; emulate; arrive (at); pursue; follow
up; be pursued

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

song song song

song {MSA}anugama become; subsequently

become; gone; passed

rjes su yongs su bzung bar

bslab/ slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ {C}anuik

pa {MSA}anumodan ... aya thought of

admiration; thought of sympathy

rjes su srung ba


rjod byed kyi sgra

brjod rjod brjod rjod expressive term

{GD:433} signifier

rjod byed kyi tshig

brjod rjod brjod rjod expressive terms

rjod byed rnam dag completely

correct means of expression

must switch out of the earlier coarse body{TGP 54}

rjod byed tshig gi theg pa

brjed {MV,MSA}sapramoa; {MV}samoa;

brjod rjod brjod rjod vehicle as

{MSA}moat forget; forgetfulness{DK 5.9}

verbalizing words

rjod byed tshig

gi drang nges byed pa differentiating the

interpretable and the definitive on the level of the
words that are the means of expression

ljags {C}jihv tongue {C}tongue

ljags klog gnang


brjed nges {LCh}muitasmtit; {C}

muita-smtin {PH}forgetfulness

brjed nges pa {LCh}muitasmtit; {C}

muita-smtin forgetfulness {C}confused and
not mindful; confused in his mindfulness

bklag klog bklags/ klogs/ read [hon.]

brjed pa {MSA,MV}sapramoa; {MV}

ljags shin tu yangs

samoa; {MSA}sapramoat forget;


shing srab pa {C}pthu-tanu-jihvat {C}his

tongue is long and slender

ljang khu {L}harita green

brjed kyis dgos pa fear of

brjed pa med pa {PH}unforgetful

brjed par byas na {C}vismrayati

pale yellow;


(=amanasikra) forget; forgetfulness {C}

ljang ba {PU} yma {PH}dark-colored

allow to be forgotten
ljan ljin {MSA}abhilpa defilement; filth; brjed byang

byang byangs byang byongs Purification of



ljongs {C}janapada

countryside; (country) districts

ljongs kyi bya ba {C}jana-pada-ktya

{C}business concerning the kingdom

ljon shing {LCh}vka tree



mtshan nyid/ yal ga lo dab dang ldan pa Definition:

having branches and leaves

brjid {C}tejas shine; glitter

beauty; splendor; flaming; piercing flame

brjid pa bgyis par gyur

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}

mnayati shine; glitter {C}reveres
lham mer brjid blazing brightly


brje/ brje/ brjes/

brjes/ {LCh}parivartana to switch out of; to
exchange snga
mai lus rags pa brje dgos pai phyir because one

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


brjed med {PH}unforgetful

brjes brje/ brje/
brjes/ brjes/ to switch out of; to exchange


brjod rjod brjod

rjod {C}khyyate; {MV}khy; (khy):
{MV}khypayati; {MV}khypayitv; {C}kathayi
(=kathayati); {C,MSA}ucyate; {C}udrayati; {C}
scaka; {C}bhate (=bhate); {C}vidhyate;
{MV}udhra; (ni rp): {MSA}nirpyate
describe; express; to speak; say; to express;
state; expression; statement {C}declare;
describe; speech; it is said; is spoken of; one speaks
of; is called; be expounded; proclaim; utter (his
message); explain; raise (voice); lift up (voice);
indicating; teaches; preach; speaks; says; declares;
is prescribed

brjod kyis mi lang ba

brjod rjod brjod rjod inexpressible


brjod du ma mchis pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}manda-mantra {C}soft

in his talk/speech

brjod rjod brjod rjod {L}anabhilpya;

{C}avacana inexpressible; ineffable {C}cannot

be spoken; cannot be expressed; beyond words

brjod du med

rjod brjod rjod {C}avcyate; {MSA}anabhilpya
inexpressible; ineffable {C}cannot be expressed
in words

brjod du med pa

brjod don meaning expressed; meaning

brjod pai kun rdzob

conventionalities; expressional conventionality

brjod pai rnam pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {L}uccrakra aspects

of expression

brjod pai bag chags

brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {MSA}jalpasya

brjod rjod
brjod rjod {LCh,C}vacana; {LCh}abhilpa; {C}
abhilapati; {C}abhilapyate; {MSA}(abhi lap):
abhilpa; {MSA}lapita; {C}udrayati; {C}rita
(=prerita); {C}khyyate; {C}kathyate; {MV}
khy; ( khy): {MSA}khyti; {MV}kathikatva;
{C}prabhate; {C}abhidhyate; {C}pravy
verbalization; expression; speak; say; express;
state {C}stirred; said to be; driven along;
uttering; speaking; indicates; is called; described;
talk about; is talked about; is declared; speaks;
(conventional) utterance; words; verbal expression;
use verbal expressions brjod par bya
la with respect to what is to be expressed

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}vyhta speak; spoken;
express; state; expressed; stated {C}verbally
expressed; expressed by words
brjod rjod brjod rjod verbal


brjod pa mdzad

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}vaktavya {C}should be


brjod pa nyung ba

rjod brjod rjod expressor speak; go out;
obstinate; willful

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}abhilpa-mtra mere

statement; mere expression {C}mere talk


brjod pa byed

brjod pa tsam du

po brjod rjod brjod rjod

inexpressible things

brjod rjod brjod rjod speakers

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}bhyasamat sameness of expressions {C}the

sameness of all spoken words

proponent of expressions {C}one who has

praised; incite; praise

brjod du med pai dngos

brjod dod kyi kun long

brjod pa smra ba {C}vara-vdin

brjod rjod brjod rjod {L}anabhilpya; nirlpa;

{C}avyhra; {L}parinipanna; nirabhilapya
inexpressible; ineffable {C}lie outside
conventional discourse; cannot be expressed by
words; which cannot be expressed in words

brjod do ces bya

brjod pa mnyam pa nyid

vsan predispositions of verbalization

brjod pai legs la

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}bhaati {C}preaches;

report; teach!

brjod par bya


rjod brjod rjod {C}khytavya; {MSA}vacanya;

abhidhaya what is to be expressed; subject
matter {C}should be proclaimed

brjod par bya ba ma yin

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}avacanya

(=avyhra) inexpressible; ineffable {C}

unutterable; cannot be expressed in words



brjod par bya ba ma yin

inexpressible; not expressed; ineffable; not stated

pa nyid brjod rjod brjod rjod

{MSA}avaktavyatva inexpressibility; ineffability

brjod mdzad

brjod rjod brjod rjod with respect to what is to

be expressed

brjod zin

brjod par bya ba la

brjod par byao

brjod par zad

rjod brjod rjod {C}vacana; {C}scan-kt; {C}
jalpyate; {C}anuvyharaa speak; say; express;
state {C}one can talk of; indicated; reply; use
verbal expressions

gab pa {C} n-yagrodha-parimaalat {C}the

circumference of his figure is like that of the fig tree

nya k

nya Tik Dispeller of

Mental Darkness Commentary [on Maitreyas
Ornament for Clear Realization]

nya ik

nya TIk Dispeller of

Mental Darkness Commentary [on Maitreyas

Ornament for Clear Realization]

brjod bya don

gyi drang nges byed pa differentiating the

interpretable and the definitive on the level of the
meaning that is expressed within the scriptures

brjod byed

rjod brjod rjod {LCh}abhidhyin expressor;
expressive; means of expression {GD:393}

nya dang nyung ma bsres pao

to [absurdly] confuse fish with turnnips

nya pa {C}dhvara {C}fisherman

nya dbon kun dga dpal

{PH}Nya-won Kun-ga-pel (1300-1380 ce.)

{GD:310} Nya-bon-gun-ga-bal (1300-1380 ce.)

nyag gcig uniquely {PH}sole unique

nyag re las {C}ekaika {C}each one; a

brjod byed kyi sgra

brjod rjod brjod rjod expressive sounds

single one; one single; each single


{GD:433} signifier

nyan/ nyan/ nyand/

nyond/ {LCh}rava; {MV}ravaa; {C}ruama
hear; listen {C}when he hears/learns

brjod rjod brjod rjod vcaka-vcya

nyan thos {LCh,L,C,MSA,MV}rvaka; {C}

{GD:393} signifier-signified; expresser-expressed

brjod rjod

ya Hearer {C}pupil; disciple

nyan thos kyi dge dun {C}

brjod rjod unpredictable


rvaka-sagha community of Hearers

rjod brjod rjod {C}avyhra; {MSA}nirjalpa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brjod rjod already explained; already explain;

previously explained{LG 30.3}

nya gro dha ltar chu zheng

brjod rjod
brjod rjod {LCh}abhidhaya; {N}abhidheya; {N}
vcya subject of expression; object expressed;
subject; object of expression; subject matter;
topic expressed; object verbalized; explicit
teaching {GD:393} signified; {GD:433} object
of signification

brjod med

brjod rjod

{C} like a fig tree

brjod bya

brjod bral

brjod rjod {C}scaka state; indicate; express


nya {LCh,C}matsya fish

nya gro dha ltar {C} n-yagrodhavan

brjod rjod brjod rjod {MV}vaktavya should be


brjod byed brjod bya

brjod rjod



nyan thos kyi dgra bcom

gzhom joms bcom choms

Hearer Foe Destroyer

nyan thos kyi sgom lam


mtshan nyid/ nyan

ngos skal gyi spang bya sgom spang nyon sgrib kyi dngos

gnyen du gyur pai nyan thos kyi rjes la mngon rtogs

thos kyi rjes la mngon rtogs Definition: Hearer

subsequent clear realizer

dbye ba/ 1 nyan thos kyi sgom lam


mnyam bzhag ye shes/ 2 nyan thos kyi sgom lam

rjes thob ye shes/ 3 de gnyis gang rung ma yin pai
nyan thos kyi sgom lam/ Divisions: (1) exalted
wisdom of meditative equipoise of a Hearers path
of meditation; (2) exalted wisdom of subsequent
attainment of a Hearers path of meditation; and (3)
Hearers path of meditation that is neither of those

nyan thos kyi

sgom lam mnyam bzhag ye shes exalted wisdom
of meditative equipoise of a Hearers path of

Definition: a Hearers subsequent clear realizer that

serves as an actual antidote to its own respective
objects of abandonment, these being the afflictive
obstructions which are to be abandoned by the path
of meditation

dbye ba/ nyan thos kyi sgom


lam chung ngui chung ngu nas chen poi chen poi
chen poi bar dgu Divisions [consist of] the nine
ranging from the small of the small up to the great
of the great of a Hearer path of meditation

nyan thos kyi nges byed

cha mthun Hearers partial concordance with
definite discrimination

nyan thos kyi chos mngon

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

Hearers clear realizer of doctrine

mtshan nyid/ rang yul du gyur pai bdag

med la rtse gcig tu mnyam par bzhag pai nyan thos kyi

rjes la mngon rtogs Definition: Hearers subsequent

realizer that is posited from the viewpoint of being

set in one-pointed meditative equipoise on its
object, selflessness

nyan thos kyi rjes la

mngon rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs rtogs Hearers subsequent clear realizer

nyan thos kyi thar pa cha

mthun Hearers partial concordance with

dbye ba/ nyan thos kyi


sgom lam bar chad med lam/ nyan thos kyi sgom
lam rnam grol lam/ de gnyis gang rung ma yin
pai nyan thos kyi sgom lam mnyam bzhag ye shes/
Divisions: (1) uninterrupted paths of Hearers
paths of meditation; (2) paths of release of Hearers
paths of meditation; and (3) exalted wisdoms of
meditative equipoise of Hearers paths of meditation
that are neither of those two

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sgom lam bar chad med lam

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms uninterrupted path
of a Hearer path of meditation

mtshan nyid/ rang gi

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

Hearer path of meditation

nyan thos kyi


nyan thos kyi theg pa {MSA}

rvaka-yna Hearer Vehicle


thos kyi theg pa la yang dag par zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {L}
rvakaynasaprasthita those engaged in the
Hearer Vehicle

nyan thos kyi mthar

phyin pai lam Hearers path of completion


nyan thos kyi mthong lam

Hearer path of seeing; Hearers path of seeing

mtshan nyid/

rang bras nyan thos kyi sgom lam ma skyes gong gi

nyan thos kyi bden pa mngon rtogs Definition: Hearer

clear realizer of truth that arises before its own

effect, a Hearer path of meditation; {T} Hearers
clear realizer of truth prior to generating its effect, a
Hearers path of meditation

ngo bo sgo nas dbye na/

gi bdag med la rtse gcig tu mnyan par bzhag pai nyan

thos kyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ Definition: Hearer

clear realizer of truth which is set in one-pointed

meditative equipoise on its object, the selflessness
of persons

dbye ba/ nyan thos mthong


lam bar chad med lam/ nyan thos kyi mthong lam
rnam grol lam/ de gnyis gang rung ma yin pai
nyan thos kyi mthong lam mnyam bzhag ye shes/
Divisions:(1) uninterrupted path of a Hearer path
of seeing; (2) path of release of a Hearer path of
seeing; (3) exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise
of a Hearer path of seeing that is neither of those


nyan thos kyi mthong lam mnyam bzhag ye shes/

nyan thos kyi mthong lam rjes thob ye shes/ de
gnyis gang rung ma yin pai nyan thos kyi mthong
lam/ Divisions from the point of view of entity:
(1) exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise of a
Hearers path of meditation; (2) exalted wisdom
of subsequent attainment of a Hearers path of
meditation; (3) Hearers path of meditation that is
neither of those


nyan thos kyi

mthong lam rjes thob ye shes

thob/thob thob thob thobs Hearers
exalted wisdom of subsequent attainment of a
path of seeing

mtshan nyid/ nyan thos kyi mthon lam bar chad med lam
dang rnam grol lam gang rung ma yin pai nyan thos kyi
mthong lam yang yin/ rang dren byed kyi rnam grol lam
rdzogs rjes su byung bai cha nas bzhag pai nyan thos

kyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ Definition: Hearers clear

realizer of truth which is posited from the viewpoint

of: (1) being a Hearers path of seeing which is
neither an uninterrupted path nor a path of release
of a Hearers path of seeing; and (2) arises after the
completion of the


thos kyi mthong lam mnyam bzhag ye shes

Hearers exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mtshan nyid/ rang yul du gyur pai gang zag


thos kyi mthong lam bar chad med lam

uninterrupted path of a Hearers path of seeing

mtshan nyid/
nyon sgrib kun btags kyi dngos gnyen du gyur pai nyan
thos kyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ Definition: Hearers

clear realizer of truth that is an actual antidote to the

artificial afflictive obstructions

dbye ba/ nyan thos kyi


mthong lam bzod pa brgad/ chos bzod bzhi dang

rjes bzod bzhi/ Divisions: the eight forbearances
of a Hearers path of seeing (the four doctrinal
forbearances and the four subsequent forbearances)

nyan thos kyi mthon lam bar chad med lam dang
rnam grol lam gang rung ma yin pai nyan thos kyi
mthong lam yang yin/ rang dren byed kyi rnam
grol lam rdzogs rjes su byung bai cha nas bzhag
pai nyan thos kyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ Hearers
clear realizer of truth which is posited from the

viewpoint of: (1) being a Hearers path of seeing
which is neither an uninterrupted path nor a
path of release of a Hearers path of seeing; and
(2) arises after the completion of the path of rele

dbye ba/ 1 spang bya gcig char bai dgra bcom

pai mkhyen pa/ 2 spang bya rim gyis pai dgra
bcom pai mkhyen pa/ dbang poi dbye na/ 1 nyan
thos dgra bcom pa dbang rnon/ 2 dbang rdul kyi
mkhyen pa/ Divisions: (1) exalted knower of a Foe
Destroyer who has simultaneous abandonment; (2)
exalted knower of a Foe Destroyer who has gradual
abandonment; Divisions by way of faculty: (1)
exalted knowers of Hearer Foe Destroyers with
sharp faculties; and (2)

nyan thos kyi dad pai sa

Hearers ground of belief

nyan thos kyi rnal

byor mngon sum Hearers yogic direct

nyan thos kyi brtson grus

nyan thos kyi phags pa

pa {MSA}rvaka-vrya Hearer effort

rvaka-rya Hearer Superior

nyan nyan thos kyi tshogs lam

thos kyi byang chub am rang sangs rgyas kyi byang
chub {MSA}rvakabodhi pratyekabodhi v
Hearers enlightenment or a Solitary Realizers
enlightenment {T}

nyan thos kyi sbyor lam

prayoga-mrga Hearers path of preparation

mtshan nyid/ rang

mngon rtogs/ Definition: Hearers clear realizer of

Divisions: dbye ba/ 1 che/ 2

bri/ 3 chu/ Divisions: (1) great; (2) middling; (3)

bras nyan thos kyi mthong lam ma skyes gong gi nyan

thos kyi don mngon rtogs/ Definition: Hearer clear

realizer of meaning that arises before its own effect,

a Hearer path of seeing

nyan thos kyi lam Hearer path

nyan thos kyi lam gyi bgrod pa mthar phyin pai
mngon rtogs a clear realizer of one who has
completed the progress of a Hearers path

dbye ba/ nyan thos kyi sbyor lam drod/ rtse
mo/ bzod pa/ chos mchog Divisions: Hearers
(1) heat; (2) peak; (3) forbearance; (4) supreme
mundane qualities paths of preparation

nyan thos kyi lam

shes pai lam shes rvakamrgajnamay

mrgajt knower of paths that knows Hearer

nyan thos kyi mi slob lam

rvaka-aaika-mrga Hearers path of no

more learning {PH}Hearers path of no more
mtshan nyid/

nyan thos kyi lam

shes pai lam shes knowers of paths that know

Hearer paths

nyan thos kyi sa rvaka-bhmi;

nyan thos kyi lam gyi bgrod pa mthar phyin pai mngon
rtogs/ Definition: a clear realizer of one who has

ravakabhmi Asagas Hearer Grounds;

grounds of hearers

completed the progress of a Hearers path

nyan thos


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang bras sbyor lam ma skyes gong gi nyan thos kyi chos

doctrine that arises before the path of preparation

that is its own effect

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord rvaka-

rvaka-sabhra-mrga Hearers path of

mtshan nyid/


dgra bcom pa dbang rtul kyi mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend


nyan pa

exalted knower of a Hearer Foe Destroyer with

dull faculties

nyan/ nyan/
nyand/ nyond/ {C}oti; {MSA,MV}ravaa to
hear {C}listen; learn

nyan thos

dgra bcom pa dbang rnon mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend
exalted knower of a Hearer Foe Destroyer with
sharp faculties

nyan pa po {MSA}rot hearer; one who


nyan thos

dgra bcom pai rgyud kyi mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend
exalted knower in the continuum of a Hearer Foe

nyan thos

sgom lam pai rgyud kyi mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend
exalted knower in the continuum of a person on
the Hearer path of meditation

nyan thos theg pa {L}rvaka-yna

Hearer Vehicle

nyan thos mthong lam pa

{PH}a Hearer on the path of seeing

nyan thos mthong lam

pai mkhyen pa mkhyen
mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend exalted knower of a
person on the Hearer path of seeing

nyan thos dang rang sangs

rgyas {MSA,MV}rvaka-pratyekabuddha
Hearers and Solitary Realizers {T}

nyan po snod

{PH}fit vessel
It is

said that a student who is impartial, intelligent, and

industrious is called a fit vessel [for the teaching].
{A4C} 12.1ab

nyan bya object of hearing

nyan tshul mode of listening
nyan rang rvaka-pratyekabuddha

Hearers and Solitary Realizers {PH}rvakas

and Pratyekabuddhas

nyan rang gi theg pa


and Pratyekabuddha Vehicles

nyan rang gi lam

{PH}rvaka and

Pratyekabuddha paths

nyan rang gnyis

{PH}both rvakas

and Pratyekabuddhas

nyan rang phags pa

rvakas; Pratyekabuddhas; and ryas; rya
rvakas and Pratyekabuddhas

nyan sa rvaka-bhmi Asagas Hearer


nyan thos sde pa Hearer Sectarians

nyam nga ba {C}dhi; {MSA}ania;
{MSA}kaa; {MSA}vyasana fright; fear
nyan thos la sogs pa {MSA,MV}
rvakdi Hearers and so forth


nyam nga ba med

nyan thos legs tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal

tshold {C}rvaka-gat {C}those who belong
to the host of rvakas(?)

pa; sgra nyam nga ba med pa {MSA}akaaabdat fearless sound

nyam nga bai phyogs direction of

nyan du {C}ruanya {C}to hear

nyan dod pa {C}ur desire to


nyam nga bar (adisa-kamp):

hear {C}(desire) to make hear

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{ntideva} adisaka {PH}fearfully



nyam cung ba {PH}weak

nyam chung {C}alpa-sthma; {MSA}

lesser; disagreeable; left behind; mean

A state occurs that is like
night pervaded by moonlight. {YJD}

nyams khrid practical instruction

nyams dga ba very pleasant;

durbala {C}weakling; has no strength; little


nyam chung nyid {PH}weak

nyam chung phyir {C}durlabhatvt

pleasure; happiness; delight {VS 2.5} {PH}

very pleasant
The Great Intelligent One dwelt in
the very pleasant heavily adorned Akaniha Pure

{C}because it does not hold (the water) well

nyam chung ba {MSA}daurbalya little

strength; weak

nyam thag destitution; without resources;

destitute; stricken; exhausted

nyam thag skal dman



nyams chung {MV}daurbalya having

nyams chung ba {MV}daurbalya;


{MSA}durbalatva having little strength; weak


nyams stobs

Ones strength will be exhausted.

nyam thag pa destitution; without

resources; destitute; stricken; exhausted {PH}

destitution; destitute

nyam rtsal yod min na {C}aval

nyams thag {MSA}rta stricken;

exhausted {PH}stricken; destitute

(=abal) bhuyu {C}would have little strength

nyam rtsal yod med na {C}aval

(=abal) bhuyu {C}would have little strength

nyam rangs su mi dor

nyams bde {C}udagra {C}elated

nyams bde ba dang nyams mi bdeang rung ste

ji lta ji ltar gnas pa {C}pratam aprata v
(=paihito hoti) {C}position in which it is placed

dod ba {C}adhivsana {C}toleration of

nyam rangs su mi dor

nyams snang

dod ba {C}andhivsayitavya (=adhivsan

parivarjayitavy); {C}adhivsana {C}should not
give in to; toleration of


snang snang snang spiritual appearance [i.e.

appearance of a disembodied being]{Gn-chok}

nyams {C}hna; {C,MSA}hni; (h):

{MSA}hyate; {C}hna; {C}kati; {C}vikala;

{C}bhajyate; {MSA}chidratva; {MSA}vipatti;
{MSA}vilekha a feeling; an experience;
vision; visionary experience; spoiled; defiled;
corrupted; degenerated; deterioration {PH}
state; experience; thought; apprehension {C}
impairment; deficient; breaks; forsaking; loss;
failure; diminution; decrease; waning; inferior; low;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}single moment [of

little strength; weak

unfortunate and destitute

nyam thag gro

nyams gcig


nyams pa {C}hyate; {L}prahyate; {N}

upahata; {C}hni; {MV}hnat; {MSA}parihni;

{MSA}parihi; {MSA}vihna; {MSA}hna; {C}
khaa; {MSA}khaana; {MSA}cyuta; {MSA}yang
dag par nyams pa = samudghta degenerated;
spoiled; defiled; corrupted; deterioration
{PH}pain; thoughts {C}forsake; break; broken;
diminish; is diminished; is decreased; fail

nyams pa cha mthun hnabhgya

/ len/ blangs/ lend/ practice {PH}practice
phar phyin bcui nyams
len lhag tshul a special mode of practicing the ten
perfections {PGP 78}

concordant with degeneration

nyams pa med {C}akhaa non-

degenetated; unspoiled; undefiled; uncorrupted


nyams len gyi mchog

nyams pa med pa {C}

asampramuita; {MSA}acyuti non-degenetated;

unspoiled; undefiled; uncorrupted {C}

nyams pa med pa ting nge


gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}acyuti samdhna- non-degenerated

meditative stabilization

{MSA}praa become degenerate; deteriorate

{C}breaks down

nyams par gyur ba {C}

sampramoayati (=pramuhyate) become

degenerate; deteriorate {C}impair

nyams su blang bya object of


nyams su blangs pa practice

nyams su mi bde ba med la
{C}vightam padyate {C}fails

nyams par rnam par

spangs pa spang spong spangs

spongs {C}upaghta-vivarjita abandoning
degeneration {C}not impaired in any way

nyams su myong

myang / myong / myangs/ myongs/ {C}rpi

(=anubhavati) experience

nyams su myong ba {C}anubhavati;

{MSA}anubhava; {MSA}pratyanubhavana

blang / len/ blangs/ lend/ practice

nyams su myong bar gyur

ba {C}anubhavati; {C}pratyanubhavati {C}


blang / len/ blangs/ lend/ practice

nyams ma med pa {C}asrasanat

nyams su myong bar byed {C}

not non-degenerated; not undefiled {C}

pratyanubhavati experience {C}experiences


nyams su myong bar byed pa

nyams smad suppression

nyams zhib {PH}details

{C}anubhavati experience {C}experiences

nyams rangs su mi dor ba; nyams rangs su mi dod

ba {C}adhivsana {C}toleration of


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nyams su blang

(=vaiyvtya) practice {C}Service

nyams par gyur {C}bhajati;

nyams len

madhura {C}(most) sublime; good to eat; fine;

superior; exalted; sweet

nyams su blang ba {C}vaiyvtti

cause of degeneration/deterioration

nyams blangs

nyams longs practice

nyams su bde ba {C}prata; {C}

blang / len/ blangs/ lend/ vaiyvtti practice

nyams pai rgyu {MSA}hni-hetu

nyams blang


supreme practice


nyams su len pa
len/ practice


nyams su len pai tshul

way to practice



nyams su longs practice

nyal nyal/ nyal/ nyald/

candra-maala {C}disk of the sun and moon

nyi mai gnyen {LCh}ditya-bandhu;

nyold/ {C}aya; {C}ayna lie down; sleep

{C}lying down; lies down

{LCh}srya-mitra Sun-Friend [Buddha]; The

Sun Friend; a name for Buddha kyamuni

nyal khri bed

nyal nyil unclean
nyal ba {MSA}svapna lie down; sleep
nyal ba dang

nyi mai od zer {C}srya-rami;

{MSA}ditya-rami; {MSA}dina-kara-kiraa
sunlight {C}rays of the sun

nyi mai od ser tapa sunlight

nyi tshe {MSA}pradea; {MV}prdeika a

gnyid kyi mya myo bsal ba la

bsal sel bsald seld {C}yite nyidrklama-

little; tiny; partial; trifling

nyi tshe ba {C,MV,N}prdeika; {C}

prativinodana {C}dispelling exhaustion by sleep

nyi khri chig stong drug brgya

pradeikatva limited; trifling; little; tiny; partial

{C}content with a limited activity; with a limited
scope; a limited number; definitely tangible


nyi gdugs {PH}parasol

nyi snang ryavimuktisenas Illumination

of the Twenty-five Thousand Stanza Perfection of

Wisdom Stra

nyi ma {C,MSA}srya; {C}divasa; {C}divasam;

{MSA}arka; {MSA}tapa; {MSA}dina-kara; {MSA}
bhnu sun; day; sunday {C}by day; waking;
for a day

nyi ma gcig cig {C}divasam

for a day

nyi ma lta bui sems bskyed

nyi tshe bai stong pa a partial

emptiness{MSI 425.6}

nyi tshe bai dmyal ba trifling hell

nyi tshe bai ye shes {C}
nyi tshei bdag {BMH} antartman

mind-generation like sun

{PH}individual Self

nyi ma dang zla ba {C}srya-candra-

nyi tshei dmyal ba lesser hell-being

nyi og pa aparntaka {PH}Aparntaka

masau {C}sun and moon

nyi ma phyed dus {PH}noonday sun

nyi ma sbas pa Ravigupta
nyi ma od zer sunlight{D1}
nyi mai dkhyil khor {C}ditya-

[subshool of the Vaibhika]

maala (=srya-maala); {MSA}bhnu-maala

sun-maala; sun-disc {C}orb of the sun

dkhyil khor dang zla bai dkhyil khor {C}srya-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

prdeika ... pratyaka partial direct perception;

trifling direct perception

prdeikatva-jna partial wisdom; trifling

wisdom {C}definitely tangible; limited cognition;
cognition limited in scope


nyi mai

nyi tshe bai mngon sum {MSA}


nyi logs {C}tapas {C}sunshine

nyi shu viati twenty
nyi shu pa viatik Vasubandhus The
Twenty (viatik)

nyi shu rtsa gcig {PH}twenty-one

nyi shu rtsa gnyis {MV}dvviati-


nyin re laang even in each day; sun;

vidha; {MSA}dvviati twenty-two

nyi shu rtsa bdun twenty-seven

nyi hong {PH}Japan; Japanese
nying mtshams gap between lives
nying mtshams sbyor ba


nyin shas {PH}a few days

nyug byed la {C}abhyokireya

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord pratisandhi

briding the gap between lives {PH}[instance of]

taking rebirth

nyid {LCh,MSA}sva; {C}tva; {MV}eva; {MSA}

svak ... dharmat {C}his own dharma

nyung ngu {MSA}alpa few; little

nyung ngu nyung ngus {C}stoka-


{C}waking; by


nyin gcig {C}divasena one day

nyung nyung few; a few

nyung ba {MSA}alpa; {MV}alpatva little;

nyung ba dang ches nyung ba


during a day

{MSA}alpa-tara-tama little and very little

nyin par {MSA}div in the day; during

the day

nyin par zas mi za bai lhas byin tshon po rid pa ma

yin pa the non-thin Devadatta who does not eat
during the day



nyin mtshan {C}diva-rtri; {C}rtri-diva

` {C}day and night

nyin mtshan du lan drug tu

nyin re bzhin [day-each-like]; daily;

nyung ma turnip
nyung zad {PH}few; very few
nyung shas {PH}a small amount
nyung shes shig very few
nye {C}sanna near; dear; intimate

nye khor {PH}near; nearby; range (of)

nye khor {PH}neighboring [hell]
nye khor na {L}matsampa in the

nye khor ba utsada neighboring (hell)

nye khor bai dmyal ba
neighboring hell-being

every day; sun; day




vicinity; in; near

{MSA}aho-rtra a-ktva six times during the

day and night {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

little; few {PH}little; few

nyung ngus few

nyung ngus tshig few words
nyung ngus tshig gis with a few

nyid kyi chos {C}sva-dharma; {MSA}

nyin mo sun; day

nyin mo dgung thun

nyung {MSA}alpa; {C}alpaka; {MSA}partta

stokam little by little {C}drop by drop

svaka only; itself; just; particle abstracting a

noun; -ness self; own; oneself

nyid du self; same

nyid las self; same; I
nyin {C}divasa; {C}div day


would bestow


nye bai nyon mongs

nye khor dmyal ba near hell

nye gyur na {C}cetate become intimate;

pai glo bur ba {MSA}gantuka ... upaklea

adventitious affliction/afflictive emotion

become dear {C}bestirs himself

nye nyon {LCh}upaklea secondary

afflictions nye nyon nyi shu

gzhan gyur bzhi the twenty secondary afflictions
and the four changeables

nye nyon nyi shu upaklea the twenty

nye bar khor ba matsampa in the

nye bar gos pa med pa {C}

dbye ba/ 1 khro ba/ 2


anupalipta {C}unstained; cannot be soiled

nye bar gyur to {C}abhyito


quite near

nye bar gyur pa {C}abhy-bhavati

khon dzin/ 3 chab pa/ 4 tshig pa/ 5 phrag dog/

6 ser sna/ 7 sgyu/ 8 g.yo/ 9 rgyags pa/ 10 rnam pa
tshe ba/ 11 ngo tsha med pa/ 12 khrel med pa/ 13
rmugs pa/ 14 rgod pa/ 15 ma dad pa/ 16 le lo/ 17
bag med pa/ 18 brjed nges pa/ 19 Divisions: (1)
belligerence (krodha); (2) resentment (upanha);
(3) concealment (mraka); (4) spite (pradsa); (5)
jealousy (phrag dog, ry); (6) miserliness (ser
sna, mtsarya); (7) deceit (my); (8) dissimulation
(hya); (9) haughtiness (mada); (10

{C}comes near to

nye bar dgod

dgod god bkod god set/state/establish/arrange/

register/make a record/place [on throne]/put [a
signature]; array; affix

nye bar gro {C}upaiti


approach; come to; bear; imply

nye bar gro ba {C}upayta; {C}

upasakrmati; {C}upagacchati {C}approached;

approach; stride up to; come to; come near; come;
go to; overpowered; take to; undergo; (with Sanskrit
na: remain unaware of)

slob dpon klu sgrub kyi

nye gnas nyid du gyur [He] became the disciple

of the Master Ngrjuna. {A4C-C}

nye bar rgyas par gyur {C}

nye ba {C}abhysa; {MSA}antika; {MSA}

upabmhayati {C}strengthen; promote

nye bar sgrub

sanna; {MSA}samavahita near; dear; intimate

byang chub la ni nye ba dang
one is closer to enlightenment

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {L}upasahrati
establish bring to mind; help; arrange; compare;
bring; induce

nye ba nyid {C}sannat {C}nearness

nye bai nyon mongs nye

nye bar sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}upasahra

establish bring to mind; help; arrange; compare;
bring; induce

nyon {MV}upaklea secondary affliction;

secondary afflictive emotion

nye bai nyon mongs pa

nye bar bsgrub

{MSA,MV}upaklea secondary affliction;

secondary afflictive emotion

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


vicinity; in; near

secondary afflictions

nye du {C}jti {C}kinsmen

nye gnas nyid {PH}disciple

nye bar {C}sanna {C}near; nearness

nye bar mkho ba important points;

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}upasahrati



nye bar brten {C}upastambhanat

establish bring to mind; help; arrange; compare;

bring; induce

nye bar bsgrubs te

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

nye bar bstan

ston bstand stond {C}upastambhanat {C}the
fact of being supported

upasampadaya establish {C}in the attainment

of; having entered on

nye bar bstan pa

nye bar jug pa upasthpan close

bstan ston bstand stond {C}upadiati; {C}


nidarana {C}point out; recommends; speak

of; show; explain; expound; definite statement;

nye bar jog pa upasthpan;

upasthpana close setting

nye bar jog par byed {MSA}

nye bar bstan par bgyi {C}

upadekymi demonstrate; indicate; teach {C}

I can point

(upa sth): upasthpayati close setting

nye bar nyon mongs pa

nye bar bstabs pa {C}upanmita

{MSA;MV}upaklea {PH}secondary afflictions


{C}has bent over to

nye bar gtod {L}upanayana bring

near; lead to; introduces; initiation ceremony for

the three (twice-born) upper castes in Hinduism

nye bar rtag pa spectator

nye bar rtog pa {C}upaparkamo;

{MSA}upalakaa; upalaka realize; examine;

investigation {C}when he considers

nye bar rton {C}upastabdha


propped up; supported

nye bar rton par byed par

gyur {C}upastambhayati {C}prop up

nye bar ston


ston bstand stond {C}upadein {C}recommends

nye bar ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {Das}upadea

upatihate; {MV}upasthita; {L}pratyupasthita; {C}

upavartate {C}to be present; rise up; turns up

nye bar gnas pa {MSA}upasthita;

{MSA}pratyupasthna; {MSA}pratyupasthpana;
{MSA}samupasthita; {C}sanna-sthyin; {C}
pratyupasthita (bhavati) (=abhimukhbhta) {C}
stood near to; (is/has been) set up; lives for; rise up
against; is about to; immanent; is concerned with;
have come round; entails; sets himself up

nye bar phyogs par gyur ro

{C}upanamati {C}share

nye bai phyogs {PU} pradea



nye bar pho ba {C}upasakrmati

nye bar blang bya {N}updna that

nye bar brtag pa spectator

nye bar brtags

which is appropriated{N}

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}vyuparkamu {C}

in the face of that discovery

the fact of being supported

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nye bar gnas (upa sth): {MV}

{C}approach; stride up to; come to; come near;

goes to

instruction; advice; prescription

nye bar brtan {C}upastambhanat


the fact of being supported


nye bar brel bar byed pa {C}

paribadhnti {C}ties to

nye bar sbyar ba

sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}upasahra {C}

compare; suggest; bring (to mind); arrange; induce;

nye bar mi gos pa {C}vitimira-karin

{C}remover of darkness

nye bar tshe ba {C}upadrava


nye bar len pa po {N}updt that

which appropriates{N}

nye bar len pa med par {C}

distress; calamity; trouble

nye bar tsho ba livelihood;

anupdya not appropriated {C}without

further clinging


nye bar zhi {C}upanta pacify

cause; object appropriated; that which is

appropriated{N}; appropriated; causal
contributors {C}grasping; to gain; grasps at;

nye bar len pai phung po


peace; appeased; calm(ly quiet)

lnga {MSA}pacopdna-skandha the five

appropriated aggregates

nye bar zhi ba {C,MSA}upanta;

{C,MV}upanti; {MSA}upaama; {MSA}
upaamana; {C}upamyati pacify {C}
appeasing; appeases

nye bar longs spyod

vyupaama; vyupaamana thorough pacifying

nye bar song nas

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}upabhoga {C}

enjoy (the happiness)

nye bar zhi bar byed pa

song song song song {MSA}(upa-sa kram):
upasakramya having gone close to {T}

nye bar zhi byed {MSA}(vy-upa am):

nye bar bsags pa {L}upacita; {C}

vyupaamayati thorough pacifying

nye bar gzhag pa {MV}upasthna

upacaya {C}accumulated; accumulation

nye bar bsam par bya {C}


nye bar gzhol ba {C}upapadyate

upanidhyyati {C}meditate (on); touch and


{C}is reborn; gain rebirth

nye tsi {C}upoadha {C}name of a Nga-king

nye ring the close and distant; close or

nye bar bzhag pa {LCh}upasthna


nye bar ong gyur {C}upagacchati

distant; intimacy and alienness; distance

nye lam short path; quick path

{C}come (to); go to; overpowered; approach;

path; short cut zhwa lu nas
nye lam brgyud na ... From Shalu, if [one] follows
a short cut, ... {GCG} p. 27/48

undergo; remain aware of

nye bar ongs gyur nas {C}

upgamitva {C}having approached

nye bar yongs su brtag pa

{C}upaparkate {C}investigate; consider;
regards as

nye bar rab tu sbyor bar

byed pa sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

{C}prayujyamna {C}engaged in effort

nye bar len pa {MSA,MV,N}updna;

{C}updnat; {C}updatta substantial

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


nyeo {C}abhysanna near; very near

nyer mkho important points; important
nyer bsgrubs

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}upasahra

establish; establishment

nyer gcig twenty-one {PH}twenty-one

nyer thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs lokasyopalabdhia
near attainment; near-attainment

nyer thob nag lam pai

sems thob/thob thob

thob thobs the mind of radiant black nearattainment {PH}mind of radiant black nearattainment

nyer len

nye bar len pa/

updna substantial cause; object appropriated;
appropriated; appropriation

nyer len gyi rgyu updna-kraa

substantial cause

nyer sdogs

bsam gtan dang poi nyer sdogs
preparation for the first concentration

nyer bsdogs smantaka preparation

dbye ba/ bsam


gtan dang po mi lcogs med la/ 1 yid la byed pa las

dang po ba/ 2 mtshan nyid so sor rig pai yid byed/
3 mos pa yid byed/ 4 rab tu dben pai yid byed/ 5
dga ba sdud pai yid byed/ 6 dpyod pa yid byed/
7 sbyor ba mthai yid byed/ Divisionsfor the
first concentration, the not unable: (1) mental
engagement of a beginner; (2) mental engagement
of individual investigation of characteristics;
(3) mental engagement of belief; (4) mental
engagement of thorough isolation; (5) mental en

nyer bsdogs dang dngos gzhii ting nge dzin dang

ldan pa gzung dzin bzung
zungs {MSA}samantaka-maula-samdhi-sahagata
possessing the meditative stablization of the
preparations and actual absorption(s) {T}

nyer len gyi phung po updnaskandha appropriated aggregates

nyer len byas nas byung ba

byung byung byung byung ...

arises through ... acting as a cause

nyes bad; sin; evil; crime

nyes skyon faults and defects
nyes can [crime-possessing]; criminal; evil
one; having fault

nyes pa {LCh,L,MV,MSA}
doa; {MSA}dua; {MSA}duat; {MSA}pradoa;
{C}kalaka; {MSA}apardha fault; fallacy; evil;
crime; bad; sin; deficiency; problematic; humor

nyes pa brgyad {MSA}aa-doa eight


nyes pa lci ba the heavier fault

nyes pa rnyams gdul bar
bya ba {MSA}do vinaya discipline the

nyes pa mthong ba {MSA}doadarana viewing faults

nyer bras substantial effect

nyes pa dang skyon {C}doa-antara;
{C}antara faults and defects
nyer brel {C}upalea {C}adherance

nyer sbas upagupta Upagupta

nyes pa dang ldan pa la yon tan dang ldan pa
nyer tshe bai dmyal ba {PH}
nyid du dzin pa gzung dzin
trifling hells

bzung zungs {MSA}doa-vati gua-vattva-grha

conceiving that which has faults as something
with qualities {T}

nyer tsho livelihood; sustenance

nyer bzhag {LCh}upasthna; {C}
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nyes pa spyad pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}ducarita {C}bad

upasthayati establishment {C}call forth



nyo tshong sogs la bad pa


nyes pa spyad pa spyod pa

striving at selling and buying{LWT 233}

nyon klea affliction

nyon sgrib {LCh}klevaraa afflictive

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

ducarita-crin {C}doer of bad conduct

nyes pa byed pa {MSA}dukta to do

obstruction; obstruction to liberation

nyon sgrib kun btags


gdags dogs btags/brtags

nyes pa med {MSA}adoa; {MSA}

dobhva faultless

thogs parikalpitakleva-raa the artificial

afflictive obstructions; {T} acquired afflictive
obstructions; artificial obstruction to liberation

nyes pa med pa nyid {MSA}

nirdoatva faultlessness

nyes pa yongs su spang ba

spang spong spangs spongs

{MSA}doa-parivarjana thorough abandonment
of faults

nyes pa gsum {MSA}doa-traya three


nyes par brtsi bar gyur {C}

aparddha {C}one who has offended; offend

nyes par bsams pa med pa

{C}anavasdayamna {C}one who never rejected


nyes pa; nyes dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

dnava, apakla fault

nyon sgrib kun

btags brgya dang bcu gnyis {PH}the one hundred
and twelve artificial afflictive obstructions

nyon sgrib kun btags dngos

gnyen du gyur pai nyan thos kyi bden pa mngon

rtogs gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs a Hearer clear realizer
of truth which is an actual antidote to the
artificial afflictive obstructions

nyon sgrib kun

btags spangs pai rnam grol lam du gyur pai nyan

thos kyi bden pa mngon rtogs a Hearer clear
realizer of truth which is a path of release that
abandons the artificial afflictive obstructions

nyes byas {L}dukta misdeed

nyes dmigs


nyes dmigs pa

nyon sgrib spangs pai

sgrib spangs pai cha nas bzhag pai mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend
mkhyend an exalted knower that is posited
from the viewpoint of abandoning the afflictive

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {LCh,C,MSA}dnava

fault {C}misfortune; reproach; punishment;
affliction; danger

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}dnava

ye shes spang spong spangs

spongs pristine wisdom that has abandonned
the afflictive obstructions

fault {C}misfortune; reproach; punishment;

affliction; danger

nyes tshogs {MSA}doa-sacaya

nyon sgrib lhan skyes bcu

collection of faults


drug {PH}sixteen innate afflictive obstructions

nyo/ nyo/ nyos/ nyos/

sell; to buy

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


nyon sgrib; nyon

rnam par sbyong bai rnal byor pa
sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs yogi who

mongs pai sgrib pa klevaraa afflictive


nyon cig {L}u listen [imperative]

nyon mong can klia afflicted
nyon mongs {LCh,C,MV}klea; (kli):

is purifying afflictions/afflictive emotions

nyon mongs

{MSA}kliyate; {C}kliyati; {MSA;MV}klia;

{MSA}saklia; {C}vihanyate affliction;
afflictive emotion {C}be afflicted; to resist(?)
di gsum nyon mongs can
zhes sbyar these three are specified as afflictive

nyon mongs kyi sgrib pa

klevaraa afflictive obstruction

nyon mongs kyi bag chags

predispositions/latencies of the afflictions/
afflictive emotions

nyon mongs rnam par sbyong bai las dang

po pai yid byed sbyang
sbyong sbyangs sbyongs kleaviuddhydikarmi
kamanaskra mental contemplation of a
beginner at purifying afflictions/afflictive
nyon mongs rnam par sbyong bai las dang po
bai yid byed sbyang sbyong
sbyangs sbyongs mental contemplation of
a beginner at purifying afflictions/afflictive

afflicted; {T} afflictive

nyon mongs can gyi gnyid

{PH}afflicted sleep

nyon mongs can gyi ma

nyon mongs rnam

rig pa {N}klividy; klividya afflictive


sbyang gi dmigs pa sbyang

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs objects for purifying

nyon mongs can gyi yid

kliamanas afflicted mentality; afflictive
mentality; afflicted intellect

nyon mongs can ma

yin pai ma rig pa nonafflictive ignorance

nyon mongs can min {MV}aklia


nyon mongs rtog pa spong

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

klia-vitarka-varjan abandon afflictive thought


nyon mongs rnam dag

pai gnas {MV}klea-uddhy-raya basis for
purifying the afflictions

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nyon mongs can {MSA}klia

nyon mongs

rnam par sbyong bai las dang po pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs
kleaviuddhydikarmika beginner at purifying
the afflictive emotions; beginner at purifying


nyon mongs rnam

sbyong gi dmigs pa kleaviodanlambana
object of observation for purifying afflictive

nyon mongs rnam

sbyong gi dmigs pa sbyang

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs kleaviodanlambana
object of observation for purifying afflictions/
afflictive emotions

nyon mongs rnam

sbyong gi dmigs pa sbyang

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs kleaviodanalambana
object of observation for purifying afflictions/
afflictive emotions

nyon mongs rnams


nyon mongs pa dang

sbyong gi dmigs pa kleaviodanalambana

object of observation for purifying afflictions;
object of observation for purifying afflictive

shes byai sgrib pa {L,MSA,MV} klea-jeyavaraa afflictive obstructions and obstructions

to omniscience

nyon mongs pa {MSA,MV}klea; {C}

nyon mongs pa dul ba {MSA}

ysa; {C}raa; {MSA}klea-akti afflicted;

affliction {C}trouble; strife

klea-vinayana discipline the afflictions

nyon mongs pa skye bai

rkyen tsam {MSA}kleasyotpatti-pratyaya-mtram

mere condition of the production of afflictions

nyon mongs pa bskyed pa

nyon mongs pa
dul ba la rab tu brtson pa {MSA}klea-vinayasayukta apply oneself to disciplining the

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

nyon mongs pa


nyon mongs pa rnams

utpdita-klea production of afflictions

nyon mongs pa can {MSA}klia

kyi gnyen po {MSA}klen pratipaka

antidotes to the afflictions

nyon mongs pa can gyi yid

{MV}klia mana afflicted mind

nyon mongs pa

can ma yin pai mi shes pa {MV}akliam ajna

non-afflicted ignorance

nyon mongs pa thams

cad du bral ba {L}sarvatra vigata-klea free
from all afflictions; {T} everywhere free from

nyon mongs pa dang bcas pa

{C}sgaa afflicted {C}with blemish

nyon mongs pa dang

nyon mongs pa spangs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

klea-praha abandon the afflictions

nyon mongs pa spong ba

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

klea-praha abandon the afflictions

nyon mongs pa mang ba {MSA}

klea-prcurya; {MSA}klea-bhulya many

nyon mongs pa med pa {C}

niklea; {C}niklea; {MSA}asaklea; {C}

anagana; {MSA}ara unafflicted {C}without
afflictions; without blemish

mthun pai chos {MSA}klenukla ... dharma

phenomena concordant with affliction

nyon mongs pa dang

dag pai gnas {MV}klea-uddhy-raya a place

that if purified of afflictions

nyon mongs pa dang bral ba

nyon mongs pa med par {C}

alpa-kcchrea {C}with little trouble

nyon mongs pa med par

gnas pa {C,MSA}ara-vihrin one who abides

without afflictions {C}one who dwells in peace

{MSA}klea-vigama; {MV}klea-visayoga free

from afflictions

nyon mongs pa las rnam dag

nyon mongs pa dang

{MSA}kled viuddhi free from the afflictions

las dang skye ba {MSA}klea-karma-janma

affliction, action, and production

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ni rnam par rtog pa yin {MSA}vikalpa-klea

ideational afflictions

nyon mongs pa
las rnam par grol ba


grol grold grol grold {MSA}klea-vimoka
completely freed from the afflictions

predispositions of the afflictions/afflictive


nyon mongs pai med pa {L}

nyon mongs pai

kun nas nyon mongs pa {MV}klea-saklea
thoroughly afflicted by the afflictions

anagana unafflicted; without afflictions

nyon mongs pai zag pa

nyon mongs pai rgyu

*klerava afflicted contaminations

nyon mongs pai zag

yin pai phyir {MSA}klia-hetutas because of

being the cause of the afflictions

pa dang bcas pa contaminated phenomena of

the afflictions{Lati}

nyon mongs pai sgrib pa

{MSA,MV}klevaraa afflictive obstructions;

obstructions to liberation

nyon mongs pai sgrib

pa rnam pa dgu {MV}navadh-klea-varaa
nine aspects of the afflictive obstructions

nyon mongs par snang ba

snang snang snang snang {MSA}

klebhsa appearance of the afflictions

nyon mongs par byed pa {MV}

(pari kli): parikliyate afflict

nyon mongs pai gnyen po

nyid {MSA}klea-pratipakat antidote to the

nyon mongs ma mchis {C}

po mdzad pa {MSA}klea-pratipaka-vidhna
act as an antidote to the afflictions

nyon mongs ma yin mi

nyon mongs pai gnyen

nyon mongs pai dri
ma med pai gnas {MSA}klea-nairmalya-prptyraya (sic) a place that is without the stains of
the afflictions

araya unafflicted {C}one of those who are


mongs min {MV}na kli npi vkli neither

afflicted nor non-afflicted

nyon mongs med nonaffliction;

nonafflictiveness; nonafflictive; without afflictive


nyon mongs pai dam {C}klea- nyon mongs med pa {MSA}

paka {C}mud of the afflictions

nyon mongs pai

nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa {MSA}klea-vydhipraamana thorough pacification of the sickness
of the afflictions

nyon mongs med par khor

{MSA}asaklia-sasti circling in nonaffliction

nyon mongs med yan lag

nyon mongs pai gnas ngan len gyis rab tu bskyed

pa bskyed skyed bskyed
skyed {MSA}klea-dauhulya-prabhvitatva
thoroughly produced by assumption of bad
afflicted states

{MV}niklega limbs of non-affliction

nyon mongs tshogs {MSA}kleagaa collection of afflictions

nyon mongs mtshan nyid


rnam dgu {MV}navadh klea-lakaa the

nine aspects of the afflicted character

mongs pai bag la nyal dang bag chags

{MSA}klenuaya-vsan dormancies and

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

asaklia; {MSA}nisaklea; {C}ara

unafflicted; non-afflicted {C}Peace (in the
forest); appeasing



nyon mongs zad pa {MSA}klea-

remote distance

gnyi gai phyogs dang

kaya extinguish the afflictions

nyon mongs gzung

mthun pa {MSA}ubhaya-paka concordant with

both directions



nyon mongs gzung

gnyid {LCh,C,L}middha; {LCh}nidr; supta

rtog mngon gyur {PH}the manifest conception

of afflicted objects

sleep; sloth {PH}sleep {C}torpor

gnyid kyi log {L}apasvpana sleep;

nyon mongs rags pa

fall asleep

gnyid kyis ma log pa a-supta;

mngon gyur ba manifest coarse affliction

nyon mongs shes bya yi

jgrat not sleeping; awake

sgrib pa {MSA}klea-jeya-vti {PH}afflictive

obstructions and obstructions to omniscience

nyon mongs shes byai sgrib

pa {MSA}klea-jeya-vti afflictive obstructions

and obstructions to omniscience

gnyid kyis log pa supta [those

who are] sleeping

gnyid chung ba {L}middha little

sleep; torpor

nyon mongs gsal ba {MSA}klea- gnyid che bar {C}middha-guruka

weighted down by sloth

vinodana clarify the afflictions

nyon mongs lhan skyes sahaja-

klea innate afflictions; innate afflictive emotion

nyon yid klia-manas afflicted mind

nyon shes {PH}afflicted conscioesness
nyol nyal/ nyal/ nyal/

gnyid thug pa deep sleep

gnyid ma log pai gnas
skabs waking state{N}

gnyid mtshan nyid pa



nyol/ lie down; sleep

nyos to buy
gnyan evil spirit; a type of wild sheep which
has a huge horn structure; chronic sore or
tumor (refers to a swelling with abrasions)

gnya shing gang tsam lta

gnyid log {L}apasvpana sleep; to sleep

gnyid log pa {LCh}supta to sleep
gnyid log pai gnas skabs
{N}supta-adhikra state of sleep{N}

gnyis {MSA}dvaya; {MSA}dvi; {C}ubhaya;

{C}ubhi (=ubhaya) two {C}dual; duality; both

gnyis ka {C}ubhaya both {C}two

gnyi ka ltar yang {PH}either way;

zhing blta lta bltas ltos {C}

yuga-mtra-prekin {C}one who looks ahead
only one yoke

gnyi ga {MV}ubhaya both

gnyi ka ltar yang
gnyi ga
in either case
in either case

med pa las ring du dang ldan pa yang ma yin {C}

(na-ubhayam antare va) viprak sthit {C}
nor does it stand somewhere between the two at a

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{PH}either way;

gnyis kai cha {MSA}ubhaya

second part



gnyis kyi don byed {MSA}artha-

snang snang snang snang elaborations of

dualistic appearances; dualistic elaborations

kara (dvayor-artha-kara) performing two


gnyis snang can gyi shes pa

gnyis kyi mtshan nyid {MSA}

{PH}dualistic consciousness

gnyis snang nub pai

dvaya-lakaa character of duality; dualistic


tshul gyis rig {GD:606} cognition of an object in

a non-dual way

gnyis skyes {PH}birds (twice born)

gnyis gyi tshul gyis spyod

pa spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

dvaya-cri buddhi practice by way of dualistic
modes {C}the intellect courses in duality

gnyis bcas kyi sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord sadvittya

prayoga {GD:319} argument concerning having

a companion [a form of reasoning used by the
Crvkas to argue against reincarnation]

gnyis gnyis

{PH}two each
[They] split into two each. {YJD}

gnyis stong dvaya-nya empty of

duality; emptiness of duality

gnyis stong gi rtogs pa

las byas pa chud zos pai nyes pa ni the second

fallacy is that actions done would be wasted{MSI

gnyis pa shos -tama

{PH}the other

of the two
gcig gis mthong nas kyi

hud a za zhes ngu la gnyis pa shos kyang kyi hud o

po zhes nguo One [brother] have seen [the other],
[he] cried out Alas!, and the other [brother] cried
out Alas! as well. {A4C-C}

gnyis bral {MSA}dvayena rahitam free

gnyis stong gi rnam pa can

from duality

gnyis min {MSA}advaya non-duality;

{PH}having the aspect of an emptiness of duality

gnyis don welfare of both [oneself and


gnyis med {L}advaya non-duality; non-



dual; non-dualistic

gnyis med kyi blo non-dual

snang snang snang {MSA}dvaybhat dualistic


awareness; non-dual understanding

gnyis snang khrul pa mistaken

gnyis med chos {TN}advaya-

dualistic appearance

dharmat non-dual reality

gnyis snang gi rnam pa can

gnyis med pai don {MSA}

snang snang snang snang having

advayrtha non-dual object; non-dual meaning

the aspect of dualistic appearance

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gnyis pa ltar na in the second case

gnyis pa

dual; {T} both (?)

nya-adhigama realization of the emptiness of


gnyis snang gi spros pa

second; in texts: second part

gnyis po {MSA,MV}dvaya second; two;

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs dvaya-

gnyis snang

gnyis pa {MSA,MV}dvitya; {MV}dvaya


gnyis la brten pa {C}dvaya-nirita

depending on duality {C}lean on duality


gnyis la dmigs pa

gnyis su med pai skad

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

cig sbyor nondual momentary training

gnyis su med pai don {MSA}

dvaylambana dual object of observation;

observing duality

advayrtha non-dual object; non-dual meaning

gnyis la yongs su rgyu

gnyis su med pai tshul gyis

ba med pa rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu {C}

dvaya-asamudcrat; {C}samudcrat {C}
habitual absence of all notions of duality

{C}advaya-yogena through the non-dualistic

mode {C}in accordance with non-duality

gnyis su med pai mtshan

gnyis su {C}dvaya; {C}dvayat as two;

nyid {L,MSA}advaya-laksana non-dualistic

character; character of non-duality

dual; duality

gnyis su khrul pa {MSA}dvaya-

gnyis su med pai shes pa

bhrnti dualistic illusion

gnyis su grangs

{N}advaya-vijna non-dualistic cognition{N}

gnyis su dzin pa


as two

rnam par spangs pa spang

spong spangs spongs {MSA}dvaya-grha-vivarjita
abandon dualistic grasping

gnyis su grangs pa enumeration

as two

gnyis su snang ba

gnyug ma {MSA}nija; nijam

snang snang snang snang {MSA}dvaya-

fundamental; uncontrived; genuine

pratibhsa; {MSA}dvaybhsa dualistic


gnyug ma lhan cig skyes pai od gsal gyi sems

fundamental innate mind of clear light

gnyis su snang ba med pa

snang snang snang snang {MSA}

advaybhsa non-appearance of duality

gnyis su snang bai rgyu

gnyug mai yid fundamental


snang snang snang snang {MV}dvaya-

prakhyna-kraa cause of dualistic appearance

gnyug mai sems;

gnyug sems fundamental mind

gnyis su byar med {C}advaidhkra gnyug rlung fundamental wind

{C}not divided
gnyug sems fundamental mind;
primordial mind
gnyis su dbyer {C}advaidhkra
{C}not divided
gnyen {LCh,MSA}bandhu; {LCh}mitra
relative; friend
gnyis su med {MV}advaya non-dual
gnyis su med pa {C}advaya(t); {C} gnyen po {L,LCh,MV,MSA}pratipaka;
{MSA}pratipakatva; {MV}vipaka; {MSA}
prtipakika antidote; counteragents

advitya non-dual; non-duality {C}without a


gnyen po kun tu spyod

gnyis su med pa shes pa {N}

pai stobs {PH}the power of the properly applied


advaya-vijna; {C}advaya-anvaya-jna nondualistic cognition{N} {C}subsequent cognition

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



gnyen po skor dgu nine cycles of

sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}prtipakikamanaskra-bhvan cultivate antidotal mental



gnyen po bskyed pa

gnyen po yin pa {MV}pratipakatva

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MV}


gnyen po yongs su grib

pratipakopagama production of antidotes

gnyen po sgom pa

pa {MSA}pratipaka-parihi diminishment of

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV,MSA}

pratipaka-bhvan; {MV,MSA}pratipakasya
bhvan cultivate antidotes; cultivation of

gnyen po la ldem por


gnyen poi chos {MSA}prtipakika ...

dgongs pa pratipakbhisadhi indirectly

intending an antidote; intending an antidote

gnyen po sgrub pa antidotal

gnyen po bsgom pa

dharma antidotal phenomenon/doctrine

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}

pratipaka-bhvan; {MV}pratipakasya bhvan

cultivate antidote

gnyen po nyid {C}pratipakatva;

{MSA}pratipakat antidotal {C}process of


pratipakrtha-yoga having an antidotal object

gnyen poi rnam pa bsgom

pa bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms {MSA}pratipakkra-bhvana cultivate
the aspects of antidotes; cultivate the antidotes

gnyen po phun
sum tshogs pa dang ldan pa {MSA}pratipakasapatti-yoga endowed with marvellous

gnyen poi dbye ba {MSA}

pratipaka-bheda division of antidotes

gnyen po phyogs kyi

gzhi shes nimittagrahaapratipakaparighta

pratipakabhtam vastujnam knower of bases
that is classed as an antidote/ knower of bases
classed as an antidote/ knower of bases conjoined
with the antidote to apprehension of signs that
is classed as an antidote (mtshan dzin gyi gnyen
pos zin pai gnyen po phyogs kyi gzhi shes)

gnyen po yid la byed pa

gnyen poi tshogs sgrub

achieving through the collection of antidotes

gnyen bshegs tshogs {C}jtisagho {C}the host of kinsmen

gnyen bshes {C}mitra; {MSA}bandhu

{C}friend; teacher

gnyen bshes byams

pa dang dra bar {C}snigdha-svajanavat {C}as

if they were their own beloved relatives

prtipakika-manaskra antidotal mental


gnyen po yid la
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gnyen poi mtha {MV}pratipaknta

gnyen poi don ldan pa {MV}

nyid {MSA}pratipakrahitatva non-freedom

from antidotes


pratipaka-balin having antidotal power {C}

strong in resisting the enemy
antidotal limit; extreme antidote

gnyen po dang ma bral ba

byed pa bsgom pa

gnyen poi stobs can {C}


gnyer {MSA}artha purpose; sake (of)

gnyom po {PH}moderate

dwelling wind

moderate climate



mnyan/ mnyand/ myand/ {LCh}ravaa (1) listen

(equivalent to nyan pa); (2) boat

mnyan thos kyi sgom lam

chung ngui chung ngu nas chen poi chen poi chen
poi bar dgu the nine ranging from the small of
the small up to the great of the great of a Hearer
path of meditation

mnyam pa {LCh,C,MV,MSA}sama; {MSA}

samna equal; similar; alike; same {C}same
as; equal to

mnyam pa nyid {C,MSA}samat; {C}

samatva; {MSA}samnat equality; sameness;
similarity {C}self-identity

mnyam pa nyid kyi rnam

pa sgom pa bsgom sgom
bsgoms sgoms {MSA}samatkra-bhvana
cultivate the aspect of equality

mnyan du ongs come to listen

mnyan na dga zhing {C}ravaya mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes

{MSA}samat-jna exalted wisdom of equality

{C}delightful when being heard

mnyan pa {C}nviko; {C}oti; {C,MSA}

mnyam pa nyid kyi bsam pa

ravaa; {C}sama (1) boatman; (2) listen {C}

hear; learn; hearing; ferry-man; sailor; same; like;

{MSA}samataya thought of equality

mnyam pa nyid du gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd
{MSA}samat-gamana become equal

mnyan pa dang dad par bya

mnyam pa nyid du jug pa

{C}rotavya; {C}na rotavya masyante listen

and believe {C}should listen; decided not to

{MSA}samat-pravtti enter into equality

mnyam {C,MV}sama; {C}samna; {C,MSA}

tulya equal; equality; similar; alike; same {C}

same as; self identical; identical; even; smooth;
something like; likewise; equally; being truly;
comparable; as if it were just

mnyam rjes gnyis

{PH}the two
meditative equipoise and subsequent attainment

mnyam nyid equality; sameness

mnyam du {C}samam equally; together

viewing sameness; view of equality {C}vision

of sameness

mnyam pa nyid

du lta ba yid la byed pa blta lta

bltas ltos {MSA}samateka-manaskra mental
contemplation in terms of viewing equality

{MSA}samatbhiprya thinking of sameness; in

consideration of sameness; thinking of equality

mnyam du byung ba

mnyam pa nyid las {C}samantt

byung byung byung byung {MV}samotpatti

{C}completely; on all sides; all the

mnyam pa dang mnyam pas

arise together

mnyam du gsungs equally said

{C}sama-same (=tulya-prama) exactly equal

{C}the same in the self-identical realm of dharma;
arranged one by one in regular succession

(that ...)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

blta lta bltas ltos {C}samat-darana

mnyam pa nyid la dgongs pa


mnyam gnas kyi rlung fire-

mnyam pa nyid du lta ba



mnyam pa dang mi mnyam


pas {C}sama-viamena equal and unequal;

similar and dissimilar {C}in an irregular way

mnyam pa med pa {C}apratisamat

unequalled; dissimilar

mnyam pai sems nyid {MSA}

samhita; {C}sampanna meditative

equipoise{Gn-chok}; compose the mind for
meditation {C}collected; concentrated (on);
composed; obtained; immersed in; entered into

mnyam par jug cing {C}

samavahita (=vikept kta-pratkratvena)

entering into equality {C}they do meet

mnyam par bzhag pa

mnyam par jog {MSA}samdh

ma yin pa {MSA}asamhita not in meditative


[equal-ly-set]; setting in equipoise; compose

mind for meditation

mnyam par jog pa {MSA}

samdh; samdhna [equal-ly-set]; setting in

equipoise; compose mind for meditation {PH}
setting in equipoise [the 9th mental abiding (sems

mnyam par jog par byed

{MSA}(sam- dh): samdadhti setting in


mnyam par bzhag

par jog pa {MSA}samavadhna setting in

meditative equipoise

mnyam pas {C}pramatva measures

mnyam sbyor sbyar sbyor

mnyam par ma gzhag {C}

sbyard sbyord union

mnyam med {MSA}asama; {N}atula

asamhita not in meditative equipoise {C}


mnyam par ma bzhag {C}


mnyam med zas gtsang

asamhita not in meditative equipoise {C}


sras po {PH}the unequalled son of uddhodana

mnyam par ma bzhag pa

{C,MSA}asamhita not in meditative equipoise

meditative equipoise; compose the mind for

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sampadyanat (=sampatti); {C}sampadyanat

(=sampatti) meditative equipoise {C}

{L}samdhyante meditate; engage in meditation

mnyam par zhog samdh

mnyam par bzhag par {C}

mnyam par zung du jug pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

sama-prpta obtain equality

mnyam par bzhag {C}samhita

mnyam par bzhag pa {L,MSA}



mnyam par thob na

meditative equipoise; compose the mind for


meditative equipoise{Gn-chok}; compose the

mind for meditation {C}collected; concentrated
(on); composed

sama-cittat; {MSA}samna-cittat equal mind;

{T} equal mindedness (?)

mnyam par {C}samam equally

mnyam par gzhag pa samdh

mnyam rdzogs equal and complete

mnyam gzhag samhita meditative
equipoise; contemplative equipoise

mnyam gzhag ye shes samhitajna exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise



mnyam bzhag {L}samhita meditative


mnyam bzhag thun gcig

mnyes par byed {MV}rgaa

mnyam bzhag nam mkha

please; delight

lta bu space-like meditative equipoise

mnyam bzhag rnam mkha

lta bu spacelike meditative equipoise

mnyam bzhag snang bcas

mnyam bzhag snang med

mnyam bzhag phung gsum

pa {PH}a third category of meditative equipoise

mnyes po interesting
mnyes bya phyir {C}rdhita


School of Tibetan Buddhism

mnyam bzhag tsam po ba

rnying ma pa Nying-ma-pa (Old

mere meditative equipoise

Translation) Order

mnyam bzhag yin pa {C}

samhita in meditative equipoise {C}collected;

concentrated (on)

mnyam bzhag ye shes samhitajna pristine wisdom of meditative equipoise;

exalted wisdom of meditative equipoise

mnyen {C}cru

rnying shos {PH}most ancient

rnyed brnyed/ rnyed/

brnyes/ rnyes/ {LCh,L}lbha; {C}labhate verb:

find; gain; discover7 noun: goods; property;
profit grasp; {C}acquire; get; receive; apprehend;
get hold of

rnyed dka difficult to find

rnyed bkur {PH}wealth and respect
rnyed gyur nas {C}labdh having

{C}slender; elegant;
elegantly; beautiful; sweet


soft; low; weak; supple; dull

mnyes pa {C}mnan honor; to please;

found; having gained {C}having obtained

delight; be pleased; delighted {C}take delight in

mnyes par dka {MSA}durrdha

rnyed gyur {C}vindati find; gain

mnyes par byas nas {C}rgya


entrance; discovers

rnyed thob

difficult to please

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}labdha obtain;

gain {C}taken; taken hold of; seized upon;

{C}having pleased

mnyes par byas pa {C}rgayati

please; delight {C}accomplish; give satisfaction

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}rgayati please; delight {C}accomplish;

give satisfaction to

rnying pa old
rnying ba {PH}old
rnying ma Nying-ma; Old Translation

snang snang snang snang meditative

mnyen pa {C}mdu; {MSA}snigdh

mnyes par byed par gyur

pleased; having found pleasure in

equipoise without appearance

mnyes par byas shing {C}

rdhita {C}pleased; having found pleasure in

{PH}one session of meditative equipoise

snang snang snang snang

meditative equipoise with appearance



rnyed don object found


rnyed nas {C}labdhv; {C}prattya having rnyed pa yin te {C}labdha gained;

found; having gained {C}conditioned (by); had

rnyed nas thob pa

rnyed pa {L,MSA,C}lbha; {C}pratilambha

(=pratilbha); uplambha (sic){MSA}; {MSA}(

ri): rayate; {C}parpuati verb: find; gain;
discover; get7 noun: goods; property; profit
{C}obtains; acquire; acquisition; acquiring; to win;
will win

rnyed pa dka zhing {C}durlabhatva

difficult to find {C}being hard to get

rnyed pa ngan pa rnyed pa yin no ngan

rnyed pa legs par rnyed

pa yin {C}lbhs te sattvn sulabdh
{C}it is a gain for those beings, a great gain

rnyed pai don du {MSA}lbhrtham

for the sake of gain

rnyed par dka ba {C}durlabha

difficult to find {C}rare

rnyed par gyur {C}labdha find; gain

rnyed par gyur {C}labhate; {C}

labdha; {C}pratilabhate (=pratilapsyante) find;

gain {C}acquires; receives; gains; regains

pa rnyed de legs par ma rnyed do {C}lbh me

durlabdh na sulabdh {C}it is indeed a loss to
me, and not a gain

rnyed par gyur ba {C}pratilabhate

rnyed pa dang bkur sti

find; gain {C}acquires; receives; gains; regains

{C,MSA,MV}lbha-satkra; {MSA}satkra-lbha
gain and respect {PH}wealth and respect {C}
gain and honor

rnyed pa

dang bkur sti dang tshigs su bcad pa {MSA}lbhasatkra-loka gain, respect, and verses

rnyed pa dang bkur sti dang tshigs su

bcad pa dag gi ro myang bas {C}lbha-satkraloksvda experience the taste of gain, respect,
and verses {C}relishing gain; honor; and fame

rnyed pa dang bkur stii

mchod pa {MSA}lbha-satkra-pj offering of

gain and respect

rnyed pa dang bkur stis {C}

lbha-satkra gain and respect {PH}wealth

and respect {C}gain and honor

rnyed pas chog pai

bsod nyoms pa {C}prpta-piika {C}one who

lives on alms-food

rnyed ma thag tu {C}saha labdha

immediately/right/just after gaining {C}as soon

as he had gained


brnyed/ rnyed/

brnyes/ rnyes/ verb: find; gain; discover7 noun:

goods; property; profit

rnyog pa

rnyog brnyogs/ rnyogs/ {MSA}kluya to sully;
to dirty; mess

rnyog pa can du mi byed pa

{MSA}akalu-karaa cause of dirtyness

rnyog pa med pa {MSA}nikluyatva

unsullied; not dirty

rnyed pa dod {C}lbha-kma wish to


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnyed pa legs par rnyed do

{C}sulabdh (me) lbh {C}how good it is; how


thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}labdha

obtain; gain; find

found {C}taken (hold of); seized upon


snyan {C}kara; {C}kvya; {C}priya ear

{C}poetry; poem; dear; kind


snyan grags yaas fame

snyan sgra {PH}pleasant sound
snyan dngags {PH}poetry

thos kyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ Definition: a Hearer

clear realizer of truth which is a path of release that

abandons the artificial afflictive obstructions
dbye ba/ nyan thos shes pa brgyad/ chos
shes bzhi dang rjes shes bzhi/ Divisions: eight
Hearer cognitions (four doctrinal cognitions and
four subsequent cognitions)

[It] is unrestrained by poetic

ornamentation. HHDL Long Life

snyan dngags kyi rig byed

nyan thos kyi sbyor lam drod

samaveda {PH}Samaveda

snyan jebs {MSA}valgu


{PH}Hearer heat path of preparation

snyan du bsam nas {C}

sounding and euphonous

snyan gtad

samanvharati (=bhavaty-rpea-avadhrat)

snyan gtad/ gtod/ btad/ gtod/ [ear-focus] listen;


{C}his mind is impressed by; consider; bring out;

snyan thos kyi sgom

lam rnam grol lam path of release of a Hearer
path of meditation

mtshan nyid/ rang dren byed kyi bar chad med

lam gyi ngos skal gyi spang bya sgom spang nyon sgrib
spangs pai rnam grol lam du gyur pai nyan thos kyi rjes
la mngon rtogs Definition: a Hearers subsequent

clear realizer that is a path of release that involves a

state of having abandoned the afflictive obstructions
that are to be abandoned by the path of meditation,
these being the respective objects of abandonment
by the u

dbye ba/ 1 spang bya


rim gyis pai dbang du byas pa/ 2 spang bya gcig

char bai dbang du byas pa/ Divisions: (1) those
done in terms of a person who has gradual objects
of abandonment; (2) those done in terms of a person
who has simultaneous objects of abandonment

snyan thos kyi

mthong lam rnam grol lam

grol grold grol grold path of release of a
Hearers path of seeing

snyan pa {MSA}priya; {MSA}madhura;

{MSA}sukha; {MSA}kal (vc); {MSA}yaas;

{MSA}vara pleasant; sweet to hear; fame;
renown; glory praise; well-sounding

snyan pa dang mi snyan pai

sgra {MSA}varvara-abda pleasant and
unpleasant sound

snyan par smra ba {C}priya-vacana;

{MSA}priykhyna pleasant statement {C}
kind words

snyan par smra zhing {C}priya-

vditva speaking pleasantly {C}his words are

kind and helpful

snyan par rab grags {MSA}

prathita-yaas very famous

snyan po {MSA}priya pleasant; sweet to

hear; fame; renown; glory

snyam manyate verb: to think; consider;

imagine7 noun: thought {PH}[closing quotation

marker for a thought]; thinking

snyam bgyid lags so

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis I thought thus

mtshan nyid/ nyon sgrib kun
btags spangs pai rnam grol lam du gyur pai nyan

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bring to mind; bear in mind; behave towards(?);

thinks to himself

snyam brnyas byed pa {C}

abhimanyati {C}feel conceited; feel superior to



snyam ste dpyad par byao ... I

think this, and it should be examined

snyam du {LCh}iti; {L}manyate; {C}tulan

thinking {C}think; comparing; comparison;

weighing up

snyam du dogs pa skye generate a

qualm; generate the qualm

snyam du med do {C}tulan not

thinking(?) {C}think; comparing; comparison;

weighing up

snyam du dzin pa

snyigs dus

{LCh}kaliyuga [impurity-of-time] degenerate

era; impure time

snyigs ma {LCh,MSA}kaya impurity;

rotten; cruddy {PH}degeneration; Degenerate

snyigs ma lnga {MSA}paca-kaya

five impurities; five cruddinesses {PH}five


snying {LCh}hdaya; {LCh}citta; {MSA}hrasvahdaya heart; mind

snying kha {PH}heart

snying khu fluidity
snying gai rtsa dab

gzung dzin bzung zungs the conception


snyigs pai dus

snyam du yid gnyis {L}vimati


snyam du re bar byao {C}


channel-petals of the heart [cakra]

snying gai rtsa dab brgyad

pratikkitavya {C}one must expect; should be

expected; should expect

{PH}eight channel-petals of the heart [cakra]

snyam du rlom {L}mnya thinking

thought; respect; revere; venerable

snyam du sems {L}manyate thinking

snyam du sems pa {L}mnasa a
mind thinking ...

snyam du bsam nas {C}

samanvharati (=bhavaty-rpea-avadhrat)
thinking {C}his mind is impressed by; consider;
bring out; bear in mind; bring to mind; behave
towards; thinks to himself

snyams par byed pa {C}

snying gai rtsa dab

brgyad kyi rgyun {PH}continuation of the eight

channel-petals of the heart [cakra]

snying gi zungs {PH}strength of heart

snying dga bar byed pa {MSA}
hdaya-satui-kar make the heart/mind

snying rje {LCh,L,MSA}karu; {C,MSA)

kp; {MV}kpat; {MSA}karuyamna; {MSA}

kruika; {MV,MSA}kruya [heart-foremost];
compassion {C}pity

snying rje khyab pa {MSA}karu-

pariyandayati think {C}moistens

sphuraa pervasive compassion

snyigs kali impure; degenerate

snying rje can {MSA}kplu
snyigs dus snyigs pai dus
{LCh}kaliyuga [impurity-time]; degenerate era;
snying rje che zhing snying
impure time
snyigs dus kyi tshe

thung di nyid la in just this short lifetime of the

degenerate era

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


brtse ba kp-karuat great compassion and


snying rje chen po mahkaru great


snying rje rtsa ba {MSA}karu-mla


snying rje chen po nyid {MSA}

compassionate roots; root of compassion

snying rje tshad med

mah-karuatva greatly compassionate

snying rje chen poi tshogs

pa dang ldan pa {MSA}karuprama-yukta

possessing immeasurable compassion {T}

sgrub achieving through the collection of great


snying rje zhing snying brtse ba

snying rje

{C}kp-karuat compassion and pity

chen poi gzhan dbang du gyur pai sgo nas sems

can gzhan gyis sangs rgyas thob phyir du rnam
mkhyen don du gnyer bai cha nas bzhag pai bsam
pa a thought that, from the viewpoint of having
come under the influence of great compassion, is
posited from the viewpoint of seeking [to attain]
an exalted knower of all aspects for the sake of
other sentient beings attaining Buddhahood

snying rje rje ltar {LCh}karua

snying rjei rkyen bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond

{MSA}karu-pratyaya-sadarana teach the
conditions of compassion
karu-viea attribute of compassion

snying rje dang ldan pa {MSA}

snying rjei ljon shing {MSA}

kruika compassionate

karu-taru tree of compassion {T}

snying rje dang ldan par

snying rjei bdag nyid {MSA}

gnas pa {MSA}sakaru sthiti the level of

having compassion {T}

kptmaka; {MSA}kptman compassionate

nature; nature of compassion

snying rje ni rnam

snying rjei bdag nyid can

par tshe bai gnyen po {MSA}karu vihispratipaka compassion is the antidote for
harmfulness {T}

{MSA}karutmaka having a compassionate

nature; having a nature of compassion

snying rjei phan yon {MSA}

snying rje rnam par phel

karunuasa benefit and qualities of

compassion (?) {T}

{MSA}kp-vivddhi impel compassion

snying rje ba {MSA}karuyana(ta)

snying rjei phel bar gyur

compassionate person

ba {MSA}karu-vddhi-gamana impelled by

snying rje ba byed pa {MSA}

snying rjei dbang {MSA}karu-vaa

karuyata practice compassion

snying rje bar byed pa {MSA}

power of compassion

snying rjei rang bzhin {MSA}

(karuya): karuyate practice compassion

karu-maya compassionate nature

compassion; pitiless; merciless; cruel

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

la brten nas tshul khrims dang bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}karunam
agamya sile ksantau ca ethics and patience/
forbearance/tolerance/endurance in dependence
upon compassion

snying rjei khyad par {MSA}


snying rje med pa {L}nirdaya non-

snying rje



snying rjei bsam pa {MSA}

snying nas jug par byed

snying rjes bskyed

snying po {LCh,C,MSA}garbha

{MV}bhvena praviati engage in ...


kpaya compassionate thought; thought of

pai sdug bsngal bskyed skyed
bskyed skyed {MSA}karu-janita ... dukha
suffering/pain produced by compassion

({C}=madhya); {LCh,L,MSA}sra; {C}asrat;

{MSA,C}varti; {L,MSA}maa essence; {T}
matrix {PH}heart-essence; point {C}
enshrining; womb; embryo; place; seat; core;
substance; substantial excellence; lack of a core;
unsubstantiality; wick
bstan pai snying po gsal bar byed pa Illuminating
the essence of the teaching ...

snying rjes

byams pa khyad par du phags pa karu-snehavaieya{MSA} compassion is superior to love


snying rjes byas

snying po chen poi

pai sbyin pai phan yon {MSA}kp-ktadnnuasa benefits and qualities of giving
which is done with compassion {T}

gzhan dbang du gyur coming under the influence

of great compassion(PGP-78)

snying po dang ldan pa {C}sravat

snying rjes zhi la mi

{C}possessing a core

nye bai lam shes knower of paths that does

not abide in [the extreme of] peace through

snying po bsdus

sdud bsdus sdus condense the essence

snying rjes zhi

la mi gnas pai lam shes kpay ampratih

mrgajat knower of paths that does not abide
in [the extreme of] peace due to compassion

snying stobs {MSA,N}sattva power

snying po ma mchis pa {C}

asrakata essenceless; no essence {C}lack of

solidity; insubstantiality

snying po med {C}asrakata; {C}asraka

essenceless; no essence {C}lack of solidity;
insubstantial; insubstantiality

of heart{N}; lightness {PH}courageousness;

fortitude; (lit.) power of heart {GD:594}

snying stobs sattva lightness; power of

heart {PH}courageousness; fortitude; (lit.) power

of heart

snying stobs can



snying po med pa {C,MSA}asra; {C}

asraka; {C}asrakata; {C} asrata essenceless;

no essence {C}lack of solidity; insubstantiality;
(something) insubstantial; not (in) the core; that
which is without a core; lack of a core

snying po gsar par thob pa

na thob/thob thob thob

thobs {C}nava-maa-prpta {C}(when it is)
like freshly made cream


snying thobs can {PH}lightness

snying thobs can gyi nga rgyal snying brtse {C,MSA}kp; {L}anukampa
{Larson} vaikta; vaiktika; sattva ahakra
{PH}lightness dominated I-principle

concern; {C}pity

snying brtse che zhing

snying nas [heart-from]; from the heart;

snying brtse ba {C}kp-karuat {C}pity and


wholeheartedly; earnestly

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



snying brtse ba nye bar

bsnyond/ snyond/ deny; to tell a lie


bzung nas {C}anukampm updya apprehend

pity {C}moved to pity


snyon/ bsnyond/ snyond/ deny; to tell a lie

snying brtse ba dang ldan pa

{MSA}kplu having pity

snyom pa {C}tulan think; thinking;

ba yongs su smin pai mtshan nyid {MSA}kpparipka-lakaa character of thoroughly

mature pity

snyom pa med pa {C}anikipta-dhura

ba {C}kp-karu {C}pity and compassion

snyom par {C}klamatha

make even(?); make level(?); equalize(?) {C}

comparing; comparison; weighing up

snying brtse

snying brtse zhing snying brtse

snying brtser ldan {AGP} kplu


{C}persistently; one who perserveres; one who

persists in trying; name of a Bodhisattva



snyom las byed par gyur {C}

kilsin {C}indolent

snyin po med pa yin pa {C}

snyom las med par {C}akilsin

asrika essenceless; no essence {C}lack of

solidity; insubstantiality; without a solid core



snyim pa {C}ajali {C}cupped hands

snyim pa gang {PH}a cupped hands

bsnyam/ snyoms/ bsnyams/ snyoms/ {MSA}samacitta verb: make even; make level; equalize7
adj.: equal; even

worth [of something] Having

picked up a cupped hands worth [of dirt], ... Toh.
341 27 Asoka

snyim par thogs te {C}ajali ktv

{C}having saluted reverently; stretched out their

folded hands

snye ma fruit cluster

snyed {C}iyat how much; however much

snyoms jug {LCh}sampatti

absorption; meditative absorption attainment

snyoms jug dgu nine [serial]


snyoms jug pa samApattika


snyoms jug pa {C}sampatti

{C}so great

snyed cig {C}iyat {PH}just how much

snyed dus pa na

a meditator Nihilist; absorption; meditative

absorption; Meditator [Nihilist] {C}attainment

snyoms pa {MSA}samat verb: make

du du/dud dus dus as many

even; make level; equalize7 adj.: equal; even

snyems {C}parmati (=m rpa-dy-

snyoms par jug pa {LCh,L,MSA}

sampatti absorption; meditative absorption

abhinivea-yogena grahr ity); {MSA}pratyaya

{C}misconstrue as; adhere to; handle; {VM}
haughtiness; pride; arrogance

snyoms par jug pa drug pa

snyems pa haughtiness; arrogance; pride
{PH}the six heretical sages
snyon bsnyon/ snyon/ snyoms par jug
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


lang byed nus pa dang one is able to enter and
arise from absorption{PGP 87}

labhati verb: find; gain; discover7 noun: goods;

property; profit {C}get to; get at; seize upon

snyoms par zhug so {C}

brnyes nas {C}adhigamya having

snyoms par zhugs pai tshe

brnyes pa {C}prpta; {MSA}upagamatva

snyoms par zhugs so

brnyon med du undeniably

bsnyad bsnyad/

found; having gained {C}when he has obtained;

when they have reached

sampadyate engage in; engage in meditative

absorption {C}enter into; enter on

zhug jug zhugs zhugs when

one has engaged in meditative absorption

find; gain; discover; get; goods; property; profit

{C}attained (to); reached

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}

sampadyate engage in; engage in meditative

absorption {C}enter into; enter on

snyoms zhugs nas

snyad/ bsnyad/ snyad/ udbhvita{MSA}

emphasize; explain relate

bsnyad pa {C}pravyharati emphasize;

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}sampadya

explain {C}declares; express in conventional


having engaged (in meditative absorption);

having entered into (meditative absorption)

{C}having entered

bsnyung bar gnas pa fasting


snyoms las indolent; indolence

snyoms las kyi le lo laziness of

bar gnas pa la sogs pas gdungs la they torment

themselves by abiding in fasting and so
forth{TSV 68a}

neutral activities

brnyan image (?)

brnyas pa

brnyas/ rnyas/ brnyas/ rnyas/ {L}parbhava; {C}
avamanyate; {C}avamna; {C}avamnan; {MSA}
avaj {C}vanish; disappear; defeat; conquer;
harm; despise; contempt for others



snyen/ bsnyend/ snyend/ {C}sevate {C}tend;

resort to; serve upon; placate

bsnyen dka bar {C}dursada


hard to conquer; difficult to deal with

brnyas pa med pa {C}anadhimnan bsnyen bkur {LCh}satkra; {L}

paryupsana respect; reverence; veneration;

serve and venerate {C} honor; serve

{C}feel no undue sense of pride

brnyas par byed cing {C}

bsnyen bkur bgyis par

avamanyate {C}despise

gyur bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis

{C}apacyati pay respect to; revere; venerate
{C}pay reverence to

brnyas shing {C}kutsayati {C}contemns

brnyeg refers to; referent
bsnyen bkur bya ba {C}paryupste
brnyed brnyed/ rnyed/
respect; reverence; veneration {PH}object of
brnyes/ rnyes/ verb: find; gain; discover7 noun:
goods; property; profit



bsnyen bkur byas (upa s): {MSA}

upsya; {MSA}upsana respect; reverence;
veneration; serve and venerate

rnyed/ brnyes/ rnyes/ {MSA}anuprpta; {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

respect; object of veneration {C}honor



bsnyen bkur byas na {MSA}(pary- bsnyel ba mi mnga bai

chos nyid mnga mnga mnga

mnga {C}asamoa-dharmat {C}a nature
which is never bewildered

upa s): paryupsya; {C}upatihati respect;

reverence; veneration {C}furnish; serve upon;
waits on

bsnyen bkur byas pa {C}

/ bsnyel ba mi

bsnyen bkur byed {C}upatihati;


bsnyen bkur byed pa {C}

bsnyon du med undeniably{N}

bsnyon mi nus pa undeniably
bsnyon med du [deny-not exist-as];

paryupste respect; reverence; veneration {C}

honor; honored; obedient

mnga / bsnyel ba mi mnga ba not endowed with

forgetfulness/ not having forgetfulness

snyon/ bsnyond/ snyond/ deny; tell a lie; disavow
falsely; lie7 noun: lie

{C}apacyati; {L,C}paryupste ({C}=upahita

= purakkhata) respect; reverence; veneration;
pay respect; venerate; serve and venerate {C}
honored; obedient; {L}honors; prsenter mes

upasthyaka respect; reverence; veneration; pay

respect; venerate {C}attendant; who attend on

bsnyen sgrub las gsum

prior approximation; attainment; and actitives


bsnyon btsugs accuse falsely; assert


bsnyon btsugs

bsnyen te {C}abhysanna approximate;

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ [lieset]; accuse falsely; assert falsely


bsnyen pa {C}sevate; {MSA}sevana

bsnyon tshugs

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ accuse

falsely; assert falsely

approximation {C}tend; resort to; serve upon;


bsnyen par {C}abhysanna

bsnyon dzugs

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ accuse

approximate; near

bsnyen par gyis {C}sevate

falsely; assert falsely

bsnyon gzugs

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ accuse

approximate {C}tend; resort to; serve upon;


bsnyen par bya {C}sevate

falsely; assert falsely


approximate {C}tend; resort to; serve upon;



snyon/ bsnyond/ snyond/ deny; to tell a lie

bsnyen par byed pa {C}anuvartate ta th ga ta tathgata [thus-gone] One

approximate {C}last long; pursue; follow after;
complies with; imitate; come to; go likewise; go

bsnyems pa haughty
bsnyel ba forgetfulness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

Gone Thus [an epithet of the Buddha]

t shi {PH}[Chinese] monk

tam and; or; particle indicating question
i ka TI kA {LCH}k commentary
[tranliteration of Sanskrit word]



ting nge dzin gyi dbang po

Ti ka k commentary
[tranliteration of Sanskrit word]

ti la gyi bru {L}tlakaa sesame seed

i kka {LCh}k commentary;

{MSA}samdhndriya power of meditative


ting nge dzin gyi dbye ba

[tranliteration of Sanskrit word]

{MSA}samdhi-bheda division of meditative


ti kta gentiana chiretta [ {T} type of plant

(?); tranliteration of Sanskrit word (?)]

tig ta gentiana chiretta; [ {T} type of plant]


ting nge dzin


dzin bzung zungs {LCh,C,MSA,MV}samdhi;

{MSA}samdhna meditative stabilization;

byed do bskyed skyed bskyed

skyed {MSA}samdhim utpdayati produce a
meditative stabilization

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhimukha door of meditative stabilization

ting nge dzin dang ldan pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}samdhi-yoga having meditative


ting nge dzin dang gzungs

ting nge dzin pa

samdhi-bala power of meditative stabilization

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhin one in

meditative stabilization

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

samdhy-artha object of meditative stabilization

ting nge dzin gyi spyod

yul spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}samdhi-gocara sphere of meditative

ting nge dzin dpag tu med

pa gzung dzin bzung zungs
{MSA}aprama-samdhi limitless meditative

ting nge dzin yongs

su mi nyams pa gzung
dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhy-aparihi
thoroughly uncorrupted meditative stabilization

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

samdhi-vaa; {MSA}samdhy-dhipatya power

of meditative stabilization

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}samdhi-dhra meditative stabilization

and retention {T}

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

ting nge dzin gyi dbang

par rtse ba {MSA}samdhi-vikrita play with

meditative stabilization

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

samdhi-lbha obtain meditative stabilization

{MSA}samdhi ... hetutva; {MSA}samdhyupaniattva cause of meditative stabilization

ting nge dzin gyi don

ting nge dzin gyis rnam

ting nge dzin thob pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs

ting nge dzin gyi stobs

gyi ro myong bar mi byed pa {MSA}samdhyansvdana not experience the taste of

meditative stabilization

{MSA}samdhi-parihi experience/vision of
meditative stabilization

ting nge dzin gyi rgyu nyid

ting nge dzin gyi sgo

ting nge dzin

ting nge dzin nyams pa

ting nge dzin bskyed par

gzung dzin bzung zungs


ting nge dzin la mnga ba


ton min pa

mnga mnga mnga mnga

{MSA}samdhi-vait sovereignty with respect
to meditative stabilization

{PH}subitist; proponent of
sudden enlightenment

tom jug vague involvement

tom jug gi mi ong ngo it will

ting nge dzin la brten pa

{MSA}samdhna-pratihita; {MSA}samdhisaniraya; {MSA}samdhi-sanirita in

dependence upon meditative stabilization

not come through some vague involvement

ting nge dzin gsum

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhitraya three meditative stabilizations

ting dzin

gzung dzin

bzung zungs {LCh,MSA}samdhi meditative


ting dzin gyi sgo

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhi-mukha

door of meditative stabilization

ting dzin mang ldan

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}samdhi-

bahula having many meditative stabilizations

{PH}possessing many meditative stabilizations

ting dzin myur du thob

gtang gtong btang

thongs {C}utsjati give; treat; cast away; send;
let go; give away; let loose; play [an instrument]
{C}cast away; rejects; emits; cast off; cast out;
come up; let go; abandon; (would) discard; let loose

gtang ste

gtang gtong
btang thongs {C}avasjya having sent; having
given away; having let loose; having played
{C}having let go; having renounced

gtang ba

gtang gtong
btang thongs {L}srasana; {MSA}nikipta give;
treat; cast away; send; let go; give away; let
loose; play [an instrument] relax

gtang bar bya

gtang gtong btang thongs {MV}tyajana give;

treat; cast away; send; let go; give away; let
loose; play [an instrument]

thob/thob thob thob thobs


{MSA}u-samdhi-lbhit quickly attain

meditative stabilizations

ting dzin gsum gyi spyod

gtad/ gtod/

btad/ gtod/ aim; focus {PH}aim; purview

gzhan gyi gtad du bai

yul spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}samdhi-traya-gocara sphere of the three
meditative stabilizations

yul ma yin, [This] is not an object that is included

within the purview of others. {RGV-G}

gtad rgya {PH}entrustment

gtad pa {PH}aim; purview
gtad rabs {PH}hierarch
gtad rabs bdun {PH}[first] seven

til dkar nag white and black sesame


tu accusative; dative; and locative particle: to;

in; as; -ly; at

te continuative particle indicating there is

hierarchs [in succession to kyamuni Buddha]

gtad rabs nag po

more to come in the sentence; sometimes setting

off appositives and usually indicating there is
another clause to the sentence

{PH}the [fifth]

hierarch *Ka/*Kla

gtad sao [aim-place period]; what is

to particle indicating period; {T} terminating

identified as the object perceived [in this case by

the misconceiver of a self]

particle (rdzogs tshig)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




gtad so [aim-place period]; what is

identified as the object perceived [in this case by

the misconceiver of a self]

gtan {LCh,C}atyanta (1) intensifier:

completely; utterly; final; at all; forever; (2)

order; system {PH}completely; final

gtan gyi skyabs {PH}final refuge

gtan gyi don {PH}final aim
gtan gyi bde ba final happiness
gtan gyi mdun ma {PH}final

snang snang snang snang {LCH}hetv-

bhsa quasi-reason; pseudo/quasi/counterfeit




gtan du {LCh,MSA}atyanta; {MV}atyantam

completely; forever

gtan du dor ba discard forever; get

rid of

gtan du ba {MSA}atyanta; {MSA}

gtan dun gyi snying po the

essence of final aspiration {PH}essence of final


khyad par gtan nas med pa ni ma yin te ...

but they are not utterly without difference ...{PGP73}

gtan mi gos pa la bad

strive at not being polluted at all

gtan mi srid utterly non-existent

gtan med {N}atyantbhva; {MSA}

atyantam asattvt completely non-existence{N};

utter non-existence{Gung-thang}

gtan med du gsungs

par song yang comes to say

gtan tshigs {LCh,MSA,MV}hetu; {MSA}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gtan tshigs thig pa hetu-bindu

{GD:841} Dharmakrtis Science of Reasoning.

P:5715, Ce, 364.a.7-400.a.7

gtan tshigs rig pa {MSA}hetu-

vidy knower of reasons; knowledge of reasons

gtan yongs su ma grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub

grubs completely non-existent{S}

tyantikatva continual

gtan nas utterly

dbye ba 1 phoygs chos/ 2 rjes gor/ 3 lodog
pa / Divisions: (1) property of the position
(paksadharmata); (2) positive concomitance
(anvaya); (3) negative concomitance (vyatireka)

gtan tshigs ltar snang


gtan gyi dun ma

kraa; kraam reason

ma nges pai gtan tshigs undeterminative reason


gtan la phab

gtan la dbab/ bebs/ phab/ phob/

{LCH}niraya; {LCH}vinicaya [order-in-come

down]; settle; delineate; ascertain; finalize [e.g.,
translation of a text]; revise [e.g., translation of
a text] legs par gtan la
phab nas having settled well...
phyis rma
rin chen mchog gis kyang skad gsar bcad kyis gtan
la phab pao/ Later, M#a Rin-chen-chok revised
[the translation].with a new translation system {GZ
70a.6} yang
dag pai lta bas gtan la phebs pa dang through
settling it by means of the correct view and....{MSI

gtan la phab par

bstan pai sde bstan ston

bstand stond {C}upadea discourses which
delineate{S} {C}Exposition(s); instruction;


gtan la phebs pa

niraya delineate; settle; ascertain; revise/

finalize [e.g., a translation]

gtan la phebs/ phebs/ phebs/

gtam {LCh,C,MSA}kath; {MSA}brel

phebs/ niraya; vinicaya settle; delineate;

ascertain; revise [e.g., a translation]; finalize
[e.g., a translation]
yang dag pai lta bas gtan la phebs pa dang
through settling it by means of the correct view
and... {MSI 426}

pai gtam = skathya speech; converstion;

communication; talk; slogan {PH}instructions;
proverb; story {C}sermon; story
zab mo rten byung gtam talk on the
profound dependent-arising{DASI 522.3}
gtam de paNiD ta
rnams kyis snyan nas snyan du brgyud paitas
passed this communication from ear to ear

gtan la phob

gtan la dbab/ bebs/ phab/ phob/ niraya;

gtam gyi sbyor ba

vinicaya settle; delineate; ascertain; revise

[e.g., a translation]; finalize [e.g., a translation]

gtan la phebs niraya; vinicaya



gtam ngag evil talk

gtam ngan [talk-bad]; bad talk; evil

settle; delineate; ascertain; revise [e.g., a

translation]; finalize [e.g., a translation]

gtan la bab par bstan


pai sde bstan ston bstand

stond {L}upadea discourses which delineate

gtams gyur {C}pariprita {C}filled

gti mug {LCh,L,MSA,MV}moha

gtan la dbab

gtan la dbab/ bebs/ phab/ phob/

obscuration; bewilderment; delusion; ignorance;

mental darkness {PH}obscuration; delusion

niraya; vinicaya settle; delineate; ascertain;

revise [e.g., a translation]; finalize [e.g., a

gti mug med pa amoha nonbewilderment; non-ignorance

gtan la dbab par bstan gti mug shas

pai sde bstan ston bstand
stond {C}upadea discourses which delineate
{C}Exposition; instruction; advice

gtan la dbab bya

cher spyod pai gnyen po spyad

spyod spyad spyod antidote for those in whom
bewilderment predominates

gting {C}gdha; {C}gha depth

{PH}that which

depths {C}firm footing; foothold; bottom; bottom
nges pa gting nas drongs te
one must induce ascertainment from the depths
...{MSI 430}

is to be settled

gtan la dbab byai gtso bo

{PH}overriding concern; principle objective to be

gtan la bebs pa

gting mtha depth {PH}depths

gting nas [depth-from]; from the depths;

gtan la dbab/ bebs/ phab/

phob/ niraya{LCH}; vinicaya{LCH} settle;

delineate; ascertain; revise [e.g., a translation];
finalize [e.g., a translation]

from the bottom of the heart

gting dpag dka ba {C}dur-

gtan la bebs

avagha difficult to fathom the depths {C}

hard to fathom; difficult to plunge into

pa; gtan la babs pa dbab

bebs phab phob {N}nicaya; {N}vinicaya;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gting btsugs

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ penetrate to
the depths; deeply penetrate

gting tshugs

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ [depth-

penetrate]; penetrate to the depths; deeply


gting tshugs pa [depth-penetrate];

penetrate to the depths; deeply penetrate

gting dzugs

penetrate]; penetrate to the depths; deeply



penetrate]; penetrate to the depths; deeply


gtugs pa finalization; touch

gtub cing gshag pa {C}chedanabhedana {C}cutting up; breaking up

gtub pa

thub/ gtubs/ thubs/ {C}bhidyate (=bhindati)
{C}breaks (up); is broken by; is broken

gtubs pa {C}bhinatti {C}breaks

gtum mo {LCH}cal The Fierce One;
inner heat; Fierce Woman

gtum mo phal pa

inner heat
thur sel gyen du log pas gtum mo bar ba The
downward moving [wind] turns upward whereby
the inner heat is ignited. {TGP-36}

gter {LCh,C,MSA}nidhi; {C,MSA}nidhna

treasure; treasury; store-place {C}receptacle;



gtang gtong btang

thongs (ut sj): {MSA}utsjanti; {MSA}visjanti;

visjana; (kip); tyakta; {MSA}utsjanti; ; {MSA}
(sras): srasayati{C}utsjati; {C}kipati; {C}
nikipati (=ptayati); {C}ricati; {C}tyajati; {C}
avasjati; (vi sj); {MV}tyga; (ava k): {MV}
avakirati give; treat; cast away; send; let go;
give away; let loose; play [an instrument] {C}
let drop; put/throw down; lays aside; emits; gives
up; discharges; bestows; lets go; hurl; shoot; reject;
cast away; throw; move into; part from; spurns

gtong po
gtong ba

{PH}profligacy; extravagance

gtong btang thongs {C,MSA}tyga; {MSA}
parityga; {MSA}utsarga; utsjati; {L}hna; {MSA}
pratipdana; {C}dyaka; {MSA}da generous;
letting go; bestowal; forsaking; give; treat; cast
away; send; let go; give away; let loose; play [an
instrument] {C}renunciation; go to; dismiss;
abandon; let have; let in; admit; failure; decrease;
waning; loss; forsake; donor; giver

gtong ba rjes su dran pa

gter lta bui sems bskyed

recollection of generosity

gtong bar bgyid

mind-generation like treasure

gtang gtong btang thongs mucati send; give;

treat; cast away; let go; give away; let loose; play
[an instrument]; let in {C}sets free; sprout forth;

bstan ston

bstand stond [treasure-reveal] a revealer of

concealed texts and practices

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gter ma [Nying-ma] buried texts

gto mkhan {PH}skilled in healing
gtogs {MSA}gata to include
gtogs pa {C}pta; {L}niha; {C}

gtogs pa ma yin {C}aprapanna

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ [depth-

gter ston

nidhnopama like a treasure

parypanna included; to include {C}what

belongs; trustworthy; right; true; complete; end;
finaL, assign; classify; belong to; included in;

gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ [depth-

gting gzugs

gter dang dra ba {MSA}


to free

gtong len

gtang gtong

btang thongs [give-take]; giving [happiness]

and taking [suffering]; giving [what is good] and
taking [what is bad]


gtod/ btad/ gtod/ {C}gamayati; {C}parndmi
(=pratyarpaymi) to focus; aim {C}lead to; I

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {GD:515}

metaphorical (as opposed to true, dngos);{N}

btags pa tsam du

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{C}prajapti-mtram merely imputed; merely

designated {C}merely conceptual

btags pa tsam du yod pa

gdags dogs btags/

gtod pa {MSA}bhoga aim; focus

gtod par byed pa {C}arpa;

btags pai kun rdzob


btags pai tshig

brtags thogs prajaptisat nominal existent

gdags dogs btags/brtags

{MSA}naibandhika bestowal; aim; focus {C}


thogs {MV}prajapti-savti imputational


gtor thord gtord

gtord {C}avakirati scatter; spread over; strew

{C}strew; scatter over

gtor nas


gdags dogs btags/brtags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MV}prajapta;

{MV}prajapti; {LCh}upacra so-called; impute;
imputed; designate; designated

{MSA}prajaptito sti imputedly existent;

imputed existent

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs designated


gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}ksipati;

prajapti having imputed; having designated
{C}hurl, throw; reject; cast away; shoot; move into

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdags dogs btags/brtags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

prajaptadharma designated phenomenon{N};

phenomenon imputed

btags pa ba

btags par mdzad pa

btags par yod

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

thogs {LCH}prajapti-vdin Proponent of


thogs {MV}prajaptita impute; designate

btags nas

btags par smra ba

btags pai yod pa


certainty; not known

btags don

imputed word

{MV}prajapti-sat imputed existent; imputedly

gtol med dubious; uncertain; no

btags chos

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

thord gtord gtord {C}abhyavakirati having

scattered/strewn/spread over {C}strew; scatter



btags pa; rnam brtags

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {LCh,C,MSA,MV}prajapti; {C.MV}

prajapta; {N}parikalpita; {LCH}upacra; {C}
prakipta = prajaptam = adhyropita savtimtram; prajaptir imputed; imputation;
designated; designation; impute; designate;
hang; imputed [phenomena] {C}concept;

conception; nominal concept/existence; conceptual
entity; nominal entity; intimation; conceptual
existence; spread; conceived; arranged; placed into;
added on; put/thrown into; plunged into

btags tsam

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

prajaptimtra only imputed

btags dzin gyi rtog pa

yod/ 2 rang nyid gzung ba chos gzhan bzung ba

la ltos dgos pai btags yod/ 3 rtog pas btags tsam
gyis btags yod/ Divisions: (1) imputed existents
that are imputed in dependence upon another, their
basis of imputation; (2) imputed existents whose
apprehension must depend upon apprehending
another phenomenon; (3) imputed existents that are
merely imputed by thought

conceptualizations apprehending imputed


btags yod kyi gang zag

gdags dogs btags/brtags

btags yod chos gsum

btags dzin rtog pa

thogs conception conceiving imputed existence

{PH}conception of the true existence of subjects
(i.e., persons) as being imputedly existent

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs basis of

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs basis of

designation; basis of imputation

btags yul gyi steng nas

grub pa gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs existence in the object

btags yod

gtang gtong btang

thongs {C}mukta; {C}utsjati; tirasktya; {C}
choritva; {C}tyajati give; treat; cast away; send;
let go; give away; let loose; play [an instrument]
{C}freed; rejects; emits; cast off/out; come up;
let go; abandon; (would) discard; excel, curtain;
through; across; having spurned; renounces

btang snyoms {C,MSA,MV}upek;

{C}upekya; {MV}samupeka equanimity;

indifference; neutral feeling; neglect {C}evenmindedness; indifference; even-minded

btang snyoms

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs prajapti-

kyi rgyu mtshan yid la byed pa {MSA}upeknimitta-manaskra mental contemplation that is

the cause of equanimity

sat imputed existence; imputed existent;

imputedly existent

mtshan nyid/ rang nyid ngos gzung ba la chos

btang snyoms dang ldan

gzhan ngos gzung ba la ltos dgos pa Definition: a

pa {MSA}upek-sahagata endowed with

equanimity; having equanimity

phenomenon whose apprehension must depend

upon apprehending another phenomenon

btang snyoms dug cing {C}



upekya equanimical {C}even-minded

ba/ 1 gdags gzhi gzhan la brten nas btags pai btags

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs triprajaptisad-dharma three properties
of an imputed existent


btags gzhi

tshang ba gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs triprajaptisad-dharmavikalya triply qualified imputed existent

{PH}the nine conceptions of the true existence of

subjects (i.e.; persons) as being imputedly existent


brtags thogs imputedly existent person

btags yod chos gsum

btags dzin rtog pa dgu

btags zhi

gdags dogs btags/


btang snyoms pa {MSA}upekaka

one who has equanimity



btang snyoms tshad med

upek-aprama limitless equanimity;

immeasurable equanimity


gtab/ debs/
btab/ thobs/ offer; cast; throw; plant; put; set;

btang snyoms mdzad {MSA}

upekyate practice equanimity

btang snyoms bzhag {MSA}

btab nas {C}parkra having offered;

upeketa; {MSA}upek equanimity

having cast; having thrown; having planted;

having put/set/given {C}scattered about in

btang snyoms bzhag pa {MSA}

btab pa {C}prakra; {MSA}ropaa; {MV}

upek equanimity

btang snyoms su byed {MV}

kipta; {MSA}smon lam btab pa = praihita

offer; cast; throw; plant; put; set; give {C}
scattered about in; strike; throw

upek equanimity

btang snyoms su byed pa

btabs na {C}pravrayati

{MSA}upekyata equanimity

btugs te {C}pratihpayati (=ghtn

{MSA}upek equanimity

btang ste {L}tirasktya; {C}chorayati

give; treat; cast away; send; let go; give away; let
loose; play [an instrument] {C}excel, curtain;
through; across; spurns


gtong btang thongs {C}avasjya having given/

cast away/sent/let loose {C}having let go;
having renounced

btang ba

{C}be invited

to choose; have to choose between

btang snyoms su bzhag pa

btang nas

gtad/ gtod/

btad/ gtod/ aim; focus

sthirkarat = vinyaset = (dadyt) pratihpayet

= nirytayec cira-sthitika ca kuryd ity artha)
{C}establishes; introduces to; builds; places;
deposits in; bestows


btung /
thung / btungs/ thungs/ verb: drink7 noun:
anything for drinking

btung ba {C}pna drink {C}drink

btung ba zhim po {C} khdita-

gtang gtong

svdita {PH}pleasant drink

btang thongs {C}tyakta; {MSA}dna; {MSA}

pramoka; {MSA}mukta; {C}ricati give; treat;
cast away; send; let go; give away; let loose;
play [an instrument] renounced; part from;


gtang gtong btang thongs {C}anutsargat

btul nas {MSA}vinteu having

bow; pay reverence; pay homage


gdul/ dul/
btul/ thuld/ {C}vinayati {C}disciplines

btang bar bgyi ba


send; give; treat; cast away; let go; give away;

btul ba {C}vinta; {C}vinayati

let loose; play [an instrument]; let in {C}not


btang bum par {C}paripaki

btul bya zhing {C}parkramati; {C}


parkramate {C}exert oneself; heroically




Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


disciplined; educated; disciplines

fully baked

btang mi bra zhing {C}anela

btud dud btud dud


bteg pa



rtag tu rgyun mi a chad

degs /deg bteg degs/ {C}utkipati raise; lift

{C}lift up; suspend; get rid of; throw up; take out
of; add to


pa chad chad chad chad

{C}satata samitam (=satatam) always;
permanently {C}constant(ly and always)

gdon/ don/

rtag tu ngu sadprarudita the

bton/ dond/ cause to come out; expel; recite;

take out

rta {C,MSA}ava horse

rta glang du snang ba

Bodhisattva Always-Crying {PH}[Bodhisattva]

byang chub sems dpa rtag tu
ngus phags pa chos phags mthong pa ltar ... It
is like when the Bodhisattva Sadaprarudita saw the
Noble Dharmodgata. {Toh. 5515}

snang snang snang snang the appearance of

horses and elephants{MSI 425}

rta can shes ltar {C}ava-jneya-vat rtag tu jug {MV}sad pravartate; {MV}
{C}like a thoroughbred stallion

sadvtti permanently engage in; permantly


rta pa horseman; horsemen; cavalry

rta dbyangs Avaghoa Avaghoa
rta rdzi {PH}horse-minder; one who tends

rtag tu rjes su brel pa {MSA}

satatnubaddha permantly related; permantly


rtag {C}vata; {C}vatat eternal

eternal; perpetual {C}eternalist views; eternity

rtag dngos thams cad

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}nitya-bodha

always thinking

rtag tu ston dang ldan

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

permanent phenomena and functioning things

rtag gcig rang

dhruva-kathana-yoga always connected to the


dbang can kyi bdag med non-existence of a

permanent, unitary, and independent self

rtag gcig rang dbang

can gyi bdag a self which is permanent, partless,

and independent

rtag gcig

rang dbang can bdag gis stong pa lack of being a

permanent, partless, independent self

rtag tu {C,TN,MSA}sad; {C}sad; {C,MSA}

satatam; {C}abhkam; {C}nitya; {C,MSA}nityam;

{MSA}nirantara [permanent-as]; always;
permanently {C}forever; at all times; constantly;
never; regularly; continually; constant; permanence

rtag tu khrul pa
med pai tshul khrims {MSA}nirantarskhalitala permanently non-mistaken ethics

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rtag tu rtogs pa

rtag tu de bzhin pa {MV}nitya

tathaiva always thus

rtag tu sdom {PH}maintained vow

rtag tu brdeg {C}tati {C}beat
rtag tu byed pa {L}nitya-kra do

rtag tu sbyor ba


sbyor sbyard sbyord nitya-prayukta continual


rtag tu sbyor ba yid la

byed pa {MSA}statya-manaskra mental
contemplation of continual application

rtag tu med pa {L}sadvidyamna;

{MSA}nitya nsti; {MV}nityam asat always




rtag tu yid la byas pa yin

rtag pa nyid {MSA}nityat permanence

rtag pa rtag pa dus {L}nitya-klam

{C}sumanasikta is well mentally comtemplated

{C}well attended to

rtag lta


blta lta bltas ltos

rtag pa rtag pai dus {NH}

{N}vata-darana view of permanence{N}

rtag lta spong

nitya nitya-kla; {L} nityakla permanent

permanent time


rtag pa brtan pa ther zug

spong spangs spongs the view of permanence is


rtag brtan gyi snying po a

permanent, stable, everlasting

rtag pa ma yin pa

permanent, stable essence {PH}permanent,

stable essence


permanent phenomenon

rtag brtan ther rtag pa med {C}avata non-eternal;

zug g.yung drung mi gyur ba
gyur gyurd gyur gyurd permanent; stable;
everlasting; eternal; immutable

impermanent; not permanent {C}devoid of

eternity; not everlasting

rtag pai sku {MSA}nitya-kya

rtag mtha vatnta; avatnta

permanent body

rtag pai mtha {N}vatnta

extreme of permanence

rtag mthong ba {MSA}nitya-darana

extreme of permanence; extreme of


view of permanence

rtag pai dus permanent time

rtag par {C}sad; {C}sad; {C}

rtag pa {LCH}nitya; {MV}nityatva; {C,MV}

vata; {C}vatat; {MSA}sad; {MSA}statya;

avat permanent; permanent phenomenon;
permanence {C}eternal; eternalist views;
mtshan nyid/ chos dang skad cig
ma ma yin pai gzhi mthun pa Definition: a common
locus between being a phenomenon and not being

abhkam; {MV}satatam permanently; always

{C}forever; at all times; constantly; regularly;
continually; repeatedly

rtag par bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}vatika {C}which

makes eternal


dbye ba/ 1 dus brten pai rtag pa/ 2 res ga bai

rtag pa/ yang na/ 1 yin pa srid pai rtag pa/ 2 yin
pa mi srid pai rtag pa/ Divisions: (1) permanent
phenomenon that abides all the time; (2) occasional
permanent; or: (1) permanent phenomenon whose
occurrence is possible; (2) permanent phenomenon
whose occurrence is impossible

rtag pa kho na only-a-permanentTenses: future, present, past, imperative


rtag par smra ba vata-vdin;

avatavdin Proponent of Permanence

rtag par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {N}vatagrha; {MV}nityatva-grha conception of


rtag sbyor

sbyar sbyor
sbyard sbyord {LCH}nitya-prayukta continuous
application; continual application


rtag med {MV}asac ca nitya

{C}before it is stamped

rtags tsam {PH}mere sign; slightest sign

rtags tsam dzin pai dus

impermanent; impermanent phenomenon


brtag rtog brtags

rtags {LCh,C,MSA}liga; {L}nimitta verb: to
examine; noun: reason; sign; conceptuality;
thought; conceptual consciousness; imputation;
logical mark {PH}reason; sign {C}
characteristic; token; mark; {GD:697} evidence
rtags ma grub the reason is not
established don sgrub kyi rtags
sign proving the meaning

rtags kyi tshul gsum

{PH}the [degenerate] time of merely holding onto

the sign [of wearing robes as being Buddhist]

rtags dzin sems

gzung dzin bzung zungs liga-grahaacitta mind apprehending the sign

rtags dzin sems

su gyur pai rtog pa gzung

dzin bzung zungs conceptual consciousness that
is a mind apprehending a sign


three-fold proof

rtags dngos

rtags zur snga ma the early/first

{GD:241} permanent real


rtags snga phyi

part of the reason

rtags yang dag samyak-liga

{PH}former and latter


correct sign; correct logical sign {GD:249}

correct evidence

rtags snga phyi khas blangs

you have asserted/accepted the former and latter


rtags snga phyi song

song song song song you have asserted/accepted

the former and latter reasons; the earlier reasons
are forced by the latter

rtags ltar snang


snang snang snang {LCH}hetvbhsa; ligabhsa pseudo/quasi/counterfeit sign/reason

rtags snang appearances that are signs

song song
song song the reason has been asserted/accepted

rtags bsal khas blangs

bsal sel bsald seld the reason

and thesis [consequence] have been accepted/

{PH}bottom; end; after; later

rting pa {C}pri (1) base; foundation (2)

brtags rtags {MSA}(anu k}: anvkita to

examine; conceptuality; thought; conceptual
consciousness; imputation

later; subsequent; next {PH}later; subsequent;

next; heel {C}heel

rting pa yangs pa {C}yata-prit

rtags phyi ma {PH}latter reason

rtags ma grub

{C}he has broad heels

rting yangs broad heels

rtul rajas activity {PH}dull; weak; inferior

grub grub grubs/grub grubs asiddho

hetu the reason is not established{D1}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rtags song


brtag rtog

rtags ma btab pa {C}anhata

dgod god bkod god state as a sign/reason

rting {C}pri

[of the clear light]

rtags pa

rtags rigs signs and reasonings

rtags su bkod pa



rtul pa {C}mduka dull; inferior; weak

{C}foundation; source; sustain; based; referring to

rten can {MSA}adhihna; {MSA}raya;

{C}soft; mild

rtul po {LCh,C}mdu; {C}mduka dull;

weak; inferior {C}soft; low; supple; mild

rtul por {C}mduka dull; weak; inferior

{C}soft; mild

rtul phod {C}vra hero {C}champion

rtul ba {L}vrata resolve; vow
rtul ba brtan pa {L}dha-vrata

rten cing {L}saniritya depending on;

based on; supported

rten cing brel par byung

ba {L,MSA,MV}prattya-samutpda dependentarising

firm resolve; firm vow


{C}dhra based on; having a basis; based;

having a support; supported {C}foundation;
source; sustain; referring to

brten/ rten/

brtend/ rtend/ {LCH,C,MSA}raya; {C,MSA}

nirita; {L}niritya; {MSA}niraya; {MSA}
saniraya; {C}vy-apa-rayate; {MSA}
adhihna; {MSA}pratih; {MSA,N}dhra;
{C}dheyat; {C}pratisarati; {MSA}pratisaraa;
{C}tra; {C}gati; {MV}dhti verb: support;
depend; rely; noun: basis; support; base
{PH}foundation; stable basis; sanctuaries {C}
supported; in dependence on; leans on; based upon;
inhabiting; dwell on in the mind; puts his trust
in; flees back to; returns to; runs back to; shelter;
protection; going; route; destiny; resort; where it has
gone to; means of salvation; departure; si
The caretakers of Reting
explained the [various] sanctuaries. {GCG}

rten kun tu gro ba can {MSA}

rten cing brel bar byung

ba {LCH}prattya-samutpda dependentarising

rten cing brel byung {C}

prattya-samutpda; {C}prattyotpda dependentarising

rten bcas kyi mig dbang eye

sense power which is a basis

rten mchod foundations of worship

rten nye bar zhi ba {MSA}
rayopaama pacification of the basis

rten rtags yang dag


sign which is its basis

rten brten support and supported;

residence and resident

sarvatragraya omnipresent basis

rten dkon mchog

gsum la doms pa guidance concerning the three

jewels which are the support

rten gyi dngos po {MSA}raya-

rten tha dad {MSA}bhinnraya

different bases

rten dang bcas pa {MSA}sraya

with a basis

rten dang brten pa support and

bhva thing which is a basis

supported; residence and resident {PH}support

and supported; residence and resident

rten gyi bye brag {MSA}raya-

rten dang brten pai

prabheda instance of basis; division of basis

rten gyi dbye ba {MSA}raya-bheda

lhai rnal byor deity yoga of divine residence

and residents

division of basis

rten gyur pa {C}dhra basis; support rten dang zhi dang jigs
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



rten brel

cing brel bar byung ba prattya-samutpda
[depend-connect]; dependent-arising;

pa med {MSA}pratih-nta-nirbhta basis,

pacification, and fearlessness

rten du {C}rayu based upon {C}basis

rten nas {L}niritya depending upon;

rten brel yan lag bcu

having depended on; dependent on; supported


gnyis prattyasamutpda twelve branches of

dependent arising

rten ni rung ba {MSA}raya-yogyat

rten med pa {MSA}nipratisaraa

suitable basis

baseless; without a basis; unsupported

rten gnas kyi sgra locative case [lit., rten mtshungs kyi mig dbang
term of dependence and place]

eye sense power which is like a basis

rten rnam par dbye ba {MSA}

raya-vibhakta division of the basis

rten pa {MSA}rita; {MSA}pratiaraa;

{MSA}pratiha to depend; support; basis; base

{PH}foundation; support; stable basis; base

rten pa dang ldan pa {MSA}

basis; is a basis

rten yongs su dag pa {MSA}

raya-pariuddhi thoroughly purify the basis

pratiaraa-sahagata having a basis; endowed

with a basis

rten pai byed rgyu {MV}dhti-kraa

creative cause which is a basis; creative cause of

a basis

rten par {C}niritya (=nimittktya)

rten la {C}pratisarati depending upon;

based on; supported {C}flees back to; returns

to; runs back to

rten la yod pa {MSA}raya-

sanivia {GD:486} residing in the basis

khrul rgyu rten la yod pa the cause of
a mistake residing in the basis {GD:486}


depending on; supported by

rten byung chos

rten gzhi basis {PH}basis; foundation

rten yin pa {MV}rayo bhavati be a

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

prattya-dharmodaya <div><font size=2

size=2>dependently arisen phenomenon</font></

rten byung;

rten cing brel bar byung ba

byung byung byung byung prattya-samutpda

rten byung;

brtag rtog brtags

rtags {L}park; kalpa; {C}kalpayi; {C}

kalpayati; {C}parikalpati; {C}kalpan; (para
i): {MSA}pare; {MSA}paraiti; prekate to
examine; conceptuality; thought; conceptual
consciousness; imputation; impute {PH}
investigation {C}reflection; mental consideration;
construction; thought-construction; body of ritual
rules; fashions; construct; imagine; imagines;
construction; imagination

rtog ge {LCh,L,C,MSA}tarka

argumentation; logic; perverted logic; reasoning

reflection; consideration
rgyu med par ni rtog ge dod

rten cing brel bar byung ba

byung byung byung byung prattyasamutpda

rtog ge pa {MSA,MV}trkika logician;

Dialectician [Nihilist]; Dialecticians; logicians

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



rtog ge ba {N}trkika logician{N}

rtog ge bar ba tarka-jvla
Bhvavivekas Blaze of Reasoning

rtog gei spyod yul

spyad spyod spyad spyod {L}tarka-gocara realm
of argumentation{S}

rtog gei spyod yul ma yin

pa spyad spyod spyad spyod {L}
atarkvacara does not [belong to] the realm of

rtog gei spyod yul ma

lags pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

{C}avacara does not [belong to] the realm of
argumentation {C}inaccessible to discursive

rtog gei yul ma yin {MSA}

rtog pa kho na

atarka-gamya not an object of argumentation

rtog gyu

{PH}fleeting thoughts
Fleeting Thoughts Betwixt

rtog pa bcad shes kalpan-

paricchinna-jna conceptual subsequent




rtog cing {C}avakalpayati; {C}vimati; {C}

pratyavekate conceiving; thinking; imputing
{C}accept; consider; contemplates; investigates

rtog bcas conceptual

rtog btags
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs imputed
by conceptuality

dbye ba/


1 mngon sum gyis drangs pai rtog pa bcad shes/

2 rjes dpag gyis drangs pai rtog pa bcad shes/
Divisions: (1) conceptual subsequent cognizer
that is induced by direct perception; (2) conceptual
subsequent cognizer that is induced by inference

rtog pa dang bcas {L} savitarka

conceptual; having conceptuality; with

rtog ldan la skye ba generated in

rtog pa dang bcas

the discriminating

rtog pa {MV,MSA}kalpan;

pai ting nge dzin gzung

dzin bzung zungs {L}savitarka-savicra-samdhi
conceptual meditative stabilization

{LCh,MSA,C,MV}kalpa; {C}vikalpa; {C}kalpana;

{C}avakalpanat; {MV}kalpayat; {MV}kalpayati;
{MSA,MV}sakalpa; {MV}jalpa; {LCh,MSA}
park; {MSA}nirka; {MV}pratyavek;
{MSA}vitarka; {C}avabodha; {MSA}mms;
{MSA}so sor rtog pa = prat conceptualization;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}only a conceptual


Samsra and Nirva contemp. poetry collection

rtog mngon gyur

conceptualized; conception; conceptual

consciousness; conceptuality; imputation;
investigation; conceptual thought; thought {C}
thinker; imagination; conceptualizer; conceptual;
to examine; ideation; (false) discrimination; noconstruction; consideration; reflection; construction;
thought-construction; body of ritual rules;
understanding; recognition; trusting confidence;
consc dngos po la yang
dag par rtog pa ni to conceive that things are
real{MSI-396} rtog pas
btags tsam gyi chos phenomena that are merely
imputed by thought so sor
rtog pa yid la byed pa mental contemplation of
individual investigation
mtshan nyid/ sgra
don dres rung du dzin pai zhen rig Definition:
a determining knower that apprehends a sound
[generality] and a meaning [generality] as suitable
to be mixed

rtog pa dang rtog med gnyis

{PH}both conceptual and nonconceptual


rtog pa dang rtog med

gnyis ka {PH}both conceptual and nonconceptual

rtog pa dang rnam par rtog pa thams cad

rtog pa mi byed pa {L}anutpreka

spangs pai slad du spang

spong spangs spongs {C}sarva-kalpa-vikalpaprahatvt because of abandoning all
conceptuality and ideation {C}because he has
forsaken all constructions and discriminations

not conceive; non-conceptuality; non-

investigation inattention

rtog pa med pa {C}asakalpanat;

nirvikalpaka non-conceptuality; non-conceptual

{C}absence of representations

rtog pa dang bral ba {LCH}

rtog pa med la dpyod

kalpan-apoha free from conceptuality

rtog pa

dang bral zhing ma khrul bai dzin rnam

apprehender of aspects that is non-mistaken and
free from conceptuality

rtog pa dang

bral zhing ma khrul bai rig pa a knower that is

non-mistaken and free from conceptuality

rtog pa dang bral zhing ma khrul bai gsar

{MSA}kalpa-mtra mere conceptuality

rtog pa yang med

dpyod pa yang med pa {MSA}a-vitarkvicra;

{MSA}a-vitarka ... a-vicra non-conceptual and

rtog pa rigs shes conceptual

reasoning consciousness{N}

brtag par mi nus pa they cannot sustain these


rtog pa la gnyis snang yod

rtog pa ni ngo bo nyid

pa conceptual consciousness having dualistic


du rtog pa {MSA}svabhva-kalpana kalpa

conceptuality that conceives ... as (having)

rtog pa la snang ba

snang snang snang snang {GD:398} conceptual


rtog pa log shes kalpan-bhrnti-

spong spangs spongs {MSA}vitarka-varjan

abandon conceptuality

jna conceptual mistaken consciousness

rtog pa byed pa {L}utpreka

conceive; conceptuality; think; thought;

investigation attention

rtog pa ma mchis {C}avitarka nonconceptual; without conceptuality {C}without

thoughts adjusted; without discursive thoughts

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rtog pa tsam {MSA}kalpan-mtra;

kalpa-nimitta sign of conceptuality; conceptual


rtog pa di dag

rtog pa mi jug {MV}kalppravtti

pa tsam {MSA}a-vitarka-vicra-mtra; {MSA}

a-vitarka ... vicra-mtra mere non-conceptual

rtog pa yi mtshan ma {MSA}

du mi slu bai rig pa a knower which is new,

incontrovertible, non-mistaken, and free from

rtog pa spong

not engage in conceptuality; not enter into



rtog paam brtags

pai rnal byor

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs conceptual yoga
or yoga of imagination

rtog pai jug sai gzhi basis

on which thought places a term


rtog par bgyid {C}utprekate

rtog pai snang ba conceptual

conceive; think; investigate {C}regard; observe;

compare; imagine


rtog pai snang yul

snang snang snang snang appearing object of

a conceptual consciousness; appearing object for
chos des snang tsam gyi sgo nas rig par bya
ba that phenomena which is cognized through its
mere appearing {GD:547}

rtog pai spros pa {N}kalpan-

rtog par gro ba {C}nicaya

gacchati conceive; think {C}moves toward

certainty in his understanding

rtog par bya {MSA}bodha conceive;


rtog par gzhog pa {C}nidhyna


prapaca conceptual elaborations{N}

rtog par shes pa {MSA}kalpanat-

rtog pai blo

{GD:507} a realizing
cognition (which is not a valid cognition since the
criterion of novelty is not fulfilled)

jna conceptual consciousness

rtog pas btags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

rtog pai zhen gzhi basis of

*kalpanprajpti imputation by thought

conceptual consciousness

rtog pas btags pa tsam yin kyi rang

rtog pai zhen gzhi yin pa

being the referent of a conceptual consciousness

gi mtshan nyid kyis ma grub pa only posited by

conceptuality and not established by way of its
own character

rtog pai zhen gzhir rang gi gnas tshod kyi

dbang gis grub pa established by way of its

own measure of subsistence as the referent of a
conceptual consciousness

rtog pas btags tsam <div>just

pai don object that is the conceived object of

a conceptual consciousness; object that is the
referent of a conceptual consciousness

rtog pas btags tsam

imputed by conceptuality; only imputed by

conceptuality; that which is only imputed by

rtog pai zhen yul yin

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs mere imputation by thought; just imputed

by conceptuality; only imputed by conceptuality
merely imputed by thought{BJ 55.1}; {GD:89}

rtog pai zag pa dang

bcas pa contaminated phenomenon that is a

conceptual consciousness{Lati}

rtog pai yid la byed pa {MV} rtog pas btags tsam just
jalpa-manaskra conceptual mental engagement

imputed by conceptuality; only imputed by

conceptiality; that which is only imputed by

rtog par gyur pa conceptual

rtog par gyur pai sgom lam
conceptual path of meditation
rtog pas btags
tsam min par rang bzhin gyis gzhan dang ma dres
rtog par gyur pai
mngon sum tshad ma {PH}conceptual valid

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


par rang gi ngo bor la gnas pa

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres

abiding--by way of its own nature without being
merely imputed by thought--in its own entity
without being mixed with another

rtog pas brtags pai chos

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {GD:108} imputed phenomena

rtog pas rnam par

bsgrubs pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {C}vihapita (=abhta-parikalpaprabhavatvt) established by conceptuality;
existing conceptually {C}fabricated (by thoughtconstruction)

rtog pas mi shig {MSA}

vikalpbhedya not divided by thought

rtog pas bzhag pa posited by a

conceptual consciousness

rtog pai zhen gzhir rang

gi gnas tshod kyi dbang gis grub pa

rtog bral {LCH}kalpan-apoha free

from being a determining knower that apprehends

a sound [generality] and a meaning [generality] as
suitable to be mixed

rtog med mngon sum ltar

snang snang snang snang snang

non-conceptual pseudo/quasi/counterfeit direct


dbye ba/ 1 yid shes su gyur pai rtog med mngon

sum ltar snang / 2 dbang shes su gyur pai rtog
med mngon sum ltar snang / Div.: (1) counterfeit
direct perception that is a mental consciousness;
(2) counterfeit direct perception that is a sense

rtog med du gyur

pai mngon sum tshad ma {PH}non-conceptual
valid perception

rtog med yid shes nirvikalpakamano-jna non-conceptual mental


mtshan nyid/

from conceptuality

sgra don dres rung du dzin pai zhen rig dang bral ba/

Definition: free from being a determining knower

that apprehends a sound [generality] and a meaning
[generality] as suitable to be mixed

rtog bral gyi sgom lam path of

meditation devoid of conceptuality

rtog min mi rtog ma yin pa

{MSA}na kalpo npi ckalpa neither conceptual

nor non-conceptual

rtog med {LCH}akalpita; {MSA}akalpa;

akalpan non-conceptual {PH}non-conceptual

rtog med nirvikalpa; nirvikalpaka nonconceptual {PH}non-conceptual

rtog med ye shes {N}nirvikalpajna non-conceptual exalted wisdom{N}

rtog med log shes non-conceptual

mistaken consciousness {GD:543} deluded nonconceptual cognition

dbye ba/ 1 dbang


shes su gyur pai rtog med log shes/ 2 yid shes

su gyur pai rtog med log shes/ Division: (1)
non-conceptual mistaken consciousness that is a
sense consciousness; (2) non-conceptual mistaken
consciousness that is a mental consciousness

rtog yul kalpan-viaya object of

conceptuality; object of thought

rtog med kyi shes pa akalpan-

rtog yul na yod

jna; nirvikalpakajna non-conceptual

mtshan nyid/

pai rtags las ri bong can la zla sgras brjod rung du

rtogs pai rjes dpag rtogs
rtogs rtogs rtogs an inferential cognizer that

sgra don dres rung du dzin pai zhen rig dang bral

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bai rig pa/ Definition: an awareness that is free


realizes that it is suitable to express the rabbitpossessor by the term moon


of Dharmakirtis characterization of conceptual


rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs {L}anubudhyate; {C}budhyati; {C}budhyate;

{MV}anubhud-; {MSA}adhigama; {MSA}bodha;
{MSA}bodhana; {MSA}gati; {MV}avagam; {MV}
(prati vyadh): pratividhyati; {MV}(vid): viditv;
{C}vindati; adigam realize; cognize; understand
{C}recognizes; wakes up to; find; entrance;

rtogs dkar

rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}durbodha difficult to
realize {C}hard to know

rtogs chung


rtogs pa can gyi mngon

sum rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

savikalpakapratyaka {GD:359} conceptual
forms of perception

rtogs pa chen po great realization

rtogs pa brjod pai sde


brjod rjod brjod rjod {C,L}avadna

narratives{S} {C}Tale

rtogs pa dang ldan

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}gatima; {C}

rtogs rtogs

gatimant {C}clever

rtogs rtogs {LCh,MSA,MV,C}adhigama; {MSA}

abhigamana; {C}budhyati; {C}buddha; {MSA,C}
avabodha; {C}avabodhana; {C}pratibodha; {MSA}
boddh; {MSA}bodha; {MSA}vibodha; {MV}
anubudhyana; {MV}anubodha; {MV}pravea;
{C}pratiparsran; {C,MSA}pratividdha; {MSA}
prativedha; {C}pr realization; realize; cognize;
understand {C}obtained; understood; able
to make progress; penetrated to; penetrates to;
penetration; time; epoch; re-union; sacrament;
understanding; recognition; wake up to; reach
understanding; investigation; wisdom; insight

rtogs pa dka ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs savikalpa constructively

determined {GD:482}; determinate perceptions

gyis rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs {MSA}alpendhigamena because of only
realizing a little

rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}buddhitva; {MSA}(anv

k}: anvkya; {MSA}(prati vyadh): pratividhya
having realized; having cognized; having
understood {C}having known

rtogs pa

rtogs pa cung zad tsam

rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}alpvabodha realize a


rtogs nas

rtogs pa can

rtogs pa dang ldan pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}buddhimat

(=gatimat); {C}gatima; {C}gatimant; {MSA}
prativedhayoga {C}intelligent; clever

rtogs pa don gyi od gsal

realizational actual clear light

rtogs pa po

rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}bodhaka realizer;

rtogs pa phun tshogs fulfillment

of realization; perfect realization

rtogs pa phul ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}duranubodha

difficult to realize {C}hard to understand

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs offer realization, to

rtogs pa mngon rtogs pa sbyor ba pa

par brjod can gyi shes pa brjod
rjod brjod rjod abhilpin pratti kalpan
{GD:322} that cognition which is [characterized
by] words; this is Kamalasilas interpretation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}prativedhapryogika one who applies (himself/herself) to




rtogs pa med pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs abaddha (=abodha?)

not realize; not cognize; not understand {C}
not bound

rtogs pa zung jug

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs realizational union

rtogs pa ring ba dang nye ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs
{MSA}drntika bodha realize far and near

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs realizational doctrine

rtogs pai don

realize; cognize; understand {C}attain; arrive

at; reach; incur

rtogs par gyur ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}(abhi gam):

rtogs par gyur zhing

rtogs par brjod pai sde

narratives {C}Tales

rtogs par bya

ye shes jig rten las das pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}adhigama-jna
... lokottara supramundane realized exalted

rtogs par bya ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}prativeddhavya

realize; cognize; understand {C}should be

rtogs pai

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}jnana realize;

cognize; understand

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs good qualities of

rtogs pai shes rab can

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {L}praj

having realized wisdom; wisdom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}avadna

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}

adhigama-la realized ethics; realizational


rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}avabudhya

having realized; having understood

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}adhigamrtha

object realized; realizational object

rtogs pai yon tan

abhigamyate realize; cognize; understand

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}prativedha-kla

time of realizing

rtogs pai tshul khrims

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}adhigacchati

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MV}gha difficult to


rtogs par gyur

rtogs pai dus

{L}durvighya difficult to realize; difficult to

understand hard to understand

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}bodha-

rtogs pai chos

rtogs par dka

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}durbodhat;

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{MSA}bodha-pratibodha individually realize

viea feature of realization {T}

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}anugacchati; {C}
pratividhyati realized; cognized; understood
{C}follow; conform; regain; approach; emulate;
arrive (at); pursue; follow up; penetrates to

rtogs par dka ba

rtogs pa so sor rtogs pa

rtogs pai khyad par

rtogs par


rtogs par byao

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}ni tatra gangtavy
one should realize; one should understand {C}
one can/should be sure/certain (that); should be
quite sure

rtogs par byas nas

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {L}

supratividdha; {C}adhigama having realized;
having understood {C}well penetrated; obtain;
obtainment; attainment; getting there

rtogs par byed

rtogs rtogs {C}subodha easy to understand;

easy to realize


brton/brtan rton
brtand rtond {MSA,N}pratisaraa rely; trust;
have faith

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}budhyaka; {C}

prativeddhavya; {C}kate realize; cognize;

understand {C}one who understands; should be
penetrated; surveys; views

rton pa {MSA}upastambha; {MSA}

upastambhikatva; {MSA}pratiaraa; {MSA}

pratiara-bhva reliance; rely

rtogs par byed pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}nirvedhika

dbye ba/ 1 gang zag la mi rton/ chos


(=nibbedhika? = adhigata?); {MSA}bodhana

realize; cognize; understand {C}sharp;
penetration; penetrating

rtogs par med pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}aprativedha

not realize; not understand {C}non-penetration

rtogs par rung ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}adhigama-

yogya suitably realize; suitable to understand

rtogs ba phul ba offer ones

rton pa bzhi {N}catvri pratisarani


rtogs byed gyi blo

four reliances{N}

rton par gyur {MSA}pratiaraa;

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs imputing mind

rtogs gzhi

{MSA}pratiara-bhva rely

rton par byed par gyur {C}

rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}bodhraya basis of

rtogs zin rtogs

stambhayati rely {C}fix firmly


blta lta bltas ltos {LCH}

darana; {MV}di; {MSA}dika; {C}dk;
{C}darin; {C}di-gata; {C}lokite; {C}
vyavalokayati; {C}kaa; {MSA}(sam-ud k):
samudkate; {MSA}phan lta = upakarekaa
verb: view; look; see; read; noun: view; false
view {C}spectator; one who can demonstrate;
one who sees; beholding; bound up with false
views; looking towards; looking upon; eyes; see;
views; behold; survey; consider; look down on

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs adhigatrthdhiganta;

adhigatrthdhigant realizes an already
realized realization; one who realizes an already
realized realization

rtogs zin ma nyams pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs nondegenerated realization

rtogs rigs types of realizations

rtogs rigs su gnas pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs abiding in

the type of realization

rtogs sla

rtogs rtogs

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

la rton/ 2 tshig la mi rton/ don la rton/ 3 drangs

don la mi rton/ nges don la rton/ 4 rnam shes la
mi rton/ ye shes la rton/ Divisions: (1) do not rely
on the person; rely on the doctrine; (2) do not rely
on the words; rely on the meaning; (3) do not rely
on the interpretable meaning; rely on the definitive
meaning; (4) do not rely on consciousness; rely on
exalted wisdom


lta khrid mun sel sgron me

blta lta bltas ltos Kay-drups

Manual of Instructions on the View: Lamp
Eliminating the Darkness [Toh. 5499]

lta ngan med

blta lta


lta ba mchog dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {LCH}di-

bltas ltos {MSA}akudi no bad views

lta ci smos {C}prg eva; {C} kuta punar

what is the use to mention {PH}what need is

there {C}how much more/less so; how much less/


lta dang bcas pai sems

lta dang bral ba

lta bltas ltos {MSA}nirvyapeka free from views

lta ba di view; [bad] view

lta ba blta lta bltas ltos

{LCh,C,MV}darana; {LCh,C,MSA,MV}di; {C}

dika; {C}avalokanat; {MSA}apek; {MSA}
avekama; {MSA}kik; {MSA}ka; {MSA}
(pa): payat; {MSA}mi lta ba = nirapekin
view; [bad] view; viewing consciousness; viewer;
look; see; read {C}sight; exhibit; visible; act of
seeing; vision; being seen; his views (are upright);
have in view; looking lta bar byao
should/will view phu thag chod
pai lta unerring view lta
smos kyang ci dgos what is the need to consider
[literally, though looked into, what is the use/

lta ba skyong

{PH}internalize the view [of

emptiness] Let
[us] speak briefly about how to internalize the view
[of emptiness] ... {HHDL; Key to the Middle}

blta lta

bltas ltos {L}di-nandana take happiness in

views; happy view

lta ba ngan pa

bltas ltos {MSA}kudi bad view

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

di-parmaraka conception of a [bad] view as

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lta ba mthar thug {PH}final view

lta ba mthun pa blta

lta bltas ltos {MV}darana-tulyat concordant

view; concordance with views

lta ba drang por

lta bltas ltos {C}dika right view {C}his
views (are upright); have in view

lta ba drang por byas pa


blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}di-jukaraa make [ones] views correct

lta ba rnam pa

blta lta

bltas ltos {L}di-prakra aspects of views;

various views

lta ba rnam par dag pa

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}viuddha-di

pure views

lta ba rnam par spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}di-

vicarita enjoy views; practice views {C}

wandering about in false views

lta ba phun sum tshogs pa

blta lta bltas ltos {MV}disampanna marvellous views; correct views

{C}one who has reached sound views

lta ba phra rtogs

blta lta

lta ba mchog tu dzin

lta ba nyon mongs can

blta lta bltas ltos di-saklea

afflicted view

kyis blta lta bltas ltos {C}

speka-citta mind that has views {C}in his
heart longing for

lta ba dga ba

parmara; diparmara misapprehension of

a view as supreme; conception of a [bad] view as
supreme; misapprehension of the supreme


lta bltas ltos {MSA}tanu-di-bodha realize the

subtle view

lta ba med

blta lta bltas

ltos {C}anapekako; {C}anapekata not view;
not look; without views {C}unconcerned;


lta ba med pa

Distinguishing the View, the Moonlight of the

Essential points of the Best Vehicle. Varanasi: Sakya
Press, 1988.

blta lta

bltas ltos {MSA}nirapeka not view; not look;

without views

lta ba med pa yin

lta bar gyur pa

blta lta
bltas ltos {C}di-gata; {C}di-gatni view;
look {C}bound up with false views; what pertains
to false views

blta lta bltas ltos {C}anapekako; {C}anapekata

not view; not look; without views {C}

lta bar gyur pa

unconcerned; disregard

lta ba la dga ba

drug cu rtsa gnyis po dag blta lta

bltas ltos {C}dvati-di-gatni {C}the sixtytwo views

blta lta bltas ltos {L}di-nandana delight in


lta bai gol sa {PH}faulty view

lta bai nyes pa blta

lta bar bya

ltos should be viewed as

lta bar byao

lta bltas ltos {MV}di-doa faults of views;

faulty views

lta bai gnyen po

lta bar byed

blta lta bltas

ltos {C}payaka view; look {C}one who sees

lta bar song ba

lta bai gnyen poi ye

lta bas os su gyur

blta lta bltas ltos {C}udkayo {C}worth

looking at

blta lta bltas ltos {C}di-gahana the jungle of


lta bai dra bas khebs pa

kheb khebs kheb khebs {C}

di-jla-praticchanna {C}one who is enveloped
in the net of false views

lta bltas ltos {C}nn-di-gatni aspects of

views; various views {C}various false views

lta bu {LCH}iva; {LCh,MV}upama; {MV}

upam; {MV}upamat; {C}sada; {C}tulya;

{MSA}-bhta the likes of; such as; for instance;
like {C}as; just like; similar to; comparable;
equal; like; as if it were

lta bu nyid {MV}upamat similarity

lta bu las {C}bhta {C}to be; genuine;

reaL, consists in; what is real; when he has; proper;

true; truly real; which really corresponds to

lta bai mtshan ma sel ba

lta bur {C}bha {C}like

lta smos kyang ci kim uta how much

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}dinimittpakaraa eliminate/eradicate/remove/

clear away/avoid/exclude the signs of views

more; how much less; what need is there to ...

{PH}what need is there

lta bai shan

byed theg mchog gand gyi zla zer {GD:842}
Go-ram-bas (go rams pa bsod nams sen ge)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


song song song {C}di-gata move toward

views; go toward views {C}bound up with false

shes thob pa thob/thob

thob thob thobs {MSA}di-pratipaka-jnalbha obtain the exalted wisdom that is the
antidote to views

lta bai rnam pa

blta lta

bltas ltos you should/will view

blta lta bltas ltos {MV}darana-pratipaka

antidote to views; antidotal view

lta bai thibs po

blta lta bltas


lta smos kyang ci dgos {MSA}

falling; drops

prg eva [look-say-even-what-purpose]; what

is the need to consider?; what is the use of

ltung ba {LCh,C,MSA}patti; {LCH}patita;

[look-set aside]; set aside consideration; no use to


ltung ba thun mongs ma

lta zhig {PH}just such a one

lta zhog blta lta bltas ltos

lta la ci smos {C}prg eva how much

more; how much less; what need is there to ...
{PH}what need is there

lta la smos {C}prg eva how much

ltung ba phra mo {L}skmpatti

ltung ba bya ba med pa {C}


anadhypatti not commit infractions {C}not


lta bltas ltos {MSA}parkaka-jana person who

knows how to view

ltung bai rtsa ba {C}mla-patti

ltam pa polygon{D1}
ltar {C}bha; {C}upama like; thus; in

root infraction {C}root offence; capital offence

ltung bar gyur {C}pati (=patati)

fall; commit an infraction

accordance with {C}similar

ltung bar gyur yin {C}patati

ltar gyi in accordance with

ltar rgyu {C}tulya-bhta {C}become like
ltar bcos pa {C}prativarika {C}

(=anuprpnoti = upapadyate) fall; commit an

infraction {C}fall down; fall into; fall from;

lte ba {C}nbhi navel; center

counterfeit; similar

center the [syllable] h in the
hub of the vajra

ltar nyan pa dang {C}praty-rvayati {C}listens; replies

lte ba dang bcas pa {C}sanbhika

ltar na in that case

ltar snang snang snang

{C}with navel

lteng ka dang mtsho dang {C}

snang snang pseudo; quasi; counterfeit; bogus

saras {C}lake; pond

ltar po

{PH}lump [n. of a stage of

development of the embryo in the third week]

ltas {LCH}nimitta directed; sign; omen

ltung {MSA}(pat): patati verb: fall; commit
an infraction7 noun: sin; moral fall; infraction

ltung gyur {C}patati (=anuprpnoti =

upapadyate); {C}patana fall; sin; commit an
infraction {C}fall down; fall into; fall from;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yin pa {MSA}asdhra ... patti uncommon


subtle infraction

more; how much less; what need is there to ...

lta shes pai mi

{C}patati (=anuprpnoti = upapadyate); {C}

patana; {MSA}pata; {C}praptitva verb: to fall,
sin; commit an infraction7 noun: fall; infraction;
sin {C}falling apart; fall down; fall on; fall into;
fall from; drops; offense


lto food; belly

lto skal {PH}tax-base
lto bgrangs {PH}full stomach
lto chas food
lto ldir bulbous{D2}
lto ldir ba bulbous


ltos med kyi rtags sign of non

lto ldir
ltos med du without depending;
zhabs zhum chu skyor gyi don byed nus pa bum pa

yin par mi shes pai skyes bui rgyud kyi bum pa

zhes pai sgra tsam la brten nas skyes bui bum
dzin rtog pa a conceptual consciousness--in
the continuum of a person who does not know
that a bulbous flat-based thing that is able to
perform the function of holding is a pot--which,
generated in dependence on merely the sound
pot, apprehends pot

ltos gzhi basis of relation

sta gon enhancement; ritual enhancement;
ritual preparation and enhancement;
preliminary ritual enhancement

lto ldir zhabs

shum chu skyor gyi don byed nus pa bulbous,
flat-bottomed, able to perform the function of
holding water{D2}

lto phye che {C;L}mahoraga


Under neath that [is] the five precious substances,

large-bellied demons shaped like boas said to be

the lords of the soil

{PH}tiger skin

five [types of] incense, satin, silk, a tiger skin, [and]

a stone mirror, ... D 3732; 68a.3

stag ri {PH}Tiger Mountain

stan {LCh,C}sana; {C}upstaraa cushion;

blta/ lta/ bltas/ ltos/

{MSA}(nir k): nirkase verb: rely; rely on;

seat; mat {C}throne; pulpit; coverlet

to view; to look; noun: view; false view

stan gcig

ltos nas {MSA}apekya [looking-from];

{PH}one session; single


with respect to; having relied; having depended;

having viewed

grub grub grubs/grub grubs apekyasamutpda existence in reliance; relative

existence; existing in reliance

ltos pa {C}apeka dependence; relation;

depend upon; rely upon; depend; relate; relative

(to); rely (on) {C}appearance; point of view;

ltos pai rigs pa {MSA}apek-

stan gcig pa {C}eksanika

who eats his meal in one sitting; austere and solitary

stan laang nyams {C}sana



seat; throne; pulpit

stabs in the manner of; power; force;

manner; mode; way

stabs gshegs {C}vikrnta


walks with the stride of


bstar/ star/ bstard/

stard/ clean; polish

yukti analysis of dependence; reasoning of


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

stag tshang lo tsa ba Tag-tsang-lo stag ras

lto phye chen po {C,L}mahoraga

ltos nas grub pa

name of a monastery in Tibet

tsa-wa [b. 1405], a Sa-kya scholar who disagreed

with Tsong-kha-pa on some central points


lto ba belly

stag tiger
stag tshang rwa ba stod pa


bstar/ star/


steng cha {PH}upper part

steng du [top-on]; on top of; in terms of;

bstard/ stard/ clean; polish

sti gnas

{PH}dwelling; a place to stay

newly established a very pleasant forested place
to stay. Tracy Howard; Thuu-bkwan; Amdo Garden

in addition to; related with [like the possession

of an attribute]; in relation to {PH}in addition
(to); in relation (to); in terms (of) dei
steng du ... In addition to that, ...


sting bar gyur {C}ullpayati

steng na on; with (?)

steng nas with {PH}on the basis


comically compliment; mock; tease

sting bar byed {C}ullpayati; {C}

sngo dzin mig shes lta bu nang sems

uccagghayati {C}comically compliment; mock;

tease; sneer; deride

stug {C}cita

kyi steng nas phyi rol sngon pai rnam pa gtod byed
kyi bag chags Predispositions that cause one to
focus on the external aspect of blue on the basis of
the inner mind, for instance, an eye-consciousness
apprehending blue, ...

{C}compact; well-developed;


stug pa {C}ghana {C}(one) solid mass

stung {C}pati (=patati) {C}falls
stums byed monk; meditator

stums byed ka tyai bu las brtsams te bka stsal bai

mdo stsal stsol stsald stsold
sath-katyyana-stra; sathaktyyanastra
Story of Sathakatyyana Stra; Stra of
the Meditator Katyyana [Anguttara-nikya
V.224.28 - 329.19]

ste continuative or participial particle

steg cing {C}uccagghayati {C}sneer;

bsten/ sten/
bstend/ stend/ sevan{LCH} adhere to; rely on;
stay close to

sten cing {C}sevayati adhere to; rely on;

bster/ ster/

bsterd/ sterd/ give; bestow

of; stability; dam

stegs bu platform
steng upper; above
steng khang {PH}upper floor
steng khar [top-mouth-to]; on top of

ster ba give; bestowal; bestow

stong {LCh,MSA,MV}sahasra; {C}nyatva

thousand; 1,000; empty; empty of; vacuity

{PH}thousand {C}emptiness

{PH}on top (of)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



{C}state; time

steng gi in terms of
steng sgo {PH}upper gate; upper door

two upper and lower openings{TGP 26}

stay close to {C}indulge in; cultivate


stegs {C}avasth platform

steng phyogs {PH}zenith

steng og upper and lower
steng og gi sna sgo gnyis the


stong rkyang bare emptiness

stong bskal age of vacuity
stong khun {PH}eastern emperor
stong cha {L}nya factor of emptiness
stong nyid {LCH}nyat emptiness


stong nyid kyi gsal snang

stong pa {LCh,MSA,MV,C}nya; {C}

stong nyid

stong pa nyid {C}nyat; {C}nyatva

snang snang snang snang clear

(=utpda-hetu-vakalyena = tattvena-utpdaabhvt); {C}nyat empty; vacuity {C}

lacking; emptiness

appearance of emptiness

mngon sum du rtogs pai shes rab dang snying

rje chen pos zin pai byang phags kyi mkhyen
pa mkhyen mkhyen
mkhyend mkhyend exalted wisdom that directly
realizes emptiness and an exalted knower of a
Bodhisattva Superior who has been taken hold of
by great compassion

stong nyid rtogs pai lta ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs view


stong pa nyid kyi lha emptiness


stong pa nyid

mchog mngon par rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}paramanyatbhisamaya directly realize the highest

stong pa nyid rnam pa gsum

realizing emptiness{N}

stong nyid rtogs pai ye

{MSA}trividha-nyat three types of emptiness

stong pa nyid smos pai

shes rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

exalted wisdom which realizes emptiness

stong nyid rtogs pai shes

rab rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

wisdom realizing emptiness

stong nyid dam pa sacred emptiness

stong nyid bdun cu pa nyat-

rnam pas nyatvdkrea through the

aspect of speaking on emptiness

stong pa nyid gzugs so {MSA}

nyataiva rpam emptiness is form

stong pa nyid las

kyang gzugs gzhan ma yin te/ gzugs nyid stong pa
nyid stong pa nyid gzugs so/ {MSA}na cnyatra
nyaty rpa rpam eva nyat nyataiva
rpa form is not other than emptiness; form is
emptiness; and emptiness is form

saptati Ngrjunas Seventy Stanzas on


stong nyid zab mo profound


stong bltar kyi don

stong pa ma yin mi stong min

stong thun skal bzang

stong pai ngang the nature of

yod pas stongs pa empty of existing the way it

appears{MSI 424}

{MV}na nya npi cnya neither empty

nor non-empty

mig byed Kay-drups Thousand Dosages,

Opening the Eyes of the Fortunate


stong pai rnal byor emptiness

stong du gyur {C}bhjan-bhta


stong pai mtshan nyid {MV}

(=pautara-raddhendriya-di-yogena ptrbhtavd) become empty {C}one who has

become a fit vessel

stong gnas {C}nyvihrin

nyasya lakaa character of emptiness


of emptiness

who dwells in the empty

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

stong pai ye shes exalted wisdom



stong par gnas {C}nyvihrin one

who abides in emptiness {C}one who dwells in
the empty

stong spyii phud

{C}1,000 apex; name

{PH}one million three-thousand [world systems]

(lit. ten hundred thousand three-thousand [world

stongs pa {C}nya (=utpda-hetu-

vaikalyena = tattvena-utpda-abhvt) empty

of a world

stong phrag {MSA}sahasra 1,000;

stongs gzhi nyatdhra basis of



stong ba nyid nyat emptiness

stod {PH}upper [part]; first [part]
stong min nyid {C}anyatva {C}non- stod thung shirt
stod dang og dang {C}
stong gzhi base which is empty {PH}
upardharya {C}above and below
basis [upon which] emptiness [is predicated]
stod pa
stong gzhi don dam gzhan
bstod/ bstod dam stod/ bstod/ stod dam bstod/
stong the ultimate other-emptiness which is the
basis of emptiness

{C}stava; {C}stabdha (?); {C}utkaraa; {C}

utka; {C}ananda {C}fixed in its place; exalt;
exalted; superior; praiseworthy

stong sang [empty-pure]; clear emptiness

stod par byed {C}utkarayati
stong sang nge ba [empty-pure-utter];
utter vacuity; utter clear emptiness

stong gsal empty and luminous

stong gsum {C}tri-shasra one billion


stong gsum gyi stong chen poi jig

rten gyi khams me mar gyis rab tu gang ba

gang gang gang gang {MSA}trishasra-mah-shasra-loka-dhtv agni-pratipre
the worldly realms of the million, billion
[world-systems] filled with fire {T}

stong gsum bum phrag


one hundred thousand three-thousand [world


stong gsum bum phrag bcu

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

stod byed {C}utkaraa; {C}utka; {C}

utkarayati; {C}ananda {C}exalt; exalted;
superior; praiseworthy; exalts

stod lung pa

{PH}Tlung (Valley) [a

district near Lhasa]


gsum gyi stong chen poi jig rten gyi khams {C}
tri-shasra-mah-shasra-lokadhtu {C}(great)
trichiliocosm; or the world system of 1,000 million



bstan ston bstand

stond {C}darayate; {C}dareti; {C}darin; {C}
nidarayati; {C}upadarayi; {C}upadarayati; {C}
upadiati; {C}deeti (=deayati); {C}deayati; {C}
paridpayati (=vistara-kathanena sakipta-arthapardpanm); (khy): {MV}khypayati; {MSA}
khyna; {MSA}kathana; {M indicate; teach;
demonstrate; reveal {PH}autumn {C}exhibit;
manifest; spectator; one who can demonstrate;
one who sees; beholding; demonstrates; defines;
exhibits; reveals; lighten up; is lit up; points out;
recommends; speak of; show; explain; expound;
make manifest; show to; give the impression that;

ston autumn {PH}autumn

ston ka autumn


ston kha autumn

The Jewelled Staircase Ascending to the Palace of
Great Happiness. (Collected Works) Delhi: Guru
ston gyi nam mkha autumn sky
Deva, 1971.
ston gnam {PH}autumn sky
ston pa tshad mar gyur pa
ston pa bstan ston bstand
bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}
establishes that the Teacher is a Person of Authority;

stond {LCh,C,MSA}st; {C,MSA}darana; {C}

darayati; {C}vidaran; {C,MSA}sadaran; {C}
sadarayati; {MSA}sadarana; {C}nidarana;
{C}upadarayi; {C}upadarayati; {MSA}
darikatva; {C}darika; {C}nyaka; {C}praayati;
{C}samprakayati; {C}scana; {C,MSA}de
verb: indicate; teach; show; demonstrate; reveal;
noun: teacher; teaching {C}sight; exhibit;
visible; act of seeing; vision; exhibition; have a
clear knowledge of; indication; show (up); hold up
to; instruct; exhibits; make visible; to illuminate;
reveal; explain; indicates; show forth; one who
shows (up); demonstrates; guide;

ston pa sangs rgyas


ston pai gnas

ston pa sku gsum teacher three

ston pa nyid

ston pa la jug pa dang

bstan ston bstand stond one enters

into displaying{PGP 86}

bstan ston bstand stond the teacher


ston pai du shes su byed

pa bstan ston bstand stond

{C}st-saj discrimination of a teacher
{C}regard as the Teacher; the notion that he is in
the presence of the Teacher

ston par byed

ston bstand stond {MSA}deikatva; {C}daran;

{C}darana indication; teaching {C}have a
clear knowledge of; sight; exhibit

ston pa thugs rje can

bstan ston bstand stond the

compassionate teacher

bstan ston bstand stond {C}deayati; {C}dar;
{C}nidarayati; {C}nirdiyate; {C}upadiati;
{C}nidarika (=prasthna-pratipatty viearpea); {MSA}(abhi dyut): abhidyotayati
indicate; teach; demonstrate; show; reveal
{C}demonstrates; seers; defines; exhibits;
reveals; defines; one who reveals; is pointed out; is
recognized; is expounded; is explained; explain

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}sapanna-

ston par mdzad pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

dean-sapatti marvellous teaching

ston byed

sykes bur sgrub pai gtam bde chen khang bzang

dzegs pai rin chen them skas
bstan ston bstand stond {GD:840} Den-dar-hlaram-pas (bstan dar lha ram pa) The Account that

ston byed pa

dean marvellous teaching

ston pa phun sum tshogs pa

ston pa tshad mai

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bstan ston bstand stond place of displaying


ston pa po {PH}teacher
ston pa phun tshogs

st ... prama-bhta valid teacher


bstan ston bstand stond {C}daraka {C}

ability to show
bstan ston

bstand stond {C}deaka; {C}deayati; {C}diati;

{C}gamaynti; {MSA}nidarika; {C}darayate
indicate; teach; demonstrate; show; reveal.
{C}one who demonstrates; announce; tell; make


ston bstand stond {C}katheti (=kathayati)

indicate; teach; demonstrate; show; reveal {C}


durbal-karoti make weak {C}make smaller

ston zla tha chung {M-W} krttika

stobs yod cing {C}pratibala

{PH}third month of the fall rainy season (krttika)


capable; able to; competent

ston zla bring po {LCh} avayuja

(avayuja / avina)

stobs sogs sangs

first month of the fall rainy season (bhdrapada /


{PH}second month of the fall rainy season

rgyas chos rnams {MSA}baldi-buddha-dharma

the qualities of a Buddha, power and so forth

ston zla ra ba {Das} bhdrapada

stobs {LCh,C,MV,MSA}bala power; force;

strength {PH}power; force; strength strong

rang stobs kyis
mtha gnyis su dogs pai rig pa a knower which by
its own power has qualms in two directions

stobs kyis {C}balena through the force

{C}through the force of

stobs bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C,MSA}baldhna
{C}impregnation with the power; the operation and
force of his own power; exerting his own power;
assumption of the power

stobs can {MSA}balika powerful

stobs bcu ten powers
stobs bcus {C}daa-bala {C}he who

bala-vairadya power and fearlessness


(=apanyate) become lost {C}is withdrawn; be

captivated; partake of

stor bas {C}nitva {C}having lost it

brtag brtag rtog brtags
rtags verb: examine; analyze; investigate7
noun: conceptuality; thought; conceptual
consciousness; imputation; chapter

brtag gnyis The Two Chaptered (=

Arhat, the Perfectly Enlightened Buddha called the

Radiant King, the Elimination of All Evil Destinies
D 483 title

brtag pa mtha bzung du in a

hypothetical way

mighty; strong

stobs phun sum tshogs pa

brtag pa mtha bzung du lam gyi nus mthu bstan

pa yin na bstan ston bstand
stond if this indicates the strength of the path in
a hypothetical way ...{TGP 64}

{MSA}bala-sapatti marvellous power

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

stor bar gyur zhing {C}sahriyate

The Ritual Text of the Tathgata, the

stobs dang mi jigs pa {MSA}

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}

tu stor ba = praaaka lose; loss {C}lost; be

lost; get lost

vimati; {C}kalpayati; {L}kyti inquiry;

investigate; analyze; examine; sustain {PH}
ritual text {C}construct; imagine; appear;

{C}alpa-sthma {C}weak; weakling; of little

stamina; no strength

stor ba {C}naa; {C}praayate; {MSA}rab

brtag pa {LCH}park; {L}park; {C}

stobs chung {PH}weak; weakling

stobs chung ba {C,MSA}dur-bala;

stobs ma mchis par bgyid

{C}nayi lose {C}would lose


has ten powers

stobs ldan {C}balavat

bstor/ stor/ bstord/ stord/



brtag par bya {L}park; {L}kyti to

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}atarka

investigate; analyze; examine appear

not able to investigate; unanalyzable {C}

brtag mi nus pa {C}atarkya not

inaccessible to reasoning


able to investigate {C}incomprehensible;

inaccessible to reasoning


brtag rtog brtags rtags gdags

dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}kalpayi; {MSA}

kalpita; {MSA}kalpana; {MSA}vicaya investigate;
examine; analyze; impute; imagine; designate

brtags nas

brtag rtog brtags rtags

wa brtan/ rton/ brtand/ rtond/ {C}ddha; {C}

drhya; {C}abhidhy adjective: stable; firm;
steadfast7 verb: have faith in; believe in; trust
{C}firmness; covetousness

brtan chags

par gnas pa med na ni if one does not abide

steadily...{TGP 25}

brtan rnams {L}dhra-jeya steadily


gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}vimati

having investigated/analyzed/imputed/imagined/
designated {C}consider

brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {L,N}vitarkita;

{MSA,MV}kalpita; {MSA}mmsita analyze;
investigate; examine; imputed; imaginary
imputed; designated; metaphorical expression;
figure of speech; conjecture; discursive thought

brtags pa

mkhas pa dzangs pas rig pa {L}nipua-paitavija-vedanya discerned by the wise

brtags pa tsam


brtan pa

brton wa brtan/ rton/ brtand/ rtond/ {LCh,C,MSA}

ddha; {C}dhat; {L,MSA}dhra; {MSA}dhti;
{MSA}sthira; {MSA}sthairya; {L}dhruva; {C}
nirhi; {C}upastabdha; {L}raya; {L}vrata;
{MSA}yid brtan pa = vaivsika steadiness7
adjective: stable; firm; steadfast7 verb: have
faith in; believe in; trust {C}firmness; firm
position; eternal; steadfast; propped up; supported;
basis; receptacle; physical/bodily basis; body; based
on; by resorting to (as a foundation); foundation;
courage(ous); steadily wise; resolve; vow

brtan pai tshul khrims {MSA}

dhruva-la stable ethics; firm ethics

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {L}

kalpana-mtra merely imputed

brtags pai bdag nyid

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs kalpita-tman imputed entity

brtags par dka bai

shin sbyangs brtag rtog
brtags rtags pliancy difficult to analyze

brtan par {C}dham; {C}dha-cittena

(bhavitavyam); {MSA}sad firmly; steadily
{C}should make his mind firm

brtan par mi gyur pai

rdzas yod gyur gyurd gyur
gyurd substantial existent in the sense of being
statically unchanging

brtags par sla bai shin

brtan po firm; steady {PH}firm; stable

brtan por gnas pa des

brtags mi nus pa

brtan byed {MSA}dh-karaa make

sbyangs brtag rtog brtags

rtags pliancy easy to analyze

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mi rnyed la a steady dwelling is not gained by

that{TGP 25}



brten nas btags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags

firm; make steady

brtan med g.yo ba {L}adhruva

thogs imputed dependently

unstable; not firm

brtan zhing gnas par {C}dhapratihna {C}of high social position

brtan g.yo inanimate and animate;

stable and the moving

brtan g.yoi tshad measure of

brtun pa pha rol mnan

par bya zhing {C}parkramatay parkramati
{C}make an effort

brtul ba {C}vinta; {L}piayitv


jug zhugs zhugs {LCH}vrata conduct; modes of

conduct vow; resolve
{PH}holder of vows

of conduct (vrata)

brtul zhugs dzin pa


who holds the vows of conduct (vrata)


brten/ rten/
rtend/ brtend/ {C}nirita; (ri): {MSA}rayet;
{MSA}rita; {MV}niri; {MV}sanniraya; {MV}
samri; {MSA}viraya; {C}upanirita depend;
rely; resort to; support {C}supported; in
dependence on; leans on; based upon; inhabiting;
dwell on in the mind; dependent on

brten gnas te {C}niraya


brten pa {C}niraya; {C,MSA}nirita;

{MSA}nirita; {L}niritya; {MSA}sanirita;

{C,MSA}rita; {MSA}raya; {MSA}pratihita;
{C}bhajat (?); {C}bhajati; {C}sevate; {MSA}
sasev; {MSA}sev; {C}dheya; {C}layo; {MSA}
uita dependent; supported; in the sense of
{C}support; refuge; one who resides; in dependence
on; leans on; based upon; inhabiting; dwelling on in
the mind; loves; attends upon; tend; resort to; serve
upon; placate; which are founded on it; reside; place
to settle down in; supported by

brten pa ma bor ba {C}anikipta-

dhura {C}persistently; one who perserveres; one

who persists in trying; name of a Bodhisattva

brten pa yin te {C}pratitihati

(=pratihate); {C}parinihita (bhavati) {C}

fly down to; return to; rest in; stand firmly in; base
oneself on

brten cing {C}ritya; {C}gamya

depending upon; relying on

brten nas {C}nirayitv; {C}niraya;

{C}pratya; {C}ritya; {L}niritya; {C}gamya

(=prpya =samprpya) depending upon; relying
upon {C}residing; conditioned (by); dependent
on; supported by; thanks to; resorting to; come to;
when he has entered on; come; return again; in that
he; because of; in the course of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brten nas gdags pa

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {N}updya prajapti; {N}prajaptir
updya imputed dependently; dependent

support; refuge; who resides

disciplined {C}educated; rolling into one lump

brtul zhugs pa

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {N}updya prajapti; {N}prajaptir
updya imputed dependently; dependent

relative fluxation

brtul zhugs

brten nas brtags pa


brten pai chos dependent attributes

brten par gyur ro {C}pratisevate;
{C}pratisevati {C}pursues

brten par bya {C}pratihtavya; {C}

bhajati; {C}sevate; {C}pratitihati (=pratihate)

{C}should rely on; loves; attends upon; tend; resort
to; serve upon; placate; fly down to; return to; rest

in; stand firmly in; base oneself on

brten par byao {C}pratisarati one

is worth seeing

blta bya {TN}dya viewing{TN}

bltams bltams/

should depend; one should rely {C}flees back

to; returns to; runs back to

brten par byed {C}dh-karoti; {C}

ltam/ bltam/ ltams/ {MSA}nikramaa be born;

be full

bhajate make firm; stabilize {C}confirms;


bltams pa {MSA}janman be born; be

brten par byed pa {C}layo make


firm; stabilize; basis {C}a place to settle down


brten par mi bya {C}pratihatvaya;

bltar med invisibility

bltar med pa {C}adya



{C}pratitihati (=pratihate) {C}should rely on;

fly down to; return to; rest in; stand firmly in; base
oneself on


on {C}take refuge in

bltas pa {C}vyavalokayati verb: to view;

brten byed {C}rayati rely on; depend

brtogs nas; brtags nas

bltos pa {TN}adhikra view; point of

blta/ lta/ bltas/ ltos/


verb: to view; to look7 noun: view; false view

blta na sdug pa {C}daranyat


beautiful to behold

blta phyir {C}payanya

{C}in order to

see it

blta ba

blta/ lta/ bltas/

ltos/ {C}darana; {C}nasat; {C}avalokayati;

{MSA}avalokana view; look {C}sight;
exhibit; visible; act of seeing; vision; exhibition;
appreciation; surveys; see; cast back (a look)
should view

blta bar dka {C}durda difficult to

view {C}hard to see

blta bar bya {C}draavya

should view; should be viewed; should be seen

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bltos pa med pa {C}nirapekat

(=anapekaat); {C}anapekaat; {MSA}

nirapeka not view; not look {C}disregard;

bltos sa place of relation; referent

bltos sa la bstos nas in
relation to a particular referent{T3-93}

bstang ba {C}sastava



blta ba byao {L}draavyam you

blta bar bya ba {C}dyam

ltos/ {C}avalokayati verb: to view; to look7

noun: view; false view {C}surveys; see; cast
back (a look)
to look7 noun: view; false view {C}behold;
survey; consider; look down (from on high)

{C}upanidhyyati {C}meditate (on); touch and



blta/ lta/ bltas/



bstan ston bstand

stond {C}nirdia; {C}upadia; {C}upadea;
{MSA}anudea; {MV}di-; {MV}deita; {MSA}
darita; {MSA,C}nidarana; {C}prakayati;
{MSA}paridpita; {C}paridpayati (=vistarakathanena-sakipta-artha-paridpanm); {MSA}
(va): uanti; {C,MV}khyta; {MV}khy-;
{MS teach; indicate; show; demonstrate
{C}proclaims; reveals; shows; makes known;

explained; mentioned; declared; expounded;
pointed out; advice; instruction; exposition; definite
statement; definition; lighten up; is lit up; pointed
out; announced; proclaimed

bstan gyur

bstan du ma mchis pa

anidarana {C}undefinable; invisible; without

perceptible attributes

bstand stond [show-cause]; that which is to be

shown/taught/demonstrated; should be shown

bstan du med pa



bcos mngon rtogs rgyan grel pa dang bcas pai

rgya cher bshad pa legs bshad gser gyi phreng ba
bkral grel bkrald greld
{GD:841} Dzong-ka-bas (tsong kha pa) Extensive
Explanation of the Treatise of the Ornament
Together with its Commentaries, a Golden
Garland of Good Sayings. Bylakuppe, India: Sera
Monastery. Block.


bcos dbus dang mtha rnam par byed pa {MV}

madhynta-vibhga-stra Vasubandhus
Treatise on the Differentiation of the Middle and
the Extremes

bstan bcos rtsom pa composition

of the treatise

bstan bcos tshad ma rnam nges kyi ti ka

chen dgongs pa rab gsal {GD:843} Gyel-tsaps

(rgyal tshab) A Great Explanation of [Dharmakrtis]
Treatise, the Ascertainment of Valid Cognition. Part
I (Collected Works, VII) Delhi:Guru Deva.

bstan bcos la grags pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bstan don phal pa secondary

meaning taught

bstan don gtso bo main meaning


bstan na

bstan ston

bstand stond {C}daati bites{C}

bstan pa


ston bstand stond {MSA}upadea; {MV,MSA}

uddea; {MSA}upadeikatva; {MSA,MV}dean;
{MSA}deita; {C}nirdiati (=kathyamny =
nirdeum); {C,MSA}nirdia; {C,MV}nirdiyate;
{C,MSA}nirdea {C}(=niyatam = tasya te pratirpo
yam upadea); {C,MSA}apadea; {C}khyta;
{C}kh teach; show; demonstrate; indicate7
noun: teaching; taught {PH}one who is
oriented [a certain way] {C}view; false view;
being seen; exhibiting; exhibition; act of gazing;
definite statement; definition; teaches; speaks; says;
declares; what has been taught; aid; is pointed out;
is recognized; is expounded; is explained; explain;
exposition; desquisitio

bstan pa gal

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}upadeasya ...

virodhata contradiction of the teaching

bstan ston bstand stond

{GD:158} reknown to [philosophical] treatises

pa lta bas phyi nang gnyis

bstan ston bstand stond {C}anidarana

indemonstrability {C}undefinable; invisible;
without perceptible attributes

ston bstand stond {C,MV,MSA}stra treatise

bstan dang ston

bstan ston bstand stond {C}

bstan ston

bstan bcos

bstan dar lha ram pa

Den-dar-hla-ram-ba (1759-1840), a Ge-luk-pa
writer on epistemology

bstan ston bstand stond Translation of the

Treatises; complete collection of the Buddhist
commentarial tradition

bstan rgyu

bstan ston bstand stond Buddhist and Outsider

[are distinguished] by way of teaching, teacher,
and view

bstan pa nyid

implication; this very demonstration



bstan pa ltar

bstan yod kyi gzugs

bstan pa dang mi gal ba

bstan gsol

bstan pa dang bshad pa {MSA}

bstabs pa {PH}that which is offered

bstar bstar/ star/

bstan ston bstand stond in accordance with the

bstan ston bstand stond demonstrable


bstan ston bstand stond

{MSA}uddevirodha not contradictory with the
uddea-nirdea teaching and explanation

bstan pa la jug par bya ba

{MSA}sanvatraa enter into the teaching

bstan pai tshig

bsti ston byed gyur na {C}satkarayi {C}would revere

bstun pa compare with; accord with

bsten bsten sten bstend

bstan ston bstand stond {MV}prakanyatva;

{MV}vyutpdana teach; indicate; show;

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}gha vi

enter into the teaching; engage in the teaching

bstan pha
bstan bya


bsten cing

bsten sten
bstend stend {C}upasarpati {C}got to
bsten sten

bstend stend {C}upaniritya; {MSA}( i): etya

having relied upon/made use of/stayed close to/
adhered to {C}having taken recourse to; (dwells)
in (intimate) dependence

ston bstand stond {MV}prakana object of

indication; object indicated; object taught

bstan byed

ston bstand stond {C}sastava teach; indicate;
show; demonstrate {C}intimacy; familiarity

bsten pa

bsten sten
bstend stend {C}sevate; {C}seva; {MSA}seva;
{MV}asevana; {MSA}asevya; {MSA}nisevana; {C}
sevana; {C}samstava; {C}bhajati; {MSA}bhajana
rely on; adhere to; use; to make use of; stay close
to {C}tending; cultivation; use; tend; resort to;
serve upon; placate; intimacy; familiarity; loves;
attends upon


ston bstand stond measure indicated

bstan gzhugs pa {MSA}gham

vi enter into the teaching; engage in the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

stend {C}sevya; {C}sevan; {C}sevate; {C}

sevana; {C}bhajati; {C}upsana (=paryupsita)
rely on; make use of; stay close to; adhere to
{C}tend; loves; attends upon; serve; cultivate; resort
to; placate; cultivation; honoring

bsten nas

{PH}instructional lineage

bstan tshod

bsti stang du bya bar {C}sat-kta

kma {C}want honor

bstan ston bstand stond {C}deayati teach;

indicate; show; demonstrate

bstan par zhugs pa

bstard/ stard/ clean; polish

bsti ston dod par {C}satkra-

bstan par bya ba

ston bstand stond {C}bhaati {C}preach; report;



bstan ston bstand stond {C}nirdea-pada the

words that indicate; the words indicated; the
words taught {C}the words expounding

bstan par bya



bsten pa bya


phyi don tha snyad du
zhal gyis bzhes [Both] assert external objects

sten bstend stend {C}bhajati rely on; adhere

to; use; to make use of; stay close to {C}loves;
attends upon

bsten par gyis

dbye ba/ 1 ngag gi tha snyad/ 2 bolai tha
snyad/ 3 lus kyi tha snyad/ {GD:726} Div.: (1)
verbal designations for a name applied to an object;
(2) mental labels designating the consciousness
that relates a name to an object; (3) physical signs
through which one can communicate

bsten sten bstend stend {C}sevate relied on;

adhered to; used; made use of; stayed close to
{C}tend; resort to; serve upon; placate

bsten par bya

bsten sten bstend stend {MSA}(sev): seveta
will/should rely upon/make use of/stay close to/
adhere to

bsten par byed

tha snyad {GD:656} vyavahra

bsten sten bstend stend {L}sevate; {L}rdhana

rely on; adhere to; use; to make use of; stay close
to; cause to rely on, etc.


bstod/ bstod dam stod/ bstod/ stod dam bstod/ {C}

stuta; {MSA}stuti; {L}utkaraa; {L}utka; {C}
ukari praise; laud {C}exalt; exalted; superior;
one who exalts

bstod cing {C}utkroayati praising;

lauding {C}exalts

bstod pa {C}stuti; {MSA}stotra; {C}utka;

{C}utkaraa; {L}utki; praasa praise; laud

{C}superior; exalt; exaltation; exalted

bstod par byed {C}utkarayati

praise; laud {C}exalts

bstod byed {C}utkarayati; {L}utkaraa;

{L}utka praise; laud {C}exalts; exalted;

bstos {PH}treatise; composition; work

tha gui lto dmodara; viu Garlanded

tha snyad kyi khongs su

gtogs included within conventions{S}

tha snyad kyi gdags gzhi

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs basis of designation of verbal
conventions {PH}basis of designation of verbal

tha snyad kyi

dbang gis bzhag pa ma yin par without being
posited by the power of conventions

tha snyad kyi tshig {C}vyavahra-pada

conventional words; conventional expressions

tha snyad kyi tshig tu gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}
vyavahrapadny-gamiyanti {C}conventional
expressions come along

tha snyad sgrub kyi rtags

sign proving the expression; sign proving a


tha snyad dngos su mdzad pa

tha snyad {LCh,C}vyavahra convention;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

[verbal] designation; verbal convention;

conventionalities; conventional [phenomena]
{GD:656} conventional practices

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs


conventionality; verbal convention {PH}

[verbal] designation; verbal convention;
conventionalities; conventional [phenomena]
{C}designation; conventional expression;
business; {GD:725} conventional practices


explicitly uses the verbal convention

tha snyad gcig pa {LCh}

ekavyavahrika One Convention School (one of

the eighteen subschools of the Great Exposition



tha snyad jug tshul

factual convention

tha snyad gdags pa


of the verbal designation

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs {C}vyavahriyate impute conventions;
conventionally imputed {C}express
conventionally; conventionally expressed

tha snyad btags pai btags don btsal bai tshe na

grub pa establishment at the time of searching
for the designated object in the designation of a
verbal convention

tha snyad gdags pa tsam

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {C}vyavahra-mtra merely
imputed conventionally {C}mere conventional

tha snyad du {N}savty; vyavahratas

conventionally{N}; in conventional terms

tha snyad du brjod do

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}vyavahriyate {C}

express conventionally; conventionally expressed

tha snyad du brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {L}samvti express


tha snyad du gdags pai

tha snyad gdags par bya ba

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {C}vyavahriyate imputed
conventionally; conventionally imputed {C}
express conventionally; conventionally expressed

tha snyad bden pa vyavahrasatya

conventional truth; nominal truth

tshig gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}vyavahra-pada
conventional words; conventional expressions

tha snyad dogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}

tha snyad du bya ba {C}vyavahriyate

vyavaharati impute conventions; conventionally

impute {C}speaks

{C}express conventionally; conventionally


tha snyad du byed pa {C}vyavaharati

use [the] verbal convention; make conventions


tha snyad du med pa not existent

tha snyad pa savyavahrika

conventionality {GD:114} nominally existent

tha snyad pa mkhas pa {MSA}

vyavahra-kuala wise with respect to

in conventional terms; not exist in conventional


tha snyad pa mi mkhas pa


tha snyad pai chos {N}vyavahra-

{MSA}a-vyavahra-kuala not wise with respect

to conventions

tha snyad du yod conventionally

tha snyad du yod pa vyavahrasat

dharma conventional phenomena{N}

conventionally existent; nominal existence

tha snyad dus

conventional analysis

su tha snyad go bai tha snyad conceptual

consciousness understanding a verbal convention
at the time of using verbal conventions

tha snyad don mthun

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tha snyad pai dpyod pa


tha snyad pai tshad ma {N}

vyavahra-prama conventional valid
cognition{N}; conventional valid cognizer

tha snyad pai tshad

mai rnyed don gtso bo main object found by
conventional valid cognitions

tha snyad pai shes pa {N}

vyavahra-vijna; vyavahrajna conventional


tha snyad dpyod pai rigs pa

{PH}reasoning that analyses conventionalities


snyad dpyod pai rigs shes kyi rnyed don du yod

pa existing as an object found by a reasoning
consciousness distinguishing a conventionality

tha dad chos {C}nntva-dharma

different phenomena; phenomena which are

different {C}differentiated dharmas

tha dad du bgyi ba

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}nn-karaa; {C}

nntva {C}distinction; difference; differentiation

tha snyad spyod byed kyi

shes pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

consciousness analyzing the conventional

tha snyad byed use [the] verbal

tha dad du brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}pthag-udhra

express differently; express as different {C}
separate utterance

tha dad du phye ba yod lam

{C}prabheda {C}distinction; divided; cleaving;


convention ...{LG 30.5}

tha snyad ma yin pa {C}

tha dad du bya ba med pa {C}

avyavahra (=avyhra) non-conventional

{C}incommunicable; inexpressible; lie outside
conventional discourse

anntva {C}non-different; undifferentiated; nonseparateness

tha snyad med pa {C}avyhra; {C}

apravyhra (=avyhra) non-conventional lie

outside conventional discourse; cannot be expressed
by words; incommunicable; non-utterance;

tha snyad rig pai btags

tha dad du bya ba med pa

nyid {C}nirnnkaraat non-difference {C}

absence of differentiation

tha dad du byar med pa nyid

{C}nirnnkaraat non-difference {C}
absence of differentiation

tha dad du dbye ba {C}bheda

ming {PH}grammatical name; Sanskritic name

as a grammarian [on the completion of the course
of study of the three grammatical systems the
successful student was given a grammatical name
under which he wrote any works dealing with
philological studies; literature; mathematics and
astronomy; and medicine.]

divide; differentiate

tha dad don min {C}ann-artha

{C}not manifold

tha dad pa {C}nntva; {C}anntva;

tha dad {LCh,MSA}nn; {C}nntva;

{C}nntvat; {LCh,MSA}bhinna; {C}bheda

(=dharma-bheda); {C}an-eka; {C}vyatibheda;
{MV}pthaktva different; distinct; separate;
difference; different phenomena {C}distinct;
multiplicity; differentiation; manifoldness;
distinction; dissention; breaking up; break; divided;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

division; various; manifold; variety; diverse

bum pa dang tha dad different from pot

Definitions: mtshan
nyid/ so so bai chos Def.: phenomena that are


{MSA}nn; {C}nn-bhva; {MSA}pthak; {MV}

pthaktva; {L,MSA}bhinna different; difference;
various {C}manifold

tha dad pa nyid kyi nga rgyal

{MSA}nntva-mna pride of difference

tha dad pa nyid du rnam

par rtog pa {MSA}nntva-vikalpa conceive as


tha dad pa ma {L}abhinna not


tha ma {MV}ante; {C,MSA}paryavasna;

different; non-difference

tha dad pa med pa {MV}anntva;

{C,MV}pacimam; {MSA}avasna; {MSA}carama;

{MSA}nika; {MV}apara (=avara?); {C}mdu
last; final {C}the end; end; terminus; come to an
end; finally; soft

{MV}abheda not different; non-difference

tha dad pai du shes {MSA}

tha ma med pa {C}anavargra endless;

nntva-saj discrimination of difference

tha dad pai dus byas

not final {C}without beginning and end

tha mag cigarette

tha mar {C}pacima


different compositional phenomena

tha dad pai rang bzhin

ma yin pa {MSA}abhinnatva non-difference

with; final

tha dad par {C}anntva differently

{C}different; without a difference; non-separateness

tha dad ma yin {C}abhinna not

different; non-different {C}unbroken; not


rje compassion which is important at the end

tha mar dge ba {MSA}paryavasna tha mal ordinary; ordinariness


different; non-different; unbroken; not


rim gyi thun mong ma yin pai spang bya ni tha

mal bai snang zhen yin la the uncommon objects
of abandonment of the stage of generation are the
appearance and conception of ordinariness {TGP

tha dad med pa {MV}anntva; {MV}

abheda not different; non-different


tha dad rigs {MSA}gotra-bheda

tha mal pai nga rgyal pride of

different lineage

being ordinary; pride of ordinariness

tha na {C}antamaas; {C}atyantaa (=

antaa) {PH}even; even so much as {C}even;

absolute(ly); even though; first; but only

tha na kun dga rwa bai rgyab log dang, gad snyigs
tshud chad kyi nang du zhib tshol byas, [We]
searched carefully even behind his personal altar,
and down to and including in the rubbish. {GCG}
p. 47/27

tha na se gol gtogs pa

tsam zhig antaa-acchatsaghta-mtram even

for the time of a finger-snap

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tha mar gal che bai snying

kalya final virtue

tha dad min {MSA}a-bheda not

tha ba {C}khila {C}harsh; rigidity; obstinate

tha ba med cing {C}akhila {C}

{C}future; last; ending

tha mal pai ngar rgyal pride of

being ordinary; pride of ordinariness

tha mal pai sems ordinary mind

tha mi kha cigarette
tha mi dad {C}abhinna non-different;
non-differentiated {C}unbroken; not

tha mi dad pa {C}asabhinna; {MSA}

abhinna(tva) non-different; non-differentiated

{C}unbroken; not differentiated

tha tshig equivalent; synonym;

fundamental meaning; oath; vow; promise



tha shal pa {PH}mundane; inferior

tha shal ba the worst {PH}worst;


thag rin ba {MSA}dra far; distant

thag shin tu ring ba very far
thags bzang well arranged
thang rgya rje thang {C,L}lava

mundane; inferior

thag distance
thag gcad

gcad/ gcod/ bcad/ chod/ decide; abandon; sever

thag gcod

gcad/ gcod/ bcad/ chod/ decide; abandon; sever

thag bcad

gcod/ bcad/ chod/ [cord-cut]; decide; abandon;
sever gang zag
rang bzhin med par thag bcad kyang although you
might decide that persons do not inherently exist
...{MSI 422}

thag chod

gcod/ bcad/ chod/ decide; abandon; sever
don la phu thag chod pai lta ba

view which penetrates the meaning{MSI 385.2}

sos thag chod kyang although
certain to recover{PGP 75}

thang ga {BCA} kaa



thang cig {C,L}lava moment [1/30th of a

yud tsam; skad cig = 1/60th of thang cig]

thang thang stretched flesh; strained



In [my] spare time, in the

company of the Paita, [I] also began to study a

little Sanskrit. {GCG}

thad kar {MSA; GD}tiryak animal

thag pa rope
thag pa khru gang pa gcig a

{GD:265} horizontal

fifteen inch rope{DASI}

thag pa khyil ba a coiled

rope{LWT 193}

thag pa

bsdogs pa la btags pai sbrul ltar

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs
like a snake imputed to a coiled rope

thag mi ring {MSA}a-dra {PH}not far

thag mi ring ba {MSA}a-dra not far
thag bzang {C}avirala {C}closely set
thag ring {L}dra far; distant
thag ring du byed pa yin {C}
dr-karoti become distant {C}move far away
from; get away from; keep aloof from; keep away

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

a plain; field; Tang dynasty (618 - 906 ce) of

China {PH}instant; moment; plain; field {C}
instant; second; minute; inkling ri med
pai thang a mountainless plain


thad du directly in front; concerning

thad drang directly in front
thad nas bslang ba las

bslang slang /slong bslangs

slongs {C}antikt (=sakt) {C}in the presence

of; or; from; compared with; given by

thab be thib be {PH}dizzy

thabs {C,L,MSA,MV}upya; {MSA}

abhyupya; {MV}upyat method; efficacious

means; skillful means; techniques {PH}group;
community {C}expedient (means); expediency;
skill in means grub thabs means of
achievement (sdhana) thabs la
mkhas pa skill in means (upyakaualya)
ngo bo nyid sku thobs pai thabs
an efficacious means of attaining a Nature Truth


thabs kyi cha factor of method


thabs kyi rtogs rigs su gnas pai rjes thob ye shes

thob/thob thob thob thobs
wisdoms of subsequent attainment that abide as
method-types of realization

thabs kyi theg pa upyayna

thabs chen po {L}mahn upya great


thabs mchog shes pa {MSA}

upya-vid (uttama-) cognition of highest method

thabs nyid {MSA}upyatva



Method Vehicle

thabs kyi tshul many modes of skillful


thabs kyis ring ba ma yin

thabs nyid du rung ba {MSA}

upyatva-yoga suitable as method

thabs rnyed {MSA}upya-lbha obtain

method; attainment of method

thabs thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}pau-dharo
obtain method; attainment of method {C}

not distant due to skill in method

thabs mkhas kyi tshogs

sgrub achieving through the collection of skill

in means

thabs mkhas pa {C}upya-kaualya thabs dang rtsa pa {C}upya-mla

root of method {C}root of skillful devices

skill in means

thabs mkhas pai ye thabs dang shes rab upyashes kyi bye brag {C}upya-kaualya-jna-viea
instance of the exalted wisdom of skill in means
{C}distinction of the cognition of skill in means

thabs mkhas sbyor ba

upyakaualaprayoga training in skill in means

thabs mkhas; thabs

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {MSA}

upya-jna exalted knower of method

thabs cig together

thabs gcig gis bskyod pa


thabs ma yin {MSA}an-upyatva

without method

thabs ma yin pa {L}anupya

without method

thabs ma yin pas ring ba

distant due to non-skill in method

thabs mi shes pa {MSA}upyjna

single movement

thabs gcig tu {C}srdham together

not knowing the method {T}

thabs min {MSA}anupya(tva) without

{C}together with; with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

par gyur ba rtogs rtogs

rtogs rtogs {MSA}upya-bodha realization of
methods; understanding of methods

byung byung byung upeya result from method

thabs chen {MSA}mahopya great

thabs rnams rtogs

thabs byung

la mkhas pa {C}upya-kuala; {C}abhyupyik;

upyakaualya skill in means; skillful means

thabs mkhyen pa

praj method and wisdom; skillful means and





thabs med {L}anupya without method thabs su rung {MSA}upya ... yukta
suitable as method
thabs bzang {MSA}sukhopya; {MSA}
tham par tshang ba fully in number
spya good method {T}
thabs yang dag bzung ba
tham ma {PH}last
{MSA}upya-sagraha collection of method
thams cad {LCh,MSA,MV}sarva; {L}
thabs rig {MSA}upya-citta knowledge
sarvatra; {MSA}sarvatva; {C}pthu; {C}sakala(m);
of method

thabs la mkhas pa {C,MSA}upyakauala; {MSA}upye kovid skill in means;

skill in method

thabs la mkhas

thams cad kyi thams cad {L}

thabs la mkhas

sarvea-sarvam for the good of all

pai rab tu dbye ba {MSA}upya-kaualyasya

prabheda distinction of skill in means

thams cad kyi phyir {MSA}

thabs la mkhas pai las

sarvrtham for the sake of all

{MSA}upya-kaualyasya karma action of skill in

means; karma of skill in means

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}upya-prayoga

application/exertion in skill in means

thabs la rab tu slu ba MSA}

upya-vipravdana{ deception in method

thabs shes upya-praj method and

wisdom; skillful means and wisdom

thabs shes pa {MSA}upya-ja; {MSA}

upya-jna method and wisdom; cognition of

thabs shes pa rnyed pa {MSA}

thams cad skad cig

ma dus byas du du/dud

dus dus {MSA}kaika sarva sasktam all
momentary things are products

thams cad mkhyen

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {L}

sarvaj all-knowing; omniscient {PH}allknowing; omniscient

thams cad mkhyen nyid

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend {C}nairtmya-bhvan all-knowledge;

omniscience {C}meditational development of

thams cad mkhyen nyid {C}

nairtmya-bhvan {PH}all-knowledge;

upya-jna-lbha obtain method and wisdom;

obtain cognition of method

thabs shes dbyer med

undifferentiable method and wisdom

thabs su gro ba serve as efficacious

means; go as efficacious means

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thams cad kyi rjes su

gro ba {C}sarvatra-anugata all-pervasive;

omnipresent; going everywhere {C}(which
reaches) everywhere

pai pha rol tu phyin pa {MV}upya-kaualyapramit perfection of skill in means

thabs la sbyor ba

{MSA}sakala all; all places (everywhere) {C}

many; long; very much; broad; vast; large; whole;
everywhere; always


thams cad mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

{LCh,MSA}sarva-ja; {L}sarva-jat [all-

knowing]; omniscient; omniscience; omniscient



thams cad mkhyen pa nyid

sarvvant having everything; with everything

whole; entire

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

thams cad du {L}sarvatra; sarvad

mkhyend {C,MSA}sarva-jat; {MSA}sarvajatva; {MSA}sarvkra-jat all-knowledge;


everywhere; everything; always; at all times


cad mkhyen pa nyid kyi bdag gi dngos po

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend
mkhyend {C}sarva-jat-tmabhva omniscient
personality {C}all-knowledge-personality

thams cad mkhyen

pa nyid thob par bya ba
thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}sarva-jatvaprpti obtainment of omniscience

thams cad mkhyen

song song song song {C}sarvatra-gatay;

{L}sarvatraga; {MSA}sarva-gata pervading
everything {C}extending everywhere

thams cad nas {MSA}sarvatas

everywhere; everything

thams cad pa rnam

par snang mdzad pa {C}vairocana Vairochana

[p.n. of a Buddha]

thams cad phyir {MSA}sarvrtham

pai ye shes mkhyen

mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}sarvaja-jna
omniscient exalted wisdom {C}cognition of the

for the sake of all

thams cad byang ba

byang byangs byang byongs {C}utsanna

thams cad mkhyen gzigs

purify everything {C}completely vanish

{PH}all-knowing and all-seeing

thams cad bcom pa

thams cad du song ba

gzhom joms bcom choms conquered/

destroyed/triumphed over all

thams cad chos nyid kyis {C}

thams cad yod par smra ba

{LCh}sarvsti-vdin Proponents of the Existence

of Everything

thams cad la {C,MSA}sarvatra; {C}

sarvatas everywhere {C}always; at all times; in

every way; in every direction

sarva-dharma-samat (=sarva ta dharmatay)

sameness of all phenomena

thams cad la khyab

totality; always; everywhere

thams cad la bzod pa

thams cad nyid {L}sarvat all;

thams cad gtong ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {MSA}sarvaprada renounce/cast away/give away everything

thams cad stong pa {C}sarva-

nya; (sarva) tyg all empty {PH}all-empty;

emptiness of all [things] {C}renouncer
all empty {PH}all-empty; emptiness of all


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}

knti sarvatra patience/forbearance/tolerance/

endurance with respect to everything

thams cad lung bstan pai mtshan

nyid la rnam pa thams cad du rjes su zhugs pa
zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}
enter into all aspects with respect to the
characteristics that are taught in all scriptures

thams cad stong pa sarva-nya

thams cad dang ldan pa {L}

byed du song ba goes everywhere as a pervader

[i.e. pervades everywhere



thams cad shes pa nyid

liberation {C}aids to liberation

{C}sarva-jat knower of all; all-knoledge;


thar pai cha dang mthun pa

sarva ikayati (ik) learn everything; study


thar pai

{MV}moka-bhgya (e.g.: avaropita-mokabhgya) partial concordance with liberation

thams cad slob pa yin {MSA}

cha dang mthun pai dge bai rtsa ba med pa

{MSA}a-moka-bhgya-kualamla without the
roots of virtue that are a partial concordance
with liberation

thar gyur {MSA}moka become

released; liberation; emancipation

thar chags gradual

thar pa {LCh,C,MV,MSA}moka; {MSA}

thar pai phan yon benefit of


thar pai dbang gi brtson

nirmoka; {N}vimoka liberation; emancipation


grus {MSA}mokdhipa ... vrya effort which

empowers liberation

thar pa cha mthun {LCh}moka-

bhgya partial concordance with liberation

thar pa thob par gyur ba

thob/thob thob thob thobs

{MSA}moka-prpti obtain liberation

thar pa don gnyer gyi blo

thar pa dod pai gdul bya

moka{MSA}; mokya savartate become

liberated; liberation

thar bar byed freeing

thar lam moka-mrga path of liberation;

thar pa la kun tu zhugs pa

path of release

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}

moka-saprasthita (thoroughly) enter into


thar pa la dbang byed pai

don {MSA}mokdhipaty-artha object that
empowers [one] toward liberation

{PH}the state

of liberation

thar lam gsal byed Clarifier of

the Path to Liberation

thal prasajyate to logically follow; to be

consequent; it follows that ...

thal skad opening exclamation for debate

thal gong {C}antara between the
shoulder blades {C}the flesh between the
shoulder blades

thar pai cha portion of liberation

thar pai cha mthun dge ba

thal gyur {LCh,MSA}prasaga;

{MSA}moka-bhgya-ubha virtue that is a

partial concordance with liberation

{MSA}(pra saj): prasajyate consequence;

contradictory consequence
mtshan nyid/ thal gyur du
bkod pa Def.: stated as a consequence

moka-bhgya partial concordance with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thar par gyur ba {MSA}


{MSA}moka-kma ... vineya disciplining the

desire for liberation

thar pai cha mthun pa {C}

path of liberation; path of release

thar par byed {C}moka liberation

awareness strenuously seeking liberation

thar pai go phang

thar pai lam {MSA}moka-mrga


dbye ba/ 1 thal gyur yang dag 2 thal gyur
ltar snang / Div.: (1) correct consequence; (2)
facsimile of a consequence

consequence and (2) fulfills the three modes of

reversing the object/meaning ?? {T}

thal gyur ltar snang

snang snang snang snang prasaga-abhsa

pseudo/quasi/counterfeit consequence

thal gyur du bkod pa

dgod god bkod god state as a


thal gyur pa prsagika-[mdhyamika]

Consequence School; Prsagika; [Middle
Way] Consequence School {PH}Prsagika

thal gyur ba {LCh}prsagika

contradictory consequence {PH}dust; ash

Having incinerated
[them] with the light of the sun, [they] are turned to
ash. {PU}

thal ba phen pai tshul gyis

in the manner of flinging consequences [at the
opponent ...]{LWT 167}

thal bar {C}bhasma {C}dust

thal bar gyur {MSA}prasaga;

{MSA}(pra saj): prasajyate consequence;

contradictory consequence

Prsagika; Consequentialist

thal gyur bai grub

mtha shor ba Consequence Schools perspective

slipped in

thal gyur bai lugs the

thal mo {LCh}ajali palm (of the hand)

thal mo sbyar te sbyar

sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}prjali-bhta {C}with

folded hands

thal mo sbyar ba btud nas

Prsagika system

thal gyur yang dag samyak-

btud dud btud dud {C}ajali

prasaga; samyukta-prasaga correct


praamya; {C}kta-ajal-pua-praamya {C}

bent forth his folded hands; having bent forth their
outstretched hands in respectful salutation

mtshan nyid/ rang nyid thal gyur yang dag tu song bai

rgol ba yod pa yang yin/ rang nyid thal gyur yang dag tu
song bai rgol bas/ rang nyid la lan don mthun mi thebs
pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun par gyur pai thal ngag rnam
dag tu dmigs pa/ Def.:

dbye ba/ 1 sgrub


byed phen pa thal gyur yang dag 2 sgrub byed

mi phen pai thal gyur yang dag Div.: (1)
correct consequence that impels a proof; (2) correct
consequence that does not impel a proof

thal gyur yang dag gang zhig bzlog don

tshul gsum tshang ba that which (1) is a correct

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thal lcag slap

thal ba {MSA}prasaga consequence;


thal rang Consequentialist and

Autonomists [Prsagikas and Svtrantikas]

thi ba zhar ma a white bird like the

former but has a long beak and red legs and
stays near water

thig line {PH}drop

thig gdabs line
thig ldeb {PH}long folio
thig sdeb {PH}written line(s); line(s)

written thig sdeb drug; [It has] six

lines written [per folio]. {GCG} p. 16

thig nag klastra Black Line (Hell)


thig pa {LCh}bindu drop

thig phreng {PH}printed lines

thugs ka heart; mind

thugs kyi phrin las {MSA}manas-

thig phreng ser po dpar du btab;

karman activity of exalted mind {T}

thugs kyi rus

There were yellow printed lines laid out on the

page. {GCG} p.17

thig tshon {PH}colored drops

thig le bindu drop; essential drop
thig le khro bo can {LCh} [thig le

thugs kyi sa bon citta-bja seed

syllable of exalted mind

thugs bskyed


skyed bskyed skyed cittotpda exalted mind


khro bo can = ri-dwags-pri-a-ta = pata-mga =

bindu-citra] {PH}spotted antelope

thig le phra mo la sems

thugs kha

dzin pa gzung dzin bzung

zungs holding the mind on a subtle drop{TGP

{PH}in front (of); in the

presence (of)

thugs kha {PH}heart

thugs khar {PH}in front (of); in the

thigs pa {C}bindu drop

thibs po {C}gahana {C}jungle
thim pa thim/

presence (of)

thims/ thim/ thims/ to dissolve; to melt; dissolve

into another object

thu chungs

{PH}youngest brother
Mother will not sell the youngest
brother. {A4C-C}

thu bo {C}jyeha {C}principle; finest

thu re vibrant; vibrantly
thug {L}maryad; {MSA}(sam- gam):

thugs khral chung bar mdzad

{C} alpotsuka {C}he has few cares; carefree;
non-action; unconcerned; careless

thugs rje {L,MSA}karu; {L}mahkaru;

{MSA}(karuya}: karuyate; {MSA}kp
compassion mercy; great compassion

thugs rje can compassionate

thugs rje chen po {MSA}mahkaru great compassion

thugs rje dpal bzang

samgacchati meet; meet back to; have source

in limit; boundary; end

{GD:xii,848} Tuk-je-bel-sang (15th c.), a Sa-skya

author on epistemology

thug gi bar du {PH}until

thug thug tu {PH}reaching up to
thug med endless
thug tshol ba

thugs rjei bdag nyid {MSA}

kptman compassionate nature; nature of

thugs rjes pha rol tu phyin

pa {MSA}karu-pra-gamana perfect [ones]


btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}eama {C}

try to reach

thugs {LCh,MSA}citta exalted mind; heart;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thugs kyi rus pa/ thugs rus/ effort


thugs mnyam par ma

bzhag pa {MSA}asamhita ... citta mind in
meditative equipoise


thugs dam

thung phyed {L}ardha-yma 1/2 a yma;

{PH}[object of] meditation

pa chen gyi thugs dam phyag dpe


about 1 1/2 hours

thung ba hrasva short; brief{D2}

thung brel union{LG}
thung shad {PH}short line
thun session; period {PH}dosage
thun khung {PH}demon box
thun mgo lta bu la at the beginning

yin zer bai brgyad stong bai dum bu; a portion

of the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand
Lines, which is said to be a text that served as an
[object of] meditation practice for the great paita
{GCG} p.15

thugs par slao {C}sudharaa

easily assailed{C}

thugs sprul pa {MSA}citta-nirma

of a session{TGP 8}

mental emanation

thun drug gi rnal byor six

thugs phyung bar byed pa

dbyung byin phyung phyungs

session yoga

thun drug dang brel bai dus

{C}virgayati {C}displease; has lost; become

estranged; turns back on; pleases permanently

thugs phrog captivate the mind

thugs byung bar byas pa

khor bla mai rnal byor nag gros su mdzad pa

The Guru Yoga of Klacakra in connection with the
six sessions in completely facilitating form

byung byung byung byung

{C}virgayati {C}displease; has lost; become
estranged; turns back on; pleases permanently

thun min mchog

mercy; love (hon.) {C}pity

thun mong {LCh,C,MSA}sdhraa share

dbang gong ma gsum {PH}three higher

uncommon supreme empowerments

thugs brtse ba {C}kp [mind-love];

thugs yongs su dag pa {MSA}

citta-pariuddhi thoroughly purify the mind

thugs yon po mi mnga ba

mnga mnga mnga mnga {C}

avakra-citta {C}his mind is straight

thugs rus


kyi rus/ thugs kyi rus pa/ effort

thugs la bzhag pa set in mind

thugs su chud pa know; obtain{S}
thugs su ma chud pa {C}avidita

shared; together; in common

thun mong pai bdag rkyen

sdhraa-adhipati-pratyaya common
empowering condition; common dominant

thun mong pai lam common

thun mong ba {N}sdhraa shared;


thun mong bai nus pa smnya

thung {MSA}alpa; {L}yma prahara short;

akti {GD:155} common function

brief a period of three hours

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thun mong du {C}sdhraa common;


{C}not known; not felt

thung mtha smallest

with; common; shared {C}common to; common



thun mong ma {C}asdhraa

asdhraatva uncommonness {C}what is not
shared with

uncommon; unshared

thun mong ma yin pa {C}

thun mong min pai khyad

asdhraa unshared; uncommon {C}which

is not shared; in which one does not share; special

chos {PH}uncommon distinguishing feature

thun mong ma yin

thun mongs sdhraa common; shared

thun mongs pai bdag

pa nang gi sngon gro {PH}the specific inner


rkyen sdhraa-adhipati-pratyaya common

empowering condition; common dominant

thun mong ma yin

pai khyad chos asdhraa-viea-dharma

uncommon distinguishing feature{N}

thun mong ma yin

pai gog snyoms *asdhrananirodhasampatti

uncommon absorption of cessation

thun mong ma yin pai rgyu

thun mongs ma yin pa {MSA}

asdhraa uncommon; unshared

thun mongs ma yin pai

chos uncommon attribute

asdhrana uncommon/unshared/unique cause

thun mongs ma yin

pai bdag rkyen asdhraa-adhipati-pratyaya;

samnantarapratyaya; asdhradhipatipratyaya
uncommon dominant condition; uncommon
proprietary condition; uncommon empowering

thun gzhug

thun mong ma yin

thun mong ma yin

pai bdag rkyen asdhraa-adhipati-pratyaya

uncommon empowering condition; uncommon
dominant condition
{PH}the remainder of the


thub bstan Subduers teaching

teachings of the Subduer; teachings of [kya]muni

thub pa {LCh,C,MSA}muni Subduer

pai bdag bras uncommon dominant effect of


thun mong ma yin pai

sdod lugs uncommon mode of subsistence{N}

thun mong
ma yin pai ma nges pai gtan tshigs uncommon
indefinite reason

[Buddha]; Subduer; Silent One [epithet for

Buddha]; short for kyamuni, conqueror
[over the afflictions] {PH}capacity {C}able;
capable; sage
skad cig ma gcig la spong thub pa la byed rigs
pai phyir because of being suitable to refer to the
capacity to abandon in one moment {PGP 82}

thun mong ma yin pai

thub pa med pa {C}anavamardya;

thun mong ma yin

thub pai rtogs pa realization of a

mtshan nyid uncommon character; unique

character; unique defining character

{C}apratihatat not subdue {C}uncrushable;

uncrushability; cannot be obstructed

pai gsang bai rgyud uncommon secret tantra

Subduer [Buddha]

thun mong min {C}asdhraa

thub pai thugs

uncommon; unshared

thun mong min nyid {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mind of the Subduer


{PH}the exalted

thub pai thun mong min

rdo rje thal

Subduers unshared

thub pai rnam kun

moi mthe bong gnyis brkyang la mdzub mo gnyis

mche ba lta bur byas pa ni/ rdo rje gnod sbyin gyi
phyag rgyao/ Vajrayakhas mudr: extend the
two thumbs of the vajra-palms, and make the two
index fingers like fangs {Dor 31b.2/ 246.2}

mkhyen pa nyid Subduers exalted-knower-ofall-aspects

thub pai dbang po munndra

the tshom {MSA,MV}vicikits; {MSA}

King of the Subduers; an eptithet of a Buddha

thub par dka ba {C}durdhara

vicikitsat; {LCh,MSA}saaya; {MSA}sadeha;

sadigdha; {C}vimati doubt; qualm; suspicion
{C}perplexity; uncertainty; consternation
mtshan nyid/ 1

difficult to subdue {C}unassailable; cannot be


thub par dka zhing ba {C}

rang stobs kyis mtha gnyis su dogs pai rig pa/ 2 rang yul

durdhara difficult to subdue {C}unassailable;

(one) hard to assail

la dogs pai rig pa/ Def.: (1) a knower which by its

thub dbang {LCh}munndra Monarch

own power has doubts in two directions; or: (2) an

awareness having qualms with respect to its object

of Subduers; Lord of Subduers (epithet of a


dbye ba/ 1 don gyur gyi the


thur down; downward

thur khyab rnal ma downward

correct pervasion; downward correct entailment

thur khyab phyin ci log

the tshom skye bar gyur ro

downward perverse pervasion; downward

perverse entailment

saaya-prpt (bhavanti) produce a doubt

{C}in a state of uncertainty; seized by doubt

thur ma spoon; stick

thur ma ring po a long stick; a long

the tshom gyi gnyen po {MSA}

vicikits-pratipaka antidote to doubt


thur sel

bsal sel bsald

seld downward voiding [wind]

thur sel gyi rlung

bsal sel bsald seld downward-voiding


thul ba

thul/ thuld/ thul/ thuld/ {C}dharayati {C}

overpowers; subdue

thul bar dka zhing {C}durdhara

{C}unassailable; cannot be overcome

the bo

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

the tshom gyur la

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}kathakathin

doubt {C}one who is assailed by doubts

the tshom gcod pa {MSA}saaya-

ccheda; {MSA}saaya-cchedana; {MSA}saayavicchedin; {MSA}saayopacchedana cut off


mthe bong/ mtheb/


tshom/ 2 don mi gyur gyi the tshom/ 3 cha mnyam

pai the tshom/ Div.: (1) doubt tending toward the
fact; (2) doubt not tending toward the fact; (3) equal


the tshom gcod par byed pa

{MSA}chedan saayasya; {MSA}saayacchedikatva; {MSA}saaya-na cut off doubt

the tshom gcom pa {MSA}saayaccheda cut off doubt

the tshom dag ni mi gcod


the tshom za bar don {MSA}

{MSA}sadehasyccheda not cut off doubt

the tshom dang bcas pa {C}

sadigdhrtha object of doubt

savicikits {C}in doubt

the tshom du gyur nas {C}saayaprpta (bhavanti) {C}in a state of uncertainty;

seized by doubt

the tshom rnam par sel ba

the tshom zar jug go {C}

the tshom yang gcod par

{PH}doubter; one who has a


the tshom spong ba

du jug ste {C}saaya prakipati {C}sow


saaya ytayati; {C}ytayati engage in

doubting; enter into doubt {C}sow doubtsi; sow

bsal sel bsald seld {MSA}

saaya-vinayana eliminate/eradicate/remove/
clear away/avoid/exclude doubt

the tshom pa

the tshom za bas spong

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}saaya-jah;

{MSA}sadeha-jah abandon doubt

the tshom mi zla ba {C}vicikitsati

gyur {MSA}saaya-chedo bhavati cut off


the tshom bsal ba rtogs

pa bsal sel bsald seld

{MSA}saaya-hni-bodha realize the removal/
clearing away of doubt

doubts {C}free from hesitations

theg {MSA}yna vehicle

theg chen

{MSA}vicikitsat (nir-) no doubts {C}free from


theg chen gyi mkhyen pa


theg pa chen po mahyna Great Vehicle;

the tshom med {C}nikkan no

the tshom med pa {C}nisaaya;

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend Great Vehicle exalted knower

the tshom tshal bar gyur {C} theg chen gyi rgyu bras Great
vicikitsati {C}doubts

Vehicle causes and effects

the tshom za dus nas when


the tshom za ba {MSA}saayita; {MSA}

sadeha-gata doubting

the tshom za bar gyur {C}

saaya-prpta doubting {C}seized by

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms Great

Vehicle path of meditation
mtshan nyid/ theg
chen gyi rjes la mngon rtogs/ Def.: a Great Vehicle
subsequent clear realizer

dbye ba/ chung ngu skor bzhi/ bring skor
gsum/ chen po skor bzhi/ Div.: (1-4) the four
smaller cycles; (5-7) the three middling cycles; (811) the four greater cycles

the tshom za bar gyur te {C}

saayita bhavanti doubting {C}are in a state

of uncertainty

the tshom za bar gyur na

theg chen gyi

saaya-prpta (bhavanti) doubting {C}in a

state of uncertainty; seized by doubt

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

theg chen gyi sgom lam

sgom lam mnyam bzhag ye shes exalted wisdom

of meditative equipoise of a Great Vehicle path



mtshan nyid/ rang

of meditation

mtshan nyid/ rang


gi ngos skal gyi spang bya bden dzin lhan skyes chen
poi chen poi dngos gnyen du gyur pai theg chen gyi

sgom lam bar chad med lam/ Def.: an uninterrupted

gi yul du gyur pai bdag med gsum gang rung la rtse

gcig tu mnyam par bzhag pa yang yin/ rang rgyud ldan

gyi gang zag gi rgyud la mngon gyur du byung bai

theg chen gyi rjes la mngon rtogs/ Def.: that which

is (1) a one-pointed meditative equipoise on any of
the three selflessnesses that are its objects and (2) a
Great Vehicle subsequent clear realizer occurring in
a manifest manner in a continuum of a person who
possesses it in his or her c

theg chen gyi sgom

lam rnam grol lam path of release of a Great
Vehicle path of meditation

dbye ba/ 1 sa dang poi


sgom lam bar chad med lam/ 2 sa gnyis poi bar

chad med lam/ Div.: (1) the uninterrupted path
of a path of meditation of the first ground; (2) the
uninterrupted path of a path of meditation of the
second ground

theg chen gyi sgrub pa

sgom lam abhinirhrasvabhvo bhvanmrga

Great Vehicle path of meditation of achieving

mtshan nyid/ rang dren byed kyi bar chad med lam gyi

theg chen gyi sgrub pa la rang

ngos skal gyi spang bya bden dzin lhan skyes las grol

pai theg chen gyi rjes la mngon rtogs/ Def.: a Great

Vehicle subsequent clear realizer that involves

a state of having been liberated from the innate
conception of true existence which is the respectve
object of abandonment by the uninterrupted path
that induces it

dbang du jug pai rgyu spyan lnga la doms pa

guidance concerning the five eyescauses of
engaging in Great Vehicle achieving under ones
own power

theg chen gyi

sgom lam bar chad med lam

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms uninterrupted
path of a Great Vehicle path of meditation

mtshan nyid/ rang gi ngos skal gyi spang bya bden dzin

lhan skyes kyi dngos gnyen du gyur pai theg chen gyi rjes

la mngon rtogs/ Def.: a Great Vehicle subsequent

clear realizer that serves as the actual antidote to
the innate conception of true existence which is its
respective object of abandonment

theg chen gyi nges byed

cha mthun Great Vehicle concordance with a
portion of definite discrimination

theg chen gyi mngon rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs Great

Vehicle clear realizer

theg chen gyi rjes la

mngon rtogs Great Vehicle subsequent clear

theg chen

gyi rjes la mngon rtogs rtog bcas Great Vehicle

subsequent conceptual clear realization

theg chen gyi

theg chen gyi sgom lam bar chad med lam chung
ngui chung ngu the small of the small of an
uninterrupted path of a Great Vehicle path of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

path of a Great Vehicle path of meditation that

is an actual antidote to the great of the great
innate conceptions of true existence which are its
respective objects of abandonment


rjes su yi rang sgom lam anumodalakao

bhvanmrga Great Vehicle path of
meditation of admiration


theg chen gyi thar par

bgrod pai go skabs phye shul du gyur pai byang
sems kyi mngon rtogs a Bodhisattvas clear
realizer that serves as the passageway opening
the opportunity for progressing toward the
Great Vehicle liberation

release of a Great Vehicle path of seeing and (2)

a Great Vehicle clear realizer of the truth which
manifestly occurs in the continuum of persons
who possess it in their continuums

theg chen gyi

mthong lam bar chad med lam uninterrupted

path of a Great Vehicle path of seeing

theg chen gyi mthong lam

GreatVehicle path of seeing

mtshan nyid/ rang gi ngos skal gyi spang bya bden dzin

theg chen gyi

kun btags kyi dngos gnyen du gyur pai theg chen gyi

mthong lam rjes thob ye shes

thob/thob thob thob thobs exalted
wisdom of subsequent attainment of a Great
Vehicle path of seeing

mtshan nyid/ theg chen gyi mthong

lam rnam grol lam las langs pai mkhyen pa yang yin/

rang rgyud ldan gyi gang zag gi rgyud la mngon gyur du

byung bai theg chen gyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ Def.:

(1) an exalted knower of one who has risen from the

path of release of a Great Vehicle path of seeing and
(2) a Great Vehicle clear realizer of the truth which
manifestly occurs in the continuum of persons who
possess it in their continuums

theg chen gyi

mthong lam rnam grol lam

grol grold grol grold path of release of a Great
Vehicle path of seeing

mtshan nyid/ shes sgrib kun btags spangs

pas rab tu phye pai theg chen gyi bden pa mngon rtogs/

Def.: a Great Vehicle clear realizer of truth that is

distinguished by [being a state that involves] having
abandoned the artificial obstructions to omniscience

bden pa mngon rtogs/ Def.: a Great Vehicle clear

realizer of truth that serves as the actual antidote to
the artificial conception of true existence which is
its corresponding object of abandonment

theg chen gyi don mngon

rtogs Great Vehicle clear realization of the

theg chen gyi rnal

byor mngon sum mahyna-yogi-pratyaka

yogic direct perception of a Mahynist

theg chen gyi byang chub tu bgrod par byed

paam/ der bgrod zin pa gang rung gis bsdus pai

theg chen gyi mkhyen pa/ Great Vehicle exalted
knower included either within that which causes
progress toward the Great Vehicle enlightenment
or within having progressed toward the Great
Vehicle enlightenment

theg chen gyi sbyor lam

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord Great Vehicle

path of preparation

theg chen gyi sbyor lam drod

Great Vehicle heat path of preparation

theg chen gyi mi slob lam

mahhyna-aaika-mrga Great Vehicle path
theg chen gyi mthong lam rnam grol lam las langs
pai mkhyen pa yang yin/ rang rgyud ldan gyi gang
zag gi rgyud la mngon gyur du byung bai theg
chen gyi bden pa mngon rtogs/ (1) an exalted
knower of one who has risen from the path of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mtshan nyid/
of no more learning

sgrib gnyis zad par spangs pai mthar thug gi mkhyen pa/

Def.: a final exalted knower that involves a state of

having completely abandoned the two obstructions


theg chen sgrub pa las mi ldog pai

dbye ba/ 1 ji lta pa mkhyen


pai rnam mkhyen/ 2 ji snyed pa mkhyen pai

rnam mkhyen pa/ Div.: (1) exalted knowers of all
aspects that know the mode; (2) exalted knowers
of all aspects that know the varieties; or: (1)
mirror-like exalted wisdom; (2) exalted wisdom
of sameness; (3) exalted wisdom of individual
realization; (4) exalted wisdom o

rgyu yongs su mi ngal ba la doms pa guidance

concerning thorough nonwearyinga cause of
nonreversal from Great Vehicle achieving

theg chen sgrub pai ched

du bya ba pratipatterddea object of intent of
Great Vehicle achieving


theg chen gyi tshogs

chen sgrub pai rten rang bzhin gnas rigs

pratipatterdhra praktistha gotram
naturally abiding lineagethe basis of Great
Vehicle achieving

lam Great Vehicle path of accumulation;

GreatVehicle path of accumulation

theg chen gyi rigs nges [a

theg chen sgrub pai

person who is] definite in the Great Vehicle


theg chen gyi rigs chen

dmigs pa pratipatterlambanam object of

observation of Great Vehicle achieving

theg chen rigs chen having the

Mahyna/Great Vehicle lineage

theg chen mthong lam Great

theg chen gyi rigs

Vehicle path of seeing

theg chen gdams ngag Great

sad pai gang zag a person whose Great Vehicle

lineage has been awakened

Vehicle guidance

theg chen phags

theg chen gyi lam Great Vehicle


mtshan nyid/ theg chen gyi byang chub tu

rgyud kyi gzhi shes knower of bases in the

continuum of a Great Vehicle Superior

theg chen phags pa Great

bgrod par byed paam/ der bgrod zin pa gang rung gis

Vehicle Superior

bsdus pai theg chen gyi mkhyen pa/ Def.: a Great

theg chen phags

Vehicle exalted knower that is included within

either that which causes progress toward the Great
Vehicle enlightenment or that which has already
progressed to it

pai mngon rtogs Great Vehicle Superiors clear


theg chen sbyor lam Great Vehicle

theg chen gyi lam

path of preparation

theg chen tshogs lam Great

shes pai lam shes knower of paths that know

Great Vehicle paths

theg chen gyi sa bcu

Vehicle path of accumulation

theg chen rigs nges


person who is] definite in the Great Vehicle lineage

grounds of the Great Vehicle

theg chen sgom lam pa one on

theg chen rigs chen

theg chen gyi rigs chen having the

the Great Vehicle path of meditation

theg chen sgrub pa

Mahyna/Great Vehicle lineage

mahynapratipatti Great Vehicle achieving

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



theg chen sems bskyed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

mahynacittotpda; bodhicittotpda Great

Vehicle mind-generation; Mahyna [altruistic]
mind generation; Great Vehicle [altruistic] mind

theg chen/ theg pa chen po

pai skabs grub

grub grubs/grub grubs {MSA}mahyna-siddhyadhikra on the occasion of establishing the
Great Vehicle

theg pa chen po

rgyud bla mai bstan bcos rgyud

bla ma/rgyud bla mahynottaratantrastra;
uttaratantra [Maitreyas] Great Vehicle Treatise
on the Sublime Continuum / Treatise on the
Later Scriptures of the Great Vehicle [P5525, vol.

mahyna Great Vehicle

theg mchog go

theg pa chen po grub

{PH}armor of the

supreme vehicle

theg do go(hon.)
theg bsdus bsdu sdud

theg pa chen po bsgoms na

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{MSA}bhvyamna mahynam (bh) when/if
cultivating the Great Vehicle

bsdus sdus mahyna-sagraha Summary of

the Great Vehicle [by Asaga; P5549, vol. 112]

theg bsdus

bsdu sdud
bsdus sdus mahyna-sagraha Summary of
the Great Vehicle [by Asaga; P5549, vol. 112]

theg pa chen po nyid


theg pa chen po

rnam par dbye ba {MSA}mahyna-mahattvavibhga distinguishing the greatness of the

[Great] Vehicle {T}

theg pa {LCh,C,L,MSA,MV}yna vehicle;

theg pa gcig eka-yna one vehicle
theg pa gcig tu bshad pa

{MSA}eka-yna-dean explained as one vehicle

dang dman pa la mos pa mos

mos mos mos {MSA}mahyna-hnayndhimukta
belief/faith/interest/inclined towards/zeal in the
Great Vehicle and the Lesser Vehicle

theg pa gcig

theg pa chen po bsdus pa

theg pa gcig la zhugs pa

theg pa chen po la skyo ba

pa nyid yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}ekaynat-paryei thoroughly investigate/examine/
research/seek one vehicle

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}eka-

yna-samrha enter into one vehicle; engage

in the one vehicle {C}they have mounted on the
same vehicle (as I)

theg pa chen po {L,MSA,MV}

mahyna Great Vehicle

theg pa chen po kun bsdus

mahyna-sagraha Summary of the Great

Vehicle [by Asaga; P5549, vol. 112]

{MSA}mahyna-kheda averse toward the Great


theg pa chen po la mos

pa mos mos mos mos

{MSA}mahyna-dharmdhimukti; {MSA}
mahyndhimukta belief/faith/interest/inclined
towards/zeal in the Great Vehicle

theg pa chen

pa bsdu sdud bsdus sdus

{MSA}mahyna-sagraha Summary of the
Great Vehicle [by Asaga; P5549, vol. 112]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}

po la yang dag par zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs mahynasaprasthita


those engaged in the Great Vehicle

theg pa chen po las ldog pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {MSA}

mahynd bheda reversed from the Great

theg pa chen po las

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}vaipulya-

sagraha ... mahyna-strnta compendium of

the very extensive Great Vehicle stras

theg pa chen pos

gro bai sems can {MSA}mahyna-gmi-sattva

being who goes by way of the Great Vehicle

theg pa chen pos nges

mi g.yo ba {MSA}mahynvikampana not

fluctuate from the Great Vehicle

par byung ba byung byung

byung byung {MSA}mahynena niryti definite
emergence by way of the Great Vehicle

theg pa chen po bshad

pai chos {MSA}mahyna-dean-dharma
doctrines that explain the Great Vehicle


theg pa chen poi chos {MSA}

mahyna-dharma Great Vehicle doctrine(s)

theg pa chen poi chos

rgya chen po {MSA}vistra ... mahyna-dharma

vast Great Vehicle doctrine(s)

theg pa chen poi rten can

{MSA}mahyndhihna having a basis in the

Great Vehicle

pa chen pos nges par byung ba la rab tu slu ba

{MSA}mahyna-nirya-vipravdana deceived
in terms of definite emergence by way of the
Great Vehicle

theg pa chen pos

bsdus pai thos pa bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus {MSA}mahyna-saghta ... ruta
hearing that is included within the Great Vehicle

theg pa mchog {MSA}agra-yna;

theg pa chen poi rtogs pa

{MSA}agra ... yna highest vehicle

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{MSA}mahyne vabodha realization of the
Great Vehicle; Great Vehicle realization

theg pa gnyis {MSA}yna-dvaya two


theg pa thams cad ston pa

theg pa chen poi mdo {MSA}

{MSA}sarva-ynpade teacher of all vehicles

mahyna-stra; {MSA}mah-yna-strnta
Great Vehicle stra(s)


theg pa chen poi mdo

pa thams cad la yang dag par zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs
sarvaynasaprasthita those engaged in all

sdei rgyan {MSA}mahyna-strlakra

[Maitreyas] Ornament for the Great Vehicle
Stras [P5521, Vol. 108]

theg pa chen poi mdo zab mo dgongs pa can

theg pa

theg pa

theg pa dang mthun pa {MSA}

gyi don rtogs pa rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}gambhra-mahynastrbhipryikrtha-vibodha realize the meaning
that has [Buddhas] thought with respect to the
profound Great Vehicle stra(s)
chen poi mdo shin tu rgyas pa bsdus pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mthun pa la yang dag par zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}sama-ynasaprasthita enter into a concordant vehicle;
engage in a concordant vehicle;7 {T} enter
correctly into a concordant vehicle {C}set out
in the same vehicle
ynnulomana concordant vehicle; concordant


with the vehicle

samprasthita one who has not taken up engaging

in the vehicle for a long time {C}one who has
but recently set out in the vehicle

theg pa gdags

pa rnam par gzhag pa {MSA}yna-prajaptivyavasthna remain in an imputed vehicle

theg pa la gsar du zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}
prathama-yna-saprasthita newly entered into
the vehicle; newly engaged in the vehicle {C}
one who has just set out in the vehicle

theg pa rnam pa gsum {MSA}

tri-vidha yna three aspects of the vehicle;
three types of vehicle

theg pa bag yod {MSA}

theg pa gsum {L,MSA}triyna;

ynpramatta conscientiousness with respect to

the vehicle

{MSA,MV}yna-traya three vehicles

Divisions: theg
dman/ rang rgyal gyi theg pa/ theg chen/ Div.:
(1) Hearer Vehicle (rvaka-yna); (2) Solitary
Realizer Vehicle (pratyekabuddha-yna); and (3)
Bodhisattva Vehicle (bodhisattva-yna)

theg pa bla na med pa {MSA}

anuttara-yna; {MV}ynnuttarya unsurpassed

vehicle; highest vehicle

theg pa mi khrugs

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs

{MSA}ynvikrya undisturbed vehicle;

theg pa gsum gang rung gi phags lam ma thob

pai gang zag thob/thob
thob thob thobs person who has not attained
the superiors of any among the three vehicles
[i.e., the Hearer Vehicle, Solitary Realizer
Vehicle, or the Bodhisattva Vehicle]

undisturbed with respect to the vehicle

theg pa dman pa {L,MSA,MV}

hnayna; {MSA}nihna-yna Lesser Vehicle;

Inferior Vehicle Small Vehicle

theg pa dman pas gro ba

{MSA}hnaynena yna; {MSA}hnayna-gamana

go by way of the Lesser Vehicle

theg pa gzhan {MSA}anya-yna other


theg pa rang lam

{PH}the vehicle

which is its own path

theg pa rang lam gyi bya ba

{PH}the activities of ones own path; [that is to

say;] vehicle

theg pa rang lam gyi mi

slob lam {PH}the path of no more learning of the

vehicle which is own its path

theg pa la mkhas pa {MV}ynakaualya wise with respect to the vehicle

theg pa la

zhugs nas yun ring por ma lon pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}acira-yna-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


theg pa

gsum char la tshul bzhin yid la byed pa {MSA}

triv api yneu yonio-manasikra mental
engagement in accordance with the three vehicles

theg pa gsum la rnam

par dgod pa dgod god bkod
god {C}yna-traya-avasthna set/establish in
the three vehicles {C}establishment in the triple

theg pai sgo kun las btus pa gsung

rab rin po chei mdzod bslab pa gsum legs par ston

pai bstan bcos shes bya kun khyab {GD:843}
Gong-drul-lo-dr-ta-yays (kong sprul blo gros
mtha yas) The Encyclopedia, a Treatise Compiled
from all Vehicles Excellently Teaching the Triple
Training, the Treasury of the Scriptures. New Delhi:
ata-piaka series LXXX (1970).


theg pai don mthong ba {MSA}

drtha-yna see the meaning of the vehicle

theg pai don ma mthong ba

ther zug ther zug gi dus {L}

ynnuttarya unsurpassed vehicle; highest


vata-kla; {NH} dhruva dhruva-kla; {L}

vatakla everlasting everlasting time

ther zug dus {L}vata-kla forever

ther zug pa vata forever; eternal
tho thor tshugs curling individually
tho ba hammer
tho tsham pa {L}vihehan attempt to

theg dman hnayna Lesser Vehicle;

Hnayna; Inferior Vehicle

theg dman gyi sbyor lam path

of preparation of the Lesser Vehicle

theg dman pa hnayna Lesser


theg dman phags rgyud

hurt; intent upon hurting

tho tsham pai bsam pas

continuum of a Lesser Vehicle Superior

theg dman yid byed

{C}vihehan-abhiprya; {L}vihehan {C}intent

on hurting; attempts to hurt

engagement of someone on the Lesser Vehicle

theg dman rigs nges

person who is] definite in the Lesser Vehicle lineage


theb/ thebs/ thebs/ a session or a time; plant;

establish lha dran thebs gcig
one session of being mindful of the deity{TGP}
skyed thebs res chog go one
time of generation is sufficient for each day{TGP}

tho rangs dawn

rangs de nyid la don gyi od gsal mngon du byas
nas having manifested the clear light during
that very dawn ...{TGP 60}


{PH}lightning Lightening
[means] electricity. Toh. 1793; comm. XIV.21


less than

ther ma

{PH}wool; serge-cloth
sa skya pa

thog kha upstairs

thog tu {PH}at the head of
thog tu babs bab

babs bab babs [top-on-fall]; descend on oneself;

befall one; befall oneself

thog tu bobs befall one; befall oneself

thog tu bab bab

rnams da dung yang ther ma smyug poi chos gos

sha stag gyon; Sakyapas still also only wear an
outer robe of brown wool. {GCC} p.14

ther zug {C}dhruva; {L}vata

babs bab babs descend on oneself; befall one;

befall oneself

everlasting eternalist views; C}eternal; stable;

steadfast gzhan
stong rtag brtan g.yung drung ther zug emptiness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

forever{S 33}7; everlasting time

forever; eternal

theg bla na med pa {MSA}

them pa tshang ba {C}anyna

ther zug gi dus {L}vata-kla

ther zug ther zug {L}vata

{MSA}adrtha-yna not see the meaning of

the vehicle


of the otherpermanent, stable, eternal, everlasting


thog thog

{PH}all about

[It is] an explanation all about the difficult

expressions for epithets of the Buddha, words for [a

Buddhas] qualities, and so forth. {Toh. 4347}

thog mtha {PH}beginning and end

thog mtha gnyis beginning and

snying rje compassion which is important at the


{PH}the beginning;

{PH}thunderbolt; flash

of lightening

thog ma {LCh,MV,MSA}di; {C}dita; {MV}

dya; {MV}dang tha ma med pa = anavargra
beginning; initial {C}from the beginning

thog ma dang tha ma med pa

thog mar blo

sbyong dgos pai bsam pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs thought in which
it is necessary initially to train the mind

thog mar med



{C}anavargra {C}without beginning and end

thog ma dang tha ma

med pa stong pa nyid {C}andyagra-nyat
{C}emptiness without beginning or end

thog ma dang

thog med asaga non-obstructed;

unobstructed; Asaga [p.n. of one of the

founders of the Yogcra or Mind-Only (sems
tsam, cittamtra) School]

thog med dus nas


beginningless time

thogs {LCh}pratigha; {MSA}vyhata (1)

bar dang tha mar dge ba {MSA}di-madhyaparyavasna-kalya virtue at the beginning,

middle, and end

obstacle; obstructiveness (2) hold up with the

hand; bear aloft

thog ma med pa {C}anavargra;

{MSA}andi [beginning-not-exist]; beginningless

{C}without beginning and end

thog ma med pa nas from

thogs bcas

coarse obstructions {YJD}

thogs bcas kyi gzugs med

absence of obstructive form

beginningless time

thogs pa {LCh}pratigha; {MSA}pratighta;

thog ma med pai dus nas

{C}pragrahaa (e.g.: dharmolka-pragrahaa);

{C}sajjati (=abhiniveate); dhara (1) obstacle;
obstructiveness (2) held up with the hand; borne
aloft; holding; contact; bump; resistance {C}
the carrying of; get stuck

{PH}since beginningless time

thog ma sems bskyed nas

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{C} prathama-cittotpdam updya initial mind
generation {C}from where they began with
the production of the thought of enlightenment;
beginning with the first thought of enlightenment;
on account of the (production of the) first thought
of enlightenment; from the (production of the) first
thought of enlightenm

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thog mar {C}di; {C}iras initially; at the

thog mar gal che bai

middle; and end

thog babs pa

di-buddha Initial Buddha; First Buddha

beginning {C}head; front (of a battle); et cetera;

beginning; from the beginning; first (of a list)


thog mtha bar

thog mai sangs rgyas {MSA}

thogs pa dang bcas pa {C}

sapratgha together with obstacles; with
obstacles {C}reacting

thogs pa ma mchis pa {C}

apratihata without obstacles; unobstructed



thogs med sku mched Asaga

{C}free from aversion; non-obstruction; not hostile

thogs pa mi mnga

and his brother [Vasubandhu]

mnga mnga mnga mnga {MSA}

thogs med pa {MSA}avyghta; {MSA}

apratihata; {MSA}avyghta; {MSA}avyhata

without obstacles; unobstructed

avyhata non-obstructed; unobstructed


thogs pa med {C}avight; {C}

reg gcig po bkag tsam gyi med dgag a nonaffirming negative which is the mere negation of
obstructive contact

avyghta unimpeded; without obstacles;

unobstructed {C}nowhere obstructed

thogs pa med pa {C}apratigha;

thod {PH}turban; crown; head-ornament

thod rgal brgal rgal

{L}apratigh; {L}apratighti; {MSA}avyghta;

{MSA}avyhata; {C}nighti (=mandatm
pdayati) non-obstructed; without obstacles;
unobstructed {C}non-reacting; non-resisting;
hold back; keep in check; suppress; {GD:701} not
limited by material obstacles

brgald rgold [skull-cross over]; leapover; leapover

thod rgyal {LCh}vyatikrntaka leap over

thod rgyal gyi snyoms jug

thogs pa med pai ye shes

{C}apratihata-jna unobstructed exalted
wisdom {C}unobstructed cognition

vyutkrntakasampatti leapover absorptions

thogs pa med pai sems {C}

nighti unobstructed mind {C}non-reacting;

non-resisting; hold back; keep in check; suppress

thogs pa med par {C}kua

thod rgyal gyi ting nge dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

avaskandhaka-samdhi meditative stabilization

of leap-over {C}the concentration which
represents the crowning assault

thod rgyal du {C}avaskandha leap-over

(=aka) unobstructedly {C}not faulty

thogs pai sgrib pa {MSA}

{C}crowning assault

thod pa {LCh}kapla skull

thon thon/ thond/

pratightvaraa obstruction of impededness;

obstructive afflictions

thogs par gyur ba {MSA}

thon/ thond/ to develop; produce; come out;

depart bcos
min gyi myong ba thon pa nas bzung ste ranging
from the point at which non-artificial experience is
developed{TGP 16}

pratihanyate become obstructed

thogs par byed pa {C}rpayati

obstruct {C}molest

thogs ma mchis pa {C}apratihata thon pa develop; produce; come out; depart

unobstructed {C}free from aversion
thon mi {PH}Thon-mi [Sabhota]
thogs ma med {C}apratihata
thob thob/thob thob
unobstructed {C}free from aversion
thob thobs {LCh,C}prpta; {LCh,MV}prpti;
thogs med {C}asaga non-obstructed;
{C}prpuanya; {C}prpnoti; {C}anuprputi;
unobstructed; Asaga [p.n. of one of the main
founders of the Yogcra or Cittamtra (sems
tsam, Mind-Only) School] {PH}unobstructed
{C}unattached; unhindered

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MV}anuprpta(vat); {MSA}prpnuvanti; {MSA,C}

lbhin; {C}labdha; {C}labhate; {C}pratilabhate;
{MV}(k): karoti; {MSA}yang dag thob = sametya


attain; obtain; get {C}to reach; attained (to);

reached; acquisition; gain; receive; apprehend;

recipient; shall have; one who gains; arrive at; taken
(hold of); obtained; gained; kept; seized upon
nyer thob near attainment
ma thob pa thob pai phyir du sgom pa
meditation for the sake of attaining that which one
has not yet attained

thob dka

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}kcchrvpya

difficult to obtain

thob gyur

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpta {C}

attained (to); reached

thob gyur nas

thob gyur

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpnoti; {C}
adhigamyasi will attain; will obtain {C}you
will attain to

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}prptit

attainment; obtainment

thob pa nyid du nus pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

akya-prptit able to attain

thob pa don dam

thob/thob thob thob thobs attainment-

thob pa mi nyams pai

sgom pa
bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms thob/thob thob
thob thobs meditation for the sake of the nondegeneration of what has been attained

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}aprptitva

non-attainment; not obtaining {C}indifference
to any kind of personal attainment

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}avpya; {C}
gamu having obtained; attaining {C}comes

thob pa yi

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpuy {C}
for the attainment

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}prpta ...

vihna obtain little; little attainment; attain the

thob nas

thob thob thobs {C}labdh having gained/
obtained/attained {C}having found/gained;
having obtained

thob thob thobs {LCh,C,MSA,MV}prpti; {C}

prptatva; {MSA}parypta; {L,MV}lbha; {MSA}
labdha; {C}pratilabdha; {C}pratilabdhi; {C}
pratilabhate; {C,MV,MSA}pratilambha; {C}
pratilambhit; {C}labhi (=labhate); {MSA}
upagata; {MSA}etya; {C}ruta; {GD:674}prpana
acquisition; attainment; to attain; obtainer
{C}has acquired; got back again; will receive;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob pa med pa

thob cing

thob pa

thob pa nyid

ultimate [i.e. nirva]; ultimate attainment

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpnoti having

attained; having obtained

thob nyams pa

acquires; find; receives; gains; regains; acquisition;

acquire; acquiring; to win; will win; gets; attain;
get; gain; heard; learning; listening; {GD:674}

thob pa la sgrib pa

thob pai khyad par

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}prptyvaraa obstruction to attainment

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

prpti-viea attribute of attainment

thob pai phan yon benefit attained

thob pai phyir ro
thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prptatva
for the sake of attaining

thob pai lam

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}pratilabdhamrga path of attainment


thob par bgyid pa

you should obtain/attain; one should obtain/

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}vhaka

attain {C}uphold; look for support in; catch hold

of; hangs on to; seek for rebirth (in/on); base rebirth

(=utpdako); {C}hraka obtain; attain {C}

bring about; nourisher; which nourishes

thob par gyur

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpnoti;

{C}anuprpuey; {C}bhavate; {C}labhate; {L}

adhigacchati; {C}sdayati; {C}pratilabhate; {C}
mukh-bhavati obtain; will obtain; attain; will
attain {C}becomes; gets; acquires; gains; attains;
arrive at; reach; would reach; finds; finds; keeps
present in his mind; comes face to face with

thob par gyur zhe

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpaey
{C}have an inclination to reach

thob par nges pai

rnam pa bsgom pa bsgom

sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}prpti-nicaykrabhvana cultivate the aspect of definite

thob par dod pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}harati;

{C}hrika; {MSA}prpaa; {MSA}lambhayati
(e.g.: aitya-lambhayati) give; cause to obtain
brings (about); nourisher; nurse; nourishes; that
which feeds

thob bya


thob thob thobs {MSA}adhigama; {MV}pti;

{MSA}gamana object of attainment {GD:385}

thob byed

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA,MV}prptavya;
{MSA}prpya; {MV}prpti object of attainment

thob par bya phyir

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpnoti
(=prputi = prpuoti = prpuanti = prpsyati
= prpsyate = prpuetum = prpuitva) attain;
obtain {C}gains; attains

thob ma thag tu

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}

saha-pratilambht; {C}saha-pratilambham
immediately/right/just after attaining {C}as
soon as it has been acquired

anuprptavanti attain; obtain {C}arrive at;


thob zin gong

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

prpya; {N}prpaya; {MV}prpti; {C}prpitavyo;

{MSA,MV}prptavya; {N}pratilambha object of
attainment{N} should be attained

thob par bya bai don dam

phel du gro bai phyir sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms meditation

for the sake of increasing what has already been



thol/ thold/

thol/ thold/ all at once (?)

pa thob/thob thob thob

thobs {MV}prpti-paramrtha ultimate that is
the object of attainment

thos {C}oti; {MSA}ruta; {L}ravana;

{MV}ru-; {MSA}vidita hear; Hearer; hearing;

learned (as in mang thos); listen {C}learn

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}adhylambate

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob par byed pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}prpita

{C}made to attain


thob par bya

thob par byao

thob bya mthar thug final object of

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}prptukma desire to obtain

thob par bya ba

thob par byas pa


thos sgrogs Hearer Proclaimer


thos stobs {MSA}ruta-bala power of

hearing to occur {T}

thos pa mang ba {MSA}bahu-rutatva


thos pa {LCh,L,MSA}ravaa; {C}rava;

much hearing

thos pa tsam {MSA}ruta-mtra(ka)

{C,MSA,MV}ruta; {MSA}rava; {MSA}rutatva;

{MSA}ruti; {MSA}rutya; {MSA}sarava
hearing; hear {C}understand; to hear; heard;
learning; listening

mere hearing

thos pa dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs grasp what is heard{S}

thos pa nyung ngu {MSA}alpa-ruta

little hearing; hear little

thos pa nyung ba {MSA)alpa-rutatva

little hearing; hear little

thos pa mnyam med las

byung byung byung byung

byung {MSA}asamaravodbhava arisen from
unequal hearing ? {T}

thos pa la goms pa {MSA}

rutbhysa meditate on what is heard; cultivate


thos pa las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {L}ruta-may;

{MSA}ruta-maya arisen from hearing practice

what is heard

thos pa las byung bai shes pa phun sum

thos pa dang mi ldan pa {C}

tshogs pai rten yin pa byung

byung byung byung {MSA}sapanna-rutamaya-jnrayatva is based on the collection of
consciousness that is arisen from hearing

arutv without hearing {C}untutored; one

who has learned nothing

thos pa dang bsam pa dang bsgom pa las

byung bai shes pa gsum byung

byung byung byung {MSA}tri ... jna ... rutacint-bhvan-maya three cognitions arisen
from hearing, thinking, and meditating

thos pa dang bsam

thos pai chos {MSA}ruta-dharma;

{MSA}ruta ... dharma doctrines that are heard

thos pai don sgra

ji bzhin ma yin pa {MV}ayathruta-rutrtha
{PH}non-literal meaning of what is heard


pa dang bsgoms pa {MSA}ruta-cint-bhvan

hearing, thinking, and meditating

pai don sgra ji bzhin ma yin par khong du chud pa

{MV}ayathruta-rutrthvabodha understand
what is the non-literal meaning of what is heard

thos pa dang bsam

pa dang bsgoms pa {MSA}ruta-cintita-bhvita
hearing, thinking, and meditating

thos pai lam du gyur ro

thos pa dang bsam pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

las byung ba byung byung

byung byung {MSA}ruta-cint-maya arisen
from hearing and thinking

ravaa-patham adhigacchati {C}reaches the ear

thos pa dpag tu med {MSA}ruta

... aprameya immeasurable hearing

thos pa byung bar byed pa

byung byung byung byung

{MSA}ruta vyutpdayanti (vy-ut pad) cause

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thos par gyur ba {C}ravaya(adhi)gacchati hear {C}reach the hearing

thos pas nyung ba {MV}alpa-rutatva

little hearing

thos byung

byung byung

byung byung rutamay arisen from hearing



thos ma thag tu {C}saha-ravaena;

{C}saha-ravaa-mtrea immediately/right/just
after hearing {C}when they merely heard

thos mang {MSA}bahu-ruta much

hearing; hear much

eternalism (vata-vda) and annihilationism

(uccheda-vda)] {C}duality of extremes; at
either end

mtha gnyis spangs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {C}

antadvaya-vivarjita abandon the two extremes

{C}he avoids the duality of the extremes

thos la brten nas {MSA}ruta

mtha gnyis mi rtog pa {C}

niritya in dependence upon hearing

thos la sogs pa {MSA}rutdi

anta-dvaya-ananugama not conceive the two

extremes {C}does not follow after the duality of

hearing and so forth

mtha {LCh,C,MSA,MV}anta; {C}paryanta;

{C}koi; {C}nih (e.g.: nih gacchati); {C}tra

extreme; limit; end; alternative; possibility{N}
{C}extremes; beginning; point; boundary; ultimate;
final; final conclusion; shore; edge; around

mtha klas {C}paryanta {C}limitless

mtha klas pa {MSA}paryanta

mtha gnyis la sbyor

bai gnyen po sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {MSA}anta-dvaynuyoga-pratipaka
antidote to connection with the two extremes

mtha rten supplemental

mtha thug pa {MSA}avasna final
mtha thug par {C}nih final;

mtha skor [end-round]; all round
mtha khob {C}pratyanta {PH}border mtha thug par gnas par {C}

rje btsun jam pai dbyangs dge

nih final state; final abode

country; barbarian land {C}outlying district

slong gi tshul du bsam bzhin du mtha khob du sku

skye bzhes par dug, The venerable Majur will
incarnate in a border land in accordance with his
intention in the form of a monk. {W23693} Mkhasgrub-rnam-thar-bsdus-pa, 2b.1

pratyanta-janapada {C}(beings in) the border


mtha dag don rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}

sakalrtha-bodha realize the entire meaning
{C}full complement

mtha dag tshang ba full

mtha gcig tu zhen pa


mtha drug tshig {Toh.1785}

ekntdhyavasya conceiving one-pointedly;

determining one-pointedly

sakoivykhy {PH}six delimiter explanations

mtha gcod rin po chei

mtha das passing beyond extremes

mtha dpyad analysis of the scope;

myu gu Precious Sprouts, a Final Analysis [of


investigation of the limits [of pervasion]; final

analysis (textbook)

dvaynta; i{C}ubhaynt the two extremes [of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}sakala; {MV}skalya; {C}nikhila [end-s];

all; entire {PH}all; entire

mtha dag pa {C}skalya all; entire

mtha khob kyi skye bo {C}

mtha gnyis {C,MV}anta-dvaya; {MV}

mtha dag {MSA}akhila; {MSA}ktsna;



mtha dpyod decisive analysis

mthar gyis bsgoms pa

commentary; decisive analysis; final analysis


mtha spangs pa

meditatively cultivate serially

mthar gyis

snyoms jug dgui bdag nyid entities of the nine

serial absorptions

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}anta-varjana

abandon extremes

mthar gyis gnas pai

mtha bral free from extremes

mtha ma {MV}paryanta final; end
mtha yas {MSA}ananta; {C}nntaka

snyoms jug anuprvavihra sam patti serial


mthar gyis

gnas pai snyoms par jug pa {C}anuprvavihra-sampatti {C}attainment of successive


[end-lacking]; infinite; limitless {C}endless

mtha yas pa {L,N}ananta limitless;

mthar gyis pa {C}anuprvika serial

limitless{N}; endless; infinite

mtha yas pa nyid pa {C}


mthar gyis pa yi bya ba {C}

anantat limitlessness {C}infinitude

mtha yas mu ma mchis

anuprva-kriy {C}gradual activity

mthar gyis pai bya ba serial

pa {C}ananta-aparyantat {C}endless and



mtha yas mu med la

mthar gyis sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {LCh}anuprvaprayoga serial training

mthar thug {C}Ananta-aparyanta-ania p.n. of

a Buddha

mtha las {C}atyantya from the

beyond extremes; limitless {C}endless; infinite

mthar chags {PH}series; order

mthar thug {C}pacima; paryanta [end-

stong pa nyid {C,MV}atyanta-nyat limitless

emptiness {C}infinite/absolute emptiness

mthar thug gi mkhyen pa final

extremes {C}free from the extremes

mtha las das {C}ananta passed

to-meet] final; complete {C}future; last; ending


mtha las das pa

exalted knower {PH}a final exalted knower

mthar thug gi sems tsam

mtha lus pa {L}nikhila all; entire

mthai sgom pa

final mind-only

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}paryavasnabhvan meditation on the extremes

mthar {MSA}anta; {MSA}ante end; extreme

beginning; edge

mthar gyis {C}anuprvaas



Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mthar thug

cing tu med pai chos dang ldan pa {C}aniha

(=ananta-aparyanta-aniha-dharma) {C}

mthar thug theg pa final vehicle

mthar thug pa {LCh,C,MSA,N}

paryanta; {C}pariniha; {MSA}nih; {MSA}

nih-gamana; {L,MSA}paryavasna [end-to-



mthar dzin pai lta ba

meet]; final; finality{N}; complete; completed

outlying district; border; limit; carry to the limit

gzung dzin bzung zungs {LCh}

mthar thug pa med pa nyid

antagrha-di view holding to an extreme

mthar dzin par lta ba

pa {C}parinihat {C}non-finality

mthar thug pai lam {MSA}

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}

antagrha-di view holding to an extreme

nih-mrga {MSA}(prayoga-darana-nihmrga ...) final path

mthar sa gyur

mthar thug par bya ba {MSA}

mthar phyin bring to completion; finish

mthar phyin pa {MSA}paryanta; {C}

mthas gtugs {C}paryavasna

mthing ril ngur pa


paryanta finish; complete; perfect {C}made

the grade; achieved the end

mthar byas pa {C}kta-paryanta

mthil {LCh}tala palm

mthu {LCh,MSA,L}prabhva; {MSA}

prabhvatas; {LCh,MSA,C}anubhva {C}

(=smarthya); {MSA}smarthya; {C,MSA}bala;
{MSA}balavatva; {MSA}prabala; {MSA}ddhika;
{MSA}akti; {MSA}sthman power; force {C}
strong; exalted; mighty; powerful; might

mthu skyes {C}*puruakra (= skyes bui

finish; complete; perfect {C}made the grade;

achieved the end

mthar dbyung


winged duck

of completion

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}kta-


end; terminus; limit

paramo-gati-gato [to-end-go]; brought to

completion; finish; complete; perfect; reach to
the limit {C}has gone as far as one can go

mthar phyin par bgyis pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}bhmi-paryavasnam

... bhavati {C}come to an end on the ground

nih-gamana become final; finalize

mthar phyin pai lam

mthu) {PH}strength


byin phyung phyungs will complete [future tense

of complete]

mthu grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {MSA}
prabhva-siddhi achieve power

mthar byin par byed

mthu can {MSA}prabala powerful

mthu chung ngu {C}alpa-sthma little

mthar mi byed pa {MV}antkaraa

mthu chung ba {C}alpa-sthma little

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}

power; weak {C}weakling; has no strength; little


vyantkaroti complete {C}seeks deliverance

from; make an end to

power; weak {C}weakling; has no strength; little


not complete; not finish

mthar mdzad [to end-do]; end; finish;

mthu che {MSA}prabhva-mahat great

put an end to

mthar mdzod end; finish; put an end to

mthar dzin lta ba {PH}view


mthu che ba {C}mah-arthika great

power {C}greatly profitable

holding to an extreme

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mthu chen ldan pa {C}mah-

anubhva great power {C}one of great might;
something of great might

mthu chen po {L}mah-prabhva; {MSA}

mah-ddhika great power

mthu ji lta ba {C}yath-sthmam


mos mos mos {MSA}prabhvdhimukti belief/
faith/interest/inclined towards/zeal in power

mthud series
mthud pai shes pai rgyun
continuum of consciousness which is a series

according to their strength

mthu stobs {C}prabhva; {C}prabhav

mthun {C}anukla; akti concordance;

powerful; power {C}exalted; mighty; brought


mthu thob pa

mthu la mos pa

favorable; concordant; agree; accord with;

agreement; harmony (as in harmonies with
enlightenment) {C}power

mthun rkyen [concordant-cause];

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}akti-lbha

obtain power

favorable condition; concordant condition;

concordant circumstances; conducive conditions

mthu thob pa yid la byed pa

mthun pa {LCh,MSA,MV}anukla; {MSA}

thob/thob thob thob

thobs {MSA}akti-darana-manaskra mental
concentration on obtaining power

mthu thob pa yongs su

smin pa {MSA}balavattva-pratilambha-paripka
ripenning of the attainment of power {T}

nuklya; {C,MSA}pratirpa; {MSA}anurpa;

{L}samdna; {L}pradakia; {MSA}anu (e.g.:
anvartha-nman); {MSA}nulomika; {MSA}
tulya; {MV}tulyat; {MSA}samna condordant;
concordant {C}fitting; proper; seemly; agree;
accord; to the right; curl to the right

mthu dang ldan pa {MSA}sthma-vat mthun pa nyid {C,MSA}anuklat


concordance {C}make conform to

mthu rnam pa bzhi {MSA}catur-

mthun pa yi ni chos spyod

do spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}anudharma carati practice concordant

vidhnubhva four aspects of power

mthu phul du byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

prabhvotkara increase the majesty of power

mthun pai chos {MSA}anukla

mthu phul du byung ba gong nas gong du

... dharma; {MSA}anudharma concordant

doctrines; concordant phenomena

mthun pai don dam concordant

phel ba thob pai khyad par

thob/thob thob thob thobs the feature
of increasing the majesty of power higher and
higher{PGP 78}


mthun pai yang dag *samyak

mthu med pa {MV}nismarthya

sadtnta correct similar example

mthun pai yul du gnas pa


mthu yi mtshan nyid

{MSA}pratirpa-dea-vsa abide in a concordant


rnam par dbye ba {MSA}prabhva-lakaavibhga divide the characteristic of power

mthun pai yul na gnas

staying in an agreeable place

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mthun pai yul na gnas pa

staying in an agreeable place

mthun pai lam mnga ba

mnga mnga mnga mnga {C}

pradakia-mrga {C}one whose path is worthy

of respect

mthun pai lam spyad pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

spyad spyod {MSA}anucara (e.g.: vibhutvnucara)

concordant practice

mthun phyogs {LCh}sapaka similar


mthun phyogs la yod pa

sapaka-sattva existing in the similar class

mthun bya session

mthun mong

anurpa-mrga-caraa practice a concordant


pai ma nges pai gtan tshigs common indefinite


mthun par khor ro {C}

anuparivartate concordant circling {C}revolve


mthun tshig {MSA}samnat-pada

concordant words

mthun par gro zhing {C}

mthui skabs {MSA}prabhvdhikra

mthun par dong ngo {C}

pa {MSA}prabhva-viea-yoga having the

distinction of power

anugacchati {C}follow; conform to; regain;

follow after; approach; emulate; arive (at); pursue;
follow up

occasion of power

mthui khyad par dang ldan

mthus {C}anubhva (=smarthya) power

anugacchati {C}follow; conform to; regain;

follow after; approach; emulate; arive (at); pursue;
follow up


mthe bong

par byas pa yin; dang mthun par byas pa yin
{MV}anulomito bhavati is concordant; make
concordant (with)


mtheg chen gyi sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

mthun par smrag yur {C}

Great Vehicle achiever


apratikla-bh {C}brought into harmony with

mthun par dzin pa


gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}anulomatva

{C}conforms to

mtheb/ the bo/

mthun par zhugs na

mthe bong / the bo/

mtheu chung
little finger{VM}

mdzub chung /

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}anupravia

mtho {C}tuga high; elevated


mtho gling To-ling Monastery (in the

{C}entered into; enter together with

mthun dpe {LCh}sadnta similar

sadnta correct similar example

spyad spyod

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



two spans

central Himalayas near Mount Kailash)

mthun dpe yang dag samyak mthun spyod

{C}prominent; superior


mtho po high; tall

mtho ba {C}unnata; {C}uccatva; {C}

samutsada high {C}protruberance; superiority;

mtho med pa {C}anunnata not high

{C}not higher

durlabha-darana ... muni subduer of what is

difficult to see

mthong grol

{PH}liberation through

being seen

mtho dma {PH}higher [and] lower

mthong grol sku {PH}body [which]
liberates [merely through] being seen
mtho btsams; mtho mtshams
mthong gyur phyir {C}vkiran
malevolence; evil intent
{C}have been able to behold
mtho brtsegs [high-pile]; piled on top
mthong rgya che chung greater and
of; pile on top of
lesser vision
mtho ris {LCh,C,MSA}svarga [high mthong chos la in this lifetime
region]; high estate [lives of humans and gods];
heaven(s); areas of high status; high states
mthong nyid las from just
{C}life in the heavens; {GD:747} [rebirth in] a

fortunate condition

mthong ste {C}dryate seeing; perceiving

mtho ris kyi phun tshogs

{C}is seen; has appeared; has seen

wonderful features of high states

mtho ris kyi yon tan bdun

seven good qualities of exalted status

mtho ris su skye ba {C}svargopapatti

mthong thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}diprpta {C}

one who has attained correct views

rebirth in high estate; {C}rebirth in heaven

mthong nas {C}darin having seen;

svargopapattaye cause of rebirth in a high state/

heaven {C}something that conduces to rebirth in
heaven/high estate

mthong spang nyon mongs

{MSA}svargopapdana be born in a lifetime of

high status


mtho ris su skye bai rgyu {C}

mtho ris su skye bar byed pa

mthong {C,MV}darana; {MSA}dya; {MV}

spang nyon mongs brgya dang bcu gnyis {PH}

one hundred and twelve afflictions that are to be
abandoned by the path of seeing

bcu {PH}ten afflictions that are to be abandoned

by the path of seeing

mthong spang shes sgrib

{PH}obstructions to omniscience that are to be

abandoned by the path of seeing

mthong ka chen po {L}mahnla a

mthong spang shes

blue gem of great value; celestial gem

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}afflictions that are to be abandoned by the path

of seeing

mthong spang nyon mongs

darin; {C}daranu (e.g.: saha daranenaiva);

{C}payati; {MSA}payan; {MSA}prapayati;
{C}kate; {C}viditv to see; to perceive {C}
sight; exhibit; visible; act of seeing; seeing; vision;
exhibition; surveys; view; have understood;
convinced; having known; having seen/noticed

mthong dkai thub pa {MSA}

having perceived {C}spectator; one who can

demonstrate; one who sees; beholding

sgrib brgya dang brgyad {PH}one hundred and

eight obstructions to omniscience that are to be


abandoned by the path of seeing

mthong ba {C}payati; {MV}pa-; {MSA}

payat; {C,MV,MSA}darana; {MSA,MV}di;

{MSA}(nir k): nirkate; {MSA}sadarana;
daranam to perceive; to see; perception; seeing

mthong ba dang bcas pa {C}

sanidarana; {C}samanupayat {C}visible; with

perceptible attributes; definable; reviewing

mthong ba dang thos pa dang bye brag phyed

pa dang rnam par shes pa dang {C}da-rutamata-vijta seen, heard, distinguished, and

mthong bai chos la byung bar gyur ba dang

rjes su mthun pa byung byung
byung byung {C}da-dharma-savartanya
{C}(the karma) which led him to this experience in
his present life

mthong bai rnam pa bsgom

pa bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms {MSA}darankra-bhvana meditate on
the aspects of what is seen

mthong bai spangs bya

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

di-hyin object of abandonment of seeing

mthong ba po {C}payaka; {C}apayaka mthong bai dbang gis {MSA}

darana-vat by the power of seeing

{C}one who sees

mthong ba po

nas rnam par shes pa poi bar {MSA}dra yvad

vijt ranging from one who sees up to one
who cognizes {T}

mthong ba ma lags pa {C}

mthong bai lam {C,MSA,MV}

darana-mrga; {C}d-mrga path of seeing

mthong bai sa {C}darana-bhmi

ground of seeing

mthong bar dka {C}durda

apayamna not seeing {C}which cannot be


difficult to see {C}hard to see

mthong ba med pa {C}apayaka not mthong bar dka ba {L}durda;

{C}durdya difficult to see

seen; not perceived {C}imperceptible; not to be


mthong bar gyur ro {C}daranam

mthong ba tsam gyis {MSA}

gacchati see; perceive; will see {C}come to

be seen

darana-mtrt; {MSA}da-mtrt from just


mthong bar nye bar gro {C}

mthong ba yi chos la zhi {C}

daranam upaiti come to be seen {C}can be

seen (with na: med do)

da-dharma-ama pacified in this lifetime

{C}appeased in this very life

mthong ba rab dag {MSA}viuddhadarana very pure seeing

mthong ba la sogs {C}da-di

upaiti-daranam comes to be seen {C}admits

of being seen

mthong bas grol ba


liberation through being seen

views and so forth {C}false views

mthong bas

mthong bai chos {MSA}da-

spang bar bya bai nyon mongs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}daranaprahtavya ... klea; {MSA}darana-heya-klea

dharma seen phenomena; phenomena that are


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mthong bar nye bar groo {C}



skad cig gnyis pa

afflictions that are the objects of abandonment

by seeing

mthong bas spang byai

mthong lam bar chad

nyon mongs spang spong

spangs spongs {MSA}darana-heya ... klea
afflictions that are the objects of abandonment
by seeing

med lam uninterrupted path of seeing {PH}

uninterrupted path of a path of seeing


mthong byed {TN}dk seen

mthong ma thag tu {C}daana

lam bar chad med lam skad cig gnyis pa the

second moment of an uninterrupted path of a
path of seeing

mthong lam rtse sbyor

immediately/right/just after seeing {C}

marvellous power

mthong ma ma lags pa {C}

daranamrgamrdhaprayoga path-of-seeing
peak training/ peak training of the path of seeing

mthong lam bzod pa brgyad

apayamna not seeing {C}which cannot be


mthong zhes bya {C}darana-khya

{PH}the eight forbearances of a path of seeing

seeing {C}path of vision

mthong bzhin du {C}payann eva; {C}

payan in accordance with what is seen {C}
seeing; knows what he does

mthong lam {LCh}darana-mrga path

of seeing
mtshan nyid/ bden pa mngon rtogs Def.: clear
realization of truth


lam shes bzod skad cig ma bcu drug po {PH}the

sixteen moments of forbearance and knowledge of
the path of seeing

mthon {MSA}unnata come out; depart

mthon ka chen po mahnla a blue
gem of great value; celestial gem

mthon mthing {C}nla dark blue

mthong lam rjes thob

sapphire {C}blue; black-blue

mthon par gyur ba

ye shes {PH}exalted wisdom of subsequent

attainment of a path of seeing

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C} udgacchati

mthong lam mnyam

bzhag ye shes {PH}exalted wisdom of meditative

equipoise of the path of seeing

mthong lam rnam grol lam

(=abhyudgacchati) {C}be elevated above; be

lifted up

mthon par jug ste {C}

anuparivartate {C}revolve around

mthon po high level (?)

{PH}path of release of a path of seeing

{PH}high [level
of]; high; elevated; rarified
rdzogs rim mthon por song bai skabs at
a time when one has passed to a high level of the
stage of completion {TGP 14}

mthong lam

rnam par mi rtog pai ye shes {PH}nonconceptual exalted wisdom of the path of seeing

mthong lam pai rgyud

kyi mkhyen pa mkhyen

mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend exalted knower in the
continuum of a person on the path of seeing

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}the second



mthon por {C}tuga

prominent; superior


mthon dman {MSA}natonnata high and

adhikaraa; {C}kalahati fight; quarrel; dispute
{C}conflict; battle


thad {C}upapatti correct; acceptable;

feasible; feasibility {C}(place of) rebirth; genesis

thad sgrub kyi rigs pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

upapattisdhanayukti logical reasoning;
reasoning which establishes correctness;
reaoning(s) of logical proof

should fight; one should quarrel {C}have a

fight with

thab bral yma Land Without Combat

thab mo {C}kalaha fight; quarrel;
dispute {C}fighting; strife

thad ldan prama-vinicaya-k

thab slai rgyal po {C}pratirjan

Dharmottaras The Correct, Commentary

on (Dharmakrtis) Ascertainment of Valid
Cognition (prama-vinicaya), P. 5727, vol.

{C}hostile king

thas sgrub kyi rigs pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

thad pa {LCh,MSA}upapatti; {N}

reasoning which establishes correctness (?)

upapadyate; {MSA}ratha (e.g.: manoratha);

{MSA}yid du thad pa = manoram acceptable;
feasible; correct; feasibility {PH}correct
reasonings; correctness; feasibility
reasoning that establishes correctness ...
{MV} upapatti-sdhana-yukti

thad pa sgrub pai rigs pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{MV}upapatti-sdhana-yukti reasoning which

establishes correctness; reasonings of logical


thas pa obstructive [quality of earth (sa)]

thibs covered; darkened
thug po thick; dense; strong
thung btung /
thung / btungs/ thungs/ to drink

thun pa gather (?)

theng po {C}kui; {C}laga


withered arm or hand; limping; lame


thad pa dang sgrub

pai rigs pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}upapatti-sdhana-yukti
reasoning which establishes correctness;
reasonings of logical proof

thad par sgrub

thab par byao {C}yodhayati you

thon/ thond/

thon/ thond/ {C}samudgata {C}originate


thob/thob thob

thob thobs {C}labhate; {MSA}lbha; {C}gata

(e.g.: stra-gata); {C}eti (=ete); {MSA}avpta;
{MV}pti; {MV}anuprp- get; attain; will get;
will attain [future of thob] {C}gain; receive;
apprehend; come back; reach; handed down (in
stras); comes; has arrived

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs establishing


thad pas sgrub pai rigs

pa reasoning through the forceful power of
facts; reasoning of tenable proof

thob gyur te

{C}fighting; strife

thob dod kyi dad pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}labhyate get;

attain; will get {C}can be apprehended; is seized

thab {C}kalaha fight; quarrel; dispute

thab pa {C}vigraha; {C}vigrah; {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob/thob thob thob thobs

aspiring faith; faith that is a wish to attain



da {LCh}idnm; {C}adya now; presently;

thob dod kyi dun pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs

nowadays {C}then; today

aspiration which is a wish to attain

thob dod pai dad pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs

*abhilaraddh faith that is a wish to attain

thob pa



thob thob thobs {C}labhate; {MSA,MV}lbha;

{C}adhigama; {C}pti; {C,MV}prpti; {MV}
saprpti; {MSA,MV}pratilambha will get; will
attain; get; attain [future of thob] {C}will
reach; obtain; reach; winning; attainment

da du ra dhattra

{GD:168} a
hallucinogen, the plant: datura metel L.

anubudhyate will get; will attain {C}


thob par gyur ba

thob/thob thob thob thobs {L}

pratilabhante; {MSA}prpti get; attain acquire;

receive; gain; find

thob par byed do

thob/thob thob thob thobs {L}

pratilabhante get; attain acquire; receive; gain;


thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}updayati

(?) get; attain {C}acquire; receive; gain; find;

take hold of


thoms/ thom/ thoms/ to be confused

thor/ thor/ thor/

thord/ separate; scatter

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung byung {C}pratyupanna

{C}in the present

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}


da ltar byung bar

prpti-kraa creative cause of attainment

thom pa

da lta ba now; present; nowadays

da ltar {C}ete hi; {C}pratyutpanna; {MSA}
byung byung byung byung {C,MSA,MV}
pratyutpanna {C}present

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}

thob par byed pa

nowadays {C}even now

da ltar byung ba

nyid thob/thob thob

thob thobs {MV}saprptau pratantrya
other-powered attainment

thob par gyur

da lta {C}etarahi present; now; presently;

adhuna present; now; presently {C}already

thob pa gzhan gyi dbang

thob pai byed rgyu

padma dkar {PH}white lotus

padma rgyas pa {PH}fully-blossomed


da dung still; still more

da drag hidden da {T}
da gdod still again; still
da ni {MV}idnm now; presently; nowadays
da res nowadays; at present
padma sam bha wa {PH}

padma sa bha wa



dwa ba a white tuber, like a potato, which has

a long stalk with a yellow flower at the top


dag dag
dag dag gam dags/ {MV,MSA}viuddha; {C}
uddhatva; {MSA}viuddhi; {MSA}uddha; {MSA}
uddhi; {MSA}uddh (1) to purify; to clean; (2)
plural marker {C}purity


dag gos {PH}metal garment

dag gyur pa {MSA}uddhim gat

dag pa rab byams endless

purity {PH}all-encompassing purity

dag pai kun rdzob

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs pure

become pure

dag rgyu to be corrected/purified; that


dag pai gos {PH}metal garment

dag pai bdag thob

which is to be corrected/purified

dag sgrig pa


two boys

dag cig some

dag cig zhugs pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

uddhtma-lbhitva attainment of a pure nature

dag byis purify (?)

dag ma dag pure and impure; purity

zhug jug zhugs zhugs firmly established


dag che ba

and impurity{BJ 6.3}

{PH}great purity;

exceptionally pure

dag mnyam chen po great equality

of purity

dag dang {C}srdham

{C}with; together


dag dang ma dag min {MV}

uddh uddh na neither pure nor impure

dag pa {LCh,C,MSA}uddha; {C}pariuddha;

{C}uddhaka; {C,MV,MSA}uddhi; {MSA}viuddhi;
{MSA}uddh; {C}uci pure; lacking; free of;
devoid of; pure of; clear; correct {C}pure;
clean clear; bright; one who is pure; purification

dag pa jug pa {MSA}uddhi-viana

dag pa nyid {C}uddhatva; {C}uddhat

pratisayukta together with {C}conjoined;

associated (with); connected

dang bcas par {C}samagra together

with {C}all the

dang thabs cig go all together

dang mthun pa {C}pratirpa in
adhivsayet voluntarily assume

dag pa pha rol gro {MSA}

dang du mi len {MSA}anadhivsan

viuddhi-praga become perfectly pure

dag pa ma yin {MSA}na uddh not

not voluntarily assume; involuntary assume

pure; impure

dang du len {MSA}(adhi vas):

adhivsayati; adhivsayet voluntarily assume

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd uddhi ... prabala

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dang bcas pa {L}sayukta; {L}

dang du blang bya {MSA}(adhi vas):


become completely pure

{C}atha; {C}srdham and; or; with {C}but;

moreover; however; together with

accordance; agreeable {C}fitting; proper;


(sic) enter into purity

dag pa rab gyur

dag zhing ketrauddhi pure land

dag sa pure ground
dang {C}ca; {MSA}prasanna; {MSA}prasda;


dang du len pa {LCh}adhiseveti; {MSA}

adhivsa; {MSA}adhivsaka; {MSA}adhivsan
to voluntarily assume


dang dra ba similar

dang dra bai {C}pratirpaka (=

dang po bai sa ground of beginner

dang po sbyor ba sbyar

v-mtrea bodhisattva-cary-abhyupagamd)
which is similar {C}fake; which resembles

sbyor sbyard sbyord initial joining

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}sa;

{C}sasa {C}mixed with

dang po bzhi {PH}the first four

dang po la gnyis te with respect to

(=prdurbhavanti); {C}sahayukta (=pratisayukta)

with; having; connected with; endowed with
{C}are brought along; are assembled; come forth;

dang po gsum {PH}the first three

dang poi pai sa {C}dhikarmika-

dang dres pa

the first there are two [parts, divisions, etc]; {T}

the first has two [parts]

dang ldan {C}samgamati

dang ldan gyur {C}uyukta with;

having; connected with; endowed with {C}well

joined (together)

dang ldan pa {C}samanvgata; {C}

bhmi ground of a beginner

dang poi las {C}dikarma



dang poi las can {C}dhikarmaka


dang poi sangs rgyas original

saprayukta; {C}pratisayukta; {C}samyukta;

{C}sahagata; {C}prayujyamna with; having;
connected with; endowed with {C}endowed
with; intent on; joined to; associated (with);
connected; entrusted to; accompanied by; engaged
in effort


dang por initially{BJ 28.2}; first; at the


dang pa {C} prmodya (=yuddhat cittasya

ity ram = hara-viea) {C}elation; rejoicing

dang po {C, MV}dya; {MSA}di;

{LCh,MSA,MV,C}prathama; {MV}prathamam
first {C}at first; from the beginning

dang po kho na nas brtsams

pa {MSA}dita evrabdha() from just the first

dang por skye ba {MSA}dya utpda

originally produced

dang por re zhig at the beginning,

first of all

dang ba {MSA}prasanna; {MSA}prasda; {C}

dang bar gyur te = prasdhayati (=adho nayet)
clear; pure {C}clears up

dang ba nyid {MSA}acchat purity;

dang po lnga {PH}the first five
dang po nyid {ntideva} {PH}the very dang ba rab {MSA}prasda (suprasda)
completely pure; completely clear


dang bai dad pa faith of clear

dang po ltar na in the first case ...{BJ



dang bai shugs {MSA}prasda-vega

dang po dang og {MV}prathama-

force of purity; force of clarity

dvitya first and second

dang po ba dhikarmika beginner

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dang bar gyur te

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}prasdhayati


dwangs cha factor of subjective clarity

dang bral free of; devoid of
dwangs ma (1) main; (2) clear
dang bral ba {C}apagata; {C}vigata; {C}
vigatatva; {C}vimukta free of; devoid of {C}all dad rten {PH}relics
gone; vanished; separated; freed from; emancipated; dad stobs {PH}great faith
free from; freed; separated; has departed
dad thob thob/thob
dang bral ba gyur pa {C}apagata;
thob thob thobs {C}raddh-prpta {C}one
(=adho nayeti) clarify; purify {C}clears up

{C}vimukta free of; devoid of {C}all gone;

vanished; separated; freed from; emancipation

who has attained faith

dad dang dun la brten pa

dang bral bar {C}avagama free of;

{MSA}raddh-cchanda-pratihita depend upon

faith and aspiration

devoid of {C}absence

dang sbrags nas in conjunction

dad ldan {MSA}rddha having faith;

with; together with


dang tshung ldan accompanies

dang len {MSA}adhivsa to voluntarily

dad pa {C,MSA,MV}raddha; {MSA}


dang sems dang ldan pa {MSA}

prasanna-citta pure mind; clear mind

dang lhan cig rtsod par byao

{C}srdha veditavyam {C}put on

dang lhan cig mtshungs

par bya bar {C}(srddha) samkaroti {C}
considers equal to

dang lhan cig

dad pa skyed par byed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

raddhys ... avaropat (or: avaropaa)

produce faith

mtshungs par bya bar {C}srdha samkaroti

{C}consider equal to

dad pa bskyed nas

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}prasda

dwang cha factor of subjective clarity

dvang bai dad pa;

janayitv having produced faith

dad pa can

dad pa

dang bai dad pa *prasdaraddh faith of


dangs pa {MSA}prasdita clear; pure

dangs pa nyid {MSA}acchat clarity;

can ga zhig gis gzhung cha tshang re rei nas

zhog gu re tsam brkus; Some of the faithful have
even stolen a few pages from each complete text.
{GCG} p.17


dad pa thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}prasda-lbha
obtain faith

dwangs {LCh}prasanna clear; pure;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

raddadhna; {MSA,MV}raddh; {C}

raddadhnat; {C,MSA}prasda {C}
(=abhisampratyaya-darand abhivardhamnaradda = buddha-dharma-sagha-aya =
guavattva-darand bhakti-viea); {MSA}
bhakti; {MSA}ruci; {C}astitvena-abhisapr
faith; devotion {C}serenity; serene faith; serene
confidence; serene belief; trust; confidence; faithful



dad pa dag {C}rddha pure faith;

prasdati have faith

faithful {C}full of faith; believing

dad pa dang dga ba

non-faith; unfaithful {C}non-believing

dang bloi rgyu {MSA}bhakti-tui-buddhi-hetutva

cause of faith, happiness, and knowledge

dad pa dang ldan pa {C}rddha

having faith; faithful {C}full of faith; believing

dad pa mang ba raddha-bahula

dad pa yid la byed pa {MSA}

{MSA}prasda-paripka thoroughly mature

tight; firm; excellent; holy; (3) promise {PH}

excellent; holy; promise; vow


dam bca ba {MV,MSA}pratij

dad pa la

thesis; promise; Defender

sogs pa dge bai chos su snang ba

snang snang snang snang {MSA}raddhdikuala-dharmbhsa appear as virtuous
qualities, faith and so forth

dam bca bai blo awareness which


dad pa la sogs pai rnam

pa {MSA}raddhdy-kra aspects of faith and

so forth

dad pai rjes su brang

dam bca tsam mere thesis{LG 30.5}

{PH}mere thesis
[Your argument] is exhausted as a mere thesis that
lacks a proof. {LG 30.4}

dam bcas {C}pratij thesis; promise


bai sa la {C}raddh-anusri-bhmi {C}

ground/stage of a Faith-follower

dam bcas pa {MSA}pratijatva thesis;

dad pai dbang po {MSA}


dam chos {LCh,C,MSA}sad-dharma the

raddhendriya faculty of faith

dad pai sa raddha-bhmi ground of

excellent doctrine; Buddhism

dam chos bsgrub par bya ba


bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{C}full of

{MSA}saddharma-pratipatti follow the excellent


faith; believing

dam chos cher gzung


you have faith!

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}saddharma-mah-parigraha apprehend the excellent

doctrine as great

dad par gyur pa {MV}raddadhna

have faith

dam chos yun ring gnas pa

{MSA}sad-dharmasya sthitir drgh abide in the

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}(pra sad):

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dam v (1) or; and; question particle; (2)

dam bca {LCh}pratij thesis; promise

dam bca rnal ma {PH}genuine

dad pa yongs su smin pa

dad par gyur

faith; unfaithful {C}unattached; non-attached

deity who has promised to defend Buddhism

ruci-manaskra mental contemplation of faith

dad par gyis {C}raddadhata

dad ma yin {C}asakta; arddha non-

dam can [promise-having]; name of a

much faith

dad par {C}rddha faithful

dad par med par {C}arddha



dam pai chos

excellent doctrine for a long time

dam chos legs gzhag pa

dran pa nye bar gzhag pa {PH}Application of

Mindfulness of the True Dharma [Stra]

{MSA}sudharma-suvyavastha well established in

the excellent doctrine

dam pai

dam pa {LCh,C}vara; {C}pravara; {C}

chos ma yin pa yongs su dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}asaddharma-

uttama; {LCh,C,MSA,MV}parama; {MSA}para;

{MSA}paramata; {C}agra; {C}reha; {C}sat;
{C}sra (=pradhna); {C}pradhna excellent;
ultimate; highest {C}highest; best; supreme;
unsurpassed; utmost; finest; very fine; excellent;
highly; exceedingly; completely; foremost; most;
farthest; most excellent; top; beginning; boon;
choicest; supreme; a person of authority core;
substance; of substantial excell

parigrhaka apprehend what is not the excellent

doctrine {C}one who upholds what is not true

dam pai chos dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

sad-dharmasya dhraa() apprehend what is

not the excellent doctrine

dam pa ma yin pai chos asat- dam pai chos

yun ring du gnas par bya ba {C}(saddharma)

cira-sthiti-hetor make the excellent doctrine
abide for a long time {C}so that it may last long

dharma false doctrine

dam pa ma

yin pai chos yongs su dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}asaddharmaparigrha apprehend what is not the excellent
doctrine {C}takes hold of what is not true

dam pa min

dam pai don {C,MSA,MV}parama-

artha; paramasyrtha object of the highest

[wisdom]; object of the ultimate; ultimate truth;
ultimate object {C}highest truth; other truth

dam pai don du {C}paramrthena


as the ultimate; in terms of the ultimate truth;

ultimately {C}from the standpoint of highest
truth; in ultimate reality


dam pa yin pa {C}paramatva

dam pai don du yod exists

excellence {C}supreme

dam pa yin pa {C}paramatva



sat-dharma excellent doctrine{N}; true doctrine

dam pai don ni grub pa

chos kyang yun ring du gnas par gyur {MSA}

cira-sthitiko bhavati (sad-dharma ca-) abide also
in the excellent doctrine for a long time

dam pai legs bshad

being excellence

dam pai chos {C,MSA,N}saddharma;

dam pai
dam pai chos jig

grubs {MSA}nipanna-paramrtha establish the

ultimate truth

good explanations of excellent [beings]

dam par sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MV}param

pratipatti establish as ultimate; ultimately

pai dus kyi tshe {C}saddharmasya-antardhnakla-samaya the time of the disintegration of

the excellent doctrine {C}the period when true
Dharma disappears

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

grub grub grubs/grub


dam po {MSA}gha tight; firm

dam por byed par {C}gh-karoti


dam sbring nge ba tightly; tenaciously

dam sbring sbring tightly; tenaciously
dam tshig {LCh,C}samaya [promise-

word]; promise; pledge; vow {PH}commitment;

dam tshig sdom pa gnyis ngo bo gcig ldog pa tha
dad the two, promise and vow, are one entity and
different isolates

dam tshig gi phyag rgya {LCh}

continuum]; river


dam tshig can [promise-word-

having]; one who has a promise {PH}holder of


dam tshig pa samaya-sattva

dal ba {LCh,C,MSA}kaa; {MSA}ithila

leisure {C}moment; instant; rebirth at an
auspicious moment

the wish to extract the essence with respect to

leisure{MSI 514}

dal bar skye ba {MSA}kaopapatti


produce leisure; produce in a moment

dal bus gently; quietly; gradually

dal byor {LCh}kaa-sapad;


samayasattva; commitment-being


kaasampad leisure and fortune

dal byor gyi skor rnams


dam sri gnome spirit

pad mai ngang tshul

bsgom bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms meditate on the topics of leisure and

one who is] the nature of the Lotus [epith. of

dal byor bco brgyad

dar/ dar/ dard/ dard/


eighteen leisures and fortunes

spread; disseminate {PH}silk

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

eight leisures and ten fortunes

dal ba la snying po len dod

dam tshig dpa {PH}samayasattva

dam tshig phyag rgya {PH}



pa dag mthong nas {C}ka ca virgayata

payati {C}he sees that they have again lost the
fortunate rebirth

[promise-word-having]; pledge being; one

who has a promise (e.g. a tantric practitioner);
pledge-being; symbolic being {PH}holder of
commitments [e.g. a tantric practitioner]

dam tshig slob dpon

dal brgyad byor bcu

dal ba chud gson

pure commitments

dam tshig sems dpa

dar dbyangs silk-ribbon {VM}

dar yol {PH}adulthood
dal kaa leisure
dal gyis bab {BCA} mandkin
dal groi rgyun [gently-going-


dam tshig rnam dag pa

spread; dissemination {PH}whole plant

{PH}Mandkin [Lake]

samaya-mudr pledge seal

dam tshig sgrol ma

dar gyi na bza {PH}silk clothing

dar rgyas gling Dar-gyay-ling
dar ba {MSA}vardhamna; {MSA}vddhi


dal byor rten

{PH}leisure and fortune


dal yams {PH}plague; epidemic

dig pa {C}lolla {C}tremulous
du {C}kati accusative, adverbial accusative,

du ma zhig many; plural

manifold There
is also happiness for many sentient beings.

du ma ro gcig pa many-one
du mai ngo bo {C}aneka-rpa many

dative, and locative particle: to; in; as; -ly; at;

many; plural {C}how many?; some; several

du kha med pa

entities {C}in great variety; different in form;

one of the many

{PH}one who is

du zhig {C}katividha many; plural {C}of

du gcig cig at a certain time
how many kinds?
du ldan la la on a smoky pass{LSR 6b} dug {C,MSA}via poison
du ba {MV,MSA}dhma smoke
dug thams cad rab
tu zhi bar byed pa {C}praaman completely
du ba sngon long po blue rising
without suffering

pacify all poisons {C}cure


dug dang dres pa

du bai dngos rgyu direct cause of

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres

mtshan nyid/ du bai dngos su skyed byed/
Definition: direct producer of smoke

{MSA}vikrnta mixed with poison

du bai dngos su skyed byed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed direct

producer of smoke

du byed de dag ni sgyu ma

du ma {C,MSA}aneka; {MV}anekatva; {MSA}

dung {LCh,C}akha conch-shell; shell

dung dkar ser

dung gi dkar po akha-ukla white

naika; {MSA}vibhavat; {C}vicitra; an-ekam

manifold; many; plural; plurality; multitude
{C}absence of oneness; manifold; brilliant
and multi-colored (meru); various; well-colored;

conch shell

dud khung {PH}chimney

dud gro {LCh,MSA}tiryak; tiryac [bentgo]; animal


sundered from; freed; outside

Divisions: dbye ba/

1 bying na gnas pa/ 2 kha thor ba/ Divisions: (1)
abiding in lethargy (?); (2) (?)

du ma nyid {C,MV}anekatva plurality;

manifoldness {C}absence of oneness

du ma nyid pa {C}naikat (=anekat?)

dud gro kha thor ba animals

scattered [about the surface]


du ma nyid ma yin pa {MSA}

dud gro bying na gnas pa

apthaktva non-manifoldness; non-plurality

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

(=apagatopalambha-viayatvn) {C}nonpoisonous

por snang bai dbang shes snang

snang snang snang sense consciousness to which
a white conch appears as yellow

lta bu {MSA}myopams te ... saskr those

compositional phenomenon are like an illusion

du ma chud pa {C}nirmukta

dug med pa {C}nirvia

animals living in the depths



dud groi gro ba {C}trya-gati

dul bai sems {C}dnta-cittat

disciplined mind {C}a mind completely tamed

{C}rebirth as an animal

dud groi jig rten {C}tirya-loka dul bai lha vintadeva Vintadeva
{C}world of animals


dud groi rten can

gyi so soi skye bo ordinary beings having the

basis of animals; common being having the basis
of an animal

dub pa

bam dubs/ {C}khidyati; {MSA}klamatha fatigue;

to be fatigued; be tired {C}feel exhausted

dub pa med pa {MSA}akilsikatva

dum bu {Das} khaa section [of a text]

dum bu dum bu {PH}sections; pieces
duang {TN}samsata briefly
dur khrod {C}mna {C}burial ground
dur khrod kyi me {PU} mangni


dus {C,MSA,MV}kla; {C}kli; {C}adhvan;

all times{BJ 23.4}

dus kun tu rtag pa permanent in

all times{BJ 23.4}

dus kyi khor lo


Klacakra [Tantra]

dus kyi rgud pa {PH}Unfortunate Era

dus kyi sgo nas {MSA}klatas from


ground cloth

dur khrod pa {C}manika

who lives in a charnal ground {C}one who lives
in cemeteries

the viewpoint of time

dus kyi bye brag gis {MSA}klabhedena by divisions of time

{PH}charnal ground; sky

burial site

dul/ dul/ duld/

duld/ {MSA,C}dama; {C,MSA}dnta; {C}damana;

{C}damayti; {C}dntat; {MSA}vinta discipline;
tamed {C}completely tamed; self-discipline;

dul ba byed pa damana disciplining

dul bai gnas su {C}damatha

dus kyis dpag tu med pa

nyid {MSA}klprameyat immeasurability of


dus kyis byas pa {MSA}kla-kta

made by time

dus khor klacakra [tantra] Wheel of


dus ngang po {C}dukla bad time


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dul bar byed pa damana

dus kun {MSA}sarva-kla all times

dus kun tu {MSA}sarva-samaya(m) in

{PH}charnal (mana) fire

dul ba

dul bar byao {C}damayati you

{MV}adhva; {MV}avasth; {MSA}samaya time;

occasion {C}period (of time)

not fatigued; not tired

dur khrod

having disciplined; taming {C}wander about (in


should discipline {C}tames

dub bam dub/ dub bam dubs/ dub/ dub

dur khrod kyi ras

dul bar gyur nas {C}sasarati

{C}unlucky time



dus nges pa klaniyata

dus mtha smallest unit of time

dus mtha skad cig ma smallest


determinate temporal position

dus snga phyii phung poi

moment {GD:281} infinitesmal moment

dus mthai skad

rgyun continuum of the aggregates over time

dus gcig tu simultaneous; at one time

dus chogs {C}tu {C}right time; true

cig ma gyur pai bum pa pot which is a smallest


dus dang por at the initial time [i.e.


dus ji srid du {MSA}kiyanta kla

when Buddha taught the Hnayna stras, which

imply that everything is established by way of its
own character]{BJ 27.6}

at what time?

dus ji srid pa {MSA}yvanta kla

dus dus klena klam from time to time;

at what time?


dus mnyam du {MSA}sama-kla

dus dus su {C}klena klam from time

simultaneously{LG 30.2}; simultaneous with; at

the same time

to time {C}in due season and at regular times

dus nam zhig na after a while; after

dus mnyam du skye ba produced

some time

dus nam yang all the time

dus nam yang mi g.yo never

simultaneously{LG 30.2}

dus mnyam du byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

tulya-kla-pravtti arise simultaneously


dus mnyam pa nyid {MV}sama-

dus rnams rtag tu {C}nitya-klam;

klatva simultaneous

dus btabs {C}saketa

date; agreed symbol; conventional symbol; verbal

dus rtag tu {C}nitya-klam

permanently {C}invariably; constantly

dus dpag tu med pa {MSA}

aparimita-kla immeasurable time

dus dpag tu yod

pa dang dpag tu med pa {MSA}parimitparimitakla measurable and immeasurable time

dus brtan pai rtag pa

dus phyis {MSA}uttara-klam later time

dus bar par at the middle time [i.e.

permanent phenomenon which is stable in time

dus brten pai rtag pa

permanent phenomenon that abides all the time

when Buddha taught the Perfection of Wisdom

Stras]{BJ 27.7}

dus tha mar at the final time [i.e. when

dus ma dres pa klaniyata

Buddha taught the stras of the third wheel of

doctrine]{BJ 27.7}

{GD:123} determinate temporal position

dus thams cad {MSA}sarva-kla all


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}sada-kli permanently {C}invariably;

constantly; for all time


dus min {C}kluhna {C}out of season

dus me kalgni fire of time {T}


dus tshigs savatsara year

dus gzhan {C}aparasmi-kli; {MSA}

dus las yol ba delay

dus shes pa nyid {MSA}kla-jat

klntara other time {C}at some time

cognition of time

dus gzhan na {MSA}klntarea at

dus su {MSA}klena klam; {C}adhvan

from time to time; at [that] time {C}period (of


another time

dus gzhan na gag pa nyid

gag gag gags gags

{MSA}klntara-nirodha be stopped/obstructed/
destroyed/ceased/halted at another time

dus gzhan na sbyar ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}klntaraprayojya connected with another time

dus gzhan zhig na {C}aparasmi-

dus su smra ba {C}kla-vditva


speak in due season

dus gsum {MV}adhva-traya; {C}

tryadhva; {C}traiklika; {C}triyadhva; {MSA}lokatraya the three times [past, future, and present]
{C}the three periods of time; what is in the three
periods of time

dus gsum gtogs pa {C}

kli at some other time {C}at some time

dus gzhan la dgongs pa

tryadhva-ga {C}belonging to the three periods of


{MSA}klntarbhiprya thinking of another

time; in consideration of another time

dus bzang po {C}sukla a good time;

right time {C}lucky time(s)

dus rab tu dbye ba grang

dus gsum du rnam

par bzhugs pa {C}tryadhva-vyavasthita abiding

in the three times {C}who appears in the three
periods of time

dus gsum las nges

par grol ba grol grold

grol grold {C}tryadhva-vinirmukta definitely
released from the three times {C}it lies outside
the three periods of time

med pa {MSA}asakhyeya-prabheda-kla
countless divisions of time

dus ring {MSA}utka-klam a long time

dus ring du {PH}for a long time
de {C}tat; {MSA}tad eti; {C}tad ete (1) that;
dus re zhig {C}tvat-klik at some time
(2) continuative particle indicating that there is
{C}only for a certain time

more to come in the sentence, sometimes setting

off appositives and usually indicating that there
is another clause to the sentence; (3) past and
present participal {PH}[continuative syntactic
particle] {C}comes; has arrived yod de
[It] exists, hence ...

dus re zhig pa {MSA}tvat-klika at

some time

dus la mkhas pa {MV}adhvakaualya wise with respect to time

dus la sogs pai dbye ba

{MSA}adhvdi-bheda division of time and so

dus laang ye shes ma

bsgribs pa {MSA}adhvany anvtajn nonobstructed in terms of time or exalted wisdom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


de kun all those{BJ 68.4}

de skad at these words
de kha {PH}exactly that; that very same

That very same person was me.



de kho na {MSA,MV}tattva reality;


de kho na nyid la jug {MSA}


de kho na nyid {MSA}tattva; {MSA}

satya; tathat [that-only-ness]; reality; suchness

[i.e., emptiness]

de kho na nyid kyi don {MSA}

tattvrtha meaning of reality; object of reality


kho na nyid kyi phyogs gcig la zhugs pai ting nge

dzin zhug jug zhugs zhugs
tattvrthaikadenu-praveasamdhi meditative
stabilization understanding suchness one-sidedly

de kho na nyid kyi lha suchness


de kho na nyid khong du chud

pa {MSA}tattvdhigama understand reality

de kho na nyid rtogs

pai bring po rtogs rtogs

rtogs rtogs middling realizers of suchness [i.e.
Solitary Realizers, whose realization is greater
than that of Hearers, but inferior to that of

de kho na nyid la jug pa {N}

tattvvatra entry into suchness{N}

de kho na nyid la rab

tu zhugs pa zhug jug

zhugs zhugs {MSA}tattve pravia entry into

de kho na gtan la dbab pa

de kho na gtan
la dbab/ bebs/ phab/ phob/ {N}tattva-vinicaya
settling of suchness {N}

de kho na dang bcas pai {C}

satattvena {C}in its true reality

de kho nai leu

byang sai de kho na nyid kyi leu tattvrthapaala
Chapter on Suchness in Asagas Grounds of
Bodhisattvas [which is the fifteenth section of his
Grounds of Yogic Practice (rnal byor spyod pai
sa, yogcrabhmi)]

de kho nar in reality

de gang what are ...?{BJ 29.1}
de brgyad g.yo gul byas

de kho na nyid ston pa {MSA}

tattva-darik indicate reality; teach suchness

de kho na nyid du grub pa

nas through vibrating 100 [worlds]

tattva-siddhi established as [the objects own]

suchness; existence as [its own] suchness

de cii phyir why is this?{S}

de cii phyir zhe na why is this?{S}
de gcig pu {C}ekkina {C}some
de nyid {C;MSA} tattva; {MSA} satattva

de kho na nyid ma

mthong ba la brten pa {MSA}ada-satyraya

depending on not seeing reality

de kho na nyid rab tu rtogs

pa rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{MSA}prabuddha-tattva realize reality; realize

{PH}reality; suchness

de nyid

de kho na


principles {AGP} v.8a


de nyid {PH}that very [thing]; just that itself

de nyid gong ma the previous just

nyid la sgyu ma lta bu yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold
{MSA}tattve myopama-paryeih thoroughly
investigate/examine/research reality as like an

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tattva praviati; tattvvatra entry into





de nyid mchog {MSA}sutattva highest de snyed {C}tntaka {C}snare

de snyed cig {PH}just how many; just
de nyid dang
how much
gzhan las rnam par grol ba
de lta {PH}such; just; exactly; just so
grol grold grol grold {MV}tattvnyatvavinirmukta liberated from just that and from
de lta na in that case{BJ 18.3}
de lta na yang {PH}in that case;
de nyid don {MSA}tattvrtha meaning of
de lta na yang

reality; object of reality

de nyid di yin no {MSA}tad

evedam just that is this

de nyid bsdus pa

of the Suchness of All the Tathgatas Tantra (sarvatathgata-tattva-sagraha tantra)

de nyid zab mo mthong {MSA}

tattva-gambhra-di seeing the profound reality


de nyid bzang rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}tattva-

de lta bu {L}evam; {MSA}kti such; thus;

jtiya {C}of such a kind/nature

de lta bu byung bai sde

byung byung byung byung {C}itivttaka;

gtan concentration of the three principles;

concentrations of the three principles {PH}
concentration of the three principles

de kho na nyid {C,MSA}tattva; {MSA}satattva;

tathat suchness; reality; principle {C}just
that; Thatness; truly real; thatness; reality itself

{C}iti-uktaka discourses [which report] what

was said {C}Thus-was-said

de lta bui rang bzhin du {C}

tath-rpa of such a nature {C}such as; his

de lta bur ni evam eva just this; just

de nyid; de kho na nyid tattva


de lta ma yin na {MSA}itarath not


de gnyis gang rung ma yin

like that; not thus

pa {PH}being neither of those two

de gnyis gang rung ma yin

pai which is neither of those two

de ltar {LCh,MSA,MV}tath; {C}eva; {MV}

evam; {C}eva ktv; {MV 2.1}iti [that-like];

being this way; in that way; such; like that; thus;
just so; in that way{BJ 23.7} {C}the very; just;
surely; still; real; ever; forever; having done as

de ltar nga la mngon sum du


{C}(mam) samukhbhtam {C}face to face

enumeration as these two

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tasmt tarhi therefore{BJ 33.4} {C}therefore


de lta bu dang thun pa {C}eva

de nyid gsum gyi bsam

de gnyis las from these two

de gnyis su grangs pa

de lta bas na {C}tasmhu; {MV.II.14}

as; so; just; exactly

bodha understand reality well

de nyid; de kho na nyid

bdag dang bdag gi ba la chags pa dang ldan pa la

de las jigs pa byung ngo zhes smrao/ In that
case, moreover, it is said that fear arises in one
who possesses attachment to ones self and ones
possessions. {A4C-C}


(with me)

de ltar mnyam pa nyid

du mthong ba ni {C}tda (=tathrpa) {C}
such as

de ltar tho ba the attainment of such

de ltar du similarly; such; this is so; in

rnams du du/dud dus

dus this and that compounded phenomenon{BJ

de dang der here and there

de dang mi mthun {MV 3.17}tadvilakaa not concordant with that

that way{BJ 36.4}

de ltar na thus; in that case; in this way

de ltar naang nevertheless
de ltar bu {L}evam just so; exactly; in

de dang yon tan dra zhing

{C}tad-gua {C}of like quality

de dang lhan cig {C}saha together

with; connected with

that way

de dus tsa na

{PH}at that time

de dus tsa na
bod pa mang po bi kra ma shi lar groi sgang yin;
At that time, it was a period when many Tibetans
were going to Vikramala. {GCG} p.21

de ltar byas te he did so ...

de ltar byed pa differentiation
de ltar med {MV}tath nsti not so; not

de dra thus; likewise; such


like that

de ltar yang in the same way{BJ 16.5};

also{BJ 22.2}

de ltar gsungs pa such is said

de ltas {C} tasmhu {PH}therefore
de ltas des {C}tasmhu {C}therefore

dren mi nus par phyis byung tha snyad pai tshad

ma gzhan la brten dgos pai gsar du mi slu bai
rig pa new incontrovertible knower that is
unable to induce such [ascertainment] but must
depend upon another later conventional direct


de ltas di ltar {C}tasmhu-nma

{C}therefore thus

de dag [that-s]; those; these; plural marker

de dag kyang bsdus na
bsdu sdud bsdus sdus when/if those
also are condensed

de dag gang zhe na what are

these?{BJ 63.2}

de dag thams cad {MV 3.17}tat

sarvam all those

de dag mtshan mar {C}tan-nimitta

signs of those {C}in consequence of that

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

de dang de las dus byas


de na then; there
de nang du {C}adhytmika



de nas {C}tasym; {C}uttari; {C}ata-uttari;

{C}tatas [that-from]; then; from that; therefore

{C}further (on); except therefore-going;
thereupon; because of that; (from) there; thereby; in
front of it

de ni gnas nas g.yo ba {C}

sthnata calati {C}move away from that

de phyir {C}artha; {C}sattvrthi (=tasmhu?)

because of that; therefore wealth; aim; fortune;

benefits; entity; meaning; something of value; for
the welfare of beings

de ba shar ma devaarma{DASI 581.6}

Devaarma [p.n.?] {T}

de bas na therefore; for that reason

de byung brel tadutpatti-sabandha;

tadutpatti causal relationship; relationship of

provenance {GD:221} relation of provenance
mtshan nyid/ khyod de dang tha dad gang zhig
khyod de las byung ba/ Definition: (1) it is different
from that; and (2) it arises from that

de ma thag rkyen {LCh}samanantarapratyaya immediately preceding condition

mtrakea {C}may regard that as a sufficient

reason to

de tsam zhig {C}tena tvan mtrakea

{C}may regard that as a sufficient reason to

de tsam zhig byed par

gyur te {C}tena tvan mtrakea {C}may
regard that as a sufficient reason to

de tshe {C}tad; {C}vel; {C}tatu (=tad) at

that time {C}then; occasion; from that

de bzhin {TN}tath; {C}tatha [that-like];

like that; thus {C}likewise

de bzhin kyang {C}ki ca-api


if; although

de ma thag pa {MSA}samanantara

de bzhin nyid {LCh,MV,MSA}tathat;

immediately precede

{C,MSA}tathtva; {MV}tatht; {MSA}tattva

thusness; suchness {PH}thusness

de ma thag pai ting nge

de bzhin nyid kyi ngo bo

dzin {PH}an immediately preceding meditative


tathbhva entity of suchness

de ma dag rkyen samanantarapratyaya de bzhin nyid kyi

immediately preceding condition

mtshan nyid du yod pa {MSA}tathat-lakaabhva exist as the character of suchness

de med par {C}vinya (=vin-ayam?)

de bzhin

{C}without it

de tsa na {PH}at that time

de tsam just that; merely that



de tsam na {PH}about that time

de tsam gyi tshod kyis ni {C}

de bzhin nyid rnam par dag

pa {MSA}viuddh ... tathat completely pure

de tsam gyis {C}tavat; {C}adypi; {C}

et-vat; {C}tvan-mtrakea by just that {C}

then; and; by that much; nevertheless; thereby; by
this much; may regard that as a sufficient reason to

de tsam gyis de ma yin pa

de bzhin nyid snang ba nyid

snang snang snang snang {MSA}

tathaty khyna(t) appearance as suchness

de bzhin nyid ma gtogs

par {C}tathat-vinirmukta (=vyatirikta) not
included within suchness {C}distinct from
suchness; shut out from suchness

{C}tvan-mtrakea {C}may regard that as a

sufficient reason to

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

de bzhin nyid du gsung ba

{C}tath-vdin {C}he speaks of what is

tvat {C}by that much; then

de tsam gyis phyi phyir {C}tvan-

nyid tha dad pai rang bzhin ma yin pa {MSA}

tathaty abhinnatvt is not a nature that is
different from suchness



de bzhin gshegs tathgata; {C}

de bzhin nyid ma yin pa {C}

atathat not suchness {C}no-suchness

nararabha [thus-gone]; One Gone Thus;

epithet of the Buddha {C}the Great Bull; the
mightiest of men

de bzhin nyid dmigs ye

shes dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs {MSA}tathatlambana jnam
exalted wisdom observing suchness

de bzhin gshegs nyid {MSA}

tathgatatva Tathgatahood

de bzhin nyid la dmigs

de bzhin gshegs pa tathgata

pa dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs {MSA}tathatlambana object of
observation with respect to suchness

[thus-gone]; One-Gone-Thus; epithet of the


de bzhin gshegs pa nyid {C}

de bzhin nyid; tatht thusness

de bzhin tu {PH}similarly
de bzhin du {LCh,MV}evam; evam eva;

tathgatatva {C}Tathgatahood

de bzhin gshegs pa

snying po can {C}tathgata-garbha having the

tathgata-essence; {T} having the essence of a
One Gone Thus; having the matrix of a One
Gone Thus {C}womb/embryo of the Tathgata

{LCh,MSA,MV,C}tath; {C}tathaiva similarly;

likewise{D2} {C}in the same way; just thus; just
so; such; likewise; further; and so; thereupon; in
consequence also; and so is

de bzhin gshegs pa rtag

de bzhin du gnas pa nyid

tu {C}vata-sarva-tathgata-jna-mudrprpta-sarva-tathgata-mui-dhara [p.n. of a

{MSA}tath-sthita abiding similarly

de bzhin du bzhed pa similarly

de bzhin gshegs pa rtag

asserts{LG 24.2}

pa {C}vata-sarva-tathgata-jna-mudrprpta-sarva-tathgata-mui-dhara [p.n. of a

de bzhin du yod pai

stong pa nyid {MSA}tath-bhvasya nyat
emptiness that exists similarly


de bzhin gnas {MSA}tath sthita(sya)

bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi khor lo dus pa

du du/dud dus dus
{C}sarva-tathgata-cakra-antargata [p.n. of a

abide thus; abide like that

de bzhin gnas pa {MSA}

de bzhin gshegs pa thams

tathvasthatva abide like that; abide thus

de bzhin min {MSA}na ... tath not

like that{BJ 38.1}

de bzhin med pai phyir {MSA}

cad kyi ye shes kyi phyag rgya thob pa de bzhin

gshegs pa thams cad kyi khu tshur dzin pa de bzhin
gshegs pa rtag pa vata-sarva-tathgata-jnamudr-prpta-sarva-tathgata-mui-dhara [p.n.
of a Tathgata]

tath bhvt because it is not like that

de bzhin dzin pa {GST} dhra


de bzhin gshegs pa

de bzhin yod {MSA}tath bhvt;

rnams sku rtag pa {MSA}nitya-kys tathgat

permanent body of Tathgatas

{MSA}tath bhva exist like that; exist thus

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



de bzhin gshegs pai

de yang de dang dra ba nyid du gyur;

de bzhin gshegs pai

de yan chad {C}ata uttari; {C}uttari;

de bzhin gshegs pai

de yi rgyu {C}tad-dheto cause of that

snying po {LCh}tathgata-garbha matrix-ofone-gone-thus; Tathgata essence; essence of a

One Gone Thus; matrix of a One Gone Thus

de yang de dang dra ba nyid du gyur ro it is just

like that, and will be just like that{S1}

snying po can {MSA}tathgata-garbha having

the Tathgata essence

{MSA}atah para() everything beyond that

point {C}except the foregoing; further (on)

sprul pa {C}tathgata-nirmita emanation of a

Tathgata; emanation of a One Gone Thus {C}
a magical creation of the Tathgata

de bzhin

gshegs pai ye shes dang ldan pa {MSA}saha

tathgata-jnena having the exalted wisdom of
a One Gone Thus

de bzhin gshegs

{C}caused by that

de yi ngo bo {C}tad-bhvena essence of

that {C}as a result of having such an existence

de yi du shes {C}ahusajat
conception of that {C}notion of I

de yi og tu {MSA}tata para()
higher than that

pai rigs su skye ba {MSA}tathgata-kule janma

produce the lineage of a One Gone Thus

de bzhin gshegs pai sa la

{MV}bhmau tathgaty on the ground of a
One Gone Thus

de rang bdag gcig brel

related as its own essence (?)


mtshan nyid/ khyod de dang tha dad
gang zhig de rang bdag nyid gcig pai sgo nas brel ba
grub pa/ Definition: (1) it is different from that;


and (2) that is established as connected from the

point of view of being one essence (?)

bzhin gshegs pas gsungs pa bzhin smra ba

tathgatasyoktavdin; one who correctly
propounds the speech of the One Gone Thus
{C}one who correctly preaches the Tathgata-truth

de bzhin gshegs rigs

su skye ba {MSA}tathgata-kule janma produce

the lineage of a One Gone Thus

de bzhin bshegs pa tathgata


de ring now; presently; today


ring gi dus su das pai don dran pai rtog pa

consciousness that remembers a past object at
the present time

de ring gi dus su ma ongs pai don mngon par

dod pai rtog pa consciousness wishing for a
future object at the present time

de zung brel gyi tshogs

sgrub achieving through the collection of a

union of those [that is; calm abiding and special

de la {C}tatra; {C}atas with respect to that;


de la dir here with respect to that

de la dun pai dun pa

in that {C}among these; therefore and; to that;

for that reason; from that; from this; from him; than

de ang deang also{S}

de yang [that-also]; furthermore; further;
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


master]; captain; master; p.n. of a Buddha
{PH}captain; chief; guide {C}caravan leader;
At that time and in that life, that
captain who killed the [other] captain was just me.

aspiration which is an aspiration for that

de las {C}tatu (=tad) {C}then; from that

de las byung ba
byung byung byung byung {MV}tat-pratyaya
arisen from that

Vinaya vastu = H 1: vol. 2, folio/line 501b.3-.4

deb book [european style]

deb sngon pa {PH}Blue Annals
deang also
dei rkyen gzhan

de las mang ba mi skyi pai

tshe when not more than that is produced{LG}

de las gzhan dang gzhan

med {MSA}tad-anynybhva different and
non-different from that

kyi stobs kyis byung ba byung

byung byung byung arisen through the force of
their other conditions{BJ 28.4}

de las gzhan pa other than that

de las gzhan pai don the

dei skad cig gnyis pa la

meaning of something else

de las gzhal med {C}na tu yo

{PH}in the next period

dei gong de ma thag tu

parea (?) {C}incomparable

de las zur du different from that{BJ

immediately/right/just before that

dei rgyus {C}tan-nidnam because of

44.7}; separately

de las bzlog {C}vraymi opposite

that {C}on account of that

dei ngo bor snang ba

from that; opposed to that {C}I restrain from

de las lhag pa something exceeding

snang snang snang snang {MSA}tad-bhvena/

bhva pratibhsita appear as the entity of that

that{BJ 66.3}

dei sngon du prior to that

dei mjug thogs su

de sa du {PH}what particular stage

de srid [that-exist]; just so long
de srid du just so long as
deng {PH}now; presently
deng nas {BCA} tata {PH}from just

dei rjes la thob pa shes bya mtha

yas pai yul can gyi ye shes kyi lam {MSA}(tat)

path of exalted wisdom--attained subsequent to
that--having limitless knowables as its objects

{BCA} I.18-.19

deng sang

{PH}these days; nowadays

di rgya gar na
deng sang kun gyis slob rgyui gzhung yin; This is
a text that must be studied by everyone nowadays in
India. {GCG} p.22

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


immediately after this

that point on; from now on

At whatever [point] ... from just that point on ...

ded dpon {C,MSA}srtha-vha [move-


dei rjes su subsequently

dei rjes

su shes sgrib spong bar byed pa yin te

spang spong spangs spongs ... and
subsequently serves to abandon the obstructions
to omniscience{PGP 83}


dei ris su gtogs pa {C}tan-

dei steng du in addition to those

dei don med {MV}nsti csyrtha

nikyam {C}belongs to the same class

not the meaning of that

dei gnas skabs su

{PH}on this


dei phan yon

bstod bkur bsngags gsum stutistomapraas
praise; extolling; and lauding of the benefits of
that [Great Vehicle path of meditation of belief]

therefore; for that reason

dei phyogs gcig

nyon sgrib kun btags {PH}the artificial afflictive
obstructions which are one part of [the afflictive

der snang bai sems tsam

snang snang snang snang {MSA}

der ma zad not only that ...

der yang {C}tatra moreover {C}therein
des tena; {C}na (=tena) therefore; for that

dei byed pa ma nyams pa

des na therefore; for that reason

des pa {C}rata; {C}srata {C}heroic;

{GD:532} as long as its influence lasts

dei tshe {C}tad; vel; {C}(tatra-)


avasthym at that time {C}then; occasion;


do particle indicating the end of a statement


{PH}some portion (of); approximately; roughly;

[prefix suggesting approximation]; equal; match;
equivalent; (arch.) two a
whole nine months and some portion of a tenth

tshe tshigs su bcad pa di dag bka stsal to

stsal stsol stsald stsold at that time
[Buddha] spoke these stanzas


dei mtshan nyid can {C}tal-

lakaam has the sign of that {C}has the same


dei gzhi las {MSA}tan-nidna()

do gal {PH}importance; weight

do gal {BCA} bala {PH}force; power
dogs {LCh}ak; {C}kkati; {C}kk;
{MSA}oka qualm; fear; doubt {C}hesitates;
desires; doubts; hesitation

from the base of that

dei og tata after that [lit.: under

dogs gcod eliminate qualms{BJ 34.7}

that] then; thereafter

dei og tu {C}punar eva; {MV}tatas

{GD:508} eliminate doubts

dogs dang bral ba {MSA}apagata-

after that [lit.: under that]{Lati}

dei rang bzhin can {C}tat-

oka free from doubts

dogs pa {LCh}ak; {C}akita;

svabhvam having the nature of that {C}has

the same own-being

{C}prayojana qualm; fear; doubt {C}

apprehensive; necessary; useful; dread


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sense direct perceiver which is that

tad-bhsa ... citta-mtra mere mind that

appears as that

dei phyir tena hi because of that

dei ring

dei sa du {PH}what particular stage

der as that; in that way; in that
der gyur pai dbang mngon



don gyi thob tshod measure [that is,

dogs pa skye generate the qualm that

...{BJ 18.3}

level] of meaning gotten at

dogs pa khong

bslang; dogs pa khong slong hypothetical qualm

dogs pa khong

bslang/ dogs pa khong slong hypothetical qualm

don gyi dam pa {MV}paramartha

highest truth

don gyi sde tshan dag gi mdo

arthavargya-stra Collection of Meanings

dwogs qualm; doubt{LG}

dwogs zon {PH}caution
dong dong / dongs/

don gyi sde tshan mdo artha-

vargya-stra Collection of Meaning Stra{BJ


don gyi sdod lugs objective mode

dong / dongs/ {C}prakrnta {PH}walk; journey

{C}moved away

of subsistence{N}

dong rang mtshan gyi

don gyi bya ba {MSA} artha-kriy

gzhan gsel arthtmaka-svalakanypoha

{GD:379} objective negation, the thing itself when
negatively characterized; {GD:380} objective

{PH}attending to [someones] needs

don gyi dbang import of the

meaning{DK 3.15}; by the power of the fact

dod substitute
don gyi dbang de mthong
bas by seeing the import of the meaning {C}
dod thub possible equivalents
considering (which) reasoning
don {MSA,MV}artha; {C}arthatas; {MSA}krya; don gyi dbang diang
{MSA}parakrya; {MSA}kryatva{?}; {MV}bhva
meaning; meaningful; meaningfulness; topic;
welfare; sake; object; fact; purpose; goal {C}
according to ultimate reality; (according to) its

don lkog gyur na mo

mthong nas by also seeing the import of the

meaning {C}when he considers this sequence of

don gyi gzhan sel


bsal sel bsald seld {GD:406} objective



mtshan nyid/ ma yin dgag gi gzhan

can gyi dbang mngon gyi tshad ma sense direct

perceiver having a familiar object

common locus between: (1) being an othereliminator that is an affirming negative; (2) and
being ultimately able to perform a function

hidden object

don goms pa can having a familiar

don goms pa
don gyi cha artha

gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/ Definition: an observed

dbye ba/ 1 don rang mtshan gyi don



objective factor in the object

don gyi rjes su zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}artha-

rang mtshan gyi gzhan sel/ 2 don rang mtshan gyi

bloi gzhan sel/ 3 don rang mtshan gyi med dgag gi
gzhan sel/ Divisions: (1) other-eliminator which is

prpta (?) {C}modeled on an objective entity

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sel yang yin/ don dam par don byed nus pa yang yin pai


a factual specifically characterized phenomenon that
is a factual specifically characterized phenomenon;
(2) other-eliminator that is an awareness that is a
factual specifically characterized phenomenon; (3)

don gyi od gsal actual clear light/

exemplified clear light

don gyis {N}artht [by the meaning];


don gyis rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {GD:515} arthpati

{GD:515} realize by implication

don gyis bstan

don gyis zhus implicitly ask a question

don gyur gyi the tshom doubt
tending toward the fact

don grub siddhrtha Siddhrtha

don gyur translation of the meaning

don gyur gyi the tshom doubt

don gcig pa {C}eka-arthat

synonymous {C}there is only one single meaning

don gcig ming gi rnam

grangs synonymous equivalent; equivalent and


don gcig med anekrtha non-

don che ba nyid great meaningfulness

don chen nyid {C}mah-arthat great
purpose {C}that which brings about the great

don chen po {MSA}artho mahn; {MSA}

don chen po mthong

tending toward the fact; doubt tending to the


ba yid la byed pa {MSA}mhrthya-sadaranamanaskra mental contemplation observing the

great meaning

don gyur the tshom factually

don chen po byed pa {C}

concordant doubt

don sgra ji bzhin ma yin pa

mahrthika {C}greatly profitable

don chen legs rtogs

{MSA} yathrutrtha {PH}non-literal meaning

don sgrub kyi rtags sign proving

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}

mahrtha-bodha (su-mahrtha-bodha)
understand well the great meaning

the meaning

don chos {GD:245} real property

don gnyer

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs clear realizer of

meaning; clear realization of the meaning

don ci zhig mthong nas {C}

gnyer/ gnyer/ gnyerd/ gnyerd/ {C}arthika; {C}

kma-artha; {MSA}arthin; {MSA}prrthita
seeking; seek; strive to produce {C}interested
in business; profitable; wants

kam arthavaa sapayamna having seen a

certain meaning/object {C}as a result of which

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa/ Definition: (1) a possible common locus; (2)

the eight doors of pervasion are established

mahrtha; {MSA}mahrthatva; {C}mahrthika

great meaning; greatly meaningful {C}very

[personal name of the Buddha]

don gcig ekrtha; {MSA}eka-krya

gzhi mthun srid pa gang zhig khyab pa sgo brgyad nges


bstan ston bstand stond implicitly explain

don mngon rtogs

equivalent; mutually inclusive {GD:284}

identity of equivalence
mtshan nyid/


don gnyer ba {MSA} arthin


thogs imputed ultimate{N}

who is attentive

don dam rten

don stong nyid du gro ba

brel las das pai chos nyid ultimate noumenon

beyond dependent-arising

meaning arrives at emptiness; meaning involves


don dam rtogs pa

don tha dad pa different factualities

don mthun {GD:648} yathrtha {PH}

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}paramrthabodha realize the ultimate

[one of] similar purpose {GD:648} factual

When [someone with] a similar
purpose had left, ... {A4C-C}

don dam du yod pa

paramrthasiddhi ultimate existence

don mthun pa {LCh}anvartha; {C}

samnrthat factually concordant {C}equally

important; consistency between words and deeds

don mthun pa nyid {MSA}

don dam bden pa paramrtha-

satya ultimate truth


mtshan nyid/ mdo sde pai lugs la/ don dam par don

byed nus pai chos/ Definition: (in the Stra School)

samnrthat factual concordance

don dang sgrub

a phenomenon that is ultimately able to perform

a function [thus phenomena such as pots, etc. are
ultimate truths in this system]

pa dang thob pa yongs grub object, practice, and

attainment thoroughly established natures

don dam rnam par

with the fact

don dam pa {C,MV,MSA}paramrtha;

don dang mthun pa concordant

don dang ldan {C}artha-yukta

{MV}paramrthat highest object; ultimate;

ultimate object {PH}ultimate

connected with the meaning {C}intent on what

is beneficial

don dang yi ge {MSA}artha

vyajana ca meanings and words

don dam {MSA,MV}paramrtha; {MV}

paramrthat ultimate; ultimate object

dbye ba/ 1 don don dam/ 2 thob pa don dam/
3 sgrub pa don dam/ Divisions: (1) objective
ultimate [i.e. suchness]; (2) attainment ultimate [i.e.
nirva]; (3) practice ultimate [i.e. exalted wisdom
of meditative equipoise]

don dam gyi dbyings basic

don dam pa ngo bo

nyid med pa ultimate-non-nature; ultimatenaturelessness

don dam

pa ngo bo nyid med pa jog tshul gnyis two modes

of positing the ultimate-non-nature
nyid med pa nyid paramrthanisvabhvat
ultimate-non-nature; ultimate-naturelessness

gdags dogs btags/brtags

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dbye ba/ 1 don don dam/ 2 thob pa don dam/
3 sgrub pa don dam/ Divisions: (1) objective
ultimate [i.e. suchness]; (2) attainment ultimate [i.e.
nirva]; (3) practice ultimate [i.e. exalted wisdom
of meditative equipoise]

don dam pa ngo bo

element of the ultimate

don dam dngos actual ultimate{N}

don dam btags pa ba

nges pai khor lo wheel of the ultimate, the

definitive; wheel ascertaining the ultimate



don dam pa ngo bo nyid med pa nyid; don dam

pa ngo bo nyid med pa paramrthanisvabhvat

ultimate-naturelessness; ultimate-non-nature

don dam pa ngo bo

nyid med tshul gnyis two modes of ultimate-nonnature

don dam pa ngo bo med

mhtmya greatness of the exalted wisdom of

the ultimate

don dam pai ye shes

la jug pa {MSA}paramrthika-jna-pravea
enter into the exalted wisdom of the ultimate

don dam pai sems bskyed


bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{MSA}paramrthika-cittotpda produce the

pa paramrtha-nisvabhva ultimate nonentityness; {T} non-entityness in terms of the


ultimate mind

don dam pai sems tsam

don dam pa stong pa nyid

Ultimate Mind-Only

{MSA}paramrtha-nyat ultimate emptiness;

name of a stra, The Ultimate Emptiness{BJ

don dam pa dang ldan pa

don dam pai lha ultimate deity

don dam par paramrthatas

yin te {C}paramrtha-upasahita having the

ultimate truth

don dam par grub pa

pa paramrthbhidharma Ultimate Manifest


don dam par ngo bo nyid

don dam pai chos mngon

paramrtha-siddha; paramrthasiddhi ultimate

establishment; ultimate existence

med pa ultimately natureless; non-natures

ultimately [that is, without the nature of existing
ultimately or by way of their own character]

don dam pai bden pa {MSA}

paramrtha-satya truth of the highest object;
ultimate truth

don dam pai bden pai

yul can {MSA}paramrtha-viaya having the
object of the ultimate truth

don dam pai dpyod pa ultimate


don dam pai tshad ma

don dam par don byed nus

pa ultimately able to perform a function

don dam par don

byed nus pai chos a phenomenon that is
ultimately able to perform a function

don dam par don

byed mi nus pai chos a phenomenon that is not

ultimately able to perform a function

{N}paramrtha-prama ultimate valid

cognition{N}; ultimate valid cognizers

don dam par sdug bsngal

paramrtha-vtti mode of the ultimate truth

don dam par med pa absence of

ba {MSA}paramrtha-dukhatva ultimate

don dam pai tshul {MSA}

don dam pai mtshan nyid

ultimate existence; not ultimately existent

don dam par yod pa {N}

{MSA}paramrtha-lakaa characteristic of the


don dam pai ye

paramrtha-sat ultimately exist

shes kyi che ba nyid {MSA}paramrtha-jna-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


don dam pas bsdus pa


don dam shes pa {MSA}paramrtha-

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}

paramrtha-saghta contained within the

jna ultimate cognition

don dam dpyad

nas rnyed pai rigs shes reasoning consciousness

that has found the ultimate upon analysis;
rational consciousness that has found the
ultimate upon analysis

don dam dpyod pai

arthatas; {C}prati; {C}kte; {MSA}gang gi don du

= yad-artha [meaning-for]; for the sake of; for
the purpose of {C}in order to; with the object of;
for; on behalf of; about; as being; with regard to

don du chen po {C}mah-arthika

greatly meaningful {C}greatly profitable

don du chen po byed pa {C}

rigs shes rational consciousness analyzing the

ultimate; reasoning consciousness analyzing the

mah-arthika greatly meaningful {C}greatly


don dam dpyod pai rigs

don du gnyer {C}prrthan; {C}

shes reasoning consciousness analyzing the

ultimate; rational consciousness analyzing the

abhiprrthayate; {C}pratitihati (=pratitihate)

seek; strive to produce {C}ly down to; striving;
return to; rest in; stand firmly in; rely on; base
oneself on; eagerly wants to strive for

don dam

don du gnyer ba {C}prrthayati;

dpyod pai rigs shes kyis rnyed don object found

by a reasoning consciousness analyzing the

{MSA}prrthan; {MSA}arthikatva; {C}arthikat;

{MSA}arthitva; {MSA}arthin seek; strive to
produce {C}intent; seeking; strive after; aspire
for; desire; zeal

don dam dpyod byed analyzers of

the ultimate

don dam dpyod byed kyi

don du gnyer ba byed pa {C}

rigs pa reasoning of ultimate analysis{N}

prrthayati seek; strive to produce {C}strive

after; aspire for

don dam byang chub kyi

don du gnyer ba ma yin {C}

sems paramrthabodhicitta ultimate mind of


anarthi not seek; not strive to produce {C}

without caring for

don dam byang

don du gnyer bar byed pa {C}

chub kyi sems bskyed bskyed

skyed bskyed skyed paramrthabodhicittotpda
ultimate mind generation

prrthayati seek; strive to produce {C}strive

after; aspire for

don dam tshul {MSA}sad-artha-vtti

don du gnyer bya what is sought

ultimate mode

{GD:674} purposeful object

don dam mtshan characteristic(s) of

don du gnyer byed {C}prrthayati

seek; strive to produce {C}strive after; aspire

the ultimate{BJ 38.1}

don dam yang dag phags


don du gnyer byed pa {C}

{L}paramrtha-samudgata Paramrthasamudgata

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

don du {C,MV}artham; {C}arthya; {MSA}

prrthayati seek; strive to produce {C}strive

after; aspire for



don du gnas par gyur pao

{C}savartate {C}is conducive to; lead to (a

don du mi gnyer {C}pratitihati

(=pratitihate) not seek; not strive to produce

{C}fly down to; return to; rest in; stand firmly in;
rely on base oneself on

don du mi gner ba {MSA}

don don dam pa object-ultimate

don dran {PH}memorandum
don bdun cu seventy topics
don di dri ba ask about the

don spyi kho na dzin

pai rtog pa gzung dzin

bzung zungs conceptual consciousness that only
apprehends a meaning generality

meaning; question about the meaning

don spyi sgra spyi


desiring the welfare of others

gnas su phye bai don spyi meaning generality of

the division into meaning generality and sound
generality {T}

don ldog

ldog ldogs ldogs artha-vyatireka meaning
isolate; meaning-isolate; meaning simpliciter
{GD:487} defining property; meaning differential

don spyi bzung yul

du byed pai rtog pa conceptual consciousness
that serves as an object for apprehending a
meaning generality

don bsdus

don bsdus pa
pirtha condensed meaning; condensation of
the meaning

don bsdus pa

mtshan nyid/ bum dzin rtog pa la bum pa ma yin pa las

log par snang bai sgro btags kyi cha Definition: that
factor of super-imposition that is the appearance
to the conceptual cognition [of something] as a pot
despite its not being a pot {GD:399}

anarthikatva not seek; not strive to produce

don dod pa {C}artha-kma

du rtogs pai mkhyen pa an exalted knower which

realizes emptiness in the manner of a meaning
generality {PGP 86}
rtog pa la gnyis snang yod pa snang ngor
don spyi snang ba a conceptual consciousnesss
having dualistic appearance [refers to the fact that]
a meaning-generality appears in the face of its
appearance factor.

don spyii snang

don bsdus

ba mched pai ting nge dzin {PH}meditative

stabilization of the increase of appearance [this
appearance being] of a meaning generality

pirtha condensed meaning; condensation of

the meaning

don spyii gsal snang

don rnam {GD:406} aspect as object

don rnam sgom pa meditation


clear appearance of a meaning generality

on the aspect of an object [e.g., meditating on


don spyii gsal snang

vidha ... artha six-fold meaning {T}

don spyod pa

gi ting nge dzin {PH}meditative stabilization of

the clear appearance of a meaning generality

don rnam pa drug po {MSA}a-

don spyi artha-smnya meaning

generality; meaning-generality; generic image;

mental image {PH}object universal; meaning
generality {GD:399} object-universal
stong nyid don spyii tshul

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


spyad spyod
spyad spyod {C}artha-cary {C}actions for the
benefit of others; beneficial actions

don phyin ci ma log pa {MSA}

avipartrtha perverse meaning


don bya ba {C}artha-kriy

{C}actions for

the benefit of others

don bya ba don spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}artha-kriy

{C}actions for the benefit of others

don byed {MSA}artha perform a function

don byed nus stong gi chos
empty of being able to perform a function

don byed nus pa {LCh}artha-kriy-

akti; artha-kriy-smarthya; {GD:115} arthakriy-samartham capacity to perform a function

don byed nus pa las gzhan

pai chos gang gi yang mtshon bya mi byed pai

chos a phenomenon that does not serve as the
definiendium of any other phenomenon than able
to perform a function


byed nus pai btags yod chos gsum tshang ba

gdags dogs btags/
brtags thogs a triply qualified imputed existent
that is able to perform a function

don byed

nus pai ldog pa dang yin khyab mnyam mutually

inclusive with isolate of able to perform a

dbye ba/ 1 don byed nus


substantial existent in the sense of being able to

perform a function

don byed

snang can gyi dbang mngon gyi tshad ma

snang snang snang snang sense direct
perceiver having the aspect of performing a

don byed pa {MSA}arthcaraa; {MSA}

arthin; {MSA}svrthin perform a function

don byed pai nus stong pa

empty of capacity to perform functions{N}

don byed pai yon tan {MSA}

artha-kriy-gua quality of performing

don sbyor

sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord syllogistic rendering of the meaning

don ma byas pa {MSA}aktrtha not

perform a function; non-functioning

don ma yin pa {C}anartha what

is not the meaning; non-meaning {C}harm;


don ma lags pa {C}anartha what

is not the meaning; non-meaning {C}harm;

don mi gyur gyi the tshom doubt

not tending toward the fact

pa dang gcig 2 don byed nus pa dang gcig tu gyur

pai don byed nus pa/ 3 dngos poi mtshan nyid/ 4
dngos poi rdzas yod chos gsum tshang ba/ (1) one
with able to perform a function; (2) [something that
is] able to perform a function that is one with able
to perform a function; (3) definition of functioning
thing; (4) triply qualified actual existent that is a
functioning thing

don byed nus pai mtshon

bya definiendium of [what is] able to perform a


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

don byed nus pai rdzas yod


don mi gyur gyi the tshom

doubt not tending toward the fact; doubt tending

to the non-factual

don mi gcig

{PH}not synonomous
gsum ming dra yang
don mi gcig go; Although the names of the three
are similar, [they are] not synonymous. {TGP}

don min improper meaning

don med {LCh,MV}anartha; {LCh}vth;

asat-artha senseless; meaningless; non-meaning;

questioner of the seventh chapter]

non-existent object

don bzang po {C}sad-artha; {C,MSA}

don med du mi btang ba

sv-artha; {MSA}artha good meaning {C}good

in sense; real in meaning

[meaning-not exist-ly-not cast aside]; not waste

meaninglessly; not give up meaninglessly

don med pa {MSA}aprthya; {MSA}asad- don yod {C}amoghu; {C}amogha; {C}

artha; {MSA}nairarthakya; {MSA}vandhya; {MSA}
vaiyarthya; vin-arthena meaningless; nonmeaning; without [external] objects

don med pa nyid {MV}nirarthakatva;

{MSA}nirarthat meaninglessness

don med pa dang don

amogham; {MSA}avaiyarthya meaningful {C}

not fruitlessly; not vain

don yod grub pa {LCh}amoghasiddhi

Amoghasiddhi [p.n. of a Buddha]

don yod pa {C}amogha; {C}amogham;

{C}amoghu; {MSA}abandhya; {MSA}avandhya
meaningful {C}not fruitlessly; not vain

yod pa nyid {MSA}nairarthakya-srthakya

meaninglessness and meaningfulness

don yod pa nyid {MSA}srthakya;

don med pa ma yin {MSA}

{MV}srthakatva meaningfulness

don yod pa dang med pa {MV}

avandhya is meaningless

don med par {C}nirarthakam

artha-sattvam asattva ca meaningful and


meaninglessly {C}useless

don med par mi gyur {MSA}

don yod pa dang med par

don smra sde gnyis the two schools


nirarthik (na-); s{MSA}rthika not meaningless


rang mtshan gyi don rang mtshan gyi gzhan

sel bsal sel bsald seld
other-eliminator which is a factual specifically
characterized phenomenon that is a factual
specifically characterized phenomenon

which propound [truly existent] objects

don tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}

artha-paryein one who investigates/examines/
researches/seeks the meaning; investigate/
examine/researche/seek the meaning

don rang mtshan gyi

bloi gzhan sel bsal sel

bsald seld other-eliminator that is an awareness
that is a factual specifically characterized

don gzhan factually other{BJ 80.7}

{PH}different affair; factually other

This is the condition
of defeat called a different affair. {VN}

don rang

don gzhan la dgongs pa

arthntarbhiprya thinking of another

meaning; in consideration of another meaning

don zab dgongs pa

nges par grel bkral grel

bkrald greld {L}gambhrrtha-sadhinirmocana
Gambhrrtha-sadhinirmocana [p.n. of a
Bodhisattva in the Sadhinirmocana-stra, the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mthong {MSA}sadasattrtha-payan view as

meaningful and meaningless


mtshan gyi med dgag gi gzhan sel

bsal sel bsald seld non-affirming negative
other-eliminator that is a factual specifically
characterized phenomenon

don rang mtshan gyi gzhan

sel bsal sel bsald seld
arthtmaka-svalakanypoha other-eliminator

that is a factual specifically characterized
phenomenon {GD:306} an objective elimination

mtshan nyid/ ma yin dgag gi gzhan sel yang yin/ don

dmigs pa/ Definition: an observed common locus

rejection; not discard; not cast out; not forsake

{C}absence of giving up; non-repudiation; without

between: (1) being an other-eliminator that is an

affirming negative; (2) and being ultimately able to
perform a function

dor ba med pa stong pa nyid

dbye ba/ 1 don rang mtshan gyi don


{MV,C}anavakra-nyat emptiness of not

discarding {C}emptiness of non-repudiation

rang mtshan gyi gzhan sel/ 2 don rang mtshan gyi

bloi gzhan sel/ 3 don rang mtshan gyi med dgag gi
gzhan sel/ Divisions: (1) other-eliminator which is
a factual specifically characterized phenomenon that
is a factual specifically characterized phenomenon;
(2) other-eliminator that is an awareness that is a
factual specifically characterized phenomenon; (3)

don rab dang {MSA}artha-prasanna

dor bar bya ba {C}utsraavya; {MSA}

apanetavya should discard should be repelled

dor bya {C}ricitavyo discard; cast out

should get parted

dra rgya chen {PH}greatly progressing

dra ba drwa ba {LCh}jla web; net;
lattice; network

drag {MSA}ugra; {MSA}tvra; {MSA}

pure meaning; clear meaning

don rig object knower{LG}

don rig yid mngon mental direct

pragha; {C}guru fierce; violent; terrible

{C}hard; heavy; weighty; serious; deep

perceiving object knower{LG}

don la phyin ci ma log pa

{MV}artheviparysa; {MV}arthviparysa nonmistaken with respect to the meaning/object

don so so yang dag par

rig pa {C}arthapratisavid {C}analytical
knowledge of meaning/objects

drag tu phyor ba strongly billowing

drag ldan {C}ugra; tvra; pragha; guru
fierce; violent; terrible {C}weighty; serious;

heavy; deep

drag pai las fierce activities

drag po {MSA}ugra; {MSA}tvra; {MSA}

pragha hard; heavy [=sra ba] {Lati}; fierce;

strong {PH}fierce; sharp

don gsum three welfares [of oneself;

drag poi las fierce activities

drag spyod {GST} haha {PH}forceful

others; and both]


dor/ dor/ dord/

drag shul ferocity

drag shul spyod sngags

dord/ discard; reject; cast out; forsake; cancel

dor ba niryha; {C}avakra; {MSA}tyga

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}abhicra-

(e.g.: manaskra-tyga) discard; reject; cast out;

forsake; cancel withdrawal; repudiation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}anavakra; {C}anutkepa non-rejection; not

discard; not cast out; not forsake {C}absence
of giving up; non-repudiation; without adding

dor ba med pa {C}anavakra non-

dam par don byed nus pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun par

dom bear

dor ba med {C}atyga; {C}anapakra;

mantra mantra of fierce deeds {C}spell of



drang {C}rjava; {C}avakra; {C}ju straight;

definitive {PH}straight-forward; forthright {C}


drang nges the interpretable [meaning]

drang srong {LCh}i sage [one who has

straightened body, speech, and mind]; seer [of
the Vedas]

drang srong rgyas pa {LCh} i

Vysa {PH}the i Vysa

and the definitive [meaning]; definitive [stra]

and [stra] requiring interpretation

drang nges rnam byed Dzong-kabas Differentiation of the Interpretable and the
Definitive [also called The Essence of the Good
Explanations (legs bshad snying po)]

drang srong dang bcas pa dang skyes pa

dang bud med kyi tshogs rnams {C}sa-i-naranr-ga crowds of men and women around
the sage

drang srong smra ba i-vadana

drang thad du {PH}straightforward

drang don drang

Sages Propounding

bai don neyrtha interpretable meaning;

requires interpretation; interpretable object;
requiring interpretation; interpretable; meaning
requiring interpretation

drang don gyi mdo {N}neyrtha-stra

stra of interpretable meaning{N}

drang po {L}pragua; {MSA}ju straight

right; honest; good condition; excellent

drang srong smra

ba ri dags kyi nags Deer Park of Sages
Propounding{BJ 29.2}

drang srong smra ba ri

dwags kyi nags {PH}Deer Park at ipatana

drang srong gzegs zan

drang srong lhung ba ipatana

{PH}ipatana (near Varanasi)

drang poi lugs

{PH}straightforward manner; honest approach

If one acts in a straight-forward manner, ...

drang bai don neyrtha requires


sage Kada

In the ruins of the

monasteries of ipatana and Nland, ... {GCG}

drang srong lhung

ba ri dwags kyi gnas Deer Park of the Alighting



interpretation; interpretable meaning;

interpretable object; requiring interpretation;

drang / dren/ drangs/ drongs sam drend/ induce;
cited; cite; induced; lead; draw; pull; conduct
mdo drangs pa las from a cited
stra{MSI 413}
don la nges pa shugs drag drangs nas through
inducing strong force of ascertainment with respect
to the meaning{TGP 27}

drang bai phyir karartha in

order to lead

drang bai phyir du gsungs

pa spoken for the sake of leading

drang las {C}avakra {C}straight; upright dran nyams smti-lopa forgetfulness;

drang song smra ba {L} ivadana
Sages Propounding (in the area of Varasi in
dran dang brtson grus
the Deer Park)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

la brten pa {MSA}smti-vrya-pratihita in
dependence upon mindfulness and effort



dran dang shes bzhin {MSA}

smti-saprajanya {PH}mindfulness and

dran pa {LCh,MSA,MV,C}smti; {C}smaraa;

{MSA}smarat; {C}matti mindfulness; memory;

recollection {C}remember; be mindful of these
thoughts; rememberance

dran pa gcig pai rnal

byor yoga of single mindfulness{TGP}

(=smta) mindful {C}mindfully; has a good


dran pa dang shes bzhin

dran pa dang shes bzhin dang sems pa dang btang

snyoms {MV}smti-saprajanya-cetanopeka
mindfulness, introspection, mind, and

smtir upatihate; {MV}upasthita-smti basis of

mindfulness; abide in mindfulness

dran pa nye bar gzhag pa

dran pa ner gzhag {C}smty-

{PH}application of mindfulness

dran pa nye bar gzhag pa

upasthna mindful establishment(s) {C}

support(s) of mindfullness

bzhi {PH}four applications of mindfulness

dran pa nye bar bzhag pa

{MSA,MV}smtyupasthna; {C}upasthita smte;

{C}upasthitasmtaya mindful establishment;
establishment in mindfulness {C}foundation(s)/
support(s) of mindfulness; one whose mindfulness
is well established; mindful; {GD:112} application
of mindfulness

dbye ba/ 1 lus


kyi nyer bzhag 2 tshor bai nyer bzhag 3 bsam

pai nyer bzhag 4 chos kyi nyer bzhag Divisions:
(1) mindful establishment of body; (2) mindful
establishment of feelings; (3) mindful establishment
of thoughts; (4) mindful establishment of

dran pa nyer gzhag establishments

by way of mindfulness; mindful establishment
{PH}applications of mindfulness; Applications of
Mindfulness [Stra]

dran pa nyer bzhag smtyupasthna

mindful establishment

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dran pa dang ldan pa {C}smtimat

{MSA}smti-saprajanya mindfulness and

dran pa bcu {PH}ten mindfulnesses

dran pa nye bar gnas pa {MV}


pa dang ting nge dzin la sogs pai yon tan

{MSA}smti-samdhy-di-gua the qualities of
mindfulness, meditative stabilization, and so


dran pa ma brjed par gyur

na {MV}smty-asampramoe sati when one is
mindful and non-forgetful

dran pa gtso bo {MSA}smti-pradhna

main mindfulness

dran pa shin tu nye bar

gnas pa {MV}spasthita-smti well-established


dran pai rtog pa memory

conception; conceptual consciousness which


dran pai dbang po {MSA}

smtndriya faculty of mindfulness; power of


dran par nyer bar bzhag

pa smtyupasthna {C}foundation(s)/
support(s) of mindfulness; one whose mindfulness
is well established; mindful; {GD:536} the four
applications of mindfulness

dbye ba/ 1 lus


kyi nyer bzhag 2 tshor bai nyer bzhag 3 bsam
pai nyer bzhag 4 chos kyi nyer bzhag Divisions:
(1) mindful establishment of body; (2) mindful
establishment of feelings; (3) mindful establishment
of thoughts; (4) mindful establishment of

dran par byas pa yin na {C}

dri ma dang bcas {MV}samala; {MV}

saha-mala defiled; contaminated; stained

dri ma dang bral nas {C}vigata dri ma dang bral ba {MSA}



dran shes {N}smti mindfulness; memory

consciousness{N} {GD:524} recollection

dran sogs yon tan phel

nirmala; {MSA}mala-vigama; {MSA}malpakara;

{MSA}vigata-mala free from stains; free from

dri ma rnam par dag pa {MSA}

mala-viuddhi purify defilements

dri ma spangs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}praha-mala
abandon defilements

byed {MSA}smty-di-gua-vddhi impel the

qualities of mindfulness and so forth


malinatva contaminated; defiled; stained

mala free from stains; free from defilements

smrayati {C}inform

dran par byed {C}smrayati

dri ma can nges pas {MSA}doa-


dri ma bral ba nirmala free from

dral/ drald/ drald/ {C}gahana; {C}timira

disappearing; {C}dense; dark; {Thumi, p.129} to
cause to be shameless; to do without; to break a

defilements; free from stains

dri ma med {MV}amala; {MV}nirmala


dri {LCh}gandha odor; smell {PH}odor

dri nga {ntideva} durgandha {PH}foul-

dri ma med pa {LCh,C,MSA}vimal;

{C}amala; {MSA}nirmala; {MSA}nirmalatva;

{MSA}malpeta stainless; Stainless (second
bodhisattva ground) {C}spotless; immaculate;
not defiled/tainted


dri chui lam {PH}urinary tract

dri mnyam pa sama-gandha equal odor dri ma med pai sa {MSA}vimal
bhmi stainless ground
dri ba {C}prana {C}question
dri ma zhi ba gnyis {MV}mala-nti dri ba dang bral ba med pa
dvaya the two, defilement and pacification

{C}avimala not free from defilements; not free

from stains {C}not immaculate

dri mi mnyam pa visama-gandha

dri ba dris pa asked

dri ba zhu byed means of questioning
dri bar bya {MSA}praavya ask;

unequal odor

dri mi zhim pa durgandha unfragrant


dri med {MSA}nirmala; {MSA}vimala


dri ma {LCh,C,MSA}mala stain; taint;

stainless; undefiled

dri med ldan {MSA}nirmalat-yoga

defilement; contamination {PH}stain; taint;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

connected with non-defilement



dri zai dbyang snyan {MSA}

dri med gnas {MSA}amala ... pada

gandharva-madhura-ghoa pleasant sound of


stainless place

dri med pa {MSA}amala stainless;


dri med dbyings {MSA}amala ... dhtu

stainless realm

dri med mi rtog blo mchog

{MSA}parama-vimala-nirvikalpa-buddhi supreme
undefiled non-conceptual awareness

dri med mig {MSA}cakus ... nirmala

undefiled eye

dri med od Stainless Light [Rigs ldan

pad ma dkar pos commentary on the Klacakra


dri zar gandharva scent eater; odor eater

dri zar bcas pa gandharva scent
eater; odor eater

drin {LCh}prasda; {MSA}upakra kindness;


drin can rje {PH}kind lord

drin du che {PH}very kind
drin du mi che {PH}not very kind
drin du gzo ba {C}kta-krit; {C}ktavedit {C}thankfulness

dri tshor ba {PH}olfactory sensation

drin gzo ba intention to repay kindness
dri dzin dbang mngon drii skye mched gandha-yatana
gzung dzin bzung zungs sense direct

odor sense-sphere

dri zhim {C}saurabhya fragrant odor;

sna shes kyi myong

bya/ Definition: object experienced by a nose


sweet-smelling {C}with a fragrant smell

drii khams gandha-dhtu odor-

dri zhim pa sugandha sweet-smelling;


fragrant odor

dril involvement

dri zhim po {C}puya-gandha (=pupa-

phra thim
la dril nas through involvement with a subtle
drop{TGP 25} rnams
la gcig dril byas pas through performing a
combination of ... {TGP 13}

gandha) sweet-smelling {C}fine fragrance

dri za {LCh,MSA}gandharva scent eater;

odor eater; the musicians of Indra, ruled by

Dhtarastra, who live in the region of the air
and the heavenly waters; their special duty is to
guard the heavenly soma, which the gods obtain
through their intervention

dril bu {LCh,MSA}ghaa bell

bde mchog dril bu pa Ghaapda

[transmission of Cakra] Savara

dri za gandharva Fragrance Eater

dri zai grong khyer {N}gandharvanagara city of scent-eaters{N}; city of
Fragrance Eaters

dri zai glu dbyangs {MSA}

gandharva-sagti-ghoa; {MSA}kinara-sagtigho song of scent-eaters

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mtshan nyid/

perceiver apprehending scent

dris {C}paripccha {C}question; ask

drug a; {MSA}a six
drug sgra genitive case
drug cu {MSA}ai sixty
drug cui dbyangs {PH}sixty [types
of] melodies



drug cui dbyangs ldan

the Bon-po of the Rgyu and Hbras-po sects sacrifice

sheep and goats, buffaloes, dzo, mules, camels, etc.


endowed with the sixty [types of] melodies

drug pa {MV}aha sixth

drug po sa {MSA}a ... bhmi sixth

dro ba {C}man

{C}heat; stage of heat;

those on the stage of heat

dro bar gyur pa {MV}umagata heat

dro bar gyur ba magata heat
drod man; umagata heat {PH}[bodily]


drung khor lay government official

drung du {MSA}saka near to
byang chub kyi shing drung du at the


base of the tree of enlightenment{TGP 19}

drod gyur pa {C}ma-ga

drung du nye bar gro bar


{C}upasakramitavyam come near to {C}

approaching; think of approaching

drung du phyin {C}upasakrnta

drod snyam {C}tulayati

{C}ponder; weigh
(up); examine; compare; deliberate; consider


drod rtse sbyor

sbyor sbyard sbyord {LCh}magata-mrdhaprayoga heat peak training; training of the peak
of heat

have approached

drung du lhags nas {C}gamya

{C}thanks to; has come in to; come in to; resorting

to; when he has entered on; come; return again;
because of; in the course of

drod gsher las skye ba

drung rtsis

sasvedaja moisture-born

{PH}secretary and finance

minister (drung yig dang rtsis dpon)

drung yig chen mo

drod gsher las skyes pa {C}

sasvedaja {C}moisture-born


general (2nd rank)

drung rigs {PH}secretariat

dregs mada haughtiness
dregs ldan gtsug na pre-eminent
among the haughty{DASI 522.2}

dregs pa {C}mado; {L}darpa arrogance;

haughtiness; haughty {C}self-conceit

dred yellow bear

dren pa {C}adhivsanat; {C}

vyupaparkaa(ta) (=adhivsanat) {C}

toleration; testing; ability to tolerate

drel (1) familiarization; (2) mule


Among the followers of Shenrab,

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}degree of


dron {PH}hot; warm

dron po {C}una {C}hot
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs prajapti;
prajapyate impute; designate; hang

gdags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {C,MSA}

prajapti; {C}prajapayate designation;

imputation; hang {C}concept; conception;
nominal concept; nominal existence; conceptual
entity; nominal entity; intimation

gdags pa rnam par bzhag

pa {MSA}prajapti-vyavasthna explanation of
designation {T}

gdags pa byas

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {L}

dogs btags/brtags thogs existence from the side

of the basis of designation

prak- impute; designate

gdags par bya

gdags gzhii steng nas

grub pa gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs existence right in the
basis of designation

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{C}prajpayitavya; {C}prajpayiymi; {C}

prajyate (=pravartyate = tat-kta-cihnaabhvn) impute; designate {C}should
make known; can I make (people) conceive of; is
conceived; comes under the conceivable; have a
conception of

gdags gzhii tshad ma

valid basis of designation

gdags par bya ba ma yin

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {C}aprajapanya should not
designate {C}cannot be intimated; cannot be a
subject of wise instruction; inconceivable; should/
can not be conceived

gdags tsam du

yongs su tshol ba
btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}prajaptimtratva-paryea thoroughly investigate/
examine/research mere imputations/designations

gdags gzhi

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs prajaptivastu basis of designation; basis of imputation

gdags gzhi gzhan la brten nas btags pai

btags yod gdags

dogs btags/brtags thogs imputed existence that
one imputes in dependence upon another basis of


gzhii go sa gnon pai tshul du yod pa existence in

the manner of covering its basis of designation

gdags gzhii ngos

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {C}prajyate (pravartyate =
tat-kta-cihna-abhvn) designate; impute {C}
is conceived; comes under the conceivable; have a
conception of

gdags su ma mchis pa

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {C}aprajapanya not impute; not

designate {C}connot be intimated; cannot be a
subject of wise instruction; inconceivable; should/
can not be conceived

gdags su med pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{C}aprajapanya not impute; not designate

{C}connot be intimated; cannot be a subject of
wise instruction; inconceivable; should/can not be

gdangs {LCh}ghoa tone; light

gdan {LCh}sana; {C}upstaraa seat;
cushion {PH}seat; cushion {C}coverlet

gdan bcas seated

gdan bshams pa




debs/ btab/ thobs/ put; sow; plant; set; offer;

give; cast


gdam doms
gdams doms advice; instruction; counsel;
preceptual instruction; advisory speech;

gdags gzhii ngos nas


gdags su mchis par gyur


nas grub pa
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs established/
establishment from the side of the basis of
grub pa




gdug pa

gdam ngag

gdam doms gdams doms avavda advice;
instruction; counsel; preceptual instruction;
advisory speech; exhortation

gdug pa can
poisonous; pernicious; pernicious forces;
pernicious entities {PH}poisonous; pernicious
[entities]; evil ones
Concerning that [i.e., Vajrakrodha]:
because he kills and expels pernicious entities, he is
krodha (wrathful). {Dor 25a.1/ 234.1}

gdam ngag brjed pa

gdam doms gdams doms

avavdasammoa forgetting the instruction;


gdug pa can
poisonous; pernicious


doms gdams doms advise; counsel

gdams ngag

gdug pa dang sdig sbrul mang poi dgon pai nang

du song ba song song song song
{C}vyda-sarspa-kntra-madhyagata {C}be in
the middle of a wilderness infested with venomous

gdam doms gdams doms {LCh,C,MSA,MV}

avavda; {C}upadea guidance; instruction;
preceptual instruction; guiding advice {C}

gdug pa dang ri dwags dang

gdams ngag brjed pa

{C}vyda-mg {C}wild beasts; beasts of prey;

antelopes; deer and ferocious wild animals

avavda-samoa; avavdasammoa forgetting

the advice/instruction/counsel/preceptual
instruction/advisory speech/exhortation;

gdams ngag nod par byed

pa {MSA}avavda-grhaka receive advice/

instruction/counsel/preceptual instruction/
advisory speech/exhortation; one who receives...

gdams ngag pa

gdam doms gdams doms preceptual;


gdug sbrul {PH}poisonous snake

gdug rtsub can {PH}terrifying
gdugs {C}chattra umbrella {C}parasol;

gdugs dkar po {PH}white umbrella

gdung gdung /
gdung / gdungs/ gdungs/ torment; be tormented;
be scorched; desire; long for

gdams pa


gdam doms gdams doms {C}prajpayati
advise; counsel; advice; instruction; preceptual
instruction; advisory speech; exhortation {C}
speaks meaningfully of; communicates; makes
known; conceived of

/ gdung / gdungs/ gdungs/ {LCh}tapas; {C}
vaa torment; morification; be tormented; be
scorched; desire; long for {C}lineage

gdung rgyud

gdams pai gdams ngag

{PH}descendant; heir;

lineage of descent

gdung rgyud mi chad

guidance that guides

par bya ba la chad chad chad

chad {C}vaasya-anupacchedya {C}so that
the lineage should not be interrupted; to insure the
non-interruption of the lineage

gdams tshul mode of guidance

gdug via; {C}via; {MSA}pradua

poison; misery7 See: dug, poison {C}viper;

resemblence to a poisonous snake

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdug pa


gdung rgyun mi chad par


gdul ba byung po

byed par {C}vaasya-anupacchedya {C}so

that the lineage should not be interrupted; to insure
the non-interruption of the lineage


who are the trainees

gdul bai khams {MSA}vineya-

gdung degs supporting rafter

gdung ba {MSA}upatapta; {MSA}dha

dhtu realm of discipline

tormented; mortify

gdung ba med pa {Negi} anavatapta


bai bya ba la dus thams cad du nye bar gnas pa
closely abiding in disciplined activities at all
times {T}

gdung bai las {MSA}tpana-karman gdul bai

karma of torment

lo tog yongs su smin par byed pa {MSA}vineyasasya-paripcana cause the harvest of discipline
to ripen {T}

gdung bar byed pa {MSA}tpaka;

{MSA}dha-karaa torment; mortify

gdul bar bya ba {C}vainayika;

gdung mi gcad par bya

{MSA}vinaya trainee one to be disciplined

bai phyir {C}vaasya-anupacchedya {C}so

that the lineage should not be interrupted; to insure
the non-interruption of the lineage

gdung shugs

gdul bya {MSA,N}vineya trainee; disciple

gdul bya ji lta
ba bzhin du chos ston pa
bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}yath-vineyadharma-deana teach doctrines according to the
trainee[s capacity] {T}

{PH}strong devotion;

intense longing

gdung shugs drag po


strong devotion; intense longing


gdul bya gdul bar dka ba

{MSA}vineya-durvinayatva discipline those who

are difficult to discipline; {T} trainees who are
difficult to tame

gdung / gdung / gdungs/ gdungs/ torment; be

tormented; be scorched; desire; long for

gdungs par {C}tapati

gdul bya dun

tormented; scorched; {VM} tormented [by]

par byed pai chos ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}vineyvarjakadharma-deakatva teach the doctrine that causes
trainees to aspire

gdul {MSA}(dam}: damayet discipline

gdul ba {C}vinayana; {MSA}vinaya;
{MSA}vineya discipline; disciplining

gdul gdul bya gzhan {PH}other trainees

ba ji lta ba bzhin du dul bai thabs rtogs pa gdul byai rgyud kyi zhing
rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}
yath-vineya vinayopya-bodha realize the
method of disciplining exactly according to the
discipline {T}

{MSA}vineya-satna-ketra field of the

continuum/line of trainees

gdul byai nyes

skyon bsel bai yon tan quality of removing
faults and defects from trainees

gdul ba dang mthun pa

{MSA}vineynurpat; {MSA}vineynurpatva
concordant with discipline

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gdeng drod

{PH}strong confidence


gdengs {PH}confidence
gdengs rtags {PH}sure sign(s)
gdebs put; sow; plant; set; offer; give;

unquestionably; undeniably {C}(it is) of

necessity; in all circumstances; definitely

gdon mi za ba indubitable
gdon mi za bar {N}avaya; {C}


gdogs impute; designate; hang

gdong {LCh}mukha face
gdong gi sna rtser od

avayam; {C}nisaayam; {C}nicayena; {C}

nirdea (=niyatam = tasya te pratirpo yam
upadea); {MSA}niyatam unquestionably;
undeniably; definitely{N} {C}(it is) of necessity;
in all circumstances; without any doubt; in all
certainty; exposition; disquisition; description
shes rab gdon mi za
bar btsol bar bya dgos you should definitely seek

thig sgom pa bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms meditation on a drop of light at
the opening point of the face{TGP 40}

gdod di beginning; first (in a list)

gdod nas primoridally {PH}from the

gdon mi za bar grub pa

amoghasiddhi Amoghasiddhi {STTS}; p.n. of a



gdod nas stong zhing {C}di-

nya primordially empty {C}empty from the

very beginning

rnam dag zhing {PH}Pure Land

gdod nas spras bral

cala-veukra {PH}founder of a lineage of

the lowest of outcastes

primordially free from elaborations

gdol ba {C}cala {C}outcast

gdol bai rigs {C}(pukkasa-)

gdod ma di beginning; first (in a list)

gdod ma gzhi yi chos nyid

calakula {C}family of outcasts; outcast

original basal noumenon

bdag {MSA,MV}tman; aham; {MSA}sva; {C}

gdod mai mgon po Original



gdon/ don/

btond/ thond/ verb: cause to come out; expel;

recite; take out; noun: evil spirit causing disease;
possession [as by a devil] {PH}planet; planetary
influences; malevolent spirit; evil spirit

gdon bgegs byung po


evil obstructing spirits

gdon par byao {C}pattitavya; {C}

pattitavya one should expel; one should recite
{C}should be repeatedly recited

gdon mi tshal bar {C}avayam

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdoms advise; counsel

gdol pa {C}cala {C}outcast
gdol pa smyig mkhan {HT}

ahu; {C}hu (=aham); tma {GD:594}; tm self;

I [can be used to refer to oneself]; nature; entity
{PH}self; I
de ltar dus gsum das pai bdag
jig rten don du ci yod dam/ How could the world
exist in fact, With a nature passed beyond the three
times ...? (tariklyavyativtttm loka evam kuto
rthata) [NPG, vs. 63]

bdag rkyen {LCh}adhipati-pratyaya

proprietary condition; empowering condition;

dominant condition

rang gi thung mong ma yin

pai bdag rkyen mig dbang dang dmigs rkyen gzugs


innermost entity

la brten nas skyes pai rtog pa dang bral zhing ma

khrul bai rig pa/ a knower which is free from
conceptuality and non-mistaken that is produced in
dependence upon its own uncommon empowering
condition, an eye sense power, and an observed
object condition, a form. {T}

bdag gi bar dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

(mamya}: mamyati conceive as mine

dbyo ba/ 1 thun mong ma yin pai

bdag rkyen/ 2 thun mong bai bdag rkyen/ Div.:
(1) uncommon empowering condition; (2) common
empowering condition

bdag bskyed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed self generation; selfgeneration

bdag gi {C,N}mya mine; my

himself; for themselves; his own; oneself; I myself;
my own self; what belongs to the self

bdag gi ngo bo {C}sva-tmabhva;

bdag gi dbyings basic element of


bdag gi med pa {MSA}a-mama no

[conception of] mine

bdag gi brtson grus {MSA}

tmana ... vryam personal effort

bdag gi gzhi self base; self-base

bdag gir {C}mamat; {N}tmya
mine{N} {C}sense of ownership

bdag gir bya ba {C}mama-kra;

{MSA}mamyita; {MSA}vipka(?) {C}minemaking

bdag gir mi byed {C}mamat

{MSA}tma-bhva entity of the self; my entity

{C}its own body

{C}sense of ownership

bdag gi dngos po {C}tma-bhva

bdag gir dzin pa

existence of self {C}personality; body; frame;

gzung dzin bzung zungs {N}mama-kra

personal existence

conception of mine{N}

bdag gi dngos poi sku {C}

bdag gis {MV}svaya by me; I [did

tma-bhva-arra {C}physical personality

something ...]{BJ 28.1}

bdag gi don {MSA}svrtha ones own bdag

welfare; ones own purpose

bdag gi don rjes su thob

pa thob/thob thob thob

thobs {C}anuprpta-svakrtha attain ones own
purpose {C}their own weal accomplished

bdag gi du shes aha-saj

bdag gi gnas {C}tma-sthna
abiding in the self {C}standing in the self

bdag gi ba {N}tmya; tmiya

bdag dga {MSA}svaya-rata ones

mine{N}; the mine

own joy {T}

rpam the entity that is the mine; the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bdag gis

ni thob par bya ba nges par thob ste

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}
durlabdh me lbh {C}it is indeed a loss to me
and not a gain

conception of I

bdag gi bai ngo bo tmyam

gis bdog pa thams cad yongs su gtang ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}
sarva-sattva-aparitygin I completely abandon
all possessions {C}one who never abandons all


bdag sgra a possessor


bdag cag we
bdag cag gi ston pa

bdag nyid kyis sangs rgyas kyi dgongs pa thob pai

phyir thob/thob thob
thob thobs {MSA}tmani buddhaya-prpte
because of obtaining the thought of the Buddha
by oneself

bstan ston bstand stond our teacher


bdag ces bya ba bdud

bdag nyid nga rgyal pride of

kyi sems self is a devilous mind


bdag gcig tu brel tdtmya-

bdag nyid gcig ektman one

sabandha related in the sense of being one


essence {GD:284} identity of being

bdag gcig brel tdtmya-

sabandha relationship of sameness of nature;

related in the sense of being one essence; related
as the same essence {GD:269} having a relation
of identical nature

mtshan nyid/ khyod de dang tha dad gang zhig

de dang bdag nyid gcig pai sgo nas grel ba grub pa/

Definition: (1) it is different from that; and (2) there

is an established relation from the point of view of
being of one essence with that

bdag nyid {C,MSA}svayam; {C}sat; {C}

bdag nyid kun shes

bdag nyid che

bdag nyid

chen po mahtma; mhtmya great being; great


bdag nyid chen po

bdag nyid che {C}mahtma; {MSA}mahtmat;
{MSA}mhtmya great essence; essence of
greatness; great being {C}great-souled

bdag nyid ji bzhin du {C}

bdag nyid nyams {C}tmko

{C}one whose self is extinct (?)

bdag nyid rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}svayam-

bodha {C}self-enlightenment

bdag nyid dang ni gzhan

par bya bai phyir {MSA}svayam-jrtham in

order that the entity may be thoroughly known

dag {MSA}tman ... para self and other

bdag nyid dul vinayan bhavam

bdag nyid kyi dbang gis

{C}discipline yourself!

bdag nyid las skye ba

skye ba self-powered production

bdag nyid kyi bsod nams

production from themselves

bdag tu mngon

{L}svapuya own merit

bdag nyid kyis skye ba

production by itself

bdag nyid kyis ma yin pa na

svatas not by themselves

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

same essence

yathsvam {C}taken in due order

tmaka; {C}tmika; {MSA}tman; {MSA}svtman

[self-ness]; entity; essence; nature {C}(by)
himself; oneself; on his own; good; self; myself; for
himself; for themselves; his own; I myself; my own
self; in itself; inward; in itself

bdag nyid gcig pa eka-tman


par zhen pai gzhi ni sems {MV}tmbhiniveavastu citta the basis which is conceived to be
the self is the mind {T}

bdag tu lta

blta lta bltas

ltos {MV}tma-darana; {MV}tma-di view of

self; view as a self

tma-grha; tma-kra; {MSA}tmato ghti

conception of self; conceive as a self {PH}
conception of a self {C}seizing on a self

bdag tu lta ba

blta lta
bltas ltos {MSA,MV}tma-di; {C}tma-dika;
{MSA,MV}tma-darana view of self; view as a
self {C}one who has a self in view


tu dzin pai rten nye bar len pai phung po lnga

{MSA}tma-grhasyraya pacopdnaskandh the five appropriated aggregates that
are the basis for the conception of a self

bdag tu lta ba bskyed

pai phyir bskyed skyed bskyed

skyed {MSA}tma-dy-utpdanrtha due to
producing a view of self

bdag tu lta ba bskyed mi

dgos bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{MSA}tma-dir anutpdy it is not necessary
to produce a view of self

bdag tu lta ba nor ba tsam


blta lta bltas ltos

{MSA}tma-di view of self; view of a self

bdag ltai gnyen po antidote to

the view of self

bdag tu lta bai

phyin ci log dgag pa {MSA}tma-di-viparysapartiedha negate the mistaken view of self

daranena moka freedom from the view of self

bdag tu du shes {C}aha-saj;

{C}tma-saj conception of I {C}notion

of I; a notion of self

bdag tu snang ba

blta lta bltas ltos tma-di-vsan;

tmadtivsan predispositions of the view of


bdag bstod {C}tmnukari; {C}

tmotkara {C}exalting himself; exaltation of self

bdag bstod pa {C}tmotkaraa

having a self; with a self

bdag dang bdag gir chos

{C}ahu-mahya (=ahakra-mamakrau) {C}I
and mine

bdag tu rmongs pa la

sogs pa rmong rmong rmongs

rmongs {MV}tma-mohdi obscuration with
respect to self, and so forth

bdag dang gzhan {MSA}sva-para;

{MV}tma-para self and other

bdag dang gzhan mnyam

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bdag dang bcas pa {MV}stmaka

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C,MV,MSA}

bdag ltai bag chags


snang snang snang snang {MV}tma-pratibhsa

appearance as a self; appear as a self

bdag tu dzin pa

bdag tu log par dzin pa

bdag lta

tu lta ba la sogs pa dang mtshungs par ldan pa

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}tmady-di-saprayukta connected with the view
of self and so forth

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}tma-

rten spangs pai phyir spang

spong spangs spongs {MSA}tma-grhrayasya
praha(-artham) through abandoning the basis
of the conception of self

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}tmsad-grha mistaken conception of a

{MSA}bhrnti-mtra ... tma-darana the mere

illusion of a view of self

bdag tu lta bas thar pa

bdag tu dzin pai

pa nyid {MSA}tma-para-samat sameness of

self and other



bdag dang gzhan bdag po nyid {MSA}svmitva

mnyam pai sems nyid {MSA}tma-para-samacittat mind [which sees] self and other as the


bdag poi bras bu {MSA,MV}

bdag dang gzhan dang

snying rje {MSA}tma-para-karu compassion

for self and other

bdag dang gzhan bde ba

bdag dang bsam pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}adhipatitva-

bdag pos yongs su dzin

mthun pa {C}samnbhiprya thought that

is concordant with mine {C}they are of like
intention with me

pa {MSA}dhipatya-parigraha {PH}conception
of ownership; conception of sovereignty

bdag spobs {C}pratibhti personal

bdag der du shes aha-saj;

inspiration {C}flashes in to my mind; inspire;

it is clear; is intelligible; may you become clear; it
becomes clear; lighten up (the mind); intelligibly;

aha-saj conceive as a self; conception of a

self; one who conceives of a self

bdag dbang sogs


remains at ease

a self which is independent and so on [i.e.; and
permanent; unitary]

bdag du shes aha-saj; aha-

saj conceive as a self; conception of a self;

one who conceives of a self

bdag ni zag pa thams

bdag bras adhipatiphala possessional

effect; proprietary effect

cad zad do I have exhausted all contaminations

bdag ni sangs rgyas su

bdag ma mchis pa {C}antmat

no self; selfless; non-self

bdag med {LCh,C,MSA,MV}nairtmya;

gyur ro {MSA}aha buddho bhaviymi I will

become a Buddha

{C}nirtmaka; {MSA}nirtmat; {C}nirtmya

selflessness; selfless {C}without a self; is nothing
of itself

bdag pai rkyen {LCh}adhipatipratyaya empowering condition

bdag med pa {C,MSA,MV}nairtmya;

bdag pai bras bu adhipatiphala dominant effect; empowering effect

bdag po {MSA,MV}dhipatya; {MSA}

adhipati decisive condition; sovereignty; owner;

master {PH}dominant [condition]; master;
sovereign; lord

bdag po rkyen {MSA}adhipati ...

pratyaya dominant condition

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bdag por dzin pa

grha conception of sovereignty/ownership

{PH}conception of ownership; conception of

{MSA}tma-para-sukha happiness of self and


bdag bde yin {C}su-sukham

adhipati-phala proprietary effect; possessional

effect; dominant effect; empowering effect


{C,MSA}antman; {C}nirtmatva; {MSA}antmat;

{MSA}nirtmaka [self-not exist]; selflessness;
selfless {C}without a self; absence of self; is
nothing of itself

bdag med pa mngon

par rtogs pa rtogs rtogs
rtogs rtogs {MSA}nairtmybhisamaya
clearly realize selflessness; clear realization of


bdag med pa mchog

nairtmya subtle selflessness

bdag med ma Tantric siddh, one of

gi bdag nyid {MSA}nairtmytmakatva (agra-)

essence of the highest selflessness

bdag med pa nyid {MV}antmat

the nine wives of Marpa

bdag med rags pa sthla-


nairtmya coarse selflessness

bdag med pa tsam {L}nairtmyamtra mere selflessness

bdag mya ngan las das

med pa la bdag go snyam du phyin ci log go

{MSA}antmany tmeti viparysa mistakenly
think that the selfless is a self

bdag mtshan {MSA}tma-lakaa self-

pa {MSA}tma-parinirva personal nirva;

nirva for oneself


character; character of the self

bdag med pa la dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}

tmsad-grha conception of selflessness

bdag med pai lta

ba rnam par dag pa {PH}the correct view of

bdag med pai lta bu {N}

nairtmya-darana view of selflessness{N}

bdag dzin

dzin bzung zungs *tmagrha conception of
self {PH}grasping at a self; conception of a self

bdag dzin

bdag tu
dzin pa {LCh}tma-grha; ahakra [self-asgrasp]; conception of self; conceiver of a self;
apprehension of a self; apprehender of a self
{PH}grasping at a self; conception of a self

dbye ba/ 1 kun btags kyi bdag dzin/ 2
lhan skyes kyi bdag dzin/ Divisions: (1) artificial
conception of self; (2) innate conception of self

bdag med pai don {MSA}

antmrtha meaning of selflessness; object of

selflessness {T}

bdag med bdag dzin kyi bag chags

gzung dzin bzung zungs

predispositions/latencies of the conception of self

pai don ni kun tu rtog pa tsam gyi don {MSA}

parikalpa-mtrrtho ntmrtha the meaning
of selflessness is [the same as] the meaning of
conception-only {T}

bdag dzin khrul pa

mistaken grasping at a self; mistaken conception of
a self

bdag med pai rnam

pa bsgom pa bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms {MSA}antmkra-bhvana
meditation on the aspects of selflessness

bdag dzin gyi gog bden

true cessation of the conception of selflessness

bdag dzin gyi zhen yul

bdag med pai mtshungs

{PH}conceived object of self-grasping

pa nyid {MSA}nairtmya-samat sameness of


bdag dzin

bdag med par so sor

gnyis gang rung gis sgro btags pa ltar grub pas

stong pai de bzhin nyid thusness that is an
emptiness of establishment in accordance
with superimposition by either of the two

rtog pa {MV}ntma-pratyavek individual

investigation of selflessness

bdag med phra mo skmaTenses: future, present, past, imperative



bdud kyi gnas {C,MSA}mra-bhavana

apprehensions of self

bdag dzin lhan skyes

abode of Demons {C}realm of Mra



innate conception of a self

bdag rdzogs

kyi gnas rnam par jig par bgyid pa {C}

mrabhavana-vidhvasanakara completely
destroy the abode of Demons {C}to shatter
Mras realm

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs self perfection/


bdag zhi {C}tma-nta

{C}tranquil in

bdud kyi phyogs {C}mra-pakika;


bdag gzhan mnyam pa nyid

{C}mra-pako faction of Demons; demonical

faction {C}partisan of Mra; Mras host

{MV}tma-para-samat sameness of self and


bdud kyi phyogs gyur ba

bdag yod ces bya ba {MV}

{C}mra-pakika faction of Demons; demonical

faction {C}partisan of Mra

tmeti the statement, I exist {T}

bdud kyi byin gyis

bdag la dgongs su gsol

brlabs pa yin pa {C}mra-adhihita {C}beset

by Mra; under Mras influence

please pay heed to me {VM}

bdag la chags pa attachment to

bdud kyi zhags pa {C}mra-pa


bdams bsgrigs

Demons trap {C}Mras snare(s)

bdud kyi ris su gtogs

{PH}collection of


pai lha {C} mra-kyik-devat gods included

within hosts of Demons {C}Mras hosts

bdar sha chod take to heart

bdas pa bda/

bdud kyis ching ba {C}mra-

bandhana bonds of Demons; demonical bonds

ded/ bdas/ ded/ {MSA}prerita {Thumi} to

drive; to chase

bdud kyis joms pa

bdug spos [burn-incense]; burning

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}mra-

vidhvasana destroyed by Demons; oppressed

by Demons {C}the danger of being ruined by

incense; incense

bdud {MSA}mra Demon

bdud kyi sgyu {C}namuci Demons

bdud kyis byin

illusion {C}the artful Mara

gyis brlabs pa yin pa {C}mra-adhihita {C}

beset by Mra; under Mras influence

bdud kyi

stobs thams cad rab tu joms pa

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}sarva-mrapramardin Sarva-mra-pramardin [p.n. of a

bdud kyi sde {C}mra-sen group of

demons; army of demons {C}diabolical army;

Mras army

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bdud kyis smras pa mra-vacana

spoken by a Demon; speech of a Demon;

demonical speech

bdud glu btsan violent evil ngas

bdud sdig can Sinful Demon
bdud gnas {MSA}mrnvaya abode of

generations backwards


bdud rnams phyogs

dang bcas te {C}mra namuc-sapako demons

along with their factions {C}Mra together with
his host

bdud rtsi {LCh,C}amta ambrosia; nectar


bdud rtsi thab sbyor {Das}

amtakual {PH}mtakual

bdud rtsi sna lnga

bde {C,MSA}sukha; {C}sukhita; {C}sukhatm;

{C,MSA}saukhya; {C}sugatm; {C}sugatim;

{MSA}lkya bliss; pleasure; happiness;
abiding{LG}; easy (to understand){BJ 8.2} {C}
ease; happily; happy; at ease; a happy destiny

bde gro sugati happy transmigration

bde gror gro ba sugati-gamana

[types of] nectars

go to a happy rebirth

bde rgyas ubaktsna Vast Bliss

bde can sukhvat {PH}Sukhvat [name

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

purification by way of descent of ambrosia

bdud rtsi bebs sbyang

ucchrayat {C}his body has seven protruberances

{C}happy destiny

{PH}five various

bdud rtsi bab sbyang

bdun shin tu mtho ba {C}sapta-

of a Buddhist Pure Land]

bde can bde ba {ntideva 10.4}

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

sukhvatsukhme {PH}bliss of Sukhvat

descent of ambrosia; purification by way of

bde chung parttauba Little Bliss

bde chen great bliss
bde chen lam bzang {PH}

descent of ambrosia

bdud rtsii dbyings {C}amtadhtu Deathless Realm (?) {C}Deathless


bdud rtsii dbyings kyi sgo

excellent path of great bliss

bde mchog savara Cakrasavara

{C}amta-dhtu-dvra door of the Deathless

Realm {C}the door of the Deathless Element


bdud bzhi {PH}four devils (mra)

bdud yi dam tutelary demon
bdun sapta seven
bdun cu seventy
bdun cu rtsa bdun seventy-seven
bdun pa {MSA,MV}saptam; {MV}saptama

bde mchog dril bu pai

lugs Ghapdas system of Cakrasavara

bde mchog luu i bai

lugs Lhipdas system of Cakrasavara

bde stong longs spyod

rdzogs sku {PH}Emanation Body of bliss-andemptiness


bde dang sdug

{C}anusapta (vao) {C}(lineage) for seven

bde dang sdug bsngal zhi ba

bdun po sapta seventh

bdun phrag {PH}week
bdun mes rgyud kyi bar gyi
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsngal chen po zhi ba thob bya

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}
ghana-sukha-dukha-amopalabdhi attain the
pacification of great happiness and suffering


{MSA}sukha-dukha-ama pacify happiness and

bde dang mi ldan {MSA}sukhena

vimukt free from happiness


bde dod pa {MSA}sukha-kma; {MSA}

nisvasukha-kma desire happiness; desire for

bde ba {C,MSA}sukha; {C,MSA}sukhita;

bde ba chen po {C}mah-sukha; {C}

bde ba chen pos brtan pa

steadfast by way of great happiness

bde ba nyams su myong

ba {MSA}sukhnubhava experience bliss;

experience happiness

bde ba nye bar sgrub

pai bsam pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}sukhopasahraya a
thought that is established in bliss

{C}sukhatm; {C,MSA}saukhya; {MSA}lkya;

{C}sugatim; {C}sugatm; sukh happiness;
bliss; pleasure; abiding{LG}; easy; easy to
understand{BJ 8.2} {PH}bliss; abiding {C}
ease; happily; happy; at ease; a happy destiny
and abiding which are a continuation of these, ...

bde ba thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}sukham eti

attain happiness


bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

sukhopapatti produce happiness

{C}immensely happy

mahsaukha great happiness; great bliss

bde dod {MSA}saukhyrthin desire

bde ba skyed par byed pa

bde ba che zhing {C}mah-saukhya

bde ba

dang mi bral bai dgongs pa nyid {MSA}

sukhviyogayatva thought that is not free from

bde ba skyes pa {MSA}saukhyotpda bde ba dang mi bral

create happiness

bde ba bskyed pa

bai rnam pa {MSA}sukhviyogkra aspect

that is not free from bliss

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}hitvaha; {MSA}
sukhhitvaha produce happiness

bde ba dang yid bde ba

{ntideva 10.3cd} sukha ... bhavatvavirata

{PH}uninterrupted bliss

bde ba dang yid bde ba

of a Buddhist Pure Land]; Blissful Place; Blissful

Pure Land; Land of Happiness; the Blissful

bde ba rnam pa gsum {MSA}

bde ba rgyun mi chad

bde ba can sukhvat Sukhvat [name

bde ba gcig pa yogakema

trividha sukha() three aspects of bliss;

threefold bliss

{MSA}sukha-sapatti completion of bliss;

marvelous bliss

bde ba chung ba {MSA}alpa-sukha

bde ba bla na med pa highest

little happiness

happiness; unsurpassed happiness


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mang ba {MSA}sukha-saumanasya-bahula great

bliss and mental happiness

bde ba phun sum tshogs pa

security; one abiding

bde ba che {MSA}sukha ... mahat great

{MSA}sukha-saumanasya {PH}bliss and mental




bde ba mang ba {MSA}bahu-sukha

bde bar byed pa {C}sukha-vaha;

{MSA}(sukh): sukhayati make happy {C}
source of happiness

much happiness

bde mang {MSA} bahu-sukha

bde bar log par dzin pa


happiness; many forms of happiness

bde ba yang ma yin sdug bsngal ba yang ma yin

pai tshor ba {MSA}adukhsukh ... vedan
feeling that is neither happiness nor suffering


bde ba gsum {MSA}sukha-traya three

happinesses; three blisses

bde bai khyad par {MSA}sukhaviea attribute(s) of bliss {T}

bde bai dgongs pa nyid

sugata One Gone to Bliss [epithet of Buddha]

bde bar gshegs kyi bstan

pa bstan ston bstand stond

{MSA}dean saugat teaching of the One Gone
to Bliss
sugattmaja {C}the Sugatas son

bde bar gshegs pa sugata

bde bai rnam pa bsgrub

[happy-ly-went]; One-Gone-to-Bliss; Well-gone

One; an epithet of Buddha

pa bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {C}sukhopadna establish the aspect of
happiness; {T} establishment of bliss {C}that
which makes happy; what brings happiness; that
which bestows ease

bde blag tu {C}sukhena easy; easily;

happily {C}quickly

bde bai lhag pai bsam pa

{MSA}sukhdhyaya special thought of bliss

bde bar {C}sukha; {C}sukhita; {C}sugatm;

{C}sugatim; {C}sukhatam; {C}sv-asti; {C}
kemea happily; blissfully {C}ease; pleasure;
happiness; happy; at ease; a happy destiny;
securely; safely

bde blag tu rtogs pa easy


bde blags tu

Easily finding the intention

of the Conqueror. {LRCM-sa-bcad}

bde dbyangs Day-yang (Blissful

Melody) College of Dre-pung Monastic

bde bar brjod

rjod brjod rjod state in an easy to understand
form{BJ 8.2}

bde byung


byung byung byung ambhu Bliss-Arising

(Mahevara; iva)

bde bar gnas mchog {MSA}

bde la bag yod {MSA}

su-sukha ... vihra; {MSA}sukha-vihra blissful


sukhpramatta predisposed to happiness;

predispositions to happiness

bde bar gnas pa {MSA}sukha-

bde legs {PH}goodness; auspiciousness

bde legs su bgyid pa

vihra blissful abode; abide happily

viharati abide happily

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bde bar gshegs {MSA}saugat;

bde bar gshegs kyi sras {C}

{MSA}sukhayatva blissful thought; happy


bde bar gnas so {MSA}sukha

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}sukhsad-grha wrongly apprehend


bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}kema-karin

make happy {C}makes us seek the safety of

bde gshegs sugata

One Gone to Bliss; Well-Gone One; an epithet

of Buddha; the One Gone to Bliss (an epithet of



dbye ba/ 1 kun rdzob bden pa/ 2 don dam bden
pa/ Divisions: (1) conventional truth; (2) ultimate

bden pa mngon rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs satybhisamaya

gshegs snying po; bde bar gshegs pai snying po


bde gshegs bstan pa

[i.e., what exists the way it appears]

clear realizer of the truth; clear realization of

the truth

bden pa gnyis dvaya-satya;

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

saugata ... sana teaching of the One Gone to


satyadvaya the two truths [i.e. ultimate truth

(don dam bden pa, paramrtha-satya); and
conventional truth (kun rdzob bden pa, samvtisatya)]

bde gsal {PH}bliss and clarity

bde gsal cha {PH}factor of bliss and

bden pa mthong ba {MSA}da-


satya; {MSA}satya-darana see the truth

bden satya; tattva truth; true

bden grub satya-siddhi true

bden pa dang byang chub kyi phyogs

dang mthun pa dang rnam par thar pai sgo

{MSA}satya-bodhipaka-vimoka-mukha the door
of liberation that is concordant with the truths
and the harmonies with enlightenment

establishment; truly existent; truly established

bden grub kyis stong pa

emptiness of true establishment

bden dngos {PH}truly [existent] thing(s) bden pa rnam can having the
aspect of the truths
bden nyid essence
bden pa bzhi po {MV}catu-satya;
bden gnyis dvaya-satya; satyadvaya
the two truths [i.e. ultimate truth (don dam bden
pa, paramrtha-satya); and conventional truth
(kun rdzob bden pa, samvti-satya)]

bden stong empty of true existence{BJ


being like an illusion and empty of true existence

snang snang

snang snang appearance of true existence{Lati}

bden snang gi lhag ma

bden pa {MV,MSA}satya truth; reality

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}each of the [Four

Noble] Truths

bden pa la mkhas pa {MV}satya-

bden pa la jug {MSA}satyvatra

enter into the truth; engage in the truth

bden pai ngag {PH}true speech

bden pai byin gyis rlabs

{C}satya-adhihna {C}magical power of

enunciation of truth; sustaining power of Truth; Act
of Truth

snang snang snang snang remainder of

appearances of true existence

bden pa re re

kaualya wise with respect to truth

bden stong sgyu ma lta bu

bden snang

{MV}satya-catuaya the four truths



bden pai tshig {C}satya-vacana

of true existence; (2) innate conception of true


true words {C}utterance of the truth; truthful

speech; enunciation of the truth

bden dzin kun btags

gdags dogs btags/brtags

bden par {C}satyam {C}in truth

bden par grub pa satya-siddhi;

thogs the artificial conception of true existence

bden dzin mngon gyur

bden dzin lhan skyes

bden par grub pai snang

conception of true existence

bden par grub pas stong ba

empty of being truly established

bden par ma grub not truly

the doctrine of the four truths

with respect to truth {C}skilled in the truth

bdei rgyu {MSA}sukha-hetu cause of

gzung dzin bzung zungs the conception of


bder gshegs {PH}sugata

bdog {C}sarva-asti {C}all that is his
bdog cing yod pa {C}svata

bden par yod pa satyasat true

existence; truly exist; truly existent; truly

bden par rlom pa false fabrication

savidyamna {C}his own

of true existence; conceit of being truly


bden par gsung ba {C}satya-vdin

one who speaks truth

bden po so so la {C}prati-satyam

with respect to the individual truths {C}for

bdog pa kun gtong

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}sarva-tyga

renounce/cast away/give away all possessions

{C}renounce everything

bdog pa thams cad gtong

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

each Truth

sarvsti-tygin renounce/cast away/give away all

possessions {C}one who gives up all he has

bden med not truly existent

bden dzin gzung

dzin bzung zungs satyagrha conception of

true existence; conception of inherent existence
{PH}conception of true existence

dbye ba/ 1 bden dzin kun btags/ 2 bden dzin
lhan skyes/ Divisions: (1) artificial conception
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bden bzhi four truths; the four truths

bden bzhii chos khor turning

bden la mkhas {C}satya-kuala wise


true existence

gzung dzin bzung zungs the innate

ba snang snang snang snang

appearance of true existence{Lati}

bden par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs manifest

conception of true existence

satyasiddha true establishment; truly existent;

truly established; name of school founded by
Harivarman; existence


bdog pai rten



mdangs {LCh}ojas; {LCh}tejas tone;

complexion; radiance {PH}tone; complexion;


mdangs yod {C}snigdha

with moisture; pliable; glossy; fresh



mdangs gsal {PH}clear complexion mdun du ye shes pa

spyan drangs nas having invited the Wisdom
mdab mal {C}pattra (=para) {C}leaf;
Being in front{TGP 5}

mda {C,MSA}ka; {C}iur; {MSA}iu


mda phangs pa {MSA}kiptasyeo

shoot an arrow

mdud pu knot {PH}knot

mdud pa {MSA}grantha; {MSA}pu

mdud pa drug skor



mdo {MSA,MV}stra; {MSA}strnta; {C}

sakiptea stra; discourse; short sentence;

axiom; scripture {PH}concise statement; short
sentence; axiom {C}sets of discourses; in short;
briefly; to cut it short all the
statements of this stra {HS-J}
{PH}Eastern Tibet; (hon.)




from knots

mdud par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}upanha {C}


mdun front; fore part; in front

mdun bskyed bskyed

mdo ting nge dzin rgyal

po gzung dzin bzung

zungs samdi-rja-stra King of Meditative
Stabilizations Stra

mdo dang chos mngon dul

ba {MSA}strbhidharma-vinaya Discourses,
Higher Knowledge, and Discipline

mdo dang sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord putting this together
with a stra; associating this with a stra

skyed bskyed skyed generation in front

mdun gyi {C}puratas


mdo khams

mdud pa bos {C}gahi ... baddha

mdud pa med {C}nirgranthi

mdun ma {PH}concern
mdun sa {PH}(in) the presence (of); before
mdun sa dag {PH}the presence of

{C}in front (of);

mdo des bstan tshul la brten


mdun gyis bltas {C}puratas-kta

nas kun btags la de drai dogs pa skyed dka ba

more difficult in dependence upon the stras
mode of teaching to generate such a qualm with
respect to imputational natures

{C}noble; revered; accompanied; attended

mdun gyis bltas te {C}purataskta {C}noble; revered; accompanied; attended

mdo sde {LCh,MSA}strnta; {MSA}sutra

mdun du {C}puratas in front [of]; in the

sets of discourses

presence [of] {C}in front (of); before

mdo sde kun gyi mchog

mdun du gro zhing {C}

supreme of all stras

agratogacchati {C}precedes

mdun du bdar nas {C}puratas-kta mdo sde dgongs grel

bkral grel bkrald greld

sadhinirmocana-stra Sadhinirmocana-

{C}noble; revered; accompanied; attended

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


stra; Stra Unraveling the Thought; P774, Vol.

strdika stras and so forth

mdo sde las brgya ba

mdo sde rgyan (mahyna-)stra-

karmaataka The Stra of the Many Kinds of

Actions (Toh. 340; P. 1007) {BJ 11.2}

lakra Maitreyas Ornament for the Great

Vehicle Stras [P5521, Vol. 108]

mdo sdei rgyan (mahyna-)stra-

mdo sde dang

lakra Maitreyas Ornament for the Great

Vehicle Stras [P5521, Vol. 108]

dul ba dang chos mngon pa {MSA}stravinaybhidharma Discourses, Discipline, and

Higher Knowledge

mdo sdei don {MSA}strrtha


meaning of a stra

mdo sdei sde snod strntapiaka

sde dang dbyangs kyis bsnyad pai sde la sogs pa

{MSA}stra-geydi discourses and discourses in
prose and verse, etc.

scriptural collection of sets of discourses

mdo sde spyod pai dbu ma

mdo tsam briefly

mdo tsam du {PH}briefly
mdo mdzad pa probably: Sautrntika;

mdo sde spyod pai dbu ma

mdo rdzi

mdo sde pa sautrntika Sautrntika;

Stra School; Follower of Stra

Middle Way [Autonomy School] Following Stra

possibly: Buddha [literally: Stra-maker; Stratakers]{LG}

{PH}river breeze; a wind blowing
at open places where rivers meet

pa sautrntika-mdhyamika {PH}Sautrantika[Svtantrika]-Mdhyamika; Middle Way

[Autonomy School] Following Stra

mdo bzhin du {C}yath-stram in

accordance with the stra {C}in harmony with

the stra

mdo sde spyod pai

dbu ma rang rgyud pa spyad
spyod spyad spyod sautrntika-svtantrikamdhyamika Stra Autonomy Middle
Way School {PH}Sautrntika-SvtantrikaMdhyamika; Middle Way Autonomy Following
Stra [School]

mdo yi sde la sogs pai

dbu ma rang brgyud pa spyad

spyod spyad spyod sautrntika-svtantrikamdhyamika Stra Middle Way Autonomy

mdo las ji skad byung

chos {MSA}strdika ... dharma doctrines of

stras and so forth

mdo la sogs pai chos {MSA}

strdi ... dharma doctrines of stras and so

mdo sde spyod pai

ba bzhin byung byung

byung byung {C}(ity-diko) yath-stram {C}
according to the stra

mdo sde smra ba stravdin

mdog {LCh}vara; {C}chedana hue; color

Proponent of Stra [=Sautrntika?]

{C}cutting; cutting off

mdo sde la jug {MSA}stre vatarati mdog tu rung ba suitable as hue

engage in the stras; enter into the stras
mdog snum {C}snigdha {C}soaked
mdo sde la sogs pa {MSA}
with moisture; pliable; glossy; fresh
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mdog mi sdug pa {C}durvara


{C}with a bad complexion; ugly

mdongs appearance; the form of the face;

white spot; blaze; star on the forehead of a horse

or cow {PH}eye [in a peacocks feathers]

mdongs pa {PH}forehead
mdoms kyi sba ba secret organ [of

mdor bsdus te bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond brief


mdor bsdus na


sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}samsatas in brief

mdor na {C}sakiptea; {MSA}samsena

in brief {C}in short; briefly; to cut it short

dag dag dag dag dag

mdoi sde {C}strnta sets of discourses
to purify; to clean
mdoi sde la sogs pai chos dab {C}pattra (=para) {C}leaf; petal
{MSA}strdi-dharma doctrines of stras and
dab brgya hundred petaled lotus
so forth
{PH}the hundred-petaled (lotus)
mdoi tshig stra passage{BJ 52.4}
dab chags {C}pakin; {MSA}paka mdor {C}sakiptea in brief {C}in short;
vta {C}bird (on its wings)
the genitals]

dab chags bya {C}pakin

briefly; to cut it short; {S}crossing

mdor bstan


ston bstand stond brief indication

mdor bstan pa

dab ma {C}pattra; {C}pala; {C}dala

leaf; petal {C}foliage

bstan ston bstand stond {MV}samsa-nirdea

brief explanation

mdor bstan pa yin

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}samsena

nirdia briefly explain

mdor sdud


(on its wings)

dab gshog zad {C}kia-pako

{C}with feeble wings

dabs na

[He] heard [this] because [he]
was staying nearby the city. {A4C-C}

bsdu sdud


{PH}mud Sunk [in]

the mud of desire, ... {GC; 13th DL}

bsdus sdus short form condensation

mdor bsdu {MSA}samsa-sagraha

short form; condensation

mdor bsdu na {MV}abhisamasya; {MV}

samsatas; {MV}samsena in brief

dam rdzab swamp; cesspool; mud (?)

dam la chags {C}paka-sakta {C}
attached to mud

mdor bsdu ba {MSA}samsa-sagraha dam las {C}paka {C}mud

short form; condensation
dam las brga ba {C}paka {C}
mdor bsdus bsdu sdud
bsdus sdus samsa-sagraha; {C}sakepa; {L}
da da/ das/ {C}atikrmati
sakepatas [brief-into-gathered]; brief form;
condensation; condensed {PH}short form;
condensation; condensed; brief {C}collectedness;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


pass away; go beyond {C}pass beyond; pass by;

transcend(s); step above; should pass above; passes

above; move away from

da ba {C}vyativartate (=atikrmati =

vivardhate); {C}atikramaa; {C}atikrmati; {MSA}

ativartana pass away; go beyond {C}depart
from; stray away from; transcending; pass beyond;
pass by; transcend(s); go beyond; step above;
should pass above; passes above; move away from

da ba med does not pass

da bar gyur

das pa dang da ltar byung

ba byung byung byung byung

{MSA}atta-pratyutpanna arising in the past and

das pa dang

ma das pa dang da lta byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}attngatapratyutpanna arising in the past, future, and

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}atikrmati

pass away; go beyond {C}depart from; stray

away from; transcending; pass beyond; pass by;
transcend(s); go beyond; step above; should pass
above; passes above; move away from

das pa la sogs par dbye

ba {MSA}attdibheda division into past and so


da bar bya ba {C}uttaraa pass

das pai rkyen

away; go beyond {C}a matter of rising above

da bar byed {C}atikrmati pass

{PH}past tense

The past tense [indicates that] being a

away; go beyond {C}depart from; stray

away from; transcending; pass beyond; pass by;
transcend(s); go beyond; step above; should pass
above; passes above; move away from

completed internal object, it is placed in the mind.


da bar mi bya ba {C}anuttaraa

does not pass {C}a matter of not rising above


{C,MV,MSA}atta; {C}samuttra past; pass

away; go beyond; pastness {C}passed beyond;
gone beyond; overcome; transcend; escape

da/ das/ {C}atikrmati;

{MSA}atikrama; {C,MSA}atta pass; go beyond;

supramundane{BJ 52.7}; short for: mya ngan las
das pa; [sorrow-from-passed]; nirva {PH}
past [phenomena]; [phenomena that exist in the]
past {C}pass beyond; pass by; transcend; past;
passed beyond; gone beyond

das dus sngon gyi {C}

das byas nas {C}atikramya having

passed; having gone beyond {C}more than;
overpowering; after rising above; having passed
beyond; beyond; passes beyond all bounds

das smra ba lokottara-vdin

Lokottara-vdin [Transcendentalists???] {T}

das lam supramundane path{BJ 52.7}

das lam mnyam bzhag {PH}
meditative equipoise of a supramundane path

das shing {C}atta; {C}uttratva

passed beyond; gone beyond; past; having escaped

purimdhvatta {C}gone by in the past period of


das nas {C}atikramya (=ullaghya); {C} di this

atyayena (=parinivena) having passed; having
di ko {PH}all of these
gone beyond {C}more than; overpowering; after
rising above; having passed beyond; beyond; passes
di skad ces bka stsal to
beyond all bounds; in the course of; even for a day;
stsal stsol stsald stsold say/

after the passing away; after the lapse of

das pa {C,MSA,MV}atikrama;
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



di skad ces gsol spoke thus:{S}

each other; mutually
di skad du [X] says: ...{BJ 51.3}
di dag gzhan pa {C}aihikaamutrika these and others {C}belonging to this
di gas di these
and the other worlds
di gnyis these two
di dra zhig {PH}like
di snyam bgyid de di nas from this
bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis think this
di nas jig rten gyi khams
di snyam du sems {C}eva
from this worldly realm
bhavati [someone] thinks this {C}it occurs

di ni med do that is not

di ni yod do that is

di snyed {MSA}iyat so much; so many;

how much; gain; profit

di snyed du ches lci ste {C}

phyir phan yon che bai theg chen mthong lam

mahnuaso mahynadaranamrga Great
Vehicle path of seeing greatly beneficial in this
and future lives

tvad-gurutara {C}so serious

di lta ste {L}tadyath; {MV 2.14}ayam;

{MV 1}yad uta it is like this, for example; it is

the case that ... [often untranslatable]

di lta ste dper na {L}tadyath it

is like this, for example {C}that is

di lta di ltar gyur cig {MSA}

eva caiva ca sym and it is like this

di lta bu {MSA}da [this-like]; like

this; thus

di tsho these
di og ma

{PH}later sections of this

di la {C}atas in this; with respect to this

{C}this; from that; from it; from this; thence; for

that reason; than him

{MV}yatas ... tatas; {MV 5.2}yad uta; {MV 1.4}

yasmt; {C}eva pravtta this way; it is like
this{S} {C}so; as; and; with this kind of start

di las {C}anu; {C}itu from this

di ltar don ji lta ba bzhin



du it is like this: ...{S1}

di ltar das pa {C}ity-uktaka it

occurred like this {C}Thus-was-said

di dag {C}ayu (=ayam) these; those

{C}this; in

di dag kun rtog pa tsam

dii of this
dii gong na higher than this{BJ 29.4}
dir {MSA}iha here
du du du/dud dus
dus {C}ya collect; assemble {C}rise

{MSA}kalapan-mtra sarvam etad these are all

merely conceptual

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

this{BJ 40.5}


di ltar {MV 2.14}tath hi; {MV}yatas;

di dag phan tshun {L}anyonya

di bar hereabouts
di tsam gyis by just this; through just


du ba {C}sagrahat; {C}yujyate collect;

assemble {C}the ability to attract; applies
oneself; be engaged in; be joined to; practice;


du byed rnams

tenable (to say); logical (to equate)

du ba med {C}asayoga; {C}na yujyate

not collected; not assembled {C}unconjoined;

it is not tenable (to say); not logical (to equate);

applies oneself; be engaged in; be joined to; practice

du bar gyur ba {C}samavasarati

jug pa mi rung bai phyir {MSA}saskr

pravtter ayogt because it is not suitable to
engage in compositional phenomenon

du byed rnams mi rtag

pa nyid {MSA}anityatvam ... saskr
compositional phenomenon are impermanent

assemble; collect {C}meet

du byed saskra compositional thing

du byed rnams la
skye ba dang jig pa {MSA}saskr udaya du byed {LCh,L,C,MSA,MV}saskra; {C}
vyaya(u) production and disintegration with
saskra-gata (=saskra) [assemble-make];
compositional thing; compositional factor;
compositional phenomenon; compounded;
assemble; make; act; activity; compositional
phenomena; compositional things {C}the
compounded; compounded/conditioned (events/
things); formative forces; karma-formations

respect to compositional phenomenon

du byed sna tshogs rnam

pa du ma {C}(aneka-vidhni) saskra-viprakr
various aspects of compositional phenomenon
{C}(the manifold) misfortunes of the karmaformations

du byed kyi sdug bsngal

du byed pa {LCh}abhisaskra

saskraduhkhat suffering of conditioning

application; overapplication; antidote

du byed kyi mtshan ma

du byed med pa {MSA}asaskta

{C}saskra-nimitta; {L} saskranimitta

signs of compositional phenomena; sign of a
compositional factor {C}the sign of something

uncompounded; {T} non-compositional

du bral med non-fusable and


du byed kyi las saskrakarma

compositional activity

du byed btang snyoms upek

desisting from application

du byed thams

cad ni sdug bsngal bao {MSA}sarva-saskr

dukh all compositional phenomenon are


du ma byed {L}asaskta non-

compositional phenomenon; uncompounded{S};


du mi byed {C,MV}asaskra;

{MSA}anabhisaskra; {MSA}asaskta
non-application; uncompounded; {T} noncompositional phenomenon {C}unconditioned

du byed thams cad ni

mi rtag pao {MSA}sarva-saskr anity all
compositional phenomenon are impermanent

du mi byed pa asaskra; {MSA}

du byed rnams kyi bdag med pa tsam

anabhisaskra; {MSA}asaskta noncomposition; non-application; uncompounded

du mdzad {MSA}saskra

dang rang bzhin med pa tsam nyid just the mere

absence of self and just the mere absence of
inherent nature of compounded phenomena

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

du ma bgyis {PH}uncompounded
du ma bgyis pa {PH}

compositional factor; compose; apply



du dzi vyapakara; {C}sasarga; {MSA}

field of neither cognition nor non-cognition

du shes med pa asajn non-

kra {C}lead astray; seduce; entertainment;

noise; din; close contact; close commerce with

du dzi spangs pa


spang spong spangs spongs {C}sagaikparivarjana {C}avoid society

du dzi med pa {C}avyavakra

{C}uncontaminated; unmixed; exclusively

du dzi la dga bai gtam

{C}sagaik-rma {C}(talk [with kath]) one
is fond of in society

asajat non-discrimination; there is no

discrimination {C}no act of perceiving

du shes med pai

snyoms jug {LCh}asaji-sampatti
absorption without discrimination

du shes med pai sems

can asajisattva god of no discrimination

du shes g.yer po

du dzii gnas {C}sagaik-


determinative discrimination
rtog pa

sthnam (=jana-kira-gamana-di) {C}place

where one meets society

du dzir gyur pa {C}sagaika-

yang ci zhig gang don la ming dang rigs su lhag par

sgro dogs par zhugs pai du shes g.yer po [It is]
a determinative discrimination which is involved in
the superimposition of names and types on objects.

vaha {C}where one meets society

du shes {LCh,C,MSA,MV}saj;

dug {C}nianna; {MSA}niadana; {C}

{C}sajata; {L}sajnati; {MV}sajita

discrimination {C}perception; notion; mental
associations; ideation; motivation; conviction;
cognize; perceive

du shes

thams cad dang mthun pa thun mong ngo {C}

sarva-sattva-sr {C}the very cream of all beings

du shes phung po {A4C}

samjskandha {PH}aggregate of discrimination

regard to the determination of all phenomena, this is
what is termed the aggregate of discrimination.
{A4C} 14.22cd

du shes me pa asaj non-

adhitihati is; are; there is; a verb meaning to

exist in a place {C}seated; sits; to be; becomes
(still more) determined; wills; change by magic;
take his stand on; fixed; insists on; sustains; stand
up to

dug cing {C}sthitv

{C}when he has
established; having abided; having stood

dug stangs manner of sitting; posture


dug pa {C}nidatim; {C}niadya; {C}

viharati; {MSA}sthita is; are; verb of existence

{C}sits down; seated; sitting; dwell

dug pai gnas {PH}a place

dug par {C}niadya {C}seated; sitting
dug byed cing {C}sthihitva (=sthitv)


du shes med du

shes med min naivasajnsaj without

discrimination and without non-discrimination

{C}having abided; having stood

du shes


med du shes med min skye mched {C}naivasajnsajyatana sphere of neither

discrimination nor non-discrimination sense-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

du shes med pa yin {C}

btud dud btud dud

{C}nmas homage {C}humility



dud pa

dun ma wish; goal; aim

dun la brten pa {MSA}chanda-

btud dud btud

dud {MSA}nata homage


dun/ dun/
dund/ dund/ {C}chanda; chandika (=abhilasampanna) aspiration; aspire {C}zealous;

pratihita based on aspiration


gdul/ dul/
btul/ thuld/ {MSA}naya to tame; discipline;

dun dang bcas pa {MSA}

chanda-sahita having aspiration; together with


dun pa {LCh,MSA,MV,C}chanda; {C}

chandas (=kartu-kmat) aspiration {C}desireto-do; will-power; impetus; zeal; zest

dun pa nyams pa {MSA}chanda-

discipline {C}fact of disciplining

dun pa dang ldan pa {C}

dul ba mdor bsdus

chandika (=abhila-sampanna) having

aspiration {C}zealous; keen

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus condensed discipline

dul ba med pa {C}avinaya

dun pa dang rtson grus dang sems dang

undisciplined; non-discipline {C}does not

discipline; one who needs further discipline

dpyod pai ting nge dzin {MSA}chanda-vryacitta-mms-samdhi meditative stabilization

of aspiration, effort, mind, and analysis

dun pa dang mtshungs

par ldan pa {MSA}chanda-saprayukta
endowed with aspiration

dun pa zlog par byed de {C}

dul ba las

byung ba dben pai rang bzhin

byung byung byung byung {C}vainayika-viviktasvabhva nature which is isolated from the need
for discipline

dul bai skye bo vineya-jana

beings to be tamed; beings to be trained

vicchandayati (=kartu-kmat-apanayand) {C}


dul bai thabs kyi khams

dun pai rtsa ba las byung

{MSA}vinayopya-dhtu realm of the method of


ba byung byung byung byung

{C}canda-mlaka arisen from the root of
aspiration {C}rooted in the desire-to-do

dul bai don du {MSA}vineyrtha

for the sake of disciplining

dun par byas pa {MSA}varjita

dul bai mdo vinayastra


Guaprabhas Aphorisms on Discipline

dun par byed pa {MSA}varjaka;

dul bai sde snod scriptural

{MSA}varjana aspire

collections of discipline

samvarjayate aspiration; aspire

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

vinayati; {MSA}vinayana; {MSA}vineya; {C}

damana; {C}dharayati discipline; Discipline;
vow; monastic discipline; to be tamed; to be
trained {C}self-discipline; overpower; subdue

dul ba nyid pa {C}vinayanat

parihi abandon aspiration

dun byed {MSA}(sam vj):

dul grwa {PH}training center

dul ba {C,MSA}vinaya; (vi n): {MSA}

dul bai dbang {MSA}vineya-vaa

power of discipline



dul bai dbang gis through the

force of taming

dul bar byed {MSA}(dam):

dus par gyur

damayati; {MSA}(vi n): vinayanti discipline

dul bya vineya trainee; disciple

ched du bya bai dul bya special trainees of


dus bya

du/dud dus dus {C}saskta caused
phenomenon; caused; compounded {C}
conditioned; effected

du du/dud

dus dus {MV}antarbh-; antarbhta collect;

assemble; included; be assembled; aggregate
sa gzhan rnams su ma dus
pa not included in the other grounds
dus tshe phan tshun
gcig gcig la reg pa ma yin when they aggregate
they do not touch each other

dus byas

dus gyur pa

du/dud dus dus {MSA}saparka-gata collect;
assemble; included; be assembled; aggregate

dus pa

du du/dud

dus dus {N}saghta; {C}sanipatita; {C}

sanipta; {C}snniptika; {C}akara-sanipta;
{C}ekakaa-sanipta; {C}antar-gata; {MV}
antar-bhva; {C}samasta; saghta {GD:126};
sahata; saghata included; assembled;
collected; aggregation; composite {C}brought
together; come together; present; assembly; group;
disorder of the humours; collection; congregation;
laid out in letters; incidence; inherent; arising from
a disorder of the humours; contained

dus pa las gyur pa

du du/dud dus dus {C}

sanniptikni {C}which result from a disorder of

the humours

dus pa las byung bai

ngo bo nyid du du/dud

dus dus {C}smyogika-svabhva entity that
arises from aggregation {C}own-being acting in
causal connection

dus par


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

du du/dud dus dus {C}sagrhta included;

assembled {C}embodied in; comprised;

gsang ba dus pai


du/dud dus dus {C}antar-gata; {C}saghta

included {C}contained; embodied in; comprised;
incorporated; comprehended


du/dud dus dus {C,MV,MSA}saskta; {MSA}
saskra [assembled-made]; compounded;
compounded thing; compounded phenomenon;
caused phenomenon; product {C}conditioned;
1 jig pa/ 2 skye dgag gnas gsum
rung ba (1) disintegrating; or: (2) suitable as the
three: production, cessation, and abiding

dus byas kyi chos

du du/dud dus dus sasktadharma
compositional phenomena

dus byas kyi phung po

du du/dud dus dus

compounded aggregates

dus byas kyi mtshan nyid

du du/dud dus
dus {MSA}saskta-lakaa character of
compounded phenomenon

dus byas thams cad

skad cig ma du du/dud

dus dus {MSA}kaika sarva saskta all
compounded phenomenon are momentary

dus byas

thams cad ni rgyu las skye zhing yod do

du du/dud dus dus {MSA}
hetuto hi sarva sasktam utpadyate bhavati (ut
pad) all compounded phenomenon exist arisen
from causes


dus byas thams cad

du du/dud dus dus {C}prabhvita

mi rtag pa du du/dud
dus dus sarva sasktam anityam all
compounded phenomenon are impermanent

{C}drew their strength from; brought about

(from); brought forth; derives its dignity; exalts; one

discerns; discerned; exalted; derived from; come

dus byas dang

dus ma byas kyis rab tu

dus ma byas nyid du

du/dud dus dus {MSA}sasktsasktatva
compounded phenomena and uncompounded
phenomena {T}

phye ba du du/dud dus

dus {C}asaskta-prabhvita distinguished by
the uncompounded {C}brought forth from the

dus byas mi rtag pa nyid

dus ma byas pa

du du/dud dus dus

du du/dud dus dus {C}asaskta;

{MSA}sasktasynityat impermanence of

{C}anabhisaskta; {MSA}anabhisasktatva
uncompounded; that which is uncompounded
{C}unconditioned; not effected; free from
conditions; not brought about

compounded phenomenon

dus byas tsam

du du/dud dus dus {MSA}saskra-mtra

mere compounded phenomenon

dus lba

du du/dud

dus dus complex goiter

dus ma byas

du du/dud dus dus {LCh,MSA,MV,C,L}

asaskta; {C}anabhisaskta [assemblednot-made]; uncompounded; uncompounded
[phenomenon] {C}unconditioned; not
effected; free from conditions; not brought about
Definitions: mtshan nyid/ mi
jig pa/ Definition: that which is non-disintegrating

dus ma byas kyi chos

du du/dud dus dus

asaskta-dharma uncompounded phenomenon


mtshan nyid/ 1 mi jig

pai chos/ 2 skye dgag gnas gsum mi rung bai chos/
Definitions: (1) non-disintegrating phenomenon; or:
(2) a phenomenon of which the three--production,
cessation, and abiding--are not possible

dus ma byas kyi nam mkha

du du/dud dus dus
asasktkaa; asaskta-akaa uncompounded
space; uncomposed space

dus ma byas kyis

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ma byas pa rang bzhin rnam dag gi yon tan
uncompounded naturally pure qualities

dus ma byis pa

du du/dud dus dus {C}asasktat

uncaused; uncompounded {C}to be


dus shes dang tshor

ba gog pa du du/dud
dus dus sajveditanirodha cessation of
discrimination and feeling

dus bsags

{PH}collections and


degs support
degs pa {C}utkipai support

suspend; get rid of; throw up; take out of; add to;
lift; lift up


gdab debs btab

thobs plant; set; offer; put; sow; give; cast

debs pa

debs btab thobs {MV}ropaa; {C}praharaa;
{MSA}praidhna kariyanti; {MSA}smon lam
debs pa = praidadhti put; sow; plant; set;

offer; give; cast {C}(manner of) attack; the
wielding of

dei rigs can {C}taj-jtikam



of the same kind; of like kind

des pa {C}peala {C}well-behaved

dog pa {C}prakayati {C}proclaims;

dogs byed kyi tshad ma

gdags dogs btags/

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA,L}(pra

j): prajpayati impute; designate; to
hang; designation{BJ 39.7}; imputor [i.e. the
consciousness that imputes]{BJ} make known;
bind; attach

brtags thogs valid cognition that imputes

dod {C}kmat; {C}sph; {C}sphate;

dogs can {PH}subscribed

dogs pa
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs (pra

j): {MSA,L}prajpayati; {MSA}prajapti;

prajapti imputing; impute; designate; to
hang; designation{BJ 39.7}; imputor [i.e. the
consciousness that imputes] make known; bind;

dogs pa poi tha snyad

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs conventions that are the imputers

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

verbal conventions that designate{BJ 21.7}

dogs pai tshig

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

prajaptivda imputational words; verbal


dogs pai gzhi

dogs par byed

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs basis

of imputation{BJ 42.6}

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{C,MSA}mata; (kk): {MSA}kkanti; {C}

kkamna; {C}kkati; {C}abhilin;
{MSA; Xyl: dor; dar}(abhi nand): abhinandati;
{MV}iccha; {MV}ia; {MV 1.4}iyate; {C}
icch; {MV}ruci; {MV}abhipreta; {C}abhipraya;
{MSA accept; assert; wish; desire; consider
{C}concern; love; learnt; learn of; known; is
understood; regarded; considered; longing; aspire
for; plan; until he wishes; one who desires; just as
he plans; one who is eager; long for; temptation;
wish for; intention; intent; purpose; attempt (to hurt)

dod bskyed na

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}sph janeti
{C}generate longing for

dod khams {LCh,}kma-dhtu Desire


dod khams kyi yon tan

qualities of the desire realm

dod khams kyi lha kma-dhtudeva god of the Desire Realm

dod dgu {MSA}kma; {L}anukma


dod dgu thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}ia-

nikma-labdha obtain what one desires

{MSA}prajpayati (pra j) impute; designate;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brtags thogs {C}prajapayati (=eka-rpea

vyavasthpayati) impute; designate; hang {C}
arranges; build; spreads out; makes known

dogs pai tha snyad

{C}aprajpayan not impute; not designate

{C}without conceiving

gdags dogs btags/

verbally expressed; expressed by words


gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

dogs par mdzad do

reveals; shows; makes known

dog par mdzad {C}vyhta

dogs par mi byed



dod rgyal {N}ydcchika

dod chags dang ma bral ba

{MSA}avta-rga not free from desire


dod rgyal du skye ba arbitrary

dod chags dang ma rig pa

{MSA}rgvidy desire and ignorance

production; capricious production (literally

production in the manner of wish being

dod chags pa med cing {C}

arakta non-desire {C}not impassioned

dod chags {C,MV,MSA}rga; t

[desire-attachment]; desire {C}lust; attachment;

greed; hues; dye

dod chags kyi kun sbyor

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord thorough

enwrapment of desire

dod chags par byed {C}rajyate

desire {C}become impassioned

dod chags spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}rga-carita;

{MSA}rge carita practice desire

rga great desire

dod chags spyod pai

pa spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

rga-dharma-carita {C}preoccupied with matters
of greed

dod chags bral ba {C}virga;

dod chags chen po {C}mah-

dod chags chos las spyod

dod chags dang bral ba

{C}vta-rga free from desire {C}dispassion;

withdrawal; distaste; without greed; free from greed

dod chags mang ba {MSA}bahu-

{C,MSA}virga; {C,MSA}vta-rga; {MSA}

vairgya free from desire {C}without greed;
turned away from greed

rgatva much desire

dod chags med pa arga non-

dod chags dang bral


dod chags tshul bzhi

ba med pa {C}aviraktat not free from desire

{C}becomes not dispassionate


four modes of desirous attachment

dod chags dang bral bai

dod chags la sogs pa

sa {C}vtarga-bhmi ground of freedom from

desire {C}stage of turning away from passion

{MSA}rgdi desire and so forth

dod chags dang bral

bar bgyi ba bgyi bgyid bgyis

gyis {C}virga become/make free from desire
{C}dispassion; withdrawal; distaste

dod chags dang bral

bar gyur ba {C}virajyate become free from
desire {C}become dispassionate

dod chags dang bral bar

byed {C}virajyate become free from desire
{C}become dispassionate

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sgrib pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}rga-carita ... varaa the obstructions
of practicing desire


dod chung {C}alpecchat little desire

{C}fewness of wishes

dod joi ba wish-granting cow

dod nyon gyi sum gnyis

{PH}two of the three sets of the afflictions of the

desire realm

dod ldan {MSA}kmin desirous

dod na if [that] is accepted ...
dod pa {LCh,MSA,MV,C,L}kma; {C}

sphat; {C}sphayate (=sphet); {C,MSA}
sph; {C}chandikat; {C,N}icch; {C}icchati;
{LCh,C,MSA}ia; {C,N}iyate; {MSA}eit;
{MSA}ein; {N}abhyupagama; ( kk): {MSA}
kkati; {MSA}kkaa; {C}kkamna;
{C}arthika; {MV desire; wish; assert; assertions;
accept; consider {C}longing; long for; aspire
to be; zeal; zealous; zest; temptation; wish for;
look for; seek; considered; desired; is considered/
regarded; can be desired; just as he plans; desirous;
until he wishes; profitable; admitted; intent;
intention; purpose; atte

dod pa bskyed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}spheti produce
desire {C}long for

dod pa bskyed pa

asphaata non-desire; without desire {C}free

from longing; does not long for

dod pa med {MSA}gata-spha nondesire; without desire

dod pa gzhan gyi dbang

nyid {MV}ie pratantrya other-powered

dod pa bzhin {C}nikma

{C}as one


dod pa bzhin ma {C}anikma

{C}not as one desires

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}icchati produce

desire; desire {C}seek; look; wish; wish for

dod pa can {MSA}kmin desirous

dod pa chung {C}alpeccha little

dod pa yid la byed pa {MSA}

abhila-manaskra mental contemplation of

dod pa la mngon par

chags pa {C}kma-abhivaga (=abhinivea)
{C}great love for sensuous things

dod pa la dun pa kmacchanda

desire {C}a man of few wishes

aspiration to attributes of the Desire Realm

dod pa chung ba having few desires dod pa la yongs su

longs spyod pa spyad spyod spyad
dod pa ji lta bar {MSA}
spyod {MSA}kma-paribhoga resources with
yathbhiprya as one desires; according to
ones wishes

respect to desire

dod pa nyung {C}alpeccha little

desire {C}a man of few wishes

dod pa nyung pa {C}alpeccha little

desire {C}a man of few wishes

pa dang gzugs dang gzugs med pa na spyod pa
spyad spyod spyad spyod {MV}
kma-rprupyvacara deeds in the desire,
formm and formless [realms]

dod pa na spyod pa

dod pa la log
par g.yem par mi byed {C}na kmeu mithycarati not commit adultery (?) {C}not go
wrong about sense-desires
dhtu desire realm

dod pai rgyu nyid {MSA}ia-

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}kma-avacr

deeds in the desire [realm] {C}of the realm of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

par g.yem par byed {C}kmeu mithy-carati

commit adultery (?) {C}go wrong about sensedesires

dod pai khams {C,MSA}kma-

dod pa ma mchis pa {C}

dod pa la log

hetutva cause of desire

dod pai jig

rten pai nyon mongs worldly desire realm



dod tshul modes of assertion

afflictions{PGP 69}

dod pai jig lta view of the

dod yon {LCh}kma-gua attributes of

transitory collection [of I and mine] within the

desire realm{Gn-chok}

dod pai dod chags {MSA}

the desire realm

dod yon la chags pa desire

kma-rga desire

dod pai bras bu

for attributes of the desire realm

dod la ma chags {MSA}kmev

don mi gnyer {MSA}nea phala prrthita;

{MSA}ia phala prrthita not seek the result
of desire

asakta not cut off from desire

dod sems desire mind{Gn-chok};

dod pai yon tan {LCh,C}kma-

Desire Realm mind

dod sems dgu pa ninth mind of

gua {C}attributes of the desire realm; sensequality; sense-pleasure

the Desire Realm

dod pai las can {C}iccha-

dod sems dgu pai

ting nge dzin gzung dzin

bzung zungs meditative stabilization of the ninth
mind of the Desire Realm

karm having the karma of desire; having

desirous actions {C}plausible lies(?)

dod pai longs spyod lnga

{PH}five sensual enjoyments of desire

dod pai sa

{PH}the level of the desire


dod par skye {MSA}janma kme

dod sems can


sentient beings

dod lha kmadeva God of Desire; god of

the Desire Realm {PH}god of the Desire Realm


don/ btond/ thond/ {L}uddeayanti; {MSA}
arthopagamana; {MSA}upagamana cause to
come out; expel; recite; take out

produce desire

dod par bya {C}icchati desire


mode of asserting; mode of assertion


seek; look for; wish; wish for

dod par bya ba {C}sphaya

desire; desirable {PH}object of desire; that

which one wishes for {C}to be envied; enviable

don pa {MSA}arthopagamana; {MSA}

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}kma-

don par dod pa {C}uddhartu-

upagamana; {L}uddeayanti cause to come out;

expel; recite; take out

dod pas log par spyod pa

mithy-cra wrongly engage in desire {C}
wrong conduct as regards sensuous pleasures

dod pas log par g.yem pa

{C}kma-mithy-cra; kmamithycr commit
adultery (?); sexual misconduct {C}wrong
conduct as regards sensuous pleasures

dod bya {C} sphaya

objective; that which one wishes for

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


kma desire to expel {C}wants to extricate

don par yang byed {L}

uddeayanti recite

dom {C}vyma six feet [linear measure]



gdam/ doms/ gdams/ doms/ upastha (1) advise;
counsel; (2) male genetalia; genitalia {PH}


doms kyi sba ba nub

dor len {MSA}tygdna the reliance

pai mchog {C}uttamavasti-guhya {C}sexual


doms pa

on discarding [non-virtues]

gdam/ doms/ gdams/ doms/ {MSA}avavadana;

{MSA}avavda; {MSA}upadea guidance; advise;

dor len brten pa the reliance on

discarding [non-virtues] and assuming [virtues]

dra {MSA}sada; {C}tadvat; {C}tulya; {C}

bha; {MSA}iva; {MSA}prakhya; {MSA}sanibha

similar; same; similarity; likeness; like; image

doms shing {C}avavadati {C}instruct

{C}comparable; equal; similar to; as if it were just
dor dor/ dor/
dra dra zhig dug [like-like-adord/ dord/ {C}utsjati; {C}tyajati; {C}ujjhati;
{MSA}(apa n): apanayati; (ric): {MSA}ricanti;
{C}ricati discard; reject; cast out; forsake;
cancel {C}renounces; cast away; rejects; emits;
cast off; come up; let go; abandon; would discard;
let loose; lose; fling away; give up; throw out; eject;
part from; spurns

dor ba {C}parityajati; {C}parimokaa;

{C}niryhika; (ut sj): {C}utsjati; {MV}utsjati;

{MSA}nikepaa; {C}kepaa; {MSA}apagama
discard; cast out; forsake; reject; cancel {C}
renounces; gives away; abandons; deserts; rejection;
which rejects; which ceases toiling; cast away;
rejects; emits; cast off; come up; let go; abandon;
would discard; let loose; throw away

dor ba med pa {C}anavakra nonrenunciation; not abandon; not cast out; not
forsake {C}non-repudiation

dor ba med pa stong pa nyid

{C}anavakra-nyat empty of non-rejection

{C}emptiness of non-repudiation

dor bar bgyid pa {C}niryhika

rejects; which ceases toiling

dor bar gyur {C}pratinisjati

kalpa; {MSA}tulya; {MSA}pratibimbaka; {MSA}

yath; {MSA}mi dra ba = vailakaya; sdya
{GD:227}; similar; same; similarity; likeness;
like; image

dra ba gzhan byung

{GD:527} the arising of similar other moments

dra ba gzhan byung khrul

rgyu {GD:513} the arising of similar other
[moments] as a cause of mistake

dra bar {C}tulya similar; similarly; like

{C}comparable; equal; similar to; as if it were just

dra bar gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}tulya become

similar; similar; same; similarity; likeness; like;
image {C}comparable; equal; similar to; as if it
were just

dra ring bar tsham {C}

anuprvat {C}tapering

questions; hopes that; enquires whether

dri ba {C}paripcchati; {C}prana ask

(=rayabalt); {C}ricati discard; reject; cast

out; forsake {C}throws back; abandons; part
from; spurns

{C}asks questions; questions; hopes that; enquires


dri bai gzhi {C}dhra basis of


oneself off from

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dra ba sada; {MSA}aupamya; {MSA}

\ dra / dra ba as if; like

dri {C}paripcchati ask {C}asks questions;

discard; reject; cast out; forsake {C}which

dor bar byed {C}takati

is]; seems to be; appears to be

questioning; basis for asking {C}foundation;



dre bai bzo {C}dru-yantro

basis; source; substratum; sustain; based; referring

to; canvas

dri bar bya {C}paripcchati ask

dre bar


dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}sakra

questions; asks questions; hopes that; enquires


dri zhing {C}likhati {C}write; copy (out)

drid fornicate
dril pa dril/

dreg {C}utkipati

{C}lift; lift up; suspend;

get rid of; throw up; take out of; add to

dreg mkhan {PH}barber

dren drang dren

drild/ dril/ drild/ verb: to be involved7 noun:


dris {C,MV}sastava be well acquainted

drangs drongs/drend {MSA}vhana; {MSA}(pari

k): parikyate induce; lead; draw; connect;
cite; quote; pull; conduct

{C}fornicate (?); intimacy; familiarity

dris pa {C,MV}sastava; {MSA}ucita;

dren pa

dren drangs drongs/drend {C}nyaka; {C}
nyika; {C}nara-nyaka induce; lead; draw;
connect; cite; quote; pull; conduct {C}guide;
leader; leader of men

{MSA}aparijaya be well acquainted {C}

intimacy; familiarity; habit

dris pa ye shes {C}parijaya-jna

(=parijaya-sajnam) exalted wisdom of
acquaintance {C}cognition of mastery

dren pai thabs

drang dren drangs drongs/drend {MSA}

dris pa shes pa {C}parijaya-

(ud dh) uddhartum upya method/technique

of leading

jna (= parijaya-sajnam) cognition of

acquaintance {C}cognition of mastery

dris par byed la {C}paricaya

karoti (=parijayam?) become acquainted {C}

gains mastery over

dris ba {C}paripcchati; {C}prana ask

{C}asks; questions

dris byed {C}sastava acquaintance

(?); ask (?) {C}intimacy; familiarity

dre pica [flesh eating] demon(s)

dre bgegs {PH}[type of demon]
dre pa

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {LCh}sasa;

{C}mira; {C,L}sakra; {MV,MSA}vyavakiraa;
{MSA}vyavakra; {MSA}krnta; {MSA}
vikrnta; {MSA}parijaya; {MSA}ma dres pa
= vibhinna mixed; shared {C}contaminated;
contamination; intertwined; {GD:142}

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {L}

mira-bhta become mixed; mix

dres par gnas

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}
vyavakra-vihra {C}contaminated dwelling

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}

asakra {C}non-commingling; uncontaminated

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

drei gzan {PH}flesh-eating demons

dres pa

dres par gyur

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}sakra


dre ba med pa


wooden apparatus

dres par gnas pa

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}

vyavakra-vihra; {C}sakra-vihra {C}



rdul phra {LCh;C}paramu

contaminated dwelling; dweller in contamination

dres ma

dres ma

rdul phra mo

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres mixed; mixture;


{PH}subtle atoms; subtle


rdul phra rab {LCh,C}paramu atom;

subtle particle; minute particle {PH}subtle
atoms; subtle particle {C}atom

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres mixed

dres mar ma gyur pa


atoms; subtle particle

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres

rdul phra rab kyi tshogs {C}

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres suitable to be


rdul phran paramu

{L}akalmaa unmixed

dres rung

{GD:126} atom

{PH}atoms; particle

rdul phran cha ldan


rdeb /rdab/ brdabs/ rdebs/ to clap


paramu-sacaya collection of subtle particles

{C}collection of atomic qualities


with parts

rdul phran cha med

brdar/ rdar/ brdar/

partless particle {GD:281} [generic] partless

rdor/ nikaa rub

rdi pebble{BJ 21.1}

rding {C}taga {C}pond; pool
rdung ba {C}sampratana {C}beating
rdum po {C}kuha {C}cripple
rdul {C}au; {C,MSA}rajas dust; particle;

rdul phran du gnas



rdul phran phyogs kyi cha

med directionally partless particle; spatially
partless particles

atom {PH}passions; ovum; menstrual blood

{C}dirt; {GD:594} energy

rdul phran phra mo


atoms; subtle particle

zhabs rdul

{PH}dust of the feet

[I] have received
with my head, the dust of the feet of many holy

rdul bral {N}viraja pure; free from


rdul med {C}virajas free from dust; pure

free from passion

rdul tu grub pa established atomically rdul tsam {C}au; {C}au-mtra mere

particle; mere atom {C}atom; smallest thing;
rdul dang ldan ma {Amara} rajasval

{PH}ovulating woman

rdul dang bral {C}viraja; {MSA}virajas rdul tsam yang even a particle{N}
free from dust; pure {C}dispassionate
rdul tshub {PH}Manchu queue [hairstyle]
rdul du grub pa au-siddha
rdul tshon {PH}colored powder
atomically established; existing as atoms;
rdul tshon gyi dkhyil khor
existing as particles
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


Vajragarvv; Vajradarp p.n. of a female deity
[Vajrasattvas consort Vajra-Haughtiness]

colored particle maala

rdul rdza {GD:155} atomic substance

rdo jog {Das} Takail {PH}Takail
rdo rje {MSA,C}vajra diamond; vajra;

rdo rje gtum po {PU} vajracaa

{PH}ferocious vajra

rdo rje lta bu {C}vajropama vajra-like;

like a vajra {C}adamantine (e.g.: samdhi;
dharma; jna; parad); like a vajra

adamantine {C}diamond; thunderbolt

rdo rje skhyil krung vajrsana vajra

rdo rje lta bui ting nge dzin

posture; adamantine posture

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}vajropama ... samdhna; {MSA}vajropama
... samdhi; vajropamasamdhi vajra-like
meditative stabilization

rdo rje

skhyil krung; rdo rje skhyil mo krung; rdor skhyil

vajrsana vajra-posture [i.e., the full-lotus
posture]; adamantine posture; vajra posture

rdo rje lta bui sems {C}

rdo rje skhyil mo krung

rdo rje skhyil krung / rdor skhyil/ vajra-

vajropama-citta vajra-like mind {C}

adamantine thought

posture [i.e., the full-lotus posture]

rdo rje khu tshur {C}vajra-mui vajrafist [name of a mudr]; Vajramui [p.n. of a
Bodhisattva] {PH}vajra-fist [name of a mudr]

rdo rje glu Song of the Vajra

rdo rje rgyal mtshan {PH}

mrga path of the Vajra Vehicle

rdo rje dam tshig

{PH}vajra claws

rdo rje dbang phyug {Toh.360}

rdo rje chang [vajra-holding];

kulievara (kulia-ivara) {PH}Vajra Lord

rdo rje mi phyed

Vajradhara, the highest Tantric deity

rdo rje dzin


{PH}vajra-holder; tantric


rdo rje dzin pa



rdo rje mnyam pa nyid {C}vajra-


tantric master

rdo rje dzin pa {PH}vajra holder

rdo rje gzegs ma vajra node;

samatva sameness of the vajra (?) {C}selfidentity of the vajra(?)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




rdo rje snying po Vajragarbha

rdo rje bsnyems ma {Das}


vajra commitments


Vajradhara and consort

rdo rje nyid pa {C}vajrat

rdo rje thal mo vajra-palms{VM}

rdo rje theg pa vajra-yna Vajra

rdo rje theg pai lam vajra-yna-

rdo rje lcags kyu {PU} vajrkua

rdo rje nyi ma {LCh} vajrasrya

mind-generation like diamond



rdo rje chang yab yum

rdo rje lta bui sems bskyed

diamond slivers


rdo rje bzlas pa vajrajpa vajra


rdor skhyil;


rdo rje sems can vajrasattva

Vajrasattva [p.n. of a Buddha]

rdo rje sems dpa vajrasattva


rdo rje sra ba nyid {C}vajra-dhat

hardness of the vajra; firmness of the vajra

rdo rje slob dpon vajra master

rdo rjei snying po {C}vajra-garbha

garbha having the vajra-essence {C}(to be) a

vajra in embryo; vajra-womb

rdo rjei brtul zhugs *vajravrata

{PH}vajra vows of conduct


vajrasamaya; vajra commitments

rdo rjei tshig bcu po dag

{MV}daa vajrapadni ten vajra-words


free from stones

rdo ril {PH}small stone

rdo leb flat stone; flat rock
rdo bsregs {ntideva 10.8} upala


rdol ba

rdol/ rdol/
rdold/ rdold/ to come forth; to come out
shin du dwangs pai
chu las chu bur rdol ba lta buo it is like a water
bubble surfacing from very clean water{TGP 56}

rdos {PH}corpulent; bloated; heavy and gross

ldang ldang ldang ldangs

ldangs {MV}vyutthna rise up; get up; flow;

suffice slar mi ldang bai
tshul gyis in the manner of not rising again
nang sdang kho na yin te rises only
inside skur ldang ba one rises in the
body [of so and so]

ldang jug gnas

ldang ba

ldang ldang
ldangs ldangs {MV,MSA}vyutthna; {MSA}utthna
rise up; get up; flow; suffice {C}emergence

rdog {C}padik {C}point

rdog thabs gcig gis from a

ldang ba ma mchis pa

ldang ldang ldangs ldangs {C}asamutthna

not rise up/get up/flow/suffice {C}non-arising;

no arising; does not rise up

single point

ldang bai thabs

{PH}a grain of corn

ldang ldang ldangs ldangs {MSA}vyutthnopya
method of rising/getting up

brdar/ rdar/ brdar/

rdor/ nikaa rub

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rdor sems yab yum

rdor bzlas kyi btum mo sbar nas

gsum gyi gdangs the tones of the three;

exhalation, inhalation, and retention

{PH}burning coals

rdog po

Vajrasattva and consort

rdo rjei snying po can {C}vajra-

rdo ba {C}pa {C}stone

rdo ba med pa {C}apagata-pa

rdor bzlas vajra repetition

zhu ba melted from kindling the fierce female by

way of vajra repetition {TGP 36}

vajra-essence {C}(to be) a vajra in embryo;

rdo rjei dam tshig

rdo rje skhyil mo krung; rdo rje skhyil krung

vajra-posture [i.e., the full-lotus posture]
zhabs gnyis rdor
skhyil longs spyod rdzogs pai sku/ [Vajradharas]
two legs are in the vajra [i.e., full lotus] posture, and
[he] is a Complete Enjoyment Body (nirmnakya)



ldan {C}sayoga; {C}samprayukta; {C}yukta;

is neither matter nor consciousness

{C}yoga; (upa i): {C,MSA}upeta; {MSA}upe; {C}

sagata; {C}samanvita; {MSA}anvita possessing;
having; possessor; endowed with {C}endowed;
possessed of; (causal) connection; endowed with;
united in friendship; intent on; associated with;
suitable; in possession of; joined to; devoted;
junction with; devotion; junction; practice;
conjunction; endeavor; occupation; undertaking;
mat blo gros dang ldan pa having
intelligence nus pa dang ldan pa
possessing the capacity

ldan pa {C}sayukta; {MSA}pratisayukta;

{MSA}prayukta; {MSA}yoga; {C,MSA}

samprayukta; {C}samprayoga; {MSA}yuta; {MSA}mat; {C}upeta; {MSA}samupetat; {C,MSA,MV}
samanvgata; {MSA}samanvgama; {MSA}
samanvita; {MSA}samudita; {MSA}anuga;
{MSA}anugata; {MSA}anugatatv possessing;
having; possessor; endowed with; conjunction;
association {C}conjoined with; intent on;
associated with; with; conjuction; exercise;
endowed (with); possessed of; endowed with
dang ldan pa having ...

ldan par {C}yukta possessing; having

ldan par gyur te

1 gang zag yin par gyur pai ldan min dus byed/
2 gang zag ma yin par gyur pai ldan min dus
byed Divisions: (1) non-associated compositional
factor that arises as a person; (2) non-associated
compositional factor that does not arise as a person

min du byed du gyur pai ldog pa rigs gcig pa
ldog ldog ldogs ldogs nonassociated compositional factors which are the
same isolate type


min du byed du gyur pai rdzas rigs gcig pa nonassociated compositional factors which are the
same type of substantial entity

ldir to bulge{D2}


lto ldir ba

ldeu god; deity

/sprul pai rgyud ma chad pai nang na

lde/ is a god within an uninterrupted continuum of

emanations {GZ 69a.2}

lde mig ldeu mig key

ldem dgongs abhisadhaya indirect

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}sayujyate

become connected with {C}be joined; will win;



ldem dgongs bzhi catvro

ldan pas {C}yukta possessing; having

ldan min nonassociated
ldan min du byed viprayukta-

bhisadhaya four indirect intentions

dbye ba/ 1


saskra nonassociated compositional

factor; non-associated compositional factor

mtshan nyid/ 1 bem shes gang rung

ma yin pai dngos po/ 2 gzugs shes gang rung ma yin pai
dngos po/ 3 bem shes gang rung ma yin pai dus byas/

Definitions: (1) a thing that is neither matter nor

consciousness; (2) a thing that is neither form nor
consciousness; (3) a compounded phenomenon that
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dbye ba/



gzhug pa la ldem por dgongs pa/ 2 mtshan nyid la

ldem por dgongs pa/ 3 gnyen po la ldem por dgongs
pa/ 4 sbyor ba la ldem por dgongs pa/ bsgyur ba
la ldem por dgongs pa/ Div.: 1) Intending entry
(avatra nbhisadhi), 2) Intending the characters
(lakabhisadhi) 3) Intending an antidote
(pratipakbhisadhi), 4) Intending translation


ldem po ngag parable; allegory; hidden ldog cha nas in isolation

intention; object; meaning; deceive
ldog chas phye ba differentiated by
ldem po dag gis by way of
way of conceptually isolatable factors
intentional speech
ldog chas phye ba tsam
ldem por dgongs
ma gtogs except for being merely distinguished
pa/ ldem dgongs {MSA}abhisadhi intention;
hidden intention; indirect intention speaking
deliberately; purpose; deceive

by the isolate factor ...{PGP 70}

ldeu mig lde mig key

ldog ldog ldog ldogs ldogs

vyatireka; {C}nivtta; {C}nirvtta; {MSA}nirvtti;

(vy vt): {MV}vyvartate; {C}vivartate reverse;
cease; turn around; isolate; eliminate; reversed
{C}turned away; desist; turn away from; turn
back on; is diverted ngo bo
gcig ldog pa tha dad one entity [within being]
different isolates khor
ba ldog jug gi rim pa the stages of entering into
and disengaging from cyclic existence
ma log bar du mi ldog par until ... is
overcome ... cannot be overcome

dbye ba/ 1 don ldog 2 spyi ldog 3 gzhi
ldog 4 rang ldog Divisions: (1) meaning isolate
(artha-vyatireka); (2) generality isolate (smnyavyatireka); (3) illustration isolate (lakya-vyatireka);
(4) self-isolate (sva-vyatireka)

ldog khyab vyatireka-vypti

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs yogya-vyatireka-

chos dang po gsum/ 1 rang yin pai ldog chos/

2 rang ma yin pai ldog chos/ 3 ldog chos phung
sum tsam po ba/ phyi ma rjes mthun bzhi/ 4 rdzas
chos kyi rjes mthun/ 5 rang yin pai ldog chos
kyi rjes mthun/ 6 rang ma yin pai ldog chos kyi
Div.: the first three isolate phenomena: (1) isolate
phenomenon that is itself; (2) isolate phenomenon
that is not itself; (3) isolate phenomenon that is a
mere third possibility; the four latter concordant
isolate phenomena: (4) concordance with substan

ldog chos dang po gsum

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs first three

isolate phenomena

nyid/ khyod gzhi grub/ khyod khyod rang ma yin/ khyod

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs viparysa-

ma yin pa khyod yin/ khyod kyi ldog pa ldog chos phung

sum tsam po ba dang mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun

vyatireka-vypti perverse reverse pervasion/


par dmigs pa/ Def.: an observed common locus of:

ldog ldog ldogs

ldogs isolate factor

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dbye ba/ ldog



vypti proper/correct reverse pervasion/


ldog cha

ldog ldogs ldogs vyatireka-dharma isolate

phenomenon {GD:104} phenomena that exist
as differentials, i.e., conceptually constructed

tsam po ba ldog ldog ldogs

ldogs isolate phenomenon that is a mere third
possibility; isolate-phenomenon-of-the-third-type


ldog khyab phyin ci log


ldog chos phung sum

counterpervasion; reverse pervasion;

{GD:519} negative pervasion

ldog khyab rnal ma

ldog chos


(1) its being an established base; (2) its not being

itself; (3) not-it being it; and (4) its isolate being a
mere third possibility of isolate phenomenon


ldog chos

ldog pa ngos dzin gyi rnam bzhag

phung sum tsam po bai rjes mthun

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs concordance with
an isolate phenomenon that is a mere third
possibility; similitude-of-isolate-phenomenonof-the-third-type

presentation of identifying isolates

dbye ba/ 1 spyi ldog 2 rang ldog 3 don ldog 4
gzhi ldog Divisions: (1) generality isolate; (2) self
isolate; (3) meaning isolate; (4) illustration isolate

mtshan nyid/ khyod gzhi grub/ khyod

ldog pa gcig

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {GD:284} identity of

differential;{GD:669} [conceptually] one and the
same thing

khyod rang ma yin/ khyod ma yin khyod yin/ khyod kyi

ldog pa ldog chos phung sum tsam po bai rjes mthun

dang mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/

Definition: an observed common locus between:

(1) its being an established base; (2) not it being
it; (3) it being not it; and (4) its isolate not being
contradictory with a subsequent concordance that is
a mere third possibility of isolate phenomenon

ldog pa

ldog ldog ldogs

ldogs {N}vyatireka; {C,MSA,N}vyvtti; {C}

nivartaka; {C}nirvartana (=pratinivtti); {C}
nirvtti; {MV}parivttitva; {MV}vinivartana; {C}
apravtti; {C}pratikramaa; {MSA}bheda; {MSA}
virati; vivartana isolate; conceptually isolatable
phenomenon {PH}isolate; difference; opposite
{C}turn back; recede; revulsion; withdrawn
from worldly activity; turning back (towards);
one goes back on; turning away from; withdrawal
from activity; coming back; {GD:89} difference;
{GD:237} differential (dge lugs); particularizer (sa
skya); {GD:275} rjes gro dang
ldog pa positive and negative concomitance

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs different isolates

ldog pa gzung rtog

conception of [the true existence of] objects which
is to be turned away from [by Bodhisattvas]

ldog pa gzung rtog dgu

ldog pa rigs gcig


ldog ldog ldogs ldogs one isolate type


mtshan nyid/ gang zag gang gis yid gtad

pas mthong tsam nyid nas di dang di drao snyam
pai blo ngang gi skyed nus pai chos/ Definition:

ldog pa isolate; conceptually isolatable

phenomenon which, from merely being seen by

whatever person focuses his/her mind, is able to
naturally produce an awareness thinking, this and
that are similar

ldog pa rigs gcig pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs same isolate


ldog pa rigs mthun pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs concordant

phenomenon7 size=3></font></div> {PH}

isolate; difference; opposite
rjes gro dang ldog pa positive and negative

isolate type{LG 30.3}

ldog pa rigs mi dra ba

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs dissimilar

ldog pa ngos dzin

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ldog pa tha dad

the nine conceptions of [the true existence of]

objects to be turned away from [by Bodhisattvas]

dbye ba/ 1 spyi ldog 2 rang ldog 3 don ldog 4
gzhi ldog Divisions: (1) generality isolate; (2) self
isolate; (3) meaning isolate; (4) illustration isolate

gzung dzin bzung zungs {PH}identifying

isolates {GD:254} differential

isolate types


ldog pai phyir du


sdig pa dang bral ba {C}ppa-

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs in order to


virata free from sin {C}which desists from evil

ldog par gyur

sdig pa ni so sor bshags so

rab tu bskor bar gyur ro

bskor skor bskord skord {C}nirvartate turn
away from; change; eliminate; reverse; isolate
{C}turns back; recedes; is made to desits

ldog par gyur ro

{MSA}ppa pratideaymi confession of sins

individually {T}

sdig pa byed pa {MSA}ppa-krin


sdig pai grogs ldan {C}ppa-

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C}virgayati;

mitra-sahita {C}one who has bad friends

{C}parivellayati turn away from; change;

eliminate; reverse; isolate {C}displease; has
lost; become estranged; turns back on; pleases
permanently; swap away from

sdig pai grogs pai

lag tu song ba song song song

song {C}ppa-mitra-hastagata {C}one who is in
the hands of a bad friend [spiritual advisor, teacher]

ldong ros {PH}mineral medicine; realgar

ldongs pa {C}andha {C}blind
ldongs par gyur pa {C}andhkta

sdig pai grogs po {C}ppa-mitra

evil friend {C}bad friend

sdig pai grogs pos


ldom bu pa {PH}mendicant
ldom gsum rab byed

nye bar brten pa {C}ppa-mitra-upastabdha

{C}one who relies on bad friends

Sa-gya Paitas (sa skya paita) Differentiation
of the Three Vows. Complete Works of the Sa-skya
Masters. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko. 1969.

sdig byed {C}ppa-kt sin; cause to sin

{C}a cause of evil

sdig blon

{PH}evil minister; poisonous

sdang {C}dua hate; anger {C}full of hate

sdig sbrul {C}sarspa
sdams te {C} baddha {C}bound; tied (to);
animal; snake

sdigs mdzub

tied up; caught in

sdig ppa sin; moral wrong-doing

sdig sgrib {PH}ethical transgressions and

index finger


mdzub mo/

sdug {MSA}priya; {MSA}snigdha dear; kind;



sdig ltung

sdug gu {Das} knta; {ntideva 10.6} dyuti

{PH}ethical transgressions and

infractions [of vows]


sdig pa {LCh,C,MSA}ppa; {MSA,MV}

sdug bsngal {LCh,C,MSA,MV}dukha;

sdig pa can {MSA}ppaka sinful

sdug bsngal skye ba {MSA}

ppaka; {C}agha sin; moral wrong-doing;

scorpion {PH}ethical transgression; negative
action {C}evil; misfortune
sdig pa ni so sor bshags pa Disclosure of ethical
transgressions individually.

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{C}dukhita; {C}dukhi; {MV}dukhana; {MSA}

dukhat; {MSA}dukhita; {C}roga; {C}vedan
suffering; pain {C}misery; torment; discomfort;
feeling; sickness; disease; sorry; painful; ailing;

dukhotpdana arising of suffering

doctrine of suffering

sdug bsngal khas len pa

sdug bsngal chos shes

{MSA}dukhbhyupeta assert suffering

doctrinal knowledge with respect to sufferings

sdug bsngal gyi bden pa

sdug bsngal jigs pa med

{MSA}dukhabhta (na ca-) fearless with
respect to suffering

dukha-satya true suffering; truth of suffering

sdug bsngal gyi du shes

sdug bsngal rjes bzod

{MSA}dukha-saj conception of suffering

sdug bsngal gyi sdug bsngal

subsequent forbearance with respect to


dukhadukat suffering of misery

sdug bsngal

gyi sdug bsngal nyid las grol ba

grol grold grol grold {MSA}dukhadukhat-moka liberation from the suffering of

sdug bsngal gyi rnam

sdug bsngal nyid gsum {MSA}

tir ... dukhat; {MSA}dukhat three sufferings

sdug bsngal rtog pa {MSA}

sdug bsngal mthar bya ba

{MSA}anta-kriy (dukhasya-) bring suffering to

an end (?)

sdug bsngal gyi

sdug bsngal mthong {MSA}dukha-

phung po chen po rab tu zhi ba {MSA}dukhaskandha-praama (mah-) pacify the great

aggregation of suffering

darana view suffering

sdug bsngal

mthong spang nyon mongs bcu {PH}ten

afflictions to be abandoned by the path of seeing
[related to the Noble Truth of] Suffering


root of suffering

sdug bsngal gyis

jigs pa dgag pa {MSA}dukha-trsa-pratiedha

eliminate the fear of suffering

sdug bsngal gyis yod

sdug bsngal

dag gis spa mi gong bai phyir {MSA}dukhair

avidt because of not being poisoned by

sdug bsngal dang kun byung ba dang

gzir cing {C}dukhrta {C}distressed

sdug bsngal gyur ba {C}kcchra-

gog pa dang lam gyi bden pa

byung byung byung byung {MSA}dukhasamudaya-nirodha-mrga-satya true suffering,
arising, cessation, and path; the truths of
suffering, arising, cessation, and path

prpta miserable; suffering {C}in trouble

sdug bsngal chung ngu myong

{MSA}tanu-dukhopasavitti experience little


sdug bsngal chos bzod

sdug bsngal dang ni don

bzod bzod bzod bzod dukha-

{MSA}dukhrtha object of suffering; meaning

of suffering

dharma-knti forbearance with respect to the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

subsequent knowledge with respect to sufferings

dukha-kalpa conceive of suffering

pa bsgom pa bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms {MSA}dukhkra-bhvana
meditation on the aspects of suffering

sdug bsngal gyi rtsa ba

sdug bsngal rjes shes



sdug bsngal dang bral ba

{MSA}dukha-viyoga; {MSA}dukhpagama free

from suffering

sdug bsngal dang yid mi

bde ba {MSA}dukha ... daurmanasya miserable

and unhappy in mind

sdug bsngal dwang len

gyi bzod pa bzod bzod bzod

bzod patience/forbearance/tolerance/endurance
which is voluntary assumption of suffering

sdug bsngal bdag nyid {MSA}

sdug bsngal mi rtog pa {MSA}

dukha-kalpa (na ca-) not impute suffering

sdug bsngal me {ntideva} dukhgni

{PH}fires of suffering

sdug bsngal me chen {ntideva}

*mah-dukhgni {PH}great fires of suffering

sdug bsngal myong {MSA}

dukhopasavitti experience suffering

sdug bsngal mtshungs

pa nyid {MSA}dukha-samat sameness of


dukhtmaka essence of suffering; suffering


sdug bsngal zad par dod

sdug bsngal bden pa {LCh}

pa {MSA}dukha-kaykkaa desire the

extinction of suffering

dukha-satya true suffering; true sufferings;

truth of suffering

sdug bsngal ba {MSA,MV}dukha; {N}

dukhita; {MSA}dukhin miserable{N}; suffering

sdug bsngal bar gyur te

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

sdug bsngal bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}dukha-

kamaa forbearance with respect to suffering

sdug bsngal rang bzhin {MSA}

dukha-prakti nature of suffering; natural

dukha {C}suffering; discomfort

sdug bsngal byung ba

sdug bsngal rab tu zhi ba

sdug bsngal bab pa

sdug bsngal las rnam

byung byung byung byung {MSA}dukhasamudbhava arising of suffering

par grol ba grol grold

grol grold {MSA}dukhd vimukta completely
liberated from suffering

bab babs bab babs {MSA}

dukhpattipta descent of suffering

sdug bsngal byung ba

sdug bsngal sel pa

bsal sel bsald seld {C}dukha-

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

dukhotpda arising of suffering

sajna eliminate/eradicate/remove/clear
away/avoid/exclude suffering

sdug bsngal ma
yin bde ba yang ma yin adukhsukhavedan
neither pleasure nor suffering; neutral feeling

sdug bsngal mang po {C}dukha-

bhyiha much suffering {C}what abounds in


sdug bsngal mang ba {C}vedanbahula much suffering {C}has many pains

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}dukha-praamana thoroughly pacify



sdug bsngal sel ba

bsal sel bsald seld {C}dukha-apoha;

{MSA}dukhpaha eliminate/eradicate/remove/
clear away/avoid/exclude suffering {C}removal
of suffering

sdug bden true sufferings


sdug pa {LCh}priya; {C,MSA}ubha {C}

(=praasta); {C}ubhat; {MSA}ia attractive;

nice; beautiful {PH}attractive; nice; beautiful;
beloved; spouse {C}dear; kind; beloved; lovely;
wholesome; pleasant; merit; pleasantness
mtshan dpei ngo mtshar mdzes
sdug amazing, beautiful, pleasant signs, and marks
{DASI 552.3}

sdug pa dang mi sdug pa

priypriya beauty and ugliness

sdug pai bras bu dod pa

{MSA}ia-phalecch desire an attractive result/

sdug mi bsngal ba {MSA}na

collect; include; abridge {C}assemble

bsdus sdus {C,MSA}sagraha; {MSA}

sagrhaka;{MSA,MV} karaa collect;
collection; include; inclusion; compendium
{C}comprehension; assembling; comprehended;
attraction; comprising; that which comprehends;
complete removal of; are summed up in; combine;
comprised; combination; summary; means of

sdud pai rgyu

sdud bsdus sdus {MV}karaa-hetu cause of
collection; cause of abridgement

sdud bsdus sdus {C}sakipati collect; include;

abridge {C}assemble; compress

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}(grah): grahyante

collect; include; abridge

sdud par byed pa {PU} sagtikt


sdud par mi bgyid

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

continuative particle indicating there is more

to come in the sentence, sometimes setting
off appositives and usually indicating there is
another clause to the sentence {PH}set; school;
faction; [rhetorical continuative particle]

sde bdun Dharmakrtis Seven Treatises

pai rab tu byed pa/ 2 tshad ma rnam par nges pa/

3 tshad ma rnam grel gyi tshig leur byas pa/ 4
rigs pai thigs pa zhes bya bai rab tu byed pa/ 5
gtan tshigs kyi thigs pa zhes bya ba rab tu byed pa/
6 rgyud gzhan grub pa Divisions: (1) Analysis
of Relations (brel pa brtag pai rab tu byed pa,
sabanda-parkvtti); (2) Ascertainment of Valid
Cognition (tshad ma rnam par nges pa, pramavinicaya); (3) Commentary on (Digngas)
Compendium of Valid Cognition (tshad ma

bsdu sdud

sdud par gyur ba

sdus bsngal dukha suffering

sde (1) set; school; faction; sect{BJ 46.2}; (2)

dbye ba/ 1 brel pa brtag

{C}dadati; {MSA}(upa guh): upaguhya to

sdud par bgyid

bsdu/ sdud/ bsdus/

sdus/ to collect; include; abridge


bsdu sdud bsdus sdus

sdud pa


on Valid Cognition

dukhyate non-suffering; not suffering


bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}sakipati not collect;

not include; non-abridged {C}assemble;


sde bdun

mdo dang bcas pai dgongs grel tshad ma rigs gter

gyi grel ba rigs lam rab gsal
bkral grel bkrald greld {GD:848} Tukje-b#el-sangs (thugs rje dpal bzang) Illumination of
the Path of Reasoning, Commentary on [Sa-pas]
Treasury of Valid Cognition which Explains the
Thought of [Dharmakrtis] Seven Texts together
with [Digngas] Stra. Reprint of Der-ge ed

sde bdun mdo dang bcas pai dgongs

grel tshad ma rigs gter gyi grel bai rnam bshad

rigs lam gsal bai nyi ma
bkral grel bkrald greld {GD:845} Lo
Khen-chens (glo bo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun
grub) Sun Illuminating the Path of Reasoning, an
Extensive Explanation which is a Commentary to
[Sa-pas] Treasury of Valid Cognition [and] a
Commentary on the Thought of [Dharmakrtis]
Seven Tr


sdong bu stamba (=viapam); {C}gaa

tree trunk {C}tree; boil; trunk; tree


bsdad/ sdod/
bsdad/ sdod/ to subsist; abide; stay; reside; sit;
stop; dwell

sdod pa

sde snod piaka scriptural collection;

bsdad/ sdod/ {C}tihati to subsist; abide; stay;

reside; sit; stop; dwell {C}stands; abides; stand
up; remain; sit; stay; be at ease


sde snod gsum {MSA}piaka-traya;

sdod lugs mode of abiding; mode of

tripiaka the three baskets [stra, abhidharma,

and vinaya]; three scriptural collections

subsistence{BJ 55.4}; status; way of subsistence

{GD:384} mode of existence

sde pa school of thought; school, group; set;

sectarian{BJ 50.6}


pa nyis shu po rtsod par smra ba dag gi gnas su

gyur pa source of controversy among the twenty
sects [of Hearers]

sde tshan group; set; meaning unit

sdeb sbyor {PH}composition; formal

sdod sa {PH}residence
sdod sai spyi khang


communal residence hall

sdon po lo ma {C}ta-pattra


stalks and leaves (and branches)

stylistic writing

sder mo {LV} nakha

phags pai
bden pa bzhii sder mo dang mche ba shin tu rno
ba; [His] claws and fangs of the four noble truths
are extremely sharp. {LVS} = 1-02-00087-H96SID000111

sder rtse plate

sdong {C} druma {C}tree
sdong dum mes thag pa


sdom/ bsdams/ sdoms/ {MSA}uddna; {MSA}
uddna-loka bind; tie; fasten; vow; obligation;
bring together; collect

sdom pa {LCh,C,L}savara; {MSA}savtti;

{C}sayama; {C}sacara; {C}salekha; {MSA}
yang dag par sdom pa = sayama vow; bind;
tie; fasten; obligation; bring together; collect;
discipline {C}restraint(s); restrain; self-mastery;
engagement; (austere) penance

sdom pa dzin par byed

laang {C} dagdha-sthym {C}burned at the


sdong po {C}stamba (=viapam); gaa;

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

savaram padyate {C}effects restraint

sdom pa la gnas pa {MSA}

savara-stha abide in a vow; abide in restraint

sdom pai tshul khrims {MSA}

{MSA}skandha tree trunk {C}tree

sdong po bkod pa yi mdo

savara-la ethics of restraint

{PH}the Array of Stalks Stra [gandhavuhya-stra:

ch. 45 of Flower Ornament Sutra (avataka-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsdad/ sdod/


sdom pai rang bzhin {MSA}

yama-svabhva restrained nature; nature of


brda sbyar pa

sbyar sbyor
sbyard sbyord connecting the terminology [to
the object for the first time]


sdom pai sems {MSA}sakalanacitta restrained mind

sdom par dzin

brda sbyar bai gzhi

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {GD:432} [not the

object of naming but only] the basis on which the
name was introduced

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}savarya

pratipadyate {C}promises restraint

sdom byed {C} savarati

brda sbyor bai chos

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {GD:431}



sdom ma yin {C}asavaro

characteristic [through which] the name is given


brda la dris pai rjes

restraint; non-restraint

sdom min {C}asavaro; asavara bad

su zhugs pa zhug jug zhugs

zhugs {MV}saketa-sastavnupravia engage
in acquaintance with terminology

discipline {C}no restraint; non-restraint



sdom/ bsdams/ sdoms/ bring together; collect;

bind; tie; fasten vow; obligation

brda la byang

33.5}; bind; tie; fasten vow; obligation

brda la byang bai skyes bu

sdoms rtags combined reason

sdoms pa bring together; collect{BJ

byang byangs byang byongs

languaged person; person trained in language

brda saketa{C, L,MSA} <div>terminology;

brda la ma byung bai byis pa

byung byung byung byung a
child not versed in terminology

term; language</div> {C}date; agreed symbol;

conventional symbol; verbal expresion; written
sign; verbal sign; {GD:423} appellation
brda la byang bai skyes bu languaged

brda las byung

bai sems bskyed pa bskyed

skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}sketika-cittotpda
produce a mind that is versed in terminology

brda dang sgra {C}saketa-ruta terms

brdad ba rub
brdab pa

and sounds {C}voices and sounds

brda dogs pai gzhi

gdags dogs btags/


sprod sprad sprod expound; make distinctions of

terms; explain words

brda byas pa linguistic referentiality;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brda terminology; communication

brda chad {PH}terminology
brda sprod

kun bshad kyi btags ming {PH}grammatical

name; Sanskritic name as a grammarian [on the
completion of the course of study of the three
grammatical systems the successful student was


brda dbang force of terminology

brdab/ rdeb bam rdab/ brdabs/ rdebs/ to hit; to


brtags thogs basis of designation by verbal

conventions{BJ 77.2}

brda sprod pa

byang byangs byang byongs trained in




bsdams par gyur {MSA}savta;

given a grammatical name under which he wrote

any works dealing with philological studies;
literature; mathematics and astronomy; and

brda sbyor

{MSA}susavta restrain; bind

bsdigs pa

bsdigs/ sdig bsdig sdigs/ jita conquer; subdue

sbyar sbyor


sbyard sbyord terminological connection


brdard/ rdor

sdus/ {MV}sagrhya; {MSA}sagrahaa; {MV}

(k): kriyate collect; conclude; gather; include;

ram rdar/ brdar/ rdord/ {L}saketa; nikaa

terminology; term; rubbing{BJ 11.2}; rubbed

brdar btags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}

saketa impute terminology



rdung / brdung / rdungs/ to beat

brdung ba {C}parhantu to beat

brdung zhing tshe ba {C}kuana-

snedana (=svedana?) {C}poundings and torments

brdul raja dust

brdeg cha

brdeg rdeg brdegs/

rdegs/ tang bca/ cha/ bcas/ cha/chos [beatmake]; torment; to slip; fall

brdeg pa {C}prahra; {C,MSA}tan; {L}

hana beat {C}blow; belaboring with; blows;

brdos swollen; swell

brdos bcas [swollen-having]; swollen;
bursting; bubbly


bsdad/ sdud/

bsdu ba

bsdud/ sdud/ bsdu/ sdus/ rnam par

gtan la dbab pa bsdu ba/ {C,MSA,MV}sagraha;

{C}sagraha-vastu; {C}sakipya; {C}samsa;
{L}pia; sagraha collect; conclude; gather;
include; abridge; Asagas Compendium of
Ascertainments (nirnaya-sagraha); the
Compendium {C}comprehension; assembling;
comprehended; attraction; comprising; that which
comprehends; complete removal of; are summed
up in; combine; comprised; combination; summary;
means of conversion; composed; collected; means
of conversion; briefly; object

bsdu ba dman

pa dang bring ba dang mchog {MSA}hnamadhyottama ... sagraha the small, middling,
and great collections

bsdu bai dngos po {C,MSA}

sagraha-vastu collected things {C}means of


bsdu bar bya ba {C}sagrahtavya

{C}should be attracted

bsdu bar tshigs su bcad pa

{MSA}sagraha-loka collected verses

bsdad/ sdod/ to subsist; abide; stay; reside; sit;

stop; dwell


sdom/ bsdams/ sdoms/ {MSA}savta; {MSA}
susavta restrained; bound; bring together;
collect; bind; tie; fasten vow; obligation

bsdams pa sgo {MSA}gupta-dvratva

door of restraint; restraining door

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsdu/ sdud/ bsdus/


bsdud collect; conclude; gather

bsdums bsdum
sdum bsdum/bsdums sdums put together; bring
together; make agree; conciliate


bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus (sa kip): {MSA}sakipya;

{MV}abhisakip-; {MV}abhisakepa; {C}

paripiayati; {C}pratisahtavn in brief;
collect; conclude; gather; include; abridge {C}
heaps up; withdrew

bsdus grwa

bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus Collected Topics of Prime Cognition;

Collected Topics [on prime cognition]

bsdus grel

bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus condensed commentary

bsdus sgom collectively cultivating;

meditatively cultivating collectively; collective

meditative cultivation

(=glna); {C}gilni-krya {C}fall ill

na bar byed pa {C}bdhyate sicken

{C}is oppressed

na mo nama [transliteration of sanskrit

word for name]; obeisance; homage

na mo dbang po {PH}sense faculties

na tsha [pain-hot]; pain; ache; illness;

na tshig {PH}condition
na bza {LCh}cvara; {C}nivasana

bsdus dang rgyas pai sgo

nas bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}

samsa-vysata {C}briefly and in detail

bsdus nas

na bar gyur la {C}gilni-kya

clothing; dress; clothes {PH}clothing; dress;

clothes {C}undergarment
nag tshos jo bo mjal tshe
na bza smyug po can gsungs pa ... Nak-tshos
statement that when he met Atia, [he] had brown
clothes ... {GCC} p.14

bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus {C}paripiyati having collected/

abridged/abbreviated/brought together {C}
heaps up

bsdus pa

na bza dkar mo paravsin

bsdu sdud
bsdus sdus {MSA}samuccaya; {C}sakipta; {C}
sakepa; {C,MSA,MV}sagraha; {C,MSA,MV
3.22def.}saghta; {C}pratisahte collect;
compose; gather; include; abridge {C}
composed; collected; collectedness; condensed;
embodied in; comprised; incorporated;
comprehended; which was withdrawn


na bza dam pa {PH}best clothing

na bza brlag pa livhana
{PH}[King] livhana

na yang whereas{BJ 19.6}

na re non-case particle preceding a statement

dhi dhi DHI, seed syllable of Majur

dhu ti avadhuti dhuti; central channel
na (1) to; in; as; at [accusative, dative, locative

of opinion: someone

particle]; (2) if; when [non-case usages]; (3) be

sick; be ill; in pain [for the verb, na ba] {PH}if;
when [syntactic particle]; suitable age; stage of life;
meadow; pasture land

na ba {C}vydhita be sick; ill; in pain

na la da {PH}Nalanda
na lan da {PH}Nalanda
na le sham {L}marica pepper
nag ka; {MSA}mun nag = tama-prakra
darkness; black

nag po {LCh,C}ka; {LCh}kla; {LCh}

asita black {C}dark
na ba rnams la {C}vydhita {C}sick
nag po nye bar skyed pa
na ba tsha can {C}ara pain; ache;

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}

illness; sickness {C}saline

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

khijtika {C}a mere viper



nag poi rtsi lag {C}ka-bandhu

nang gi dur khrod brgyad

{C}kinsman of the Darkness

nag poi rang bzhin can {C}

nang gi du byed

ka-nirjtika having a dark nature {C}


nag phyogs


inner eight charnel grounds

rnams skad cig ma nyid {MSA}dhytmikn

saskr kaikatva momentariness of
internal produced phenomena

[of the moon]

nang gi rnam par g.yeng ba

grove]; forest

nang gi bem po dhytmika-kanth

{PH}dark side; waning part

nags {C}vana forest {C}woods; thicket

nags kyi tshal vana [forest-of-

{MV}adhytma-vikepa internal distraction ?


internal matter internal thing

nags khrod {L}vana woods; forest

nags dab {C}vana-prastha {C}

nyid/ skyes bui rgyud kyis bsdus pai rdul du grub

woods; forest; jungle

nags tshal {LCh,C,MSA}vana; {C}vanaspati forest; grove {C}wood(s); thicket; tree

nags tshal phun sum tshogs

{C}vana-sampada {C}woods; groves

nang {LCh,MSA}adhytma; {MSA}adhytman;

{MSA}dhytmika; {MSA}vivaraka; {C}madhya

in; internal; inside; interior; house {PH}within;
among {C}inner; inward; subjective; middle;

nang gi {C}tmika; {C}adhytman internal

{C}inner; inward; in itself; subjective

nang gi skye mched drug {MSA}

a-dhytmika ... yatana six internal sources;
internal sense-spheres



ba/ 1 mig gi dbang po/ 2 rna bai dbang po/ 3 snai

dbang po/ 4 lcei dbang po/ 5 lus kyi dbang po/ 6
yid kyi dbang po/ Div.: 1) eye sense power, 2) ear
sense power, 3) nose sense power, 4) tongue sense
power, 5) body sense power, and 6) mental sense

nang gi skye mched rnams

{MV}dhytmikny yatanni internal sources

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



pa/ Definition: atomically established within the

continuum of beings

dbye ba/ 1 mig gi


dbang po/ 2 rna bai dbang po/ 3 snai dbang po/

4 lcei dbang po/ 5 lus kyi dbang po/ Divisions:
(1) eye sense-power; (2) ear sense-power; (3) nose
sense-power; (4) tongue sense-power; (5) bodily

nang gi brag cha {LCh;C}pratirutk;

{MSA}rutk {PH}echo

nang gi byor ba lnga five inner


dbye ba/ 1


mi yin pa/ 2 yul dbus su skye ba/ 3 dbang bo tshang

ba/ 4 las kyi mtha ma log pa/ 5 gnas la dad pa/
Div.: 1) Birth as a human, 2) Birth in a center of
Buddhist teaching, 3) Possessing sound faculties, 4)
Freedom from having done any of the five heinous
crimes, 5) Faith in the doctrine

nang gi gzugs dhytmika-rpa

mtshan nyid/ skyes bui
shes rgyud kyis bsdus pai gzugs/ Definition: form
included/contained within the mental continuum of

internal form


nang stong nyid {C}adhytma-nyat

Therefore, intelligent people constantly direct the

mind towards inner contemplation. {A4C}

emptiness of the internal {C}emptiness of

nang nas [inside-from]; from among; from

inward elements

nang stong pa nyid {C}dhytmika-


nyat; {MV}adhytma-nyat inner emptiness

{C}emptiness of inward elements; emptiness of
the subject

nang nub nang nub cing rim gro bya bai don du
dong bar byed {C}syaprtar-upasthnyagacchati {C}is at all times ready to serve him

nang thugs sras {PH}inner heart-son

nang pa Buddhist; Insider
nang dang phyi {MSA}dhytmika-bhya
nang pa sangs rgyas pai
inner and outer
chos Buddhist religion; Buddhist doctrine
nang du {MSA}pratytma internally;
nang dbyings internal expanse
nang du dus par byas nas nang tshan inner divisions; set{Gn-chok}
du du/dud dus dus {C}
nang rab tu dwang ba
antar-gata {C}included; contained
nang du ldog pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs reverse inside; {T} reverse

nang du gnas pa {MSA}adhytmagzung dzin bzung zungs holding inside

nang du yang dag jog la

disease; illness; sickness

nad bcas par {C}savydhi diseased;

jog pa {C}pratisalayana (=kya-di-viveka);

{L}pratisalna {C}seclusion; retiring for
meditation; meditative seclusion

ill {C}full of diesases

nad nyung ba {C}alpa-bdhat little

nang du yang dag bzhag

illness {C}free from sickness; rarely oppressed

by sickness

pa {C}pratisalayana {=kya-di-viveka);
{L}pratisalna {C}seclusion; retiring for
meditation; meditative seclusion

nad gdon

nang du rab gnas {MSA}adhytma-

{PH}disease and harmful


nad gdon can

{PH}one [afflicted]
with disease or harmful influences

sastha abide internally

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


nad {C,MSA}roga; {C,MSA}vydhi; {C}glnya

nang du yang dag par

nang re dgongs re

adhytma-sastha abide within

{C}pratisalna {C}meditative seclusion

adhytmacint {PH}inner contemplation

internal awareness

nang la {C}abhyantara {C}interior; within

nang la rab tu gnas pa {MSA}

nang bdag bsam pa {A4C}

nang rig pa {MSA}adhytma-vidy

morning and every evening

sthiti abide inside

nang du dzin pa

adhytmasamprasda internal clarity

nad gdon sdig sgrib

disease; harmful influences; ethical transgressions;



nam mkha kun song

song song song song {MSA}ambara ...

and obstructions

nad gdon bar chad


sarvagata going everywhere in space

nam mkha ji ltar {C}nabha

harmful influences; and obstacles

nad pa {MSA}tura diseased; ill; sick

space; sky

nam mkha rten ma mchis

person; patient

nad pai tshogs kyi {C}

pa {C}ka-apratihna {C}(when) space can

give no ground for support

turasvaroga collection of diseases {C}a

multitude of ailments

nad mi byung non-arising of illness

nad med ma {Amara} vigatrtav {PH}
non-menstruating woman

nad yams {PH}plague; epidemic

nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa

nam mkha lta bu {MV}kopamat;

{C}gagana-kalpa; {C}gagana-kalpatva space-like
{C}fashioned like the firmament

nam mkha lta bui

mnyam bzhag space-like equipoise

nam mkha
ltar chags pa med pai mtshan nyid {C}kaasaga-lakaa space-like character of nonattachment {C}like space, marked with nonattachment

{MSA}vydhi-amana thorough pacification of


nan gyis certainly

nan tan {C}pratipatti earnest; ardent

nam mkha mtha yas {N}

{C}progressive path; progress to

nan tan chen po


knantya limitless space [first of the four

formless absorptions]


nam mkha mtha yas

great sincerity

nan tan du earnestly; ardently

nan tan du bya ba {C}pratipattavya

skye mched {L}knantyyatana sense-field of

limitless space

nam mkha mthong {C}ka-du

(=pratipadyate) {C}should progress

see space {C}a vision in space

nan tan du byed pa {C}pratipadyate nam mkha ma mchis pa {C}

{C}progress; hasten towards; promise; behave

ka-asatta {C}space is not something that is

nam or; and; when; time

particle]; when; time; as soon as; as is appropriate;
accordingly zhi lhag
zung brel nam thob pa na As soon as one attains
a union of calm abiding and special insight, ...
{PGP 76}

nam mkha {LCh,C,MSA}ka; {C}

abhyavaka; {C}kha; {C}gagana space; sky

{C}open space; open place; empty space; firmament

nam mkha ka space

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


nam mkha mdzod {C}gaganagaja

Gaganagaja [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

nam mkha la {C}vaihyasa(m); {C}

antarka in space; in the sky {C}nto the air;

intermediate space/realm; air; firmament

nam mkha la

sogs pa dus ma byas du

du/dud dus dus {MSA}asaskta ... kdika
non-produced phenomena, space and so forth


nam zhig at the time; when

nam mkhai khams de dang


{C}ka-dhtu realm of space

nam mkhai chos {MSA}dharmka

nam yang {C}kadci(t); {C}jtu ever;

with negative: never {PH}ever; always;

absolutely {C}never again

gang zhig khor das chos rnams thams cad kyi/
rgyu bras nam yang bslu ba med mthong zhing
// Whoever sees that the cause and effect of all
phenomena of cyclic existence and nirvana is never
controvertible and ... {Three Principal Aspects}
mnyam bzhag las dus
nam yang mi g.yo bar Without ever moving from
the meditative stabilization ... {PGP 79}

phenomena of space

nam mkhai dang mnyam pa

{C}kha-samat sameness of space

nam mkhai bdag po spatial


nam mkhai lding {C}garua


nam mkhai dbyings


expanse of space

nam mkhai dbyings

kyi dbang phyug ma {PH}Akadhatvivar

nam mkhai mdzod {MSA}gagana-

nam mkhar gnas pa {C}ka-

nar mo de med pas sa la bde bar bzhag tu btub;

Since these [alms bowls] do not have an oblong
bottom, they can be easily placed on the ground.

{GCC} p.15

grol grold grol grold vimuktimrga path of


nas (1) ablative particle: from; than; (2)

barley {PH}[gerund marker]; barley

nas dang las gnyis byung
khungs dang the two -- nas and las -- are the
ablative particles{Y}

nam chi {PH}time of death

nam chi mi nges pa uncertainty
of the time of death{N}

{PH}ever; always;

The understanding that thoroughly ascertains the

statement from this cause, that effect arises as the
meaning of the absolute inevitability of dependentarising ... Vth DL comm. on 3PAP vs. 11

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


de dag la zhabs

nirita abide in space {C}supported by the




nar ma {PH}plain; ordinary

nar mar {PH}always; continuously
nar mo {PH}elongated; oblong

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}ki-

nam du yang

nams kyang {PPT} kadyad

naang even if one generates ...

space {C}sky; firmament

nam grol lam

anutpatti not arise again

naang even it; even if

nam mkhar {C}gagana in the sky; in

bhavati {C}become like space

nam yang mi skye ba {MSA}punar

any time

garbha Gagana-garbha [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

nam mkhar gyur ba

{PH}at the

At the time when ..... 3PAP


nas bzung ranging from

nas bzung ste {C}rabhya; {C}upadya

(=adhiktya) {C}begin(ing) from; beginning

with; take hold on; about; concerning; relevant to;
starting from; having turned his mind to; stimulated
by; initially founded on; if I take into consideration;


nub par gyur ba {C}antardhatte

following on; on account of; with reference to;

motivated by; w

nas ... bar ranging from ... to ...

{C}disappear; vanish

nub phyogs western direction; west

nub ba lang spyod


dzin yid mngon nas reg bya dzin pai yid mngon
gyi bar lnga there are the five ranging from those
mental direct perceivers apprehending forms to
mental direct perceivers apprehending tangible

spyad spyod spyad spyod aparagodnya the

western continent of Godnya

[n. of a stage of development of the embryo]

ni [a separative particle; non-case particle sets

off subject or topic] ni sgra

dgar dang brnan pao the syllable, ni, separates
and adds on{Y} dang po
ni srid pa tsam yin gyi the first hardly ever occurs

ni gu ma Niguma [p.n.]
nu breasts; teat
be u skyes ma thag nu zho nu bar rtsol pa dang
a calf who has just been born seeks the milk of the
teat{LWT 24}

nu ma breasts; teat
nub disappearance; west

nus khyad par can a special

{LCh}samartha; {LCh,MSA}smarthya; {GD:88}

akti; bla potency; capacity; ability; power
{PH}indication {C}is possible; be able; can;
lends itself to

disappearance of dualistic appearance with respect

to emptiness

nus pa khyad par can

nub kyi ri bo pa aparaailas

{C}(aki cit) sam-artha {C}incapable of doing


Aparaailas [p.n.]

nub pa {C}asta-gama disappearance;

nus pa cung zad kyang med

west {C}oing to rest

la {C}akicit-samartha {C}incapable of doing





disappear; vanish

nub par gyur ba {C}antardhatte

nus pa thogs med


unimpeded capacity

nus pa dang ldan pa {MSA}akti-

yoga possessing the capacity; one who possesses

a capacity{Lati}

{C}disappear; vanish

nub par gyur {MSA}asta-gama; {C} nus pai sgo nas

their capacity

antardhatte disappear; vanish

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


special capacity

nus pa ci yang ma mchis pa

west [back] channel at the heart

nub par gyur to {C}antardhatte

prabhaviyati); {C}akya; {MV}ak-; {MV}

smarthya; {C}pratibala ability; able; potency;
power; capacity {C}be able to; is powerless;
capable of enduring; is possible; be able; can; lends
itself to; capable; able to; competent

nus pa {LCh,C,MSA}akya; {MSA}akti;

nub par gyur {C}antardhyate

nur ba {C}sdayati {C}despair

nus {C}prabhavati; {C}prasahate (=na

capacity {PH}special capacity

stong nyid la gnyis snang nub pa the

nub kyi khyim ma

nur nur po {Das} kalala


{PH}by way of


nus ma yin {C}prabhavati unable;

smothered by

non par gyur pa {C}avakrnta

powerless {C}be able to

ne tso parrot
ne la kite
nem nu {C}kka {C}doubt
nem nur {C}vimati; {C}kkati; {C}

entered into

nor {C,MSA}dhana; {L}artha; {L}bhrnta;

{MSA}vitta (1) wealth; riches; to err; mistake;

error error; illusion; {C}money; prize; treasure;

nor rgyas {LCh} vsuki

kkate; {C}kkyitva {C}perplexity; doubt;

uncertainty; consternation; hesitates; desires;
doubts; (state of) hesitation; perplexed

nem nur bgyid

{PH}[the Nga

King] Vsuki

nor che {C}mah-dhana



bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}kkati; {C} kkate

{C}hesitates; desires; doubts

nor mchog {PH}precious jewel

nor gtong gtang gtong

nem nur byed cing {C}kkyitva

btang thongs {C}dhana-dyaku {C}giver of


{C}(state of) hesitation; perplexed

nem nur mi mnga ba


mnga mnga mnga mnga {C}

nor dang bru phun sum

nikkan {C}free from hesitations

nor bdag {Negi} kubera

nikka {C}free from doubts

tshogs pa {C}dhana-dhnya-saddhi {C}

money, corn, and affluence

nem nur mi byed cing {C}

nem nur med {C}nirvicikitsa


from doubt

nem nur med pa mi mnga ba

mnga mnga mnga mnga
{C}nikka {C}free from doubt

nel pa

nor bdag {Negi} dhandhipa


of the treasury

nor bdag {Negi} vinyaka


of obstacles

nor bdud {C}dhana

{PH}Nel-pa [Paita Drak-pa-mnlam-lo-dr (nel pa pai ta grags pa smon lam blo


{C}riches; money;

wealth; prize; treasure; goods

nor phyug pa {PH}wealthiest man

nor ba {LCh}bhrnti; {L}bhrnta; {MSA}

no [particle indicating the end of a statement]

nongs {MSA}maraa death
nongs pa {PH}fault; error
non pa {C}via; {MSA}krnata; {MSA}zil

bhrama; {MSA}bhrntatva; {MSA}bhrntik; {MV}

vitatha error; mistake illusion

nor ba tsam {MSA}bhrnti-mtra mere


gyis non pa = abhibhta {C}possessed

non pai rang

bzhin can du gyur zhing

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}adhykrnta {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}lord of



nor bu {LCh,C,MSA,L}mai jewel

nor bu chu shel water crystal jewel
nor bu me shes fire crystal jewel


nor bu rin chen {C}mai-ratna; {C}

reviled for it]

gnam gru airplane

gnam grui babs thang

ratana precious jewel {C}jewel; gem; treasure

of the wishing jewel

bab babs bab babs airport

nor bu rin po che {C}mai-ratna

precious jewel {C}gem; treasure of the wishing


nor med pa {MSA}adhana poor

nor bzang {BCA} sudhana {PH}Sudhana
nor yongs su gtang
bar dod la gtang gtong
btang thongs {C}artha-dtukmo artha
parityaktukma wishing to completely give
wealth {C}liberal and generous

nos obtain; receive {ri sbug sprul sku blo

gsal bstan skyongs rdo rje dbying gi dbang kyi

brgyud debs mon lam dang bcas pa bdud rtsis
sprin mdzes} ck

n.ya gro dha fig tree; Nyagrodha

n.ya gro dha ltar {C}n-yagrodhavan
{C} like the fig-tree

n.ya gro dha ltar chu zheng

gab pa {C}n-yagrodha-parimaalat {C} the

circumference of his figure is like that of the fig tree

n.ya gro dha {C}n-yagrodhavan

Nyagrodha [name of a vihra in Kapilavastu; also of
one in Rajagha]

gnag rdzi {C}go-pla {C}cowherd

gnang {C}anujta give; grant; make

before; early; earlier

gna ba burrhel sheep

gnas {MV}sthna; {MSA}vyavastha; {C,MV}

pratisth; {MV}sth; {MSA}stht; {MV}sthnya;

{C}satihate; {C,MSA}sthita {C}(=vyavasthita);
{C,MV,L}sthiti; {C}avatihate; {C}tihantu;
{C,MSA,MV}pratihita {C}(=sthita); {C}sthihate
(=tihati); {C,MV}sthna; {MV abide; dwell;
source; state; situation; remain; last; stay; place;
abode; topic; object; retention {PH}critical
point; topic; place; location; abode; sphere; category
{C}abide in the world; home; at home; supported;
settled; established; becomes; stands; takes place;
occurs; comes about; realm; stately house; world
(e.g.: sva-bhavana; his respective world); residence;
male organ; place of rest; room; track; an entity
the three categories of objects
of comprehension {Gn}

gnas skabs {C,MSA}avasth; {C}

adhikra; {C}mtra state; level; status; period;

temporary; condition; opportunity; temporary
state; context; situation {PH}temporary;
temporary state; occasion; opportunity; context;
situation; condition {C}mere(ly); time of;
stability; dam; topic; heading

{C}sanction; ordained

gnang ba {MSA}anujna give; grant;

Whether one is definite in the Mahyna


shin tu che {PH}most; exceptional

gnam {C}nabha; {C}khagola sky {C}

lineage from the very beginning or is temporarily

definite in the Hnayna lineage, ... {PGP}

gnas skabs kyi byang chub


gnam gyi skar ma

{PH}[p.n. of
a brahmin who had faith in the buddha and was

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gnam du {C}rdha {C}upwards

gnam po laughable (?); honest (?)
gnam bzhin {C}nabha {C}space; sky
gna nas {MSA}prva previously;

temporary enlightenment



gnas skabs kyi sel byed


temporary clearer away

gnas skabs gzhan du

mi gyur ba gyur gyurd gyur

gyurd [its] state does not change into something

gnas bskal aeon of abiding

gnas khang [dwell-house]; dwelling;
place where one is staying

gnas khrod {C}vana-prastha

gnas dang gnas ma

yin pa {MV}sthnsthna appropriate and



dang gnas ma yin pa bstan pa shes par bya ba {C}

sthna-asthna-nirdea-jna one should cognize
the teaching of what abides and what does not
abide {C}exposition of what can be and what
cannot be

gnas dang yul gyi phyag


woods; forest jungle

rgya {PH}mudras of the places and countries

gnas gyur {PH}transformation

gnas gyur pa {C}raya-parvtti

transform {C}turn back; reverse; overturn; basis

gnas rgyal po rja-gha Rjagiha

gnas rgyal poi khab tu in the

gnas dang lus dang

longs spyod spyad spyod spyad

spyod {MV}pratihdeha-bhoga abode, body,
and resources

gnas nas {C}sthitv; {C}viharati having

abided; having dwelt; having remained {C}
when he has established; dwell

area of Rjagiha{BJ 29.6}

gnas ngan {L}dauhulya bad state

gnas rnams tha dad {MSA}
bhinnra different abodes
gnas ngan len {MSA,MV}dauhulya
assumption of bad states
gnas pa {C,MV,MSA}sthna {C}
(=vyavasthna); {C}pratisth; {C}avasthita;
gnas ngan len gyi ching ba
{C}avatiate; {C}tihati; {C}pratyupatihati;
{L}dauhulya-bandhana assumption of bad

{C}-stha; {MV}stha; {C}pratihate; {C,MSA}

pratihna; {C}sasthiti; {C,MSA}sthita;
{C,MSA,MV}sthiti; {C}sthnat (=vyavasthna);
{MSA}pratyp abide; dwell; source; state;
situation; remain; last; stay; place; abode; topic;
object; retention {C}stands still; take ones
stand; establish; abide in; established; engaged
in; abiding; to hang on to; settling place; stands;
abides; stand up; firmly grounded in; have set out;
firm grounding; firm foundation; to be supported;
support; establishing on
kun brtags pai mtshan nyid kyi gnas
foundations of imputational characters

ngan len gyi rten thams cad jig par byed pa {L}
sarva-dauhulyraya-vinaana destroy all the
bases of assumptions of bad states

gnas cha factor of stability

gnas chen po {L}mah-vihra great
place; great abode

gnas brtan pa {LCh}sthavira


gnas pa cha mthun sthitibhgya

concordant with abiding

gnas dang bcas pai dbang po gzugs can nye bar

len impeller of physical sense powers that are

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gnas pa dang mthun


gnas paang med {C}sthitasya-

par zhugs zhing zhug jug

zhugs zhugs {C}smc-pratipanna engage
in accordance with the basis {C}he makes
progress in conformity [with the Dharma]

anyathtva {C}alteration of what is established

gnas pa dang sa {MSA}vihra-bhmi

abode and ground

gnas pa dus mnyam abiding at

the same

gnas pai rgyu {MSA}sthiti-kraa

cause of abiding

gnas pai thabs {MSA}sthity-upya

method of abiding

gnas pai byed rgyu {MV}sthitikraa creative cause of abiding

gnas pa na mi rung {MSA}

sthityoga not suitable as abiding

gnas pa ma yin pa {MV}asthna

not abide

gnas pa med {C}aniketa-cr not

gnas par gyur pao {C}savartate

abide; remain {C}(is) conducive to; lead to (a


gnas par gyur {C}avatihate; {C}

sthsyati; {MSA}sad-dharmnuvyati abide;
remain {C}stand still; take ones stand on; will
come to stand

abiding; not remain {C}wandering without a


gnas pa med pa {C}asthna; {C}

gnas par gyur ba {C}

avatiheran abide; remain {C}would situate


sthitasya-anyathtva not abiding; not remain

{C}taking his stand nowhere; not taking ones
stand; no standing place; a non-standing; what
cannot be; alteration of what is established

gnas par bya {C}sthpayati abide;

remain {C}to place (in); discard; to store; affix;

to fix; deposits; to put up

gnas pa med pai tshul du

{C}asthna-yogena in the mode of non-abiding

{C}without a place to stand on; by way of not
taking his stand (on it/anywhere)

gnas par bya ba {C}sthtavya; {C}

abiding; not remaining {C}without making a


gnas par byed {C}prativasati; {C}

gnas pa med par {C}anahita not

gnas pa med par spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

aniketa-cr non-abiding practice; non-abiding
performance {C}wandering without a home

niketa karoti put; place {C}opposes; makes

his home

gnas pas {C}sthitv

{C}when he has


gnas byed {C}viharati; {C}nivasati

gnas pa yang dag par

abide; remain {C}dwell; resides

blangs te {C}samdya vartate completely

adopting the basis {C}behave in conformity
with; have done (deeds)

gnas bral {C}vih free from abiding

{C}absence of a discontinuous existent

gnas pa las gzhan du

gnas ma mchis pa {C}apada; {C}

gyur ba {C}sthity-anyathtva becoming other

than the basis {C}alteration of what has been

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

vartitavya (=sthtavyam); {C}vasati; {MV}sthna;

{C}pratibdhate abide; remain {C}should
stand; should stay; to dwell; opposes

asthna non-abiding; not remain {C}trackless;

without a trace; groundless; taking his stand


nowhere; not taking ones stand; no standing place;
a non-standing; what cannot be

pacauddhvsakyika Five Pure Places

gnas rtsa

gnas ma bu pa {N}vatsputrya

{PH}the stable nerve centers


Vatsputrya [name of a Buddhist school]

gnas ma yin pa {MV}asthna non- gnas tshul [abide-way]; mode of

abiding; not remaining

gnas ma legs pa {C}agatika

not gone; without resort; no access; do not go away

gnas mai bu pa {LCh}vtsputrya

Vtsputrya [name of a Buddhist school]

gnas mal {C}ayana-sana

gnas min gnas {A4C} asthna

Does not medicine that is

unsuitably applied become poison? {A4C} 8.18cd

gnas med {L}asthito; {C}asthnam; {C}

asthna; {C}asthnam; {C}anlaya; {C}aniketacr non-abiding; not remain; not subsisting

{C}not established; not standing; it is impossible;
not a settling place; nothing to settle in; taking
his stand nowhere; not taking ones stand; no
standing place; a non-standing; what cannot be; it is
impossible; (wandering) without a home

gnas med mkha rgyu {C}apulam

{C}without a support (?)

gnas med dngos po

gnas tshod measure of subsistence

gnas gzhan gyur pa

mthar thug pa {MSA}nihraya-parvtti final

changing of the basis


dwelling place; lodging


subsistence; way of subsistence; way of being;

mode of existence; way of things; state of things;
mode of abiding

gnas gzhan du gyur pa {MSA}

raya-parvtti; {MSA}parvttraya change
the basis

gnas yang lag {MV}rayga

limb of abiding; limb of subsistence

gnas yangs ba can du in the

area of Vaiali{BJ 30.4}

gnas yul

{PH}[twenty-four] places and

[thirty-two] countries

gnas yul dur khrod

[twenty-four] places; [thirty-two] countries; and
[eight] charnal grounds

gnas yul drug cu rtsa bzhi

{PH}sixty-four sacred places and countries

gnas yul dpa bo mkha

{PH}a thing

lacking duration

gnas med pa {N}anlaya baseless{N}

places and countries
gnas med par spyod pa
gnas yongs su gyur pa {MSA}
gro {PH}the dakas and dakinis of the sacred

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}aniketacr baseless practice {C}wandering without a


raya-parvtti; {MSA}raya-parivartana;
{MSA}raya-parivtti; {MSA}parvttraya
change the basis

gnas dmigs su med gnas yongs su gyur

pa la brtson pa dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}anilambha-niketa-nirata
{C}pleased with being unsupported by a home

gnas gtsang lnga

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pai mtshan nyid {MSA}raya-parvtti-lakaa

the character of changing the basis

gnas yongs su
gyur bai rgyu yin pa



gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}raya-parivtti-hetutva
being a cause of transforming the basis

gnas rab tu dbye ba {MV}asthprabheda differentiate the basis

gnas rigs abiding lineage

gnas la dga {C}laya-rato delight
in an abode

gnas la brten pa med pa {C}

aniketa-sthita not depending upon an abode
{C}utterly homeless

gnas la brten par {C}niketa in

gnas su {C}niraya as a basis; as an


{GD:486} abiding

gnas lugs [abide-system]; mode of

subsistence; mode of abiding{N}; way of being;

mode of existence; way things are; state of things

gnas lugs mthar thug

final mode of subsistence {PH}final mode of

subsistence gnas
lugs kyi don ma rtogs par without realizing the
meaning, that is to say the mode of subsistence [of
objects] {PGP 107}

gnong ashamed
gnod {MSA}akra; {MSA}upaghta; {MSA}

upatpin; {MSA}upadrava; {MSA}upa h (or

apa k?); {MSA}vighta; {MSA}vyasana; {MSA}
sabdha verb: to harm; injure7 noun: harm;
injury; damage; vessel{BJ 63.7} {PH}yaka;
harmful spirits
Harmful spirits [refers to] harmful gods, ngas, etc.

gnod joms

yum gsum gnod joms/

gnas lugs nad gzhi actual

situation [of the body] which is the basis
of disease (the first of the three roots of the
Illustrated Trees of Medicine)

Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 rnam par ma gyur pa/ 2 rnam par gyur pa/
Div.: 1) the trunk of the healthy body abiding in a
normal, balanced state, 2) the trunk of the unhealthy
body, or diseased body, abiding in an unbalanced

gnas lugs rtsa ba definition

of the body (the first of the three roots of the

Illustrated Trees of Medicine)

phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa bum

pa dang nyi khri lnga stong pa dang khri brgyad
stong pai rgya cher bshad pa/ Conquest Over
Objections; Damasenas [Commentary on]
the Three Mothers, Conquest Over Objections
/ Extensive Explanation of the Superior One
Hundred Thousand Stanza, Twenty-Five
Thousand Stanza, and Eighteen Thousand
Stanza Perfection of Wisdom Stras (

gnod du mi rung ba not suitable to

be vessels{BJ 63.7}


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}-stha abiding; remaining; subsisting {C}

supported; in dependence; leans on; based on;
inhabiting; dwell on in mind; settle; one who stands
firm; stand on

gnas su ma yin pa {C}asthna

in the location


gnas logs pa {PH}separate place

gnas shing {C}nirita; {C}satihati;

abode {C}support; refuge; who resides

dependence upon a basis; depending upon an

abode {C}home; at home

gnas la yod pa

ba/ 1 rnam par ma gyur pa/ 2 rnam par gyur pa/

Div.: 1) [the trunk of the healthy body abiding
in a normal] balanced state, 2) [the trunk of the
unhealthy body, or diseased body, abiding in an]
unbalanced state


gnod gnas {LCh} jambhala




gnod pa {N}upakra; {N}bdhana; {C}

vypada; {MSA,N}upaghta; {MSA}upatpin;

{MSA}upa h (or apa k?); {MSA}vighta;
{MSA}vyasana; {MSA}sabdha; {C,MSA}
apakra; {C,MSA}upadrava; {C}upakrama; {C}
anartha; {C}anupakra; {C}vybdha; {C}ghta;
bdh harmer; damage, harm {PH}harm;
harmful [effects]; damage {C}feel ill-will; exert
withdrawal; removal; doing harm; distress; trouble;
attack; non-meaning; harmful; misfortune; evil; non
benefit; disturbing the peace of; is sacked; sacking;
{GD:779} refuting

Someone one who makes use

of medicinal treatments and life-extending elixirs

for a certain time, reverses the suffering associated
with the harmful [effects] of illness and old age.

gnod pa can undermining

gnod pa can gyi rtags

(=vidveayitum) harm; injure; damage

gnod par byed pa {MSA}apakra;

{MSA}apardha; {MSA}upaghta; {MSA}vybdha

harmer; harm; injure; damage {PH}harmer;
those who do harm
Ghpaya ghpaya [means]
compel [your] retinue to seize [them] as well.

gnod par mi byed do {MV}

upaghta ... na karoti not harm; not injure; not


gnod par sems {C}vypadyate

upakrama-kta cause harm; injure; damage

gnod bya object harmed

gnod byed {MSA,GD}bdhaka; {MSA}


gnod pa byed {MSA}vighta-kt

vyatikrama harmer; damage{BJ 32.7};

refutation {GD:789} refuter
thal bai gnod byed bstan nas having shown
the damage which follows{DASI}
dngos la gnod byed refutation of the explicit

harmer; harm; cause harm

gnod pa byed pa {MSA}apakrin


gnod pa byed pa bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}

upaghta-maraa forbearance with respect to


gnod pa byed pai du shes

{MSA}apakri-saj harmful conception

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}anupaghta-di nonharmful view

gnod byed brjod pa rnams

brjod rjod brjod rjod damages


gnod byed bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}apakramaraa forbearance with respect to harmers

gnod byed la ci

gnod pa med pa unimpaired

gnod pa zhi ba {MSA}vyasana-nti

mi snyam pai bzod pa bzod

bzod bzod bzod patience/forbearance/tolerance/
endurance that does not care about or think
about harmers [i.e., one does not engage in any

pacify harmers

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gnod par bya ba vypdati

gnod pas byas pa {MSA}


gnod pa med lta

jugupsayati{?} harm; injure; damage {C}


(=prahra-niyamant) harmful mind {C}exert


undermining sign

gnod pa chen po mahyaka

gnod par gyur {C}jugupsate; {C}




thought about them]

gnon/ mnand/ gnond/ {MSA}zil gyis mnan =
abhibhya; {MSA}zil mnan = abhi bh to press
down; to subdue; to cover {PH}pressure

gnod sbyin {C,L}yaka demons in

the earth, air, or lower heavens {PH}yaka;

possessing demon

gnod sbyin gangs bzang

mna {C}kaa (=ka) {C}stalk

mna yis {C}kaa (=ka) {C}stalk
mnar ba mnar

{PH}[a type of yaka]

gnod sbyin mo

{PH}yaki; female

possessing demon

gnod mi byed {MV}avighta

mnar mnard mnard {C}paribhta; {C}paribhtat

suffer; harm; torture; torment {C}humbled;

harmless; not harmed

gnod med harmless; not harmed{BJ

10.8}; healthy; unharmed

gnod sems {MSA}vyasana-citta; {MSA}

vypda harmful intent; harmfulness

gnod sems kyi du shes {C}

vypda-saj conception of harmful intent
{C}perception of ill-will

mnar med

mnar mnar mnard mnard {LCh,C}avci Most

Tortuous; Most Torturous (Hell) {PH}Avci

mnar med pa


mnar mnar mnard mnard {MSA}avci Most

Tortuous Hell; denizen of the Most Tortuous Hell
{PH}Avci [Hell]

gnod sems med pa {C}avypda

without harmful intent {C}free from ill-will


gnon/ mnand/ gnond/ {MSA}zil gyis gnon pa =

abhibhava, abhibhti; {MSA}pha rol gnon pa =
parkrama to press down; to subdue; to cover
gdags gzhii
go sa gnon pai tshul du yod pa existence in the
manner of covering its basis of designation

mnar med dmyal ba



mnod pa


mnod/ mnos/ mnod/ to cause to receive


mno/ mnod/

mnos/ mnod/ to cause to receive

gnon par gyur ba {C}kramati

to press down; to subdue; to cover {C}step on;

moves into; assail; enter on

gnon par bya ba {C}pratibdhate to

press down; to subdue; to cover {C}opposes
{PH}funeral ritual [for

suppressing zombies]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

suffer; harm; torture; torment {C}humbled

Avci Hell

sems bskyed par byed bskyed

skyed bskyed skyed {C}ghtayati produce a
mind of harmful intent {C}cherish malice for;
feel anger

gnon gshin

mnar mnar mnard mnard {C}paribhta

mnar med kyi dmyal ba

gnod sems kyi

gnon pa

mnar bar gyur


rna rotra; rota ear

rna brjod pa brjod rjod
brjod rjod {C}savarayati {C}recommend

rna stag get from Lag Len/ rDor grel

rna nag ma {PH}goddess of misfortune

It is like
[the story of] the goddess of good fortune and the
goddess of misfortune. {A4C-C}


rna ba {C,MSA,N}rotra ear

rna ba rkang lag sna gcod

gang gang gang gang pya-pra filled with


rnam {L,C,TN}kra; {C}prakra; {C}dh (1)

{C}kara-carakara-nsa-ccheda {C}
amputation of ears, hands, feet, and nose

[=rnam pa]: aspect; type; kind; (2) intensifier

[sanskrit vi-] {PH}kind; type; aspect; form
{C}specific constitution; variety; way

rna ba ma phug pa aviddhakara

rnam kun all aspects

/ /
rnam kun mkhyen nyid / rnam kun mkhyen

{PH}Aviddhakara (p.n.; Nyya/Carvka author)

rna bam gsal ba {C}lalla



rna bai rnam par shes pa

pa / rnam kun mkhyen pa nyid exalted-knowerof-all-aspects

rotra-vijna ear-consciousness7; ear


rnam kun mngon par rdzogs par rtogs pa;

rna bai rnam shes rotravijna

ear consciousness

rnam rdzogs sbyor ba sarvkrbhisabodha

complete training in all the aspects; complete
realization of all the aspects

rna bai dbang pa rotrendriya ear

mtshan nyid/ rang bras rna

sense power


rnam kun mngon rdzogs

rtogs pa rtogs rtogs rtogs
rtogs {C}sarvkrbhisambodha {C}full
understanding of all modes/aspects

shes kyi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen byed pai
cha nas bzhag pai nang gi gzugs can dwangs ba/

rnam kun shin tu ba utmost from

Definition: clear inner form qualified by acting as

the uncommon empowering condition of its owneffect, an ear consciousness

all aspects

rna bai dbang po rotrendriya ear

rnam dkar wholesome; very white

sense; ear sense power

{PH}wholesome; wholesome [things]

rna shes rotra-vijna; rotra-jna

rnam mkhyen exalted-knower-of-all-

ear-consciousness; ear consciousness



mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen

rna bai dbang po dang dmigs sgra la brten nas skye bai
rig pa/ Definition: an awareness which arises in

dependence upon its own uncommon empowering

conditions, an observed sound and ear sense-power
of an ear-consciousness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

po {PH}first moment of an exalted knower of all


rnam mkhyen gyi gzhal bya

sarvkra-jna-prameya; sarvkr-jnaprameya object of cognition by an omniscient

consciousness; object of comprehension of an
omniscient consciousness
mtshan nyid/ rnam
mkhyen gyis rtogs par bya ba/ Definition: object of
comprehension by an omniscient consciousness

rna shes kyi nyan bya heard object

rnag pya pus

rnag gi klung pya-nad pus-river
rnag gis gang ba

rnam mkhyen skad cig dang

rnam mkhyen gyis rtogs

par bya ba


rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs object of comprehension by an omniscient

rnam mkhyen sbyor ba

sarvkrajatprayoga training in an exaltedknower-of-all-aspects

paryya {C}by various methods

rnam grangs du mas {C}anekaparyya {C}by various methods

rnam grangs pai {N}paryya

rnam mkhyen sbyor


bai ngo bo nyid bdun seven essentials of a

training in an exalted-knower-of-all-aspects

rnam grangs pai

kun brtags
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs enumerated

essential of observing bases and paths (gzhi lam la

dmigs pa'i ngo bo nyid), essential of nonagreement
with everything worldly ('jig rten thams cad
dang mi mthun pa'i ngo bo nyid), essential
of unimpededness (thogs ma med pa'i ngo bo
nyid), essential of the nonexistence of a basis [of
mistake] (gzhi med pa'i ngo bo nyid), essential of
nongoing ('gro ba med pa'i ngo bo nyid), essential
of nonproduction (skye ba med pa'i ngo bo nyid),
essential of nonobservation of suchness [as
ultimately existent] (de bzhin nyid mi dmigs pa'i
ngo bo nyid)

rnam grangs ma yin pa {N}

aparyya non-metaphoric{N}

rnam grol

grold grol grold {LCh}vimukti; {C}vimukta; {L}
vimuc- release {C}freed (from); emancipated;

rnam grol lam

rnam mkhyen sbyor bai

lam shes knower of paths that is a training in an



mkhyen; rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa nyid

sarvkra-jna; sarvkrajat knower of all
aspects; exalted knower of all aspects; omniscient
consciousness; omniscience

rnam grangs {C,L,MSA,MV}paryya; {C}

paryyea enumeration; format; framework;
synonym {C}specification; demonstration;
method; manner; revolution; in turn (e.g.: {C}syt
paryyo yena paryyea, would it be feasible to
say that...?; it is quite possible that; syt paryyo
yad, would there be a reason to assume that...?; it is
possible that)

rnam grangs du ma many forms;

many synonyms; many formats

grol grold grol grold vimukti-mrga path of

release mthong lam rnam
grol lam path of release of the path of seeing{PGP

rnam grol lam skor dgu


nine cycles of paths of release

rnam gyur


rnam grel


gyurd gyur gyurd {LCh}vikra manifestation

bde stong gi rnam gyur
manifestation of bliss and emptiness{TGP}

grel bkrald greld [Dharmakrtis] Commentary

on (Digngas) Compilation of Valid/Prime
Cognition [tshad ma rnam grel gyi tshig
leur byas pa, prama-vrttikakrik; P5709,
vol. 130], commentary [in general] {PH}

rnam grel thar lam

gsal byed [Gyel-tsaps] Illumination of the Path

to Liberation / Explanation of (Dharmakrtis)
Commentary on (Digngas) Compilation of
Prime Cognition: Unerring Illumination of the

rnam grangs du mai sgo nas

from many points of view

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam grangs du mar {C}aneka-


Path to Liberation [thar lam gsal byed / tshad
ma rnam grel gyi tshig

rnam chad pa

of commentary

rnam joms pa

chad chad chad {C}vicchina cut off {C}

rnam grel brtsams composition

rnam rgyal [very-conqueror]; complete

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}vighta harm;

injure; damage {C}oppose

victory; conqueror

rnam brgyad eight aspects

rnam nges prama-vinicaya

rnam gnyis su jug pa related

in two ways

rnam rtog

Dharmakrtis Ascertainment of Valid Cognition

(P. 5701, vol. 130)

rnam can having the aspect{LG}

rnam rtog yong su spang ba

spang spong spangs spongs

thoroughly abandoning thoughts



rnam rtog; rtog pa conceptual



gcos yong gcod; rnam bcad yongs gcod an

exclusionary elimination and an inclusionary

rnam rtog; rtog pa vikalpa/kalpan


rnam bcad {N}viccheda; {N}apkta

rnam brtags


rnam bcad yongs gcod kyi sgo nas mi mthun par

gnas pa no common abiding from the point of
view of being eliminator and eliminated

rnam bcad yongs gcod gang

zhig gnyis dang gnyis ma yin gyi phung gsum sel

ba (1) [the two are] eliminator and eliminated;
and (2) [their being] two or not two or some third
possibilty is eliminated

When a consciousness comprehends an object, it
realizes [it] in an aspectually mediated [manner].

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brtags dang phyi ma ni rnam btags yin pai phyir/

gnyis snang snga ma ni kun brtags dang phyi ma
ni rnam btags yin pai phyir/ Because the former
dualistic appearance [that is, the appearance as
object of verbalization and means of verbalization]
is the imputational factor and the latter [that
is, the appearance as apprehended-object and
apprehending-subject] is the imputed.Becau

rnam thar vimoka liberation

rnam thar sgo {C}vimoka-dvra door
of liberation


rnam bcu {MSA}daa-vidha ten aspects

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs the

gnyis snang snga ma ni kun

[mere] elimination; elimination{N}

rnam bcas skra

rnam par rtog

pa {LCh,MV,MSA}vitarka; vikalpa; kalpan

conception; conceptualization; conceptuality;
coarse conceptuality; discursiveness; thought;
conceptual thought; conceptual consciousnesses

thog mar bden pai rnam can

having the aspect of the [sixteen noble] truths

rnam gcod vyavaccheda

rnam thar pa vimoka liberation

rnam dag {MSA,MV}viuddha; {MSA,MV}
viuddhi; viuddhaka; {MV}uddhi very pure;


complete {C}pure

rnam dag gi dmigs pai

gtso bo dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs main object of observation

rnam dag gi

rnam bden pa satykravdin True

Aspectarian; True Aspectarian School

dmigs pai gtso bo main object of observation of


rnam dag gyur {C}udhyate become

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms viuddhi-

bhvan-mrga [Great Vehicle] path of complete

purity; very pure path of meditation

rnam dag pa {C}viuddha very pure;

{PH}fifth Guide


rnam dren stong rtsa


rnam dren bzhi pa


guide [kyamuni]

rnam gnon ngang tshul

vikramala {PH}Vikramala

rnam gnon nyi ma vikramditya

{PH}[King] Vikramditya

complete {C}purified; pure

rnam gnon tshul {PH}Vikramala

rnam snang snang snang

rnam dag lam

gyi dmigs pa mthar thug

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs final object of
observation by a path of purification

snang snang {LCh,LR}vairocana Vairocana

[p.n. of a Buddha]

rnam dag lam gyi dmigs pa mthar thug tu

rnam snang gi sgo

{PH}door of


gyur pai de bzhin nyid thusness that is a final

object of observation of a path of purification

rnam pa {LCh,MV,MSA}kra; {C,MV}

rnam dag lam gyi dmigs pa/rnam dag lam

gyi dmigs yul object of observation by a path of


rnam dag lam gyi dmigs pa; rnam dag lam
gyi dmigs yul dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs object of observation by a
path of purification

rnam dag lam gyi dmigs

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam dren lnga pa

thousand guides [buddhas]

very pure {C}be cleansed

dmigs dmigs

sapta-dh seven types; seven aspects

Sevenfold Reasoning

rnam dag gi dmigs pai gtso bo/rnam dag


rnam bdun {MSA}sapta-vidha; {MV}

rnam bdun gyi rigs pa

dmigs pai gtso bo; rnam dag dmigs pai gtso bo

main object of observation of purification

rnam dag sgom lam

dmigs dmigs object of observation by a path of



prakra; {C}krat; {C}kti; bheda (=dharmabheda); {MSA}gati; {MSA}vidhi; {MV}kraa

(?) aspect; subjective aspect; representation;
kind; type; form {C}specific constitution;
variety; way; way; various; distinction; difference;
dissention; break(ing up); differentiation; divided;
division; the one ... the others

rnam pa kun all aspects; all ways

rnam pa kun mkhyen pa nyid

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend {C}sarvkra-jat (=sarva-jat)
exalted knowledge of all aspects


rnam pa kun tu {C}sarvath; {C}sarvaabhisrea all aspects {C}at all times; from all

rnam pa gang yin {C}yaj-jatyo

nn-prakra different types; different aspects

rnam pa thams cad {MSA,MV}


rnam pa dgod pa

sarvkra; {C,MV,MSA}sarvath; {MV}sarvaprakra all aspects; all types; all kinds {C}at
all times

dgod god bkod god {C}vyavasthna set/

state/establish/arrange/register/make a record/
place [on throne]/put [a signature]; array; affix
{C}respective determination; distribution; abiding;
definite distinction; distinctive definition

aspect [i.e.; Buddhist monk]


bsgyur sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {C}

eka-kra-vyha change/transform into one
aspect {C}one single aspect

rnam pa gcig tu ston

ekadhera indicated as one aspect {C}one

single flow

rnam pa thams cad rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{C}sarva-kra-avabodha realize all aspects;
understand all aspects. {C}full understanding in
all their modes


rnam pa bcu gnyis su {C}

dvdaa-kra {C}with its twelve aspects

rnam pa thams cad dag bzhi

{C}of ten


four purities in all aspects

rnam pa thams cad du {C}sarva-

chad chad chad chad {C}vicchinna cut off;

annihilated {C}removed

rnam pa gnyis {C}dvaividhya; {MV}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mkhyen pa nyid mkhyen

mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}sarva-kra-jat
(=sarvajat) knowledge of all aspects; exalted
knower of all aspects; omniscient consciousness
{C}knowledge of all modes/aspects
thams cad mkhyen pa nyid; rnam mkhyen exalted
knower of all aspects

rnam pa bcu {MV}daavidha ten

rnam pa chad pa

rnam pa thams cad

rnam pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}

rnam pa bcus {C}daadh

mkhyen nyid lam mkhyen

mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}sarvkrajatmrga path of an exalted-knower-of-all-aspects;
path of an exalted knower of all aspects

mkhyen pa mkhyen
mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend sarvkra-jna;
sarvkrajat exalted knower of all aspects;
omniscient consciousness; omniscience


rnam pa gcig tu sgyur pa

rnam pa thams cad

rnam pa thams cad

eight kinds

rnam pa lnga {MV}pacavidha five

{GD:562} [external

rnam pa tha dad pa dag {C}

rnam pa dgu {MV}navavidha nine

rnam pa ngur smrig

rnam pa gtod pa
objects] casting their aspect

whatever aspect {C}its class as it is

rnam pa brgyad {C}aavidha

dvidh; {MV}dvividha; {MV}dvedh of two kinds

kra; {C}sarva-kram; {MSA}sarvath in all

ways; in every way; in all aspects {C}in all their



rnam pa thams cad du

manifold; various

rnam pa sna tshogs can {MSA}

rtogs pa rtogs rtogs rtogs

rtogs {MSA}sarvkra-bodha; {MSA}don thams
cad rnam pa thams cad du rtogs pa = sarvkrasarvrtha-bodha understand all aspects; realize
all aspects

citrkra having various aspects; having

various kinds

rnam pa thams cad mtshan

nyid {MSA}sarvkra-lakaa character of all

rnam pa thams cad

yongs su rdzogs pa rdzogs
rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}sarvkra-paripura
perfect in all aspects; complete in every respect
how many kinds?

rnam pa dang bcas par smra

ba skravda {GD:135} perception mediated
by aspects

rnam pa dang mthun pa

rnam pa ma dag pa yang

ma yin {MSA}na ca na viudhyati (vi udh)
neither pure nor impure

rnam pa mang po {C}bahu-prakram;

rnam pa med pa {C}aprakra;

{MV,MSA}ankratva no aspects; aspectless


rnam pa med par smra ba

nirkravda {GD:135} no mediation of

perception;{GD:585} Proponents of No-Aspect
school [another name for the False Aspectarian
school (rnam rdzun ba)]

*krabhgya similar in aspect

{C}of how

rnam pa tsam {C}prakra mere aspect;

many kinds?

rnam pa du ma {C}vividha; {C}aneka;

mere kind {C}specific constitution; variety;

kind; way

{MSA}naika in many forms {C}manifold;

various (aspects)

rnam pa bzhi {MSA}catur-vidha four

rnam pa drug {MSA}a-vidha six

aspects; four kinds

rnam pa bzhi pa sgom pa

kinds; six aspects

rnam pa drug tu {C}a-vikram in

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{MSA}catur-kra-bhvana cultivate/meditate
on four aspects

six ways

rnam pa bdun {MV}saptavidha seven

types; seven aspects

rnam pa bden par smra ba

rnam pa yongs su dag pa {C}

kra-viuddhi completely pure aspect

True Aspectarian Proponents; True Aspectarian


rnam pa sna tshogs {C,MSA}nn-

prakra; {L}nnvidha; {C}vividha; {MSA}vicitra;

{MSA}vaicitrya various kinds; various forms;
various aspects {C}different species/kinds;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tshogs su nye bar gnas pa {MSA}vicitrkrapratyupasthnatva abiding in various aspects

{MV}bahu-vidha many aspects; many forms;

many kinds {PH}many aspects {C}in many

rnam pa dag gis {L}katividha of

rnam pa du {C}katividha

rnam pa sna


rnam pa rang
bzhin med pai don nges pai blo an awareness
which has the subject aspect of ascertaining the
meaning of non-inherent existence

rnam pa rig pa tsam vijaptimtra



rnam pa gsum {MV}tridh; {C,MV}

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

{C}vijata know; exalted knower {C}be aware

of; cognized; known; discerned

trividha {C}of three kinds

rnam pa gsum cu

rnam par khrug disturbance

rnam par khrug cing

rtsa bdun bsgom pa bsgom

sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}sapta-triad-krabhvana cultivate/meditate on the thirty-seven

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

ikiyate (=vieyate = vikipyate = vikupyate)
be disturbed; angry; fight {C}undisturbed

rnam pai mchog

rnam par khrug par

thams cad dang ldan pa {C}sarvkra-varopeta

having all the best aspects

gyur zhing khrug

khrug khrugs khrugs {C}kubhyati become
disturbed; become angry; fight

rnam pai dbye ba {MSA}kra-

bheda; {MSA}prakra-bheda division of aspects

rnam pai rab tu dbye ba

rnam par khrug med

rnam par as the aspect

rnam par dkar ba

rnam par khrugs pa

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

{MSA}prakra-prabheda; {MSA}prakra-bheda
division of aspects

akopanya without disturbance; not disturbed;

not angry {C}immovable; undisturbed

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}



vikopana be disturbed; be angry; fight {C}


rnam par dkrugs par mi

rnam par gyur pa unbalanced state

bya ste {C}vikopayati disturb; agitate {C}do

harm; upset

rnam par bkur ba {C}vinetavya

respect; service should be not guided

rnam par bkod pa

dgod god bkod god {C}vyha (=samha)

set; state; establish; arrange; register; make

a record; place [on throne]; put [a signature];

array; affix {C}array; mass; (miraculous)

rnam par skye {C}viruhati arise; be

born; be produced {C}grows

rnam par skyo {C}parikhinna

renowned; famous {C}generally known (as);


rnam par khong

rnam par grol

grol grold grol grold {C}vimucyate released;

du chud pai dmigs pa {MV}pragamlambana

object of observation that is understood

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rgyu/ 2 rkyen/ lhan cig bskyed pai rkyen/ 3 jug

go/ 4 gnas/ 5 lam/ rgyu bar byed pai lam/ 6 ldang
dus/ na so yul dus/ 7 bras bu/ 8 ldog rgyu/ ldog
pai rgyu/ 9 dril/ mdo don/ Branches: 1) Cause
Branch, 2) Condition Branch, 3) Entrance Branch,
4) Location Branch, 5) Pathways Branch, 6) Time
of Arising Branch, 7) Fatal Effect Branch, 8) Side
Effects Branch, 9) Condensation Branch

rnam par grags pa {C}vikhyta

(=parika) averse; aversion {C}exhausted

rnam par mkhyen pa

yan lag la dbye ba/ 1 rgyu/ skyed par byed pai




rnam par grol dra ba nyid


grol grold grol grold

{MSA}vimukti-smnya release; liberation

rnam par grol ba

rnam par grol bai ye

shes grol grold grol

grold {MSA}vimukti-jna exalted wisdom of

grol grold grol grold {C}nirmukta; {C}

vinirmukta (=vyatirikta); {C,MSA,MV}vimukti; {C}

vimucyate; {MSA}mocana; {MSA}vimukta; {MV}
vinirmukta; {C,MSA}vimoka; {MSA}vimocana
released; liberated; liberation {C}sundered
from; freed; outside; distinct; escaped; free from;
deliverance; free; emancipation; be freed from; set
free; freedom

rnam par grol ba mchog

grol grold grol grold {MSA}

vimukti ... paramat highest liberation

rnam par grol ba nyams pa

grol grold grol grold
{MSA}vimukti-parihi abandon liberation

rnam par grol ba mtshungs

pa grol grold grol grold

{MSA}vimukti-tulyatva similarity with liberation

rnam par grol ba

yongs su tshol ba btsal

tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}vimukti-paryei
thoroughly investigate/examine/research/seek

rnam par grol bai dga ba dang bde ba yang

dag par myong ba {MSA}vimukti-prti-sukhasavedana thoroughly experience the happiness

and bliss of liberation

rnam par grol

bai ye shes gzigs pa {C}vimukti-jna-darana

realize the exalted wisdom of liberation {C}
vision and cognition of emancipation

rnam par grol bar gyur

grol grold grol grold

{MSA}(vi muc): vimucyate become liberated

rnam par grol bar

mnyam pa nyid grol grold

grol grold {MSA}vimukti-samat sameness of

rnam par grol bar bya

grol grold grol grold {C}

vimucyate be liberated; be freed {C}set free

rnam par grol bar bya ba

grol grold grol grold

{MSA}vimocana object of liberation

rnam par grol bar byed

grol grold grol grold (vi muc):

{MSA,MV}vimocayati; {MV}vimocana liberate

rnam par grol bar byed pa

grol grold grol grold

{MSA}vimukti; {MV}vimuc; {MV}vimocayati; {MV}
vimocana liberate

{MSA}vimukti-pravea enter into liberation

rnam par grol la sbyor ba

chen grol grold grol grold

{MSA}mahopyo vimocane the great method(s)
of liberation

rnam par dgod rnam

rnam par grol bai jug pa

rnam par grol bai thabs

rnam par grol bai mtshan

nyid grol grold grol
grold {MSA}vimukti-lakaa characteristic of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}

vimuktau niyojant connection to liberation;

exertion in liberation

par grel ba bkral grel

bkrald greld {C}vivoti comment upon a
statement {C}uncover; make clear; comment

rnam par gyur ba

fabricated (by thought-construction)

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}viparima

rnam par nges {MSA}vinicaya; {MSA}

change; become; transform

rnam par gyur ba can

vinicita ascertain; ascertainment; definite



rnam par gyur ba can

gyi nga rgyal {Larson} taijasa; rajasa ahakra

{PH}activity-dominated I-principal

rnam par gyur ba

comment upon; elucidate; explain {C}uncover;

make clear

rnam par grel bar byed


rnam par bcad pa {N}viccheda; {N}

apkta elimination; mere elimination{N}

rnam par bcil ba abandon; give

up; subjugate

rnam par jig pa {C,MSA}

grol grold grol grold {C}vimocana

vibhvan; {MSA}vibhvana; {MSA}vibhvayat

destroy; disintegrate

liberated; freed {C}delivering; unfettered

rnam par jig par bgyid pa

rnam par rgyal ba {C,MSA}vijaya;

{C}vidhvasana-kara destroy; disintegrate


{C}vaijayanta {C}conquest; palace of akra

rnam par rgyu

rgyu rgyu
rgyu rgyu {C,MSA}(vi car): vicarati {C}pass
through; explain; wander about; wanders; behave;
undo; course apart from

rnam par jig par gyur {C}

vyavasdam padyate will be destroyed; will
disintegrate {C}is bound to incur a fall

rnam par jig par gyur ba


{C}vibhavati will be destroyed; will disintegrate

{C}cease to become

flow away

rnam par jig par byed {MV}

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {C}vibhvan

(vi bh): vibhvayati destroy; disintegrate

(=nih-mrga kaya-anutpda-jnam)
meditate; cultivate {C}annihilation; undone;
clear understanding; undevelopment

rnam par jig par

mi bgyid pa {C}avinika not destroy; not

disintegrate {C}which does not destroy anything

rnam par bsgrubs pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

rnam par jug pa {MSA} raksa

vihapita (=abhta-parikalpa-prabhavatvt)
achieve; attain; accomplish; establish {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam par sngos pa {C}vinlaka

vipraayati (=anyath-karaam) {C}forget;

[cause to be wasted?]

{C}vivarati comment upon; elucidate; explain

{C}uncover; make clear

rnam par sgom pa


rnam par chud gzang {C}

bkral grel bkrald greld

rnam par rgyug {C}vidhvati

rnam par rngos pa {C}vinlaka

a blueish (or discolored) corpse; dark blue

bkral grel bkrald greld {C}vivoti

rnam par grol ba

{C,MSA,MV}vinicaya; {MSA}vinicita ascertain;

ascertainment; definite {C}restrained;
controlled; settled; resolve

a blueish (or discolored) corpse; dark blue

med pai chos can gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}aviparima-dharmaka
unchanging subject {C}not liable to reversal

rnam par grel ba

rnam par nges pa {C}viniyata;




rnam par jog pa (vy-ava sth):

rnam par rtog pa

thams cad spangs spang
spong spangs spongs {C}sarva-vikalpapraha abandon all ideation; abandon
all conceptualization {C}has forsaken all

{MV}vyavasthpayati; {MV}vyavasthpyante
posit; set; assign; designate; put

rnam par jog byed

chos gsum trivyavasthpakara-dharma three

properties of a positer

rnam par rtog pa dang

rnam par rjes su bltao {C}

bcas pa {C}savitarka having ideation; together

with conceptualization {C}with thoughts
adjusted; with discursive thoughts

payati {C}to see

rnam par nyams {C}vihna spoiled;


deficient; degenerate {C}failed in

rnam par nyams pa {C}

par rtog pa dang bcas pai gzugs brnyan

savikalpakapratibimba analytical image

vihanyamna spoiled; deficient; degenerate

{C}doomed to death

rnam par

rnam par bsnyad pa {L}vykhy

rtog pa dang bcas pai gzugs brnan savikalpapratibimba image that is connected with

emphasize; announce

rnam par gtan la dbab pa

rnam par
gtan la dbab/ bebs/ phab/ phob/ {MSA}vinicaya
ascertain; ascertainment

rnam par rtog pa

rnams kyi de bzhin nyid {MSA}vikalpn tathat

suchness of ideations/conceptualizations

rnam par btag tu med pa {C} rnam par rtog

pa rnams yang dag par zad pa {MSA}vikalpn
sakaya complete extinction of ideations/

avikalpa not imputed; not designated {C}

undiscriminated; without discrimination

rnam par btags pai

rnam par rtog pa med cing

gzugs gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs imputed form

{C}avitarka non-ideation; non-conceptualization

{C}without thoughts adjusted

rnam par rtog {L}vikalpa; {MV}

pragama; {C,MV}(vi kp): vikalpayati ideation;

think; conceptualize; conceptual consciousness
{C}discriminate(s); imagines; think it over; thinks
to himself; make a false discrimination

rnam par rtog cing {C}kalpayati

think; conceptualize {C}construct; imagine

rnam par rtog pa (kp):

{C,MSA,TN,MV,L}vikalpa; {MV}kalpayati; {C}

vikalpayati; {C}vikalpanat (=kalpan) ideation;
think; conceptualize; conceptual consciousness
{C}discriminate(s); imagines; think it over; thinks
to himself; make a false discrimination

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


rnam par rtog pa med cing

{C}avitarka non-ideation; non-conceptualization

{C}without thoughts adjusted

rnam par rtog pa med pa

{L}nirvikalpaka; {C}avikalpita; {C}vikalpanat

(=kalpan) non-ideation; non-conceptualization
{C}without thoughts adjusted; absence of
mental construction; without discrimination; not

rnam par rtog pa

yongs su tshol ba btsal

tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}vikalpa-paryei
thoroughly investigate/examine/research


rnam par rtog pa las byung

lta bltas ltos {C}avalokayati; {C}avalokita; {C}

vyavalokanat; {C}vyavalokan; {C}vyavalokayati;
{C}vilokayati (=vyavalokyate); {C}vilokita
(=vilokan = avalokita) view; look; see {C}
looking away; surveying (e.g. prattyasamutpdam);
surveys; cast back (a look); beheld; behold;
consider; look down (on); one surveys

ba byung byung byung byung

{C}vikalpa-samutthita arisen from ideation;
arisen from conceptualization {C}arisen from

rnam par rtog pai spyod

yul spyad spyod spyad spyod {L}

vikalpagocara object of activity of conceptuality

rnam par rtog

gzugs gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {MV}vikalpita rpa
imputed form

{MV}vikalpa kriyate; {MV}vikalpakatva

discriminate; conceptualize

rnam par blta ba {C}vyavalokayati

rnam par rtog par ma

view; look; see {C}behold; consider; look down


mchis pa {C}avikalpa; {C}avikalpatva nonideation; non-conceptualization {C}nondiscrimination

rnam par bltao {L}vyavalokayati

you should view

rnam par rtog par

rnam par bltas nas {C}

ma mchis so {C}avikalpa; {C}avikalpatva

non-ideation; non-conceptualization {C}
non-discrimination; undiscriminated; without

vyavalokayan having viewed; having seen {C}


rnam par thar pa {C,MSA}vimoka

liberation; freedom {C}emancipation;
deliverance [there are eight kinds]

rnam par rtog par med pa

rnam par thar pa zhal

{C}avikalpa; {C}avikalpanat; {C}avikalpita

non-ideation; non-conceptualization {C}
non-discrimination; undiscriminated; without
discrimination; not discriminated

gsungs ma {PH}autobiography

rnam par thar pa gsum

the three types of complete liberation [signlessness;

rnam par rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}vikalpa

rnam par tho tsham

ideation; discriminate; realize; cognize;

understand {C}false discrimination; noconstruction

pa bsam pa {L}vihehan intent on hurting;

attempt to hurt

rnam par thor ba {C}vikiraa;

blta lta

bltas ltos {C}vilokita (=vilokan = avalokita)

view; look; see {C}looking away; surveying


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{C}kalpita; {C}vitarkit impute; designate

rnam par brtags pai

rnam par rtog par byed pa

rnam par lta ba

{C}fashioned; imagined; constructed (by thought);


pai spyod yul ma yin pa spyad

spyod spyad spyod {MSA}vikalpgocaratva
not the realm of ideation; not the realm of

rnam par lta

rnam par brtags pa

{C}vikiptaka separate; scatter casting off;

dispersing; scattered corpse; mangled


rnam par dag {MV}pariuddha; {MV,L}

object of observation of purification

viuddha; {MV}viuddhatva; {MV}viuddhi; {L}

vimoka very pure; complete; purify; purity

rnam par dag pai mtshan


rnam par dag par gyur ba

rnam par dag nyid {C}viuddhat

nyid {MSA}viuddhi-lakaa characteristic of


rnam par dag pa {C,MSA,MV}

viuddhi {C}(=viuddhit); {MV}pariuddha; {C}

pariuddhi; {MV,MSA}viuddha; {MV}viuddhatva
{very-pure}; very pure; complete; purity{BJ
38.1} {C}perfect purity; purify; state of purity

rnam par dag pa rgya chen

rnam par dag par bya {C}

viudhyate {C}is purified

rnam par dag par bya ba

{MSA}viuddhi object of purification

rnam par dag bya {MV}viuddhi

{MSA}viuddhi-vipula extensive purity

rnam par dag pa nyid {MSA}

object of purification

rnam par dag yul {MV}uddhi-

viuddhat purity

rnam par dag pa med {MSA}na

viaya object of purification; pure object

rnam par dren pa

viudhyate (vi udh) not purify; impurity

drang dren drangs drongs/drend {C}

rnam par dag

nyaka leader; guide {C}guide; leader

pa gzhan gyi dbang nyid {MV}viuddhau

pratantrya other-powered purity {PH}
other-powered purity

rnam par dag pai khyad par

{MSA}viuddhi-viea very pure distinction;
complete distinction

rnam par dag pai thabs

rnam par ldog

ldog ldogs ldogs {C}vivartate; {C}vinirvartate
isolate; reverse {C}turn away from; turn back
on; is diverted; turn away

rnam par gnas pa med pa

{L}avyavasthita non-abiding; not remain

{MSA}viuddhy-upya method(s) of purity

rnam par dag pai de kho na

{MV}viuddhi-tattva pure suchness; suchness of

rnam par dag pai

rnam par gnon pa {MSA}

vikambhana; {C}vikambhayati harm; damage

{C}obstruct; make an obstacle; get rid of

rnam par mnan cing {C}vikadya

(=avaskandakena) {C}moving rapidly

de bzhin nyid {MSA}viuddhi-tathat pure

suchness; suchness of purity

rnam par dag pai gnas {MV}

viuddhvasth very pure place; abide in purity

rnam par dag pai snod {MSA}

viuddhi-bhjanatva very pure vessel

rnam par dag pai dmigs

pa dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MV}viuddhy-lambana; viuddhlambana

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MV}(vi udh): viudhyate purify; become pure


rnam par rnags pa {C}viptika

(=vipyaka); {L}vipyaka (=vidika) {C}
festering corpse; worm-eaten corpse; festering

rnam par snang ba

snang snang snang snang {C}vairocano appear;
perceive; illuminate {C}like the shining sun

rnam par snang mdzad

snang snang snang snang {C}vairocana

Vairocana [p.n. of a Buddha]; Vairochana


rnam par dpyad {L}vicrita analysis;


rnam par dpyad pa {C}carita-

vicarita; {C}vicrita analysis; discrimination

{C}futile considerations; deliberation

rnam par dpyod {MSA}(vi car):

rnam par spyod

vicrayet analysis; discrimination

rnam par dpyod pa {C}


spyod spyad spyod {C}vicarati enjoy; make

use of; practice; act out; perform; deeds;
performance {C}pass through; explain; wander
about; wanders; behave; undo; course apart from

vyavacrayati; {MSA}vicraa; {MSA}vicra

analysis; discrimination {C}apperceive;

rnam par dpyod pa

dang bcas pa {C}savicra together with

discrimination; having discrimination {C}with
discursive thoughts

rnam par dpyod pa med pa

rnam par spros te go ba

ma yin pa {C} vipacita-ja (=rpa-lakaa
rpa ity-dy-abhidhne tad-artha anavabodhn)
{C}cannot understand unless all details are

rnam par phye {MSA}vivta; {L}vivt-

{C}avicra non-discrimination; non-analysis

{C}without thoughts discursive

distinguish; differentiate; separate; open

rnam par phye

rnam par dpyod pa tsam gyi

ste lung bstan par bya ba yin no {C}vibhajya

(vykarayam) {C}one must make a distinction

{C}vicra-mtra mere discrimination; mere

analysis {C}with only discursive thoughts

rnam par phye ba {C}suvibhakta

rnam par dpyod par byed

distinguish; differentiate; separate; open {C}

well proportioned; well separated; {GD:260}
differentiated point of view

{C}vyavacrayati discriminate; analyze {C}

apperceive; assimilates

rnam par spang bar bya

spang spong spangs spongs {C}

vivarjayati abandon; give up {C}avoid; get rid

of; reject

rnam par phel ba {C}

vivardhamna increase {C}as they grow

rnam par phel byed pa {MSA}

vivardhayat increaser; increase

spang spong spangs spongs {C}vivarjana; {MV,C}

varjita; {L}visjya; {L}vigata; {C}vivarjayati
abandon; give up {C}rejection; avoid; having
relinquished; without; avoided; get rid of; reject

spang spong spangs spongs {C,MV}varjita;

{C,MSA}vivarjita devoid of; abandon; give up

{C}having relinquished; without; avoided; reject;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spang spong spangs spongs {C}vivartanat

eliminate; abandon; dispel {C}turning away

spang spong spangs spongs

{C}visarjayati eliminate; abandon; dispel {C}
replies; get rid of; answer

vicraka {PH}one who analyzes

rnam par spangs pa

rnam par spong ba

rnam par spong bar gyur ro

rnam par dpyad pa po {PW8-H}

rnam par spangs

abandoned; left behind


rnam par phrul {MSA}vikurvita


rnam par phro ba visaraa scatter;

spread; diffuse proceed; issue; emanate from;
from; go on; continue

rnam par bam pa {C}vydhmtaka

(=dhmtaka) {C}a swollen corpse


rnam par byang

separate; open; separate

rnam par byed pa {C}vibhjan;

byang byangs byang byongs {MV}vyavadna;

{MV}(vy-ava dai); {MV}vyavadyate purify;
cleanse; purification

{C}vibhajati; {C}vivaraat; {C}vivarati;

{MSA,MV,L}vicaya; {MV,MSA}vibhga; {MSA}
(vi bhaj): vibhjayati; {MSA}vibhvana
differentiate; to separate; open; separate {C}
analysis; analyze; classify; revelation; explanation;
comment upon; investigation; discernment

rnam par byang ba

byang byangs byang byongs

{MSA,MV,L}vyavadna; {C}vyodna
(=vyavadna); {MSA}vyavadta; {MV}viuddhi
purification; purify; cleanse

rnam par byed par byed

rnam par byang ba ma yin

{C}vibhajati differentiate; to separate; open;

separate {C}analyze; classify

pa byang byangs byang

byongs {L}avyavadna non-purification; not

rnam par byang bai chos

byang byangs byang byongs

{MV,N}vaiyavadnika-dharma a very pure


rnam par byang bai rang

bzhin byang byangs byang

byongs {MV}vyavadna-prakti nature of
purity; pure nature

rnam par byang bar gyur

byang byangs byang byongs

{MSA}(vy-ava dai): vyavadyante purify;

become pure

be devoid of; free from {C}lacking in; deprived

of; without; does not possess

rnam par brel ba {MSA}(vi v):

vivoti join; relate; connect

rnam par sbyang bai chos

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

thoroughly pure phenomena

rnam par sbyang bar bya ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{MSA}viodhya object to be purified {PH}

object purified

rnam par sbyong ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}viuddhi;

{MSA}viodhana; {MSA}viodhan purify;
wash; practice; train; cleanse; clean; purity;

rnam par bral ba {L}viyoga

completely free from

rnam par dbye {C}vibhakti divide;

rnam par sbyong bai chos

division; open; differentiate; differentiation


sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

rnam par dbye ba {C}vibhga;

{MSA}viuddhi-dharma very pure phenomenon

rnam par sbyong bar byed

{L}vibhajya; {L}vibhaga; {C}vivaraa

divide; open; differentiate {C}distinction;
discrimination; revelation

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{MSA}(vi udh): viodhayati wash; purify;

practice; purification; purity

rnam par dbye bar bya {C}

rnam par ma gyur pa balanced

vivariymi divide; open; differentiate {C}I

will open


rnam par byed {MV}vicaya; {MV}

vibhga; {MSA}(vi t): vitaranti differentiate; to

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam par bral ba {C}virahita to


yan lag la dbye ba/ 1 nad/ 2 lus zungs/ 3 dri ma/

Branches: 1) Humours Branch, 2) Physical
Constituents Branch, 3) Excretions Branch

rnam par ma brtags pa

gdags dogs btags/

{MSA}avikalpbhila non-conceptual desire

brtags thogs {L}nirvikalpaka non-imputed; not


pai mtshan nyid {MSA}avikalpa-lakaa

characteristic of non-conceptuality; nonconceptual characteristic

aviuddhi not purified; impure

rnam par ma dag pai

chos can {C}aviuddha-dharmin impure subject

{C}impure by nature

rnam par ma tshang {C}vaikalya

rnam par mi rtog

pai gzugs brnyan nirvikalpakapratibimba nonanalytical image

rnam par mi rtog pai

{C}incompleteness; deficiency

ye shes {MSA}avikalpa ... jna; {MSA}jna

... nirvikalpa; {MSA}nirvikalpa-jna nonconceptual exalted wisdom

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend {C}avijta not know {C}unaware
of; not discerned

rnam par mi rtog

rnam par mi rtog {C}nirvikalpa; {C}

avikalpa; {C}avikalpanat non-conceptual {C}

undifferentiated; indiscriminate; undiscriminated;
without discrimination; non-discrimination

rnam par mi rtog nyid {MSA}

avikalpika non-conceptuality

rnam par mi

pai ye shes kyis {MV}avikalpena jnena; {MV}

nirvikalpena jnena through non-conceptual
exalted wisdom

rnam par mi

rtog pai lam bsgoms pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}avikalpa
mrga bhvayati cultivate the path of nonconceptuality

rnam par mi rtog ye shes

rtog thabs yongs bzung ba {MSA}akalpanopyaparigraha discern the method of nonconceptuality

ldan {MSA}jnena gat ... nirvikalpena

having non-conceptual exalted wisdom

rnam par mi rtog pa {C}akalpita;

rnam par mi lta ba

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}(a-vi pa): avipayat

not view; not look; not see

{C,MSA}nirvikalpa; {MSA}akalpan; {C,MSA}

avikalpa; {C}avikalpanat; {MSA}avikalpana;
{MSA}avikalpan non-conceptual; nonconceptuality {C}indiscriminate; no discursive
thought; without mental construction; nondiscrimination

rnam par mi tshe ba {MSA}

avihis; aviheha non-harmfulness

rnam par mi g.yeng ba {MV}

rnam par mi rtog pa nyid

avikipta non-distraction {T}

{C}nirvikalpat; {MV}avikalpana(t); {MV}

nirvikalpa jna (sic) non-conceptuality
{C}no discrimination

rnam par dmar ba {C}vilohita


rnam par mi rtog pa dod pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}avikalpa; {L}nirvikalpa non-conceptual; nonconceptuality

rnam par mi rtog

rnam par ma dag pa {MV}

rnam par mi mkhyen pa

rnam par mi rtog pa yin pa


rnam par rmongs pa

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs {L}vimoha

very deluded

{MSA}vipka-phala result of ripening

rnam par smin {C}vipku; {L,MV}

vipka ripen; mature {C}reward; karma-result

rnam par smin pa {C,MV,MSA}

vipka; {MSA}vaipkya ripen; mature; fruition;

maturation {C}reward; karma-result

rnam par

smin pa dang rgyu mthun pai yon tan {MSA}

vipka-niyanda-gua qualities that are causally
concordant with ripening/maturing

rnam par smin pa don du

gnyer ba {MSA}arth bhavati vipkena for the
sake of maturing; seeking to ripen

rnam par smin pa ma yin pa


rnam par smin

pa ma yin pai skad cig sbyor nonfruitional
momentary training

rnam par smin pa yin nas

{C}vipacyate having matured; having ripened

{C}be a result (of karma)

rnam par smin pa la brten

rnam par smin pai sems

bskyed ripening mind-generation

rnam par smin la {C}vipku

mature; ripen {C}reward

rnam par smod par gyur {C}

vigarhate; {C}vigarhati {C}censure

rnam par rtse ba (vi kr): {C}

vikrati; {MSA}vikranti; {MSA}vikrana onepointed {C}plays with; sports with

rnam par brtse ba {C}vikrat

(=vikran); {C}vikrati; {MSA}vikrita onepointed {C}playing; play with; sports with

rnam par tshig pa {C}vidagdhaka

{C}a burned corpse

rnam par tshe ba {MSA}vihis;

{MSA}viheha harmfulness

rnam par tshe ba bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}

vihehan-maraa patience/forbearance/
tolerance/endurance with respect to harmfulness

rnam par gzhag (vy-ava sth):

pa {MSA}vipka-sanirit in dependence
upon maturing

{MSA}vyavasthpita; {MV}vyavasthpyate;
{MV}vyavasthna; {MV}vyavasthpana posit;
establish; abide

rnam par smin

pa la mi lta bai du shes blta

lta bltas ltos {MSA}vipka-nirapeka-saj
conception not viewing maturation

rnam par smin pa las skyes

pa {C}vipka-ja produced from maturing
{C}born of karma-result

rnam par gzhag pa {C,MV}

vyavasthna; {MV}vyavasthpana posit;

establish; abide {C}attributes; determination;
respective determination; distribution; definite
distinction; distinctive definition

rnam par smin pa las byung rnam par gzhag bya chos
ba byung byung byung byung
{C}vipka-ja arisen from ripening {C}born of

rnam par smin pai skad

cig sbyor fruitional momentary training

rnam par smin pai bras bu

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gsum trivyavasthpya-dharma three properties

of a posited object

rnam par gzhig pa {C}vinita;

{L,MV}vina break down {C}destroyed;

rnam par gzhig par bgyi ba

{C}vibhvayitavya break down {C}should be

rnam par bzhag pa (vy-ava sth):

rnam par g.yengs pa {MSA}

vikipta distraction

rnam par g.yo (vi cal): {C,MSA}

vicalati {C}(=varayati) move; fluctuate {C}


{L}vyavasthita; {MSA}vyavasthpyante; {MSA}

vyavasthna; {MSA}vyavasthpana; {MSA}
vyavasthpita presentation determination;

rnam par g.yo ba {C}vispandita

move; fluctuate {C}restless; throbbing

rnam par bzhag

rnam par g.yong ba {C}vikepa;

pa yongs su dpyod pa {MSA}vyavasthna

pariccheda analysis of the presentation

{C}vispandita distraction {C}confusion;

(mental) disturbance; distraughtness; wave (their
garments); restless; throbbing

rnam par zos pa {C}vikhdika;

{C}vikditaka (=vikhdita) {C}a corpse being

devoured; mangled; eaten by worms

rnam par gzigs {MSA}vipavin; {C}

vyvalokita; {C}vyavalokayati viewing; look; see
{C}beheld; behold; consider; look down (on)

rnam par gzigs pa gyur

rnam par rig {MV}vijapti; {C}vijapta

knowledge; know; ideation {C}intimated

rnam par rig pa {C}

vijnana; {L,MV,MSA}vijapti knowledge;

know; ideation; cognition {C}being aware;

pa yin {C}vyavalokayan viewing; look; see


rnam par rig pa dang tha

nivartayati reverse; reversing

rnam par rig pa byed pa

snyad {PW8} prajaptirvyavahra {PH}what

is conventionally known

rnam par bzlog {MV}(ni vt):

rnam par bzlog pa {C}

{MSA}vijpany know

vinirvartayit; {C}vivarta; {L}vyavartaka reverse;

reversing {C}one who causes to turn back;
turning away from; impeded; impediment

rnam par g.yeng ba {C,MV,MSA}

rnam par rig pa med pa {C}

avijapti non-knowledge; not know; nonideation {C}give no hint {about their true
nature); without ideation; without conceptualization

rnam par rig pa tsam

vikepa; {C}ikiyate (=vieyate = vikipyate

= vikupyate); {MV}vikipta distraction {C}
confusion; (mental) disturbance; distraughtness;
wave (their garments); undisturbed; disturbed;
dispersed; scattered

{L,MSA,MV}vijapti-mtra; {MSA}vijapti-mtrat
knowledge-only; ideation-only; cognition-only

rnam par g.yeng ba med pa

rnam par rig pai de kho na

med pai sems {C}avikipta-citta; {C}avikiptamanas non-distracted mind {C}undisturbed

(in his) thought; with undistracted mind

bzhin nyid {MSA}vijapti-tathat suchness of

knowledge; suchness of ideation

{MV}vijapti-tattva suchness of knowledge;

suchness of ideation

{MSA}avikepa non-distraction

rnam par g.yeng ba

rnam par g.yeng bya {MSA}(vi

rnam par rig pai de

vijey object of knowledge; object of ideation

kip): vikipet distract; distracted

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam par rig par bya ba {MSA}



rnam par rig par bya

ba ma yin {C}avijapanya not an object of

knowledge; not known; not an object of ideation
{C}something which cannot be intimated/

rnam par rig par byed pa


rnam par shes pa

phan tshun dang ldan pa {C} anyonya-vijnasamagin {C}mind on other things; his mind on
other kinds of talk

rnam par

{MSA}vijeya knower; know

rnam par rig par

shes pai rkyen gyis ming dang gzugs {MSA}

vijna-pratyaya nmarpam name and form,
the conditions of consciousness; {T} due to the
conditionconsciousnessthere is name and
form; conditioned by consciousness, name and

byed pai gzugs vijaptirpa revelatory form

rnam par rig par byed pai gzugs; rnam
par rig byed kyi gzugs vijaptirpa revelatory

rnam par rig pa; rnam rig

rnam par shes pai khams

{C}vijna-dhtu realm of consciousness

vijapti cognition

rnam par rig byed {MSA}vijpana;

{MV}vijapti reveal; revelatory

rnam par

rig byed ma yin pai gzugs {LCh}avijaptirpa; avijptirpa non-revealing form;

nonrevelatory form

rnam par shes par gyur pa

{C}vijeya; {C}vijna-gata cognize; become

conscious of {C}discernible; distinct; should be
known; one should understand/discern; belonging to

rnam par shes par bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}
vijpanat cognize; be conscious of {C}is
informed about

rnam par rol pa {C,MSA}vikrita;

{MSA}vikrana sport

rnam par shes pa; rnam

rnam par rol pai las {MSA}

shes vijna consciousness

vikrana-karman actions of sport; sportive


rnam par shes pa;

rnam par log nas {C}vivarti

rnam shes; shes pa {MSA,MV}vijna; {C}vijata

consciousness; cognition {C}be aware of;

having reversed; having returned {C}rid of

rnam par shes {MV}vijna

cognized; known; discerned

rnam par bshad pa {LCh}vykhy

consciousness; cognition

rnam par shes pa dra


ba med pa {C}sada-vijnatva non-similarity

with consciousness {C}his consciousness
conforms to

rnam par shes pa gnas pa

{C}vijna-sthiti abode of consciousness; source

of consciousness {C}foundation of conscious life

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam par shes pa po {MSA}vijt


rnam par bshad pai rigs

pa vyky-yukti Vasubandhus Reasoning for

Explanations (P. 5562, vol. 113)

rnam par bshig nas {C}

vibhvanat; {C}vibhvanatay; {C}vibhviya;

{C}vibhvamna having destroyed {C}
annihilation (by meditation); annihilated; one who

develops to the end

rnam par bshig pa {C}vina;


{C}vibhvita destroy {C}destruction; undone;

annihilated (in meditation)

rnam par sun byin pa

discrimination; analysis {C}who accomplish

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {MSA}

vidaa disbelieve; refute

rnam par sems

rnam par bsam/ sems/ bsams/ soms/

think; intend

rnam par sel ba

bsal sel bsald seld {C}vikiraa; {C}viodhayati;

{L}vinodayanti; {MSA}vinayana eradicate;
remove; clear away; eliminate; avoid; exclude;
separate {C}casting off; dispersing; purifies;
cleanse; clean away; removes; remove; dispel; drive
asunder; diversion; pasttime

rnam par soms

rnam par bsam/ sems/ bsams/ soms/
think; intend

rnam par gsal ba {MSA}vipa;

{MSA}vispaa clarify

rnam par bsam

rnam par bsam/ sems/ bsams/ soms/

think; intend

rnam par bsam pa {C}dhmtaka

think; thought; intended; intention {C}swollen


rnam par bsams

rnam par bsam/ sems/ bsams/ soms/

{C}vicintayati think; thought; intend {C}


rnam par bsal

bsal sel bsald seld {C}vinya eradicate; remove;
clear away; eliminate; avoid; exclude; separate
{C}after turning away

rnam dpyad bsam pa can

{MSA}vicraaya having analytical thoughts

rnam dpyod discrimination; analysis{BJ

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam dpyod pa {C}vicrama


rnam spangs

spong spangs spongs {C}vivarjayati abandon;
give up {C}avoid; get rid of; reject

rnam phel {C}vivddhi increase; impel

{C}increase; growth

rnam phro {MSA}visra scattering

rnam byang byang

byangs byang byongs vyavadna purification;

very pure

rnam byang gi chos

byang byangs byang byongs

vaiyavadnika-dharma very pure phenomenon;

phenomenon of purification [i.e. liberation]{Lati}

rnam byang gzung rtog

gzung dzin bzung zungs conception of

thoroughly pure objects

rnam dbyed division (?)

rnam byed {MSA}vicaya differentiate;
separate; open

rnam byed pa {MV}vibhga; {MSA}

advayrtha-vibhvaka differentiate; separate;

rnam byes distinct

rnam sbyar {PH}robe

gos smyug poi rnam sbyar

zhig gsol ras su gnang dug; It is [said that he]

gave [him] a robe of brown cloth as a gift. {GCC}

rnam sbyong


sbyong sbyangs sbyongs viodana purifying;

wash; purify; practice

rnam mang {PH}manifold; many aspects

rnam mang po {C}bahudh many


rnam smin dag {MSA}vipka-uddhi

kinds; many aspects {C}manifold; in many


pure maturation; pure fruition

rnam mang gzugs dag {C}

rnam smin rnam shes

aneka-rpa many aspects and forms {C}in

great variety; different in form; one of many

vipakavijna fruitional consciousness (a

partially purified continuation of a mind-basisof-all)

rnam mi rtog pa {C}avikalpa; {C}

rnam smin rig dzin

avikalpanat; {C}avikalpaka non-conceptual

{C}undiscriminated; without discrimination; nondiscrimination; he should not discriminate

gzung dzin bzung zungs fructional

knowledge bearer

rnam smin {C}vipka; {MSA}prapka

rnam tshe {MSA}vihis harmfulness;

fruition; maturation {C}karma-result; result;

reward; {GD:801} [karmic] effect


rnam rdzun dri bcas pa Tainted

rnam smin gyi skye ba fruitional

False Aspectarian


rnam smin gyi skye ba dzin

tshul gzung dzin bzung zungs

a mode of taking fruitional rebirths{PGP 78}

rnam smin gyi

skye ba len tshul gyi khyad par {PH}the feature

of the mode of taking fruitional rebirth

rnam rdzun pa False Aspectarian

{PH}False Aspectarian

rnam rdzogs sbyor ba sarvkrbhisabhodha

complete training in all aspects; complete within
unrestricted equality

rnam rdzogs sbyor ba/ rnam kun mngon par

rnam smin gyi rgyu vipka-hetu

mtshan nyid/

fruitional cause

mi dge ba dang dge ba zag bcas gang gis bsdus pa/

Definition: That which is included within non-virtue
and contaminated virtue

dbye ba/ 1 phen byed kyi las/ 2 rdzogs byed
kyi las/ Divisions: (1) impelling karma; (2)
completing karma

rdzogs par rtogs pa sarvkrbhisabhodha

complete training in the aspects

rnam rdzogs sbyor ba; rnam kun mngon par
rdzogs par rtogs pa sarvkrbhisabodha
complete training in all the aspects; complete
realization of all the aspects

rnam smin gyi sgrib pa

rnam rdzogs sbyor ba/ rnam kun mngon par rdzogs

par rtogs pa sarvkrbhisabodha complete
training in all the aspects; complete realization of
all the aspects

*vipkvaraa fruitional obstruction

rnam smin gyi bag chags

rnam brdzun dri bcas pa

predispositions of maturation

rnam smin gyi bras bu vipka-


Tainted False Aspectarian

phala fruitional result; fruitional effect

rnam smin gyi yon tan fruitional

good qualities

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


rnam brdzun dri med


Tainted False Aspectarian

rnam brdzun dri med pa


play]; sport; play; activities

Non-Tainted False Aspectarian

rnam brdzun pa alkkravdin False

rnam log {C}vinivtti reverse; oppose; to

Aspectarian {PH}False Aspectarian

return {C}turning away from

rnam bzhag {N}vyavasthpita

rnam shes

rrnam shes/ shes pa vijna [diverse-know];
consciousness; main consciousness; [ordinary]
consciousness{N}; knower; cognition


rnam bzhag pa {L}samhita

not in meditative equipoise {C}unconcentrated

rnam shes kyi zas vijnhra

[Ngabodhis] Ordered Stages [of the Guhyasamja

rnam shes bstan du med pa

meditative equipoise

rnam bzhag med pa {C}asamhita

rnam bzhag rim pa

rnam bzhag rim pai

rnam shes mtha {C}vijnnta

vijnnta; vijnnantya limitless consciousness

{C}infinite consciousness

rnam shes mtha yas skye

bshad pa eloquent presentation

mched {C}vijnnantyyatana {C}sense-field

of infinite consciousness

rnam bzhag bshad pa la with

rnam shes tshogs brgyad eight

respect to explaining the presentation ...

rnam bzhi four aspects

rnam gzigs {MSA}vipayin

collections of consciousness [by Asaga]{BJ 37.1}

rnam shes las das pa beyond

the Bodhisattva Vipayin (who became the Buddha


rnam bshad vykhy explanation;

rnam g.yeng {MSA}vikepa distraction

rnam rig vijapti cognition
rnam rig pa vijaptika; vijaptivdin

Gyal-tshabs Explanation; Gyal-tshab-dar-marin-chens (rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen; 13641432) Explanation Illuminating the Meaning of
the Commentaries on (Maitreyas) Treatise of
Quintessential Instructions on the Perfection of
Wisdom; Ornament for the Clear Realizations:
Ornament for the Essence (rnam bshad snying
po rgyan/ shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pai man
ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pai rgyan
gyi grel pa don gsal bai rnam bshad snying poi

Proponents of Cognition {PH}Proponent of the

Ideation-Only (vijapti-matra) School

Ideation-Only (vijapti-matra) School

rnam rig tsam vijaptimtra mere

rnam bshad rigs vykyyukti


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

indemonstrability of consciousnesses

rnam shes mtha yas {C}

rnam bzhag legs par

rnam rol lla; {LCh}vikrita [diverse-

consciousness; sustenance of consciousness

limit of consciousness {C}infinite consciousness

rnam bshad Explanation of the Stages of the

Presentation ? [Dzong-ka-bas commentary on
Ngabodhis Ordered Stages of the Means of
Achieving Guhyasamaja]

rnam rig pai lugs vijptika

consciousness food; nourishment of

Vasubandhus Reasoning for Explanations (P.

5562, vol. 113)



rnam bsams {C}vicintayati think;

mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai

thought {C}reflection

rnam bsal

bdag rkyen du gyur pai zhi lhag zung brel gyi ting

rnams plural marker

rnai mngon par shes pa {MSA}

non-mistaken exalted knower in the continuum

of a Superior that is produced from a meditative
stabilization which is a union of calm abiding and
special insight and which has become its own
uncommon empowering condition

sel bsald seld eradicate; remove; clear away;
eliminate; avoid; exclude; separate

nge dzin las skyes pai rtog bral ma khrul bai phags

rotrbhij clairaudience {T}

rnar snyan pa {MSA}kara-sukh


pleasant to the ear {T}

rnal rest; tranquillity

rnal byor {LCh,MSA}yoga; {C,MSA}

dbye ba/ 1 nyan thos kyi rnal byor mngon sum/

2 rang rgyal gyi rnal byor mngon sum/ 3 theg
chen gyi rnal byor mngon sum/ Divisions: (1)
Hearer yogic direct perceiver; (2) Solitary Realizer
yogic direct perceiver; (3) Mahyna yogic direct

yogin; {C}yogu [tranquillity-receive]; yoga;

yogin [one who has calmed the mind and
attained the ability to analyze phenomena]

rnal byor gyi rgyu {MSA}

yogopaniad cause of yoga

rnal byor gyi sa {MSA}yoga-bhmi

yogic ground

dbye ba/ 1 gang zag


gi bdag med rtogs pai rnal byor gyi sa/ 2 gnyis

stong rtogs pai rnal byor gyi sa/ 3 bden stong
bden par grub pas stong pa rtogs pai rnal byor
gyi sa/ Divisions: (1) yogic ground of one who
realizes the selflessness of persons; (2) yogic ground
of one who realizes the emptiness of duality; (3) the
yogic ground of one who realizes the emptiness of
true establishment [of phenomena]

rnal byor gyi sa rnam pa

gyi tshad ma yogi-pratyaka-prama direct

perceiver that is a yogic direct perceiver

rnal byor mngon sum

bcad shes yogic direct subsequent cognizer

rnal byor mngon sum

tshad ma {PH}valid yogic perception

rnal byor gcig ldan sole yoga;

single yoga; yoga having a single [deity]

rnal byor ldan {C}prayukta-yog

{C}a devoted yogin

rnal byor ni thabs yin pa

{MSA}yoga upya yoga is the method {T}

{MSA}nirvikalpa ... yoga non-conceptual yoga

rnal byor pa {LCh,C,MSA}yogin; yogu;

rnal byor rgyud yogatantra Yoga

{C}yogin; yoga yogin


rnal byor pa

rnal byor mngon sum yogiTenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnal byor mngon sum

rnal byor rnam par mi rtog

lnga {MSA}paca-vidh yoga-bhmi five

aspects of the yogic ground

pratyaka yogic direct perceiver; yogic direct


rgyud kyi mkhyen pa/ Definition: a non-conceptual

rnams kyi yid la byed pa {MSA}manaskra ...

yogin mental engagement of yogins



rnal byor pai blo ngor

Middle Way Autonomy School


from the perspective of a yogi

rnal byor pai yid ngo na for

the yogis mind ...

rnal byor spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {L}yogcra; yogacrya

Yogchra; practice of yoga {PH}Yogcra;
Yogic-Practice [School]

rnal byor spyod pa pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod yogcra Yogic


rnal byor spyod pa ba

rnal byor spyod

pai dbu ma rang brgyud pa
spyad spyod spyad spyod yogcra-svtantrikamdhyamika Yogic Practice Middle Way
Autonomy School

rnal byor bya bar gyur ba

{C}yogam padyate {C}make endeavors; make


rnal byor bla na med pa

anuttarayoga Highest Yoga

rnal byor bla med Highest Yoga


rnam rdzun pa spyad spyod spyad

spyod {PH}Yogcra False Aspectarian [School]
{GD:580} Yogcra False Aspectarian school

rnal byor bla med kyi rgyud

{N}anuttara-yoga-tantra Highest Yoga Tantra;

Unsurpassed Yoga Tantra

rnal byor spyod pa dbu ma

rnal byor ma {LCh}yogin a female

{PH}Yogcra-Svtantrika-Mdhyamika; Yogic
Practice Middle Way Autonomy [School]

practitioner of yoga {T}

rnal byor spyod pai dbu ma rnal byor brtson {C}prayukta-yog

{PH}Yogcra-Svtantrika-Madhyamaka; Yogic
Practice Middle Way Autonomy School

{C}yogins who exert themselves

rnal byor rab tu brtson {C}

rnal byor spyod pai

prayukta-yoga {C}intent on his practice

rnal lam

dbu ma rgyud pa {PH}Yogcra-Madhyamaka

lineage; Yogic Practice Middle Way lineage

rnal byor spyod pai

dbu ma pa {N}yogcra-mdhyamika {PH}

Yogcra-Madhyamaka; Yogic Practice Middle Way

rnal byor

spyod pai dbu ma rang rgyud pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod yogcrasvtantrika-mdhyamika Yogcara-SvtantrikaMdhyamika; Yogic Autonomy Middle Way
School {PH}Yogcra-Svtantrika-Mdhyamika;
Yogic Practice Middle Way Autonomy [School]

rnal byor

spyod pai dbu ma rang rgyud pai lugs yogcrasvtantrika-mdhyamika {PH}YogcraSvtantrika-Mdhyamika School; Yogic Practice

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{PH}yogic dream
rje bla ma rnal lam du
byon pa sogs ga zhig brjod; [I] will speak a little
about [how] the Foremost Lama came [to him] in a
yogic dream, and so forth. {W23693} Mkhas-grubrnam-thar-bsdus-pa; 2b.1

rnal ma natural; normal; normative; fullfledged

rnal bzhin

{PH}restfully; soundly

If [one were to] sleep soundly like a true

[vanquisher], then what other than this would be

more inappropriate? {A4C} = D 3846 I.1cd

rno {C}tka acute; {C}keen; sharp

rno ba {C}tka acute; {C}keen; sharp


rnon tka sharp; acute

rnon po {C}tka sharp; acute {C}keen
sna ghra (1) nose; nostril; (2) various;

[tip of the nose?] ...{TGP 40}

sna tshogs {L,MSA}nn; {C}nntva;

{C,MSA}citra; {MV,MSA}vicitra; {MSA}vaicitrya;

{L}viea; {C}vividha [various-collection];
variety; the varieties; variegated; various {C}
all; different; distinguished; difference; manifold;
multiplicity; manifoldness; differentiation; bright

varieties {PH}various; varieties

sna sgo opening

sna sgra {PH}nasal [sound]
sna lnga {PH}five various; variegated five-

sna tshogs kyi du shes

dang bral ba {MSA}nntva-saj-vigati free
from various conceptions


sna tshogs nyid {C}nntva

sna rdum {PH}maimed nose; cut-off nose

sna nam pa {PH}Na-nam-pa [Dor-je-du-

variousness; variety; variegated

sna tshogs gnyis med

Proponents of Perceptual Non-Duality (lit.,
proponents of the absence of diversity)

jom (sna nam rdo rje bdud joms); p.n. of one of

Tri-song-de-tsens ministers]

sna rnam shes ghra-vijna nose

sna tshogs gnyis med pa Non-



sna bai sgor rgyu bai rlung

sna tshogs du shes zhugs

pa zhug jug zhugs zhugs

{C}nntva-sajpasto engage in conceptions
of varieties {C}intent on the perception of

{PH}wind that moves through the door of the ears

sna bai rnam par shes pa

ghravijna nose consciousness

sna bai dbang po ghrendriya

sna tshogs rdo rje variegated vajra

sna tshogs pa {MSA}citra various;

nose sense power

sna dbang ghrendriya nose sense-

mtshan nyid/ rang bras sna shes


variegated; the varieties


sna tshogs su snang ba

snang snang snang snang {MSA}citrbhsa

kyi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen byed pai cha nas

appear as various

bzhag pai nang gi gzugs can dwangs ba/ Definition:

clear inner form, qualified by acting as the

uncommon empowering condition of its own effect,
a nose consciousness

sna mai me tog {PH}jasmine flower

sna min sna tshogs various kinds
sna rtse upperpoint (?); tip of the nose (?)
sna rtser od thig sgom pa


mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag

rkyen snai dbang po dang dmigs rkyen dri la brten nas

skye bai rig pa/ Definition: an awareness which

arises in dependence upon its own uncommon
empowering condition, a nose sense-power, and an
observed object condition, a scent

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

meditation on a drop of light at the upper point

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sna ro [nose-horn]; the o vowel

sna la {PH}at first
sna shes ghra-jna nose consciousness



sna shes kyi myong bya

splendor; spread the light; radiance; lustre; come to


snang stong gnyis tshogs

apprehended object of a nose consciousness

snag gi gnyen mtshams {C}

snang snang snang snang composite

of appearance and emptiness{N}

slohita; {C}slohita-matya {C}maternal

relative; relation; kinsmen

snang phyogs kyi chos

snags mantra mantra

snags thig mantrabindu mantra drop
snang snang snang snang

snang ngo {C}sadyate; {C}avabhsa;

snang snang snang

snang {MSA}avabhsa; {MSA}bhsa; {GD}

pratibh; {C,TN,N}pratibhsa; {MV}pratibhs-;
{C,MSA,MV}pratibha {C}(=prabhsa); {MSA}
pratibhita; {MSA}loka; {C,MV}darana; {C}
dyate; (d): {MSA}dyase; {C}praka
(=loka); {TN}khyti; {MSA}khyna; {MV}
prakhyna; appearance; appear; perceive; light;
illuminate; illumination {PH}luminosity {C}
sight; exhibit; visible; (act of) seeing; exhibition;
vision; is seen; has appeared; has seen; reflection
(of an object in a mirror); reflection of an object
in water; image; reflected image; reflection of the
moon in water; apparition; {N} appearing;

snang ba dkar lam pai

sems snang snang snang snang

mind of radiant white appearance

ting nge dzin gzung dzin

bzung zungs lokavddhisamdhi meditative
stabilization of the increase of appearance
{PH}meditative stabilization of the increase of

snang snang

snang snang for the appearance factor

snang ngor shes bya

{PH}objects of
knowledge for the appearance factor

snang snang snang

snang appearance factor

snang btags gcig tu dres

snang ba nyid

kyang gzhan las nges pa [prime cognizer for

which] even the mere appearance is induced by
another {GD:736} external ascertainment of the
appearance itself

snang ba ltar grub pa established

as it appears; exist as it appears

snang snang snang snang {C}

(is/can be) conceived; conceive; comes under
the concept of; becomes/is conceivable; have a
conception of; appears; is beheld; appear bright;
is equal to; manifest oneself; form; illumination;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

snang ba

snang ba mched pai

{C}loka appearance factor; appearanceperspective; appear [with terminator] {C}

appears; is beheld; appear bright; is equal to;
manifest oneself; form; illumination; splendor;
spread the light; radiance; lustre

snang cha


phenomena of the appearing class

snang {C}avabhsa; bhsa; {TN}pratibhsa;

{MSA}bhat; {LCh,C}loka; {C}prajyate
(=pravartyate = tat-kta-cihna-abhvn); (sa
d): {C,MSA}sadyate; {MSA}sadyante;
{MSA}darana; {MSA}sadarana; {C}prathate;
{TN,MSA}khyti; {L}rpa; {MSA}mi snang bar to
appear; perceive; light; illuminate; appearance
{PH}appearance {C}(is/can be) conceived;
conceive; comes under the concept of; becomes/
is conceivable; have a conception of; appears; is
beheld; appear bright; is equal to; manifest oneself;
form; illumination; splendor; spread the light;
radiance; lustre; come to hear the
three appearances, sounds, and thoughts {YIA}

snang ngor

snang ba thob pai ting nge

dzin thob/thob thob
thob thobs lokalabdhasamdhi meditative
stabilization achieving perception [of emptiness]



snang ba rnam bdun seven types of


dream, magical illusion, mirage, echo, reflection, city of

smell-eaters, and emanation

snang ba byed pa

snang snang snang snang {C}avabhsa karoti;

{C}avabhsa-kara; {C}loka-kara; {MSA}lokakaratva appearance; illuminator; illuminate;
perceiver {C}guidance

non-appearance; non-perception; no light; nonillumination {C}imageless; non-apparent

snang bai dmigs rkyen

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

appearing object-of-observation-condition;
observed-object-conditions in the sense of
appearing [to conceptual consciousnesses]

snang bai yul object that appears

snang bar gyur snang

snang snang snang {C}sadyate to appear;

perceive; light; illuminate; appearance

snang bar gyur pa

snang snang snang snang {MV}pratibhsatva to

appear; perceive; light; illuminate; appearance

snang snang snang {L}prabh light; radiance;


snang ba rang las nges zhing bden pa

snang bar bgyid pa

snang bar gyur ba

snang snang snang snang {C}loka; {C}

loka-kari to appear; perceive; light; illuminate;
appearance {C}illumination; radiance; source of
light; bringing light

gzhan las nges pa [prime cognizer which]

induces ascertainment by itself and induces
ascertainment of the truth from another
{GD:740} a cognition in which the appearance
is ascertained [by itself] and the truth by other

snang snang snang snang {C}loka-bhta

illuminate; light; appear {C}a true light

snang bar bya

snang bai khrul pa yod pa

snang snang snang {C}obhsana to appear;
perceive; light; illuminate; appearance;

{MV}pratibhsa-bhrnti-sadbhva appearance
that has error

snang bai rgyu

snang snang snang {MV}saprakhyna-kraa
cause of appearance/illumination

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

snang snang snang snang {GD:556}

operating through appearance



snang bai od gsal clear light of

snang snang snang snang {C}apratibhsa

non-appearance; non-perception; no light;
non-illumination {C}imageless; non-apparent
snang ba med pai tshul
gyis snang to appear without appearing [as
opposed to directly appearing (dngos su snang ba),
and appearing in a hidden way (lkog tu snang)]

snang bai rgyu mtshan

snang bai sgo nas jug

snang snang snang snang {MV}dya-tattva

suchness of appearance; suchness of perception

snang snang snang snang {C}apratibhsa

snang ba od

saprakhyna-nimitta cause/sign/reason of

snang bai de kho na

snang ba ma mchis pa
snang ba med pa

snang snang snang snang {MSA}

snang bar byed pa

snang snang snang snang {C}lokam karoti;

{C}avabhsa karoti; {C}avabhsa-kara; {C}
loka-kara; {MSA}prabhsana illuminator;


appearance; perceiver; appear; illuminate; light
{C}bring light; throw light on; guidance

snang byed srog chags

snang dbang gis jug

snang snang snang snang {C}jyotikapri-bhta {C}light-emitting animal

snang snang snang snang operate through

the power of appearance

snang dbang gyis mi jug

snang snang snang snang not operate

throught he power of appearance {GD:527} the

power of appearance of real things

snang med

snang snang

snang snang

snang snang

dbye ba/ 1 der gyur


{PH}emphasis on the

snang snang snang snang {MSA}nibha-citta-mtra
mere mental appearance

mi mthun pa discordant mode of appearance

and mode of abiding

snang snang

snang snang *pratibhsaviaya appearing


snang yul la zhib cha dgos

distinctions are needed with respect to appearing


snang rung ma dmigs

snabs mucus of the nose; nasal mucus; snot

snam bu {N}paa woolen cloth{N}
snam sbyar {PH}[monks] upper robe
snai sgor rgyu bai rlung {PH}
wind that moves through the door of the nose

snai rnam shes ghravijna nose


pai rtags dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs nonobservation sign of
the suitable to appear; sign which is a nonobservation of the suitable to appear

snang la ma nges aniyata-pratibhsa

appearance without ascertainment

snang la ma nges pa *aniyatapratibhsa awareness to which an object

appears but is not ascertained

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

the specifically characterized phenomenon that is its

object of engagement clearly appears but which is
unable to induce ascertainment with respect to it

snang sems tsam

snang tshul gnas tshul

snang la ma nges pai blo

mi nus pai rig pa/ Definition: a knower to which


snang snang mode of appearance

snang yul

pai rang mtshan gsal bar snang yang de la nges pa dren

snang shas

snang snang mere appearance

snang tshul

mtshan nyid/ rang gi jug yul du gyur

pai dbang mngon/ 2 der gyur pai yid mngon/ 3

der gyur pai rang rig Divisions: (1) sense direct
perceiver which is that; (2) mental direct perceiver
which is that; (3) self-knower which is that

snang snang without appearance

snang tsam

aniyata-pratibhsa-buddhi awareness to which

an object appears but is not ascertained;
awareness to which an object appears without
being noticed


snai bu ga {PH}nostril
snai dbang po ghrendriya nose
sense-power; nose sense power

snum {C}susnigdha glossy

quite glossy

{PH}oil {C}

sne extremity; end

sne mo extremity; end
sneu nayu (in particular, the leaves of the


snod {LCh,MSA}bhjana; {C,MSA}bhjanatva;

{MSA}pe vessel; environment {PH}

container-organ {C}be worthy of; repository;
The large
intestine [is] the name of the part [of the body]
that is between the small intestines and the colon,
and is one from among six container-organs that is
named in dependence upon its shape. Gso rig tshigs
mdzod - g.yu thog dgongs rgyan (long ga)

snod kyi jig rten {C,MSA,MV}

a-bhjanatva which is not a vessel; which is not

an environment

snod du ma gyur pai sems

can {MSA}abhjana-bhta ... sattva a being
who is not a [proper] vessel

snod du rung ba suitable vessel

snod du rung bar gyur

(bhjan bh): bhjan-bhavati suitable to serve

as a basis

snod yongs su sbyong ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

snod gyur {MV}bhjanatva vessel;


snod gyur pa {C}bhjana; {MV}

bhjanatva vessel; environment {C}be worthy

of; repository; locus

snod bcud environment and beings

{PH}environment and [its] inhabitants

dbang shes la snang bai snod
bcud min gyi ... not the environment and beings
that appear to sense consciousness; but... {TGP 24}

{MSA}bhjana-pariodhana very pure vessel;

very pure environment; purify/wash/clean the

snod so ma btang {C}ma-bhjana

{C}unbaked pot

snon po btab add on

snom bsnam/

snom/ bsnams/ snoms/ carry; take up; brandish;


snom pa smell; grasp; carry; take up; add

snom mo smell; grasp; carry; take up
snoms bsnam/

dgang gengs bkang gengs {C}

udaka-ptra vessel filled with water/fluid {C}

bowl of water

snod nyid du ni byed pa {MSA}

snom/ bsnams/ snoms/ carry; brandish; take up;


sthpan bhjanatve not serve as a vessel; not

serve as an environment

snrel zhi non-sequential{MA 386.16-17}

snrel gzhi non-sequential{MA 386.16-17}
brnan emphasize ? {T}
brnab sems {LCh,MSA}abhidhy

snod du gyur {C}bhjan-bhta

(=pautara-raddhendriya-di-yogena ptrbhtatvd); {MV}bhjanatva which is a vessel;

which is an environment {C}one who has
become a fit vessel

snod du gyur pa {C}bhjan-bhta


brnab sems can du {C}

(=pautara-raddhendriya-di-yogena ptrbhtatvd); {C}bhjana; {MV}bhjanatva which

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

snod du ma gyur pa nyid {MSA}

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}

bhjana-loka world of environment; worldly

environment {C}the world which forms the
environment of living beings

snod chus bkang ba

is a vessel; which is an environment {C}one

who has become a fit vessel

abhidhylu {C}covetous



bsnan pa {C}utkepa



pad byung yab yum


bsnan pa dang dbri ba med


Padmasambhava and consort

pa {C}anutkepoprakepa {C}to add nothing

and to substract nothing

pad ma padma; {L}rakta lotus [specifically

{C}prakepa {C}adding something; without


padma gar dbang

bsnan pa med pa {C}aprakepat;


nelumbium speciosum or nymphaea alba];


Avalokitevara / Hayagriva


snom/ bsnams/ snoms/ carry; brandish; take up;




snom/ bsnams/ snoms/ carry; take up; grasp;

brandish; add

bsnams pa carry; take up; grasp;

pa chen bsod nams

bsnun pa {MSA}prahan (?) focusing on

brags pa Pa-chen S-nam-drag-pa; [14781554]; textbook author for the Lo-sel-ling

College of Dre-pung University


pai ta {PH}paita
paita {PH}paita
pa zhwa [paita-hat]; scholars hat

{PH}scrollwork patterns


pa pha father
pa la ba {PH}Parthian (i.e. Bactrian)
pa la sha {BMH} pala {PH}pala tree
pa la shai me tog {BMH} pala

{PH}paitas hat; scholars hat

pan zhwa {PH}paitas hat; scholars hat

pan zhwa rna ring {PH}paitas hat;
scholars hat

pa zhe [paita-hat]; scholars hat

par gya praj {PH}wisdom [arch.

{PH}pala flower

pa lags father {hon.}

pa sangs friday
pags pa skin
pags pa; lus sparana skin; body
pang lap
pad padma lotus
padma byung gnas {PH}
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

padma bsnams {PH}Padmapi

pad mai ra ga padma-rakta ruby
pa paita
pan chen gyi yig cha {PH}
textbooks of Pa-chen [So-nam-drak-ba]

brandish; add{Gn-chok}

pa father
pa a ri mo



par bya [future tense marker]

par byas [past tense markerauxilliary

par byed [present tense marker

auxilliary verb]


pi bang

pi wang/ {L}v an


dpag m fathom; measure; limit

dpag tu med {MV}aparima;

Indian lute with seven strings

pi wang

pi bang/ {L}v an

{MV}aprameyatva; {MV}ameya limitless;


Indian lute with seven strings

pu gu child; children
dpag tu med pa {C,L,MSA}
pu ti book
aprameya; {C,MV}aparima; {C,MSA}aparimita
{C}(=amita); {C}amita; {MSA}amit; {MSA}
pu li ball{D1}
aprama; {MSA,MV}ameya; {MV}aprameyatva
pu li si police
[measure-as-not exist]; limitless; immeasurable
{C}countless; measureless; quite measureless;
pur rgyal pretapur{Das} kingdom of the
infinite; illimitable; innumerable; unlimited;
dead [an epithet of Tibet]


pus {PH}knee
pus mo g.yas pai lha nga

dpag tu med pa nyid {MSA}

pus moi lha nga {C}jnu-maala

dpag tu med tshad med pa

aprameyatva limitlessness; immeasurability

{Toh. 16} ??? dakina jnu-maala {PH}bent

right knee
{C}knee(s); knee-cap

pus og {PH}lower edge of the knee

po ti pod volume; book
po li ball
pod po ti volume; book
padma padma lotus [specifically nelumbium

speciosum or nymphaea alba]; ruby {PH}lotus

padma {C}padma lotus [transliteration of

{C}aparima limitless; immeasurable

dpag tu yod pa {MSA}parimita


dpag du med pai dus {MSA}

aprameya ... kla limitless time; immeasurable


dpag pa {L}m measure; limit; fathom

dpag med {MSA}aprameya; {MSA}ameya

dpag med par {MSA}ameya-ga

limitlessly {T}

dpag med yon

padma dkar po Padma-kar-po (15271592), a Ka-gyu (bka rgyud) scholar

padmai ngang tshul [The one who

is] the nature of the Lotus (Kamalashla) {PH}

[The one who is] the nature of the Lotus [epith. of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}vastu ... aprameya limitless thing

limitless; immeasurable

the Sanskrit word, padma] {PH}lotus {C}

pink lotus specifically nelumbium speciosum or
nymphaea alba

padma ral {L}padmarga ruby

pra sen {PH}mirror divination

dpag tu med pai dngos po

tan tshogs phel {MSA}gua-gaa-vddhi ...

aprameya limitless increase in the collection of
good qualities {T}

dpag med ring ba {MSA} aprameya;

{MSA}ameya {PH}immeasurably long

dpag gzhi *anumna-raya basis of



dpag bsam gyi sdong po

{C}r-vatsa [glory-of-calf] endless knot {C}
the rvatsa sign

{LCh}kalpa-vka [measure-think-of-trunk];
wish-granting tree

dpag bsam gyi shing {LCh}

dpal gyi bsam yas

lhun gyis grub pa {PH}Samye Hlun-gyi-druppa [Temple] (spontaneous fulfillment of limitless

kalpa-vka [measure-think-of-trunk]; wishgranting tree

dpang skong phyag brgya pa

dpal mgrin {Tomabechi} rkaha

*skipramudraka {PH}One Hundred

Homages for Mending Transgressions (D 267)


dpa {C}ra; {C}dhra hero; intrepid

person {PH}hero {C}heroic spirit; courageous;

steadily wise

dpa bar

dpal ldan rgyu skar gyi

dpal nag po {PH}r Ka
dpal beu {PH}endless knot
dpal brtsegs rgyal po {C}

nma samdhi going-as-a-hero meditative


dpa bo {LCh}vra; {LCh}ra; {C}dhra

rka-rja {PH}rka-rja

hero; intrepid person; Shra {PH}hero;

dpal bsam yas

intrepid person {C}courageous; steadily wise;

heroic spirit mkhas mchog dpa
bo the excellent scholar ra

lhun gyis grub pa {PH}Samye Hlun-gyi-druppa [Temple] (spontaneous fulfillment of limitless


dpa bo rdo rje [hero-vajra]; Pa-wo-

dpung {MSA}bala army; power; might

dpung gi tshogs {PH}armies; forces
dpung gi tshogs yan

dor-jay [p.n. of a lama]

dpa bor gro ba {C}ragama

{C}heroic valor

dpa zhing rtul phod

lag bzhi pa {MSA}catur-aga-bala-kya four

limbs of an army

skyes bu mang {C} bahu-ra-vr {C}many

heroic champions

dpung gnyen {C}paryaa; {C}araa

dpa rlabs waves

dpar {PH}page

defender {C}final relief; refuge

dpung bu army{S}
dpung tshogs {C}bala-kya

There were yellow printed lines laid out on the

page. {GCG} p.17

armies; forces {C}army

dpal {C}riyas; {MSA}r; dh (=riy?)



glorious; glory; fortune; luck {PH}ensignia;

banner {C}majesty

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

possessing]; glorious

mchod rten Glorious Stpa of the Constellations

gro ba zhes bya bai ting nge dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs ragamo

dpal gyi khab {Ship 64b.2}

dpal gyi beu dpal beu/

dpal ldan {LCh}rmat [glory-

bzang gis zhus pa zhes bya bai rgyud subhuparipcch-tantra Questions of Subhu Tantra

dpe {LCh,C,L}upam; {LCh,MSA,MV}dnta;

{MV}udhti; {MSA}upama; {MSA}aupamya


example {C}similarity; similar to; simile

dei nang du bod dpe bris

dpe khrid textual instruction

dpe mkhyud {MSA}mui fist
dpe dngos actual example[BJ 20.4]
dpe cha book [Tibetan style]
dpe nyi shu rtsa gnyis {MSA}

ma mang po yang dug; Inside that [box], there

were many Tibetan manuscripts as well. {GCG} p.

dpe ma {PH}exemplary
dpe mar me {MV}taila-pradyota-dnta
the example, a butter lamp, {T}

dvviaty-upama twenty-two examples

dpe nyer jal {GD:681,714} upamna

{GD:681} analogy; {GD:714} comparison

dpe nyer jal gyi rjes

ston bstand stond {LCh}drntika Exemplifier

[either Sautrntika or a school of Sautrntika]

dpe thung

{PH}short folio
chos nyid rnam byed dpe

thung shog bur bris; [Both] The Differentiation

Of Phenomena And Reality and The Ornament For
Clear Realizations are written on short paper folios.
{GCG} p. 16

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord mode/way

dpe ldeb kyi shog bu sen mo tsam du
bkog; [They] have torn the page of a book into
little pieces. {GCG} p. 17

dpe mdzod pa {PH}librarian

dpe rdzi {PH}index; register
dpe gzhan {C}nidarana other example
{C}definte statement; definition


ri mo mkhan {MV}citrakaradnta the example, an artist, {T}

dpe ring

{PH}long folio; long text

dpe ring lnga; [It has] five long folios.

valid cognizer based upon an example

dpe nam mkha {MV}ka-dnta

the example, space, {T}

dpe byad {C,MV}vyajana beauty; [80]

signs [of a Buddha or cakravartin] {C}letter;

verbal expression; minor characteristic; method

dpe byad bzang po {C,MV,MSA}

anuvyajana {C}minor characteristic

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dpe ris {PH}diagram

dpe la brten gyi tshad ma

dpe ldeb



{GCG} p. 16

of associating the example and the meaning


dpe bris ma

dpe med pa {C}nirupama

by a mere example


dpe don sbyor tshul

without an equivalent {T}; unparalleled {SW}

dpe tsam gyis {MSA}dnta-mtrt

dpag {PH}inference through example; inference

through analogy

dpe ston pa

dpe med {MSA}apratima; {MSA}nirupama


dpe la brten te rigs pas

{MV}dnta-sannirayea yukty through

reasons depending on examples {T}

dpe shing gnyis las

me byung ba byung byung

byung byung {MV}kha-dvaygni-dnta the
example of fire arising from [rubbing] two sticks

dpei che ba nyid {MSA}aupamyamhtmya greatness of the example


dpei chos {MSA}dnta-dharma

dpyad jog analytical and stabilizing

phenomenon that is an example; {T}


dpyad pa {LCh}vicra; {MSA}upabhoga

exemplatory phenomena ?

dpei don {MSA}aupamyrtha meaning

(=spyad pa?) analyze; investigate; examine; cut;

cutting{BJ 11.1}; analysis; discrimination

of the example

dpei od gsal metaphoric clear

dpyad pa dang {C}carita-vicarita

light {PH}metaphoric clear light

dpei ye shes metaphoric pristine

dpyad pai tshe searching investigation


dper brjod pa

{GD:520}; examine {GD:576}

dpyad mi bzod pa


bzod bzod bzod bzod cannot withstand/

bear analysis

rjod brjod rjod (ud- h): {MSA}udharati;

{MSA}udharaa expressed as an example;
stated as an example

dpyad gzhi {PH}reference; data

dpyad bzod [able to] withstand/bear

dper na for example

dper na ... lta buo {MV.II.daa-k}


dpyad shes *paricchinnajna

tadyath you should see ... for example

dper mdzad nas {C}upam ktv

subsequent cognizer; investigating cognition

{GD:649}; subsequent cognition

having given an example

dper gsol bar {C}

dpyad shes don mthun factually

aupamyodharaam {C}a simile or example

concordant subsequent cognizer

dpon po {PH}headman; chief

dpya {PH}tax; rent
dpya ba {PH}tax; rent
dpyad dpyad/

dpyad gsum gyis dag pa

purified by the three analyses [i.e. free from the

three contradictions]{BJ 10.4}

dpyad gsum gyis

dag pai lung scriptures that are purified

by the three analyses [i.e. free from the three
contradictions]{BJ 10.4}

dpyod/ dpyad/ dpyod/ analyze; investigate;

examine; cut; cutting; analysis{BJ 10.3};

dpyad rgyu to be examined/analyzed; that

which is to be examined/analyzed

dpyad sgom

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms [analyze-meditate];
analytical meditation

dpyad sgom gyi sgom

byung gi rtogs pa bsgom
sgom bsgoms sgoms realizational consciousness
that is a state arisen from analytical meditation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


futile considerations


dpyid spring

{PH}spring; springtime

The time [of

the seasons] mid-winter, late-winter, and spring

increases gradually with each minute, second,
and instant. {A4C-C}

dpyid ka spring {PH}spring; springtime

dpyid kai dus {C}vasanta {PH}
spring; springtime {C}spring

dpyid kyi thig le the drop of

analysis; analytical meditative stabilization

dpral ba {C}lala forehead

spring{TGP 68}

dpyid dus {PH}spring; springtime

dpyid dpal {PH}glory of springtime
dpyid zlar pa {PH}[first month of

lpags {L}tvak skin; hide; bark; name of a


lpags pa {C}chavi {C}skin

lpags pa gser mdog {C}


dpyid bzang la {C}suvasanti


beautiful spring

dpyis {PH}finally

suvara-vara {C}golden (color); (his skin has)

golden hue


dpyod/ dpyad/ dpyod/ vicra; {C}avaghate

analyze; investigate; examine; cut; cutting;
analysis; discrimination{BJ} {C}plunges (into)

dpyod ldan rnams those having

spa bkong bar byed {C}dhymkaroti {C}eclipses

spa gro mon

{PH}Pa-tro [in the district of]

Mn [near Bhutan]

spa ba {C}avanaddha {C}joined; contained

spang spang spong spangs


dpyod pa {LCh,C,MSA,MV}vicra;

spongs {C}harati; {MSA}pratikepa; {MSA}vivsa

abandon; give up; eliminate; dispel; dispell; set
aside {C}take away; remove; kills

{MSA,MV}vicraa; {MSA,MV}vicra; {C}

vyupaparkaa (=adhivsanat); {MSA,MV}
mms analysis; analyze; investigate;
examine; cut; cutting; discrimination {C}
discursive thought; testing; ability to tolerate

spang kong phyag brgya pa

*skipramudraka {PH}One Hundred

Homages for Mending Transgressions (D 267)

dpyod pa can {MV}mmsaka

spang gnyen gyi dod tshul


spang spong spangs spongs the

mode of assertion of [objects of] abandonment
and antidotes{PGP 68} {PH}mode of assertion
of [objects of] abandonment and antidotes

dpyod pa pa mmsaka Mmsaka

dpyod pa ba {LCh}Mmsaka;
mmsaka Mmsa; Analyzers; Ritualists

spang pa

dpyod pa ma mchis {L}avicra

spang spong
spangs spongs praha abandon

non-discrimination; without analysis; noninvestigation

dpyod pa tsam {L}vicra-mtra mere

analysis; mere discrimination; mere investigation

dpyod pa yid byed

mmsmanaskra mental contemplation of


dpyod pai ting nge dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

mms-samdhi meditative stabilization of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




spang phyir brtson grus

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}

apyya-vrya effort for the sake of abandoment


spang ba

spang spong

spangs spongs {L,MSA,MV,C}praha {C}

(=pradhna); {C}anutpdayati (=pthak karoti);
{C}utsarga (=tyajanam); {MSA}ayoga; {MV}
prahan-; {MV}varjana; {MSA}vipravsa; {C}
utpayati (=prahtu) abandon; give up;

eliminate; dispel {C}forsaking; forsaken;
effort(s); instruction; prevent from ever recurring;
letting go; abandoning; tear out

spang ba chen po great abandonment

spang ba dang bcas pa
spang spong spangs spongs

savipravs together with abandonment; having

abandonment {T}

spang ba med pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}avipravsa;
{MSA}avivsa non-abandonment; not giving up

spang bar bya


spong spangs spongs {C,MV}prahtavya;

{MV}praha; {MSA}(ut sj): utsjet; {MSA}
parivarjanya; {MSA}praheya; {MV}heya; {MSA}
yang dag spang bar bya = saparivarjanya will
abandon; object of abandonment {C}should be

spang bar bya ba

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}(ut sj):

utsjet; {MSA}parivarjanya; {MV}praha;
{MSA}praheya; {MV}prahtavya; {MV}heya will
abandon; object of abandonment

abandonment {C}all kinds of forsaking are

equal (in value and kind)

spang bar bya ba dang

spong bar byed pa spang spong
spangs spongs {MV}praheya-praha object of
abandonment and abandoner

spang spong spangs spongs {C}anutsarga

non-abandoning; non-abandonment {C}refusal

to relinquish

spang spong

spangs spongs {MSA}hna (e.g.: {MSA}jeyavaraa-hna; {MSA}heya); prahtavya object of

abandonment; will abandon

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa {PH}the conceptions which are objects of

abandonment to be abandoned by the path of

spang bya cig car ba

spang spong spangs spongs simultaneous

objects of abandonment{Gn-chok}

spang bya

cig char bai dgra bcom pai mkhyen pa

spang spong spangs spongs exalted
knower of a Foe Destroyer who has simultaneous
objects of abandonment

spang bya gcig char ba


char bai dbang du byas pa

spang spong spangs spongs [paths of release of
a Hearers path of meditation that are] done in
terms of a person who has simultaneous objects
of abandonment

spang spong spangs spongs

spang bya

spang bya sgom spang rtog

spang bya gcig

{C}praha-samat sameness of objects of

spang bar ma yin pa

dang bcas pa spong bai mthong lam la doms pa

guidance concerning the path of seeing which
abandons the artificial objects of abandonment
as well as their seeds

simultaneous objects of abandonment

spang bar bya ba mnyam pa

spang bya kun btags sa bon


spang bya spong tshul

mode of abandoning the objects of abandonment

spang bya rim gyis pa

spang spong spangs spongs gradual

objects of abandonment; a gradualist with
respect to objects of abandonment[Gn-chok]

spang bya
rim gyis pai dgra bcom pai mkhyen pa
spang spong spangs spongs exalted
knower of a Foe Destroyer who has gradual
objects of abandonment

spang bya rim

gyis pai dbang du byas pa

spang spong spangs spongs [paths of release of

a Hearers path of meditation that are] done in
terms of a person who has gradual objects of

{MSA}vihya pravrajati (pra vraj) to come

forth [as a monk or nun] having abandoned [the
worldly life] ? {T}

spang bya lhan skyes innate object

spangs pa praha abandonment; have

of abandonment


spangs pa

spong spangs spongs {LCh,C,MSA,MV}
praha (=pradhna); {MV}parihi; {MV}
vihni; {MSA}hni (e.g.: vipaka-hni); {C}
parihra; {C,MSA,MV}praha; (vi vj): {MSA}
vivarjya; {C,MSA,MV}varjita; {C}parivarjaka;
{C}parivarjana; {MV}varjana; {L}visjya; {MSA}
(kip): kipati; {MSA} abandonment; have
abandoned; abandon; give up; eliminate; dispel
{C}forsaking; forsaken; effort(s); instruction; one
refutes; solution; rid of; get rid of; one who gives
up; avoid

spang bya lhan skyes kyi sa bon spong bai sgom

lam la doms pa guidance concerning the path
of meditation which abandons the seeds of the
innate objects of abandonment

spang byai gtso bo


object of abandonment

spang byar rnam rtog ldan

tshul way of having conceptions as objects of

spang byed

spong spangs spongs {C}kipati abandoning;
abandoner {C}hurl; shoot; throw; reject; cast
away; move into

spang blang

spangs pa nyid

spang spong

spangs spongs {GD:628} abandonment of what

is not desirable
{PH}turning away from that which is to be
abandoned and engaging in that which is to be


spong spangs spongs {C}nirgamitv; {C}khipitva;

kipitva; (vj): {C}varjayati; {MSA}varjayitv;
{C}varjana having abandoned; having given
up {C}left behind; cast away; having cast away;
having thrown (away); avoid; turn away from;
removal; absence

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spangs pa zung jug

spangs par gyur

spangs spongs {C}varjita; {MSA}(vi h): vihya;

{MSA}hna (e.g.: vipaka-hna); {C}vivarjayati
abandon; give up; eliminate; dispel {C}
avoided; without; having relinquished; avoid; get
rid of; reject

spangs nas rab tu byung ba

abandonment; fulfillment of abandonment


spang spong

spangs nas

spangs pa phun tshogs perfect

spang spong spangs spongs union of

spang blang gi jug ldog


spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}apahatva (e.g.:
hehpahatva) abandonment


spang spong spangs spongs {C}utsjati; {C}

pratikipta abandon; give up {C}cast away;
reject; cast off; cast out; come up; let go; (would)
discard; let loose; rejected

spangs pas


spong spangs spongs {MSA}varjya due to

abandonment; through abandonning {T}

spangs pas rab tu phye ba

spang spong spangs spongs

thoroughly distinguished by having abandoned
...{PGP 70}

spangs bya


spong spangs spongs {MSA}hyin object of



spangs byai gtso bo

rgyas phyir spel in order to increase the light of

awareness of those with inferior knowledge


object of abandonment

spel ba

spar kha brgyad {PH}eight trigrams

spar gyi bla ma *paramguru {PH}

spel spel speld speld

{MSA}vardhana; {MSA}savardhana spread;

cause to increase; increase; augment

spel mar alternating

spel mar skye ba alternating

teachers teachers

spu {C}roma;{C} roman {C}hair (on the body)

spu gyen du khyil ba {C}



rdhvaga-romat hair twisting upward {C}

the hairs on his body point upwards

spo/ spo/ spos/ spos/

move; change location {PH}vicinity; area;

spu spyi bo rtsug gtsug

location lag pa g.yas

g.yon du spo ba bzhin like moving [something]
from [ones] right hand to [ones] left hand {PGP
87} In
the vicinity of Bodhgaya, he became directly and
perfectly enlightened. {Gn}

dang ldan pa {C}ua-iraskat {C}there is a

cowl on his head

spu zing zhes byed par

gyur ba {C}roma-haro bhavati {C}his hair

stands on end; makes his hair stand on end

spo tho {PH}earthen mound; grassy knoll

spong spang spong spangs

spu re re nas

g.yas phyogs su khyil pa {C}ekaika-pradakiavarttya-romat {C}the hairs on his body stand

separately by themselves and curl to the right

spongs {MV}praha; {C,L}hna; {C}pratikroati

(=apriya-abhidhnt); {C}pratikipati; {C}vijhati;
{MSA}klia-vitarka-varjan; {MV}pratikepa
abandon; eliminate; give up; dispel{BJ 36.4}
{C}reviles; reject; rejects; quits; forsaking; loss

spu long goose bumps

spu long byed to cause goose bumps
spong gyur spang
spu shad rtse mo {PH}tip of one hair
spong spangs spongs {C}kipati abandon;
spun {PH}weaving thread (weft; abbr. of _spun
eliminate; give up; dispel {C}hurl; throw;

discard; shoot; reject; cast away; move in to

spun zla

spong du med pai

sri zhu dang brtsi jog;

gal bar shes spang spong

spangs spongs know this as an undispellable
contradiction{BJ 42.7}

pha mar sri zhu dang spun zlar brtsi jog byed pa;
Showing filial piety and having respect [means]
showing filial piety towards [ones] parents and
having respect for [ones] elders. {TBRC} W20222

spubs {C}koa

spen pa saturday
spel spel spel speld speld {C}
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spang spong

spong ba

spang spong

spangs spongs abandon; eliminate; give up;

dispel; elimination{D2}

{C}storehouse; treasury;

vivddhi increase; augment {C}growth

blo dman rig pai snang ba

spong pa


spangs spongs {C,MSA,MV}praha; {MSA}hni;

{L}hna; {MSA}jaha; {C}kept; {MSA}pratikepa;
{C}varjana; {MV,MSA}vivarjana; {MV}tyga;
{MSA}virati; {MSA}vyutthna; {MSA}vyutthpana;

{C}pratikipati abandonment; abandon;
eliminate; give up; dispel; abandonment{N}
{C}rejection; turning away from; removal; absence;
cast off; elimination; rejects

spong ba ni lhag ma mchis

pa spang spong spangs spongs

{C}anavaea-praha abandonment without

spong bar gyur

spang spong spangs spongs {C}pratykhyti
abandon; eliminate; dispell; give up {C}refuses

spong bar byed

spang spong spangs spongs {C}pratiedhayati

abandon; abandoner; eliminate; dispel; give up

spong ba ni lhag ma dang spong bar byed pa

bcas pa spang spong spangs
spongs {C}svaea-praha abandonment
with remainder

spong bai gang zag

spong byed

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

spong bai sgrub pa achievings that

are means of abandoning

spong bai thabs efficacious means

of abandoning; means of abandoning; method of


spong bai du byed

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA,MV}

praha-saskra {MV}(e.g.: spong bai du byed

brgyad bsgom pa = aa-praha-saskra)
compositional factors that are abandonned; {T}
compositional factors that are to be abandonned

spang spong spangs spongs {C}

pratykhyna-nimitta sign of abandonment

{C}sign of refusal

spong bai yan lag

spongs praha abandon; eliminate; give up;

dispel; abandonment

spongs pa

spong spangs spongs {MSA}(prati kip):
pratikipati abandon; eliminate; give up; dispel;

spobs pa {LCh,C,MSA,L}pratibhna {C}

(=pratibhsa); {C}pratibhti; {C}pratibhnat;

{C}pratibhnam utpadyate prowess; courage
{C}inspired speech; revealing; inspiration;
readiness of speech; understanding; (flash of)
insight; flash of ideas; ready speech; intelligibility;
intelligible speech; flashes into my mind; inspire; it
is clear; is intelligible; may you make clear; it bec
utpadyate (=te pratibhnam utpannam) {C}
understand; you have been inspired by

spobs pa nges pa {C}pratibhna

prhikga limb of abandonment

definite inspiration; definite courage

spobs pa dang ldan pa {C}

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}praha-mrga

path of abandonment

pratibhnavat courageous; inspired

spong bar bgyid pa {C}nirvhaka

spobs pa mi

(=nako) abandon; eliminate; dispell; give up


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spong tshul {PH}mode of abandonment

spongs spang spong spangs

spobs pa skye ba {C}pratibhnam

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

spong bai lam

spang spong

spangs spongs abandoner

pratikept ... pudgala person who abandons

spong bai mtshan ma

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}praha; {MV}
prahvhana abandon; abandoner; eliminate;
dispel; give up

chod pa; spobs pa ma tshod pa {C}ancchedyapratibhna courage not cut off; inspiration



spyad pa spyod pa na

not cut off {C}with his inspired speech never


spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}prayujyate (=ghaate
vyyacchate) when one practices {C}makes
efforts; exert oneself

spobs pa mi tshod pa {C}

ancchedya-pratibhna courage not cut off;

inspiration not cut off {C}with his inspired
speech never interrupted

spyad par gyur pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}caritvin

spobs pa med pa {C}apratibhna

practitioner; enjoyer; performer one who has

coursed/traversed; has been in the habit of coursing/
traversing; (one who has) practiced

not courageous; uninspired {C}intractable by


spobs par gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}pratibhti be

courageous; inspired

spobs par byed pa {C}pratibhti

spyad par bya ba yin no

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}caritavant

practice; enjoy; make use of; perform {C}one

who practices

spos {LCh}gandha; {LCh}dhpa; {C}cra

spyad bya {PH}objects of use

spyan {MSA}caku; {C,MSA}cakus; {C}netri;

spos kyi glang po {C}gandhahastin

spyan dkar nag byes pa {C}

be courageous; inspired

incense; perfume {PH}incense {C}(aromatic)

powder; medicinal powder
Gandhahastin [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

abhinla-netrat {C}his eyes are intensely black

spyang dug pa {PH}wolfsbane

spyang po clever{D1}
spyangs pa {L}avalambana depend on;

spyan lnga five eyes

spyan snga before the eyes; in the presence

spyan snga ru {PU} puratas

hold on to; dependence; support


spyan sngar [eye-before]; before the eyes;

spyod {C}cariy; {MSA}upabhoga (e.g.:

pratipakopabhoga); {MSA}bhoga practice;
enjoy; make use of; perform

in the presence of

spyad spyod spyad

spyod {C}cary; {C}cro; {L}bhoga; {C}crik;

{MSA}carita (e.g.: sabhra-carita); {MV}
upayoga practice; enjoy; make use of; perform
{C}course; coursing; conduct; traverse; traversing;
has observed; enjoy; eat; possession; taste; wealth;
pleasure; pilgrimage; journey

spyad pa rnam sbyong gi

dmigs pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

caritaviodanlambana object of observation
for purifying behavior

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}in the

presence (of)

spyad spyod spyad

spyad pa

{C}nayana; {C}kaa eye; eye{hon.} {C}

looking upon


spyan drang

drang / dren/ drangs/ drongs sam drend/


spyan drangs

drang / dren/ drangs/ drongs sam drend/

spyan drongs

drang / dren/ drangs/ drongs sam drend/

spyan dren

drang dren drangs drongs/drend invite


spyan ldan {Negi} cakumn; locana

{PH}[Dharma-] sight; endowed with the eye [of the


spyan rdzi eyelashes

spyan rdzi ba {C}pakma-netra

(1) type generality; (2) meaning generality; (3)

collection generality

spyi kho na only generality; {T} generalityonly

spyi dngos po ba real universal




spyan ras gzigs {LCh}

avalokitevara Avalokiteshvara [p.n. of the

Buddha of compassion]

spyan ras gzigs kyi dbang

po {C} avalokitevara {PH}Avalokitevara

spyan ras gzigs kyi

spyi brtol {Das} dhu {PH}shameless

spyi brtol can {PH}vanity; vain;

spyi mthun {PH}general welfare

spyi dang bye brag smnya-viea
generality and particular

dbang phyug spyan

ras gzigs dbang phyug {L}avalokitevara
Avalokiteshvara [p.n. of the Buddha of

spyi don artha-smnya general meaning

commentary; general meaning (textbook)

spyan ras gzigs brtul

zhugs zhug jug zhugs zhugs

avalokitavrata Avalokitavrata (? - ?)

spyan ras gzigs dbang

phyug spyan ras
gzigs kyi dbang phyug {C}avalokitevara
Avalokiteshvara [p.n. of the Buddha of
compassion]; Avalokiteshvara (an alternate
name for Kalk Puarka)

spyi ldog

ldog ldog ldogs

ldogs smnya-vyatireka generality isolate;


spyi bo {LCh}mrdhan crown of the head;

top of the head

mdzub mo gnyis kyi rtse mo sbyar te/

ldog nas spyi bor bzhag pa join the tips of the two
index fingers, turn it upside down, and place it on
the crown of the head {Dor 31b.4/ 246.4}

spyi tso bo prakti Primordial Nature;

spyan ras gzigs

unique and all-inclusive substratum {GD:152}

spyi gtsug {C}mrdhan crown of the

dbang phyug gi ye shes {C}avalokitevara-jna

exalted wisdom of Avalokiteshvara {C}

head; top (of the head) {C}(on his) head;


sovereign cognition which surveys

spyi {LCh,MSA}smnya; pradhna generality; spyi gtso bo {AK} smnya-pradhna

general; all; universal {GD:269} {PH}General
mtshan nyid/ rang gi
gsal ba la rjes su gro bai chos/ Definition: a
phenomenon which encompasses its manifestations;
a phenomenon which is concomitant with its
manifold individuals {GD:268}

Divisions: dbye ba/

1 rigs spyi/ 2 don spyi/ 3 tshogs spyi/ Divisions:
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{PH}general principal [Smkhya]

spyi tshogs

{PH}[Tibetan] General


spyi tshogs {PH}society

spyi mtshan spyii mtshan

nyid smnyalakaa generally characterized

phenomenon; general character; general
characteristic {GD:112} general defining

mi rtag pa la sogs pa thun mong ba ni spyii mtshan
nyid do/ that which is shared, impermanence and
so forth, is their general character. (sdhraa
tvanityatvdika smnyalakaam) [PP, 261.6]`
spyii mtshan nyid

kyi mtshan nyid/ sgra rtog gis btags pa tsam yin gyi rang

mtshan du ma grub pai chos/ Definition of generally

charcterized phenomenon: a phenomenon which

is not established as a specifically characterized
[phenomena], but is merely designated by terms and

spyi rang las nges shing khyad par gzhan

las nges kyi tshad ma direct perceiver that in

general induces ascertainment from itself and in
particular induces ascertainment from another
{GD:740} a cognition which ascertains [the object]
generally by itself and particularly through others

spyin pa dna giving

spyii general
spyii glor gnas pa abiding in

spyii chings general structure pact

spyii phud {L}cika apex; top
spyii mtshan nyid smnyalakaa
general character; generally characterized
phenomenon general characteristic

spyir bshad pa general explanation

spye {PH}distinctive feature
spyo ba {C}paribhate; {C}paribhyate; {C}
kroa {C}reviles; reviled; abuse; revile; scold

spyo ba byas {C}krua {C}abused

spyo bar byed {C} paribhate {C}

spyo bya

{PH}victim; one who is abused

When the one that
laments is a victim, how is that not contemptable?
{A4C} 1.12cd

spyong practice{S}
spyod spyad spyod spyad spyod

spyod rgyud


spyad spyod

spyad spyod cary-tantra Performance Tantra

mtshan nyid dang yongs su brtags pai sgo nas

from the point of view of general characteristics
and thorough investigation

spyod mchog {PH}supreme deeds

spyod jug bodhisattva-cary-avatra

ntidevas Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds

[P5272, Vol. 99]

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord general

transition{BJ 22.6}

spyod jug

spyir in general
spyir don spyi general meaning

spyad spyod

spyad spyod bodhisattva-cary-avatra

ntidevas Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds
[P5272, Vol. 99]


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang las nges shing khyad par gzhan las nges pa

{PH}[a valid cognition] that in general induces
ascertainment from itself and in particular induces
ascertainment from another

cary; {C}(-)carita; {MV}bhoga; {C}vicarati

enjoy; make use of; practice; act out; perform;
behavior; deeds; performance {C}doings;
action(s); who courses; moved by; has coursed; pass
through; explain; wander (about); behave; undo;
course apart from
nang pas sha lnga bdud rtsi lnga la sogs pa spyod
cing the inner ones use the five fleshes, the five
ambrosias and so forth{TSV 68a}

proximity to the generality{LWT-28}

spyii mtshams sbyar




spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad

spyod {LCh,MSA,MV,C}cary; (car): {MSA}
carati; {C}samudcarati; {C}samudcrt; {L,MV}
avacara; {C}carama; {C}caran; {C}caraa(m);
{C,MV,MSA}carati; {C}cari; {C,MSA}(-)carita; {C}
crik; {C,MSA}critra; {MSA}cra; {MSA}crin;
{C}sev; {C,MSA}upabhoga; {C}anub deeds;
behavior{N}; enjoy; make use of; practice; act
out; perform; performance {C}conceptual
proliferation; obstacle; (futile) discoursing;
multiplicity; that which displays; named things;
nurse; commit to; befall; use; credits with;
habitually; tending; use; experiences; inaccessible
to discursive thought; activity; course; coursin
chags bral gyi spyod pa practices
devoid of desire{TGP 69}
pham pa bzhi char la spyod pa the performance of
all four defeats

spyod pa nyams

spyod spyad spyod {C}chidra-cr corrupt
deeds; degenerate behavior {C}faulty in his

spyod pa dang ldan pa

spyod pa bzhi po

spyod spyad spyod {MSA}cary ... catas the
four deeds; the four behaviors ? {T}

spyod pa la jug pa {C}

pracrayati (=samudcram) engage in deeds;

engage in practice {C}forms (habit); frequents

spyod pai du shes

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}cary-samj

conception of behavior; conceptions about deeds
{C}false notions about the practice

spyod pai phyogs

spyod par gyur pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {N}cary-paka class

of deeds{N}
spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}caritvin deeds;
performance; enjoy; make use of; practice; act
out; perform

spyod par byed


spyod spyad spyod {C}crik performer;

doer; deeds; performance; enjoy; make use of;
practice; act out; perform

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}critravant

active; having deeds {C}possessing a manner of

spyod par byed pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

acaritvin non-active; not having deeds {C}
one who has not practiced

spyod pas thob pa

dmigs pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

objects of observation for purifying behavior

spyod med

spyod pa dang mi ldan pa

spyod pa rnam sbyang gi

spyod pa rnams

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}avatarati deeds;

behaviors; practices {C}enters (into); descend;
come back to; alight; plunge into; take off; fathoms;
introduces; enter on; go into

spyod pa pa

spyad spyod

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}(bhuj): bhujate
enjoyer; performer; doer; deeds; performance;
enjoy; make use of; practice; act out; perform

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}carita-

lbha attain through deeds {T}

spyad spyod
spyad spyod {C}acaraam non-performance;
inactivity {C}no coursing; no traversing

spyod yul

spyad spyod

spyad spyod {C,L,MSA,MV}gocara; {L}viaya

objects in the sphere; object of activity; sphere
of activity; objects of operation; sense objects;
scope {C}range; sphere; ranging

spyod yul can

spyad spyod {C}caraka; mmsaka doer;

performer; Mmsaka {C}sectarian


spyod spyad spyod {C}gocara having an object

of activity; having a scope



spyod yul sna tshogs

sprin dang dra ba {MSA}meghopama

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}vicitra-

cloud-like; similar to a cloud

sprin dang bral bai

gocara various objects of activity

spyod yul ma yin

od zer dra ba can {C}vigatrumarciml

having rays of light and free from clouds

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}agocara no

object of activity; no scope

sprin phung

spyod yul yongs su dag pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

gocara-pariuddhi (e.g.: Gocara-pariuddhi-stra)
very pure object of activity

spyod lam

sprin phro bas mun {C}abhrapaala {C}covering of cloud

sprin med anabhraka Cloudless

spyad spyod

{PH}Cloudless [n. fourth concentration in the

Form Realm]

spyad spyod {C,MSA}ry-patha path of

activity; path of deeds; behavior {PH}path of
activity; observances {C}bearing; postures

sprin med

spyod lam bzhi dang, dul bai

od ldan zla dkhyil yar gyi ngo bzhing no {C}

nbhra-prabha-maalu {C}in the absence of
cloud, a circle of radiant light

nags tshal dang, nags dab nas skyes pai lus dang
ldan pa, He was endowed with a body born of
the jungles of the four observances and monastic
disciplines. {LVS} = 1-02-00087-H96-SID000120

sprin bzhin {C}laghu (=meghu?); {MSA}

meghavat {PH}nimbly; like a cloud {C}
nimbly; swiftly; like a cloud

spyod lam rnam pa bzhi

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

sprin rum BCA} meghaghana



catur-vidham ry-patha four types of paths of

activities; four types of behavior {T} {PH}four
types of observances

sprin la zhon meghavhana/indra/akra

Cloud Mount

spyod lam bzhi {PH}four observances

spyos {C}paribhate {C}reviles
spra adorned with{BJ 35.7}
sprang po beggar
sprang mo {PH}lowly (female) mendicant
spras adorned with{BJ 35.7}
sprin {LCh,C,L,MSA}megha; {C,MSA}abhra

sprin la sogs pas bsgribs

pa {MSA}meghdy-varaa obstructed by
clouds and so forth

spris ma

{PH}cream; congealed fat

sprul/ sprul/
spruld/ spruld/ {C}nirmita (=manomaya =
nirma) send forth an emanation; emanate;
emanation {PH}snake {C}fictitious; magically
created; magical creation; conjured up by; illusory
magical creation; apparition


sprin lta bu {MSA}meghopama cloud-

sprul sku nirmakya emanation body;

like; like a cloud

Emanation Body

sprin lta bui sems bskyed

sprul sku

sprul pai sku {LCh}

nirma-kya emanation body; Emanation

mind-generation like cloud

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}mass of clouds

masses of clouds of nectar {RY}



sprul chen po {MSA}ajagara great

nirmdi emanations and so forth

sprul pai sku {LCh,L,MSA}nirma-


sprul te {C}nirmiitva; {C}nirmya

kya; {MSA}nairmika ... kya; {MSA}nirmika

Emanation Body

sprul pai gang zag unembodied

emanating {C}having conjured up; magically

created; having conjured up

sprul drar {C,L}nirmu like an


emanation; emanation-like {C}a magical


sprul nas {C}nirmya having emanated;

emanating {C}magically created; having
conjured up

sprul pa {L,MSA,MV}nirma; {C}nirmita;

{C}nirmitaka; {C}nairmika; {MSA}pratarana;

{C}tathgata-vigraha verb: to send forth an
emanation; emanate.7 noun: emanation {PH}
emanation {C}magical creation; magically
created appearance; a tathgata-frame; fictitious
creature; apparition

sprul pai sbyor

bai thabs kyi las can sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord {MSA}nirma-prayogopyakarmaka having the activities of methods
engaging in emanation
send forth an emanation; emanate{hon.} {C}
conjures up

sprul byas {C}nirmieya emanated; sent

forth an emanation {C}would create

body {C}apparition

sprul pa dag gis dga ldan gi gnas

la sogs par skye bar kun tu ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}nirmais
emanations teach/demonstrate birth in the lands
of The Joyous [Heaven] and so forth {T}

sprul pa don du gnyer ba

{MSA}nirmrthin one seeking emanations {T}

sprul pa rnam pa gsum {MSA}

sprul byas te {C}nirmiitva emanating;

having sent forth an emanation {C}having
conjured up

spreu monkey

spro/ spro/ spros/ spros/

(ut sah): {MSA}utsahante; {MSA}utsahana;

{MSA}utsha elaborate; spread out; spread; go

out; proceed; emit; emanate; diffuse

spro can {MSA}utshin elaborate; spread


spro na

tri-vidha ... nirma three kinds of emanation

sprul pa rnams kyis

spro/ spro/ spros/

spros/ if [one] does it out more extensively{VM}

ston par byed pa bstan ston

bstand stond {MSA}nidarik ca nirmai
teaching by emanations

spro ba

spro/ spro/
spros/ spros/ {C,MSA}utsha; (ut sah):
{MSA}utsahante; {MSA}utsahana; {C}utsuku
elaborate; spread out; spread; go out; proceed;
be enthusiastic for {PH}happiness {C}willpower; fortitude; energies; determination; zealous

sprul pa pa {MSA}narimika
emanator; emanation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bstan ston bstand stond

{MSA}nirma-nidarana definite teaching of

sprul par mdzad {C}nirmayati

sprul pa sku {C}narimika emanation

sprul pa la sogs pa {MSA}

sprul pai nges par ston pa



spro ba skyed par gyur ro

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}

utsha (dadti) will produce elaborations

{C}encourage; fortify; strengthen his determination

spro ba skyes na {C}autsukyam padyate

when [one] generates elaborations {C}makes

great efforts; show/put forth zeal; tries eagerly to

spro ba bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}utsha (dadti)
produce elaborations; elaborate; spread out
{C}encourage; fortify; strengthen his determination

spro ba chung ngu {C}alpotsukat little

elaboration {C}unconcernedness; carefree nonaction

spro ba chung ba {C}manda little

prapacita; {C}prapacan; {MSA}utsha

proliferation; elaboration {C}elaborations;
elaborate; spread out; spread; go out; proceed; futile
discoursing; conceptual proliferation; obstacle(s);
named things; discoursing; multiplicity; that which

spros pa dang

srid par dren pa chad pa

drang dren drangs drongs/drend {C}

chinna-prapaca-bhava-netrik (=suvimukta-cittasuvimukta-prajatvena) severing the connection

to conceptuality and existence {C}their
obstacles annulled; guides through (the world of)

spros pa rnam par bcad tsam

mere elimination of proliferations/elaborations

spros pa ma mchis pa {C}

elaboration {C}sluggish

spro ba che {MSA}mahotsha great

aprapaca no proliferations/elaborations;
non-proliferation/elaboration {C}unimpeded;
free from all multiplicity; free from conceptual


spro ba yid la byed pa {MSA}

spros pa med {L}niprapaca; {C}

autsukya-manasikra mental engagement with

respect to elaborations

niprapaca; {C}niprapacya no elaborations;

non-elaboration {C}unimpeded; free from all
multiplicity; free from conceptual proliferation

spro bar {C}utsuku elaborate {C}zealous

spro bar skye bar gyur ro {C} spros pa med pa {C}aprapaca;
autsukyam padyate will generate elaborations
{C}makes great efforts; show/put forth zeal; tries
eagerly to

spro bar bya ba {MSA}protsahana;

{MSA}protshan (e.g.: dna-protshan) object

of elaboration

spro zhing skyo ba med pa {C}atyutsahanat-aparikheda (=utsho-aparikheda)

elaboration and non-aversion {C}the excessive
fortitude; the indefatiguability


spro/ spro/ spros/

spros/ elaborate; spread out; spread; go out;
proceed; extensively

spros pa

spros pa med pa nyid {C}

aprapacat non-elaboration {C}nonobsession

spros pa med pai bdag nyid

{MSA}aprapactmaka nature that is free from

elaboration; nature of non-elaboration

spros par bya ba ma yin pa

{C}aprapacyan no object of elaboration; nonelaboration {C}forms no discursive ideas about

spro/ spro/
spros/ spros/ {LCh,L,MSA}prapaca; {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}aprapacan; {MSA}niprapaca no
elaborations; non-elaboration {C}unimpeded;
free from all multiplicity; free from conceptual
proliferation; free from impediments; not obsessed;
non-obsession; absence of intellectual multiplicity


spros par byed {C}prapacayati

outshines them all; another; foreign; beyond;
further; to the (other) shore; the shore beyond; the
beyond of; beyond

elaboration; elaborate {C}get delayed; has

idle fancies about; cause (a) delay; prolong (their
sojourn in the world)

pha rol gyi {C}prima other; of the

spros bral {N}aprapaca free from

other {T} {C}yonder

pha rol gyi gram {C}prima the


spros bral rtogs pai blo

other shore {T} {C}yonder

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs the

awareness which realizes that which is free from


pha {MSA}pit; {C,MSA}paitka far; father

{PH}beyond; farther {C}ancestral

pha kyi mtshan {MSA}purua-vyajana

sign of a person; sign of a man

pha gi that
pha gir there; over there
pha gcig ma gcig siblings from

para-dukha suffering of others

pha rol gyi sems

kyi spyod pa shes pa spyad

spyod spyad spyod {C}para-citta-carita-jat
cognition of the minds and actions of others
{C}the knowledge of the thoughts and actions of



pha mthar son nas having gone to

the far end{LWT 6.2}

pha dang dra ba {MSA}pit-kalpa

pha rol gyis khong du chud

like [ones] father

par {C}paro jnyt as understood by others

{C}so that others may thoroughly know them

pha pa {L}para other; next

pha ma parents
pha ma gcig siblings from same

pha rol gro {C}pra-gantu; {MSA}praga go to the other side {C}go beyond

pha rol gro ba {MSA}pra-ga go to


pha myes {PH}paternal ancestor(s)

pha tsho those
pha rol {LCh,C,MSA}para; {C}pra(m)

the other side go beyond

pha rol rgol ba

brgal rgal brgald rgold {C}para-pravdin {C}

counter-arguments; false teacher

(=prakara-gamana); {MV}parea; {MSA}amutra;

{MSA}pra; {C}tru far side; other(s); next;
the other side {C}the other; supreme; utmost;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pha rol gyi sdug bsngal {MSA}

paropakramita damage by others {C}attacks
by others (e.g.: na parasya raddhay gacchati,
he does not go by someone else whom he puts
his trust in = pratytma-vedya-prasda-lbhn na
parapraeyo bhavati)


pha mtha yas {C}anantapra

phyir mi brang ba {C}paropakramita damage

by others; {T} not following because of faith in
the others ? attacks by others

pha rol gyi gnod pa {C}

same parents

pha mtha med {C}anantapra

pha rol gyi cha para-bhga far part

pha rol gyi dad pai


pha rol tu {MSA}paratra otherwise; {T}

to the other side


pha rol tu gro bar dod pa

the sign of attaining the perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa dang

{C}pragantu-kma desire to go to the other

side {C}who wants to go to the beyond

pha rol tu groo {C}pra gacchati

go to the other side {C}go to the Beyond; to go


pha rol tu phyin {MSA}pra-ga


pha rol tu phyin pa sgom pa

pha rol tu phyin pa

dang ldan pa {MSA}pramit-pratisayukta

connected with the perfections; having the

pha rol tu phyin pa drug {MSA}

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

a-pramit the six perfections

pha rol tu

{MSA}pramit-bhvan cultivate perfection;

meditation on the perfections

phyin pa drug gi spyod pa spyad pa yin pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}apramit-cra practice the six perfections for a
long time

pha rol tu phyin pa sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {MSA}pramit-pratipatti achieve the

pha rol tu phyin pa drug pa


{MSA}a ... pramit the six perfections; {T}

the sixth perfection [i.e., wisdom]

rol tu phyin pa nges pai sa la gnas pa thob pa

thob/thob thob thob
thobs {MSA}pramit-niyata-bhmy-avasthlbha attain abiding in the ground of definite

pha rol tu phyin pa drug po

{MSA}a-pramit the sixth perfection [i.e. the

perfection of wisdom]; {T} all six perfections

pha rol tu phyin

pha rol

pa drug yongs su rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}a-pramitparipri thoroughly complete/fulfill the six

tu phyin pa mngon par sgrub pai snying rje

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs
sgrubs {MSA}pramitbhinirhra-karu the
perfection of manifestly established compassion;
compassion that is perfected in terms of being
manifestly established

pha rol tu phyin pa rnams kyi rten du gyur pa byang

chub kyi sems {MSA}pramitn sanirayabhta bodhi-citta the mind of enlightenment
that is based upon the perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa bcu

bsgrub pa bsgrub sgrub
bsgrubs sgrubs {MV}daa-pramit the ten

pha rol tu phyin pa ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

pramit-dean teach the perfections; teaching
concerning the perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa thob

pai rtags thob/thob
thob thob thobs {MSA}pramit-lbha-liga

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mthun pa {MSA}pramitnuklya concordant

with the perfections; concordance with the


pha rol tu phyin pa

rnams kyi rigs {MSA}pramitn gotram the

lineage of those [who have] the perfections

pha rol

tu phyin pa rnams la sgrub pai dun pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
{MSA}pramit-pratipatti-chanda aspiration for
completion with respect to the perfections


pha rol tu

prabheda-sagraha collection which divides the


phyin pa rnams la sems mnyam pa nyid {MSA}

sama-cittat ... pramitsu sameness of mind
with respect to the perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa la sgom

tu phyin pa phyin ci ma log par doms pa {MSA}

aviparta-pramitopadea advice regarding nonmistaken [cultivation of] the perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa

pha rol
pha rol tu phyin pa phel

pha rol tu phyin pa sbyin pa dang tshul khrims dang

bzod pa dag {MSA}dna-la-knti-pramit
perfections of giving, ethics, and patience/

pha rol tu phyin

pa yang dag par spyod pa spyad

spyod spyad spyod {MSA}pramit-samudcra
thorough practice of the perfections

pha rol

tshul khrims dang bzod pa dag {MSA}dna-laknti-pramit the three perfections of giving,
ethics, and patience/forbearance/tolerance/

pha rol tu phyin pai skabs

{MSA}pramitdhikra the occasion of the

pha rol tu phyin pai ngo bo

nyid {MSA}pramit-svabhva entityness of the


pha rol tu phyin pai spyod pa

tu phyin pa yang dag par len du jug pa {MSA}

pramit-samdpan thorough engagement in
the perfections

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

pramit-cary practice of the perfections

pha rol tu phyin

pha rol tu phyin

pa yongs su sgrub pa
bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}pramitparinipdana thorough establishment of the

pai rang bzhing gyi dge ba {MSA}pramit-maya

... kuala virtue of the nature of the perfections

pha rol tu phyin pa

pha rol tu phyin pai bslab pa thams cad kyi pha rol
tu phyin pa {C}sarva-ik-pramit perfection
of all learners; perfection of all learning {C}
perfection of all training

yongs su rdzogs pa rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}pramit-paripri
thoroughly complete/fulfill the perfections

pha rol tu

phyin pa yongs su rdzogs par bya ba

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}
pramit-paripraa thoroughly complete/fulfill
the six perfections

pa rab tu dbye bai bsdu ba {MSA}pramit-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

la sogs pa dge ba {MSA}pramitdi ... kuala

virtues, the perfections and so forth

pha rol tu phyin pa gsum po sbyin pa dang

ba {MSA}pramit-vddhi increase of the


pha rol tu phyin

pa bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms {MSA}pramitbhysa meditation on the


pha rol tu phyin par {C}pra

gacchati perfect; perfectly {C}go to the
Beyond; to go beyond

pha rol tu phyin pa; phar

phyin phar phyin {C,L,MSA,MV}

pramit; {C}pra(m); {MSA}pra-gamana
[other side-to-went]; perfection; that which has
gone beyond {C}transcendent action


phag pa pig
phag mo gzhung drug

pha rol tu phyin pa; phar

phyin pramit perfection

pha rol tu song bas na

song song song song {C}pragata

treatises on Vrh

because of going to the other side {C}gone


pha rol gnon pa {C,MSA}par-krama

{C}courageous advance

pha rol phyin {MSA}prami (e.g.:

dhyna-prami) perfection

pha rol phyin gyur cing {C}

prami-gato {C}perfection

pha rol phyin pa {C}pra-gu; {MSA}

yta pra perfect; perfection gone beyond

pha rol phyin la jug pa {MSA}

pramit-pravea engage in the perfections;
enter into the perfections

pha rol ma mchis

phangs sems regret

phan {LCh}hita; {C}upakri-bhta; {C}

moka; {C}sukha help; benefit; be of use {C}

a true benefactor; make subservient to; be used to
benefit others; liberation; freedom; ease; pleasure;
happiness; happily

phan chad {MSA}para; {MSA}yata parea

from here on

phan chad du from here on

phan btags

pai pha rol tu phyin pa {C}apra-pra-gata

(=aprapra-gamanat) perfection which is a
non-perfection; perfection of a non-perfection
{C}his having gone to where there is neither
Beyond nor not-Beyond

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs administer

help; do benefit; help


the opposite bank [of a river]

Even these dependently
arisen compositional phenomena, Which arise like
the the opposite bank [of a river] ... {Ngrjuna;
Twenty Verses on the Great Vehicle}

pha rol song la

song song song {C}prami-gato {C}perfection

phan thogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs administer

help; do benefit; help

phan dang snying brtser

bcas pa {C}hita-snukampa benevolent and
compassionate {C}pity and concern for the
welfare of others

phan dang snying brtser

ldan pa {C}hita-anukamp benevolent and

{PH}wild boar

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pa zab mo nges par grel pai mdo rgya cher grel

pa; rgya nag grel chen
bkral grel bkrald greld Extensive Commentary
on the Superior Stra Unraveling the Profound
Thought [by the Korean scholar-monk Wonchuk (612/613-696; Tibetan: rdzogs gsal / wen
tshig / wen tshegs / wanydzeg; Chinese: Yan
tse); P5517, vol. 116]

phang /
phang / phangs/ phangs/ loss; to regret

byung ba byung byung byung

byung {MSA}daa-pramitnvaya arise due to
the ten perfections

phag {PH}hidden
phag rgod wild boar

phags pa dgongs


pha rol phyin bcui rgyus

pha rol tshu {Lindtner} prvra



phan dang bde dod pa {MSA}

sukha-hitaiin desire benefit and pleasure

phan gdags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs administer

help; do benefit; help

phan gdags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs {C}anughtavya will help; will do benefit
{C}should be helped

phan gdags bya

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

object assisted{D1}; object helped

phan bde byed pa bras bu

{MSA}hita-sukha-kriy-phalatva result of causing

benefit and happiness

phan bdei rgyu {MSA}hita-sukha-

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA,MV}

anugraha; {MSA}anugraha-kt to benefit; help;

administer help

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs {MSA}anugrahtmaka benefit oneself

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{MSA}anugrahecha (sic) desire to help

phan dogs rnam pa gnyis

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {MSA}anugraha ... dvividha two
kinds of help

phan dogs pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phan dogs bya

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

phan dogs byed

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

assister{D2}; helper

phan dogs byed la jug

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {MSA}anugrahe vartati; {MSA}

anugrahe vartate engage as an assister {T}

phan dogs shing

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{C}anughti {C}help; favor

phan pa {L,MSA}hita; {C,MSA}upakra;

{C}kta; {MSA}anugraha; {MSA}upakara help;

benefit; be of use {C}bestowal; service; welfare;
help; deed; made; done; kindly action

phan pa bsgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

hitopasahra {C}to provide what is beneficial

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

ba yin no gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}upakri-bhta
administer help; do benefit; help {C}a true
benefactor; make subservient to; be used to benefit

object assisted{D2}

hetut cause of help/benefit and happiness/bliss

phan dogs dod

phan dogs par gyur

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {MSA}anugrhaka benefitter;

hitaya thought of benefit and happiness

phan dogs bdag nyid

brtags thogs {MSA}anugrahe vartati; {MSA}

anugrahe vartate administer help; do benefit;

phan dogs par byed pa

phan bde dgongs {MSA}saukhya-

phan dogs

phan dogs par gyur ba

gdags dogs btags/

{C,MSA}anugraha administer help; do benefit;

help {C}favor

phan gdags par bya ba

{L,MSA}upakra; {MSA}upakrin; {MSA}upakara;

{C}upakri-bhta help; administer help; do
benefit bestowal; service; benefit; {C}a true
benefactor; make subservient to; be used to benefit



phan pa dang bde ba {MSA}hita-

mind interested only in the welfare (of all beings);

with a thought of benevolence; mind which is welldisposed

sukha benefit and happiness

phan pa dang

phan pai bsam pa {MSA}

bde ba la phyin ci ma log pa {MSA}hite ca sukhe

cviparyasta non-mistaken with respect to
benefit and happiness

upakraya; {MSA}hitaya beneficial thought;

helpful thought

phan pai lhag pai bsam

phan pa dang bde bai sems

pa {MSA}hitdhyaya unusually beneficial

thought; particularly benefical thought;
especially helpful thought

{C}hita-sukha-citta (=hita-kp) a mind of

benefit and help {C}a thought which is directed
towards the benefit and ease

phan pa rnam pa lnga {MSA}pacavidhopakra five kinds of benefit

phan pa byed pa {MSA}anugraha-kt

phan par dgongs pa {MSA}

hitaya beneficial thought; helpful thought

phan par dod pa {MSA}hita-kma

helpful wish; desire to help

phan par bya ba {MV}hita will help;

benefitter; helper; serve to benefit; help

phan pa mdzad pa {C}hita-kara

helpful object

phan par byed help

phan par byed pa {MSA}hita

{C}one who brings/bestows benefits

phan pa la jug {MSA}anugrahe

vartati; {MSA}anugrahe vartate engage in

helper; benefactor; helping; benefitting

phan par byed pai thabs

phan pa bsam pa {MSA}upakara ...

{MSA}anugrhaka ... upya; {MSA}upya ...

anugraha-kara methods that serve to benefit

aya thought of benefit; helpful thought

phan pai dgongs pa {MSA}

phan par sems {MSA}hitaya

hitaya thought of benefit; helpful thought

phan pai dngos nyid {C}hita-

helpful mind; beneficial mind

vastutva helpful thing {C}supplying with

beneficial things

phan par sems pa {C}hitaiit;

helpful thing {C}supplying (beings) with

beneficial things

phan phyir {C}hita for the benefit; in

phan pai dngos po {C}hita-vastut

{MSA}hitaya helpful mind; beneficial mind


order to benefit {C}welfare; weal; benefit; help

phan pai du shes {MSA}upakara- phan bya ba {MV}hita will benefit; will
saj; {MSA}upakri-saj conception of
benefit; beneficial conception

help; helpful object

phan byed {C}hita-kara; {MSA}upakrin;

phan pai tshig dang ldan pa

{MSA}hita-kara; {MSA}hitdhna helper;

benefactor; benefitting; helping {C}one who
brings/bestows benefits

{C}hita-vacana has beneficial words {C}he

only says what is beneficial

phan pai sems {C}hita-citta helpful phan byed pa {MSA}upakrin; {MSA}

mind; beneficial mind; benificent mind {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

hita-kara; {MSA}hitdhna helper; benefactor;


benefitting; helping

sgo nas mi mthun par gnas pa/ Definition: abiding as

phan byed blo ldan pa {MSA}

not [existing] in common from the point of view of

the one being the eliminator and eliminated

upakri-buddhimat having a helpful awareness

phan tshun {LCh,MSA}anyonya; {C}

parasparam; {C}mitha mutual; mutually{D2}

{PH}opposite sides diffused; to and fro; {C}
one another; common; identical; mutual
That region
of Penpo is located on the opposite side of the same
mountain range as the valley of Lhasa. {GCG}

phan tshun gal ba {N}anyonya-


phan tshun mi khrul pa

mutually ineluctable{BJ 74.4}

phan tshun mi mthun {C}paraspara phan tshun

tshogs pa dang mi mthun pa gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}(anyonyam)
vismagr mutual discordance

phan tshun mnyen {ntideva}

snigdha ... parasparam {PH}mutually agreeable

phan tshun rten brten mutually

phan tshun mtshungs ldan rnam pa

support and supported{BJ 62.3}

phan tshun rten pa mutual

lnga mtshungs kyang yin/ phan tshun skye ba la

gegs mi byed pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun du dmigs
pa/ that which is observed as a common locus
of being associated with the five types of mutual
association and not acting as an obstacle to their
mutual production

dependence; interdependence

phan tshun brtan pa

parasparasabhavana interdependent

phan tshun tha dad mutually


phan tshul grogs su {LCh,MSA}

phan tshun dus mnyam rdzas tha dad kyang

mitra mutually compatible

phan mdzad {C}hita-kara benefit;

help; benefactor; helper {C}one who brings/

bestows benefits

yin/ phan tshun skye ba la gegs mi byed pa yang

yin pai gzhi mthun du dmigs pa/ observed as
a common locus between different substantial
entities [established at] the same time and does
not serve as an obstacle to mutual production

phan mdzad brtser ldan {C}hitaanukamp {C}benevolent and compassionate

spang spong spangs spongs {N}

phan bzhed hita-kmy take up the task

of helping

anyonya-parihra-virodha; paraspara-pariharavirodha; paraspara-viruddha; *parasparaparihraviruddha mutual exclusion; contradictory in the

sense of mutual exclusion; mutually exclusive
mtshan nyid/ rnam bcad yongs gcod kyi

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spang spong spangs spongs

anyonyaparihra mutually exclusive;

viruddha; {C}viruddhaka mutually discordant

{C}mutually conflicting; conflicting

parihara-virodha; {N}paraspara-viruddha;
parasparavirddha contradictories in the sense
of mutual exclusion{N}; mutually contradictory

phan tshun spang gal

phan tshun spangs gal


phan bzhed pa {MSA}hita-kmy take

up the task of helping

phan yon {C,MSA,MV,N}anuasa; {MV}

anuasana beneficial; benefit {C}advantage

[a bodhisattva has five, with the attainment of


phal chen sde {BJ 78.5} mahsghika

non-discursive knowledge, which control in all


phan yon gyi yan lag


*anuasga branch that is a benefit

phan yon che ba {C}mah-anuasa

great benefit {C}of great advantage

phan sems {BCA} hitamsa


benevolent intention

phab par gyur pa vea possession

Majority School

phal chen pa mahsghika


phal cher {C,MSA}pryea; {C}

bhyastvena (=bhulyena); {MSA}bhulyena

mostly; usually; many as a rule; in abundance

phal cher ba most

phal cher mtshungs pa

[by demons]

phab po fall
pham nyes {PH}defeat; failure
pham pa {MSA}parjita conquered;


mostly the same [way]

phal pa ordinary
phal mo cher na {PH}for the most part
phas kyi rgol ba

defeated {T}

phar out there{BJ 54.7}

phar gro tshur gro {C}ra-pra

brgal rgal brgald rgold {C,MSA}para-pravdin;

{L}para-vdin; {MSA}para-pravda arguments
by others {C}counter-arguments; false teacher;
false teaching; enemy; opposite side

gacchati go from nearby to far away {C}goes

from this shore to the other shore

phar rgyab na {PH}beyond

phar phyin pha rol tu phyin

phas rgol {C;MSA;VNS} para-pravdin;

{L} para-vdin; {MSA} para-pravda {PH}

arguments by others; false teachings; false teacher

pa {LCh}pramit perfection

phar phyin gyi theg pa pramityna Perfection Vehicle

phar phyin theg pa

phar phyin gyi theg pa pramityna Perfection

phar phyin drug a-pramit

phas pham pas {C}prjik


offence deserving expulsion

phi gling

Since [he] was concerned that the
paita was of the European race, ... {GCG}

phu thag chod pa penetrate; decisive

phu thag chod pai lta

[beyond-gone-six]; the six perfections

phar phyin drug po a-pramit

blta lta bltas ltos unerring view; view

[beyond-gone-six]; the six Perfections

which is decisive

phar phyin lhag tshul gyi

khyad par {PH}the feature of a surpassing mode
of perfection

phar shes pa {C}pit-jat (=pitreyat)

{C}honoring father

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phal chen sde pa mahsaghika


phu dud {Negi} citrkra {PH}variegated

phug {MSA}gahvaraka deep; inner
{GD:486} profound

phug gi khrul rgyu mukhya-


phung poi skye ba dmigs

vibhrama-hetu deep cause of error/mistake

phugs deep; innermost; inner

phung {MSA}skandha aggregate

pa skandhanimittopalambha observation of the

disintegration of the aggregates

heap gzugs kyi phung po form

phung po {LCh,C,MSA,MV}skandha; {C,L}

skandha-lakaa character of the aggregates{N}

phung poi mtshan ma

dmigs pa skandhanimittopalambha observation

of the signs of the aggregates

ri aggregate; mental and physical aggregates

{PH}mass; heap; totality {C}pile; category;
mass; heap; trunk; shoulder; group; bulk


dbye ba/ 1 gzugs/ 2 tshor ba/


3 du shes/ 4 du byed/ 5 rnam par shes pa/

Divisions: (1) form (rpa); (2) feeling (vedan); (3)
discrimination (saj); (4) compositional factors
(saskra); (5) consciousness (vijna)

phung po lnga pacaskandha five


phung po lnga po gang rung la brten nas btags pai

skyes bu gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs a being imputed in
dependence upon any among the five aggregates

phung po thams cad nges par dor ba dang

byung bar dang {C}sarva-upadhi-pratinisarga
definitely reject all aggregates and arisings {C}
rejection of all substrata

phung po yang dag par zad

pa {C}sakaya completely extinguish the
aggregates {C}complete extinction

po lhag ma med pai mya ngan las das pa na yang
{MV}nirupadhiee nirve pi nirva without

poi lhag ma ma lus pai mya ngan las das pa

{MSA}anupadhiea-nirva nirva without


poi lhag ma med pai mya ngan las das pa

{MSA}nirupadhiea-nirva nirva without

phung poi lhag ma med par mya ngan las

da bar mtha thug pa {MSA}anupadhieanirvvasnatva final nirva without

phung poi skye ba dmigs pa

skandha-vinopalambha observation of the
production of the aggregates

phung gsum possibility{N}; any other

possibility; another category; additional category

phung gsum pa {PH}third category

phud {L}cika apex; summit; top
phun {L}sapad accomplishment;
achievement; possession

phun pa {L}sapad accomplishment;

achievement; possession

phun tshogs {LCh,MSA}sapanna; {C}

sapatti; {MSA}sapad fulfillment; perfect;
marvels; complete; marvelous; sublime;
perfection; marvel; wonders; good things;
excellence {PH}marvels

phung po lhag ma med pai mya ngan las das pai

dbyings {C}anupadhiea-nirva-dhtu the
sphere of nirva without remainder {C}the
realm of Nirva which leaves nothing behind

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phung poi mtshan nyid {N}



phun yon bcas qualities{BJ 62.6}

phun sum {MSA}sapatti; {MSA}sapad;

phur bu lcog byams pa

rgya mtsho Pur-bu-jog Jam-pa-gya-tsho [18251901]

{MSA}sapanna {PH}marvels

phur bu pa brhaspatya; crvka

phun sum tshogs {MSA}sapatti;

Brhaspatya; Hedonist {T}

{MSA}sapad; {MSA}sapanna marvels;

perfect; complete; marvelous; sublime;
perfection; marvel; wonders; good things

phun sum tshogs pa

{LCh,MSA,MV}sapanna; {C,MSA,MV}sapatti
{C}(=sapad); {C}sapanna (= sampanna);
{C}nipatti (=parinipatti = parinipadyante);
{C,L,MSA}sampad fulfillment; excellent;
marvels; wonders; perfect; complete; marvelous;
sublime; perfection; marvel; good things {C}
accomplishment; attainment; excellent thing;
benefit; possession; achieved; won; fully grown;
(reach) consummation; creation

phur ma cika powder

phul dbul/ bul/ phul/
phuld/ {MSA}reha verb: offer; present; to
give (hon.)7 noun: offering

phul du byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}atiaya; {MSA}

utkara perfect; excellent; marvellous

phul du byung bai khyad

par byung byung byung

byung {MSA}utkara-viea special excellence;
particular perfection

phun sum tshogs pa thob pa phul du byung bai dmigs

thob/thob thob thob thobs
{MSA}sapat-prpti attain completion; obtain


phun sum tshogs

pa la nges par gyur ba gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}sapatti-niyatipta
become definite with respect to completion;
become definite with respect to marvels

phun sum tshogs pa lhag pa


sum tshogs pai bde ba dag la ma chags pa nyid

{MSA}sapatti-sukhev asaktat non-attachment
to the marvelous bliss ? {T}

phun sum tshogs par gyur

ba gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{C}samdhyate; {C}samdhyantm; {C}samdhyati;
{C}samdhyate perfect; complete {C}get
accomplished; foster; succeeds

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phul phyin full development

phul ba verb: offer; present; to give (hon.)7
noun: offering

phul byed par gyur bas {C}

agrat(-krayati) {C}cause to achieve the

{MSA}adhika ... sapatti special completion;

special marvels

phur bu thursday

pa dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs {MV}prakarlambana object of
observation of perfection


phe ring {PH}foreign

phed pa change; changing
phen byed kyi las impelling action
phebs go [past tense stem, to go, come)

pho {MSA}purua person; man


Therefore, out of only ignorance do you think I
[am] male. {A4C} X.1

pho nya messenger


pho dang moi dbang po {MV}

phog pa

phogs/ phog phogs/ {C}vidhyati strike; affect;
touch; give; to bestow; salary {C}hit; pierce

str-puruendriya lord of women and men

pho phra mor gyur zhes

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

puruestriya {C}to men and women

(=upaghtam); {L}vipad; {L}anaya; {MSA}vighta

{C}ruin; falling away from; poor; poverty;

pai tshe at the time of absorption of male and


misfortune; a person who brings misfortune

phongs pa chen po {L}mah-vipad

{PH}male or

great poverty; great misfortune; very poor

phongs pa med pa {MSA}avighta

female sex organs

without loss; without poverty {T}

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}puruestriya

{C}to men and women
{PH}stomach and large intestine

The large intestine

[is] the name of the part [of the body] that is

between the small intestines and the colon, and is
one from among six container-organs that is named
in dependence upon its shape. Gso rig tshigs mdzod
- g.yu thog dgongs rgyan (long ga)

pho long bar

{PH}space between the

stomach and large intestine

phongs par gyur pai las

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{MSA}vyasana-savartanya karma an action
which will lead to destitution ?? {T}

phongs par gyur ba

dang mthun pa gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {C}vyasana (=upaghtam) {C}ruin;
falling away from

phod can {PH}comet

phod phod pa {PH}puffs; clouds; billows

The large intestine [is] the name of

like blue puffs [of smoke]


the part [of the body] that is between the small

intestines and the colon, and is one from among six
container-organs that is named in dependence upon
its shape. Gso rig tshigs mdzod - g.yu thog dgongs

rgyan (long ga)


phog phogs/
phog phogs/ vidhyati strike; affect; touch; give;
to bestow; salary

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


phongs pa {C,MSA}vyasana {C}

pho mo male and female

pho mo snyoms par jug

pho long


/ phongs/ phongs/ phongs/ {MSA}vightin;

{MSA,MV}vyasana; {MSA}vighta to become
destitute; destitution ? {T}

capital; royal city

pho mor gyur zhes

phog phogs/

phog phogs/ strike; affect; touch; give; to

bestow; salary

pho bo {PH}stomach
pho brang palace; mansion {PH}Palace
pho brang khor {C}rja-dhn {C}

pho moi mtshan ma



phon thag

{PH}(leather) strap used to tie a


phya pa

phya pa chos kyi

seng ge {GD:viii,xiii,308} Cha-ba Chs-gyiseng-gay (1109-1169), a Ga-dam-ba writer on


phya ris lines on the hands


phyag rgya chen po mah-mudr

phya le ba ta level
phya le ba ma yin pa vita non-

great seal; Great Seal

phyag rgya btab


phya legs pa attractive

phya legs pa ma yin pa

pa nye bar bzung bas {C}di-mudr-mudritm

updya {C}on account of their being sealed with
a seal from the beginning


phywa smra ba {A4C} niyativdin


Fatalist; Proponents of Predetermination

Consequently, the
Fatalists thesis is not false. {A4C} XI.9cd

phyag {LCh,C}pi; {LCh,C}hasta; {C}bhuja;

{C}kara; {C}bhu hand; salutation; reverence;

[honorific particle] {C}arms
bla ma dang mgon pa jam
dpal dbyangs la phyag tshal lo/ I bow down to
the lama and protector Majughoa
zhal gcig phyag gnyis one face and two

phyag gi mthil {C}pi-tala


palm of the hand

phyag bgyi bai gnas

{PH}sealed with a seal

from the beginning

phyag rgya med pai mthas

{C}di-mudr-mudritm updya {C}on account

of their being sealed with a seal from the beginning

phyag rgya bzhi {N}catur-mudr four


phyag rgyai mdud {PH}knotted seal

phyag rgyai tshig {C}mudr-pada

phyag rgyai lha mudr-deva seal deity

phyag rgyas btab par {C}mudrita

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}namas-

karaya source/object for homage {C}worthy

of homage

phyag bgyi os

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}namayayati suitable
for homage {C}pay homage to

phyag dngul money (hon.)

phyag dang zhabs kyi mthil
la {C}hasta-pda-tale {C}on the soles of the
feet and on the palms of the hands

phyag dang

zhabs khor loi mtshan dang ldan pa {C}cakraakita-hasta-pda(t) having the sign of a wheel
on hands and feet {C}he has stamped on his
hands and feet lines depicting a wheel

phyag rgya {C}mudr seal

dbye ba/ 1 dus byas


thams cad mi rtag pa/ 2 zag byas thams cad sdug

bsngal ba/ 3 chos thams cad stong zhing bdag
med pa/ 4 mya ngan las das pa zhi zhing dge
ba/ Divisions: [The Four Seals that determine
whether a doctrine is Buddhist are] (1) all produced
phenomena are impermanent; (2) all contaminated
phenomena are miserable; (3) all phenomena are
empty and selfless; (4) nirva is peace and bliss

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phyag rgya med


phyag dang zhabs dra

bas brel ba {C}jla-hasta-pdat {C}his hands

and feet have webs

phyag dang zhabs

gzhon zhing jam pao {C}mdu-tarua-hastapdat {C}his hands and feet are tender and soft

phyag dang zhabs shin

tu gnas pa {C}supratihita-hasta-pdat {C}
his hands and feet are well-placed


phyag dang zhabs sor fingers

phyag tshal

and toes

phyag dar khrod

{PH}a rubbish heap

khang gi phyag dar khrod du phangs pas thams
cad chud zos; Because [they] were thrown into
a rubbish heap in the cellar, all [of the texts] were
wasted. {GCG} p.17

phyag dar khrod pa {C}psa-kulika

{C}one who wears rags taken from a dust-heap

tshol btsald tshold {LCh}nama; {LCh}vandmi;
{C}namas bow down; pay respect to; bowing
down; homage; salutation; reverence{D1}

phyag tshal bar gyur ro

btsal tshol btsald tshold

{C}namati bow down; pay respect to; bowing

down; homage; salutation; reverence {C}do
homage; pay homage to

phyag tshal bar byed

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}

phyag bdar sweep; dust

namayayati; {C}namas-karoti bow down; pay
to; bowing down; homage; salutation;
phyag na rdo rje Vajrapi
reverence {C}do homage; pay homage to
phyag na padma {PH}Padmapi
phyag ris {C}lekhat {C}lines of the hand
phyag bya ba os pa {C}vandanya
phyag brla drang por slebs
{C}worthy of being saluted respectfully
pa {C}pau-uru-bhut {C}his arms are long
and powerful

phyag bya ba yin no {C}namas-

phyag las work (hon.)

phyag len practice (hon.)
phyang nge ba flat
phyang nye ba {C}akma

karoti {C}do (pay) homage

phyag bya bai os

{PH}worthy of


phyag bya bar os pa {C}

vandanya {C}worthy of being saluted

hang down

phyag bya bar os pa yin {C}

phyan byas {MSA}hita helped; benefitted

phyi phyi/ dbyi/ dbyid/

namas-karaya {C}worthy of homage

phyag byas pa {PH}attendant

phyag bris letter; writing (hon.)

phyis/ phyis/ {LCh,C,MSA,MV}bhya; {C,L}

bahirddh {C}(=bhya); {MSA}bahirdh; {MSA}
bhyaka; {MV}carama (1) external; outside;
outer; generality; (2) wipe; wipe away; erase;
wiping {C}outwardly; on the object-side


letter; handwriting; handwritten [text]

rjes mkhas grub la
gnang pai phyag bris zhig tu ... In a letter that
the Foremost [Tsong-kha-pa] gave to Ke-drup, ...

phyi rgol

{GCC} p.14

brgal rgal

brgald rgold prva-paka second party; latter

opponent; correct opponent; full-fledged fullfledged latter party; full-fledged opposing party;
full-fledged other party; full-fledged opponent
{PH}opponent; second party

phyag tshal to bow down; pay respect to

phyag tshod watch (hon.)
phyag mtshan mudr hand sign; hand

phyi rgol ba

rgal brgald rgold {LCh}prativdin second


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C}does not



phyi nang snod bcud

party; previous thesis [which is being refuted];


phyi rgol yang dag

environment and [its] inhabitants (inner and outer)

brgal rgal brgald rgold correct

opponent; full-fledged second party; full-fledged

latter party; full-fledged opposing party; fullfledged other party; full-fledged opponent; latter

phyi ngos su {PH}facing outward

phyi stong pa nyid {C}bahirddh-

dbyangs dbyings external expanse of the sky

phyi ma {C,MSA}pacima; {MV,MSA}uttara

later; subsequent; latter; the latter{D2} {C}
future; last; endng with; final

ma phyi

{PH}draft; preliminary version

[He] wrote down the draft [version of the

nyat; {MV}bahirdh-nyat external

emptiness; {T} emptiness of external [objects]
{C}emptiness of the object

phyi mtha {C}apara-antatas

phyi dbugs {PH}external breath

phyi dbyangs; phyi

text]. publishers colophon to Delhi ed. of {YJD}

{C}in/at the

phyi ma rjes mthun bzhi latter

four similitudes

phyi ma phyi ma {L,MSA}uttarottara

end; from where it ends

phyi dang nang gi dngos po

most superior; each following one

phyi ma phyi ma dag {L}uttarottara

{MSA}dhytmika-bhya ... bhva external and

internal thing

phyi dang nang gi bstan pa

most superior; each following one

phyi ma phyi ma bras bu {MV}

{PH}the teachings of Buddhists and Outsiders

phyi dang bye brag smnya-viea

uttarottara-phala highest fruit

phyi ma phyi mai bras bu

generality and particular

phyi dar later dissemination{N}

phyi ma la {L}yatym; {L}amutra in the
phyi dar gyi mkhas pa scholars of
future; there
{MV}uttarottara-phala highest fruit

the later dissemination

phyi don {N}bahirdh-artha; {N}bhya-artha;

bhyrtha external object; external object{N}

phyi don du med do not exist as

phyi mai mu mthar {C}apara-anta-

phyi mig {PH}backwards

phyi mo {N}mtk model


Buddhist and non-Buddhist

phyi nang gi chos {C}dhytmika-

bhya-dharma external and internal phenomena

phyi nang stong pa nyid {MV}

adhytma-bahirdh-nyat external and
internal emptiness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

of the Four (Medical) Tantras]

koi {C}the limit which is further on

external objects{BJ 21.1}

phyi droi dus {PH}afternoon

phyi nang external and internal

phyi mai rgyud Last Tantra [the fourth


phyi mo dang mes po gnyis kyi bdun rgyud tshun

chad kyi bar gyi yvad saptama (-asya Ad.)
mtmahapitmahayugasya (mtpityugasya Ad.)
{C}backwards through seven generations (on
both his fathers and mothers side)


phyi mo bai dbu ma pa mtkmdhyamika model Mdhyamika

phyi bzhin rgyud mar

long btags nas {C}paramparea {C}in (quick)

phyi bzhin du {C}phata; {C}phatas

closely behind{C}

phyi rol pai yongs su smin

pa {MSA}bhya-paripka external ripening;
external maturation {T}

phyi logs subsequent

phyi logs su byung ba

byung byung byung byung subsequent


phyi rabs kyi skyo boi don du phyi shol procrastination; put off
later generation; subsequent generation for
phyi bshol procrastination; put off
the sake of people of later generations
phyi rol {MSA,MV}bhya; {MSA}bahirdh phyin {MSA} -ga (e.g.: pra-ga) passed; went
[past of gro, to go]

outside; external

phyi rol gyi don bahirdhrtha

external objects

phyi rol tu {Cparivhya-bhva externally;

outside {C}expulsion

phyi rol tu gyur te

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}parivhyabhva go outside; external {C}expulsion



phyi rol don gyis stong pa

aviparta; {MSA,MV}aviparyasta; {MSA,MV}

aviparysa; {MV}avipartatva; {MV}aviparyaya
unmistaken; non-inverted; non-erroneous; right;

phyin ci ma log pa

de bzhin nyid {C}avitathat non-mistaken

suchness {C}non-falseness

bhyrthanya emptiness of external objects

phyin ci ma log pai de kho

phyi rol don stong emptiness of

na {MV}aviparysa-tattva non-mistaken reality

phyin ci ma log pai don

external phenomena

phyi rol don du grub

{MSA}avipartrtha non-mistaken meaning;

non-mistaken object

pas stong ba empty of being established as an

external object

snang snang snang snang awareness to

which external objects appear

phyi rol pa {LCh,L}trthika NonBuddhist; Outsider

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phyin ci ma log chad {MSA}

phyin ci ma log pa {MSA,MV}

ba {MV}bahirdh-vikepa external distraction


phyi rol don snang gi blo

{MV}aviparta(tva); {MV}aviparyaya; {MV}

aviparyasta non-mistaken; non-inverted;
non-erroneous; right; correct {C}absence of
contradictory/mistaken/perverted views
aviparta-dean non-mistaken explanation

phyi rol tu rnam par g.yeng

phyi rol don bahirdhrtha

phyin ci ma log {C,MV}aviparysa;


phyin ci ma log pai yongs grub dang gyur

med yongs grub non-erroneous thoroughly
established natures and immutable thoroughly
established natures

phyin ci ma log par {N}

mental contemplation

aviparyaya; {N}aviparysa non-erroneously{N}

phyin ci log rjes su brel pa

phyin ci ma log par gyur pa

{MV}viparysnubandha bonds of error

{MV}aviparysa-pariata be non-mistaken;
which is non-mistaken

phyin ci log tu mistakenly;

phyin ci ma log par sgrub


phyin ci log tu zhen pa

pa bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {MSA}avipartnuhna non-mistaken
establishment; establish non-erroneously

erroneous conception

phyin ci ma log pas

yongs su grub pa {MV}aviparysa-parinipatti
thoroughly establish non-mistakenly
nyid {MV}aviparysa-lakaa non-mistaken

aviparysa non-mistaken; non-erroneous

phyin ci log med {MV}aviparyasta;

phyin ci log {C,MSA,MV,L}viparysa;

{MV}aviparysa non-mistaken; non-erroneous

phyin ci log med pa {C,MV}

viparyaya; {L}viparta; {MV}viparyasta; {C}[var:

(blo) phyin ci log = viparyasta (buddhayas)]
mistaken; error; erroneous; wrong; inverted;
incorrect {C}contradictory; contradictory view;
perverted view; what can upset; perverted; corrupt;
wayward view; wrong view

aviparyasta; {MV}aviparysa non-mistaken;

non-erroneous {C}uncontradictory; unperverted

phyin ci log gi

gnyen poi snang bai de kho na

snang snang snang snang {MV}aviparysa-dyatattva reality which is the appearance of the
antidote to error {T}

phyin ci log gi gnas ngan

len {MV}viparysa-dauhulya assumptions of
bad erroneous states

phyin ci log gi blo can {L}

viparta-mati having a mistaken awareness

phyin ci log gi mtshan ma

phyin ci log bzhi dang ldan

pa {MSA}catur-viparysnugata possessing the

four errors {T}

phyin ci log las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}

viparysa-samutthita arisen from error

phyin chad {C}yatym; {MSA}rdhva

henceforth; since that time; ever since {C}in


phyin drug six perfections

phyin na bskal pa las

lhag par {C}rdhvakalpa {C}for up to an aeon

phyin nas {C}prpta having gone; having

{MV}viparysa-nimitta mistaken sign; sign of


obtained {C}attained (to); reached

phyin pa {C}gacchati; {C}pratipadya; {MSA}

phyin ci log gi gzhi {MV}

gamana (e.g.: pra-gamana); {MSA}nayana;

{MSA}prpti; {MSA}yta; {MV}saprpti went
[past of gro, to go]; reached {C}goes; go
away/through; walk; come to; journey; the journey

viparysa-nidna; {MV}viparysa ... vastu basis

of error; erroneous basis
byed pa {MV}viparyasta-manaskra mistaken

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

viparyasta; {C,MV}viparysa; {L}viparta;

viparyaya mistaken; wrong; inverted; incorrect;
erroneous {C}contradictory; perverted

phyin ci log ma yin {MV}

phyin ci ma log mtshan

phyin ci log gi yid la

phyin ci log pa {C,MV,MSA}


will bring to; having entered

phyin pa pa {C}nmantika goer


who wears a garment made of felt

phyin pai gnas {MV}prpty-avasth

level reached {T}

phyin par {C}adhigamya; {C}anugantu

{C}when he has attained/reached; when they have

reached; to arrive at

phyin par gyur {C}upaiti reached;

went {C}get to; approach; come to; run through;

implies; undergo; bear; admits of

phyin par byed pa {MV}saprpaa

reached; attained

phyin par mi nus could not traverse

phyin ma thag tu as soon as reaching;
immediately/right/just after arriving

phyii rkyen yongs su grub

pa grub grub
grubs/grub grubs {MSA}bhya-pratyaya-siddhi
establish the general conditions; {T} achieve the
external conditions

phyii skad cig ma nyid {MSA}

bhyasya ... kaikatva momentariness of the

external [world] {T}

phyii skye mched drug {MSA}

bhya ... yatana (a-) the six external sources

ba sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

joining/union with an external seal/consort

phyii bem po bahirdh-kanth external

mtshan nyid/ skyes bui


rgyud kyis ma bsdus pai rdul du grub pa/ Definition:

atomically established, and not contained within the
continuum of a being

dbye ba/ 1 gzugs/ 2 sgra/ 3 dri/ 4 ro/ 5 reg bya/
Divisions: (1) form; (2) sound; (3) scent; (4) taste;
and (5) tangible object

phyii byor ba lnga five outer


dbye ba/ 1 sangs rgyas jig rten


du byon pa/ 2 des dam pai tshos ston pa/ 3 bstan

pa gnas pa/ 4 de rjes su jug pa/ 5 gzhan gyis
snying brtse ba rnams/ Div.: 1) A Buddha having
appeared in ones world system, 2) A Buddha
having taught the doctrine, 3) That Buddhas
teaching remaining to the present time, 4) That
Buddhas followers still existing, 5) The people of
the area having love and mercy for others

phyii gzugs bahirdh-rpa external

mtshan nyid/ skyes bui shes
rgyud kyis ma bsdus pai gzugs/ Definition: form not
included/contained within the mental continuum of
a being

dbye ba/ 1 gzugs/ 2 sgra/ 3 dri/ 4 ro/ 5 reg bya/
6 chos/ Divisions: (1) forms; (2) sounds; (3)
odors; (4) tastes; (5) tangible objects; (6) [other]

dbye ba/ 1

phyii dngos po rnams {MSA}


bhy bhv external things

gzugs gyi skye mched/ 2 sgrai skye mched/ 3 drii

skye mched/ 4 roi skye mched/ 5 reg byai skye
mched/ Division: (1) form sense-sphere; (2) sound
sense-sphere; (3) odor sense-sphere; (4) taste sensesphere; (5) tangible object sense-sphere

phyii don *bahirdh-artha external


phyii rnam thar

biography; outer biography

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phyii phyag rgya external seal

phyii phyag rgya dang sbyor



phyir {C,MSA}(up d): updya; {C}punar;

{C}prati; nidna; {MSA}etya; {MSA}hetu (e.g.:

tma-hetu); {MV}arthatas; {MV}arthena because;
again; back; outside; because of; on account
of; in order to{S}; in order that{S} {C}with
reference to; motivated by; beginning with; with
the help of; where they began with; directed on;
successively; as being; with regard to; linked with;
foundation; for the sake of; Origins; (e.g.: etannidna, because; ki nidnam, wherefrom, and f

phyir kyang {C}punar {C}again

phyir rgol pa

(=acala); {C}pratyudvartate; {L}angmin;

{C}apratyudvartanya Non-Returner {C}
irreversible; turns (his) back on; returns; one who
cannot be turned back

phyir mi ldog pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C}vyativartate

(=atikrmati = vivardhate) return; reverse {C}

depart from; stray away from

phyir mi ldog pa nyid du

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C}

avaivartikat irreversibility {C}state of


phyir mi ldog pa sa yi chos

brgal rgal brgald rgold {C,MSA}pratyarthika

opponent {C}provokes hostility; enemy; foe;
hostile forces

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C}

avivartiyu-bhmi-dharm phenomena/doctrines
of the irreversible grounds

phyir bcos fix up; repair

phyir mi ldog pai khor
phyir ltas distraction outside
loi mdo ldog ldog ldogs
avaivarta-cakra-stra Irreversible Wheel
phyir bltas {C}bahir-gata {C}dispersed
Stra (P906, vol. 36)
phyir du in order to; for the sake of
phyir mi ldog pai dge dun
phyir ldog pa ldog
irreversible community member
ldog ldogs ldogs {C}pratyudvartate {C}turns
phyir mi ldog pai byang
(his) back on; returns
phyir ldog par gyur te

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C}

sems {PH}irreversible bodhisattva

phyir mi ldog pai sa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C,MSA}

pratyudvartate {C}turns (his) back on; returns

phyir phyogs turn away from; turn

avinivartanya-bhmi; {C}avaivartika-bhmi
irreversible ground(s)

ones back on

phyir phyogs pa turn away

phyir phyogs par gyur turn(ed)
away from; turn ones back on{S 55.3}

phyir phyogs par byed {C}

viph-karoti (mnasam) turn away from; turn

ones back on {C}turn his mind away from

phyir mi ldog

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs

abiding in the irreversible grounds {C}one who

stands on the irreversible stage

phyir mi ldog pai sa la lung bstan

{MV}avinivartanya-bhmi-vykaraa-lbhasamudgama correctly achieving the attainment

indicated in the scripture on the irreversible
grounds ?? {T}

ldog ldogs ldogs {C}avivartiyo {C}irreversible

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {C}avaivartika

gnas pa

{C}avaivartya-bhmi-sthita (=avinivartanya)

pa thob pa yang dag par grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs


phyir mi ldog pa

phyir mi ldog pai sa la



phyir mi ldogs pai sa

phyir la {PH}moreover
phyir log ste

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {MSA}

avinivartanya-bhmi irreversible ground(s)

dong ngo slar dong snyam mo {C}nikrmati

(=abhinikrmati) {C}depart; go off; come out
of; leaves home (life)

phyir mi ong {LCh}angmin Never

Returner; Nonreturner

phyir mi ong ba angmin never

phyir logs su after

phyir bshags par gyis shig


phyir mi ong bras gnas pa

{C}pratideayati (=ghta-bodhicitta-paritygt
= pratypatti-balt = kta-ppadeann) {C}
confesses his error; see their error

angmi-phala-stha Abider in the Fruit of a


phyir mi ong zhugs pa


zhug jug zhugs zhugs angmipratipannaka Approacher to Never-Returner

phyir smra ba {C}prati-mantrayati


answer back

phyir zhing {MSA}bhyas further

phyir zhing byung ba

byung byung byung byung {L}bhuuyobhva

further arising{S 29}

phyir bzhag par {C}nikipta



phyir zlog {L}nirvt- turn away from

phyir zlog cing {C}vicchandayati

[This] appears to be an artistic style of a much later

[period]. {GCG} p.15

phyis myong bar gyur ba

phyir zlog pa {C}prativacana dadti

{PH}experience in a later life

phyis song ste


phyir ong sakdgmin; gmin Once

song song

song song {C}anuprpuey {C}would reach

phyu pa robe
phyug pa {MSA}hya opulent, wealthy,


phyir ong ba (sakd) gmin;

sakdgmin Once Returner

phyir ong bras gnas pa

rich {T}

phyug po dang bdag po {MV}

sakd-gmi-phala-stha Abider in the Fruit of


aivarydhipatya lord and owner {T}

zhug jug zhugs zhugs sakd-gmipratipannaka Approacher to Once-Returner

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phyis kyang {C}punar {C}again

phyis nas {C}pramjya {C}having shed
phyis phyis {PH}much later

phyis phyis kyi bzo lugs su snang;

(=kartu-kmat-apanayand) {C}deter

phyir ong zhugs pa

phyi/ dbyi/
dbyid/ phyis/ phyis/ {C}yati; {C}yatym;
{C,MSA}pact; {MSA}uttara; {MSA}uttaratra; {MSA}bhyas (1) after; (2) wipe; wipe
away; erase {PH}later; at later times {C}
afterwards; in future; later on
phyis tshang rgya bai tshul ston pai
gnas ni the place of displaying later the mode of
purification{PGP 101}

phyugs pau cow

phyugs rdzi {C}pau-plaka




phyug rdzi {C} pau-plaka (= phyugs rdzi)

{PH}cowherd; cattle-keeper; herdsman

phye mai sman {L}cra-bhaiajya

medicinal powder

On the occasion when

phye mai sman sbyar ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {L}cra-

Lord Milarepa asked about Marpa to a cowherd, ...


bhaiajya-saghta mixing/preparing medicinal

phyugs gshod killing cows

phyung dbyung byin phyung phye mar byas {C}mai karoti
phyungs {C}vinista cast out; throw away;
banish; root out; disbelieve{BJ 9.1} issued

grind as finely as they can be ground

phye tsheg separating dot [the dot between

phyung gyur

byin phyung phyungs {C}uddhta cast out;
throw away; banish; root out; disbelieve {C}
taken out of

phyung ba


phye shul opening a passageway or

dbyung byin


dbyung byin
phyung phyungs cast out; throw away; banish;
root out; disbelieve

phyed {L,MSA}bhedya; ardha to be

differentiated half

byed/ phye/ byed dam phyes/ {C}prabhvita;

cra separate; differentiation; differentiate;
distinguish {C}powder; drew their strength
from; brought about (from); brought forth; derives
its dignity; exalts; one discerns; discerned; exalted;
derived from; come forth (e.g.: bhta-koiprabhvita; bodhisattva-prabhvita; mahsamudraprabhvita; asaskta-prabh

phyed dang gnyis {MSA}adhyrdha

two and one-half ? {T}

phyed pa {L}mata; {MSA}bhedya to be

differentiated know; known

phyed og ma {MSA}uttarrdha the

higher half {T}

phye nas having distinguished

phye ba {N}bhinna; {N}racayati; {C}bheda

(=dharma-bheda); {MSA}vivta separate;

differentiation; differentiate; distinguish {PH}
opening; division; differentiation {C}distinction;
dissention; breaking up; break; divided; difference;
division; one distinguishes; the one ... the other

phye ba so so {PH}individual divisions

phye ba so soi don {PH}meaning

phyogs {LCh,C,MSA}di; {LCh}dea; {L}

dik; {C}dia; {C,MV,MSA}paka (e.g.: {MSA}

ka-ukla-paka; {MSA}amatha-paka; {MSA}
vipayan-paka); {C}pradea; {MV}pakya;
digbhga class; direction; classed; position;
subject; party; portion; bias; quarter; side;
faction {PH}direction; portion {C}region;
country; space; factiousness; wing; alternative;
definition of the doctrine; to a limited extent; spot;
place; piece of land; {GD:263} thesis

phyogs kyi gos can {N}digambara

of the individual divisions

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

theg chen gyi thar par bgrod pai go skabs phye

shul du gyur pai byang sems kyi mngon rtogs
a Bodhisattvas clear realizer that serves as the
passageway opening the opportunity for progressing
toward the Great Vehicle liberation Comment:
definition of Bodhisattva path (byang sems kyi lam)


phye ma {L}cra powder; dust

opportunity {PH}passageway

phyung phyungs {MSA}utpadita cast out; throw

away; banish; root out; disbelieve



Digambara{N} (lit.: sky-clad)



phyogs kyi glang po dignga

phyogs dang phyogs su {C}diidii {C}in all directions


phyogs kyi rtsa bzhi

phyogs de song

song song song {MSA}diku gatv gone in that
direction {T}


cardinal directions

phyogs glang dignga Dignga

phyogs na gnas pa {C}dea-stha
phyogs snga prva-paka {PH}opponent
abiding in a position {C}placed in a spot; stand
at a point
phyogs snga ma prva-paka
opponent{BJ 11.1}
phyogs gnas {C}pradea-stha abiding
in a position {C}placed in a spot; stand at a point
phyogs sngai skabs su on the
occasion of [setting forth the position of] the
phyogs rnams sreg cing
opponent{BJ 44.5}

{C}diadha (=digdha = diodha) {C}

conflagration on the horizon

phyogs gcig one portion

phyogs gcig rnams some (types) phyogs pa {C}prgbhra turning


sloping towards


space in the ten directions

phyogs med {MSA}apakapta [bias-

rgyas rnams daad-dii-buddha the Buddhas of

the ten directions

phyogs med pa {C}apradea [bias-

phyogs bcu nam mkha


phyogs bcu pai sangs

phyogs bcui {C}daad-dii of the ten
directions {C}in the ten directions

phyogs bcur {L}daa-dik in the ten

not-exist]; directionless; without bias; without

partisanship {C}without locality

phyogs tsam {C}pradea-mtram; {MSA}

pradea mere direction; mere position; mere
portion {C}merely by way of an outline

phyogs tshig sgrub byed

directions; the ten directions; all directions

phyogs cha {C}pradea; digbhgabheda

du dod pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {GD:787} fallacy of holding the
statement of the thesis as being a proof

directional parts {C}spot; place; piece of land

phyogs chos paksadharmat;

phyogs mtshams {MSA}vidi

pakadharma property of the subject; subjectquality; presence of the sign in the subject
{GD:275} property of the position; {GD:684}
criterion; {GD:783} first criterion

{MSA}(e.g.: dig-vidi) intermediate direction;

directions and intermediate directions

phyogs dzin pai dbu ma

phyogs chos kyi ltos gzhi

pa gzung dzin bzung zungs

partisan Mdhyamikas

the basis of relation of the property of the

subject{LSR 2b}

phyogs ltar snang {GN} pakbhsa

{PH}counterfeit thesis

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

not-exist]; directionless; without bias; without



phyogs bzhi four directions

phyogs rei gnyen po partial


phyogs gsum pa med pa

phrag dog {LCh,C,MV}ry jealousy

{MSA}ttya-pakbhva a third position does

not exist {T}


phrag dog ry jealousy; envy

phrag dog gi kun tu sbyor

phra {C,MSA}skma; {MSA}tanu subtle; fine;


ba sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

{MV}ry-sayojana thorough enwrapment of

phra rdul {PH}subtle atoms; subtle particle

phra ba {L,MSA,MV}skma; {MSA}tanu

phrag dog gi kun sbyor

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord ry-

subtle; fine; thin

phra ba rtog pai rnal byor

sayojana thorough enwrapment of jealousy

yoga realizing the subtle

phra bai mi rtag pa *skmnitya

subtle impermanence

phra bai shin sbyangs

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs subtle


phra ma {C}piuna; {C,MSA}paiunya;

pruya divisive speech {PH}gossip; rumor;

lies {C}malicious; slander
tanu subtle; fine; thin; minute {C}smaller
skmi {C}very subtle

par grub pa grub

grub grubs/grub grubs {C}susavtta-skandhat
{C}his shoulders are gently curved


phrad/ phrad/
phrad/ phrad/ {MSA}gama (e.g.: pratyaygama);
{MSA}(upa sp): upasarpanti; {MSA}labdha
meet dgu pa
las ma byas pa dang phrad par thal ba ni ninth,
the consequence of meeting with [the effects of]
actions not done{MSI 420.4}

phra mo man {C}kudraka {C}lesser

phra rags {PH}coarseness and subtlety;
coarse and subtle

phra rab {N}paramu; {N}atiskma

minute; subtle{N}

phrad pa {L}samagata; {C}nipta; {MSA}

{PH}subtle atoms;

subtle particle

phra rab rdul paramanu particle;

subtle particle

phra rab tsam {MSA}au-mtra merely

atoms; only subtle particles {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phrag pai lhun mdzes

legs par rgyas pa {C} cita-antara-asata {C}

the flesh in between his shoulder blades is quite

phra mo phra ba dag {C}skma-

phrag brgya 100

phrag stong 1000

{C}over one shoulder

phrag bum 100,000

phrag so shin tu

phra mo {C,MSA}skma; {C}kudra; {MSA}

phra rab kyi rdul

phrag dog nyid {PH}jealousy

phrag pa gcig tu {C}eka-asam

abhigama; {MSA}sabandha; {GD:443}prpaa;

{GD:625} sanikassa; sampatti meet;
come together {C}come together; contact;
incidence;{GD:443} obtain;{GD:507} actual
contact;{GD:625} contact [between the sense and
the object]

phrad pai rgyu {C}samprayoga-nimitta

cause of meeting {C}sign of conjunction



phrad par {C}samavadhna {C}meeting

phrad par bya ba {MSA}samavadhna

phran small; minute

{PH}small; minor;
humble; we; us; [first person plural pronoun]

phran bu small; minute

phran tshegs {LCh}itara minor; lesser
phran rab minute
phral ma divisive speech
phrin las {MSA}karman action; karma
phrin las kyi khyad par {MSA}

phreng cang {C}reika {C}reika

phreng can {C}reika {C}reika
phreng thang {PH}streak; flash [of
phreng ba {LCh}ml; {LCh}mlya
garland; rosary; series

phreng ba can reika {C}reika

phreng bai gnas {C}mlvihra


dbrog phrog
phrog phrogs/ {C}harati to rob, snatch, grab,
attract {T} {C}take away; remove; kills

phrin las kyi don {MSA}karmrtha

object of action; meaning of karma

phrogs par gyur ro {C}

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}

sahriyate (=apanyate) {C}is withdrawn; be

captivated; partake of

karmnuhna established karma


phrin las thun mong ba {MSA}

phrod/ phrod/

phrod/ phrod/ meet

sdhraa-karmakatva concordant karma; {T}

common activities


phro/ phro
am phros/ phro/ phros/ spread; diffuse; scatter

phrin las dra ba nyid {MSA}

phags rya; {C}ucchrita Superior; noble

sdharaa-karmat (sdh-?) similarity of


{C}wise; holy (man); saint; sage; tall

phrin las zab pa {MSA}karma-

phags rgyud continuum of a Superior


gmbhrya subtle karma; {T} profound


phrug {PH}child; young one

phrug gu children
phrul superficial
phrul gyi khrul rgyu pratibhik-

dang lha dang tshangs pa yi gnas pa dpe med

{MSA}rya-divypratimair vihrair brhmai ca
the peerless land of the Superiors, gods, and
Brahm {T}

phags pa {LCh,C,MSA,MV}rya; ryan

Superior; noble; one who has risen above the

ordinary {C}wise; holy (man); saint; sage

bhrnti-hetu superficial cause of error/mistake

phrul ma divisive speech

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

garland; rosary; series {PH}garland; rosary;

halo; series the series [beginning with]
ka (i.e. alphabet)


karma-viea different karmas; differences of


phrin las sgrub pa

phreng {MSA}ml (e.g.: r-ml-stra)

phags pa dgyes pai

tshul khrims {MSA}rya-knta la ethics



phags pai gang zag Superior

that are pleasing to Superiors

phags pa chen po


phags pai chos {MSA,MV}rya-

rnams kyi chos {MSA}mahrya-d dharma

the doctrines/qualities of great Superiors

dharma Superior qualities; Superior doctrines

phags pa chen poi chos

phags pai bden pa {C}rya-

{MSA}mahrya-dharma the doctrines/qualities

of great Superiors

satya truth(s) of Superiors; noble truth(s);

truth(s) of the wise

phags pa mthong ba {L}ryadarana Superior vision

phags pai bden pa bzhi

lha dang tshangs pai gnas {MSA}rya-divyabrhma-vihra a place with Superiors, gods, and

phags pai spyod yul

catvri rya-satyni four noble truths{N}

phags pai ye shes

phags pa dang
phags pa bden pa bzhi {N}

jna)-gocara(tva) realm of Superiors; {T} a

Superiors objects of activity

phags pai rigs {MSA}rya-gotra

phags pa yul khor

Superior lineage

skyong mdo rya-raapala-paripccha-stra

The Superior Stra of the Questions of

phags pa shes pa {L}rya-jna

Superior cognition

phags pa gsum ga the

three Superiors (Hearer, Solitary Victor, and

Bodhisattva Superiors)

phags pai rigs dri ma

med pa {MSA}nirmala ... rya-gotra stainless
lineage of Superiors

phags pai
rigs zag pa med pai dbyings {MSA}ansravadhtu ... rya-gotra non-contaminated realm of

phags pai lam {C,MSA}rya-

phags pa gsum gai rgyud

la yod pai thun mong gi yon tan bsam gtan

concentrations that are shared qualities existing
in the continuums of all three Superiors (Hearer,
Solitary Victor, and Bodhisattva Superiors)

phags pa lha {LCh}ryadeva

mrga path of Superiors; path of the wise;

Superiors path

phags pai lam bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MV}

rya-margotpda generation of a Superior path

phags pai lam dang

mthun pa {MSA}ryga-mrgnuklya
concordant with a(n eight-fold) Superior path


jana Superior being

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MV}rya(kyi spyod yul spyad spyod spyad
spyod {MV}rya-jna-gocara(tva) realm of
the exalted wisdom of Superiors; {T} objects of
activity of a Superiors exalted wisdom

phags pa gzungs kyi dbang phyug rgyal pas zhus

pai mdo dharavara-rja-paripccha-stra
The Superior Stra of the Questions of King
Dharavara{BJ 38.2}

phags pai skye bo {MSA}rya-

catvryryasatyni four noble truths; four

truths of Superiors; four ennobling truths


phags pai lam



yang lag brgyad pa {L}ryga-mrga eight

branches of the path of Superiors

phags pai lus

thob pai sa bon

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}rytmabhvapratilambhasya bja seed(s) of attainment of a
Superior body

phags pai shes

rab kyi dbang po skye {MV}rya prajendriya

jyate produce the first exalted wisdom of

phags pai sa {MSA}rya-bhmi

phags pai sa la skyed

par byed bskyed skyed bskyed
skyed {MSA}janayanty rya-bhmau (jan)
generate a Superior ground

phags pai sa la bskyed

phang / phen/ phangs/ phend/ {LCh}akipta;

{C}kipati impelled; projected; implied; flung;
indicated {C}hurl; throw; shoot; reject; cast
away; move into

phangs pa

phangs pai sdug bsngal

suffering impelled by

pa bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{MSA}janayanty rya-bhmau (jan) produce a
Superior ground

phags par {C}atireka; {C}udgata

superior; noble {C}surpasses; lifted up; rising

from; exaltation of

phags pas sdug

bsngal du gzigs so {MV}ry dukhata payanti
Superiors viewing suffering

phangs pai dbang {MSA}

abhighta-vaa (var.: =akipta-vaa or viddhavaa) impelling power

phangs bras projected effect

phar {C}pluta; {C}sakrmati {C}one who
moves along by leaps; pass away from; pass on;

phar ba hill-dog
phur bai bya {C} pakin

{C}bird; a

bird on its wings

rya White Tara

phen pa

phags bzhi four Superiors (Hearer,

phang / phen/ phangs/ phend/ {MSA}vedha

verb: imply; indicate; fling; impel; throw7 noun:
impetus; force

Solitary Victor Bodhisattva, and Buddha


phags lam Superior path

phags lugs the system of the

phen pai dbang {MSA}vadha-vaa

force of impelling

phen byed kyi las impelling

Superior [Ngrjuna]

phags seng ryavimuktisena and



Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phang thang {PH}high ground; top soil


phang / phen/ phangs/ phend/ {C}kipta

impelled; projected; implied; flung; indicated
{C}hurl; throw; shoot; reject; cast away; move into;
distracted; shot into

Superior ground

phags ma sgrol dkar

phang /
phen/ phangs/ phend/ imply; indicate; impel;
fling; project {PH}height
In height, [its size is] three spans minus a
finger-joint-length. {GCG} p. 17


phel {C,MSA}vddhi; {MSA}vivddhi;


phel bar bya {MSA}(vdh):

{MSA,MV}adhika; {MSA}(abhi vdh); {MV}

nirhi; {MSA}pravardhita; {MSA}(pra su):
prasavati to increase; increasing {C}growth;

vardhaymi I will increase

phel bar bya ba {C}vivddhi

phel gyur te {C}vardhate

increasing; increase (in); grow; is increased

phel bar byed {MV}(vdh):

phel grib vddhi-hni; vddhi-hrsa

vardhayati increase; increasing

increase and diminishment{BJ 37.5}

phel ba {C,MSA,MV}vddhi; (vdh):

{C,MSA}vardhate; {C}vivardhate; {MSA}vardhana;

{MSA}vivardhana; {MSA}vivddhi; {L}upacaya;
{MV}adhika; {MSA}adhikatva; {MV}nirhi;
{MSA}prabhva; (pra su): {MSA}prasavate;
{MSA}prasava increase; to increase {C}
growth; accumulation; heaped up; increase in;
grow; is increased; grows (in)

phel ba dang grib pa {MSA}

vddhi-hni; {MSA}vddhi-hrsa increase and

phel ba dang grib

pas ngo tsha ba yin {MSA}vddhy parihita
ca lajjotpda shame due to increase and

phel ba ma mchis pa {C}

phel bar byed pa {MSA}abhivddhi

(e.g.: kuala-dharma-abhivddhi); {MSA}vddhinayana; {MSA}(vdh): vardhayat increase;

phel bar byed par gyur {C}

vardhayati increase; increasing; will increase

phel byed pa {MSA}vivardhana;

{MSA}vddhi (e.g.: gua-vddhi) increase;

phel med {C}avddhi non-increase

{C}absence of growth

phel med grib med not

increase or decrese

phel med pa {MSA}anadika nonincrease

phel zhing rgyas pa {L}vddhi-

avivardhamna non-increase; not increasing

{C}if they do not grow

virhi increasing and extending{S 29}

phel ba med {MSA}na vardhate

(vdh) non-increase

phel ba ring du gro ba {MSA}

vddhi-dra-gamatva increase for a long time

phel bai brtson grus {MSA}

vddhi-vrya increasing effort

phel bar gyur {C}utsada

(=udgat); {MSA}vddhi gacchati; {MSA}

vddhi yti; {MSA}vddhi-gamana increase; will
increase (over) crowded; with prominences

phel zhing yangs pa {L}vddhivirhi increasing and extending

phel bzhin

so, from the intensification of pain there will not
likewise be its opposite. {A4C} II.12cd

phel bzhin pa



as, from intensifying pleasure, its opposite is seen to

occur, ... {A4C} II.12ab

phel bar gyur ba {MSA}vddhi pho

pho/ pho/ phos/

phos/ {LCh}sakrama to move; develop;
progress; transmigrate

gacchati; {MSA}vddhi yti; {MSA}vddhigamana increase; will increase

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


increase; growth



phyags phyag
pho chags {PH}desire for emission
phyag phyags/ phyogs/ to sweep
pho chung {PH}small movement
phyar phya/ phyar/

As for the subdivisions

of each great movement, the division into five

each [is called] a small movement, and in the
duration of each of these there are 360 counted
breaths. Mi-pham; Svarodaya comm. 5b.1-.2

pho ba

pho/ pho/

pho ba chen poi sku body of



phyag phyags/ phyogs/ to sweep

phyong jump

spreu ltar phyong bai lus kyi gnas ngan

len taking up bad states of body jumping like a


great transference

pho ba med pa {C}asakrnti

without moving; non-development; non-

transmigration {C}non-passing-on; which does

not pass on

pho bar smra ba {LCh}sakrnti-

vdin; sakrntika Sakrntivadin (proponent

of transmigration ?) {T}

pho med du dzin pa holding

without moving

phong {C}ivastra {C}archery

phong gi slob dpon {C}ivastracrya {C}teacher of archery


pho/ pho/
phos/ phos/ to move; develop; pass (from);

phrang {PH}dangerous passage

phrad phrad/

phrad/ phrad/ phrad/ meet; meeting{LG}

yul dbang phrad meeting of sensepower and object{LG}
tshig phrad grangs su ma nor gces

phrad pa


phrad/ phrad/ phrad/ {C}nipta meet; meeting

{C}incidence las ma byas
pa dang phrad pa one would meet with [the
effects of] actions not done [by oneself]{DASI

phrad mtshams su at the

connecting point


dbral/ phral/
phral/ phrol/ adventitious; superficial {PH}
adventitious; immediately; temporary

phos pai tshe at the time of having

phral gyi khrul rgyu superficial

moved; at the time of moving

phya bar byed

phya/ phya/ phyas/ phyas/ {C}ullpayati; tease;
{C}kutsayati to reprove; to blame; to criticize
{T} {C}ironically compliment; mock; condemns

cause of error/mistake

phral gyi bya ba {C}iti-kartavyat


phral du {PU} sadyas


{PH}daily; every


phyag phyags/ phyogs/ to sweep

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phyi ba marmot
phyung ba dbyung byin
phyung phyungs {C}osarayati {C}sheds

phos/ phos/ {C}sakramati; {MSA}sakrnti

to move; develop; progress; transmigrate {C}
pass on; transmigrates; pass away from; come along


phyard/ phyord/ to brandish; lift up; hold aloft


phral du byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}gantuka(m)

arise adventitiously {C}(something)


phral phugs

{PH}superficially or


phral la jug pa {MSA}lobhatvena

vtti engage in superficially

phro ba

phro/ phros sam phro/ phros/ {MV}visra; {MV}
visaraa scattering; spread; diffuse; scatter;
emanate; radiate proceed; issue; go forth; from;
emanate from; continue; go on

phro bar byed pa {MSA}visra

scattering; scatter; spread; diffuse

phro bas mun {C}paala (=ghanat)

phrig {PH}doubt
{C}cataract; membrane; covering
phrig {PH}quiver; tremble
phrog dbrog phrog
phrog phrogs/ {C}sahriyate (=apanyate) to
phrin yig {MSA}lekha write; writing
deprive; rob; run away with {C}is withdrawn;
phrin yig legs pa {MSA}sulekha
be captivated; partake of
phrog pa


phrin las {C}karma(n); {MSA}krya

phrog phrog phrogs/ to deprive; rob; run away


exalted activity; deed; activity; work; affair

phrin las dang tsho ba {C}

phrog par byed pa captivate

phrogs dbrog phrog

karmntjva {C}work and life

phrul {LCh}nirma; {MSA}cho phrul =

phrog phrogs/ to deprive; rob; run away with

phrogs pa

prtihrya (e.g.: ddhi-prtihrya); {MSA}rnam

par phrul = vikurvita; {MSA}rdzu phrul = ddhi
magic; emanation; forced (?)
rigs pai phrul mtshams implications
forced by reasoning

phrul khor

phrog phrog phrogs/ {C}chin(n)atti; {MSA}hata;
{MSA}hrya to deprive; rob; run away with
{C}take away; cuts (through)


{PH}machinery; engine;


phrod/ phrad/ phrod/ smagr{C} meet {C}

concord; (to possess the) full compliment of

magical wheel

phrul gyi rkang pa {L}ddhi-pda

phrod du meeting and staying together

phrod pa {MSA}pratirpa meet; meeting
phros phros/

bases of magical emanations

phrul dga {LCh}nirma-rati

Those Who Enjoy Emanation; Land of Liking

Emanation; Enjoying Emanation; Heaven
of Enjoying Emanation; Land of Enjoying

phreng ba {PH}attachment
phro phro/

phro/ phros sam phro/ phros/ {MV}visra; {MV}

visaraa spread; diffuse; scatter; emanate;
scattering; radiate

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



phro/ phros/ phro/ phros/ spread; diffuse;

scatter; emanate; radiate; elaborate {PH}
elaboration; indication; mention
di sus bsgyur pai phros mi snang
bas ... Since there does not appear [to be any]
mention of who translated this [work], ... {GCG}
p. 25/46

phros gleng



phros don extension of the meaning;

subsidiary topics {PH}extension of the meaning;

subsidiary topics

ba glang go ox; cow


mtshan nyid/
sogs dus pai gong ba/ Definition:


spyod spyad spyod godnya Godnya


ba lang rdzi {C}go-plaka {C}cowherd

ba su mi tra vasumitra {PH}Vasumitra
ba so {C}danta {C}tooth; ivory
bag meal; barley; flour {PH}attention; care;

spyod spyad spyod godnya Using Oxen

ba nyid gotva cow-ness {GD:271} cow

ba dan dkar po {PH}a white banner
ba spu {C}roma(n) little hairs of the body;



bag brkyang ste gsung ba

{MSA}nighya-vakt restrained speaker;
restrained speech {T}

{PH}five various

bag khums par gyur {C}

products of a cow

ba min {GD:681} gavaya {GD:681} cow

ba mo {C}tuara {C}hoarfrost blossom
ba zho {PH}cows yogurt
ba zho {PH}cows yogurt
ba ru rai mdo {MSA}akari-stra

vidam padyate {C}despond; become


bag can {BCA} jasattva

conscientious Why do
the conscientious not resort to [this]? {BCA} I.13d

bag chags {LCh,C,L,MSA,MV}

vsan; {MSA}vsana predisposing latency;

predisposition; latency; dormancy; tendency;
potency {C}residue; {GD:136} innate

Myrabola Stra; Stra on the Myrabolan Fruit

ba lang {L,MSA}go; {L}gopa ox; cow;

cowherd; cow and bull

ba lang gi rjes {C} go-pada

bag chags brtan


The Tathgatas

a cows footprint



bag chags brtan gyur

gi rig pa a knower that arises from stable

knowledge and perception are infinite, whereas

our understanding and perception are merely [like]
cowprints [compared to that of the Tathgata].

bag chags brtan byung

{Sadhinirmocana} 7

ba lang gi phur ba dag pa

byung byung byung byung

arising from stable predispositions; stable


{C} go-kla {C}cows tethering post

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ba lang gi rmig rjes kyi

ba lang gnas pa gokulika Gokulika

ba lang spyod spyad


ba phyugs cow
ba byung sna lnga

{PH}a cows footprint

nang du {C}go-pada (udaka) {C}puddle in a

cows footprint

ba glang gnas pa gokulika

ba gling spyod

ba lang gi rmig rjes {C} go-pada



bag chags brtan byung

vsan dormancies; latencies {C}(latent) bias;

(unwholesome) tendency

gi rig pa {PH}a knower that arises from stable

karmic predispositions

bag la nyal med par {C}

bag dang ldan {PH}conscientiousness

bag dang ldan pa {PH}

niranuaya no dormancies; without dormancies

{C}he loses all the latent biases to evil


bag med {L,MV}pramda; {MV}pramdita

non-conscientiousness; carelessness {PH}nonconscientiousness; carelessness; unconcerned

Monks view carelessness
[with] fear. {UD} IV.27ab

bang koa treasury; storehouse run; store

bang chen messenger; courier;
ambassador; emissary
bang chen mi gnyis po yi rtsed lan du/
in response to the formal request (?) of the two
emissaries {GZ/BG 69a.4}

bag med gyur te {C}pramda-bhta bang ba koa treasury; storehouse

be careless {C}through carelessness



bag med pa {LCh,MSA,MV}pramda;

bang mdzod {C}koa; {C}koa-gaja

bag tsha {C}vidati

bang rim tier

bad kan phlegm

treasury; storehouse {C}treasury of the

storehouse of

{MV}pramdit; {MSA}pramatta nonconscientiousness; carelessness

{C}despair; be(come)

cast down

bag tsha ba dang ldan {C}vidam

padyate {C}despond; become depressed

bag tsha ba med pa {C}acchambhin


bag tsha bar gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}vidati {C}

despair; be(come) cast down

bad dam {PH}almond

bad lba phlem goiter
bad sa {Negi} vatsa {PH}Vatsa [kingdom]
of the assembly of wind, bile, and phlegm, and...


{GZ/BG 69a.3}

bag yod {LCh,MSA,C}apramda;

bad sa la {Negi} vatsa

[kingdom] the
great diseases of the assembly of wind, bile, and
phlegm, and... {GZ/BG 69a.3}

{MSA}apramatta conscientiousness; aware;

conscientious; conscious {C}vigilant; careful

bag yod pa {MSA}apramatta;

ban log {PH}defrocked monk

bab bab babs bab babs

{MSA}apramda conscientiousness; aware;

conscientious; conscious {C}vigilant; careful

bag la nyal {C,MSA}anuaya

descend; rain; flow; fall down; move downward;

slope toward

dormancies {C}(latent) bias; (unwholesome)


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pai nad chen great diseases of the assembly of

wind, bile, and phlegm {GZ/BG 69a.3}

the great diseases

bag tshos boiled grain; cooked meal;

bag la nyal ba {LCh}anuaya;

rlung mkhris bad kan dus

bab col

bab babs
bab babs {N}sahas senseless babble; rash;


verbal rambling; lacking consideration of ones
own circumstances

bab mtha

[This] is the verse between sections. {Gn}

bar gyi {C}abhyantare until; through to


{C}within; on his way

babs bab babs {C}prnta {C}remote

bab pa

bar gyi snang ba

snang snang snang sky; intermediate space{LG}

bab babs bab

babs {L}prgbhra descend; rain; flow; fall

down; move downward; slope toward


bar ga {Negi} kadcit {PH}sometimes

bar gcod gcad/

bab babs bab

babs descend; rain; flow; fall down; move

downward; slope toward
ye shes cung zad babs pa one on whom a little
wisdom has descended

babs par gyur

gcod/ bcad/ chod/ {LCh}antarya [betweencut]; to interfere; hinder7 noun: hindrance;


bab babs bab babs {C}via descend; rain;

flow; fall down; move downward; slope toward

bam and; or; particle indicating question

cut]; interfere; hinder7 noun: hindrance;

interference; interruption {C}obstacle

bar chad bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}antarya

interfere; hinder; interrupt {C}obstacle

bar chad gcig pa {C} eka-vc

gam ngam dam nam bam mam am// ram lam

having one interruption/intervening... {C}with

one single interval

sam rnams byed sdud sgra/ gam, ngam, dam,

nam, bam, mam, am, ram, lam, and sam are the
separating and connecting particles{Y}

bar chad bcu drug

bam po section [of a text]; fascicle

bai rdzi mas lta bu {C}go-pakma-



bar chad dang

bcas pa dang bar chad med pa {MV}sntaravyantara interrupted and uninterrupted

netrat {C}his eye-lashes are like those of a

magnificent heifer

bar chad bdud {PH}Viga-mr

bar chad

bar antara; {C}antarle; {C}antari; nipta;

{MSA}madhya; antar-la intervening; middle;

between; [when preceded by nas]: from ... up
to; ranging from ... to; until; intermediate space
{PH}upto {C}midway; period; interval;
incidence; in the intervening; the range (from)

rnam pa bzhii gnyen poi dbye ba {MSA}caturvibandha-pratipaka-bheda divisions of the

antidotes to the four types of interruption {T}

dbye na/ gzugs dzin yid mngon nas reg bya dzin
pai yid mngon gyi bar lnga / when one divides
[mental direct perceivers indicated on this occasion]
there are five, ranging from those apprehending
forms to those apprehending tangible objects {BR}

bar skabs {C}antare transitional

{PH}between sections; interstitial {C}inside;

period; at/during that time

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bar chad {C,MSA}antarya [between-


bar chad byed {C}antarya

interruption; hindrance; interference {C}

impediment; obstacle

bar chad byed pa {MSA}antaryin

interruption; hindrance; interference

bar chad byed par gyur

{MSA}antarya-karo bhavati interrupt; serve as

an interruption


bar chad med {MSA}nirantarya

between; midway; middle; until the end of; and;

middle; medium; middling; as long as


bar chad med bcas {C}

sanirantara free from interruption;

uninterrupted {C}the state without impediments

bar chad med pa {L}nantarya;

{MSA}nairantarya; {C}anantara uninterrupted;

not hindered {C}unimpeded; deadly sins;
uninterruptedly; immediately; previous to

bar chad med

pa yi ting nge dzin la reg {MSA}nantaryasamdhi spati contact with an uninterrupted

meditative stabilization

bar chad med pai ting

bar du gcod interrupt; interruptive;


bar du gcod pa {C,MSA}antarya;

{MSA}paripantha verb: to interfere; hinder;

interrupt7 noun: interference; hindrance {C}
impediment; obstacle

bar du gcod

pa yi nyes pa spong bar gyur

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}antarya-doapraha will abandon the fault of interruption

bar du gcod par byed pa

antarya(-kara) interrupt; hinder {C}
(causing) obstruction

nge dzin gzung dzin bzung

zungs {C}nantarya-samdhi uninterrupted
meditative stabilization {C}unimpeded

bar du gcod byed {MSA}antarya

karoti interrupt; hinder

bar du chad cing jug pa

bar chad med pai rtse sbyor

sacchidravhana interruptedly engaging;

interrupted engagement

anantaramrdhaprayoga uninterrupted peak


bar chad med par brtson pa bar du chad pa

chad chad chad non-contiguous

{MSA}nirantarbhiyoga uninterrupted effort

bar du nas {MV}yvat until; between

bar du bar ma dor {C}antar {C}

bar chad med lam nantaryamrga uninterrupted path

bar ched {PH}interruption

bar chod pai tshad ma

meanwhile; midway; prematurely; in the middle of;

intermediate state

bras bu {GD:700} the interrupted results of valid


bar chod pai tshad mai

bras bu {PH}the interrupted results of valid

bar du ma chad pa

chad chad chad chad contiguous

bar du la {MV}yvat until; between

bar do {LCh}antarbhava; {LCh}antarbhva;
antarbhva intermediate state

bar du {C}antarea; {L}antarya; {L}

bar da ba

{PH}beings who have

transcended the intermediate-state

madhyama; {C,MSA} {MSA}(e.g.: bodhi;

bodhes; lokagata; lokt); {C}madhya;
{C,MV,MSA}yvat through (as in: through
to and including); until; between {PH}
until; throughout; while the range from; range
beginning with; impediment; obstacle; {C}in

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bar snang

snang snang
snang snang {LCh,C}antarka betweenness;
intermediate appearance; sky intermediate


space; intermediate realm; air; firmament

shod og ma zhig na ... On a lower storey of the

Labrang, ... {GCG} p. 28/48

bar ba {L}madhyama middle; Middle

bal dragon
bal poi mthil

Wheel of Doctrine [i.e. the teaching of the

Perfection of Wisdom Stras]

bar bar du


grel rang du snang la bar bar du tshig gsal rgya

skad du bris dug go; Although [it] appears to be a
Tibetan commentary, [it] is interspersed in [the text
of] the Prasannapad written in the Indian language
[Sanskrit]. {GCG} p.21

bar bya [future tense marker]

bar byas [past tense marker]
bar byed [present tense marker]
bar ma {L}madhyama; {MSA}antar-bhava
neutral; intermediate; middling; middle

bar ma chad du {PH}uninterruptedly

bar ma chad par bsgom pas

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

through uninterruptedly cultivating/meditating

bar ma char par uninterruptedly

bar ma chod pai

tshad ma bras bu {GD:700} the non-interrupted

(immediate) results of valid cognition

bar ma dor {C} antar



nantarya uninterrupted; uninterruptedly

{C}immediately previous to; unimpeded;



bi kra ma shi la {PH}Vikramalaila

bi kra mai lo {PH}Vikrama year
bi shi kh {C}viikh {C}street
bi sho dha na viodhana purification
bim pa red fruit
bim ba ltar dmar {C}bimbapratibimba {C}red like the Bimba berry; both
mirror and image

bu {C}sutaka; {MSA}putra; {MSA}suta child;

son; boy

bu ga can {PH}with holes

bu gcig pa {MSA}eka-putraka one son;

bstan ston bstand

bu byung ba

byung byung byung {MV}apatya-prasava beget
a child

bar la {C}antarea; {L}madhyama; {C}

bu byung bar

antarya until; between {C}in between;

midway; middle; impediment; hindrance; obstacle


byung byung byung {C}prsyate {C}begets;

give birth to a child

{PH}lower storey

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bi kra ma la shi la

stond Bu-dn (1290-1364), the great Sa-kya

scholar, author of the History of Buddhism (chos

bar med {C}anantara (=avyavahita); {C}

bla brang gi bar

become extinct; get exhausted/extinguished; wanes

bu ston

intermediate state

bal yul Nepal

bas par gyur {C}kyate

person who has one son

bar ma srid pa {MSA}antar-bhava

bar shod og ma

{PH}central Nepal

Toh. 4274 ch.1 colophon



bum pa {LCh}ghaa; {C}kumbha pot

bu gzhon pa {MSA}suta ... bla young

mtshan nyid/ lto ldir zhabs zhum
chu skyor gyi don byed nus pa/ Definition: bulbous,
flat bottomed, and able to perform the function of
holding water [from Dharmakrti]

boy; youthful child {T}


bu ram molasses
bu ram shing pa ikvku SugarCane-One

bum pa can gyi rnal byor

bu ram shing ba {LCh}ikvku

pot-possessing yoga

Sugarcane One

bu la byams pa yang

shin tu che ba {MSA}apatya-snehdhimtrat [a

mothers] love for her child is very great {T}

bu lon {MSA}a debt {T}

bu lon gyi dpang {PH}guarantee on

gcig ma yin pa las log pa opposite from being

one with pot

bum pa dang tha dad different-

bu slob kun {PH}all my disciples

bung ba bee
bung ba gnag {C}bhramara {C}


bum pa ma yin pa non-pot; not

being a pot

black bee

bud med {LCh,L,MV}str; {C}istri (=str);

{C}striyye; {MSA}dra woman; women wife;

with a woman

bud med kyi dngos po {C}strbhva (parighti) {C}become a woman

bum pa ma yin pa ma yin pa


bum pa ma yin pa ma yin pa


bum pa ma yin pa las log

pa opposite from non-pot

{PH}confused woman

It is like seeing a
confused woman carrying a copper pot. {A4C-C}

bud med mthong

na nyon mongs pa med pa {MSA}drsakleadarana when seeing a woman, afflictions do not

occur ? {T}

bud med rin po che {MSA}strratna jewel-woman; precious woman

bud shing {MSA}indhana kindling

bum pa med pa non-existence of pot

bum pa tshad mas ma

dmigs pa dmigs dmigs

dmigs dmigs non-observation of a valid pot

bum pa bzang {PH}the good vessel

bum pa yin pa being a pot
bum pa yin pa las log pa

bum pai rgyu cause of a pot

bum pai snga logs su

[according to Sanskrit] {T}

bud shing las me {MSA}agnir

byung ba

indhant fire [which arises] from kindling {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tu gyur pai bum pa pot-which-is-one-with-pot

bum pa dang

a loan

bud med chol

bum pa dang gcig one-with-pot

bum pa dang gcig


byung byung byung


bum dzin rtog pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs conceptual

byung prior arising of pot

bum pai don spyi ghaa-

consciousness apprehending pot

smnya-lakaa pots meaning generality


nyid/ bum dzin rtog pa la bum pa ma yin bzhin du bum

pa lta bur snang bai sgro btags kyi cha/ Definition: a

factor of superimposition that, while not being pot,

appears as like pot to a conceptual consciousness
apprehending pot

bum pai ldog pa

bum pa ma yin bzhin du bum pa lta bur snang bai

sgro btags kyi cha
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs factor
of superimposition that, while not being pot,
appears as like pot to a conceptual consciousness
apprehending pot

bui od gsal {PH}son clear light

bul bar {C}vilambita(m) {C}loiter
bul myur {PH}quick or slow
bus na {C}dhmyato; {C}dhyyato {C}

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs ghaa-vyatireka pots


bum pai phyi logs su

byung ba byung byung byung

byung subsequent arising of pot

bum pai bye brag instance of pot

bum pai byed rgyu creative cause


bem po {LCh}kanth matter

mtshan nyid/ rdul du grub pa/ Definition: atomically
established (au-siddha)

of pot

mtshan nyid/ bum pa dang rdzas tha dad

kyang yin/ bum pa skye ba la gegs mi byed pa yang yin

pai gzhi mthun du dmigs pa/ Definition: an observed

common locus of being a different substantial entity

from pot and also not serving as a hindrance to pots

bum pai bloi gzhan sel

bsal sel bsald seld mental

other-eliminator of pot

mtshan nyid/ bum pai ma

yin dgag gi gzhan sel yang yin/ rtog pas sgro bdags kyang
yin pai gzhi mthun pa/ Definition: a common locus

of being an affirming negative other-eliminator of

pot and being imputed by thought

Divisions: dbye ba/

1 phyii bem po/ 2 nang gi bem po/ Divisions:
(1) external matter (bahirdh-kanth); (2) internal
matter (dhytmika-kanth)

bem shes gang

rung ma yin pai dngos po a thing which is
neither matter nor consciousness

bem shes

gang rung ma yin pai dus byas

du du/dud dus dus a compounded
phenomenon which is neither matter nor

bem shes ldan min du byed

bum pai bras bu effect of a pot

bum pai rang ldog self-isolate of

{PH}matter; consciousness; and non-associated

compositional factors

bem shes ldan min


bum dbang vase initiation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bum dzin rtog pa la

du byed gsum the three: matter, consciousness,

and non-associated compositional factors



bod skad Tibetan language

beu vatsa curl; calf

beu skyes ma thag a calf who has
just been born


bo/ bo/ bo/ bo/ boil

over; spill; spill over
rnyings pa dang / bo ba dang / sku
la rdul gyis gos par gzigs so/ [Buddhaguhya] saw
that [the flowers] had wilted, [the butter] had boiled
over, and the image was covered with dust {GZ

bo de leu ci the Indian master


rgyal {GD:viii,840} Bo-dong Chok-lay-nam-gyel

bogs enhancement
bogs byin pai spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod deeds which

issue forth from enhancement{TGP}

bong che {PU} bhat {PH}vast; massive

bong ba {C,MSA}loa; {C}arkara {C}


regions of Tibet

bod sgra vocative particles (?)

bod snga ma kha cig {PH}an
earlier Tibetan [scholar]

bod snga ma dang gzhan

bod pa Tibetan [person]



bod pai tshig

{PH}word in the

vocative case

bod spyi {PH}all of Tibet; Tibet in general

bod yig {PH}Tibetan script; Tibetan letters
bab/ babs/ babs/ bobs/ tang

clod (of earth); grit

bab/ babs/ bab/ babs/ to descend; fall down;

move downward


bor/ bor/ bord/

bord/ {C}hitva; {MSA} (tyaj): tyaktv to throw
away; to give up or cast aside {C}having left


dimension; size
One cannot hold that both cause and
effect are equal in dimension. {A4C} IX.14cd

bor te {C}vivarjya; {C}vivartya; {MSA}

bod Tibet

tyaktv {C}abandon; turn away from; disturbed;

distracted; scattered

{PH}Tibet; vocative case;

imperative verbal form kye
dang kva ye bod sgra ste Kye and Kva ye are
vocative syllables. {Y}

bod kyi
mkhas pa snag phi dag gi grub mtha shan byed
mtha dpyod dang bcas pai bel bai gtam Ngawang-ch-draks (ngag dbang chos grags) Decision
in the Tenets of earlier and later Tibetan Learned
Ones. Thimphu [Bhutan]: Kunzang Tobgey, 1984.

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bod khams gling dgu

phyogs earlier Tibetans and other quarters

bo dong phyogs las rnam

bong bu donkey; ass

bong tshod prama size

Divisions: dbye ba/ 1

phal skad/ 2 chos skad/ Divisions: (1) colloquial
language; (2) religious language

bor ste {C}chorayati {C}spurns

bor nas {C}apahya; {C}avasjya; {C}

utsjati {C}having given up; having let go; having

renounced; cast away; rejects; emits; cast off/out;
come up; let go; abandon; (would) discard; let loose

bor ba {C}apahta; {C}parityga forsake

forsake, put down (a burden); renunciation;
renounce; renouncing; giving away



bai drya {MSA;L}vaidhurya; {C}vairya

Tantra lineages

{PH}lapis lazuli; vairya

baidrya {MSA;L} vaidhurya; {C} vairya

{PH}lapis lazuli; vairya

bai du rya {MSA,L}vaidhurya; {C}vairya

cats eye gem; lapis lazuli

bai du rya dug pa yin {C}

bya/ byed/ byas/ byos/

(1) {LCh,MV}krya; {LCh,MV,C}kriy; {C}

karae; {MV}karaya; {MV}ktya (2) {C}pakin;

{C}dvija; {C,MSA}akuni (1) activity; object;
deed; do; action [future of byed, to do; make;
perform]; (2) bird {C}work(s); to cause; bird on
its wings; goose

bya dka {C,MSA}dukara; {C}dukaru;

bya ngang swan

bya thabs {PH}opportunity; recourse;
course of action

bya nag black bird (a bird frequently eaten

in India)

bya pa {C}kunika (=pakighaka?)

bya ba

bya dka ba {MSA}dukara; {MSA}

dukaratva difficult to do {C}difficult; (to do

what is) hard (to do); difficult to wear

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}dukara-cary

practice what is difficult to do

bya dka ba mang ba {MSA}bahudukara-kryatva very difficult to do

bya gag rim kukkulika Kukkulika

bya dgos pa {MSA}karaya; {MSA}


bya/ byed/ byas/

byos/ {C,MV,MSA}kriy; {C}kartavya; {MSA,MV}

ktya; {MSA}kartavyat; {C,MV,MSA}krya;
{C,MV,MSA}karaya; {N}vypra; {N}vyprakaraa; {L}pravtti activities{N}; deed; doing;
action; do; indicator of object of a verb [future of
byed pa, to do; make; perform]; function {C}
works; activity; tell; mention; cause; arise; what is
to be done, i.e., duty; should be effected; what had
to be done; should be performed; work; function;
business; task; {GD:623} functional intermediary

bya ba grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {MSA}

kriy-uddhi; {MSA}kriy-siddhi achieve

kmat to be done; must be done

bya rgod vulture

bya rgod kyi phung poi ri

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {LCh}


{MSA}dukaratva difficult to do {C}difficult;

(to do what is) hard (to do); difficult to wear

bya dka ba spyod pa

bya sgrub ye shes

ktynuhna-jna exalted wisdom of

achieving activities

vairya-maya {C}made of lapis lazuli


dbye ba/ de bzhin gshegs pai rigs/ pad
mai rigs/ rdo rjei rigs/ Divisions: (1) Tathgata
Lineage; (2) Lotus Lineage; (3) Vajra Lineage


Vulture Peak Mountain

bya rgod phung po ri {LCh}

gdhraka Vulture Peak Mountain

bya ba grub pa

la nges par gyur ba

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {MSA}ktyasiddhau-niyati-pta will become definite in the
activities to be achieved {T}

bya ba sgrub pa
bya rgyud {LCh}kriy-tantra Action Tantra
bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}
{MSA,MV}ktynuhna; {MV}
bya rgyud rigs [the three] Action
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ktynuh achieve activities; accomplishment
of activities ? {T}

bya ba byed pa tha dad pa

laziness which is an attachment to bad activities

bya ba byed pa tha mi dad pa

bya ba ngan zhen gyi le lo

{MSA}ktya-pthaktva-krya perform different


bya ba gcig {MSA}eka-krya one

{MSA}abhinna-krya-kriytva perform nondifferent activities

action; one activity

bya ba bcas pai gnas {MV}

bya ba byed pai rigs

pa {MSA}krya-kraa-yukti reasoning
of performance of function; suitability of
performing activities

sakarayvasth place of action; level of

activities ? {T}

bya ba tha dad byed {MSA}ktya-

bya ba ma yin pa mi byed pa

pthaktva-krya perform different actions

bya ba mthun pa nyid {MSA}

{MV}aktykaraa not being inactive ?? {T}

bya ba mang po {C}bahu-ktya; {C}

samna-kryatva concordance of activities;

concordant activities

bya ba dang {C}prativedha

bahu-ktyat many activities; busy {C}too

busy; being kept too busy



bya ba ldan {C}krya-yukta active


inclined to do his work

bya ba nan tan du grub

pai ye shes grub
grub grubs/grub grubs {LCh}ktynuhnajna exalted wisdom of earnestly/ardently
achieving activities

bya ba mang poi

du dzi yong su spang ba
spang spong spangs spongs not having many
activities; having thoroughly abandoned the
busy-ness of many activities

bya ba mang pos yongs

su skyo ba {MSA}bahu-kartavyat-parikheda
aversion due to there being many activities {T}

activities {C}performance

bya ba med pai gnas {MV}

ci ma log pa {MSA}ktyev aviparysa nonmistaken with respect to activities

bya ba mtshungs pa nyid {MSA}

bya ba rnams {C}kraat actions;

akarayvasth abide in non-activity; place of


bya ba rnams la phyin

bya ba byas pa {C}kta-ktya

ktya-samat similarity of activities


perform activities; act

work done

bya ba byed {MSA}kritra karoti; {MSA}

ktya-kara; {MSA}ktya-karaa; {MSA}ktyakrik perform activities; do; accomplish

bya ba byed pa {L}kta-kra; {C}

bya ba la mthu med pa {C}

akriysamartha {C}incapable of doing anything

bya ba la phyin

ci ma log pa dang rtsom pa {MSA}avipartaktyrambha begin without being mistaken with

respect to activities ? {T}

krakkra; {MSA}krya-kriy; {C}karaat;

ktya-kriy perform activities; do; accomplish;
performance of function {C}perform duties; do
deeds; mode of the doer

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bya ba mdzad pa {MSA}ktya-kriy

bya bai phyir {MSA}arthya (e.g.:

bhtmitbhayrthya) because of doing;


because of; due to

nothern Kurus; the northern [continent of]

Unpleasant Sound

bya bai rigs {MSA}prakartum arhati

(pra k) analysis of action

bya bar rigs {MSA}(k): kartum arhati

analysis of action

bya byed {N}vypra; {N}vypra-karaa

activities{N}; action and agent {PH}activities

various activities {YJD}

bya byed kyi rigs analysis of action

and agent

bya byed las gsum the three:

action, agent, and object

bya bral free from activities

bya med {MV}akrya non-activity
bya rdzogs {PH}completed action

rdzogs kyi skad cig mai thung mtha gcig las med
rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs
no more than a single smallest moment in which
an action can be completed/finished

bya zhe na {C}pravucyati {C}is called

bya rog vyasa crow; bird
bya rog dang ta lai tshul

About a days journey by foot north from Gyantse,
... {GCG}

byang chub {LCh,C,MSA,MV}bodhi;

{MSA}bodha [purified-realized]; enlightenment

mngon par byang chub pa
manifest enlightenment{TGP 78}
byang chub kyi sems the altruistic aspiration
to enlightenment (bodhicitta)
byang chub sems dpa Bodhisattva

byang chub kyi skabs {MSA}

bodhy-adhikra occasion of enlightenment

byang chub kyi chos nyid {MSA}

bodhi-dharmat reality of enlightenment

byang chub kyi snying po {C,L}

bodhi-maa essence of enlightenments; place/

seat of enlightenment; platform of enlightenment
in Bodh Gay on which Shkyamuni attained
enlightenment {C}seat of enlightenment; terrace
of enlightenment
snying po la dug gi bar du {MSA}bodhi-maaniadant (-) seated in the middle of the place
of enlightenment

byang chub kyi snying

bya rlag red vulture

bya sla ba {MSA}su-karatva easy to do;

poi khor yug {C}bodhi-maa-pari-smanta

{C}neighborhood of the place of enlightenment




byang byangs
byang byongs purify; cleanse; north; later

byang {L}uttara north; later

byang gi gtum mo {PH}inner heat
(cal) north [left] channel at the heart

uttara-kara Uttarakuru; the country of the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}north side; northern

byang chub kyi

{PW8-H} kkatlyanyya {PH}the manner of

[the parable of] the crow and the palmyra fruit

byang sgra mi snyan {L}uttara-kuru;

byang ngos


chub kyi spyod pa la jug pai dka grel

bkral grel bkrald greld
bodhicaryvatra-pajik Commentary on the
Difficult Points of Engaging in the Bodhisattva
Deeds [by Prajkaramati (shes rab byung
gnas blo gros), P5273, vol. 100]

byang chub kyi phyogs {LCh}

bodhi-pkika; {L,MSA}bodhi-paka; {MV}bodhipakya the [thirty-seven] harmonies with

enlightenment wings/limbs of enlightenment


byang chub kyi phyogs


kyi chos {C} bodhipakya-dharma doctrines/

phenomena that are harmonies with
enlightenment {C}dharmas which are (or: act as
the) wings of enlightenment


chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pas mang du gnas

{MSA}bodhipaka-bahula-vihrin many abiders
in the harmonies with enlightenment; {T} many
abodes within the harmonies with enlightenment

byang chub kyi phyogs la sogs

chub kyi phyogs kyi sum cu rtsa bdun {LV}

saptatriadbodhipakadharma {PH}thirtyseven branches of enlightenment

pa rin po chei gnas nyid kyi phrin las {MSA}

bodhipakdi-ratnrayatva-karman activities of
the precious state of abiding in the harmonies
with enlightenment {T}

byang chub kyi phyogs

dang mthun pa {L}bodhi-paka the [thirtyseven] harmonies with enlightenment wings/
limbs of enlightenment

byang chub kyi

byang chub kyi phyogs

phyogs sum cu rtsa bdun {PH}thirty-seven

branches of enlightenment

dang mthun pa {L,MSA}bodhipaka the [thirtyseven] harmonies with enlightenment

byang chub kyi bar du {MSA}

byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pa sum

bodhes until enlightenment {T}

byang chub kyi bar du sa gong nas gong du

cu rtsa bdun bsgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}sapta-triadbodhi-paka-bhvan cultivate the thirty-seven
harmonies with enlightenment

rnam par dag pai khyad par {MSA}uttarottarsu

bhmiu viuddhi-vied bodhe feature of
purity in the higher and higher grounds up to
enlightenment {T}

byang chub

byang chub kyi tshogs {MSA}

kyi phyogs dang mthun pai chos {MSA}bodhipaka ... dharma phenomena/doctrines that are
harmonies with enlightenment

bodhi-sabhra collection of enlightenment

byang chub kyi yan lag

byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pai

{C,L,MSA,MV}bodhyaga; {MSA}sabodhy-aga
branch of enlightenment

bdag nyid kyi shes rab {MSA}bodhipaktmik

praj exalted wisdom that is the essence of the
harmonies with enlightenment

dbye ba/


byang chub kyi

phyogs dang mthun pai spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}bodhipaka-cary
practice the harmonies with enlightenment

1 dran pa/ 2 chos kyi rnam byed/ 3 brtson grus/

4 dga ba/ 5 btang snyoms/ 6 ting nge dzin/ 7 shin
sbyangs/ Divisions: (1) mindfulness (smti); (2)
discrimination of phenomena (dharma-vicaya);
(3) effort (vrya); (4) joy (prti); (5) equanimity
(upek); (6) meditative stabilization (samdhi); (7)
pliancy (prarabdhi)

byang chub kyi yan

byang chub kyi phyogs dang mthun pas bsdus pai

shes rab bsdu sdud bsdus sdus
{MSA}bodhipaka-saght praj exalted
wisdom included within the harmonies with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


lag tu gyur pa dag {MV}bodv agni branches

of enlightenment



byang chub kyi yan lag

byang chub chen po {MSA}mah-

bdun {MSA}sapta-sabodhy-aga seven

branches of enlightenment

bodhi great enlightenment

byang chub chen po

byang chub kyi

rmad byung can byung byung

byung byung {MSA}adbhutavat ... mahbodhi
marvellous great enlightenment

yan lag rnam par bzhag pa {MSA}bodhyagni

vyavasthpyante (vy-ava sth) establish the
branches of enlightenment

byang chub

byang chub kyi yan lag

yod pa {C}bodhyagavat() have the branches

of enlightenment {C}in possession of the limbs
of enlightenment

byang chub kyi shing {C}bodhi-vka

the tree of enlightenment {C}the Bodhi tree

byang chub kyi sems

{C,MSA,MV}bodhicitta altruistic aspiration to

enlightenment; altruistic mind of enlightenment;
mind of enlightenment{N}; thought of
enlightenment; altruistic intention to become a
Buddha{N}; mind of enlightenment

byang chub kyi sems bskyed pa rnams kyi the

tshom gcod pa {MSA}utpdita-bodhicittn
saayopacchedana eliminate doubt with
respect to generating the mind of enlightenment

byang chub chen po

la dun pa drag po {MSA}tvra-cchando mahbodhau strong aspiration to great enlightenment

byang chub chen po la

dmigs pa dmigs dmigs

dmigs dmigs {MSA}mah-bodhi ... lambanatva
object of observation of great enlightenment

byang chub chen po lhur len

pa {MSA}mahbodhi-parama intent on great

byang chub chen poi rgyu

mtshan {MSA}bodhi-nimitta (mah-) cause of
great enlightenment

byang chub dga ldan {MSA}

bodhau sphvn joyful enlightenment

byang chub bgegs byed

pa rung ba {C}bodhe paripanthakara suitable
to serve to obstruct enlightenment; {T} suitable
to obstruct enlightenment {C}which might
obstruct enlightenment

byang chub chen poi tshogs

{MSA}mahbodhi-sabhra collection of
great enlightenment; accumulation of great

byang chub chen por smon pa

{MSA}mahbodhi-praidhna resolve for great


byang chub bgegs su

gyur ba gyur gyurd gyur

gyurd {C}bodhi-paripantha(na)-kara serve
to obstruct enlightenment; {T} become an
obstruction to enlightenment {C}cause delays
on the road to enlightenment

byang chub

chen por yongs su bsngos pa

bsngo/ sngo/ bsngos/ sngos/ {MSA,MV}
mahbodhi-parimana dedicated to great
enlightenment {T}

byang chub che {MSA}mah-bodhi

byang chub mchog {MSA}parama-

great enlightenment

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

chen po yang dag par grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs
{MSA}mahbodhi-samudgamatva thoroughly
accomplish great enlightenment; thoroughly
established in great enlightenment

bodhi; {MSA}bodhi ... uttama; {MSA}bodhi ...


parama; {MSA}bodhi reh; {MSA}reh
bodhi supreme enlightenment; highest

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}bodhiprpta; {MSA}bodhim prpnuvanti; {MSA}bodhir

prpt attain enlightenment

byang chub mchog gi sa

bon nyid {MSA}uttama-bodhi-bjatva seeds of
supreme enlightenment

byang chub thob par dod

sems bskyed pa bskyed skyed

bskyed skyed bodhicittaparamotpda mind of
altruistic aspiration to highest enlightenment

byang chub thob par byao

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}

byang chub thob pa

byang chub mchog tu

byang chub nye bar rtogs pa
sanna-bodhi-bodha realized enlightenment {T}

byang chub tu bsngo ba

bsngo/ sngo/ bsngos/ sngos/ {MSA}

pa thob/thob thob thob

thobs {MV}bodhi-prptu-kma desire to attain
thob/thob thob thob
thobs {MV}bodhi prptavy will/should attain
enlightenment; you should attain enlightenment

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}
bodhi-prpti attain enlightenment

byang chub dang nye bar

bodhau pariman dedicate to enlightenment


shes pa {MSA}sanna-bodhi-jna intimate

knowledge of enlightenment {T}

byang chub tu yongs


su bsngos pa bsngo/
sngo/ bsngos/ sngos/ {MV}bodhi-pariman
dedicated to enlightenment {T}

chub dang mthun pai phyogs sum cu so bdun

thirty-seven harmonies with enlightenment

byang chub dam pa {MSA}para ...

byang chub tu lung

ston par gyur bstan ston

bstand stond {MSA}bodhau vykaraa teach
scriptures on/for enlightenment; give spiritual
instructions on enlightenment {T}

byang chub dam

do bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{MSA}bodhicittam utpdayanti generate the
mind of enlightenment

byang chub dam pa thob

bodhi highest enlightenment

pa thob par gyur ba

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}parama-bodhiprpti attain the highest enlightenment

byang chub tu sems bskyed

par byed thob/thob thob

thob thobs {MSA}prptu bodhi par (pra
p) attaining the highest enlightenment; to
attain the highest enlightenment

byang chub tu sems bskyed

pa bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{MSA,MV}bodhicittotpda generate the mind of

byang chub dri med yangs pa

{MSA}vimala-vipula-bodhi stainless, extensive

byang chub thag mi ring {MSA}

byang chub rnam par

bodhir na dre not far from enlightenment {T}

byang chub theg chen {C}bodhi-

dag pa nyid {MSA}bodhi-viuddhat complete

purification/purity of enlightenment

yno (great) vehicle of enlightenment

byang chub thob pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


byang chub pa {MSA}bodha

enlightenment; enlightened person


byang chub spyod

vipula-bodhi extensive enlightenment



byang chub phyogs mthun

{MSA}bodhi-paka harmonies with

enlightenment; the [thirty-seven] harmonies with

byang chub phyogs mthun

chos {MSA}dharm bodhi-pak phenomena/

doctrines that are harmonies with enlightenment
{PH}phenomena/doctrines that are harmonies
with enlightenment

byang chub phyogs dang

byang chub rab tu thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs

{MSA}prptir bodhe attain enlightenment

byang chub la god do

dgod god bkod god {MSA}bodhau ...

niveyate set/establish in enlightenment

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}bodhi-


chub bar sa rnams gong nas gong du ni rnam dag

{MSA}viuddha ca uttarottara-bhmiu / bodher
purity in the progressively higher grounds to
enlightenment {T}

byang chub
dman pa dang bring dang khyad par can {MSA}
hna-madhya-viia ... bodhi small, middling,
and special enlightenment

pratipannaka abider in enlightenment {C}

candidate for enlightenment

byang chub la gzhol ba {MSA}

bodhi-nata flow toward enlightenment {T}

byang chub lam gyi sgron ma

Bodhipatha-pradpa Atias Lamp for the Path
to Enlightenment, P. 5343, vol. 103

byang chub lam gyi sgron me

bkral grel bkrald greld

byang chub zhi ba {C}iva peace of

bodhipatha-pradpa [Atias] Lamp for the Path

to Enlightenment

enlightenment {C}bliss; ultimate beatitude

byang chub gzhung lam The

Highway to Enlightenment, Dzong-ka-bas

exposition of the chapter on ethics (bodhisattvala-parivarta) in Asagas Bodhisattva Grounds
(byang chub sems dpai sa, bodhisattva-bhmi)

byang chub bzang po {LCh}

bodhibhadra Bodhibhadra (16th century?) [p.n.

of a Buddhist philosopher]

byang chub yang dag par

grub grub grub
grubs/grub grubs {MSA}bodhi-samudgama
thoroughly accomplish enlightenment;
thoroughly established in enlightenment

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rgyas pa {MSA}pratyeka-bodhi-buddha
enlightenment of a Solitary Realizer; {T} ?
enlightened Solitary Realizer

byang chub la zhugs pa

mthun pa {L}bodhi-paka the [thirty-seven]

harmonies with enlightenment

byang chub yangs pa {MSA}

byang chub rang sangs

byang chub lam gyi rim pai khrid yig

jam pai dbyangs kyi zhal lung

lam rim jam pai zhal lung / Sacred Words

of Majur, by Ngag-wang-lo-sang-gya-tsho
(ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho), the Fifth
Dalai Lama (Thim phu: Kun bzan stobs rgyal,
1976); partial tr. Jeffrey Hopkins in Practice of
Emptiness, Dharamsala, LTWA, 1974

byang chub lam rim chen mo

{GD:842} Dzong-ka-bas (tsong kha pa) Extensive
Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. Dharamsala :
Shes rig par khang. Block.

byang chub shing {MSA}bodhi-

vka the tree of enlightenment [i.e. the tree


under which kyamuni Buddha attained

byang chub sems dpa

[purified-realized-intention]; altruistic aspiration

to enlightenment; mind of enlightenment;
thought of enlightenment; altruistic intention to
become a Buddha

byang chub sems

gdol ba {C}bodhisattva-cla Bodhisattva

outcast {C}an outcast among Bodhisattvas

byang chub sems {C}bodhicitta

byang chub sems kyi grel

pa bkral grel bkrald

greld bodhicitta-vivaraa [Ngrjunas] Essay
on the Mind of Enlightenment [P2665-2666, vol.

byang chub sems bskyed

dpa rnams kyi nang {MSA}bodhisattvnm

adhytman interior of Bodhisattvas

byang chub sems dpa

spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}bodhisattva-cary Bodhisattva deeds

byang chub sems dpa

ma yin pa {MSA}a-bodhisattva non-Bodhisattva

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

bodhicittotpda altruistic mind generation

blang ba {MSA}bodhicittam ptu assume

the mind of enlightenment; take up the mind of
enlightenment {T}

byang chub sems

{MSA}bodhicittasya ... utpda arising of the

mind of enlightenment

byang chub

bodhicitta [purified-realized-intention];
Bodhisattva; one intent on full enlightenment;
the mind of enlightenment

byang chub sems dpa sems dpa chen po lags

byang chub sems dpa yang dag par rjes su mi

mthong {MSA}bodhisattva na samanupayati
thorough non-viewing of a Bodhisattva

byang chub sems dag

dpa yi byor ba {MSA}bodhisattva-vibhutva

greatness of a Bodhisattva

byang chub sems ni skye ba

sems dpa rigs la gnas pa {MSA}gotra-stha ...

bodhisattva abiding in the Bodhisattva lineage

byang chub sems pa bodhisattva;

na rin po che {PH}the Bodhisattva-mahsattva


byang chub sems dpa

byang chub sems dpa

{LCh,C,MSA,MV}bodhisattva Bodhisattva;
a hero with respect to contemplating
enlightenment; one intent on full enlightenment

bslab pa {MSA}bodhisattva-ik Bodhisattva


byang chub sems

byang chub sems dpa bcu

dpai skyon ma mchis pa {C}bodhisattva-nyma

faultless Bodhisattva {C}the fixed condition
of a Bodhisattva; a Bodhisattvas special way of

{MSA}daa bodhisattv ten Bodhisattvas

byang chub sems

dpa rtog med {MSA}akalpa-bodhisattva nonconceptual Bodhisattva; Bodhisattva free from


byang chub sems dpai


chub sems dpa thams cad dang mnyam pa {MSA}

sarvair bodhisattvai sama similar to all

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


skyon med pa {C}bodhisattva-nyma faultless

Bodhisattva; faultlessness of a Bodhisattva {C}
the fixed condition of a Bodhisattva; a Bodhisattvas
special way of salvation

byang chub

sems dpai skyon med par jug pa bodhisattvanyma-avakrnti enter into the faultlessness of a
Bodhisattva {C}the stage where he reaches the
certainty that as a Bodhisattva he will be saved

byang chub sems dpai

rtags lnga {MSA}paca bodhisattva-ligni five

signs of a Bodhisattva

byang chub sems dpai

sde snod {MSA}bodhisattva-piaka Bodhisattva


byang chub sems

sems dpai yongs su smin pa {MSA}bodhisattvaparipka thorough maturation of a Bodhisattva


chub sems dpai rigs can ma nges pa {MSA}

bodhisattva-gotra ... aniyata not definite in the
Bodhisattva lineage

byang chub sems dpai sa

byang chub gsum gyi

khang bzang {PH}the good houses of the three


byang chub sems dpai rnal

byang sdom bodhisattva-savara

byor spyod pa bzhi brgya pai rgya cher grel

pa bkral grel bkrald
greld bodhisattva-yogacary-catuataka-k
Commentary on [ryadevas] Four Hundred
[Stanzas] on the Yogic Deeds of Bodhisattvas
[by Candrakrti, P5266, vol. 98; D3864, Ya]

Bodhisattvas vow

byang phyogs bodhi-paka; uttara the

[thirty-seven] harmonies with enlightenment7
north; northern direction

byang chub

sems dpai spyod pa la jug pa Bodhisattvacaryvatra Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds,

by ntideva, P. 5272, vol. 99

byang chub sems dpai spyod

pa la jug pai rnam bshad rgyal sras jug ngog

Explanation of Engaging in the Bodhisattva
Deeds, Entrance of Buddha Conqueror Children,
by Gyel-tsaps (rgyal tshab) (Sarnath: Pleasure
of Elegant Sayings Printing Press, 1973)

byang chub sems

dpai bras bu bzhi {MSA}catvri bodhisattvaphalni four fruits of a Bodhisattva

byang phyogs so bdun

bodhi-paka thirty-seven harmonies with

enlightenment; the thirty-seven harmonies with

byang ba


byangs byang byongs {C}utsanna; {MSA}

parijita purify; cleanse {C}completely
vanished; wise; learned


bai rang bzhin thams cad shes par gyis shig

{C} sarva-vyayopagatn upagacchata know
everything [about] the purified nature! {T}
{C}may you come to the state which is free from all
passing away

byang bar byai sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}


chub sems dpai tshul khrims kyi sdom pa {MSA}

bodhisattva-la-savara vow of Bodhisattva

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byang chub

{C,MSA}bodhisattva-bhmi Bodhisattva ground

dpai sdom pa {MSA}bodhisattva-savara

Bodhisattva vow

byang chub sems dpai

mtshan spyi {MSA}bodhisattva-smnya-nman

general name of a Bodhisattva

vyutpatti-bhvan purifying meditation ? {T}

byang bar byed par gyur

byang byangs byang byongs

{C}vnt-karoti purify; cleanse {C}vomit up



byang sems phags pai sa

byang bar byung ba

byang byangs byang byongs {C}

rya-bodhisattva-bhmi ground of a Bodhisattva


kapayati {C}spend; exhaust; wasted away by;

extinguish; annul

mtshan nyid/ stong nyid mngon sum du rtogs

byang rtse Jang-tsay (North Point)

pai shes rab dang / snying rje chen pos zin pai byang

College of Gan-den Monastic University

phags kyi mkhyen pa/ Definition: a Bodhisattva

byang zhing zhi bar gyur te

Superiors exalted knower that is conjoined with the

wisdom directly realizing emptiness and with great

{C}nirghta (praama) gacchati {C}removes

(and appeases)

byang sa Bodhisattva-bhmi Asagas

dbye ba/ 1 sa dang po


Bodhisattva Grounds{DASI 558.6}

byang sa dang dei bsdu ba

[Asagas] Bodhisattva Grounds (bodhisattvabhmi) and its Compendium of Ascertainments

(niraya-sagraha){BJ 37.1}

byang sems bodhi-citta; bodhisattva

[purified-realized-intention]; mind of
enlightenment; altruistic aspiration to
enlightenment; one intent on full enlightenment;

byang sems kyi mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend bodhisattva-jna exalted knower of a


byang sems kyi theg pa

Bodhisattva path of preparation

byang sems sa bcu pa


byang sems sa bcu pa pa

byang sems kyi phags pa

{PH}a tenth ground Bodhisattva

bodhisattva-rya Bodhisattva Superior

byang sems so skyei lam

byang sems kyi lam bodhisattvaDefinitions:

mtshan nyid/ theg chen
gyi thar par bgrod pai go skabs phye shul du gyur
pai byang sems kyi mngon rtogs/ Definition: a

Bodhisattvas clear realizer that serves as an opener

of the passageway that provides the opportunity for
progressing to the Mahyna liberation

byang sems phags pa

bodhisattva superiors

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byang sems sbyor lam

stages of the bodhisattva

bodhisattva-yna Bodhisattva Vehicle

mrga Bodhisattva path

rab tu dga ba/ 2 gnyis pa dri ma med pa/ 3 gsum

pa od byed pa/ 4 bzhi pa od phro pa/ 5 lnga pa
sbyang dka ba/ 6 drug pa mngon du gyur pa/ 7
bdun pa ring du song ba/ 8 brgyad pa mi g.yo ba/
9 dgu pa legs pai blo gros/ 10 bcu pa Divisions:
(1) the first ground, the Very Joyful; (2) the second
ground, the Stainless; (3) the third ground, the
Radiant; (4) the fourth ground, the Effulgent; (5)
the fifth ground, the Difficult to Tame; (6) the sixth
ground, the Manifest; (7) the seven


bodhisattva-pthagjana-mrga path of
a Bodhisattva who is an ordinary being
mtshan nyid/ mos spyod kyi sas bsdus pai
byang sems kyi mkhyen pa/ Definition: Bodhisattva
exalted knower that is contained within the [two]
grounds of belief [the path of accumulation and the
path of preparation]

dbye ba/ 1 byang sems kyi tshogs
lam/ 2 byang sems kyi sbyor lam/ Divisions: (1)


byams pa ni

Bodhisattva path of accumulation; (2) Bodhisattva

path of preparation

bde ba dang ldan pai rnam pa yin {MSA}maitr

... sukha-sayogkr love is the aspect which
has bliss ? {T}

byad gzugs kti shape


gzugs dang bong tshod dang stobs mtshungs pa

tulya-kti-prama-bala similar shape, size, and

byams {MSA}vatsala; maitr love; Maitreya

[p.n. of the future Buddha]

byams dgon {BCA} maitreyantha

byams mgon Maitreyantha the

byams pa ni sred pai

rang bzhin {MSA}t-maya ... sneha love
whose nature is attachment ? {T}

practice love; love

byams pa la sogs pa che

Protector Maitreya

byams chos the teaching [i.e. the Five

ba nyid {MSA}maitrdn tvrat greatness of

love and so forth {T}

Treatises] of Maitreya{BJ 45.2}

byams dang snying rje {MSA}

byams pai rnam thar maitreya-

maitr-karu love and compassion

vimoka-stra Liberation of Maitreya Stra

byams dang

byams pai yid kyis {C}

snying rje min pai bsam med {MSA}amaitrkaruaya (na-) thought of non-love and
non-compassion; {T} there is no thought that is
without love and compassion

maitrmana {C}with a friendly mind

byams pai seng gei

sgra chen po maitreya-mah-siha-nda Lions

Roar of Maitreya Stra, P. 760 (23), vol. 24

byams dod {MSA}vatsala love

byams pa {LCh,C,L,MSA}maitr; {LCh}

byams pai sems pa {MSA}

kpaya loving mind

byams par dod {MSA}vatsala love

byams pas bskyed pa

maitreya; {C}maitra; {C}anunaya; {MSA}kp;

{MSA}preman; {MSA}vatsalat; {MSA}sneha;
{MSA}karuyata; maitri love; Maitreya {C}
friendliness; affection; friendly

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}sneha-

byams pa chen po mahmaitr

janita produce love; {T} generate through love

byams zhus kyi leu maitreya-

great love

byams pa nyid {MSA}vatsalatva love

byams pa mthong grol {PH}

paripccha-parivarta The Questions of Maitreya

Chapter [of the Sadhinirmocana-stra]{BJ

byams la sogs bsgom

byams pa mthong grol (n. of a diety)

byams pa dang thugs rje

pa mchog bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms {MSA}maitrdi-bhvangr
supreme meditations on love, etc.

{MSA}maitr-karu love and compassion

maitrvant {C}lovingly

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gnod sems kyi gnyen po ste {MSA}maitr vypdapratipaka love, the antidote of a non-defective
mind; {T} love is the antidote to a harmful mind

byams pa byed pa {MSA}karuyata

{PH}Protector Maitreya

byams pa dang ldan pa {C}

byams pa ni




bya/ byed/ byas/

byos/ kta; {MSA}krita; {C}saskta verb: do;
act; perform; fabricate; take ... as {BJ 37.4}7
noun: action; activity; performance {C}
produced; conditioned; compounded; effected

byas chos fabricated practices

byas nas having taken ... as{BJ 37.4};

byas zin {A4C} kta


is undertaken with effort, and the result is destroyed

effortlessly. {A4C}

byi dor sweeping

byi dor byas {C}mta wiped; sweep

byi pho

having done; having fabricated

{PH}young man
byi pho rkyag khron du bcug pa bzhin

byas nas ring mo zhig lon

pa {MSA}cira-kta do for a long time

no/__/ It is like the young man who was put in a

sewer. {A4C-C}

byas pa

bya/ byed/
byas/ byos/ {LCh,MSA}kta; {MSA}kti; {MV}
sgyu ma byas pa = my-kta; {MV}bshad pa ...
byas pa = vykhym ... upanibadhya treated;
product; produced thing{N}; do; act; perform;
fabricate; performance; deed; action; produced
mtshan nyid/ skyes pa/ Definition: that which has
been created/produced

byi la cat
bying {L}styna; {L}nimajja; {MV}laya; {MSA}
datta laxity; lethargy; sunk torpor; sloth;
hidden; dense; arise (again)

bying na gnas pa abiding in laxity

bying ba laya; {LCh,N}nimagna; {N}laya;

byas pa can ktakas fabrication

sinking {C}sunk into; losing heart
byas pa rtogs pai sa bying ba dang rgod pa {MV}

{C}sasdamna; {C}sasdan laxity {PH}

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {LCh,C}ktvi-

layauddhatya laxity and excitement {T}

bhmi; kta-vikalpa-bhmi (?) level of realizing

completion; ground of realizing completion
{C}the stage of one who has done

byas pa gzo {C,MSA}kta-jat; {C}ktavedin {C}gratitude; thankful

byas pa las byung ba

byung byung byung byung arisen from

having made

byas pa shes pa {C}kta-jat

expanse; sphere; element; verbal root {PH}

verbal root
[According to the Candra
Dhtupha (II.12),] i v v gatau in the [group of]
verbal roots ad, etc., i occurs as a verbal root.
{Toh. 4274} Verhagen transl.

byin {MSA}datta; {MSA}dadat (e.g.: pare

bhojana dadat) to give


byin gyi brlabs


byas pa bsrang bai sa {LCh}



byin gyis phra ba {C}anuprva; {C}

ktvi-bhmi; kta-vikalpa-bhmi (?) level of

completion {C}the stage of one who has done

anuprv gata {C}tapering; well-placed

byas pai sa ktvi-bhmi level

byin gyis rlabs can {C}

of accomplishment; ground of realizing


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byings {LCh}dhtu structure; general; all;

adhihna blessed; empower; bless {C}

sustaining/miraculous power; magical power;


declaration; enunciation; operation; sustained; under
the influence of; reside in; place; abode; referring
to; becomes (still more) determined; change by
magic; wills; take his stand on; insists on

authority; declaration; enunciation; operation;

sustained; under the influence of; reside in;
place; abode; referring to; becomes (still more)
determined; change by magic; wills; take his stand
on; insists on

byin gyis rlabs

shing babs par gyur bab

babs bab babs {C}adhihita bless; empower
{C}sustaining/miraculous power; magical power;
authority; declaration; enunciation; operation;
sustained; under the influence of; reside in; place;
abode; referring to

byin gyis rlob

brlab/ rlob/ brlabs/ rlobs/ {LCh}

adhitihati; {C}adhihna to bless; blessed;

empower {C}sustaining/miraculous power;
magical power; authority; declaration; enunciation;
operation; sustained; under the influence of; reside
in; place; abode; referring to; becomes (still more)
determined; change by magic; wills; take his stand
on; insists on

byin gyis rlob pa {C,MSA}

{C}adhihita to bless; blessed; empower {C}

sustaining/miraculous power; magical power;
authority; declaration; enunciation; operation;
sustained; under the influence of; reside in;
place; abode; referring to; becomes (still more)
determined; change by magic; wills; take his stand
on; insists on

byin gyis brlabs pa {LCh,C}

adhisthana blessing into magnificience; blessed;

empower; bless {C}sustaining/miraculous
power; magical power; authority; declaration;
enunciation; operation; sustained; under the
influence of; reside in; place; abode; referring to;
becomes (still more) determined; change by magic;
wills; take his stand on; insists on

byin chung ba {C}alpa-sra


inferior quality

byin nas {C}dattv {C}having given

byin pa {C}pradna; {MV}dna calves;

adhihna {C}blessed; empower; bless;

sustaining/miraculous power; magical power;
authority; declaration; enunciation; operation;
sustained; under the influence of; reside in; place;
abode; referring to

give; giving; gift; calf [of the leg] {C}offering;

freely bestow; generosity; donation

byin gyis rlob par byed {C}

byin pa e a yai dra {C}

adhitihati to bless; blessed; empower {C}

sustaining/miraculous power; magical power;
authority; declaration; enunciation; operation;
sustained; under the influence of; reside in;
place; abode; referring to; becomes (still more)
determined; change by magic; wills; take his stand
on; insists on

aieyajagha {C}his shanks resemble those of an


byin bra ba {C}hpayati {C}abandons

byin rlabs can {C}adhihna

byin gyis rlobs kyis spyod

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

adhihna-cr practice due to empowerment
{C}coursing on resolutely

byin gyis brlab pa {C}adhihna

blessed; empower; bless {C}sustaining/

miraculous power; magical power; authority;
declaration; enunciation; operation; sustained; under
the influence of; reside in; place; abode; referring
to; becomes (still more) determined; change by
magic; wills; take his stand on; insists on

byin brlabs pa {C}adhihna

blessed; empower; bless {C}sustaining/

to bless; blessed; empower {C}sustaining/

miraculous power; magical power; authority;

declaration; enunciation; operation; sustained; under

miraculous power; magical power; authority;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byin gyis brlabs {C}adhihna;


the influence of; reside in; place; abode; referring
to; becomes (still more) determined; change by
magic; wills; take his stand on; insists on

byiu a dark-headed bird that stays near


byis pa {LCh,C,L,MSA}bla {C}(=padrthasvarpa-aparijnd = bla-pthagjan) child;

children; childish beings {C}fool(s); childish;
ignorant; foolish people

byis pa ltar jug behave like a

byis pa rnams

byung byung byung byung {C}

utpanna-bhagna-vilnat {C}on arising they soon

break up and are dispersed

child who has just been born

byung ba

byis pa so soi skye bo {C}blapthag-jana (=skleika-dharma-yogd bl.

vaiyavadnika-dharma-vihart pthagjan)
childish ordinary beings {C}foolish common

byis pai chos {C}bla-dharma

doctrines of children; qualities of children;

childish doctrines {C}the dharmas of the fools

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs childish and


byis pai rang bzhin can

having childish nature

byu ru coral
byug pa

byug byug
byugs/ byugs/ {C}vilepana verb: anoint; apply a
salve7 noun: salve; ointment {C}unguent
byug byug

byung byung
byung byung {C,L}utpanna; {MV}utpda; {C}
upasakrnta; {L}mayi; {MSA}maya (e.g.: rtacint-bhvan-maya); {C}prpya; {C}sambhava;
{MSA}pravtti; {MSA}vinisti; {MV}pratyaya
(tat-); {MSA}rgyus byung ba = anvaya to arise;
arisen; arising; come forth; emerge; appear;
occur {C}has been produced; produced; has
arisen; have approached; practice; has been
subjected to; source; there can be; possibility;
possible origin; make possible

byung ba chen po

byung ba ma yin

byung byung byung byung {C}mah-bhtni

{C}great elements

byung byung byung byung {C}asabhta nonarising; non-arisen {C}not come into being; not
come about; not really existing; impossible

byung bai rim pa

byung byung byung byung chronology{N}

byugs/ byugs/ verb: anoint; apply a salve7 noun:

salve; ointment

byung byung byung

byung {MV}utpda; {C}niryta; {MSA}udbhava;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung

byung nas jig cing ju ba

byis pa btsas ma thag pa a


byung byung
byung byung {C}samutpda to arise; arising;
occur; arisen; come forth; emerge; appear {C}
production; sprung up
byung byung {MV}jta having arisen

la ni slu bar byed pa yin la to a child these are



byung gyur
byung nas


byis pai rmongs pa

{MSA}nisara; {MV}pratyaya (tat-); {MV}

maya; {MV}jta; {C}nirjta; {C}samutthita; {C}
adhypadyate; {MSA}rmad byung = adbhuta
arisen from; to arise; occur; arisen; come forth;
emerge; appear {C}come into being; issued
from; gone forth; removal; source; commit an
offence; become guilty of


byung bar gyur te

byung byung byung byung {C}nicarati arise;
arising; occur {C}comes forth; gives out;
issues from


byung bar gyur na

byung byung byung byung {C}pratyupasthita

(bhavati) (=abhimukhbhta) when ... arises
{C}(is/has been) set up; lives for; rise up against; is
about to; immanent; is concerned with; have come
round; entails; sets himself up

byung bar byed pa

byung byung byung byung {MSA}(vy-ut pad):
vyutpdayanti cause to arise; produce

byungs te

byung byung
byung byung {C}nicarati {C}(is/has been) set
up; lives for; rise up against; is about to; immanent;
is concerned with; have come round; entails; sets
himself up

byur bur {C}cika-baddha (=ikhparyanta-karad) {C}up to the top

byur byur {C}ci-baddha

{C}(up) to the


byur lba unlucky goiter

byus {PH}strategy; political strategy
byus nyes {PH}faulty strategy
(Proverb:) If there are too many
generals, a faulty strategy results. {Cuevas}

bye ba {C}koi verb: open7 noun: ten

bye brag {LCh,MV}viea; {L}viia;

{C}prativiea; {C}vieat; {LCh,MSA,C}

bheda {C}(=dharma-bheda); {C}nntva; {C}
prakra instance; particularity; detail; special;
particular; region {C}difference; distinguished;
more distinguished; multiplicity; manifoldness;
differentiation; specific constitution; variety;
kind; way; distinction; dissention; break(ing up);
divided; differenced; division; the one ... the other;
distinctive (goal)
mtshan nyid/

khyab byed du jug pai rang gi rigs yod pa can gyi chos/

Definition: a phenomenon that has the type which

engages it as a pervader; a phenomenon which has a
type by which it is subsumed {GD:269}

bye brag kho na only particularity

bye brag gi mtshan nyid {L}

viealakaa character of a particular; specific


bye brag gyur pa {C}viprayukta nonassociated; differentiated {C}dissociated from;

be parted from; live apart

bye brag tu in particular{BJ 38.4};

bye brag tu brtags pa


bye ba khrag khrig brgya

stong {C}koi-niyuta-atasahasra one hundred

thousand million ten millions ? {T} {C}
hundreds of thousands of niyutas of kois

rtog brtags rtags dtangn gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs {C}vyavacrayati impute as particulars;
analyze in detail {C}apperceive; assimilates

bye ba khrag khrig phrag

bye brag tu mi shes pa dang the tshom za

bum {C}koi-niyuta-atasahasra {PH}ten

billion trillion (lit. ten million ten billion hundred
thousands; i.e.; 10^^22)

bar don dzin du jug pa {MSA}avyutpannasadigdhrtha-grhaa engage in apprehending

the meaning, ignorant of the details and with
doubt {T}

bye ba khrag khrig bum

phrag {C}koi-niyuta-atasahasra {PH}ten

billion trillion (lit. ten million ten billion hundred
thousands; i.e.; 10^^22)

bye brag tu shes {MSA}vyutpatti;

{MSA}vyutpanna know in detail {T}

{PH}ten billion

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

10 million

particularly; detailed

million; ten millions {C}limit; point

bye ba stong phrag

bye ba phrag brgya one billion; 100


bye brag tu shes par bya ba

mo mahvibha Great Exposition

{MSA}vyutpdya to be known in detail; one

should know this in detail {T}

bye rig {PH}Nyya-Vaieika

bye rig gnyis {PH}both the Vaieikas

bye brag tu shes par byed pa

{MSA}vyutpdana make known in detail {T}

bye brag tu bshad pa detailed

and the Naiyyikas



byos/ (k): {MV}karoti; {C}kariyti; {C}kra;

{MSA}kara (e.g.: ktya-kara); {MSA,MV}karaa
{MSA}(e.g.: ktya-karaa); {MSA}kart; {MSA}
krik; {MSA}kta; {MSA}(pra k): prakurvanti;
{MV}kriyate (vikalpa-); {MSA}phan byed =
hitdhna do; act; perform; does; refer (to){BJ
24.5} {C}make; syllable; with (great) effort

bye brag pa vaieika Vaishehika;


bye brag phyed pa {L}mata

discriminate learn; know; understood; learn of;

is understood; regarded; considered

bye brag byed pa {C}mata

byed rgyu karaa-hetu creative cause

discriminate; distinguish {C}learn; know;

understood; learn of; is understood; regarded;

Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 byed rgyu nus ldan/ 2 byed rgyu nus med/
Divisions: (1) capable creative cause; (2) incapable
creative cause

bye brag byed pa {L}nitraa

discriminate; distinguish decision; subdue;


byed rgyu bcu {MV}daa krani ten

bye brag ma mchis pa {L}

creative causes

byed rgyu nus ldan potent creative

abheda(tva) undifferentiated(ness)

bye brag med {C}nirviea non-


byed rgyu nus med impotent

differentiated; undifferentiated {C}without


creative cause

bye brag med pa {C}nirviia; {C}

nirvieat non-differentiated; undifferentiated

{C}without difference/distinction; non-difference;
no distinction; absence of distinction

bye brag med par {MSA}abhedan

byed sgra the instrumental case

byed du jug pa {C}krayit engage
in doing {C}doing

byed du jug po {C}krapaka



non-differentiated; undifferentiated

byed pa (k): {C,MSA,MV}karoti; {C}kriya;

bye brag smar ba vaibhika


bye brag smra ba vaibhika Great

Exposition School; Vaibhika [a Hnayna
Buddhist school]

bye brag shes pa {C}viea-grahaa

{C}makes a distinction

bye brag bshad mdzod chen

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bya/ byed/ byas/


{C,MV,MSA}karaa; {C}kart; {C}krayati; {C}

kritra; {C}-kt; {MSA}kara (e.g.: hita-kara);
{MSA}karin (e.g.: prabh-kara); {MSA,MV}kriy
(e.g.: sthita-kriy); {C}gaveate; {C}dhrayati;
{MSA}caraa (e.g.: sattvrthcar verb: do;
act; perform; refer (to){BJ 24.5}; noun: agent;
instrument; action{N} {C}make; mention;
cause; effectiveness; causes; brings about; effects;
one acts as; doer; cause to achieve; what it does;

function; activity; effecting; search; seek/strive for;
want; bear in mind; preserve; carries; acts as
don byed nus pa able to perform a function
{TCT} yid la byed pa mental
jig rten na sas skye zhing gnas pai rten byed
pa bzhin du just as, in the world, ground serves as
a basis of production and abiding ... {PGP 73}

byed pa rgyu mthun gyi

bras bu functionally causally concordant effect

byed pa dang bcas pa {MSA}


byed pa med pa {C}kriyrahita; {C}

nirhaka; {C}nicea; {C}niceatva; {MSA}
niprayatna non-active; no agent {C}not at
all busy; lacking in works/deeds; does nothing;
inactive; unoccupied; powerless to act; lack of
power to act

byed pa la skur pa debs

byed pa la sgro dogs pa

he does so

byed pa po {C,MSA}kart; {C,MSA}

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {MV}kriy-samropa
superimposition/exaggeration/reification with
respect to agent/activities

kraka; {C}payaka agent; doer {C}maker;

one who sees

byed pa po gang gis mi

sulu ba {GD:666} reliable agent, one of Go-rambas three criterion for a reliable cognition (mi slu
bai rig pa)

byed pa po dang bral ba {C}

byed pa la zlas pa from the point of

view of function{Gn-chok}

byed pai mthu med cing {C}

akicit-samartha {C}incapable of doing anything

byed pai mtshan nyid

kraka-virahita {C}devoid of an agent


kritralakani functional characteristic

byed par rtog pa {MV}vypra-

pa po dang za ba po dang shes pa po dang grol ba

po {MSA}kart bhokt jt mokt ca agent,
enjoyer, knower, and person liberated

kalpana conceive as an agent {T}

byed pa po dang las dang bya ba rnams mi

dmigs pai phyir {MSA}kart-karma-kriy
anupalambht because one does not perceive an
agent, action, or object acted upon {T}

byed pa po ni mi dmigs so

byed par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}karttva-grha

apprehend an agent

byed po nyid {C}kart {C}agent; doer

byed po min {MSA}akarttva nonagent; no agent

byed min {C}akra

{MSA}krakas tu nopalabhyate an agent is not


byed pa po ma mchis pa {C}


without effort

akraka {C}does nothing; without an agent

byed pa byas pa {C}kta-karaya do

what is to be done {C}his task accomplished

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nirvypra non-active; no agent {C}not at all


pa gdab debs btab thobs

{MV}kriypavda deprecation with respect to

saprayatna active

byed pa de la {C}karamu

byed pa ma mchis pa {C}


byed med {C}aktakatva

without effort; not made an agent


byed gzungs refers to{LG}


byed rigs pa suitable to refer (to){BJ

range of activity of an echo {C}one who stands

within the range of an echo

brag ja {LCh}pratirutk echo

brag mtho {PH}rocky hill
brag rdzong craggy cliff
brag ri stony mountain
brag srin mo {PH}rock ogress
bran {MSA}cea; {MSA}bhtya servant


byed las function

byed las khyad par can special

byed las chos



byes Jay (Splinter) College of Se-ra

Monastic University

byon come
byon nas having come
byon pa

{PH}servant; slave

bran gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}preya-bhto {C}a true



bran dang dra ba {MSA}dsa-kalpa

byon/ byond/ byon/ come; arrive

byol song {GST} tiryag {PH}direction

byol song gi skye gnas {C}

like a servant

bran mo {C}ds {C}female servant

bran mo rgan mo {PH}old maid

tiryag-yoni animal womb {C}animal world;

animal birth

servant; old (female) servant

[It is] like the old woman
the old maidservant who was bound to [her]
suffering. {A4C-C}

byol son gi skye gnas pa {C}

tiryag-yonika animal womb {C}animal world;
animal birth; among the animals

bran mo chu chun {C}kumbha-ds

byos listen (?); hear (?); pour (?); {T} to

{C}maid servant

bram ze {LCh}brhmaa brhman;

make; to do [imperative??]

bra bo a type of bean (two types: white and


bram ze rkang mig

yellow, found inside a triangular fruit; plentiful

in Tibet, Nepal, and India)

Brahmin Akapda (a.k.a.; Gautama)

brag echo
brag brkos ri mo {PH}petroglyphs
brag ngos craggy cliff; the face of a cliff
brag ca {LCh}pratirutk echo
brag cha {LCh,C}pratirutk; {MSA}rutk

bram ze chang mi btung ba

Brahmins do not drink beer

bram ze rjes brang


Brahmin akarananda

bram zei rigs {L}brhmaa-gotra

Brahmin lineage; Brahmin family


bram zei rigs che zhing

brag chai spyod yul la

gnas pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

{C}pratirutk-gocara-stha abiding in the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mtho ba {C}brhmaa-mahla-kula {C}good

Brahmin family; wealthy Brahmins



bri ba {C}likhyate; {C}natva; {MV}hna

bram zer shes pa {C}brhmayat

decrease; write {C}is written about; deficiency;


{C}honoring Brahmins

bral {C,L}vigata; {C}vidhta; {L}viyoga;

bri ba med cing phel ba

{C}praha (=pradhna); vikala separation;

free from; lack; devoid; separate from {C}
disconnected; freedom; loss of; disjunction;
deficient; forsaking; forsaken; effort(s); instruction

med pa {MV}ahnnadhika neither decrease

nor increase

bral ba {C}vigama (e.g.: smti-vigama);

{LCh,C,L}vigata; {MSA,MV}apagama; {L,MSA}

viyoga; {MSA}visayuktatva; {MSA,MV}
visayoga; {MV}visayogatva; {C}praha; {C}
vikala; {MSA}apakara (e.g.: malpakara); {MV}
virahita; {MSA}rahitatva (e.g.: dharma-kyarahitatva); separate; separation; free from;
lack; devoid {C}disconnected; freedom; loss of;
disjunction; deficient; forsaking; forsaken; effort(s);
instruction; departure; departing; has disappeared;
separate from

bral ba nyid {MSA}rahitatva; {MSA}

bri ba am phel ba mi
mthong ba {MV}hni-vddhy-adarana not
perceive decrease or increase

bri bar byao {C}n-karoti will/should

decrease {C}remains deficient in; deplete

bri med {C}anynatva non-decrease



bri med cing phel ba med

pa {MV}ahnnadhika neither non-decrease
nor non-increase


bri/ bri/ bris/ bris/

{C}likhati {C}write; copy (out)

virahitatva separation

bris pa {C}likhit; {MSA}vicitrita

bral bai bras bu {MSA,MV}


write; writing

visayoga-phala effects of separation;

separative effect; effect which is a state of

bris pai ri mo {MSA}citre ... vicitrite

draw a picture

bral bai yon tan good qualities of

bris ba write; draw(ing); writing
bral bai rang bzhin {C} apagata- bru sha {PH}Brushal (Gilgit)
svabhva free from inherent existence; nature of bre pa bre/ bre/ bres/

bral bar bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}vikari separate;

free; disjoin {C}she disperses

bral bar bya ba {MV}visayoga

breng series; {T} garland

breng chags su [series-formed-ly];

bres pa

separation; free from

bral bras effect of separation

bri . bri / bri / bri / bri - to

bre/ bre/ bres/

bre/ spread out; enveloped

decrease; or, bri / bri / bris / bris - to write {T}

{C}anynatva; {MV}hna diminishment;
decrease; lessen; {T} write {C}loss

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bre/ spread out; enveloped

brod {PH}pleasure
bla {PH}payment
bla khag {PH}monastic head; monastic



bla gab med pa {C}bhyavakika

bla na med pa ye shes kyi

thabs {MSA}upyo niruttare jne method(s) of

unsurpassable exalted wisdom

{C}one who lives in an open, unsheltered place

bla brgyud lineage of lamas

bla brgyud gsol debs

bla na med pa la bsgral ba

bsgral sgrol bsgrald sgrold


supplication to the gurus of the lineage

{C}anuttarasya-anuttar(an)am liberated in the

bla dwags tshig {PH}synonym

bla na {MSA}upari {PH}above
bla na mchis [high-to-exist];

unsurpassable {C}where the unsurpassable is

concerned, there is no possibility of surpassing

bla na med pai sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

surpassable{BJ 29.4}

bla na mchis pa {L} sa-uttara

{MV}niruttar ... bhvan meditation on the

unsurpassable; cultivation of the unsurpassable


bla na med pai gnas {MV}

bla na ma mchis pa {C}anuttara

anuttarvasth unsurpassable abode; abiding in

the unsurpassable

[high-to-not-exist]; unsurpassable{BJ 31.5};

highest; unsurpassed; none higher {C}utmost;


bla na med pai byang chub

bla na med {C,MV}anuttara; {MV}

{MSA}bodhi cnuttar; {MV}anuttarabodhi; anuttarasambuddha unsurpassable

enlightenment; highest enlightenment

anuttaratva; {MV}nuttarya [high-to-not-exist];

highest; unsurpassable; unsurpassed; none
higher {C}utmost; supreme

bla na med pai bras bu

bla na med pa {C,MV,MSA}anuttara;

{MV}anuttara-phala fruit of the unsurpassable;

unsurpassable fruit

{MSA}niruttara [high-to-not-exist]; highest;

unsurpassable; unsurpassed; none higher {C}
utmost; supreme

bla nar {C}uttara unsurpassable; highest;

high; above {C}over; superior

bla na med pa nyid {MV}

anuttara(tva); {MV}nuttarya unsurpassability


bla na med
pa yang dag par rdzogs pai byang chub {C,MSA}
anuttar-samyak-sabodhi complete/perfect
unsurpassable enlightenment

bla na med pa yang dag par rdzogs pai

bla phyag {PH}treasurer

bla phyag zur pa {PH}former

bla ma {C}guru; {MSA}gurutva; {MV,MSA}

uttara; {C}kalya-mitra [high-not or highmother]; lama; lama [none higher]; heavy
{PH}lama; unsurpassed {C}weighty; serious;
deep; good friend

bla ma khyad chos gsum ldan

byang chub tu nges pa yin {MSA}niyato bhavaty

anuttary samyak-sabodhau is definite in
complete/perfect unsurpassable enlightenment

{PH}guru endowed with the three distinguishing


bla na med pa ye shes {MSA}

niruttara ... jna unsurpassable exalted wisdom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bla ma gus {C}guru-gaurava guru

devotion; respect for the guru


bla ma lnga bcu pai rnam

bshad guru-pacaik Fifty Stanzas on the

unsurpassed; highest; none higher {C}supreme

bla med kyi rgyud anuttarayogatantra

Highest Yoga Tantra; Unsurpassed Yoga Tantra

bla ma nyid {C}gurutva guruness;

bla med byang chub unsurpassed

heaviness {C}value greatly

bla ma bsnyen bkur {C}guru-


ura guru devotion; respect for the guru;

serve and venerate the guru {C}reverence for
the guru

bla ma lta bu gang

yang rung bar gnas so {C}anyatarnyataro v
vijaguru sthnya {C}or a succession of sages
representing him

bla re {LCh}vitna canopy

blang blang / len/

blangs/ longs/ {C}ghti adopt; adopting;

assume; take up; take; receive; assert; assertion
{C}seizes; grasp; take hold

blang dor adoptings and discardings;

adopt and discard

bla ma pa {LCh}uttarya Uttaryas

bla ma spyan ras gzigs

blang nas {MSA}(grah): ghtv having

adopted; having assumed; having taken up

guru-avalokitevara {PH}Spiritual Master;


bla ma dbu mdzad {PH}chant master

bla ma la gus nyan {C}guru-uru
guru devotion; respect for the guru {C}
reverence for the guru

bla ma la phu dud pa bya ba

btud dud btud dud {C}

guru-urat (=guru-ur) guru devotion;
respect for the guru {C}revere and respect

blang ba


/ len/ blangs/ longs/ {C}yha; (p): {MSA}

ptum; {GD:703} updeya adopt; assume; take
up; take; receive; assert; assertion {GD:703}

blang bar bya ba {C}pratighti will

adopt; object adopted; will assume; will take up
{C}receives; accepts; acquires; take hold of

blang bya ba {MSA}pratigraha object


bla mai brgyud pa lineage of lamas blang med {C}anugraha non-adoption;

non-assumption; not take up {C}not take hold
bla mai gnas gsum {PH}The
of; not seize upon; non-appropriation
Lamas three points [brow; throat; and heart]
blangs blang /
bla mar bgyis par gyur
len/ blangs/ longs/ {MSA,C}tta; {C}datta;{C}
bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}guru-

karoti treat as lama/guru {C}respects; reveres;

treat with respect

bla mar bya ba {C}guru-kta

blangs te {C}ghamu; {MSA}(up



bla mar byed {C}guru-karoti

d): updya adopting; assuming; taking up;

asserting {C}seizing


respects; reveres; treat with respect

bla med {C}anuttama; anuttara

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sapratcchita adopt; assume; take up;

receive; take; assert; assertion{BJ 10.6} {C}
appropriated; grasp; appropriate; welcome; assent
to; vow; wish


blun pa {MV}mrkha dull; foolish; stupid;


blo gros chen po {LCh}mahmati

deluded {PH}dull; foolish; stupid; deluded

blun po {C}muha dull; foolish; stupid;

deluded {PH}dull; foolish; stupid; deluded

blun mongs mun pa bzhin {C}

andha-bhta {C}quite blind

blun rmongs {PH}confused fool

blun rmongs mun pa bzhin

blo gros gnyis can having twopointed mind{S 15}

blo gros thogs pa mi mnga

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs


{C}mahndha-bhto {C}quite blinded

blo {LCh,C,MSA,MV}buddhi; {MSA}mati;

mnga mnga mnga mnga

{MSA}avyhata-mati unhindered intelligence;

unobstructed intelligence {T}

blo gros dang ldan pa {C}matimat

{GD:699} dh intelligence; awareness;

knowledge; mind; intellect {C}intellectual
act(s); thought; resolve to; consciousness;
{GD:699} conceptual mind
mtshan nyid/ rig pa/ Definition:
knowing; knowledge; {T} a knower; that which

blo kun rdzob pa

great intelligence; great intelligent one(s){LG};

p.n. of a Bodhisattva who is the main interlocuter
in the Lakvatra-stra {PH}Mahmati [p.n.
a bodhisattva, who is the main interlocuter in the

intelligent {C}wise; clever

blo gros ldan {AGP} matimn



blo gros nan pa certain intelligence

(?); {T} earnest intelligence

blo gros rnam par g.yengs

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs conventional


pa {MSA}vikipta-mati distracted intelligence


blo kha phyogs pa directed

blo kha ma phyogs has not turned

blo gros ma sbyangs pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

the mind (towards){BJ 70.5}

{MSA}avyutpanna-mati untrained intelligence

blo khrul pa {MSA}rnta-buddhi

blo gros

(=bhrnta-buddhi?) mistaken awareness

ma smin pa dang yang dag par smin pa {MSA}

apakva-sapakva-mati non-maturation and
complete maturation of intelligence

blo gros {LCh,C,MSA}mati; {MSA}

mata intelligence; intelligent {PH}intellect;

intelligence; thought {C}wisdom; understanding

blo gros mi zad pa {MSA}

blo gros dge ba {MSA}ubha-mati

akayamati Akayamati [p.n. of a Bodhisattva,

the main interlocuter in the Akayamati-nirdeastra]

virtuous intelligence

blo gros rgya mtsho {PH}Sagaramati

blo gros mi zad pai mdo
blo gros ngan pa {MSA}kumati bad
akayamati-nirdea-stra Teaching of

Akayamati Stra, P. 842, vol. 34

blo gros can {L}matimat intelligent

blo gros mi zad pas

bstan pai mdo bstan ston

bstand stond akayamati-nirdea-stra Teaching
of Akayamati Stra, P. 842, vol. 34

wise; clever; having intelligence; endowed with


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



blo gros mtsho {PH}Sagaramati

blo mchog dang ldan pa {MSA}
agra-buddhitva endowed with the highest
blo gros zhi ba {C}nta-mati peaceful
intelligence; pacified intelligence {C}with calm

blo gros yang dag par smin

pa {MSA}sapakva-mati completely matured

blo gros yangs pa {L}vilamati

treasury of wisdom [epithet of Majur]

extensive intelligence; p.n. of a Bodhisattva

[the main interlocuter in the fifth chapter of the


blo gros shin tu rnam dag {L}

suviuddha-mati very pure intelligence; p.n. of
a Bodhisattva [the main interlocuter in the third
chapter of the Sadhinirmocana-stra]

blo ngan {C}vimati doubt; bad intelligence

{C}perplexity; uncertainty; consternation

blo ngo

At that time, from
the perspective of the yogi, all appearances of
conventional phenomena disappear. {Gn}

blo lta awareness; mind

blo brtan sthiramati Sthiramati [p.n.

of one of Vasubandhus three main disciples;

wrote commentaries on several of Vasubandhus

blo brtan par {C}sthira-buddhi

(=clayitum aakyatvt) firmly intelligent; of

firm intelligence; of steady intelligence

blo dang ldan {MSA}buddhi

[intelligence-possessing]; intelligent; the

intelligent; the wise

blo dang ldan pa {L,MSA}matimat;

{C,MV}dhimat; {MV}dhmat(tva) [intelligencepossessing]; intelligent; the intelligent; the wise


blo mngon gyur pa manifest


blo don mthun factually concordang

blo can {L}mati intelligence; intelligent;


with a mind mind; intellect; thoughts; views

blo chung {C}alpa-buddhi of little

intelligence; small intelligence

blo chung ba {C}partta-ku-buddhika; {C}

partta-buddhayo (=svalpa) of little intelligence;
small intelligence {C}his intelligence is limited
and poor; people of limited intelligence

blo chen skye ba {MSA}mah-buddhy-

blo don dam pa ultimate awareness

blo ldan {C}matimat; {MSA}dhmat; {MSA}

buddhi-matt; {MSA}buddhi-mattva [intelligencepossessing]; the intelligent; the wise; an epithet

of Bodhisattvas {C}clever

blo ldan pa {C}matimat; {MV}dhmat(tva);

{MSA}buddhimatt; {MSA}buddhimattva
[intelligence-possessing]; the intelligent; the wise;
an epithet of Bodhisattvas {C}clever

udaya arising of great intelligence

blo chos {GD: 245} mental property

blo mchog gi bde ba {MSA}

blo ldan byang chub sems

dpa {PH}intelligent bodhisattvas

agra-buddhi-sukha happiness of the highest


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

blo chang mindful

blo gter treasury of wisdom{BR}
blo gter rgyal ba {PH}victorious

blo ldan byang

chub sems dpa sa bzhi ba {PH}intelligent


bodhisattvas of the fourth ground

blo ldog rnam pa bzhi

mtshan Lo-sang-ch- kyi-gyel-tsen, the 1st Pachen Lama (1569-1662)

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs four reversals

blo bzang don sgrub another name

blo gnod med {N}nirvyatha-buddhi

for En-sa-ba (dben sa pa), a famous yogi

non-defective awareness

blo gnod

med la snang bai dbang gis bzhag pa posited

through the force of appearing to a non-defective
awareness{BJ 55.3}

blo gnod med la snang bai dbang gis

bzhag pa ma yin par rang gi thun mongs ma yin

pai sdod lugs kyi ngos nas grub pa established
by way of its own uncommon mode of existence
without being posited through the force of
appearing to a non-defective awareness

bstan pai nyi ma

blo bzang dpal lad/na bstan pai
nyi ma phyogs las rnam rgyal/ [mind-good-glorypossessing-teaching-of-sun]; Lo-sang-bel-den
Den-bay-nyi-ma, the 4th Panchen Lama (17811854 ce)

blo bzang ye shes Lo-sang-ye-shay,

blo bur gantuka [misspelling of glo bur]

the 2nd Panchen Lama (1663-1737 ce)

blo bzan rta dbyangs Lo-sang-da-

adventitious{BJ 81.5}

blo bur bai dri ma adventitious

yang (1867-1937); author of Investigation of the

Limits of Pervasion With Respect to Awareness
and Knowledge (blo rig gi mtha dpyod; see


sbyang sbyong

blo rab tu gnas pa {MSA}dh-

sbyangs sbyongs mind-training

blo ma bde

sasthita abide in awareness

[I am] unhappy with the proof of
conventional valid cognition. {dge dun chos phel;

blo rig Awareness and Knowledge

dbye ba/ 1


klu sgrub dgongs rgyan; Lopez; Changing Mind; p.74}

blo dman {C}partta-buddhika little

intelligence{BR} {C}of limited intelligence

blo zhan pa {C}alpa-buddhika; {C}

durmedha {C}of small intelligence; dull-witted

blo gzu bo {PH}open-minded

blo bzang grags pa Lo-sang-dragba (1357-1419) [monastic name of Dzong-ka-ba]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

blo bzang dpal ldan

shes Lo-sang-bel-den-ye-shay, the 3rd Panchen

Lama (1737/8-1780 ce)

buddhayas mistaken awareness {C}perverted

blo bzang chos kyi rgyal

ldan chos kyi grags pa Lo-sang-bel-den Ch-gyidrag-pa, the 5th Panchen Lama (1853/4-1882 ce)

blo bzang dpal ldan ye

blo phyin ci log {C}viparyasta

blo sbyong

blo bzang dpal

mngon sum/ 2 rjes dpag 3 bcad shes/ 4 yid dpyod/

5 snang la ma nges/ 6 the tshom/ 7 log shes/
Divisions: (1) direct perceiver (pratyaka); (2)
inferential cognizer (anuma); (3) subsequent
cognizer (paricchinna-jna); (4) correctly
assuming consciousness (mana parik); (5)
awareness to which the object appears but is not
ascertained (aniyata-p

blo rig gi mtha dpyod

Investigation of the Limits of Pervasion With


Respect to Awareness and Knowledge, by Losang-da-yang (blo bzang rta dbyangs, 18671937), in The Collected Works of rJe btsun blo
bzang rta mgrin; vol. 5 (New Delhi: Lama Guru
Deva, 1975)

blo rig gi rnam bzhag


blon po rin chen {MSA}pariyaka-

Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge, by

Jam-yang-shay-ba (jam dbyangs bzhad pa,
1648-1721), in The Collected Works of Jam
dbyangs bzhad pai rdo rje, vol. 15 (New Delhi:
Ngawang Gelek Demo, 1973)

ratna {PH}precious minister

blon po rin po che {MSA}

pariyaka-ratna husband ? {T}

blo rig gi rnam bzhag nyer mkho kun dus

blo gsar mig byed Presentation of Awareness

and Knowledge, Composite of All the Important
Points, Opener of the Eye of New Intelligence, by
Ge-shay Jam-bel-sam-pel (dge bshes jam dpal
bsam phel), modern blockprint, n.p., n.d.

blo rig bdun du dbye ba

division of knowledge and awareness into seven


blo rigs

{GD:310} typology of mind (a

bloi mchog dang ldan pa {C}

parama-buddhimat {C}of the highest intelligence

bloi tha snyad

{GD:726} mental labels

designating the consciousness that relates a name to
an object

bloi gzhan sel

dbang gis bzhag pa posited by the force of

appearing to the mind

bsal sel bsald seld buddhy-tmaknypoha

other-eliminator that is a mind; mental exclusion



dzin bzung zungs memorize

nyid/ ma yin dgag gi gzhan sel yang yin/ rtog pas sgro


btags kyang yin pai gzhi mthun pa/ Definition: a


blo gsar new awareness{BR}

blo gsar mig byed opener of the
eye of new awarenesses{BR}

blo gsal clear intellect

blo gsal gling Lo-sel-ling College of

common locus of being an other-eliminator that is

an affirming negative and being superimposed by

bloi yul du bya rung ba

suitable to be taken as an object of an awareness

blos rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}buddhy pratipatti

realized by an awareness {T}

Dre-pung Monastic University

blos bzhag pa posited by an

blo gsal ling Lo-sel-ling (Lucid


Intelligence) College of Dre-pung Monastic


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



blo la snang bai

blo sems mtsho

blon bangs {PH}attending minister

bloi rgyu {MSA}buddhi-hetu cause of

bloi tha snyad mental convention

bloi dbang po lnga {PH}five mental

literary genre)

blo la dzin

blo lhan skyes {PH}an innate awareness

blon minister
blon po {C}amtya {C}relative; minister;



blos rig par bya ba object of

is produced from its own uncommon empowering

condition, a physical sense-power{BR}

knowledge by a mind; {T} suitable to be known

by an awareness

dbang {LCh}abhieka; {LCh,MSA,MV}vaa;

{LCh,MSA,MV}vait; {MSA,MV}vaitva; {C}

vaayati (=labhate = payati); {C}vaat; {MSA}
adhipa (e.g.: moka-adhipa); {MSA,MV}dhipatya;
{MV}tantra; {MV}vibhutva; {MV}vaibhutva; adhina control; power; monarch; initiation;
empowerment; consecration; force {C}
sovereignty; powers; can; subjection

dbang bskur {MV}abhieka bestowal

dbang bskur ba {C,MSA}abhiikta;

direct subsequent cognizer

dbang mngon du

{C,MSA}abhieka; {MSA}abhiiktaka bestowal

of initiation; Tantric initiation {C}consecrated;

gyur pai bcad shes subsequent cognizer that is

a sense direct perceiver

dbang gi mi mthun pai


phyogs {MV}vibhutva-vipaka concordance

with empowerment/power

mngon du gyur pai snang la ma nges pai blo

awareness to which an object appears but is not
ascertained that is a sense direct perceiver

dbang gis {MV}dhipatyatas; {MV}

dbang mngon du gyur

dhipatyt; {C}vaat by the power of {C}


pai tshad ma valid cognizer that is a sense

direct perceiver

dbang bcas pa {C}sendriya

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}dhipateya {C}

dominant function

dbang sgyur

dbang bcu {MSA}daa vait the ten

sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {MV}vaa-vartana

control; subjugate

powers [of a Buddha]

dbang che bar grag pa {L}

dbang bsgyur bai yid

mahekhya eminence; eminent

la byed pa {MSA}vaavarti-manaskra mental

contemplation of control

dbang mchog thob pai

blo dang ldan thob/thob
thob thob thobs {MSA}parama-vaitva-labdhabuddhi intelligence that obtains the highest

dbang mngon indriya-pratyaka sense



nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen dbang

po gzugs can pa las skyes pai rtog pa dang bral zhing ma

khrul bai rig pa/ Definition: an awareness which

is non-mistaken and free from conceptuality, and

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


concerning the faculties


direct perception/perceiver

sgra dzin dbang mngon/ 3 dri dzin dbang mngon/

4 ro dzin dbang mngon/ 5 reg bya dzin pai dbang
mngon/ Divisions: (1) sense direct perception
apprehending a form; (2) sense direct perception
apprehending a sound; (3) sense direct perception
apprehending smell; (4) sense direct perception
apprehending taste; (5) sense direct perception
apprehending a tangib

dbang mngon bcad shes sense

of initiation; Tantric initiation

dbang bgyid pa

dbye ba/ 1 gzugs dzin dbang mngon/ 2



dbang rtul mdv-indriya dull faculty;

dull faculties

dbang thang power; power from previous

actions; karmic power

dbang thang che ba authority; great

authority; authoritative being

dbang du gyur pa {L}vaita; {C}va-

bhta empowerment; empower {C}controlled;

obedient; subdued; fully controlled

dbang du gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}vae vartate

empowerment; empower controlled; obedient;
subdued; fully controlled

dbang du gro ba {C}vaa gacchati

{C}come under the sway of

dbang du bya ba {C}va-karaa done

in terms of; in terms of; context{BJ 62.5} {C}
which are the work of
terms of; treated in terms of; in terms of; in the
context of{BJ 13.4}

dbang du byas nas in terms of

dbang du byas pa {MV}adhikra

done in terms of; treated in terms of; in terms of;

in the context of

dbang du ma gyur pa {L}nirvaita

not empowered; uncontrolled; disobedient; not


dbang rdul gyi nang pa Buddhist

of dull faculties; Insider of dull faculties

dbang ldan {MSA}vain powerful;

powerful person

dbang ldan dang bcas pa {C}

sena {C}round Ina

dbang rnam pa bzhi {MSA}catur-

rnon gyi dge rtsa yongs su ma smin pa[i nang pa]

Buddhist of sharp faculties whose virtuous roots
are not thoroughly ripened; Insider of sharp
faculties whose virtuous roots are not thoroughly

dbang po {LCh,C,MSA,MV,GD}indriya; {C}

aka; indra Indra; faculty; sense power; power;
sense faculty {PH}organs; Indra {C}sense
organ; {GD:625} sense-basis
[Hence,] the male and female organs
the doors of expulsion and so forth protruded.

dbye ba/ nang gi bem poi dbang

po lnga / 1 mig gi dbang po/ 2 rna bai dbang po/

3 snai dbang po/ 4 lcei dbang po/ 5 lus kyi dbang
po/ byang chub phyogs kyi chos kyi dbang po lnga
/ 1 dad pa/ 2 brtson grus/ 3 dran pa/ 4 ting nge
dzin/ 5 ye shes/ Divisions: the five [sense] powers
which are internal form: (1) eye sense power; (2)
ear sense power; (3) nose sense power; (4) tongue
sense power; (5) body sense power
the five
powers which are harmonies with enlightenment:
(1) faith; (2) effort;

dbang po lnga {MV}pacendriyatva five

sense powers

dbang po lnga rnams

gzhan gyur {MSA}pacendriya-parvtti change

of the five sense powers

dbang po nyams pa {C}hnendriya

inferior faculties {C}cripple

vidh ... vait four types of power

dbang po rtul po {L}mdv-indriya

dbang rnon tkendriya sharp faculty;

dull faculties

sharp faculties

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

[] dbang


dbang du byas adhikra done in

dbang rnon gyi

dge rtsa yongs su ma smin pa Buddhist of sharp

faculties whose virtuous roots are not thoroughly


dbang po thams cad



tshim par byed pa {MSA}sarva-(sattv)endriyasatoa please all the senses {T}

po yongs su rdzogs par bya ba la mkhas pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs
{C}indriya-paripri-kualat wise/skilled with
respect to perfecting the faculties

dbang po dang bcas pa {C}

sendraka {C}round Indra

dbang po dang bcas

dbang po rab dang

pai lha rnams {C}sendrak-dev {C}the gods

round Indra

tha ma shes par bya ba {C}indriya-parparaj(na)t {C}cognition of the higher and lower
faculties (of others)

dbang po durg six senses

dbang po la mkhas pa {C}

dbye ba / mig


indriya-kuala wise with respect to the faculties

{C}skilled in the faculties

gi dbang po / rna bai dbang po / snai dbang po

/ lcei dbang po / lus kyi dbang po / yid kyi dbang
po / Div.: eye sense power, ear sense power,
nose sense power, tongue sense power, body sense
power, mental sense power

dbang po sum rtsen Indras Palace

of Threefold Play

dbang po lhai {MSA}devendra of the

dbang po bsdams pa {C}

god, Indra {T}

dbang poi mngon sum indriya-

savtendriyat restrained faculties {C}

control his faculties

pratyaka sense direct perceiver/perception

dbang po rno ba tkendriya sharp

dbang poi mngon sum

tshad ma {PH}valid sense perception

faculties{BJ 30.3}

dbang po rno ba nyid {MSA}

dbang poi thog

tkendriyat sharpness of faculties

of a tathgata]

dbang po rnon po {L}tkendriya

sharp faculties

dbang po phyal pa {C}praktendriya

{C}with his faculties controlled

dbang po bring {C}madhyendriya

middling faculties {C}one whose faculties are of

a medium kind

dbang po ma tshang ba {C}

vikalpendriya incomplete faculties {C}deficient

in faculties

dbang po gzugs can pa


poi rnam pa thams cad yongs su rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}
sarvkra-paripra-indriya perfect/complete all
aspects of the faculties {C}faculties which are in
every way perfect

dbang poi spyod yul sna

tshogs spyad spyod spyad spyod
{MSA}aka-vicitra-gocara various objects of
activity of the faculties

dbang poi yul indriyaviaya sense


dbang poi rim pa yod pas

rpendriya physical sense power

dbang po gzugs

{C}vimtrat-indriya since there are stages

of faculties {T} {C}unequal endowment of

can pa las skyes pa produced from a physical

sense power{BR}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}Indraketu [p.n.



dbang phyug {LCh,C,MSA}vara; {C}

dbang med rje boi dbang {C}

dbang phyug gi rgyu {MSA}

dbang med gnon {C}akma-kra

aivarya; {C}varat; {C}varya vara; god;

ruler; lord {C}sovereignty; dominion

avavaa-bhartka {C}submissive to the master

who is not submissive to anyone else

aivarya-hetu cause of sovereignty

{C}what causes displeasure

dbang phyug chen po mahevara

dbang btsan binding power; authority

dbang shes indriya-jna sense-

Mahevara; iva

dbang phyug nag po varaka

consciousness; main sense-consciousness; sensecognition



mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai

dbang phyug sbyin par byed

pa {MSA}aivarya-dna giving to vara

bdag rkyen dbang po gzugs can pa la brten nas skye bai

dbang phyugs vara {GD:275} god

dbang ba {MSA}vain; {MV}vait

rig pa/ Definition: an awareness which arises in

dependence upon its own uncommon empowering

condition, a physical sense-power{BR}

powerful person; power

dbang bar bya

dbye ba/ 1 mig shes/ 2 rna shes/ 3 sna
shes/ 4 lce shes/ 5 lus shes Divisions: (1) eye
consciousness; (2) ear consciousness; (3) nose
consciousness; (4) tongue consciousness; (5) bodily

dbang bar bya/ byed/ byas/ byed/ make

powerful; empower

dbang bar byas

dbang bar byed

dbang bar bya/ byed/ byas/ byed/ make

powerful; empower

dbang shes khor gyi

sems byung {PH}mental factors accompanying a

sense consciousness

dbang bar bya/ byed/ byas/ byed/ make

powerful; empower

dbang shes dang yid

dbang byed pa {C}dhipateya; {MSA}

shes gnyis the two, sense consciousness and

mental consciousness

adhipati; {MV}dhipatya; {MV}vibhutva {C}

dominant function

dbang byed pa

thob pai mtshan nyid

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}vibhutvaprpti-lakaatva the characteristic of attaining
dominance/sovereignty {T}

dbang byor bai gzugs

middling faculties

mass of foam

payati) powerless {C}can

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dba rlabs {PH}billowing waves

dbar {PH}between [Amdo dialect]
dbu {LCh}iras; {C}uttama-agat; {C}mrti

dbu snyung {PH}oath on ones head

dbu brdos pa {C}phenapia {C}


dbang med {C}vaayati (=labhate =

su gyur pai rtog med log shes non-conceptual

wrong consciousness that is a sense consciousness

head (hon.) {C}body; figure

form of one who has attained mastery

dbang bring medium faculty

dbang shes



dbu ba {PH}foam
dbu ba rdos pa {C}phenapia

dbu ma rtsa bai grel pa tshig gsal ba; tshig gsal

bkral grel bkrald greld
mla-madhyamaka-vtti-prasannapad Clear
Words, Commentary on Ngrjunas) Treatise
on the Middle [by Candrakrti (zla ba grags
pa); P5260, vol. 98]


mass of foam

dbu bai gong bu {PH}ball of foam

dbu ma {LCh,N}madhyama; mdhyamika

dbu ma rtsa

center; middle; middle way{N}; Mdhyamika

[Proponent of the Middle Way]; Middle Way

bai grel pa shes rab sgron ma

bkral grel bkrald greld prajpradpa-mla-madhyamaka-vtti Commentary
on (Nagarjunas) Fundamental Treatise on the
Middle: Lamp for Wisdom [by Bhvaviveka
(legs ldan byed), P5253, vol. 95]

dbu ma rgyan madhyamaklkra

ntarakitas Ornament for the Middle Way

dbu ma chen po Great Middle Way

dbu ma thal gyur pa prsagika-
ma rtsa bai tshig leur byas pa shes rab ces bya
Mdhyamika; prsagikamdhyamika Middle
Way Consequence School; PrsagikaMdhyamaka; Proponent of the Middle Way
Consequence School

ba praj-nma-mla-madhyamaka-krik
Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way, Called
Wisdom, by Ngrjuna (klu sgrub), P. 5224,
vol. 95

dbu ma thal rang Mdhyamika

dbu ma rtsa bai

Prsagikas and Svtantrikas{BJ 41.4}

dbu ma snang ba

tshig leur byas pa shes rab ces bya bai rnam

bshad rigs pai rgya mtsho Ocean of Reasoning,
Explanation of [Ngrjunas (klu sgrub)]
Treatise on the Middle Way, by Dzong-ka-ba
(1357-1419), P. 6153, vol. 156. Varanasi: Ge-lukpa Press, 1973.

snang snang snang snang madhyamakloka

Kamalalas Illumination of the Middle Way

dbu ma pa madhyamaka; mdhyamika

Middle Way School; Mdhyamaka; Proponents

of the Middle; Proponent of the Middle Way;
Proponent of the Middle Way School
rab tu mi gnas pai dbu ma pa
thoroughly non-abiding Mdhyamaka

dbu ma rang rgyud pa svtantrikamdhyamika Middle Way Autonomy School

dbu ma la jug pa

dbu ma pa dpa bo rdo rje

the lama U-ma-pa Pa-wo-dor-jay (one of the
teachers of Tzong-ka-pa)

dbu ma rtsa bai grel pa budd p li ta; grel pa

buddh p li ta bkral grel
bkrald greld buddhaplita-mla-madhyamakavtti Buddhaplitas (sangs rgyas bskyangs)
Commentary on [Ngrjunas Treatise on the
Middle [P5242, vol. 95]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


madhyamkavatra ; madhyamakvatra
Supplement to the Middle Way, by Candrakrti
(zla ba grags pa), P. 5261, 5262, vol. 98;
Chandrakrtis Supplement to (Ngrjunas)
Treatise on the Middle

dbu ma la jug

pai grel bshad bkral

grel bkrald greld madhyamakvatra-k
[Jaya-nandas] Commentarial Explanation of
(Chandrakirtis) Supplement to (Nagarjunas)
Treatise on the Middle [P5271, vol. 99]


dbu ma la jug pai rgya cher bshad pa

dgongs pa rab gsal Illumination of the Thought,

An Extensive Explanation of [Candrakrtis]
Supplement to the Middle Way, by Dzong-kaba, P. 6143, vol. 154; also: Dharmasala: Tibetan
Cultural Printing Press, no date [often referred
to as: dgongs pa rab gsal] {GD:841} Dzong-kabas (tsong kha pa) Clarification of the Thought, an
Extensive Treatise on [Candrakrtis] Introduction to
the Madhyamika. Varanasi: Ge-luk-pa Press, 1973.

dbu ma la

jug pai mtha dpyod lung rigs gter mdzod zab don
kun gsal bzang jug ngogs Great Exposition of
the Middle Way, by Jam-yang-shay-ba (jam
dbyangs bzhad pa), Buxaduor: Gomang, 1967

dbu ma la jug pai bshad

pa madhyamakvatra-bhya Commentary
on the Supplement to the Middle Way, by
Candrakrti (zla ba grags pa), P. 5263, vol. 98;
Also: Dharmasala: The Council of Cultural and
Religious Affairs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama,

dbu mai rgyan gyi

tshig leur byas pa madhyamaklakra-krik

Ornament of the Middle Way; by ntirakita
(zhi ba tsho), P. 5284, vol. 101

dbu mai

snying poi grel pa rtog ge bar ba

bkral grel bkrald greld
Commentary on the Heart of the Middle: Blaze
of Reasoning [by Bhvaviveka (legs ldan byed),
P5256, vol. 96]

dbu mai snying poi

tshig leur byas pa madhyamaka-hdaya-krik
Essence of the Middle Way, by Bhvaviveka (legs
ldan byed), P. 5255, vol. 96

dbu mai lta khrid

blta lta bltas ltos Instructions on the View of the
Middle Way{N}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dbu mai bstan bcos

bstan ston bstand stond madhyamakastra Treatise on the Middle, by Ngrjuna

(klu sgrub), P. 5224, vol. 95


{PH}upper; upward the

upper opening of the central channel {YJD}

dbu mai lam madhyama-pratipad;

{MV}madhyama pratipat/pratipatti the middle

way; the middle path{N}

dbu shog {PH}initial page; opening page

dbug gu {PH}half-hour (extended

breath) [25 minutes] Sixty

half-minutes [is] a half-hour. Mi-pham; Svarodaya

comm. 5a.6

dbugs {C}vsa; {MSA}llen (=llan?)

breath {C}principle of life

dbugs rngub to inhale

dbugs rngub pa na; vsa

dbugs phyi nang du rgyu ba

rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu {C}npnaanusmti movement of breath outward and

inward; inhalation and exhalation of breath
{C}recollection of breathing

dbugs phyin {C}ucchvasita


regained his breath

dbugs phyin rnyed par {C}

vsa-prpto-bhavati {C}he feels relieved;


dbugs phyin thob par

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}

vsa-prpto-bhavati {C}he feels relieved;


dbugs phyin nas {C}vsta



dbugs phyin pa rnyed

pa lags te {C}vsa-prpto-bhavati {C}he

feels relieved; breath

dbugs dbyung ba

dbyung byin phyung phyungs let out the breath;



dbus mtha {DASI 559.2} madhynta-

dbugs byung rngub npana

vibhga Discrimination of the Middle Way and

the Extremes, attributed to Maitreya (byams pa),
P. 5522, vol. 108

exhalation and inhalation of breath

dbugs byung pa pravsa

exhalation of breath

dbugs byung ba

dbul bo {PH}starving
dbus {LCh,L,MV,MSA}madhya middle;

byung byung byung byung pravsa exhalation

dbugs sbyung bar bgyi {C}

dbus mtha rnam byed

madhynta-vibhga Discrimination of the

Middle Way and the Extremes, attributed to
Maitreya (byams pa), P. 5522, vol. 108

dbus mtha rtsa grel

vsayema {C}we shall help to recovery

bkral grel bkrald greld

dbugs mi bde {NOC} vsa; vasana

[Maitreyas] root text of and [Vasubandhus]

commentary on the Differentiation of the Middle
and the Extremes (dbus dang mtha rnam par
byed pa, madhyntavibhaga; P5522, vol. 108]


dbugs rlung {PH}breath-wind

dbung {L}madhya middle
dbus dang mtha
dbui gtsug {C}mrdhan {C}head; on
rnam par byed pa {MV}madhynta-vibhga
his head; summits

Discrimination of the Middle Way and the

dbui gtsug tu {C}mrdhani; {C}

Extremes, attributed to Maitreya (byams pa), P.

5522, vol. 108

mrdhan {C}in the head; head; on his head;


dbur ldan {C}mrdhan prominent


head; on his head; summits


bul/ phul/ {C}ka; {C,L}daridra offer;

present; poor {C}poverty (stricken)

districts of central Tibet (dbus)]

dbe ba can sukhvat Blissful Pure




dbul por gyur {L}daridra-bhto

dben {C}viveka; vivikta (=tma-di-


dbul phongs kun

sambandha-doa-rahitatvd); {MSA}vivekat
isolation; solitary place; to be devoid of; solitude



dbul ba {C}dridriya

dben pa {LCh,C}viveka; {LCh,MSA,C}

{C}offer; present;

vivikta; {C}virakta isolation; solitary place; to

be devoid of; solitude hermit; {C}free from
passion; detachment; separation; fact that are

poor; poverty

dbul ba kun

{PH}extreme poverty

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

madhya-vibhga differentiation of the middle


dbus ba {PH}central
dbus ru {PH}district of [n. of one of two

dbul/ dbul/

dbul po {C,L}daridra poor

dbus rnam byed pa {MV}



dben par bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}vivikta-krika; {C}

viviktatva isolation; become/make isolated
{C}which brings about detachment; isolatedness

dben par gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}vivicyate {C}

become isolated

dben par dug {L}rahogata in a

dbyangs snyan pa


melodious song

dbyangs rta snyan po


melody; melodious song

of a famous yogi [also called Lo-sang-dn-drup

(blo bzang don grub)]

dben sa pa [solitude-place]; En-sa-ba; a

famous yogi [also called Lo-sang-dn-drup (blo
bzang don grub)]

dbog bogs/

dbyangs phun sum tshogs pa

{C}svara-sampanna {C}with a melodious voice

dbyangs yig vowel

dbyangs gsal {PH}vowels and

nas go brtsams


phog dbogs/ give; bestow

dbon po/ nephew; grandson


dbon po dbon/ nephew; grandson

dbon ma {PH}grand-daughter
dbon zhang {PH}son-in-law
dbon sras {PH}grandson
dbyang can ma sarasvat Sarasvat
dbyangs {LCh,MSA}ghoa; {MSA}svara
melodiousness; voice; melody; tone; vowel

{PH}voice; speech
zhing mtha yas par go bar byed
pai rjes su song bai dbyangs, [It is] speech that
embarks on bringing understanding to limitless
buddha-fields. {AMN} = Braarvig, v.2 p.438

pai reu mig dang po la dbyangs gsal lnga bcu

zer; The first table, which begins with
, is called The Fifty Consonants and Vowels.
{TBRC} W20229 vol. 1; p.2

dbyar gyi rnga

{PH}drums of thunder;

dragons voice

dbyar rnga

{PH}drums of thunder; dragons

voice bad bsod
nams dbyar rngai sgras; By the sound of the
dragons voice of effort and merit, ... Lung rtogs
Nyi ma Rin po che; _byung rtsis sngon gro gtsug lag
sgo byed kyi lde mig_ colophon

dbyig precious resources; treasure


precious resources
Having bestowed the precious resources of
gold and silverthe excellence of wealth ... {GZ

dbyangs kyi yan lag drug


dbyig dzin {Negi} vasundhar; pthv

cu {PH}sixty types of melodies

dbyangs kyis bsnyad pa {C}

{PH}treasure-bearing [realm]; Vasundhara (Bearer

of Treasure) [epithet of the earth]

geya {C}discourses in prose and verse mingled

dbyangs kyis bsnyad pai sde

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}melody; melodious


dbyangs rna snyan po

dben sa [solitude-place]; En-sa-ba; name


dbyangs snyan

melodious song

solitary place; gone to a solitary place


{C,MSA}geya {C}discourses in prose and verse



dbyig gi snying po {Negi}

hirayagarbha; brahm {PH}Hirayagarbha

bestowing the precious resources of gold and
silverthe excellence of wealth {GZ 69a.1}

dbye na when one divides ...; if one divides


dbye na mi mang ba {MSA}na

dbyig gnyen {MV}vasubandhu

bheda-bahula when divided, there are not

many [parts] {T}

Vasubandhu [p.n. of the great Buddhist

philosopher, author of the Abhidharmakoa and

other works]

dbyig pa {C}daa clubs

dbye ba {C,MSA,MV}bheda {C}(=dharma-


staff; the hollow arm of a lute

dbyig dbyug {C}daa


staff; the hollow arm of a lute

dbyings {C,MV,MSA}dhtu sphere; sphere

bheda); {MSA}prabheda; {L}bhedat; {L}vigraha;

vibhga divide; separate; open; differentiate;
to divide; division {C}distinguish; discriminate;
conflict; quarrel; battle; separation; distinction;
dissention; breaking up; break; differentiation;
divided; differences; the one ... the other

of reality; expanse; element; space; basic element


dbye bar byed {C}bhedayitum

elemental Buddha

dbye bas tha dad pa {MSA}bheda-

dbyings kyis sangs rgyas

dbyings mi sdug pa {C}

bhinna different through division {T}

dbye med pa {C}abheda

dusasthna {C}badly shaped

dbyings rig dbyer med

undifferentiated; undivided; non-difference


undifferentiable expanse and basic knowledge

dbye gzhi basis of division

dbyibs {LCh,C,MSA}sasthna shape

dbyibs kyi gzugs shape-form
dbyibs dang kha dog sasthna-

dbyen dissention; punishment; trouble

dbyen bcos [dissention-make];
dissention; punishment; trouble

dbyug sngon can {PH}Nladaa

dbyug pa {C}daa {C}stick; staff; the

dbyen med pa {C}abheda non-

dissention; no trouble {C}undifferentiated;

undivided; non-difference

hollow arm of a lute

dbyer ma mchis nyid {C}


asabhinna {C}undifferentiated

byin phyung phyungs {L}nisaraa take out;

remove; issue forth arise; escape; go forth;
banish; expel


dbyer mi phyed pa {C}asabhedana


dbye/ byed/

phye/ phyes sam byed/ bheda; {MV}vivecana; {C}

vicarati divide; separate; open; differentiate;
to divide; division {C}pass through; explain;
wander(s about); behave; undo; course apart from

dbye chos

{GD:253} elements of a division

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


[conceptual] basis of a division

vara shape and color

dbyung ba

(=nivartayitum) dividing; to divide {C}be

diverted from


dbyer med {C}abheda; {C}asabheda;

{C}abhinna undifferentiated; undivided {C}

undifferentiatedness; unbroken; not differentiated

dbyes che ba {C}pthu large

many; all; long; very much; broad; vast; large


dbyod pa vicra analysis

bag ma {PH}mask
bags rengs {PH}riffraff
bad {C}yatna; {MSA}(yat): yateta;

bad par bya {MV}(yat): yatiye will

bad cing {L}(gha): ghaamna; {C}

bad par byed pa {MSA}vyvasyika

strive; will make effort

bad par byao {C}vyyacchati one

should strive; you should strive

{MSA}(gha): ghaamna; {MSA}(vy yam):

vyyacchate strive; make effort; make exertion;
vyyacchati striving {C}when he strives;
struggle; makes an effort; exert oneself

bad par byed do {C}udyogam

padyate; {MSA}(vy yam): vyyacchate strive;

striving; make effort; making effort exert
oneself; make a great effort
strive; striving; make effort; making effort

bad na {C}vyyacchati when one strives;

when he strives {C}struggle; makes an effort;
exert oneself

bad pa {MSA,MV}yatna; {C}parirama;

bad med {MSA}ayatna nonstriving;

non-striving; non-effort

bad med par {MSA}vin yatna

without striving; without making effort

bad rtsol striving and exertion

bad rtsol rags pa coarse

{C}samutsuka; {MSA}ghaana; {MV}vyyma to

strive; exertion; make effort; make exertion
continual study; zealous; endeavor

bad pa chen pos

striving and exertion


brtson pa cher byed pa {C}udyogam padyate

{C}exert oneself; make an effort; make a great

bab babs bab

babs {C}pravahati; {MSA}syandana; {C}upayti

descend; rain; flow; fall down; move downward;
slope toward {C}flow along; approach; submit
to; come to

bad pa dang bcas pa {MSA}

bab pa

yatna-vattva with exertion {T}

bab babs
bab babs {C}pravahati; {C}pravaa; {MSA}pata;
{C}prasrava descend; rain; flow; fall down;
move downward; slope toward {C}prone to;
flowing along

bad pa mi

mnga bar ye shes jug pa {MSA}ayatnato jnapravtte effortlessly engage wisdom; wisdom
which engages effortlessly {T}

bad pa med par


bad pa brtson pa cher

ba dzar vajra

bab babs
bab babs descend; rain; flow; fall down; move
downward; slope toward

thar par gyur {MSA}ayatna-moka become

liberated without making effort
byed pa {C}udyogam padyate {C}exert
oneself; make an effort; make a great effort


bad pai rnam pa bsgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{MSA}vyavasykra-bhvana cultivate the

aspect(s) of striving

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}vajra [arch.


ba zhig {C}kevalam; {MSA}kevala

only; sole; alone; soley

ba zhig mngon dga zhing

{C}abhinandamno {C}wholly delighting in

bar (jval): {MSA}jvalate; {MSA}jvalana

burn; blaze up; blaze; catch fire; flaming; fire

bar ba {LCh,C,L}jvalana; {C}jvalita;

bir gung jig rten mngon

{GD:811} Dri-gung-ba, a
branch of the Ga-gyu (bka rgyud) school

bu can gyi {C}niruttamaka


dbug bugs/



dbyung / byin/
phyung / phyungs/ bras bu byin = (phal):
{MSA}phalasi issue forth; take out; remove;
root out

bud/ bud/ bud/ bud/ phu/ bud/ phus/
phus/ (1) set aside; throw out; (2) to blow

bum {L}ata-sahasra 100,000

bum phrag {L}ata-sahasra; {MSA}atashasrika 100,000


million five hundred thousand

bum tsho {PH}hundreds of thousands

bur po {PH}protuberance
bul dbul/ dbul/

byin pa

dbyung byin

phyung phyungs {C}uddharati; {C}janayitr;

{MSA}udbheda (e.g.: udaka-dhraa-udbheda);
{MV}dna; {MSA}tshig ... byin pa = vacana issue
forth; deliverance; produce; well (as in tears
well from the eyes); take out; remove; root out
{C}rescues; pull out; begetter; genetrix

byin pa po {PU} sra {PH}creator

byin par gyur ro

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}uddharati

issue forth; take out; remove; root out {C}

bul/ phul/ (upa gam): {MSA}upagamayati;

{MSA}upagama offer; present

rescues; pull out

byin par byed pa


dbyung byin phyung phyungs issue forth; take

out; remove; root out {C}mire; mud; sink

bebs/ phab/ phob/ {MSA}parjaya; {MSA}

vinirjaya settle; cause to descend; fall; cast

byin byed means of issuing forth

byug byug byug

dbab/ bebs/ phab/ phob/ {MSA}parajaya; {MSA}

vinirjaya settle; cause to descend; fall; cast

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}rites for deriving the

byangs byang byongs to be purified; to be


phug phugs/ pierce

bebs pa

bogs chog

byang byongs to be purified; to be cleansed

(=vipaumaka); {C}vidhtaka {C}worm-eaten;

worm-eaten corpse


{PH}rites for deriving

the most success

bod sgra vocative case

bod pa {C}hvna {C}(true) appelations
byang byang byangs

bir gung pa

bum phrag zhe lnga

bogs cho ga
most success

po {GD:811} Dri-gung-jig-den-ngon-bo (11431217), first patriarch of the Dri-gung-ba branch of

the Ga-gyu (bka rgyud) school


dbog bogs/

phog dbogs/ give; bestow

{C}uttapta burn; blaze up; blaze; catch fire;

flaming; fire {C}burning; splendid; well-purified;



byugs/ byugs/ verb: anoint; apply a salve7 noun:

salve; ointment



byung byung

byung byung {LCh}sabhava; (pra bh): {MSA}
prabhavati; {MSA}prodbhti; {C}-prabhva; {C}
prabhavo; {C}prdurbhva; {MSA}sabhta;
(jan): {MV}jyate; {C}jto; {L}jato; {C}udaya;
{C}-udaya; {C}nikrmati (=abhinikrmati); {C}
prasuta; {C}samgamati (=prdurbhavanti); to
arise; come forth; emerge; occur; appear {C}
has come into being; gives rise to; come into being;
depart; go off; come out of; leave (home life);
brought about; origin; which has arisen; issued;
manifestation; comes to be manifest; are brought
along; are assembled

byung khungs

byung byung byung {LCh}kara (1) ablative
case; (2) source

byung gyur


byung byung byung {C}sabhavati; {C}

upapadyati; {C}vartate arisen; arise {C}be
present; have at ones disposal; exist potentially;
can possibly be; produce; proceeds

byung gyur gyi reg bya

byung byung byung byung bhauta-

spraavya ; bhautika-spraavya tangible object

arisen from elements; tangible object arisen from
the elements; tangible object that is an elemental

byung byung byung byung {C}sabhavati; {C}

gamu; {C}utpatti arisen; arise {C}be present;
have at ones disposal; exist potentially; can
possibly be; attains; comes; come forth

byung jug

{PH}emerging and
entering; inhalation and exhalation

byung po {MSA}bhta ghost

byung po rnams
kyi jigs pa spang ba spang
spong spangs spongs {MSA}bhaya-praha
(bhtn-) abandon fear of ghosts

byung poi gdon {C}bhta-grah;

byung byung

byung byung {LCh,MSA}bhta; {C}abhut; {C}

sambhava; {C}bhavati; {MV}prabhavata; {C}
upapadyati; {C}utpanna; {MSA,MV}utpda;
{MV}utpatti; {C}prasta; {C}naikramya;
{C}nairyika; {C}nirvtti; (pra vt): {MV}
pravartate; {MV}pravtti; {L}pravt-; {MV}anusra
(e.g.: st element; arising; creature; arise; come
forth; emerge; appear {C}produce; has had;
(has been) produced; has arisen; raised; appearance
(in the world); leading forth; leaving home; (has
been) begotten (by); be the offspring of becomes;
stands; takes place; occurs; comes about; source;
there can be; possibility; possi

byung ba che

byung byung byung {MSA}mahodaya great
element; great arising

byung ba chen po

byung ba chen po bzhi po

pas byed pa open by causing insertion and



byung byung byung byung

{MSA}mah-bhtni (catvri-) the four great



byung byung byung imminent

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung {MSA}kara [arise-place];
mine (as in jewel mine); source; place of origin

byung byung byung byung mahbhta great


byung jug byas

byung nye ba

byung gnas

byung ba


byung gyur ba

byung byung
byung byung {C}prdurbhavati arises; comes
forth; emerges {C}takes place; appears; one can
see; manifest itself

bhta-graha demon(s) {C}those possessed by


byung byung byung arisen from elements;

elemental evolute

byung gyur

byung ste


byung ba mchis pa

byung byung byung byung {C}utthna

arise; arising; come forth {C}coming into being

byung ba ma mchis pa

byung byung byung byung {C}na

utthna not arise; non-arising; not come forth

{C}not coming into being

byung ba med pa

byung bar gyur ba

byung byung byung byung {C}utpadyante;

byung byung byung byung {C}aprdurbhva;

{C}asabhava not arise; non-arising; not
come forth {C}not coming into being; nonmanifestation; unmanifested; impossiblity; make

byung ba yin

{C}bhavati arises; arising; will arise; which is

an element {C}is produced; appear; arises; goes
forth; becomes; stands; takes place; occurs


byung byung byung {C}prdurbhta arise;

come forth; is arisen {C}(became) manifest;
come out of

byung byung byung byung

{MSA}eni bhtni the remaining elements


byed sdud sgra separating and

connecting particles (?)

byed pa {N}racayati to separate; open;

byung byung byung byung bhta-viea

certain [physical] elements

separate; differentiate{BJ 34.4}; opener

byung bai byed rgyu

byed par byed par gyur te

byung byung byung byung {MV}utpatti-

{C}bheda prakipati {C}causes dissention

byes pa defined (as in beautifully

kraa creative cause of arising

byung bar

byung byung byung {C}prasuta arising; arisen




byond/ byon/ byond/ come; arrive

byung bar gyur pai reg bya

byor vibhut fortune; treasure;

byung byung byung byung

bhta-spraavya tangible object which is an
element; elemental tangible object


Divisions: dbye ba/ 1 sa/ 2

chu/ 3 me/ 4 rlung / Divisions: (1) earth (pthiv);
(2) water (p); (3) fire (tejas); (4) wind (vyu)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung yod

byed/ phye/ phyes sam byed/ to separate; open;
separate; differentiate{BJ}; opener{BR}


byung byung byung byung {MSA}bhta-kta

made with elements {T}


byung bai gnas {MSA} kara

byung bar gyur

byung bas byas pa

byung byung byung {C}sambhava {C}source;

there can be; possibility; possible origin; make

byung ba lhag ma rnams

byung bai bye brag

byung byung byung byung {C}utpattito bhavati;

{C}utpadyate; {C}niryti; {C}prdurbhavati; {C}
pracarati arises; arising; will arise; which
is an element{D1} {C}is produced; appear;
arises; goes forth; proceeds; circulate; be observed;
appears; spread

byor rgyu {MSA}vibhut-hetu cause of


byor dang mthun spyod

ye shes

spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}vibhutvnucara ... jna wisdom which



bral bar gyur ro {C}

acts in accordance with [ones] fortune ? {T}

byor pa {MSA}vibhutva; {MSA}vibhti;

prativinodayati (=sarvath-apanayant) to be
devoid of; become free from; lack; separate from
{C}gets rid of

{MSA}aupayika; {MSA,MV}samddhi; {MSA}

sapatti; {MSA}lia; {C}samdhyayati; sapad
fortune; treasure; acquisitions {C}get

bral bar byed de {C}vivecayati

byor par gyur cig {C}

(=vivekayati = paribheti) separate; estrange;

disjoin {C}dissuade

samdhyate; {C}samdyantm {C}get

accomplished; foster

bral bar byed pa {C}vivecanat;

{C,MSA}samddhi; {MSA}vibhutva; {MSA}vibhti;

{MSA}lia; {MSA}aupayika; sapad fortune;
treasure; acquisitions {C}accomplish; succeed;

bral bar byed pai

{C}vivecayati separate; estrange; disjoin {C}

dissuade; critical examination

byor ba {LCh}sapanna; {MSA}sapatti;

tshig rnams {C}viveka-padni {C}discouraging


time of fortune; time of acquisition

bral bar mi byed pa {C}

jna exalted wisdom of fortune; exalted

wisdom of acquisition

bral med

byor bai dus {MSA}sapatti-kla

byor bai ye shes {MSA}vibhutva byor brel yoga yoga; relatedness

bra go can {GM3.1} kharjrika {PH}

bras mchog ldan pa {MSA}

parama-phalhya having the highest fruit

bral ba {C}visayoga to be devoid of;

bras dus kyi snying rje

free from; lack; separate from {C}disjoining


compassion at the time of the effect

bras gnas phala-stha; phala-sthita

bral ba med {C}avisayoga not

Abider in the Fruit

devoid of; not lacking; not separate from {C}


bral ba la sgrib pa {MV}vileaapagama obstructions to separation


bras pu phala effect

bras spungs Dre-pung (Rice

Mound) Monastic University (founded in 1416),

west of Lhasa, relocated to Mundgod, N.K.,
India in 1959

bras bu {C,L,MSA,MV}phala; {MSA}

suffering of self-denial

apagama creative cause of separation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

highest fruit; highest result

bral/ bral/ bral/ {MV}apagama; {MV}vilea;

visayoga to be devoid of; free from; lack;
separate from

bral bai byed rgyu {MV}vilea-

bras phala effect; result; fruit

bras chan cooked rice; rice-pap

bras mchog {MSA}agra-phala


bral bai sdug bsngal

inseparably; without separation
rang bras own effect



avirahita not lacking; not separate from; not

free from


phalatva effect; result; fruit

mtshan nyid/ 1 bskyed


bras bu ltar tsho bar {C}

bya/ 2 phan gdags bya/ Definition: (1) that which is

produced; (2) that which benefits

phalopajvya {C}a life-giving fruit

bras bu thun

dbye ba/ 1 rnam smin gyi bras bu/ 2


mong dod pa yid la byed {MSA}sdhraaphalecch-manasikra mental contemplation

desiring the concordant effect

bdag poi bras bu/ 3 rgyu mthun gyi bras bu/ 4

skyes bus byed pai bras bu/ 5 bral bai bras bu/
Divisions: (1) fruitional effect; (2) dominant/
empowering effect; (3) causally concordant effect;
(4) personally made effect; (5) separative effect

bras bu thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}phala-prpta

{C}one who has attained the fruit [of an Arhat]

bras bu thob pai khyad

bras bu skye ba {MSA}phalodaya

par thob/thob thob

thob thobs {MSA}phala-prpti-viea feature/
attribute of attaining the effect {T}

resultant-birth state; production of an effect;

produce an effect

bras bu skye bai

bras bu rnam pa bzhii

snyoms jug *kryasampatti resultant-birth

meditative absorption

sgrib pa {MSA}phalvaraa (catur-vidha-) the

obstructions of the four fruits/effects

bras bu mngon par grub

bras bu phel ba {MSA}phala-

pa grub grub
grubs/grub grubs {MSA}phalbhinirvartana
(e.g.: buddhatva-phalbhinirvartana) manifestly
established effect

vddhi impel an effect; increase the effect

bras bu byang chub chen

po {MSA}mah-bodhi-phala the fruit, great


bras bu lnga {MV}paca-phala the

five effects; the five fruits

bras bu lnga bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}paca-

phala-sadarana teach/indicate the five effects

bras bu gcig pa

bras bu byin

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {MSA}(phal):
phalasi issue forth fruit/effects {T}

bras bu byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}phalodaya

give rise to an effect


of effect

bras bu byor ba {MSA}phala-

bras bu che vhatphala; bhatphala

samddhi acquisition of the fruit

Great Fruit

bras bu ma thob

bras bu che ba {MV}mah-phala;

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}aprpte-

vhatphala great effect; great fruit; Great

Fruit (the third and highest level of the Fourth

phala not attain the fruit; unattained fruit

bras bu ma dmigs pa

bras bu chen po {MSA}mah-phala

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

non-observation of an effect

great effect; great fruit

bras bu med pa {MV}niphala

bras bu chos sku

fruitless; non-effect; no effect; without an effect

*phaladharmakya fruit body of attributes;

Truth Body, the fruit

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



bras bu myur du grub pai rgyu mngon shes

bras bui dngos por med

{MSA}phala-bhvensat does not exist as a thing

which is an effect {T}

drug la doms pa guidance concerning the six

clairvoyances causes of quickly achieving fruits

bras bui gtan tshigs

bras bu myong {MSA}phalnubhti

{GD:278} kryahetu effect reason {GD:287}

reasoning by effects

experience an effect

bras bu dzin pai yon


bras bui theg pa phala-yna

gzung dzin bzung zungs

Effect Vehicle

{MSA}phala-parigraha-gua qualities of

apprehending the effect

bras bu yang dag par

bras bui don {MSA}phalrtha

fruitional meaning {T}

grub pa grub grub

grubs/grub grubs {MSA}phala-samudgama
thorougly established effect

bras bu yod pa {MSA}abandhya

bras ma dmigs pa kryaanupalabdhi nonobservation of an effect

bras yum fruit Mother (perfection of


bras yum la nye

fruitful; existent effect; have the fruit

bras bu yod par {C}amogha(m);

bai gzhi shes phalamtamtursannbhta

vastujnam knower of bases that is close to the
fruit Mother

{C}avandhya fruitfully; fruitful; not fruitless

{C}not barren; bear the fruit

bras yum la ring

bras bu la gnas pa {N}phala-

bai gzhi shes phalamtamturdrbhta

vastujnam knower of bases that is distant
from the fruit Mother

sthita Abider in the Fruit{N}

bras bu la dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

bras yod {C}avandhya fruitful; having

observing the fruit

the fruit; existent effect {C}not barren; bear the


bras bu la zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {N}phala-


pratipannaka Approacher to the Fruit{N}

bras bu

bri / bri / bri / bri

- to diminish; or, bri / bri / bris / bris - to write

{T} {MSA}vyaya; natva; nyna diminish;
diminishing; grow less; write; dri (the female
version of the yak)

sangs rgyas nyid mngon par grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs
{MSA}buddhatva-phalbhinirvartana manifestly
establish the fruit, Buddhahood

bri dang phel {MV}hnivddhi

bras bui sgo

diminishment and increase

nas rigs khyad par bya ba {MSA}phalato gotravieaa special lineage from the point of view
of effect

bri ba {MSA}natva; {MSA}nyna

diminish; grow less; diminishment{BJ 38.1,

quoting MSA}

bras bui ngo mtshar che ba bri ba la brten pa {C}hna-

bhgya in dependence upon diminishing {C}

what lowers

{MSA}phalcarya greatly marvellous effect

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



brel pa {LCh,MSA,MV}sabandha; {C}

bri bar mi gyur {MSA}na

... avahyate not become diminished; nondiminishment

bri zhing phel ba {MV}hnivddhi

diminishment and increase

bring {LCh,C,L,MSA}madhya; {MSA}

tha dad gang zhig de ldog stabs kyis khyod ldog dgos/

vimadhyama medium; middling {C}middle;


Definition: (1) it is different from that; and (2) it

must cease by the power of that ceasing

bring skor gsum the three

Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 bdag gcig brel/ 2 de byung brel/ Divisions:
(1) relation/related in the sense of being one entity
(tadtmya-sabandha); (2) relation/related in the
sense of arising from that (tadutpatti-sabandha)

middling cycles

bring gi chung ngu madhyamdu

small of the middling

bring gi chen po madhydhimtra

brel pai dbang {MSA}sabandha-

great of the middling

bring gi bring madhyamadhya

vaa power of joining; connecting power

brel pas sdug bsngal nyid

middling of the middling

bring po {MSA}madhya middling;

{MV}sabandha-dukhat suffering due to


middle; the middle

bring ba {MSA}madhya middling;

middle; the middle

bru {C}dhnya; {C}yav (1) grain [of barley;

corn; etc.]; (2) letter {C}corn; barley

bru mar {L}taila oil; oil lamp

brug thunder; dragon
brug gi {C}jmta {C}like thunder
brug gi sgra dbyangs {MSA}

{C}avanaddha; {C}baddha; {C}sabandha; {C}

pinaddha relationship; join; relate; connect;
become connected; relation; related; connectives;
related phenomena {C}connected (with);
pursue; joined; contained; bound; tied to; caught in;

tu byed pa sabandha-park-vtti Analysis of

Relations, by Dharmakrti (chos kyi grags pa) P.
5713, vol. 130

brel ba med pai don

brug yul Bhutan

brum nag smallpox
bre pa bre/ bre/ bres/

asamgatrtha meaningless; unrelated; nonrelated things

brel bar ma yin pa {C}

asabandha non-connection; not joined;


bre/ spread out; enveloped

brel join; relate; connect; become


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brel ba {L}sabaddha; {C}anubaddha;

brel ba brtag pai rab

megha-svara-gho sound of thunder

brel sgra [connect-sound]; genitive case

pratibandha; {MSA}abhisabandha; {MSA}

lalit; {MSA}lia(tva); {MSA}sabaddha; {MSA}
sahita; {MV}sayoga join; relate; connect;
become connected; relation; related; relationship

mtshan nyid/ khyod de dang

brel zla related object

brel yul *sabandha-viaya object of




sbas/ sbas/ secret [past of sba, to conceal]

bre/ bre/ bres/

bre/ spread out; enveloped

brog dkon pa {C}aav-kntra

{C}wild forest

brog dgon pa {C}aav-kntra

{C}wild forest

brog pa nomad
brog me shor bai gnod pa
{C}agnidhe vartamne {C}a huge conflagration

brog sa {PH}nomadic area

brong wild yak
rba vici wave
rba klong [wave-center]; whirlpool
rba rlabs vici wave
rba rlabs khrugs pa
khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {L}

taragabhaga turmoil and breaking up (of


rbo phug pa pierced (?)

lba ba goiter
lbu ba rdos pa {C}phenapia


sba/ sba am sbed/

sba ba {C}gupti; {C}-lin to conceal;

concealment {C}protection; in possession of

{PH}Affirmation of

sBa (sba bzhed)


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sbyang dka {MSA}sudurjay; durjay;

{MSA}jyate dukha Difficult to Overcome

sbyang dka ba sudurjay; {MSA}

durjay; {MSA}jyate dukha Difficult
to Overcome; Difficult to Overcome (fifth
bodhisattva ground)

sbyang bar bya ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}sdhana
object/action of purification


sbyang sbyong
sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}(udh): odhayat; {C}
sadhvati; {MSA}kta purify; wash; practice;
train; cleanse; clean; purity; purification {C}
err about; run together

one who has behaved in accordance with ascetic

sbord/ kindle

sba/ sba /sbed/

sbyang sbyong
sbyangs sbyongs {C}viodhana purify;
wash; practice; train; cleanse; clean; purity;

sbyangs sdom {C}dhuta-vtta

sbar/ sbor/ sbard/

sbal pa toad


sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {N}viodhana purify;
wash; practice; train; cleanse; clean; purity;

sbas/ sbas/ to conceal

sba bzhed

thickness large; bulky; big; size

sbyang ba

mass of foam


sbas don secret meaning; hidden meaning

sbas pa secret [past of sba, to conceal]
sbubs inside; interior; tube
sbubs stong {PH}cavity; empty place
sbe se kob movie theatre
sbo high
sbom po gross contravention {PH}thick;

sbyangs pa {C}dhta; {MSA}uttpanat;

{MSA}udagra; {MSA}vyutpanna {C}ascetic



sbyangs pa

41.3} [past of sbyor]


sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}uttapta purification;

wash; purify; practice; train; purified; cleansed;
purifying {C}refined; splendid; well-purified

sbyangs pa mkhyen pai

yon tan mkhyen mkhyen

mkhyend mkhyend the quality of knowledge
through training {GZ 66a.6}

sbyar ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {MSA}anuga; {MSA}anusra (e.g.: akagata-anusra}; {MSA}bandha (e.g.: loka-bandha)
join; connect; affix; apply; prepare; establish;
associate{BJ}; applied to (with preceding la){BJ
41.3} [past of sbyor]

sbyar bar bgyi {L}yojanya join;

sbyangs pa ma byas pa {MV}

connect; affix; apply; prepare; establish;

associate; joined united; apply oneself; employ

sbyar bar bya ba

aparikarmit not practiced purification

sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}prayojya; {MV}
yojayitavya; {MV 3.16cd}yojya should be joined/
connected/etc. {T}

sbyangs pa yang dag sdom

{C}dhta-salekha {C}austere penance of the

ascetic practices

sbyangs pai yon tan {C}dhta-

sbyar bar smon lam debs

pa gdab debs btab thobs

{MSA}prayojayitu praidadhti make wishes to
join/connect ... ? {T}

gua {C}qualities of an ascetic; ascetic practices

sbyangs pai

yon tan gyi sdom pa mi btang ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}dhta-gua-

salekha-anuvarjanat {C}the non-abandonment

of the austere penances of the ascetic practices

sbyar ba; ldan pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord yoga conjunction;


sbyangs pai yon tan bcu sbyar byung

gnyis twelve qualities of the purified

yon tan dang yo byad bsnyungs pa {C}dhtagua-salekha {C}qualities of an austere ascetic;

qualities of the ascetic practices

sbyangs pai

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord smmyogika-gandha

manufactured odor

sbyar byung gi rtsa bai kha

sbyar ma dang

sbyangs pai yon

lhung bzed chang zhing spyod {C}saghtipaaptra-cvara-dhraa {C}(when) carrying

his waist-cloth, robe, and almsbowl

tan yongs su brjod pa brjod

rjod brjod rjod {C}dhta-gua-parikrtana {C}
proclamation of ascetic qualities


sbyong sbyangs sbyongs fruit of purification

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

join; connect; affix; apply; prepare; establish;

associate{BJ}; applied to (with preceding la){BJ

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sbyar byung gi dri

dog sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

syogika-mla-vara manufactured primary

yon tan dang legs par sdom pa {C}dhta-guasalekha {C}qualities of an austere ascetic;
qualities of the ascetic practices


sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord syogika manufactured{D1}

sbyangs pai

sbyangs bras



sbyin/ byin nam sbyind/ byin nam sbyind/ {MV}
dna give; bestow; giving; gift; present; alms;

sbyin du med pa {C}prpyate not

giving; not given {C}can be communicated; with
na: cannot be communicated

sbyin bdag {C}dt benefactor {T}

{PH}patron; benefactor; sponsor {C}giver;


sbyin gnas gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}dakiya {C}

worthy of gifts/donations; worthy of offerings

sbyin gnas su gyur pa yin

no {C}dakiyat gacchati {C}arrives at/

reaches a state where he is worthy of receiving gifts

sbyin rnam kyi chen {MSA}ucca-

sbyin pa rtsol ba {C}dnni dadti

(vicitr) {C}gives various gifts

sbyin pa yongs su sbyong ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{C}daki-pariuddhi thorough purity of gifts/

sbyin pa la brgyud pa {MSA}

prapara (dne-) give continually

sbyin pa la jug {MSA}dne vartante

engage in giving

sbyin pa la rjes su ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

dna-prakra great aspect of giving

dna-samanusti teach giving {T}

sbyin pa {LCh,L,MSA,MV}dna; {C}daki; sbyin pa la sbyor ba

{C}deya; {MSA}dattaka (e.g.: ik-dattaka);
{MSA}visarga verb: give; bestow; present7
noun: giving; gift; present; alms; donation {C}
offerings; that which he bestows

sbyin pa brgyud pa {MSA}dnaparapar give continually

sbyin pa ni bras dang

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}dne prayoga

training/engaging in giving

sbyin pa la sems mnyam

pa nyid {MSA}dne sama-cittatvam equality of

mind with respect to giving

sbyin pa la sogs {MSA}dndi

giving, etc.

bcas te byin {MSA}sa-phala dna datta

bestow a gift together with the fruit [of giving]

sbyin pa la sogs pa ma

giver; donor

sbyin pa la

sbyin pa po {MSA}dt; {MSA}dyaka

sbyin pa po dang sbyin par bya ba dang

len pa po rnams su rnam par mi rtog pa {MSA}
dt-deya-pratigrhakvikalpana not conceiving
of a giver, object given, or taker {T}

sbyin pa po ni longs

byas pa {MSA}akta ... dndi not perform

giving, etc.

sogs pa la rjes su yi rang ba {MSA}dndnm

anumodan joy of giving, etc.

sbyin pa

la sogs pa la sbyor ba yid la byed pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}dndiprayoga-manasikaraa mental contemplation of
practicing giving, etc.

spyod mi dod spyad spyod spyad

spyod {MSA}bhoga-dve ... dt giver who
does not desire resources

sbyin pa la sogs pai don

ldan pa {MSA}dt kplu compassionate


sbyin pa la

{MSA}dndi ... artha object/meaning of giving,


sbyin pa po brtse ba dang

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sogs pai yon tan la jug pa {MSA}dndi-guapravtti engage in the qualities of giving, etc.



sbyin pa las byung

phala fruit/effect of giving

bai bsod nams byung byung

byung byung {MSA}dna-maya puya merit
that arises from giving

sbyin pai bras bu bde ba

through the armor of giving

sbyin pai sbyin pa {MSA}dna-dna

{MSA}dnasya phala sukham happiness, the

fruit of giving

sbyin pai go sgrub achieving

sbyin pai bdag po

the giving of giving


benefactor; sponsor

sbyin pai bde ba {MSA}dna-sukha

happiness of giving

sbyin pai gnas {C}dakiya


worthy of gifts/donations/offerings

sbyin pai yon tan {MSA}dna-gua

qualities of giving

sbyin pai bsam pa {MSA}

sbyin par bgyid pa

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{C}dakiyatm gacchati {C}arrives at/reaches
a state/condition where he is worthy of receiving

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}dyika give; giver

{C}what bestows

sbyin par bgyid pa ma

sbyin pai pha rol

lags pa {C}dtka not a giver; not give {C}


tu phyin pa dang ldan pa {MSA}dna-pramitsahagata having the perfection of giving

sbyin par dun pa yid

sbyin pai pha rol

la byed pa {MSA}dna-cchanda-manasikra
mental contemplation of the aspiration for giving

tu phyin pa la sogs pa {MSA}dndi-pramit

the perfections of giving, etc.

sbyin pai

pha rol tu phyin pai mthar gyis sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord serial training
in the perfection of giving

sbyin pai phan yon {MSA}

sbyin par bya ba {L,MSA}deya {MSA}

(e.g.: dt-deya) gift

sbyin par byed {C}dyaku; {MSA}dne

... ktv (k) giving {C}honor

sbyin par byed pa (d): {C}dtr;

{MSA}dadat; {MSA}dna (e.g.: aivarya-dna);

{MSA}(yam): yacchanti giving {C}it bestows

dnnuasa advantage of giving

sbyin pai phar phyin perfection of

sbyin pas dga ba {MSA}dna-prti


joy of giving; joy from giving

sbyin pai phung

sbyin pas longs

spyod khrims kyis bde spyad spyod

spyad spyod from giving, resources; from ethics,
a good transmigration

poi rnam par smin pa {MSA}dna-skandhasya

vipka mature the collection of giving

sbyin pai dbang {MSA}dna-vaa

sbyin byed {MSA}dt; {MSA}dyaka (e.g.:

power of giving

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

achieving through the collection of giving

dnaya thought of giving; generous thought

sbyin pai gnas su gyur ro

sbyin pai bras bu {MSA}dna-

sbyin pai tshogs sgrub

vara-guadhana-dyaka; sugati-sthiti-dyaka); {C}

pradt giver; giving {C}bestowal



sbyod [misspelling of spyod pa] practice

sbyin rlabs empowering blessing
sbyin la mngon dga yin pa sbyod lam behavior
{MSA}dnbhirata manifest joy in giving
sbyor sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord
sbyin la sogs pa sgrub pa
{C}niyojayati; {C}prayojayati; {C}yujyate;
bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
{MSA}dndi-pratipatti establish giving, etc.

sbyin sreg {LCh}homa burnt offering

sbyin sregs burnt offering
byung dka ba {PH}difficult to tame
sbyong sbyang sbyong
sbyangs sbyongs {C}uddhi purify; wash;
practice; train; cleanse; clean; purity;

sbyong ba

sbyor dngos mjug gsum

preparation, actual [session], end [of session]

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}pariodha purify;

wash; practice; train; cleanse; clean; purity;
purification {C}clean

sbyor mthai bras

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}viodhaka

purify; wash; practice; train; cleanse; clean;
purity; purification; one who...

sbyong bar byed pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}


sbyong sbyangs sbyongs purifier; washer;

practitioner; trainer; cleanser; cleaner; the
means of...


sbyang sbyong

sbyangs sbyongs purify; wash; practice; train;

cleanse; clean; purity; purification

sbyongs bras


sbyong sbyangs sbyongs fruit of purification/


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bui yid byed sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord prayoganihaphalamanaskra mental
contemplation that is the fruit of final training

sbyor mthai yid byed

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

prayoganihamanaskra mental contemplation
of final training

sbyor ba

abhiyandayati purify; wash; practice; train;

cleanse; clean; purity; purification; one who...;
the means of... {C}softens; irrigates

sbyong byed

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord the three


sbyong bar byed

{C}yojayati; {C}saprayukta; {MSA}prayukta;

{MSA}prayoga verb: join; connect; apply;
affix; prepare; establish7 noun: application;
preparation; exertion; joining; connection;
endeavor; syllogism {C}incite to; enjoin
(upon); embark on; applies oneself; be engaged in;
be joined to; practice; is tenable (to say); logical
to equate [with negative: is not tenable (to say);
not logical to equate]; apply oneself to; distribute
(evenly); join up (with);


sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {C,MSA,MV,GD}prayoga; {C}prayogat;
(yuj): {MSA}yojayanti; {MSA}yojana; {C,MSA}
yoga; {C}yojayati; samaprayoga; {MSA}anuyoga;
{MSA}niyojana; {MSA}sayojana; {MV}
nibandhana; {C}liyate; {MSA}yang dag par sbyor
ba = saniyojana; sampad; sayoga verb: join;
connect; apply; affix; prepare; establish; practice
7 noun: preparation; connection; syllogism;
application; exertion; joining; endeavor;
fortune; conjunction {PH}application;
exertion {C}work [the integration of theory
and practice exercised by the Bodhisattva]; exert
oneself; devotion; practice; junction; occupation;
undertaking; matter for joining; apply oneself to;
yoked to; distribute (evenly); join up (with); cling;
exercise; asso


sbyor ba mthai bras

te sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

{C}lno bhavati depend upon application/
connection {C}clings to

bu yid byed sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord prayoganiaphala-manaskra mental
contemplation that is the fruit of final training

sbyor ba la ldem por

sbyor ba mthai yid byed

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord mental

dgongs pa intending translation

contemplation of final application

sbyor ba dang mthong ba dang sgom pa dang mthar

thug pai lam {MSA}prayoga-darana-bhvannih-mrga paths of preparation, seeing, and
meditation, and final [i.e., no more learning]

sbyor ba dang ldan pa

sbyor ba dei dzin

stangs mnyam nyid prayogasya samat equality

in the mode of apprehension of trainings [in a
knower of bases]

sbyor ba pa

sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord {MSA}prayogin; {MSA}pryogika

(e.g.: kramopalakaa-pryogika; prativedhapryogika; sakhyopalakaa-pryogika} one
who prepares; one who applies himself/herself

sbyor ba byas nas

sbyor ba las byung bai

brtson grus sbyar sbyor sbyard
sbyord effort arising from application

sbyor ba las mi ldog pa nyid

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}

prayognirvartita non-reversal from application/

sbyor sbyard sbyord {EO}prayogado faults
of trainings; faults/defects of training

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord having performed the


sbyor bai sgo nas

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}prayogatas

from the viewpoint of application/preparation/

sbyor bai sgrib pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}ayoga nonapplication; non-preparation; non-connection

{C}non-junction; not a matter for joining

sbyor ba med pa

sbyor ba la ldem por dgongs pa/ bsgyur ba

sbyor bai skyon

sbyor ba ma yin pa

la ldem por dgongs pa parimbhisadhi

indirectly intending translation; intending

la ldem por dgongs pa parimbhisadhi

indirectly intending translation

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}prayogasahagata endowed with application

sbyor ba la ldem por dgongs pa; bsgyur ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MV}prayogvaraa
obstructions to application/preparation/training

sbyor bai sngon du

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MV}aprayoga nonapplication; non-preparation; non-connection

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}di-prayogatas

prior to training

sbyor ba rtsom ste

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}prayogn rabhate
begin application/preparation {C}undertake

sbyor bai thabs

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}prayogopya

method/technique of training

sbyor ba la brten par gyur sbyor bai mthar phyin

par song ba

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {MSA}prayoga-paryanta-gamana
progress to completion of training

sbyor bai gnas



sbyor sbyard sbyord {MV}prayogvasth place

of training; topic in training

sbyor bai brtson grus

sbyor lam prayoga-mrga path of

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}

mtshan nyid/ don mngon rtogs/ Definition:
clear realization of meaning

prayoga-vrya effort in training

sbyor bai mtshan nyid

dbye ba/ 1 drod/ 2 rtse mo/ 3 bzod pa/ 4
chos mchog Divisions: (1) heat; (2) peak; (3)
forbearance; (4) supreme mundane qualities

prayogalaki characteristics of trainings/


sbyor bai yid la byed pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}

pryogika-manaskra mental contemplation of

sbyor lam rtse sbyor path-of-

preparation peak training; peak training of the

path of preparation

sbyor bai yon tan prayogagua/

sbyor lam bzod pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord forbearance level of
the path of preparation

gua qualities of trainings

sbyor bar byed

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}niyojayati; {C}
sasyandayati training; train; joining;
connecting {C}incite to; enjoin (upon); unite
with; agree with

sbyor bar byed do

sbyor lugs skyon can faulty

mode of structuring the statement

sbra stod tshal


sbyor byed pa

sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}niyojana; {C}prayujyati
training; train; joining; connecting {C}incite
to; enjoining; enjoin (upon); makes effort; unite

sbyor tshul

sbyar sbyor
sbyard sbyord mode/way of application

sbyor zhing bad pa cher

rtsol {C}cetate {C}bestirs himself; be astir with

/ sbyor bzhi / sbyor ba bzhi four

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sbrag sbrag

sbrags/ sbrags/ connect; conjoin

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord virtues arising

from application in this life

{PH}upper Dra-tsal

[region in Tibet]

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}sasyandayati

{C}unite with; agree with

sbyor byung gi dge ba

complete training in all aspects (rnam kun mngon rdzogs

sbyor ba), peak training (rtse mo'i sbyor ba), serial
training (mthar gyis pa'i sbyor ba), and momentary
training (skad cig ma'i sbyor ba)


sbrag khang post office

sbrags sbrag sbrag
sbrags/ sbrags/ connect; conjoin

sbrang bu bhramara bees

sbrang ma {L}bhramara black bee
sbrang mo {PH}beggar-woman
sbrang rtsi {L}madhu honey; sweetness
sbrang rtsii ro {L}madhu-rasa taste of

sbran te {C}arocayati



ma khad du

declare; announce

sbru ma {C}gurvii(ya) {C}pregnant

sbrum ma {C}gurvii(ya) {C}pregnant
sbrul snake
sbrul gyi mdud pa snake-knot
sbrul gyis gang bar {C}

{PH}as soon as; just done; just


ma khengs pa {MSA}anunnat nonhaughtiness; non-arrogance

ma khyab {MSA}avypin no pervasion; no


ma khyab pai skyon fallacy of nonpervasion

vyvakra among snakes {C}infested with

wild beasts

ma mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}ajta not
known; unknown. {C}not cognized

sbrul gdug {PH}poisonous snake

sbrul gdug pa poisonous snake
sbrul tshong {PU} veya {PH}snake-

ma khrugs zhing

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C}

anavakra not disturbed; not angry {C}


merchant; prostitute

sbrul shad {PH}ornamental shay mark

sbro ba delight
bha ga bhaga vagina [transliteration of

ma khrul {C}abhrnti non-

mistaken{BR} {C}the fact that one is not


ma khrul pa {MSA}abhrnta non-

Sanskrit word bhaga]

ma {LCh,C,MSA}mt; {MSA}a- (e.g.: akta,


ma khrul ba abhrnta non-mistaken;

etc.); {MSA}na (1) mother ; (2) particle

indicating negative: not; non-; un-


ma skor ba not turned (before){BJ 29.4} ma khrul bai rig pa abhrntabuddhi non-mistaken awareness
ma skyes pa {C,MSA}anutpanna; {C,MSA}
ajta; {MV}anutpatti uncreated phenomenon;
ma khrul bai shes pa
not produced{N}; unproduced; noncreation{D1}; non-produced {C}non-arising;
unborn; not born

ma skyes pai chos anutpanna-

dharma an unproduced phenomenon; uncreated


ma bskyed pa

skyed bskyed skyed {C}anavaropita; {C}ajanita
not generated; not produced {C}not having

ma khad

ma gir down there

ma gus {MSA}vimna non-humility; nonrespect

ma gus pa {MSA}andara non-humility;


{PH}as soon as; just done; just


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

abhrnta-jna non-mistaken consciousness

mtshan nyid/ rang gi snang yul la ma khrul bai rig
pa/ Definition: an awareness that is non-mistaken
with respect to its appearing object

ma gos pa {MSA}nirlepa unsullied;




ma grub

abhvayitv if not meditated/cultivated


grub grubs/grub grubs asiddha not established

ma grub na

grub grub grubs/grub grubs if the reason is not
established ...

ma grub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}asamudnta
not achieved; not attained; not accomplished
{C}not brought about

ma grub pai gtan tshigs

ma gh {C}magh

grub grub grubs/

grub grubs asiddha-hetu <div>nonestablished
reason; &nbsp;unestablished [reason]</div>

ma nges {MSA}aniyata; {MSA}antatva;

{MSA}anaikntika indefinite; not ascertained;


ma nges rtags

grol grold grol grold {MV}amukta-muktatva

release of what was not released

grold grol grold {C}amukta not released {C}

not freed

grol grold grol grold {MV}

bgyid bgyis gyis {C}akta not made; not done

ma nges pai gtan

tshigs anaikntika-hetu indefinite reason;

unascertained {GD:276}

ma mngal du gro ba {L}

garbhvakrnti entry into a womb; descent into

the womb

ma mngal du jug pa {L}

ma gong ba not overpowered

ma rgad {L}marakata emerald
ma rgal ba brgal

garbhvakrnti entry into a womb; descent into

the womb

ma gcig lab sgron ma Female

Tibetan siddh who founded gcod meditation,
which involves offering ones body to demons

rgal brgald rgold {C}atra not cross over

ma chags {C}anadhyoita; {MSA}asaga;

{MSA}na sakta non-attachment; unattached

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}(bh):

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

antatva; {MSA}anaikntika indefinite; not

ascertained; non-ascertainment {C}not fixed
(on); one whose destiny is not fixed

lineage [of person]

gag gag gags gags {C,MSA}aniruddha not


ma rgyal ba {MSA}ajita unconquered

ma bsgoms na

ma nges pa {LCh,C,MSA}aniyata; {MSA}

ma nges pai rigs


ma gags pa

{PH}uncertain sign;

indefinite sign


ma bgyis pa

{C}name of an herb; a cure

for all poisons

ma grems pa {C}aithilya {C}laxness

ma grol grol ba

amukta-muktatva release of what was not


ma bsgribs pa {MSA}anvta

ma bsgrubs pa

asiddha; {MSA}anipanna; {MV}asiddhatva not


ma grol ba dang grol ba

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms abhvana; {C}abhva
non-meditation; non-cultivation {C}absence
unobstructed; undefiled

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {LCh}

ma grol ba

ma bsgoms pa



ma chags pa {LCh}alobha; {LCh}

ma gtogs {C}sthpayitv [not-include];

vairga; {C,MSA}asakta; {C,MSA}asakti

non-attachment; unattached {C}absence of

ma chags la sogs {MSA}alobhdi

non-attachment, etc.

ma chad pa


chad chad chad {C}acchinna not cut off; not

annihilated {C}not cut apart

ma mchis pa {C}abhva; {C}

asavidyamna; {C}asat; {C}asattva is not;

non-; not {C}absence; which does not exist; nonexistent; since he has not got; absent; what is not
(there); it is not; non-beingness; has no real being

ma mchis pa yang dag pa

nyid {C}asadbhtat; {C}nstita non-beingness


ma jigs pai spobs pa


fearless confidence

not including; not included within; not included

among; except ldog
chas phye ba tsam ma gtags except for being
merely distinguished by the isolate factor{PGP]70}

ma gtogs pa {MSA,MV}vinirmukta

{MSA}(e.g.: dharma-dhtu-vinirmukta); {MSA}

(vj): varjayitv; {MSA}vyatirekea (e.g.:
dharmat-vyatirekea) [not-include]; not
including; not included within; not included
among; except {C}with the exception of; except
for; apart from; all equally; but; other than; nothing
else than; outside

ma gtogs par {C}sthpayitv; {C}

anyatra; {MV}vin [not-include]; not including;

not included within; not included among; except
{C}with the exception of; except for; apart from;
all equally; but; other than; nothing else than;

ma gtogs par de ma yin

pa {C}sthpayitv not including; not included

within; not included among; except {C}with
the exception of; except for; apart from; all equally;
but; other than; nothing else than; outside

ma brjed {MSA}asapramoa nonforgetfulness

ma brjed pa {MV}asapramoa nonforgetfulness

manydzu gho sha ya {PH}Majughoa

ma nyams {MSA}akhaan nondegenerated; undefiled; unspoiled

ma gtogs par gzhan {C}

anyatra other than; not including; not included

within; not included among; except {C}with
the exception of; except for; apart from; all equally;
but; other than; nothing else than; outside

ma nyams pa {C}akhaa; {C}acyuta;

ma btang ba

ma rnyed pa {C}apratilambhamna; {C}

ma btud

gtong btang thongs {C}apaki; {C}amukta not

give away; not send; not let go {C}unbaked; not
freed; not released

{C}anupahata; {C}anuphatu non-degenerated;

undefiled; unspoiled {C}unbroken;
imperishable; safe and sound; uninjured
aprpta; {C}alabhamna; albha loss; not
finding; not gain; not gaining {C}not acquiring;
without having attained

ma rnyongs pa {C}akata
not bent

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

btud dud
btud dud {C}anavanata not bow; not pay
reverence; not pay homage {C}without bending

ma rtogs

rtogs rtogs

rtogs rtogs {C}anavaghamna not realizing;

not cognizing; not understanding {C}without
plunging in


ma snyan grags ayaas disgrace




ma rtogs rtogs

acquiring; without attainment; non-attainment

ma thos par spong ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}abodha-bodha

realize what was unrealized

ma rtogs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}arutv

pratikepa abandon without attainment {T}

ma mtha [low-limit]; lowest point; the

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}asupratividdha; {C}

anavabudhyamna not realize; not cognize;
not understand {C}not penetrated; without/not

least; low limit; at the least

ma mthai mtshams lowest point

ma mthong {C}ada unseen; not see;

ma brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags

not seen; not perceive {C}imperceptible

ma mthong na {MV}(pa): apayat

rtags dtangn gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{MSA}akalpita non-analyzed; non-imputed;
non-investigated; not designated

when not seeing; unseen; not seeing

ma mthong ba {C}apayan unseen; not

ma brtags ma

see; not seen; not perceive {C}imperceptible;

not seeing; unable to see

dpyod pai blo lhan skyes {PH}an innate

awareness that neither investigates nor analyses

ma dag {MSA,MV}auddha; {MV}auddhi

ma brten {C}angami not depending

impure; not pure; not purified; impurity

upon {C}without resorting to

ma bstan

ma dag skye shi bar do

impure birth; death; and the intermediate state

bstan ston

bstand stond {MSA}anupadea not teach; nonteaching; not indicate; non-indication

ma thag tu {C}samanantara immediately/

right/just after; immediately/right/just before
[depending on context] {C}immediately on;
immediately after

ma thag pa samanantara just after [verb

+ ma thag pa]

ma thogs pa {MSA}apratihata nonobstructive; not an obstacle

ma thob


thob thob thobs {MSA}albhin not obtain; not


ma thob nyams pa

ma dag pa {C}auddhi impure; not

pure; not purified; impurity

ma dag pa dang dag

pa yid la byed pa {MV}auddhi-uddhi-manaskra

mental contemplation of impurity and purity;
impure and pure mental contemplation

ma dag pa dang dag

pai gnas {MV}auddha-uddhvasth abide

in impurity and purity; impure and pure place/

ma dag pa gzhan gyi dbang

{PH}impure other-powered natures

ma dag min {MSA}na ... auddha nonimpurity; not impure

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

aprpta-vihna degenerate non-attainment {T}

ma thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}

ma dag gzhan dbang

impure other-powered natures


ma dad pa {LCh}raddhya; {MV}

araddh non-faith

apratilambhamna; {C,MSA}aprpti; {MSA}

aprpta not obtain; not attain {C}not

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



ma dad pa yid la byed pa

{MSA}aruci-manaskra mental contemplation of


ma ning {C}na-pusaka; paaka eunuch;

lacking normative maleness {C}neuter

ma nus nyam thag {PH}destitute

ma dul ba {PH}the untamed
and powerless
ma drangs par without citing{BJ 68.1} ma nor ba {C}abhrnta; {MSA}abhrntika
[not-mistake]; non-mistaken; unerring; without
ma dros {PH}Anavatapta
error; without mistake {C}non-illusion; nonerror
ma dros mtsho anopata; anavatapta
[name of a lake] {PH}Anavatapta [the Ever Cool ma nor bai de bzhin nyid
Lake, another name for lake Manasarovar]

{MV}avitatha-tathat non-mistaken suchness

ma dris {MV}asastava unacquainted;

ma nor bar unerringly

ma nor lam {PH}the unmistaken path
ma pang bu jug child set on


ma dris pa asastava unknown;


ma dres

mothers lap

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}anupaklia

unmixed; unshared {C}unafflicted; unstained


ma spangs pa


spong spangs spongs {MV}(pra han): aprahya

non-abandoning; when not abandoning

ma dres pa

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {C}

spong spangs spongs {MV}apraha; {MV}

avihni non-abandoning; non-abandonment

amira; {C}asasarga; {C,MSA}avyavakra;

{MSA}avyavakiraa; {C}asakra; {C}
asasa; {C,MV,MSA}veika; {C,MSA}
kevala; {MSA}aparijaya (=ma dris pa); {MSA}
vibhinna unmixed; unshared {C}exclusive;
not connected; uncontaminated; exclusively; not
submerged (in the wanderings through); noncommingling; uncontaminated; peculiar to; special;

ma spyad pa

spyad spyod
spyad spyod {MV}anuprayoga; {MV}nopayoga
not practice; not enjoy; not make use of; nonpractice

ma spros pai bdag nyid {MSA}

aprapactmaka nature of non-elaboration;
non-elaborated essence

ma dres pa la dmigs pa

ma phebs pa {MSA}ajita not gone

ma phyin par {C}anadhigamya not

dres/dre dres/dre

dres dres {MSA}vibhinnlambana unmixed

object of observation; unshared object of

gone; not having gone {C}before they have


ma dres pai chos bco

brgyad dres/dre
dres/dre dres dres eighteen unshared qualities

ma dres pai yon tan

dres/dre dres/dre dres

ma phye ba {C}aviprayojana non-

distinction; non-differentiation {C}nonseparation

ma phrad {C}alabhantu not meeting; not

connecting; non-connection {C}without having

dres {MSA}veika-gua ushared qualities;

unmixed qualities

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ma spangs na



ma byas pa {C}akaritva; {MSA}akta

not made; not created; not done {C}not having

been furthered; not painted in

ma byas pai chos akta-dharma

chad kyi {C}yvad saptamam (-asya Ad)

mtmahapitmahayugasya (mtpit-yugasya)
{C}backwards through seven generations (on both
his fathers and mothers side)

ma mo {C}mtk

{PH}[n. of mystical
formulae or diagrams which use permutations of
the alphabet] {C}mystical formulae or diagrams
which use permutations of the alphabet

unmade phenomenon; uncreated phenomenon

Definitions: mtshan
nyid/ ma skyes pai chos/ Definition: unproduced
stealing; taking what is not given

ma mo byang sman ma-mo-jang-men

{C}ndatta ndadti not stealing; does not take

what is not given

ma mos

ma byin par len pa {C}adattadna

ma byin par len par mi byed

ma byin len adattadna; adattdna

mos mos mos mos

{C}anadhimuktat; {MV}anadhimukti non-belief/

imagine {C}lack of firm belief

ma mos pa

mos mos mos

mos {MSA}anadhimukta; {MSA}anadhimukti

stealing; taking what is not given

ma byung ba

(Female spirits responsible for spirit created

infectious bile disorders)


byung byung byung {C}anutpdita; {C}

asabhta non-arisen; not come forth; not
appear {C}not produced; not come into being;
not come about; impossible; not really existing

ma dmigs pa not observed

ma dmigs pai gtan

ma byon {C}aprpta not come; not

tshigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs dmigs anupalabdhi-hetu a correct nonobservation sign; reason of non-observation

arrived; not attained; without having attained

ma bral ba {MV}avisayoga not free


ma bral bar {C}avirahita not free from ma dmigs pai rtags

{C}not lacking (in); one who is not without

ma bral bar rjes su brel

bas {C}citta-nantaryat-virahita {C}while
giving no opportunity to thoughts of another kind

ma brel {C}asasarga; {MV}viyoga not

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

anupalabdhi-hetu nonobservation sign

ma dmigs pai rtags

yang dag dmigs dmigs

dmigs dmigs samyag-anupalabdhi-hetu a correct
non-observation sign

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}akta not

ma rmas {C}akata {C}unhurt; not bent

ma rmongs rmong

ma mes dang pha mes gnyi gai rabs bdun tshun

ma rmongs pa

related; unjoined; not connected {C}no contact

ma sbyangs

rmong rmongs rmongs {MV}avimoha nonobscuration; non-delusion

ma ma {C,MSA}dhtr {C}nurse

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rmong rmongs rmongs {MSA}asamha nonobscuration; non-delusion



ma smad pa {MSA}anindit not low; not

not engage in

ma zhum pa

jums zhum zhums {C}anadhypanna; {C}
anavalna; {MSA}alna non-discouragement;
non-slackness {C}not having violated; uncowed


ma smin {MSA}apakva; {MV}avipakvat

not ripened; not matured

ma tshang {MV}vaikalya not complete; not

ma zhum pai lus dang ngag dang yid kyi
kyi mtha dang ldan pa
ma tshang ba med pa {MSA}avikal
jum jums zhum zhums {C}anavalna-kya-vmana-karmnta having non-discouragement/
non-slackness of body, speech, and mind {C}
one who remains uncowed in all he does with his
body, speech, and mind

not incomplete

ma tshan ba {MV,MSA}vaikalya; {MSA}

vikala not complete; not full

ma tshar bar du until this is completed

ma zhen {C}asakti nonattachment; non ma tshar bar la until this is completed
determination; non-adherence; non-conception
{C}absence of attachment
ma tshogs pa {C}smagr noncollection; uncollected; not assembled {C}
ma zhen pa {MSA}alna nonconcord

ma tshal ba


tshol btsald tshold {C}akaya; {C}asajnan

not seek; not sought for; unwanted; not ask
{C}uncognizable; inextinguishable; inexhaustible;

ma dzings {C}asaluita


not cut (off)

ma zin pai byung

ma zin pai byung ba las gyur pai sems


rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}apri incomplete; not

complete; not perfected; unfinished

can du ston pai sgra snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond anuptta-mahbhtahetuka-sattvkhya-yaa-abda pleasant articulate
sound caused by elements not conjoined with

ma rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}anipanna
incomplete; not complete; not perfected;

ma zin pai byung ba las gyur pai

ma zhi {MV}aama not pacified; not

peaceful; non-pacification

sems can du ston pai sgra mi snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond anupttamahbhta-hetuka-sattvkhya-ayaa-abda
unpleasant articulate sound caused by elements
not conjoined with consciousness

ma zhi ba {MSA}anta not pacified; not

peaceful; non-pacification

ma zhugs nas prior to entering

ma zhugs pa zhug

jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}apravia not enter into;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ma zad [not-exhausted]; not only; not just;

ba las gyur pai sgra byung

byung byung byung anupatta-mahbhta-hetukaabda sound arisen from elements not conjoined
with consciousness


ma rdzogs

determination; non-adherence; non-conception


ma zin pai byung ba las gyur pai

pai phyir It follows that the subject, sound, is not
permanent, because of being impermanent

sems can du mi ston pai sgra snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond anupttamahbhta-hetuka-asattvkhya-yaa-abda
pleasant inarticulate sound caused by elements
not conjoined with consciousness

ma yin kun rtog {TN}abhtaparikalpa unreal imputation

ma yin dgag {LCh}paryudsa-

ma zin pai byung ba las gyur

pratiedha; paryudsa; niedha {GD:371}

affirming negative; affirming negative
phenomenon; affirming negation; nominally
bound negation {GD:371}; exclusion {GD:371}

pai sems can du mi ston pai sgra mi snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond
anuptta-mahbhta-hetuka-asattvkhya-ayaaabda unpleasant inarticulate sound caused by
elements not conjoined with consciousness

dbye ba/ 1 rang zhes


ma gzigs {C}asamkaa not see; not

seen; not view {C}(one who does) not look out


brjod pai sgras rang gi phangs byar gyur pai

chos gzhan sgrub pa dngos su phen pai ma yin
dgag 2 rang zhes brjod pai sgras rang gi phangs
byar gyur pai chos gzhan sgrub pa shugs la phen
pai ma yin dgag 3 rang zhes brjod p

ma gzigs pa {C}ada not see; not

seen; not view {C}unseen; imperceptible

ma bzung {C}aghta; {C}anudghan not ma yin dgag gi gzhan

apprehend; not grasp; not hold; not conceive;
not seize {C}not seized; not taking up


ma ongs

{PH}future; future [phenomena];

[phenomena that exist in the] future

ma ongs dus {C}angata [not-come];

future; not yet come; yet to come

ma ongs pa {LCh,C,MSA}angata

mtshan nyid/ rang zhes brjod pai

sgras rang gi dgag bya bkag shul du rang dzin rtog pai
gzhi mthun pa yod pa yang yin/ dgag pa yang yin pai

ma ongs pai dus {MV}angato

dhv future time; the future

ma ongs pai don

{PH}future goal
ring gi dus su ma ongs pai don mngon par dod
pai rtog pa a consciousness wishing for a future
object at the present time

bum pa dang gcig ma

yin pa las log pa opposite from not being one with
sgra chos can rtag pa ma yin par thal mi rtag pa yin

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

elimination that is an affirming negative


gzhal byar phangs pa yang yin/ sgrub pa yang yin pai

[not-come]; future; not yet come; yet to come;


ma yin {MSA}na is not; not being

bsal sel bsald seld

*pryudsa-apoha other-eliminator/other-


gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/ that which is observed as

a common locus of: (1) there existing a common
locus of (a) being projected in place of its object
of negation as an object of comprehension by the
conceptual consciousness apprehending it and (b)
being a positive phenomenon (2)

dbye ba/ 1 don rang mtshan gyi gzhan sel/ 2 bloi
gzhan sel/ Divisions: (1) factual other-eliminator
that is a specifically characterized phenomenon; (2)
mental other-eliminator

ma yin dgag gi gzhan sel yang yin/ don dam par
don byed nus pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs
pa an observed common locus between being
an affirming negative other-eliminator and being
ultimately able to perform a function

ma yin dgag dang med

dgag paryudsa-pratiedha-prasajya-pratiedha
affirming negative and non-affirming negative

ma yin no zhes zer na {MSA}no

hiti vadet if [someone] should say it is not ...

ma rig pai kun sbyor

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord thorough

enwrapment of ignorance

ma rig pai mun pa


of ignorance

ma rig pas bslad pa polluted by


ma rung gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd vilayam; upaiti; nayati;
prayti; prpuati; {C}vrajati unsuitable

ma yin pa de {MV}anya (tad-) the not- ma rung bar byas {MSA}dita

unsuitably done {T}

being {T}

ma rungs pa

ma yin pa las log pa

ma rungs {C}
dua; {MSA}raudra pernicious force; pernicious
entity; pernicious being; hateful; hateful entity;
hateful being {PH}wild beast {C}full of hate
Wild beasts [means]
lions, and so forth. {PU}

atdvayavtti (?) opposite from not being;

opposite from non-; non-non

ma yin par gyur pai rtag

pa something which a permanent phenomenon

is not

ma g.yos pa {C}avicalitatva

unmoving; unwavering; unfluctuating {C}does

not waver

ma rangs disagreement; disparagement

grags zhes pa ma
rangs pai tshig tu snang ba Renowned appears to
be a word of disagreement{LWT 150}

ma rabs [low-class]; low class; vulgar

ma rig thibs po {C}avidya-paala
{C}the covering of ignorance

ma rig pa {LCh,C,MSA,MV}avidy; {MSA}

avidya; ajna [not-know]; ignorance {C}
misconception; misconceiver; misapprehension;
misapprehender; nescience

ma rig pa bslad pa ma

zhugs zhug jug zhugs zhugs

not polluted/affected/distorted by ignorance
{C}misconception; misconceiver; misapprehension;
misapprehender; nescience

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ma rungs pa

thams cad dul ba shkya thub pa {C}sarva-duavinaya-kyamuni [p.n. of a Buddha]

ma la sogs pa dang
chos mthun pa {MSA}mt-di-sdharmya
concordant phenomena, mother and so forth

ma lags pai grangs su

mchio {C}sakhym gacchati (=vyapadea
gacchati) {C}comes to be styled/called; come
to speak of; makes sense to say; derives his name
from; be reckoned among; is called

ma langs pa without rising

ma lus ma lus pa aea [not-

remain]; none remaining; complete; entirely;

without residue; all; all of; no exception; without

ma lus pa

ma lus {LCh,C,MSA}

aea; {C}nikhila; {MSA}niea [not-remain];

without exception; none remaining; complete;
entirely; without residue; all; all of; no exception
{C}whole; entire


ma lus par {L}nikhila; {L}nirayaea;

{C}krtsnya; {C}niea [not-remain]; none

remaining; complete; entirely; without residue;
all; no exception; without exception {C}whole;
entire; without remainder; full

ma lus par khegs pa the

refutation without residue{MSI 430}

ma lus par spangs pa

ma bslangs

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {MSA}(yc):

aycamna not not ask/beg/collect/gather/raise/
inspire/excite/arouse/cause to rise/urge on

ma bslabs par {C}aikita

spang spong spangs spongs complete

unlearned; without learning {C}untrained


ma lus par spong ba

asabhta; {MSA}asabhti non-accumulated;

not accumulate; non-composite {C}one who
has not collected

spang spong spangs spongs {L}nikhila-hni

complete abandonment lose (completely);

forsake entirely

ma lus par mdzad entirely

ma h mah [transliteration of Sanskrit

wordmah] great

ma he water buffalo
mang {C,L}bahu; {C}pthu; {MSA}vipula
many {C}much; very; all; long; very much;
broad; vast; large


mang bkur sde

ma lus min {MSA}na ... aea not



entirely; not all of

ma lus shing lus pa med pa

aea-anavaea all without remainder; entire

without remainder

ma lus shing lus pa med

par ma lus shing lus pa

med pa {C}niravaeam anavaeam entirely
without remainder {C}all that quantity without
exception or remainder

mang bkur ba {LCh}sanitya;

saity {GD:419} Sanitya; Sammity


mang bskur sde



mang grangs {PH}many

mang gyed {PH}common [tea] and

ma log pa {MV}aviparyaya; {MV}

[monetary] distributions

mang nyung {MSA}alpa v bahu v

aviparysa non-mistaken; non-reversed

ma log pa de bzhin nyid {C}

number of; much or little

mang ston pa

avitathat non-mistaken suchness {C}nonfalseness

bstan ston bstand stond {LCh}mahsaka


ma sha soybean
mang thos learned one
ma shes pa {C}akovidu not conscious of;
mang thos pa {LCh}bahurutya
not cognized {C}not conversant with
ma gsan pa {C}ajta; {C}aruta {C}
mang du ston pa
uncognized; not heard
bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}bahula-nirdea
ma bsags pa {C}anupacita; {MSA}
many teachings
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mang du thos pa {L,MSA}bahuruta;

mang ba {L}vaita powers [especially the

mang du gnas pa {MSA}bahula-

man {MSA}rdhva; {MSA} yvat-svajvita-dna

mang du gnas par gyur {C}

man ngag {LCh,N}upadea quintessential

{MSA}bhurutya; {C}bahurutya {C}very

learned; has heard much; to learn much

group of ten powers that accrue to a Bodhisattva

of the tenth ground (sa, bhmi)]; sovereignty

vihrin; {MSA}bahula-vihrit many abodes;

person with many abodes

(= rang gi srog man chad gtong ba) {PH}on and

below; henceforward

bahula viharati many abodes {C}often

instruction; precept; religious advice;

instruction; instructions; direct speech

mang du byas pa {C}bahul-karoti

man ngag gi rgyud Oral Tradition

{C}makes much of

mang du byed pa {C}bahul-karaat

Tantra [the third of the Four (Medical) Tantras]

man chad {MSA}rdhva; {MSA}rang

{C}making much of

mang drag na if there is too much

mang po {C,MSA}bahu; {C}pthu; {C}

bhulya; {MSA}prabhta; {MSA}bahutva; {MSA}

viada; {MV}bahuvidha many; much {C}
great; enormous; plenty of; big
dbang mang nyung gi khyad par differences in the
number of empowerments{TGP 4}

mang po nyid {C}bahutva


magnitude; abundance

mang nyid {C;A4C} bahutva


magnitude; plurality
If there is not a pot for each

gi srog man chad gtong ba = yvat-svajvitadna below; thereon {PH}on and below;
sgra gnas kyi bsam gtan man chad du
zhi gnas sgrub la, ... Although calm abiding is
achieved in the Concentration of Abiding in Sound
and below, ... {TGP 5}

man chad du

{PH}on and below

sgra gnas kyi
bsam gtan man chad du zhi gnas sgrub la calm
abiding is achieved in the concentration of abiding
in sound and below {TGP 5}

ma a la maala [transliteration of

Sanskrit wordmaala = dkhyil khor] mystic


[characteristic], a plurality is not feasible. {A4C}


man shel crystal

mam and; or; particle indicating question
mai mngal du gro ba {C}

mang po rnam pa {MV}bahuvidha

many aspects; many kinds

mang poi sgo {MSA}bahu-mukha

many doors

garbha-avakrnti {C}descent into the womb

mang pos bkur ba {LCh}sanitya; mar ghta (1) butter; ghee; (2) as (ones)
saity {GD:419} {PH}Samity school

mother {PH}lower; downward

mang pos bkur bai sde pa

mar gyi snying khu fat/scum of ghee

mar gyi bum pa ghta-ghaa ghee-

saity {GD:419} Saity school

mang ba {C}bahula; {MSA}prcurya;

pot; butter-pot

{MSA}bahu many; much {C}abundance of;

abounding in

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mar gyi mtshams med


notpatti not produced; unproduced; nonproduction {C}(which) fail to be produced;
no(n)-genesis; the unproduced; was never produced

direct transition downward

mar chen cook

mar me {C,MSA,MV}dpa; {MSA}pradpa;

mi skye ba chos nyid {C}

anutpattika-dharmat unproduced reality {C}

the true (unproduced) nature of all dharmas

{MV}pradyota [butter-fire]; butter lamp; lamp

mar me can {C}dpavat Dpavat

mi skye ba yi bzod pa nyid

[name of a town]

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}

mar me mdzad {C}dpakara

notpda-knti forbearance/patience/tolerance/
endurance with respect to non-production

Dpakara [p.n.of a Buddha]

mar mei dpe {MV}taila-pradyota-

mi skye ba la bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {C}anutpda-

dnta the example of a lamp

mar la mar {L}ghta ghee; clarified

knti forbearance/patience/tolerance/
endurance with respect to non-production {C}
patient acceptance of non-production


mar la mar gyi snying khu fat/

mi skye bai chos la bzod

scum of ghee

mar shes {C}mt-jat (=mtreyat)

cognize as mother {C}honoring mother

mar shes pa {C}mt-jat (=mtreyat)

cognize as mother {C}honoring mother

mal stan {PH}bed

mas rlung {PH}lower wind
mi na; {C}manuya; {C}nar; {C}purua;

pa bzod bzod bzod bzod

{L}anutpatti-dharma-knti; {C}anutpattikeu
dharmeu knti; {MSA}anutpattika-dharma-knti
forbearance/patience/tolerance/endurance with
respect to the doctrine of non-production {C}
patient acceptance of non-arising dharmas; patient
acceptance of dharmas which fail to be produced

mi skye bai chos

{C,MSA}mnua; {MSA}jana; {MSA}n; {MSA}

manu-ja (1) negative particle: not; non-; is not;
(2) human; person {C}person(ality); (some)one

Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 gling bzhii mi/ 2 gling phran brgyad kyi mi/
Divisions: (1) men of the four great continents; (2)
men of the eight smaller continents

la bzod pa thob pa
thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}anutpattikadharma-knti-lbha attain forbearance/
patience/tolerance/endurance with respect to the
doctrine of non-production

mi skye bai

chos la bzod pa yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}

various; not shining; not beautiful

anutpatti-dharma-knti-paryei thoroughly
seek/investigate/examine/research forbearance/
patience/tolerance/endurance with respect to the
doctrine of non-production

not produced; unproduced; non-production

extreme of non-production; non-production-

mi bkra ba {MSA}avicitrat non-

mi skye {C}ajta; {MV}anutpatti; {MV}notpatti mi skye bai mthar {C}anutpda-koi

{C}unborn; not born


mi skye ba {C}anutpattika; {C,MSA,MV}

mi skye bar shes pa

anutpatti {C}(=anutpda); {C}anutpda; {MV}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

of non-production




mi skye bzod pa thob nyid

thob/thob thob thob thobs

{MSA}notpatti-knti attainment of forbearance/

patience/tolerance/endurance with respect to

mi skyed pa


skyed bskyed skyed {MV}aropaa; {MV}aropa

non-produced; not generated

mi skyei chos la

ni bzod pa thob pa
thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}anutpattikadharmeu knti prpt attain forbearance
with respect to the doctrine of non-production

prpta non-leisure {C}bad moment; bad

rebirth; (one who has) chosen/acquired unfortunate

mi khyer ba {C}anropanat

mi skyo bar bya ba {MSA}akheda

mi mkhas {C}avidu; {MV}akauala;

{MSA}abudha not wise; unwise {C}unlearned;

unskilled; careless; unintelligent


mi mkhas pa {C}akuala; {C}abudhayo

[Eighth Karma-pa]

skrag skrag

not wise; unwise {C}unlearned; unskilled;

skrags skrags {MV}atrsa non-fear; not


careless; unintelligent

mi mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}avidita
not known; not know {C}not felt

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}

mi khrugs

mi skrag par bya ba

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MSA}uttrsa

mi khrugs chos can

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs

(an-) object of non-fear; will not be fearful

mi bskyud pa {C}asapramoa;

{C}akopya-dharma undisturbed subject {C}

steadfast in character

asapramoat non-loss; non-forgetfulness


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C,MSA}akobhya;

{MSA}akopa; {MSA}akobhya(tva); {MSA}
avikrya (e.g.: ynvikrya); {MSA}avikopana
undisturbed; imperturbable; Akobhya [p.n. of a

skrag skrag skrags skrags {MV}anuttrastamnasa non-fearful mind

mi bskyed pa

{C}not put

on (a burden)

object of non-aversion; will not be averse

mi skrag pai yid

mi khom {LCh,C}akaa; {MSA}kaa-rahita

mi khom par gyur pa {C}akaa-

{MSA}akheditva; {MSA}anudvega non-aversion;

non-agitation; non-depression

atrsa-kraatva cause of non-fear

skyod bskyod skyod {C}akobhya undisturbed;

imperturbable; Akobhya [p.n. of a Buddha]

leisure {C}bad moment; bad rebirth

mi skyo ba {MSA}akhinna; {MSA}akheda;

mi skrag pai rgyu nyid


mi khom pa {LCh,MSA}akaa non-

produced; non-created; unproduced

mi skrag

mi bskyod pa

non-leisure {C}bad moment; bad rebirth

mi skyes pa {C}anutpanna non-

mi skyod rdo rje

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}anutpdana

(=anutpadana?); {C}anutpda; {C}anutpdayati
non-produced; not generated; unproduced; nonproduction {C}non-arising; prevent from ever

mi khrugs pa

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {C,MSA}akobhya;


{MV}akopyatva; {MSA}akopa; {MSA}akobhyatva;
{MSA}avikrya; {MSA}avikopana undisturbed;
imperturbable; Akobhya [p.n. of a Buddha]

Then, the

Bhagavan Akobhya, having entered into meditative

absorption in the samdhi called the Vajra that
emanates the Speech of the Tathgata, taught this
mind of enlightenment. Toh. 451 6

mi khrul ba {N}avyabhicrin non-

mi gus {C}agauravatva non-humility;

bsngal byin byed kyi rigs su gnas pa/ Definition: for

one: revealed in scripture, and abiding in the type

which brings forth suffering as a fruition which is
its own effect

mi dge bai grogs po {MSA}

mi dge bai chos {MSA}akuala ...

disrespect {C}lack of respect

dharma non-virtuous phenomena; non-virtuous



mi dge bai chos

becomes stolid; despond; is cowed

mi gos pa {C}nirupalipta unsullied;

nyams par byed pa {MSA}akuala-dharma-hni

abandon non-virtuous phenonena/qualities/

uncovered; unpolluted {C}free from all stains

mi gos par gyur {C}anulipyate

unsullied; uncovered; unpolluted {C}free from

all stains; anoint; besmear

mi dga {MSA}arati unhappy; non-

mi dge bai sems byung


non-virtuous mental factors

mi dgos vaiyarthya not necessary; need

not; no need to{BJ 35.4}


mi dga ba {C}apriyatatva; {MSA}atui

unhappy; non-joyous {C}unpleasing(ness)

mi dga ba yid la byed pa

{MSA}anmodana-manaskra non-joyful
mental contemplation; mental contemplation of

not sad

mi dgos pa {C}vaiyarthya not

necessary; need not; no need to {C}no need for

mi bgyis pa

bgyid bgyis gyis {C}akta {C}not done; not

mi gal ba {MSA,N}aviruddha;

{C}avirodhika; {MSA}avirodha noncontradictory{N} {C}which does not obstruct

mi gul {C}(na) spandate (=syandate?)

mi dge {C}aubha; {C}akuala

non-vacillating; not vibrating

non-virtuous; non-virtue {C}repulsive;

unwholesome; foul; impure
{PH}great demerit

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lung du bstan pa gang zhig rang bras rnam smin sdug

lam {C}daa-akuala-karmapath the path of

ten non-virtues {C}ten ways of unwholesome

arra) {C}corpse

mi dge nyes chen

mtshan nyid/


mi dge bai bcui las kyi

mi gang {PH}one person

mi gang ro {C}mtaka manuya (=mta-

mi dga med pa {C}adurmanas

non-virtuous; non-virtue {C}unwholesome

akalya-mitrat non-virtuous friend


mi gong {C}salyate not high

mi dge ba {C,MV}akuala; {C}aubha


mi go {MSA}anavabodha not understand;



mi go ba {MSA}anavasabodha not

the end; has insight into

mi bsgyur ba

sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {C}akupya not transform;
unchanging; not affect; not control {C}of
genuine gold; stand up to any test

understand; non-understanding

mi gong ba {C}anavalnat


uncowedness; remains uncowed

mi gong ba nyid {C}anavalnatva

mi ngoms nyid {C}atptat non-

{C}absence of despondency

mi gyur

satisfaction; unsatisfied; non-satiation; insatiable

{C}never get tired of (desire)

gyur gyurd

mi ngoms pa {C}atptat non-

gyur gyurd {C}avikra; {MSA}avikti-gamana

immutable {C}without modification

mi gyur ba

satisfaction; unsatisfied; non-satiation; insatiable

{C}never get tired of (desire)


mi dngangs pa non-oppression
mi mnga mnga mnga

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}avikra; {MSA}acacal;

{MSA}avikrit; {MSA}dha immutable {C}
without modification

mi gyur bai chos can

mnga mnga does not have [honorific for, not

possess]{BJ 69.3}

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

aviparima-dharma; {C}aviparima-dharmin
immutable subject {C}not liable to reversal

mi gyur bai bde chen

mi mngon {C}gha non-manifest; not

actual {C}does not bulge out (=invisible?)

mi bsngags pa {C}avara not praise;

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd the

immutable great bliss

non-praise {C}colorless; no outward appearance

mi cor smra ba {C}mukhara proponent

mi gyur bai sems immutable

of foolishness {C}garrulous; foolish talk

mi lcog med angamya not-unable

mi lcogs med {LCh}angamya not


mi gyur ro

gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}na yti vikti


mi chags {C}anadhyavasita; {C}

mi gyod pa non-regretful
mi grogs {C}asavsa {C}one does

nisagat; {MSA}sakta (na-) non-attachment;

non-desire {C}not bent on

not meet with; non-intimacy

mi rgyu ba

rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu

the immobile; the inanimate [i.e. that which does

not move about]

mi sgul ba {C}aprakampya

{C}uninterrupted; indestructible



mi bsgom par byed

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {C}vibhvayati

not practice meditation; not cultivate {C}

annihilate (by meditation); undevelops; develops to

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mi che ba {C}avh; avha Not Great

mi chog not sufficient
mi chod pa {C}ancchedya not cut off

mi chad pa {L}samitam not cut

off; unexplained come together; assembled;

complete; joined

mi chi ba {MV}amaraa non-death; not




mi mjed

mi mjed pa {MSA}
adhivsan; {MSA}maraa; {MSA}sahana
obdurate {PH}obdurate
Shkyamunis [Buddha-]field
this Saha world-system

mi mjed pa

mi mjed {MSA}

mi jig pa {C}avina non-

mi jig pai chos avina-dharma

non-disintegrating phenomenon

mi jigs pa/

{C,MSA}abhaya; {L,MSA,MV}vairadya; {MSA}

nirbhayat (e.g.: bhava-nirbhayat) non-fear;
fearless {C}self-confidence

mi nyams pa {C}acyuta; {L}aparihn-;

nyams pai bsam gtan dang ting nge dzin thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs
{MSA}acyuta-dhyna-samdhi-lbha obtain
an uncorrupted concentration and meditative

mi nye mi bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {C}avimardana-kamatva

{C}easily crushed

mi mnyam {C}atulyat; {C}asama(tva)

mi jigs pa fearlessness
mi jigs pa sbyin pa abhaya-

non-sameness; not the same {C}moving

incomparably; absence of (a state of) sameness

mi mnyam dang mnyam pa {C}

dana bestowing protection{VM}

mi jigs pa bzhi four

asama-sama non-similar and similar; similar to

what is dissimilar {C}(equals the) unequalled;


mi jug {MSA}avtti non-engagement;

mi mnyam pa {C}visamat; {MSA}

non-entry; does not apply{BJ 53.2}

mi rje {PH}governor
mi brjed {MSA}moat (a-) not

aviama; {MSA}asama non-sameness; not the

same {C}moving incomparably; inequality;
unevenness; absence of (a state of) sameness

mi mnyam pa dang mnyam pa

forgetting; non-forgetfulness{DK 5.9}

mi brjed pa {LCh,MSA}asapramoa;
{MSA}asamoat non-forgetfulness; not

mi brjod

brjod rjod brjod

rjod {MV}anudhra not state; non-statement;
not indicate; non-indication inexpressible

{C}viama non-similar and similar; similar to

what is dissimilar {C}(equals the) unequalled;
uneven (e.g.: citta); not the same; unequal; at
variance; unlawful; difficult; incomparable

mi mnyes par byed par

gyur ro {C}virgayati displease; not pleased

{C}become estranged; turns back on; pleases

mi snyan {MSA}ayaas; {MSA}ayaasvin

rjod brjod rjod {C}avaktavya not state; nonstatement; not indicate; non-indication {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

undegenerated {C}never diminish; never lose

again; imperishable


disintegrating{D2} {C}not destroyed;


mi brjod pa

unspoiled; undefiled; uncorrupted;

{MSA}akhaan nondegeneration; unspoiled;

undefiled; uncorrupted; undegenerated {C}
never diminish; never lose again; imperishable

adhivsan; {MSA}maraa; {MSA}sahana


mi jigs

mi nyams {C}acyuta; {L}aparihn-

unpleasant; non-fame; non-glory



mi snyan pa {C}amukhara unpleasant;

cig ma/ Definition:momentary

mi rtag pa nyid {MSA,MV}anityat;

non-fame; non-glory {C}not scurrilous

mi snyan par {C}apriyam unpleasantly

{MSA}anityatva impermanence

mi rtag pa nyid rnam pa

{C}unkindly; harsh; discordant; grating

mi snyan par brjod par

gsum {MV}trividha-anityat three aspects/types

of impermanence

gyur brjod rjod brjod rjod

{C}pratikroati (=apriya-abhidhnt) states
unpleasantly; unpleasant expression {C}
reviles; rejects

mi rtag pa dang sdug bsnal ba dang

stong pa dang bdag med pa nyid {MV}anityadukha-nyntmat impermanence, suffering,

emptiness, and selflessness

mi snyam pa {C}anapekya not think;

non-consideration; not imagine {C}disregard;

not think of

mi snyam pas bzod pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {C}adhivsana

through not thinking [about it] {C}forbearant
thought; forbearance; tolerance

mi bsnyags pa brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}avara bhate


mi gtogs pa {C}aparypanna not

mi rtog {C}avikalpaku; {C}avikalpamna;

{MSA}akalpa; {MSA}akalpan; {MSA}nirvikalpa;

{MSA}nikalpan non-conceptual; nonconceptuality; no conceptuality {C}nonthought; not discriminating; non-discrimination

mi rtog rnam par mi rtog pa

mi rtog pa {MSA,N}avikalpa; {MV}

gtang gtong

akalpan; {MSA}avikalpana; {MSA}nirvikalpa;

{MSA}nikalpan; {C}vikalpa; {C}vikalpan; {C}
akalpa(tva); {C}avikalpamna non-conceptual;
non-conceptuality{N} {C}non-thought; not
discriminating; non-discrimination; ideation; (false)
discrimination; no-construction; discriminates;
imagines; absence of mental construction

btang thongs {MV}atyga not give/send/cast


mi btang ba

gtong btang thongs {C}anutsarjanat; {C}
anuvarttanat (=anutsarjanat) not give away;
not let go; not give; not send {C}he does not
abandon; compliance

mi rtog pa nyid {C}akalpatva non-

mi rtag {C,MSA,MV}anitya; {C}akastha


mi rtog par gzhog pa {C}

impermanent; impermanence; impermanent

nidhyna; {C}nidhyapti {C}meditation;

meditation on; pacification

phenomenon/thing {C}not unmoved; does not

stray from

mi rtag pa {LCh,C,MSA,MV}anitya

impermanent; impermanent phenomenon;

impermanence; impermanent thing
Definitions: mtshan nyid/ skad

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

depending (upon); no basis; non-support {C}

not being sustained by; having no abode

{C}avikalpa non-conceptual non-conceptuality

{C}undiscriminated; no mental construction

included; unincluded {C}unincluded in the

empirical world

mi gtong

mi rten pa {C}anadhihna not


mi rtog byang chub {MSA}akalpabodha non-conceptual enlightenment

mi rtog blo {MSA}nirvikalpa-buddhi nonconceptual awareness


mi rtog ye shes {MSA}nikalpan-

mi brten du mi rung ngo {C}

akalpan-jna-bala force of non-conceptual

exalted wisdom

mi brten pa {MSA}anirita; {MSA}

{MSA}nirvikalpa-jna-prasava produce nonconceptual exalted wisdom

mi thub {C}durdhara unsubdueable; not

agmya not suitable as independent {C}

without having resorted to

jna non-conceptual exalted wisdom

mi rtog ye shes stobs {MSA}

abhajana (e.g.: vikrbhajana) independent;

non-dependence; non-reliance

mi rtog ye shes ni skyes

mi rtogs

subdued {C}unassailable; (one) hard to assail

mi thul to {C}durdhara unsubdueable;

rtogs rtogs

not subdued {C}unassailable; (one) hard to


rtogs rtogs {MSA}akalpana not realize; not

cognize; not understand; non-conceptual; nonconceptuality

mi lta ba

blta lta bltas ltos

{C}anapeka; {C,MSA}adarana; {MSA}anapekin;
{MSA}nirapeka unseen; not see; not view; nonview; non-seeing {C}disregard; not perceiving;
one does not see

mi lta bar brtson grus

anavamdyanya unsubdueable; not subdued

{C}unassailable; (one) hard to assail; uncrushable

mi thul bar gyur ro {C}

durdhara unsubdueable; not subdued {C}

unassailable; (one) hard to assail; uncrushable

mi thogs {MSA}avyhata non-

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}nirapekia /

vryrambha unseen effort

mi thul ba {C}durdhara; {C}

obstructive; non-obstacle

not fall; not sin {C}no(n)-offense

mi mthun {C}vipratyaya unfavorable;

non-dependence; non-relation; unrelated {C}


mi mthun pa {LCh,L}viruddha; virodhin

mi ltung ba {C}anpatti non-infraction;

discordant; different; dissimilar; conflicting{BJ

9.5} {C}antagonism

mi ltos pa {C}anapeka independence;

different; dissimilar; discordant; conflicting;

mi stong pa yang ma yin {MV}

na ... anyam non-empty

mi stong pai stong pa nyid

incompatible inimical; obstruction

mi mthun pa med pa {MSA}

pratikla (a-) non-discordant; non-conflicting;


mi mthun pai rgyu {MV}viama-hetu

non-empty emptiness

mi stong min {MV}na ... anyam non-

discordant cause; cause of discordance


mi ston pai phyir ro {C}adarayitr

because of not teaching; non-teaching; non-

indication {C}which does not manifest anything

mi mthun pai phyogs

{C,MSA,MV}vipaka; {C}vipakat; {L}viruddha

discordances {C}points to be shunned; dissimilar

mi brtan pa {MSA}adha; {MSA}asthira mi mthun pai phyogs

kyi ngo bo nyid {MSA}vipaka-svabhva
entityness of the discordances

unstable; infirm

mi brtan nyid


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mi mthun

mi mthun pai

pai phyogs kyi chos dang ma dres pa

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres
{MSA}vipaka-dharmvyavakiraa unmixed
phenomena/qualities of the discordances

phyogs rnams dang ma dres pa

dres/dre dres/dre dres dres {MSA}
avyavakr vipakai unmixed discordances

mi mthun pai phyogs

kyi gnyen po {L}vipakasya pratipaka antidotes

to the discordances{S 29}

mi mthun pai

mi mthun pai phyogs

spang ba spang spong spangs

spongs {MSA}vipaka-praha abandon the

mi mthun pai phyogs

spangs pa spang spong

spangs spongs {MSA}nirlikhita-vipaka; {MSA}
paka-vipaka; {MSA}vipaka-hni abandon the

phyogs kyi gnyen po yin pa {MSA}vipakapratipakatva antidotes to the discordances

mi mthun

pai phyogs kyi sa bon dang bral ba {MSA}

vipaka-bja-viyoga free from the seeds of the

mi mthun pai phyogs

phel ba {MSA}vipaka-vddhi increase of the

discordances; increase the discordances

mi mthun pai

phyogs nges par grol ba

grol grold grol grold {MSA}vipaka-nirmuktat
definite liberation from the discordances

mi mthun pai phyogs

nyams pa {MSA}vipaka-hni; {MSA}vipakahna abandon the discordances; abandonment

of the discordances

mi mthun pai phyogs zhi ba

{MSA}vipaka-amana pacify the discordances;
pacification of the discordances

mi mthun pai phyogs

la chags pa {MSA}vipaka-lbha; {MSA}vipakasakti attachment to the discordances

mi mthun pai

phyogs dang bral ba nyid {MSA}vipakarahitatva; {MSA}vipakai ca rahitatva freedom

from the discordances

mi mthun pai mtshan nyid

{MV}vilakaa discordant character

mi mthun par {C}pratikla

discordant; discordantly; different; dissimilar

mi mthun pai phyogs dul mi mthun par gnas pa {C}

vihitam abide discordantly {C}discontinuous;

stood apart

ba {MSA}vipaka-vinayana (e.g.: mtsarydivipaka-vinayana} discipline the discordances

mi mthun

mi mthun par mdzod pa {C}

mi mthun pai

mi mthun dpe vidnta dissimilar

pai phyogs rnam par tshe ba spangs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}
vipaka-vihis-praha abandon the harm of
the discordances

prativi (=iti na may rotavyam iti pratikla

vacanam = pratiklat) discordant; discordant
act; different; dissimilar {C}out of touch;
averse; aversion

phyogs rnam par sun byin pa

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {MSA}vipakavidaa the discordance of disbelief

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mi mthun spangs

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}vipaka-hna

abandon the discordances



mi mthun phyogs {LCh,L,MSA,MV}

{PH}all states of non-leisure

mi dor bar {C}anutsjat

vipaka; {L}viruddha discordant class; classed

as discordant; discordances; dissimilar class
dissimilar class; points to be shunned

discard; not cast outwithout ever abandoning

mi gdung ba atapas Without Pain

mi bde ba {C}ysara (=jar)

mi mthun phyogs kyi gzhi

shes nimittagrahaabaddha vipakamta
vastujnam knower of bases classed as
discordant /knower of bases bound by the
apprehension of signs that is classed as
discordant (mtshan dzin gyis bcings pai mi
mthun phyogs kyi gzhi shes)

unhappiness; difficult {C}decay

false; falsely

mi mthun phyogs ni spong

byed spang spong spangs

spongs {MSA}vipaka hpayanti abandoner of
the discordances; abandoning the discordances

mi mthun phyogs spangs

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

vipaka-hna abandon the discordances

mi bden {PH}untrue
mi bden par {C}vitatha non-truthful;

mi mthun mtshan nyid {MV}

mi da bar bya ba {MSA}

atikramaya (an-) should not be transgressed;

should not be passed over {T}

mi dogs

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {L}aprajp-

not impute; non-imputed

mi dod {MSA}dve; {MSA}nispha;

{MV}anarthitva; {MV}ania non-desire; not


vilakaa discordant character

mi mthong {C}adarana; {C}adaranu; {C}

mi dod pa {C}acchandika; {C}aniatva;
adi; {C}apayan; {C}asamkaa; {MSA}adya
{MV}anarthitva; {MV}ania non-desire; not
desire {C}not zealous; what is unserviceable

unseen; not see; not perceive not perceiving;

no vision; no view; undefinable; invisible; not

seeing; (one who does) not look (out) for

mi dod pai thal gyur

mi mthong ba {MV}adarana unseen;

unwanted consequence

mi dra pratikla different; dissimilar{BJ

not see; not perceive

mi thad {N}anupapanna; {N}ayukta

45.7}; not alike

mi dra ba {C,MV}pratikla; {MSA}

incorrect; unfeasible; not feasible

mi thugs pai brtson grus

vilakaatva; {MSA}vailakaya; {GD:119}

asada dissimilar; different; being specific, i.e.,
individual {GD:119}; not alike {C}averse to;
repugnant; revulsion

non-disturbed effort; undisturbed effort

mi dag pa auddha impure

mi dag pai kun rdzob

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs impure


mi dal {C}akaa non-leisure; no leisure

{C}bad moment/circumstances; bad rebirth

mi dal kun {ntideva} sarvkaa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mi dra bar skye ba {MSA}

visadotpatti produced differently; dissimilar


mi drar gro {C}atulya-ga going

differently {C}moving incomparably

mi ldan {C}viyoga; {MSA}vimukta; {MV}


mi non pa {C}anavakrnta; {C}

vaidhurya not having; not possessing {C}loss

of; disjunction

ankramaya {C}inaccessible to; unassailable

mi ldan non-endowed
mi gnas {C}anavasthna; {C}apratiha;
{C}asthana; {C}asthiti; {C}asthita; {C}asthitaku;
mi ldan pa {C}visayukta; {MV}vaidhurya
{C}asthito; {MV}apratihita non-abiding; not
not having; not possessing {C}disjoined;

abide; non-place; non-abode; no abode. {C}not

insisting on the true reality of; unsupported; not take
a stand; what cannot be; unstability; absence of a
continuous existent; not take ones stand; not fixed;
not continuous; (does) not stand; it has no duration
between production and stopping; h


mi ldog

ldog ldog ldogs

ldogs {C}avivartiya not reversed; irreversible

mi ldog nyid

ldog ldogs ldogs {C}avivartyatva irreversibility

mi ldog pa

mi gnas pa {C}anadhihna; {C}

ldog ldog

anavasthna; {C,MV}apratihita; {C}asavsa;

{MSA}apratihna; {MSA}apratihitatva
(e.g.: sasra-nirvpratihitatva} nonabiding{Gn-chok}; not abide; non-place; nonabode; no abode {C}not insisting on the true
reality of; not sustained by; having no abode; nonintimacy; not taking ones stand on; not established
anywhere; sought no support; unsupported; not take
a stand; unsteady; not remaining in place steadily;
unfixed; what canno

ldogs ldogs {MSA}avyvtti; {MV}avinivartana

irreversible; not reversed

mi ldog pa nyid

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {MSA}anirvartit


mi ldog pa yi sems {BCA}

anivartyena cetas {PH}irreversible mind;

irreversible intention

mi gnas pa nyid {MSA}

mi ldog pai sems {BCA}

anavahitatva; {MSA}apratihita ...-tva nonabidingness

anivartyena cetas {PH}irreversible mind;

irreversible intention

mi ldog par

mi gnas pai mya


ngan las das pa {N}apratiita-nirva; {MSA}

apratiha-nirva non-abiding nirva

ldog ldogs ldogs {C}avinivatanya (=avaivartika)

irreversible; not reversed {C}incapable of
turning away from full enlightenment

mi gnas pai myang das

mi sdug pa {LCh}aubha; {C}akntatva

apratiita-nirva; apratihitanirva nonabiding nirva; non-abiding nirvana

ugliness; unpleasant {C}disagreeableness

mi sdug pai rnam pa

mi gnas zhi bar zhugs pa

mi sde {PH}groups of humans

mi nus pa {C}aakya; {C}apratibala; {C}

mi gnod pa {MSA}anupaghta;

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}

bsgoms pa bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms {MSA}aubhkra-bhvana
meditate on the aspect(s) of ugliness

apratiha-amvia enter into non-abiding


abhdhana {GD:659} non-harm; not harm;

non-injury; non-vessel {GD:659} freedom from

na akya; {MSA}akti (a-) unable; not able;

cannot {C}not possible; cannot possibly; cannot

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mi gnod par {C}avihehayati; {MSA}

anupahtya (or: anapaktya?) (upa h) nonharm; not harmful; non-injurious {C}avoiding
causing injury; not harassing

mi gnod par gro bar bya {C}

avihehayati non-harm; not harm; non-injury;
non-vessel {C}avoiding causing injury; not

mi snang

snang snang snang


snang snang snang {MSA}akhynat; {MSA}

adyamnat non-appearance

mi pham bshes gnyen ajita-mitra

mi phyed pa {MSA}abhedya [not-divide];
indivisibility; indivisible; undivided {PH}[the
Sthavira] Abhedya

mi phyogs {C}vaimukhya


turn away from

mi snang ba ma dmigs

mi pho ba {C}avakrmati; {C}

pai rtags dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs apratibhsa-anupalabdhi
nonobservation sign of the nonappearing

asakrnti non-development; not move; nontransmigration; not pass (from) {C}depart;

descend; fall into; enter into/on; non-passing-on;
which does not pass on


snang bai gal zla ma dmigs pai rtags yang dag

{PH}a correct sign of the nonappearing which is an
observation of a contradictory object


snang bai brel zla ma dmigs pai rtags yang dag

{PH}sign which is a non-observation of a related

mi spong ba

spong spangs spongs {MV}apratikepa nonabandonment; not abandon
spyad spyod

mi phro ba {MV}avisra non-scattering;

not spread; not diffuse

mi phrog pai dwang pai

dad pa faith which is a non-captivated clarity

mi phrogs pa {C}asahrya; {MSA}

ahrya not deprive; not rob; not run away with

{C}he no longer feels like; cannot overwhelm;
insuperable; has no access to him; one cannot
partake of; irresistible; have no claim; to be
something to which no one else has a claim; cannot
be overpowered

mi bas pa {C}akaya

spyad spyod {C}avicalana non-performance;

non-practice; not enjoy {C}not wavering


unfailing; non-extinction

mi phan pa {C}nirupakra non-benefit;

mi bas pai chos dang ldan

disservice; not help

pa {C}akaya-dharma-yogat {C}linked to the

inexhaustible (Dharma)

mi pham {LCh}ajita unconquered; an

epithet of Maitreya; name of a Nying-ma lama

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

Sacred Word of Guru Ajita

adhyabhedat (e.g.: manaso dhyabhedat) [notdivide]; undivided

snang snang adarana non-appearing; nonappearance; not appear

mi spyod pa

mi pham bla ma Guru Ajita

mi pham bla mai zhal lung

mi phyed {MSA}abhinna; {MSA}

snang snang

mi snang ba nyid

tso [p.n. of a Nying-ma lama]


snang {MSA}adarana; {MSA}antardhi nonappearing; non-appearance; not appear

mi snang ba

mi pham rgya mtsho Mi-pham-gya-


mi byed pa {MV}akaraa; {MV}avypti

prefer/zeal/imagine {C}one who does not

not made; not done

mi byed pai sdom pa thob

pa thob/thob thob thob

thobs {MSA}akaraa-savara-lbha attain the
unmade vow {T}

mi dben par bgyid pa

mi dmigs

byung byung
byung byung {C}asamudbhava; {C}asabhava
non-arising; not arise; not come forth; not
emerge {C}cannot spring up; impossibility

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}anupalabdha; {MV}

anupalabdhi; {MV}anupalambha; {MV}nopalabdhi
not observed{BJ 50.6}; non-observation nonapprehension


byung byung byung {MSA}apravtti; {MV}

anutpda; {C}anairyika non-arising; not arise;
not come forth; not emerge {C}not conducive
to deliverence

mi brel ba asabandha unrelated;

unrelated phenomena

sbyar sbyor

mi dmigs nyid

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}alabdhat

non-observation {C}absence of grasping

mi dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}anupalabdha;

{MV}anupalabdhi; {MSA,MV}anupalambha; {MV}
nopalabdhi; {MSA}nopalambha not observed;
non-observation {C}non-apprehension

mi dmigs pa stong pa nyid

sbyard sbyord {C}viprayoga; {C}viyoga nonjoining; non-connection; disconnection; nonapplication {C}disjunction; loss of

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {C}anupalambha-nyat non-observed
emptiness {C}unascertainable emptiness

mi ma {C}amanuya non-men; not men

{C}ghost; superhuman beings; heavenly

mi ma yin pa {C}amanuya-bhta;

a-manua non-men; not men; non-human {C}


mi ma yin pai gdon {C}

amanuya-graha {C}ghostly seizure

mi dmigs pai tshul gyis

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {C}anupalambha-yogena; {C}advayayogena through the mode of non-observation
{C}on account of the fact that it is not got at; by
way of non-observation; in accordance with nonduality; in consequence of non-duality

mi dmigs par spyod pa

mi ma yin par gyur pa {C}

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

anupalambha-crin non-observed activity; nonobserved performance {C}one who courses in
the Baseless

amanuya-bhta non-men; not men {C}ghost

mi mongs {MV}aklia non-afflicted;


mi smod {C}anavasdana

mos mos mos

mos {MV}anadhimukti; {C}anadhimucya nonbelief/imagination/faith/interest/inclination/

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mi dman pa nyid {MSA}ahnatva


mi byung

mi mos pa

any exertion/effort

mi dma ba {MSA}anavanat not low;

krika make/become non-isolated {C}which

brings about non-attachment

mi sbyor ba



bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}avivikta-

mi byung ba

mi many ba ra {C}ayatna





mi smra na {C}tbhve when not

mi brdzi ba {C}anavamdya

propounding {C}when keeping silent

mi smra ba {MV}apravyhra non-

mi brdzun pa {C}amithyatva non-

counterfeit; not false; non-falsity {C}nothing

can go wrong

propounding; not propound

mi gtsang auci [not-clean]; unclean;

mi zhig po {C}utsada (=udgat) non-

excrement; filth; the unclean

mi gtsang ba {C}auci; {C}(a?)medhya

disintegrated; not destroyed; not perish {C}

(over) crowded; with prominences

[not-clean]; unclean; excrement; filth; the

unclean {C}repulsive

mi zhim {C} hna {PH}unfragrant

mi zhim pa {C}hna non-fragrant; low;

mi gtsang ba dang sdug

inferior; lesser {C}left behind; disagreeable;


bsngal ba dang mi rtag pa dang bdag med pai

du shes {MSA}auci-dukhnityntmasaj conception of the unclean, suffering,
impermanence, and selflessness

mi zhim pai dri mnyam pa

sama-durgandha equal unfragrant odor

mi zhim pai dri mi mnyam pa

mi rtsub pa {MSA}akarka not rough;

visama-durgandha unequal unfragrant odor


mi zhim pai sbyar byung gi

mi brtson pa {MSA}ayukta; {MSA}

dri sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

syogika-durgandha unfragrant manufactured

ayuktat; {C}anabhisayukta non-endeavor;

non-effort; non-exertion; non-striving

mi tshugs pa {MSA}anel non-

mi zhim pai lhan skyes kyi

established; not established

dri sahaja-durgandha unfragrant natural odor

mi tshe {MSA}aheha non-harm; non-

mi zhum


mi mdza ba {C}praty-amitra

unfriendly; enemy; foe {C}inimical force

mi dzin

gzung dzin

bzung zungs {C}aparigraha non-apprehension;

(do) not conceive; non-conception {C}nonappropriation; not upheld; not gaining; not taken
hold of

mi dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}aghamno;
{C}anudgraha; {C}niravagrahat nonapprehension; (do) not conceive{BJ 30.2}; nonconception {C}non-appropriation; not get hold
of; not seize upon; not upheld; not gaining; not
taken hold of; freedom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


cannot be crushed

jum jums
zhum zhums {C}avalyate; {C}asasdanat
non-depression; non-slackness; nondiscouragement {C}become cowed; hide
despondently in; be cast down; does (not) despond;
the not losing heart

mi zad {MV}akayatva; {MV}akaytmat

[not-exhaust]; not only; inexhaustible

mi zad pa {C,MSA}akaya; {MSA}akayin;

{MV}akayatva; {MV}akaytmat; {MSA}bha

[not-exhaust]; not only; inexhaustible {C}

unfailing; non-extinction

mi zad pa nyid byung

ba dang sbyar ba {MSA}aka-gatnusra joined

with the arising of inexhaustibility {T}



mi g.yeng ba {MV}avikipta; {MV}

mi zad pai tshig sdud

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus akayasamsa

avikepa non-distraction; not distraction; not

wander (mentally)

participial construction

mi zad par byed {MV}akayn karoti mi g.yo {C}ijyati; {MSA}acala

inexhaustibly do/make {T}

immovable; not move; unfluctuating;

unwavering {C}waver

mi zin pai

mi g.yo ba {LCh,C,MSA}acala;

byung ba las gyur pai sgra

byung byung byung byung uptta-mahbhtahetukaabda sound arisen from elements not
conjoined with consciousness

{MSA}acal; {C}nicalat; {MSA}avicalana;

{MSA}nicala; {MSA}avikampana; {MSA}
nikampatva; {C}anija; {MSA}nikya; nijya
nonfluctuation; immovable; unshakeable;
not move; unfluctuating; unwavering; Acala
[p.n. of a wrathful deity]; Immovable (eighth
bodhisattva ground) {C}immobile; unshakeable

mi zlos pa {MSA}apunar-uktatva not

repeat again

mi bzang {MSA}gha not good; not

mi g.yo ba rab tu gnas {MSA}

right; not nice

mi bzad {MSA}bha frightful; awful;

acaleu ... pratihit thoroughly abide in the



mi bzad pa bha; {C}gha; {C}parama mi g.yo bai gnas skabs

{MSA}nicalvasth state of immovability

inexhaustibility; frightful; awful; horrible

{C}opportunity; highly; exceedingly; completely;

foremost; most; farthest; deepest; supreme; highest

mi g.yo zhing shin tu brtan

bzod bzod
bzod bzod not allowable; unendurable; nonforbearance/patience/tolerance/endurance

mi rig khrul snang

pa {C}akampanyat immovable and stable


mi bzod

mi bzod ngo tsha


mi rig pa {C}avidita ignorant;

ignorance; non-awareness; unaware {C}not

known; not felt

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}amara-lajja

unbearable shame

mi bzod pa


bzod bzod bzod {MSA}aknti; {MSA}tvra; {C}

asahamna not allowable; unendurable; nonforbearance/patience/tolerance/endurance {C}
unable to endure

mi og pa {C}anupalipta not below; not

under; unstained

reasonable; not definite

mi rung {C,MV 113d; 5.22}na yujyate; {MSA}

ayoga unsuitable {C}it is not tenable (to say); it

does not follow; not logical

mi rung ba {MV}ayoga; {N}na yujyate

mi reg par {C}aspan not contacting;

non-contact {C}not touching

{C}the mightiest among men; a bull among men

world of men; world of mortals

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mi rigs ayukta unreasonable; not


mi yi khyu mchog {C}puruarabha

mi yi jig rten {C}martya-loka


mi ro {C}mtaka manuya (=mta-arra)




mi brlang pa {MSA}aparua not rough

mi lus rin po che precious human

mi len pa {C}anudgraha; anutpdana

(=anutpdna?) not take; non-obtainment; nonappropriated; not accept {C}non-arising

mi shigs



mi shigs pa {MV}abhedyatva

indestructible {PH}indestructible; uninterrupted

mi shigs pa nyid {MSA}abhedyat

mi slu bai rig pa incontrovertible

knower{BR} {GD:666} reliable cognition, which

[according to Go-ram-pa] has three criterion: agent
(byed pa po gang gis mi slu ba), object (las la mi slu
ba) and way (tshul ji ltar mi slu ba)

learning; non-learner {C}adept

mi slob pai bras bu {MSA}

ajnan uncognized; not conscious;

unconscious; non-consciousness {C}ignorant;
not knowing; non-knowledge

aaika ... phala fruit of a non-learner; {T} fruit

of no more learning

mi shes pa {C}ajtv; {C}ajnamna;

{MSA,MV}ajna; {C}avijnan; avidy

uncognized; not conscious; unconscious; nonconsciousness; ignorance; nescience {C}
ignorant; be ignorant; not knowing; non-knowledge;
non-cognition; ignorance; without probing into

mi shes mod {C}namna; {C}ajnaka

{C}be ignorant; cannot be known; does not know

mi shes bzhin du {C}aprajnamno

{C}not considering wisely

mi gshor {C}aparua {C}not rough

mi sogs pa {C}upacaya {C}

mi srid pa {MV}asambhava not not

mi slob lam {LCh}aaika-mrga path

of no more learning
mtshan nyid/
nyon sgrib spangs pai cha nas bzhag pai mkhyen pa/

Definition: an exalted knower that is posited from

the viewpoint of having abandoned the afflictive

mi gsal ba {C}apau; {MSA}avyakta

unclear {C}confused; not clever; awkward;


mi bslu

bslu/ slu/
bslus/ slus/ avisavdaka [not-deceive];
incontrovertible; ineluctible; undeceived;
inevitable {PH}incontrovertible; ineluctible;
undeceived; inevitable; unfailing

mi bslu ba

occur{BJ 20.7}; impossible

mi srid pai skyon fallacy of non-

bslu/ slu/ bslus/ slus/ {MSA}avisavdaka

[not-deceive]; incontrovertible; ineluctible;
undeceived; inevitable


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

slu/ bslus/ slus/ {N}avisavdi; asavdaka ;

avisavadin; avisavdin; amoa [not-deceive];
incontrovertible; ineluctible; undeceived;
inevitable; reliability {GD:659}; non-deceptive

mi slob pa {C,MV}aaika no more

mi shes {C}avijna; {C}ajnan; {C}

bslu/ slu/ bslus/


learner {C}adept


indestructible drop

mi slu

mi slu ba

mi slob {C}aaika no more learning; non-


mi shigs pai thig le

slus/ avisavdin; asavdaka [not-deceive];

incontrovertible; ineluctible; undeceived;



mig {LCh,C,MSA,MV}cakus; {MSA}caku;

condition of its own effect, an eye consciousness

mig gi

cakur eye {PH}eye; pupil of the eye

dbang poi spyod yul du snang bar gyur to

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}cakubhsam gacchati appear within the range of
the eye sense power {C}come within the range
of the eye

mig gi skye mched cakur-yatana


mig gi khams cakur-dhtu eyeconstituent

mig gis mi rtsol bar

mig gi sgor rgyu bai rlung

bya bai phyir {C}vicaku-karaa (=vighnakaraa) {C}to blind

{PH}wind that moves through the door of the eyes

mig gi dus te reg pa

du du/dud dus dus {C}caku-

mig mthong {Amara} kaik


foreteller; a looker into the future

saspara {C}eye-contact

mig gi dus te
mig dang gzugs rnams nas yid dang
reg pai rkyen las byung ba

chos rnams zhes bya bai bar du {MV}cakrpa yvan mano-dharm from eye and form
up to mind and phenomena {T}

du du/dud dus dus {C}caku-saspara-ja

arisen from the condition of eye-contact

mig gi rnam par shes pa

{MSA}cakur-vijna eye (main) consciousness


sems kho na mind only

mig gi rnam

par shes pa; mig gi rnam shes cakurvijna eye


mig gi rnam shes cakur-vijna


mig dbang cakur-indriya eye sense


mig byed opener of the eye; open the

eye (main) consciousness


mig nad {PH}diseases of the eye

mig phrul magic
mig byed eye activity; functioning of the

sems kho na mind only


mig mi dzum pas {C}

mig gi byed eye activity{LG}
animibhy cakurbhy prekam {C}with
mig gi byed pa dang ldan
their wide-open eyes firmly fixed on
pai tshe at the time of having eye activity{LG}
mig med {C}acakus {C}eyeless; blind
mig gi byed pa das pa
mig med pa {C}cakuhno {C}eyeless;
dei tshe when this eye activity is past{LG}
mig gi dbang po caksur-

blind; except for the eye

indriya ; cakurindriya eye sense power


mtshan nyid/ rang bras mig shes kyi thun mong ma

yin pai bdag rkyen byed pai cha nas bzhag pai nang gi

gzugs can dwangs ba/ Definition: clear inner form

qualified by acting as the uncommon empowering

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mig dmar Tuesday

mig yor {C,MSA}pratibhsa; {MSA}

prodbhsa image; reflection {C}reflection of

an object in a mirror/water; or of the moon in water;
reflected image; apparition

mig g.yeng {C}vikipta undistracted;

not wander (mentally) {C}disturbed; distracted;

mig rab rib cakur-timira faulty


mig la sogs pa {MV}cakurdi

ming rkyang {PH}nominally

ming gang lags {PH}any such

eye, etc.

mig lam du snang ba yin te

snang snang snang snang {C}

caku bhsam gacchati appears in the path
of the eye {C}comes within range of the eye


mig lam du snang bar gyur

to snang snang snang snang {C}

caku bhsam gacchati appears in the path
of the eye {C}comes within range of the eye

mig lam duang gda

mig shel eyeglasses
mig shes cakur-jna eye

brjod rjod brjod rjod nominal expression

ming gi brdas nominal terminology{S}

ming gi rnam grangs {MSA}nma ming gi byin gyi rlabs {C}nmaadhihna empowerment of names; nominal
empowerment the other details connected with
the annunciation of his name; power of the name;
prediction of his name
group of stems


ming gi tshogs btags



nyid/ rang gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen mig

ming gi tshogs dang tshig gi tshogs dang yi

dbang dang dmigs rkyen gzugs la brten nas skye bai

rig pa/ Definition: an awareness which arises in

dependence on its own uncommon empowering

conditions, an eye sense power, and an observed
object condition, a form

gei tshogs rnams la ni {C}nma-kya-pada-kyavyajana-ky groups of stems, groups of words,

and groups of letters {C}the sum total of words
(contained in this Stra)

Divisions: dbye ba/

sems dang sems byung gnyis ka Divisions: both
mind and mental factors

ming gi gzhi las {C}nma-

adhihna (=mt di-nma-vyapadea) from

the nominal basis; empowerment of names;
nominal empowerment {C}the other details
connected with the annunciation of his name; power
of the name; prediction of his name

mig shes kyi bzung bya

apprehended object of an eye-consciousness

mig slu bar byed pa eye-

ming gi lhag ma tsam du

deception; deceive the eyes

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ming gi tshogs {LCh}nma-kya


mig sle {PH}cross-eyed

ming {LCh,MSA}nman; {C,MV}nma(n);

ming gi brjod pa

paryya synonymous; synonym

lags so {C}caku bhsam gacchati appears

in the path of the eye {C}comes within range of
the eye

consciousness; eye cognition

{C}nma-dheya; {C}nmena; {MSA}khy; {C}

vyajana; {L}samj; saj name; designation;
term {GD:419} {PH}word (free morpheme)
{C}named; word; mere word; perception; notion;
called; named; what is designated; letter; verbal
expression; minor characteristic; method; by words;
it is called

med pa without even a nominal remainder


ming gis {C}nmena by names


thogs {C}nma saj prajaptir anuvyavahra

words; it is called

ming gis btags pa

impute name, conception, imputation, and

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{N}sajkaraa nominally imputed{N}

ming gis bzhag pa nominal

ming dang tshig tu btags

{PH}famous; great fame

The majority of the monastic centers of

pa gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {C}nma-pada-prajapti
imputed as names and words {C}the merely
nominal existence

great fame of the Kadampa lineage are at the two

ends of this valley. {GCG}

ming ji lta ba de bzhin du don du mngon

ming dang tshig dang yi

gei grangs {MSA}nma-pada-vyajana-sakhy
enumeration of names, words, and letters

par zhen pai rnam par rtog pa {MSA}yathnmrthbhinivea-vikalpa conception which

adheres to the literal meaning of the names {T}

ming jug pai gzhi <div>basis of

affixing names</div>

ming nyid thob par gyur

thob/thob thob thob thobs

{C}nmatay bhavanti obtain a name {C}have

their name from

ming btags pa tsam

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs <div>mere imputation of a name; mere

nominal imputation</div>

ming bstan pa

nimitta {C}name and sign

ming dang gzugs {C,MSA}nmarpa; {C}nmeva rpi name and form

ming du {L}nma; {C}sajta (=sakhyta)

named; nominal; as name {C}perception;

notion; reckoned as; be called

ming du kun tu rtog pa {MSA}

nma-parikalpa imputation as name; nominal


ming du mngon par zhen pa

ming du btags

ming dang rtog pas

btags tsam
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs merely posited by
names and thought{N} {PH}merely posited by
names and concepts

ming dang du shes dang dogs pa dang

rjes su tha snyad dogs pa byed pa
gdags dogs btags/brtags

ming dang mtshan ma {C}nma-

{MSA}nmbhinivea adherence to the name


bstan ston bstand stond {C}nma-apadea

(=kathana) indicate his/her name; state his/her
name {C}annunciation of his name

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ming dang brdas bzhag

pa posited by names and terminology [e.g.

imputations as entity and attribute]{BJ 25.4}


ming che che

conventionalities {C}name; perception; concept

and conventional expression


gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

nominally designate{S 1}

ming du btags pa tsam

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs just nominally imputed

ming du gdags su yod pa

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {C}saj-gata exist as nominally

imputed/designated {C}formed a notion


ming du brdar btags

pa gang yin
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs whatever is a
designation as nominal terminology{BJ 70.1}

ming med
ming med

{VM} ring finger

srin lag srin

mdzub/ ring finger

ming du bya ba {L}sajpya named;

called; reckoned as

ming smos pa {C}nma-grahaa


taking on a name; assumption of a name

ming don brel bai rtog pa ming tsam {N}nma-mtraka; {C,MSA}

conceptual consciousnesses associating name and

ming don brel bar

nma-mtra; {C}nma-mtra(ka)m mere name;

merely nominal{N} name only; {C}mere words;
mere name;

ming tsam du yod pa mere

dran pai rtog pa conceptual consciousness

mindful of associating name and object

nominal existence

pa posited by only names and terminology

ming dzin pa

ming brdas bzhag tsam only

posited by names and terminology
ming brda tsam gyis bzhag pa posited by

ming gzhi name basis

ming gzugs {LCh}nma-rpa name

ming brda tsam gyis bzhag

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}nma-grahaa

grasping a name; apprehension of a name

ming brda name and terminology

only name and terminology

ming brda tsam gyis

bzhag pa posited by only name and terminology

ming brdas bzhag tsam only

ming nas smos pa {C}nma-grahaa

{C}taking on a name; assumption of a name

ming ni gang dang gang

gis su in whatever phenomenon, expressed by

whatever name{BJ 66.3}

brjod rjod brjod rjod the expression of names

out there{BJ 54.7}

ming ma mchis pa {C}anma


ming ma mchis

shing lus ma mchis pa {C}anma-aarrat

nameless and bodyless {C}both body and mind
are absent

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

and form

ming yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold

{MSA}nma-paryea thoroughly seek/

investigate/examine/research names

posited by name and terminology

ming phar brjod pa


ming la brten pa {C}nma-

adhihna in dependence upon names {C}the

other details connected with the annunciation of his
name; power of the name; prediction of his name

ming la dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

nmlambana observation of a name {T}

min {MSA}na is not; non-; not

min gyur what something is not
min gro probably not
min groam maybe
min pa na is not; non-; not
min pa dra it does not seem
min log opposite-from-not-being-


mu stegs can gyi thar pa


miam ci {C}kinara a mythical being

{MSA}trthika-moka liberation of a Forder

mu stegs can gyi mtha {MV}

with a human body and the head of a horse or

vice versa (Monier-Williams) {T}

trthiknta extreme [view] of a Forder; Forderlimit

mii rten {PH}a human body

mii rten can gyi so soi

mu stegs can gyi rnal byor

{PH}yogic practice of a non-Buddhist

skye bo ordinary beings with the basis of men;

common being having the basis of a human

mii rus pai phur bu

mu stegs can
thar pa la kun tu zhugs pa
zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}trthya-mokasaprasthita enter into a Forders liberation


human bone dagger

mii lus dang ldan {C}(manuya-

mu stegs

kya-)upeta having a human body {C}

endowed; possessed of

can dang thun mongs ma yin pa {MSA}

trthysdharaa concordant with Forders

mir gyur pa {C}manuya-bhta be a

mu stegs can

rnams kyi bstan bcos bstan

ston bstand stond {MSA}trthika-stra Forder

man; man

mir gyur ba

gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}manuya-bhta be a
man; man

mu stegs can blo

mu {LCh,N}koi; {N}anta possibility;

gros ngan pai lta ba blta lta

bltas ltos {MSA}trthya-kumati-di view of a
Forder of bad intelligence

possibilities; alternative; permutation

mu khyud can {C}sanemika

mu stegs can gzhan {C}trthy



other Forders {C}of other sects

mu ge {C}durbhika; {C}durabhiki

mu stegs can; mu stegs pa

contagion {C}famine; short of food; full of


{L,MSA}trthika; {MSA}trthya Forder [a nonBuddhist]; [non-Buddhist] Forders heretic;


mu cor foolishness
mu cor mi smra ba {C}amukharat

not propound foolishness {C}not talk non-sense

mu tig {LCh}mukt pearl

mu steg can {MSA}trthya Forder [a

mu stegs pa {N}trthika Forder{N}

mu thug

Even over a long period
of time, there is no limit to objects [of desire].

{PH}the child-like



mu stegs {LCh}trthika Forder [a nonBuddhist] heretic; heretical

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nirgrantha Trthika Nirgrantha{N}

heretic; heretical

non-Buddhist] heretic; heretical

mu steg byis pa

mu stegs gcer bu pa {N}trthika

mu med {LCh}ananta [end-not exist];

limitless; boundless; endless



mu med pa {C}aparyanta [end-not exist]; mun pas bsgribs pa {MSA}tamovta obscured by darkness

limitless; boundless; endless

mu med pa thug pa med pa

mun sprul gang ciang

rung smra ba those who propound any and all

creations of darkness

{C}ananta-aparyanta endless and boundless

mu gzhi {N}catukoi four possibilities;

mun tshogs

tetralemna; four permutations

mu bzhi four possibilities

mu zi match; sulphur{D1}
mu ze match
mu gsum tri-koi three possibilities/

me {LCh,C,MSA,MV}agni; {C,MSA}

tejas; {C,MSA,MV}vahni; {C}jvalana fire

Definitions: mtshan nyid/
tsha zhing sreg pa/ Definition: hot and burning

me lnga brten pa

{PH}relying on the
five fires [fires in front; back; on both sides; and the
sun above]


mun khung {MSA}tamas; {C}andha-kra

darkness; obscurity; gloom

mun nag {MSA}tama-prakra black

mun nag thibs pai mun pa

{C}tamaskulam andhakram {C}blinding and
confusing darkness

mun pa {LCh,MSA,C}andhakra;

me char flint
me tog {LCh,C,MSA}pupa; {LCh}kusuma;
{C}phulla flower {C}full-blown flower

me tog kun da {C}kunda



{LCh,MSA,C}tamas; {C}andha darkness;

obscurity; gloom {C}blind; region of darkness;

me tog bkram pa {C}

avakrakusuma Avakrakusuma [p.n. of a

future Buddha]

mun pa can gyi nga rgyal

me tog gang la phog pa on

{Larson} bhtdi; tamasa ahakra {PH}

darkness-dominated I-principle

which the flower hits ...

mun pa ma mchis pa {C}

me tog gtor na

anandhakrat non-darkness {C}nonblindness

gtor thord gtord gtord {C}avakrakusuma

Avakrakusuma [p.n. of a future Buddha];

mun pa med {MSA}nirandhakra (e.g.:

when/if flowers are strewn

dharma-nirandhakra) non-darkness {C}nonblindness

me tog ldan {C}phulla having a flower

{C}full-blown flower

me lta bui sems bskyed mind-

bsal sel bsald seld {C}vidhama elimination/

clearing away of darkness {C}dispersal of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

me lce {C}arci(s); {C}dpa tongue of flame

{T} {C}flame; light; ray; lamp


mun pa sel ba

{PH}gloom; mass of


generation like fire

me thor ba lta bu dag {C}digdha {C}the horizon all aflame



med {LCh,MV}asat; {C,MV}abhva; {C}

me dang dra {MSA}vahni-prakhya;

{MSA}vahni-sada similar to fire; like fire

avidyamna; {C}apanta; {C}varjana; {C}vigata;

{C}vina; {MSA}na; {MV}asattva; {MSA}nsti; {MV
5.19}na vidyate; {MV 5.daa-vaj}na savidyante;
{C}apratykhyna; {MSA}dod pa med = gataspha does not exist; not exist; not be {C}
absence; free from; left behind; departed; removed;
without; turning away from; removal; free; freed;
separated; non-refusal
gang zag gi bdag med pai phyir ... because a self
of persons does not exist med
na dgag mi dgos if [something] does not exist,
there is no need to negate it
ma mi min med dgag pai sgra ma, mi, min, and
med are the negative terms{Y}

me dang phrad pa {MSA}agnisabandha meet with fire

me drod

sbyor lam drod rtse mo bzod pa
chos mchog dang bzhi heat, peak, forbearance,
and supreme mundane quality paths of preparation
{PGP 69}

me mdag {L}agni fire; live coals

me mda gun
me gnas kyi bsam gtan

med dgag {LCh}prasajya-pratiedha;

concentration of abiding in fire

me bar bai obs whirlwind of

niedha {GD:371} non-affirming negation;

non-affirming negative; non-affirming negative
thogs reg gcig po bkag tsam gyi med dgag a nonaffirming negative which is the mere negation of
one type of obstructive contact


me bar bai rlabs


whirlwind of blazing fire

me bar bai rlubs

{PH}pit of


blazing fire


me brel pa {MSA}agni-sabandha

ba/ 1 rang gi dgag bya shes bya la srid pai med

dgag 2 rang gi dgag bya shes bya la mi srid pai
med dgag Divisions: (1) non-affirming negative
whose object of negation occurs among objects
of knowledge; (2) non-affirming negative whose
object of negation does not occur among objects of

connection with fire; connected with fire

me mar {MSA}agni fire

me btsa {PH}moxibustion; acupuncture
me long {LCh,C,MSA}dara mirror
me long gi dkhyil khor {C}

med dgag gi gzhan sel

dara-maala round mirror

me long ngos gnyis pa

bsal sel bsald seld prasajya-

pratiedhnypoha other-eliminator that is a

non-affirming negative


two-sided mirror

med rgyui kun btags non-

me long lta bu {MSA}dara mirror-

existent imputational nature


med rgyui ngo bo <div>non-existent

me lta bu {PH}like fire
nature; nature that is non-existent</div>
me long lta bui ye shes {LCh}
med thabs med pai phyir
dara-jna mirror-like wisdom
because there is no way without a method ...
me shel {L}srya-knta sunlight; sunstone
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



med mtha abhvnta [non-existence-

varjita abandon non-existence

limit]; the extreme of non-existence

med du mi rung ba indispensible{N}

rgyui tshogs med du mi
rung ba indispensible prerequisites{LRC}

med na mi byung

byung byung byung byung indispensable

med pa {C,MSA,MV}abhva; {C}

avidyamna; {MSA}avidyamnat; {C}

asavidyamnat; {C}apagata; {MSA}vigata;
(e.g.: apa-abda-vigata); {C}vigatatva; {C}vina;
{C}avidya; {MV}nsti; {C}nstit; {C,MSA}
asat; {MV}asattva; {MSA}apeta (e.g.: malpeta);
{MSA}jaha (e.g.: pun <div>non-existence;
non-existent; does not exist; not exist; not be;
without</div> {C}all gone; without; vanished;
free from; left behind; departed; has departed;
ignorance; fact of its non-existence; absent; what
is not (there); is not; there is not; not-is-ness;
non-beingness; it is not
de ni rang gi ngo bos yod pa
ma yin pa med pa yang ma yin no Such a nature
is not existent by way of its own entity and is not
[utterly] non-existent either. (na tadasti na cpi nsti
svarpata) [PP, 264.3]

med pa nyid {C}asatt; {MSA}abhvat;

{MSA}nstitva non-existence {C}not being; has

no existence; no real being

med pa nyid du mi dod {MV}

med pa nyid yin pa {C}asattva is

non-existent; non-existent {C}(it) is not; nonbeingness

med pa dang dra ba yin {C}

asat-sakalpa is similar to non-existence {C}a

false representation (of what is not)

med pa gzhal snang can bzung yul du

byed pai rtog med khrul shes non-conceptual

mistaken consciousness that takes a clearly
appearing non-existent as its apprehended object

med pa yang dag pa nyid {C}

asad-bhtat non-existence {C}unreality

med pa yang ma yin {MV 1.13c

vc}npi cbhva and is not non-existent

med pa la kun brtags pa

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {C}sakalpita inputation with
respect to what is non-existent {C}represent
what is not really there

med pa la dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}asad-grha

apprehend what is non-existent

med pa la yod par dzin

pa gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}asati sad-grha apprehend the nonexistent as existent

med paang min {MV 1.13c vc}npi

med pai stong pa nyid {MSA}
abhva-nyat non-existent emptiness;
emptiness of the non-existent

med pai mtha abhvnta extreme

of non-existence{N}

med pai don {MSA}asad-artha

non-existent object/meaning; meaning of nonexistence {T}

med par {C}asat; {MSA}gzo med par =

vinbhogam non-existent; as non-existent {C}

when it is not there

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}asattvena

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


cbhva and is not non-existent

abhva eva neyate does not assert/desire nonexistence {T}

med pa pa {N}nstika Nihilist{N}

med pa spangs pa

med pa ma yin not non-existent{N}

med pa min {MSA}na ... abhva not



mes dbon {PH}ancestral; ancient [kings]

mes btso cooking [lit.: refining by fire]

med par gyur {C}asta gacchati is

non-existent {C}is extinguished

med par lta ba

lta bltas ltos {N}nstitva-darana view of


mes tshig pa {C}agni-dha

med par rnam par rtog pa

{MSA}abhva-vikalpa conceive as non-existent

med par mi gyur



gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}antarea ... na

syt is not non-existent

mes shor ba {C}agni-dha



mes bsros pa {MSA}agni-satpana

tormented by fire

med par mi rung {MSA}antarea ... na mo {LCh,MSA}str (1) female; woman; wife;

feminine particle; she; (2) particle indicating the

end of a statement

yujyate not suitable as non-existent

med par smra ba {N}nsti-vda; {N}

mo khab needle
mo a car
mi dred {PH}yeti
mo mog momo
mo gsham gyi bu {LCh}vandhy-

nsti-vdin nihilism; nihilist{N}

med mi rung

tantras that are asserted as
indispensible. {A-myes 9b.2}

med min {MSA}na ... asan not nonexistent{BJ 38.1}

med math nstyanta nihilism

med bzhin du {C}sada; {MSA}prakhya mog mog po lusterless
(e.g.: krma-prakhya) {PH}not actually
mog mog por byed {C}dhym mei khams {C,MSA}tejo-dhtu firekaraat make lusterless {C}eclipsing

putra son of a barren woman; child of a barren

mog mor por mdzad {C}dhym-

constituent; realm of fire

mei dpe {MSA}agni-dnta example of

karaat {C}eclipsing

mong rtul ba nyid


mei phung po

me yi phung


mod {C}sulabha [verb + mod] indeed;

po/ {C}agni-skandha {C}mass of fire

mei obs {MV}agni-khad whirlwind

although; but; though {PH}moment; the very

moment; the same time {C}to be; how good it
is; how fortunate

of fire {T}

mes {PH}ancestor; patriarch

mes jig pa i bskal pa {C}

mon sne dmar po a red leaved plant

about two feet high, commonly called the new
year flower (lo gsar me tog)

teja-savartan (aeon of) disintegration by fire

{C}when the world is consumed by fire

mes dbon

{PH}ancestor and grandchild

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mon lam chen mo Great Prayer




mou gal gyi bu {LCh}maudgalyyana

Maudgalyyana [p.n. of one of the Buddhas

main disciples]


mos mos mos mos {C}

adhimukta (=adhimuktye); (adhi muc): {MSA}

adhimoka; {L}adhimuc-; {L,MSA}adhimukti;
{MSA}arthika belief; imagination; faith;
interest; inclined towards; prefer; zeal; imagine;
keen for {C}one who (always) resolutely
believes; one who believes; resolutely believed; a
resolute believer; resolved on; intent on; resolutely
intent on; firm; firmly believe; resolve; conviction

mos pa

mos mos mos mos

{LCh,C,MSA,MV}adhimoka; {C,MV,MSA}
adhimukti; {C}adhimucyate; {C}abhila;
{C}rocan; {C}rmat; {C}utsha; {C}
chandas (=kartu-kmat); {C}sph; {MSA}
adhimukta; {MSA}adhimucyan belief; interest;
imagination; faith; inclined towards; prefer;
zeal; imagine; keen for; devoted {C}devotion;
resolute faith; firm belief; resolve; resoluteness;
firm conviction; believes resolutely; resolutely
intent on; is resolved (upon); is intent on; eagerness;
willingness to find pleasure in; fondness; willpower; fortitude; energies; determina

mos pa rgya che ba

mos mos mos mos {C}udra-adhimuktika

extensive belief/faith/interest/inclination
towards/zeal {C}so much confirmed in their
faith; resolutely intent on the sublime; have sublime

mos pa rgya chen po

mos mos mos mos {MSA}adhimukti ...


mos mos mos {MSA}adhimukti-pui extensive/

increased belief/faith/interest/inclination

mos mos mos

mos {MSA}mahdhimukti great belief/faith/
interest/inclination towards/zeal

mos pa nyid

mos mos
mos mos {MSA}adhimukti belief/faith/interest/
inclination towards/zeal/keenness

mos pa thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

adhimukti-lbha obtain belief

mos pa dang ldan pa

mos mos mos mos {C}dhtimat; {MSA}

dhimokika faithful; having belief/faith/
interest/inclination towards/zeal/keenness {C}
steady; steadfast

mos pa rnam par phel

byed pa {MSA}adhimukti vivardhayan cause

belief to increase {T}

mos pa spyod pai sems

bskyed mind-generation of engagement through


mos pa mang ba nyid

mos mos mos mos {MSA}adhimukter

bahulat much belief/faith/interest/inclination
towards/zeal/keenness; greatness of belief/faith/
interest/inclination towards/zeal/keenness

mos pa yid byed adhimukti-

manaskra mental contemplation of belief

mos pa yid la byed pa {MSA}

mos pa las byung bai

yid byed mos mos mos mos

adhimokikamanaskra mental contemplation
arisen from belief

mos pai skabs

/ mos pa sgom

mos mos mos mos {MSA}adhimukty-adhikra

occasion of belief/faith/interest/inclination

lam / mos pai sgom lam adhimuktalakao

bhvanmrga [Great Vehicle] path of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mos pa che

adhimukti-manaskra mental contemplation of


vipul extensive belief/faith/interest/inclination


mos pa rgyas pa

meditation of belief



mos pai go rim pa

mos mos mos mos {C}adhimukty-anukrama

stages of belief/faith/interest/inclination towards/

zeal/keenness; that which has stages of belief/
faith/interest/inclination towards/zeal/keenness
{C}resolute gradual action

mos pai stobs bskyed pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}

adhimukti-lbha attain/obtain through belief

mos pas spyod pa


{MSA}adhimukti-baldhnat generate the

power of belief

pas spyod pa la gnas pai byang chub sems dpa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}
adhimukti-cary-bhmau bodhisattvasya the
Bodhisattvas ground of engagement through

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

adhimukti-cary-bhmi ground of engagement

through belief

mos pai phan yon

mos pas thob pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod adhimukti-cary

engagement through belief

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

mos pai spyod pai sa

have belief/faith/interest/inclination towards/

zeal/keenness {C}(solemnly) declare; announce

mos pas spyod pai sa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C,MSA,MV}

mos mos mos mos {MSA}adhimuktv anuase

benefit of belief/faith/interest/inclination

adhimukti-cary-bhmi ground of engagement

through belief {C}stage of firm resolve

mos pai bar du gcod pa

mos spyod

mos pai bras


spyad spyod adhimukti-cary engagement

through belief

{MSA}adhimukti-paripantha interruption of
belief {T}

bu yongs su bsdu ba {MSA}adhimukti-phalaparigraha collect the fruits of belief

spyod kyi sas bsdus pai byang sems kyi mkhyen pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod exalted
knower of a Bodhisattva that is included within
the ground of engagement through belief

mos pai rim pa {C}adhimukty-

mos spyod pai sa

anukrama {C}resolute gradual action

spyad spyod spyad spyod adhimukti-cary-bhmi
ground of engagement through belief

mos pai bsod nams

kyi khyad par {MSA}adhimukti-puya-vieaa

feature of the merit of belief {T}

mos min

mos mos mos

mos {C}anadhimukti non-belief/faith/interest/
inclination towards/zeal/keenness

mos par dkao {C}duradhimoc(y)a

difficult to believe {C}hard to gain confidence

mos par gyur {C}sphayate; {C}

sphet believe; belief {C}long for; aspire to be

mos par bya ba

mos mos mos {C}utsahna object of belief/faith/
interest/inclination towards/zeal/keenness; will/
should believe {C}energies

mos par byao

mos mos mos {C}rocayati should/will believe/

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

spyad spyod


manydzu gho a Majughoha

mya ngan {C,L}dukha; {C}oka suffering;

mya ngan gyi zug rngu

khong du chud par {C}oka-alya-parigata {C}

the dart of sorrow vexes him

mya ngan gyi zug rngu dang

prayukta practice for the sake of nirva

ldan pa {C}oka-alya-samarpita {C}afflicted

with the dart of sorrow

mya ngan las da bai

mya ngan gyi zug

du shes {MSA}nirva-saj conception of


rngus zug par gyur ro {C}oka-alya-viddha

{C}pierced by the dart of sorrow

mya ngan las

mya ngan nyam thag {C}okrtu

das chen poi mthar phyin no {C}nih-nirva

at the end which is great nirva {C}in the
end sustained by nirva

{C}afflicted with sorrow

mya ngan da ba {MSA}nirvti

mya ngan las das pa

myang das {C,L,MSA,MV}nirva;

liberation; liberated

mya ngan das {C,MSA}nirva;

{C,MSA}nirvti [sorrow-from-passed]; nirva;

liberation; nirvana {C}The Blessed Rest

{C}nirvt; {C}nirvta; {MSA}nirvti nirva;

liberation; liberated {C}disgust; gone to rest

mya ngan das pa ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

nirva-darana teach nirva

mya ngan das la

khor zhi ro gcig pa {MSA}nirve sasti-ntyekarasa in nirva the world and peace are of
one taste {T}

mya ngan sdug bsngal chos

{C}dukha-dharma-oka phenomena of sorrow

and suffering {C}dharmas making for sorrow
and ill

liberation {C}they do not escape into the Blessed


{PH}deviant path

of suffering

mya ngan lam gol khyams

pa {PH}wanderer on the deviant path of suffering

mya ngan las da ba {MSA}

nirva; {MSA}parinirva nirva; liberation

mya ngan las

da bai don du rab tu sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}parinirvrtha-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mya ngan las

das pa chen po kun tu ston pa
bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}mah-

parinirva-sadarana teach the great nirva

mya ngan las das pa dang khor ba dag la


ngan las das pa dang ldan pai sems bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}

nirvti-sahagata()-cittotpda generate a mind

that is connected with nirva

{C}lead to


mya ngan lam gol

las das pa mngon du phyogs pai chos {MSA}

nirvbhimukha ... dharma phenomena of the
approach to nirva {T}

mi gnas pai phyir {MSA}nirva-sasrayor

apratihnt due to not abiding in either
nirva or cyclic existence

mya ngan mi da {C}anirvta non mya ngan zlo {C}nirvpayi

mya ngan


mya ngan las das pa

ni zhi bao {MSA}nta nirvam nirva is


mya ngan las das

pa zhi ba yin pa nta nirvam nirva is


mya ngan las das

pa zhi zhing dge ba nirva is peaceful and


mya ngan las das

myu gu {LCh,C,MSA}akura; {C}stamba; {C}

pa la mi gnas pa {MSA}nirvpratihitatva
not abide in nirva

viapam sprout {C}tree

das pa la yid gnas so {MSA}nirve pratihita

mana mental abiding in nirva {T}

myur {MSA}u; {MSA}kipra quickly

myur du {C,MV}kipram; {C}kipru; {C}

ngan las das pa la lhag par dga ba {MSA}

nirvbhiratatva special joy with respect to

myur du rtogs

che ba nyid {MSA}nirvti-mhtmya greatness

of nirva

myur du du ba {C}kipra-sagrahat

mya ngan las

tvarite; {C}laghu; {C}ghra(m); {MV}na cirt

quickly {C}speedy; swiftly; nimbly; go on; hurry
up with


mya ngan las das pai

{C}ability to convey quickly

myur ba {LCh}kipra; {L} ghram quick;

mya ngan las das pai ched

fast; speed; hurry; pass quickly; quickly

{MSA}nirvdhikrat intent on nirva; for

the sake of nirva {T}

myur ba myur ba {L}ghram very

mya ngan las das pai


myur bai las ghra-karman

bde ba {MSA}nirvti-sukha the bliss of nirva

mya ngan las das pai

myur bar {C;MV}kipram; {C}kipru; {C}

tvarite; {C}laghu; {C}ghra(m); {MV}na cirt

mya ngan las das par

myur byon gsol debs

dod pa {MSA}nirvecch wish for nirva;

desire for nirva

myong / myong
/ myangs/ myongs/ to taste; to experience

myang das

mya ngan

las das pa nirva nirvana

myang das gnyis

{PH}two [kinds

of] nirva

myang ba

myong /
myong / myangs/ myongs/ {C}svda to taste; to
experience {C}enjoy; relish


myong /

myong / myangs/ myongs/ to taste; to experience

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


supplication for swift return

waste; devastation



epicycle correction

bsam pa {MSA}nirvbhiprya thought of


mya nang {C}kntra

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs kiprnubudhyate

understand quickly

myur mdzad ma {Toh. 1319} kurukull


myes {PH}ancestor(s)

myong /
myong / myangs/ myongs/ {LCh}anubhava; {L}
anubh; {MSA}anubhti (e.g.: phalnubhti); {C}
pratyanubhavati; {LCh}savedana; {C}asnute;
{C,L}asvada; {MSA}upasavitti; {C}labhate to
taste; experience; undergo; enjoy; feel {C}
gain; enjoyment; relishing; undergo; relish; receive;
apprehend; get; gain

myong khrid instruction from experience

myong ba
myong / myong / myangs/ myongs/ {L}



dmangs sgrung {PH}folk tale; folkstory

dman {MSA}hna; {MSA}nata; {MSA}hni

anubh; {C}anubhava; {MV}(praty-anu bh):

pratyanubhavati; {L}asvada; {MSA}prati-sa
vid): pratisavedyate; anubhta to taste;
experience; undergo; enjoy; presentational
apprehension [being an awareness of an object
presented to the consciousness either directly or
indirectly by reasoning, language or example]
{Nyya, GD:648}; experienced {C}gain;
enjoyment; relishing; undergo; relish; receive;
apprehend; get; gain

limited; inferior; little; low

dman pa {C,L,MSA}hna;{C}mduka;

{MSA}dna; {MSA}nihna; {MSA}mndya; {MSA}

mdu; {MSA}vihna; {MSA}hyamna lesser;
inferior; small; little; low {C}mean; left behind;
disagreeable; dull; soft; mild

dman pa nyid {C}nynatva; {MSA}

myong ba rgyu mthun gyi

bras bu experientially causally concordant

hnatva smallness; inferiority; deficiency

myong ba thon pa develop experience

myong ba ma yin {C}anlha
non-experience; not experienced; cannot be

myong ba med pa an-anubhta


myong bar gyur {C}pratisavedayati

to taste; experience; undergo; enjoy {C}feels;


myong bar bya ba {C}anubhavanat

mos mos mos mos {C}hna-adhimuktika;

{MSA}hna ... adhikamukti belief/faith/interest/

inclination/zeal/keenness in/toward/for the
inferior {C}those who have an interest in the
low; those of inferior resolve/intentions

dman pai gro ba {C}hna-gati

inferior transmigration {C}inferior destiny

{PH}the first seven Lesser Vehicle grounds

dman pai sa pa {MSA}hna-bhmika

person on a Hnayna ground

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}unmda

dbye ba/ 1


(=unmdam aunprpnuyus; akin to: citta-vikepa)



atnka [a Licchavi]

dmag dren {PH}leading to war

dmag ldan gzugs can
snying po King Bimbisra

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dman pai sa dang po bdun

myong /
myong / myangs/ myongs/ to taste; experience;
undergo; enjoy

dmag mi soldiers

dman pa la mos pa



dmag sen army {PH}war; battle

dmag brgya ba {Negi} atnka

dang khyad par can {MSA}hna-madhya-viia

inferior, middling, and special

dman pai nga rgyal pride of


myos myos por gyur

dman pa dang brin


dkar po rnam par mthong pai sa/ 2 rigs kyi sa/ 3

brgyad pai sa/ 4 mthong bai sa/ 5 bsrab pai sa/ 6
dod chags dang bral bai sa/ 7 byas pa rtogs pai
sa/ 7 rang sang rgyas kyi sa/ Divisions: (1) ground
of seeing the wholesome; (2) ground of lineage;
(3) ground of the eighth; (4) ground of seeing; (5)
ground of dimishment; (6) ground free from desire;
(7) ground of realizing completion; (8) ground of
the Solitary Realizer {T}


dman pai sems {MSA}nihna-citta;

{MV}hna-cittatva inferior mind

dman par mos

mos mos mos {MSA}hndhimukti belief/faith/
interest/inclination/zeal/keenness in/toward/for
the inferior

dman pa/ bring/ mchog

{MSA}hna ... madhya ... uttama inferior,
middling, and superior

dma ba {L}hna; {C}avanata(s); {C}

dmigs rkyen lambanapratyaya

ncatva; {MSA}avanat inferior; low{D1}; little;

small {C}dejected; inferiority

observed-object condition; object-of-observation


dma ba lags pas {C}nimna

dmigs rkyen

dma mo {PH}lowly people

dmar {C}rakta red {C}passionate; fond of
dmar khrid bare instruction; naked

dmigs rkyen btags pa pa

imputed object-of-observation-condition

instruction; essential instruction

dmigs rkyen btags pa ba

dmar sngon {PH}red and blue

dmar mchod byed pa making

gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs imputed observed-objectconditions

bloody sacrifice{TGP 77}

dmar pa {L}hna inferior; low; small;

dmigs gyur

dmar po {C,L}lohita; {C}rakta red

dmar po ri {PH}Red Hill [in Lhasa]

dmigs sgo nas

from the point of view of observation/

apprehension {C}gain; get at/to; seize on



dmar ser [red-yellow]; orange; reddish-

yellow {PH}orange; reddish-yellow

sing ga la pa rnams ni
dmar ser sha stag gyon, The Singhalese wear only
orange. {GCC}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}upalambha

(present site of the Potala Palace)


dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}labhati to

observe; apprehend; be aware of {C}gain; get
at/to; seize on



dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs lambana-pratyaya

observed object condition; referential condition
{GD:130}; observed-object condition; object-ofobservation condition

{C}slopes away

dmar lam pa reddish

dmar shal gyi rims

dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}lambati; {C}lambate;

(upa labh): {MSA}upalabhate; {C}upalabdhi; {C}
upalambha; {C}labhati; {C}upagacchati; {MV}
lambana; {MSA}upapadyate (=upalabhyate); {C}
prajpayati observe; apprehend; be aware of;
object of observation (=dmigs pa) {C}make
into an object; come (to); go to; be overpowered;
approach; take to; undergo; with negative: remain
unaware; apprehension; can be apprehended in
actual reality; gain; get to/at; seize on; basic; basic
fact; basis of apprehension; apprehension as b


dmigs can

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}upalambhika

having observation; having apprehension {C}
one who leans on a basis

dmigs rten

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs object-of-observation


dmigs rnam

{PH}object of observation

dmigs pa dang bcas ma

and [subjective] aspect

dmigs rnam skyong

bai skabs occasions of sustaining objects of

observation and subjective aspects

dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {LCh,C,MSA,MV}
lambana; {C,MV,MSA}upalambha; {C,MV,MSA}
upalabdhi; {C}rambaa; {C}adhylambate; {C}
upalabhate; {C}upaiti; {MSA}upalabhyamna
object of observation; object of awareness;
object; imagination; visualization; apprehension;
observed; observed object {C}objective
support; be aware of; perceive; opinion; imagine;
construe; basic fact; basic; basis of apprehension;
take as a basis; can be apprehended in actual reality;
uphold; look for support in; hangs on to; seek (for)
rebirth in; base rebirth (in/on)

dmigs pa can

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

aupalambhika having an object of observation

{C}one who leans on/observes a basis; one who is
based on something

dmigs pa che ba nyid {MSA}

lambanamahatva {PH}greatness of object of


dmigs pa chen po nyid

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

{MSA}lambana-mahattva greatness of the

object of observation

yin dmigs dmigs

dmigs dmigs {C}sa-rambaa not having an
object of observation {C}with an objective

dmigs pa dang bral ba

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

{MSA}upalambhasya vigama free from


dmigs pa dang mi dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MV}nopalambhopalambha observation
and non-observation {T}

dmigs pa

dang yid la byed pa dang thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}
lambana-manaskra-prpti observation, mental
application, and attainment {T}

dmigs pa ni sems yin te

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MSA}cittam evalmbana the object of
observation is the mind {T}

dmigs pa rnam

pa gsum la jug {MSA}trividhlambana-vtta

engage three types of object of observation {T}

dmigs pa mi dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MSA}lambannupalambha not

observation the object of observation {T}

dmigs pa brjed par ma

dmigs pa mi rung ba

gyur {MV}lambane samoa not to forget

the object of observation {T}

dmigs pa gnyis rnyed pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

{MV}upalabdhy-ayoga unsuitable object of

{MSA}dvaylambana-lbha obtain two objects of

observation {T}

dmigs pa dag objects of observation

dmigs pa dang bcas pa
dmigs dmigs dmigs
dmigs {C}aupalambhika having an object of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

observation {C}one who leans on/observes a

basis; one who is based on something


observation {T}

dmigs pa med

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

nirpalambho unobservability; boundlessness;

non-observation; non-apprehension {C}
without apprehending anything


dmigs pa med dang ldan pa

tshold {MSA}lambana-paryei thoroughly

investigate/examine/research/seek for the object
of observation

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {C}gatopalambhayoga together with
non-observation; having non-apprehension
{C}absence of devotion to a basis

dmigs pa med pa

dmigs pa shes pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

lambana-jna cognition of an object of

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

dmigs pai rkyen

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

anaupalambhika; {C}nirlambana; {MSA}

anlambana unobservable; unobservability;
boundlessness; non-observation; nonapprehension; no object of observation {PH}
without reservation {C}without apprehending
anything; one who observes no basis; without
objective support

lambana-pratyaya observed object condition

dmigs pai sgo nas zag


pa med pa dang dmigs pa ya ma brlad dag

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}
niralmbana-vaikat {C}absence of an objective
support and voidness

dmigs pa med pa

... grhya apprehend an object of observation;

apprehended object of observation

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}svlambana good object of observation {T}

dmigs pa yi ni mchog

{MSA}upalambha para supreme object of

observation {T}

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

lambana-dharma phenomenon that is an object
of observation

dmigs pai rten

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs basis of the

object of observation; support that is the object

of observation

dmigs pai tshul gyis

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

{MSA}lambana-prabheda division of the object

of observation

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MSA}lambana-pariuddhi pure object
of observation; purify the object of observation

dmigs pa yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal

dmigs pai rab tu dbye ba

dmigs pa yongs su dag pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {L}

{C}rambaa-yogena through the mode of the

object of observation {C}through making into
an objective support

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs pai dngos po

dmigs pai chos

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}lambana

dmigs pa bzang

bcas dmigs dmigs

dmigs dmigs contaminated by way of being
an object of observation [i.e. when taken as an
object of observation, it is suitable to increase the

lambana-vastu real objective thing

la gnas pa {C}anupalambha-vihrin abide

in unobservability; abiding in no object of
observation {C}one who dwells in the Baseless

dmigs pa gzung ba


dmigs par gyur

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

labhate; (upa labh): {MV}upalabhyante observe;

apprehend; observation; apprehension {C}get;
gain; receive; get hold of


dmigs par chad do {MSA}

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs lambana-viaya

object of observation; observed object

ucchidyate lambanam divide the object

of observation; division of the object of
observation; divided object of observation

dmigs yul bden

bzhi la doms pa guidance concerning the

objects of observation which are the four truths

dmigs par bya bai

don med dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs {MV}upalabhyrthbhva
meaningless to observe {T}

dmigs su med

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}na

dmigs par byas

pai kun brtags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}lambankta parikalpita imputation made into an
object of observation {T}

dmigs par byed de {C}lamban dmigs par mi byed pa {MSA}

anrambaa; {C}nirupalepat (=nirupalambhat)

anupalambha unobservability; boundlessness;

does not make into an object of observation; does
not observe; does not apprehend

dmus long {C}jty-andha blind person

{C}born blind

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

dmigs med

dmus long long blind person{LRC}

dmyal {C}naraka hell
dmyal ba {C,MSA}naraka; {C}niraya;

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs unobservability;


nraka hell; hell-being

dmigs med la

dbye ba/ 1 tsha dmyal

dmigs pai snying rje

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs anlamban-karu
compassion observing the unapprehendable


ba/ 2 grang dmyal ba/ 3 nye khor dmyal ba/ 4

nyi tshe bai dmyal ba Divisions: (1) [eight] hot
hells (dha-naraka); (2) [eight] cold hells (tanaraka); (3) the hells of preliminary or lighter
punishment which are situated in the neighborhood
of the greater hells (pratya kanaraka); (4) hell of
temporary punishment which

dmigs med la

dmigs pai byams pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs *anlaban maitri
love observing the unapprehendable

dmigs yul

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

does not exist as observed/apprehended {PH}

unapprehendability; unobservability {C}without
objective support; free from stains; untainted

bsal sel bsald seld exception
dmigs bsal du shes par bya rgyu yin
[these] should be known as exceptions

lambana-prabhavatva arising of the object

of observation; arise due to the object of

avinyaka {C}without a guide

does not exist as an object of observation;

dmigs bsal

byung byung byung byung {MV}

dmigs bu med pa

dmigs su med pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

karoti makes into an object of observation

dmigs pas byung ba

labhyate; {C}anupalabhamna not observed;

not apprehended {C}cannot be apprehended;
not seized; not getting at; who does not apprehend;
since I do not get at; since I fail to apprehend; not
apprehending; unable to get at; when one cannot



dmyal ba pa {LCh}nraka; nairayika

astonishing; wonderful; marvel

rmad byung ba

hell being {C}in the hells; infernal

dmyal bai rten can

byung byung byung byung {L}adbhuta

marvellous; astonishing; wonderful; marvel

gyi so soi skye bo ordinary beings with the

basis of hell-dwellers; common being having the
basis of a hell-being

rmi ltas {PH}dream signs

rmi ltas su mthong ba svapna-

darana dream seeing

dmyal rtsub {PH}rough hell
rmi dra svapna-vat as in a dream
rma bya peacock
rma bya chen mo {Toh.559} mahmyr rmi lam {C,MV}svapna; {C}supina; {C}

rma byai mdongs the eyes in a

peacocks feathers{LWT 21}

rma byai tshogs can


of Peacocks (n. of a forest in S. Tibet)

supinntare; {C}svapnntara dream{BJ 59.6}

{C}in his dreams; in a dream
rmi lam gyi sngon
po sngon por gsal bar snang bai rmi lam gyi shes
pa a dream-consciousness to which a dream-blue
clearly appears as blue

rmangs mo Base One {PH}scum

rmad {PH}marvelous; marvelous [thing]
rmad du byung byung

rmi lam gyi rtags {PH}dream signs

rmi lam gyi shes pa {PH}a dream

rmad du byung ba

rmi lam lta bu nyid {MSA}


rmi lam gyi sngon po sngon

por gsal bar snang bai rmi lam gyi shes pa a

dream-consciousness to which a dream-blue clearly
appears as blue

byung byung byung {MSA}adbhuta; {MSA}

carya marvellous; astonishing; wonderful;

byung byung byung byung {L,MSA}adbhuta;

{MSA}carya; {L} adbhta marvellous;
astonishing; wonderful; marvel; marvelous
di rmad du byung
bai legs bshad cig dug ste this is a marvellously
good explanation{TGP 39}

rmad du byung bai chos kyi

sde byung byung byung byung

{C}adbhuta-dharmas marvellous phenomena;

rmad du byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}adbhuta

marvellous; astonishing; wonderful; marvel

rmad byung {PH}marvelous

rmad byung ba byung

byung byung byung {MSA}adbhuta marvellous;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


svapnopamatva dream-like

rmi lam du rmis pa

rmi lam rmis pa/ {C}svapna-darin to dream;

have a dream{Ship 65b.4} {C}one who sees a

rmi lam dra ba {C}svapnopama

dream-like; like a dream; similar to a dream

rmi lam rmis pa

lam du rmis pa/ {C}svapna-darin to dream;
have a dream{Ship 65b.4} {C}one who sees a

rmi lam lus {PH}dream-body

rmigs pa lizards
rmis pa dang mtshung pa

(=ajna-virhn) obscured; deluded {C}is
stupefied; get stupefied

svapna-iva similar to a dream

rmugs {LCh;L}sthyna {PH}lethargy

rmugs pa {LCh,L}sthyna; styna

lethargy; obscuration sloth; torpor; laziness

rmugs pa dang gnyid

stynamiddha lethargy and sleep

rmugs pa dang gnyid chung

ba {C}sthyna-middha lethargy and sloth

rmeg med du bcom

gzhom joms bcom choms destroy into

total disorder


rmong rmong

rmongs rmongs {MV}moha; {MV}vimoha; {MV}

samoha obscuration; delusion; confusion;
ignorance; dullness

smad pa {C}jugupsanat; {C}jugupsyn;

{MSA}nindita; {MSA}paribh; {MSA}(vi garh):

vigarhate; nind blame; lower; lower part {C}
loathing; in disgust

smad byung


byung byung byung fantastic and marvellous;

fantastic; extraordinary

sman {LCh,C,L,MSA}bhaiajya; {C}oadh; {C}

cikitsaka; {MSA}auadha medicine; drug {PH}

medicine {C}herb; remedy; medical treatment

sman khang [medicine-house]; hospital

sman rta {PH}medium of medicinal

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs {MSA}asamoha

non-obscuration; non-delusion; non-deluded;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung byung wonderful

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs delude; obscure;

serve to obscure/dull/confuse become deluded;
deluded person; ignorant; delusion; fool

rmongs par gyur {C}dhandhyati

smag rum dark; darkness

smad {MSA}(vi v): vivarayati lower;

smad du byung ba

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs

{MSA}samoha obscured; having obscurations;
deluded; confused; be dull

rmongs pa med pa

pervaded by thick darkness

byung byung byung fantastic and marvellous{BJ

smag black; dark; darkness

smag thug po {PH}thick darkness
smag thug pos khyab pa

smad du byung

rmong rmongs rmongs {LCh,MSA,L}mha;

{LCh,MSA,MV,C}moha; {C}muhyati; {MSA}
vimha; {MSA}samha (e.g.: jeyev
asamha); {MV}vimoha; {MV}samoha; {C}
dhandhyitat; {C}dhanvyitatva (=ajna tatsvarpa-apratipatti) obscuration; delusion;
confusion; ignorance; dullness {C}ignorant;
stupefaction; stupefied; be bewildered

rmongs pa byed pa

having deluded nature; stupid{S}

lower part; May (Lower) College of Se-ra

Monastic University

rmongs chen {PH}great fool

rmongs pa rmong

rmongs pa dang bcas pa

rmongs byed ma {PH}Mohani

rmongs med {PH}non-delusion
rmons pai rang bzhin can

sman lta bui sems bskyed

mind-generation like medicine


sman pa {C,MSA}vaidya physician; doctor


sme ba mole
sme ba gnag bag {C}klatilaka

sman pai rgyal po bla med

anuttara-vaidya-rja highest king of physicians

sman pai mchog {C}vaidyottama


sme sha can * maka

{C}the Supreme Physician

sman rtsi {PH}medical elixir

sman rtsis khang {PH}Astro-Medical


of Durg


smad/ smod/
smad/ smod/ {C}pasaka; {C}pamsayati; {C}
prativacati; (vi garh): {MSA}vigarhanti; {C}
vigarhate; {C}vigarhati; {MSA}ninda {C}
opposes; censure; one who deprecates


sman rtse {PH}[Chinese] barbarians

sman bzang po {MSA}subhaiajya

smod pa {C}jugupsanat; {C}pasana;

helpful medicine; good medicine

smig rgyu {MSA}marci mirage

smig rgyu

{C}pasayi; {C}vijugupsana; {MSA}jugupsana;

{MSA}jugupsin; {MSA}apavadana; {MSA}(nind);
{MSA}prativahana loathing; deprecating;

dang rmi lam dang chu zla la sogs pa {MV}

marci-svapnodaka-candrdi mirage, dream,
moon in water, etc.

smod par byed {C}pratikroati

smig sgyu {LCh}marci mirage

smin ripen; mature; fructify; [for smin ma:]

(=apriya-abhidhnt); {C}vigarhate {C}reviles;

rejects; censures

smod par byed pa {C}pasayati;


{MSA}vigarhanti (e.g.: kuceita vigarhanti)

{C}reviles; rejects; censures; deprecates

smin pa {L}vipka; {MSA}pakva; {MSA}

smod par byed par gyur te

paripka ripen; mature; fructify; maturation;

ripening; matured; ripened

{C}pasayati {C}deprecates

smin par byed {MV}pcana maturing; smon {MSA}praidhna wish; admire; pray;


smin par byed pa {MSA}pcan

smon mkhyen pa nyid

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

maturing; ripening

smin byed {MSA}pcan; {MSA}pcika;

{C}praidhi-jna {C}cognition which results

from resolve

{C}paripcana; {C}pcana ripener; ripening;


smin ma eyebrow
smin tshugs {C}bhruva eyebrows

smon nas mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend



smin mtshams kyi

{C}praidhi-jna {C}cognition which results

from resolve

smon nas shes pa {C,MSA}praidhijna {C}cognition which results from resolve

smon pa {C}praidadhti (e.g.: m citta

mdzod spui phrag {C}r-koa hair-treasure

between the eyebrows; hair-tuft between the
eyebrows {C}hair-tuft between the eyebrows

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

praidh); {C,MV,MSA}praidhna; {MV}

praihita; {MSA}nidhna; {MSA}asana; {MSA}


sti; {MSA}samsti wish; admire; pray;
aspire {C}resolves; vow; plans for the future;
resolve; desire for the future

petition {PH}aspirational prayers; wishes;

prayer-wishes; prayer {C}vow; resolve; plans for
the future; desire for the future

exclusion of wish

praidhna-vaieikat having the feature of

prayer-wishes {T}

smon pa rnam par spangs pa smon lam khyad par can {MSA}
smon pa med pa {C,MSA}apraihita;

smon lam khyad par blo gros

{C}apraidhna wishlessness{N} {C}not

hopeful; no plans made for the future; no lack of

*praidhna-vaieika-mati {PH}Praidhnavaieika-mati [pn. of a bodhisattva-mahsattva]

smon pa med pai ting

smon lam gyi khyad par {MSA}

nge dzin gzung dzin bzung

zungs {MSA}apraihita-samdhi meditative
stabilization of wishlessness; wishless meditative

smon lam gyi stobs can {MSA}

apraidhnasya padam basis of wishlessness;

wishless basis

smon lam gyi pha rol tu

{MV}jnpraihita cognition of wishlessness;

wishless consciousness

smon lam gyi dbang {MSA}

smon pa med pai gzhi {MSA}

praidhna-viea feature of prayer-wishes {T}

praidhna-balika having the power of wishing

{PH}having the power of wishing

phyin pa {MSA}praidhna-pramit perfection

of wishing

smon pa med pai shes pa

praidhna-vaa the force of wishing

{MSA}apraihita wishlessness; wishless

smon lam chen po bcu

{MSA}sti-manaskra aspirational mental

contemplation; mental contemplation of wishing

smon lam chen

smon pa med par gyur pa

ten great aspirational prayers [of a first ground

smon pa yid la byed pa

smon pa lhun gyis grub pas

{MSA}anbhogenpraidhya (prai dh) due
to a spontaneous wish {T}

smon pai sems {MSA}sti-citta

attitude of aspiration; wishing mind; aspirational


smon par byed pa {L}praidhna

aspire; wish; pray; vow; resolve

smon par med pa {C}apraihita; {C}

apraidhna wishlessness; non-aspiration

smon lam {LCh,MV,MSA,C}praidhna;

smon lam btab pa

gdab/ debs/ btab/ thobs/ {MSA}

praihita plant prayer-wishes {T}

smon lam dang sgrub

pai khyad par bsgrub
sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}praidhnapratipatti-viea features of wishing and
achievement {T}

smon lam dang ldan pa {MSA}

praidhnavat having wishes

{L}praidh; {C,MSA}praidhi [wish-path];

prayer-wish; aspirational prayer; wishes;
prayer-wishes; prayer; supplication; prayer

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

po bcu mngon par sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}daa-mahpraidhnbhinirhra manifestly establish the
ten great wishes


smon lam debs

gdab debs btab thobs {C}praidheti offer

a wish {C}he makes the vow

smon lam debs pa

a mirage; a mere mirage

gdab debs btab thobs (pra-i dh):

{LCh} vaa[-kt] {PH}founder of a lineage

{MSA}praidadhti; {MSA}praidhna kariyanti

offer a wish {C}he makes the vow

smon lam mi gtong ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

anirkta-praidhi not give up prayer-wishes
{C}unobstructed vow/resolve

smyug po

nag tshos jo bo mjal tshe
na bza smyug po can gsungs pa ... Nak-tshos
statement that when he met Atia, [he] had brown
clothes ... {GCC} p.14

{MSA}praidhna-manasikra wishing mental

contemplation; mental contemplation of wishing

smon lam la brten pa {MSA}

praidhna-sanirit in dependence upon

smon lam shes pa {MSA}praidhi-

smon sems bodhi-praidhi-citta attitude

of aspiration [to full enlightenment]; aspirational
mind of enlightenment

smyon thabs {C}tuda {C}frantic

smyon pai gar dance of the
insane{LWT 232}


smyo/ smyo/ smyos/

smyo/ to be mad; insane; crazy; be crazed

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed [aspire-mind-


generate]; generate the attitude of aspiration [to

full enlightenment]

smra/ smra/ smras/

smros/ {C}vyharati; {MSA}vakt propound;

speak {C}utter; says

smo/ smo/ smos/

smra mkhas {MSA}vgmin wise

smos/ {C}prg eva; {MSA}scana statement;

[desiderative marker] {C}how much more/less

smos ci {C}prg eva

smyung gnas fasting

smyo smyo/ smyo/ smyos/
smyo/ to be mad; insane; crazy; be crazed

jna aspirational consciousness


smyig tshal {TTS} vraa {PH}reed

smyu gu pen
smyug stag tiger that stays in bamboo

smon lam yid la byed pa

smon sems bskyed

smyig ma mkhan {GST} veukra;

proponent; speak wisely

smra mkhas pa {MSA}vk-karaa wise

{C}how much more/

proponent; speak wisely

less so

smos ci dgos {C,MSA}prg eva what smra mkhas pa dang ldan

pa {MSA}vacasbhyupeta; {MSA}vkkaraenopeta wise speech; skilled speech;

wise/skilled proponent {T}

need is there to mention ... {T} {C}how much

more/less so

smos pa {MSA}grahaa statement;

smra mkhas phun sum tshogs

saying:{BJ 38.2}

{MSA}su-vk-karaa-sapad the marvel of

skilled speech {T}

smyig rgyu {C}marci mirage {C}mirage

smra mchog {C}vdi-reha
smyig rgyu lta bu {C}marci-sama
mirage-like; like a mirage {C}mirage-like; like

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

supreme teacher




smra nus pa {C}vacana-samartha able

propounding; speak; speaking {C}explain

smra med pa {C}anudhra non-

to propound; able to speak {C}able to express


smra pa propounding; proponent; speaker;

propounding; not propound; unutterable

teaching; spoke; taught; speak

smra ba mchog {C}vdi-reha


the best of propounders

smra ba

smra/ smra/
smras/ smros/ {C}vdin; {C}vadati; {C}udharati;
{C}vyharati; {MV}pravyhra; {C}kath; {C}
bhite; {MSA}abhilpa; {MSA}abhibhin (e.g.:
prvbhibhin); {C}vyavapadiati propound;
proponent{BJ 22.2}; speak; utter; say; advocate
{C}announce; preacher; when speaking;
teach; preacher; theoretician; one who asserts;

smra ba brjod pa

smra ba nyung ba {C}alpa-bhya; {C}


smra/ smra/ smras/

smros/ {C}vadati propound; speak; utter; say;

advocate; it is said {C}teach

smras nas ring mo zhig lon

pa {MSA}cira-bhita speak for a long time

smras pa {LCh}ha; {LCh}ukta; ucyate; {C}

bhaita; {C}jalpita; {C}jalpyamna; {C}mantrite

It is said; propound; speak; utter; say; advocate
{C}teach; declaration; spoke; he said; talking; but
mumbled; talking; when spoken to

out aloud

manda-bhya speaks little {C}soft in his



smra ba po {A4C} bruvan

smra/ smra/ smras/

smros/ propound; speak; utter; say; advocate

tsa na because [verb + ...]

tsa ra ka {PH}Caraka
tsa ri ka {PH}Caraka
tsa ri ka pa {PH}Follower of Caraka
tsang because [verb + ...]
tsang ma {C}sauca {C}unsoiled
tsanda {LCh;C}candana {PH}sandalwood
tsan dan {LCh,C}candana sandalwood
tsandana {LCh;C}candana {PH}sandalwood
tsan dan gyi dri the odor of

If the
sound making the noise reaches [the ear] why isnt
it [considered] the speaker? {A4C} 14.18ab

smra ba bla na med pa

unsurpassed proponent (an epithet of

Shkyamuni Buddha)

smra ba zla med unmatched

proponents [of doctrine] (Buddhas)

smra ba la yang slob par

byed {MSA}abhilpa ... ikayati learn to
propound {T}

smra bai spros conventional teaching

smra bai zla ba {C}vdi-candra {C}


moon of the doctrine

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

propounding; not propound; unutterable {C}

not conventionally expressed

smre sngags sorrowful moaning

smre bzhin du {C}krandantin {C}cries

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}bha propound;

express; state; speak; statement; speaking

smra bar byed do {C}sadhyate

smrar med pa {C}avyavahta non-


tsan dan gyi phye ma {C}candana-

cra {C}sandlewood powder

tsan dan phur ma {C}candana-pua

{C}basket containing sandlewood powder

tsan dan tshal gyi dur khrod

{PH}Sandalwood Grove Charnel Ground (one of

the eight traditional charnal grounds)

tsam {LCh,C,MV,TN}mtra only; mere;

{PH}bag of tsampa
de tsam gyis merely through that

gtsug tor gyi

gtsug tor can {C}ikhin ikhin

tsam kho na {MV}mtra only; merely;

[p.n. of a Bodhisattva in the Buddha-field of


gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma


tsam na as soon as
tsam pa how much?; how far?
tsam tshod lta ci dka zhes


{C}kimutlpa-mtram {C}that is nothing difficult

tsam la mi byed par without

gtsug na pre-eminent
gtsug nor {PH}crown jewel
gtsug phud can {C}ikhin ikhin
[p.n. of a Bodhisattva in the Buddha-field of

referring to merely that

tsen min pa

protrusion {PH}headdress {C}cowl

khor lo rtsa dab bzhi pa the wheel of the crown

protrusion having the four channel-petals

merely; just {PH}about; approximately

tsam khug

gtsang byas {C}uci pure; clean; clear

gtsug crown of the head; top of the head
gtsug gi nor bu {PH}crown jewel
gtsug tor {LCh,C}ua crown

{PH}gradualist; proponent of

gradual enlightenment

tsog bu {PH}upright
tsog tsog pu {Das} utkauku; utkuaka

gtsug lag {PH}teachings

gtsug lag khang chen {LCh}

mahvihravstin; mahvihrin Mahvihrin


{PH}cowering; squatting; crouching down


founder of the Ge-luk-pa (dge lugs pa) school of

Tibetan Buddhism [also known as Lo-sang-dragba (blo bzang grags pa)]

gtse ba


gtses par gyur pa {C}vihehita

tsong kha pa Tsong-kha-pa (1357-1419);

gtsang {LCh}uci; {C}medhya clean; pure;

gtsang bde rtag

gtse/ tshe/ btses sam gtses/ gtses/ {C}vihis to

harm {T} {C}harming

{C}one who torments

gtso {MSA}pradhna; {MSA}prbalya main;

bdag tu med pa not existing as pure, blissful,

permanent, or self{BJ 57.2}

chief; principal {PH}main

gtsang pa {C}uci pure; clean; clear

gtso che main
gtsang ba {C,MSA}uci; {L}medhya pure; gtso po {AK} pradhna
clean; clear

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzugs/ dzugs/ tsugs/ tshugs/ plant [past of


principal [in Smkhya]




gtso bo {LCh,MSA}pradhna; {MSA}

prdhnya; {C,MSA}reha; {MSA}pramukha;

{MSA}prmukhya; {C}aura main; chief;
principal {PH}best; primordial substance {C}
valiant; best; a person of authority
gal te yang don du na
nags su gro ba gtso bo yin mod kyi, ... Even if, for
this reason, going to the forest is best, ... {A4C-C}

gtso bo rtag pa



gtso boi don

{PH}principle meaning
Because [it is established
by common inference that the Buddhas word] is not
mistaken with regard to the principle meaning [of
the four noble truths] {Dharmkirti; Pramanavartika;
I.217c} == gtso boi don la mi bslu bai phyir

gtso boi don

{PH}primary objective

spyod pa la jug pai gtso boi don bcu gcig bsdus
pa rdzogs so; [This] completes the summary of
the eleven primary objectives [found in ntidevas]
Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life. Toh. 3879

/ gtso bor / gtso bor gyur pa

mainly; chiefly; principally

gtso sems main mind

btsag {PH}red ochre

me tog phreng rgyud du; ngur smrig btsag

dang sngon po zhes rung tshon gsum gsungs pai

btsag mdog de yin rgyur dug; That would seem
to be the red ochre hue that is spoken of [as one of]
three suitable colors saffron, red ochre, and blue
in the Flower Garland Tantra. {GCC} p.14

btsang ngag pa

{GD:692} Tsang-ngak-

ba (?-1171}

btsan violent spirits

{PH}a disease-causing
demon; force; power; strength

btsan thabs force; coercion

btsan po {PH}king; ruler; emperor
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

btsan dzul pa {PH}attacker

btsan sa secure haven; stronghold
btsa btsa/ btsa/
btsas/ btsas/ born; give birth; bring forth; bear

btsa ba


btsa/ btsas/ btsas/ {C}prajyan born; give

birth; bring forth; bear {C}giving birth



tshol btsald tshold {MSA}parye; {MSA}

prayujyamna; paryei; {C}mrgayati search;
search for; seek [past of tshal] {C}hunt for

btsal ba

btsal tshol

btsald tshold {C}paryei search; search for;

seek{BJ 15.1} {C}seeks for; try to determine;
decides to look for; seeks

btsal bai tshe na

btsal tshol btsald tshold at the time of

searching{BJ 56.1}

btsal bar bya

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}anveati will

search; search

btsal bya


tshol btsald tshold {MSA}eeta (= ?) object

sought {T}

btsas pa

btsa/ btsas/ btsas/ born; bring forth; bear; give


gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ plant; establish;
set; set up; penetrate

btsun khral {PH}monastery

btsun pa monastic; monk {PH}practical

application Dharma
practitioners need a sense of practical application
and goodness. HHDL, Key to the Middle = {KMW}

btsun pa grol sde Bhadanta




btsun par byas pa {C}niveana

rtsa khor cakra channel-wheel

rtsa grel bkral

{C}house; entering on; show respect to

btsun mo {LCh}dev queen; a woman of

grel bkrald greld root text and commentary

rtsa nyon; rtsa bai nyon

rank; wife; goddess

btsun mo rol pa sporting with

mongs rtsa bai nyon mongs

mla-klea root afflictions; root afflictive


btsegs pa piled up [past of rtseg, to pile

dbye ba/ 1 dod chags/ 2




btso/ tshod/

khong khro/ 3 nga rgyal/ 4 ma rig pa/ 5 the tshom/

6 lta ba nyon mongs can/ Divisions: (1) desire
(rga); (2) anger (pratigha); (3) pride (mna);
(4) ignorance (avidy); (5) doubt (vicikits); (6)
afflicted view (klia-di)

btsos/ tshod/ cook; boil

btso ba

tshed/ btsos/ tshod/ {MV}pkya to cook; boil;
cause to ripen {T}

btso blag ma {EST} rajak

rtsa rtags {PH}main reason

rtsa ltung bzhi {PH}four root infractions


washer woman

btso blag mkhan {MSA}rajaka

[of monks vows]

washer man

btso ma {LCh}tapta purified substance;

refined; purified {PH}refined; purified; purified


btso lag mkhan pa rajaka washer


btsod kha {C}majiha {C}crimson

btson khang prison
btson pa prisoner
btson rwa prison; jail
btsol ba seek
btsos btso/ tshod/

rtsa ba drug pa {MSA}a-pda the

rtsa ba bzang po {MSA}su-mla good


rtsa ba shes rab Praj-nma-mla-

madhyamaka-stra Ngrjunas Fundamental

Treatise on the Middle Way, Called Wisdom;
P5224, Vol. 95

rtsa ba shes rab kyi grel pa


bkral grel bkrald greld

commentary on (Ngrjunas) Fundamental

Treatise on the Middle Called Wisdom

tshod/ btsos/ tshod/ cooked; boiled

rtsa {LCh}n; {C}mla; {C}mlaka; {C}ir;

rtsa bai kha dog mlavara

ni channel; passageway; vein; duct; artery;

root; root text {PH}channel {C}basis; reality
behind; one who has roots; vein; grass

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}pda root; basic; fundamental; primary

{C}basis; reality behind; grass; tree
six/sixth fundamental {T}

btsos/ tshod/ cook; boil

btsos pa

rtsa mdud channel-knot

rtsa dab bzhi {PH}four channel-petals
rtsa ba {LCh,C,MV,MSA}mla; {MSA}pada;

primary colors



dbye ba/ 1 dkar po/ 2 ser po/ 3 dmar po/ 4 sngon
po/ Divisions: (1) white; (2) yellow; (3) red; (4)

three channels, winds, and drops

rtsa bai rgyud Root Tantra [the first of

the Four [Medical] Tantras]

rtsa bai chos kyi dbyings

stra Ngrjunas Fundamental Treatise on

the Middle Way Called Wisdom

Great Commentary on (Ngrjunas) Treatise

on the Middle Way


rtswa {MSA}ta grass


nyon mlaklea root afflictions; root afflictive


rtsa bai nyon mongs pa mla-

dang sdong dum dang tsher ma sna tshogs kyis

gang ba {C}vividha-ta-kha-kaakadhn {C}places covered with grass, or thorns,
or deep chasms

klea root afflictions; root afflictive emotions

rtsa bai ltung ba {C}mla-patti

root infraction {C}root offence; capitol offence

rtsa bai stong gzhi root basis of

rtswa dang shing dang nags


tshal {C}ta-kha-vanam {C}grass, log, and


rtsa bai stobs {MSA}mla-bala

fundamental force

rtsa bai de kho na {MV}mla-tattva

fundamental reality

rtsa bai rnam shes {TN}mlavijna fundamental consciousness

rtsa bai rang bzhin mlaprakti

fundamental nature

rtswa baam shing {C}ta-kham

grass or tree {C}a bunch of grass, a stick, a log;

grass, log, and forest

rtswa za ba eating grass{LWT 24}

rtsangs pa chameleon
rtsad gcod

gcad/ gcod/ bcad/ chod/ to determine; research

rtsa bai rlung basic winds

rtsa bai sems {MSA}mla-citta

rtsad bcad pa research{N}

rtsad dbyangs rjes su

byung ba byung byung byung

byung {C}anundin {C}resonant

fundamental mind

rtsa bar in the root text{BJ 48.2}

rtsa bar dod na if one accepts the

rtsab mo soma; {Das} kjika; ?????

{PH}acidulated rice-water

basic [consequence]

rtsal projective artifice; projective prowess;

rtsa dbu ma avadht central channel

rtsa tshig root text; basic text
rtsa ro ma rasan right channel
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rtsa lag {MSA}bandhu kinsman

rtsa shes praj-nma-mla-madhyamaka rtsa shes t ka chen Dzong-ka-bas

{MSA}mla-dharma-dhtu (sa-) fundamental

realm of phenomena

rtsa bai nyon mongs

rtsa rlung thig le gsum the

artifice; dynamism


rtsal du gsol request

rtsal ldan {MSA}vikrnta capable;




brtsi/ rtsi/ brtsis/

rtsis/ {C}oadh; {C}bhaiajya to reckon; to

calculate; to hold as important {PH}elixir;
remedy {C}herb; remedy; (healing) medicine;
medical incantation that which servers as
an elixir {BCA}

rtsub po {C,MSA}parua rough {C}harsh

rtsub mo {MSA}parua rough
rtse node; peak {PH}top floor; top storey; peak
rtse dga ba {MSA}kr-rati joyful

rtsi bcud nourishment

rtse gcig {LCh}ekgra; {C}ekgrat one
rtsi ba brtsi/ rtsi/ brtsis/
pointed; single minded; one-pointed {C}onertsis/ emumeration; to reckon; to calculate; to
hold as important


rtsi shing orchard; vegetation

board or slate for counting and writing figures upon

rtsig {PH}wall
rtsig pa wall
rtsig pa sna lnga

rtse gcig mnyam pa


pointed meditative equanimity

rtse gcig tu [point-one-ly]; onepointedly; single-mindedly

rtse gcig tu byed pa ekotkaraa

making one pointed; making one-pointed

{PH}variegated five-

rtse gcig pa {LCh,C}ekgra one-

fold wall

rtsig pai gram

pointed; single minded

{PH}foot of the

rtse gcig pa nyid {C}ekgrat one-


rtsig phug hole in the wall

rtsib logs skyes {PH}born fron the


rtse drung monk government official

rtse phyag {PH}[Potala] Treasurer
rtse ba {LCh}krati to play; [misspelling of

side of the torso

rtsibs {C}ara {C}spoke

rtsibs stong {PH}thousand spokes
rtsio {MSA}(vi ga): vigaayati to reckon;

brtse ba] mercy

rtse sbyor

sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord mrdhaprayoga peak training

to calculate; to hold as important



rtse mo {LCh,L}agra; {LCh,C}mrdhan; {MV}

brtsi/ rtsi/ brtsis/

mrdhna; ekhara; ikhara; mrdhagata peak;

point; top; summit; highest; foremost {C}(on
his) head; summits

rtsis/ calculation; computation; to reckon;

calculate; to hold as important; enumeration

rtsis pa accountant; astrologer

rtsis zin pa affected by the force

rtse mo la gnas pa {L}agra-sthita

abiding at the peak

rtse moi mngon rtogs

[perhaps from rtsi, sap]

rtsub {PH}rough
rtsub pa {MSA}karka; karkaatva
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}mrdha-

abhisamaya peak clear realizer; foremost clear

realizer {C}full understanding at its summit



rtse moi gnas skabs {MSA}

rtsod pa spong ba

spang spong spangs spongs dispelling objections

mrdhvasth peak state

rtse moi rtse sbyor

rtsod pa byed {N}vipravadati debate;

mrdhamrdhaprayoga peak peak training


rtse mor gyur pa {C}mrdha-ga(ta)

rtsod pai tshe at the time of debating

rtsod pai gzhi basis for dispute; basis

peak {C}summits

rtse mor phyin pa {C}mrdha-prpta

for controversy{BJ 31.7}

rtsod pai gzhi gnas su gyur

reach the peak; reach the top {C}reached the


provides a basis for dispute; offers a basis for

dispute{BJ 31.7}

rtse shod {PH}court; royal court

rtsed jo {PH}public amusement; public

rtsod pai gzhii gnas

vivddhikaraa serves as a basis for




rtsen/ rtsen/

rtsod pai bzhii gnas

rtsend/ rtsend/ {MSA}(kr): krati to play;

take delight in games; enjoy {T}

rtsog rtsog pa utkua

vivddhikaraa serves as a basis for


rtsod pai lan du in answer to this


out; spread out; scattered


argument{BJ 51.1}

brtsad/ rtsod/

rtsod par gyur {C}vivadati (=samyag-

brtsad/ rtsod/ {C}vivda; {C}vigraha; vivadati;

{MSA}adhikaraa debate; objection; dispute
{C}disputation; conflict; argument; wrangling;
contention; contend with; quarrel; battle

jnopetavn) debate; dispute; objection {C}

disputes; contend with

rtsod ngag disputatious speech

rtsod dus {LCh}kali-yuga age of conflict
rtsod pa {LCh,C,MSA,L}vivda; {LCh}vda;
{C}vivadati (=samyag-jnopetavn); {C}vigraha
debate; objection; conflict; dispute{BJ 31.7}
{C}disputation; debate; argument; wrangling;
contention; contend with; quarrel; battle

dispute; will dispute {C}wrangling; disputation

rtsod par byed pa {C}vivadati

dispute; debate

rtsod par byed par gyur ro

{C}codayati dispute; debate {C}exhort; warn
against; make the charge

rtsod spong

spang spong
spangs spongs dispelling objections

rtsod pa

rtsod gzhi basis of debate

rtsod gzhir bzung ba held as the

dang rgol bar smra bai ngang tshul can {C}

vigraha-vivda-la having a nature which
is disputatious and argumentative {C}his
character is neither quarrelsome nor disputatious

basis of the debate{LSR}

rtsod pa dod pa {C}vivditu-kma

rtsod bzlog vigraha-vyvartan

wish to debate; desire to dispute fond of

Ngrjunas Refutation of Objections{DASI

578.4} (P5228, Vol. 95)

arguing; {C}want to dispute with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rtsod par bya ba {C}vivda object of



rtsol bar gyur ro {C}ceate (var.:

rtsod len answer to an objection

rtson grus {MSA}vrya {PH}effort
rtsom brtsam/

veate) make effort; exert {C}bestirs himself

with; be astir with

rtsom/ brtsams/ rtsams/ ( rabh): {MV}rabhate;

{MV}rambha; {L}rabhya begin; initiate;
compose; write a book

rtsom gdan

dang poi rtsom gdan first draft {GCG} p. 17

rtsol mdzad sustain

stsal stsal stsol stsald stsold
stsal stsol stsald
stsold {C}bhave bestow; confer; grant; give;
speak {C}may be

rtsom pa phun sum tshogs pa

{MSA}rambha-sapad marvellous beginning

rtsom pa med pa {MSA}vypra (nir-)

beginningless ? {T}

rtsom pai rgyu rambha-hetu cause of


rtsom pai dri bral {MSA}bhogavaimalya stainless composition {T}

stsal ma thag tu

stsal stsol stsald stsold {C}praveita-mtre

immediately/right/just after bestowing/
conferring/granting/giving/speaking {C}one
would only have to introduce


stsal stsol stsald stsold

bestow; confer; grant; give

stsol ba

stsal stsol stsald

stsold {C}dtrtva donor; giver; conferer;

bestow; confer; grant; give

stsol bar mdzad

rtsom par dam bca promise of


stsol stsald stsold {MSA}(d): dadti bestow;

confer; grant; give


rtsom byed {C}samarbheyy begin;

brtsad pa {MSA}vivda dispute{S};

initiate; compose {C}should bring about

debate; objection commence; undertake

brtsad pai gzhi {MSA}adhikaraa

brtsal/ rtsol/
brtsald/ rtsold/ endeavor; make effort; exert

basis of dispute

brtsams {C}rabhya based; beginning;


sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs established by exertion

composition{BJ 9.4}; to be based [on]

rtsol ba {LCh,MSA,MV}vyyma; {L}

brtsams te {C}rabhya; {MV}rabdha

paryeati; {C}vtti; {MSA,C}bhoga; {MV}ysa

exertion; endeavor; make effort; exert {C}
earch; seek; enjoyment; satiation; satisfy; fullness;
completion; the action which works for

beginning; composition {C}begin; take hold

of; about; with reference to; regarding; relevant to,

beginning from/with; starting from; having turned
his mind to; concerning; stimulated by; initially
founded on; if I take into consideration; following
on; concerning

rtsol bai du bya ba activity by


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

byung byung byung arisen from exertion

stsal ba

brtsam/ rtsom/ brtsams/ rtsams/ {LCh,MSA,MV}
rambha; {MSA}bhoga; {MV}bhvan; {MSA}
vypra; {C}paryei to begin; initiate; to
compose; write a book {C}search

rtsol sgrub


bestow; confer; grant; give; speak

rtsom pa


rtsol byung



brtse ba med pa {MSA}nirdaya

brtsams nas {C}samrabhya;{MV}

brtsams nas ... gsungs so (... las-) = rabhyha

beginning with; stemming from{BJ 29.2} {C}
when one has undertaken

merciless; without mercy

brtse ba yid la byed pa

{MSA}anukamp-manasikra merciful mental

contemplation; mental contemplation of mercy

brtsams pa {MSA,MV}rabdha; {C}

brtse bai bdag nyid {MSA}

rabhya; {C}rapsyante beginning; begin;

composition {C}(deed) they may do

kptmaka merciful nature

brtsams gzhi bases of composition

brtsal ba {C}paryei {C}search
brtsi brtsi/ rtsi/ brtsis/

brtse bai yon tan quality of


rtsis/ to reckon; calculate; to hold as important


brtsi/ rtsi/ brtsis/

rtsis/ to reckon; calculate; to hold as important

brtsun pa {C}gaurava

brtsums pa {C}nimijita

brtse bas byams pa {MSA}kpsneha love due to mercy {T}

mercifully giving {T}

brtse bas sbyin pa la

to make negative statements about objects

rjes su ston pa bstan ston

bstand stond {MSA}kpay dna-samanusti
teaching of merciful giving {T}

brtse/ brtse/

brtses/ brtses/ {C}day; {C}anukamp noun:

mercy; love; kindness7 verb: feel mercy; pity

brtsegs ka piled up

sems dpai gsum brtsegs piled up three

brtse dang ldan pa {MSA}daynvita



brtsegs pa {MV,MSA}ka (e.g.:

brtse ldan {MSA}kplu merciful

brtse ba brtse/

Ratnaka) piled up

brtsegs ma

brtse/ brtses/ brtses/ {LCh}day; {LCh,MSA}

anukamp; {MSA}anukampana; {MSA}kp;
{MSA}kpa; {MSA}kplu; {C}kriana noun:
mercy; love; kindness7 verb: feel mercy; pity
{C}sympathy; playing with

{PH}piled up; piled one on

top of the other

brtser {ntideva} kpan {PH}merciful

brtser bcas {MSA}sakpa merciful;

brtse ba can {MSA}kplu; {MSA}



brtse/ brtse/
brtses/ brtses/ day; anukamp verb: feel
mercy; pity; love7 noun: mercy; love; kindness

sakpa; {MSA}samanukampaka merciful; loving

brtse ba dang bcas pa {MSA}

brtsod dz (crossbreed of a yak and a cow)

sakpa merciful; loving

brtse ba dang ldan pa {MSA}

which has long, narrow straight horns

kplu merciful; loving

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

khas len pa {MSA}kpay dukhbhyupagama

assert suffering with mercy {T}

brtse bas sbyin pa {MSA}kp-dna


dignity; a title to be respected


brtse bas sdug bsngal


brtson {C}yukta; {C}yujyate; {MSA}yoga; {C}

abhiyukta; {C}abhiyuktaka; {L}vrya; {MSA}para
verb: to endeavor; make effort; strive; exert
oneself7 noun: effort; endeavor; exertion {C}
suitable; associated with; in possession of; joined
to; devoted; endowed with; junction with; practiced;
interested in; one who practices; diligence; energy;
zeal; enthusiasm; vigor; applies oneself; be engaged
in; be joined to; practice; [with negativ

brtson gyur {C}abhiyukta; {C}

vrya ... dha stable effort

brtson grus

tha ma dang bring dang mchog {MSA}nikamadhyottama vrya final, middling, and
supreme effort

brtson grus dang ldan pa

{MSA}vrya-vat having effort; dilligent

brtson grus drag {MSA}yatna ...

abhiyuktaka endeavor; effort {C}practiced;

interested (in); one who practices

ugra fierce effort; violent effort

brtson grus {LCh,MV,C,MSA}vrya {C} brtson grus na grogs

(=kuala-utsha); {MSA}yatna effort; diligence;
zeal; industry {C}energy; enthusiasm; vigor
Definitions: dge ba la spro ba
enthusiasm for virtue

brtson grus kyi go sgrub

diligence; zeal; industry

{C}vrya-pramit perfection of effort

brtson grus

brtson grus rtsom pa {MSA}

kyi pha rol tu phyin pa dang ldan pa {MSA}vryapramit-sahagata having the perfection of
effort; with the perfection of effort

vryrambha initiate effort; begin making effort

brtson grus brtsams pa

brtson grus kyi phar phyin

{C,MSA,MV}rabdha-vrya; {C}rambha-vrya
initiate effort; begin making effort {C}one who
has exerted/exerts energy/vigor; one who has put
forth energy/vigor

perfection of effort

brtson grus kyi dbang po

brtson grus zhan pa {C}hna-

{MSA}vryendriya faculty of effort; power of


vrya small effort; inferior effort

brtson grus kyi tshogs

sgrub achieving through the collection of effort

brtson grus can {C}tpin having

effort; dillegent {C}ardent

brtson grus chen po rtsom

brtson grus yongs

su shes par bya {MSA}vrya parijeya one
should know this through effort {T}

brtson grus la brten nas

{MSA}vryrita in dependence upon effort

brtson grus la brten pa

pa {MSA}vryrambho mahn the great effort

of composition ? {T}

{MSA}vrya-pratihita in dependence upon


brtson grus mchog {MSA}yatna

brtson grus la sogs

... parama supreme effort; highest effort

brtson grus nyams pa {MSA}

pa la sbyor ba sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {MSA}vrydi-prayoga application/
engagement in effort, etc.

vrya-parihi degenerated effort

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brtson grus pa {MSA}vrya effort;

brtson grus pha rol phyin

achieving through the armor of effort

brtson grus brtan pa {MSA}

su gyur pa {MSA}vrya-sahyatva effort assists

... {T}



brtson te {C}ghaamna making effort

{C}persistently; perserveres

brtson pa mdzad do {C}udyogam

striving; when he strives

brtson ldan {MSA}udyoga-vat having

padyate to endeavor; make effort; strive; exert

oneself {C}make a (great) effort

effort; dilligent

brtson pa {C,MSA}yukta; {C,MSA}

abhiyoga; {C}udyukta; {C}niyukta; {C}dhyta; {C}

parkramati; {MSA}utsaha; {MSA}udyama; {MSA}
yatna; {C}vyyacchamna verb: to endeavor;
make effort; strive; exert oneself7 noun: effort;
endeavor; exertion {C}devotedness; effort;
exerted; labor zealously; energetic; have exerted
themselves; duties; engaged (in); heroically
advances; when he struggles

brtson pa bgyid par gyur

ro bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}

udyoga karoti endeavor; make effort; strive;
exert oneself

brtson pa cher byed {C}udyogam

padyate to endeavor; make effort; strive; exert

oneself {C}make a (great) effort

brtson pa cher mdzad do {C}

brtson pai dgos pa yin {C}

rambha-prayojanam the necessity for effort
{C}but effort is necessary (for that)

brtson pai stobs {C}bala-vyha

(=balavrya) force of effort {C}array of power

brtson pai mthu {C}bala-vyha

(=balavrya) force of effort {C}array of power

brtson pai rang bzhin {MSA}

udyama-svabhva nature of effort

brtson pai rab {MSA}ugra-vryat

fierce effort; violent effort

brtson par gyur {MSA}udyato

bhavati make effort; exert oneself; endeavor

brtson par bya {C}yukta will

endeavor; will make effort; will exert oneself

brtson par byao {C,MSA}yoga

udyogam padyate to endeavor; make effort;

strive; exert oneself {C}make a (great) effort

karaya should endeavor; should make effort

brtson pa dang bcas pa {MSA} brtson par byas pa {C}yujyate

sodyama having effort; dilligent

brtson pa byed {C}udyogam padyate

to endeavor; make effort; strive; exert oneself
{C}make a (great) effort

brtson pa ma gtang ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {MSA}

anikipta-dhura non-abandoned effort; p.n. of a


brtson pa mi gtong ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}anikipta-

dhura non-abandoned effort; p.n. of a Buddha

{C}persistently; perserveres

brtson pa mi btang ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}anikiptadhura non-abandoned effort; p.n. of a Buddha

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


to endeavor; make effort; strive; exert oneself

{C}suitable; associated with; in possession of;
joined to; devoted; endowed with; junction with;
practiced; interested in

brtson par byed do {C}autsukyam

padyate to endeavor; make effort; strive; exert

oneself {C}makes great efforts; show/put forth
zeal; tries; eagerly try to; suitable; associated with;
in possession of; joined to; devoted; endowed with;
junction with; practiced; interested in

brtson par rung {MSA}yatna-yogyat

suitable as effort; suitable effort

brtson byas {C}kta-yogya



brtson byed {C}parkramati; {C}


tshangs chen mahbrahma Great

parkramate; {MSA}karoti yoga to endeavor;

make effort; strive; exert oneself {C}makes
great efforts; heroically advances; show/put forth
zeal; tries; eagerly try to; suitable; associated with;
in possession of; joined to; devoted; endowed with;
junction with; practiced; interested in

brtson zhing tshol ba


tshangs bdun brahmapurohita In

Front of Brahm

tshangs mdun brahmapurohita In

Front of Brahm; Brahm Presence

tshangs pa brahm; brahman; {C}

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}

udyoga-paryei make effort and seek {PH}
effort and searching {C}energetic pursuit

brahma Brahm; Brahman

tshangs pa dang bcas pa {C}

brtson rab {MSA}ugra-vryat fierce

sabrahmaka {C}round Brahma(n)

tshangs pa dang bcas

effort; violent effort

tsha hot; intense; salt

tsha ba {LCh}ua; {MSA}dha; kauka hot;

pai lha rnams {C}sabrahmak-dev {C}the

gods around Brahma(n)

tshangs pa gnas pa {MSA}brhma

intense; salt; heat; pungent

tsha bai gdon

... vihra land of Brahm ?? {T}

{PH}[beings in] hot


tsha bar gyur ba {C}dahati {C}burns

tsha dmyal ba hot hell; hot hell being;
hot hell-being

tsha zhing sreg pa hot and burning

tshwa salt
tshwa sgo can {MSA}kra corrosive;

blta lta bltas ltos {C}brahma-di view of

Brahm {C}vision of Brahma

tshangs pai spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C,MSA}brahma-

carya; {MSA}brahma-cary; {MSA}brahma-crin

practice celibacy {C}holy life; (life of) chastity;
the higher spiritual life

contained in {PH}place; dwelling

tshang ba {MSA}ma tshang ba = vikala;

{MSA}vaikalya complete; full; entire

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs realize fully

tshangs pai dbyangs so {C}

brahma-svarat voice of Brahma {C}he has a

divine voice

tshangs pai me
Brahma abodes




tshangs pai lha

impenetrable ?? {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tshangs pai lta ba

brhma-vihra; {MSA}brhmya-vihra level of


tshag par newspaper; magazine

tshags su tshud pa internalize
tshang complete; full; entire; complete in;

tshang ma all
tshang tshing {MSA}gahvara deep;

spyod pa spyad spyod spyad spyod

{MSA}sabrahmacrin practitioner of celibacy;
practice celibacy

tshangs pai gnas pa {MSA}

caustic; burning {T}

tshang bar rtogs pa

tshangs pa mtshungs par

{PH}god of the


tshangs par gyur pa {C}brahma-

bhta is (like) Brahma {PH}being [like]

Brahma {C}identified with the supreme universal

tshangs par spyod nyid

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}brahma-caritva

practice celibacy {C}one leads a chaste life

tshangs par spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}brahma-carya;

{MSA}brahma-cary; {MSA}brahma-crin; {C}
brahma-cary-vsa (=brahma-carya) practice
celibacy {C}the practice of the religious life

tshangs spyod brahmacarya; brahmacarin

{PH}celibate practitioner

tshangs bug

{PH}Brahma (cranial)


tshangs dbyangs {C}brahma-svara

voice of Brahma {C}divine voice

tshangs mang kitchen

tshangs ris brahmakyika Brahm Type
{PH}Brahma abodes

tshangs ris pa

{PH}one in the Brahma


tshad {N,C,MSA}prama; {C,MSA}parima;

{MSA}mna size; measure {PH}measure;

extent; certain amount {C}valid cognizer; valid
cognition; valid means of knowledge; measurement;
extent; as large as; which has the dimensions of;

phala valid cognitions effect {GD:622}

means and result (knowledge), a topic in the
logico-epistemological tradition concerning the
grammatical distinction between prama and

tshad ma {C,MSA,MV}prama valid

cognition; epistemology and logic; logicepistemology; valid cognizer; prime cognition;

prime cognizer {C}valid means of knowledge;
measure; measurement; extent; as large as; size;
which has the dimensions of

mtshan nyid/ 1 gsar du mi slu bai rig pa/ 2 sngar ma

rtogs pai don bden pa la mi krul bai dzin stangs kyis
bzlog pai sgro dogs dang gal bao/ Definition: 1)

a new and incontrovertible knower{GCT}, 2) that

which contradicts and eliminates a false superimposition by an unmistaken mode of apprehension
with respect to a previously unrealized true thing
{Cha-ba, GD:640}
dbye ba/ 1 mngon sum tshad ma/ 2 rjes dpag
tshad ma/ Divisions: (1) direct valid cognizer; (2)
inferential valid cognizer

tshad ma kun btus

btu thu btus thu prama-samuccaya

Digngas Compendium of Valid Cognition (P.

5700, vol. 130)

tshad ma kun las btus pa

btu thu btus thu pramasamuccaya Digngas Compendium of Valid

Cognition (P. 5700, vol. 130, Ce) {PH}
[Digngas] Compendium of Valid Cognition

tshad skom {PH}hot parching thirst

tshad khyad par {MSA}parima-viea tshad ma kun las

btus pai grel pa btu thu btus

thu prama-samuccaya-vtti Digngas AutoCommentary on the Compilation of Prime
Cognition (P5701, vol. 130)

particular measure

tshad grub

grub grub grubs/grub grubs *pramasiddha
valid establishment

tshad du {C}pramena {C}of the size

tshad bras {GD:622} pramaTenses: future, present, past, imperative

tshad ma

kun las bstus pai grel bshad

btu thu btus thu prama-samuccaya-k



Jinendrabuddhis Commentarial Explanation of

[Digngas] Compilation of Prime Cognition

tshad ma rnam grel

gyi dka grel bkral

grel bkrald greld pramavrttika-pajik
Devendrabuddhis Commentary on the Difficult
Points of (Dharmakrtis) Commentary on
(Digngas) Compilation of Prime Cognition

tshad ma kun
las bstus pai grel bshad prama-samuccayak {PH}[Jinendrabuddhis] Explanation of
[Digngas] Compendium on Valid Cognition

tshad ma mchis pa {L}aprama

immeasurable; not valid

tshad ma jug yul

object of application of Valid Cognition

tshad ma brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags prama-park

{GD:841} Dharmottaras Examination of Valid

Cognition II. P:5747, Ze

tshad ma dang ldan pa {C}

pramavat measureable; having size; valid

{C}subject to limitations

tshad ma dang brel ba {C}

tshad ma mdoi rnam bshad

byai sgo byed rgol ngan glang po joms pa gdong

ngai gad rgyangs rgyu rig lde mig {GD:844}
Jam-y#ang-chok-hla--s#ers (jam dbyangs phyogs
lha od zer) The Key to Knowledge, Cause of the
Roar of the Five-Faced Lion that Destroys the
Elephant of Faulty Adversaries, [and] Opens the
Door to the Knowledge of the Collected Texts of the

{GD:843} Gyel-tsaps (rgyal tshab dar ma rin

chen) Complete Explanation of the Stra on Valid
Cognition Collected Works XI. Delhi: Ngawang

tshad ma ldan pa {MSA}prmika

measureable; having size; valid subject to

tshad ma

tshad ma sde

rnam grel gyi tshig leur byas pa

bkral grel bkrald greld
pramavartikakrik [Dharmakrtis]
Commentary on (Digngas) Compilation of
Prime Cognition

bdun gyi rgyan yid kyi mun sel

bsal sel bsald seld {GD:844} Kay-drups
(mkhas grub rje) Ornament of the Seven Treatises
Clearing Mental Obscurity. Collected Works X.
Lha-sa: Zhol blocks, 1897. New Delhi: Guru Deva,

tshad ma

rnam grel gyi tshig leur byas pai rnam bshad

thar lam phyin ci ma log par gsal bar byed pa
{GD:843} Gyel-tsaps (rgyal tshab dar ma rin
chen) Complete Explanation of the Stanzas of the

bkral grel bkrald greld

pramavarttika [Dharmakrtis] Commentary

on (Digngas) Compilation of Prime

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lam rab gsal tshad mai od brgya bar ba; tshad

ma rnam grel gyi mtha dpyod
bkral grel bkrald greld {GD:844}
Jam-y#ang-shay-b#as (jam dbyangs bzhad pa)
The Blaze of Hundred Lights on Valid Cognition
Clarifying the Path to Liberation, a Final Analysis
of [Dharmakrtis] Commentary on [Digngas]
Valid Cognition [Collected Works XIII. Delhi:
Ngawang Gel

tshad ma rnam grel gyi bsdus gzhung zhes

prama-baddha {C}bound by measure; has its


tshad ma rnam grel

tshad ma rnam grel gyi mtha gcod thar


Treatise on] Valid Cognition, the Drop of Reasoning
[Collected Works vol. 8 (Delhi: Guru Deva)]

Commentary on Prime Cognition, the Faultless

Revealer of the Path to Liberation [Varanasi: Geluk-ba Press. 1975]

tshad ma rnam

grel legs par bshad pa {GD:842} Ge-dun-drups

(dge dun grub, 1st Dalai Lama) Good Sayings on
[Dharmakrtis] Commentary on Valid Cognition
[Collected Works vol. 5 (Gangtok: Dodrup Lama,

tshad ma rnam par nges

tshad mai skyes bu {LCh}prama

purua {GD} prama bhta; pramabhuta

authoritative being; valid person; authoritative
person {GD:812} person of authority; {GD:829}
reliable person

bu {GD:702} the interrupted results of valid


tshad ma rnam

par nges pai grel bshad prama-vinicaya-k

[Dharmottaras] Explanatory Commentary of
[Dharmakrtis] Ascertainment of Prime/Valid

tshad ma pa prmika Epistemologists

tshad ma ma yin pa {N}aprama
{N} not valid

tshad ma med {C}apramat not

valid; measureless; measurelessness {C}

tshad ma gzhan gyis grub

pa grub grub
grubs/grub grubs parata-prama {GD:722}
external validity; extrinsic validity

being a valid cognition

tshad ma rang nyid kyis

tshad mai

bstan bcos chen po rigs pai rgyan

bstan ston bstand stond {GD:842} Ge-dun-

drups (dge dun grub, 1st Dalai Lama) Ornament

of Reasoning, a Great Treatise on Valid Cognition.
Mundgod, India: Loling Press, 1985.

tshad mai mdor prama-samuccaya

Digngas Compendium of Valid Cognition

tshad mai sdus don

Cha-bas (phya pa chos kyi seng ge) Summaries on
Valid Cognition

tshad mai blo pramabuddhi prime


tshad mai ma chod

pai bras bu {GD:702} the non-interrupted

(immediate) results of valid cognition

tshad mai rigs gter gyi

dka gnas rnam par bshad pa sde bdun rab gsal

{GD:842} Go-ram-b#as (go rams pa bsod nams
sen ge) Explanation of the Difficult Points of
[S#a-g#ya Paitas] Treasure on the Science of
Valid Cognition: Illumination of the Seven Texts.
(Complete Works of the Great Masters of the Sa
sKya Sect, XII.1.

grub pa grub grub

grubs/grub grubs svata-prama {GD:722}
internal validity; self-validity

tshad ma rigs thigs kyi grel pa legs bshad

snying poi gter bkral
grel bkrald greld {GD:843} Gyel-tsaps (rgyal
tshab dar ma rin chen) Treasure of the Essence of
Good Sayings, a Commentary on [Dharmakrtis

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

three valid cognitions {T}

tshad mai chod pai bras

pa prama-vinicaya Dharmakrtis
Ascertainment of Valid Cognition (P. 5710, vol.
130; D:4229, Dze)

tshad ma yin pa {N} prama

tshad ma gsum {MV}prama-traya

tshad mai lam khrid

Gyel-tsaps (rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen) Teaching
on the Path of Valid Cognition. Collected Works V.



tshad min gyi zhen rig

Delhi: Guru Deva.

tshad mar grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs

tshad min gyi shes pa {LCh}

prama-siddhi {GD:589} Establishment [of

Buddha] as Valid, commentary II of Dharmakirtis


tshad mar gyar pa prama-bhta

{GD:637} serving as valid cognition [Dignga

praising the Buddha]; {GD:812} person of authority

tshad mar byas te {C}pram-ktya

dbye ba/ 1 bcad shes/ 2 yid

measured by the standard; when one has taken as a

standard; taking as a standard

dpyod/ 3 snang la ma nges/ 4 the tshom/ 5 log

shes/ Divisions: (1) subsequent cognizer; (2)
mental engagement; (3) awareness to which an
object appears but is not ascertained; (4) doubting
consciousness; (5) mistaken consciousness

tshad mar mdzad pa {MSA}

pram-kta serve as a measure

tshad mas grub pa

tshad med {N}aprameya; {C}apramya;

grub grub grubs/grub grubs

aprama [measure-not-exist]; immeasurable;


prama-siddha; prama-siddhi established

by valid cognition; valid establishment; validly


rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs realize by valid


tshad mas rtogs par bya ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs object

of comprehension by a valid cognizer

tshad mas drang pa induced by

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs

pramlambhita ; *prama-labta observed

by a valid cognizer; observed by valid cognition;
that which is observed by valid cognition

tshad mas yongs su

tshad med pa {MSA}aprama; {MSA}

aprameya; {L}apramam; {C,MSA}aparima
[measure-not-exist]; measurelessness;
immeasurable; infinite {C}measureless;
illimitable; innumerable; magnificent; unlimited

tshad med pa bzhi


four mmeasurables; four immeasurables {PH}

Four Immeasurables

dbye ba/ 1 snying


rje tshad med/ 2 byams pa tshad med/ 3 dga ba

tshad med/ 4 btang snyoms tshad med/ Div.: 1)
immeasurable compassion, 2) immeasurable love,
3) immeasurable joy, 4) immeasurable equanimity

gcod pai yul {GD:674} realized object of valid


tshad med od aprambh

Immeasurable Light; Limitless Light

non-prime consciousness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

Immeasurable Bliss; Limitless Bliss

tshad med bzhi catvary apramni

tshad min {PH}non-valid [cognition]

tshad min gyi blo apramabuddhi

tshad med bde apramauba


valid cognition

tshad mas dmigs pa

aprama-jna; apramya-jna non-prime

consciousness measureless cognition; limitless
mtshan nyid/ gsar du mi slu ba ma yin
pai rig pa/ Definition: an awareness that is not new
and incontrovertible


serve as a measure {C}is authoritative; when

tshad mas rtogs pa


valid [conceptual] determinitive knower



tshad yod pa {C}prama-baddha

frivolous talk

tshig bkyal pa {C}sabhinna-pralpin

measureable {C}bound by measure; has its


{C}one who prattles indistinctly

tshig bkyal pa smra ba {C}

tshad sems {C}prama-buddhi valid

mind {C}thought of limitation

sabhinna-pralpa {C}indistinct prattling; idle/

frivolous talk

tshan nang tshan = section; division; part

tshig skyon verbal fault{BR}

tshig skyon gcod pa eliminate


tshan gyi sa {PH}fully-qualified ground

tshan bcu gnyis {PH}twelve groups
tshab tu {PH}rather than
tshar to finish
tshar bcad pai gnas {VN}

verbal faults{BR}

tshig gi don {C,MSA}padrtha meaning

of the word {C}meaning of a word; what is
meant by (a) word; an entity which corresponds to;

tshig gi don drug

Asdhangavacana and
nigrahasthna {PH}condition of defeat

categories [of existents]

adoodbhvana are the conditions of defeat [for] the

two [debaters, i.e. the proponent and the opponent,
respectively]. {VN} v.1abc

tshal vegetables


{PH}grove; forest;

tshig gi don med pa {C}apada-

artha non-meaning of the word {C}nothing;

nothing real

tshig gi rnam grangs {C}pada-

paryya (=paryyea) enumeration of scripture

{C}scripture passage


tshal phun sum tshogs pa {C} tshig gi tshogs pada-kya group of

vana-sampada {C}woods; groves

tshal ba {C}vanas-pati


tshig gi yan lag {C}pada-

{C}(forest) tree;


smantaka (=padaikadea) {C}part of a verse

tshig {LCh,C,MSA}pada; {LCh,C,MSA}vacana; tshig gi lam gyis gdags

{LCh,C,MSA}vc; {C,MSA}vkya; {MSA}vacas;
{MSA}grantha; {C}-gir; {C}dahati; {C}dahyati;
{C}dagdha word; phrase {PH}word; bound
morpheme {C}verse; foot; trace; track; verbal
expression; the Buddhas word; language; speaking;
speech; teachings; utterance; voice; burns; burns
away; will be consumed; as if all aflame; burned up

tshig kun gyis snyan pa {C}

brtags thogs {C}vk-patha-prajapti designation

by the paths of words; designated by the paths of
words {C}concept by way of the paths of speech

tshig gis ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}vkyena dean

indicate by words; teach by words

tshig gis bstan tshod measure

deya-vkyat pleasantness of all words {C}

his words are always acceptable

[that is, level] indicated by the words

tshig gis byang ba

tshig kyal pa smra ba {C}

sabhinna-pralpa {C}indistinct prattling; idle/

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gdags dogs btags/


byang byangs byang byongs {MSA}


tshig don drug

vacas parijitni purified by words

tshig gis zin pa held within the


tshig gyi bsal ba

bsal sel bsald seld {GD:791} contradiction

of word

tshig gyur


gyurd gyur gyurd word translation

tshig grel


grel bkrald greld word commentary

tshig sgrub


tshig don gsol debs


seven line prayer

tshig pa {C}dha; {MSA}dagdha fire; on

fire {C}conflagration

tshig par byed {MV}(dah): dahati

burn; burning

tshig phun sum tshogs pa

{MSA}vk-sapatti marvellous words

tshig phrad grangs

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs sentences

su ma nor bces cherish not mistaking them for

instances of connecting particles

tshig jam ldan {C}snigdha-vkya

tshig bla dags {C}adhivacana

{C}speaks gently

tshig jam par {C}snigdha-vacana

synonym; epithet; appellation {C}synonym

O Subhuti, this so-called Great vehicle is a

{C}speaks gently

tshig nyung ba {C}alpa-vk

{PH}six categories [of



synonym of unfathomable. {PW8}

tshig bla dags {MSA}adhivacana

man) of few words

tshig snyan pa {C}priya-vacana

synonym {PH}synonym; epithet; appellation

O Subhuti, this so-called Great vehicle is a

pleasant words; kind words

tshig tu bton recitation

tshig tu rab brjod pa

synonym of unfathomable. {PW8}

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}pravyharati

tshig bla dwags


epithet; appellation

express in words {C}declares; express in

bhate {C}speak; teach; pronounce the word;

utter the remark; assert

tshig dbang word initiation

tshig bru {C,L,MSA}vyajana

prakana granthasyrthasya v explain the

words and the meaning {T}

tshig bru dang bcas par {C}

conventional words

tshig dag tu smra ba {C}vca

words; syllables; letter; verbal expression; minor
characteristic; method

tshig dang don chad pa {MV}

savyajana {C}the letter; complete in letters

tshig dang yi ge {MSA}pada-vyajana

words and letters

tshig dang shes pa {MSA}vacana ...

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

akara {C}well set out in letters and words

tshig med pa {C}avacana; {C}avyhta

{C}beyond words; inexpressible; not uttered

jna words and consciousness

tshig don meaning of the word

tshig bru bzang po {C}supada-


tshig rtsub paiunya harsh speech


tshig rtsub mo mi byin pa

teaching the causes and effects of virtue and nonvirtue. {D 4087}

dbyung byin phyung phyungs

tshigs gi don ni go bar slao

{MSA}aparua-vacana non-harsh words; nonharsh speech

{MSA}subodha padrtha the meaning of the

words is easy to understand {T}

tshig rtso ba harsh words; harsh speech

tshig brtsun pa {C}deya-vacana; {C} tshigs bcad {LCh}gth; {LCh}loka
stanza; verse

deya-vacanat of acceptable speech; plausible


tshig tshig pa {PH}burning

tshig zin verbal reading
tshig zur {PW8-H} vakrokti {PH}indirect

tshig bzung bar os pa {C}

{C}deya-vacana {C}of acceptable speech;
plausible talk(er)

gth; {LCh,MSA}loka stanza; verses {C}


tshigs su bcad pai sde {C,L}

(557 - 589 ce) of China


tshig g.yung {PH}inauspicious words

tshig ran par {C}mita-vacana {C}

tshim/ tshim/

tshims/ tshims/ satisfy

tshim pai yid {MSA}pyyita-manaska

measured speech; speaks in moderation

tshig re nas {PH}word-by-word

tshig leur bcad pa {MV}

satisfied mind

tshim par byas pa {MSA}pyyita


pariccheda chapter

tshig shin tu rigs pa {MSA}pada

... su-yukta very suitable words

tshig gsal prasanna-pad

tshim par byed pa {C}satarpayati;

{MSA}audbilya-kar; {MSA}satarpaa; {MSA}
satoaa satisfies; satisfy {C}refreshes;
replenishes; gratifies

tshim byas {MSA}(tp): tarpayitv

Candrakrtis Clear Words


satisfied {T}

{PH}verse line; joint; combination

ming dang tshig tshigs
kyi nga ro; The Pronunciation of Words and
Combinations of Letters

tshil lba fat goiter

tshu rol {C}apara; {C}ra(m) near side

{C}this side; another; later; others; further; this; the

second; the other; this shore

{PH}lineage; connected

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tshigs su bcad pa {LCh,C,L,MSA}

tshigs lhugs prose
tshin rgya rje tshin Chen Dynasty

tshig bzung bar os par

The sixteenth chapter,

gyi don {MSA}yath-rutrtha ... vyajana literal

meaning of letters {PH}literal meaning of letters

gth verses; stanza {C}chants

deya-vacana {C}of acceptable speech;

plausible talk(er)


tshigs bru sgra ji bzhin

tshu rol mthong ba

{PH}one who
sees nearby [i.e. an ordinary being]



tshu rol pha rol gro {C}ra-pra-

not realize definitely in dependence upon a sign

[definition of manifest phenomenon (mngon gyur)]

tshur mthong

gamanya {C}when he moves from this shore to

the shore beyond

tshu rol mdzes pa crvka

gi shes pa rang dga ba la snang tshod ltar

gyi gzugs sogs kun btags yin forms and so
forth in accordance with how they appear to
ordinary consciousnesses of confined beings are

Hedonist; those [who hold it is] beautiful here;

Materialist; Nihilist

tshu rol yin {C}nman


named; word; mere word

tshugs {C}kramti to be able {T}

tshur mthong rgyud la in the


continuum of a short-sighted being


tshur byed take in; understand

tshur brel pa {PH}reciprocal love

tshugs thub self-instituting{N}; able to

set itself up

tshugs thub tu grub pa able to

yul gyi ngos nas tshur

gtan nas shar ba appearance projected (?)

set itself up

tshugs pa {MSA}el sdod tshugs pa = sit tshur mdzes beautiful here

tshur rol arvg near; close
tshud tshud/ tshud/
tshur rol gyi cha arvg-bhga near
tshud/ tshud/ enter; go into; get into

part; close part

tshud pa

tshur rol mdzes smra ba crvka

tshud/ tshud/ tshud/ to enter; go into; get into

Those Who Propound That it is Beautiful Here;

tshun chad {MV}rdhvam within; up to

Crvka; Materialist; Nihilist

{PH}down to and including

skye ba bdun nam bcu drug tshun chad du
up to seven or sixteen lifetimes ...

tshul {LCh,L,MSA}naya; {LCh}rpa; {C}


yod tshul

tshun chad du up to; except; so far as;

tshun chad nas {MV}rdhvam up to;

{PH}way of existing; way in

which [something] exists

except; so far as; within

tshul krims la ethics

tshul khrims {LCh,C,MSA,MV}la

tshur nearby {PH}nearby

tshur khyer bring to
tshur mthong one who sees nearby [i.e.

[system-law]; ethics; morality {C}conduct

an ordinary being]; one who looks nearby

{PH}one who sees nearby [i.e. an ordinary being]

tshur mthong rnams kyis nges par
rtags la brten nas nges rtogs par bya ba ma yin pai
chos a phenomenon which ordinary beings does

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

vtta; {MSA}vtti; {MSA}vidhi how; mode; way;

system; manner; fashion; proper way {C}
principle; method; guidance; -ion; (well) rounded;


tshul khrims kyi go sgrub

achieving through the armor of ethics

tshul khrims kyi sdom pa

{MSA}la-savara ethical vow

tshul khrims kyi pha rol

training of recollection of ethics

tu phyin pa {MSA}la-pramit perfection of


tshul khrims nyams pa {C}

tshul khrims kyi phar phyin

chidra-lo; {MSA}la-khaana degenerated

ethics; corrupted ethics defective in his morality

perfection of ethics

tshul khrims kyi sbyin pa {MSA} tshul khrims nyams pa

la-dna giving of ethics

tshul khrims kyi tshogs sgrub

achieveing through the collection of ethics

tshul khrims kyi yon tan

{MSA}la-gua quality of ethics; ethical quality

tshul khrims kyi rab tu dbye

ba {MSA}la-prabheda differentiation of ethics


tshul khrims skyon {C}khaa-lo

tshul khrims ngan pa {C,L}

tshul khrims ngan par byed

pa {C,L}daulya; {C}daulya-kara act
immorally {C}immorality; what makes for bad

pa dgod god bkod god

{MSA}lev eva ca ropaa set/establish in

tshul khrims dang lta ba


khrims dang brtul zhugs mchog tu dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}lavrata-parmara conception of ethics and modes
of conduct as supreme {C}the contagion of
mere rule and ritual

dang brtul zhugs mchog dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs la-vrata-parmara
conception of ethics and modes of conduct as
supreme {C}the contagion of mere rule and

{C}dulat; {C}dulye faulty ethics {C}

immoral; immorality

tshul khrims chal pa {MSA}

dula faulty ethics

tshul khrims dang ldan pa

tshul khrims chal ba faulty

{C,MSA}lavat; {MSA}la-yoga having

ethics; ethical {C}gifted with ethics; observer
of morality; endowed with morality; one of good


gzhom joms bcom choms {MSA}

upahanti la destroyed ethics

tshul khrims rjes su dran pa

recollection of ethics

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tshul khrims dag la god

tshul khrims

tshul khrims chal {C}dula;

khrims rjes su dran pai mthar gyis sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord serial

uddhi pure ethics

ethics and views

daulya bad ethics; immorality; immoral; {T}

one who has bad ethics


tshul khrims dag pa {MSA}la-

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}la-di

faulty ethics {C}one whose morality is broken

tshul khrims joms

med pa {MSA}lasya na khaanai; {MSA}

lasykhaanena non-degenerated ethics;
uncorrupted ethics


tshul khrims dang brdul

zhugs zhug jug zhugs zhugs

lavrataparmara conception of ethics and
systems of behavior as supreme

tshul khrims

on; as being

dang brdul zhugs mchog dzin conception of

ethics & systems of behavior as supreme

tshul dngos

tshul khrims sdom pa {MSA}la-


tshul gcig {C}eka-naya; {C}eka one

savara ethical vow

tshul khrims rnam par dag

mode; one way {C}one single principle; one

(single); alone; the same as; only one

pa {MSA}la-viuddhi pure ethics; purify


tshul gcig tu bsgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

eka-naya-abhinirhra established as one mode
{C}consummation of the single principle

tshul khrims ma nyams {MSA}

lasykhaan non-degenerated ethics;
uncorrupted ethics

tshul khrims yang

tshul gcig tu rtogs pa

tshul gcig tu bstan pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}

eka-naya-prativedha realize as one mode;
understand in one way {C}penetration to the
one principle

dag par blangs pa {MSA}la-samdna

correctly assume ethics; correctly take up a
system of ethics {T}

tshul khrims

yongs su rdzogs par gyur ro

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}leu paripra-krin
complete perfection of ethics {C}morally
perfect; one who observes moral precepts

tshul khrims ral ba {L}vipannala lost ethics; forgotten ethics

tshul khrims la gnas {MSA}lapratihita abide in ethics

tshul khrims la sogs

pa jog pa {MSA}ldi-niveana engage in
ethics, etc.

bstan ston bstand stond {C}eka-nayanirdea indicate as one mode; teach in one way
{C}exposition of the one single principle

tshul chos {MSA}kuhan superficial

religious performance; hypocritical religious
performance [mere outward display of

tshul ji ltar na in what way?{BJ 50.6}

tshul ji ltar mi sul ba
{GD:666} reliability in a certain way, one of Goram-bas three criterion for a reliable cognition (mi
slu bai rig pa)

tshul khrims la

tshul gnyis two modes

tshul rtags {PH}method of diagnosis
tshul bstan pa

sogs pa rnam pa drug pa {MSA}ldi ... avidha the six aspects, ethics and so forth {T}

tshul khrims shin tu

rnam par dag pa {MSA}suviuddha-la very
pure ethics

bstan ston bstand stond display the mode

tshul mthun pa tsam {C}pratirpa

tshul gyis {C}yogena due to the

mere concordant mode {C}fitting; proper;

mode; by the mode; through the way {C}in

consequence of; through; in accordance with; by
means of; in the manner of


tshul gyis gnas pa {C}yoga-sthna

abide through the mode {C}take ones stand

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}direct method; actual


tshul dang dra bar {C}yath-

anurpa similar to the mode/way {C}suitably


tshul du {C}yogena as the mode; as

in the right way

the way {C}in consequence of; through; in

accordance with; by means of; in the manner of

tshul bzhin du yid

from the way {C}according to its method

tshul bzhin ma yin pa

tshul nas {C}vyajanatas from the mode;

tshul rnam {PH}mode

tshul rnam gnyis {PH}two modes
tshul rnam par

la byed pa las {MSA}yonio manaskrt from

proper mental activity

la sbyor ba sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {MV}ayonia-prayoga application/
engagement in that which is improper

dag pai yon tan ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}viuddha-guakhypayitra teach the qualities of the pure
mode {C}they proclaim the virtues of pure

tshul bzhin ma yin par yid la byed pai nyes dmigs

{MSA}ayonio-manasikrdnava observing the
fault of improper mental application {T}

tshul bzhin ma yin yid

tshul ma lags pa {C}vinaya

la byed {MSA}ayonio-manaskriy improper

mental activity

discipline {C}non-guidance

tshul bzhin

tshul mdzad pa manifesting the

manner; putting on a show

tshul bzhin {C,L}yonia(s) in the right

way; proper; properly{S} {PH}properly; proper

manner; right way {C}wise(ly)

tshul bzhin kun dris {L}

vidhivatparipcchaka Vidhivatparipcchaka
[p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

ma lags pa yid la bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}ayonio-manasikra
improper mental activity/contemplation/taking
to mind {C}unwise attention

tshul bzhin ma lags

pa la zhugs pa zhug jug
zhugs zhugs not properly oriented{S}

tshul bzhin min pa improper

tshul bzhin zhugs

tshul bzhin du {LCh,MSA}yonias;

zhug jug zhugs zhugs properly

{L}yathnayam; {MSA}vidhivat [way-like];

properly; in the right way; proper {PH}
properly; correctly mannerly; one who puts on
airs de tshul bzhin du
chad pai mkhas pa scholars who explained that
properly {T1 6.1}


tshul bzhin yid bya {MSA}yonio

manasi kartavya proper mental activity

tshul bzhin yid byed pa {MSA}

tshul bzhin du jug na {MSA}

yoni-manaskra proper mental activity

yonia pratipadyamna engage properly;

properly enter into

tshul bzhin yid la bya ba {C}

par gyur ba {C}yath-sthita eva bhavati abide

properly {C}acts properly in acordance with

tshul bzhin yid la byed

yonio manasikra proper mental activity {C}

wise attention

tshul bzhin du gnas

tshul bzhin du min improperly; not

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


pa {MSA}yonio-manasikra; {MSA}yonio
manasikriy; {MSA}yonio-manaskra proper
mental activity


tshe di la {L}da-dharma ihatra in this

tshul bzang spyad

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}suvidhi-caraa
act in a good manner; act well {T}

tshul shes {C}vidhi-ja

lifetime life; this very life; in this world; here and


tshe dir tshang rgya ba through

{C}one who

purification in this lifetime{TGP 73}

knows the method

tshul gsum trai-rpya; tri-rpa three

modes [of proof] {GD:324} three-fold criteria


tshe {LCh,C}kla; {LCh}yus; {C,MSA}janman;

tshe spang bza

{PH}Lady from
Tsepang [Queen to Tri-song-de-tsen]

tshe phyi ma {MSA}angata; {MSA}

saparya; {MSA}saparyika next life; later


tshe phyi ma la phan dogs

pa gdags dogs
btags/brtags thogs {MSA}saparynugraha
benefit in the next lifetime

tshe gcig one lifetime

tshe gcig sdug {MSA}janmaika ...

tshe phyi mai kha na ma tho ba

dukha the suffering of one lifetime

{MSA}sparyika ... avadya fault of (a) later

lifetime(s) {T}

tshe rje nas {C}jti-vyativtta (=sva-

tshe tshigs su at that time

tshe rabs {L,MSA}jti; {MSA}jana;

prakti-paritygj = janma-antara-gata) {C}

(after they have) passed through this present birth/
life; after he has died

{MV}janman [life-lineage]; series of births;

continuum of lives birth; species; different

{PH}the thoughts concerning

this life

tshe dang ldan pa {C}yuma(n)t

tshe rabs brjes {C}janma-antara-


vyativtta (=prva-kya-viharj) {C}passed

through another birth; after two births

tshe dang ldan pa rab byor

{PH}venerable Subhti

tshe das pa {PH}deceased; dead person

tshe di {MSA}da-dharma; {MSA}da ...
dharma this lifetime
in this very lifetime

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

[p.n. of a Buddha, also called Amitbha]

next life; in a later lifetime

{C}vartamna time; life; lifespan {C}manner

of birth; birth

tshe di nyid la {C}da eva dharme

tshe dpag med amityus Amityus

tshe phyi ma la {MSA}yaty in the

three-fold proof

tshe rtog pa



Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 phyogs chos/ 2 rjes khyab/ 3 ldog khyab/
Divisions: (1) subject-quality (pakadharmatvam)
[the presence of the reason in the subject, that is to
say, the reason applies to the subject: (A) In the case
of the subject, the color of a white religious conch, /
(B) it follows that it is red / (C) bec

tshul gsum pai rtags

tshe ldan pa {C}yuma(n)t


tshe rabs phos {C}jti-vyativtta

(=sva-prakti-paritygj = janma-antara-gata)
move to a rebirth; transmigrate {C}(after they
have) passed through this present birth/life; after
hes has died

tshe rig dzin


{C}he has a total of forty teeth

dzin bzung zungs knowledge-fund of life

tshe la sogs pas bsdus pa

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}

yur-di-saghta included within a life and so

tshe lo {PH}life-span
tshe gsum {MSA}tri ... janma three

tshems shin tu dkar ba {C}

tshei mthar thug pa {C}yu-

paryanta final lifetime {C}extent of life-span

tshei tshad {C}yu-prama; {MSA}yur-

tshegs difficulty
tshegs chung ngu {MSA}akcchra

prama; {MSA}yu-prama measure of a

lifetime {C}end of life-span

tsher ma {C}kaaka; kaaka thorn

little difficulty

tshegs chung ngui thabs a

{PH}thorn; briar {C}impediment; thorn

method of little difficulty{TSV 68b}

tshegs chung ngus grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub

grubs established with little difficulty

tshegs chen {C}kcchrd great

difficulty {C}painfully

tshegs chen pos rnyed {MSA}

kcchra-labdha obtained with great difficulty

tshegs ches rnyed {MSA}kcchralabdha obtained with great difficulty

tshegs med {MV}akcchratva effortless;


tshegs med pa {MV}akcchratva

effortless; non-difficulty

tshegs med par effortlessly; without



tshem/ tshems/ tshems/ {C}danta to be left or

forgotten {T} {PH}tooth {C}tooth; ivory

tsher shes zhing khrel yod pa

{C}hrr-apatrpya {C}sense of shame and dread

of blame

tshes zla {PH}lunar month

tsho particle indicating plural
tshogs {C}ogha; {MSA,MV}kya;

{C,L,MSA,MV}sabhra; {C,MSA}gaa; {C}

rai; {C,MSA}saga; {C}sacayat; {MSA}
nicaya; {MSA}samagra; {MSA}sabhti; sagha
group; collection; stock; assembly; gathering;
accumulation; community {PH}accumulation;
collection; composite {C}heap; mass; bulk;
congregation; community; equipment; resources;
endowed with; multitude; host; crowd; retinue;
flood; multitude a composite of the two

tshogs kyi khor lo


gaacakra feast

tshogs kyi khor loi cho ga

{PH}gaacakra feast ritual

tshems mnyam pa {C}sama-dantat

{C}teeth equal in size

tshems mnyam zhing

bzhi bcu thad pa {C}sama-catvriad-dantat

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

avirala-dantat {C}there are no gaps between his

suukla-dantat {C}his teeth are very white

lifetimes {T}


tshems thags bzang ba {C}

tshogs kyi rab tu dbye ba

{MSA}sabhra-prabheda differentiation of the

collection(s) {T}

tshogs kyi lam {MSA}sabhra-mrga

path of accumulation



tshogs khor

{PH}gaacakra feast

smagr-labhamna {C}when all conditions are


Except in the context of a gaacakra feast, etc.,

[you] should not rub your arms, hands, etc., or sing,
or dance, or [play] instrucments, etc. in the presence
of your teacher. {AGP-T} comm. to vs. 30ab

tshogs sgrub

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs sabhrapratipatti

achieving through collections; achieving the


tshogs ji

lta bar byang chub yang dag par grub

grub grub grubs/grub grubs
{MSA}yath-sabhram bodhi-samudgama
correctly achieve enlightenment according to the
collections {T}

tshogs gnyis rdzogs

tshogs pa dang mi

mthun par gyur gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {C} vismagr discordant with the
collection(s) {C}(mutual) discord

tshogs pa dang mi

ldan par gyur ba gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}vismagry savartate
not having the collection(s); without the
collection(s) {C}prevent co-operation

tshogs par mi dbyung ba

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}

tshogs spyad pa


spyod spyad spyod {MSA}sabhra-carita


tshogs spyi smagr-smnya collection

generality; collection-generality collectionuniversal {GD:176}


bsten sten bstend stend causal collection;


{C}vismagr; {C}vidhurat free from the

collection(s) {C}discord; dissention

asahya {C}not equal to; insupportable

par bya ba rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}sabhra-dvaya-pri
complete/fulfill the two collections [of merit and

tshogs bsten pa

tshogs pa dang bral ba

mtshan nyid/ rang

tshogs dang spyod

pai rang sangs rgyas spyad

spyod spyad spyod *vargacrinpratyekabuddha
congregating Solitary Realizer

gi cha shas du ma dus pai gzugs rags pa/ ya gyal

du ma dus pa/ cha shas du ma dus pai gzugs rags/

Def.: a coarse form which is an aggregation of its

many parts {T}; the aggregate of several singles
{GD:176}; extended matter that is composed of
several parts {GD:176}

tshogs rnams rdzogs par

byed rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs {MSA}sabhrn praya(n)ti complete/
fulfill the collections

tshogs spyod

spyad spyod
spyad spyod vargacrin Congregating [Solitary

tshogs pa {C,N}smagr; {N}sagati

collections; composite{N} {C}concord; (to
possess the) full compliment of conditions

tshogs spyod pa

labdhu having gained the collections {C}when

conditions are favorable

tshogs phel ba {MSA}sabhra-

tshogs pa rnyed nas {C}smagr tshogs pa dang phrad na {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


tshogs spyod pai rang rgyal Congregating

[Solitary Realizers]
prasava increase a collection {T}


tshogs bran {PH}servant of the people

tshogs sbyor gnyis {PH}[paths of]
accumulation and preparation

tshogs tsam {PH}mere collection

tshogs zhing sabhra-ketra
[assembly/accumulation-field]; field for
accumulating; field of assembly

hue; dye; coloring; finger-joint-length {C}

greed(y); dye; desire
phang du mtho gsum la tshon gang chad pa, In
height, [its size is] three spans minus a finger-jointlength. {GCG} p. 17

tshon po fat
tshon rtsi {LCh} citra; nirysa; raga;
ragika {PH}colored paint

tshogs yongs su ma rdzogs tshor rkyen have a keen sense of; have an
pa rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs
rdzogs {MV}aparipra-sabhrat; {MSA}
aparipra-sabhra not complete/fulfill the

experiential knowledge of

tshor bde feeling-bliss

tshor bde gyur ba can mutable

tshogs yongs su smin pa

blissful feeling

tshor ba {LCh,MSA,MV}vedan; {C}vedaka;

{MSA}sabhra-paripka mature the


{MV}vedana; {MSA}vedita feeling feel; feeler;


tshogs yongs su

tshor ba btang snyoms

rdzogs par byed pa rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}sabhra-paripri
complete/fulfill the collections

upekvedan neutral feeling

tshogs lam sabhra-mrga path of

mtshan nyid/ chos mngon rtogs/ Definition:
clear realization of doctrine

tshogs bsags {MSA}sabhta

tshogs bsags pa {N}sabhra;

{N}sacaya amassing the collection; accumulate

the collections accumulate

tshor ba dran pa nye bar

tshor ba dran pa nye bar

bzhag pa vedansmtypasthna establishment

in mindfulness of feeling

tshor ba dran pa nyer gzhag

{PH}application of mindfulness based on feelings

tshor ba po {C}vedaka; {N}vedak; {C}


avedaka feeler{N} {C}one who experiences;

unfindable; cannot be known


tshong pai bu {PH}merchants son

tshod {PH}amount; quantity
tshod tsam {PH}about as much (as)
tshon {L,MSA}raga; {C}rga hue {PH}
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

btang snyoms kyi sa pai rigs su gnas pa abiding

in the type which is a ground of neutral feelings

gzhag pa {PH}application of mindfulness based

on feelings

amassing the collection; accumulate the

collections accumulate

tshong khang shop; store

tshong pa {C}vija; {MSA}vaij

tshor ba

tshor ba yid bde;

tshor ba sems bde feeling of mental bliss

tshor ba sems bde feeling of

mental bliss



tshor bai rgyu {MV}vedan-nimitta

cause of feeling

tshor bai dbang po {MV}

vedanendriya power of feeling; faculty of feeling

tshor bar byed du jug pa {C}

vedayit engage in feeling {C}feeling

tshor bar byed pa po {C}vedayit

feeler {C}one who feels


tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}(v): vuyt;
{C}paryeati seek; seek out; investigate;
examine; research; look for {C}searches (for);
seeks {for}; decides to look for; try to determine

tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}eik

seeker; seek; seeker out; investigater; examiner;

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {MSA}

nirmgya not investigate/examine/research/seek/

look for

mtshang dru expose ones faults;

irritate; strife; fight

mtshang bru {C}bhaana (=vk-citta-

kta vairpya) strife; fight{C}; expose ones

faults; irritate

mtshang bru {C}bhaana (=vk-cittakta vairpya) expose ones faults; irritate;

{C}strife; fight

mtshan bcas kyi rnal byor

sanimitta-yoga yoga with signs

mtshan bcas rtsol bcas

{PH}having signs and having effort

mtshan bcos {PH}having signs

mtshan mchog {PH}supreme name
mtshan nyid {LCh,C,MSA,MV}lakaa;

{MV}lakmkhya(?); {MSA}svabhva definition;

characteristic; character; mark; attribute; sign;
case; defining characteristics {PH}logical
reasoning [literary genre]; distinctive symptom
{GD:114} object characterized by this property;
{GD:431} common defining properties
rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub pa
established by way of its own characteristic {T}
rang gi mtshan nyid (svalakaa)
that which is characterized by a property{GD:114}
spyii mtshan nyid (smnyalakaa)
that which is defined by a general defining property
mtshan nyid/ rdzas yod chos gsum tshang
ba/ Def.: triply qualified substantial existent

mtshan nyid kyi theg pa

mtshang bru bai bsam pa

lakaayna Definition Vehicle

{ntideva 5.49} utprstiaya {PH}the

intention to describe the faults [of others]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mtshan sngags {PH}name-mantra

mtshan bcas samitta involving
discrimination having signs

mtshan {LCh}nma; {MSA}nman; {C}

cause of a name; cause of naming

mtshan bcas kyi du shes

tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C,MSA}ea; {MSA}

paryei; {MSA}mgya; {MV}anveaa seek; seek
out; investigate; examine; research; look for
{C}searching for

tshol ba med pa

mtshan gyi rgyu {MSA}lakaa-hetu



tshol ba pa

nimitta; {C}rtrau; {MSA}vyajana; {C}

vyajanat; {MSA}lakaa; {MSA}ya mtshan =
adbhuta name; characteristic(s){BJ 38.1}; night;
sign; mark; symptom; sexual sign; marked
with {PH}name; sign {C}character; by night;

mtshan nyid kyi de bzhin nyid

{MSA}lakaa-tathat reality of characteristics



mtshan nyid ngo ba nyid med mtshan nyid med pa {L,MSA,MV}

pa {N}lakaa-nisvabhvat character-nonnature

alakaa non-character; unmarked;


pa lakaanisvabhvat natureless in terms

of character; character-non-nature; characternaturelessness

pai skad cig sbyor characterless momentary


mtshan nyid ngo bo nyid med mtshan nyid med

mtshan nyid ngo bo nyid
med pa nyid lakaanisvabhvat characternon-nature; natureless in terms of character

mtshan nyid gcig pa {C}eka-

lakaa one characteristic; one character {C}

with one mark only

mtshan nyid mchog {MSA}

agra-lakaa supreme character; supreme


mtshan nyid dang ldan pa fully


mtshan nyid dang ldan

pai bla ma {PH}fully-qualified teacher

mtshan nyid dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

lakaa-grahaa apprehending character {T}

mtshan nyid bzhi {MSA}catur-lakaa

four characteristics; four characters

mtshan nyid zab pa {MSA}lakaagmbhrya profound character


nyid yongs su chad pai kun btags imputational

natures whose character is thoroughly nihil

mtshan nyid

yongs su chad pai kun brtags

chad chad chad chad imputations of which the
character is thoroughly cut off{BJ 25.4}

mtshan nyid dang mi gal ba mtshan nyid

{MSA}lakavirodha not contradictory with
the character

mtshan nyid dang mtshon bya

lakaa-lakya definition and definiendium

yongs su ched pai kun btags

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs nonexistent imaginary

mtshan nyid rab tu rig pa

mtshan nyid ldan {PH}fully-qualified

mtshan nyid rab

tu rig pai yid byed mental contemplation of

mtshan nyid ni yod kyang ji ltar kun tu
thorough knowledge of the character
brtags pa bzhin du med pa
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs
{MV}asti lakaa na tu yath parikalpyate the
characteristic does not exist as it is imputed to
exist {T}

mtshan nyid la ldem

por dgongs pa lakabhisadhi indirectly
intending the characters; intending the

mtshan nyid pa that which has all the

mtshan nyid shes pa {MSA}

jnam ... lakae knowledge of the character/

characteristic {T}

characteristics; real; actual; fully qualified{LG}

mtshan nyid mi dra {MSA}

vilakaa different characteristics {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thorough knowledge of the character

mtshan nyid so sor yid

byed individual mental contemplation of the



mtshan ldan


mtshan nyid so sor rig pa

{PH}fully-qualified; named;


individual knowledge of the character

mtshan nyid so sor rig

pa yid byed individual mental contemplation of
the knowledge of characteristics{Lati}

mtshan nyid so sor

rig pai yid byed lakaapratisaved-manaskra

mental contemplation of individual knowledge

mtshan dpe lakaa-vyajana major

and minor marks [of a Buddha]

mtshan dpes

spras pai rtag brtan gyi snying po a permanent,

stable essence that is adorned with the major and
minor marks{BJ 35.7}

mtshan phun sum tshogs pa

{C}lakaa-sampad marvellous characteristic(s)

{C}possession of marks

of the character; mental contemplation which is

knowledge of the individual character

mtshan nyid gsum trilakaa three mtshan phyed midnight

mtshan bru ba {C}bhaana (=vk
dbye ba/ kun btags kyi


citta-kta vairpya) expose ones faults;

irritate; {C}strife; fight

mtshan ma {LCh,MSA,MV}nimitta sign;

mtshan nyid/ gzhan dbang gi mtshan nyid/ yongs

grub kyi mtshan nyid/ Div.: the other-powered
character, the imputational character, and the
thoroughly established character

mark; dualism; wrong perception; character


mtshan ma mchis pa {C}animitta;

mtshan gnyis pa ubhayavyajana

{C}alakaa signless {C}unmarked; without


androgyne; androgynous

mtshan dang ldan pa

mtshan ma nyid


qualified; named

mtshan dang dpe byad

mtshan ma med par mthong {MSA}nimittam

evnimitta payanti see the sign as a signless

mtshan dpe/ {MV}lakaa-vyajana [32] marks

and [80] signs [of a Buddha or cakravartin]

mtshan ma dang bcas

mtshan dang dpe byad

pai zhi gnas calm abiding with signs

mtshan ma dang bral ba {C}

bzang po {C,MSA}lakaa-anuvyajana
[32] marks and [80] signs [of a Buddha or
cakravartin] {C}marks; minor characteristics

mtshan don

nimitta-apagata free from signs {C}left all

signs behind

{PH}etymology; meaning

of the name
dei mchod brjod kyis klu sgrub kyi mtshan don
bshad; Its salutation verse explains the etymology
of Ngrjunas name. {GCG} p.21

mtshan don dang mthun pa

mi rtog pa {MSA}nimitta-nirvikalpa; {MSA}

nimittnm akalpan non-conceptual sign

mtshan ma med {MV}animitta; {MV}

nimittbhva; {MV}nirnimittat signless;

{MSA}anvartha-nman a name which is

concordant with the meaning {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mtshan ma rnam par


mtshan ma med pa {C,MSA,MV}


mtshan mai gnas {C}nimitta-pada

nimitta; {MSA}animitta; {C}nirnimitta(t);

{MV}nirnimittat; {MV}nimittbhva signless;

abode of signs {C}trace of the sign

mtshan ma med pa

mngon du bya ba {C}nimitta-sktkriy direct

realization of signlessness

mtshan ma med pa

la rtsol bai du shes {MSA}nimittbhoga-saj

discrimination which strives for signlessness

mtshan ma med pai

mtshan mai rnam par

g.yeng ba {MV}nimitta-vikepa distraction of


mtshan mai spyod yul

spyad spyod spyad spyod nimitta-gocara

realm of signs

mtshan mai lha nimitta-deva sign


mtshan mar byas nas {MV}

ting nge dzin gzung dzin

bzung zungs {MSA}nimitta-samdhi signless
meditative stabilization

nimitta ktv having made a sign ? {T}

mtshan mar byed de {C}nimitt-

mtshan ma med pai rnal

karoti {C}make into a sign

byor animittayoga yoga without signs

mtshan ma med pai dbyings

{MSA}animitta ... dhtu signless realm

mtshan ma med pai zhi

gnas calm abiding without signs

mtshan ma med pai gzhi

mtshan mar dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {N}

nimittodgrahana; nimittagrha apprehension of
signs{N}; conception of signs

mtshan med kyi rnal byor

yoga without signs; yoga of signlessness

mtshan med

{MSA}animitta-pada signless basis; basis of


du byed dang bcas par gnas pa {MSA}animittasasaskro vihra abide in signlessness with
discrimination {T}

mtshan ma med pai shes

mtshan med gnas pa {MSA}

pa {MV}jnnimitta signless consciousness;

cognition of signlessness

animitta ... vihra signless abode

mtshan ma med pai lhag

mthong special insight without signs

mtshan med rtsol

ma med par gcig tu nges pai lam {MSA}

nimittakaikntiko mrga path which singlely
ascertains signlessness ? {T}

mtshan mo {LCh,MSA}rtri; {MSA}tamas

bcas kyi du shes signless discrimination having




mtshan ma med par gnas pa mtshan mo zla ba

{MSA}animitta-vihra; {MSA}nirnimitta-vihra
signless abode; abide in signlessness

mtshan mai du shes {C}

moon; the moon at night

mtshan med; mtshan ma

med pa {L,MSA}animitta signless; signlessness

nimitta-saj conception of a sign {C}notion/

perception of sign

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mtshan smos pa tsam {MSA}nmadheya-grahaa-mtra merely mention the name

transition {C}relate to; relating to


mtshan mtshon definition and

mtshams sbyor ba ma

mchis pa sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {C}apratisadhi non-transition {C}
not subject to a rebirth


mtshan zhabs {PH}debate partner

mtshan gzhi {MSA}lakya; dnta

mtshams med lnga five heinous

illustration; instance example; instance


mtshan so gnyis dpe

dbye ba/ 1 pha bsad pa/ 2 ma


byad brgyad cu thirty-two marks and eighty

signs [of a Buddha or cakravartin]

mtshan gsol to {C}kta-nma

bsad pa/ 3 dgra bcom pa bsad pa/ 4 de bzhin gshegs

pa las ngan sems kyis khrag phyung ba/ 5 dge dun
gyi dbyen byas pa/ Div.: 1) Killing ones father,
2) Killing ones mother, 3) Killing a foe destroyer,
4) With bad intention, causing blood to flow from
the body of a Buddha, 5) Causing dissension in the
spiritual community


been given the name of

mtshan gsol ba give a name

mtshams {C}sm; {MSA}phyogs mtshams

= vidi intermediate space; border; juncture;

limit; gap between lives; intermediate directions
{C}boundary line

mtshams med pa {C}nantarya

mtshams kyi

heinous crime; borderless {C}deadly sins

mtshams bzung {C}avadh-karoti

nags tshal phun sum tshogs {C}sm-vana {C}

boundary lines (or woods?)

{C}(with this) for his terminus

mtshams kyi rtsa dab bzhi

{PH}four channel-petals of the intermediate

mtshams bcad pa {C}baddha-sman

{C}hemmed in

mtshams dang bcas {C}svadhi


sbyor sbyard sbyord sadhi transition{BJ 16.2}


mtshams sbyar ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}sadhi transition


mtshams sbyar ba ma lags

pa sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}

visadhi non-transition {C}decomposition

mtshams sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}anusandhi

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



mtshung {N}tulya similar; alike{N}

mtshung ldan saprayukta similar

{C}connected with the delimitation of time

mtshams sbyar

mtshar fantastic
mtshar du brtsis {C}vismyate

mtshungs {C,L}sama; {MSA,MV}samna;

{MSA}samna-bhva; {C}tulya; {MV}sdharmya

similar; like; equal

mtshungs ldan saprayukta parallel

association; having/possessing association;

mtshungs ldan gyi rgyu

saprayukta-hetu associational cause


mtshan nyid/ phan tshun mtshungs ldan rnam

pa lnga mtshungs kyang yin/ phan tshun skye ba la gegs


mi byed pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun du dmigs pa/ Def.:

Those which are observed as common loci of being

associated with the five types of mutual association
and not acting as an obstacle to the production of
each other.

saprayukta; {MV}saprayoga having/

possessing association; associational {C}
exercise; associate with; conjunction; intent on;
joined by

having/possessing association; associational

karoti equalize {C}equates

mtshungs ldan pa {MSA}saprayukta mtshungs par bya ba {C}sam-

mtshungs pa {C,MSA}sama; {C,MSA}

tulya; {MSA}sa-; {MSA}smnya; {MV}samna;

{MV}sdharmya similar; like; equal {C}
same as; (self) identical; smooth; even; equal (to);
du shes med pai snyoms jug dang mtshungs pa
as is the case with non-discriminating meditative
absorptions chos mtshungs
pai sgo nas by way of a similar quality{PGP 73}
rang sde dang mi mtshungs
pas since they are not like our schools ... {LWT

mtshungs pa nyid {C,MSA}samat

mtshungs pa de ma thag rkyen

samanantara-pratyaya similar immediately
preceeding condition

mtshungs pa de ma thag

pai rkyen {MSA}samanantara-pratyaya similar

immediately preceeding condition

mtshungs pa ma mchis pa {C}

apratirpa unequalled; dissimilar; unlike {C}
does not resemble anything

mtshungs pa med pa {MSA}atulya;

{MSA}asama; {N}apratima unequalled{N};
dissimilar; unlike {PH}unequalled;

mtshungs par {C,L}sama similar; like;


mtshungs par ldan {C}saprayoga

having/possessing association; associational

mtshungs med {C}atula; {MSA}

apratima unequalled; dissimilar; unlike {PH}

unequalled; incomparable {C}incomparable;

mtshungs med bla ma


incomparable guru

mtshungs med sems


mtshungs zla {PH}rival; approximate

mtshungs zla ma mchis pa
{PH}peerless; without rival

mtshungs so zhes brtags

nas brtag rtog brtags rtags

{C}tulayati {C}ponder; weigh (up); examine;
compare; deliberate; consider

mtshun pha mai mtshun thor byed

pa = dispersing offerings that are made to

ancestors{TGP 77}

mtshe {L}taga pond

mtsheu {L}taga; {MSA}taga pond
mtsheu khrugs
khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {L}
kubhita-taga agitated pond

mtsho {C}arava; {MSA}saras lake

great flood; ocean

{C}exercise; associate with; conjunction

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

atula unequalled; dissimilar; unlike {PH}

unequalled; incomparable {C}incomparable;

incomparable [state of] mind

similarity; sameness

mtshungs par ldan pa {L,MSA}

mtshungs ma med {C}atulya; {C}

mtsho skyes {LCh}saroruha [lake-born];





mtshon byed characterize;

mtsho lta bui sems bskyed

characterizing; illustrator {PH}valid illustrator

mind-generation like ocean

mtsho sman Tso-men (a lake spirit)

mtshon {LCh,C}lakyate; {C,MSA}astra

mtshon sbyor application of connection

mtshon tsam {PH}merely indicative
mtshon la sogs pa yudha-di

define; make known; illustrate; show; exhibit;

exemplify {PH}weapons; instance; example;
illustration {C}sword; is marked; is intended

mtshon gyi bskal pa

weapons and so forth

tshang patti fault; error; offense;

{PH}the age


of weaponry

mtshon cha {C}astra

weapon {C}sword

tshang rgya ba bodha; budhyate


become fully purified; become perfected; become


mtshon rtags

{PH}indicating sign
nga roi rnam
pai mtshon rtags ni gsham gsal ltar ro; The
indicating sign of the tone is as clarified below.

tshang rgya bya become perfect;

become fully purified

tshang rgya bya dod pa wish to

{TBRC} W20229 vol. 2; p.2

become fully purified; wish to become perfected

mtshon don exemplicatory meaning{BJ

tshangs rgya bai tshul the

14.4} {PH}exemplifying meaning

mode of becoming completely purified

mtshon na {PH}for instance

mtshon rnon {PH}sharp sword
mtshon pa {MSA}laka {PH}


bsab/ tshab wa gsab/ bsabs/ tshobs wa

gsabs/ complete; fill out
phyis kyi lo tstshas gzhan la gyur
chad bsabs kyang although the latter translator
filled in translations cut in other [texts],{GZ 70a.7}


mtshon pai brda



mtshon par byed {MSA}(lak):

lakyate characterize; illustrate(s); define; make

known; exemplify

mtshon par byed pa lakyate

characterize{BJ 37.6}; illustrate(s){BJ 39.2};

define; make known; exemplify

mtshon bya lakya; {C}lakman; {C}

rigs pas phul tshams

tsam min par shin tu gsal lo that this is not merely
a case of being forced by reasoning is very clear{T3
shinings (?)



Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tsham proportioned
tsham par in accordance with
tshams case; instance (?)
tshams med pa lnga five non-

lakyate definiendum {C}mark; is marked; is

mtshan nyid/ btags yod chos gsum tshang
ba/ Definition: a triply qualified imputed existent

mtshon bya don


tshams shig {PH}accordingly

tshams shig nas {PH}accordingly
tshal btsal tshol

btsald tshold {MSA}(pra pad): prapadyante; {L}
pratyeti seek; want; ask; beg; beseech; desire7;
to understand

tshal ba


tshe bar sems {C}vihehan-

abhiprya harmful mind {C}intent on hurting;

attempts to hurt

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}vedayitavya(m)

seek; want; ask; beg; beseech; desire; sought out

tshal bar rung ste

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}sajnti

{C}perceive; cognize; holds to be true; feel

tshig {LCh;C}pradsa; {C}prada


tshig pa {LCh,C}pradsa; {C}prada

spite {C}contentiousness

tshig pa med pa {C}akopan nonspite {C}immovability; undisturbed

tshud pa to be entered; admitted; enter;

go into; get into


dies [lit.: is not drowned]


gtses/ gtses/ {MSA}heha to cause mischief; to

cause danger to; permeate; to harm

tsherd/ tsher/ tsherd/ shine; glittering; glitter

tshes to cause mischief or danger to;

persecute; harm

tsho ba {C,MV,MSA}jva; {N}jvik; {C}

jvan; (jv): {MSA}jvati; {MSA}jva; {MSA}

jvaka; {MSA}jvita; {C}upjvya liveliness{N}
{C}livelihood; living; lives; serve as if they were
{PH}general support
[provided by the laity to the ordained sangha of
food and so forth] {Karmaataka} dge dun gyi
dkor dang; mchod rten gyi dkor dang; tsho ba nar
ma dang; phyogs bzhii dge dun gyi dkor . . .

tsho ba yongs su dag pa {C}

pariuddha-jvatva pure livelihood

tsho ba legs par tsho ba

yin {C}sujvitam ... jvitam {C}how good is the
life which they live

tsho bai phyir ni

parikra {C}life; livelihood; requirement

tshe/ gtses/ gtses/ {C}pratyarthika; {C}vihis;

{C,MSA}upadrava; {MSA}vihisaka; {MSA}
rnam par tshe ba = vihis to cause mischief;
to cause danger to; permeate; to harm {C}
provokes hostility; enemy; hostile forces; foe;
harming; distress; calamity; trouble

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


tsho bai yo byad {C}jvita; {C}


tshe ba med pa {C}avihis; {MSA}

ya ngas longs spyod spyad spyod

spyad spyod {C}jvik-viama-bhoga {C}to earn
ones livelihood in the wrong way

gtse/ tshe/

tshe ba

tsher ba

tsho ba nar ma


tshubs te chi ba {C} marti

tshe bar byed de {C}vihehm

upasaharati harming; to harm; to cause

mischief; to cause danger to; permeate {C}
thinks how he can hurt

tshol btsald tshold {C}icchati; {C}abhpsita;

{L}jtavya; {C}kkati; {L}pratyeti seek;
want; ask; beg; beseech; desire; sought out{S}
{C}wish (for); look for; wished for; cognize;
know; realize; plan; aspire for; search; discover;
understand; acknowledge; admit; with negative:

tshal ba bgyio

avihisaka non-harming {C}avoiding harm

tsho bar gyur {C}jvik kalpayati

{C}earns his living


tsho byed cing {C}jvati {C}lives

tshong {C}vikrte {C}sell
tshod btso/ tshod/


mdzangs pa {PH}wise; learned

mdzangs blun mdo {PH}Stra of

btsos/ tshod/ cook; boil

tshor ba {PH}sensation; experience

tshol btsal

the Wise and the Foolish


tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}eati; {C}gaveate;

{C}prrthayati seek; seek out; investigate;
examine; research; look for {C}wishes for;
desire; search; strive for; want; strive after; aspire

tshol ba

mdzad/ mdzad/ mdzod/ verb: do; use; honorific
for byed; honorific form of address7 noun:
action; act; deed

mdzad pa

mdzad/ mdzad/ mdzad/ mdzod/ {C,MSA}karoti;
{C}kritra; {C}krya; {MV}karaa; {MSA}ktya;
{MSA}kriy; {MSA}ceita; {MSA}vidhna verb:
make; bring about; do; use{BJ 34.1}; honorific
for byed pa; honorific form of address7 noun:
action; act; deed {C}causes; effects; brings
about; one acts as; what it does; function; activity;
work; function; business; task


tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}paryeate; {C}

paryei; {C}pratyeaka (=grhaka); {C}eati; {C}
gaveate seek; seek out; investigate; examine;
research; look for {C}wishes for; searches;
desire; search; strive for; want; those who grasp;
recipient; one who has an interest in; one who
searches for

tshol ba med pa

tshol bar gyur

mdzad pa gcig pa {MSA}eka-krya

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}

one deed; one action {T}

animia not investigate/examine/research/seek/

look for {C}desireless(ness)

mdzad pa lhun grub spontaneous


btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}

paryeayati seek; seek out; investigate; examine;

research; look for {C}prefers; seeks

tshol byed

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}paryeayati
seek; seek out; investigate; examine; research;
look for; one who...; the means of... {C}prefers;

dzab dbyangs jpa recitation of


dzambu gling {PH}Jambudvipa

dzam bu bri ka {C}jambu-vka the

mdza mitra; {C}sva-jana close; friendly;

friend {C}kinsmen

mdza chen {MSA}suhd (mah-) great

friend; very friendly

mdza po mitra close; friendly; friend

mdza ba priya; mitra friendly; dear;

mdza ba dang mi

mdza ba dang ldan pa {C}priypriya-vyatyasta

(=viyoga) having friends and non-friends {C}
unsuitable situations

dzam bui gling jambu-dvpa this

mdza bo {PH}friend

world; the Indian sub-continent

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kurvayti do; act; perform; use {C}effects;

make into

beloved; friend

Jambu tree

dzing gin {PH}Ghingis Khan

dze t ri {PH}Jetri

mdzad byed pa {C}kurvayati; {C}

boi khyim dang slong mo ster bai khyim lhur len


pa {C} mitra-kula-bhikda-kula-guruka {C}
one who attaches weight to his relations with the
friendly families who feed him

mdza mo

{C}beautiful to behold; good-looking; fascinating


pleasure arises from other [factors], what sensible

person would say it is caused just by his lover?

mdzes pa bzang po {C}cru

beautiful; handsome; fine {C}slender; elegant

mdzes par skyes te {C}upacita

{C}ollected; accumulated; heaped up; powerful;

built up

mdzes par nub pa {C} sunigha

mdza bshes friend
{C}well hidden; well concealed
mdza bshes chen po great friend mdzes par byed pa {MSA}obhkaratva beautify; make beautiful

mdza bshes dang blon po dang

mdze po {PH}leper
nye du dang snag gi gnyen mtshams kyi {C}
mdzes byed kyi rgyan beautifying
mitrmtyajtislohit {C}friends, relatives,


kinsmen, and relatives

mdzo dz (a cross-breed of male yak and

mdza bshes dang blon po dang nye

female cow)

mdzo rgod wild cross-breed of male yak

du dang snag gi gnyen mtshams dag {C}mitrajti-slohita {C}those dear to him, his relations
and kinsmen

and female cow with wide thick horns

mdzod {C}koa; {C,MV}gaja; {MSA}

mdzub khrid {PH}instructions

mdzub gu {PH}finger
mdzub chung mtheu chung /

kohgra; {MSA}garbha verb: do;

act; perform7 noun: storehouse; deed;
treasury7 adj.: beautiful; handsome; fine
{PH}[Vasubandhus] Treasury [of Manifest
Knowledge] (abhidharmakoa); beautiful;
handsome; fine {C}storehouse (of jewelry);

little finger

mdzub mo
index finger

mdze po

sdigs mdzub/

{PH}leper Just
like a leper scratching [himself], ... {A4C} III.14a

mdzes {C}abhirpa; {C}uru beautiful;

mdzes sdug rab rdzogs pa

full beauty

mdzes pa {C}cru; (ubh): {MSA}obhati;

{MSA}obhate; {MSA}obha; {MSA}bzhin mdzes pa

= saumukhya beautiful; handsome; fine {C}
slender; elegant(ly); sweet

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mind-generation like treasury

mdzod spu

mdzod spus {C}r

hUM bzhis snying ga dang mdzod spu dang

hair-tuft; hair-treasure {VM} {C, hair-tuft}

handsome; fine {C}powerful

mdzes pa mang ba {C}daranya

mdzod lta bui sems bskyed


lkog ma dang spyi bor bying gyis brlab bar byao/

Transform your heart, hair-tuft, throat, and crown
of your head into magnificence with the four h
[syllables] {Dor 26b.1/236.1}

mdzod spus

mdzod spu {C}

r hair-tuft; hair-treasure {VM} {C, hairtuft}

at; grasped bum dzin rtog pa
thought consciousness conceiving pot
bdag dzin gyi zhen yul referent object
of the conception of self
gzugs dzin dbang mngon a sense direct perceiver
apprehending a form

hUM bzhis snying ga dang mdzod spu

dang lkog ma dang spyi bor bying gyis brlab bar

byao/ Transform your heart, hair-tuft, throat, and
crown of your head into magnificence with the four
h [syllables] {Dor 26b.1/236.1}

dzag pa

dzag dzag
zag zags/ to drip; trickle
byang chub kyi sems kyi rgyun

dzin mkhan


dzin bzung zungs apprehender

dzin grwa

bab pa dang dzag pa the continuum of the mind

of enlightenment descends and drips ...{TGP}

gzung dzin

bzung zungs class [in school]

dzangs pa {C,L}`vija wise; the wise

dzin cing bzhag na {C}dhrayati


apprehend; hold; grasp {C}bear in mind;

dzad med [consume-not exist];

preserve; carries

dzin chas furniture

dzin stangs


dzam gling jambudvpa Jambudvpa

dzam gling/ dzam bu

gzung dzin bzung zungs {N}mui-bandha;

mutibandha mode of apprehension; mode of
apprehension{N} {PH}tying wrists

gling jambu-dvpa Jambudvpa; the Indian

subcontinent; the world

dzam bu gling {LCh}jambu-dvpa the dzin stangs kyi yul

world; the Indian subcontinent; Jambudvpa;
Land of Jambu

dzam bui gling {C}jambu-dvpa; {C}

jmbudvpa the world; the Indian subcontinent
{C}of Jambu-dvpa

dzam bui chu gser ma


viaya object of the mode of apprehension

{GD:247} object of the mode of apprehension;
apprehended object

dzin stangs mi mthun pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs

discordant modes of apprehension{N}

dzin du jug pa {MSA}grhaa

River Gold of Jambudvpa

dzam bui gser sbyangs

(sic); {C}grhayati engage in grasping {C}

persuade to; catch hold of

{PH}pure River Gold of Jambudvpa

dzigs saluita shaggy

dzings tangle
dzin gzung dzin bzung

dzin rnam


dzin bzung zungs grhaka-kra; grhakkra

that which has the aspect of the apprehender

zungs {C}grahyati; {C}ghti; {MV}grahaa;

{MV}grha; {MV}grhaka; {C}parighti; {C}
updatta; {MSA}nigha verb: hold; bear;
grasp; apprehend; conceive; identify{BJ 10.4}7
noun: apprehension; apprehender; conception;
conceiver; object [e; g; bzung dzin, subject and
object]{BJ 43.1} {C}will take up; to gain; grasps

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzung dzin bzung zungs mui-bandha-


{GD:602} that which has the aspect of the

apprehended; subjectal aspect

dzin pa

dzin bzung zungs (grah): {L,MV}ghyate;
{C,MSA,MV}grha; {C}graha; {C}grhaka; {MSA}
grhika; {MV}grhakatva; {MSA,C}udgrahaa;
{MSA,MV,C}grahaa; {C}grahaat; {C}ghti;
{C}udghti; {C}parighti (=mamatvena

svkuryt); {MSA}parigraha; {C,MSA,MV}udgraha;
{C,MV,MSA}d conceive; apprehend; conception;
consciousness conceiving; apprehension;
consciousness apprehending {C}grasper;
receiver; take up; learn; learning; seize; taking hold
of; studying; grasp at; take notice; holds; bearing
in mind; bear in mind; preserve; carries; seizes;
seizure; appropriation; grasping; planet; get hold of;
takes hold of; gains; wins; sei

dzin pa kun brtags

mngon gyur ba
gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs manifest artificial

dzin pa khrul pa {MSA}grhabhrnti mistaken apprehension {T}

dzin pa gnyis dang bral ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{MSA}dvaya-grha-visayukta free from the two

dzin pa phyogs
gcig pai ting nge dzin {PH}a meditative
stabilization of partiality with respect to
apprehenders [of subjects]

dzin pa med


dzin bzung zungs {MSA}niravagraha nonapprehension; non-grasping; non-conception

dzin pa med pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}agrahaat; {C}

anavagraha non-apprehension; non-grasping;
non-conception {C}absence of seizing; freedom

dzin pa tsam


dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grahaa-mtra mere

apprehension; mere grasping {T}

dzin pa gzhan du gyur

pa gzung dzin bzung

zungs {MSA}udgraha-parvtti changeable

dzin pai khrul pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grha-

bhrnti mistake of apprehending; mistake of

grasping {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dzin pai don

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grhakrtha
apprehended meaning ? {T}

dzin pai rnam par g.yeng

ba {MSA}grhaka-vikepa distraction of
grasping; distraction from apprehending ? {T}

dzin pai rnam par shes pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}

grhaka vijna apprehending consciousness

dzin pai dmigs pa {MV}

dhralambana apprehended object of

dzin pai mtshan nyid

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

grhaka-lakaa apprehended characteristic;

characteristic of apprehension {T}

dzin pai rdzas

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grhaka-dravya
substance grasped {T}

dzin par gyur ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}updnya;

{C}dhrayati; {C}grhayati hold; bear; grasp;
apprehend; conceive; identify {C}graspable;
bear in mind; preserve; keep in mind; carries;
persuade to; catch hold of

dzin par nus pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}dhraasmarthya able to grasp; able to apprehend

dzin par byed pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C,MSA}grhaka;

{MSA}(dh); {MSA}praa apprehender;
grasper; subject; conceiver; grasp; hold;
apprehend; conceive {C}receiver

dzin ma earth {PH}field; ground; earth

dzin med gzung dzin
bzung zungs {C}angrahu; {C}anupdatta nongrasping; non-apprehension; non-conception;
non-identification {C}nothing to grasp;



dzin tshad

dzin bzung zungs measure of apprehension

dzom/ dzoms/ dzoms/ gather; assembly

dzin tshul tshang ba contains such dzoms pa

dzin tshal

tshol btsald tshold {C}parighetu-kma {C}
wants to win


gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/ plant; establish;

set; penetrate

dzud pa {MSA,MV}avatraa; {MSA}

varjana; {C}niveayati cause to enter; draw

into; descend {C}exhorts to; settles in

rdzas rgyun dravya substantial

continuum; continuum of the substantial entity

varjayanti cause to enter; draw into; descend

rdzas rgyun phyi ma

dzud byed pa connect

dzum dzum/


continuation of a substantial entity

rdzas gcig eka-dravya one substantial

dzum/ dzums/ dzums/ smita smile

dzum dkar {PH}brilliant countenance

dzum pa mdzad do {C}smita

entity; substantial identity; same substantial


mtshan nyid/ 1 mngon sum la snang ba gang

prdukaroti (=smitam vikurvanti) {C}

manifests a smile

zhig so sor mi snang ba/ 2 rdzas kyi sgo nas so so ba ma

yin par skye pai chos/ Definitions: (1) they appear

to direct perception; and they do not appear as

separate; (2) phenomena that are produced as not
separate by way of entity

{PH}a smiling


dzum par byed {MSA}kta-smita-

rdzas gcig pa eka-dravya same

mukha make a smiling face; smile

substantial entity {PH}one substantial entity

grub bde rdzas gcig simultaneous
substantial identity {GD:241} = A thing which is

dzum phreng {PH}garland of blossoms

dzum dmul snul {C}

distinct from substantial entity in the Ge-luk-ba system

prahasitavadano bhtv {C}with smiling face

based on the existence of permanent real entities (rtag



rdzas chos dravya-dharma substantial

ascending on

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rdza so {C}ghaaka {C}(earthen) jar

rdzas {C,MSA}dravya; {C}dravyatas; {C}sva;


dzud par byed {MSA}( vj):

dzegs pa ascend



rdzas kyi cha {GD:147} substantial parts

rdzas grub dravya-siddha substantially

avatrayati cause to enter; draw into; descend

dzeg pa yin pa {C}adhirohin

rdza mkhan {Das} kumbhakra

{MSA}upadhi substantial entity; substantial

{C}actual reality; thing in itself; as an actual reality;
own; (for) himself; what is his

dzud {MV}avatra; {MV}(ava t):

dzum pai bzhin

dzom/ dzom/ dzoms/ dzoms/ gathered; a

gathering; assembly

a mode of conception; contains such a mode of






rdzas med pa {C}adravya not

mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/

rdzas dzin rtog pa

nyid/ khyod gzhi grub/ khyod khyod rang yin/ khyod ma

substantially existent; non-substantial {C}not

actually real

yin pa khyod ma yin/ khyod kyi ldog pa rdzas chos dang

Definition: an observed common locus between: its

being an established base; its being itself; not-its not
being it; and its isolate not being contradictory with
substantial phenomenon

rdzas chos kyi rjes mthun

gzung dzin bzung zungs conception

conceiving substantial existence {PH}
conception of the true existence of subjects (i.e.,
persons) as being substantially existent

rdzas dzin rtog pa dgu

conception of the true existence of subjects (i.e.;
persons) as being substantially existent

concordance with substantial phenomenon;


mtshan nyid/

khyod gzhi grub/ khyod khyod rang yin/ khyod ma yin pa

khyod ma yin/ khyod kyi ldog pa rdzas chos kyi rjes mthun
dang mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/

Definition: that which is observed as a common

locus of: it is an established base; it is itself; nonit is not it; and its isolate is not contradictory with
concordance with substantial phenomenon

rdzas gzhan

{PH}different substantial
entities bzung dzin
rdzas gzhan gyis stong pa subject and object
are empty of being different substantial entities [a
definition of the coarse selflessness of phenomena
(chos kyi bdag med rags pa)]

rdzas gzhan gyis stong pa

empty of being different substantial entities{BJ


rdzas chos ldog chos

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs substantial

rdzas yod

rdzas su yod
pa {MSA}dravya-sat substantially existent;
substantial existent

phenomenon and isolate phenomenon

rdzas btags kyi khyad

par gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs difference between
the substantially existent and the imputedly
existent{BJ 55.1}

mtshan nyid/ rang nyid ngos gzung ba la chos gzhan

ngos gzung ba la ltos mi dgos pa/ Definition: [a

phenomena] whose identification need not depend

on identifying another phenomena {T}

rdzas tha dad different substantial

entity; different substantial entities

rdzas tha dad pa different substantial


yod rdzas {PH}existent substance

rdzas yod kyi gang zag

dravyasatpudgala substantially existent person

rdzas thams cad yongs rdzas yod chos gsum tri-dravyasu btang ba gtang gtong
btang thongs {C}sarvasva-paritygit let go of
all belongings/wealth/substantial things {C}
renunciation of all that is his

rdzas thig dravyabindu substance drop

rdzas ldog {PH}substantial and isolate

saddharma three properties of a substantial


rdzas yod chos gsum

tshang ba triply qualified substantial existent

rdzas rigs gcig one substantial


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mtshan nyid/ rang gi



nyer len gcig las skyes pai tha dad pai dus byas/
Definition: different composed products that are
produced from one substantial cause

rdzis/ {MSA}(ava md): avamdya; {MSA}

dhyatva grind; knead; pound; tread (also,
female yak?) {T}

rdzas rigs gcig pa same type of

rdzi ba mchog gi dra ba {C}go-

substantial entity

va {C}like those of an excellent cow

rdzas rigs mthun pa similar

rdzi ma {C} pakma {C}eye-lashes

rdzi mo herdswomen
rdzig po rich
rdzu skyes spontaneous birth
rdzu phrul {LCh,C,MSA,MV}ddhi

substantial type{LG 30.2}

rdzas rigs mi dra ba dissimilar

types of substantial entities

rdzas re re {PH}single substantial entity

rdzas la dgag grub mi byed

{GD:247} it is not possible to establish or refute

anything in direct reference to a substance

[deceive-magic]; magical emanation; magical

power; magical illusion; miracle {C}majesty;
potency; wonderworking powers; ability to work

rdzas su grub pa dravyasiddha

substantially established

rdzas su mchis pa {C}dravya

substantially existent; substantial

rdzas su ni med {MSA}dravyato nsti

not substantially existent

rdzas su ma grub pa not

substantially established

rdzas su ma mchis pa {C}adravya

not substantially existent

rdzas su med pa {C}adravya not

substantially existent

rdzas su med pa nyid {C}

adravyat non-substantial-existence {C}nonsubstantiality


{PH}herder; supervisor; one who cares

for; one who guides cow-herd {Das} =

rdzi ba


{C}viparysa enumeration of magical

emanations {C}perverted; new; what can upset

brdzi/ rdzi/ brdzis/

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rdzu phrul rkang pai brtson grus/ 3 rdzu phrul

rkang pai sems/ 4 rdzu phrul rkang pai dpyod pa/
Divisions: (1) aspiration to the bases of magical
emanations (chanda-ddhi-pada); (2) effort toward
the bases of magical emanations (vrya-dddhipada); (3) mental attention on the bases of magical
emanations [involving fixing ones mind in the
position r

rdzu phrul gyi rnam grangs


{Das} = Abhidharma

dbye ba/ 1 rdzu phrul rkang pai dun pa/ 2


{C}ddhi-prtihrya miraculous magical

emanations {C}wonder; wonder-working
powers; the miraculous wonderworking power;

substantially existent

{PH}breeze; wind

ddhi-pada; ddhipda leg of manifestation;

bases of magical emanations; legs of magical
emanation {C}roads to psychic power; bases of
psychic power

rdzu phrul gyi cho phrul

rdzas su yod pa {N}dravya-sat


rdzu phrul gyi rkang pa {C,MV}


rdzu phrul mngon par

du mdzad pa {C}ddhy-abhisaskra manifest
production of the bases of magical emanations
{C}wonderworking power


phrul mngon par du mdzad pa mngon par mdzad

de {C}ddhy-abhisaskram abhisasktavn
manifestly produce the manifest production of
the bases of magical emanations {C}exercised
his psychic power

rdzogs ldan ktayuga

{PH}age of
perfection [first of the four ages of the aeon]

rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}pra; {C}pratipra;
{C,L}paripraa; {C,MV}sampti; {MSA}
nipanna; {MSA}sabharaa complete; end;
finish; perfect; fulfill; terminate {C}perfectly;
full of; the fullness of; full; developed; large; entire

W19357 - Kangyur errata; fol. 2a.2

rdzu phrul dang ldan pa ddhivat possessing magical power

rdzogs pa chen po

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs great

{PH}lies and

completion; Great Completeness; Great


deceit and guile

rdzun du smra ba mvda lying

rdzun pa brdzun/

rdzogs pai sku

rdzun smra {LCh}m-vda lying{TGP 77}

rdzus skyes upapduka spontaneous

rdzus te skye ba {C}upapduka

rdzogs pai byang chub

{C,MSA,MV}sabodhi; {MSA}sabodha
complete/perfect enlightenment {C}perfection

rdzogs pai sangs rgyas

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

{MSA}sabuddha perfect Buddha

rdzogs par

spontaneous birth {C}miraculously;


rdzus te skyes pa upapduka


rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}paripraa completely;

fully; perfectly

rdzogs par bskur ba fully/

spontaneous birth

completely bestow

byung byung byung byung upapduka

rdzus te byung bai sems can

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}sapraarra complete/perfect body

rdzun/ brdzund/ rdzund/ {N}m; alikkra

{GD:504} lie; false; falsity {GD:504} illusory

spontaneously born

rdzogs rdzogs
rdzogs rdzogs {C}paripraa; {MSA}pratva;
{MSA}sapra; {MSA}skalya; {MV}sampta
complete; end; finish; perfect; fulfill; terminate

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs Great Completeness; Great

magical powers
rdzu phrul can rnams kyi mchog ni
dbang phyug zhes byao; The foremost of those
possessing magical powers was called Ivara.

rdzus te byung ba


rdzogs chen

rdzu phrul can

rdzun FALSE
rdzun mkhan {PH}liar
rdzun dang g.yo sgyu

byung byung byung byung

upapduka-sattva spontaneously born being(s)


rdzogs par gyur

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}paripri

(=apariha); {MSA}skalya complete; perfect;



fulfill; end; terminate

rdzogs par rtogs

brdzab rdzob
brdzabs rdzobs obscure; conceal; hide; fake;
appear as if real

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs completely realize

rdzogs par bya ba


rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}pri;

{C}prativedha object of completion; complete;
perfect; fulfill; end; terminate {C}penetration

brdzabs rdzobs obscure; conceal; hide; fake;

appear as if real


rdzogs par byang chub


/ rdzong / brdzangs/ rdzongs/ send; send off;

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}

(p): prayanti complete; perfect; finish; end;

rdzogs bya ba


/ rdzong / brdzangs/ rdzongs/ send; send off;


pa {MSA}sabodha complete/perfect

rdzogs par byed pa

brdzab rdzob


brdzab rdzob
brdzabs rdzobs obscure; conceal; hide; fake;
appear as if real

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}pri object

of completion; complete; perfect; fulfill


{PH}complete enlightenment

brdzi pa med nyid {C}aviayatva

rdzogs byang complete enlightenment

rdzogs byed

brdzabs rdzobs obscure; conceal; hide; fake;

appear as if real


rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}praa bringing

to completion; completer; perfecter; complete;
perfect; fulfill; means of...

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs terminating term;


brdzun gyi tshig {C}mvat false

words; lie

brdzun du smra ba {C}m-vda

lying; lie {C}deceptive speech

brdzun du smra

scholar; Tib. rdzogs gsal / wen tshig / wen tshegs

/ wanydzeg, Chin. Yan-tse; 613-696]

ba las ldog pai yon tan ldog

ldog ldogs ldogs {MSA}m-vdd virati-gua
qualities that are reversed from lying


/ rdzong / brdzangs/ rdzongs/ send; send off;


brdzun pa m; {C}mat; mithya


falsity; false; counterfeit; lying {C}lie;


/ rdzong / brdzangs/ rdzongs/ send; send off;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brdzi/ rdzi/

rdzun/ brdzund/ rdzund/ {C}m falsity; lie;

false; counterfeit; lying {C}fraud

rdzogs gsal Wonchuk [Korean


brdzi ba

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs sapanna-krama;

nipannakrama; sampnnakrama stage of
completion; completion stage


{C}no occasion for

brdzis/ rdzis/ {C}abhimardati affected {C}


rdzogs tshig
rdzogs rim

brdzab rdzob



brdzun par grags renowned as

wen tshig Wonchuk (Korean scholar, Ch.


Yan-tse, 613-696)

brdzun par grub pa falsely

wen tsheg

sde snod
gsum pa wen tsheg Wonchuk (Korean scholar,
Ch. Yan-tse, 613-696); Tripiaka Wonchuk


brdzus te skye ba {C}upapduka

spontaneous birth {C}apparitional; miraculously


brdzus pa {C}upapduka spontaneous

of Sanskrit wordbodhi]

birth {C}apparitional; miraculously born

wa (1) a gutter trough of pipe, usually made of

wood; (2) in Tantra, a symbol of the state which
has neither a cause nor a consequence ; (3) fox

wa wolf
wa skyes fox
wa ti [a sanctuary in Nepal]
wa ba goiter
wa mo fox
wa ra a kind of tea
wa ra a si vras{DASI 572.1}

zha bo {C}laga {C}limping; lame

zha bo mig can {PH}a cripple with
good eyesight

zha smyug pencil

zha lu Sha-lu
zhwa mo hat
zhag day
zhag dang nyi ma {L}aho-rtra a day
and a night

zhag drug cu pai bras

chan {C}aikodna {C}inferior and stale

Vras, modern day Benares

wa ra na si vras Vras, modern

zhag re {PH}each day

zhags pa pa noose
zhang blon {Mvy 3683} rjnaka

day Benares {PH}Vras

wa ra n si vras{LCh} Vras,
modern day Benares {PH}Vras

w ra si vras{LCh}

wer ma a class of Bon minor deities

wo ti bodhi enlightenment [transliteration


minor minister

zhabs {LCh}pda; {C}-krama foot; foot



(hon.); feet; base; honorable {C}progressive


wa ru na varua (1) Varua, the god of

zhabs kyi gong mtho ba {C}

water ; (2) a kind of plant ; (3) p.n. of a nga

wa la clear, distinct, plain

ucchakhapda(t) {C}his ankle-joints are
inconspicuous; his feet have inconspicuous ankle wa le clear, distinct, plain
wa si a kind of apple {PH}[a kind of apple] zhabs kyi mtho ba {C}padguha
big toe
wang khyi Wang-kyee [p.n. of a Sa-bdag
zhabs kyi drung du {C}pda-mla
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



zhabs tog

{PH}respectful practice;
respectful service; respectful treatment
gzigs dpe rnams
la yang zhabs tog ci bas zhan The books that
had been read, moreover, were poor in terms of
whatever respectful treatment [they had received].

{GCG} p. 17

zhabs rdol ba bottomless; having a

zhal gyi sgo {C}mukha-dvra; {MSA}syapua {C}mouth

zhal gyi sgo nas phyung ste



zhal ngo {PH}monastic proctor

zhal snga nas presence; exalted


zhabs bur mi mngon {C}

ucchakhapda(t) inconspicuous ankles {C}

his ankle-joints are inconspicuous; his feet have
inconspicuous ankle-joints

presence; holy

zhal snga

{PH}oral instructions; command

By the command
of the sovereign Tri-song-de-tsen, ... {GZ/BG

zhabs zung {PH}pair of feet

zhabs sen {PH}toe nail
zhabs lham {PH}shoes for the alms

69a.2} -- SW added this record

zhal snga

{PH}exalted presence
[You] should
express [his words, only after] having affixed [an
honorific such as] from his exalted presence to the
end of his name. {AGP-T} comm. to AGP 34ab

zhabs lham yin zer ba ras kyi mthil gram


byas pai dkhyil la mar po dang; mgo jug tu ras

nag poi mtha chags bcas pa zhig dug; It also
has what they call shoes for the alms bowl which
is a piece of cloth that fits over the bottom and the
sides, with red color in the middle and a border of
black cloth at the top and sides. {GCG} p.15

zhal ce ba {Negi} vivda {PH}magistrate

zhal gcig phyag bzhi {PH}one
face and four arms

zhal che ba {Negi} vivda




[topic]; secondary

zhar ba {C}ka

{PH}ancillary [topic];
secondary [as opposed to primary, dngos] {C}
one-eyed; {GD:515} secondary (as opposed to
primary, dngos)

byung byung

byung byung ancillary

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

maala {C}face

zhal gyis bzhed assert{LG 25.1}

zhal grangs {PH}census; head-

bottom; bottomless

zhar byung

zhal gyi dkhyil khor {C}mukha-

{C}nirmpyya {C}stretched out

zhabs bsdol having a hole in the

zhar {PW8-H} prasaga

countenance; mouth

dbyung byin phyung phyungs

hole in the bottom

zhabs phyi servant(hon.)

zhal {C}sya; {C}vacas face (hon.); presence;


zhal ta dsa advice

zhal ta ba steward
zhal tai spring yig dsa-lekha
letter of advice

zhal ltag pa {PH}head; neck

zhal par telephone (hon.)


zhal ba {PH}plaster; plastered wall

zhal sbyor sbyar sbyor

zhi gnas dang lhag mthong

{MSA}amatha-vipayan calm abiding and

special insight

sbyard sbyord face to face; in union

zhi gnas dang lhag

zhal mdzod spus brgyan pa

mthong gi sa {C}amatha-vipayan-bhmi the

level of calm abiding and special insight

{C}r-akita-mukhat {C}his face is adorned

with a hair-tuft

zhi gnas

zhal lung sacred word

zhi {MV,C}ama; {MV}nti; {C}damana; {C}

tsam gyis mngon pai nga rgyal byed pa {MSA}

amatha-mtrbhimna manifest pride due to
mere calm abiding

nirvtu; {C}praameti be peaceful; be calm;

peace; pacification {C}self-discipline; be
extinguished; appeases; quietude; appeased

zhi gnas yid la byed pa {MSA}

amatha-manaskra mental contemplation of
calm abiding

zhi dga {MSA}ama-priya joy of

zhi gnas la sogs

pacification ? {T}

zhi nyid {C}ntat; {C}ntatva

pai rgyu mtshan gsum {MSA}amathdi nimittatraya the three causes of calm abiding, etc.

pacification; peacefullness; peace {C}

quiescience; calmness; quiet calm; going to rest

zhi gnas lam {MSA}amatha-mrga

zhi mtha *ntnta extreme of peace;

path of calm abiding

zhi ba {L,MSA}nta; {MSA}nti; {MSA}

extreme of solitary peace

zhi dod {C}ntaiin desire peace


one who desires calm

zhi gnas {MSA,C,MV}amatha calm

abiding {C}meditative equipoise; calming down;

quietude; appeasing; serenity

zhi gnas kyi rgyu

zhi ba bgrod pa

gcig pu pai nyan thos pa hearer who progresses

solely to peace

mtshan yid la byed pa {MSA}amatha-nimittamanaskra mental contemplation that is the

cause of calm abiding

zhi ba bgrod

pa gcig pu pai nyan thos {PH}Hearers who

progresses solely to peace

zhi gnas kyi phyogs

zhi ba mchog dang ldan {MSA}

dang mthun pa {MSA}amatha-paka

concordance(s) with calm abiding

zhi gnas kyi tshogs sgrub

parama-amnugata having the supreme peace

achieving through the collection of calm abiding

zhi gnas dang rab tu dzin pa dang btang snyoms

kyi rgyu mtshan {MSA}amatha-pragrahopeknimitta cause of calm abiding, apprehension,
and equanimity

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ntat; {C}iva; {MSA,MV}ama; {MSA,C}

amana pacification; quiescence; peace; be
peaceful; be calm {C}calm; calmly quiet;
quieted; appeasing; quiescience; calmness;
quietude; bliss; ultimate beatitude

zhi ba thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}knti-lbha;

{MSA}nti-lbha; {MSA}amasya lbha obtain
pacification; attain peace

zhi ba dang gnyen poi

don ldan pa {MV}ama-pratipakrtha-yoga
possessing pacification and the antidotal object



zhi bar bya (am): {MSA}amayet; {MV}

? {T}

zhi ba dod rnams {C}ama-

pramya; {MV}mya pacify; be peaceful; be


abhikk those who desire pacification

zhi ba phun sum tshogs pa

zhi bar byed (am): {MSA}amayati;

{C}upaama-sampanna complete pacification;

marvellous pacification {C}one who has won
peaceful calm

{MV}amana pacifying

zhi bar byed pa {MV}amana

zhi ba med {MV}aama non-pacification

zhi ba tsam gyi nga rgyal {MSA}


zhi bar zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}amvia engage

in pacification

ama-mtrbhimna pride of mere pacification

zhi ba tsho ntarakita ntarakita

zhi bya ba {MV}pramya; {MV}mya


pacifying; pacify; object of pacification

zhib tsho ntarakita {PH}ntarakita

zhi ba lha ntideva ntideva [p.n.; the

zhi byed {MV}amana; {C}aman pacifying


author of Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds

(byang chub sems dpai spyod pa la jug pa) and
the Compendium of Learnings (bslab pa kun las
btus pai tshig leur byas pa)]

zhi bai don {MSA}ntrtha object of

zhi mi cat
zhi rags *ntaudrika grossnesspeacefulness

zhi rags rnam can having the

aspect of grossness; having the aspect of

pacification; meaning of pacification

zhi bai rnam pa {C}nta-kra

zhi rags rnam can gyi lam

aspect of pacification {C}the mode of calm

zhi bai blo gros nta-mati nta-

path having the aspect of grossness-peacefulness

zhi la rab tu zhi ba {L}prasanna

mati [p.n.]

zhi bai las pacifying activities

zhi bai sems {C}nta-cittat

peaceful; clear; calm

zhi srid yon tan skyon {MSA}

ama-bhava-gua-doa the good qualities of
pacification and the faults of existence {T}

pacified mind; peaceful mind

zhi bai bsam pas zin pa

zhi lhag amatha-vipayan calm abiding

{MSA}ama-bhvnta conjoined with peaceful

thoughts; conjoined with the thought of
pacification {T}

and special insight

zhi bar gyur (am): {MSA}mya(n)ti;

zhi lhag zung du brel amathavipayan-yuganaddha {PH}a union of calm

abiding and special insight

{C}praama gacchati pacify; become peaceful;

be calm {C}be appeased

zhi lhag zung du brel ba

calm abiding

zhi lhag zung du

zhi bar gnas pa {C,MSA}amatha

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


amatha-vipayan-yuganaddha {PH}a union of

calm abiding and special insight


zhing dag sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord ketra-uddhi-prayoga
training in a pure land; training in purifying a

brel bai ting nge dzin amatha-vipayanyuganaddha-samdhi {PH}a meditative

stabilization that is a union of calm abiding and
special insight

zhi lhag zung brel amatha-

zhing ni rnam par dag pa

vipayan-yuganaddha union of calm abiding

and special insight {PH}union of calm abiding
and special insight

{MSA}ketra-uddhi pure land; purify a land

zhi lhag zung brel gyi

ting nge dzin amatha-vipayan-yuganaddhasamdhi a meditative stabilization that is a
union of calm abiding and special insight

zhi lhag gzung brel


of calm abiding and special insight


jig jig zhig zhigs/

{C}ekki (1) particle indicating a [often

untranslatable]; (2) disintegrate; destroy; perish

[past tense] {PH}one; single {C}some

zhig gyur {C}bhajyate disintegrate;

destroy; perish {C}breaks

zhig pa {MSA}naa; {MSA}vinaa

destroy; disintegrate; perish; disintegratedness


zhig par gyur {C}pravilyate

destroy; disintegrate; perish {C}melt away

zhing {LCh,L,MSA,MV}ketra; ca; v (1)

zhing pa farmer
zhing sbyang sbyang

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}ketra-odh purify

a land; purify a [Buddha] field

zhing sbyong

sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C}ketra-odh purify
a land; purify a [Buddha] field

zhing yongs su dag pa

{MSA,MV}ketra-pariuddhi; {MSA}ketrapariodhana pure land; pure [Buddha] field

zhing yongs su sbyong ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{MSA}ketra-pariodhana thoroughly purify a

land; thoroughly purify a [Buddha] field

zhib tu {LCh}vistarea in detail

zhib tu dpyad analyze in detail{BJ
zhib tu ma phye bar without
distinguishing in detail

zhing ka field (agricultural)

zhing bkod pa

dgod god bkod god {C}ketra-vyha create/set/

array a [Buddha] field {C}harmonious Buddhafield

zhib par detail; finely; in detail

zhib mo {L}skma subtle; fine
zhib mo brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}skm-nipu

{C}subtle and delicate

zhib mo rnam thag vaidalya-stra

Ngrjunas Treatise Called The Finely Woven

(P. 5225, vol. 95)

unsurpassed pure land

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ketra-viuddhi very pure land


present and past participle; (2) field; ground;

province; sphere; (3) connective particle;
sometimes accompanying particle: and; or

zhing dag ketra-uddhi pure land

zhing dag bla na med pa

zhing rnam par dag pa {MSA}


zhib mo rnam

par thag pa zhes bya bai mdo vaidalya-stranma Ngrjunas Treatise Called The Finely
Woven (P. 5225, vol. 95)

2. melt; drip

zhu dag {PH}editing

zhu ba {L}pranam; {L}paripcchati offer;

zhib mo dpyad na detailed analysis

receive; melt; digest; question; ask a question;

asked; entreated

{GD:556} analysis pushed to its ultimate


zhib tsam

{PH}(in) some detail

zhib tsam dir bris; I have written [about
them] here in some detail. {GCG} p.15

zhim {C}prata fragrant; pleasant smelling;

pleasant tasting {C}sweet; (most) sublime; good

to eat; fine; exalted; superior

zhim pa prata fragrant; pleasant

zhu ba zhus pa asked; entreated{S}

zhu mar lamp
zhu rag gi bsam pa {PH}intention
of asking


zhug jug zhugs/

zhugs/ enter; go into; engage

smelling; pleasant tasting sweet; (most)

sublime; good to eat; fine; exalted; superior


sugandha equal fragrant odor

zhugs te

zhug jug zhugs

zhugs {C}prasthita; {C}samprasthita; {C}panna
enter; go into; approach {C}set out for; won

zhim pai dri mnyam pa sama-

zhug jug
zhugs zhugs {C}sthihitva (=sthitv) having
entered; having engaged in {C}having abided;
having stood

zhim pai dri mi mnyam pa

visama-sugandha unequal fragrant odor

zhim pai sbyar byung gi dri

zhugs nas

jug zhugs zhugs {C}avatrya having entered;
having engaged in

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

syogikasugandha fragrant manufactured

zhugs gnas

jug zhugs zhugs approacher(s) and abider(s)

zhim pai lhan skyes kyi dri

sahaja-sugandha fragrant natural odor

zhim po {MSA}ma fragrant; pleasant


smelling; pleasant tasting


zhu / zhu / zhus / zhus -

dbye ba/ 1 dang 2/ rgyun zhugs zhugs pa dang

bras gnas/ 3 dang 4/ phyir ong zhugs pa dang
bras gnas/ 5 dang 6/ phyir mi ong zhugs pa dang
bras gnas/ 7 dang 8/ dgra bcom zhugs pa dang
bras gnas/ Divisions: (1,2) approacher and abider
in the fruit of a Stream Enterer; (3,4) approacher
and abider in the fruit of a Once Returner; (5,6)
approacher and abider in the fruit of a Never
Returner; (7,8) approacher and abider in the fruit of
a Foe Destroyer

offer, receive, ask; bzhu / ju / bzhus / zhu - melt;

drip {T} 1. offer; receive; question; ask a
question; request; request and receive

zhugs pa

zhug jug
zhugs zhugs {LCh}panna; {C,MSA}pratipanna;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{C}abhiprasthita; {C}anupravia; {MSA}via
(e.g.: amvia); {MSA,MV}pravia {MSA}
(e.g.: bhvankra-pravia); {MSA}nivia; {L}
pravea; {C}prasthita; {C}prasta; {C}avatarati;
{MV}avatra; {MV}avatra; {C}pravtta;
approacher; enter; go into; approach; engage
in {C}set out; well set out; enter into; enter
together with; compare with; has been undertaken;
progressed; have practiced; filled with; engaged in;
streamed forth; intent on; set out for; compare with;
entrance; introduction; take place; activity; enters (

zhugs pai sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}

pravia-bhvan meditation of an approacher


zhugs pai gnas

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MV}avatrvasth level

of an approacher {T}

zhugs par gyur

zhugs me mu ze

bai r zhun mai mtsho an ocean of melted
Lapis Lazuli Thuu-bkwan, Garden poem; Tracy


jum jums zhum

zhums {C}avalyate slackness; discouragement;
become weak/timid/cowardly; flat {C}become
cowed; be cast down; hide despondently in; does
(not) despond; (not) cowed
jum jums

zhum zhums {C}avalna; {C}lyati; {MSA}laya;

{MSA,MV}lna; {C}vida (=vivda) slackness;
become slack/weak/timid/cowardly {PH}timid
{C}cowed; weariness; dejection; get cowed

zhum pa che {PH}very timid

zhum pa dang rgod pa
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


pai gnyen po ting nge dzin gyi rnam pa bsgom

pa bsgom sgom bsgoms
sgoms {MSA}laya-prtipakika-samdhy-krabhvana meditate on the aspects of meditative
stabilization as an antidote to slackness

zhum pai sems {C}lna-citto; {MSA}

lna-cittat discouraged/slack mind {C}cowed

in thought

zhum pai sems med

jum jums zhum zhums {C}adna-

jum jums zhum zhums {C}sasdati is/became

discouraged/slack/weak/timid/cowardly {C}
lose heart; become despondent; collapse

zhum par gyur

jum jums zhum zhums {C}avalyate become/
be slack/discouraged {C}become cowed; be cast
down; hide despondently in

zhum par byed

jum jums zhum zhums {C}sasdati make
discouraged/slack/weak/timid/cowardly {C}
lose heart; become despondent; collapse

zhum bu {PH}cat
zhum med jum jums
zhum zhums {C}adna not slack/discouraged/
weak/timid/cowardly {C}unimpaired;


zhu / zhu / zhus / zhus

- to offer, receive, ask; bzhu / ju / bzhus / zhu - to

melt, digest {T} {C}paripcchati offer; receive;

jum jums zhum zhums {MSA}

jum jums zhum zhums {MSA}laybhva; {C}

anavalna; {C}adna; {C}asakucitatva nonslackness; non-discouragement {C}undejected;
unimpaired; uncowed; not arched

zhum par gyur

zhug jug zhugs zhugs match(hon.)

zhum pa

zhum pa med pa

citto non-discouraged/non-slack mind {C}

undejected in his mind

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}pratipanno bhavet

enter; go into; approach; engage in {C}should
find oneself in

zhun ma melted

layauddhatya slackness and excitement


ask; request; request and receive {C}asks
questions; questions; hopes that; enquires whether

zhus dag pa {PH}editor

zhus pa zhu/ zhu/ zhus/

zhus/ {C}paripcchati; {MSA}paiprcch (e.g.:

Brahma-paripcch-stra) offer; receive; ask;
request; request and receive {C}asks questions;
questions; hopes that; enquires whether

zhus tshig {PH}question

zhe gras pai sems {C}

non-conception {C}uncowed

zhen gzhi referent

{C}harsh; harsh speech

zhe thag the depths

zhe dang dvea hatred
zhe drag very
zhe sdang {C,L,MSA,MV}dvea; {C}doa;

form and so forth being a referent of a conceptual


bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}doa generate

anger; generate hatred {C}hatred; defect

zhe sdang med pa advea non-hatred

zhe na iti cet if it is asked; if someone asks; if
one adheres to ...{BJ 21.3} thus

zhe log [disposition-reverse]; revulsion;


zhen {C}vimati adherence; determination;

zhen yul {LCh}adhyavasya;

*adhyavasya-viaya conceived object; referent

object; determining; determined object
{GD:635} conceived object
bdag dzin gyi zhen yul referent object of the
conception of self
gzugs sogs rtog pai zhen yul yin pa a
forms being a conceived object of a conceptual
nyid/ rang gi dzin stangs kyi gtso bor beyd pai bols

zhen pas rig par bya Definition: that [object] which

is cognized upon being conceived by a mind which
takes it as its main mode of apprehension. {Gorams-pa-bsod-nams-sen-ge, GD:635}

zhen rig adhyavasya-savid;

conception; attachment {C}consider

*adhyavasya-savedana conceptual knower;

determining knower; determinative knower

{GD:532} mode of

zhen sa thing conceived{BJ 81.1}

zher debs pa


zhen pa {C}alna; {MSA}lna; {MSA}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzugs sogs rtog pai zhen gzhi yin pa

{C}roa [disposition-hate];hatred; anger; rage

{C}aversion; defect; fury

lola; {MSA}lhag par zhen pa = adhyavasna;

adhyavasya adherence; determination;
conception; attachment {C}cling(ing) to;
hanging on to mngon

brjod rjod brjod rjod {GD:434}

zhen pa med {C}alno non-adherence;

zhe gcod pa {C}parua; {C}pruya

zhen stangs

zhen pa brjod bya

conceived objects of signification; {GD:297}the

conceptualized signified object

pratihata(-citt) {C}of emnity; hostile

zhe sdang bskyed

par zhen pai dbang gis through the force of

conceiving ... tha mal
gyi zhen pai gnyen por as an antidote to the
conception of ordinariness{TGP 24}
de drai
kun btags rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub par zhen
pai rtog pa the conception which adheres to such
an imputation{DASI}

gdab debs btab thobs strike

zhes {C}iti; {L}tath; {C}gaurava thus;

particle indicating quote {C}respect; dignity; a



title to be respected

zhes grags {M-W; Tattvasamgraha}(iti-

zho thung Sho-thung

zho shas tsho ba dag wage-

ha) aitihya {PH}renown through tradition

zhes bgyi

bgyi bgyid

earners (this may refer to paid soldiers)


bgyis gyis (quote indicator)

gzhag jog bzhag

zhes pa iti quote indicator: thus

zhog posit
zhes pa brjod nas zhog cig {C}tihatu
brjod rjod brjod rjod spoke thus:

zhes bya {MSA}ity ucyate (e.g.: bodhisattva

ity ucyate) quote indicator: thus

zhes bya na {C}sajaka quote

zhes bya ba iti; {C,MSA,MV}khya {MSA}

(e.g.: pratibimbkhya); {C}kra; {MV 1.7}ucyate;
{MV 3.22abc v}jeya; {MSA}di zhes bya ba
= eva nm quote indicator: thus {C}
proclaimed; syllable; with (great) effort; thus it is
said; said to be; styled thus


gzhag jog bzhag

zhog {MSA}(upa dh): upadhya; {MV}(vy-ava

sth): vyavasthpyate posit; establish

gzhag pa {L}sthpanya posit; establish;

established place; store; affix; deposit

zhes bya bai phyir {MV 3.21}iti ktv

because it says ... {T}

zhes byao {MV 1.7}ucyate; {MV 3.22abc v}

jeya quote indicator: thus

zhes byar quote indicator: thus

zhes byung ba {PH}[quotation

gzhan {LCh,C,L,MSA,MV}para;

{LCh,MSA,C}anya; {C}apara; {MSA}parakya;

{MV}anyatva other; another {C}the other;
foreign; beyond; further; supreme; outshines them
all; utmost; any other; this side; later; this; the
second; {GD:515} other (as opposed to self, dngos)

gzhan skye production from other


gang yang rung ba dang gzhan gang yang rung ba

{C}anyatarnyataram {C}from one to the other;
one or the other; one after another; in all kinds of


zhes byung bai phyir

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

vacant because it says ... {T}

zhes ming du {C}sajta (=sakhyta)

{C}reckoned as; be called

zhes zer pa quote indicator

zho yogurt
zho krog {PH}solid yogurt
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

zhon nas {C}ruhitva {C}(sur)mounted

zhon pa bzhon/

zhon/ bzhond/ zhond/ {MSA}rha mount; ride


indicator: thus {C}what is called; one acts as;

one speaks of

o ma zhor gyur ba na when milk becomes

{C}not only that;

but; leave out (of it); even if; leave that alone

gzhan gyi rkyen gyis gro ba

{C}para-pratyaya-gmitva {C}the fact that he
goes for help to outsiders

gzhan gyi rgyud {MSA}para-satna

other continuum(s)

gzhan gyi dngos po {C}para-bhva

other thing; other-being {C}other-being


gzhan gyi dngos po stong


gzhan gyi

pa nyid other-entity emptiness (emptiness of

other entities)

sdug bsngal skye bas shin tu jigs {MSA}paradukhotpdane tibhru very afraid due to the
arising of suffering in others

gzhan gyi stobs kyis byung

ba byung byung byung byung
arise through the power of other [conditions]
{BJ 33.2}

gzhan gyi don {MSA}parrtha others

welfare {T}

gzhan gyi don

sgrub pa phun sum tshogs pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}parrthapratipatti-sapatti marvel of accomplishing
others welfare {T}

gzhan gyi rnam par rig pa

para-vijapti other-cognition

gzhan gyi phyir {MSA}para-hetu

because of others

gzhan gyi phyogs sun byin

dbyung byin phyung phyungs

{MSA}para-paka-daa disbelieve the other

position {T}

for the sake of others

gzhan gyi dbang {TN,MSA,MV}

gi don yin pa {MSA}para-krya-sva-kryatva

others welfare is ones own welfare {T}

gzhan gyi dbang gi ngo

gzhan gyi don du {MSA}parrtha

gzhan gyi don ni rang

gzhan gyi don phyir {MSA}

parrtham for the sake of others

gzhan gyi dring jog pa {C}

paratantra other-powered; other-powered

phenomenon; other-powered nature

bo nyid {MSA}paratantra-svabhva; {MSA}

paratantra ... svabhva entityness of the otherpowered (nature) {PH}entityness of the otherpowered (nature)

gzhan gyi dbang gi

para-praeyo {C}can be misled by others

gzhan gyi dring mi jog {C}

apara-praeya {C}others cannot lead him astray;

not led astray by others

gzhan gyi dring mi jog pa

{C}apara-praeyat; {MSA}aparapratyaya {C}a

state where he cannot be led astray by others

gzhan gyi dring la smi jog

pa {C}apara-praeyat {C}a state where he
cannot be led astray by others

gzhan gyi gdams

gdam doms gdams doms {L}para-

mtshan nyid {MSA}paratantra-lakaa; {MSA}

paratantrasya lakaa other-powered
character {PH}other-powered nature

gzhan gyi dbang ni yongs su shes par bya ba dang

spang ba spang spong spangs
spongs {MV}paratantrasya parijne prahe ca
other-powered [natures] should be known and
abandonned {T}

gzhan gyi sbyin pa la sogs

pa {MV}paradndi giving to others, etc.

gzhan gyi gzhi other based; otherbase

upadea advice/instruction/counsel/preceptual
instruction/advisory speech/exhortation for
others; anothers advice...

gzhan gyis mchod

bral ba {MSA}parasajpagama free from the

conceptions of others

gzhan gyis dring la smi

gzhan gyi du shes dang

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


par dod pa {MSA}avamna-kmat; {MSA}

avamnbhila asserted as supreme by others
? {T}


gzhan stong paranyat emptiness-

jog pa {C}apara-praeyat {C}a state where

he cannot be led astray by others

gzhan gyis gnod pa bye ba

{C}paropakrami harmed by others {C}as a

result of hostile interferences from the outside

gzhan gyis byas {MSA}anya-krita

done by others

gzhan gyis mi thub pa {PU}

of-other; emptiness of the other

gzhan stong rtag brtan g.yung
drung ther zug [it is] an emptiness of the other
permanent, stable, eternal, and everlasting

gzhan stong

rtag brtan g.yung drung ther zug emptiness of the

otherpermanent, stable, eternal, everlasting

gzhan dag others{LG}

ajayya {PH}Aparajita

gzhan grags para-siddha other

gzhan dag gis gzhig par bya ba; gzhan gyis gzhig
nus pa susceptible to destruction by others


gzhan grags kyi rjes dpag

gzhan dag na re if others say: {BJ

parasiddhnumna other-approved inference;

other-renowned inference


gzhan grags kyi rtags

gzhan dag la ni zas byin

gzhan grags kyi sbyor ba

gzhan dag la sbyin pa {MV}

pa {MSA}parem bhojana dadat give

nourishment to others {T}

parasiddhaliga other-approved reason; otherrenowned reason

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord
parasiddhaprayoga other-approved/established/
renowned syllogism

gzhan gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd anyath-bhva; aniyata
changeable [mental] factor; changing; changing
into something else

parebhyo dna giving to others {T}

gzhan du {C,MV}anyath; {MSA}amutra;

{MV}apara puna; {MV}anyatra; {MV}nati(?)


gzhan du gyur pa {MSA}parvtti;

{MSA}vikra change; transform; become other

gzhan du gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}anyath-

dbye ba/ 1 gnyid/ 2 gyod pa/ 3 rtog pa/ 4 dpyod
pa/ Divisions: (1) sleep (middha); (2) contrition
(kauktya); (3) investigation (vitarka); (4) analysis

bhva; {C}anyathtva (cittasya); {C}sthitasyaanyathtva; {MSA,MV}anyatva changeable

[mental] factor; change; transform; become
other {C}alteration; change his mind; alteration
of what is established

gzhan rgyud others continuums

gzhan ngo {PH}anothers perspective
gzhan du gyur ba
gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}anyathtva
gzhan rjes su dzin pas
(cittasya) become other than; transformation;
dga ba gzung dzin bzung
zungs {MSA}parnugraha-prti joy through
taking care of others {T}

gzhan rten can {MSA}parraya

alteration {C}changes his mind

gzhan du gro {C}antara-gati

which goes to any

having another basis

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



gzhan du drang dgos pao

must be interpreted otherwise; must be
interpreted as [something] other [than what is
literally taught]{BJ 29.5}

power]; other powered (phenomena); other

powered nature; having the influence of another;
that which is under the influence of what is
other; the dependent; other-powered; otherpowered [nature]; dependent nature; dependent

gzhan du na otherwise
gzhan dus khor alternative



gzhan don parrtha others welfare;

dbang gi ngo bo nyid; gzhan dbang gi rang bzhin

paratantrasvabhva other-powered nature

anothers purpose; anothers welfare

gzhan don gyi yon tan qualities gzhan dbang gi chos nyid

real nature of other-powered natures; noumenon

of other-powered natures

for others welfare

gzhan don rjes dpag parrtha-

gzhan dbang gi steng

anumna inference for another

gi chos nyid real nature that is with its otherpowered nature; noumenon that is with its otherpowered nature

gzhan bdang paratantra otherpowered phenomenon

gzhan bde bas

bde ba nyams su myong ba {MSA}para-saukhyena

sukhnubhava experience happiness due to the
happiness of others

gzhan sde rnams other schools;

something else

gzhan pai don meaning of something


gzhan phan gyi thabs techniques

of altruism

(phenomena); other powered nature; having the

influence of another; that which is under the
influence of what is other; the dependent

gzhan dbang du gyur

pai sgo nas by way of coming under the
influence ...

gzhan dbang du du ba

gzhan phrul dbang byed

gzhan dbang la chos bdag sgro btags pai sgro

dogs tshul mode of superimposition of the self
of phenomena on other-powered natures

para-nirmita-vaavartin Those Who Make Use

of Others Emanations; Land of Controlling
Others Emanations; Heaven of Controlling
Others Emanations {PH}[Heaven of]
Controlling Others Emanations (sixth of the six
Desire Realm Heavens)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

paratantrasvabhva other-powered natures

gathering others into your own power

bod snga ma dang gzhan phyogs

gzhan dbang {MV}paratantra [other-

gzhan dbang gi rang bzhin

[other-power-possessing]; other powered

gzhan pa {C}apara other; another;

earlier Tibetans and other quarters

paratantralakaa other-powered character

gzhan dbang can {MSA}paratantra

other sects

gzhan phyogs other quarters

gzhan dbang gi mtshan nyid

gzhan ma yin {C}ananya not other;

non-other {C}unaltering; no other

gzhan ma yin pa {MV}ananyath

not other; non-other


gzhan min {MSA}na ... anyath; {MV}

ananyth not other{BJ 38.1}; non-other

who deprecates others

gzhan mu stegs can {C}anya-

gzhan la rag las med {C}

trthika other Forder

apara-pratyaya {C}not conditioned by anyone


gzhan med {C}ananya not other; nonother {C}unaltering; no other

gzhan smod pa {C}para-pasan; {C}

para-pasanat {C}depreciation of others

gzhan zhig {C}anyatara; {MSA}anya

another; some; other

gzhan yang {C}kim ca api; {C}jtu; {C}

param [other also]; furthermore; moreover;

besides {C}but if; although; ever [na jtu = never
again]; the highest

gzhan yang in addition to; moreover

gzhan yin {C}apara is other; other;

gzhan las nges

{PH}[valid cognition
for which] ascertainment induced by another
{GD:506} externally valid cognition

gzhan las nges kyi tshad

ma parata prmya; paratoniyama prmya

prime cognizer for which ascertainment is
induced by another {GD:733} externally
ascertaining valid cognition

dbye ba/ 1 snang ba rang las


nges kyi tshad ma/ 2 bden pa gzhan las nges kyi

tshad ma/ Divisions: (1) prime cognizer for which
ascertainment is induced by another with respect
to the appearance; (2) prime cognizer for which
ascertainment is induced by another with respect to
the truth


gzhan rig anya-savedana otherknower

gzhan las rtogs pai phyir

gzhan la ji tsam bad kyang

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{MSA}parato bodht due to realization from

no matter how much one strives otherwise

gzhan la brnyas pa {C}para-

gzhan las thos nas {MV}parata

avaja {C}deprecation of others

gzhan la gnod pa {MSA}

rutv having heard from another

paropatpin harm others; harmer of others

gzhan la gnod par byed pa

{MSA}paropaghta harmer of others; harming

gzhan la phan {MSA}para-hita-karaa

altruism; helping others

gzhan la phan pa {LCh,MSA}para-

gzhan las ma thos par {MV}

arutv parata not hearing from another

gzhan lugs others systems

gzhan lugs dgag pa refutation
of others systems; refutation of others systems

gzhan sems shes

pai mngon shes para-citta-jna-abhij
clairvoyance of knowing others minds

hita altruism; helping others

gzhan la mi smod {L}aparapasaka; gzhan sel

{C}pasaka one who does not deprecate others
{C}one who deprecates

gzhan la smod {L}para-pasaka one

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



sel bsald seld {LCh}anypoha; apoha other

exclusion; other-eliminator; exclusion-of-theother

dbye ba/ 1 ma yin dgag gi gzhan sel/
2 med dgag gzhan sel/ Divisions: (1) affirming
negative other-eliminator; (2) non-affirming
negative other-eliminator

gzhan sel bai spyi

bsal sel bsald seld {GD:401} negative


gzhan ... gzhan {C}anya ... anyas

{C}in one way ... in another way



gzhi ka dag od gsal chen

po basal essentially pure great clear light

gzhi kun rdzob pa conventional base

gzhi kha {PH}district officer
gzhi grub {N}raya-siddhi; vastu; *vastusiddha established base; existent base {PH}
established base
mtshan nyid/ tshad mas grub pa/ Def.:
established by valid cognition (or: established by
a valid cognizer); GCT has: tshad mas dmigs pa,
observed by valid cognition]

jal/ bcal/ jald/ {C}meya to comprehend;

comprehension; flow to{LRC} {C}measure;
what is measured

gzhal ba

lakya; sthpana; bhva base; foundation;

locus; phenomenon; basis; ground {PH}
basis; referent; [writing] surface; bark {C}root;
fudamental; storehouse; word; step; foot
gdags pai gzhi basis of designation

gzhal/ jal/ bcal/ jald/ flow to{LRC};

comprehend; comprehension

dbye ba/ 1 rtag pa/ 2 dngos po//


gzhal bya {LCh}prameya; {C}meya

object of comprehension {C}measure; what

is measured; {GD:92} object of understanding
Definitions: mtshan
nyid/ tshad mas rtogs par bya ba/ Definition: object
of comprehension by a valid cognizer

yang na/ 1 gcig 2 tha dad// yang na/ 1 yin pa srid

pai shes ba/ 2 yin pa mi srid pai shes bya// yang
na/ 1 dgag pa/ 2 sgrub pa// yang na/ 1 dge ba/ 2
mi dge ba/ 3 lung du ma bstan pa// yang na/ 1
rang mtshan/ 2 s Div.: (1) permanent phenomena;
(2) functioning things; or: (1) one; (2) different;
or: (1) object of knowledge whose occurrence is
possible; (2) object of knowledge whose occurrence
is impossible; or: (1) negative phenomenon; (2)
positive phenomenon; or:

gzhal byai bdag nyid

{GD:738} nature; identity

gzhal med khang {C}vimna;

*amtragha inestimable mansion; mansion

{C}car (?)

gzhal med khang chen {C}maha- gzhi grub pa {N}raya-siddhi; vastu

vimo great inestimable mansion {C}great
and immense

{PH}being an established base

gzhi ga zhig some bases{BJ 15.5}

gzhi chos kyi bdag med thos bsam gyis gtan

gzhal yas khang {LCh}vimna;

sumtragha [measure-lacking-house];
inestimable mansion; fabulous mansion

gzhas {PH}play; folk song

gzhi {MSA,MV}dhra; {MSA,MV}vastu;

la bebs pa delineating the selflessness of

phenomena by hearing and thinking in the basal

gzhi chos nyid fundamental

{MSA}vastutas; {MV}vastutva; {N}adhikaraa;

{TN}mla; {TN}laya; {C}vilaya; {L,MSA}
pada; {MSA,MV}nidna; {MSA}mtshan gshi =

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




gzhi mchog {MSA}vastu ... parama


supreme basis

gzhi ji bzhin pa {C}ythsastarika

shes {PH}basic equalizing wisdom

(=yath sastra-karpata-dau ayand) literal

basis; actual base {PH}literal basis; actual base
{C}one who sleeps at night wherever he may
happen to be

gzhi rten basis{Gn-chok}

gzhi dus mnyam nyid ye

gzhi dus sor rtog ye shes

{PH}basic wisdom of individual investigation

gzhi des na {L}tan-nidnt on account

of that basis; because of that basis


gzhi don dam chos nyid kyi


gzhi thams cad all bases

gzhi mthun samndhikaraa ;

sku basal ultimate body of the noumenon

samndhibaraa common locus

gzhi mthun srid pa gang
zhig khyad pa sgo brgyad nges pa firstly, there is
a possible common locus; and the eight doors of
pervasion are established [definition of synonymous
(don gcig, ekrtha)]

gzhi mthun pa samndhikaraa;

gzhi ldog

ldog ldog

ldogs ldogs vyatirekdhikaraa illustrationisolate; illustration simpliciter

gzhi nas {C}punar {C}again

gzhi gnas {L}adhikaraa topic; basis;
base dispute; chapter; section

gzhi gnas dang

ye shes yangs pa thob bya

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}amathajna-vaipulya-gamana attain calm abiding and
extensive wisdom; {T} one should attain calm
abiding and extensive wisdom

samna-adhikaraa common locus

gzhi mthun par dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs observed as a common locus

gzhi mthun mi srid pai chos gzhi rnam shes {TN}laya-vijna

(1) it is different; (2) a phenomenon with which
a common locus is impossible

gzhi dag pa {MSA}uddha-pada pure


gzhi dang bcas pa {MSA}sanidna

with a basis; based; having a basis

gzhi dus kyi bya grub ye

shes {PH}basic wisdom of achieving activities

gzhi dus kyi me long ye shes

{PH}basic mirror-like wisdom

gzhi dus kyi ye shes


gzhi snang basal appearances

gzhi bras ngo bo dbyer med
the undifferentiable entity of basis and effect

gzhi ma {N}adhikaraa; {N}dhra


gzhi med {C}apada baseless; groundless

{C}trackless; without a trace

gzhi med pa {C}avastukat baseless;

groundless {C}trackless; absence of entities;
without a trace

gzhi med pa la gnas pa {C}


gzhi dus kyi sor rtog

lna (=abhinivia) abide in baselessness; abide

in the baseless {C}slack; unable to slouch (on

ye shes {PH}basic wisdom of individual

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mind-basis-of-all storehouse-consciousness


any resting place); cowed; sluggishness

gzhi yin pa {C}pratih basis; being a

basis; is a base; is a basis {C}support; source

gzhi la bkar ba

dgar dgar bkar dgard if this is tied down to a

basis{BJ 65.1}

objective referent

gzhii mtshan ma raya-nimitta

cause of the basis

gzhii od gsal dhra-

gzhi la mi mkhas {MV}vastv-

prabhsvara; raya-prabhsvara basal clear

light; basic clear light

akauala not wise with respect to the basis; not

wise with respect to bases

gzhi lam bras gsum

gzhii de nyid suchness of bases

gzhii don {ASA} pratibh {PH}


three: bases; paths; and fruits

gzhu {C}dhanus {C}bow; cow

gzhug gzhug jug bcug
chug 1. indicates causative construction; 2.
engage; apply; enter into; usher into

gzhi shes vastujat; vastujna knower

gzhug pa {MSA}avatraa cause;

of bases; knowledge of bases; exalted knower of


gzhi shes sbyor ba

engage; enter into; usher into

gzhug pa ldem dgongs indirect

vastujnaprayoga training in knowers of


intention of causing entry

gzhi shes sbyor bai ngo gzhug pa la ldem

por dgongs pa avatranbhisadhi indirectly

intending entry; intending entry

bo nyid bzhi four essentials of a training in a

knower of bases

essential of isolation from the afflictions (nyon

mongs las dben pai ngo bo nyid), essential of
the nonexistence of assumptions of bad physical
states that are signs of afflictions (nyon mongs
kyi rtags lus kyi gnas ngan len med pai ngo bo
nyid), essential of the nonexistence of improper
[mental application], the [causal] mark of afflictions
(nyon mongs kyi mtshan ma tshul bzhin min pa
med pai ngo bo nyid), and essential of isolation
from conceptions of [truly existent] adopting and
discarding (blang dor gyi rnam rtog gis dben pai
ngo bo nyid)

gzhig vibhvan; vina break down

gzhig pa {C}vibhvan (=nih-mrga

kaya-anutpda-jnam); {L,MV}vina break

down; breaking down; destruction annihilation;
undone; clear understanding; undevelopment

gzhii lta ba

blta lta

bltas ltos view of the basal state

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gzhugs pa la

ldem por dgongs pa intending entry [into the


gzhung {LCh}grantha text; central;

government {PH}government; lengthwise

gzhung khungs thub reliable source

gzhung khrid textual instruction
gzhung brgya ldan a hundred texts
gzhung pa pa textual [Ka-dam-pa];
textual [lineage]; bookish lineage

gzhung phyi mo {N}grantha-mtk

model text{N}

gzhung tshad {PH}length of the text

gzhung bzang {PH}good character
gzhung lam highway


gzhom pa

gzhung lugs textual system; central

gzhung lugs pa

{PH}follower of the

textual system(s)

gzho present
gzhog pa {C}niveayati


joms bcom choms destruction


gzhom med



gzhom med kyi sgra

gzhom joms bcom choms invincible sound

gzhol {C}nimna to flow {T}


settles in

gzhog gzer {NOC} prvala

gzhol ba {L}nimna; {MSA}nata inclined

gzhogs {PH}side of the body

gzhogs gzer {NOC} prvala

to; low-lying; gap


gzhag jog bzhag

zhog {C}prajapyate; {C}sthpayati; {MSA}
(upa-ni-vi dh) to posit; set; assign; establish;
put; designate [past tense] {C}is conceived; is
communicated; to place (in); discard; to store; affix;
to fix; deposits; to put up

{PH}pain in the sides of the chest


very soft; tender

gzhon nu {C,MSA}kumra young

young {C}royal prince rgyal
po gzhon nu don grub the young prince Siddhrtha
{TGP 18}

gzhon nu nor bzang


to; low-lying; gap


pain in the sides of the chest

gzhon {C;MSA}kumra {PH}young

gzhon cha chags {C}tarua



gzhon nu bum pai sku encased

in a young body

gzhon nur gyur pa {C}kumra-bhta

is young; young {C}(a true) crownprince; a

candidate to Buddhahood

gzhon pa {MSA}bla; {C}tarua young

bzhag cing {C}nikipan positing;

setting; assigning; designating

bzhag nas {C}dhya having posited;

having arranged; having set; having established;

having designated

bzhag pa

gzhag jog

bzhag zhog {C}nikipati (=ptayati) to posit;

set; assign; establish; put; designate; present
[past tense]; presentation{D2} {PH}deposit
{C}is conceived; let drop; put down; throw down;
lays aside; stay; remain; wear; is communicated; to
place (in); discard; to store; affix; to fix; deposits; to
put up

bzhag pai tshe when posited; when

{C}very soft; tender

set; when put; when assigned

gzhon sha can nyid {C}sukumrat bzhag par bya ba {C}prakipati

youthfulness; youthful; youth {C}(fresh and
delicate) like that of a beautiful youth

object posited; posit; set; assign; designate;

establish {C}adds on to cause

gzhon sha chags youthfully tender

gzhom gzhom joms
bcom choms {MSA}nyon mongs tshogs gzhom =
klea-gaa hantu (han) destruction

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bzhags tsam merely posited

bzhad gad {C}hsya {C}joke
bzhad gad byed cing {C}upahasan



bzhu/ ju/ bzhus/

zhu/ offer; receive; melt; digest


bzhad mo laugh
bzhi {MSA}catur; {MSA}catvri four
bzhi mdo {PH}four-way crossroads
bzhi mdor four-way crossroads{S}
bzhi pa {MSA,MV}caturtha {MSA}(e.g.:

bzhugs {C}viharati dwell; reside; live;

stay; sit [past tense stem]

bzhugs gral {PH}seated ranks

bzhugs te {C}vitihamna dwelling;
residing; living; staying; sitting {C}during

bzhugs pa {C}sthita; {MSA}vasati (e.g.:

dhyna-caturtha); {MV}caturth fourth; four

bzhi po {MV}catur; {MV}catuaya four;


bzhin {C}sada; {C}mukha (=rami-

tuita-bhavane vasati) dwell; reside; live; stay;

sit [past tense stem] {C}established; stood firm;
stand (just now); standing; abide; abiding; steadfast;
established remains; continuous

mukha); {MSA}prakhya (e.g.: krma-prakhya)

(verb ending indicating continuing action)7 in
accordance with; like; as in; as; similarly; while7
noun: face {PH}face {C}just like; similar to;
face; mouth; door
[She] awoke and on her lap was a child
with a nice face {GZ 65b.4}



bzhengs te {C}vyutthya rising; erecting

bzhin gyi mdog {C}mukha-var

bzhin gyi mdog kyang

bzhin du {L,MSA}yath; {C}tulya as; like;

similarly; while; in accordance with nature;

{C}thus; comparable; equal; similar to; as if it were

bzhin pa like; particle indicating present

bzheng /

bzheng / bzhengs/ bzhengs/ to rise; erect


bzheng / bzheng / bzhengs/ bzhengs/ vyutthya to

rise; erect

bzhengs pa

bzheng / bzheng / bzhengs/ bzhengs/ {C}vyutthya

to rise; erect {C}emerged from

bzhed {LCh,C}iyate; {C}ia; {C}abhimata;

{C}mata; {MSA}abhipreta assert; wish; want;

desire; accept; take; say; intend {C}considered;
admitted; desired; is considered; is regarded; can be
desired; learned; learn of; known; is understood

bzhed pa {MV}iccha assert; wish; want;

continuous; similarly; while; in accordance with

{PH}[verbal post-positional phrase indicating
present participle or continuative]
Since something in the
process of arising (jyamna) is [only] half-arisen,
something in the process of arising does not arise.

desire; accept; take; say {PH}accepted position

bzhes to take up; put on (hon.)

bzhes thag cigarette
bzhon bzhon/ zhon/

{A4C} 15.16ab

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{C}emerged from

gyur bas gyur gyurd gyur

gyurd {C}dahyati {C}burns away; will be

bzhin lag {PH}face and hands

bzhir catur as four

bzhu/ ju/ bzhus/

zhu/ offer; receive; melt; digest

bzhond/ zhond/ mount [noun and verb]


bzhon pa {C,MSA}yna mount


mount; coach; carriage {C}vehicle; career; coach
bzhon par gyur
pai shin tu phra bai gnyug rlung The very subtle
fundamental wind which serves as the mount, ...
{TGP 30}

bskyed mind-generation like mount

zag pa {C}srava contamination


outflows; state with outflows

[contamination-having]; contaminated;
contaminated thing

bza/ za/ bzas/ zos/

zag pa dang bcas pa {L}

food; to eat

za khang [food-house]; restaurant

za sgo {PH}share of allowance
za dod pa {C}bhakitukma {C}wants

ssrava [contamination-having]; contaminated;

contaminated thing

zag pa dang bcas pai

dngos po {MV}ssrava vastu contaminated

to eat

zag pa dang bcas pai

za po {BMH} bhokt {PH}enjoyer; gluttony

za ba bza/ za/ bzas/

dag pa {MSA}ssrava-uddhi purification of


zag pa med uncontaminated

zag pa med chos {C}ansrava

zos/ {MSA}(bhuj): bhujat; {MV}bhokt(tva)

eat; food

za ba po {MSA}bhokt eater
za ma aha androgynous; neuter; neuter

uncontaminated phenomenon {C}without



mdo za ma tog bkod pa

{PH}Chest of Jewels Sutra (Karaavyha Stra)

za za {C}kravyda {C}flesh-eating ghost

za og phug {PH}Zaog (Brocade)

zag pa med pa {C,MSA}ansrava; {C}

nirsrava; {MSA}ansravatva uncontaminated
{C}without outflows

zag pa med pai dbyings

{MSA}ansrava-dhtu; {MSA}ansrava ... dhtu

uncontaminated realm

zag pa zad pa {C,MSA}ksrava;

Cave [n. of Milarepas cave]

zag bcas {L}ssrava [contamaination-

{MSA}srava-kaya extinction of contamination;

extinguished contamination {C}their outflows
exhausted; one whose outflows have dried up

having]; contaminated; tainted; contaminated


zag bcas kyi las ssravakarma

zag pa zad pa nyid {MSA}srava-

contaminated action

kaya extinction of contamination

zag bcas sgom lam

zag par zad {C}srava-kaya

contaminated path of meditation

extinction of contamination

zag bcas thams

zag med ansrava [contamination-not-

cad sdug bsngal ba sarva-ssrava-duka all

contaminated things are miserable

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

contaminated{D2}; contaminated thing

zag pa bcas pa {L}ssrava

bzhon pa lta bui sems


zag bcas pa ssrava

exist]; uncontaminated; non-contaminated;

untainted; non-polluted



zag med kyi las uncontaminated

zangs bum tmra-ghaa a copper pot

zad dzad/ dzad/


zag med sgom lam

uncontaminated path of meditation

zag med bden

pai rnam can gyi lam path having the
uncontaminated truths as its aspect

zag med dbyings {MSA}ansrava ...

dhtu; {MSA}amala ... dhtu (?) uncontaminated


zag zad kyi mngon shes

zad/ zad/ {MV}kaya; {C}ka; {C}hyate;

{C}chedana; {MSA}kevala use up; exhaust;
consume; subsume; extinction; removal;
exhaustion; used up; exhausted; extinct;
extinguished; consumed; subsumed; [with
negative:] not only; inexhaustible {C}diminish;
is decreased; is diminished; fail; cut; cutting off;
wasted; dried up

zad gyur {MSA}(dru): dravate use up;

exhaust; consume; subsume; extinguish

zad drag pa

clairvoyance knowing that all defilements have

been extinguished

{PH}extremely weakened;

thoroughly exhausted

zang thal unhindered

zang zing {LCh,L,MSA}mia material

zad pa {C,MSA}kaya {C}(=utsarga); {MSA}

things; things; objects; disarranged; confused;

various things fleshly (things); material things;

zang zing cung zad tsam

dod {C} mia-kicitka-abhilin desire mere

small things {C}one who is eager for trifling bits
of fleshly things

zang zing med pa {C,MSA}nirmia;

{MSA}anmia non-object; not disarranged;
unconfused; non-thing {C}free from selfinterest; disinterested; spiritual

ka; {C}kata; {C}ka; {C}kyate; {C}kapayati;

{MSA}sakaya; {C,MSA}ktsna; {MSA}vyaya
use up; exhaust; consume; subsume; extinguish;
exhaust; extinction; removal; exhaustion;
used up; exhausted; extinct; extinguished;
consumed; subsumed [with negative:] not only;
inexhaustible {C}diminish; is decreased; is
diminished; fail; cut; cutting off; wasted; dried up;
without; spent; stopped; all-consuming; device; get/
become extinct; get exhausted/extinguished; wane

zad pa dang bral ba {C}kaya-

apagata (=akaya-apagato) free from extinction

{C}extinction left behind

zang zing la chags pa {C}

zad pa med pa {C}akaya; {C}

miagddha attachment to things; attachment

to objects {C}greedy for fleshly things

zang zing lhur byed {C}mia-

guruka intent on things; intent on objects {C}

one who attaches weight to fleshly things

akayatva non-extinction; inexhaustible; not

exhausted; not used up; not consumed {C}
inextinguishable; unfailing; inextinguishability;
absence of extinction

zad pa shes pa {MSA}kaya-jna

zangs {LCh}tmra copper; brass
knowledge of extinction {T}
zangs ltar dmar po a microscopic zad par gyur {C}kyate become
organism/parasite called red like copper

zangs mdog {C}tmra(-vara) coppercolored; brass-colored

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


extinct; extinguish; use up; become exhausted;

exhaust; consume {C}wanes away

zad par gyur ba {C}kyate; {C}

kapayati (=kayayati = kapita = upahata);
kayya {MSA}savartate (e.g.: paratantrakayya savartate); {MSA}kayitva; {MSA}kayin
become extinct; extinguish; use up; become
exhausted; exhaust; consume {C}wanes away;
spend; wasted away by; annul

zad par bcu ten totalities

zad par bcui bdag nyid

{C}material object;

morsel of food

zab {C,LCh}gambhra; {C}gambhratva; {MSA}

gahana deep; profound {PH}deep; profound
{C}depth zab gsal
gnyis med kyi rnal byor yoga of the non-duality
of the profound and the manifest

zab cing rgya che thos pa

{MSA}gambhryaudrya-sarava profound and

extensive hearing

entities of the ten totalities

zad par ston pa

zan gong {C}pia

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}ktsna-deana

teach exhaustively {T}

zab cing rgya che ba {MSA}udra-

extinction; use up; exhaust; consume; subsume;


zab cing

gambhra; {MSA,MV}gambhrodra profound

and extensive; {T} the profound and the vast

zad par bya ba {C}kaya object of

rgya che ba legs par bshad pai chos {MSA}

audrya-gmbhrya-sudeita ... dharma profound
and extensive well explained doctrines

zad pas jigs pa med pa

{MSA}kaya-nirbhayat unafraid of extinction

zad mi shes {MSA}akaya; {C}kyate

non-extinction; not exhausted; not used up

zad mi shes pa {MSA,C}akaya nonextinction; not exhausted; not used up {C}

inextinguishable; unfailing

zad mi shes pa dam pa {MV}

zad med {MSA}avayaya non-extinction;

zab cing rgya che bai

mtshan nyid {MSA}audrya-gmbhrya-lakaa

profound and extensive character

che legs par bshad pai chos {MSA}audryagmbhrya-sudeita ... dharma profound and
extensive well explained doctrines

non-exhaustion; not used up

zad shes {C}kyate extinguish; use up;

extinction; exhaust; cognize extinction {C}get/

become extinct; get exhausted/extinguished; wane

zad shes pa {C}kaya; {C}kaya-jna

zab cing rgya cher bshad pa

{MSA}gmbhryaudrya-vda profound and
extensive explanation

zab nyid {C}gmbhrya just profound;

profundity; depth

extinguish; use up; extinction; exhaust; cognize

extinction; cognition of extinction {C}get/
become extinct; get exhausted/extinguished; wane

zab don gambhrrtha the profound


zab pa {L,C,MSA}gambhra; {MSA}

{C}mouthful of

gmbhrya deep; profound


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}udra ... gambhra ... dharma profound

and extensive doctrines; profound and extensive

zab cing rgya

akayatva-paramat ultimate non-extinction

zan kham {C}kavaa

zab cing rgya che bai chos


zab pa nyid {C}gambhrat; {C}gabhrat

more profound; profundity; depth

the sake of food

zab po {C}gambhrat profound;

zas phyis mi len pa {C}khalu-

pacd-bhaktika {C}one who never eats any food

after midday

profundity; deep; depth

zab bo {C}gambhra profound; deep

zab mo {LCh,L,C,MSA}gambhra; {C,MSA}

gmbhrya; {MSA}gabhra deep; profound {C}

depth; profundity

zab mo nyid {PH}utterly profound

zab gsal gnyis med non-

zas byin pa {MSA}bhojana dadat (e.g.:

pare bhojana dadat) give food; giving food

zas gtsang sras po

{PH}son of


zas bzhi {MV}catvra-hra the four

foods; the four sustenances

zas la dod byed {C}hra-kma

duality of profound and manifest

zab gsal gnyis med

desire food {C}in want of food

kyi rnal byor yoga of the non-duality of the

profound and the manifest

zin anta; via; uptta; {C}daa verb: to be

zam pa {C}sakrama bridge

zam pa lta bur gyur

done with; conjoined with; to be affected by;

grasp; hold; supplement; conjoin with7 adv.:
[past perfect indicator; particle indicating past
(sometimes untranslatable)]; already [e.g.: gong
du brjod zin, already explained above]{LG 30.2}
termination; absence; completion; {C}bitten

bar bya ba yin {C}sakrama-bhta like a

bridge; bridge-like; is like a bridge {C}a (true)
bridge across the sea of birth and death

zam par gyur pa {C}sakrama-bhta zin pa {MSA}anta (e.g.: ama-bhvnta);

{MSA}via; {MSA}uptta; grahaa verb: to

be done with; conjoined with; to be affected
by; grasp; hold; supplement; conjoin with7
adv.: particle indicating past [sometimes
untranslatable]: already7 adj.: conjoined{D1};
apprehension comprise; comprehend; embodied

is a bridge; which is a bridge {C}a (true)

bridge across the sea of birth and death

zao food; to eat

zar jug go {C}ytayati



zar ma a type of bean

zas {C,MV,MSA}hra; anna; {MSA}bhojana;

zin pai byung ba las

gyur pai sgra byung byung
byung byung uptta-mahbhta-hetuka-abda
sound arisen from elements not conjoined with

{MSA}bhojya; {MSA}aana food; sustenance;


dbye ba/ 1 kham gyi zas/ 2 reg


pai zas/ 3 sems pai zas/ 4 rnam shes kyi zas/

Divisions: (1) material food; morsels (kavalikhra)
{LWT 99}; (2) food of touch (sparhra); (3) food
of intention (mana-sacetanhra); (4) food of
consciousness (vijnhra)

zas kyi don du {C}anna-hetos

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


zin pai byung ba las gyur pai sems can

du ston pai sgra snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond uptta-mahbhta-hetukasattvkhya-yaa-abda pleasant articulate sound
caused by elements conjoined with consciousness


zin pai byung ba las gyur pai sems

can du ston pai sgra mi snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond uptta-mahbhtahetuka-sattvkhya-ayaa-abda unpleasant
articulate sound caused by elements conjoined
with consciousness

zin pai byung ba las gyur pai sems can

du mi ston pai sgra snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond uptta-mahbhta-hetukaasattvkhya-yaa-abda pleasant inarticulate
sound caused by elements conjoined with

zin pai byung ba las gyur pai

zil gyis gnon pai skye

mched {C,MSA}abhibhvyatana source of

surpassing {C}basis of overcoming; station of

zil gyis mnan {C}abhibhta

(=dhymkto) outshone {C}surpassed;

overpowered; conquered; overcome

zil gyis mnan cing {C}abhibhya

zil gyis mnam par bya ba
{L}abhibhta surpass; outshine overcome;
overpowered; conquered

zil gyis mi non pa {C}anabhibhta

unsurpassed; not outshined; not surpass;

not suppress {C}unhindered; insuperable;

unconquered; unsurpassable

{PH}Jianzhang [palace; in

zil gnon {MSA}abhibhava; {MSA}


zil magnificence
zil gyis non pa {C}abhibhavitum;

abhibhti (e.g.: krodhbhibhti) surpass;


zil gnon brgyad eight

{MSA}abhibhta surpass; outshine; suppress;

surpassed; outshined {C}be surpassed;


zil mnan {MSA}(abhi bh): abhibhya

zil gyis non par gyur pa

surpass; outshine

zil pa {C}avayya {C}dew-drops

zug rngu {C}alya {PH}pangs; pain

{C}avamardita surpass; outshine; suppress;

surpassed; outshined {C}crushed

zil gyis non par gyur {C}

abhibhavati surpass; outshine; suppress {C}



dart; thorn

zug rngus zug pa

zil gyis gnon {L,MSA}abhibhavati;

{PH}pain and


zug ring ldan pa {C}saalya

{C}abhibhoti (=abhibhavati); {MSA}abhibhyate

(abhi bh) surpass; outshine; suppress {C}


thorny; one who has a thorn in his flesh

zil gyis gnon cing

gro bar gyur ro {C}abhibhavanto gamiyanti
{C}they surpass

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA,MV}abhibhava; {MSA}abhibhavana;
{MSA}abhibhti surpass; outshine; suppress;
surpassed; outshined {C}resplendent; surpasses

gacchati {C}surpasses

sems can du mi ston pai sgra mi snyan pa

bstan ston bstand stond upttamahbhta-hetuka-asattvkhya-ayaa-abda
unpleasant inarticulate sound caused by
elements conjoined with consciousness

zim shing

zil gyis gnon pa {C}abhibhavati;


zung pair; two; side

zung jug {LCh}yuganaddha union
mi slob pai zung jug

grub pa la in order to achieve the union of a nonlearner{TGP 30}

zung jug gi go phang


stage of union

zung jug ye shes

even a phrase is said

ze ba {LV} kea


{PH}[lions] mane; flowing

mane rig pa dang; ye
shes kyi ze ba can; He possesses a flowing mane
of knowledge (vidy) and wisdom (jna). {LVS}

wisdom [of the state of] union

zung thal mo

zur du different from{BJ}

zur du phye ba to separate
zur tsam yang ma gsungs not

{PH}palms of a pair [of


= 1-02-00087-H96-SID000116
zung du [side-ly]; separately
zed pa {PH}upright; right-side-up
zung du brel pa union
zung du brel ba {L,MSA}yuganaddha zer say; ray; beam; shaft of light
[two-connect]; noun: unification; union7 verb:
zer pa say; ray; beam; shaft of light
unify; unite
zer yis zil non pa {C}ramgate
zung brel {LCh}yuganaddha [two{C}the impact of the rays

connect]; noun: unification; union7 verb: unify;

unite zhi lhag zung brel a
union of calm abiding and special insight (amathavipayan-yuganaddha)

zung brel ba {L}yuganaddha [two-

connect]; noun: unification; union7 verb: unify;



gzung / dzin/

bzung / zungs/ hold; bear; grasp; apprehend

[imperfect stem of dzin]
gand don ma nor par zungs shig hold
without error the essential meaning ...{LWT 97}

zur corner; part

zong zad slar

log lta bur gyur na mi rung ngo {C}mltu

chedana karitva(na) pungamey {C}having lost
his goods he would (nevertheless be able to) again

zos eat [imperfect stem]; food

zos pa {C}aite eat [imperfect stem of za,

zla {C,MV}candra moon; month; object

zla gcig zla

lus lta bu it is like a dream body which separates

from [zur du phye ba] the coarse body{TGP 56}

gnyis su snang bai dbang shes

snang snang snang snang a sense consciousness
to which one moon appears as two moons

zur mkhar

{PH}Zur-khar [a district in U
(dbus - Central Tibet)]

zur snga ma the first part; the early

zla rtags {PH}crescent mark

zla ba {LCh,C,MSA}candra; {L}msa; {C}indu

part{BJ 22.1}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

wheel {C}machine for raising water from a well

to eat]; food {C}when eating

rags pa las zur du phye bai rmi lam gyi

zur mchan separate annotations

zur gnyis the second part{BJ 66.6}

zo eat; food
zo chun rgyud {C}araghaa water

moon; month; object; monday

zla ba dkhyil khor {L}candramaala moon-maala; moon-disk



zla ba grags pa candrakrti

phyir tshong gong tshad

Candrakrti [p.n.]

zla ba nya ba lta bu {MSA}pra-

zlo repeat; next

zlog opposite; reverse; turn around
zlog pa {L}nivaraa; {MSA}nivtti; {MSA}

candra ... upamatva a previous moon, for

example; like a previous moon

zla ba lta bui sems bskyed

yongs su mya ngan las zlog pa = parinirvpaa

opposite; reverse; turn around cover; covered;
obscure; impeded; obscured; impediment

mind-generation like moon

zla ba phyed {L}paka ardhamsa halfmoon

zla ba tshes pa candrakal


sales price


digit (candrakal)

zlog par byed pa (ni v): {MSA}

nivrayanti; {MSA}nivrayet opposite; reverse;

turn around cover; covered; obscure; impeded;
obscured; impediment

zla ba zhabs the honorable Candrakrti

zlog phyogs opposite class
zla ba bzang po {C}sucandra {C}the
zlog tshig smra {C}prativkyu dadti
beautiful moon
{C}answer back
zla bai gzugs brnyan {MSA}
zlos gar {PH}show; vain display
candra-bimba reflection of the moon {PH}
reflection of the moon
zlos gar can {PH}assuming the form
zla bai od kun zil gyis {C}
(of); putting on a show (of); having a disguise (of)
candra bh {C}lustre of the moon
zlos gar ba {PH}performer
zla bo spouse
zlos pai gar dance; drama;
zla mtshan gyi khrag {PH}
blo gter jam dpal

menstrual blood

zla mtshan gyi khrag dang

dbyangs nyid zlos pai gar/ /blo bzang grags pai

dpal la phyag tshal lo/ Homage to L#o-sangdrak-b#a, emanation of the treasury of wisdom,
Majughoha himself{LAK} {T}

ldan {PH}menstruating

zla mtshan gyi khrag dang

zlos pai bag chags

ldan pa {PH}menstruating

zla mtshan sangs {Amara} nikal

predispositions of verbal repetition

gza {C}graha


{C}seizure; appropriation;
grasping; seizing on; planet

zla gzhon {PH}full moon

zla od gzhon nu {PH}

tshe spong gza {C}graha

{PH}Tshe-pongza [wife of King Tri-song-de-tsen (khri srong lde



zlum {C}vtta; {C}vtta-parimaala round;

spherical {C}(well) rounded; conduct

zlum po parimaala round; spherical{D1}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gzi {PH}radiance
gzi brjid {C}tejas

{C}majesty; beauty;
splendor; flaming; piercing flame


gzi brjid chung ngu {ntideva}

Divisions: dbye
ba/ 1 nang gi gzugs/ 2 phyii gzugs/ Division: (1)
internal form; (2) external form

alpaujasa {PH}little splendor

gzi brjid chen po {ntideva}

gzugs kyi sku rpa-kya Form Body

gzugs kyi sku yongs su

mahaujasa {PH}endowed with majesty

gzi brjid yod pa {C}tejovat


grub pa {C}rpa-kya-parinipatti thorough

establishment of a Form Body


gzig leopard
gzig lpags

{PH}leopard skin
gzig lpags bskon pai spreu
bzhin no/ It is like a monkey dressed up [in] a
leopard skin. {A4C-C}

gzigs {C}da; {MSA}(abhy-ud k):

abhyudkate; {MV}(pa): payanti see (hon.);

perceive; realize; to buy(hon.) {C}seen; viewed;
what one has seen kun gzigs allseeing{LWT 173}

gzigs pa {L}darana; {C}avalokayati

rpyatana sense-sphere of form; form

sense-sphere {PH}form sense-sphere

mtshan nyid/ mig shes kyi bzung bya/ Definition:
apprehended object of an eye consciousness

Divisions: dbye ba/ 1

dbyibs/ 2 kha dog Division: (1) shape; (2) color

gzugs kyi khams rpadhtu


gzugs kyi ngo bo nyid

see(hon.); perceive; realize; to buy(hon.) {C}

seen; viewed; what one has seen; seeing; vision;
behold; surveying

bshad pa {C}rpa-svabhva-nirdea explain the

entityness of form

gzigs dpe {PH}books that were read

gzings {C,MSA}kola {C}raft
gzim khyi dog(hon.)
gzim mal {PH}(hon.) bed
gzim shag home (hon.)
gzims chung house; dwelling
gzims dpon {PH}official in charge of

gzugs kyi stong pa nyid gang yin pa de ni gzugs

ma yin no {MSA}y rpasya nyat na tad rpam
whatever is the emptiness of form, that is not

gzugs kyi rnam par rig pa

{MSA}rpa-vijapti ideation of form; formideation

gzugs kyi snang ba

snang snang snang snang {MV}loko rpasya

appearance of form

dressing and bedding (3rd rank); chamberlain

gzir ba to be tormented
gzugs {LCh,C,MSA,MV}rpa; {C}vigraha;

gzugs kyi phung po rpaskandha

form aggregate

{MSA}kti; {MSA}bimba form; body; matter;

the atomic; visible form {C}color; figure; frame;
mtshan nyid/ gzugs su rung ba/ Definiton: suitable as

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzugs kyi skye mched


gzugs kyi lha rpa-deva form deity

gzugs sku rpa-kya Form Body
gzugs khams rpa-dhtu form


gzugs dwang pa rpa-prasda clear

gzugs khams kyi lha rpadhtu-deva god of the Form Realm


gzugs gang ci yang rung

{MV}yat kicid rpam whatever form; whatever

is a form

gzugs gang yin pa

de ni ming tsam mo {MSA}nma-mtram ida
yad ida rpa whatever is a form is mere
name; whatever is a form is merely nominal

gzugs can {MSA}rpin having form;

gzugs dwang ba rpa-prasda clear


gzugs dwangs pa rpa-prasda

clear form

gzugs das past form{BJ 57.2}

gzugs na spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {L}rpa-avacr of the

realm of form; belong to the sphere of form


gzugs can gyi khams {L}rpa- gzugs ni

dhtu form realm

gzugs can snying po Bimbisra

{PH}[King] Bimbisra

gzugs can ma yin pa {MSA}

gzugs nyid {L}bimba reflection;

gzugs phun sum tshogs

pa {C}rpa-parinipatti; {MSA}rpa-sapatti
perfect form; sublime form {C}one who has
achieved an accomplished body

image; picture image


nyid stong pa nyid stong pa nyid gzugs so

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

gzugs ma yin pa {MSA}arpa

rpam eva nyat nyataiva rpam form is

emptiness, emptiness is form

formless; non-form

gzugs mang ba {C}aneka-rpa

gzugs brnyan {C,MSA}pratibimba;

many forms; in many forms {C}in great

variety; different in form; one of the many

{L,MSA}bimba; {C}pratirpaka; {C}prativarika;

{L}pratikti; {C}pratibhsa reflection {C}a
reflection of the moon in water; reflected image;
image (in a mirror); fake; which resembles;
counterfeit; similar; imaginary image; picture
image; reflection of an object in a mirror or in
water; apparition; {GD:362} conceptual reflection

gzugs med formless; formless


gzugs med kyi snyoms jug

{N}rpya-sampatti formless absorption

gzugs rtag go {MV}nitya rpam

gzugs med kham rpyadhtu

Formless Realm

permenent form; form is permanent

gzugs dang ba {MSA}rpa-prasda

clear form

gzugs med khams arpya-dhtu;

{C}rpya-dhtu Formless Realm

gzugs med khams kyi lha

rpya-dhtu-deva god of the Formless Realm

{MSA}rprpya form and formless

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzugs rnam par byed pa

{MSA}rpa-vibhvana differentiation of form;

differentiate form; separation of form

arpin not having form; non-form

gzugs dang gzugs med pa

gzugs kyi ngo bo nyid kyis stong ngo {MSA}rpa

... svabhvena nyam form is empty of forms



gzugs med pa {C}arpin formless


gzugs med pai snyoms

dbye ba/ 1 nam mkha mtha


yas/ 2 rnam shes mtha yas/ 3 ci yang med/ 4 srid

rtse/ Division: (1) limitless space; (2) limitless
consciousness; (3) absolute nothingness; (4) peak of
cyclic existence

gzugs med pai

snyoms par jug pa {C}rpya-sampatti
formless absorption

gzugs med pai

srid pai dga ba {MSA}rpya-bhava-priya

happiness of formless existence

gzugs med min {MSA}vinrpyam


gzugs med bzhi four formless

gzugs med bsam gtan
rpya-dhyna formless concentration

dbye ba/ 1 nam mkha mtha


yas/ 2 rnam shes mtha yas/ 3 ci yang med/ 4 srid

rtse/ Division: (1) limitless space; (2) limitless
consciousness; (3) absolute nothingness; (4) peak of
cyclic existence

gzugs mo byi thur porcupine

gzugs mtshan nyid pa {PH}

sense direct perceiver apprehending form

mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong


ma yin pai bdag rkyen mig dbang dang/ dmigs rkyen

gzugs la brten nas skyes pai rtog pa dang bral zhing

ma khrul pai rig pa/ Def.: an awareness which is

non-mistaken and free from conceptuality, which
is produced from its own uncommon empowering
conditions, an eye sense-power, and an observed
object condition, a form{BR}

gzugs dzin tshad ma

gzung dzin bzung zungs

*rpagrhaka-prama prime cognition

apprehending form

gzugs dzin yid mngon

gzung dzin bzung zungs mental


gzugs dzin rtog pai zhen gzhi yin pa forms

being the referent of a conceptual consciousness
apprehending a form

gzugs gzugs dzin rtog pai zhen

gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub pa forms
establishment by way of its own character
as the referent of a conceptual consciousness
apprehending a form

gzugs gzugs

Both the Vaibhikas and the Prasgikas
fully qualified form

dzin rtog pai zhen gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid

kyis grub par sgro btags pai cha superimposed
factor that a form is established by way of its
own character as the referent of a conceptual
consciousness apprehending a form

assert that non-revelatory forms are fully qualified

forms. {Gn}

gzung dzin bzung

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzung dzin bzung zungs

direct perception apprehending form


yid mngon

gzugs dzin dbang mngon

jug rpya-sampatti formless absorption

gzugs mdzes {PH}beautiful form

gzugs dzin don rig

zungs mental direct perceiving object knower

apprehending form{LG}


gzugs gzugs dzin rtog

pai zhen gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub par
snang ba appearance that a form is established
by way of its own character as the referent of a
conceptual consciousness apprehending a form

gzugs gzugs zhes

to draw; drawing; to engrave; engraved

gyur pai ldog pa rigs gcig pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs forms which are the same
isolate type


gzugs zhes pai sgrai jug gzhi forms being

the basis for affixing the term form {PH}
forms being the basis for affixing the term form

gzugs gzugs zhes pai sgrai jug gzhir
rang gi mtshan nyid kyis med pa forms not being
established by way of its own character as a basis
for the affixing of the term form {BJ 56.7}

gzugs yod pa {C}rpin form;

having form {C}material (thing); embodied


la ni skye ba yang med gag pa yang med

gag gag gags gags {MSA}
rpasya hi notpdo na nirodha form is neither
produced nor ceased

gzugs la sogs pa {MV}rpdi;

rpa-di form, etc.; forms and so forth

gzugs la sogs pa yul lnga

{MSA}paca rpdayo viay the four objects,

form, etc.

gzugs la

sogs pa yod pa nyid du bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}rpdyastitva-deana form and so forth are indicated
as existent

gzugs su gyur

pai rdzas rigs gcig pa forms which are the same

type of substantial entity

gzugs su rung ba rpaa; rpa

suitable as form; that which is suitable as form

gzugs sogs kyi chos rnams gzugs sogs dzin

pai rtog pa la ngo bo dang khyad par gyi tha snyad

kyi gzhir gzugs sogs rang gi dngos poi gnas tshul
gyi ngos nas snang ba phenomena of forms and
so forth appear to conceptual consciousnesses
apprehending forms and so forth to be the
referents of the conventions of entity and
attribute from the side of the mode of subsistence
of the intrinsic factuality

gzugs sogs

rtog pai zhen gzhi yin pa form and so forth

being a referent of a conceptual consciousness

gzugs sogs rtog pai zhen

gzhir rang mtshan gyis grub par sgro btags pa

superimposed factor of forms and so forth as
established by way of their own character as the
referents of conceptual consciousnesses

gzugs sogs

gzugs la sogs zhes

bya bai gzhi {MSA}rpdi-sajaka (vastu ...-)

the bases, form and so forth

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzugs su brkod par rko ba

gzugs su

rjod pai sgra jug pai jug gzhir rang gi mtshan

nyid kyis grub pa establishment of form by way
of its own character as the referent of a term
expressing form

gzugs shes

gang rung ma yin pai dngos po a thing that is

neither form nor consciousness


rtog pai zhen yul yin pa form and so forth being

a conceived object of a conceptual consciousness


sogs ming brdai yul yin pai cha lta bu factor for
instance of forms and so forth being objects of


gzung ba dag dang dzin pa

names and terminology


gzung dzin bzung

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}

zungs {C}udghta; {C}udghti (=udghya);

grah {GD:417} apprehend; identify{BJ 11.5};
hold; bear; grasp {C}take up; seize; learn [na
udgrahtavya = should not be seized upon]

gzung rtog

grhya-grhaka(tva); {MV}grhya grhaka ca

apprehended object and apprehending subject

gzung ba dang dzin pa

{MSA,MV}grhya-grhaka; {MV}grhyagrhakatva; {MV}grhya grhaka ca

apprehended object and apprehending subject

{PH}conception of the true

existence of objects

gzung dang dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}grhya-grha(ka)

apprehended object and apprehending subject

gzung du ma mchis

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}agrhya nonapprehension; non-grasping; non-identification

{C}what cannot be seized/grasped; not to be seized;
unseizable; ungraspable; fact that cannot be seized

gzung du med

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}agrhya nonapprehension; non-grasping; non-identification
{C}what cannot be seized/grasped; not to be seized;
unseizable; ungraspable; fact that cannot be seized

gzung du med pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}agrhya; {C}

gzung dzin

bzung zungs {C}grhya-artha apprehendedobject; apprehended object {C}objective reality

gzung rnam


pa dang bral ba gzung dzin

bzung zungs {MSA}grhya-grha-grhaka-grhavisayoga free from apprehended object and
apprehending subject

gzung ba dang dzin

par snang ba snang snang snang

snang {MV}saprakhyti grhya-grhakatvena
appearance as apprehended object and
apprehending subject

don du dzin pai rtog pa ma lus par spangs pai

rang rgyal gyi mkhyen pa exalted knower of a
Solitary Realizer who has abandoned all of the
conceptions apprehending objects as external

gzung ba ma mchis pa

{C}(fact that) cannot be seized (upon)

gzung ba med
pa dang dzin pa med pai don
gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grhya-

bzung zungs {C,MSA}grhya apprehended

object {C}object; thing grasped

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gzung ba dang dzin

non-apprehension; non-apprehended object

gzung dzin

gzung ba apprehended object

ba dang dzin pa dag med pai mtshan nyid

gzung dzin bzung zungs
{MV}asallakaa grhya-grhaka the nonexistent character of apprehended object and
apprehending subject

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}agrhyat

dzin bzung zungs grhykra aspect of the

apprehended object; that which has the aspect
the apprehended

gzung ba


gzung ba phyi rol

agrhyat non-apprehension; non-grasping;

non-identification {C}what cannot be seized/
grasped; not to be seized; unseizable; ungraspable;
fact that cannot be seized (upon)

gzung don

gzung dzin bzung zungs

grhakrtha (a-) meaning without a object or

subject; objectless and subjectless meaning ?



gzung ba med par

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}deya; {MSA}

deyatva suitable to be apprehended; suitable to
be grasped {T}

gzung dzin bzung zungs without an

apprehended object

gzung bya object of apprehension

gzung bya; bzung bya object of

gzung ba dzin pai ngo

bo gzung dzin bzung

zungs {MSA}grhya-grhaka-bhva entity of
apprehended object and apprehending subject


gzung dzin

gzung ba yi rnam par

gzung dzin bzung zungs grhya-grhaka

apprehended-object and apprehending-subject;
subject and object [lit.: apprehended and

g.yeng ba gzung dzin bzung

zungs {MSA}grhya-vikepa distraction of
apprehended objects {T}

gzung bai don

gzung dzin grangs mnyam

pa gzung dzin bzung zungs

Proponent of an Equal Number of Subjects and

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grhyrtha

apprehended object

gzung bai mtshan nyid

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

gzung dzin rdzas tha

dad du dzin pa gzung dzin

bzung zungs *grhyagrhakadravyabhedagrha
conception of a difference of substantial entity
between apprehended-object and apprehendingsubject; apprehension of a difference of
substantial entity between apprehended-object
and apprehending-subject

grhya-lakaa character of the apprehended

object; characteristic of the apprehended object

gzung bai rdzas

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grhya-dravya

subtantial existence of the apprehended object;
{T} apprehended substance; apprehended
substantial entity

gzung bar


dzin bzung zungs {C}grahtavya apprehended;

which is apprehended {C}should be inferred

gzung bar dka ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}durudgraha

gzung yul


dzin bzung zungs {MSA}sugrhya easy to

apprehend; easy to grasp

gzungs {C,L,MSA}dhra; {MSA}dhra

bhta is apprehended; which is apprehended;

which is an apprehended object

gzung bar snang ba

retention; dhra; magical formulae

snang snang snang snang {MSA}grhya-

gzungs kyi sgo {MSA}dhra-dvra;

{C,MSA}dhra-mukha dhra-door

pratibhsa appearance as an apprehended

object; appear as an apprehended object

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dzin bzung zungs {MSA}deya suitable to be
apprehended; suitable to be grasped {T}

gzung sla ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}grhya-

gzung bar os pa

gzung os pa

dzin bzung zungs grhyaviaya object of

apprehension {GD:99} held object

difficult to apprehend; difficult to grasp

gzung bar gyur pa


kyi dbang phyug rgyal pos zhus pas mdo
dhravara-rja-paripccha-stra The


gzod nas dag pa {C,MSA}di-

Questions of King Dhravara Stra{BJ 38.2}

gzungs kyi tshogs sgrub

uddha primordial purity {C}pure from the

very beginning

achieving through the collection of retentions

gzungs sgo {MSA}dhra-dvara; {MSA}

gzod ma {MSA}di primordial; original;

dhra-mukha dhra-door

beginning; first; etc.; and so forth

gzungs dzin apprehended-object and gzod ma nas zhi ba {L,MSA}di-

nta primordial peace; primordial pacification


gzud pa

bzang {LCh,C}bhadra; {C}ubha (=praasta);

gzur gnas {PH}unbiased

gzur gnas skye bo {PH}an

bzang po {LCh,L}bhadra; {C}prata;

gzud/ dzud/ btsud/ gtsud dam dzud/ {C}

avatraa to insert; put in; admit {T} descend;

make penetrate; {C}introducing

{MSA}su-; {C}cru good; right; nice {C}

lovely; wholesome; merit; pleasant; slender;
elegant(ly); beautiful; sweet; benefit

{MSA}praasta; {MSA}ubha; {MSA}obhana;

{MSA}su- (e.g.: su-bhaiajya; su-mla) good;
right; nice {C}lovely; wholesome; merit;
pleasant; slender; elegant(ly); beautiful; sweet;
benefit; exalted; auspicious; sublime; fine; good to
eat; superior

unbiased being

gzegs zan {PH}Kada

gzengs ring {PH}point; pointy
gzer nail; spike {PH}pain
gzer yis zil non pa {C}

bzang po spyod pai smon

lam {PH}Aspirational Prayer of the Deeds of
Samantabhadra (samantabhadracarypranidhna)

ramgate {C}the impact of the rays

bzang po spyod
gzo {MSA}bhoga repay; remember; keep in
pai smon lam gyi rgyal po spyad

bka drin gzo ba {PW8-H} ktaj

{PH}grateful; one who remembers kindness

gzo ba {PH}one who remembers

gzo med par {MSA}vinbhogam

spyod spyad spyod bhadracary-praidhna-rja

Aspirational Prayers for Auspicious Deeds, P.

716, vol. 11

bzang po bas ches bzang

po {L}bhadreu bhadratama most auspicious;

good in every respect

without repaying; not remembering; not keeping

in mind

bzang poi gnas su skyes pa

beginning; first; etc.; and so forth

bzang ba comely
bzang ba {MSA}sdhu good; right; well

gzod {MSA}di primordial; original;

gzod bsgom pa


meditative state

{MSA}jta sv-yatane born in a good place


gzod nas {PH}from the beginning

bzang ba min not good; not right
gzod nas stong zhing {C}dinya
bzang bar du {MSA}updya yvat
primordial emptiness

while it is good ...; while it is right ... ?{T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



bzang za ba {C}prata good; right;

bzung rnam grhya-kra that which

nice {C}sublime; fine; good to eat; superior;


has the aspect of the apprehended

bzung ba

gzung / dzin/ bzung / zungs/ {C}udgraha; {C}
ghta; {MSA}grhya; {MSA}ji snyed bzung ba =
yvad-udghta; {MSA}yang dag par bzung ba =
sadhraa apprehend; grasp; hold; conceive;
taken from (here through to ...); subject {BJ
43.1} {C}possesses; cling(ing); grasping; to gain;
grasps at; grasped; taking hold of; studying; grasp
at; take notice; possesses

bzang lam pa bhadraynya one on

an auspicious path {T}

bzad pa bear; endure; resist

bza bza/ za/ bzas/
zos/ to eat; food [future stem]

bza ba anna food

bza ba stong pa nyid {MV}

bzung bar os pa deya; deyatva

bhojana-nyat empty of food

suitable to be apprehended; suitable to be

bza ba dang

grasped {T}

bzung bya apprehended object

bca ba dang btung ba zhim zhing {C}aita-ptalha-khdita-svdita {C}food and drink


mig shes kyi bzung bya apprehended

bza/ za/ bzas/

object of an eye-consciousness [definition of form


zos/ to eat; food [past stem]


bzung dzin

dzin bzung zungs grhya-grhaka apprehended
object and apprehending subject

gzung /

dzin/ bzung / zungs/ {L}ghta; {C}updatta

apprehend; grasp; hold; conceive; taken from
(here through to...); subject {BJ 43.1} {C}
possesses; cling(ing); grasping; to gain; grasps at;

bzung jug state of union{Lati}

bzung ste {C}rabhya; {C,MSA}(up d):

updya {C}(=adhiktya) begin; beginning

from/with; taken from (here through to ...);
apprehending; grasping; holding; conceiving
{C}take hold on; about; concerning; with reference
to; on account of; relevant to; starting from; having
turned his mind to; stimulated by; initially founded
on; if I take into consideration; following on;
motivated by; with the help of; where they began

bzung nas {C}udghti begin;

beginning from/with; taken from (here through

to ...); apprehending; grasping; holding;
conceiving {C}take hold on; about; concerning;
with reference to; on account of; relevant to;
starting from

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bzung dzin rdzas tha

dad kyis stong pa gzung dzin
bzung zungs *grhyagrhakadravyabhedanya
emptiness of apprehended-object and
apprehending-subject existing as different
substantial entities

bzung dzin rdzas gzhan

gzung dzin bzung zungs

apprehended object and apprehending subject
being different substantial entities; difference
of entity between apprehended object and
apprehending subject{BJ 44.3}
bzung dzin rdzas gzhan gyis stong
pa subject and object are empty of being different
substantial entities [a definition of the coarse
selflessness of phenomena (chos kyi bdag med rags

bzung os pa deya suitable to be

apprehended {T}



bzung yul grhyaviaya apprehended

tolerance {C}endure; is strong enough to bear;

adequate; be able; able to bear; patient acceptance/
acquiescence; certainty; consent to; seem good to;
remains patient; can [na akyam sohum = means
nothing; yath te kamate = as best you can]


bzungs apprehend; grasp; hold; conceive;

taken from (here through to ...); subject

bzungs go {PH}starting
bze re can {PH}helpless
bze re can gyur nyid

bzod cing sred {C}rocayati

find pleasure in [the patient acceptance of -- with

bzod ldan {PH}patient

bzod pa bzod bzod bzod


extreme helplessness


bzo/ chos/ bzos/

chos/ {C,MSA,MV}ilpa to make; manufacture
{T} {C}crafts

bzod {LCh,C,MSA,MV}knti; {C,MSA}kamaa;

{C}kam; {MSA}kama; {MSA}kamatva; {MSA}
maraa; {MSA}adhivsan; {C}kamamu
forbearance; bear; endure; resist; forbear;
withstand; patience; endurance; tolerance {C}
patient acceptance; ability to endure; enduring; one
who remains patient; one who is patient

bzo grwa factory

bzo rgyun {PH}lineage of artistic style
bzo ston pa bstan
ston bstand stond ilpa-darana teach crafts

bzo gnas mang po {C} pthu-ilpayukto {C}devoted to many crafts

bzo ba {MSA}nipua to make;

bzod bzod bzod bzod eight forbearances

bzod pa che ba

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}mahdhivsan

great forbearance/patience/endurance/tolerance

bzod pa nyid

manufacture {T}

bzod bzod bzod {MSA}sahiut patience;
forbearance; endurance; tolerance

bzo ba sprul sku artisan emanation


bzo bai sprul sku artisan

emanation body

bzo sbyangs {C}reika reika [p.n. of

a wanderer, also called Vatsagotra]

bzo sbyangs gzugs can

bzod pa thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}knti-lbha
attain patience/forbearance/endurance/tolerance

bzod pa dang ldan pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}kamvat;

{MSA}kntimat patient; tolerant; forbearing;

endowed/possessing patience/forbearance/
endurance/tolerance {PH}patient

snying po King Bimbisra

bzo lugs {PH}style

bzo shes {MV}ilpa-jat vocational
knowledge; knowledge of crafts {T}


bzod bzod bzod

bzod {L}knti; {C}kama; {C}kamate; {MV}
kam; {C}sahate; {C,L,MV}maraa; {MSA}
mara bear; endure; resist; be patient; forbear;
withstand; patience; forbearance; endurance;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bzod pa brgyad


bzod pa dang shes pa {C}knti-

jna- forbearance and knowledge {C}patient

acceptance of cognition

bzod pa phun sum tshogs

pa bzod bzod bzod bzod {C}

knti-sampanna complete/perfect/marvelous
patience/forbearance/endurance/tolerance {C}

one who has won patience

bzod pa bla na med pa

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}knti ...

anuttar unsurpassed/highest/sublime patience/


bzod pa smra ba {C}knti-vdin

bzod pa yongs

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}knti-priya

liking patience/forbearance/endurance/tolerance

bzod pai go sgrub achieving

through the armor of patience

bzod pai mthu la gnas pa

{C}knti-bala-pratihna abiding in the power

of patience/forbearance/endurance/tolerance
{C}firm grounding in the power of patience

bzod pai gnas skabs

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}knty-

avasth state/period/level of forbearance

bzod pai pha rol tu phyin

pa bzod bzod bzod bzod
{MSA}knti-pramit perfection of patience/

bzod par bya ba

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}kamo bhavati

become/is patient/forbearing/enduring/tolerant

bzod bzod bzod bzod {C}kamate having been

patient/tolerant/forbearing {C}seem good to;
bear; remains patient; endure

bzod byed

bzod bzod
bzod bzod {C}kamamu {C}one who remains
patient; one who is patient

bzod ma bde ba {PH}intolerable

bzod ma nas zhi ba quiescient
from the start

bzod shes {C}dharma-jna-knti; a{C}

nvaya-jna-knti forbearance and knowledge
{C}acceptance of the cognition of dharma;
acceptance of subsequent cognition

bzoi gnas {C}ilpa-sthna {C}craft

bzoi gnas dang las kyi

gnas {C} ilpa-sthna-karma-sthnni {C}arts

and professions

bzod pai phar phyin perfection of


bzod pai rtse sbyor

bzoi sbyor gyi rtags


twisted evidence


bzo/ chos/

bzos/ chos/ to make; manufacture

kntimrdhaprayoga forbearance peak



bzla/ zlo/ bzlas/ zlo/

repeat; recite; mutter; pass beyond say

bzod pai tshogs

kyi rgyu mtshan yin pa bzod

bzod bzod bzod {MSA}knti-sabhra-nimittatva
being a cause/sign of the collection of patience/

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bzod byas nas

su smin pai mtshan nyid {MSA}knti-paripkalakaa character of thoroughly matured


bzod pai tshogs sgrub

bzod par gyur

bzod bzod bzod bzod {MSA}kamitavya that

which is to be endured/tolerated/withstood/
forbeared/patient about

Advocating Patience/Forbearance/Endurance/

bzod pa la dga ba

achieving through the collection of patience


bzla ba

bzla/ zlo/ bzlas/

zlo/ repeat; recite; mutter; pass beyond{S 53.4}


bzla/ zlo/ bzlas/

zlo/ repeat; recite; mutter; pass beyond say


bzlas brjod {LCh}jpa; japa repetition

bzlas brjod

death, since something similar [to medicine] that

wards it off is not possible, it is very clear that you
should have fear for that. {A4C-C} comm. to I.5

dang bcas pai bsam gtan concentration with


bzlog par bya {C}nivrayitavya

four branches repetition

ang {LCh}api but; even; also; ever; or

ang de but; even; also; ever; or vacant
ang mi never
am {C}v; {C}athav-api or; and; question

bzlas brjod yan lag bzhi

reversing; overturning; reverse; overturn; stop;

turn around; oppose {C}should be impeded

bzlas brjod yan lag bzhi

ldan four-branched repetition

bzlas brjod la
ma bltos pai bsam gtan concentration without

bzlas brjod

i genetive particle: of; s; which is; that is

i (as genitive particle) of; by; in; which. (as

lam bltos pai bsam gtan concentration without


bzlums pa {L}pia material objects;

non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)

is instrumental particle: by; through; due to;

(morsel of) food


marker; or else

by means of; ofs

bzlog zlog

is by; by means of; with; because

u yug pa rigs pai seng ge

bzlogs/ zlogs/ {MSA}vyvtti; {C}nivrita

(=anvaa) reverse; reversing; stop; turn
around; oppose; overcome{BJ 18.5}; overturn
{C}opened up; impeded

{GD:x,xii} U-yuk-ba-rig-bay-seng-gay (?-1253),

a Sa-kya author on epistemology

bzlog gi {C}vraymi {C}I restrain from

u rang {PH}I
bzlog nyid {C}viparyaya reversal {C}
ug pa owl
the reverse
un shing kong jo
bzlog nas {MSA}vyvartya (e.g.:
dhynni-vyvartya) having reversed; stopping;
having opposed; having overcome

o termination particle
o brgyal

bzlog pa

bzlog zlog bzlogs/ zlogs/ {L}vipartam; {C}
anavanirvtta; {C}vinivtti; {N}nirvtta; {C}
nivraa; {MSA}vtti; {MSA,MV}viparyaya
reverse; reversing; stop; turn around; oppose;
overcome{BJ 18.5}reversed; overturned {C}
wrong; perverted; mistaken; corrupt; turned back
on; turning away from

brgyal/ rgyal/ brgyald/ rgyald/ become weary;
become tired; tire

o na well then; in that case [leads into a

question]; now then; well; then

o ma {C,MSA}kra; {C}go-kra milk

cows milk

bzlog pa po

{PH}something that blocks;

something that wards off
As for

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


princess] Wencheng



og {MSA}para later; below; beneath; under

og tu {MSA}rdhva; {MV}anantara

under; below; beneath {PH}after; later
... dei og tu After that, ...

og nas {MSA}pact under; below;

ong ba gyur ba {C}upagacchati

beneath; after that

og nas byung ba appears later

come; will {C}comes back; journeys; come to;

go to; be overpowered; approach; take to; undergo;
[with na: remain unaware of]

[in the text]

og nas byung ba bzhin as

ong ba med {C}angamam not come;

appears later [in the text]

og ma {MSA}uttara lower; what comes

not coming; will not; not approaching

ong bar bgyid pa {C}gamika


og ma og ma {PH}lower and lower

og min akaniha Highest Pure Land;

make come {C}which causes to come

Not Low

og min gyi longs sku complete

enjoyment body of a Highest Pure Land

og min gro {C}akaniha-ga one

who has gone to the Highest Pure Land

og min stug po bkod pa

Adorned/Arrayed Highest Pure Land; Akaniha

Pure Land

og gzhi under-base{D1}
ong ong / ong /

ongs/ ongs/ {C}pratikrmati (=gamanam);

{C}upagacchati (=abhibhta) come; will
{C}comes back; journeys; come (to); go to; be
overpowered; approach; take to; undergo; [with na:
remain unaware of]

ong gyur ba {C}upagacchati; {C}

ongs nas {C}gatya; {C}gamya

having come; coming {C}come along; thanks

to; has come (in)to; (by) resorting to; when he has
entered on; come; return again; because of; in the
course of

ongs par gyur na {C}gameya

when it comes; when coming {C}would come


od bh; {C,MSA}prabh; {C}bh; {C}

avabhsa; {MSA}prabhsa light; shine;

brightness {C}splendor; radiance; illumination;
spread the light; lustre; come to hear; effulgence;

od kyi dkhyil khor {C}prabh-

maala maala of light; circle of light {C}

glorious circle

od kyi dra ba gyed {C}prabha-

upgamey come; will {C}comes back;

journeys; come to; go to; be overpowered;
approach; take to; undergo; [with na: remain
unaware of]; would return

jla-muci {C}send forth a multitude of light

ong pa dang lkug pa {C}ea-mka

{C}dumb sheep

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ong / ong /
ongs/ ongs/ coming; future; will come; will

future form[BJ 57.1]

akaniha; akanihaghanavyha Heavily

ong / ong


ongs pai gzugs gamya-rpa

dgod god bkod god

ong ba

/ ongs/ ongs/ {C}gacchati; {C}upgamey;

{MSA}gati; {MSA}yid du ong ba = mano-ja
come; will {C}come along; approach; comes to;
spurts out of; would return


od khor {PH}nimbus
od chung parttbh Little Light
od chung ba parttbh Little Light

giving; Luminous (third bodhisattva ground)
{C}sheds light; light-bringer

(the first level of the Second Concentration)

od lta bu {MSA}arcir-bhta like light;

od mi gsal ba nyid {MSA}


abhsvara unclear light

od stong can {Negi} *sahasru

od zer {C}prabh; {MSA}rami; {MSA}

{PH}the possessor-of-a-thousand-lights (the Sun)

au; {MSA}kiraa; {MSA}bha rays of light;


od stong ldan pa {Negi}

sahasrarami {PH}the possessor-of-a-thousandlights (the Sun)

od thig bhsabindu a drop of light;

od zer kun nas phags pa gshegs pai dpal

brtsegs rgyal po {C}samudgata-rami-rka-rja
Samudgata-rami-rka-rja [p.n.]

light drop

od dri ma med pa {C}vimala-prabh od zer go cha

stainless light {C}immaculate glory

od zer can {Toh.566} mrc

od dom gang ba {C}vyma-



prabh {C}a halo (extending for a fathom round

his body)

od zer rab tu gyed pa {C}

od ni phun sum tshogs pa

rami-pramukto luminous; light-giving {C}the

shedding of rays

{C}prabh-sampad marvellous light; perfect

light {C}(achieve) splendor

od bzang po {C}avabhsa

splendor; light; radiance; illumination; spread the
light; lustre; come to hear

od rnon sharp rays (?)

od dpag med Amitbha; amitbha

od srungs {LCh}kyapya Kyapya


od phro {PH}light-rays
od phro can {MSA}arcimat the


od gsal {C}bhsvar; {LCh,MV}

prabhsvara; {MV}prabhsvarat; {MV}

prabhsvaratva; {MV}bhsvaratva; {C}bhsvar
dev; bhsvara; prabhasvara clear light; Bright
Light {C}the shining gods don
gyi od gsal actual clear light

radiant; brilliant

od phro ba {LCh,MSA}arcimat; {C}

arci(s) the radiant; brilliant; Radiant (fourth
bodhisattva ground) {C}flame; light; ray

od gsal gyi lha {PW8-H}

od phro ba can {C}arcimat the

bhsvaradeva {PH}bhsvara gods

A single

radiant; brilliant {C}flame; light; ray

od phrod ba

sentient being from the class of bhsvara gods

dies and transmigrates, and hence ... {PW8-H}

{PH}The Radiant [the

fourth bodhisattva ground]

od gsal ba {C}prabh; {C,MV,MSA}

od byed {C}prabhkara the luminous;

prabhsvara; {C,MV}prabhsvarat; {MV}

prabhsvaratva; {MV}bhsvaratva; {C}bhsvar
(dev); {C}rami clear light; clearly luminous
{C}transparently luminous; translucent; brightly

light-giving {C}illuminator; shedder of light

od byed pa {C}prabhkar; {C}prabhkara; {MSA}prabh-karin the luminous; light-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}[Nepali King]



shining; transparent lucidity; splendor; radiance;
illumination; spread the light; lustre; come to hear;
effulgence; brilliance

tech. term)

od gsal ba nyid {MV}prabhsvara;

{MV}prabhsvarat; {MV}prabhsvaratva;
{MV,MSA}bhsvaratva clear light; clearly

od gsal bai dbyings sphere

od gsal bai ye shes pristine

wisdom of clear light

on kyang {C}api tu-khu; {C}api kho pana

however; but; yet; notwithstanding {PH}

moreover; however {C}but on the contrary

on taam {MSA}ho svit however; but;

yet; notwithstanding

on te {PH}or else; yet

on pa {C,MSA}badhira {C}deaf
ol pa kite
ol phyi {PH}unclear
os (arh): {MSA}arhati; arha suitable

{C}devoid of;

ya ma brla nyid {C}vaikat



ya ma brlar {C}vaika

{C}devoid of;


ya rtse {PH}Yatse [a reagion in Ngari]

ya mtshan {PH}strange; miraculous
ya mtshan can {A4C} psaa {PH}
hypocritical philosopher; philosophers with strange

{PH}miraculous events
important and miraculous events
{W23693} Mkhas-grub-rnam-thar-bsdus-pa; 2a.4

os pa arha; {MSA}gzung bar os pa = deya

suitable {PH}suitable; worthy

{PH}most suitable; most

yag po good
yag shos {PH}best
yang {L}yadypi; {C}kicpi; {MV 1}ca; {MV

2.1d; MSA}punar (1) but; even; also; again; and;

(2) light [as in not heavy]{D1} {PH}light [as in
not heavy] {C}although; even if
yang zhing g.yo ba light and moving [definition of
air (rlung, vyu)]

yang nge g.yeng nge colloquial


os pa ma yin pa {MSA}an-arha


yang sngon

unsuitable; not suitable

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ya bral separated
ya ma brla {C}vaika

ya mtshan pa

rtogs pai os su
gyur pai chos the quality of being suitable for
realization{LWT 103}

ya one of a pair; {T} an odd number

ya gir up there
ya nga pa {PH}frightening
ya nga pa can {PH}dangerous
ya stag {PH}sacrificial scapegoat (Bon-po

{PH}entrails of a
sacrificial scapegoat (Bon-po tech. term)


of clear light

os pa nyid

ya stag nang pa

{PH}even before

dpe di rje btsun tsong kha pa chen poi yang sngon

zhig la bris pa yin nam snyam nas ... Having
thought, might this text have been written even
before the great Tsong-kha-pa? ... {GCG} p. 17

yang jug secondary suffix



yang dag {LCh,C,MSA}samyak; tathya

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

samcaramu when correctly established
{C}while moving unto

real [e.g., objects]; authentic; correct [e.g.;

consciousnesses]; reality; right {C}in the right

way; right(ly)

yang dag nges par byung

yang dag kun rdzob

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs

ba smra byung byung byung

byung {MSA}samyag-nirya-vakt proponent
of correct definite emergence ? {T}

samyaksavti real/correct conventionality;

concealer/obscurer of reality {PH}real
conventional [truth]

yang dag chos sgrub byed

tshe bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs {C}samcaramu when correctly
established {C}while moving unto

yang dag kun rdzob kyi

bden pa {PH}real conventional truth

yang dag kun rdzob bden pa yang dag chos rab ston

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs

tathyasavtisatya real/correct concealer-

truth; real/correct conventional truth

yang dag bkod

yang dag brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}samudrita correctly
express; correctly state {C}proclaimed

yang dag brjod pa {C} samudrita;

yang dag grub pa {C}samudgama

{Toh.360} sagti {PH}correctly express

real establishment; correctly established {C}

yang dag nyid {C}bhta; {MSA,MV}

full attainment; final achievement; full possession;

full knowledge

samyaktva correctness; real; reality; realness

{C}to be; genuine; consists in; what is real; when
he has proper; which really corresponds to; truly

yang dag grub {MV}samudgama

real establishment; correctly established

yang dag grub pa {C}

yang dag nyid bsgribs nas

samudgama real establishment; correctly

established {C}full attainment; final
achievement; full possession; full knowledge

{MSA}tattva sachdya (sa chad) having

obstructed reality ? {T}

yang dag lta

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MV}

yang dag sgrub par byed

yang dag sgrub byed tshe

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

blta lta

bltas ltos {C}draavya correct view {C}one

should view; should be viewed/seen

samyak-prapannat; {MSA}sapdana real

establishment; correctly established

{MSA}(sam-ud- n): samudnayet correctly


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yang dag mchod byed {MSA}

(sa man): samnayati worship correctly {T}

dgod god bkod god {MSA}sampdita

correctly/thoroughly set/state/establish/arrange/
register/make a record/place [on throne]/put [a

yang dag sgrub pa

{MSA}samyag-dharma-prakana teach correct


yang dag brten {MSA}samrita

correct basis; real basis

yang dag bstan

yang dag mtha

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}samudhta

correct teaching; teach correctly


rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}yathbhtaprativedha understanding in accordance with
how it really is {C}penetration into what truly is

yang dag pai mtha {MV}bhta-koi limit of

correctness; limit of reality; real limit; reality

yang dag thob

yang dag

pa ji lta ba bzhin du rtogs par byed pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}yathbhta-

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}

samanute; {C}sampnoti correctly obtain; real

attainment {C}gain; accomplish

pratyavekaat understand in accordance with

how it really is {C}contemplation as it really is

yang dag dad pai rjes

yang dag

brang ba followers of right faith

pa ji lta ba bzhin du brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}yathbhtapratyavekaat investigate in accordance with
how it really is {C}comtemplation as it really is

yang dag bden pa

Paramrthasamudgata (pn. of bodhisattva); the

Indian master Paramrtha

yang dag da bar gyur {C} yang

samatikrnta correctly pass beyond; real passing
beyond {C}having transcended; completely

yang dag das {C}samatikrama; {C}

samatikramu correctly pass beyond; real passing

beyond {C}having transcended; completely
transcended; overcoming; transcending; transcended

yang dag bsdus pa

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}sagraha; {MSA}

samuccaya {C}comprehension; assembling;
comprehended; attraction; comprising; complete
removal of

yang dag gnas pa

la brten nas {MSA}samyak-sthitim upritya

depending upon a correct basis; depending upon
a real basis

yang dag pa {C}samyaktva; {MSA}

tattva; {MSA,MV}bhta; {MSA}sauddhi; {MSA}

samyag-di(?) [again-pure]; correct; very
pure; real; complete; reality {C}righteousness;

yang dag pa ji lta ba bzhin

du {L,MSA,MV}yath-bhta; {C}yathvat as it
really is {C}a fact; really existing

yang dag
pa ji lta ba bzhin du rtogs par bya ba

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


dag pa ji lta ba bzhin du yongs su shes pa

{C}yathbhta-parij thoroughly cognize
in accordance with how it really is {C}
comprehension as it really is

yang dag pa ji bzhin nyid

{MSA}tattva tathat real reality

yang dag pa nyid {MV}samyaktva;

{L}bhtat correctness; completeness; reality

yang dag pa nyid skyon

med pa {L}samyaktva-niyama faultless reality;

faultless correctness

yang dag pa nyid

rjes su rtogs pas rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}bhta-anugamena through
understanding correctly {C}keep in agreement
with true reality

yang dag pa nyid du nges pa

{C}samyaktva-niyata faultless reality; faultless

correctness; {T} ascertain correctly {C}
destined for salvation

yang dag pa

nyid du nges pa la zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}samyaktva-niyma(m)
avakrnta {C}one who is certain that he has got
safely out of this world


yang dag pa ma yin {MV}abhta; yang

{MV}na ... tattvata incorrect; not pure; not
real; incomplete

yang dag pa ma

yin pa kun tu rtog pa {MV}abhta-parikalpa

incorrect conception; conception of the incorrect

yang dag pa ma

yang dag pai kun rdzob


real conventional [truth]

yang dag pai kun rdzob

yin pa kun brtag pa {MSA}abhta-parikalpa

incorrect investigation; investigation of the
incorrect {T}

bden pa {PH}real conventional truth


dag pa ma yin pa kun brtags pai ngo bo nyid

abhtaparikalpitasvabhva unreal imputational

yang dag pa ma yin pa

mtshan ma {MSA}atattva ... nimitta unreal sign;

incorrect sign

yang dag
pa ma yin pa yongs su dzin par byed
gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}abhtaparigrha apprehending what is unreal {C}
one who seizes on what is unreal

yang dag pa ma yin pa

la dzin pa gzung dzin bzung
zungs {C}abhta-grha apprehending what is
unreal {C}seizing on what is unreal


yang dag pai sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}

samyak-pratipatti correctly established; correct

yang dag pai ngag {MV}samyagvc correct speech

yang dag

pai ngag dang las kyi mtha dang tsho ba {MSA}

samyag-vk-karmntjva correct speech, aims of
action, and livelihood {T}

yang dag pai ting nge dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs

{L,MSA,MV}samyak-samdhi correct meditative

yang dag pai rtog pa {MSA}

samyak-sakalpa correct conceptuality;
conceive correctly

yang dag pai lta ba

dag pa ma yin pa las yongs su brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags {C}abhtaparikalpita imputation of what is unreal {C}
imagined and unreal

blta lta bltas ltos {L,MSA,MV}samyag-di;

samyakdi correct view

yang dag pai mtha {C,MV}

yang dag pa ma

bhta-koi reality-limit

yang dag pai mtha ma

yin pai kun tu rtog pa {MSA}abhta-parikalpa

imputation of what is unreal

yin pa {C}abhta-koi no reality-limit


yang dag pai de bzhin nyid

{C}bhta-tathat real suchness

dag pa ma yin pai kun rtog; yang dag pa ma

yin pai kun tu rtog pa ; yang dag min kun rtog
abhtaparikalpa unreal ideation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

dag pa ma yin pai chos yongs su mi dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}
abhta-dharma-aparigrahka a person who does
not apprehend unreal phenomena {C}one who
does not take hold of unreal dharmas

yang dag pai don {C}bhto rtho

true in fact; correct meaning; real object {C}as


the truly real fact


yang dag pai don goms pa yang mi dgos

par gsungs so it is not necessary that one

become familiar with something which is true in

yang dag pai don gyi {C} bhtaarthika which is true in fact; which is the true
meaning; which is a real object {C}in a true

yang dag

pai don du thams cad mkhyen pa nyid

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

{MSA}bhtrtha-sarva-jatva exalted knower of

everything that is true in fact

yang dag pai dran pa

yang dag pai rtsol ba

{MV,MSA}samyag-vyyma correct exertion {T}

yang dag pai tshul {C}bhta-naya

correct mode; correct way {C}true reality; the
really true principle

yang dag pai tsho ba {MV}

samyag-jva correct livelihood {T}

yang dag pai ye shes {MV}

samyag-jna correct exalted wisdom; real
exalted wisdom

yang dag pai rigs lam

{PH}path of correct reasoning

yang dag pai lam gyi chos

{PH}attributes of the pure path

yang dag pai las kyi mtha

{MSA,MV}samyak-smti correct mindfulness

yang dag pai gdams ngag

{MV}samyak-karmnta correct aims of action

{T}; correct intentions

gdam doms gdams

doms {MV}samyag-avavda correct advice/
instruction/counsel/preceptual instruction/
advisory speech/exhortation

yang dag pai shes pa

consciousness of reality


yang dag pai sbyor

yang dag par samyak correctly;

dag pai gdams ngag rjes su bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond
{MSA}avavdnusana (samyag-) teaching
correct advice/instruction/counsel/preceptual
instruction/advisory speech/exhortation

ba yid la byed pa sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord {MSA}samyak-prayoga-manaskra
applying the mind to correct training; mental
application which is correct training

yang dag pai dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs samyak-lambana real object of

really; completely

yang dag par kun shes pos sems shin tu rnam

par grol ba grol grold
grol grold {C}samyag-j-suvimukti-citta
thoroughly liberate the mind through correct
cognition {C}their hearts well freed by right

yang dag par skul ba {C}

yang dag pai smon lam

samdpayati correctly exhort; correctly

arouse; correctly incite {C}instigate; causes to
be undertaken; encourages to

{MSA}samyak-praidhna correct vow; real

vow; {T} correct prayer-wishes {PH}proper

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yang dag pai shes pas sems shin tu rnam par grol
ba grol grold grol grold
{C}samyag-j-suvimukti-citta thoroughly
liberate the mind through correct cognition
{C}their hearts well freed by right understanding



yang dag par skyon yang dag par grub par

med par zhugs pa zhug jug
zhugs zhugs {C}avakrnta-niym enter into
complete faultlessness {C}those who have
entered on the certainty of definite salvation

bya ba grub grub

grubs/grub grubs {MSA}samudgama object of
true establishment; truly established object

yang dag par bskyed

par gyur bskyed skyed bskyed

skyed {C}sajanayati correctly generate; really
produce {C}create; generate

yang dag par bskyed par

byed bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{C}sajanayati correctly generate; really
produce {C}create; generate

yang dag par bskrul ba {C}

samdna {C}undertaking; (one who gives his

undivided) attention to; take upon themselves; sense
of obligation; they have acquired; has cultivated

yang dag par grub pa samyak-

siddhi; {C}samudgama true establishment;

establishment as its own reality; established as
(its own) reality; established as [its own] reality;
existence as [its own] reality {C}full attainment;
final achievement; full possession; full knowledge

yang dag par dga bar

byao {C}pratisamodayati one should be truly

happy {C}to be polite and friendly

yang dag par god pa

dgod god bkod god {C}

samdpayati truly/correctly set/establish {C}

instigate; causes to be undertaken; encourages to

yang dag par gyed pa {L}

byed pa grub grub

grubs/grub grubs {MSA}samudgama truly

yang dag par sgrub

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

samudgacchati (=samudagacchati) true
establishment; truly establish; correctly establish
{C}arrive at; result in full knowledge; gain full
knowledge; attain enlightenment; fise up together;
reach the fullness of perfection

yang dag par sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{C}samudgacchati; {L}samudgama true

establishment; truly establish; correctly establish
{C}arrive at; result in full knowledge; gain full
knowledge; attain enlightenment; fise up together;
reach the fullness of perfection

yang dag par sgrub pai

de kho na bsgrub sgrub
bsgrubs sgrubs {MV}samyakpratipatti-tattva
truly established reality

yang dag par sgrub

pai de bzhin nyid bsgrub
sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}samyak-pratipattitathat truly established suchness

yang dag par sgrub par

byed do bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}(sa pad): sapdayeyam
truly establish; correctly establish

sacodayanti correctly impel; impel

yang dag par grub {MSA}

yang dag par bsgrub pa

samudgata truly establish; correctly establish

yang dag par grub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs

sgrubs (sam-ud- gam): {C}samudgamanat;
{MV}samudgacchati truly establish; true
establishment; correctly establish {C}arrives at
the full possession of

{C,MSA,MV}samudgama truly establish; true

establishment; correctly establish {C}full
attainment; final achievement; full possession; full

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yang dag par grub par



yang dag par bsgrub par

bgyis bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs
sgrubs {C}samudgamya truly establish; true
establishment; correctly establish {C}in full
possession of

{C}get from

yang dag par joms pa

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}

samudghta completely destroy; completely
supress {C}uprooting

yang dag par bsgrub par yang dag par rjes su bltao
gyur bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs
sgrubs {C}sasdhayati; {C}samudgacchati
truly establish; correctly establish {C}

yang dag par bsgrubs pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{C,MSA}samudnta truly establish; true

establishment; correctly establish {C}procured

(a claim or right to)

yang dag par bcom

gzhom joms bcom choms {L}utsarga

completely destroy/overcome/triumph over

yang dag par bcom pa

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}

{MSA,MV}(sam-anu pa): samanupayati

completely observe; correctly observe

yang dag par rjes su

mthong ba {C}samanupayati completely
observe; correctly observe {C}reviews

yang dag par rjes su ma

mthong {C}asamanupayan not completely

observe; incorrectly observe {C}(since I) do not
see; not reviewing; do not see as a real thing

su mi mthong ba {C}asamanupayanat not

completely observe; incorrectly observe {C}

chad chad chad chad {C}samucchinna;

{C}samucchinnatva completely cut; complete

annihiliation {C}completely cut off; abolished;
has been quite cut off; free from

yang dag par brjod pa {C}

samudrita; {Toh.360} sagti {PH}correctly


yang dag par nyams pa {MSA}

samudghta completely abandon

yang dag par jug {MSA}samyag

vartate correctly engage in; correctly enter into;

real engagement

yang dag par jug pa {C}

sampravea correctly engage in; correctly enter

into; real engagement {C}entrance

yang dag par jug par

byed {C}saniveayati correctly engage in;

correctly enter into {C}entrust

yang dag par jog par byed

{C}pratihpayati correctly posit; establish

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yang dag par rjes su mthong

yang dag par rjes

samutsditatva; {C,MSA}samudghta; {MSA}

samutpana completely destroy/overcome/
triumph over {C}has been utterly destroyed;

yang dag par chad pa

{C}payati correctly view; completely view

{C}to see


yang dag par rtog pa {MSA}

sakalpa completely conceive

yang dag par rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}

sampratyaya (=sapratipatti; samyagavabodhi)
completely realize; correctly realize {C}

yang dag par lta

blta lta bltas ltos {C}vyavalokayati completely

view; correctly view {C}behold; survey;
consider; look down (on) (from on high)

yang dag par ston pa

overcoming; transcending

bstan ston bstand stond {C}

yang dag par das pa

saharayati; {C}sadarika; {C}sadarayati;

{L}samprakana; {C}samprakayati; {C}
samprakan; {MSA}sadarana; {MSA}
sadeanat; {MSA}samkhyna; {MSA}samyagdarikatva; {MSA}samyag-deikatva completely
teach; correctly teach {C}incites; instructs;
reveals; show (up); hold up to; instruct; exhibits;
make visible; to illuminate; reveal; explain;

{C}samatikrnta; {C}samatikrntatva; {L}

samatikramya completely pass beyond;
completely transcend {C}transcends; having
transcended; completely transcended; have
completely risen above; overcoming; transcending

yang dag par du ba {C}

samavasaraa completely collect; completely

assemble {C}meeting; come together

yang dag par ston par

yang dag par du ba ma

byed pa bstan ston bstand

stond {C}sadarika; {C}samprakayati
completely teach; correctly teach {C}incites;
instructs; reveals; show (up); hold up to; instruct;
exhibits; make visible; to illuminate; reveal;
explain; revelation

lags {C}asamavasaraa not completely collect;

not completely assemble {C}unmeetable

yang dag par du shes {C}

bhta-saj correct conception; {T} correct

discrimination {C}true perception

yang dag par bstan pa

yang dag par bsten pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}

sadarayati completely teach; correctly teach

{C}show (up); hold up to; instruct; exhibits; make
visible; to illuminate; reveal; explain; revelation

bsten sten bstend stend {L}sasevana

completely/correctly rely upon/make use of/stay

close to/adhere to

sayama correctly restrain {T}

sampayati completely view; correctly view

{C}beholds; have regard for

yang dag par bsdu bar

yang dag par mthong ba {C}

byao {C}saghtavya one should completely

collect/assemble {C}should win over

sampayan completely view; correctly view

{C}counting over; when he considers

yang dag par bsdus pa

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}sagraha

thob/thob thob thob thobs

completely collect/assemble/summarize {C}

{L}samudgama completely obtain; correctly

attain; real attainment arrive at; full attainment;
final achievement; full possession; procuring; full

yang dag par da ba {C}

drawing inwards; comprehension; assembling;

comprehended; attraction; comprising; that which
comprehends; complete removal of; are summed
up in; combine; comprised; combination; summary;
means of conversion

yang dag par gnas pa {MSA}

samatikrmati; {C}samatikrama completely pass

beyond; completely transcend {C}transcends;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

du du/dud dus
dus {C}pratisamharaat; {C}sagraha
completely collect; completely assemble {C}
drawing inwards; comprehension; assembling;
comprehended; attraction; comprising; that which
comprehends; complete removal of; are summed
up in; combine; comprised; combination; summary;
means of conversion

yang dag par sdom pa {MSA}

yang dag par mthong {C}

yang dag par thob pa

yang dag par dus pa

(sa sth): satihate completely abide



yang dag par mnos pa i

yang dag par blangs {C}

yang dag par snang ba

yang dag par blangs pa

rgya {C}sampratcchati; {C}sampratcchatm

completely cause to receive {C}welcome; assent

snang snang snang snang {C}sadye

completely appear; correctly appear {C}make

a good figure

yang dag par spong ba

spang spong spangs spongs

{MSA,MV,L}samyak-praha thorough

{C,MSA}samdna; {L}samdya completely

adopt; completely assume; correctly adopt {C}
having taken upon himself; in conformity with;
undertakes to observe

yang dag par byed pa {L}

sacodayanti completely separate; completely

differentiate; completely open


(1) abandoning of afflictions already produced; (2)

non-generation of afflictions not yet generated; (3)
increasing of pure phenomena already generated;
(4) generation of pure phenomena not yet generated

yang dag par spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

yang dag par sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}sayojana;

{MSA}saniyojana completely train/engage/
appply in; completely practice

yang dag par myong ba {MSA}

savedana completely experience

samudcra correct practice; correctly prepare

yang dag par spyod par

gyur ro spyad spyod spyad spyod

{C}samudcr bhaviyanti correct practice;
correctly prepare {C}will persist by force of

yang dag par phags pa {C}

samudgato become completely superior {C}

yang dag par

phags par gyur ba {C}samudagcchati

(=samudagacchati) become completely superior
{C}arrive at; result in full knowledge; gain full
knowledge; attain enlightenment; rise up together;
reach the fullness of perfection

yang dag par phel bar

yang dag par dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

samupalabhyate completely observe; correctly

observe {C}be apprehended

yang dag par smra

bas smra ba yin {C}samyag-vadamno vadet

propound through correctly propounding {C}
he would be speaking right

yang dag par tshim par mdzad cing yang dag par
stobs pa dang {C}satarpana {C}refreshment

yang dag par dzin du jug

{C}samdpayati (=grahaya yatna-karat)
engage in completely apprehending {C}
instigate; causes to be undertaken; encourages to

yang dag par dzin pa

gyur {C}savardhayati completely increase;

correctly increase {C}grows

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}pratyeaka

(=grhaka); {MV}samdna completely
apprehend; correctly apprehend {C}those who
grasp; recipient; one who has an interest in; one
who searches for

yang dag par blang te

gnas pa {L}samdya-vartate abide having
completely adopted {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

samdya completely adopt; completely

assume; correctly adopt {C}having taken upon
himself; in conformity with; undertakes to observe



yang dag par rdzogs

yang dag par gzigs pas

pai byang chub {C,MSA}samyak-sabodhi;

{L}anuttar-samyak-sabodhi complete,
perfect enlightenment complete unsurpassable
enlightenment; {C}full enlightenment

{C}payan through having correctly seen {C}

seeing; knows what he does

yang dag par gzeng

sa bstod pa {C}samuttejayati {C}fill with
enthusiasm; instigates to

yang dag par

rdzogs pai sangs rgyas {L}samyak-sabuddha

complete, perfect Buddha; completely, perfectly

yang dag par bzung ba {MSA}

dag par rdzogs pai sangs rgyas seng ge rtsal

*Siha-vikrama; {MaVy} Siha-vikrama (= seng
gei tsal) {PH}the completely perfect Buddha

yang dag par yod pa exist as [its

sadhraa; {C}saghta correctly apprehend;

correctly grasp {C}embodied in; comprised;
collected; incorporated; comprehended


own] reality; really exist


yang dag par zhi bar byed

dag par rab tu dga bar mdzad pai phyir {C}

sampraharaa-artham {C}in order to gladden

pa {C}praamana completely pacify {C}

allayer; appeasing

yang dag par zhugs pa

yang dag par rab tu jog

go {MSA}samyak pradadhti correctly posit

yang dag par rab tu ston

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}

samrohati; {C,L}samprasthita; {C}samyakpratipanna completely enter; correectly
approach {C}mount on; set out for; reside in;
one who progresses in the right direction

pa bstan ston bstand stond

(sa-pra k): {MSA}saprakaka; {C}
samprakan correctly teach; correct teaching;
correctly indicate {C}reveal; revelation

yang dag par zhugs pa

yang dag par rab tu brtson

jug zhug jug zhugs zhugs

{C}sampratihati completely enter; correectly
approach {C}set out (for)

yang dag par zhum

pa {MSA}samyak-prayukta correct effort

yang dag par rig pa {L}

pratisavid correct awareness; correct

jum jums zhum zhums {C}sayojana

yang dag par len (sam- d):

completely slack/discouraged/weak/timid/

cowardly {C}fetter

{MSA}samtte; {MSA}samdatte correctly

appropriate; completely take

yang dag par gzhom pa

gzhom joms bcom choms {C}

yang dag par len du jug

pa {MSA}samdpana; {MSA}samdpayati;
{MSA}samdpayate engage in correct
appropriation; correctly appropriate; completely

samudghta complete destruction; completely

destroy {C}uprooting

yang dag par zad pa {C,MSA}

yang dag par len pa {MSA}

sakaya complete extinction; completely


yang dag par gzigs nas

samdna correctly appropriate; completely


having correctly seen

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



yang dag par len par byed

{L}samdna correctly appropriate; completely


yang dag par shes pa {L}

yang dag pa ma yin

yang dag par shes par

pai kun tu rtogs pa {MSA,MV}abhta-parikalpa

unreal imputation; unreal ideation

gyur (sa j): {MSA}sajnite correctly


yang dag par bshad

yang dag par so sor rtog pa

{MSA,MV}bhta-pratyavek correct individual


yang dag par gsung ba {C}

bhta-vdin speak correctly {C}speaks in
accordance with reality

yang dag mi stong {C}abhta-nya

{C}unreal and empty

yang dag min {C}abhto unreal;

abhta-kalpa; {MV}abhta-kalpana unreal

samudghta completely eliminate/eradicate/

remove/clear away/avoid/exclude {C}uprooting

{MSA}saparivarjanya should be correctly

abandonned {T}

yang dag spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}samcra; {MSA}
samudcra correctly practice; correct practice

yang dag blangs pa {C}savara;

{C}samdna correctly adopt; correct adoption;

correct assertion; correctly assume; correctly
take up {C}restraint

yang dag min rtog rgyu

mtshan {MSA}asakalpa-nimitta cause of
unreal ideation

yang dag min

rtog yin par rtogs pa rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}abhta-vikalpa-bodha
understand unreal conceptuality

yang dag min pa nyid {MSA}

abhtatva unreality; incorrectness

yang dag min yang

dag ma yin min {MSA}na bhto nbhta
neither real nor unreal

yang dag smon pa



byung byung byung byung {MSA}samudgama;

{MSA}samudbhava; {C}pradurbhuta completely
arise {C}(became) manifest; come out of

yang dag mtshan nyid



unreal; incorrect

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}abhta-kalpa; {MSA}asat-kalpa unreal


yang dag min rtog {MSA,MV}

bsal sel bsald seld {C}

yang dag ma yin {MSA}asat

yang dag ma yin rtog pa


yang dag par bsal ba

yang dag byung

yang dag ma yin kun rtog

pa {MV}abhta-parikalpa unreal imputation

pai dngos po {MSA}samyag-dean-vastu thing

which is correctly explained

spang spong spangs spongs

dag ma yin kun tu rtog pai rnam par rig pa

abhtaparikalpavijapti cognition of unreal

yang dag ma yin kun rtog

parijna correct consciousness; correctly


yang dag spang bar bya



yang dag dzin

{PH}again and again {C}regularly; continually;
every moment; repeatedly; constantly; perpetual; all
the time
Wrapped in white clothes and adorned with a
garland, [the craftsman] should rub [his body] again
and again. {TMK} I.4.28

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}samdna

completely apprehend; correctly apprehend

yang dag rdzogs {MSA}sapra

complete perfect

yang dag rdzogs pa thoroughly

yang dang yang du


yang dag rdzogs pai

byang chub {C}samyak-sabodhi thoroughly

complete enlightement; complete enlightenment;
perfect enlightenment {C}full enlightenment

yang dag ye shes {MSA}bhta-

ston par mi byed pa bstan

ston bstand stond {MSA}abhkam na deayet
not teach again and again

yang dang yang du sbyin pa

{MSA}abhka-dna give again and again

jna; {MV}samyagjna exalted wisdom of

reality; correct exalted wisdom {T}

yang dang yang

su smin pai mtshan nyid {MSA}samyak-paripkalakaa completely matured character

yang du {MSA}puna puna again and

du yid la byed pa goms na if one familiarizes,

taking to mind again and again{TGP}

yang dag yongs

yang dag rab tu spong

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

sapravarjana completely abandon

yang di skad ces gsol spoke


yang na or; or, in another way;

yang dag rig {MSA}pratisavedan

moreover{BJ 48.4}

yang ba laghu; laghutva light; lightness

yang ba nyid {C}laghutva {C}lightness
yang ma not yet; not again
yang rtse {PH}peak; pinnacle
yang zhing g.yo ba light and

complete awareness; correct awareness; correct


yang dag lam {PH}correct path

yang dag shes pa {MSA}satrita;
samyak-jna; {GD:657} samyagjna correct
consciousness; completely cognize {GD:621}
correct cognition; {GD:657} right cognition


yang dag bshad {C}samudrita;

yang yang {MSA}bhkya again and

{MSA}saprakita; {MV}samkhyta
thoroughly explained; correctly explain;
completely explain {C}proclaimed


yang yang byas pa one who has

yang dang yang {C}abhkam

done again and again

yang lag can {GD:238} wholes

yang log {PH}real and unreal; correct and

(=puna puna); {MSA}abhkatva again and

again {C}regularly; continually; every moment;
repeatedly; constantly; perpetual; all the time

yang dang yang du {C,MSA}


yang log kun rdzob

abhkam {C}(= puna puna); {MSA}puna

puna; {MSA}bhyo bhya again and again

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


unreal conventional [truths]


{PH}real and

agavara secondary color
yang sos {LCh}sajva Reviving Hell
yang srid pa {MV}punar-bhava further yan lag gi dam tshig
being; be again


branch commitments

yang srid pai nyon mongs

yan lag gi rlung secondary winds

yan lag brgyad ldan gyi

pa {PW8-H} punarbhavaklenm {PH}the

afflictions that give rise to another existence

lam aagamrga eight-branched path

yang srid mi dod {MSA}

yan lag lnga dang ldan

nisphasya punar-bhave not desire further


pai gsung {C}pacgavky(r)thopeta speech

having the five branches {C}a voice which has
five qualities

yang slar gzhog kyang {C}

(punar eva) nikipeyu {C}could drop again

yangs {C}pthu; {C}mahad-gata; {MSA}

yan lag can {N}avayavin partspossessor; whole{N}

udra; {MSA}vipula; {MSA}bag yangs su byas pa =

pratiprasrambhaa wide; broad; extensive; vast
{C}many; all; long; very much; large; gone great

yangs pa {MSA}vipulat; {MSA}viada;

{MSA}vaipulya (e.g.: amatha-jna-vaipulya); {L}

viala; {C}udra wide; broad; extensive; vast
{C}sublime; exalted; uncommon degree of

yangs pa rgyas pa vipula; vaipulya

yan lag bcas pa {C}sga

having branches; having limbs {C}with their


yan lag nyams pa {C}hna-aga

{C}of small limbs

yan lag dang nying lag {C}

aga-pratyagni limbs and secondary limbs
{T} {C}all his limbs


yangs pa can vaiali{BJ 30.4} Vaiali yan lag drug {MSA}a-aga; {MSA}
a-agin six branches

[p.n. of a city]

yan lag drug cu {MSA}ay-ag

yangs shing rgya che

bar gyur ro gyur gyurd

gyur gyurd {C}pthu-vaipulya-prpta become
extensive {C}that shall spread widely

sixty branches

yan chad

yan chod {MSA}para;

{MSA}parea above; X and above {PH}area
and areas to the west other

yan chod
and above

yan chad/ above; X


yan lag ma tshang ba {C}vikalaaga incomplete branches; incomplete limbs

{C}deficient in limbs

yan lag mi sdug pa {C}vikta-

yab pit father [term of reference] (hon.)

yab yum pit-mt parents {PH}diety

limb; branch; member; part; element; link


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}Seven Limb

aga {C}with abnormal limbs

yan {PH}below; down

yan lag {C,MSA,MV}aga; {N}avayava

yan lag gi kha dog aga-vara;

yan lag bdun pa

and consort; buddha(s) and consort(s); parents


yab sras [spiritual] son(s)


yal dab me tog

yab sras kyi dgongs pa the

bras bu ga la byung byung

byung byung byung {C} kh-pat(t)ra-phalapupa-updu {C}(the arising of) branches, leaves,
fruits, and flowers

thought of the Father and his [spiritual] sons

yams {C}nadti

{PH}plague; epidemic
yams ni rims las gzhan pai og nad mi bzad
pao, Plagues are intolerable illnesses under [the
category of things] other than diseases. {AGP-T}

yams nad {PH}plague; epidemic

yar gyi ngo {C}ukla-paka {PH}waxing
moon {C}the bright half of the lunar month

yar gyi mtshams med


yar ma yar bar byao {C}

yar mar

{PH}upward and downward; upper

and lower upper and lower nose
{PH}time of increase; time of


yas up
yas kyi mche ba

{PH}upper fangs

The upper fangs of the Hayagriva in the

retinue curl upwards like [those of] an elephant.

{GCG} p.15

yal ga {C,MSA}kh; {C}prakha

yas bgrang counting up

yas rlung {PH}upper wind
yi [genetive particle] of; ; which; also



rigidity; arrogance

yal ga gel pa {C}stamba

adjectival genetive; and non-case usage as but

and and

(=viapam) {C}tree

yal ga gel ba sdong bu {C}

yi (as genitive particle) of; by; in; which. (as

non-case particle) and; but; (semi-colon)

(stambasya) gaha {C}sapling

yal ga phra mo twig

yal ga lo dab dang ldan pa
having branches, leaves, and trunk

yal gai mdo {C}kh {C}branch

yal gai lo ma

yi ge {L,MSA,MV}vyajana; {LCh,C,MSA}

akara; {GD:124} vara letter [of the alphabet]

{PH}phoneme {C}verbal expression; syllable;
speech; imperishable

yi ge nyung du {C}sv-alpa-akara in
few letters {C}in a few words

rnying pa rnams lhags pa {C}ra-para-pala

{C}leaves have withered away

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yal bar dor ba


kelayitavya {C}must carefully look after

yal ga gel {C}stambha tree

neglect; forsake

yal bar bor ba abandon; neglect;

{PH}upper opening; upper end;

latter half

yar tshe

yal bar dor/ dor/ dord/ dord/ abandon;
dor/ dor/ dor/ dord/ {MSA}upekakatva; {MSA}
upek abandon; neglect; forsake

direct transition upward

yar sna

yal ba to disappear; fade

yal bar jog neglect
yal bar dor ba


yi ge mnyam pa nyid {C}akara-

samat sameness of letters {C}sameness of all

letters and syllables


yi ge dang don du

rnam par gnas pa {MSA}vyajanrtha-vyavastha

abide in letters and meanings

yi ge dang tshig dang tshig

bru {C}akara-pada-vyajana letters, words,

and verbal expressions {C}letters, syllables, and

drug ma {PH}the six; all six

yi ge mnam par god pa



yi ger dri ba {C}likhan; {L}likhate

write {C}copy (out)

yi ger dri bar gyur ba {C}

samkarvakro {C}Identifying the Letter

likhati write {C}copy (out)

yi ge phun sum tshogs pa

yi ger drir jug pa {C}lekhana

{MSA}vyajana-sapatti complete letter;

marvellous letter

write; engage in letters {C}dictating

yi ger bris nas chang ba

yi ge bri ba {MV}lekhana; {MV}

{L}likhan-dhrayante bear in mind what is


lekhan write letters; write

yi ger ma log pa {MV}vyajane ...



aviparyaya non-mistaken letter; non-mistaken

with respect to letters



yi ge la phyin ci ma log pa

{MV}aviparyso vyajane; {MV}vyajanviparysa

non-perverse letter

yi ge la dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

vyajanlambana observing the letter {T}

yi ge legs par nges

par bshad pa {MSA}suniruktkaratva definitely

explain letters well

yi ge gsar pa

{PH}recent writings;
new texts yi
ge gsar pa rnams su rgya gar zhes bsgyur dug In
recent writings, [this] has been changed to India.
W21507 - Thuu-bkwan; Nietupski

yi gei tshogs vyajana-kya group

yi dags {L}preta preta; hungry ghost

dbye ba/ 1 sgrib pa phyi


ma yod pa/ 2 sgrib pa nang na yod pa/ 3 sgrib pa

phyi nang gnyis ka yod pa/ Div.: (1) having later
obstructions; (2) having present obstructions; (3)
having both later and present obstructions

yi dwags preta hungry ghost

dbye ba/ 1 sgrib pa phyi


ma yod pa/ 2 sgrib pa nang na yod pa/ 3 sgrib pa

phyi nang gnyis ka yod pa/ Divisions: (1) having
later obstructions; (2) having present obstructions;
(3) having both later and present obstructions

yi dwags kyi skye gnas {C}

preta-yoni hungry ghost womb {C}world of

hungry ghosts

of letters

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yi ger dri {C}lekhayati write

yi ger dri bar gyur {C}likhati

{C}samkaro; {C}samkarkro; {C}

yi ge bzang po {C}suvyajana

engage in letters

write; writing

dgod god bkod god

yi ge bru {C}lipy-akara

yi gei lha akara-deva letter deity

yi ger jug pa {C}likhati write;


yi dwags kyi rten

can gyi so soi skye bo common being having the
basis of a hungry ghost

yi dwags kyi yul pa {C}preta-

viayika object of hungry ghosts {C}belonging

to the realm of hungry ghosts

yi dwags gro ba {C}preta-gati

{C}rebirth as a hungry ghost

yi dam {LCh}ia-devat; {C}samdnatva;

{C}samdnatva [mind-firm]; personal deity;

tutelary deity; promise; vow; one who has a vow;
deity {C}sense of obligation

yi dam gyi lha personal deity; tutelary


yi dam ma nyams pa {C}

samdna not forsake [ones] promise/vow

{C}undertaking; (one who gives) his undivided
attention to; take upon themselves; sense of
obligation; they have acquired; has cultivated
samdna not forsake [ones] promise/vow
{C}undertaking; (one who gives) his undivided
attention to his task



yig ge par bsten



yig grangs line

yig cha textbook literature; monastic

yig bris {C}likhati {C}write; copy (out)

yig bri {C}likhati {C}write; copy (out)
yig bru {LCh,C}akara syllable {C}
letter; word; speech; imperishable

{PH}archival documents;
official archival records

yid {LCh,MSA,MV}manas; {MSA}manaska;

wrathful tutelary deities

yi dam zhi khroi lha tshogs

{MV}mnasa mentality; intellect; mind;

(main) perceiver; intellect [=nyon yid, afflicted
mentality (kliamanas)]; intellectual faculty

{PH}collection of peaceful and wrathful tutelary

{PH}tutelary deity

with consort

yid kyi kun rtog rags pa

coarse mental conceptualization

yi dam la brtan pa {C}ddha-

samdnatva firm in [ones] vow/promise {C}

firm sense of obligation

yi bru
dang nges pai tshig bzang por bzung bar byao
{C}sunirukta {C}well analyzed (grammatically)

yi mugs pa depression;

yid kyi skyon yang

dag par sel ba bsal sel

bsald seld {C}vk-kali-vidhvasano completely
eliminate/eradicate/remove/clear away/avoid/
exclude the faults of mind {C}removing the
misery of speech

yid kyi mngon sum

mnasapratyaka mental direct perception


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yig {PH}syllable
yig ge {PH}syllable
yig ge drug pa

yig tshags

{PH}peaceful and

yi dam yab yum

enraptured; joyous

textbook; textbook; texts written in debating


yi dam mi nyams pa {C}acchidra yi dam zhi khro

yi rang admiration
yi rang ba {C}anumodan {C}rejoicing
yi rangs pa {C}tta-mana(s) {C}


yid kyi brjod pa


yid kyi rol pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {MSA}mano-jalpa mental

expression; {T} mental repetition ??



yid kyi nyes pa {MSA}mana-pradoa yid kyis legs par brtags

mental fault {T}

yid kyi nyon mongs {MSA}manaklea mental afflictions

yid kyi dus te reg pa {PW8-H}

manasaspara {PH}mental-contact

yid kyi rnam par shes

yid khrugs pa

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs mana-

pradoa mental corruption

yid dga bar {C}tta-manaska

mental joy; happiness {C}enraptured; joyful;


pa {MSA,MV}mano-vijna mental
consciousness{LG}; (main) perceiver

yid kyi rnam

shes; yid kyi rnam par shes pa

yid kyi rnam par shes pa mano-vijna mental
consciousness; (main) perceiver

yid kyi dbang {MSA}manasi vaitvam

mental power; mental faculty

yid kyi dbang po mana indriya

yid gyur

yid kyi mtsho Lake Mnasarovara


gyurd gyur gyurd transform the mind; mind


yid gyur pa

gyurd gyur gyurd transforming the mind; mind

yid ngo

such a mind
a yogi, ...

mental sense power

{PH}[appearance] to the mind; for

To the mind of

yid dngangs pa

{PH}Lake Mnasasarovara

dngang dngang dngangs dngangs {C}uttrastamnasena mentally fear/be afraid/panic {C}

afraid of

yid kyi zas mental nourishment

yid kyi las {C}vk-karman mental

action; mental activity; mental karma {C}deed

of speech; speech-action

yid kyi shing rta la dga

yid mngon mnasa-pratyaka mental

direct perceiver; mental direct perception
{GD:498} mental perception

mtshan nyid/ rang

ba manorathanandin {PH}Manorathanandin

grel ba yid kyi shing rta la dga bai steng
nas tshad ma gsan par bshad; It is explained that
he studied epistemology (prama) on the basis of
Manorathanandins commentary. {GCG} p. 25/46

gi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen yid dbang las byung

yid kyi shes pa mental consciousness

yid kyis bsgom par bya ba
bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{C}mano-bhvanya object of cultivation by the

mind {C}of right mind-culture

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brtag rtog brtags rtags {L}

manas-anvkita analyze well with the mind


bai rtog pa dang bral zhing ma khrul bai rig pa/

Definition: an awareness that is non-mistaken and
free from conceptuality which arises from its own
uncommon empowering condition, a mental sense

dbye ba/ 1 skabs dir bstan


gyi yid mngon/ 2 skabs dir ma bstan gyi yid mngon/

Divisions: (1) mental direct perceivers indicated
on this occasion; (2) mental direct perceivers not

thought of belief

indicated on this occasion

yid ches par gyur

yid mngon bcad shes mental

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MV}sambhvan

direct perceiver that is a subsequent cognizer

yid sngang ba antipathy{S 52.3}

yid can {PH}sentient beings
yid ches {LCh,C}pta; {MV}pratyaya

bhavati believe; have belief in

yid ches par gyur na

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MV}

sapratyaye sati if there is belief ... {T}

yid ches par byed {MV}

belief; conviction; trust; confidence {C}what

belongs; true; complete; trustworthy; full

sambhvana; {MV}sambhvan believe; have

belief in

yid ches kyi rtags *pta-liga

sign of belief

yid ches kyi rtags yang dag

{PH}correct sign of belief

yid ches par byed pa {MSA}

parasapratyaya; {MV}sambhvana; {MV}
sambhvan believe; have belief in

yid ches kyi dad pa pta-raddha yid nyes mano-daa mental violence;
mental fault

faith of conviction; knowledgable faith; trusting


yid ches rjes dpag ptnuma

inference through belief {PH}inference through
correct belief

mtshan nyid/ rang gi rten yid ches kyi

rtags yang dag la brten nas rang gi gzhal bya shin lkog

la mi slu bai zhen rig/ Def.: a determinative knower

that--in dependence upon its basis, a correct sign of

belief--is non-mistaken with respect to its object of
comprehension, a very hidden phenomenon

yid gnyis can {L}vimati doubting;

having doubt; having two-pointed mind {PH}

having doubt; being of two minds (on a subject)

yid gnyis med {C}nirvaimatika nondoubting; no doubt {C}unperplexed

confidence; reliance {C}rely on

yid rton pa vivsa [mind-confidence];

abhiraddadhnat; {MV}abhiraddhna;
{MSA,MV}sapratyaya; {MV}sambhvana have
conviction in{N}; belief {C}believing

confidence; reliance

yid rton par gyur ba {C}

yid ches pa la sgrib pa {MV}

vivsam gacchati confidence; reliance; be

confident; rely {C}rest on his laurels

sapratyayvaraa obstruction(s) to belief

yid brtan {L}vivasa [mind-firm];

yid ches pai dad pa

confidence; reliance; firm attitude

*abhisapratyayaraddh faith of conviction

yid brtan nas {C}vivasta having

yid ches pai lung gi tshad

relied; confidently

ma ptgama-prama prime cognizer of

believable scripture

yid brtan pa {C}vivsa; {MSA}

vaivsika [mind-firm]; confidence; reliance

sambhvanbhisamdhi believing thought;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pointed mind error; {C}perplexity; uncertainty;


yid rton {C}vivasiti [mind-confidence];

yid ches pa {N}adhimukti; {C}

yid ches pai bsam pa {MV}

yid gnyis {C}vimati doubt; two-


yid brtan rung ba suitable for

mtshan nyid/ rang gi jug yul

firmness of mind{N}

yid dang kun gzhi mentality and

gyi gtso bor gyur pai chos la tha gcig tu zhen kyang

bcad don ma thob pai rig pa/ Definition: A knower

which, although it one pointedly determines
the phenomenon which is its main object of
observation, does not get at an object with respect to
which superimpositions have been eliminated

basis-of-all{BAA 2a}

yid dang chos {MV}mano-dharma

mentality and phenomena

yid dang

yid spyod

dzin pa dang rnam par rtog pa {MV}manaudgraha-vikalpa mentality, apprehension, and


spyad spyod

spyad spyod *mana park correct


yid dang

dzin pa dang rnam par rtog par snang ba

snang snang snang snang {MSA}manaudgraha-vikalpbhsa appearance as mentality,
apprehension, and conceptuality

yid du mi ong ba {C}amanapa

[mind-to-not-come]; unattractive; not handsome;

not charming {C}unpleasant(ness)

yid du ong ba {C}daranya; {C}

manapa; {C}kamanya; {MSA}mano-j [mindto-come]; attractive; handsome; charming {C}

beautiful to behold; good looking; fascinating;
pleasant; pleasing; beautiful

yid dor ba {C}utsrau-kma wish to

cast out; want to discard {C}wants to abandon

yid phyir phyogs par gyur

{C}viph-karoti (mnasam) {C}turn his mind
away from; turn his back on

yid phyir phyogs par byed

{C}viph-karoti (mnasam) {C}turn his mind

away from; turn his back on

yid phra ba subtle mind; subtle mentality

yid phrog captivate
yid byung nas byung
byung byung byung {C}nirvia-rpa having
become disgusted {C}in disgust

yid byung bar gyur

nyams par gyur byung byung

byung byung {C}udvijati {C}becomes alarmed

yid bde saumanasya mental bliss; mental yid byed {C}manasikrat; {MV}

manaskra mental engagement; mental

contemplation; take to mind; arisen from belief
{C}put his mind to work on


yid bde ba {L,MSA}saumanasya bliss;

happiness; pleasure; {T} mental bliss

yid nang du dzin par byed

pa gzung dzin bzung zungs
{MSA}dhrayaty adhytma mana (dh)
apprehend within the mind

yid nur {C}dna-mnaso

in mind

yid dpyod mana-park; manaparka

correctly assuming consciousness; correct


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

engagement; mental contemplation; take to mind

yid byed bzhii

gnas skabs can {PH}period of the four mental




yid byed pa {MSA}manasikra mental

yid dbang {LCh}mano indriya; mano-

vaa mental sense-power; mental power


mtshan nyid/ rang bras yid kyi rnam shes kyi thun mong
ma yin pai bdag rkyen du gyur pai de ma thag pai



yid zhe sdang gis krugs pa la

yid/ Definition: a mind that is an immediately

preceeding condition of the empowering

condition of its own uncommon effect, a mental

yid byung ba

byung byung byung {C}udvigna-mnasena;
{MSA}udvega; {MSA}nirvid {C}alarmed at

yid ma gtad inattentive mind; {T}

yid mi ches pas skrag

pai phyir skrag skrag skrags

skrags {MV}asapratyayena trasnt due to
being frightened by non-belief

yid bzhin nor bu {C,MSA}cintmai wishing-granting jewel; wish-fulfilling

jewel {T} {C}wishing-jewel

yid bzhin nor bu

lta bui sems bskyed mind-generation like wishgranting jewel

yid bzlog pa {MSA}manasas ... vtti

yid mi bde {C}anattamano; {C}

turn the mind; reverse the mind {T}

yid ong pleasant; attractive

yid g.yengs pa gyur te {C}

durmanasa; {C}durmanas; daurmanasya

unhappy; displeased; mental discomfort {C}
sad in mind; distressed; sad; dispirited

yid mi bde ba {C}durmanaska

vikipyate {C}be disturbed

yid rags pa coarse mentality

yid rang mtshan pa regular

(=durmanaskara); {C}durmanaskat; {C,MSA}

daurmanasya mental discomfort; unhappy;
displeased {C}sad in mind; distressed; sad;
dispirited; a thought of sadness; sadness


yid rab tu rang very suitable (to the

yid mi bde bar gyur nas {C}

mind); very pleasing{LG 30.5}

sudurmana being unhappy; being displeased

{C}very sad

yid rab dang {BCA} mana prasdama

yid mi byed {MV}amanaskra mental

{PH}sincere mind

gang zhig yid rab dang byed na; ... If someone

generates a sincere mind, ... {BCA} I.35a

non-engagement; mental non-contemplation;

mental inactivity; not take to mind

yid la nyal mental dormancy

yid la bya ba {C}manasikra mental

yid smon admiration; mental wish

yid tshim par byed pa {C}

engagement; mental application; mental

contemplation; mental activity; take to mind
{C}mental application; act of mind

hldana {C}mental satisfaction

yid dzin

gzung dzin
bzung zungs {MSA}mano-dhraa mental

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

manasa parvtti mental transformation

fulfilling jewel

skrag skrag skrags skrags {C}anuttrastamnasena non-fearful mind; unfrightened mind

{C}one who has a mind which does not tremble

yid gzhan du gyur pa {MSA}

yid bzhin gyi nor bu wish-

unfocused mind

yid mi skrag pa

brten nas sa gzhi dmar por snang bai dbang shes

sense consciousness to which the basis (earth)
appears as red in dependence upon the minds
being disturbed by anger

yid la byas pa {L}manasikra

mental engagement; mental application; mental

contemplation; mental activity; take to mind


mental contemplation is perfected

{C}mental application; act of mind; attention

yid la byed pa la sgrub pa

yid la byed {L}manasikra; {LCh,MV}

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

manaskra; {C}manaskriy; (manasi k): {MV}

manasikurvanti mental engagement; mental
application; mental contemplation; mental
activity; take to mind; attention {C}act of
mind; attention

{MV}manaskra-pratipatti established in mental


yid la byed pa la

phyin ci ma log pa {MV}manaskre viparysa;

{MV}manaskrviparysa non-mistaken mental
application; non-mistaken with respect to mental

yid la byed dang bcas {MSA}

manaskra (sa-) having mental application;
having mental engagement

yid la byed pa {LCh,MSA,MV,C}

manaskra; {MSA,MV}manasikra; (manasi k):

{MSA,MV}manasikurvat; {MV}manasikaraa;
{MV}manasikriy; {MV}manaskrat mental
contemplation; taking to mind; mental
engagement; mental application; mental activity
{C}take to mind; attention

yid la byed pa bsgrub pa

yid la byed pa las dang

po pa manaskrdikarmika beginner at mental



la byed pa las dang po pai rnal byor

manaskrdikarmika[yoga] yoga of a beginner at
mental contemplation

yid la byed pa las dang po

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

ba mental contemplation of a beginner{Lati}

{MV}manasikra-pratipatti establish mental

yid la byed

engagement; establish mental application

yid la byed pa bcu gcig

pa las das pai rnal byor pa yogi who has

passed beyond mental contemplation

{MSA}ekdaa manaskra eleven mental


yid la byed pai rnam

yid la byed pa phyin ci

par g.yeng ba {MSA,MV}manasikra-vikepa

distraction of mental application {T}

ma log pa {MV}manaskre viparysa; {MV}

manaskrviparysa non-mistaken mental

yid la byed pas

yongs su blang bas {C}manasikra pariyanditena

(cittena) due to adoption through mental
application {C}because his thoughts overflow
with other interests

yid la byed pa ma log pa

{MV}manaskre viparysa non-mistaken

mental application

yid la

yid la mi byed {C}amanasikra; {C}

yid la

yid la mi byed pa {C,MSA,MV}

byed pa mi mthun pai phyogs spangs pa

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}
nirlikhita-vipaka-manaskra abandon the
discordances to mental application

amanasikrat; {C}amanasikti; {C}amanasikriy

mental non-application; mental non-attention;
mental non-contemplation; not take to mind

byed pa yongs su rdzogs pai rnal byor

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs
atikrntamanaskra[yoga] yoga of one whose

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

amanasikra; {C}amanasikrat; {C}

amanasikti; {C}amanasikriy mental nonapplication; mental non-attention; mental
non-contemplation; not take to mind {C}non-



yid srubs



yid la bsam {MSA}mano-ratha

jay the one who destroyed the evil minded [king

Lang-dar-ma] {Medicine Buddha sadhana}

mental thought

yid la bsam pa {MSA}mano-ratha

yin {L}bhava is; be

yin kyi ma red probably not
yin kyi red probably
yin khyab pervasion of being
yin khyab mnyam coextensive;

mental thought {PH}aspiration; hope

yid las byung

byung byung byung byung {C}mano-bhava
{C}arising in the mind

yid las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}mano-maya

arise from the mind {C}mind-made

mutually inclusive

yin gyur what something is

yin gro probably
yin naang yet; however; but
yin pa is; {T} being
yin pa dra it seems
yin pa mi srid pa occurence is not

yid lus mental body

yid lus thogs pa med pa
unimpeded mental body

yid shes mano-jna mental

consciousness; mental cognition

mtshan nyid/ rang gi

thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen yid dbang la brten

possible; that [or those] of which being it [or

them] is not possible
mtshan nyid/ khyod kyi yin pa med
pa/ Definition: its occurence does not exist

nas skyes pai rig pa/ Definition: an awareness

that arises in dependence upon its own uncommon

empowering condition, a mental sense power

yid shes khor gyi sems

yin pa mi srid pai rtag pa

byung {PH}mental factors accompanying a

mental consciousness

yid shes rgya yan pa

permanent phenomenon whose occurence is not


yin pa mi srid pai shes bya


dispersed mental consciousness

an object of knowledge whose occurence is not

possible; objects of knowledge of which being
[them] is not possible
mtshan nyid/

yid shes pa {C}mano-jna mental

consciousness; mental cognition {C}cognition

of the mind


khyod kyi yin pa med pa yang yin/ bloi yul du rung ba/

Definition: its occurrence does not exist; and it is

suitable as an object of an awareness

shes su gyur pai rtog med mngon sum ltar snang

snang snang snang snang nonconceptual pseudo/quasi/counterfeit direct
perception that is a mental consciousness

yin pa las log pa opposite from

being; non-

yid shes su gyur yin pa srid pa possible occurence;

pai rtog med log shes non-conceptual mistaken
consciousness that is a mental consciousness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

occurrence is possible; that [or those] of which

being it [or them] is possible


mtshan nyid/

khyod kyi yin

pa yod pa/ Definition: its occurrence is possible

yin pa srid pai rtag pa

permanent phenomenon whose occurrence is


size of a mustard seed

yungs mar {C} taila {PH}sesame oil

yungs mar gyi mar me {C}tailapradyota {C}oil-lamp

yud {C}muhrt(t)a 1/30th of a day; moment

yin pa srid pai shes bya

(brief) instant; {C}minute; second

an object of knowledge whose occurrence is

possible; object[s] of knowledge of which being
[it or them] is possible

yud kyis {BCA} kaena

Having relied on that [mind of enlightenment],
[one] is instantaneously liberated. {BCA} I.13c

nyid/ khyod kyi yin pa yod pa yang yin/ bloi yul du bya
rung ba/ Def.: its occurrence is possible; and it is

yud pa can {PH}Dain

yud tsam {LCh}muhrta; {C}muhrt(t)

suitable as an object of an awareness

yin par gyur pai rtag pa

something which a permanent phenomenon is

a 1/30th of a day; moment (brief) instant;

{C}minute; second; {GD:181} unit of time
approximately equal to 80 seconds

yin tshul way of being

yin tshod measure of being
yin yang is, but...; even though;

yud tsam zhig {C}muhrt(t)a 1/30th

of a day; moment (brief) instant; {C}minute;


yin lugs mode of being{N}

yin log opposite-from-being-something
yin log min log opposite from

yud tsam yang {C}muhrtam api

yiu tsi

yun thung ba {PH}short period of time

yun mi ring {PH}not far off
yun tsang period of time{Gn-chok};

{C}for a moment even

yun duration; period

{PH}duration; period;
enduring The duration
of six breaths is called a half-minute. Mi-pham,

being [something] and opposite from not being


Svarodaya comm. 5a.5

{PH}You Ruo [direct disciple of


yiu ruo

{PH}You Ruo [direct disciple of


yis by; by means of; with; because

yis [instrumental particle] by; with; by

length of time; duration

yun tshad

yun ring {C,MSA}cira; {MV}yatatva

means of; non-case usage as but and and

yu gur {PH}Uyghur
yu ba stem; stick; handle
yungs bra mustard seed
yungs bru tsam po
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}length of time; period of


[period-long]; long time; long duration {C}for

(so) long

yun ring du {MSA}drgha-samaya for

a long time

{PH}about the


yun ring du gnas par bya ba yum bu lha khang

{PH}Yum-bulha-khang [Imperial palace of King Lha-tho-tho-rignyan-btsan]

{C}cira-sthiti-hetor abiding for a long time

{C}so that it may last long

yun ring po {MSA}yata; {MSA}drgha;

{MSA}drgha-kla long time; long duration

yun ring po nas {C,L}drghartra(m}

{C}(=drgha-klam) for a long time

yun ring por nas {L,C}

drgharatra(m); {C}drgha-klam for a long time

yun ring por gnas par

gyis shig {C}cira-sthitaye abide for a long time
{C}so that it may last long

yun ring bar {MSA}nuagika for a

long time

yun ring mo {MSA}ciram; {MSA}cira

paripccha-stra Stra of the Questions of



yul khor gyi bsod snyoms

at long last

yun rings {PH}long time

yun ring su {PH}for a long time
yum {C}mt; {LCh,C,MSA}mt mother
yum gyi lhums {MSA}mtu kukim

{C}rra-pia {C}alms (of the realm)


khor gyi bsod snyoms longs spyod par dod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}
rra pia paribhoktu kmena {C}one who
wants to consume alms

yul khor bsod snyoms {C}

{PH}the mothers womb

yum gyi lhums su jug pa

rra-pia {C}alms (of the realm)

yul gang du {MSA}yatra dee in

{MSA}mtu kukim avakrmati enter into

mothers womb

whatever direction; in which direction


yul gyi skye mched viaya-yatana

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}mt {C}mother


yul gyi dgag bya objective object

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus extensive,

middling, and condensed mothers [i.e.,

Perfection of Wisdom Stras]

dea; {C}di; {C}dea-antara; {C}pradea; {MSA}

gamya object; place; area{BJ 28.2}; sphere;
objects of operation; sense objects {C}region;
direction; country; part; district; to a limited extent;
definition of the doctrine; spot; piece of land; range;
realm; province; domain; sense-objects; objective
range; apartments
mtshan nyid/ blos rig par bya ba/ Definition:
an object of knowledge by an awareness

yul khor skyong mdo raapala-

long time; long time; long duration {C}after a

ong time; slowly; after awhile

yum rgyas bring bsdus

yul {LCh,C,MSA,MV,L}viaya; {LCh,MSA}

{C}kingdom; nation; royal city; countryside (of his


yun ring mo zhig {C}cirea for a

yum gyur

{PH}Yum-bulha-khang [Imperial palace of King Lha-tho-tho-rignyan-btsan]

yul khor {C}rra; {C}rjya-rra

for a long time; long time; long duration

yun ring lon nas {C}cirya

yum bu lha mkhar

of negation

yul gyi sgo nas {MSA}deatas from

the viewpoint of the place; from the viewpoint of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


are necessarily existent]
yul can gyi dgag bya med na dgag
mi dgos if the object of negation of an objectpossessor were non-existent, there would be no
need to refute it

the object {T}

yul gyi lta ba

bltas ltos objective view

blta lta

yul gyi steng nas grub

pa viaya-siddhi objective establishment;

establishment right with the object; objective

blta lta bltas ltos subjective view

yul gyi dbus di {C}madhya-dea

{C}middle region

yul gyi mi la
mthu dang brtson grus thob pa
thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}janapada-sthma-vrya-prpta {C}one who feels
strong and secure in his kingdom

yul gyi dzin stangs

of apprehension of objects

yul nges viaya-pratiniyama; viniyata

determining [mental] factor; determining factor

dbye ba/ 1 dun pa/ 2 mos pa/ 3 dran
pa/ 4 ting nge dzin/ 5 shes rab/ Divisions: (1)
aspiration (chanda); (2) belief (adhimoka); (3)
mindfulness (smti); (4) meditative stabilization
(samdhi); (5) wisdom (praj)



yul can mthun pai don

dam concordant subjective ultimate{N}

yul can don dam subjective


yul can don dam dngos

actual subjective ultimate{N}

yul nges pa deaniyata limited place

{GD:123} spatially determinate

yul can viayin; {L}viaya; {C}gocara

object possessor; subjective [i.e. a mind];

object-possessor {PH}object possessor; subject;

subjective [consciousness] {C}ranging; range;
sphere; {GD:426} subject
don gyi rang mtshan thob pai yul can subjects
that deliver specifically characterized objects
mtshan nyid/ rang yul ci rigs dang
ldan pai dngos po/ Definition: a thing which has
any sort of object ?{T}
negation of an object-possessor [i.e. a mind; these

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yul can tha snyad

It is a sign of all phenomena being merely posited

as existing through the force of conventional
designations without being established from the
side of the object, since when imputed objects are
sought, they are utterly not there in any objective
way. {HHDL KMW}


yul can gyi dgag bya object of

yul can gyi lta ba


yul can rnam grangs

pai don dam non-metaphoric subjective

yul chung ba {MSA}partta-viaya

small object

yul rtogs mkhan

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs consciousness

realizing an object; realizers of their objects

yul rtogs tshul

{PH}the mode of

realizing objects

yul steng nas objectively

yul steng nas grub pa objective
establishment; establishment from within the
object; objective existence

yul thob par bya bai phyir

thob/thob thob thob thobs


yul rnam grangs pai don

{MSA}viaya-prptaye through obtaining an


yul mtha {C}anta-dea

dam metaphoric objective ultimate{N}

yul rnam grangs



ma yin pai don dam non-metaphoric objective


yul mthun pai don dam

yul rnams la ma chags

concordant objective ultimate{N}

yul dang dus {MSA}dea-kla

pai lam {MSA}viayev asakti-mrga path of

non-attachment to obejcts

direction and time

yul phyogs [area-direction]; region

yul phyogs kun {PH}all regions
yul dbang phrad meeting of sense

yul dus rnams pa nges pa

deaklkraniyata {GD:250} having a definite

position in space and time as well as having a
definite nature

yul de nyid na gnas

power and object{LG}

pai du byed {MSA}dea-stha eva saskre (tad-)

discrimination which abides in that very object

yul de gnyis

unmixed in place; spatially determinate

yul mi med pa {C}vijanapada not

objectless {C}lonely

yul de rtog pa la snang ba

yul med {C}adea objectless; non-

snang snang snang snang

{GD:547} objects that appear to thought

object; non-place {C}without a place

yul gzhan du gro ba {MSA}

yul don dam objective ultimate{N}

yul don dam dngos {N} actual

dentara-gamana go to another place

yul gzhan du phyin pa {MSA}

objective ultimate

anya-dea-prpti go to another place

yul durg six objects

yul gzhan du pho ba {MSA}

Divisions: dbye ba
/ gzugs/ sgra/ dri/ ro/ reg bya/ chos/ Div.: form,
sound, smell, taste, tangible object, phenomenon

dentara-sakrnti move to another place {T}

yul gzhan na gnas pa {MSA}

anya-dea-stha abide in another place

yul yon tan ldan {MSA}gua-vat ...

{PH}its object

-- the four noble truths

dea having other qualities

yul na gnas pa {C}pradea-stha

abide in an object; abide in a place {C}stand at

a spot; placed (in a place)

yul rnam viaykra object aspect

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

the area of) Vraas, modern-day Benares

yul ma dres pa

snang gi rnam par char ba

snang snang snang snang object appearing in
the aspect of dualistic appearance; an objects
appearing in the aspect of dualistic appearance

yul bden pa bzhi

yul bangs {PH}peasant; serf

yul bha ra a zhi vraas(-dea) (in


yul la lta ba

blta lta

bltas ltos {GD:625}viaya-locana {GD:625}

seeing the object

yul la yod pa

{GD:486} existing in


ye shes kyi rgyu mtshan {MSA}

the object

yul la lar kvacit-dea in some places

yul shes pa {C}dea-ja object

jna-nimittatva cause of exalted wisdom

consciousness; consciousness of a place {C}one

who knows the suitable place

yul so so nges pa viaya-

level of exalted wisdom; place of exalted wisdom


ye shes kyi pha rol tu phyin

pa {MSA}jna-pramit perfection of exalted


pratiniyama determining [mental] factor

yul lha {PH}local deity

ye stong od gsal primordial

ye shes kyi phyag rgya jnamudr wisdom seal

ye shes kyi tshogs {MSA,L}jna-

emptiness and luminosity

ye thog primeval
ye thog gi gzhi primeval basis
ye thog gzhii gnas lugs

sabhra collection of wisdom; accumulation of


ye shes kyi tshogs sgrub

achieving through the collection of pristine


primeval basic mode of subsistence

ye gdod ma primordial start

ye ldan primordial endowment
ye nas byang chub pa

ye shes kyi rig ma jna-vidy

Wisdom Knowledge Woman

ye shes kyi lam {MSA}jna-mrga

path of wisdom

primordially enlightened

ye shes kyis bskul ba {MSA}

ye nas sangs rgyas pa

jnena prerit exhort by means of exalted

wisdom {T}

primordially enlightened

ye med pa sarvath bhva utter non-

ye shes kyis khyab pa {MSA}


jna-vypta pervaded by wisdom

ye med pa ... ma yin {MV}na ...

ye shes kyis yongs zin pa

sarvath bhva not utter non-existence

{MSA}jna-parigraha thoroughly apprehended

by exalted wisdom {T}

ye med pas ni ma yin {MV}na

ye shes khyad

tu sarvath nsti nor is it utterly non-existent

ye shes {MSA,MV,L}jna pristine

par du phags pai phrin las {MSA}jna-vieakarman activity of superior exalted wisdom {T}

wisdom; exalted wisdom; wisdom cognition;


ye shes kun gyi rgyu mtshan

{MSA}sarva-jna-nimittatva cause of all exalted


ye shes kyi khyad par {MSA}

ye shes cung zad babs pa

bab babs bab babs those
upon whom a little wisdom has descended

ye shes chen po nyid {MSA}jnamahattva greatness of exalted wisdom

jna-viea feature of exalted wisdom {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ye shes kyi gnas {MSA}jnraya


ye shes chos sku jna-dharma-kya

pristine wisdom body of attributes; wisdom
truth body; wisdom body of attributes

{MSA}viuddha ... jna pure wisdom

ye shes jug pa {MSA}jna-pravtti

engage in wisdom; enter into wisdom

ye shes snying po jnagarbha

ye shes pa jnasattva wisdom being;

being of wisdom

ye shes pa gzhug pa entry of the

wisdom being; entry of a wisdom being

essence of wisdom; p.n. of the chief follower of


ye shes dpal {C}jna-ketu glorious

exalted wisdom {C}the ensign of cognition

ye shes snying po

kun las btus btu thu btus

thu Jna-garbha-samuccaya ryadevas
Compendium of the Essence of Wisdom{BJ 50.3}

ye shes thams cad chags pa ma mchis

ye shes spyan ldan


with the eye of the wisdom

ye shes bla na med pa {MSA}

jnnuttarya sublime wisdom; unsurpassed

ye shes byung gnas

pa dang thogs pa ma mchis pa {C}sarvajatasaga-apratightit unobstructed and

unattached with respect to exalted wisdom of all
aspects {C}unobstructed when attached to allknowledge

chen po dra byung byung

byung byung {MSA}jnkaropama (mah-) like
the great source of exalted wisdom {T}

ye shes thogs pa mi mnga

ye shes ma bsgribs pa {MSA}

anvta-jna unobstructed wisdom

ba mnga mnga mnga mnga

{MSA}apratihata jna; {MSA}avyhatajna without obstructions to exalted wisdom

ye shes brtson grus rtsom

karman wisdom and action

ye shes tshul sgo {C}jna-naya-

ye shes dang las {MSA}jna-

ye shes rdo rje jna-vajra wisdom-

dvra modes and doors of wisdom {C}doors

and methods of cognition

ye shes tshogs {L}jna-sabhra


ye shes rdo rje

pa {MSA} jnasya vryrambhasya {PH}

initiation of effort [in dependence upon] exalted

collection of wisdom

gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje/ Tsang-pa

Gyay-ray-ye-shay-dor-je (1161-1211), a Ka-gyu
(bka brgyud) scholar {PH;G1:15}

ye shes mtsho rgyal p.n. of a

catur-vidha ... jna four aspects of exalted

wisdom; four types of exalted wisdom {T}

ye shes gzigs pa {C}jna-

female Tantric siddh, the Tibetan consort of


ye shes ni rnam pa bzhi {MSA}

darana exalted wisdom and seeing {C}vision

and cognition

ye shes rnam pa

sna tshogs pai phrin las {MSA}citrkra-jnakarman activities of the various exalted wisdoms

ye shes rnam par dag pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ye shes yangs pa {MSA}jnavaipulya extensive wisdom

ye shes la cung zad

dbang thob pa



thob thob thobs those who have achieved slight
mastery with respect to wisdom

ye shes la tshol bai rnam

pa btsal tshol/tshel
btsal tshold {MSA}jna-paryey-kra aspect
of seeking/investigating/examining/researching
exalted wisdom

yo byad byor ba necessities and


yo re ba whole; looming
yong to come; will
yong su mi chad par gyur

chad chad chad chad {C}

paritrasyati (=paribhsate) not cut off; nonannihilation; non-nullification {C}is terrified

ye shes la yang
dag par dbang thob pa
thob/thob thob thob thobs those who have
achieved thorough mastery with respect to

yongs whole; wholly; completely;

thoroughly {PH}whole; entirety; all

of wisdom

yongs bskor ba

shin tu rnam dag pa gnyis su med pai don {MSA}

jna ... suviuddha ... advayrtha meaning of the
non-dual, very pure exalted wisdom {T}

yongs grub

ye shes lam {MSA}jna-mrga path

ye shes
ye shes sems dpa jnasattva
{PH}wisdom being (jnasattva)

ye sangs rgyas pa primordial


thoroughly encircle/surround/revolve/
circumambulate/turn round/turn [a wheel]

yongs su

grub pa/ parinipanna thoroughly established

phenomenon; thoroughly established [nature]

mtshan nyid/ bdag gnyis gang rung gis
stong pai de kho na nyid/ Def.: a suchness that is an
emptiness of either of the two selves {T}

dbye ba/ 1 gzung dzin rdzas gzhan gyis

ye sangs rgyas


pai dgongs pa standpoint of primordial


yengs distraction
yer pa {PH}[Dra (brag)] Yerpa (cave retreat
east of Lhasa)

yo ga yoga transliteration of sanskrit yoga

yo ba crooked
yo byad {C}pradna; {C,MSA}parikra
goods; necessities; assets; belongings;

possessions; requisites [of life]; acquisitions

{C}furniture; articles; donation; offering; freely
bestow; generosity; requirement; {Das} chattel

stong ba/ 2 ngo bo dang khyad du kun brtags pai

kun brtags/ 3 rang gi mtshan nyid kyi grub pai
stong ba/ Div.: (1) emptiness of apprehended
object and apprehending subjects being different
substantial entities; (2) imputations that are
imputations as entity and attributes; (3) emptiness
of [the other-powered natures] being established by
way of its own cha

yongs grub kyi mtshan nyid

parinipannalakaa thoroughly established

yongs gengs

dgang gengs bkang gengs {C}paparipryate

fill; fulfill; satiate {C}is fulfilled

yo byad dang nye bar mkho

ba {C}parikropakaraa {C}what is necessary

to life

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bskor skor bskord skord {MSA}parivrita


yongs bsgos



yongs rtog pa {C}parkaa

sgo bsgos sgos {C}paribhvita infuse; deposit;

order {C}pervaded by; fostered; exalted;
saturated with

yongs bsgrags

conceptuality; conceive; think {C}investigation;


yongs dag {MSA}pariuddhi

bsgrag sgrog bsgrags/ sgrogs/ {C}

thoroughly pure; thorough purity

yongs dag pa {C}uddhi thoroughly

parikrtayi {C}continues to pronounce

yongs bsngo (pari am): {MSA}

pure; thorough purity {C}purity; purification

yongs dris {C}pcchati

parimayati; parimayant (=parimayato);

{C}nmayi (=parimayati) dedicate {C}to
one who turns over

yongs du prijta divine tree

yongs bsngo bar byed {MSA}

yongs don {C}samuddharati cause to

yongs bsngos {C}parimayati

come out; expel; recite; take out {C}fetch out


(=nirytat) dedicate {C}turns over to;

converts; transforms; dedicates to; bends to; is
applied to

yongs dris {C}paripcchati

(questions); questions; hopes that; enquires whether

yongs gcod {MV,N}pariccheda

yongs dren pa leader

yongs bsdus bsdu

discrimination; positive inclusion{N};

exclusionary elimination

yongs brjod

rjod brjod rjod {C}parikrtita; {C}parigyate;
{C}paridpita express {C}proclaimed; is
proclaimed; revealed; lit up; announced

sdud bsdus sdus {C}parigraha thorough

inclusion; thoroughly/completely collect/
summarize/include/bring together

yongs bsdus nas

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}parikrtita express


yongs nyams {C}parihyati

(=pariyyate); {C}pariha abandon; thoroughly

abandon {C}dwindle away; vanish; becomes
destitute of; without; has faded away; has lost

yongs nyams pa {C}hni abandon

{C}failure; diminution; waning; loss; decrease

yongs gtad {C}parndan; {C}parndita

{C}bestowal; Entrusting; favors; favored

yongs rtog (pari kp): {C}parikalpu;

{C}parikalpati; {MSA}parikalpyamna
conceptuality; conceive; think {C}one who
imagines; imagines

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



(pari am): parimayet dedicating; dedicate

yongs brjod pa



bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}parighti

(=mamatvena svkuryt) having thoroughly
collected/summarized/included/brought together
{C}takes hold of; gains; wins; seize upon; assists;
acquires; receives; takes to

yongs spong

spong spangs spongs {C}parivarjayi thoroughly
abandon; thorough abandonment {C}shuns

yongs spong nyid

spang spong spangs spongs {C}parihrit

thorough abandonment {C}avoid

yongs mi gtong ba not let go

yongs smin {C,MSA}paripka; {MSA}
paripcana thorough maturing; maturing;
thoroughly ripen



yongs smin par byed {MSA}

with; conjoined with; affected by; grasp; hold;

conjoin with {C}collected; upheld by; taken hold
of; gain; got hold of; held back by; accomplished;
complete; grace; obtain; gaining; win; taking hold
of; acquisition; helping; assumption; acquiring;
appropriation; assistance

paripcana thoroughly maturing; maturing;

thoroughly ripen

yongs smin bya (pari pac): {MSA}

paripcana; {MSA}paripcaymi thoroughly
maturing; maturing; thoroughly ripen

yongs bzung {C}parighta; {C}

yongs smin byed {C}paripcayi

parigraha apprehend; grasp; hold; conceive

{C}upheld by; taken hold of; gain; got hold of; held
back by

(=paripcayati); {MV}paripcana; {MSA}

paripka; {MSA}paripcaka; {MSA}pcaka
thoroughly maturing; maturing; thoroughly
ripen {C}matures

yongs dzin

yongs shes {C}parijnti (=prajnti);

{MV}parijna cognize {C}comprehends


yongs shes nas {C}parijnti

dzin bzung zungs {C}parighti (=mamatvena

svkuryt) retainer; tutor {C}takes hold of;
gains; wins; seize upon; assists; acquires; receives;
takes to

yongs dzin chung ba

(=prajnti) having cognized {C}comprehends

(=prajnti) cognize {C}comprehends



yongs dzin che ba

yongs su pari wholly; completely;


yongs su bkrol {C}parimocya



yongs rdzogs

yongs shes pa {C}parijnti


has set free

yongs su skyo ba {C}kheda;

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}pariprayati

thoroughly complete/perfect {C}fulfills

{MSA,MV}parikheda; {MV}parikhedit thorough

aversion; completely averse fatigue

yongs rdzogs byas nas

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

yongs su skyo ba med pa {C}

aparikkhedanat non-aversion; non-averse

{C}pariprayati having completed/perfected/

fulfilled {C}fulfills

{PH}perfect blessing

yongs su skyong ba {C}

receive; ask; request {C}questions; hopes that;

enquires whether

yongs su skyob pa {C}paritrat;

yongs rdzogs byin rlabs

yongs zhus pa {C}paripcchati offer;

yongs zin {C}sambhta; {C}parighta;

{C}parinihita (bhavati) to be done with;

conjoined with; affected by; grasp; hold; conjoin
with {C}collected; upheld by; taken hold of;
gain; got hold of; held back by; accomplished;

yongs zin pa {C}parigraha to be done

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


anupariplayati guard; keep; sustain; protect

{C}tra; {MSA}paritra protect; guard {C}
sheltering; protection; shelter

yongs su skyobs pa paritra

protect; guard {C}sheltering; protection; shelter

yongs su bskor

bskor skor bskord skord {C}parivta; {C}

parivarttayi thoroughly encircle/surround/

revolve/circumambulate/turn round/turn [a

wheel] {C}surrounded

accomplished; brought to perfection; totally real;

look after; carry; carry out; perform

yongs su bskor ba

bskor skor bskord skord {MSA}parivrita

yongs su grub pai ngo bo nyid; yongs su grub
pai rang bzhin thoroughly established nature

thoroughly encircle/surround/revolve/

circumambulate/turn round/turn [a wheel]

yongs su bskor bar gyur pa

yongs su grub pai mtshan

bskor skor bskord skord

{C}paricchinna (=tan-madhya-varti) thoroughly
round/turn [a wheel] {C}limited

nyid {MSA,MV}parinipanna-lakaa the

thoroughly established character

yongs su grub pai rang

bzhin parinipannasvabhva thoroughly
established nature

yongs su bskyab {L}paritrya

defend; protect; help; rescue; save

yongs su bskyab pa {C}paritra;

{C}paritrat defend; protect; help; rescue;
save {C}sheltering; protection

yongs su bskyab par byao

yongs su grub pai ngo bo nyid/ yongs su grub

pai rang bzhin {MSA,MV}parinipanna-svabhva
thoroughly established nature; thoroughly
established entityness

yongs su grol ba

grol grold grol grold {L}parimucyante

{C}trtavy (iti) one should protect; one should

defend {C}strives to save

yongs su khebs pa

thoroughly liberate; thoroughly release(d);

thoroughly loosen(ed)

kheb khebs kheb khebs {C}

yongs su grol bar gyur ro

paryavanaddha thoroughly covered/enveloped


grol grold grol grold {C}

parimucyate thoroughly liberate; thoroughly
release; thoroughly loosen {C}is liberated

yongs su mkhyen pa

mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend

yongs su grol bar byed de

{C}parijnat thoroughly know; complete

exalted knower {C}comprehension

grol grold grol grold {C}

yongs su goms pa {MSA}

parimocayati thoroughly liberate; thoroughly

release; thoroughly loosen {C}set free

paribhvana thoroughly cultivate; meditate

yongs su gyur pa {MSA}parivtti

yongs su dgams pa {C}

parindan {C}bestowal

(thoroughly) change; (thoroughly) transform

widely renowned

yongs su dgrol {C}parimocayati

thoroughly established {C}accomplished;

brought to perfection; totally real

yongs su dgrol ba {C}

parinipanna; {MV,MSA}parinipatti; {MSA}

nipanna; {C}pariharati; {C}anuhna;
{MSA}siddhi thoroughly established {C}

yongs su gyur ba

yongs su grags pa widely known;

yongs su grub {C}parinipatti

thoroughly loosen {C}set free

parimocanat thoroughly liberate; thoroughly

release; thoroughly loosen {C}set free;

yongs su grub pa {C,MSA,MV}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thoroughly liberate; thoroughly release;


gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {L,MSA}parima

thoroughly transform; change; transformation;


affects/controls; cause to completely/thoroughly


yongs su gyur bai nyan yongs su sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}

thos pa gyur gyurd gyur

gyurd hearer who is changeable

parinipatti (e.g.: dharmakya-parinipatti;

sarvajna-parinipatti; kualamla-parinipatti)
thoroughly establish; thoroughly established
{C}accomplishment; completion; what has the
status of a full and perfect reality; total reality

yongs su grib {C}parihi

thoroughly diminish; diminishment; diminution

{C}decrease; loss; never fails

yongs su grib pa {MSA}parihi yongs su sgrogs pai

thoroughly diminish; diminishment; diminution

yongs su grub pa {C}parinipatti

thoroughly establish; thoroughly established

yongs su grol ba

grol grold grol grold {L}parimucyante

become completely free; be thoroughly liberated

yongs su rgyas {C}parivddha

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{MV}paribhvana; {L}paribhvita thoroughly


bsgo sgo bsgos sgos {C}paribhvita

having thoroughly infused/deposited {C}

pervaded by; fostered; exalted; saturated with

yongs su rgyas pa {C}parijaya

yongs su bsgos pa

bsgo sgo bsgos sgos {C,MV}paribhvitatva;

thoroughly extend; very extensive; increase;

thoroughly fill; spread {C}(complete) mastery;
familiarity; conquest

{MV}paribhvita; {L}parivsita thoroughly

infused/deposited {C}pervaded by; fostered;
exalted; saturated with; having come forth and are
pervaded by; completely abide in

yongs su rgyu ba med pa

rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu {C}asamudcrat

{C}habitual absence

yongs su sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {C}paritara

(=paritrasan) (thoroughly) cultivate; meditate

{C}worry; distress

yongs su sgyur ba

bsgyur sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd {MSA}

yongs su bsgrags {C,MSA}

parikrtita widely known; widely renowned


yongs su bsgrags nas {C}

parikrtita widely known; widely renowned


yongs su bsgrags pa {C}

parimana; vivartan change; completely/

thoroughly change/transform/affect/control

parikrtita widely known; widely renowned


yongs su sgyur bar byed pa

bsgyur sgyur bsgyurd sgyurd

{MSA}parivartaka completely/thoroughly

change/transform/affect/control; that which

completely/thoroughly changes/transforms/
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yongs su bsgoms pa
yongs su bsgos nas

(=vypte) thoroughly extend; increase;

thoroughly fill; spread {C}increased; choked

tshul gyis {C}parikrtyamna-rpa through the

mode of (thoroughly) proclaiming/declaring

yongs su bsgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{C}nipdayati (=parinipdayati); {C}

parinipdanat (=nipdanat = abhinirmmite);

{C}parinipdayati thoroughly establish;

thoroughly established {C}accomplishes;
creates; perfects; achieves; creation

(thoroughly) decide; (thoroughly) eliminate

{C}accurate definer

ascertainment; very definite; (thoroughly)

determine {C}having circumscribed

chad chad chad chad {C,L}paricchinna;

yongs su ngal ba wearying

yongs su gcod par bya ba
{GD:674} determined object
yongs su nges pa {C}paricchinnatva
yongs su chad pa
(thoroughly) ascertain; (thorough)
yongs su bsngo {C}parimayati

(=nirytat) (thoroughly) dedicate {C}turns

over to; converts; transforms; dedicates to; bends to;
is applied to

yongs su bsngo ba {C}

parimanat; {C,L}parima; {MV}pariati;

{MSA}parimana thorough dedication;
(thoroughly) dedicate {C}turns over to;
dedication; converts; transforms; dedicates to; bends
to; is applied to; evolve

yongs su bsngo bar bya {MV}

chad chad chad chad {MSA}

aparicchinna not cut off; non-annihilation

yongs su brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}parikrtayati;

{C}parikrtita (thoroughly) express; state;

expression; (thoroughly) say {C}proclaims;
announce; speak about; proclaimed

brjod rjod brjod rjod {C}parikrtana;

{C}parikrtita (thoroughly) express; state;
expression; (thoroughly) say {C}proclaims;
proclamation; announce; speak about; proclaimed

yongs su bsngo bar byed

{MSA,MV}(pari am): parimayati
(thoroughly) dedicate

yongs su bsngos pa {MV}

yongs su brjod pai tshul

gyis brjod rjod brjod rjod
{C}parikrtyamna-rpa through the mode of
expression; by way of (thoroughly) expressing

parimana; {MV}pariman (thoroughly)


yongs su bsngos pa yin {C}

parimita bhavati is (thoroughly) dedicated
{C}becomes turned over

yongs su nyams {C}parihi;

yongs su bsngos par

{C}parihyati (thoroughly) degenerated;

(thoroughly) spoiled; (thoroughly) corrupted
{C}diminution; decrease; loss; never fails; dwindle
away; vanish; becomes destitute of

chud yin {C}parimita bhavati is (thoroughly)

dedicated {C}becomes turned over

yongs su bsngos pas {C}

parimayanto through (thoroughly) dedicating

{C}by having turned over

yongs su gcod (pari cchid): {MV}

paricchinatti; {MV}pariccheda (thoroughly) cut;

(thoroughly) decide; (thoroughly) eliminate
pa {C}pariccheda-kara (thoroughly) cut;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yongs su chad pa med

yongs su brjod pa

parimayitavya (thoroughly) dedicate

yongs su gcod pa byed

{C}pariccheda thoroughly cut off; thorough

annihilation {C}limited; completely free (from);
completely separated (from); delimits a certain
number of; delimit; limitation


yongs su nyams pa {C}pariha;

{C}parihyate; {MSA}parihi; {C}paribhraa;

{L}parihyate (thoroughly) degenerated;
(thoroughly) spoiled; (thoroughly) corrupted
{C}diminution; decrease; loss; never fails; dwindle
away; vanish; becomes destitute of; without;
has faded away; has lost; is diminished; fails of;
avoids; desists; diminish; lose; fail to win; flopped;

dropped; forsake

yongs su nyams par gyur

{C}parihna (thoroughly) degenerated;

(thoroughly) spoiled; (thoroughly) corrupted
{C}without; has faded away; has lost; is
diminished; fails of; avoids; desists; diminish; lose;
fail to win

yongs su nyams par gyur

ba (pari h): {C}parihyati; {C}parihyate;

{MSA}parihya; {MSA}parihika (thoroughly)
degenerated; (thoroughly) spoiled; (thoroughly)
corrupted {C}diminution; decrease; loss; never
fails; dwindle away; vanish; becomes destitute of;
without; has faded away; has lost; is diminished;
fails of; avoids; desists; diminish; lose; fail to win

yongs su gtang ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}parityajati

(thoroughly) send; (thoroughly) give away;

(thoroughly) let loose {C}renounces; abandons;


yongs su gtang ba med pa

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

aparityga not give away; not send; not let loose

{C}non-abandonment; non-renunciation

yongs su gtang bar byao

away; send; let go; give away; let loose; play [an
instrument] {C}one who never abandons

yongs su gtad pa {C}parndan;

{C}parndita; {C}parindan bestowal;
entrusting; favors; favored

yongs su gtugs pa {C}

paryupayoga finalization {C}the state of being

able to overlook differences

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}tyg; {MV}(pari

tyaj): parityajeta thoroughly give/treat/cast
away/send/renounce {C}renounces

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yongs su btang ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}parimukta;

{C}parityajati; {C}paritygita thoroughly give/

give up/send/let go/renounce {C}deprived of;
renounces; abandons; deserts; renunciation

yongs su btang bar gyur

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

parimukta thoroughly give/give up/send/let go/
renounce {C}deprived of

yongs su btang bar bya ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

parityaktavya thoroughly give/give up/send/let

go/renounce {C}should be abandoned

yongs su btang bar byao

yongs su rtog pa {C}

parikalpyamna; {L}paritarka; {L}parikalpa

thought; conceptual thought; conceptual
consciousness; impute; imputation
consideration; think about; mental construction;
{C}indulging in imagination; reflection

yongs su rtog pa ma

mchis pa {C}parikalpita-asatt no conceptual

thought; no conceptual consciousness; not
impute; non-imputation {C}imagination of
something that is not

yongs su rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}park

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}parityajana;

gtang gtong btang thongs

{C}parityajati thoroughly give/treat/cast away/
send/renounce {C}renounces; abandons; deserts;
renunciation; renounce; giving away; gives; give
cover to

dtavya should/will thoroughly give/give up/

send/let go/renounce {C}should be given

{C}aparitygin thoroughly give; treat; cast

yongs su gtong ba

yongs su gtong bar byed do

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

gtang gtong btang thongs

yongs su gtong

{C,MV,MSA}parityga; {C}dadti thoroughly

give/treat/cast away/send/renounce {C}
renounces; renunciation; renounce; giving away;
gives; give cover to

(thoroughly) realize; (thoroughly) cognize;


should (thoroughly) liberate(d) {C}set free

(thoroughly) understand; (thoroughly) cognize

yongs su ltung bas completely

yongs su dag gyur {C}

parudhyati (thoroughly) purify; (thorougly)

purified {C}is completely purified

fallen into

yongs su ston

yongs su dag pa {C,MSA,MV}

bstan ston bstand stond (pari dp): {MSA}

paridpayati; {C}paridpana (thoroughly) teach;
(thoroughly) indicate {C}revelation

yongs su ston pa

pariuddhi {C}(=pariodhana); {C}pariodhayati;

{MSA}pariuddhi; {C}uddha purifying;
thoroughly pure; (thoroughly) purify;
(thorougly) purified; (thorough) purity;
thorough purity {C}perfect purity; purifying;
purifies; (fully) cleanses; pure; bright; clean

bstan ston bstand stond {C}paridpayi

(thoroughly) teach; (thoroughly) indicate {C}


yongs su ston phyir

yongs su dag

pa dang rnam par dag pa {MSA}pariuddhir

viuddhi ca thorough purity and purity {T}

bstan ston bstand stond {C}paridpa

(thoroughly) teach; (thoroughly) indicate {C}


yongs su dag pai khyad par

yongs su brtag {C}parkaa

{MSA}pariuddhi-viea feature of thorough

purity {T}

(thoroughly) analyze; (thoroughly) investigate

{C}investigation; contemplation

yongs su brtag pa bzung {C}

parikalpya; {C}parikalpa-sthne (thoroughly)
analyze; (thoroughly) investigate {C}let us
imagine; let us assume; let us reckon

brtag rtog brtags rtags {MV}park

yongs su dag par gyur ba

yongs su dag par bya ba

thoroughly analyze/investigate

yongs su brtog pa {C}

upaparkate thought; conceptual consciousness;

think; (thoroughly) conceive {C}investigate;
consider; regards as

pariodhana (=pariuddhi); {MSA}pariuddhi

object of (thorough) purification; (thoroughly)
purify; (thoroughly) purified {C}purifying;

yongs su dag par byed

pa {C}pariodayati (thoroughly) purify;

(thoroughly) purified {C}purifies; (fully)

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA,MV}paridpita

(thoroughly) indicate; (thoroughly) teach

yongs su bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MV,C}

paridpita; {C}paridpan (thoroughly) indicate;

(thoroughly) teach {C}has been shown up;
elucidation; revelation; revealed; lit up; announced

yongs su thar par byao {C}

yongs su dul ba {C}paridamana

(thoroughly) discipline; (thorough) disciplining;

(thoroughly) tame {C}control

yongs su dul bar byed

{C}paridamayati (thoroughly) discipline;

(thorough) disciplining; (thoroughly) tame {C}

mocayati one should (thoroughly) release; one

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}pariuddha-bhmika one on the ground of

thorough purity {T}

{C}pariodhayati; {C}nigacchati (thoroughly)

purify; (thoroughly) purified {C}purifies;
(fully) cleanses; incur

yongs su brtags pa

yongs su bstan

yongs su dag pai sa pa



yongs su dris pa {C}paripcchati

include; (thoroughly) abridge {C}receives;

accepts; acquires; take hold of

question; ask

yongs su gdung ba {MSA}paridha

(thoroughly) torment; (thorough) mortification;

be (thoroughly) tormented; be scorched; desire;

long for

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MSA}

(sa grah): saghti (thoroughly) collect;
(thoroughly) include; (thoroughly) abridge
(thoroughly) collect; (thoroughly) include;

{C}anudvha non-torment; non-mortification;

not tormented; not scorched; non-desire; not
long for {C}celibacy

(thoroughly) abridge

yongs su gnas pa {MSA}parivsa

yongs su dud par byed

(thoroughly) abide; (complete) abode

yongs su snang ba

btud dud btud dud {C}

pariamayati thoroughly pay homage {C}

snang snang snang snang {C}paridpayati

appear; appearance {C}lighten up; is lit up

yongs su dri bar byao {C}

paripranayati ask; question {C}(asks) counter

questions; asks questions

yongs su dris pa {C}parijaya; {C}

suparicita; {C}paripcchati; paricaya familiarity;

thorough familiarity {C}(complete) mastery;
familiarity; conquest; become thoroughly familiar

yongs su dris par byed {C}

paricary karoti become thoroughly familiar
with; thorough familiarity {C}(complete)
mastery; familiarity; conquest; serve upon; gets
fully acquainted with

yongs su dpyod pa {C}

parimms (=park); {L}paricra; {MSA}

pariccheda (thoroughly) investigate;
thorough investigation; (thoroughly) examine;
discrimination {C}be acquainted with; serve;

yongs su spang ba

spang spong spangs spongs {C}parivarjanat;

{MV,MSA}parivarjana; {MSA}parityga
(thoroughly) abandon; (thorough) abandonment
{C}avoidance; shuns; having expelled

yongs su spang bai thabs

yongs su dren pa

spang spong spangs spongs

{MSA}paritygopya method of thorough

drang dren drangs drongs/drend


yongs su spang bar bya ba

{C}pariyaka; {C}pariyika induce; inducer;

lead; leader; draw; connect; cite; guide

spang spong spangs spongs {C}

parivajanya; {C}parivarjayitavya; {MSA}parihra

object of thorough abandonment; thoroughly

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}parigraha

abandon {C}to be shunned; should be shunned/


(thoroughly) collect; (thoroughly) include;

(thoroughly) abridge {C}grace; obtain;
gaining; win; taking hold of; acquisition; helping;
assumption; acquiring; appropriation; assistance

yongs su spangs

spang spong spangs spongs {C}praha

(thoroughly) abandon; (thorough) abandonment
{C}forsaken; rid of

yongs su sdud par gyur

ro bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}

pratighti (thoroughly) collect; (thoroughly)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yongs su bsdu ba {MSA}parigraha

yongs su gdung ba med pa

yongs su sdud pa

yongs su sdud par byed


yongs su spangs pa

paryavadta; {L}paryayavad (thoroughly)
purified; (thoroughly) purify; (thorough) purity
{C}highly/completely cleansed

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}

parivarjana (thoroughly) abandon; (thorough)


yongs su spong

yongs su blangs {C}samdya

(thoroughly) adopt; (thoroughly) assume;

(thoroughly) take up; take; receive {C}having
taken upon himself; in conformity with; undertakes
to observe

spang spong spangs spongs {MSA}parivarjanat;

{MSA}(prati h): pratiharanti (thoroughly)
abandon; (thorough) abandonment

yongs su spong ba

yongs su sbyang pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}(pari vj):

parivarjayati; {MSA}(prati h): pratiharanti;
{MSA}parivarjana (thoroughly) abandon;
(thorough) abandonment

yongs su spod {C}paribhujati

pariodhana; {MSA}viodhana; {C}parikarman

thoroughly purify/wash/practice/train/cleanse/
clean {C}(necessary) preparation

yongs su sbyang ba bgyis


sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs


yongs su spyad

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}paribhunakti

(thoroughly) practice; (thoroughly) enjoy;
(thoroughly) make use of; perform {C}enjoys
the use of; relishes; enjoys; uses; consumes; derives
enjoyment from

yongs su spyad pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}paribhoga

(thoroughly) practice; (thoroughly) enjoy;
(thoroughly) make use of; perform

yongs su spyod

spyod spyad spyod {C}paribhujati (thoroughly)

enjoy; (thoroughly) make use of; (thoroughly)
practice; (thoroughly) act out; perform; deeds;
performance; practice(s) {C}consumes

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}paribhoga; {MV}

pariccheda (thoroughly) enjoy; (thoroughly)
make use of; (thoroughly) practice; (thoroughly)
act out; perform; deeds; performance;

yongs su phyi rol tu gyur

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MV}parikarma; {MV}parikarmitatva thoroughly


sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{MSA}pariodhayitavya will/should thoroughly
thoroughly purify/wash/practice/train/cleanse/

yongs su sbyangs pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}

pariodhana thoroughly purify/wash/practice/


yongs su sbyangs
pa byas pai rnal byor sbyang
sbyong sbyangs sbyongs ktaparicaya[yoga]
yoga of someone who is practiced

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {C,MSA,MV}

pariodhana {C}(=pariuddhi); {C}pariodhanat;
{C}pariodhayati; {MSA}viodhana; {C}
parikarman; {C}bhmi-parikarman; {C}parijaya;

parivhya {C}expelled

byang byangs byang byongs {C,MSA}

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

yongs su sbyong ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}

yongs su byang ba

yongs su sbyang ba byas pa

yongs su sbyang bar bya


yongs su spyod pa

{C}kta-parikarma thoroughly purify/wash/

practice/train/cleanse/clean {C}make the
necessary preparations


{L}pariodha thorough purification/cleansing/
washing/practicing/training/cleaning {C}
purifying; purification; purifies; (fully) cleanses;
(necessary) preparation; preparation for the
grounds; (complete) mastery; familiarity; conquest

yongs su sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord pariyukta thoroughly

yongs su ma grub pa {C,MSA}

yongs su mi skyo {C}aparikhedit

non-aversion; not averse {C}indefatiguability

yongs su mi ngal {C}aparirnti

non-fatigue; non-weariness {C}(persistent)

aparinipatti thoroughly non-established;

not thoroughly established {C}absence of
accomplishment; not totally real


yongs su ma nyams pa {MSA}

aparihika non-degenerate; not corrupted {T}

yongs su ma btang ba

yongs su ma shes pa yongs su shes par bya bai

dbang po {C}anjatm-jsymi-indriya the
power which cognizes what is not yet cognized
{C}the dominant I shall come to understand the
not yet understood

yongs su mi nyams

pai chos can {C}apariha-dharma nondegenerated subject; thoroughly undefiled

subject {C}unfailing; one who never again loses
interest in

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

aparityakta not thoroughly give/give up/send/
let go/renounce {C}(does) not abandon; not

yongs su mi gtong ba

not thoroughly pure; not pure

yongs su mi shes {C}aparijna

yongs su ma dag pa apariuddha

yongs su ma byang ba

byang byangs byang byongs {L}

aparyayavad not completely pure; not purified

yongs su ma smin pa {L}


yongs su mya ngan

das pa {L,MSA}parinirva; {MSA}nirva;

{MSA}parinirvta parinirva; thoroughly
passed beyond sorrow; thorough passing beyond

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

{MSA}aparipra not complete; imperfect; not


yongs su ma zhen pa

yongs su ma bzung {C}aparigraha

not apprehend; not grasp; not hold; not

conceive {C}no(n-) appropriation; not upheld;

not gaining; not taken hold of

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

non-consciousness; not cognize {C}no

yongs su mya ngan las

gtang gtong btang thongs

{C}aparityakta; {MSA,MV}aparityga not
thoroughly give/treat/cast away/send/renounce
{C}(does) not abandon; not abandoned

las da ba {MSA}parinirva parinirva;

thoroughly passed beyond sorrow; thorough
passing beyond sorrow

aparipakva; {L}aparipacana; {MV}aparipakvat

not (thoroughly) matured; not (thoroughly)
ripened; immature

yongs su ma rdzogs pa

yongs su mya ngan las

das bya ba {L}parinirvpayitavyam thoroughly

passed beyond sorrow; thorough passing beyond


su mya ngan las mi da bai chos can {MSA}

aparinirva-dharmaka; {MSA}aparinirvadharman a subject that has not thoroughly


passed beyond sorrow {T}

yongs su mya ngan las

zlog pa {MSA}parinirvpaa thoroughly turned

away from sorrow; thoroughly reversed from
sorrow {T}

yongs su smin pa {L,MSA}

bar bya ba {MSA}paripcana-yogya suitable as

thoroughly ripened

yongs su smin bya {C}paripcana

thoroughly ripen; thoroughly mature {C}

yongs su btsal

paripakva; {L,MSA}paripcana; {C}paripka

gata; {MV}paripakvat; {MSA}paripka
thoroughly ripened; thoroughly matured {C}
comes to maturity

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}gaveate

(thoroughly) search; (thoroughly) seek {C}

strive for; want

yongs su smin pai mtshan

yongs su btsal bar

{MSA}paripka-lakaa sign of thorough


btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}paryei

(thoroughly) search; (thoroughly) seek {C}

yongs su smin par gyur nas

searches (for); seeks (for); try to determine; decides

to look for

{C}pka gata having thoroughly ripened

{C}comes to maturity

yongs su tshol

yongs su smin par gyur ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {C}gaveate

{C}paripcayati thoroughly ripen; thoroughly

mature {C}matures

thoroughly seek/investigate/examine/research/

look for {C}search; seek for; strive for; want

yongs su smin par bya ba

{MSA,C}paripka; {MSA}paripcana; {MSA}

paripcayitavya; {MSA}paripcya object of
thorough ripening; thoroughly ripen; thoroughly
mature {C}maturing

yongs su smin par byed {MV}

(pari pac): paripcayati thoroughly ripen;
thoroughly mature

yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold {L}

parye-; {L,MSA}paryea; {MSA}paryei;

paryean thorough examination; thoroughly
seek; thoroughly investigate; thoroughly
examine; thoroughly research; thoroughly look
for inquire; ask; thorough investigation; {C}
search; seek for; strive for; want

yongs su tshal ba

btsal tshol btsald tshold {C}parij

yongs su smin par byed pa

(pari pac): {MSA}paripcayati; {MSA,MV}
paripka; {MSA}paripcaka; {MSA,MV}
paripcana; {MV}paripcin; {C}paripcanat
thoroughly ripen; thoroughly mature {C}

(thoroughly) seek; (thoroughly) want; ask;

beseech; desire {C}comprehension

yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel btsal tshold

yongs su smin par byed

{C}paryeaat thoroughly seek/investigate/

examine/research/look for {C}search for

pa bya ba {C}paripcanat thoroughly ripen;

thoroughly mature {C}maturing

yongs su smin par mdzad pa

{MSA}paripka; {MSA}paripcana thoroughly
ripen; thoroughly mature

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yongs su smin par rung


yongs su dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}parighti

(=mamatvena svkuryt); {C}parigraha

(thoroughly) apprehend; (thoroughly) grasp;
(thoroughly) hold; (thoroughly) bear; conceive

{C}takes hold of; gains; wins; seize upon;
assists; acquires; receives; takes to; grace; obtain;
gaining; win; taking hold of; acquisition; helping;
assumption; acquiring; appropriation; assistance

yongs su dzin pa

who takes up (bad moral practices -- dulaparigrahka); recipient

yongs su rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

samparigrahaa; {C}parighti; {C,MSA,MV}

parigraha; {C}parigrhik; {MSA}parigrahaa;
{C}dhrayati; {C}dhraa (thoroughly)
apprehend; (thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly)
hold; (thoroughly) bear; conceive {C}full
acceptance; assistance; one who takes hold of;
retain in mind; carries; carrying

yongs su dzin pa
thams cad gtong ba gtang
gtong btang thongs {MSA}sva-parigraha-tyga
(sarva-) renounce all grasping; give up all

yongs su dzin pa med

pai don gzung dzin bzung

zungs {MV}niparigrahatrtha meaning of nongrasping {T}

yongs su dzin pa yin

yongs su dzin par gyur

yongs su rdzogs pai rkyen

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

{MSA}paripri-pratyaya condition of thorough
completion; condition of complete perfection

yongs su rdzogs pai

tshul khrims rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}paripra-la thoroughly
perfect/complete ethics

yongs su rdzogs par

yongs su rdzogs par bya

gzung dzin bzung zungs

ba rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs {MSA}paripraa thorough perfection/

{C}parighti (thoroughly) apprehend;

(thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly) hold;

(thoroughly) bear; conceive

yongs su dzin par byed

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}

saparigraha karoti (thoroughly) apprehend;

(thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly) hold;
(thoroughly) bear; conceive

yongs su rdzogs par

bya bai don rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}paripry-artha object/
meaning of thorough perfection/completion

yongs su rdzogs par byed pa

yongs su dzin par byed

pa gzung dzin bzung zungs

{C}parigrhaka [cf. Nett. 79; parigghaka =
upatthambhaka] (thoroughly) apprehend;
(thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly) hold;
(thoroughly) bear; conceive {C}one who
has upheld; helper; someone who upholds; one

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA,MV,C}paripra; {L,MSA,MV}paripraa;
{C}paripratva (=pariprya); {MSA,MV}
paripri; {MSA}sapra; {C}pra; {L}parini-;
{C}parinipatti [thorough-ly-finished]; full
complement; completely perfected; thoroughly
finished/complete {C}full of; the fullness
of; fulfilled; complete; developed fully; large;
fulfill; fulfillment; has perfected; complete(d);
accomplishment; completion

gyur cig rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs {C}paripraya bhavantu may it
become complete/completely perfect {C}come
to fulfilment

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

parigrhik {C}one who takes hold of

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

{MV}paripraa; {MSA}paripri completely

perfect; thoroughly finish


yongs su zhu {L}pcchati ask; question

yongs su zhen pa attachment


yongs su zad pa {L}parikaya; {C}

yongs su g.yo ba {C}pariyanda;

yongs su zin pa {C}parighta;

yongs su brlan pa {C}pariyandita

parijaya (=parikaya) (thoroughly) use up;

(thoroughly) exhaust; (thorough) extinction
{C}(complete) mastery; familiarity; conquest

{C}paripanda (thoroughly) move; (thoroughly)

fluctuate; (thoroughly) remove {C}mental
(=upabhmhita) (e.g.: manasikra-pariyandita)
thoroughly wet {C}overflow

{MSA}parigraha; {C}paripcita (=pariodhita)

(thoroughly) conjoined with; (thoroughly)
affected by; (thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly)
hold {C}upheld by; taken hold of; gain; got hold
of; held back by; matured

yongs su len pa {C}pratigrhaka;

{MSA}parigraha (thoroughly) appropriate;
(thoroughly) take; obtain {C}recipient

yongs su zlum po {GST}

yongs su longs {L}paribhoga

parimaala {PH}completely round; perfectly


yongs su gzung

(thoroughly) appropriate; obtain; accept use;


yongs su longs spyad pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C,MV}parigraha

(thoroughly) apprehend; (completely) identify

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}

paribhunakti (thorough) enjoyment; resources
{C}enjoys the use of; relishes; enjoys; sues;
consumes; derives enjoyment from

yongs su gzung ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}parighti;

yongs su longs spyod pa

{C,MSA,MV}parigraha; {MV}parighta; {MV}

parightva; {C}anuparigraha; {C}dhrayati
(=rdhayati) (thoroughly) apprehend;
(completely) identify {C}help; retain in mind;

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

paribhoga (thorough) enjoyment; resources

yongs su shes {C}jeya; {MV}

yongs su gzung ba med pa

parij; {MV}parijta; {MV}parijna

knowledge; thorough knowledge; (thoroughly)
cognize {C}intelligible

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

aparighta not apprehend; non-identification

{C}ungained; do not grasp at

yongs su shes gyur pa {C}

yongs su bzung ba {C}

parijnti (=prajnti) know; thoroughly know;

(thoroughly) cognize {C}comprehends

parighti (=mamatvena svkuryt); {C,MV}

parighta; {C,MSA}parigraha; {MV}parightva
thorough sustenance; (thoroughly) apprehend;
(thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly) hold;
(thoroughly) conceive {C}takes hold of; gains;
wins; seize upon; assists; acquires; receives; takes
to; upheld by; taken hold of; gain; got hold of; held
back by

yongs su shes pa {C,MV,MSA}

parij; {C}jeya; {MV,MSA}parijta;

{MV,MSA}parijna knowledge; thorough
knowledge; (thoroughly) cognize; thorough
knowledges {C}comprehension; investigation;

yongs su bzung ba med

pa {C}aparighta not apprehend; nonapprehension; not grasp; not hold; not conceive;
non-conception {C}ungained; do not grasp

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


yongs su shes pai bras bu

{MSA}parij-phala fruit of knowledge

yongs su shes par bya {MV}

parij; {MV}parijna; {MV}parijeya should

thoroughly know {T}


yongs su shes par bya ba

{MSA,MV}parijeya; {MV}parij; {MV}parijna

object of thorough knowledge

yongs su gsal bar byas {C}

paridpita serve to clarify knowledge {C}
revealed; lit up; announced

yongs su bsams pa {C}

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}(pari

rak): parirakanti thoroughly protect/guard/

keep/maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows
and pledges]

yongs su bsrungs pa


yod brtan du mi rung ba {C}

yod dang med {MV}bhvbhva; {MV}

sadasat(tva) existence and non-existence

yod dang med don

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}

mngon sum pa {MSA}sadasattrthe pratyaka

one who has direct perception of existence and
non-existence {T}

paryutthita thoroughly not ask/beg/collect/

gather/raise/inspire/excite/arouse/cause to rise/
urge on {C}possessed by

yod dang med pa {MSA,MV}

bhvbhva; {MV}sadasat(tva) existence and

non-existence; being and non-being

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}(pari rak):

parirakanti thoroughly protect/guard/keep/
maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows and

yod dang med pa nyid {MSA}

astitva-nstitva existence and non-existence;
being and non-being

yod {C}bhva; {C}astit; {L}satt; {MSA}

sattva; {MV}vidyate; {MV 5}savidyate; {C}vidy

exist; existence; exists; have {C}science(s);
(secret) lore; existence; knowledge; magical
formula; being; being-ness; is-ness; there is; it
stong nyid mngon sum du rtogs zin ma nyams pa
sngar nas yod pas since he has from before a nondegenerated direct realization of emptiness{TGP

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yod nges {GD:106} definite existence

yod nges can {PH}definitely existent

extreme of existence

yod kyi ma red probably not

yod kyi red probably


yod mtha [existence-extremity]; the

{C}rakaa thoroughly protect/guard/keep/

maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows and
pledges] {C}protection; guarding

yongs bsrung

yod sgrub

avivsa {C}distrust

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs

yongs su bslang

imputational nature

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs exists proof

paricintita think; thought {C}thought over

yongs su bsrung ba

yod khyab pervasion of existence

yod gro probably
yod rgyui kun btags existent


yod do zhes bya ba ni

rtag pai mthao {MV}astti vatnta it exists
is the extreme of permanence

yod na if [something] exists

yod na dgag mi nus if [something] exists, it

is not possible to negate it

yod pa {MSA,MV}bhva; {C}sambhava;

{C}sambhavati; {MV}sadbhva; {N}bhava; {C}

bhavati; {MSA,MV}sat; {MV}astitva; {C}astit;
{MV,N}sattva; {MV}sa-; {C}vidyati; vidyate; astitvam be; exist; be present; an existent (thing);
existence; exists {C}becomes; stands; takes

place; occurs; comes about; exists; source; there can
be; possibility; possible origin; make possible; be
present in; have at ones disposal; exist potentially;
can possibly be; being-ness; is-ness; there is; it
is; {GD:486} re
mtshan nyid/ tshad mas dmigs ba/
Definition: observed by a valid cognizer (or: by
valid cognition)

yod pa kun nas spangs te

spang spong spangs spongs {MV}sattvena varjita

abandon existence

yod pa ma dra probably not

yod pa ma yin {MV}avidyamnat;

yod pa ma yin te byung

{MSA}sat samantd vihya abandoning all

ba ma yin byung byung byung

byung {C}asad-asabhta does not exist, [since
it] does not arise; {T} not existing it does not


yod pa nyid {MV,MSA}sattva; {L}satt;

{MSA}astitva; {MSA}nbhvat existence

yod pa ma

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

yin pa la yongs su brtags pa

gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs {C}
asat-parikalpanat imagine it whereas it does
not exist {C}imagine what is not

astitva-dean indicate/teach as existent {T}

yod pa nyid ma yin {MSA}na

bhva non-existent

yod pa dang med pa {MV}

yod pa med {C}asaga-bhta non-

bhvbhva; {MV}sadasatt existence and nonexistence; being and non-being

existence {C}true non-attachment

yod paam med pa {MSA}

yod pa dang med pa nyid

bhvbhva existent or non-existent

{MSA}astitva-nstitva existence and nonexistence; being and non-being

yod pai btags pa ba

gdags dogs btags/brtags

yod pa dang med pa

thogs {GD:103} metaphorically existent

mnyam pa nyid {MSA}bhvbhva-samnat

sameness of existence and non-existence

yod pai mtha extreme of

yod pa dang


yod pai mtshan nyid {MV}

med pa de dag tha mi dad pai phyir {MSA}

bhvbhvayor abhinnatvt because those
existents and non-existents are not different {T}

sallakaa character of existence; existent


yod par {C}-sat which is; as existent

yod pa dang med pai de

kho na {MV}sadasat-tattva reality of existence

and non-existence

{C}as being

yod pa dang yin pai

khyad par difference between the existence [that

is, presence] of such and such and being such
and such

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MV}na ... asti; {MV 1.13c}na bhva; {MV}na

vidyate not existent{N}; non-existent

spang spong spangs spongs

yod pa nyid du bstan pa

yod pa dra it seems

yod pa spangs pa


yod par rnam par rtog pa

{MSA}bhva-vikalpa conceive as existent

yod par dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}sad-grha

apprehend as existent


yod par shes par byao {C}

good qualities

pratikkati one should cognize as existent; {T}

should be known as existent {C}expects; desire

yod pas yin par mi grub

yon tan gyi skabs {MSA}

gudhikra occassion of good qualities {T}

yon tan gyi khyad par {MSA}

grub grub grubs/grub grubs existence [that
is, presence] of such and such does not establish
being such and such

gua-viea special qualities; distinctive


yod ma yin {MV 5.19v}na vidyate nonexistent; does not exist

yod min {MSA}na bhva; {MSA}na san

non-existent; does not exist; not existent{BJ 38.1}

yod med {MV}sad-asatt non-existent;

yon tan gyi grangs

phel pai khyad par {PH}the feature of an
increase in the number of qualities

yon tan gyi che ba nyid {MSA}

gua-vddhi-mhtmya greatness of qualities

yon tan gyi

mi mthun pai phyogs las grol ba

grol grold grol grold {MSA}vipakamuktatva (gua-) released from the discordances
to good qualities

does not exist; not existent

yod med khyad par med pa

{MSA}bhvbhvviea there is no distinction

between existing and non-existing {T}

yod med nyid {MSA}sad-asat

yon tan gyis lci ba heavy with

good qualities

existence and non-existence; being and non-being

yon tan rgya mtsho {C}gua-sgara

yod smra ba sarvstivdin Sarvstivdin

ocean of good qualities {C}ocean of virtues
yod lugs way of existence
yon tan rgya mtshoi pha rol
{MSA}gurava-pra other side of the ocean of
yon {C}dakia {C}gift; donation(s);
good qualities

yon tan {LCh,C.MV,MSA}gua; {C}gunta

quality; good qualities; good quality; virtue;

attainment {C}advantage; virtuous act; infinite


yon tan brgya phrag

bcu gnyis gua-dvdaa-ata twelve [sets] of a

hundred-fold good qualities{PGP 78}

yon tan brgya phrag

bcu gnyis byung byung byung
byung byung {MSA}gua-dvdaa-atodaya
arising of twelve [sets] of a hundred-fold good

yon tan kyi rten {MSA}gun

pratih basis of good qualities

yon tan khyad par can {MSA}

gua ... viia; {MSA}vieaka ... gua; {MSA}

vaieika-gua having special qualities {PH}
having special qualities

yon tan bsngags pai

can gyi sgrib pa {MSA}vaieika-guvaraa

obstruction of special good qualities {T}

yon tan chang ba {C}gua-dhara

phreng ba {C}gua-vara-mla {C}garland of

the praises of the qualities

yon tan khyad par

yon tan mkhan

hold to good qualities; holder of good qualities

{T} {C}bearer of qualtiies

{PH}those skilled in

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



yon tan mnyam

yon tan rnam bcu {MSA}daa-vidha

yon tan gter {MSA}gua-nidhi

yon tan rnam par dbye ba

pa med pa dang ldan pa nyid {MSA}asama-guayuktatva having dissimilar qualities

... anuasa ten types of good qualities; ten-fold

good qualities {T}

{MSA}gua-vibhga differentiation of good

qualities {T}

treasury of good qualities

yon tan thob tshul

yon tan rnams kyi las {MSA}

{PH}the mode

of attaining qualities

yon tan mthong ba {MSA}gua-

gun karma(n) activity of good qualities {T}

darana see good qualities {T}

yon tan dang

skyon yongs su brtags pa

brtag rtog brtags rtags {MSA}gua-doaparkaa investiage/analyze qualities and faults

yon tan dang ldan {MSA}gua-

yon tan rnams kyis

gang bai phyir {MSA}guai ... prapratvt

because of being full of good qualities; because it/
one is full of good qualities {T}

yon tan dpag tu med pa {L}

aprameya-gua; {MSA}gua ... asama (=amita?)

immeasurable good qualities

yon tan phel byed {MSA}gua-

yukta; {MSA}gua-yoga; {MSA}guavat; {MSA}

gunvita; {MSA}guai ... samanvit having
good qualities; with good qualities

vddhi increase good qualities

yon tan dang ldan pa {C,MSA}

yon tan blo gros guamati

Guamati [p.n.]

guavat; {C}guavat; {MSA}gua-yukta; {MSA}

gua-yoga; {MSA}gunvita; {MSA}guai ...
samanvit having good qualities; with good
qualities {C}gifted with virtuous qualities;

yon tan byung

byung byung byung byung {C}gugamu
arising of good qualities {C}come the qualities

yon tan dang ldan

yon tan byung gnas

yon tan du lta bai tshul

yon tan ma mchis pa {C}nirgua

byung byung byung byung {MSA}gua-

pai bshes gnyen {MSA}gua-mitra spiritual

friend with good qualities; {T} spritual friend
with the good quality of ...

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}gua-

kara (=gua-kara?) source of good qualities;

[p.n.]? {T}

without good qualities; without qualities

sadara-yoga method of viewing good qualities


yon tan de gnyis sgra

pa {MSA}bahu-gua ... mitra (friend) having

many good qualities


rtog gis rdzogs pai tshul gyis rtogs mi nus pai

yon tan quality of the inability of thoroughly
realizing these two qualities through terms and

tan mi zad pa dang mnyam pa med pa dang ldan pa

nyid {MSA}akaysama-gua-yuktatva having
inexhaustible and incomparable good qualities

yon tan dod pa {MSA}guam

kkati desire good qualities

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

yon tan mang po dang ldan

yon tan tshul {C}gua quality; mode

of qualities {C}advantage; virtuous act



yon tan tshogs {C}gua-sacaya

present with

accumulation of qualities; collection of good


yon tan mtshungs pa med pa

{MSA}atulya-gua dissimilar qualities

yon tan bzhi {MSA}gua-catuaya

yon po deceiver
yon po ma yin te byung pa

byung byung byung byung {C}

avaka {C}not tricky

yon phul ba {C}daki

pratihpayati {C}give/establish donations

four qualities

yon bul ba {C}daki

yon tan bzang po Guabhadra
pratihpayati {C}give/establish donations
yon tan od guaprabha Guaprabha
yor stod {PH}Yerpa county
yon tan rin chen sdud pa yol {PH}dawn
bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {C}ratna yol {Sa} javanik (= yol ba); tiraskarai (=
gua-sacaya compendium of precious qualities
yol ba); yni (= yol ba); ptra (= yol ko) {PH}

? {T}

yon tan rin po che {MSA}gua-

yos {PH}grain; barley

yul; don viaya; artha object
g.yag yak
g.yag ston sangs rgyas

ratna precious qualities

yon tan la jug pa {MSA}guapravtti engage in good qualities

yon tan shes {MSA}gua-jat

cognition of (good) qualities; cognize (good)



yon tan gsum trigua three


Divisions: dbye ba/

1 snying stobs 2 rdul 3 mun pa Div.: 1) lightness
(sattva), 2) motility (rajas), 3) darkness (tamas)

yon tan gsum pai sems

g.yang abyss; gulf

g.yang lba lucky goiter
g.yang sa {C}prapta abyss; gulf



g.ya dust; rust (?)

{PH}dust; dirt;
defilement; rocky cliffs
When the autumn sky is free of dust, ...

pa {MSA}tri-gu cetan intention with three


yon tan lhag pai khyad par


g.ya dag pa pure of dust

g.yas {C}pradakia right hand; right side

{PH}the features of surpassing qualities

yon tan lhag ma {MSA}gudhika

{PH}counter-clockwise {C}(curl) to the right

special qualities

g.yas bskor du clockwise; clockwise

yon gtan gua value; quality

yon du grol te


grol grold grol grold {C}abhicchdayati {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bstan ston bstand stond

Yak-dn-sang-gye-bel (1348-1414 ce.)


g.yas bskor; g.yas


g.yeng ba

nas bskor bskor skor

bskord skord circumambulate clockwise;
circumambulate from the right

g.yeng / g.yeng / g.yengs/ g.yengs sam

yengs/ {MV,MSA}vikepa; {MV}vikipta to be

distracted; to wander (mentally); distraction; be
diverted; agitate the mind

g.yas nas bskor;

g.yas bskor bskor skor

bskord skord circumambulate clockwise;
circumambulate from the right

g.yeng ba med par gyur pa

{MV}avikepa-pariat is not distracted

g.yas pa {C}dakia right hand; right

side {C}(turning to the) right

g.yas phyogs {C}dakia right hand;

right side; right direction {C}(turning to the)

g.yas phyogs su {C}pradakia

g.yeng / g.yeng / g.yengs/ g.yengs sam

yengs/ {C}kipta to be distracted; to wander

(mentally); distraction; be diverted; agitate the
mind {C}distracted; shot into

g.yengs par bgyid {C}vikipati

be distracted; wander (mentally); distraction; be

diverted; agitate the mind {C}disperse

{C}(curl) to the right

g.yas phyogs su khyil ba

g.yem {MSA}kmin sexual intercourse

log g.yem adultery{TGP 77}

{C}dakivartta {C}turn to the right

g.yas g.yon on either side [lit.: right-

g.yer ma Guinea pepper

g.yel ba {MSA}udsna be idle; cease
g.yel ba med pa {C}atandrita [be


g.yi lynx
g.yung drung swastika; eternal


idle-not-exist]; incessantly {C}undaunted

gzhan stong rtag brtan

g.yel bar med pa {C}atandrita

g.yung drung ther zug emptiness of the other

permanent, stable, eternal, everlasting

[be idle-not-exist]; incessantly

g.yung po {C}pukkaa {C}refuse worker g.yel med pa {C}atandrita [be idlenot-exist]; incessantly {C}undaunted
g.yul {C}sagrama {C}battle
g.yo g.yo/ g.yo/
g.yul gyed {C}samara {C}battle
g.yos/ g.yos/ {C}calati; {C}hya move;
fluctuate; waver; remove; dissimulation; deceit
g.yul ngor {C}sagrama {C}battle
{PH}dissimulation; deceit; deception {C}is put
g.yul du thog mar {C}iras {C}
out; move away from; swerve (away from); shakes;
head; front (of a battle)


g.yeng / g.yeng / g.yengs/ g.yengs sam

yengs/ {MV,C}vikipta; {MV}vikepa to be

distracted; to wander (mentally); distraction;
be diverted; agitate the mind {C}disturbed;
distracted; scattered de la g.yeng
bai dran pa mindfulness which is distracted to
that{TGP 5}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


stirs skad cig gis g.yo

bas smig rgyu lta buo it is like a mirage because
it fluctuates from moment to moment{TGP 56}
brtan g.yoi tshad measure of
[relative] stability or fluctuation
dus nam yang mi g.yo never move again

g.yo gul vibrate

de brgya g.yo gul byas nas through having

vibrated those hundred [worlds]{PGP 87}


g.yo sgyu {PH}deceit and guile

g.yo ldan {Rigzin} Satha
g.yo ba g.yo/

g.yo/ g.yos/ g.yos/ {C}calati; {C,MSA}cala;

{MSA}vicalana; {MSA}nicala; {C}spandan; {C}
syandan; {L}kiraa; {C}anija; {C}unmija;
{MSA}kampana; {MSA}vikampana; {MSA}
avikampana; {MSA}nikampatva; mi g.yo ba =
{MSA}nikya move; fluctuate; waver; remove;
dissimulation; deceit; moving [quality of wind]
{C}vaporing; dust (mote); rein; ray of light; sun;
immovable; affirmation; shaky; is put out; move/
swerve (away from); wavers; shakes; stirs

g.yo ba ma mchis pa {C}

anijat; {C}nicea immovable; not moving;

non-fluctuating; unwavering; non-deceit;
without deceit {C}imperturbability; powerless to
act; lack of power to act

g.yo ba med {C}nirhaka immovable;

not moving; non-fluctuating; unwavering; nondeceit; without deceit {C}inactive; unoccupied

g.yog po servant(s)
g.yogs pa covering
g.yon left
g.yon bskor bskor
skor bskord skord counter-clockwise; counterclockwise motion

g.yon can {C}dhrtaka {C}rogue

g.yon nas bskor; g.yon
bskor bskor skor bskord
skord counter-clockwise; counter-clockwise


g.yo/ g.yos/ g.yos/ {MSA}(kamp): kampate;
{C}pravicalati move; fluctuate; stir; waver;
remove; dissimulation {C}shakes

g.yos ba

g.yo/ g.yos/ g.yos/ {C}spandita; {C}syandita
{C}vacillating; vaporing

g.yak rgod wild yak

ra [accusative; dative and locative particle] to;

g.yo ba med pa {C}nija; {C}

nirhaka; {C}acala immovable; not moving;

non-fluctuating; unwavering; non-deceit;
without deceit {C}inactive; unoccupied;
imperturbable; immobility; unshakeable; mountain

as; -ly; in; at {PH}goat ra

zam par gro ba ltar ... Like a goat walking over a
bridge ... {Gn}

g.yo bar byed pa {C}(pra)kampayati ra goat

move; fluctuate; remove; dissimulate; deceive

{C}to shake

g.yo med [deceive-not-exist]; without

deceit; immovable; not moving; non-fluctuating;

unwavering; non-deceit

g.yo med pa {C}nija; {C}acala

ra rgod wild goat

ra mnye a large leaf called ra-nay
ra pho {PH}goat
ra ba prkra {PH}fence; courtyard

O Vajraprkraa H

[deceive-not-exist]; without deceit; immovable;

not moving; non-fluctuating; unwavering;
non-deceit {C}imperturbable; immobility;
unshakeable; mountain

BA H! [is the mantra] of the fence. Toh.


g.yo ru

{PH}Y-ru [n. of one of two districts

of central Tibet (dbus)]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}goat ra zam
par gro ba ltar ... Like a goat walking over a
bridge ... {Gn}


rwa {MSA}ga horn {PH}fence

rwa kha brag Ra-kha Precipice


rags par snang ba

snang snang snang snang sthlabhsa grossness
{GD:134} impression of extension

(hermitage at Se-ra Monastic University)

rwa bcad pa {C}chinna-via-vabhaupama {C}one who is like a bull with his horns
sawn off

rang {L,MSA}sva; {C,MSA}tman; {MSA}

rwa ba fence; pen

rwa rigs {C}arabha {C}some deer
rag ma las pa nonreliance;

svaka; {MSA}svayam own; itself; himself; herself

{PH}it; itself {C}ones own; self; himself;
myself; for themselves; his own

rang rkya thub pa a self-sufficient

entity; able to stand by itself{Lati}


rang rkya thub

rag las adhnatva; dhnatva to depend;

pai rdzas yod du grub pa established as a selfsufficient substantial entity

depend upon{BJ 8.3}

rag las pa {MSA}adhnatva; {MSA}

rang rkya

dhnatva to depend; depend upon

thub pai rdzas yod bdag gis stong pa lack of

being a substantially existent self in the sense of
being self-sufficient

rags pa {LCh,L}sthla; {N}satata;

{MSA,MV}audrika; {MV}udra coarse; gross;

thick ignorant; huge; tangible; material; {N}
gross objects; {GD:131} extended objects

rang rkya thub pai rdzas

su yod pa self-sufficient substantial existence

jig rten la grags pai rags

rang rkya pa self-sufficient{N}

rang rkya ba self-sufficient
rang skya thub pa self-sufficient
rang skya dzin thub pai


pa bstan bcos la grags pai rags pa extended

objects which are reknown to the world{GD:158}
and, extended objects which are reknown to
[philosophical] treatises {GD:158}

rags pa dang ni phra ba {MSA}

rdzas yod gzung dzin bzung

zungs substantial existent in the sense of being
self-sufficiently apprehensible

audrika-skma coarse and subtle

rags pa dran pa

gcig pai rnal byor yoga of singlemindedness of

the coarse

rags pa rnams {LCh,L}sthla; {N}


satata; {MSA,MV}audrika; {MV}udra coarse;

gross; thick; gross objects{N}

rags pai de kho na coarse

rang gi sku sva-kya ones own exalted

rags pai mi rtag pa *sthla-


anitya coarse impermanence

rang gi khams {MSA}sva-dhtu ones

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

coarse pliancy

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang khor {PH}its accompanier

rang gi {L}sva; {C}tman own; ones own;


rags pai shin sbyangs

rang skye ba self-production

rang kho nai don du for ones own

own realm



rang gi khor {PH}its accompanier

rang gi dgag bya its object of

bearing its own entity; that which holds its own



rang gi
dgag bya shes bya la mi srid pai med dgag nonaffirming negative whose object of negation is
not possible among object of knowledge

rang gi

rang gi ngo bo la gnas pa

{GD:122} svarpasthitaya {GD:122} abiding

within their own nature

rang gi ngo bo la rang rig

{GD:598} self-cognition with respect to its own


rang gi ngo bos svarpata by way of

dgag bya shes bya la srid pai med dgag nonaffirming negative whose object of negation is
possible among object of knowledge


rang gi ngo bos grub pa

rang gi rgyud {L}sva-satna ones

{N}svabhvat siddhi; {N}svarpa-siddhi;

{N}svbhvik siddhi; *svabhvasiddha
establishment by way of its own entity{N};
establishment by way of own-entity

own continuum


rang gi

gi rgyud du gtogs pai lus la sogs pa {MV}

svsantnik kydaya body, etc., that are
included in ones own continuum

ngo bos grub pai mtshan nyid dam rang bzhin

character or inherent nature in the sense of being
established by way of their own nature

rang gi ngang sva-rasa own taste/


rang gi ngo skal gyi spang bya

spang spong spangs spongs
its corresponding object of abandonment

rang gi ngo bo {MSA,N}svabhva; {N}

rang gi ngo bos yod pa {N}

svarpea vidyamna existence by way of its

own entity{N}

rang gi ngos skal gyi sgrib

{PH}the corresponding obstructions

svarpa; sva bhava; svarpam intrinsic entity;

own entity{N}; its own entity; own-entity

rang gi ngos skal

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs

svtam svarpam conventional nature

rang gi ngos skal gyi spang

grub pa {N}svabhvat siddhi; {N}svarpasiddhi; {N}svbhvik siddhi established by way

of its own nature; established by way of its own

rang gi dngos po own factuality

rang gi dngos po stong pa

ba produced from their own natures

rang gi dngos

rang gi ngo bo kun rdzob pa

bya spang spong spangs spongs

the corresponding object of abandonment

rang gi ngo bo nyid kyis

nyid self-entity emptiness (emptiness of its own


rang gi ngo bo nyid las skye

rang gi ngo bo dzin pa

poi gnas tshul gyi ngos nas from the side of the
mode of subsistence of its own factuality

gzung dzin bzung zungs svarpadhraa [cf. Abhidharma-koa-bhya I.2b]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gyi sgrib gnyis {PH}the two corresponding



rang gi dngos ming its own actual


rang gi lta ba


rang gi mngon par shes pa

rang gi stobs kyi mthus {C}

{C}svayam-abhij its own clairvoyance {C}

his own higher knowledge

tma-bala its own power; own power

rang gi mngon par

rang gi bstan don la slu ba

shes pas rtul ba {C}svayam-abhij-parkrama

deceptive with respect to the meaning that it


progress by way of clairvoyance {C}the

rang gi bstan bya

courageous advance towards their own higher


rang gi

rang gi thun

mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen its own uncommon

empowering condition

rang gi theg pa {MSA}sva ... yna

gzugs rags pa {PH}gross form

rang gi jug yul its object of

own vehicle; its own vehicle


rang gi jug yul gyi gtso bo

rang gi jug yul gyi gtso bor gyur

{PH}its principal object of engagement

pai chos la mtha gcig tu zhen kyang bcad don ma

thob pai rig pa an awareness that does not get at
an object with respect to which superimpositions
have been eliminated although it adheres onepointedly to the phenomenon that is its principal
object of engagement [definition of correctly
assuming consciousness (yid dpyod)]

rang gi don {MSA}tmrtha; {MSA}

svakrtha; {MSA}svrtha own meaning; own

object; ones own purpose

rang gi don gyi rten {MSA}

svrthraya basis of ones own welfare {T}

rang gi don gyi rten gyi

chos bstan bstan ston bstand
stond {MSA}dharma ... svrthraya teach
doctrines that are the basis of ones own welfare

rang gi don gyi mthar

thug pa {MSA}svrtha-nih ones own final


rang gi don rjes su thob pa



thob/thob thob thob thobs

rang gi nyer len own substantial


rang gi nyon mongs pa {MSA}sva

... klea own affliction

rang gi rten its basis; own basis

rang gi rtogs pa

{C,MSA}anuprpta-svakrtha obtain ones

own purpose/object/welfare {C}their own weal

rang gi don dang ldan pa

{MSA}svrtha-vat having ones own purpose/


rang gi don dang

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MV}svdhigama own

realization; own cognition

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}its indicated


cha shas du ma dus pai gzugs rags pa

du du/dud dus dus a coarse
form that is a conglomeration of its many parts

rang gi brjed byang

blta lta

bltas ltos {L}sva-di own view

gzhan gyi don sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}pratipatte


svrthe parrthe ca establish ones own purpose
and others purposes

rang gi don spyod

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}tmrtha carati

practice for ones own purpose; establish ones
own purpose

rang gi don phun sum tshogs

{MSA}svrtha-sapatti perfect ones own
purpose; complete ones own purpose

rang gi

establishment by the force of its own measure of


rang gi snang ba

{PH}own appearing


rang gi pha tha {C}paitka



rang gi bya ba {MSA}tma-ktya ones

own activities {T}

rang gi blo ngor

{PH}from ones own


don sbyar ba la rjes su brtson par bya {C}

svrthayogam anuyukta one should make effort
toward application to ones own purpose {C}
devotes himself to his own welfare

rang gi dbyings {MSA}sva-dhtu

own realm

rang gi bras bu sva-phala own

rang gi bdag nyid {MSA}sva ...

rang gi bras

effect; its own effect

tman own essence; own nature

rang gi bdag nyid du med

bu gyur pai yon tan du mai gzhi rten byed pai

lam zhugs kyi mngon rtogs a clear realizer of one
who has entered the path that serves as the basis of
the many qualities that are its own effect [definition
of ground that is within the set of two, grounds and
paths (sa lam gnyis kyi nang tshan du gyur pai sa)]

pa {MSA}sventman bhvat does not exist as

ones own essence

rang gi bdag nyid las skye

ba produced from their own essence

rang gi bder ma chags {MSA}

rang gi mtshan nyid

rang gi sde pa our own schools

rang gi sdod lugs

rang gi mtshan nyid kyis

kyi ngo bo med pa lacking a self-characterized


sva-sukhev asakta not attached to ones own


gyi ngos nas grub pa existing by way of its own

mode of subsistence {PH}establishment from the
perspective of its own mode of subsistence

rang gi gnas ngan len {MV 2.6

v}dauhulya own assumption of bad states

rang gi gnas

tshod kyi dbang gis grub pa establishment

through the force of the objects own status;
establishment through the force of the objects
measure of subsistence; establishment through
the force of its own measure of subsistence

rang gi
gnas tshod kyi dbang gis ma grub pa non-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


grub pa svalakaa-siddhi; svalakaasiddha

established by way of its own character; natural
establishment; establishment by way of its own
character; establishment [of phenomena] by way
of their own character
rang dzin rtog pai zhen gzhir
rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub pa/ established
by way of its own characteristic as the referent
of the conceptual consciousness apprehending
it {T}establishment [of phenomena] by way of
their own character as the referent of a conceptual
gzugs gzugs zhes
rjod pai sgra jug pai jug gzhir rang gi mtshan
nyid kyis grub pa establishment of form by way of
its own character as the referent of the term form.


rang gi mtshan nyid/ rang

rang gi mtshan nyid kyis

stong pa {C}svalakaa-nya empty by way
of its/their own character; {T} empty of own
character {C}empty of own-marks

mtshan {L,MSA,MV}sva-lakaa; {MV}prakti

specific character; specifically characterized
phenomenon specifically characterized
phenonenon; own-characteristic

rang gi mtshan nyid kyis

ni yod {MSA}svena lakaena bhva exist by

way of its/their own character

rang gi mtshan
nyid kyis rnam par gnas pa subsist by way of its
own character{BJ 28.3}

gi mtshan nyid kyis rnam par gnas pa ni ma yin pa
svalakaena avyavasthita not subsist by way
of their own character; not subsistent by way of
its own character

rang gi mtshan nyid

kyis ma grub pa not established by way of their

own character

gzhan du ma dmigs pa las thun mong ma yin pa

nyid kyis mei rang bzhin gyi rang gi mtshan nyid ni
tsha bao zhes bya bar mngon par zhen pa ji lta ba
bzhin mtshan nyid smra Due to being uncommon
because of not being observed separately [from
fire], the nature, that is to say, own-character, of fire
is heat. (svabhvatvenbhinivi yathbhinivea
lakaamcakate agnerauya svalakaam)
[PP, 261.4]
rang gi mtshan nyid kyis rnam par gnas pa ni
ma yin pa [imputational natures] do not subsist
by way of their own character (svalakaena

rang gi mtshan nyid kyis

rang gi

rang gi mtshan nyid

rang gi yul sva-viaya own object; its

mtshan ma yongs su brtags pai sgo nas from the

point of view of thoroughly analyzing their own

med pa does not exist by way of its/their own

character{BJ 23.2}

kyis med pai phyir {MSA}svena lakaenbhvt

because of not existing by way of its/their own

rang gi mtshan nyid kyis

yod pa {N}svalakaa-siddhi; svalakaasat

existence by way of its own character{N}; exist
by way of its own character{BJ 28.3}; existent by
way of its own character

rang gi mtshan nyid gyis by

way of its own character

rang gi mtshan

rang gi yul du gyur pai bdag med gsum gang rung

la rtse gcig tu mnyam par bzhag pa yang yin/ rang
rgyud ldan gyi gang zag gi rgyud la mngon gyur du
byung bai theg chen gyi rjes la mngon rtogs/ that
which is (1) a one-pointed meditative equipoise on
any of the three selflessnesses which are its objects
and (2) a Mahyna subsequent clear realizer
occurring in a manifest manner in the continuum of
a person who possesses it in his/her continuum [d

rang gi yul nas du ba {C}

nyid gyis gnas pa ma yin not subsisting by way

of their own character; is not subsistent by way
of its own character

viaytu collect from its own objects {C}in his

own home

rang gi mtshan nyid

yod pa ma yin its own-character [that is, unique

character] does not exist

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

own object


rang gi yon tan {MSA}svaka ... gua

own qualities


rang gi rigs {L}sva-jtya ones own

rang gi gsal ba sva-vyakti

kind; its type belonging to ones own kind

rang gi rigs can
du ma la rjes su gro bai chos a phenomena that
encompasses the many [instances] which have its
type [definition of type generality (rigs spyi)] {T}

rang gi gsal

ba la rjes su gro bai chos sva-vyaktyanvayadharma phenomenon that encompasses its own

rang gi rigs can

rang gis rtogs pa

{PH}having its
type rang
gi rigs can du ma la rjes su gro bai chos a
phenomena that encompasses the many [instances]
which have its type [is the definition of type
generality (rigs spyi)] {D1}

rang gi rigs yod pa


own instances

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}svayabodha realize by oneself

rang gis yongs su bzung ba

{MSA}sva-parigraha apprehend by oneself


its type

rang gis rang rig pa knowing

itself by itself

rang gi rigs yod pa can

rang gis lha sgrub pa la

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs in

order for oneself to achieve the deity ...

{PH}having its type

rang gi lus {MSA}sva ... raya; {MSA}

sva-deha own body; ones own body

rang gi sa {C}sva-bhmi own level; own

ground {C}their own stage

rang gi sa bon {MSA}sva-bja own

rang grags kyi rtags sva-siddhaliga self-approved sign; self-approved reason;

self-renowned reason

rang grags rjes dpag

svasiddhnumna self-approved inference; selfrenowned inference

seed(s); own-seeds

rang gi

sangs rgyas kyi chos yongs su smin pa {MSA}svabuddha-dharma-paripka ripen the qualities of
ones own Buddhahood

rang gi sems {MSA}sva-citta own

rang grangs rjes dpag svasiddhnumna self-approved inference

rang grol

grol grold
grol grold sva-mukta; sva-mukti self-release

rang gi sems kyang bsrung

rang dga ba ordinary {PH}ordinary

rang rgyal pratyekabuddha; {C}pratyaya;

rang gi sems la dbang

rang rgyal gyi mkhyen pa

mind; ones own mind

ba bsrung srung bsrungs

srungs {MSA}sva-cittasya ca raka protect/
guard/safeguard also ones own mind

pratyekajina [self-conqueror]; Solitary

Realizer {C}condition; conditioned; reason;

bsgyur ba bsgyur sgyur

bsgyurd sgyurd {MSA}sva-citta-vaa-vartin have
sovereignty over ones own mind; control ones
own mind

rang gi srog {MSA}sva-jvita ones life


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend

mkhyend Solitary Realizer exalted knower

rang rgyal gyi theg pa

pratyekabuddha-yna Solitary Realizer vehicle

rang rgyal gyi rnal

byor mngon sum pratyekabuddha-yogi-pratyaka

Solitary Realizer yogic direct perceiver {PH}

yogic direct perception [in the continuum] of a


sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

gyi sbyor lam ma skyes gong gi rang rgyal gyi chos

mngon rtogs/ Definition: a Solitary Realizers clear

realizer of doctrine that is generated prior to the
Solitary Realizer path of preparation that is its own

pratyekabuddha-prayoga-mrga Solitary

Realizer path of preparation


mtshan nyid/ rang gi nyer len du gyur pai

rang rgyal gyi lam pratyekabuddhamrga Solitary Realizer path

tshogs lam rdzogs rjes su byung zhing rang bras rang


mtshan nyid/ rang rgyal gyi thar

rgyal gyi mthong lam ma skyes gong gi rang rgyal gyi

don mngon rtogs/ Definition: a Solitary Realizers

clear realization of meaning that arises after the

completion of the path of accumulation, which is
its substantial cause, and is generated prior to the
Solitary Realizer path of seeing, which is its effect

par bgrod pai go skabs phye shul du gyur pai rang

rgyal kyi mngon rtogs/ Def.: Solitary Realizers

clear realizer that serves to open the passageway

for the opportunity of progressing toward a Solitary
Realizers liberation

rang rgyal gyi sbyor lam drod

rang rgyal gyi

{PH}Solitary Realizer heat path of preparation

rang rgyal gyi mi slob lam

pratyekabuddha-aaika-mrga Solitary Realizer

path of no more learning

mtshan nyid/ gzung ba phyi rol

lam shes pai lam shes jinamrgajnamay

mrgajt knower of paths that knows Solitary
Victor paths

rang rgyal gyi sa pratyekabuddhabhmi Solitary Realizer ground

rang rgyal bcas pa {C}sapratyaya

don du dzin pai rtog pa ma lus par spangs pai rang

rgyal gyi mkhyen pa/ Definition in Svtantrika: a

with Solitary Realizers

Solitary Realizers exalted knower that involves

a state of having abandoned all of the conception
consciousnesses conceiving objects apprehended to
be external objects

rang rgyal slob pa


Solitary Realizer

rang rgyu its cause

rang rgyu las byung

dbye ba/ 1 bes ru lta bui rtogs pa


byung byung byung byung arise from its own


sngon du song bai rang rgyal gyi mi slob lam/ 2

tshogs spyod kyi rtogs pa sngon du song bai rang
rgyal gyi mi slob lam/ Divisions: (1) Solitary
Realizer paths of no more learning of those who
previously had the realizations of rhinoceros-like
Solitary Realizers; (2) Solitary Realizer paths of
no more learning of those who previously had the
realizations of congregating Sol
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

pratyekabuddha-sabhra-mrga Solitary
Realizer path of accumulation

mtshan nyid/ rang bras rang rgyal

rang rgyal gyi sbyor lam

rang rgyal gyi tshogs lam

rang rgyud {LCh}sva-tantra autononous;

own power; own continuum

rang rgyud kyi rjes dpag

svatantrnumna autonomous inference; ones

own inference


rang rgyud kyi sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord svatantra-prayoga

autonomous syllogism; ones own syllogism

rang rgyud rjes dpag

svatantrnumna autonomous inference; ones

own inference


rang nyid kun groi rgyu

rang rgyud pa svtantrika; svtantrika-

somethings [being] an omnipresent cause


[mdhyamika] Autonomy School; Svtantrika;

[Middle Way] Autonomy School {PH}
Svtantrika; Proponents of the Autonomous

nyid/ rang gi bras bur gyur pai rang dang sa gcig pai

rang rgyud pai lugs kyi

dgag bya object of negation in the Svtantrika

rang ngo dag pa pure in its own

nyon mongs can phyi ma skyed byed kyi nyon mongs can/

Def: an afflicted phenomenon that is a producer of

a later afflicted phenomenon-- which is its effect-on the same ground as it

rang nyid skal mnyam kyi

rgyu somethings [being] a cause of similar lot

mtshan nyid/ rang gi rigs dra phyi ma rang
dang dra bar skyed byed Def: That which produces
a later thing--of the same type as itself--as like itself

essence; essentially pure

rang ngos {PH}its own side

rang ngos nas grub pa svarpa-

rang nyid dgag pa yin pa

siddhi; svarpasiddha establishment from their

own side

rang ngos nas yod pa {N}

somethings being a negative

svarpa-sat existence in its own right; existence

from its own side{N}

rang cag [self-s]; we

rang gces dzin

gzung ba la chos gzhan ngos gzung ba la ltos dgos

pa btags yod zer something whose identification
must depend upon the identification of another
phenomenon is said to be imputedly existent


mtshan nyid/ 1 rang dzin

rtog pas rang gi dgag bya dngos su bcad pai tshul gyis
rtogs par bya ba/ 2 rang dzin rtog pas rang gi dgag

gzung dzin bzung zungs self-cherishing

rang gces dzin nyon

mongs can gzung dzin bzung

zungs afflicted self-cherishing

rang chas integral; integrally{LG};

rang nyid gces dzin

intrinsically rang chas su skyes

pa produced integrally{LG}

gzung dzin bzung zungs cherishing of

rang chas su integrally; on their own


rang nyid nyer len yin pa

part; intrinsically

rang nyid {C}svayam eva oneself; just;

itself {PH}oneself; that itself {C}of their own

accord; on their own
rang nyid ngos

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bya bcad pai sgo nas dngos su rtogs par bya ba/
Def.: (1) that which is realized by the conceptual
conciousness apprehending it in the manner of
explicitly eliminating its object of negation; or: (2)
that which is explicitly realized by the conceptual
consciousness apprehending it from the viewpoint

somethings being a substantial cause

mtshan nyid/ rang gi nyer bras rang gi
rdzas rgyun du gtso bor skyed byed/ Definition: that
which is the main producer of its substantial effect


as the continuum of its substantial entity

rang nyid med dgag

and others; oneself and others

gi gzhan sel bsal sel bsald

seld somethings being a non-affirming negative

nyid/ rang zhes brjod pai sgras rang gi dgag bya bkag
shul du rang dzin rtog pai gzhal byar phangs pa yang
yin/ sgrub pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun pa med pa yang
yin/ dgag pa yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/


rang nyid gzung ba chos gzhan

bzung ba la ltos dgos pai btags yod

gdags dogs btags/brtags
thogs imputed existent whose apprehension
must depend upon apprehension of another
phenomenon{BJ 46.6}

rang nyid
la thog mar blo sbyong dgos pai bsam pa
sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs a
thought in which it is necessary initially to train
the mind

rang nyid lhan cig byed rkyen

somethings being a cooperative condition
{PH}somethings being a cooperating condition

mtshan nyid/ rang gi
lhan cig byed bras rang gi rdzas rgyun ma yin par gtso
bor skyed byed/ Definition: that which is the main

producer of its own cooperative effect without being

[contained within] the continuum of its substantial

rang dang gzhan gyi don {MSA}

sva-parrtha ones own and others purposes

rang dang

gzhan gyi don gyi skabs yin pa {MSA}svaparrthdhikaraatva it is the occassion of ones
own and others welfare; being the occassion of
ones own and others welfare {T}

rang dang gzhan gyi don

sgrub pa bsgrub sgrub
bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}sva-parrtha-pratipatti;
{MSA}sva-parrtha-sapdana; {MSA}svaparrtha-sdhana; {MSA}sva-parrtha-siddhi
establish ones own and others purposes

rang dang gzhan

gyi don mngon par sgrub pa
bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}svaparrthdhikra manifestly establish ones own
and others purposes

rang dang
gzhan gyi don du rab tu sgrub par byed pa
bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
{MSA}sva-parrtha-prasdhana establish ones
own and others purposes

rang dang gzhan

gyi don la rab tu sbyor ba sbyar

sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}sva-parrtha-prayoga
endeavor at ones own and others purposes

rang dang

gzhan gyi sems rjes su bsrung ba

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}svapara-cittnurakaa protect/guard/safeguard
ones own and others minds

rang rtags natural sign

rang dang gzhan rjes su
dzin pa gzung dzin bzung
rang stong svanyat emptiness of self
zungs {MSA}sva-parnugraha apprehend
rang stobs kyis by its own power
oneself and others
rang dang snod bcud {PH}oneself rang dang gzhan la phan pa
and the environment and [its] inhabitants

rang dang gzhan {MSA}sva-para self

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


{MSA}sva-parnugraha benefit oneself and

others {T}


rang dang

mkhan po ngag chung gi rang rnam;

gzhan la sems mnyam par jog pa {MSA}svapara-sama-cittvasthpan setting in mental

equipoise with regard to self and others {T}

The autobiography of Nga-wang-pel-sang, abbot [of

Katok Monastery].

rang don svrtha ones own welfare; ones

own purpose/object/welfare

rang don gyi yon tan qualities for

ones own welfare

rang don rjes dpag {LCh}

byung gi ye shes rang bzhin gyis od gsal ba

naturally luminous self-arisen pristine wisdom

rang byung snying po self-arisen



natural color

drang dren drangs drongs/drend which

rang ldog

ldog ldog

ldogs ldogs sva-vyatireka; vivartana self isolate;


rang ldog gcig pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs one self isolate;

same self-isolate
mtshan nyid/ rang ldog so so

ba ma yin pai chos// Definition: phenomena that are

not distinct self isolates

rang ldog tha dad

rang rnam

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang byung ye shes self-arisen

pristine wisdom

rang blo ma khrul pa {MSA}

svayam-arnta-buddhi non-mistaken selfawareness; ones own non-mistaken awareness

?? {T}

rang dbang {C,MSA}sva-tantra [own-

power]; independent; under ones own power

{C}as an independent entity

rang dbang gis skye ba

autonomous production; production through

their own power; production under its own
power; produced through their own power


byung byung byung {MSA}svayabh self


ldog ldog ldogs ldogs different self-


rang byung ba

rang dbang gis skye autonomously

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs different self isolates

mtshan nyid/ rang ldog so so bai chos/ Definition:
phenomena that are distinct self isolates

rang ldog tha dad pa


nisvasukha-kma desire ones own happiness;

{T} not desiring ones own happiness

induces it

rang byung self-arisen

rang byung gi chos

dharm self-arisen phenomena {C}dharmas of

the Self-existent

rang bde mi dod pa {MSA}

rang dren byed kyi

chub dang bla na med pai byang chub {MV}

pratyeknuttara-bodhi self-enlightenment and
unsurpassed enlightenment

byung byung byung byung {C}svayambh-

svrthnumna; svrthaanumna inference for


rang mdangs self-effulgence

rang mdog {C} svabhva-vara

rang byang


rang dbang gis skye ba

<div>autonomous production; autonomously

produced; production through their own


rang dbang can svatantra self

powered; independent

rang dbang du under ones own power;

as self-powered [entities]; independently{BJ
16.4}; by their/its own power{BJ 24.3}; selfpowered

rang dbang du skye ba self-

gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/ Def.:

that which is observed as a common locus of: it

is an established base; it is not itself; non-it is not
it; and its isolate is non-contradictory with isolate
phenomenon that is not itself

lags kyang {C}svdhna {C}a private (nirva)

of his own

rang dbang du grub pa

rang ma yin

svairsiddhi establishment through its own

power; existence through its own power

pai ldog chos kyi rjes mthun

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs concordance with
isolate phenomenon that is not itself; similitudeof-isolate-phenomenon-which-is-not-itself


rang dbang du byung bai

phyir byung byung byung
byung {C} sva-tantra-vttita due to arising
through its own power {C}it occurs as an
independent reality

mtshan nyid/ khyod gzhi grub/ khyod khyod rang

rang dbang du dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MV}

ma yin/ khyod ma yin pa khyod ma yin/ khyod kyi ldog

svatantra-grha apprehend through its own

power; apprehend independently

pa rang ma yin pai ldog chos kyi rjes mthun dang mi

rang dbang du rang bzhin

gyis skye autonomously inherently produced

rang dbang pa {C}aivarya; {L}

rang dbang med pa {L}anaivarya

an observed common locus between: its being an

established base; its not being itself; non-its not
being it; and its isolate being non-contradictory with
isolate phenomenon that is not itself
projective dynamism

rang mtshan sva-lakaa specifically

non-independent; non-self-powered


byung byung byung {C}svayam-bh; {C}

svayam-bh-jna self-arisen {C}Self-existent;
cognition of the Self-existent

characterized phenonenon; own-character;

specifically characterized phenomenon {N}
self-character; {GD:112} specific defining property

mtshan nyid/

1 sgra rtog gis btags tsam ma yin par rang gi mtshan

svayambh-jna self-arisen consciousness

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/ Def.:

rang rtsal self-projective artifice; self-

svatantra own power; independence;

independent sovreignty

byung byung byung byung

mtshan nyid/ khyod gzhi grub/

khyod kyi ldog pa rang ma yin pai ldog chos dang mi

rang dbang du gyur pa

rang byung gyi shes pa

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs

isolate phenomenon that is not itself; isolatephenomenon-that-is-not-itself

khyod khyod rang ma yin/ khyod ma yin pa khyod ma yin/

powered production{BJ 31.4}

rang byung

rang bras sva-phala own effect

rang ma yin pai ldog chos

nyid gyis grub pai chos/ 2 sgra rtog gis btags tsam ma


yin par yul rang gi thun mong ma yin pai sdod lugs
kyi ngos nas grub pa/ 3 rang bzhin kyis rang gi rang

bzhin la gnas pa / Def.: (1) a phenomenon which

is established through its own characteristic nature,

without being merely designated by terms or
thought; (2) established from the side of its objects
own uncommon mode of subsistence, without being
merely imputed by terms o

rang mtshan pa fully qualified; regular

rang mtshan
spyi mtshan gyi rnam bzhag Presentation of
Specifically and Generally Characterized
Phenomena, by Den-dar-hla-ram-ba (bstan dar
lha ram pa, 1759-?); in Collected gsung bum of
Bstan dar Lha ram[s] of A-lag-sa; vol. 1: New
Delhi: Lama Guru Deva, 1971

rang mtshan bzung yul du byed pai rtog

med ma khrul bai shes pa non-conceptual, nonmistaken consciousness that takes a specifically
characterized phenomenon as its apprehended

rang dzin rtog pa conceptual

rang dzin rtog

pai zhen gzhi yin pa being the referent of a

conceptual consciousness apprehending it

rang dzin rtog pai zhen gzhir rang gi mtshan

nyid kyis grub pa establishment by way of its
own character as the referent of a conceptual
consciousness apprehending it

rang dzin rtog pai

nyid kyis ma grub pa non-establishment by way

of its own character as a referent of a conceptual
consciousness apprehending it

rang dzin rtog pas

gzung dzin bzung zungs by the thoughtconsciousness apprehending it

rang dzin rtog pas

lkog tu gyur pai tshul gyis rtogs par bya ba object

that is realized in a hidden manner by the thoughtconsciousness apprehending it [definition of hidden
phenomenon (lkog gyur)]
rang dzin rtog
pas rang gi dgag bya dngos su bcad pai tshul gyis
rtogs par bya ba an object that is realized in the
manner of explicitly cutting its object of negation
by the thought consciousness apprehending it
[definition of negation (dgag pa)]
dngos su bcad pai tshul gyis rtogs par bya ba ma
yin pai chos a phenomenon that is not an object
that is realized in the manner of explicitly cutting
its object of negation by the thought consciousness
apprehending it [definition of establishment (sgrub

rang dzin rtog pas bzhag

pa posited by a conceptual consciousness
apprehending it

zhen gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub pa sgro

btags paam snang ba superimposed factor or
appearance of an object as established by way of
its own character as the referent of a conceptual

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang dzin rtog pai zhen gzhir rang gi mtshan

rang dzin rtog pas rang gi dgag bya

consciousness apprehending it

rang dzin rtog

pai zhen gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid kyis grub par

sgro btags pa ltar du grub pa establishment in
accordance with the superimposed factor of
being established by way of its own character as
the referent of a conceptual consciousness

rang dzin med

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}anahakra no

conception of self {C}no sense of ownership; no

rang zhes rjod pai sgra term

expressing that object; term expressing it; term

verbalizing it



rang zhes rjod pai sgras jug

own natural body; which come naturally to

rang bzhin gyi rgyan natural


pai jug gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid kyis ma grub

pa <div>non-establishment by way of its own
character as a referent of a term expressing it</

rang bzhin gyi rtags svabhvaliga nature sign

rang bzhin gyi rtog pa

rang zhes rjod pai sgra term

brgyad bcu eighty indicative conceptions

expressing that object

rang zhes rjod pai sgra jug pai

brgyad bcu indicative conceptions

jug gzhir rang gi mtshan nyid kyis ma grub pa

non-establishment by way of its own character as
a referent of a term expressing it

rang gzhan grub mtha


rang bzhin gyi don {MSA}


rang bzhin gyi mdog {C}

[beings] oneself and others

rang gzhan don {MSA}sva-parrtha

svabhva-vara natural color {C}color

rang bzhin gyi rnam par

ones own and others purposes/welfare

rang bzhin naturally; nature; inherent

dag pa {MSA}viuddha prakty natural


existence; natural {PH}own nature; nature

rang bzhin sku {MSA}svbhvika ...

kya nature body

rang bzhin kho nas yod pa

nyid svabhvata evstitva existence by way of

just nature
gal te yang de ltar me
la sogs pa rang bzhin kho nas yod pa nyid du gyur
na nyes pa cir gyur/ Even if there were existence
by way of just nature of fire and so forth, what
fault would there be? (yadi punarevamagnydn
svabhvata evstitva sytko doa syt) [PP,

rang bzhin khyad par gsum

rang bzhin gyi dbang

po rno ba nyid {MSA}prakti-tkendriyat
naturally sharp faculties

rang bzhin gyi tshul khrims

{MSA}prakti-la natural ethics

rang bzhin gyi od {C}praktiprabh natural light {C}natural splendor

rang bzhin gyi yan lag

{MSA,MV}svabhvga limbs of inherent


rang bzhin gyi rigs natural


three attributes of nature/inherent nature

rang bzhin gyis svabhvatas

rang bzhin gyi dkhyil khor

inherently {GD:228} naturally existing


natural maala

nature body; inherently existent body {C}his

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

brgyad bcu indicative conceptions

rang bzhin gyi dri ma natural


rang bzhin gyi sku {C}prkta kya

rang bzhin gyi rtog pa

svabhvrtha inherently existent object/meaning

the tenets of ourselves and others

rang gzhan thams cad

rang bzhin gyi rtog pa



par dag pa {MSA}prakti-pariuddhatva; {MSA}
prakti-pariuddhi; {MSA}prakti-viuddhit
inherently pure

bzhin gyis kun nas nyon mongs pa can ma yin pa

{MSA}prakty-asakliatva is not inherently

rang bzhin

rang bzhin gyis ma skyes pa

gyis kun nas nyon mongs pa med {MSA}

nisakleat prakty not inherently afflicted

rang bzhin gyis skye ba inherent


rang bzhin gyis grub pa

svabhva-siddhi inherently established;

inherent establishment; established inherently;
established by way of its own nature {PH}
being intrinsically established; being inherently
established; intrinsic establishment; inherent

asvabhva; {N}nisvabhva absence of inherent

existence; no inherent existence{N}; not existent
by nature

mya ngan las das pa naturally passed beyond

sorrow{BJ 23.3}

rang bzhin gyis od gsal la

{MSA}prakti-prabhsvara naturally luminous

par snang ba snang snang snang

snang appearance of inherent existence

rang bzhin gyis grub

par dzin pa gzung dzin

bzung zungs *svabhvasiddhagrha conception
of inherent existence

rang bzhin gyis grub pas stong

rang bzhin
gyis yongs su mya ngan las das pa {L,MSA}
prakti-parinirvta naturally thoroughly passed
beyond sorrow

rang bzhin gyis yod pa

*svabhvasat inherently existent

rang bzhin gyis yon

tan dang ldan pa {MSA}prakty gua-vata;
{MSA}praktyaiva gua-yukta inherently
possessing (good) qualities

pai stong pa nyid; rang bzhin stong pa nyid

emptiness of inherent existence

rang bzhin gyis stong {C}

svabhvena nya; {C}svabhva-nya emptiness

of inherent existence; empty by way of its own
nature; inherently empty {C}empty in (their)

rang bzhin gyis stong pa

svabhvanyat absence of inherent existence

rang bzhin gyis stong pa nyid

{MSA}prakti-nyat; {N}svabhva-nyat
natural emptiness; emptiness of inherent
existence; empty by way of its own nature;
inherently empty

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rang bzhin gyis med pa {N}

rang bzhin gyis

rang bzhin gyis grub

rang bzhin gyis rnam

svabhvanutpattim non-production by way of

its own nature; not produced by way of its own

rang bzhin brgyad cu


instinctual natures

rang bzhin brgyad cui

kun rtog eighty indicative conceptions

rang bzhin can {L}sva-bhva; {MSA}jtya inherently; naturally; having inherent


rang bzhin gcig {C}eka-praktika

{PH}same nature

rang bzhin gcig pa {C}eka-

praktika one nature; same nature {C}having

one single essential nature; {GD:284} identity in



rang bzhin jam po



rang bzhin snying brtse {MSA}

kp prakty natural compassion; naturally

rang bzhin mya ngan das

rang bzhin stong pa nyid {MV}

{MSA}prakti-nirvta naturally passed beyond

sorrow; natural nirva

rang bzhin myang das

prakti-nyat emptiness of inherent existence;

empty of inherent existence; naturally empty

rang bzhin bstan pa

virahita; svabhvbhva without inherent

nature; without inherent existence; absence
of inherent existence; non-inherent existence;
absence/lack of inherent existence; absence of
nature; without an inherent nature

{LCh}prakti-parinirvta; *praktiparinirva;
svabhvanirva naturally passed beyond
sorrow; natural nirva; natural nirvana
{PH}naturally passed beyond sorrow; natural

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}dhti

prakty naturally stable

rang bzhin mthar thug {N}

svabhva-paryanta final nature{N}

rang bzhin od gsal {MSA}

bai bras bu *svabhva-viruddha-krya effect

contradictory with the nature

rang bzhin od gsal

prakti-prabhsvara naturally luminous; natural


rang bzhin dang gal

bai sems natural mind of clear light

rang bzhin du gnas pa {MSA}

rang bzhin yan lag {MV}

prakti-stha naturally abide

svabhvga limbs of inherent existence

rang bzhin dri med {MSA}amala ... rang bzhin yin pa {C}tmat is
prakty naturally stainless

inherently existent; is naturally; is inherently

{C}to have the self-nature of

rang bzhin gnas rigs

*svabhvasthnagotra; {EO}praktistha gotram

naturally abiding lineage; natural lineage

rang bzhin rnam dag gi cha

factor of natural purity

rang bzhin bab kyi chos nyid

naturally flowing noumenon

rang bzhin ma dmigs pa

rang bzhin yon tan ldan

{MSA}prakti-guavat naturally possessing

(good) qualities

rang bzhin gsum trisvabhva three


svabhva nature; inherent existence; inherent


rang bzhin med {C}asvabhvat

rang bzhin; ngo bo nyid

non-inherent existence; absence/lack of inherent

existence {C}to be without own-being; absence
of own-being

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nisvabhv utterly without an inherent nature

rang bzhin/ ngo bo nyid

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs nonobservation of a nature

rang bzhin med pa {C}svabhva-

rang bzhin ye med sarvath

{LCh,C,MSA}svabhva; {C}svabhvaka; {C}

svabhvatva; {C}svbhvya; {MSA}svbhvika;
{C}jta; {LCh,L,MSA,MV}prakti; {N}svarpa;
{MSA}-maya (e.g.: pramit-maya); {C}-mayin;


tmaka nature; inherent existence; inherent
nature; own-being; exist inherently; fundamental
nature {C}final nature [e.g.: eva svabhva, of
such an own-being; abhva-svabhva, non-existent
own-nature]; natural; essential; essence; in its ownbeing; state of own-being; made; consists of; grows;
has become; (there has been) born
chos rnams gyi rang gi rang bzhin
yod kyang although phenomena have their [own]
nature{DASI 593.5}
rang bzhin gzhan du gyur ba
ni/ nam yang thad par mi gyur ro/ Change of
a nature is never feasible. (prakter anyathbhvo
na hi jtpapadyate) [MMK, XV.8cd, 19; DBU,
6.3.5-6] rang bzhin dag
ni bcos min Nature is non-fabricated. (aktrima
svabhvo) [MMK, XV.2cd]

rang yid {PH}subjective mind

rang yin pai ldog chos

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs isolate

phenomenon that is itself; isolate-phenomenonwhich-is-itself


mtshan nyid/ khyod gzhi grub/ khyod khyod rang yin/

rang yul sva-viaya own object; its own


rang rang svaka-svaka respective; each;

its own

rang rang gi {C}svaka-svaka respective;

each; its own{LG} their; {C}each one (in) his/
their own

rang rang gi ngo bos stong pa

emptiness of their own respective entities

rang rang gi

stan la dga bar mi gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}svaka-svakev
saneu na ramante {C}they do not enjoy
themselves on their respective seats

rang rang gi sdod lugs

su grub pa establishment as its own mode of
abiding; established as its own mode of abiding

rang rang gi myong bya its own

object of awareness{LG}

rang rang gi bsod nams {C}

khyod ma yin pa khyod yin/ khyod kyi ldog pa rang yin

pai ldog chos dang mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun

sva-puya its own merit

par dmigs pa/ Definition: an observed common

rang rig svasavedana; {LCh}svasavitti;

locus between: its being an established base; its

being itself; not-its being it; and its isolate being
non-contradictory with isolate phenomenon that is

svasavedan self-knower; self-knowing; selfcognizing consciousness {PH}self-cognizing

[awareness]; self-knower
mtshan nyid/ dzin rnam/ Definition:
that which has the aspect of the apprehended

rang yin pai

ldog chos kyi rjes mthun

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs concordance with isolate
phenomenon that is itself; similitude-of-isolatephenomenon-which-is-itself

mtshan nyid/ khyod gzhi

grub/ khyod khyod rang yin/ khyod ma yin pa khyod yin/

khyod kyi ldog pa rang yin pai ldog chos kyi rjes mthun
dang mi gal ba yang yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/

rang rig mngon sum

svasavedana-pratyaka; svasavedan-pratyaka
self-knowing direct perception; self-cognizing
direct perception

dbye ba/ 1 rang rig mngon sum


du gyur pai tshad ma/ 2 rang rig mngon sum du

gyur pai bcad shes/ 3 rang rig mngon sum du

Def.: an observed common locus between: its

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

being an established base; its being itself; not-its

being it; and its isolate being non-contradictory with
concordance with isolate phenomenon that is itself


gyur pai snang la ma nges/ Definition: (1) direct
perceiver that is a self-knowing direct perceiver; (2)
subsequent cognizer that is a self-knowing direct
perceiver; (3) awareness to which an object appears
but is not ascertained that is a self-knowing direct

rang rig mngon sum gyi

tshad ma svasavedana-pratyaka-prama
prime cognizer that is a self-knowing direct

rang rig bcad shes

svasavedana-paricchina-jna self-knowing
subsequent cognizer

rang re each; we
rang rei yig cha our textbook{PGP


dbye ba/ 1 don goms pa can gyi dbang mngon gyi

tshad ma/ 2 don byed snang can gyi dbang mngon
gyi tshad ma/ 3 rang rig mngon sum gyi tshad ma/
4 rnal byor mngon sum gyi tshad ma/ 5 rjes su
dpag pai tshad ma/ Div.: (1) sense direct prime
cognizers having a familiar object; (2) sense direct
prime cognizers to which the ability to perform a
function appears; (3) self-knowing direct prime
cognizers; (4) yogic direct prime cognizers; (5)
inferential prime cognizer

rang lugs {N}sva-mata own

system{D1}; our own system


rang la phan byas {MSA}svtma-hita

ones benefit

rang lam natural path

rang lam gyi bya ba activities of

rang lugs bzhag pa presentation

of ones own system{D1}; presentation of our
own system

rang shar self-dawning; self-illumination;

{T} self-arising

rang sangs rgyas {LCh,L,MSA,MV}

his/her path

rang las skye ba production from

pratyekabuddha Solitary Realizer


rang las rgyangs chad

kyi don gzhan chad chad chad

chad factually other, distant, and cut off from

rang las nges kyi tshad ma

rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa

pratyeka-buddha-yna Solitary Realizer Vehicle

rang sangs rgyas kyi

phags pa pratyeka-buddha-rya Solitary
Realizer Superior

rang sangs rgyas kyi sa

pratyekabuddhabhmi grounds of solitary


svata prmya; svato-niyama-prmya a

prime cognizer which induces ascertainment
by itself

rang sems {MSA}sva-citta own mind;

mtshan nyid/ rang gi gzhal byai bdag nyid/ mthar

ones own mind

rang sems dag {MSA}sva-citta-uddhi

purify ones own mind

thug pa yul steng du gnas pa med par rang nyid mi

rang srog {MSA}sva-jvita ones own life;

byung ba la nges pa rang stobs kyis dren nus pai gsar

du mi slu bai rig pa/ Def.: a new incontrovertible

ones own liveliness

knower that is able to induce, through its own

power, ascertainment that it by itself would not
give rise to if the final nature of its own object of
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

comprehension did not abide in the object


rang gsal self-luminous


rang gsal bar smra ba

rab rgyas {MV}pratnat very extensive;

svaprakavda {GD:592} self-relevatory

cognition (the position of Dharmakirti, as well
as, the Prbhkara Mmsakas and Advaitin

very wide; very full

rab bcings pa ching bas

{MSA}bandhantibaddha bound by strong bonds

rangs pa dang yid bde ba rab mchog {C}pravara highest; utmost;

supreme {C}excellent

skye ste {C}prti-saumanasya-jta {C}exultant

and glad; overjoyed and enchanted; full of zest and
gladness; full of joy and zest; exultant and jubilant

rangs par byed pa {C}abhirdhayati


ran dang bar mdzad pa {MSA}

prasdasya vidhyaka (thoroughly) purify;
very pure; (thoroughly) purified

rab jug {MSA}udvtti engage in; enter

rab tu {MSA}parama; {MSA}pra-; {TN}citra;

{MSA}pragha; {MSA}bha highest; best; as

an intensifier: very; intensively various

rab tu skye {MSA}prabhava; {MSA}

time; appropriate

(pra bh): prabhavati; {MSA}(pr-dur bh):

prdurbhavati; {MV}(pra jan): prajyate strong
production; production; strongly produce;

as an intensifier: very {C}culminating point;

boon; choicest; supreme; foremost

production; production; strongly produce;


ran pa {MSA}parimit; {MSA}pramit right

rab pra-; {C}vara; {C}prakara best; highest; rab tu skye ba {LCh}prabhava strong
rab tu bskor pa

rab dka [very-white]; very white; pure

bskor skor bskord skord {L}pravartayat


completly encircle/surround/revolve/

rab bkang ba thoroughly fill

rab bskyed bskyed

circumambulate/turn round/turn [a wheel]

turn; spread

rab tu mkhyen pa

skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}prajanita produce;


mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {C}

rab mkhas pa {MSA}sukuala very

prajnti thoroughly knows; highest exalted

knower {C}(wisely) knows; knows, in his
wisdom; comprehends

wise; very skilled

rab gang {MSA}prapra very full

rab tu gang ba {MSA}pratipra very
rab gus {C}guru-premata highest respect;
very respectful {C}with respect and affection
rab tu grags pa {MSA}pratta very
rab grags {MSA}prathta very
rab tu grub pa {MSA}prasiddha
strongly established; very established
rab dga {MSA}pramodya very joyful
rab dgai yid {MSA}pramudita-manas rab tu dga ba {C,MSA}pramudit;

{C,MSA}prmodya; {MSA}pramoda; {C}

abhipramudita; {C}surata very joyful; Very
Joyful (first bodhisattva ground) {C}overjoyed;

very joyful mind

rab rgyan

{PH}[n. of calendrical cycle]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


joyful; joyous; elation; rejoicing; Rapture;
exceedingly joyous

exalts; cause the distinction

rab tu sgrub par byed

rab tu dga ba skye ba {C}priti-

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}

(pra pad): prapadyate; {MSA}prasdhana
(strongly) establish; (strongly) established

prmodya-jta produce great joy; very joyous


rab tu dga ba skye bar

rab tu bsngags {MSA}(pra as);

gyur ro {C}prti-prmodya produce great joy;

(become) very joyous {C}glad and elated; zest
and rejoicing; joy and rejoicing; jubilant

praasyate; {MSA}(as): asyate (strongly)


rab tu bcom gyur

rab tu dga ba byed {C}

gzhom joms bcom choms {MSA}

asta prayta thoroughly/completely destroy/
overcome/triumph over

pramodanto bhipramodanti rejoice; strongly


rab tu dga bar byed pa {C}

rab tu choms pa gyur pa

rab tu dga zhing spro ba {C}

rab tu mchog {L}pravara highest;

gzhom joms bcom choms {L}

samudghta destroy; uproot; extirpate

sampraharayati rejoice; strongly rejoice {C}

in order to gladden
prmodya-prti very joyful and spread out {C}
joy and zest

rab tu god pa

dgod god bkod god {C}

engage; enter {C}finds satisfaction

rab tu gyed pa {C}pramukta; {C}

rab tu jog {MSA}(pra dh):

pradadhti; {MSA}(pra sth): prasthpayati

(strongly) posit; (strongly) establish; deposit

rab tu jog par byed {C}

pratihpayati (strongly) posit; (strongly)

establish; deposit

rab tu brjod

brjod rjod
brjod rjod {C}pravucyati (strongly) express;
(strongly) state {C}is called

avasjati {C}shedding of; emits; gives up;

discharges; bestows; lets go; lets loose

rab tu rgyas pai dmigs pa

rab tu nyams pa {C}vihna; {L}

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MV}pratnatlambana very extensive
object of observation

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {C} prabhvayati

(strongly) cultivate; (strongly) practice
meditation {C}fosters; brings forth; promote;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rab tu jig pa {C}pralujyate; {C}

rab tu jug {C}praskandati (strongly)

pratihpayati strongly/intensely/thoroughly
set/state/establish/arrange/register/make a
record/place [on throne]/put [a signature]/array;
affix; cause to set, etc.

rab tu sgom byed

very highest; excellent; supreme

prabhagura disintegrate; destroy {C}crumble

away; brittle

dgod god bkod god {MSA}prasthpana

strongly/intensely/thoroughly set/state/establish/
arrange/register/make a record/place [on
throne]/put [a signature]/array; affix

rab tu god pa byed pa


pranaa very degenerated; very spoiled; very

defiled; very corrupted lose; forget; disappear;
{C}deficient; failed in

rab tu nyams pa gyur ba

{C}sampramoayati; {MSA}pracyvana very
degenerated; very spoiled; very defiled; very
corrupted {C}impair


rab tu nyen {C}pratipan

rab tu bsten bya



rab tu rtog pa {C}pratiedha

(strongly) think; (strongly) conceptualize {C}

abolition; removal; avoid(ing)

bsten sten bstend stend {MSA}(pra vas): pravaset
should strongly/intensely rely upon/make use
of/stay close to/adhere to; that which is stronly/
intensely relied upon/made use of/stayed close to/
adhered to

rab tu rtogs

rtogs rtogs rtogs {L}prabodha; {MV}prativyadh-;
{MV}prativedha (strongly) realize; cognize
awake; become conscious; understand; knowledge

rab tu bsten byed

rab tu rtogs nas

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}pratividhya

rab tu thob pa

rab tu thob pa dam pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}pratividdha;

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}

{C,MSA,MV}prativedha; {C}pratyaygama; {MV}

prativyadh- (strongly) realize; cognize {C}
penetrated (to); penetration; assignment

rab tu ston

strongly/intensely rely/relying upon/make use of/

stay close to/adhere to {C}practicing

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}pratilambha;

{MSA}prpti thoroughly obtain; attain; achieve
{C}acquisition; acquire; acquiring; to win; will

(e.g.: dharmat pratividhya) having (strongly)

realized; having cognized

rab tu rtogs pa

bsten sten bstend stend {C}nievamano

pratilambha-paramat excellent attainment {T}

rab tu mthong {MSA}(pra pa):


prapayati see; perceive

ston bstand stond {C}nidarayati; {C}darayate;

{MV}(pra bh): prabhvyate teach; (strongly)
indicate {C}defines; reveals; exhibits; exhibit;
reveal; manifest

rab tu thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MV}(prati labh):
pratilabhate thoroughly obtain; attain; achieve

rab tu ston pa

rab tu thob pa

rab tu ston par byed

rab tu dang ba {C,MSA}prasda;

bstan ston bstand stond {MV}prakana; {MSA}
yang dag par rab tu ston pa = (sa-pra k):
saprakaka teach; (strongly) indicate

bstan ston bstand stond {C}

{MSA}prasanna very pure {C}serenity; serene

faith/confidence/belief; trust; confidence

nidarayati; {MSA}prakana teach; (strongly)

indicate {C}defines; reveals; exhibits

rab tu bstan pa

rab tu bsten pa

rab tu dang ba dang

ldan pai sems {MSA}prasda-sahagata ... citta

(e.g.: pragha-prasda-sahagata ... citta) very
pure mind; mind endowed with highest purity

bstan ston bstand stond {C}prakyati teach;

(strongly) indicate {C}proclaims; reveals;
shows; makes known

rab tu dang bai yid {MSA}

prasanna ... manas very pure mind {PH}very

pure mind

bsten sten bstend stend {C}sevayati strongly/

intensely rely upon/make use of/stay close to/
adhere to {C}cultivate; indulge in

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}pratilabhate

thoroughly obtain; attain; achieve {C}acquires;
find; receives; gains; regains

rab tu dwang ba yid la byed

pa thoroughly clear mental contemplation



rab tu dad par byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}

encompassed by; being made to appear

rab tu rnam par byed par

prasdati arise as pure {C}finds faith in

byed {L}pravicaya thoroughly differentiate;

thorough differentiation; thoroughly separate;
thoroughly open investigation; discernment

rab tu dul ba {MSA}suvint very


rab tu gdon par bya {C}

rab tu rnam par

rig par bya ba ma yin {C}aprajapanya not an

object of knowledge {C}cannot be intimated;
what cannot be a subject of wise instruction;
inconceivable; should/can not be conceived

pravartayati (=utpdiyati) cause to come out;

(strongly) expel; recite; take out {C}spread;

rab tu bde bar gnas {MSA}

parama-sukha-vihra abide in highest bliss

rab tu dren pa

drang dren drangs drongs/drend {C}pariyika

strongly induce/lead/draw/connect; cite; leader

rab tu ldan pa {C}samprayukta

possessing; having; associated (with) {C}intent


rab tu gnas pa


brilliantly illuminated [things]

rab tu snang bai rnam

pa bsgom pa bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms {MSA}saprakhynkra-bhvana
meditation on an aspect of intense illumination

rab tu snang bar gyur

snang snang snang snang {MSA}(pra

pa): prapayati appear; perceive


gnas {C}supratihita; {MSA}sastha (e.g.:

adhytma-sastha); pratih; {Das} prasthpana
thoroughly abide; highest abode; p.n. of a nga
king; consecration {C}well-established in

rab tu rnam par jig pa {C}

vipralopa thoroughly disintegrate; thoroughly

destroy {C}collapse

rab tu rnam par spyad par

byao spyad spyod spyad spyod

{C}pravicrayati one should thoroughly practice
{C}amuse oneself with

rab tu rnam par dbye pa {C}

rab tu snang byed


[charnal ground]

rab tu spong

spong spangs spongs {L}prajahati; {L}praha;
{MSA}yang dag rab tu spong = sapravarjana
thoroughly abandon

rab tu spyod

spyad spyod

spyad spyod {C}pracarati (thoroughly) enjoy;

(thoroughly) make use of; (thoroughly) practice;
act out; perform {C}proceeds; circulates; be
observed; appears; appear; spread

rab tu phyag tshal

btsal tshol btsald tshold pay

pravicaya thoroughly differentiate; thoroughly

divide; thoroughly open {C}investigation;

thorough obeisance

rab tu rnam par byed pa

{C,MSA}pravicaya; {C}pravibhvyamna
(=nirpyama) thoroughly differentiate;
thorough differentiation; thoroughly separate;
thoroughly open {C}investigation; discernment;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rab tu snang ba {BCA} praka


rab tu phye {L}prabhva thoroughly

distinguish(ed); thoroughly differentiates

rab tu phye ba yin no {C}

prabhvyate thoroughly distinguish(ed);

thoroughly differentiates {C}drew their strength
from; brought about (from); brought forth; derives

its dignity; one discerns; discerned; exalted; derived
from; come forth; recognition

rab tu phye ba; rab tu

rab tu bab pa

bab babs bab babs {MSA}praviana

[=praveana?] thoroughly descend/rain/flow/
fall down/move downward/slope toward

bzhag pa {C}prabhvita; {C}prabhvitat;

{MSA,MV}prabhvitatva distinguished; posit;
posited; thoroughly distinguish; thoroughly
differentiates {C}drew their strength from;
brought about (from); brought forth; derives its
dignity; one discerns; discerned; exalted; derived
from; come forth; recognition

rab tu bab par gyur ro

bab babs bab babs {C}

pravartayati; {C}abhipravarati thoroughly
descend/rain/flow/fall down/move downward/
slope toward {C}(shall) rain down to

rab tu byams par gyur pa

{MSA}pragata sneha very loving; highest love

rab tu byung ba

byung byung byung byung {LCh,MSA}pravrajita
to become a monk; person who has gone forth
[from the home life]

dbye ba/ 1 dge slong / 2 dge slong ma/ 3
dge tshul/ 4 dge tshul ma Divisions: (1) monk; (2)
nun; (3) ramaa; (4) rama

rab tu byed {C}prapacayati

(thoroughly) do; (thoroughly) perform {C}

get delayed; has idle fancies about; cause (a) delay;
prolong (their sojourn in the world)

rab tu byed pa {MSA}don ston rab

rab tu bar ba {MSA}pradpta

strongly burn; blaze up; strongly burning

rab tu byin par byed

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {MSA}

(pra vraj): pravrjayati (strongly) issue forth;

take out; remove; root out

rab tu byung

byung byung byung byung {C}pravartita; {C}
pravrajate; {MV}(sa-pra vt): sapravartate
(strongly) arise; thoroughly arise; come forth;
(strongly) emerge; appear {C}is kept going; has
spread; goes out into

rab tu byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}pravartanat;

(pra vraj): {MSA}pravrajya; {C}pravrajati to
become a monk; (strongly) arise; thoroughly
arise; come forth; (strongly) emerge; appear
come to pass; takes up the homeless life

tu byed pa = artha-vibhvan prakurute

(thoroughly) do; (thoroughly) perform

rab tu dben pa {C}pravivikta; {C}

vivikta thorough isolation; thoroughly isolate

{C}detached; isolated(ness)

rab tu byung bai

phyir mngon par byung byung

byung byung byung {C}pravrjyyai nikrmati
(=pravrajito) manifestly emerge [from the
home] in order to become a monk

rab tu dben pai yid byed

pravivikta-manasikra; prvivekyamanaskra
mental contemplation of thorough isolation

rab tu dbye ba {C}prabhvan;

{C}prabhvyate; {C,MSA,MV}prabheda; {C}

aprabhedat; {MSA}pravibhga; {MSA}bheda
thoroughly distinguish(ed); thoroughly
differentiates {C}drew their strength from;
brought about (from); brought forth; derives its
dignity; one discerns; discerned; exalted; derived
from; come forth; recognition; distinction; divided;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

cleaving; sub-division; is clarified; is brought about;

is the prime caus


rab tu byung bar gyur ro

byung byung byung byung {C}

pravrajita to become a monk; (strongly) arise;
thoroughly arise; come forth; (strongly) emerge;
appear {C}recluse; left the world

rab tu byed do {C}prabhvyate

(thoroughly) separate; (thoroughly) differentiate;


rab tu mi shes {C}aprajnamno not

(thoroughly) open

rab tu byed pa {C}prabhvan

(=prakan); {C}prabhvanat; {C}prabhvita;

{C}prabhinnati; {C}prabheda; {C}prabhvyate;
{L}prabheda; {MSA}pravicaya (thoroughly)
separate; (thoroughly) differentiate; (thoroughly)
open revelation; augmentation; coming forth;
distinctive manifestation; cleaves; distinction;
divided; cleaving; sub-division

rab tu byed par bgyid

rab tu brtson {C}sattva (strongly)

dzin bzung zungs (pra grah): {MSA}praghti;
{MV}pradhra(a) (strongly) apprehend;
(strongly) grasp; (thoroughly) conceive

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}prayojana

(thoroughly) join; (thoroughly) connect; affix;
associate; (thoroughly) prepare

rab tu sbyin {C}pradna intense giving;

give; bestow; highest gift; highest offering {C}
offering; freely bestow; generosity; donation


sbyor sbyard sbyord (pra yuj): {L,MSA}prayoga;

{MSA}prayujyate; {MSA}prayukta thoroughly

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MV}apraprat

not very complete/perfect

rab tu dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {L}parigraha;

{MSA}pragraha; {MV}pradhra(a) (strongly)
apprehend; (strongly) grasp; (thoroughly)

rab tu dzin par gyur ba

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}

pratighti (strongly) apprehend; (strongly)
grasp; (thoroughly) conceive {C}receives;
accepts; acquires; take hold of

rab tu zhi ba {L}prasanna; {L}pranta;

{MV}pranti; {MSA,MV}praama (thoroughly)
pacified; (thorough) pacification; very calm

rab tu zhi bar gyur ro {C}

rab tu mang po {L}sambahula very

prahsyate (thoroughly) pacify {C}will get rid



rab tu mi dga {C}savega not

rab tu zhi bar bya ba {MV}

(thoroughly) happy {C}agitation; tribulation

praamana object of (thorough) pacification

rab tu mi gnas par smra ba

{N}sarva-dharmpratisthna-vdin Proponent of
Thorough Non-Abiding{N}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

propound; proponent false teacher; {C}one who


rab tu dzin

rab tu ma rdzogs

rab tu smra {C}pravdin (strongly)

{MSA}samyukta (strongly) endeavor; make

effort; strive; exert oneself

sbyard sbyord {C}prayukta (=samprayukta)

(thoroughly) join; (thoroughly) connect; affix;
associate; (thoroughly) prepare {C}associated
with; practiced

rab tu sbyor ba

(thoroughly) ripen; (thoroughly) mature

rab tu brtson pa {MSA}prayukta;

sbyar sbyor

rab tu sbyar ba

rab tu smin pa {MSA}prapaca

endeavor; make effort; strive; exert oneself

{C}being; substance; energy

{C}prabhvayati (thoroughly) separate;

(thoroughly) differentiate; (thoroughly) open

rab tu sbyar

(thoroughly) know/cognize {C}not consider



rab tu zhi bar bya ba yin

{C}praamayati is an object of (thorough)
pacification {C}appeases; blow out


rab tu zhi bar byed {MV}praamana rab tu shes {MSA,MV}prajnti {MSA}

(thoroughly) pacify

(e.g.: yathbhta prajnti); {MV}praj-; {MV}

prajna; {C}pratividhyati; {C}prajyate; {C}
prajnti (thoroughly) know; (thoroughly)
cognize; highest consciousness {C}penetrates
to; (is/can be) conceived; conceive; comes under
the concept of; (one) can conceive; becomes/is
conceivable; have a conception of; recognizes;
asserts; claim

rab tu zhi bar byed pa

{C,MSA}pramana {MSA}(e.g.: klea-vydhipraama); {MSA}amana (e.g.: vydhi-amana)

(thoroughly) pacify {C}allayer; appeasing

rab tu zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}prasthita; {MSA}

prayukta; {MSA}pravia; {MSA}prasthita (e.g.:
utpatha-prasthita) (thoroughly) engage in;
(thoroughly) enter {C}set out for

rab tu shes pa {C}prajnan; {MSA}

rab tu zhugs par gyur

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}prasthihati

(thoroughly) engage in; (thoroughly) enter {C}

set out for

rab tu gzhog par byed pa {C}

pratihpayati (thoroughly) posit; (thoroughly)
establish; designate {C}establishes; introduces
to; transfers to; builds; places; deposits in; bestows

rab tu bzhag pa {MV}prajapti(tas)

(thoroughly) posit; (thoroughly) establish;
designate; posited

rab tu bshad {C}prakita

(thoroughly) explain; (thorough) exposition/

explanation; (thoroughly) set forth; (thoroughly)
explicate {C}revealed

rab tu bshad pa {MSA}prakana

(thoroughly) explain; (thorough) exposition/

explanation; (thoroughly) set forth; (thoroughly)

rab tu sim par byed pa {C}

rab tu zin {C}praghta (thoroughly)

prahldanatva {C}exhilarated by

rab tu sreg byed {MSA}pradhaka

apprehend; (thoroughly) grasp; done with;

(thoroughly) conjoined with; affected by {C}
taken hold of

(thoroughly) burn; (thoroughly) roast

rab tu lhung {L}prapatati fall down; fall

rab tu bzung ba {C}praghti


(thoroughly) apprehend; (thoroughly) grasp;

(thoroughly) hold; (strongly) conceive {C}
exerts; makes tense

rab tu bzod

bzod bzod bzod {MSA}(pra m): pramarayat
thoroughly patient/forbearant/enduring/tolerant

rab tu rang very suitable{LG 30.5}

rab tu rig pa {MSA}pravedan

rab ston

bstan ston

bstand stond {MSA}prakana (thoroughly)

teach; (thoroughly) indicate

rab mthai bsam gtan final


rab dag {MSA}uddha; {MSA}suviuddha

(thoroughly) pure; very pure; (thoroughly)

rab dang {MSA}prasanna (thoroughly)

(thoroughly) know; (thoroughly) aware

rab tu rig par byed pa {L}

pure; very pure; (thoroughly) purified

prajpana (thoroughly) know; (thoroughly)


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

parijna; {MSA,MV}prajna; {MSA}pravedan;

{MV}praj-; {MV}prajnti (thoroughly) know;
(thoroughly) cognize; highest consciousness
{C}exercise of wisdom; wisely knowing


rab dang bai shugs {MSA}

prasda-vega very pure force; very pure power;
implicitly thoroughly pure

rab dang sems dang

Children of manifold fields

ldan pa {MSA}gha-prasanna-citta having

(thoroughly) pure mind; having very pure mind;
having (thoroughly) purified mind

rab das nas {C}atikramya

(=ullaghya) having (thoroughly) passed

beyond; having (thoroughly) gone beyond {C}
more than; overpowering; after rising above; having
passed beyond (all bounds)

rab dul {MSA}(pra-vi n): pravinetum

(thoroughly) disciplined; (thoroughly) discipline;

(thoroughly) tame

rab sdug {MSA}susnigdha very dear;

rab bsdams {MSA}susavta

countless scholars

rab byams pa


manifold; infinite

rab byor subhti{S} Subhti [p.n. of

Buddhas personal attendent and one of his main


rab bring tha high, middling, low

rab dmar {C}surakta very red {C}well
colored red

rab smin par byed pa {MSA}(sems

rab gnas

can tshogs) rab smin par byed pa = sattva-gaa

prapcayan (thoroughly) ripen; (thoroughly)

rab tu gnas
pa {MSA}sastha (e.g.: adhytma-sastha);
pratih; {Das} supratih; {Das} prasthpana
abide; thoroughly abide; highest abode;

rab brtson {MSA}suyukta (thoroughly)

suitable; (thoroughly) endeavor; (thoroughly)
strive; exertion

rab gnod par gyur {MSA}

rab dzin

prabdhyate (e.g.: doai prabdhyate)

(thoroughly) harm; (thoroughly) damage


illuminated [things]

rab phrul dga {C}nirmarati

gzung dzin
bzung zungs {MSA}pradhraa (thoroughly)
apprehend; (thoroughly) grasp; (thoroughly)

rab rdzogs


rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}prapri; {MV}

prapra; {MSA}supratva (e.g.: puya-jnasupratva) completion; thoroughly complete/

(deva) Land of Liking Emanation

rab byed {LCh}prakaraa; {C}pravicaya

chapter {C}investigation; discernment

rab rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}prapraa; {C}
prapri thoroughly complete/perfect/fulfill/

rab dbye {MSA}prabhedana (thoroughly)

divide; (thoroughly) differentiate

rab dbye med nyid without

rab zhi {C}praama; {C}pranta


(thoroughly) pacify; (thoroughly) pacified;

(thorough) pacification {C}peace; calm

very high number; countless; manifold {PH}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ripen; (thoroughly) mature

(thoroughly) restrained; (thoroughly) bound

rab byams {MSA}visara billions; a

rab byams mkhas pa

rab smin {MSA}prapcana (thoroughly)

very kind; very beloved

rab snang {BCA} praka

countless; manifold; infinite

rab byams zhing gi rgyal sras Conqueror



rab zhi ba {C}nta (thoroughly) pacify;

(thoroughly) pacified; (thorough) pacification
{C}calm; quiet(ed); calmly quiet

rab gzung


extensive; very wide

rab rib {L,MSA}timira dim-sightedness;

eye disease

rab rib can taimirika one with an eye

{C}cotton wool; a ball of cotton wool



with opthalmia

rab shes {C}prajnayati; {MSA}praviat

(thoroughly) cognize; (thoroughly) know; highest
consciousness {C}knows wisely

rab shes na {C}prajnamayna when

(thoroughly) accumulate; composite

rabs race; lineage; generation

ram and; or; particle indicating question
ral gri asi sword; dagger; sword(s)
ral grii so {BCA} sidhra {PH}edge
of a sword

{PH}[lions] crest hair;

matted hair

{PH}Mountainous Land of

Snows (Tibet)

ri rgyud

ri lta bui sems bskyed mindgeneration like mountain

ri dags {L}mga deer; beast

ri dags kyi nags {L}mga-dva
deer park

ri dags dzin gyi ma

gzung dzin bzung zungs Mgramata

ri dwags {LCh,C}mga; {C}eeya deer

ri dwags kyi gnas mgadva


{PH}Deer Park

ri dwags kyi rigs phra mo

complete perfection of the thirty-seven branches

of awakening serves as his crest hair. {LVS} =

{C}kudra-mga-jti small types of deer {C}

smaller wild animals


{PH}[King] Ralpajen

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ri kha ba can

{C}beasts; black antelope


ral pa can

mountain; hill {PH}mountain {C}people(?)

of Penpo is located on the opposite side of the same

mountain range as the valley of Lhasa. {GCG}

rab bsags {MSA}sabhta

[lions] crest hair

ras bris painted cloth

ri {C}aila; {MSA}parvata; {C}kuumba

{PH}mountain range
That region

(thoroughly) cognizing; if one (thoroughly)

knows {C}when he wisely knows

ral pa can {LV} vijaann

ral pai tshogs [hair-of-collection];

ral ba {L}vipanna lost

ras cotton
ras bcos bu zung {PH}cotton cloth
ras cha fabrics; cotton goods
ras bal gyi dab ma {C}tla-picu

rab yangs pa {MSA}suvipula very

ral pa {LV} vijaa

{PH}crown of matted

hair; matted crown

mane; mass of hair

dzin bzung zungs {MSA}(grah): ghyt

thoroughly apprehend/grasp

rab rib bcas sataimiram

ral pai thod


ri dwags rgyar chud drar {C}

mga-vgura-iva {C}like a snare/trap/net for wild

ri dwags rgyu bai gnas


mgadva {PH}Deer Park

ri dwags spags pa

skin An antelope
skin is drapped over [his] left shoulder.

ri dwags ai na yai byin

pa lta bu {C}eeya-jaghat {C}his shanks are
like those of an antelope

ri deu {PH}small hill

ri lding {PH}mountain slope
ri pin Japan
ri phug {PH}mountain cave

ri mo mkhan {MV} citrakara {PH}artist

ri moi dkhyil khor {PH}painted

ri moi las {C}citra-karma work of a

picture; painting

ri mor bgyi ba

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {L}citra-karman make a

ri mor bgyis par gyur

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}arc(ay)ati

make a painting/picture {C}adore

ri mor bya ba {C}mnita make a

painting/picture {C}revered

ri mor byed {C}arc(ay)ati make a

ri phug nas rgya dpe rnams gdan

painting/picture {C}adore

ri yi sul {C}giri-kaara mountain ridge

drangs; We brought the Indian texts from the

mountain cave. {GCG} p. 18

{C}mountain cave

ri bo {MSA}parvata mountain
ri bo bigs byed {PH}Vindhya

ri rab meru; {C,MSA}sumeru; {MSA}

sumeruvat; {MSA}acalendra [mountain-highest];

Mount Sumeru; huge mountain

Mountain range

ri bo rtse lnga

ri rab ltar {MSA}sumeruvat like Mount

{PH}the Five-Peaked
Mountain (Wu-tai-shan)
da lta ngai dkhyil khor ri
bo rtse lngar dngos su yod pa yin; Right now,
[I] am actually in my maala on the Five-Peaked
Mountain (Wu-tai-shan). {W23693} Mkhas-grub-


ri rab dra {C}meru-kalpa like Mount

Sumeru {C}fashioned like Meru

ri sul {C}giri-kaara mountan ridge

rnam-thar-bsdus-pa; 4a.6

{C}mountain cave

ri bong rabbit
ri sul gyi phug {LV} giridarguh
{PH}mountan cave
ri bong can rabbit bearer; i.e., the moon

ri bong rwa horns of a rabbit; horn of a
bsam gtan dang; rnam par thar pa dang; ting

ri brags pa

The hill-men will come to rob this
tomorrow. {Das}

ri mo {L,MSA}citra; {MSA}citra picture;

painting; bright; various

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nge dzin dang; snyoms par jug pai ri sul gyi

phug na gnas pa He dwells in the mountain caves
of concentration, complete liberation, meditative
stabilization (samdhi), and meditative absorption.
{LVS} = 1-02-00087-H96-SID000119

rig {MSA}vitti; {MSA}thabs rig = upya-citta

to know{D1}; knowledge; awareness {PH}


knower; knowledge; awareness; thoughts
the three appearances, sounds, and

thoughts {YIA} thoughts

rig ngo lta ba

blta lta

bltas ltos view in the face of knowledge (i.e., the

state of meditative equipoise directly realizing

rig sngags {C}vidy knowledge;

knowledge; non-knower {C}unfindable; cannot

be known

rig pa ye shes intrinsically aware

pristine wisdom

rig pa gsum tri-vidy the three

knowledges [of a Foe Destroyer]

rig pai chos grwa chen po

knowledge mantra {C}lore; existence;

science(s); secret lore; magical formula


great Vidyadharma college [at Nalendra]

rig pai brtul zhugs {GST}

rig sngags che {C}mah-vidy great

knowledge {C}a great lore

vidyvrata {PH}proper religious observances

rig sngags chang vidy-dhara

knowledge mantra bearer; {T} knowledge bearer


rig sngags chang ba {C}

vidy-dhara knowledge mantra bearer; {T}

knowledge bearer {C}sorcerer

rig pai gnas

rig gnas

{MSA}vidy-sthna topic of knowledge; science

five lesser sciences: ; five greater sciences: crafts;

medicine; grammar and etymology; logic and
reasoning; inner meaning?

rig pai gnas

rig gter Sa-gya Paitas Treasury of

lnga rnam par bzhag pa {MSA}paca-vidysthna-vyavasthna establish the five abodes of



rig stong intrinsically aware emptiness

rig nas {C}viditv; {MSA}etya having

rig pai dbang knowledge initiation

rig par gnas {L}vidy-sthna abide

known; having understood

rig gnas sciences; fields of knowledge

rig pa savedana; {MSA}vid; {LCh,MSA,C}

in knowledge; established in knowledge; abodes

of knowledge

vidy; savid; {C}vija; {C}viditv knower;

intrinsic awareness; know; be aware; aware;
basic knowledge; knowledge; awareness {PH}
knower; knowledge; awareness; thoughts {C}
lore; existence; science(s); secret lore; magical
formula; discern(ing); have understood; convinced;
having known/seen/noticed blo rig
awareness and knowledge

rig pa can pa Naiyyika; Logicians

rig pa dang

ma rig pa di ni gnyis su med {MV}vidy cvidy

cdvayam etad this knowledge and ignorance
are non-dual {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rig pa med pa {C}avedaka non-


rig par bya {C}anugantavya; {MSA}vedya

(e.g.: pratytma-vedya); {MV}veditavya know;
one should know

rig par bya ba {C}vedayitavya; {MSA}

vedanya (e.g.: pratytma-vedanya) object of
knowledge; one should know; knows

rig par byao {C}avaboddhavya;

{C}pratikkati; {C}pratikkitavya; {MV}

veditavya you should know; you should be
aware; one should know {C}one should look
through to/understand; must see through; should be
understood; should understand; expects; desire; one
must expect; should expect; should be expected


rig par byed vedyate{C} make known;

know; be aware of

rig par med pa {C}avedaka non-

awareness; unaware; not know; non-knowledge

{C}unfindable; cannot be known

rig bya {C}vedya object of awareness;

known {C}accessible to experience

rig ma vdy knowledge woman

rig ma du bya ba gathering

rigs kyi bu mo {L}kula-duhit

bzung zungs {LCh}vidydhara KnowledgeBearer; knowledge bearing [a feat]

daughter of good family

rigs kyi sa {C}gotra-bhmi level of

the lineage; ground of lineage {C}the stage of

becoming (where one becomes) one of the lineage/

vidhydhrapiaka Scriptural Division of the

Knowledge Bearers

rigs kyis khyab pa pervasion [of

rigs nyya; gotra reasoning; lineage

all sentient beings] by [the Buddha] lineage

rigs gro bai {C}gotra-jananam

{PH}type; kind; class; lineage; legacy; clan; family

rigs {L,MSA,MV}gotra; {LCh,MSA,C}kula;

{C}of those who belong to the clan

rigs ngan smyig ma mkhan

{LCh,C}jti; {C}jta; {MSA}(arh): arhati; {MSA}

dhtu; {MSA}dhtuka; {MSA}yukta-rpa; yukt;
vara type; kind; lineage; reasoning; feasible;
suitable; social stratum; class; caste {PH}type;
kind; class; lineage; legacy; clan; family {C}
family; clan; grows; has become; (there has been)
born; birth; species; different varieties

{GST} cala-veukra; {LCh} *cala-vaa[kt] {PH}founder of a lineage of the lowest of


rigs nges gotra-niyata one who is

rigs kyi {L}jtya of the type; of the

definite in a lineage{Gn-chok}

rigs nges pa {MSA}dhtu-niyata; gotra-


niyata one who is definite in a lineage

rigs kyi skabs {MSA}gotrdhikra

rigs nges byang sems

the occasion of lineage {T}

rigs kyi khyad par {MSA}gotra-


bodhisattva firm in their lineage

rigs ngoi lta ba view in the face of a

viea attribute/feature of [ones] type/kind;

qualification for [ones] lineage

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

nang na rgan pa la rim gro byed pa {C}

kulejyehpacyit (=kulajyehnuplit) {C}
honoring the elders of the family


gzung dzin

rigs kyi stobs {MSA}gotra-bala

rigs kyi

rigs kyi bu kula-putra son of good

knowledge; unaware; non-awareness

gzung dzin bzung zungs

force of the lineage {T}

gotra-bhmi type of lineage {C}the stage of

becoming (where one becomes) one of the lineage/
clan; level of the lineage

rig min {MSA}avedaka unknown; non-

rig dzin gyi sde snod

rigs kyi mthu {MSA}gotra-smarthya

rigs kyi rnam pa {C}gotra-jti; {C}

knowledge women

rig dzin

power of the lineage {T}

rational consciousness

rigs can {L}gotra; {MV}gotraka; having

a lineage; lineage; family; clan {GD:269}



rigs mthun tulya-jtya concordant

manifold instances (lit. typified)

rigs gcig pa eka-jti same type


mtshan nyid/


rigs mthun gyi bag

rigs so so ba ma yin pai chos/

chags tulya-jtya-vsan predispositions of

[perceptions of] similar type; predispositions of
concordant type

Definition: phenomena that are not distinct types

dbye ba/ 1 ldog pa rigs gcig 2 rdzas rigs gcig
Divisions: (1) one isolate type; (2) one substantial

rigs mthun pa {C}taj-jtikam

concordant type {C}is of the same/like kind;

{GD:150} similar type
rigs mthun pai zla bcas kyi rdul phran
tshogs a collection of atoms of similar types

rigs chen po {C}mah-kula great

family; great lineage; great type

rigs mchog {MSA}agra-gotra

supreme lineage; superior lineage

rigs mchog nyid {MSA}gotrgratva

superiority of the lineage; supremacy of the

rigs tha dad pa {MSA}gotra-bheda

rigs mthun par snang ngo

snang snang snang snang {MSA}tulyajtya khyti appearance as concordant types;

appear as concordant types

rigs mthun rdzas tha dad

tulya-jtya-dravya-nn different substantial

entities of concordant types{LG}

different lineage(s); different type(s); different

types; phenomena which are different types

rigs dang ldan pa {C}jtimat; {L}

rigs thig nyya-bindu-prakaraa

kaulika; {MSA}jtya having a lineage; lineaged;

having a family {C}of good birth; of (noble)
family; belonging to a family

Dharmakrtis Drop of Reasonings, P. 5711, vol.


rigs thig kyi phyogs rigs dra similar type{BJ 58.6}

snga mdor bsdus bsdu sdud
rigs ldan {MSA}jtya having a lineage;
bsdus sdus Brief Exposition of the Positions
of Opponents of [Dharmakrtis] Drop of
Reasoning [by Kamalala]

lineaged; having a family

rigs thig dar nyya-bindu-prakaraa

Dharmakrtis Drop of Reasonings, P. 5711, vol.

rigs thig dar ik Gyel-tsaps

rigs thigs

rigs bsdus pa


sdud bsdus sdus condensed lineage

abide in a lineage

rigs gnas rigs {C}kulakula

nyya-bindu-prakaraa {PH}[Dharmakrtis]
Drop of Reasonings

lineage of abiding in a lineage {C}those who are

reborn in the families of men and gods, respectively

{PH}all types

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

Kalk Puarka

rigs gnas abide in a type

rigs gnas pa {MSA}gotra-stha

Commentary on [Dharmakrtis] Drop of


rigs mtha dag

rigs ldan pad ma dkar po


rigs pa {LCh,L}nyya; {L,MSA,MV}yukti;

{MSA,MV}yukta; {C}pratirpa; {MSA}arha; {MSA}
prama reasoning; logic; proper; suitable;
suitability {C}method; standard; rule; that type
of reasoning which employs logical principles and
analysis; fitting; seemly

rigs pa can naiyyika Logician

rigs pa rjes su brangs pa

prasiddha(ka) renowned by reasoning

rigs pai grangs enumeration of

the reasonings{BJ 71.4}

rigs pai grub byed

grub grub grubs/grub grubs

reasoned proof{s}{BJ 8.2}

*nyynusrin followers of reasoning

rigs pa ltar snang

rigs pai grags pa {MV}yukti-

rigs pai dgag bya {N}nyya-

pratiedhya object of negation by reasoning{BJ


snang snang snang snang {N}nyybhsa

pseudo/quasi/counterfeit reasoning

rigs pa dang ldan par {C}yukti- rigs pai sgo du ma approaches of


sahita suitably; properly {C}adroitly

rigs pai sgo du ma nas

rigs pa dang mi gal ba

through many doors of reasoning

{MSA}pramvirodha not contradictory with


rigs pa drug cu pa yuktiak

*nyya-anusrin Followers of Reasoning

Ngrjunas Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning, P. 5225,

vol. 95

rigs pa drug cu pai

rigs pai

cu pai tshig leur byas pa yuktiak-krik

Ngrjunas Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning, P. 5225,
vol. 95


rigs pa ldan tshig smra {C}girayukta-bhin {C}he speaks suitably

rigs pa ma yin {MSA}na yukta not

suitable; unsuitable; improper; non-reasoning

rigs pa yang dag samyak-nyya

thigs pa zhes bya bai rab tu byed pa nyya-binduprakaraa Dharmakrtis Drop of Reasonings,
P. 5711, vol. 130

rigs pai don la mkhas pa

{MV}yuktrtha-paita wise with respect to the
meaning/object of reasoning

rigs pai dbang phyug Lord of

Reasoning; Dharmakrti (chos grags)

rigs pai mtshan nyid {MV}

yukti-lakaa character of reasoning

rigs par bshad pai chos

{MSA}yukti-vihita ... dharma suitably explained


rigs pas khegs refuted by

correct reasoning


yuktim ritya in dependence upon reasoning

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

*nyynusrin Following Reasoning

pa followers of reasoning

rigs pa drug

rigs pa la brten nas {MSA}

rigs pai rjes brangs

rigs pai rjes su brangs

grel pa bkral grel

bkrald greld yuktiak-vtti Commentary on
(Ngrjunas) Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning [by
Candrakrti (zla ba grags pa); P 5265, vol. 98]

rigs pa mdor bsdus

rigs pai rje su brang pa



rigs pas grub pai rdzas

sel bsald seld definition which eliminates

discordant types

yod substantial existent in the sense of being

established by reasoning

rigs pas nges par rtogs

rigs mi dra bai chos

phenomena which are dissimilar types

pa rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{MSA}yukti-nidhyna definitely realized through

rigs pas gnod pa damaged by


rigs pas rnam dpyad

bsam pa can {MSA}yukti-vicraaya having a

thought that is analyzed by reasoning

rigs pas dpyad mi bzod pa

unable to bear/withstand analysis by reasoning

rigs min gyis irrationally

rigs med {MSA}agotra non-lineage;
without a lineage

rigs med pa la gnas pa

{MSA}agotra-stha abiding in no lineage

rigs dma ba {C}nca-kula


class family

rigs tshogs Collections of


rigs pas dpyad bzod pa able rigs tshogs drug Ngrjunas Six
Collections of Reasonings

to bear/withstsand analysis by reasoning

rigs pas phul gyis

dbye ba/ 1 rin chen phreng ba/ 2 rtsod bzlog


sgrub pai don meaning established through the

pressure of reasoning

type-generality {GD:176} type-universal

mtshan nyid/ rang gi rigs can du ma la
rjes su gro bai chos/ Def.: a phenomenon that is
concomitant with many [phenomena] having its

3 stong nyid bdun cu pa/ 4 rigs pa drug cu pa/ 5

zhib mo rnam thag 6/ rtsa ba shes rab/ Divisions:
(1) Precious Garland (ratnval); Refutation of
Objections (vigraha-vyvarta); Seventy Stanzas
on Emptiness (nyat-saptati); Sixty Stanzas
on Reasoning (yuktiaik); The Finely Woven
(vaidalya-stra); Treatise on the Middle Way

phenomena which are not the same type


rigs spyi jti-smnya type generality;

rigs bya {MSA}yukta object of reasoning; rigs rdzogs pa complete type

to be reasoned {T}
rigs yang dag par grub
pa grub grub
rigs byed pa mmsaka Mmsaka
grubs/grub grubs {MV}gotra-samudgama
rigs mi gcig pai chos
correctly established; correctly established in a

rigs mi mthun non-concordant type;

discordant type

rigs mi mthun pai chos

phenomena which are discordant types


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

jananam {C}of those who belong to the lineage

rigs yod pa can

{PH}[that] which

has a type

rigs mi mthun sel

bai mtshan nyid

rigs yin gro bai {C}gotra-

rigs la gnas {MSA}gotra-stha abide

in a lineage; abiding in the type



rigs la gnas pa {MSA,MV}gotra-


yukta-samnat-pada suitable and concordant


ring du dor [far-ly-abandon]; abandon

du rjes su zhugs pai ye shes kyi spyod yul nyid

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}
drnupravia-jna-gocaratva objects of
activity of the exalted wisdom which abides for a
long time {T}

stha abide in a lineage; abiding in the type

rigs lam path of reasoning

rigs lam pa Challenger
rigs shing mthun tshig {MSA}

afar; forsake afar; leave far behind

consciousness; reasoning consciousness

ring du spyad pa

dpyad bzod du grub pa established as able

to bear/withstand analysis by a reasoning

ring du byed {C}dri-karoti do for a

not found by a reasoning consciousness{N}

ring du byed pa {C}dri-karoti do

rigs shes *yuktijna rational


spyod spyad spyod {C}cira-carita practice for

a long time {C}has for long coursed in; has
traversed for a long time

rigs shes kyis

long time; move away from {C}get away from;

keep aloof from; keep far away from; remain far

rigs shes kyis ma rnyed pa

rigs shes kyis med

for a long time; move away from {C}get away

from; keep aloof from; keep far away from; remain
far from

par rnyed pa found to be non-existent by a

reasoning consciousness{N}

rigs shes rjes dpag inferential ring du song ba

song song song {LCh,L,MSA}dra-gam; {MSA}
dra-g; {MSA}dra gat; dragama gone
afar; Gone Afar (seventh bodhisattva ground)

reasoning consciousness{N}

ring {C,MSA}drgha; {C,MSA}dra; {MSA}

vidra; {C}vidri; {C}yata; {C}pthu long;

length; distant {C}many; all; very much; broad;
vast; large; far distant; extensive; extend far; far;

ring nas [long-from]; from long ago; long

ago; from a distant area

ring nas theg chen zhugs

ring gyur

gyurd gyur gyurd {C}vidri long; length;
distant {C}far distant

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}cira-

yna-prasthita abiding in the great vehicle from

long ago {C}set out for a long time in the vehicle

ring cha {PH}long part; long vowel

ring tu song ba song
song song song dragama Gone-Afar

ring du {L}dra long; afar; length; distant;

far distance; far distant

ring du gyur ba dri-bhavati; {L}drasthita long; length; distant; far distance; far
distant; gets away from; become distant; remain

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ring po long; far

ring po mi thogs {C}cirea after a
long time {C}slowly; an excessively long time
[e.g.: na cirea, before long]

ring po mi thogs par {C}cirea

(=ati-drgha-klena) after a long time {C}
slowly; an excessively long time [e.g.: na cirea,
before long]

ring por mi thogs {C}cirea after

a long time {C}slowly; an excessively long time
[e.g.: na cirea, before long]

ring ba {C}yata; {C,MSA}dra; {C}dratva;

{C}drgha long; length; distant {C}extensive;

extend far; far; far distant; distance; length; distance

gnas byung byung byung

byung {MSA}dharma-ratnkara source of the
precious doctrine {T}

rin chen tog {C} ratnaketu



ring ba ma yin nyid {C}avidrat rin chen tog {PH}Ratnaketu

non-distance; non-distant
rin chen mtha {C}ratna-koi {C}
ring bai rgyu {PH}distant cause
ring bar {C}cira distantly; lengthy; long rin chen bdun las byas
{C}for so long; for a long time

{C}sapta-ratna-maya made/built from seven

precious substances

ring mo {MSA}cira long; length; distant;


ring mo zhig tu {MSA}ciram; {MSA}

rin chen dod pa {C}ratana-arthiko

{C}desirous of jewels

cira-klam for a long time; long; length; distant;


rin chen sna lnga

{PH}five various

precious things

ring mo zhig na ngan song rin chen phyag rgya {C}ratna-mudro

du gro {MSA}cird apya-gamanam go to bad
transmigrations for a long time

jewel-seal; precious seal

rin chen phreng ba ratnval

ring mo zhig lon pa smras

Ngrjunas Precious Garland

nas {MSA}cira-bhita having spoken for a

long time

ring zhig {PH}slowly; a while; a short time

ring zhig tu {MSA}ciram; {MSA}ciraklam {PH}for a long time

ring bsrel mang {PH}many relics

rin che ba {C}mah-arghatva precious;

rin chen byung ldan

byung byung byung byung

ratnasambhva{D1} Ratnasambhva [p.n. of a


rin chen byung gnas jewelmine

jewel {C}of great value

rin chen rigs ldan {MSA}ratna

big]; precious (substance); jewel {PH}precious;

jewel; monetary offering {C}precious jewel; gem

rin thang arghya price; costly; priceless;

rin chen {C}ratana; {C,MSA}ratna [value-

... jtya having a precious lineage; having the


rin chen bka ste {C}ratna-bharitam rin thang chung {C}alpa-arghya

precious teaching {C}filled with precious

rin thang chung ngur {C}samargham


rin chen gyi gling {C}ratna-dvpa


rin thang med pa {C}anarghya; {C}

{C}treasure island

rin chen chos kyi byung

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


little value; {C}inferior value

anargha-prpta; {MSA}anargha {C}priceless



rin thang med pa rnyed

phreng bai rgya cher bshad pa ratnval-k

Commentary on (Ngrjunas) Precious
Garland, by Ajitamitra (mi pham bshes gnyen),
P. 5659, vol. 129

gyur {C}anargha-prpta obtain that which is

priceless ? {T} {C}priceless

rin po che {LCh,L,MSA}ratna [value-big]; rin po chei byung gnas

precious; jewel; precious substance

rin po che tog {C}ratnaketu

Ratnaketu [p.n. of a Bodhisattva in the Buddha-land
of Buddha Akobhya]

rin po che lta bu {MSA}ratna-bhta

byung byung byung byung {C,MSA}

ratnkara {C}source of wealth; jewel-mine

rin po

chei byung gnas lta bui sems bskyed mindgeneration like jewel-mine

rin po chei mdzod {C}ratna-gaja


rin po che thams cad

storehouse of jewels/precious substances {C}

store of treasure

la sgyur pa bsgyur sgyur

bsgyurd sgyurd {C}sarva-ratna-maya {C}
consisting of all precious things

rin po

chei mdzod mang po bsags pa dang ldan pa {C}

bahu-ratna-koa-sanicayo having many vast
storehouses of jewels/precious substances {C}
one who has a vast store of treasures

rin po che don du gnyer ba

{C}ratna-arthika seeking for precious things/
jewels {C}one who desires jewels

rin po che bdun rin po chei rigs {MSA}ratna-gotra

gyi rang bzhin las grub pa
grub grub grubs/grub grubs {C}saptaratna-maya {C}made/built of the seven precious

rin po che sna lnga

precious lineage; jewel-lineage

rin po chei rigs

chen po dang dra ba {MSA}mah-ratnagotraupamya similar to the great precious

{PH}various five

precious substances

rin po che sna bdun {MSA}saptaratna seven precious substances

rin po chei tog {C}ratnaketu

Ratnaketu [p.n. of a Bodhisattva in the Buddha-land
of Buddha Akobhya]

rin po chei du shes {MSA}

ratna-saj conception of jewels

rin po chei gnas nyid {MSA}

ratnrayatva precious abode {T}

rin po chei phung po {C}ratna-ri

aggregation of jewels/precious substances {C}

heap of treasure

rin po chei
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


rim {MSA}krama gradually; stage; series

rim gyis {C}kramea; {C}anuprva; {C}

anuprve; {C}anuprvea [series-by]; serial;

in series; gradually; in stages; by stages {C}
tapering; regularly; in due time; after some time; by
and by [e.g.: anu prvea = to the East?]

rim gyis sgom pa serial meditation

rim gyis pa Gradualist{Gn-chok}
rim gyis phel ba {MSA}

kramebhivardhamnam (abhi vdh) gradually

grow; grow in stages

rim gyis dma ba lags pa

{C}anuprva-nimna; {C}nimna {C}gradually

slopes away; slopes away


rim gro {C}paricraka; {MSA}paricary;

have no cure. {AGP-T}

{C}vaiyvtti (=vaiyvtya); {C}pj {C}help;

service; act of worship

rim gro byed {C}prayujyayeyu

of the mountain; mountain-king


oneself about

{C}serving upon

rim gro las {C}vaiyvtti (=vaiyvtya)


rim gror {C}upasthyaka (=upasthpaka)

ril po solid{BJ 63.5}

ril po gcig tu as one solid whole{BJ

ril por dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {C}pia-grha

apprehend [something] as solid; apprehension
of amorphous wholes {C}seizing on a material

{C}attendant; who attend upon

rim gror bya ba {C}samnan; {C}

bhajan; {C}upasthyaka {C}respect; to resort
to; attendent

ris {L,MSA}gotra; {MSA}nikya lineage; type;

rim gror byas pa {C}upasthna

king; clan; family

ris chad kyi snang ba restricted

{C}service; serve upon; attendance; attend to their


rim pa {LCh,MSA}krama; {C}anukrama


ris chad; ris su chad pa

stage; order; series; succession {C}gradual

action; going after

chad chad chad chad vicchinna

rim pa lnga pa paca-krama


Ngrjunas The Five Stages, P. 2667, vol. 61


ris yin {PH}section

ris g.yas su khyil bai
dung {PH}clockwise spiraling conch shell

Moreover, [it says] in the thirty-second section of

the Dkrava Yogin [Tantra], ... {AGP-T} comm.

to vs.7

rim par tsham well-proportioned

rim par yin par {C}-krama

ris su nges pa {MSA}gotra-niyata

definite in a lineage

ris su bcad cing {C}bhga-ccheda

cutting off [ones] lineage {C}the cutting off of
his share

ris su chad pa restricted

ru accusative, adverbial accusative, dative,

gradually; in stages {C}progressive steps; feet

rim bzhin respective; respectively{BJ

58.6} {PH}in stages; in sequence

rim bzhin du {MSA}anuprvaas


rims {PU} jvar; {NOC} jvara


Diseases [means] those that kill in one day, etc. and

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rii phug {C}giri-guh mountain cave

{T} {PH}mountain cave {C}mountain cleft

rim gro byed pa {C}paricryame

rim par phye ba

rii rgyal po {MSA}parvata-rjan king


and locative particle: to; in; as; -ly; at {PH}

[accusative, adverbial accusative, dative, and
locative particle]; section; division; part; horn
su ru ra dang du tu
na / la don rnam pa drug yin te su, ru, ra, du, tu,
and na are the six particles with the meaning of la
[i.e., accusative, adverbial accusative, dative, and

locative particles] {Y}

clan; assumption of a clan

ru tra {PH}Rudra
rung {C}yujyate; {MSA}yogyat; {MSA}thabs

rus pa {C}asthi; gotra bone; lineage;


rus pai khrul khor

su rung = upya ... yukta suitable {C}applies

oneself; it is tenable (to say); logical to equate; be
engaged in; to practice

rus bu {ntideva 10.10} asthi; {C}gotra; {C}

rung mthun concordant suitability

rung ba {LCh,MSA}yogya; {MSA}yogyat;

jti; {MSA}keng rus = sakalik {PH}bone

sha rus la sogs pa dang
bral bas since it lacks flesh, bones, and so forth
{TGP 56}

{N}yuktatva; {N}yujyate; {L}nyata; {MSA}

anucchavika; {MSA}dngos po rung ba = kalpikavastu suitable; fit; possible certainly; fixed
(on); definitely fixed/established; destined for;
certainty; {GD:88} fitness

rus sbal {C}krma tortoise; turtle;


rus sbal zhabs tortoise-feet

rus smos pa {C}gotra-grahaam

rung ba nyid {MSA}yogyat suitability

rung bar gyur

desire for a lineage/family {C}taking on a clan;

assumption of a clan

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}snod du rung bar

gyur = bhjan bhavati suitable

rus gzeb {PH}skeleton

re {C}svda; {C}kkate each; every; single;

rung bar bya ba make suitable

rung bya {MSA}yogya suitable object
rung ma yin na yujyate unsuitable; not

hope {PH}some; respectively {C}enjoyment;

relishing; aspires for
The drops of semen and blood come
forth, respectively, from both the mother and father.


rung tshon

{PH}suitable color

me tog phreng rgyud du;

ngur smrig btsag dang sngon po zhes rung tshon

gsum gsungs pai btsag mdog de yin rgyur dug;
That would seem to be the red ochre hue that is
spoken of [as one of] three suitable colors saffron,
red ochre, and blue in the Flower Garland Tantra.
{GCC} p.14

re ba {C}pratikkati; {MSA}asana;
{MSA}ratha (e.g.: mano-ratha) hope {C}
expects; desire

re ba med pa {MSA}nirapeka; {MSA}

nipratikka hopeless; no hope

re ba med pai sbyin pa {MSA}

dna nipratikkasya giving without hope

rum darkness; rum {PH}gestational heat

rus asthi; {C}gotra; {C}jti; {MSA}keng rus =

re ba med sems {C}nipratikkacitto hopeless mind {C}his mind free from


sakalik bone; lineage; family {PH}lineage;

family {C}lineage; birth; species; kind; different

rus nas smos pa {C}gotra-grahaam

desire for a lineage/family {C}taking on a

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


pelvic girdle


re bar byao {C}pratikkitavya you

should hope; one should hope {C}one must
expect; should be expected; should expect

re zhig respectively; tentatively;

temporarily; shortly; first of all {PH}
temporarily; for some time; initially
de dag re zhig ma skyes ba yin They
are temporarily not generated.

zungs sense direct perceiver which apprehends

a tangible object

reg byai skye mched

spraavyyatana tangible-object sphere;

tangible object sense-sphere
mtshan nyid/ lus shes
kyi reg bya/ Definition: object felt by a body

re zhig na shortly thereafter ...

re zhig yod pa tentatively exist
re re {C}ekaika; {C}ekaikena each; one by

one; one at a time; every {PH}each {C}each

one; a single one; one single; each single; each
singly; each one singly by himself; one by one

rengs pa {C}stambhitatva

{C}be stiff with


re re skabs with reference to each (of the

...){BJ 24.6}

re re nas each and every{BJ 13.5};

red is
red mda ba

{GD:310} Ren-da-wa [p.n.

of a Sa-gya lama who was one of Dzong-ka-bas
teachers] (1348/9-1412 ce.)

res ga {MSA}ekad; {MSA}kad cid;

individually{BJ 13.6}

re re las {C}ekaika each and every;

kadcit occasonal; sometimes; occasionally

res ga bai rtag pa

individually{BJ 13.6}

reg {C,MSA}spa; {MSA}saspara; {MSA}

occasional permanent phenomenon; permanent

phenomenon which is occasional

(sp): spati contact; touch; tangible {C}

touched (by); in contact with

res jog [occasionally-put]; alternately

ro {LCh,MSA}rasa (1) taste; flavor; (2) corpse;

reg dod {C}sph janeti desire for

contact {C}generate longing for

reg pa {LCh,L,MV}spara; {C}spa

residue; body; (3) particle indicating the end

of a statement; (4) right {PH}quality; corpse;
residue; [terminating particle]

contact; touch; touching {C}touched (by); in

contact with

reg pa dang khyud pa touching

ro rkyang dbu ma gsum the

three right, left, and central channels{TGP 79}

and embracing

reg pai zas sparhra contact food;

food of contact

ro brgya ldan pai {C}ata-rasa

of one hundred tastes {C}the most excellent

(food); superior and excellent

reg bya {LCh,C}spraavya tangible object; ro brgya pa {C}ata-rasa of one hundred

object of touch {C}touchable; touch

tastes {C}the most excellent (food); superior and


dbye ba/ 1 byung bar gyur pai reg bya/ 2
byung gyur gyi reg bya/ Divisions: (1) tangible
object which is an element; (2) tangible object
arisen from elements

ro gcig {L}eka-rasa; {C}eka-naya of one

taste {C}(the) one single principle

ro gcig pa {L,MSA}eka-rasa; {C}eka-

reg bya dzin pai dbang


gzung dzin bzung

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rasatva of one taste {C}one and the same taste


ro gcig pa nyid pa {C}eka-rasat


roi skye mched rasyatana taste

of just one taste {C}has but one single taste

ro mnyam equal taste; equality

ro stod {C}prva-kya upper body

mtshan nyid/ lce shes kyi myong bya/
Definition: object experienced by a tongue



ro bro bai mchog go {C}rasa-

rasa-jat {C}he possesses a most excellent taste

ro myang ba {MSA}svdana; {MSA,MV}

enjoy; taste

rol mo {PU} naka {PH}actor; dancer

rol mo {Negi} trya {PH}musical

svdan experiencing taste; experience (a)


ro myang med {MSA}ansvda not


rol mo {Negi} gndharva {PH}Gandharva

rlangs pa {PH}Vapa (p.n. monk &

experience (a) taste

ro myangs pa {MSA}svdita
experience (a) taste

ro myangs pa ma yin pa {MSA}

disciple of the Buddha)

rlan wet
rlan zhing gsher ba wet and

ansvdita not experience (a) taste

ro myong ba byas {C}svdayati

experience (a) taste {C}taste; relish


ro myong bar byed pa {MSA}

rlan gsher liquid

ro myong bar mi byed pa {MSA}

ansvdana not experience (a) taste

ro myong mi byed {C}ansvda not

experience (a) taste {C}absence of relishing

ro myong myang ba byas {C}

ro tsa ba virilification; the restoration of

rlabs po che mah-vici; {C}udra

great waves {C}sublime; exalted; an uncommon

degree of

rlabs phreng {PH}successive waves

rlung {LCh,MSA}vyu; {LCh}pra; {LCh}

normal sexual functions (also refers to restoring

or enhancing sexual performance and pleasure,
mainly used for the male)

vta; {C}samraa wind; wind (element - vyu);

wind (vital energy - pra) {PH}wind; wind
{C}air rlung mkhris
bad kan dus pai nad chen the great diseases of
the assembly of wind, bile, and phlegm {GZ 69a.3}
Definitions: mtshan nyid/
yang zhing g.yo ba/ light and moving


restoring virility

ro dzin dbang mngon

gzung dzin bzung zungs sense direct

perceiver apprehending taste

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rlabs {L}vici wave; billow ripple

rlabs ldan endowed with waves (the

svdayati experience (a) taste {C}taste; relish


rlan gsher phor gang la thun mong

du ltas pai tshe when [gods and men] view in
common a bown filled with liquid{DASI 562.3}

svdana; {MSA}svdan experience (a) taste

ro tsa bar bya ba vjkaraa

rol sport; side

rol pa {LCh}ll; lalita; lla play; sport


as truly existent khas len
par rlom pai phyir because of claiming to assert
phan par rlom nas byas pa
done upon boasting to help

rlung gi khams {C}vyu-dhtu wind

constituent {C}wind-element

rlung gi khor lo {C}anila-cakra

rlom pa

rlom/ rloms/ rloms/ {C}mna (=adhimna);
{C}manana; {C}manan (=manyat); {MSA}
(man): manyate conceit; presumption; claim;
be conceited; be proud of; exaggerate; boast;
vanity; pride {C}mental attitude; conceitedness;


rlung gi rnal byor wind yoga

rlung rgyu ba {PH}moving wind
rlung dang bcas pai chu
{MSA}ap ... vyu-sahita wind together with

rlung ni rang bzhin

gyis g.yo bai phyir {MSA}vyo prakty calatvt

because wind is naturally moving

rlung dbu mar

{GD:244} to conceive [of

something]; {GD:254} conceptual point of view;
{GD:580} imagine

rlung lba wind goiter

rlung tshub {PH}whirlwind; violent

rlom sems {C}abhimanyati; {C}

manan; {C}manana; (man): {C}manyate

(=samanupayati); {C}manyan; {C}manyanu; {C}
manyamnat mental conceit; conceited mind
{C}feel conceited; feel superior to; mental attitude;
thinks; fancies (himself for); thinks of; minds about;
thinks about; thinks with regard to; minds; puts
his mind to; sets above; cares about; conceit; vain
conceit; minding; conceitedness; self-conscio


rlung lus {PH}wind-body

rlubs {PH}pit; abyss; ditch
rlog brlag rlog

brlags/ rlogs/ destroy; demolish; lose; crush;

grind; harm

rlom sems kyi ltung bai

gnas {C}manan-patti-sthna abide in the
infraction of conceited mind {C}offence of

brlag rlog

brlags/ rlogs/ destroy; demolish; lose; crush;

grind; harm

rlom sems dang brnyas pa

rlon {PH}moist; fresh

rlon pa wet
rlom brlom/rlom

{C}atimananat conceited mind and defeat


rlom rloms rloms {C,MSA}(man): manyate be

conceited; be proud of; exaggerate; claim; boast;
vanity; conceit; pride; presumption {C}mental
attitude; conceitedness; minding
bden par mngon par rlom pa med pai
phyir because of not exaggerating [phenomena]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{GD:244} conceived subject [as opposed to real

subject (song tshod)]

rlom tshod la

zhugs gnas thim gsum the winds entering,

abiding, and dissolving in the central


rlom med pa nonconceit

rlom tshod kyi chos can


rlom sems

dang brnyas pai sems bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C}mna-cittotpda
{C}production of a proud thought

rlom sems med pa {C}amananat

non-conceited mind {C}to be devoid of mental


la {C}prati (1) [accusative, adverbial


rlom sems su gyur pa {C}

accusative, dative, and locative particle:] to; as;

-ly; in; at; conjunction: and; but; (2) mountain
pass {C}as being; with regard to

manyita that is (a) conceited mind {C}


rlom sems su byas {C}manye

la gor {C}laghu

make a conceited mind; conceited {C}put his

mind to

zla grags candrakrti

slob dpon zla grags
di ni skye ba dran pas ... Because this Candrakrti
remembered [his past] lives, ... {GCG} p.21

rlom sems su byed {C}

avamanyate; {C}manyate; {C}atimanyate be

conceited; proud {C}despise; feel conceited;
feel superior to; looks down upon

la ju bar {C}adhylambate

rlom sems su byed

uphold; look for support in; catch hold of; hangs on
to; seek (for) rebirth in/on; base rebirth in/on

brnyas par byed {C}atimanyate be conceited;

proud {C}looks down upon

la brten nas in dependence upon ...

la gnas abide in
la gnas nas {C}pratihya having

rlom sems su mi gyur ba

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

{C}amanyanat non-conceited mind {C}no

abided in {C}based on

rlom sems su mi bya ba {C}

amanat; {C}nairmayat (=asastpanat)

non-conceited mind {C}no conceit; does not put
his mind to conceit; absence of conceit



zla ba yar ngo {LCh} ukla-paka

{PH}crescent moon
{PH}fullness of

youth; mature adolescent

sama-ru-bhutva {C}his arms are level with his


la zlo ba [non-conceptual] immersion;

brlag rlog

total immersion

la bzla ba conclusiveness
la ur quickly
la la some; several
la sogs pa sogs {MSA}di;

brlags/ rlogs/ destroy; demolish; lose; crush;

grind; harm

brlag nas {C}naa {C}lost

brlags brlag rlog
brlags/ rlogs/ destroy; demolish; lose; crush;
grind; harm

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

candra {PH}digit of the waxing moon

zla bai lang tsho

zla bai lang tsho

brla drang por bzhag ste {C}

brlang pa {MSA}parua rough

brlan wet; damp [quality of water]

la phug the leaves of a big white radish

zla ba yar gyi ngo {MSA} paka-nava{PH}digit of the waxing moon

rlom/ rloms/ rloms/ be conceited; be proud of;

exaggerate; claim; boast; vanity; conceit; pride;


{C}nimbly; swiftly; like a


{C}rabhya; {C}pramukha; {MSA}prabhti etc.;

and so forth {C}with; (from the) beginning;
begin; take hold of; about; concerning; with
reference to; regarding; starting from; having turned


his mind to; stimulated by; initially founded on; if I
take into consideration; following on; headed (by);
at the head of; be

lwa ba pa {PH}Kambalapda
lag {Das} hasta {PH}Hasta [Indian

stra The Descent into Lak Stra, P. 775, vol.


lang kar gshegs pai mdo


lag ngar forearm{VM}

lag cha {C}prahra tool(s)

lakvatra-stra The Descent into Lak

Stra, P. 775, vol. 29

lang gi rjes {L}go-pada cows


belaboring with

lag rje lug rje


lang tsho {LCh}yauvana; {MSA}yuvan


[This] resembles a sale by


those who exchange merchandise, and it is not love.


lag rjes imprint

lag thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}hasta-prpta

{C}taken in hand by

lag mthil

the palm of the hand

lag na rdo rje {C}Vajra-pi Vajrapi

[p.n. of a Tantric deity] {T} {C}vajra-bearer

lag pa {LCh}pi hand; arm; arms

lag pa gnyis {C}ubhi-pi both

hands; both arms {C}each hand; both hands

lag pa g.yas pa {C}dakia-hasta

{C}right hand

lag pa g.yon pa {C}vma-hasta

{C}left hand

the palm of the hand

lag mthil/

lags [polite affix to names and titles; term

of address or reference]; be; is

Tracy Howard, Thuu-bkwan, Amdo Garden Poem

lang tsho {LCh}yauvana youth

langs {C}utthita; {C}vyusthito (=vyutthita)
langs te {C}utthya {C}rose
langs nas {C}utthita {C}emerged; got

langs pa {C}abhyupaiti

(=abhyupagacchati); {MSA}vyutthita {C}come

to; incur

lan {C,MV}parihra; {MSA}ktvas; {MSA}

pratikra; {MV.v.22}dei lan = tat ... pariharati

answer; repayment; reply; times; time {PH}
time; times {C}one refutes; solution; once;

lan mngon par mi dod pa

{MSA}pratikrnabhinandana not wish to
directly answer

lan cig {MSA}sakt one time

lan cig ma yin {MSA}asakt not
just once

lags na rin po che *ratna-pi

lan cig ma yin pa asakt not just


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

youth {PH}youth; full bloom

dbyar dus kyi lang tsho dang sbyar te ...
In connection with the full bloom of summer, ...

{C}emerged; got up

lag pai mthil/

lag pai mthil

lang go cow
lang kar gshegs pa lakvatra-




lan ldon zhing smra ba {C}

lan gcig {PH}once

lan gcig phyir {PH}Once-returner
lan gcig phyir mi ldog pa

prativaco (+dadmi) {C}answer back

because of answering; in order to answer


lan gcig phyir ong sakgamin

Once Returner

lan tu ston pas

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs {L}parihra; {MSA}pratikra refute;
solution; avoid; repel; exclude

lan du phan dogs yin

gdags dogs btags/brtags

thogs {MSA}pratyupakrin refute; solution;
avoid; repel; exclude

lan gdab pa {C}visarjayati; {C}

vykaraa give an answer; answers given {C}

replies; get rid of; answer; prediction


lan gsum {PH}three times

lan gsum du blas te {C}triparivarta {C}with its three revolutions

lam {LCh,C,MSA,MV}mrga; {LCh,C,MSA}

debs btab thobs {MSA}pariharaa; parihra

give an answer; answers given

gdab debs btab thobs {C}visarjan; {C}

visarjayati; {C}apa-nud answer; give an answer;
answer given {C}answer; replies; get rid of; able
to solve
apratyupakrin {C}one in need of a benefactor

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

or twice

{PH}merely once or twice

pratikrea ... arth bhavati seek an answer

lan ldon mi nus pa {C}

lan mang po many times

lan tsha salt
lan tsha ba salty{D1}
lan tshwa ba lavaa salty
lan mdzad give an answer{BJ 34.7}
lan re {PH}one time; once
lan re re {PH}one time; once
lan re re gnyis gnyis {PH}once
lan re re gnyis gnyis tsam

lan don du gnyer ba {MSA}

lan debs pa

lan mang du {MSA} bahul; {ntideva}

ldan pa {MSA}bahul-krnugata do many
times; perform many times

lan btab po {PH}answers given

lan du phan dogs pa

lan debs

contradict; oppose

lan mang du byed pa dang

The compiler of the answers

given, ... {PU} 9

lan byed {L}prativacana reply; answer

anekadh {PH}in many ways

bstan ston bstand stond in answer [to this

question], the Teacher said: ...{Jang 278}

lan btab answers given{BJ 41.4}

lan btab pa {PH}answers given

lan bya bai phyir {L}parihrrtha


patha; {C}vyadhvan; {C}paddhati; {MV}pratipatti;

{C,MV}pratipad; {C}pratipad-gata; {C}praha
(=pradhna); {C,MSA}vartman path; path
consciousness; way; road; course; [connective
particle:] and; or {PH}radiant; vivid bad
road; {C}practices; (bound to) progress (towards);
instruction; effort; forsaking; forsaken; right path
bar chad med lam uninterrupted


lam gyi bye brag {MSA}mrga-viea

mtshan nyid/ rang bras byang chub tu bgrod pai go

particulars of the path

skabs phye shul du gyur pai lam zhugs kyi mkhyen pa/

Definition: an exalted knower of one who has

entered the path, which provides an opportunity for
progressing toward its own effect, enlightenment

dbye ba/ 1 tshogs lam/ 2


lam gyi dmigs pa yin pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs

dmigs {MV}mrglambanatva is an object of
observation of the path

lam gyi dmigs pai

stong pa nyid emptiness that is the object
observed by the path

sbyor lam/ 3 mthong lam/ 4 sgom lam/ 5 mi slob

lam/ Divisions: (1) path of accumulation; (2)
path of preparation; (3) path of seeing; (4) path of
meditation; (5) path of no more learning

lam gyi tshogs sgrub achieving

through the collection of the [Great Vehicle]
paths [of seeing and meditation]

lam ka {MSA}pathin one on the/a path

lam kha road
lam ga {PH}roadside; side of the road
lam gyi sku gsum the three path

lam gyi bzhi mdo



lam gyi od gsal mrga-prabhsa

the path clear light

lam gyi yan lag {MSA,MV}


lam gyi dgag bya {N}mrga-

mrgga; {MV}mrgasyga branch(es) of

the path

pratiedhya object of negation by the path{N}

lam gyi rgyun bcad {C}

lam gyi yan lag rnam

pratiprasrabdha-mrga severing/cutting the

continuum of the path {C}having finished with
the path

par brgyad {MSA}aau mrggni eight

branches of the path

lam gyi sgrib pa {MSA}mrgvaraa

obstructions of the path

lam gyi dam pa {C}mrga-praet

excellent path; highest path {C}guide to the

lam gyi rang bzhin {MSA}mrga-

svabhva nature of the path; inherent existence

of the path

lam gyis suddenly; momentarily;



lam gyi bden {L}mrga-satya true

lam grol gro ba {C}utpatha-gata

{C}have gone onto a wrong road

paths; truth of the path

lam gyi bden pa {C,MV}mrga-satya

true path; true paths; truth of the path

lam gyi rnam pa thams cad

lam bgrod tshul

{PH}mode of

progressing on the path

lam rgyun mi gcod pa {MSA}

vartmccheda; {MSA}vartmnupaccheda not
severed/cut the continuum of the path

{MSA}sarvkra-mrga all types of paths

lam gyi rnam pa shes pa nyid lam sgron bodhi-patha-pradpa Atas

{C}mrga-jat (=mrgkra-jat) knowledge
of the path; cognition of the path

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment

lam bsgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}mrga-bhvana
cultivate/meditate on a path

lam bsgoms pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}mrga

lam po che {C}mah-mrga; {MSA}mah-

lam gcod pa {MSA}paripantha cut

patha; {MSA}mah-rja-patha great path; great


off the path

lam chad pa

chad chad chad {C}chinna-vartman cut off the
path {C}his tracks cut off

lam po che lta bui sems

bskyed mind-generation like highway

lam spyad pa

lam chos bzod doctrinal

lam chos shes doctrinal knowledge

lam ma yin pa non-path

lam min {C}amrga non-path; not a path
lam med {PH}trackless
lam myur bai khyad par the

with respect to the path



lam rjes bzod subsequent

forbearance with respect to the path

feature of greater speed in the path

lam rjes shes subsequent knowledge

lam zhugs

zhug jug
zhugs zhugs one who has entered the path

with respect to the path; subsequent cognizer of

the path{Gn-chok}

lam bzang {PH}excellent path

lam rim mrgakrama stages of the

lam nye ba {PH}short path

lam ste suddenly; momentarily;


lam las rab tu mnyam pa


lam thun mong sdhraa-mrga

{C}mrga-praaa {C}one who has lost the Path

common path; shared path

lam mthong spang nyon

mongs bcu {PH}ten afflictions to be abandoned

by the path of seeing [related to the Noble Truth of]
the Path

song song

utpatha-prayta; {C}prayta (e.g.: utpathaprayta) mistaken path; is a mistaken path

{C}strayed onto a bad/wrong road; strayed on to

lam log par zhugs pa

lam sher phyin path perfection of

lam bden {N}mrga-satya true path;

wisdom mrgamtaprajpramit

true path{N}; truth of the path; true paths

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lam log par mchis pa {C}

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}

unmrga-pratipanna enter on a mistaken path

song song {C}pathi (-gata) as a path; {C}on a


lam bden steng gi rnam


spyod spyad spyod {MSA}mrga-caraa

practice the path

forbearance with respect to the path

lam du song

lam bden pa mrgasatya true paths

lam rnam pa gnyis {MSA}dvividha-mrga two kinds of paths

bhvayati cultivate/meditate on a path

lam mchog gro

pa bdun seven aspects in terms of true paths

lam shes mrga-jat knower of paths;

path consciousness



lam shes kyi yan lag

deed); work; [ablative particle:] from; by reason

of; having [done something]; activities {C}
activity; what it does; function; face to face (with);

mrgajatgni limbs of knowers of paths

lam shes nyid {C}mrga-jat

las karma action; karma

las ka work

(=mrgkra-jat) knower of paths; path

consciousness; knowledge of paths

lam shes pa

dang yongs su byang ba shes pa {C}parijaya

path consciousness and completely purified
consciousness {C}(complete) mastery/conquest

kyang yod las kyi rnam par smin pa yang yod kyi
{MSA}asti karmsti vipka even though actions
exist, the fruitions of actions also exist

lam shes sbyor ba

las kyi khyad par {MSA}karma-

mrgajatprayoga training in a knower of


viea attribute of action; feature of action

las kyi sgrib pa {C}karmvaraa

lam shes sbyor bai ngo

obstructions of actions; karmic obstructions

{C}obstacles caused by (past) deeds

bo nyid lnga five essentials of a training in a

knower of paths

las kyi snying po can {C}karma-

training in the difficult to achieve (sgrub dka' ba'i sbyor

ba), training in definiteness of full purification
one-pointedly (gcig tu 'tshang rgya bar nges pa'i
sbyor ba), training in achieving the three great
intents [great mind, great abandonment and great
realization] (ched du bya ba chen po gsum sgrub
pa'i sbyor ba), training in not observing the three
spheres of meditation as ultimately existent (sgom
pa'i 'khor gsum don dam par mi dmigs pa'i sbyor
ba), training in stopping the conception of truly
existent things (bden pa'i dngos por zhen pa bkag
pa'i sbyor ba)

garbha having the essence of action {C}is

potentially present in

las kyi mtha {MSA}karmnta

extreme of action; limit of action

las kyi dor {C}parikarma; {L}sukta

discarding of action/karma; casting out of action/

karma {C}well done; preparation; (necessary)

las kyi gnas {MSA}karma-sthna

lam shes sbyor bai shes

abode/place of action/karma

mtshan knowledge characteristic of a training

in a knower of paths

lam gsum {C}tri-mrga three paths

lai khar {PH}at the summit of a mountain

l i pa lhipda Lhipda [p.n.]

l i ba lhipda Lhipda [p.n.]
las {MSA,L,MV}karma; {C,MSA,MV}karman;

{MSA}karma-vipka fruition of actions/karma;

ripening of actions/karma

las kyi rnam par smin

pa mtshungs pa tulya-karma-vipka similar
fruition of karma

las kyi phyag rgya {MSA}karmamudr action seal

las kyi dbang gis {MSA}

karmdhipatyena by the power of actions/karma

{MSA}karmin; {C}kritra; {C}samukha(m);

{MSA}mkhas pa las = vijnm antikt action;
act; deed; predisposition (established by a

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

las kyi rnam par smin pa


las kyi

dbang gis dod pai gnas su skye ba {MSA}karmavsenbhipreta-sthnopapatti arise as abiding
of desire through the power of actions/karma

las kyi dbye ba {MSA}karma-bheda


las dang po pai rnal byor

pa yogi who is a beginner

las dang po ba {LCh}di-karmika

divisions of action/karma; karmic distinctions

las kyi rlung {PH}wind of karmic action

las dang po ba tsam gyi
las kyi lam {C}karma-mrga; {C,MSA}
yid byed dikarmika-mtra-manaskra mental
[deed-first-done]; a beginner; novice

karma-patha path of action path of deeds

contemplation of a mere beginner

las kyis byas pa {MSA}karma-kta

las bdag gir bya ba {C}karma-

las khungs office

las gud naang {C}anyatra

las das pa {C}atikrama; {C}

svakat ones object of action {C}all that

concerns (beings) is their own work

made by action/karma; produced by action/


samatikramat; {C}uttratva pass beyond;

transcend {C}overcome; rises completely above;
have transcended; having escaped from

equally; except for; but; (as) other than; outside;
(but to) nothing else than; what is other than;
otherwise than; elsewhere (than); except

las ldog cing

ldog ldogs ldogs {C}ni(r)vtta reversed from;
opposite from; desist from {C}turned away;

las rgya karmamudr Action Seal

las rgyal mchog supreme king of

las ni ngo bo sna tshogs pa


las sgrib karmvaraa karmic

{MSA}vicitra-rpa ... karman action has various

entities {T}


las rnam pa drug gi don

las can {MSA}karmaka having action/

{MSA}karmrtha ... a-vidha meaning of the six

types of action {T}

karma; active

las nyid pa {C}karmat activeness;

las rnam gsum po {MSA}karma

karmic {C}doingness

las nyon gyi dbang

trividham three types of action/karma

las snang dag pa pure karma and

{PH}the force
of [contaminated] actions and afflictions

las thabs {PH}method of preparation

las dang ngo bo nyid kyis


las phun sum tshogs pa

{MSA}karma-sapad perfect action; marvellous

action; complete action

{MSA}karmata ... svabhvata through action

and entity; by way of action and entity

las phyir zlog {L}nirvt- turn ones

las dang po pa dikarmika [deed-

back on ...; turn away from ...

las bum sgrub pa

first-done]; beginner

las dang po pa tsam

of the action vase

gyi yid byed mental contemplation of a mere

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



las byas pa {MV}ktasya karmaa ...

{MSA}karma-pariodhana thoroughly purify

perform actions; do

las byung ba


las rab byams

byung byung byung {C}nirjta (=niryta); {L}mayi arisen from; arises from; occurs due to;
practice (of) {C}come forth; issued; source



las ring du gyur pa {C}dr-

las byed {C}karma-kriy perform

bhavati is far from {C}gets away from

actions; do {C}doing work

las byed pa {L}karma-kriy; {MSA}

karma-karaa perform actions; do doing work

las byed pai mi {C}karma-kra

las rlung {PH}wind of karmic action

las la dbang ba {MV}karma-vait
power over action {T}

las la mi sulu ba

reliability with respect to an action; {GD:666}
reliability with respect to a certain object [one of
Go-ram-bas three criterion for a reliable cognition
(mi slu bai rig pa)]

agent; doer {C}servant; husbandman

las bras karma-phala effects of

actions; effect(s) of action(s); action(s) and


las lam karma-mrga path of actions{N}

las log pa opposite from
las su gnyer bya {GD:674}

las brtsams te {C}rabhya

beginning with

las brtsams zhing {C}rabhya

beginning with

purposeful object

las tshogs karma-sabhra collections las su bya ba object

of activities
las su bya bai sgra accusative case
las mtshan nyid sgrub dgos
las su rung {MV}karmayat; {MV}
bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
karmayatatva be serviceable; become

{MSA}karma-lakaa sdhya must achieve

the characteristic of action {T}

las su rung nas ... having become

las zhig pai zhig pa the state

serviceable ...

of disintegration which is an actions having


las su rung ba {MSA}karmaya;

las gzhan mi byed {C}

{MSA}karmayat be serviceable; become


ananya-karm not become other than; nontransformation; non-alteration {C}without

doing anything else

las su rung ba nyid {MV}

karmayat; {MV}karmayatva serviceability

las yang dag par das pa

las sla po easy

las gsum rnam par dag

{C}samatikramat pass completely beyond;

completely transcend {C}rises completely
above; have transcended

las yongs su sbyong ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}tri-viuddha-karman purity of the three

actions; three pure actions {T}


las bsags pa {C}karma-upacaya

validity of the argument]

lugs byung

{C}accumulation of karma

byung byung byung {N,GD}anuloma forward
process {GD:767} forward systems [of
explanation, which consist in demonstrating the
existence of causes]

li {PH}verbal root
l {PH}verbal root
li byin {PH}*Ghaadatta
li yul Khotan
ling nge ba concrete
ling po concrete {GD:150} one block
lu ma {C}palvala {C}pool
lug urabhra; mea sheep
lug ltar lkugs par bya {C}

lugs byung du {N;GD}anuloma

{PH}in the forward process

lugs mi mthun la {C}viloman

discordant process; not concordant with the
mode/system {C}in disagreement; in reverse

lung {LCh,MSA}gama; {MSA}upadea

scripture; oral transmission; passage; precept;

injunction; spiritual instruction canonical text;
coming; {GD:748} verbal testimony

jaaidamka {C}like a senseless dumb idiot or a

dumb sheep

lugs {LCh,C}naya; {LCh}mata system;

lung gi sgo nas kyang

mode; way tradition; doctrine; {C}method;

principle; guidance; viewpoint; compass

lugs god pa

rung ba ma yin gamato pi na yujyate is also

not suitable from the viewpoint of scripture

lung gi mngal jug

dgod god bkod god present/state a system

lugs rgya ldan

Scripture on Entering the Womb

lung gi chos gama-dharma the verbal

{GD:657} (lit.) a
hundred systems; interpretable many ways


lugs mthong {C}anuloma(m)

lung gi rje su brang pa

concordant process {C}in agreement (with


*agama-anusrin Followers of Scripture

lung gi rjes brangs

lugs dang mthun pa {MSA}

*gamnusrin Following Scripture

lung gi tshad ma gama-prama

anuloma concordant process; concordant with

the mode/system

lugs dang ldan pa {C}ntimat

prime cognizer [based on] scripture [accepted by

Candrakrti but not by Dharmakrti]

lung gegs byed du dod pa

systematic; having the mode {C}prudent

lugs dang mi mthun pa {MSA}

{GD:773} Criticalists (those who hold scripture

to be an impediment in the debate concerning the
validity of scripture)

pratiloma; {C}viloman discordant process;

not concordant with the mode/system {C}in
disagreement; in reverse order

lugs ldog


ldog ldogs ldogs {N}paryya; {GD} pratiloma

reverse process {GD:767} backward systems
[of explanation, which consist in demonstrating the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



lung cung zad la rten pa {MSA}

kacid-gama-nirita depending a little on

lung ston pa



lung bstan gsol

ston bstand stond {C}vykti; {MSA}vykaraa

(e.g.: ketrdibhir vykaraa) scriptural
teaching; prophesy; prophesied {C}prediction

lung ston par gyur

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}vykaraa

(e.g.: bodhau vykaraa); {MSA}(vy k):
vykariyati prophesy; prophesied

lung bstan

lung du bstan
pa/ {LCh,MV}vykaraa; {C}vykta; {C}
vyktaku; {C}vykti prophesy; prophesied{BJ
8.3}; taught in scripture; scriptural teaching
{PH}prophecy; scriptural teaching {C}predicted;
predestined; determinate; one who has been
predestined; prediction

lung bstan nges pa

lung bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA,MV}vykaraa
prophesy; prophesied{BJ 8.3}; taught in
scripture; scriptural teaching


bstan {LCh,L}vykaraa prophesy; prophesied;

taught in scripture; scriptural teaching
prediction (of future Buddhahood)

lung du bstan pai sde

bstan ston bstand stond {L}vykaraa

prophesy; prophesied; taught in scripture;

scriptural teaching

dngos po bstan ston bstand

stond {MSA}avykta-vastu thing that is not
indicated in scripture

lung bstan pas lung ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}

vykaroti prophesied by prophesy; prophesied
by scripture

lung bstan ma thob

thob/thob thob thob thobs {C}

lung du med pa {C}avykta not exist

in scripture; not prophesied

lung nod par yang byed {L}

uddeayanti expound; explain

lung gnod byed du dod pa

{GD:773} Scriptualists (those who hold scripture
to refute in the debate concerning the validity of

lung dpog par bya {C}uddiati

avykta unprophesied; not obtain a prophesy

{C}unpredicted; indeterminate; one who has not
had his prediction

expound; explain

lung phog cig {C}uddiati

expound; explain; show; point out

bstan ston bstand stond {C}vykta is

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lung du bstan pa

lung du ma bstan pai

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}mahvykaraa great prophesy; great scriptural


prophesied; is a prophesy


connection to scripture

neutral; not indicated in scripture [i.e., neither

virtuous nor non-virtuous]; not prophesied
unanswerable; inexpressible; {C}non-revealed;
indeterminate; unpredicted; one who has not had his

bstan ston bstand stond {C}vykta

exist as prophesied

lung bstan yin

lung dang sbyar ba

bstan ston bstand stond {C,L}avykta

niyata definitely prophesied; definite prophesy

lung bstan pa chen po

prophesy {C}declare; answer; predict (to); states;


lung du ma bstan pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}vykta-

lung bstan du yod pa

bstan ston bstand stond {C}vykaroti

lung bog pa {L}upadea advice;





lung ma bstan

lus kyi rjes su lta

blta lta bltas ltos {C}kya-anudarin

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}avykaraa;

avykta not indicated in scripture; not
prophesied; neutral

lung ma bstan pa

contemplation of the body {C}in the

contemplation of the body

lus kyi nyes

par spyod pa rnam pa gsum

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}kya-ducarita
(tri-vidha-) the three types of faulty physical

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}avykta not

indicated in scripture; not prophesied

lung yang bstan to

bstan ston bstand stond {C}vykaroti

lus kyi tha snyad

prophesy; prophesied; scriptural teaching

{GD:726} physical
signs through which one can communicate

lung la rten pa {MSA}gama-nirita

lus kyi nad {C}kya-lam physical

in dependence upon scripture

lung las {MSA}gamatas from scripture

lung las grags pa tsam


lus kyi gnas ngan len

disfunctional physical state

merely renowned from scripture; merely

renowned in scripture{LG}

lus kyi rnam gyur physical

lum bi n {PH}Lumbin
lus {LCh,C,L,MSA,MV}kya {C}(e.g.:


asura-kya); {MSA}kyika; {C,MSA,MV}arra;

{MSA,MV}deha; {MSA}mrti; {C}raya;
{C,MSA,MV}tma-bhva; {MSA}(ava i):
avaiyate; {MSA}ia; {MSA}janman(?); {C}vyu
(=kyur?) body {PH}body {C}receptacle;
physical/bodily basis; based on; foundation; by
resorting to (as a foundation); wind; relics; dead
body; personality; frame; personal existence; extent;
all they have and all they are; personal life

lus kyi rnam pa {C}kykra; kyagata (bhavati) physical aspect; bodily aspect
{C}knows by heart; from the mouth of; what
belongs to the body; what concerns the body

lus kyi rnam par shes pa

kyavijna body consciousness; (main) body


lus kyi rnam

shes lus kyi rnam par shes pa

kyavijna body consciousness

lus kyi {C} kyika {C}bodily; physical

lus kyi bya ba {PH}activities of the
lus kyi skyon yang dag
body; physical actions
par sel ba bsal sel bsald
lus kyi dbang po kayendriya;
seld {C}kya-kali-sampramathana completely

kyendriya body sense-power; physical sense

power; body sense power

eliminate/eradicate/remove/clear away/avoid/
exclude bodily faults {C}crushing the misery of
having a body

mtshan nyid/

lus kyi khyad par {MSA}deha-viea

rang bras lus shes kyi thun mong ma yin pai bdag rkyen

physical attributes; bodily attributes

byed pai cha nas bzhag pai nang gi gzugs can dwangs

lus kyi gyur ba {C}kya-vikra

ba/ Definition: clear inner form qualified by being

the uncommon empowering condition of its own

effect, an eye-consciousness

{C}physical afflictions

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



lus kyis ni gnas

speech, and mind

lus dang ngag ni zhi ba {MSA}

ngan len rab tu ston bstan

ston bstand stond {MV}kyena hi dauhulya
prabhvyate teach the bad physical states

nta-vk-kyat pacify body and speech

lus sgrib kyvaraa bodily obstructions

lus mngon sum du gyur pa
{C}kya-skin direct bodily perception;
physical direct perceiver {C}(direct) eyewitness; one who has witnessed cessation with his

ngag sems rang bzhin gyi las rnams {MSA}kyavk-citta-maya ... karman actions/karma of the
nature of body, speech, and mind

lus dang ni srog la mi lta

lus can {C,MSA,MV}dehin embodied

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}anapeka

being; the embodied {C}living beings

svaarra-jvite not view body nor life

lus dang longs spyod

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}arra-

bhoga body and resources

lus dang sems {MSA}kya-citta;

lus lci bar {C}kya-guruka physical

{MSA}kya-cetas body and mind

heaviness; bodily heaviness {C}weighed down

by his bodily fatigue

lus rnyed pa {C}tmabhva-pratilbha

obtain a body; gain a body {C}new incarnation

lus snyom pa {C}kya-klamatha

lus dang

body; bodily; physical {C}endowed; possessed


skin direct bodily perception; physical direct

perceiver {C}(direct) eye-witness; one who has
witnessed cessation with his body

to restore physical vigour

dag par sdom pa {MSA}kya-vk-sayama vow

of body and speech

lus dang ldan {C}upeta having a

lus mngon sum byed {C}kya-

lus gcer bu {PH}going naked

lus gcom {PH}physical strength

lus dang ngag yang


lus dang sems kyi sdug

bsngal {MSA}kyika-caitasika-dukha suffering

of body and mind; physical and mental suffering

lus dang srog {MSA}kya-jvita body

and life

lus dran pa nye bar bzhag

fatigue of body; bodily fatigue

lus rten physical basis; physical life

pa kyasmtypasthna establishment in
mindfulness of body


lus dang ngag {MSA}vk-kyat body lus dran pa nyer gzhag

application of mindfulness based on the body

and speech

lus dang ngag gi las {MSA}kya lus pa {MSA}avaia; {MSA}ma lus pa

... vk-karman action/karma of body and speech

lus pa med pa {C}anavaea without

lus dang ngag dang yid kyi las yang dag par kun
tu spyod pa spyad spyod spyad
spyod {MSA}kya-vmanas-karma-samcaraa
thoroughly practice action/karma of body,

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

= niea left over; remain behind; [with

negative:] without any left; entirely; wholly; all
any left; entirely; wholly; all {C}total


lus po avaia left over; remain behind;

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

[with negative:] without any left; entirely;

wholly; all

kylambana observe the body {T}

lus phun sum tshogs pa

lus la sogs pa {MSA}kydi body,


{MSA}tma-bhva-sapad; {MSA}tma-bhvasapatti perfect body; marvellous body;

physical marvels

lus la sogs

pai chos la bdag med pa {MSA}kydi-dharmanairtmya selflessness in phenomena, body and

so forth

lus phags videha Videha

eastern continent; n. of Mithila, or Thirhut;
{Rigzin} Videha

lus las gnas ngan len pa

lus phags po prvavideha; videha

{MSA}dauhulya-kya bad physical states; bad

bodily states


lus dben physical isolation; isolation of

lus shin sbyangs


lus mi snang



snang snang snang {C}adya-kyo nonappearing body; invisible body {C}one who has
made his body invisible

lus med bdag po anagapati

an awareness whose arising depends on its own

uncommon empowering condition, a physical sense
power and an observed object condition, a tangible

non-physical; without a body

lus mtshan dpes a body adorned

lus shes kyi reg bya tangible

with the major and minor marks [of a Buddha]

lus zhig nas {MSA}kyasya bhedt

object of a body consciousness

lus su gtogs pa rjes

from destruction of the body; having destroyed

the body

su dran pa {C}kyagata-anusmti subsequent

mindfulness of what is included in the body
{C}recollection of what pertains to the body

{PH}body; environment;

lus su snang ba

and time

lus yongs su grub pa {C}

lus la gtogs pa {C}kya-gata

(bhavati) included in the body {C}knows by

heart; from the mouth of; what belongs to the body;
what concerns the body

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

snang snang snang snang {MSA}deha-nirbhsa;

{MSA}dehbhsa appear as a body; physical

(tenaiva ca-) tmabhva-pratilambh(en)a

thoroughly established body {C}in his newfound outlook on life; in his new incarnation

bodily cognition

mtshan nyid/ rang gi thun mong

rkyen reg bya la brten nas skye bai rig pa/ Definition:

lus med pa {MSA}dehbhva bodiless;

lus la dmigs pa

lus shes kya-jna body consciousness;

ma yin pai bdag rkyen lus kyi dbang po dang dmigs

Bodiless Lord

lus yul dus


lus sems shin sbyangs

kyi bde ba sbyang sbyong
sbyangs sbyongs bliss of physical and mental

le lo {LCh,C,MV}kausdya; {C}(=kuda);

{LCh,C,MSA,MV}kaudya; {L}kusda; {MSA}


alasa; {MSA}lasya laziness {C}indolence;
sloth; slothful; lazy

dbye ba/ 1 sgyid lugs pai le lo/


2 bya ba ngan zhen gyi le lo/ 3 snyoms las kyi le lo/

Div.: 1) laziness of inadequacy, 2) laziness which
is an attachment to bad activities, 3) laziness of
neutral activities

le lo can {C}kusda; {C}kusda-rpo;

sdhu beautiful; eloquent; good; well; proper;

excellent; efficient? better; advantage; well said/
done; meet; indeed

legs pa drug dang ldan pa

bhagavan (etymology) one who possesses the six


legs pai blo gros {LCh,L,MSA}

sdhu-mat good intelligence; Eminent; Good
Intelligence (ninth bodhisattva ground)

{MSA}kuda one who is lazy; lazy {C}

indolence; sloth; esentially slothful

le lo dag {SPS} sita

legs pa {C}reyas; {C}anuasa; {C}

{PH}two [kinds of]


legs par su- well; good; proper(ly);


le lo med pa {C}akusda non-laziness; legs par skyes pa {MSA}sujta

not lazy {C}free from sloth

well-born; well-produced

obstruction of laziness

established; properly established {C}wellformed

le loi sgrib pa {MSA}kaudyvaraa legs par grub {C}spahita well legs su-; {MSA}vara good; well; beautiful;

dmigs legs par ma phyed pai tom jug gis mi
ong ngo it will not come through involvement in
which the points are not differentiated well ... {MSI

legs par grub pa {C}upacita

well-established; properly established; well

established; well confirmed {C}well-formed;
collected; accumulated; heaped up; powerful; built

legs khrungs {C}sujta well-born legs par brgyan pa {C}

samalaktu well-adorned; beautifully adorned


legs grub kyi rgyud susiddhi

samyak-praasa well-praised; properly praised

tantra Susiddhi Tantra

legs bcos ma byas aparikarmakta well-fabricated {C}not repaired; not well

got ready

legs chos {C}gua-dharma good

legs par bcos legs byas

{C}parikarma-kta well-fabricated {C}well got


legs par brjod pa

brjod rjod brjod rjod {MSA}sulapita well-

doctrine; beautiful doctrine {C}precious



legs ldan chung ba Bhvaviveka

the Lesser [p.n.]

legs ldan byed {LCh}bhvaviveka;

bhva Bhvaviveka; Bhva [p.n. of the
philosopher who founded the SvtrantikaMdhyamika school]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

legs par bsngags pa {MSA}


legs par mnyam par

bzhag pa {L}susamhita proper meditative
equipoise; good meditative equipoise

legs par rnyed pa {MSA}su-lbha

well found; properly found; well gained;
properly gained; properly obtained


legs par rtogs par

legs par rnam par

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}

phye ba dang ldan pa suvibhakta possessed of

good differentiation

supratividdha well-realized; well-understood

{C}well penetrated

legs par rnam par

legs par rtogs par byed

phye bai chos khor a wheel of doctrine of good

differentiation{BJ 30.5}

pa rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs

{MV}sughta karoti well-realized; wellunderstood

legs par ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}sudean welltaught; good teaching; proper teaching; well/
properly indicated

legs par ston pa nyid

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MV}sucarita good

deeds; good performance; practice well

legs par phye ba differentiate

legs par phye bai chos

khor wheel of doctrine of good differentiations

legs par bya ba well done

legs par byas pa {L}sukta well-

sudeikatva well-taught; good teaching; proper

teaching; well/properly indicated

legs par brtags

brtag rtog


brtags rtags dtangn gdags dogs btags/brtags thogs

{L}anvkita well analyzed; well invesigated;
properly designated

bstan ston bstand stond {L}supravedita

well-taught; good teaching; proper teaching;
well/properly indicated

legs par byes pa {C}aparilna

beautifully defined {C}unwrinkled

legs par sbyangs pa

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{C}supartta well purified/washed/practiced/

trained/cleansed/cleaned {C}well-encompassed

legs par smin par byed pa

legs par thos {L}suruta hear well;

{MSA}supcan properly bring to fruition; wellripened

hear properly well understood; understand well;


legs par smra ba {MSA}sukathika

legs par doms {C}anvavadati

well-propounded; propound well/properly; good


good advice; advise well; counsel well; good

counsel {C}instruct

legs par tshul bzhin {L}

legs par gnas {MSA,C}susthita

suyonia properly; correctly

abide well; abide properly; good place {C}

well-placed; standing firmly; well-established

legs par rnam par rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}
suvicitrtha understand well; well-understood;
well-realized {C}one who has well considered
(his welfare)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

well{BJ 30.5}

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

legs par bstan pa

legs par spyod pa


legs par rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}

susampta(?) well perfected/completed/fulfilled/


legs par zin pa {C}sdghta well

apprehended; well-grasped {C}well learned

legs par bzung {L}susampta well


legs brtson {MSA}suyukta good

apprehended; well-grasped

legs par yid la

endeavor; proper endeavor; strive well; suitable

legs mtsho {C}gua-sgara good

bya ba byas pa yin te {C}sumanasikta well

mentally contemplated; good/proper mental
contemplation {C}well-attended to

ocean; beautiful ocean {C}ocean of virtues

legs par yongs su gtad pa

{C}suparndita good aim; proper aim {C}

legs par shes {MSA}suvija well

legs par bshad {C}subhita well
explained; good explanation(s) {C}beautiful
teaching; well-taught; well-spoken words

legs par bshad pa {MSA}

legs bshad subhita eloquence; well

legs bshad snying po Dzong-kabas Essence of the Good Explanations

legs bshad pa {MSA}sukathita

good explanation(s); well explained

legs bshad gser gyi

phreng ba Dzong-ka-bas Golden Rosary of

Good Explanation, P. 6150, vol. 154

sudeana; {MSA}sudeita; {MSA}subhita;

{MSA}skta; {MSA}svkhytat; {MSA}legs par
bshad pa dang nyes par bshad pa dmigs phyed
pa = svkhyta-durkhytavadhraa; {MSA}
legs par bshad pa dang nyes par smras pai don =
subhita-durbhittha well explained; good

legs sam snyam ste I think that

[X] is good{LG}

legs su grub {C}suparivtta wellestablished; properly established {C}wellfinished

legs par bshams {C}yojayati

good layout; proper layout; well arranged {C}

apply oneself to; yoked to; distribute (evenly); join
up (with)

legs par slobs pai slad du

{C}suikitatva {C}because he is well-trained

legs par gsungs pa {C}

legs so {L}sdhu good!; well-done!

legs so zhes bya ba byin {C}
sdhukra dadti give [approval]: Good!
excellent!; {C}applaud; give approval

legs so legs so {L}sdhu sdhu

good, good!; well-done!

svkhyta; {L}subhita; {L}svk(h)yta; {MSA}

svkhytat well said; well spoken; good speech;
good talk {C}well-taught

legs par bsams pa {L}sucintita

well-thought; good thought; proper thought

legs par bslabs pa {MSA}

suikita well-learned; learn well

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

phyogs su khyil ba {C}dakivartta {C}turn to

the right
explained; good explanation

cognized; know well; proper knowledge; good


legs spyad {PH}good deed

legs phye good distinction

legs la ga yas


blang /

len/ blangs/ longs sam lend/ {C}udgraha; {C}

ghti; {C}yhika; {C}dna(m) take; obtain;
appropriate; appropriating; accept; grasping
{C}taking hold of; studying; grasp at; take notice;
which accepts; which toils; take upon himself;
seizes; grasp; hold; get hold of

len gyi ching ba assumption

len dang spong ba {MV}dnavivarjana appropriating and abandoning



len pa

/ len/ blangs/ longs sam lend/ {C,MSA,MV}dna;
{L,MV}updna; {MSA}dhi; {C}pratighti;
{C}parigrhaka; {MSA}grahaa (e.g.: grahaadhraa); {MV}udgraha grasping; take; obtain;
appropriate; appropriating; accept {C}taking
hold of; studying; grasp at; take notice; which
accepts; which toils; take upon himself; seizes;
grasp; hold; get hold of; receives; accepts; acquires;
take hold of; one who has upheld; helper; someone
who upholds; one who takes up (bad moral pr

len pa dang spong ba {MV}dna-

(=para) year; [particle indicating the end of a

statement]; leaf; petal (=lo ma) {C}rain; shower

lo skor {PH}[sixty-year] cycle of years

lo bskor {PH}[sixty-year] cycle of years
lo gcig {C}savatsara one year; a year
lo tog {MSA}sasya harvest
lo stong du mtshungs par {C}
vara-sahasram {C}1000 years

lo dab leaf
lo dab rul pa lta bur

tyga; {MV}dna-vivarjana appropriating and


len pa po {C}parigrhaka; {MSA}

gyur par {C}kasambaka-jta {C}mere rubbish

lo pa {PH}translators and paitas

lo ma {C}pattra (=para); {C}pallala; {MSA}

pratigrhaka appropriator; grasper

len pa med pa {L}anupdya

non-appropriation; non-appropriating; nongrasping; not taking

patra (=pattra) leaf {C}petal; sprouting

lo ma dor len {MSA}para-

len pa med par zag

tygdna discarding and appropriating leaves

pa rnams las {C}anupdysravebhyas from

contaminations without appropriation {C}
from the outflows without further clinging

lo ma bdun ri {LCh} saptapar

{PH}seven-petaled mountain

len pai rnam par shes pa

lo tstsha ba {PH}translator
lo ts ba ka cog zhang

{L}dna-vijna appropriating consciousness

len par bgyid pa {C}yhika

translators Ka-wa [Pel-tsek (ka ba dpal brtsegs)];
Jok-ro [L-gyal-tsen (cog ro klui rgyal mtshan)];
and Zhang [Na-nam Ye-she-de (zhang sna nam ye
shes sde)]

appropriate; grasp; take; obtain; accept

len par byed {MSA}niyojayati

appropriate; grasp; take; obtain; accept

lo tstsha ba ka cog zhang

leu {L,C}parivarta; {L}paalam; {MSA}paala

translators Ka-wa [Pel-tsek (ka ba dpal brtsegs)];
Jok-ro [L-gyal-tsen (cog ro klui rgyal mtshan)];
and Zhang [Na-nam Ye-she-de (zhang sna nam ye
shes sde)]

chapter {C}revolution; exposition; book;

section; revolving

leu ste dang po eka-parivarta first

lo tshigs {PH}chronology
lo legs good harvest
lo gsar me tog the new year


leu gzhung tshad number of


leur bcad pa {MV}pariccheda

flower (lo gsar me tog); a red leaved plant about

two feet high also called (mon sne dmar po)

chapter; section

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lo {LCh,C}vara; {C}savatsara; {C}pattra



log nirvtti; nirvartana reverse; opposite;

log pai kun rdzob

log sgrub wrong achieving

log nyid {MSA}mithytva reversal;

log pai kun rdzob bden pa

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs

wrong; mistaken; unreal; overcome; to return;

turn from; return; turn around; be turned
upside down; dispose of; ceasing

mithysavtisatya unreal/incorrect
conventionality {PH}unreal conventional [truth]

mithysavtisatya unreal/incorrect concealertruth; unreal/incorrect conventional truth

{PH}unreal conventional truth

wrongness; opposition; returning

log rtog mithy-sakalpa wrong

conception; misconception; wrong view; perverse


log rtog pa {C}vipratipatti mistaken

log pai nan tan {C}vipratipatti

wrongly progress {C}error; failure to progress

nyid bsal sel bsald seld

definition which eliminates wrong ideas

log pai tshig {MSA}mithy-vda

mistaken words

blta lta bltas ltos

{LCh}mithy-di wrong view

log dren bgegs kyi rgyal

po {VM} vinyaka {VM} p.n. class of demons

log pa {N}nirvtti; {C}nirvartana

(=pratinivtti); {C}mithytva; {MSA}mithy;

{MSA}asat; vitatha; vipraryaya reverse;
opposite; wrong; unreal; overcome; to return;
turn from; return; turn around; be turned
upside down; dispose of; ceasing; mistaken
{PH}reverse; opposite; unreal; mistaken
{C}turning backwards; one who goes back on;
wrongness; {GD:141} differentiated

bsal sel bsald seld {MSA}

log pai tsho ba {C}mithy-jvik

{C}wrong livelihood

log pai lam la rab

tu gnas pa {C}utpathonmrga-pratisthita
thoroughly abiding in a wrongful path {C}set
out on the wrong path

log pai shes pa mithy-jna

wrong consciousness

log par {C}mithy; {C}vitatha wrong;

wrongly; mistaken; mistakenly {C}errant;
incorrect; false(ly)

log par gyur pa {C}vitatha-darana

is wrong; is mistaken {C}false to behold

mithy-nicaypakarikatva definitely eliminate/

eradicate/remove/clear away/avoid/exclude error

log pa nyid {MV}mithytatva error;

wrongness; oppositeness; reversal

log pa nyid du nges pa {C}

mithytva-niyata determined wrongly; definitely

in error {C}destined for perdition

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mna erroneous pride {C}false pride

mistaken conceptions

log rtog sel bai mtshan

log pa nges par sel ba

log pai nga rgyal {C,N}mithy-

log pai rtog pa vitatha-vikalpa

conceptual consciousness; mistaken thought

{C}error; failure to progress

log lta

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs


log par sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}

mithy-pratipatti; {MSA}vipratipatti; {MSA}
viprapatti wrongly established; mistakenly

log par sgrub pai de kho na

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{MV}mithy-pratipatti-tattva wrongly established

pa {MSA}viparta-grhaa engage in
misapprehension; engage in mistaken

suchness; mistakenly established suchness

log par bsgrub

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {C}vipratipatti

wrongly established; mistakenly established
{C}error; failure to progress

log par dzin pa

{MSA}mithybhinivia mistakenly determined;

mistaken adherence; wrong conception

log par zhugs pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}asad-

grha misapprehension{BJ 40.5}; mistaken


log par mngon par zhen pa

vipratipanna wrong perspective; wrongly

perspected; those who are wrongly perspected;
mistakenly engage in; wrongly enter into {C}
one who fails to progress

{MSA}mithynubhava mistakenly experience;

wrongly experience

log par rtog pa {C}vikalpayati

log par bzung bar mi bya {C}

wrong idea; wrongly think; mistaken thought;

mistaken conceptual consciousness {C}
discriminates; imagines; think it over; thinks to
himself; make a false discrimination

udghta; {C}udghti mistakenly apprehend;

misapprehend; mistakenly grasp {C}take up;
on the wrong path; should not be seized upon

log par yang dag shes pa

log par rtogs pa gsal ba

{MSA}mithy-satrita misconceive; mistaken


clearing up wrong ideas; eliminating wrong


log par rig pa {C}durupalakita

blta lta bltas

mistaken awareness; mistaken knowledge {C}

badly distinguish

ltos mithy-di wrong view

log par lta ba

blta lta
bltas ltos {L,MSA,MV}mithy-di wrong view

log par snang ba

log par bsams pai don

{MSA}mithy cintitrthasya object of a mistaken


snang snang snang snang {MV}vitathapratibhsatva wrong appearance; mistaken

appearance; appear mistakenly

log phyogs opposite class

log zhugs zhug jug

log par byas pa {MSA}mithy-kta

zhugs zhugs vipratipanna wrong perspective;

wrongly perspected; those who are wrongly
perspected{BJ 57.4}; mistakenly engage in;
wrongly enter into

done wrongly; made wrongly

log par sbyor

sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}ry-prayukta
wrongly endeavor/connect/join/apply

log par mos pa


mos mos mos {MSA}vipartdhimoka mistaken/

wrong/perverse belief/faith/interest/inclination
towards/zeal/keenness; believe mistakenly/

log par dzin du jug

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C,MSA}

log par nyams su myong ba

log par lta


log shes {LCh}mithy-jna;

viparyayaja; viparyayajna mistaken

consciousness; wrong consciousness; wrong/
mistaken perception; erroneous consciousnesses

mtshan nyid/ rang gi jug yul la khrul bai
rig pa/ Definition: a knower which is mistaken
with respect to its object of engagement

dbye ba/ 1 rtog pa log shes/ 2 rtog med log shes/
Divisions: (1) conceptual mistaken consciousness;
(2) non-conceptual mistaken consciousness

log sa tha dad

person with good legs

long bu {C}gulpha ankle


{PH}different bases of


log sa tha dad las ldog pa

{PH}reversed from different bases of reversal

longs sku {LCh}sabhoga-kya

go {C}follow (after); conform to; regain;

approach; emulate; arrive (at); pursue; follow up

Enjoyment Body; Complete Enjoyment Body

bab babs bab babs {C}anugacchati

wronlgy descend/flow/fall down/move downward

{C}follow (after); conform to; regain; approach;
emulate; arrive (at); pursue; follow up

log su mthun par dong ngo

{C}anugacchati {C}follow (after); conform
to; regain; approach; emulate; arrive (at); pursue;
follow up

logs su separately

{PH}to the edge (of);

separately; apart; as different (than); as other (than)

logs su bkral

bkral grel bkrald greld differentiate

long duration; spare time

long khrid a guide; leader of the blind
long ga {PH}large intestine

The large intestine [is] the name

of the part [of the body] that is between the small

intestines and the colon, and is one from among six
container-organs that is named in dependence upon
its shape. Gso rig tshigs mdzod - g.yu thog dgongs
rgyan (long ga)

spyod spyad spyod {MV}sabhoga resources;
enjoyments; usables; enjoyment

longs spyod


spyod spyad spyod {LCh,L,MSA,MV}bhoga;

{L,MSA}sabhoga; {C}sabhogika resources;
enjoyments; usables; enjoyment {C}possession;
pleasure; wealth; complete enjoyment; pleasure

longs spyod kun tu ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}

bhoga-sadarana teach/ indicate resources {T}

longs spyod kun rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

{MSA}sapra-bhoga complete/perfect

enjoyment; complete/perfect resources

longs spyod kyi rgyu mtshan

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

bhoga-nimitta cause of resources/enjoyment

longs spyod kyis pham

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}bhoga-

parjita conquered by enjoyments; conquered

due to resources ? {T}

longs spyod can

longs spyod chags {MSA}bhogasakti attachment to resources/enjoyments


{PH}a blind

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

longs par spyod

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}bhogin having


long po rising
long spyod {PH}enjoyment; resources;
long ba rkang can

long bya {PH}objects of enjoyment

long med {PH}no time [to waste]
longs enjoyment; duration; spare time;
take; appropriate; obtain; accept; enjoy

log su gro {C}anugacchati wrongly

log su rjes su bab



longs spyod chen poi

rigs su skye ba {C}mahkulopapatti arising in a
lineage/family with great resources {C}rebirth
in good families

longs spyod nyid

sabhoga-kya; {MSA}sbhogika ... (kya);

{MV}sbhogika kya Complete Enjoyment
Body; Enjoyment Body

longs spyod

longs spyod la kun

rnams la mngon par mi dgao {MSA}bhogev

anabhirati not delighting in resources/

tu dzin pa med pa gzung

dzin bzung zungs {MSA}bhoga-nirgrahatva
non-apprehension/grasping for resources/

longs spyod rnams

la ma chags pa {MSA}asakty bhogeu; {MSA}

bhogev ansakty not attached to resources/

longs spyod la chags pa

{MSA,MV}bhoga-sakti attached to resources/



longs spyod la mi lta ba

spyod spyad spyod {MV}sabhoga resources;

enjoyments; usables

blta lta bltas ltos {MSA}bhoga-

longs spyod phun sum

nirapeka not viewing resources {T}

tshogs pa spyad spyod spyad

spyod {MSA}bhoga-sapad; {MSA}bhogasapatti complete resources/enjoyments;
marvellous resources/enjoyments

longs spyod la mi ldan

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}bhoga-

nirapeka without resources/enjoyments

longs bu {C}gulpha

longs spyod phel bar

{C}ankle(s); ankle-


byed pa {MSA}bhoga-vddhi-nayana increase


longs rdzogs

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}sabhoga

enjoyment; complete enjoyment/resources

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}

bhogpramatta conscientiousness with respect to



spyod spyad spyod objects of use

longs spyod ma chags blo

lon pa take up; mature; developed; to pass

[of time]; to reach; taken up; reached at; arrived

at ston pai rjes su
lo dgu brgya lon pa na when nine hundred years
had passed after the Teacher ...{LWT 165}

sha {LCh}msa meat; flesh; fish

sha rus la sogs pa dang
bral bas since it lacks flesh, bones, and so forth
...{TGP 56}

{MSA}asakta-bhoga-buddhi mind that is not

attached to resources/enjoyments

longs spyod smin par byed

{MV}bhoga-pcana ripen resources/enjoyments;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

chags pa {MSA}bhogev asakta not attached

to resources/enjoyments

longs spyod bya

longs spyod rdzogs pai sku

longs spyod dag la ma

longs spyod bag yod

longs spyod rdzogs pa

sabhoga; {MSA}sbhogya complete/perfect

enjoyment; complete/perfect resources

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}bhogat

resources; enjoyment

longs spyod pa

bring resources/enjoyments to maturation


sha kya

shA kya akya akya


sh kya kya [transliteration of the

Sanskrit word] kya

shkya {PH}kya
sha kya thub pa

shA kya

thub pa kyamuni kyamuni

sh kya thub pa kyamuni


sha kya thub pa chen po

shA kya thub pa chen po {C}

mah-kyamuni Mah-kyamuni; the great

shkya mu ne {PH}kyamuni
sh kya bshes gnyen kyamitra

shkyai btsun pa

monk; (lit.) venerable one in the lineage of

sha kyai sras po ma yin

shA kyai sras po ma yin {C}akya-

putrya is not a son of kya(muni); {T} is not a

son of the kya (clan)

sha dkar

{PH}light flesh colour

The alms
bowl has a flesh-colored rust varnish applied to the
inside. {GCC} p.15

sha dkar g.ya rtsi


sha za {LCh,C}pica pica; flesh eater

{C}malignant demon

sha za bskal don

du song bai gang zag song song

song song a person for whom flesh eaters have
become super-sensory objects

sh ra dwa tii bu {MSA}

radvatiputra {PH}riputra

sh ra dwatii bu {MSA}radvatiputra

sh rii bu {MSA}riputra riputra

sh rii sras po riputra {PH}


colored rust varnish

The alms bowl has a flesh-colored
rust varnish applied to the inside. {GCC} p.15

sha kha ra sugar; ground sugar

sha kha rai ro taste of sugar
sha stag only; simply; merely; mere

sha rlon {PH}fresh meat

shangs {C}nsik {C}nose
shangs tsha akha {PH}conch shell

By blowing the conch shell three times, one should
strike the Dharma drums. Toh. 298

shangs shangs {PH}bird-men

shad perpendicular stroke ( | ) {PH}

{PH}only; simply; merely

sa skya pa rnams da

[punctuation mark]

dung yang ther ma smyug poi chos gos sha stag

gyon, Sakyapas still also only wear an outer robe
of brown wool. {GCC} p.14

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sha stag du {PH}only; simply; merely

sha stag la only; simply; merely; mere
sha thang {PH}exhaustion
sha rdog {PH}chunk of flesh
sha pa aoka aoka tree{LG}
sha ba deer
sha sbrang {PH}biting insects
sha tshugs can {PH}fleshly


shad ma {PH}comb
shan kha ba {PH}Shankawa; [person from


shal ma ri

Shanka district]

shan cig byed rkyen

shas emphasis; very strong; powerful; much

shas che ba {MSA}utsadat (aty-); {MV}


cooperative condition

shan pa {MSA}aurabhrika shepherd;

atiriktatara very strong; powerful; much; many;

a good deal


sham thabs [a nun or monks] lower

shas cher very strong; powerful; much;


shai spyan {MSA}msa-cakus fleshly

many; a good deal

shas cher gyur pa {MV}adhimtrat


shai mig {C}msa-cakus

very strong; powerful; much; many; a good



shas ches very strong; powerful; much;


shar east; eastern direction; eastern quarter

shar gyi sum skor ma

many; a good deal


{PH}triple-circle eastern [front] channel at the


shar sgom

{PH}Mountain of Iron

Weapons [Hell]

chi/ chi/ shi/ shi/ {MV}

maraa to die

shi nas ngan gror


khyam tshul way/mode of wandering in a bad

transmigration upon dying

sgom bsgoms sgoms reflective meditation

shar ngos {PH}eastern side; eastern face

shi phos pa {C}cyuta {C}deceased;
fallen away from
shar chos {PH}Eastern Dharma [Successor
to the Throne of Ganden]
shi bi k {C}ibik {C}palanquin
shar nub kyi byer sbas eastern shig bshig shig
and western Upagupta{BJ 74.1}

shar phyogs eastern direction{D1}

shar ba tshar/ tshard/

shar/ shard/ {MSA}udra dawn; appear;

manifest; appearance {PH}dawn; appearance
don du shar ba appears as the meaning

shar bai snang ba

snang snang snang snang appearance which

Gan-den Monastic University


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shig pa rjes la

bshig shig bshigs/ shigs/ {C}bhinditva

loosen; destroy {C}having shattered

shar rtse Shar-tse (East Point) College of

shar la ancillary
shar lus phags po prva videha

bshigs/ shigs/ {C}ykila [imperative particle;

connective particle; often untranslatable:] a;7 to
loosen (knots) {PH}a; an; louse; lice {C}lice
[with negative: free from lice]; corrupt; deficient;
louse! sgron mer zung sig hold
[this] as a lamp


shig med par gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}na ykila {C}

free from lice


bshig shig
bshigs/ shigs/ to loosen (knots); to destroy

shigs pa


shig bshigs/ shigs/ {MV}bhedyatva; {MSA}bhedya
(e.g.: abhedya) to destroy; to loosen (knots)

shing {MSA}vka; {C}druma; {L,MSA}

kha; {MSA}arai; {MSA}indhana; {MSA}dru

[connective particle indicating a participle; often
accompanying a participle (e.g., ... byas shing
= having done ...)]; tree; wood; stick{BJ 21.1}
{PH}wood; tree; stick
ljon shing gro bar snang bai dbang shes a
sense consciousness to which trees appear to move

shing kun asafoetida{D1}; fennel

shing skam poi me tog flower

shing rtai lam srol

{PH}way of a


shing rtai srol

{PH}way of a


shing rtai srol byed opener of

the chariot way{N} {PH}opener of the way of a


shing thog a mra

{PH}mango fruit

ga zhig gis shing thog a mra mi gtsang bai nang

du lhung ba blangs pas Someone, having picked
up a mango fruit that had fallen into the filth, ...

of a dead tree

shing khun {PH}Liangzhou ()

shing mkhan {C}pala-gaa carpenter


shing drungs pa {C}vka-mlika


one who dwells at the foot of a tree

shing nags forest

shing pa na shai bras bu {C}


shing mkhan gyi slob ma {C}

palagaa-antevsin carpenters apprentice
{C}masons apprentice

panasa-phala {C}breadfruit

shing mkhan bzo bo {C}pala-gaa shing bal cotton

carpenter {C}mason
shing bal ltar {C}tla {C}like cottonwool
shing gi lcug ma vine{LWT 193}
shing gi phung po {MSA}dru-skandha shing bal da ba {L}tla-picu

pile of sticks/wood

shing bzo ba carpenter

shing las bgyis pa

shing gyi tshogs {C}dru-saghta

{C}wooden body; puppet moved by strings

shing ljon {LCh}vka {PH}tree

shing gnyis las me byung

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}drumay made

from wood {C}wooden

shing sal gyi

ba byung byung byung byung

{MV}kha-dvaygni fire arising from two

sgon; shing sal bal gyi sgon {C}tla-picu cotton

{C}(a ball of) cotton wool

shing rta {LCh,MSA}ratha [wooden horse]; shing srin {PH}woodworm

chariot; opener of the chariot way [those who
shing a mrai bras bu {C}
clear off paths which have become overgrown,
e.g.: Ngrjuna, Asaga, Dzong-ka-ba]; cart

shing rta chen po mahratha

mra-phala {C}fruit of the Mango tree

shin lkog atyanta-paroka very hidden



Mahratha [p.n.]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



shin tu {C,TN,MSA}atyanta; {C}tyantik;

{MSA}su- (e.g.: su-dukhita); {MSA}-tara (e.g.:

bahu-tara); {C}para; {MSA}parama; {MV}
atyartha; {MSA}kma; {MSA}nikma; {MSA}
gha; {MSA}bha an intensifier: very;
exceedingly {C}supreme; utmost; outshines them
all; others; (the) other; another; foreign; beyond;
absolute; absolutely; infinite

shin tu dka bai las {MSA}su-

shin tu bsgoms

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {L}prabhvan

thoroghly cultivate/meditate

shin tu bsgoms pas

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}

shin tu ngo tsha {MSA}atilajjan very

shin tu dkar {C}su-ukla very white

shin tu dkon {L}sudurlabha hard to

wonderful; very marvellous

shin tu snga ma zhig na very long

get/find/grasp; difficult to attain

shin tu lkog gyur {N}atyartha-


paroka; su-paroka; {N,GD} atyantaparoka very hidden phenomenon; very

hidden phenomena {GD:747} thoroughly
hiddenDefinition: a phenomenon which an ordinary
being must definitely realize initially in dependence
upon a sign of belief

shin tu lkog gyur gyi

shin tu bsngags pa {MSA}

praasa highly praise; high praise

shin tu lci {C}guru-tara very heavy

{C}more violent (=serious?); more serious;

shin tu chung ba {C}atyalpa very


shin tu che ba {MSA}adhimtrat (e.g.:

gzhal bya; gzhal bya shin tu lkog gyur very

obscure objects of comprehension

apatya-sneha-adhimtrat) very great; very big

shin tu jam pa {C}su-kumra very

shin tu gus pa nyid {MSA}tivr

soft; very smooth {C}exceedingly tender; ever


gurut very respectful

shin tu gya nom pa {L}su-prata

shin tu jigs pa {L}atibhaya;

very auspicious very excellent; sublime

shin tu grims pa {C}su-sahatana

{MSA}bhru (ati-) very frightened

{C}firm and solid

shin tu rgyang ring bar {C}atidre

very far; very far away {C}far away; too far


shin tu rgyas pa {C,MSA}vaipulya

shin tu nye bar gnas pa {MV}

sprasthita very close abiding {T}

shin tu rnyed par dka {C}

durlabha difficult to gain; difficult to obtain/

attain; hard to get/find {C}rare

shin tu rtogs pa

very extensive; Very Extensive [Stras] {C}

extensive; Expanded Texts [i.e.; Mahyna stras];

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}supratividdha; {C}

sunicita well-realized; well-understood {C}
well-penetrated; to be well massed

very extensive discourses

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

alakratva very adorned

atyanta tad-bhvant through thoroughly


dukara ... karman very difficult action

shin tu rgyas pai sde {L}vaipulya

shin tu brgyan pa {C}kta-


shin tu rtogs par byas nas

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs
{L}supratividdha having realized well; having
understood well

passed beyond {C}gone beyond; more than;

overpowering; after rising above; having passed
beyond; beyond; passes beyond all bounds

shin tu stobs dang ldan pa

shin tu das pa {C}atikrnta

{C}balavattara(m) very powerful {C}more

strongly; ever more forceful

shin tu brtan pa {C}supratihita

very firm; very stable; p.n. of a Nga-king {C}


shin tu mthar phyin pa {C}

suparinihita; {L}parama-gatika well brought

to completion; well-finished foremost; {C}wellrounded-off

shin tu mthu dang ldan {C}

atikramya well passed beyond {C}past; passed

beyond; transcended; very transcendent; gone
beyond; surpassing; more than; overpowering; after
rising above; having passed beyond; beyond; passes
beyond all bounds
gyur gyurd gyur gyurd
{MSA}sudukhita very miserable

shin tu mthong {C}sudaran (dev)

good-looking (gods)

shin tu mthong ba sudarana Great


shin tu dag pa completely pure

shin tu dag pai gnas {MV}

shin tu sdom {MSA}susavti very


shin tu bsdam pa {C}susavta

very concealed; well restrained; well bound

shin tu mnar ba

viuddhvasth very pure abode/place

{PH}very clear; utterly


shin tu dri ma med pa ma yin

{MSA}ntinirmala not very stainless

shin tu bden {PH}very true

shin tu da bar bya ste {C}

mnar mnar mnard mnard {C}suparibhta

very tormented; very miserable; harm/torture/

torment very much {C}well-humbled

shin tu rnam dag {L}suviuddha

very pure

shin tu rnam dag pa {MSA}

siviuddha very pure

atikrmati well passed beyond {C}pass

beyond; pass by; go beyond; transcends; step above;
should pass above; passes above; move away from

shin tu das te {C}atikramya well

passed beyond {C}gone beyond; more than;
overpowering; after rising above; having passed
beyond; beyond; passes beyond all bounds

shin tu das nas {C}atikrnta well

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shin tu das byas nas {C}

shin tu sdug bsngal gyur

balavattara(m) very powerful {C}more

strongly; ever more forceful

shin tu dang ba

well passed beyond {C}past; passed beyond;

transcended; very transcendent; gone beyond;
surpassing; more than; overpowering; after rising
above; having passed beyond; beyond; passes
beyond all bounds


shin tu rnam par grol ba

grol grold grol grold {L}

suvimukta; {C}suvibhakta very liberated; wellliberated/released {C}well emancipated; fully

delivered; well proportioned; well separated

shin tu rnam par nges pa {L}

suviniyata very definite; well ascertained; good

ascertainment well restrained/controlled; well


shin tu rnam par nges

pai shes rab {MSA}suvinicita ... praj exalted

wisdom of good ascertainment

chi bar rtogs par mi gyur ba di ni shin tu byings

che ba ma yin te/ Someone who does not know
about death is not in the greater majority. {A4C-C}

siviuddhatva very pure

shin tu dben pa {C}sunigha very

atyanta-viuddhatva; {MSA}su-viuddha very

pure {C}absolute purity

shin tu sbyang dka ba {L}

shin tu rnam par dag {C}

isolated; very solitary place {C}well hidden;

well concealed

shin tu rnam par dag pa {C}

sudurjaya very difficult to overcome

shin tu rnam par dag par shin tu sbyang ba

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {L}paryavadta

very clean; very pure

gyur {MSA}suviuddhi nigacchati very pure;

become very pure; is very pure

shin tu sbyangs pa

shin tu rnam byes {C}suvibhakta

prasrabdhi; {N}prarabdhi; {C}uttapta-haka; {C}

prama [very-practiced]; pliancy; flexibility;
serviceability; suppleness {C}finest burnished
(gold); polished away

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {C}tkatara

very sharp {C}keener and keener

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}

{C}well proportioned; well separated

shin tu rno bar gyur

shin tu spyangs pa {L,MV}

shin tu sbyangs pa che

shin tu spyangs pai lam {C}

shin tu sbyangs pai lam

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs {MSA}

prasrabdhi; {C}suparikarma-kta [verypracticed]; pliancy; flexibility; servicability;

suppleness; tranquillity {C}well-worked

tanuka ... prarabdhi great pliancy/flexibility/


sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

prasrabdhi-mrga path of pliancy {C}path of


{C}prarabdhi-mrga path of pliancy/flexibility/

serviceability/suppleness {C}path of quiescence

shin tu phyis pa {C}suvima well

wiped; erase well {C}well smoothed

shin tu phyogs par {L}abhimukha

face to face

shin tu phra mo {L}atiskma very


shin tu phags pa {C}udgata very

superior {C}lifted up

shin tu phel bar gyur {C}


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shin tu ma skyes pa {C}atyanta-

anupalambha (=atyanta-anutpannatva =
atyantatay-anutpannatvt) very non-produced
absolute non-apprehension

shin tu ma zhum pa

jum jums zhum zhums {C}atyantaanavalnat very non-discouraged/slack/weak/

timid/cowardly {C}cannot absolutely be cowed

shin tu mang po {C}subahu; {MSA}

bahutara very many however great it may be

utsada (=udgat) greatly increase {C}(over)

crowded; with prominences

shin tu bab col {PH}very confused

shin tu byings {PH}majority

shin tu med pa {TN}atyanta na vidyate

absolutely non-existent

shin tu mos pa

mos mos mos {L}adhimukti very faithful; great


belief/faith/interest/inclination towards/zeal/
keenness firm resolve; resolve; resoluteness;
resolute faith; firm belief/conviction/faith

bltas sbyang sbyong sbyangs

sbyongs omen of pliancy

shin tu dman {MSA}sunihna very

inferior; very small

shin tu dman pa {MSA}mndya (ati-)

very inferior; very small

shin tu rtsings pa
shin tu rdzogs pa

{PH}very rough

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {MSA}

sunipanna very complete/perfect

shin sbyangs; shin tu

sbyangs pa sbyang sbyong

sbyangs sbyongs prasrabdhi; prarabdhi [verypracticed]; pliancy; flexibility; servicability;

shis pa auspicious

shis pa ching ba the construction of whichever
[mudr] is auspicious {Dor 47a.2/ 277.2}

shis lugs mode of dispostion

shu bshu/ shu/ bshus/

shin tu zab {MSA}atigahana; {MSA}

parama-gahanatva very profound; very deep

shus/ to peel; to transcribe

shin tu gzi brjid dang ldan shug pa juniper tree

pa {C}tejovattaram very hot; very heated;
shugs {LCh,L,MSA}vega; {LCh}smarthya
very majestic {C}more energetically; ever more

shin tu bzang po {MSA}obhana-tara

very good; excellent

shin tu yangs pa {L}suvila very

wide; very extensive

force; strength; power; energy; implicit(ly){BJ

17.2} {PH}implicit(ly) impact; momentum;

shugs kyi taras implicit; implicitly

shugs kyi bsgrub byai chos

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

shin tu yun ring very long time

implicit predicate of the probandum
shin tu yun ring mor {C}suciram shugs kyis {N}taras implicitly;
for a very long time {C}for a good long time

through the force

shin tu yul chen {MSA}viaya-

shugs che stronger

shugs rtogs rtogs

sumahat very great object

shin tu ring {MSA}vidra (su-) very

rtogs rtogs rtogs implicit realization

shugs drag

long; very long time; very far

shin tu ring por {C}suciram for a


very long time {C}for a good long time

shin tu gsal ba {C}suparivyakta; {L}

atispaa very clear; very bright very clear;
very clean; very distinct; {C}well distinguished

shin tu bsags pa {C}spacita well

accumulated; well composed {C}well collected

shin sbyangs skye bai snga

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}strong; great strength;



byung rang ris g.yas su khyil bai dung {PH}

self-arisen clockwise spiraling conch shell

shugs yul {GD:389} implicit object

shugs la implicitly; through the force
shugs la bstan


shel gyi sa gzhi {ntideva 10.7}

bstan ston bstand stond implicitly indicated{BJ


sphika-kuima {PH}ground of inlaid crystal

shugs la gnas pai don the

shel dang bai d ra ya {MSA}

sphaika-vaidurya crystal and vaidurya

meaning implicitly abiding{DK 23.2}

shugs la shes known through the

force of ...{BJ 27.4}; implicitly known

shun {L}tvak skin; peel; hide; bark; name of

a river

shun pa tvak bark; skin; peel

shub bu whisper
shur pa {PH}juniper [incense]
shur shing {PH}juniper tree
shul tracks; trace; remains {PH}ruins;

selfish profits

shes dgos pa have to be known;

necessary to know; must be known

shes rgyud mental continuum

shes sgrib kun btags

shus/ peeled; to peel; to transcribe

she na iti cet if it is asked

shed bu {C,N}mnava child of manu{N}

gdags dogs btags/

{C}youth; young man

brtags thogs parikalpitajeyva-raa artificial

obstruction to omniscience

shed las skyes pa {C,N}manuja

shes sgrib kyi zag pa

born from manu{N} {C}man

sher praj wisdom

sher don meaning of the Perfection of

contamination which is an obstruction to


shes sgrib rags pa

Wisdom Stras


obstructions to omniscience

sher mdo praj-pramit-stra

shes sgrib lhan skyes

Perfection of Wisdom Stras

brgya dang brgyad {PH}the one hundred and

eight innate obstructions to omniscience

sher phyin

rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa prajpramit
perfection of wisdom

sher phyin gyi mdo praj-pramitstra Perfection of Wisdom Stras

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shes {LCh}ja; {MV}jna; {C,MV}jat; {C}

shes kyi khe dod pa desire for

bshu/ shu/ bshus/

shel {C}sphaika; {L}svaccha crystal; glass

sphaika very clear crystal

vijyate; {C}saj; {C}prajnti; {MSA}boddh;

{MSA}vija; {MSA}(vi dh): vidhyate; {MV
3.4-5ab}gang shes nas = yaj-jnt to know;
cognition; consciousness (=shes pa); knowledge;
quote indicator (=shes bya ba) [follows
question; see also zhes and ces] {C}discern; be
understood; notion; perception

In the ruins of the monasteries of ipatana and
Nland, ... {GCG}


shel phreng {PH}crystal rosary

shel shin tu gsal ba {L}svaccha-


shes sgrib lhan

skyes sum cu rtsa drug {PH}the thirty-six innate

obstructions to omniscience

shes sgrib/ shes byai

sgrib pa {LCh}jeyvaraa obstructions to

discerned; follow; sagacity; known; cognized; is
declaredDefinition: clear and knowing

omniscience; obscurations of the knowable;

obstruction to omniscience; obstruction to
simultaneous cognition of all phenomena

Divisions: (1) sense cognition; (2) mental cognition

shes chal fractured intelligence;

shes pa skye ba med pa

scattered intelligence; intelligence gone astray

nonproduction of consciousness

shes nyon sgrib pa jeya-klea-

shes pa glo bur pa

varaa {PH}afflictive obstructions and

obstructions to omniscience

adventitious consciousness

shes pa brgyad

shes te {C}budhyati knows; cognize(s)

{PH}the eight
knowledges [of the path of seeing]


shes pa nyid jtat

shes dod chos can subject

cognizedness, the aspect of perception aquired
when a precedingly unknown object becomes

sought to be known

shes dod chos can skyon

shes pa dang mtshungs

med faultless subject sought to be known

shes dod dang ston dod

par ldan pa {MSA}jna-saprayukta; {MSA}

jnena saprayukta associated with
consciousness/knowledge; concordance with

wish to know and wish to communicate

shes nas {C}jya having known;

shes pa brda sprod par

having cognized

shes nas dad pa thob pa

byed pa {L}jvykaraa expound [ones]


thob/thob thob thob thobs

{MSA}avetya-prasda-lbha obtain faith

shes pa rnam par gzhag

through knowledge {T}

shes nus can be known

shes rnam {GD:406} aspect as

pa {MV}jna-vyavasthna positing of
consciousness; posit consciousness {T}

shes pa po {MSA}jt; {C}jnaka; {C}


jt; {C}ajnaka knower; cognizer {C}one

who cognizes; one who knows begetter; cannot be
known [with apayaka: one who does not know];
unknowable; does not generate anything; without a

shes rnam sgom pa meditative

cultivation of the aspect of a subject [e.g.,
meditatively cultivating compassion]

shes pa {C}jat; {MSA,MV}jna; {C}

shes pa po ma mchis pa {C}

prajnti; {C}praj; {C}parijnti (=prajnti);

{C}prajnanat; {C}vijta; {C}vijnti; {C}
anvagacchati; {C}medh; {MSA}pratyavagama;
{MV}pratipatti; {MSA}yang dag shes pa =
satrita; {C}khyyati; vijna consciousness;
cognition; mind; knower; knowledge; to
know; realize; understand; cognize {PH}
knowledge {C}wisely knows; knows, in his
wisdom; comprehends wisdom; wise cognition;
is aware; becomes aware of; be aware of; known;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


ajnaka non-knower; non-cognizer {C}cannot

be known [with apayaka: one who does not know];
unknowable; does not generate anything; without a

shes pa ma lags pa {C}

ajnamna non-knowledge; non-cognition; not

know; not cognize {C}in his ignorance; which
cannot be cognized



shes pa med pa {C}ajnaka non-

are the same type of substantial entity

knowledge; non-cognition; not know; not cognize

{C}cannot be known [with apayaka: one who
does not know]; unknowable; does not generate
anything; without a cognizer; in his ignorance;
which cannot be cognized

shes pa tshad ma valid consciousness

shes pa yis dmigs
dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

jnopalambhu (=jnena-upalambham?) object

of observation by consciousness; observed by
consciousness {C}through cognition a basis

shes pai kun rdzob

shes pai rnam pa bsgom

pa bsgom sgom bsgoms

sgoms {MSA}jnkra-bhvana cultivation of/
meditation on the aspects of consciousness

shes pai rnam pa shes pa

prajnayitavyu; {C,MV}jeya; {C}vijyate;

{C,MV}vijeya; {MV}parijeya; {C}samanvharati
object of knowledge; know; will know; cognize;
will cognize {C}knows wisely; should be wisely
known; what they should know; what should be
known; cognizable; discern; be understood; distinct;
should be known; one should understand/discern;
discernible; his mind is impressed by; consider;
bring out; bear in mind; b

shes par bya bai gang

chen mtsho {C}jeyrava great ocean of
objects of knowledge {C}the flood of the

shes par bya bai phyir {C}

avabodhya because of being an object of
knowledge {C}so that he may see through

nyid {C}jna-krat cognition of the aspects

of consciousness

shes par bya bar dod pa {C}

nigamayati (=pratipdayitukma) desire for

objects of knowledge {C}change the subject

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}jna-gocara

object of activity of consciousness; range of

consciousness; sphere of consciousness {C}

sphere of cognitive activity

shes pai mtshan nyid knowledge


shes par dka {MSA}durjeya

shes par byao {C}samanvharati; {C}

jnayati one should know; you should know
{C}one should understand; must see through; one
should look through to; enable to know

shes par byas nas having

understood ...

shes par byed {C}vijpayati know;

difficult to know/cognize

shes par dka ba nyid {MSA}

cognize; understand {C}instructs; to intimate;

be used for communication

durjnat difficult to know/cognize

shes par gyur

pai ldog pa rigs gcig pa ldog

ldog ldogs ldogs consciousnesses which are the
same isolate type

shes par byed du bcug pa

{C}jpaka one who makes known {C}making

known; intimator

shes par byed du jug pa {C}

jpaka one who makes known {C}making

pai rdzas rigs gcig pa consciousnesses which

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shes par bya {C}prajnayati; {C}

to be known

pratipatti-savti mental conventionalities

shes par gyur

know; cognize {C}understanding

shes par bya ba object to be known;

brdzab rdzob brdzabs rdzobs {MV}

shes pai spyod yul

shes par gyur ba {C}jnan


aspects of all objects of knowledge

known; intimator

shes pas ston pa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}jnena dean

teach/demonstrate with knowledge {T}

shes bya thams cad yul

{MSA}sarva-jeya-viaya objects of all objects of


shes pas srid la mi gnas

shes bya mtha yas pai yul

shes pas

shes bya ba jeya; iti object of

{MSA}ananta-jeya-viaya limitless object that

is an object of knowledge

not abiding in cyclic existence through


srid la mi gnas pai gzhi shes {EO}prajay

bhavpratihita vastujna knower of bases
that does not abide in [the extreme of] mundane
existence due to knowledge; a knower of bases
that does not abide in [the extreme of] cyclic
existence through knowledge

knowledge; quote marker [follows question]

shes bya mi srid pa does not occur

among objects of knowledge{BJ 20.7}

shes pa; rnam shes jna/vijna


shes pa; blo jna, buddhi cognition

shes bya {LCh,TN,MSA,MV}jeya; {C}

ucyate object of knowledge; knowable; should

be known {C}cognized; cognizable; knowable;
it is said; is spoken of; is called; one speaks of; is
mtshan nyid/ bloi yul du bya rung ba Definition:
that which is suitable to be taken as an object of an

shes bya kun la mi thogs

shes bya yang dag rab

rnam byed {MSA}samyak-pravicayo jeya
correct, thorough differentiation of objects of
knowledge {T}

shes bya yongs su tshol ba

btsal tshol/tshel
btsal tshold {MSA}jeya-paryei thoroughly
investigate/examine/research objects of

shes bya la phyin ci ma log

pa {MSA}jeyviparysa non-mistaken with
respect to objects of knowledge

shes bya la ma rmongs pa

rmong rmong rmongs rmongs

{MSA}jnneyev asamha not obscured with

respect to objects of knowledge

{MSA}jeyev avyhata unobstructed with

regard to all objects of knowledge {T}

shes bya cig char snang shes bya la mi srid pa does not
bar byed pa snang snang snang
snang {MSA}jagaj-jeya-prabhsana; {MSA}
sakj-jagaj-jeya-prabhsana simulatneously
illuminates [all] objects of knowledge;
appearance of [all] objects of knowledge {T}

occur among objects of knowledge

shes bya la ye shes kyis

khyab pa {MSA}jeya-jna-vypta pervaded
by exalted wisdom with respect to objects of

shes bya thams cad {L}sarva-jeya shes byai sgrib pa {LCh,L,MSA}

all objects of knowledge

shes bya
thams cad rnam pa thams cad du rtogs pa
rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}
jeya-sarvkra-bodha (sarva-) understand all

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

jeyvaraa obstructions to omniscience;

obstruction to omniscience obscurations of the

shes byai don spyi meaning

generality of an object of knowledge Def.:


that superiposed factor which, although not one
with object of knowledge, is apprehendedby the
conceptual consciousness apprehending object of
knowledgeto be one with object of knowledge

susamprajna introspective {C}fully conscious

shes rab {LCh,C,MSA,MV}praj

[know-highest]; wisdom insight; understanding;


shes byai mtshan nyid

shes rab kyi go sgrub achieving

jeyalakaa character of objects of knowledge

through the armor of wisdom

shes byai yul {MSA}jeya-viaya

shes rab kyi rgyu nyid {MSA}

object that is an object of knowledge

praj-hetutva cause of wisdom

shes byed {C}vedaka revelatory; source;

scriptural source{BJ 21.4} {C}feeler; one who

shes rab kyi rtogs rigs su gnas pai rjes thob ye

shes rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs
wisdoms of subsequent attainment that abide as
wisdom-types of realization

shes byed kyi mdo dang

sbyar sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord

associating that with a stra source{BJ 21.4}

shes rab kyi stobs {MSA}praj-

shes byed kyi lung scriptural

bala power of wisdom; force of wisdom

shes rab kyi snang ba

snang snang snang snang {C}praj-loka

source{BJ 10.2}

shes byed du drangs cited as a

light of wisdom; appearance of wisdom

scriptural source{BJ 44.5}

shes rab kyi spyan {MSA}praj-

shes myur {C}kipra-ja quick

cakus eye of wisdom

knowledge; quick understanding; understand

quickly {C}bringing quick understanding

shes rab kyi pha rol

shes mdzad {C}jpaka make known;

one who makes known {C}intimator

shes bzhin {LCh,MV,MSA}saprajanya;

{C}samprajanyam; {C}samprajat introspection

{C}full awareness; self-possession

shes bzhin dang ldan pa {C}

samprajna having introspection; introspective

{C}self-possessed; clearly conscious

shes rab kyi

shes bzhin du {MSA}jtv (e.g.:

a-jtv) introspective(ly)

shes bzhin ma yin pa

asaprajanya non-introspection

shes bzhin med pa {C}asampraja

non-introspection {C}unaware of what he does

shes bzhin rab tu ldan {C}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tu phyin pa brgyad stong pai bshad pa mngon par

rtogs pai rgyan gyi snang ba
snang snang snang snang aa-shasrik-prajpramit-vykhyna-abhisamaylakra-loka
Illumination of [Maitreyas] Ornament for
Clear Realization, an Explanation of the Eight
Thousand Stanza Perfection of Wisdom by
Haribhadra (seng ge bzang po), P. 5189, vol. 90

pha rol tu phyin pa gnyis stong lnga brgya pa/ rab

kyi tshal gyis rnam par gnon pas zhus pa/ srdhadvishasrik-praj-pramit / suvikranta-vikramiparipccha Two Thousand Five Hundred Stanza
Perfection of Wisdom Stra, P. 736, vol. 21

shes rab
kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa


ata-shasrik-praj-pramit One Hundred
Thousand Stanza Perfection of Wisdom Stra, P.
730, vol. 12

shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong

shes rab kyi

pha rol tu phyin pa; sher phyin prajpramit

Perfection of Wisdom

phrag nyi shu lnga pai man ngag gi bstan bcos

mngon par rtogs pai rgyan gyi grel pa
bkral grel bkrald greld
paca-viati-shasrik-praj-pramitopadeastrbhisamaylakra-vtti Commentary on
(Maitreyas) Ornament for Clear Realization,
Treatise of Quintessential Instructions on the
Twenty-five Thousand Stanza Perfection of
Wisdom [by ryavimuktasena (phags pa grol
sde); P5185, vol. 88]

/ /
shes rab kyi phar phyin / shes rab

pha rol phyin pa / shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa

perfection of wisdom

shes rab kyi phar rol tu

phyin pa prajpramit Perfection of Wisdom

shes rab kyi phung po {MSA}

praj-skandha aggregation of wisdom

shes rab kyi dbang po {MSA}

shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa tshigs su

bcad pa bsdu sdud bsdus sdus
sacaya-gth-praj-pramit Condensed
Perfection of Wisdom Stra, P. 735, vol. 21

prajendriya power of wisdom; faculty of


shes rab kyi sbyin pa {MSA}

shes rab kyi pha

praj-dna giving of wisdom

shes rab kyi tshogs sgrub

rol tu phyin pai snying po {C}praj-pramithdaya Essence/Heart of the Perfection of

Wisdom Stra

achieving through the collection of wisdom

shes rab kyis tsho ba {MSA}

shes rab kyi pha

praj-jvaka (jv) living through wisdom;

livelihood by means of wisdom {T}

rol tu phyin pai mdo praj-pramit-stra

Perfection of Wisdom Stras

shes rab

shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pai

man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pai

rgyan ces byai grel pa; grel pa don gsal
bkral grel bkrald greld
abhisamaylakra-nma-praj-pramitopadeastra-vtti / spuhrtha Commentary on
(Maitreyas) Ornament for Clear Realization,
Treatise of Quintessential Instructions on
the Perfection of Wisdom / Clear Meaning
Commentary [by Haribhadra (seng ge bzang
po), P5191, vol. 90]

shes rab kyi pha

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rol tu phyin pa; sher phyin sher phyin

{C,MSA}praj-pramit perfection of wisdom
{C}perfect wisdom


kyis tsho ba dang legs par bshad pa {MSA}

praj-jva-sudeana living and explaining well
through wisdom {T}

shes rab gyi tshogs

prajsabhra; jnasabhara collection of


shes rab mgyogs pa {C}javanapraj quick wisdom rapid wisdom; {C}swift


shes rab can {MSA}prja wise;

having wisdom

shes rab che ba {L}mah-praj;


{MSA}mah-prjatva great wisdom

shes rab chal pa {MSA}dupraj

deficient wisdom; foolish

shes rab chal ba {C}dupraj;

{C}upya-prajo {C}skilled in wisdom(?)

shes rab rnam par mi rtog

nyid {MSA}prajvikalpik non-conceptual

{C}daupraj deficient wisdom; foolish; faulty

knowledge {C}weak in wisdom; stupid(ity)

shes rab rno ba {C}tka-praj

shes rab chal bai

sharp wisdom {C}keen wisdom

rang bzhin can {C}duprajajtya having

a foolish nature{S} {C}weak in wisdom;
essentially stupid

shes rab pha rol tu phyin pa

{L}praj-pramit perfection of wisdom

shes rab pha rol phyin sbyor

shes rab

chal bar gyur ba dang mthun pa {C}duprajasavartanya concordant with deficient wisdom
{C}conducive to weakness in wisdom

{PH}application of the perfection of wisdom

shes rab dbang bskur

shes rab nyams pa {MSA}praj-


wisdom initiation

shes rab byung gnas blo

parihi inferior wisdom; deficient wisdom

gros prajkaramati Prajkaramati [p.n]

shes rab nyon mongs pa can

shes rab sbyangs pa

*kliapraj afflicted intelligence

sbyang sbyong sbyangs sbyongs

{MSA}prajottpanat purification of wisdom;
purification through wisdom {T}

shes rab mnyam pa sama-praj

sameness of wisdom; equal in wisdom

shes rab myur ba {C}u-praj

shes rab mnyam pa med pa

{C}asama-praj non-sameness of wisdom;
unequal in wisdom {C}unequalled in wisdom

quick wisdom

shes rab mtshon

shes rab tu

{PH}weapon of


shes rab zab pa gambhra-praj

yongs su bsngos pai sgo nas {MSA}prajy

parimant from the viewpoint of dedicating/
dedication to wisdom {T}

deep wisdom; profound wisdom

shes rab yangs pa {C}pthu-praj

shes rab brtan {C}praj-dhra

{C}extensive wisdom; vast wisdom

stable wisdom; firm wisdom; firm in wisdom

shes rab ye shes kyi dbang

shes rab thabs dang ldan

prajjnbhieka knowledge-wisdom

pa {MSA}praj ... upya-sahit having the

methods of wisdom; having wisdom and method

shes rab yongs su dag pa

shes rab thar pa prajmoka

{MSA}praj-pariuddhi very pure wisdom

Prajmoka [p.n.]

shes rab la ni mi rtog pa

shes rab dang ldan pa {C}

{MSA}nikalpan prajym non-conceptual


prajvat; {MSA}praj-yoga wise; having

wisdom; endowed with wisdom {C}gifted with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shes rab ldan de mnyam nyid



shes rab shin tu rnam

gshin rje gshed

par grol ba grol grold

grol grold {C}suvimukta-praja {C}well-freed
and wise

dmar nag gzigs red and black Yamris

gshin rjei jig rten {C}yamaloka {C}world of Yama

shes gsum {MSA}tri-jna three

gshin rjei jig rten pa {C}


yama-laukika {C}beings in the world of Yama

sho dice
gshib bshib/
sho byed pa playing dice{TGP 77}
gshib/ bshibs/ gshibs/ align
sho lo ka stanza
bshib/ gshib/ bshibs/ gshibs/ align
shog [particle indicating the optative:] may it
gshis basic disposition
be; come [imperative of ong]
shog gyar {PH}page fragment
gshis kyi gnas lugs
rgya dpe shog gyar zhig single page

dispositional mode of subsistence

fragment of an Indian text {GCG} p.28/48

shog bu paper
shob be lie; speak falsely
shob be mchigs tags be false;
be in error

shob be lte lie; speak falsely

shom to prepare; arrange [as in to arrange

shos #NAME? the other of two; [superlative


shr r [transliteration of Sanskrit wordr]

glorious; glory; fortune

gshis lugs mode of disposition; basic

disposition{BJ 22.1}

gshis lugs su grub pa

establishment as [an objects own] mode of



gshe/ gshe/
gshes/ gshes/ {C}kroeyu to scold; abuse;
blame {T} {C}would abuse

gshe ba {C}kroati; {MSA}kroana

gshe ba la slar mi gshe ba

{MSA}krupratykroana to not abuse in
return for abuse {T}

{PH}rpduka (enormous
footprint of the Buddha in r Lanka)


[He] saw many [texts on which] Atias name was
written at the bottom. {GCG}

gshegs pa

shr p du ka

gshegs/ gshegs/ gshegs/ gshegs/ {C}gamana

proceed; go; go away; depart; travel; to come
{C}going (to); motion; pursue; walk

gsham barren; sterile

gshegs/ gshegs/ gshegs/ gshegs/ gamana;

gshin rje dgra yamri Yamri; {T}

{MSA}mthar thug par gshegs pa = nih-gamana

go; go away; depart; travel; to come

enemy of the Lord of Death

gshin rje gshed yamntaka; yamri

Yamntaka; Yamri

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




gsher ba moistening
shlo ka loka {PH}stanza


gshom pa

bsham/ gshom/ bshams/ gshoms/ to arrange [as in

to arrange offerings]; to prepare

gshor parua rough


gshags/ chags/ bshags/ chags/ {MSA}so sor

bshags pa = pratidean confessed; conferred;
revealed; lay open; explain; confess

bshad pa dag ni kun tu

byung byung byung byung

byung {MSA}deany samudbhava the
source of explanations; explanations are the
source {T}

bshad pa la concerning the exposition


bshags pa dean confession;

bshad pa la zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}


bshang ba feces
bshad {C}upadia; {MSA}deana (e.g.:

deany prayukta engage in explanation;

enter into explanation {T}

dharmrtha- deana); {C}deayati; {C,MV}deita;

(vy khy): {MSA}vykhyta; {MSA}vykhyeya;
{C}bhate (=bhate); {C}ukta; {C}ucyate;
{C}prokta; {C}udita; {C}smta; {MV}(vi dh):
vidhyate; {MSA}yang dag bshad = saprak
explanation; exposition; explain; set forth;
explicate {C}teaches; speaks; says; declares;
pointed out; described; (has been) called; spoken of;
one speaks of; said; (as) taught; it is said; is called;
is expounded; laid down; indicated; experienced;
has been said; is taught; said to be; explained;

bshad dgos pa {MV}vaktavya must

bshad pai skabs {MSA}

deandhikra the occasion of explaning {T}

bshad pai rgyud Explanatory

Tantra [the second of the Four (Medical)

bshad pai chos {MSA}deandharma the doctrine which is explained;

doctrines which explain {T}

bshad pai bras bu

ni rnam pa brgyad {MSA}aa-vidha deany
phala the fruit of explaining has eight aspects

bshad pai bras bu


bshad du cung zad kyang

rnam par dbye ba {MSA}dean-phala-vibhga

differentiating/dividing the fruit of explanation

med do {MSA}na kicid vykhyeya not even

explain a little

bshad par gyur pa {MSA}nirdea-

bshad pa (di): {MSA}deana; {MSA}

bhta explain; expound; set forth

dean; {C,MSA}deita; {MV 5.23}upadia;

{MV,MSA}nirdea; {C}vykhyt; {MV}vykhy;
{MSA}khytat (e.g.: svkhytat); {MV}
samudhta; {MSA}kathita; {MSA}vda (e.g.:
gbhryaudrya-vda); {MSA}vihita (e.g.: yuktivihita); {MS explanation; exposition; explain;
set forth; explicate {C}announcement; stirred;
said to be; driven along; demonstrated
kha dog dkar dmar
sogs kyi rnam bzhag bshad pa la with respect to

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

the explanation of the presentation of colors, white,

red, and so forth

bshad par bya {C}prakitavya will

explain; object of explanation {C}should reveal

bshad par zad {C}udita

indicated; experienced; has been said; is spoken of;
is taught; said to be; explained

bshad bya {C}bhyamna; {MSA}deya

object of explanation; what is to be explained{BJ

38.5} {C}(is) being taught




bshad sbyar {LCh}upanibandhana a

bshad zin to {MV 5.27ab}ukta

bshul journey; roadway; {T} passageway

bshus bshu/ shu/

(already) explained

bshad lung rational consciousness that

bshus/ shus/ to peel; to transcribe

has found the ultimate upon analysis; readingtransmission


bsham/ gshom/ bshams/ bshoms/ to arrange [as in
to arrange offerings]; to prepare; set up

bsham pa

bsham/ gshom/ bshams/ bshoms/ to arrange [as in
to arrange offerings]; to prepare; set up

gsham gsal ltar

{PH}as clarified

below [in the text]

nga roi rnam pai mtshon rtags ni
gsham gsal ltar ro; The indicating sign of the tone
is as clarified below. {TBRC} W20229 vol. 2; p.2


bsham/ gshom/ bshams/ bshoms/ {C}yojayati

layout; to arrange; arrangement; to prepare
{C}apply oneself to; yoked to; distribute (evenly);
join up (with)

bshes gnyen lta bui

sems bskyed mind-generation like spiritual

bshes gnyen pa {C}sambandhin

[friend-relative]; spiritual friend; spiritual guide


bshes gnyen mi ldan {MV}

Friendly Letter, by Ngrjuna (klu sgrub), P.

5682, vol. 129

bshig pai stong pa an emptiness

which destroys

gshin rje dmar nag gi rgyud

{PH}Raktayamari Tantra


gshib/ bshibs/ gshibs/ align

gshog rlabs {PH}wing movement

bshor bristly
bshol ba la chags pa {MSA}
vilambana-sakti attachment to idleness;
attachment to procrastination {T}

bshang gci {GST} vi-mtra


and urine

bsha ri

Just as cattle in
a slaughterhouse are equals with regard to death, ...

bshib/ gshib/ bshibs/ gshibs/ align

gshis drang

{PH}honest nature
It is said, even, that
the people of the Phenpo region have an honest
nature. {GCG}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{C,L,MSA}mitra [friend-relative]; spiritual

friend; spiritual guide {PH}virtuous friend;
spiritual teacher {C}friend; teacher

bshes pa {MSA}mitra friend

bshes pai spring yig suhllekha

gzhig jig bshig

shigs/ {C} bhinditva destroy {C}having
shattered [with rjes la]


gshe ba po {PH}abusive person

bshes mitra friend
bshes gnyen {LCh}kalyna-mitra;

mitrasya vaidhurya without a spiritual friend



bshu/ shu/ bshus/

shus/ to peel; to transcribe

connected explanation


bshar sgom

{PH}reviewing meditation;

production on the eighth ground{BJ 58.5}

sa brgyad pa ba {PH}an eighth

bshas ra {PH}slaughterhouse
sa {C,MSA,MV}bhmi; {LCh,C,MSA,MV}pthiv; sa lnga pa ba {PH}a fifth grounder
{C,MV}bh; {C}dharai; {C}dhara-tala earth;
sa lnga ba {PH}fifth ground/level
ground; level; stage; land; place; spot; degree
{C}solid ground; place of birth; surface of the earth
sa gcod arrange
rigs pai sa ground of the lineage
brgyad pai sa ground of the eighth
sa bcad contents; outline
mthong pai sa ground of seeing
sa bcu {MSA}daa-bhmi ten grounds
glance meditation

mtshan nyid/ 1 byung bar gyur pai reg bya

nang tshan du gyur pai sa/ sra zhing thas pa/ 2 sa lam
gnyis kyi nang tshan du gyur pai sa/ rang gi bras bur

gyur pai yon tan du mai gzhi rten byed pai lam zhugs

kyi mngon rtogs/ Def.: (1) (ground that is within the

set of tangible objects that are elements:) hard and

obstructive; (2) (ground that is within the set of the
two, grounds and paths:) a clear realizer of one who
has entered a path which serves as the basis of the

dbye ba/ 1 rab


tu dga ba/ 2 dri ma med pa/ 3 od byed pa/ 4 od

phro ba/ 5 sbyang dka ba/ 6 mngon du gyur pa/ 7
ring du song ba/ 8 mi g.yo ba/ 9 legs pai blo gros/
10 chos kyi sprin/ Div: 1. Very Joyful (pramudit),
2. Stainless (vimal), 3. Luminous (prabhkar),
4. Radiant (arcimat), 5. Difficult to Overcome
(sudurjay), 6. Manifest (abhimukh), 7. Gone
Afar (dragama), 8. Immovable (acal), 9. Good
Intelligence (sdhumat), 10.

sa kun las ni nges par byung sa bcu khyab pa {MSA}daa-bhmi byung byung byung byung

vypana pervade the ten grounds; ten pervasive


{MSA}bhmi-vinista (sarva-) definitely arisen

from all grounds/levels

sa bcu gcig {MSA}ekdaa bhmaya

sa skya Sa-kya; Sa-gya (White Earth) Order eleven
grounds; (as short for sa bcu gcig pa)
eleventh ground
sa skya pa {PH}Sakyapa (i.e.; Sakya
sa bcu pa (=daa-bhmika-stra); {MSA}
daa-bhmika; {MSA}daam-bhmi; {MV}daam;
sa dgu pa {MV}navam ninth grounder
{MV}daamy bhmau tenth ground; ten
sa dgu pa ba {PH}a ninth grounder
grounds; tenth grounder; the Stra on the Ten
sa dgu ba {PH}the ninth ground
sa bcu pa ba {PH}a tenth grounder
sa sgrogs ris {LCh}kaurukullaka;
kurukulla Kurukulla
sa bcui mi mthun phyogs
{MV}daa-bhmi-vipaka discordant class of the
sa brgyad pa {MSA}aam ... bhmi;
ten grounds

{MV}aam; {MV}aamy bhmau the eigth

ground; eigth grounder
sa brgyad par mi skye bai chos la bzod pa
forbearance with respect to the doctrine of non-

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sa chu me {PH}earth; water; and fire

sa chu me rlung nam mkha

{PH}earth; water; fire; wind; and space

sa thob pa


sa dag ni gnas pa zhes

ground; great earth {PH}great ground; vast

earth {C}earth; (solid) ground

sa dang po {MSA}prathama bhmi;

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}bhmi-lbha
attain a ground/level

sa chen {PH}great ground; vast earth

sa chen khyon {PH}extent of this vast

byao {MSA}bhmayo vihr ity ucyanante

grounds are called abodes ? {T}

sa chen po {C}(mah-)pthiv great

sa chen po la zhugs pa

{L}pratham-bhmi; {MSA}di-bhmi;
prathamabhmi first ground; first [Bodhisattva]

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}

mah-bhmi-pravia enter into a great ground/


sa mchog {MSA}agra-bhmi supreme

bhmau on the first ground


sa ji ltar
rnam par bzhag pa bzhin yid la byed pa {MSA}
yath-vyavasthpita-bhmi-manasikra mental
application of a ground just as it is presented/
according to the presentation {T}

sa gnyis {MSA}bhmi-dvaya two levels/

grounds; second level/ground

sa gnyis pa

sa drug pa {PH}the sixth ground

sa drug pa ba {PH}a sixth grounder
sa drug pai bar {MSA}ah bhmi

sa drug po dag {MV}asu bhmiu

nas bzung ste drug pai bar du {MSA}dvity

bhmim updya yvat ahy ranging from
the second ground to the sixth {T}

all six grounds; the six grounds; six grounds ?


{PH}a second


sa btags pa ba {PH}imputed ground

sa lta bui sems bskyed mindgeneration like earth

sa steng on the ground; above the ground

sa ston pa bstan ston

sa gdan rug
sa bdag earth-owner spirits
sa bdun pa {MSA}sapta-bhmi; {MSA}
saptam ... bhmi seventh ground; seventh

sa bdun pa ba

{PH}a seventh


sa bdun pai bar du {MV}yvat

bstand stond {LCh}mahsaka Mahsaka

saptamy bhmau up to the seventh ground

{C}kovidra tree

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

prathama-bhmi-pravea enter into the first


sa drug po {MSA}a ... bhmi sixth

second ground/level; second grounder

sa brtol {C}kovidra

sa dang po la jug pa {MSA}

(yvat-) up to the sixth ground

sa gnyis pa {MSA}dvitya ... bhmi

sa gnyis pa ba

sa dang po pa {PH}a first grounder

sa dang po la {MV}prathamy


sa rdul {L}pthiv-rajas particle of earth;

place; at one place

particle of dust

sa sde Asangas Five Treatises on the

sa phyogs sai phyogs {C}

Levels{BJ 36.7}

pthiv-pradea place in an area {C}spot of

earth; place

dbye ba/ 1 rnal


byor spyod pai sa/ 2 gtan la dbab pa bsdu ba/

3 gzhi bsdu ba/ 4 rnam grang bsdu ba/ 5 rnam
par bshad pa bsdu ba/ nyan thos kyi sa/ rang
sangs rgyas pai sa/ Div.: (1) Levels of Yogic
Practice (yogcrya-bhmi); (2) Compendium
of Ascertainments (niraya-sagraha); (3)
Compendium of Bases (vastu-sagraha); (4)
Compendium of Enumerations (paryya-sagraha);
(5) Compendium of Explanations (vivaraasagraha); may

sa ni mthar thug pa {MSA}bhmi sa gnon [earth-press]; earth-witness

collected as seeds; seed-collection

sa bon debs par byed

gdab debs btab thobs {MSA}

bja ... avaropayati (ava ruh) plant seed

sa bon mi rung {C}abja unfit seeds;

unsuitable seed {C}a seed which is not a proper


sa bon med pa nyid {MSA}

sa bon gzhan du gyur pa


sa rnam par bzhag pa {MSA}

{MSA}bja-parvtti transformation of a seed;

changeable seed

sa bla above the ground

sa rba sarva [transliteration of Sanskrit

bhmi-vyavasthna presentation of a ground


sa rnams kun la

mnyam pa med {MSA}asama sarva-bhmiu

dissimilarity among/with respect to all levels/

wordsarva]; all

sa ma dag pa {MSA}auddha-bhmika
impure ground

sa rnams bsgom pa

sa ma ya samaya [transliteration of

dang grub pa bsgom sgom

bsgoms sgoms {MSA}bhmnm bhvan ca
nipatti ca cultivate and establish the grounds

Sanskrit wordsamaya] pledge; rite; vow

sa mang po pa

{PH}Many Levels
[chapter of Asagas Actuality of the Grounds]

sa rnams gnas pa yin {MSA}

sa mi g.yo ba la sogs

vihra-bhmi abide in the grounds/levels; the

grounds/levels are an abode

pa gsum {MSA}acaldi-bhmi-traya the three

grounds, the Immovable and so forth

sa pa {MSA}bhauma grounder; one on a

sa min {C}abhmi non-ground; no ground

ground {T}

sa phyogs {LCh}pradea [earth-

{C}no ground for

sa mtshams {N}sma boundary; limit

direction]; quarter; area; region; a place{D2}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsdu sdud bsdus sdus {MV}bja-saghta

abjatva; {MSA}nirbjatva non-seed;

seedlessness; non-existence of a seed

paryavasna final ground

sa phyogs zhig na in a certain

sa bon {LCh,TN,MSA,MV}bja seed

sa bon du bsdus pa



sa tshams {PH}boundaries
sa zhag {C}parpaa {C}dust
sa gzhi bhmi [earth-base]; earth; place;

exertion with respect to a ground/level

sa la ma zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}abhmipravi not enter into a ground/level

sa la btsugs

sa la gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/

site; ground {PH}place; site; base

sa gzhi dag

{PH}all places; surface of


the earth

sa gzhi gtsang ma {PH}pure ground sa la dzugs

sa la gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/
sa bzhi pa ba {PH}a fourth grounder
sa bzhi po la yang dag
sa la zhugs pa
brten {MSA}catur-bhmi-samrita depending
upon the fourth ground; based on the fourth

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {MSA}bhmi-pravia

enter into a ground/level

sa la gzugs

sa la gzugs/ dzugs/ btsugs/ tshugs/

sa bzhi ba {PH}the fourth ground/level

sa bzang pa {MSA}su-bhmi good


sa lam bhmimrga grounds and paths;

ground; proper ground; {T} wholesome ground

sa og below the ground; {T} lower ground

s lai dbang poi
sa yi steng {PH}on the ground; on the
rgyal po byung ba *slendra-rjcra {PH}
Grounds and Paths



sa yi og {MSA}ptla below the ground sa las {C}medin from the ground; from
the earth {C}(out of the) earth
sa yis within the level
sa las nges par byung ba
sa yongs su grub pa {MSA}
bhmi-parinipatti thoroughly established

sa rab tu dga ba {MSA}pramudit

... bhmi the Very Joyful ground

sa la {C}dhara-tala on the ground; on the

earth {C}surface of the earth

sa la jug pa {MSA}bhmi-pravea

sa la gnas te {C}pthiv-sthita abide

byung byung byung byung {MSA}pthiv

sabht arise from the ground; arisen from

the earth


sa le brilliant
sa le sbram {C}jtarpa

in a ground/level; abide in the earth {C}in the




sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}bhmi-prayoga

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sa las byung ngo

s lu la sogs {C}likde

enter into a ground/level

sa la sbyor ba

nyid byung byung byung

byung {MSA}bhmi-nirytatva definitely arisen
from a/the ground; definite arising from a/the




sa shes pa {MSA}bhmi-sarakaa

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}buddhabimba-nidaraka definitely display the body of a


knowledge of a ground/level; cognition of a



sa srung elephant
sa gsum {MSA}bhmi-traya the three

rgyas kyi khor gyi dkhyil khor gyi nang du

{MSA}buddha-paran-maala-madhye within a
maala that is around a Buddha


Divisions: dbye ba/ sa og

sa bla/ sa steng / Divisions: (1) below the ground;
(2) above the ground; and (3) on the ground

sa gsum pa {PH}third ground/level

sa gsum pa ba {PH}a third grounder
sa bsregs {PH}burning ground
swa sti svasti [transliteration of Sanskrit

sangs rgyas kyi go phang

{N}buddha-pada buddhahood{N}; {T} state of


sangs rgyas kyi dgongs pa

{MSA}buddhaya Buddhas thought; thought

of Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi ngo bo nyid

{MSA}buddhn svabhva entityness of (a)

wordsvasti] well being

sangs rgyas kyi chos {L,MSA}

swa ra swa sti Svarasvat; Sarasvat

sag sgam {PH}leather box
sag shubs ma {PH}leather case
sang nge pristine; immaculate
sang nyin tomorrow
sangs rgyas buddha; {C}jina; {C}

buddha-dharma Buddha-doctrines; qualities of a

Buddha; Buddha-qualities

sangs rgyas kyi chos dang brel bai gtam zer

bar dod pa {C}buddha-skathya kartukma

desire to teach in connection with the Buddhadoctrine {C}one who wants to explain the
Dharma as only a Buddha can do

sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa

bauddha; {MSA}vibuddha [awakened-spread];

Buddha {C}Buddhist(s)

bstan ston bstand stond {MSA}


buddha-sana Buddha-teaching; Buddhas


rgyas kyi dkhyil khor rnams su skye ba {MSA}

buddha-paran-maaleu cotpatti arise in the
maalas of Buddhas

sangs rgyas kyi mthu {MSA}

sangs rgyas kyi bka {L,MSA}

buddhnubhva force of a Buddha; power of a


buddha-vacana Buddha-word; teaching of


sangs rgyas kyi gdung

buddha-kya; {C}buddha-vigraha; {C}buddhakya-gata body of a Buddha {C}Buddhaframe; for the body of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi bde bar

sangs rgyas kyi sku {MSA,C}

sangs rgyas
kyi sku nges par ston par mdzad pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

mi gcod pa {MSA}buddha-vanupaccheda
not cut off the Buddha-lineage

gnas pa {MSA}buddha-sukha-vihra abide in

the bliss of a Buddha


sangs rgyas kyi


sangs rgyas kyi mdzad pa

rnam par rol pas rtse bar {C}buddha-vikrita

{C}a Buddhas sport

{C,MSA}buddha-krya; {MSA}buddhakryatva
activity of a Buddha; action of a Buddha;
Buddha-action; {T} deeds of a Buddha {C}a
Buddhas work

sangs rgyas kyi spyan {C,MSA}

buddha-cakus Buddha-eye; eye of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi phrin las

Buddha activity

sangs rgyas kyi mdzad pa lhun gyis grub pa rgyun

mi chad pa chad chad chad
chad {MSA}anbhogpratiprasrabdha-buddhakryatva uninterrupted continuum of the
spontaneous activities of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi

phrin las chen po nyid {MSA}buddha-karmamahattva great activities of a Buddha; {T}

greatness of the activities of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi zhing {L,C,MSA}

sangs rgyas kyi bya ba {C}

buddha-ketra Buddha field; Buddha-land

buddha-krya a Buddhas work

sangs rgyas kyi od {MSA}buddha-

sangs rgyas kyi byang chub

prabh light of a Buddha; Buddha-light

{L}buddha-bodhi enlightenment of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi yum Mother of

sangs rgyas kyi dbyings


Buddha element

sangs rgyas kyi yul {C}buddha-

sangs rgyas kyi dbyings sam dbyings kyis sangs

rgyas Buddha element or elemental Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi tshul {C}buddha-

netr mode of a Buddha; way of the Buddha(s);

guide of Buddha(s) {C}she who is guide of the

viaya sphere of a Buddha; area of a Buddha;

object of a Buddha {C}(the) domain of the

sangs rgyas kyi ye shes

{C,MSA}buddha-jna exalted wisdom of a


sangs sangs rgyas kyi ye shes

rgyas kyi tshul rgyun mu chad pai phyir bzhugs pa
{C}buddha-netry akyavacchedya pratipanna
{C}make progress so that she who is the guide of
the Buddhas should suffer no interruption

sangs rgyas kyi mtshan nyid

sangs rgyas kyi yon tan

{C,MSA}buddha-gua Buddha-quality; the

qualities of a Buddha

{MSA}buddha-lakaa characteristics of a

sangs rgyas kyi yon tan phun sum tshogs pa dang

ldan pa {C}buddha-gua-sampat-pratisayukta
having the marvellous qualities of a Buddha;
having the perfection of Buddha-qualities {C}
associated with the achievement of the qualities of
a Buddha

rgyas kyi mtshan med pai jig rten gyi khams
{MSA}buddha-nma-virahita ... loka-dhtu
worldly realm that lacks the signs of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi mdzad {C}

sangs rgyas kyi rang gi ngo

buddha-kriya activity of a Buddha; action of a

Buddha; Buddha-action; {T} deeds of a Buddha

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

kyi stobs {C}buddha-jna-bala power of the

exalted wisdom of a Buddha

bo {PH}Buddha-nature



sangs rgyas kyi rigs

buddhagotra Buddha lineage

sangs rgyas kho na la yod pai thun mong ma yin

pa stobs unshared powers that exist only in

sangs rgyas kyi rigs can

{MSA}buddha-gotra having the Buddha-lineage

sangs rgyas rgyal sras {MSA}

sangs rgyas kyi las {MSA}

buddha-jintmaja child of the Conqueror


buddhn karma(n) activities of a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi sa {MSA,C}buddha- sangs rgyas gcig {MSA}ekabhmi Buddha ground; level of a Buddha;

buddhatva one Buddha; a Buddha

sangs rgyas kyi sras buddha-putra

child of the Buddha; Buddha-child

sangs rgyas kyi sras kyi mchog nyid du legs


rgyas gcig pa nyid dang du ma nyid ma yin {MSA}

buddhnekatvpthaktva oneness and plurality of

sangs rgyas bcom ldan

das gzhom joms bcom

choms {MSA}buddha ... bhagavat Buddha, the
Supramundane Victor

par skyes pa {MSA}uttama-buddhtamajatvena

sujta generate well the characteristics of a
Buddha-child {T}

sangs rgyas kyi sras rnams

sangs rgyas chos {MSA}buddha-

{C}buddha-tanaya children of the Buddha;

Buddha children {C}offspring of the Buddhas

dharma; {MSA}bauddha ... dharma qualities of

a Buddha; Buddha-qualities; Buddha-doctrine;
Buddhist doctrine

sangs rgyas kyis gdul ba

{MSA}buddha-vineya discipline of the Buddha;

Buddhist discipline; disciplined by the Buddha

sangs rgyas rjes

dkon mchog rjes su dran pa recollection of the

Buddha Jewel

sangs rgyas nyid {C,MSA}buddhatva;

su dran pa dang ldan pa {MSA}buddhnusmtisahagata having the mindfulness of a Buddha

sangs rgyas

{MSA}buddhat; {C}vddhatva Buddhahood


sangs rgyas bka {L;MSA}buddha-

sangs rgyas nyid

vacana {PH}Buddha-word

sangs rgyas bka

kyang thob par bya

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}buddhatva ca
prptavya (and also) will attain Buddhahood

nyid du sgrub pa bsgrub

sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}buddha-vacanatvaprasdhana established as Buddhas teaching;
established in Buddhas teaching

sangs rgyas nyid kyi

thabs shes pa {MSA}buddhatvopya-jna
knowledge of the methods of Buddhahood

sangs rgyas bskyangs {LCh}

buddhaplita Buddhaplita [p.n.]

sangs rgyas khams {MSA}bauddha

... dhtu realm of the Buddha; constituent of the
Buddha; Buddha-realm

sangs rgyas

nyid du dbang bskur ba yin pa {MSA}abhiikta ...

buddhatve is initiated into Buddhahood ? {T}

sangs rgyas nyid

du zhugs pa yin pa

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



oneness of Buddhas

jug zhugs zhugs {C}buddhatva-pratipannaka

approacher to Buddhahood {C}candidate to

sangs rgyas rnams byung

ba byung byung byung byung

{MSA}buddhnm utpda arising/appearance/
occurence of Buddhas


rgyas nyid du lung bstan pa bshad pa {MSA}

buddhatve vykaraa-dean give a prophecy of

sangs rgyas rnams yul {MSA}

buddhn ... viaya sphere of Buddhas; place
of Buddhas; object of Buddhas

sangs rgyas nyid phun sum tshogs pa thob

sangs rgyas

pai gegs su gyur pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}buddhatvasapat-prpti-vibandhana serve to obstruct the
attainment of perfection of Buddhahood

rnams sangs rgyas mchog rnams {MSA}buddha

... vibuddhottama supreme Buddhahood of

sangs rgyas pa {LCh}bauddha

sangs rgyas nyid la


jug pai thabs {MSA}buddhatvopya-pravea

method(s) of entering into Buddhahood

sangs rgyas dpag tu

med pa byung byung byung

byung byung {MV}aprameya-buddhotpda
arising/appearance/occurence of limitless

sangs rgyas

nyid la sems mnyam pa nyid {MSA}buddhatve

sama-cittat mental equanimity with respect to

stong rtsa gcig

{PH}one thousand and


sangs rgyas mthong ba {MSA}

buddha-nirma emanations of Buddha(s)

sangs rgyas phag pa

ryabuddha buddha superiors

sangs rgyas phags pa buddha-

buddha-darana Buddha-vision; vision of a


sangs rgyas dang

rya; ryabuddha Buddha Superior

byang chub sems dpa {MSA}buddha-bodhisattva

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

sangs rgyas

ni yod pa zhes kyang mi brjod

brjod rjod brjod rjod {MSA}buddhatva na bhva
ucyate it does not say that Buddhahood exists

sangs rgyas rnams dang

phrad pa {MSA}buddhai ca samavadhna
meet with Buddhas {T}


rgyas rnams phan tshun mdzad pa gcig pa nyid

{MSA}buddhnm anyonyaika-kryatvam mutual

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sangs rgyas sprul pa {MSA}


sangs rgyas phrin las

chen po {MSA} mahattva buddha-karmaa

{PH}the great activities of a Buddha

sangs rgyas byung ba

byung byung byung byung {MSA}

buddha-janmatva; {MSA}buddhotpda arising/
appearance/occurence of Buddhas

sangs rgyas byung

ba don yod par byung byung

byung byung {MSA}abandhya-buddha-janmatva
meaningful arising/appearance/occurence of

sangs rgyas bring Middling

Realizers [i.e. Solitary Realizers]{Lati}


sangs rgyas med pai dus

sangs rgyas la bstod pa

{MSA}buddha-rahita ... kla time when there is

no Buddha

{MSA}buddha-stotra praise the Buddha {T}

sangs rgyas la gsol ba {MSA}

sangs rgyas mtshan mi

buddhdhyeaa; {MSA}buddhdhyea ask the

Buddha; entreat the Buddha

grags pa {MSA}abuddha-nma not renowned

as a Buddha

sangs rgyas la gsol

sangs rgyas mdzad {C}buddha-

ba gdab pa {MSA}buddhdhyeaa; {MSA}

buddhdhyea ask the Buddha; entreat the

kriya activity of a Buddha; Buddha-action; {T}

deeds of a Buddha

sangs rgyas zhing Buddha land

sangs rgyas gzugs {MSA}

sangs rgyas su gyur

buddha-biba Buddha-form; form of a Buddha

sangs rgyas yid la bya ba

sangs rgyas sras {C}buddha-suta;

{C}buddha-manasikra mental contemplation

of a Buddha; mental activity of a Buddha {C}
attention to the Buddha

buddha-putra; {MSA}buddhtmaja [Buddhason]; Buddha-child; child of the Buddha;

Bodhisattva; son of Buddha {C}the Buddhas

sangs rgyas ye shes {MSA}

buddha-jna exalted wisdom of a Buddha

sangs rgyas ye

shes mchog tu rab byung byung

byung byung byung {C}parama-adbhuta-buddhajna supremely wonderful exalted wisdom of
a Buddha {C}exceedingly wonderful Buddhacognition

sangs rgyas yon tan {C}buddha-

sangs rgyas sras rnams

{C}buddha-tanaya [Buddha-sons]; Buddhachildren; children of the Buddha; Bodhisattvas;

sons of Buddha {C}the Buddhas offspring

sangs rgyas gsang ba

sangs rgyas sbas pa Buddhaguhya


sad {LCh}vibuddha; {LCh}pratibuddha; {C}

gua qualities of a Buddha; Buddha-qualities

prativibuddha to awaken; {T} activate {PH}

frost {C}woken up from; on waking up


rgyas yon tan phun sum tshogs pa dang ldan pa

{C}buddha-gua-sampat-pratisayukta endowed
with the marvellous qualities of a Buddha;
having the perfected qualities of a Buddha {C}
associated with the achievement of the qualities of
a Buddha

sangs rgyas ring bsrel {C}

sad na legs

{PH}Se-na-lek [Jing-yn;
the regal name of Tri-de-song-tsen]

sad nas {C}prativibuddha having awoken

{C}woken up from; on waking up

sad pa {C}vibuddha; {C}pratibodha;

prabuddha to awaken; one who is awake {C}

on waking up from it; become conscious

buddha-dhtu {C}Buddha-relics

sangs rgyas la

sad mi mi bdun seven men of trial

mchod pai mchog {MSA}buddha-pj param

supreme among offerings to the Buddha;
supreme offering to the Buddha {T}

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bar os pa gyur gyurd gyur

gyurd {MSA}buddho bhavitum arhati suitable to
be(come) a Buddha {T}

de gong du btsun pa med la sad mi mi bdun

la sogs pa rab tu byung ste/ Before they [viz.,


Shntarakhita, Padmasambhava, etc. came to
Tibet], there were no monastics [in Tibet], but the
seven men of trial and so forth became monks {GZ

sad ser {PH}frost and hail

sam a {PH}message board
sai khams {C}pthiv-dhtu earth-

cymbal; instrument; musical instrument {C}


su [accusative, adverbial accusative, dative,

sai dngos

and locative particle:] to; in; as; -ly; at; who?

su kyang [who-even]; anyone

su dag {MSA}kecid; {MSA}kim who?

gzhi; rnal byor spyod pai sa bhmivastu /

yogcrybhmi Asagas Actuality of the
Levels / Levels of Yogic Practices, P.5536-8,


su ni nyams {MSA}ko hyate (h) who

sai rdul {L}pthiv-rajas particle of


earth; particle of dust

sai rnam pa {MSA}bhmi-prakra

ground-aspect; aspect of a ground; earth-aspect

sai tshogs sgrub achieving through

the collection of the [ten] grounds

sai yongs sbyong thorough purifier

of a ground (Def: A quality that clears away the

defects of the ground on which it is possessed and
brings about completion of the qualities of that

sar pa {Das} pratyagra {PH}new

sar zhugs pa zhug

jug zhugs zhugs {MV}bhmi-pravia enter into

a level/ground; enter the ground

sas within the level; by the level/ground

sas bsdus bsdu sdud

su yi {C}kasmt whose?; of whom?

sug thung {PH}Suk-tung (short-legged)

[a style of script]
yi ge dbu med sug thung da ltai
khams bris dang ches dra ba zhig; The Suk-tung
U-mey (short-legged headless) script is very
similar to the Kam-dri [style] of today. {GCG} p.17

sug las {C}karma; {C}karman action;

deed; activity; work; karma

sun phyung

dbyung byin

sun byin


phyung phyungs daa to disbelieve; refute;

come to disbelieve{BJ 9/1}

byin phyung phyungs {LCh,MSA}daa

disbelieving; come to disbelieve

sun byin pa

byin phyung phyungs {MSA}daa; {MSA}
rnam par sun byin pa = vidaa; {C}daka; {C}
dayati; {C}din repudiate; disbelieving; come
to disbelieve {C}defame; defamer; corrupter

bsdus sdus included within the ground/level

si {PH}si [a type of incense]

si dhi siddhi [transliteration of Sanskrit

sun byin par byed

dbyung byin phyung phyungs {C}

word siddhi] power; establishment;

accomplishment; feat

sadaa karoti disbelieving; come to

disbelieve {C}corrupt

{PH}sila [a type of incense]

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}Singhalese [person]
sing ga la pa
rnams ni dmar ser sha stag gyon; The Singhalese
wear only orange. {GCC} p.14

sil snyan {C}vdya; {MSA}vditra

constituent {C}earth-element

si la

sing ga la pa



se gol gtogs pa srid du

sun byin byed phyogs

refutative thesis
If you approve of a refutative
thesis, why dont you approve of a probative
[thesis]? {A4C} 16.4cd

{C}accha-saghta-mtrakam {C}it lasts no

longer than a finger-snap

se gol brdabs

se gol brdab/ rdeb wa rdab/ brdabs/

rdebs/ snap the fingers

sum tri; traya three

sum skor ma the eastern channel at the

se bras dga gsum Se-ra,


Dre-bung, and Gan-den, the three monastic

universities of Hlasa

sum cu pa triik Vasubandhus The

se ra smad May College of Se-ra


sum cu rtsa gsum trayastria

Monastic University

se rwa Se-ra (Rain of Hail)

se ru

heaven of the thirty-three

sum cu rtsa gsum pa {C}

rang rgyal gyi lam shes pai lam shes

pratyekajinamrgajnamay mrgajt knower
of paths that knows Solitary Victor paths

trayastri (dev) (gods of) the Heaven of the


sum bcu thirty

sum bcu pa triik Vasubandhus

seng to raise; to cleanse; lion [abbreviation of

seng ge]

seng khri pad ma nyi zla

The Thirty

sum bcu rtsa gsum {LCh}


lion throne; lotus-; sun-; and moon-[disks]

trayastri Land of the Thirty-Three; Heaven

of the Thirty-Three

sum bcu rtsa gsum gyi

bdag po trayastri-adhipati Lord of the

Heaven of the Thirty-Three [epithet of Indra]{BJ

seng ge {C,MSA}siha lion

sengge {C;MSA}siha {PH}lion
seng ge chen poi
rnam par bsgyings pa {C}siha-viklambhita
sport of a great lion

sum gnyis {PH}two of the three

seng ge rnam bsgyings {C}
sum mdo {PH}three-fold intersection
siha-vijmbhita {C}lions sport; (like a) lions
sum rtsen Palace of Threefold Play
seng ge rnam par bsgyings
sui kasmt whose?; of whom?
{C}siha-vijmbhita {C}lions sport; (like a)
lions yawn
sus {MSA}yad by whom?
se gol se gol brdabs/ accha seng ge rnam par rtse ba {C}
siha-vikrita {C}lions play

finger snap

se gol gtogs

sengge btsan po

se gol gtogs/ gtogs/ gtogs/ gtogs/

snap the fingers

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

Chinese Emperor] Taizong


{PH}[Tang dynasty

seng ge rtsal *Siha-vikrama; {MaVy}


sems kun nyon mongs {MSA}

Siha-vikrama (= seng gei tsal) {PH}Sihavikrama

citta-saklea thoroughly afflicted mind

seng gei rtsal kyis mngon par bsgrag sems kun gnas pa {C}cittapai sgra *Siha-vikrama; {MaVy} Sihavikrama (= seng gei tsal) {PH}Siha-vikrama

sasthiti thorough stability of mind; thoroughly

abiding mind {C}complete stabilization of

seng gei gros su

bzhud pa yin {C}siha-vikrnta-smin {C}one

who walks with the stride of a lion

sems kyang med pa nyid

roar; sound of a lion

sems kyi {C}caitasika mental; of the

siha-nda the great lion roar

sems kyi skad cig {C}citta-kaika

{MSA}cittasya nstitvam (and) mind is nonexistent; non-existence of mind

seng gei sgra {C}siha-nda lions

seng gei dra {C}hari lion-like; lion

seng gei na ro chen po mah-

mind; which thinks {C}mental event; which

belongs to thought

moment of mind; consciousness-moment {C}

sen {L}nakha {PH}nail; fingernail; toenail

sen mo {L}nakha nail {PH}little piece


dpe ldeb kyi shog bu

sen mo tsam du bkog, [They] have torn the page of

a book into little pieces. {GCG} p. 17



sems/ bsams/ soms/ {LCh,MV,MSA,C}citta; {C}

cittat; {C,MSA,MV}cetas; {MSA}cetan; {MSA}
cetasika; {MSA}caitasika; {C,MSA}manas; {C}
manyate (=samanupayati); {C}mat; {MSA}
(anv k): anvkati; {MSA}(... snyam sems so =
(vt): iti vartate); cittam; satna verb: think
[in the sense of have an opinion]; contemplate;
noun: mind; consciousness; thought; continuum
{PH}mind; aspiration; intention {C}attitude
of mind; state of thought; state of mind; heart;
inclination to; mind; mental activity; fancies
(himself for); thinks of; minds about; thinks about;
thinks with regard to; minds; puts his mind to;
sets above; feel conceited; cares about; mindf
mtshan nyid/ rang gi khor du byung
bai sems byung dang mtshungs par ldan pa/ Def.: that
which has similarity with mental factors that arise
as its [i.e., a main minds] accompaniers

sems citta mind

{PH}mind; aspiration;


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sems kyi skad

cig ma gcig dang ldan pa {C}(citta-kaika-)

samyukta having one moment of mind {C}
connected with; entrusted to

sems kyi rgyud {C}citta-satati

mental continuum {C}series of thoughts; trend

of thought; mentality

sems kyi rgyun {C}citta-dhr

mental continuum/stream {C}trend of thought

sems kyi rgyun

ma chad cing ma bral bar {C}citta-nantaryatvirahita uninterrupted mental continuum and

not devoid of a mental continuum {C}while
giving no opportunity to thought of another kind

sems kyi chos nyid natural state

of mind

sems kyi mchog {MSA}citta-vara

supreme mind; highest mind

sems kyi rjes su jug pa

{MSA}cittnuvtti mental engagement; enter into

mind; engage in thinking

sems kyi ting dzin

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}cetasa

samdhim mental meditative stabilization

sems kyi bdag nyid du

ma grub pa not established as the entity of mind

sems kyi rdo rje mind-vajra

sems kyi sdug bsngal {MSA}

mental power

sems kyi dbyings la gnas

sems kyi nad {C}citta-lam mental

pa {MSA}cittasya dhtau sthna abiding in

the realm of mind


sems kyi gnas ngan len

sems kyi dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {MSA}

disfunctional mental state

sems kyi

cittlambana object of observation of mind;

mental object of observation

rnam grangs mngon par shes pa {MSA}cetaparyybhij manifestly cognize mental

enumerations; clairvoyance with respect to
mental enumerations

pa {C}citta-paryya-jna cognition of mental

enumerations {C}the cognition of others mental

sems kyi rnam rtog spyod pa

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}citta-

carit engage in mental conceptuality; practice

mental conceptuality {C}thoughts and doings/
actions; preoccupations

sems kyi yongs su

rtog pa sems {C}cetasaiva ceta-parivitarkam

mental conceptuality {C}knew that ... he was in
such a wise discoursing in his heart

sems kyis rtogs par bya ba

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {C}

citta-gamanya object of realization by mind;
mental object of realization {C}what thought
has access to

sems kyis dren

sems kyi rnam pa {L}cittkra

drang dren drangs drongs/drend {MSA}

mental aspect; aspect of mind

cittena parikyate (pari k) induced by the


sems kyi rnal byor {MSA}cetasi

sems kyis byed pa {C}citta-janika

yogata mental yoga

done by the mind; mind-made {C}thought-


snang snang snang snang appearance factor of

the mind

sems kyis zin pa conjoined with


sems skyo {MSA}savigna-cetas mental

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}citta-cary mental

behavior; mental practices {C}thoughts and

aversion {PH}somber

sems bskyed

skyed bskyed skyed {MSA,MV}cittotpda;
{MV,MSA}uptdita-(bodhi)-citta; {MSA}cittam
utpdayati; {MSA}citte ... utpda; {C}cittapdu;

sems kyi spyod pa

mkhyen par mdzad {MSA}citta-caritra jtv

exalted knower of mental practices

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems kyi zas mana-sacetanhra

food of intention; mental sustenance

sems kyi rnam grangs shes

sems kyi spyod pa

g.yo rnams {C}citta-carita-vispanditni mental

practices and fluctuations {C}the thoughts and

sems kyi dbang {MSA}citta-vaa

caitasika-dukha mental suffering

sems kyi snang cha

sems kyi spyod pa dang



sems bskyed

{MSA}cittodaya; {MSA}cetasa prabhava

[mind-generate]; (altruistic) mind-generation;
generation of the aspiration (to enlightenment);
mind generation {PH}generating the mind
[of enlightenment] (bodhicitta); (altruistic)
mind-generation {C}production of thought

pa yang dag par grub pa {MV}cittotpdasamudgama thoroughly established (altruistic)


sems bskyed pa la gnas pa

{MSA}cittotpdrayatva abiding in (altruistic)


mtshan nyid/ rang rgyu gzhan don don

sems bskyed pai skabs

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

gnyer gyi dun pas drangs shing grogs byang chub dod
pa dang mtshungs ldan gyi rnam rig khyad par can/

Def.: a special cognition that is induced by its

cause, the aspiration seeking others welfare, and
has similarity with its accompanier, the desire for
enlightenment {T}

cittotpddhikra occasion of (altruistic) mindgeneration

sems bskyed pai dus

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}



cittotpda-kla time of (altruistic) mindgeneration

ba/ 1 mos pa dag pa/ 2 lhag bsam dag pa/ 3 rnam

par smon pai sems bskyed/ 4 sgrib pa spangs pai
sems bskyed/ Div.: 1) [mind-generations of] pure
imagination, 2) [mind-generations that are] pure
unusual attitudes, 3) aspirational mind-generations,
4) mind-generations that have abandoned the

sems bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {C,MSA,MV}

cittotpda; {C}cittupdo; {C}cittapdu; {MSA,MV}

utpdita-(bodhi)-citta; {MSA}cittam utpdayati;
{MSA}citte ... utpda; {MSA}cittodaya; {MSA}
cetasa prabhava [mind-generate]; (altruistic)
mind-generation; generation of the aspiration
(to enlightenment) {C}production of thought;
attitude of mind

sems bskyed pa bsngags pa

{MSA}cittotpda-praas praise (altruistic)

sems bskyed pa dang po

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

prathama-cittotpda first (altruistic) mindgeneration

nyid bskyed skyed bskyed

skyed {MSA}cittotpda-lakaa character of
(altruistic) mind-generation

sems bskyed par bgyid pa

{C}vicunuyt (=vicinyt?) generate an attitude;

generate the altruistic intention [to become
enlightened]; [altruistic] mind-generation {C}


bskyed ma thag tu chos kyi khor lo bskor ba

bskor skor bskord skord {C}
sacittotpda-dharmacakra-pravartin Turn the
Wheel of Doctrine Immediately after MindGeneration {C}Sacittotpda-dharmacakrapravartin [p.n. of a Bodhisattva]

sems khong khro ba med pa

{C}apratihata-citta non-angry mind; mind

without anger {C}his thought free from hostility

sems khros {C}cittam pradayi

belligerent mind; angry mind {C}with angry


sems bskyed

sems khrug pa

khrug khrug khrugs khrugs {MSA}

pa rnam par gtan la dbab pa {MSA}cittotpdavinicaya settle [altruistic] mind-generation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems bskyed pai mtshan

vikipta-citta; {C}citta-viksepa disturbed mind;


mental disturbance; angry mind {C}perplexity;
confusion of thought; mental distraction

sems khrugs par gyur ro

khrug khrug khrugs
khrugs {C}citta-vikepa gaccheyu; {C}cittavikepa disturbed mind; mental disturbance;
angry mind; become/be mentally disturbed
{C}become confused (distracted/perplexed/
distraught) in mind; perplexity; confusion of
thought; mental disturbance

{MSA}cittasyodrataratvt due to great mental

vastness; because of a very vast mind

sems rgyud *cittasatna mental


sems ngan pa

{PH}bad consciousness

sems can {C,MV,MSA}sattva; {C}

sems khrul ba {C}bhrnta-citta

sattvata; {C}loka [mind-having]; sentient being;

animals {C}relation to a being; world

mistaken mind {C}his mind does wander;

bewildered in his heart

sems khrul med {C}abhrnta-citta

non-mistaken mind {C}his thoughts do not

wander; his mind does not wander

sems grol

sems rgya che bai phyir

sems can kun gyi bya ba

{MSA}sarva-sattva-ktya activity of all sentient

beings {T}

sems can kun mchog nyid

supreme of sentient beings


grold grol grold {MSA}mukta-citta mental

liberation; liberated mind

sems can kun tu gro bai

citta-sukhatva make mental happiness; make the

mind happy

sems can kyi khams {C}sattva-

virtuous mind

sems can kyi mchog nyid

sems dga bar byed pa {MSA}

sems dge ba {MSA}kalya-citta

sems dge ba gcig {MSA}eka-

sems dge ba la

yang dag par sbyor ba sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord {MSA}kuala-citta-saniyojana
thoroughly apply the mind to virtue

bkral grel bkrald greld three

cycles of Bodhisattva commentaries

dhtu; {C}sattva-loka realm of sentient beings

{C}world of beings
{MSA}sattvottamatva greatness of sentient

citta ... kuala one virtuous mind

sems grel skor gsum

don {MSA}sattva-sarvatragrtha omnipresent

welfare/purposes of sentient beings

sems can khams {C}sattva-dhtu

realm of sentient beings {C}world of beings

sems can gyi nyes pa {MSA}

sattva-duat fault of sentient beings {T}

sems can gyi dus na at the time

of a sentient being{BJ 37.5}

sems can gyi don {MSA}sattvrtha

sems rgod {PH}overly excited mind

sems rgod pa {L}cittauddhatya

welfare/purpose(s) of sentient beings

sems can gyi don rnam

pa bzhi po {MSA}caturvidha ... sattvrtha four
types of welfare/purpose(s) of sentient beings

mental excitement; mental distraction; excited/

distracted mind

sems rgya chung ba {MSA}anudra- sems can gyi don la

bag med pa {MSA}sattvrtha-pramda non-

citta slightly vast mind

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


conscientiousness with respect to the welfare/
purpose(s) of sentient beings

dang skye ba ma mchis pai rang bzhin can {C}

sattva-asvabhva-jtika sentient beings having
the nature of non-nature and non-production
{C}the absence of own-being in beings belongs to
the very essence of

sems can gyi don la

zhugs pa zhug jug zhugs

zhugs {MSA}sattvrtha-prayukta engage in the
welfare of sentient beings {T}

sems can gyi don la sems

pa {MSA}sattvrtha-cint think of the welfare/
purpose(s) of sentient beings

sems can gyi bdag po

{L}sattvdhipatya lord of sentient beings;

sovereignty over sentient beings

sems can gcig bde {MSA}ekasattva-sukha happiness of one being

sems can ched du {MSA}sattvahetu for the sake of sentient beings {T}

sems can mchog {MSA}agra-sattva

supreme sentient being; highest sentient being

abode of a sentient being

sems can mchog tu gyur

sattva-ri group of sentient beings {C}mass

of beings

sems can jig rten {C}sattva-

sems can gyi gnas {C}sattvsa

sems can gyi phung po {C}

sems can
gyi bya ba dag la sems mnyam pa nyid {MSA}
sattva-ktyeu-samacittat mental equality with
respect to the deeds of sentient beings

sems can gyi ris {C,MSA}sattva-

nikya; {L}sattva-gotra lineage of sentient beings

{C}collection/world of beings; clan of beings

sems can gyi lus la sogs

pa {MSA}sattva-kydi bodies, etc. of sentient

sems can gyi log par

sems can rjes jug {MSA}

sattvnuvtti follower of sentient beings {T}

sems can mnyam pa nyid

{MSA}sattva ... samat sameness of sentient

sems can thams cad

dul nus pa {C}sarva-vinaya-samartha {C}
Sarva-vinaya-samartha [p.n. of a Buddha]


sems can thams

sems can gyis {C}sattvata by

cad sangs rgyas kyi tshe the time when all

sentient beings will have become Buddhas

sentient beings; of sentient beings {C}relation

to a being

sems can the tshom

sems can ngan pa {MSA}dua ...

shin tu sel ba bsal sel

bsald seld {MSA}sattva ... suvinta-saaya
thoroughly eliminate/eradicate/remove/clear
away/avoid/exclude the doubts of sentient beings

sattva bad sentient being(s) {PH}bad sentient


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

loka worldly realm of sentient beings {C}the

world of living beings

can thams cad las mngon par phags pa {C}

sarva-sattva-abhyudgatat manifestly superior
to all sentient beings {C}a state where they are
elevated above all beings

sgrub pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}sattva-vipratipatti
mistaken establishment of sentient beings

sems can ngo bo nyid ma mchis pa

{MSA}sattvgrat prpta is the highest

sentient being {T}



sems can don byed

pai tshul khrims {MSA}sattvrtha-kriy-la

ethics which works for the welfare/purpose(s) of
sentient beings

sems can dag ni tshad med pa yongs su smin par

byed pa {MSA}sattvprameyn paripka
thoroughly mature/ripen countless sentient

sems can dag pa {C}uddha-sattvo

pure sentient being

sems can don byed par

smon pa {MSA}sattvrthcaraasana wish

to work for the sake of sentient beings {T}

sems can

sems can don la shin

sems can gdul ba {MSA}sattva-

dag yongs su smin par byed do {MSA}sattvn

paripcayati thoroughly ripen/mature sentient

tu brtson {MSA}sattva-ktyrtham udyukt

extreme exertion for the welfare of sentient
beings {T}

sems can dang rang gi sangs rgyas kyi chos yongs

su smin pa {MSA}sattva-svabuddha-dharmaparipka thoroughly mature/ripen the qualities
of sentient beings and Buddhas

sems can dang sems can ma yin pas byas pai

sdug bsngal {MSA}dukha ... sattvsattva-kta
the suffering made by sentient beings and nonsentient beings

excellent sentient being(s) {C}the very cream of


sems can du gdags pa

gdags dogs btags/

brtags thogs {C}sattva-prajapti imputation as
a sentient being; imputed as a sentient being
{C}concept of a being

sems can don {MSA}sattvrtha

welfare of sentient beings; welfare/purpose(s) of

sentient beings

mtshungs {MSA}sattvtma-samna-bhva
concordant with the self of sentient beings

sems can sdig pa byed pa

sems can sdug bsngal {MSA}
sattva ... dukhita suffering of sentient beings;
suffering sentient beings

sems can nad pa


beings who are ill

sems can
ni smin par byed pa grub par gyur
grub grub grubs/grub grubs
{MSA}sattva-pkasya nipatti serves to ripen/
mature sentient beings

can gnod par byed pa dag gis mi khrugs pa
khrug khrug khrugs khrugs
{MSA}sattvpakrkopa undisturbed by the
injuries inflicted [by other] sentient beings {T}

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{MSA}sattvrtha kraka establish the welfare/

purpose(s) of sentient beings

sems can rnam grol mdzad

sems can don ni sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{MSA}sattva-vimocaka liberate sentient beings


{MSA}sattvrthasya sdhana establish the

welfare/purpose(s) of sentient beings

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems can bdag dang

{MSA}ppa-krin ... sattva evil-doing sentient


sems can dam pa {C}sattva-sra

sems can don sgrub

vinaya discipline sentient beings; discipline of

sentient beings


sems can rnam smin byed

great purpose that helps sentient beings {T}

{MSA}sattva-vipcaka ripen/mature sentient

beings; one who ripens/matures sentient beings

sems can dbul po {C}daridra-

sems can rnams

sattva poor sentient being {C}beggarly being

sems can ma yin pa {C}

kyi don du gnas {MSA}sattvrtham tihati

establish the welfare of sentient beings

nisattva non sentient being; not a sentient


sems can

rnams gyi las kyi khyad par gyis {MSA}sattvn

karma-viet due to the differences of sentient
beings karmas

sems can rnams joms

gzhom joms bcom choms

{MSA}sattvn upahanti abandon sentient beings;

{T} destroy/suppress sentient beings ?

sems can rnams

yongs smin par byed {MSA}sattvn paripka

thoroughly ripen/mature sentient beings

sems can

rnams yongs su smin par bya ba {MSA}sattvn

paripcanam object of thoroughly ripening
sentient beings; will thoroughly ripen/mature
sentient beings

sems can

rnams la mos pa ji lta ba bzhin du

mos mos mos mos {MSA}yathdhimoka
sattvn according to the beliefs in sentient

ma yin pas byas pai sdug bsngal {MSA}a-sattvakta ... dukha suffering made by non sentient

sems can mi gtong ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {MSA}

sattvnutsarga; {MSA}sattvvisjana not giving

up on sentient beings

sems can mi tshe {MSA}

sattvheha non-harmfulness toward sentient


sems can med pa {C}asattva; {C}

nisattva; {C}nisattvat; {C}nisattvata non

sentient being; not a sentient being; no sentient
being;7 {T} sentient beings do not [inherently]
exist {C}(it) is not; non-beingness; there is
no being; absence of a being; they have not the
character of beings; no beings (in it); a being is nonexistent; unsubstantial; non-existence of a being

sems can med pai phyir {C}

sems can

sattva-asattay; {C}nisattvat because there

is not a sentient being; because there are no
sentient beings; {T} because sentient beings
do not [inherently] exist {C}from the nonbeingness of beings; non-existence of a being; there
is no being

rnams la sems mnyam pa nyid {MSA}sattveu

samacittat mental equality with respect to
sentient beings

sems can phan dogs

sems can dman pa {C}hna-sattva

dga gdags
dogs btags/brtags thogs {MSA}sattva-hitn
moda delight in the benefit of sentient beings

inferior being

sems can phan par sems

{MSA}sattva-hitaya thinking to help a sentient

being/sentient beings {T}

sems can phan byed don

chen {MSA}sattva-hitdhna-mahrtha the

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems can


sems can dmyal ba {MSA}

naraka; {C}niraya (=naraka) hell-being; hells

sems can dmyal ba pa

ma yin pa a-nraka non-hell-being

sems can dmyal bai

sems can nraka hell-beings

sems can dmyal bai srung

gtang gtong btang thongs {MSA}

sattvparityga-mhtmya greatness of not
abandoning sentient beings

ma bsrung srung bsrungs

srungs naraka-pla hell-guardians

sems can yongs su smin pa

{MSA}sattva-pka; {MSA}sattva-pcana ripen/

mature sentient beings

sems can yongs su

{MSA}sattva-paripka; {MSA}sattva-paripcana
thoroughly ripen/mature sentient beings

sems can smin par byed pa

sems can tsam

la dmigs pai byams pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs *sattvlaban maitri
love observing mere sentient beings

sems can tshad med pa {MSA}

smin par bya ba {MSA}sattva-paripcana object

of thoroughly ripening of sentient beings; will
thoroughly ripen/mature sentient beings

sems can yongs su

smin par byed {MSA}sattvn paripka
thoroughly ripen/mature sentient beings

aprameya-sattva; {MSA}aprameya ... sattva; {MSA}

sattva ... ameya innumerable sentient beings;
countless sentient beings

sems can yongs

gaa; {C}sattva-kya accumulation of sentient

beings; group of sentient beings body of beings

sems can yongs su dzin

sems can tshogs {MSA}sattva-

su smin par byed pa {MSA}sattva-paripcaka(tva); {MSA}sattva-paripcana thoroughly ripen/

mature sentient beings
pa gzung dzin bzung zungs
{MSA}sattva-parigraha apprehend sentient

sems can gzhan la

byams dod {MSA}para-sattva-vatsala desirous

love for other sentient beings {T}

sems can yongs su bzung

sems can

ba {MSA}sattva-parigraha apprehend sentient


yang du ma zhig la bde bar gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd {MSA}anekasattva-sukha there is also happiness for many
sentient beings {T}

sems can rab tu smin pa

{MSA}sattvn prapcana thorough ripening

of sentient beings; thoroughly ripen/mature
sentient beings

sems can yongs smin byed

sems can rab dul {MSA}sattvn

{MSA}sattva-paripka thoroughly ripen/mature

sentient beings

sems can yongs su gtong

pravinetum discipline sentient beings; discipline

of sentient beings

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}

sattva-tygin abandon sentient beings; one who

abandons sentient beings

sems can la

ba sbyang sbyong sbyangs

sbyongs {MSA}sattva-pariodhana thoroughly
purify/train sentient beings

sems can la ston pai sgra

mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes {MSA}sattveu samatjnam exalted wisdom of sameness toward
sentient beings

sems can yongs su sbyong

sems can
yongs su mi gtong bai che ba nyid

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bstan ston bstand stond sound

which indicates meaning to a sentient being


sems can la

phan par byed pai rgyu yin pa {MSA}sattva-hitakriy-hetutva being a cause of helping/benefiting
sentient beings

basic mind {C}mind bent on

sems can la dmigs pa

sems mnyam mind of equality

sems mnyam nyid {C}sama-cittat

sems can la dmigs

sems mnyam rnyed pa {MSA}

dmigs dmigs
dmigs dmigs {MSA}sattvlambana object of
observation for sentient beings

sameness of mind; mental sameness {C}the

same attitude of mind; treat equally; even attitude

of mind

pai snying rje dmigs

dmigs dmigs dmigs sattvlamban-karu
compassion observing sentient beings

sems can la brtse ba {MSA}

sama-cittoplambha (sic) attain mental sameness

sems mnyam pa {C}sama-citta

sameness of mind; mental sameness {C}


sattvnukampana compassion toward sentient


sems can log par sgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs
{MSA}sattva-vipratipatti wrongly establish

sentient beings

sems mnyam pa nyid {C,MSA}

sama-cittat sameness of mind; mental sameness

{C}evenminded(ness); the same attitude of mind;
treat equally; even attitude of mind

sems mnyam par jog go

{MV}citta samdhyate setting in mental

sems can sangs

rgyas kyi rigs can {MSA}buddha-gotra ... sattva

sentient beings having the Buddha-lineage

sems mnyam par jog

byed pa {MSA}puya-krin ... sattva sentient

beings who produce merit; merit-making
sentient beings {T}

sems mnyam par ma

sems can bsod nams

pa {MSA}citta-samdhna; {MSA}samacittvasthpan setting in mental sameness

bzhag pa {MSA}asamhita ... citta non mental

meditative equipoise

sems chen po great mind

sems mchis {C}sacittaka having a

sems mnyam par gzhag pa

{MV}samahita-citta mental meditative equipoise

sems snyoms {C,MSA}sama-citta

mind; sentient {C}with citta; having thought

sems mchog

sameness of mind; mental sameness {C}even


{PH}supreme mind [of

enlightenment]; supreme bodhicitta

sems jog go {MSA}citta badhnyt sems te {C}samanvharati think;

thinking {C}his mind is impressed by; consider;

bring out; bear in mind; bring to mind; behave

(bandh) setting the mind

sems jog pa cittasthpana setting

the mind

sems jog par byed do {MSA}

citta badhnyt (bandh) setting the mind

sems nyid {C}cittatva intrinsic mind;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


sems btang snyoms su

byed pa {MV}cittasyopek mental equanimity

sems rten mental basis

sems stobs zhan pa {C}hna-


sems dang ye shes {MSA}citta-

sattva mind of little power; inferior being

sems bltar med invisibility of mind

sems dang shes

rab rnam par grol ba grol

sems thams cad kyi dbang gi
grold grol grold {MSA}ceta-praj-vimukti
jna mind and exalted wisdom

dam pai pha rol tu phyin pa sha stag {C}

sarvacetovaitparapramiprpta {C}in perfect
control of their whole minds

liberation of thought and wisdom

thams cad kyi dbang dam pai pha rol tu son pa
{C}sarva-ceto-vai-parama-prami-prpta {C}
in perfect control of their entire hearts [or: whole

sems dang sems

byung khams gsum pa byung

byung byung byung {MV}citta-caitts tridhtuk
three realms of mind and mental factors

sems dang sems byung

rnams byung byung byung

byung {C}citta-caitta mind and mental factors
{C}thought and its constituents

sems dang ldan

pa ma yin pai chos {MSA}citta-viprayukta ...

dharma phenomenon without a mind; {T} nonsentient phenomenon

sems dang sems las byung

smra who with a mind would propound ...?{BJ



ba byung byung byung byung

{C}citta-caitasika mind and mental factors
{C}mental events

sems dang ldan pa su zhig

dang sems las byung ba rnams bcings so

byung byung byung byung {MSA}
citta-caitt ... badhyante (bandh) bound by
mind and mental factors

sems dang po bskyed pa

yin bskyed skyed bskyed skyed

{C}prathama-cittotpdam updya (is the) first
(altruistic) mind-generation {C}from where
they began with the production of the thought of
enlightenment; on account of the first thought of
enlightenment; on account of the first production
of the first thought of enlightenment; from the first
thought of enlightenment onwards

dang bsam pa rnam par dag pa mnyam pa nyid
{MV}cittaya-viuddhi-samat sameness of
purity of mind and thought

sems dang po gnas pa {C}

sems dang bsam pa rnam par dag pa mnyam pa

nyid bcu {MSA}cittaya-viuddhi-samat (daa-)
ten samenesses of purity of mind and thought

prathama-cittotpdika (one who is) abiding in

the first (altruistic) mind (generation) {C}one
who has had his first thought of enlightenment

sems dang spyod pa

sems dad pa gcig tsam {C}

eka-citta-prasdam api one mere thought of faith

{C}one single thought

spyad spyod spyad spyod {MSA}citta-carit

thoughts and activities

sems dul ba {C}dnta-cittat

sems dang

mental discipline; disciplined mind {C}a mind

completely tamed

yid dang rnam par shes pa rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}citta-

sems dran pa nye bar

mano-vijna-bodha realize thought, mind, and

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bzhag pa cittasmtypasthna establishment in



sems gnas pa rnam pa dgu

mindfulness of mind

sems drug {MSA}a cittni six minds

sems di {C}matti this mind; this

navkr cittasthiti nine mental abidings

sems rnam par khrugs pa

khrug khrug khrugs
khrugs {C}citta-vikepa mental distraction;
mental anger; {T} disturbed mind {C}
perplexed; confusion of thought


sems di bzang ba min

snyam {C}aobhanni (thinking), this thought

is not good {C}(these are) unwholesome

sems na {C}manyate if one thinks; when

one thinks

sems rnam par g.yeng ba

{C}citta-vikepa; {C}vikipta-citta mental

distraction; wander mentally {C}perplexed;
distracted thoughts; confusion of thought

sems na ... bdag po yin {MSA} sems rnam par g.yengs pa

cittasya ... dhipatya lord of mind; mental

{C}vikipta-cittat; {MSA}vikipta-citta mental

distraction; wander mentally {C}perplexed;
distracted mentally; distracted thoughts; confusion
of thought

sems nang {MSA}adhytma ceta

internal thought/mind

sems rnam par g.yong ba

sems ni skad cig ma {MSA}

{C}vikipta-citta mental distraction; wander

mentally {C}perplexed; distracted mentally;
distracted thoughts; confusion of thought

kaika hi citta moment of mind/thought

sems ni bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}

sems pa {LCh,C,MSA,MV}cetan; {MV}

cittasyotpdan generate a mind; generate the

altruistic intention to become enlightened

cetana; {MV}cintan; {C}cintayati; {C}cintat;

{C,MSA}cint; {L,MV}cintana; {C}samanvharati;
{C}samudcra; {C}vindati; {C}asaya; {MSA}(anv
i): anveti; {MSA}aya; {MSA}buddhi; {MSA}
saj attention; intention; will; intentionality
{C}ideas; habits; reflect (on); deliberation;
reflection; volition; act of will; will (for); find;
entrance; discovers; think; seat; resolution;

sems ni nang du gnas pa

{MSA}sthiti cetasa adhytma abide within

sems ni yongs su skyo ba

{MV}cittasya parikhedit thorough mental


sems gnas cittasthiti mental abiding

sems gnas skabs {MSA}

sems pa dang yid la byed

pa {MV}cetan-manaskra intention and
mental activity

cittvasth mental state

sems pa dun dang bcas pa


{MSA}cetan chanda-sahit an intention with

aspiration {T}

gnas dgu; sems gnas pa rnam pa dgu navkr

cittasthiti; navkrcittasthiti nine mental

sems pai zas manasacetanhra

sems gnas pa {C,MSA,MV}citta-

nourishment of intention; intention food

sthiti; {MSA}sthita-citta mental abiding {C}

stability of thought

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems dpa {C}sattva being

being; male [bodhi]sattva {C}substance; energy



sems dpa che {MSA}mah-sattva

byung byung byung {LCh,MV}caitta mental

mtshan nyid/ rang khor
du ldan pai sems dang mtshungs par ldan pa/ Def.:
that which has similarity/paralellism with the mind
having it as an accompanier

great being

sems dpa chen po {C}mahsattva great being

sems dpa sum brtsegs

dbye ba/

{PH}three stacked beings [jnasattva;

samayasattva; & samdhisattva]



1 kun gro lnga / 2 yul nges lnga / 3 dge ba bcu

gcig 4 rtsa nyon drug 5 nye nyon nyi shu/ 5 gzhan
gyur bzhi/ Div.: (1) five omnipresent (sarvatraga)
mental factors; (2) five determining (viayapratiniyama) mental factors; (3) eleven virtuous
(kuala) mental factors; (4) six root afflictions
(mla-klea); (5) twenty secondary afflictions
(upaklea); and (6) four

dpai skhyil krung; sems dpai skhyil mo krung

the cross-legged Bodhisattva posture [the halflotus posture, with the right leg on the left]

sems dpai skhyil mo

krung ni/ de bzhin du cung zad tsam gyis rkang pa

g.yas pa brla g.yon pai steng du bzhag pao/ the
cross-legged Bodhisattva posture: likewise, in a
lesser version [of the vajra-posture], set the right
foot on top of the left thigh {Dor 26b.4/ 236.4}

sems byung kun gro

byung byung byung byung sarvatragacaitta omnipresent mental factor

sems dpai skhyil mo krung

sems dpai skhyil krung / the

cross-legged Bodhisattva posture [the half-lotus
posture, with the right leg on the left]

sems dpai skhyil mo krung ni/ de

bzhin du cung zad tsam gyis rkang pa g.yas pa brla

g.yon pai steng du bzhag pao/ the cross-legged
Bodhisattva posture: likewise, in a lesser version
[of the vajra-posture], set the right foot on top of the
left thigh {Dor 26b.4/ 236.4}

sems dpai rnal byor

Bodhisattvas yoga

sems dpai rnal byor

mthar thug Bodhisattvas final yoga

sems phyin ci log tu gyur

pa {C}viparyasta-citta mistaken mind; which is

a mistaken mind {C}a perverted thought

sems phro ba med pai


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems byung dge ba

byung byung byung byung ksala-caitta

virtuous mental factor

sems byung dge ba bcu

gcig {PH}eleven virtuous mental factors

sems byung gzhan gyur

gyur gyurd gyur gyurd

*anyathbhvacaitta changeable mental factor;
determining mental factor

sems byung yul nges

byung byung byung byung

*viayapratiniyama caitta determining mental


sems byed {C}buddho; {C}adhihihey

think of; thought of {C}would perservere


sems dben mental isolation; isolation

of mind

sems byung ba

phyir {MV}cittasyvisarat because there is

not a scattered mind {T}

sems byung

byung byung byung byung {C}cittotpda; {MSA}

citta-sabhava mental factor; arising of mind;



sems tshim pa {MSA}sampyyita-

mental arising {C}arising citta; arising of the

altruistic intention to become enlightened

sems ma khrul ba {C}abhrnta-

cetas pleasing thought {T}

citta non-mistaken mind; non-mistaken thought

{C}his mind does (not) wander; bewildered in his

sems ma dad pa {C}aprasanna-citta

non-faithful mind {C}his thought devoid of

serene faith

sems mi ldog pa

sems tshim par gyur {C}haritacitta {C}delighted

sems tshim par byas pa {MSA}

pyyita-cetas satisfied mind; to satify the mind

sems zhum pa

jum jums zhum zhums {MV}lna-cittat;

{MV}lna-cittatva; {C}avalnat mental
cowardliness {C}cowedness

ldog ldog ldogs ldogs {MSA}cittvyvtti nonreversed mind

sems mi phyed pa {MSA}abhedya-

sems od gsal bai phyir

cittat undifferentiated mind; undivided mind

?? {T}

{MV}prabhsvaratvc cittasya (due to) the clear

light of mind

sems med {C}acitta non-thought; no

sems yang dag par gnas

mind; without mind {C}absence of citta

pa {MSA}cittasya sasthiti mental abiding

sems med pa {C}nicitta; {MV}na

citta non-thought; no mind; without mind

{C}absence of citta; free from thought; no-thought

sems yang dag par

citta-sthiti-nicitta; {C}citta-nicita abide in nonthought {C}the stability of a no-thought

sems yongs su skyo ba {MV}

rab tu jog pa {MSA}citta pradadhti setting

the mind

sems med par gnas pa {C}

sems med mun pai

sems g.yeng {C}vikipta-cittat; {MSA}

sems dmyal {C}naraka {C}hell

sems tsam {C,MSA}citta-mtra Mind

vikipta-citta {PH}mental distraction

sems rab tu nye bar bzhag

Only School; Mind-Only School

pa {C}spasthita-citta mental establishment

{C}their thoughts well supported


of Mind-Only

sems tsam rnam bden

pai lugs {PH}the system of the Mind Only True

sems tsam pa cittamtrin Mind-Only

School; Chittamtra; Proponent of Mind Only

sems tsam po {MSA}citta-mtra


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sems yongs su bsngo ba {MV}

citta-pariati mental dedication

gnas skabs state of mindless darkness

sems tsam gyi srol

parikheda-cittat mental aversion


sems rab tu dzin pa

gzung dzin bzung zungs {MSA}citta

praghti mental apprehension

sems la sgrib pa {C}citta-varaa

mental obstructions {C}thought-coverings

sems la sgrib pa med {C}acittavaraa without mental obstructions {C}

absence of thought-coverings


sems la gdung ba {C}cittotpa

ordained and lay people

mental torment {C}thoughts which torment

sems la gnod par byed {C}

ghtayati harm the mind; harmful mind {C}

cherish malice for; feel anger

sems la dbang {MSA}citta-vaa

mental power

sems la zang zing med pa

yin {MSA}nirmia-citta unconfused mind

ser skyai gzhi kapilavastu



ser kha {PH}crack; split; cleft

ser kha med pa {PH}unsplit
ser sna {LCh,C,MSA,MV}mtsarya; {MV}

matsaritva; {C}matsara miserly; miserliness

stingy; {C}mean(ness); niggardly; jealousy

sems las ser sna mngon gyur

skyai bai go skabs the chance to generate
manifest miserliness{PGP 86}

don gzhan pai phyi rol gyi don bem po external

material objects that are factualities other than
the mind

sems las byung

ser sna can {C}mtsarya; {MSA}matsarin

miserly; having miserliness

byung byung byung byung {MV}caitasa; {MV}

caitta mental factor; arisen from mind

sems las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C,MSA}caitasika;

{MV}caitasa; {MV}caitta mental factor; arisen
from mind {C}mental event

sems las byung bai chos

miserly; miserliness

ser sna med {C}amatsara non{MSA}amtsarya non-miserliness

ser snai kun tu sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MV}

mtsarya-sayojana thorough enwrapment of


karmaya-citta; {MV}citta-karmayatva suitable

as mental action/karma

ser snai kun sbyor

sems shing {C}manyamna thinking;

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord mtsarya-sayojana

thorough enwrapment of miserliness

having thought {C}minding; proudly imagine

ser snai sems {C}mtsarya-citta


miserly mind {C}grudge



sems byung dang ldan par ma yin pai du byed

byung byung byung byung
cittacaittaviprayukta-saskra compositional
factor not associated with mind or mental factors

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

ser sna byed pa {C}mtsarya

ser sna med pa {MSA}amatsarin;

sems las su rung ba {MV}

ser skya {LCh}kapila Kapila


miserliness {C}absence of meanness

byung byung byung byung {C}

caitasika-dharma phenomena that are mental
factors {C}dharmas which constitute mental

sems shin sbyangs

ser sna nyid {MSA}matsaritva


ser po {MSA}pta yellow

ser po nyid ptatva yellowness
ser shas {PH}yellowish
ser shas cung {PH}slightly yellowish



avoid {C}removes; attracts; {GD:298}

conceptual exclusion

bsal sel bsald seld

{L}nirkra; {C}tana clear away; remove;

throw off; eliminate; avoid; exclude {C}

removal dri ma phra mo
cung zad kyang sel mi nus one is unable to remove
subtle stains even a little{PGP 85}

sel ngor

bsal sel
bsald seld {GD:105} point of view of elimination
(p.o.v. of ordinary beings); {GD:186} conceptual
perspective; eliminative perspective

sel jug


yul la cha shas su bcad nas jug pa/ rang yul la brdai

dbang gi jug pa/ Def.: Jay-dzn-ba: [mind] which

sel jug gi sgra/ 3 sel jug gi gang zag Div.:(1)

mind that is an eliminative engager; (2) sound that
is an eliminative engager; (3) person that is an
eliminative engager

bsal sel bsald seld pudgalpohapravtti person who is an eliminative engager

bsal sel bsald seld abdpoha-pravtti sound

that is an eliminative engager

bsal sel bsald seld apoha-pravti-buddhi;

*apohapravttibuddhi awareness that is an
eliminative engager; mind of partial engagement
bsal sel bsald

bsal sel

sel tshul

bsal sel

sel mi nus pa

bsal sel bsald seld not able to remove/eliminate/
eradicate/clear away/avoid/exclude

so skye {LCh}pthag-jana common being;

ordinary being

so skye bo pthagjana common being

so skyei lam pthagjana-mrga {PH}
paths of common beings

so to rog po a big black bird that

cannot go into water to get fish, so it stays on the

shore and, as the waves push them up, it catches

so thar {LCh}pratimoka individual


seld apoha; {C}apakarayati; {MSA}apakaraa;

{MSA}apakarika; {MSA}apaha; {MV}praodana;
{MSA}vinta; apoha {GD:298} exclusion [=gzhan
sel]; clear away; remove; throw off; eliminate;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

sel byed

statement, following the suffix sa]; [=so so;

so soi; so sor] individual; diverse; separate;
different; common {PH}point; tooth
Just as the point
of a sword [does not cut itself], [we] refute selfcognition. {BMH} V.93cd

dbye ba/ 1 sel jug gi blo/ 2

sel ba

bsal sel bsald seld {MSA}(apa n): apanayati;
{C}vidhnoti (=apanayati) clear away; remove;
throw off; eliminate; exclude; avoid {C}takes

so tooth; [particle indicating the end of a


sel jug gi blo

sel bar byed

bsald seld mode of avoidance/elimination/

removal/eradication/exclusion/clearing away

engages its object having divided it into parts;

Pan-chen: [mind] which engages its object through
the power of terminology

sel jug gi sgra

serve as efficacious means of clearing away

bsald seld clearer away

sel bsald seld apoha-pravtti eliminative

engager {GD:418} discriminative engagement
mtshan nyid/ rang

sel jug gi gang zag

sel bai thabs su gro ba


so mthar gyi sdom pa

pratimokasavara discipline of individual

emancipation; vow of individual liberation


so so yang dag par rig

so drang

tshangs pai gnas pa bzhii

pa thob pa thob/thob
thob thob thobs {MV}pratisavil-lbha attain
individual knowledge

so drang bsnyer ba; He flashes his fangs of

the four communions with Brahm. {LVS} =

so so yang dag par rig pa


so bdun

sum cu so bdun/

bzhi four correct individual knowledges{PGP

97.5}; four individual correct knowledges

so ba thick shelled barley

so bya a big black bird that cannot go into

so so yang dag rig {MSA}

pratisavedan individual correct knowledg;

individual knowledge

so so yang dag rig pa

water to get fish, so it stays on the shore and, as

the waves push them up, it catches them

so btsugs {PH}sentry
so so {MSA}pthak; pratyekam individual;

individual correct knowledge

diverse; discrete; separate; different {PH}

respective by oneself; onself; single; respectively;
singly; each one

so so skye bo

so soi skye bo

pthagjana common being

so so skye bo nyid pthag-janatva

so so tha dad pa {L}pratibhinna


the four individual correct knowledges

so so rang gi {L}pratytma; {MSA}

pratisva individual; by oneself; individually

so so rang gis {MSA}praytma

individual; by oneself; individually; by myself{S

ba {MSA}pratytma-vedanya; {MSA}pratytmavedya object of individual knowledge

so so rang rig {L}pratytma-vedya

individually distinct

so so nas {PH}respectively; mutually

so so ba {LCh}pthak distinct; discrete;

individual knowledge; know by myself/oneself

so so re re {MSA}pratyeka individually;

separate; individual; diverse; different


so so ba ma yin pai chos

apthag-dharma phenomena that are not distinct

so so bai chos pthag-dharma

so so la {C}pthak; {C}pratyekam

individually; discrete; separate(ly) {C}single;

by oneself; respectively; singly; each one

so soi skye bo {C,MSA,MV}pthag-

phenomena that are distinct

sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord {C}sasyandayati affix; join

together {C}unite with; agree with

so so yang dag par rig pa

{C,MSA}pratisavid; {C}pratisavedan
individual knowledge {C}analytical knowledge;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

so so yang dag rig bzhi

so so rang gis rig par bya

state of an ordinary being

so so sbyar



jana; {MSA}prthag-jana common being;

ordinary being {C}ordinary people/person
mtshan nyid/ theg pa gsum gang rung
gi phags lam ma thob pai gang zag Def.: a person
who has not attained the Superiors of any of the
three vehicles



so sor chad par byed pa

dbye ba/ 1 dmyal ba/ 2 yi dwags/ 3

dud gro/ 4 mi/ 5 lha ma yin/ 6 lha/ Div.: (1) hellbeings; (2) hungry ghosts; (3) animals; (4) people;
(5) demi-gods; (6) gods

{MSA}pratideaka explainer

so sor rtog go {C}pratyavekate

so soi mthu {L}prabhva exalted

so soi bdag {C}pratytma

individually investigate; individual investigation

{C}contemplates; investigates

so sor rtog pa {C}pratyavekate;

individually (powered) {C}by oneself; each;


{C}pratyaveka; {MV,MSA}pratyavek; {MSA}

pratyavekaa; {MSA}pratyavekaaa; {MSA}
pratisakhyna individual investigation
{C}contemplates; investigates; comprehension;
knowledge; watchfullness

so soi nang {MSA}pratytman

internally; individually

so soi las {MV}pratyeka karma

so sor rtog pa

individual action/karma

so sor {MSA}pratyeka; {L}pthak; {L}

pratyekam individually; individual(ly);

ordinary; discrete; separate; diverse; different
by oneself; onself; single; respectively; singly; each

so sor bkag pa {C}pratiedha

individual negation {C}abolition; removal;


so sor skyes bu pthagjana ordinary

dang bsgoms pai stobs

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}pratisakhynabhvan-bala power of individual investigation
and meditation

so sor rtog pa yid la

byed pa pratyaveka-manaskra mental
contemplation of individual investigation

so sor rtog pai stobs

la brten pa {MSA}pratisakhyna-sanirit

in dependence upon the power of individual



being; ordinary being

{MSA}pratyavekaaka ... jna; {MSA}

pratyavek-jna exalted wisdom of individual

so sor skyes bo pthag-jana common so sor rtog pai ye shes

so sor nges pa {LCh}pratiniyama; {C}
pratiniyata distinction {C}particular to (or:
different for) each case

so sor gcod bifurcate

so sor chags pa {MSA}

wisdom of individual analysis

so sor rtogs pa

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}pratibodha

pratidean individually confess; individually


individual realization; individually realize

so sor brtag pa {L}pratisakhy

so sor chags par gyur

individual analysis

ba {C}pratideayati individually confess;

individually reveal {C}confesses his error; see
their error

so sor brtag par bya {MSA}

(praty-ava k): pratyaveketa object of

individual analysis; will individually analyze

so sor chags par byed {C}

pratideayati individually confess; individually

reveal {C}confesses his error; see their error

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

so sor rtog pai shes rab

so sor brtag par byas te

{C}pratyavekate individually analyzes {C}


contemplates; investigates

so sor brtags gog

spang spong spangs spongs {C}pratinisjati

(=rayabalt) individually abandon {C}
throws back; abandons

brtag rtog brtags rtags {LCh}

so sor phye nas through making the

pratisakhy-nirodha analytical cessation

so sor brtags sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

{MSA}pratisakhya-bhvan analytical


so sor byed differentiation;



so sor brtags nas

so sor byed pa {PH}differentiation

so sor sbyar sbyar

brtag rtog brtags rtags {MSA}(prati-sa

khy): pratisakhyya having individually


so sor brtags pa

sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}sasyandayati affix;

individually affix; connect {C}unite; agree with

so sor ma brtags

brtag rtog brtags rtags {L,MSA}

pai btang snyoms brtag

rtog brtags rtags {MSA}apratisakhyyopek
non-analytical equanimity

pratisakhy; {MSA}pratisakhyna; {C}

pratyavekate individual analysis {C}
contemplates; investigates

so sor brtags

pa dang bsgoms pai stobs

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}pratisakhynabhvan-bala power of individual investigation
and meditation

so sor brtags pai gog

gog pa brtag rtog brtags

rtags apratisakhy-nirodha non-analytical

{C,MSA}pratisavid individual knowledge

{C}analytical knowledge; comprehension

so sor rang rig pai ye shes

exalted wisdom of individual self-knowledge;
pristine wisdom of individual self-knowledge

so sor thar pa {L}prtimoka;

so sor bshags pa {MSA}

pratimoka individual liberation; individual

emancipation liberation; code of moral and
religious discipline; rejection

pratidean reveal; individually reveal;

(individually) confer; (individually) confess

so sor bshags par byed

so sor thar pai sdom pa

{C}pratideayati reveal; individually reveal;

(individually) confer; (individually) confess
{C}confesses his error; see their error

{MSA}prtimoka-savara vow of individual


so sor mthar pa pratimoka

so sor bshags so {MSA}(prati

individual emancipation; individual liberation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

so sor yang dag par rig pa

pai phyir gzung dzin
bzung zungs {MV}pratytma dhrat due to
apprehending by oneself/individually

so sor brtags min gyi

{MSA}(prati-sa vid): pratisavedayate

individually experience; experience

so sor rang gis dzin

pa brtag rtog brtags rtags

{MV}pratisakhy-nirodha analytical cessation

so sor spongs

so sor myong bar gyur ba

di): pratideaymi reveal; individually reveal;

(individually) confer; (individually) confess



sog {C} palla {PH}straw

sog byil {PH}sok-jil ear-ring [long ear-

song tshod kyi rtags sign that

appears to the mind

song tshod la

song song song {GD:246} [to be] in reality, in
actuality; {GD:437} actually; {GD:580} truely

ring that can only be worn by sons of aristocracy]

sog ma {C} palla {PH}straw

sog mai phung po {C}palla-puja son arrive; reach; cross
{C}heap of straw
son shing {C}gatva having gone; having
sog yul Mongolia
passed; having become {C}gone away
sog rul {PH}rotten straw
som nyi {C}saaya; {C}kkati; {C}
kkate; {C}kk doubt {C}uncertainty;
sogs {LCh}di; {LCh}dika etc; and so
hesitates; doubts; desires; hesitation

forth {PH}etc.; and so forth

sogs pa di; {C}apacaya; {C}rabhya

etc; and so forth {C}taking away; decrease;

beginn(ning from/with); take hold on; about;

concerning; relevant to; starting from; having turned
his mind to; stimulated by; initially; founded on;
following on; if I take into consideration


song song song song {C}

apakrmati; {C}vrajate; {C}gatva; {MSA}gata;
{MSA}nang (du) song = gata; {C}praviati; {C}
prakrmati gone; passed; become; occured;
proceeded; has been accepted{BJ 22.2}; has been
asserted [with rtags or gsal ba preceeding it];
Liu Sung Dynasty (rgya rje song, 420 - 479 ce) of
China {C}go away; depart; move along; move
on to; walk along; march on; travel; enters (into);
appear (among people); functions; proceed; go
away; set out for; take their leave

song ba

song {LCh}gata; {MSA}anugata; {MSA}

anuyta; {MSA}gamana become; gone; passed;
proceeded; occurred

song song song song sign which appears to the


song tshod kyi chos can

som nyi med {C}akkaa; {C}

nisaaya; {C}nikka (=nikka) nondoubt; free from doubt {C}no hesitation; free(d)
from uncertainty

soi skye bo pthag-jana common being;

ordinary being

sor {C}aguli finger {C}toes and fingers

sor dus pratyhra withdrawal
sor mo {LCh,C}aguli fingers and toes;
fingers; finger {C}toes and fingers

sor mo lnga five fingers {VM}

sor moi phreng ba can



sor moi tshigs

{PH}finger digit;

finger joint; knuckle

song song song song {GD:244} real

subject, as opposed to conceived subject (rlom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

skka having doubt; doubting {C}one who


dbye ba / the bong / mdzub mo/ gung mo/ srin lag
theu chung / Div.: thumb; index finger; middle
finger; ring finger; little finger

song song song

song tshad kyi rtags

som nyi dang bcas pa {C}

sor mor ring ba {C}drgha-agulit

long fingers {C}his toes (and fingers) are long



sor tshigs {PU} parvguli

thin {C}very delicate; slender

srab po tanu fine; thin; to diminish; thin


digit; finger joint; knuckle

sor bzhag


srab mo tanu fine; thin; to diminish; thin

sor bzhag tu bzhag sor gzhag jog bzhag


zhog leave as is; leave as it is

srab moi od gsal delicate clear

sor bzhi tsam gyis {C}catur-


agulam (=catur-agula-mtrea) just four

fingers {C}at least four inches

sram otter
sras {LCh,C}putra; {C}suta; {C}aurasa son;

sor bsam {GST} pratyhra-dhyna

{PH}individual withdrawal and concentration

child; offspring (hon.) {C}legitimate (son)

sos to recover; be cured

ssrava zag bcas contaminated
sarbamanggala Sarvamagala
sra ba {LCh,MSA}dha hard
sra bar byed pa {C}gh-karoti

sring lengthen; prolong

srid bh; {MSA}bhava; {MSA}mi srid =

asabhava be possible; occur; be; depth;

height; length; extension {PH}length
srid du mtho drug yod pa, In length,
[its size is] six spans. {GCG} p.17

srid dga {MSA}bhava-priya joy of

harden {C}tighten

sra zhing thas pa hard and

existence {T}

srid chags pa {MV}saktir bhave


srang {C}rathy {C}road

srang mda {PH}scale; balance
srang ba {C}samprakayati {C}to

desire for existence; desire to be {T}

srid mtha bhavnta [existence-end];

extreme of mundane existence; almost nonexistence; {T} extreme of existence

srid dang zhi ba

illuminate; reveal; explain

srang la gzhal bas {C}tulayati;

existence and pacification

srid dang zhi ba mnyam equality

{C}palgra-pramena {C}ponder; weigh (up);

examine; compare; consider; deliberate; measure
with a tip of straw

of mundane existence and peace

srid pa {LCh,C,MSA.MV}bhava; {N}sattva;

sran {PH}pea; bean

sran chung leb mo small flat red

{N}prabhavati; {C}tm-bhva; {MV}sambhava

lasts (as in as long as
lasts); existence; cyclic existence; be; mundane
existence; length; extension; government; be
possible; occur; worldly existence {PH}
equivalence [one of the eleven pramas attributed
to Caraka]; length; extension; government {C}
becoming; personality; body; frame; personal
existence; extent

bean; red lentil


bsrab/ srab/

bsrabs/ srabs/ tanu to diminish; thin out; fine;


srab pa

srab/ bsrabs/ srabs/ {C}pratanu; {C}tanu; {MV}
salekha smooth; to diminish; thin out; fine;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




srid pa ji srid par {C}bhavt for srid pai zug {PH}pains of existence
as long as existence [lasts] {C}until the end of
srid pai yan lag gi

bag chags bhavgavsan predispositions of

the branches of cyclic existence

srid pa nye bar len pa {C}

bhavopdnat appropriating of [new] existence

{C}producing a (new) becoming

srid pa tha mai tshe


srid pa mtha mai byang

of cyclic existence{BJ 9.1}

srid par kun

sems a final lifetime Bodhisattva


existence and pacification

srid pa dang

zhi ba dag las rnam par grol ba

grol grold grol grold {MSA}bhava-amavinirmukta liberation from [the extremes of]
existence and peace {T}

srid pa pho bai mdo

bhavasakranti-stra; bhavasakrnti-stra The

Transmigration Stra

srid pa bar ma {MSA}antar-bhava

srid par grub pa

grub grub grubs/grub grubs {C}

bhava-abhinirvtti established/establishment in
cyclic existence {C}rebirth in becoming

srid par gnas pa {MSA}bhavana srid par sbyor ba

yongs su zad pa sbyar sbyor

sbyard sbyord {C}parika-bhava-sayojan
extinguish the entanglements in cyclic existence
{C}with the fetters that bound them to becoming

srid pa yan lag {L}bhavga

branch of existence

srid pa gsum {C}tri-bhava; {MSA}

bhava-traya three existences {C}triple world


creeper; creeping plant

srid pai mtha bhavnta extreme of

cyclic existence; extreme of mundane existence

srid pai bde ba {MSA}bhava-sukha

happiness of cyclic existence

srid pai brog dgon chen

srid par song ba

srid pai rtse mo bhavgra peak of


song song song {C}bhava-avagata gone to cyclic

existence {C}what may cause fear

srid rtse bhavgra peak of cyclic existence

srid rtse mthar thug gro {C}
bhavasya-agra-parama final peak of cyclic
existence {C}the highest sphere of phenomenal

srid rtsei sa

po the great pit of cyclic existence

{PH}level of the peak of

cyclic existence

cyclic existence

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

tu sbyor ba yongs su zad pa

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}parika-bhavasayojan extinguish the entanglements in
cyclic existence {C}with the fetters that bound
them to becoming extinguished

vsa abide in cyclic existence

intermediate existence

srid pai khri shing {C}lat

bag chags bhavgavsan predispositions of

the branches of cyclic existence

srid pai sa bon bhava-bja the seed

lifetime in cyclic existence

srid pa dang zhi ba

srid pai yan lag gi


srid zhi

{PH}mundane existence and

vantakas [one of the eighteen Vaibhika Schools]

The vantakas assert only the mind to be the
illustration of the Person. {Gn}

pacification; [syn. for] samsara and nirva

srid zhi mnyam nyid kyi

sbyor ba sbyar sbyor sbyard

sbyord {EO}bhavantisamatbhvanprayoga
training in the equality of mundane existence
and peace

srung ba ma {LCh}vantaka Avantakas

srung bar byed

srid la mngon dga {MSA}

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}(rak):

rakate protect/guard/keep/maintain/preserve/
safeguard [e.g., vows and pledges]

bhavbhirma manifest delight in cyclic


srid gsum {C}tri-bhava three cyclic

srung byed

srung bsrungs srungs {C}rakati (=rake =
rakantu) protect/guard/keep/maintain/
preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows and pledges]

existences {C}triple world

srin po rkasas rkhasas

srin bu {C}kmi insect; worm; vermin
srin bu me khyer {C}krimiyotika

srung ma

bsrung srung
bsrungs srungs {LCh}pla protector; guardian

fireflies {C}glow-worm

families of worms

sre da {C}kradavaka a greenish type of

med/ ring finger


srin bui rigs {C}kmi-kul


grain which has a point that is bent like a hook


srin mo rakas {PH}rakas; siren; ogress

srin mdzub srin lag ming
srin lag

bsreg sreg
bsregs/ sregs/ {C}dahati; tpa to burn; scorch;
scorched; roast; burning; attachment; craving

srin mdzub/

sreg pa

sreg bsregs/ sregs/ {LCh}dahana; {LCh}ta
to burn; burning; scorch; scorched; roast;
attachment; craving; desire; partridge

ming med/ ring finger


bsrung srung

bsrungs srungs {C}rakaa; {C}gopayati; {MSA}

(pl): playet; {MSA}(rak): rakati protect/
guard/keep/maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g.,
vows and pledges] {C}protection; guarding;
preserve; look after

srung sdom yal bar bzhag

nas having neglected/forsaken the vows to be

srung ba

bsrung srung

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

manifest attachment and grasping{PGP 108}

sreg sogs mngon gyur pa

manifest attachment and so forth


bsreg sreg

bsregs/ sregs/ tpa scorch

sred rgyu {MV}tara-hetutva cause of

bsrungs srungs {MSA}raka protect/guard/

keep/maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows
and pledges]

srung ba pa {LCh} vantaka

sreg par byed {C}dahati burn; scorch

sreg len mngon du gyur te



sred pa ruci (=avagraha); {C,N}sneha;

{C,MV}t; {C}paritara (=paritasan); tn
attachment; craving {C}pleasure; a taste for
(it); thirst; worry; desire; oiliness

sred pa len pa

{PH}attachment and

srog gcod par byed do {C}

jvitd vyavaropayati killing; kills {C}robs of


srog chags {C,MSA}prin; {C}jantu

living being {C}creature; being; vermin


sred pai chu klung {C}ta-nadi

srog chags phra mo {C}kudra-

janta small living being {C}noxious animals

{C}river of craving

sred pai rang bzhin {MSA}t-

srog chags byung po {C}pribhta living being {C}animal; being

maya natural craving; nature of craving

sred par gtogs pa {C}t-gata srog tu lta ba

included within attachment/craving {C}forms
of craving

sred par spyod pa

blta lta

bltas ltos {MSA}jva-di view of a soul

srog dang ldan pai

ldan min du byed non-associated compositional

factor which has life

spyad spyod spyad spyod {C}t-carita

practice of attachment {C}mode of craving

srog dang bral

sred len {PH}attachment and grasping

srog {LCh,C,MSA}jva; {LCh,MSA}pra;


dang bral separate from life; separate from

life-force; kill {C}robs of life

srog dang bral bar byed

{C,MSA}jvita life; living being; vitality {PH}

vitality; vital essence {C}soul; livelihood

srog dang bral jvitd vyavaropayati

srog gi bar chad interference with

separate from life; separate from life-force; kill

{C}robs of life

srog dang longs spyod


srog gi bar chad du {C}jvita-

dang chung ma spyad spyod spyad

spyod {MSA}pra-bhoga-dra life, resources,
and a wife {T}

antarya (bhavati) {C}lose his life; in danger of

his life

srog gi bar chad byed pa la srog de nyid lus de yin {MV}

{C}jvita-antarye-kriyame {C}when in danger
of his life

srog gi dbang po {C}jvitendriya

srog mi gcod pa {C}aprivadha

not killing; non-killing {C}not killing living



srog gcod prtipta killing;

srog med pa {C}nirjva; {C}nirjvatva


non-life; non-living; no soul {C}has no life;

without a living soul; absence of a soul

srog gcod pa {C}prtipta;

prtighta killing {C}taking life

srog gcod pa la

sogs pai rkyen can {MSA}prtiptdi-pratyaya

having the conditions of killing, etc.

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

jvas tac charra that very life is that body {T}


srog rtsol {LCh}pryma vitality and

exertion; [restraining] vitality and exertion; wind


srog dzin

gzung dzin


slang nga

{PH}large pot [It

is] like a large pot turned face down. {KSSD} p. 14

bzung zungs life bearing [wind]

srog dzin kyi rlung


gzung dzin bzung zungs vitalizing wind

srog dzin gyi rlung mi

bslad/ slad/ bslad/

slad/ to pollute; defile

shigs pa {PH}indestructible life-bearing wind

srog la lta ba

blta lta
bltas ltos {MSA}jvitpek view of a soul; view
of a living being

srog la babs pa

bab babs bab babs [life-on-descend];

dangerous to ones life; befall dangerously

srog sing vitality-lengthening

srog sring lengthening vitality{TGP}
srong bsrang /

slad kyis

{PH}subsequently; later

translation was [initially made] by the Mahpaita

rjna and the Lo-ts-wa Dge-bai-blo-gros [in
the 8th century], later Jo-nang Kun-dga-snying-po
compared [this translation] with a Sanskrit text and
corrected it accordingly. BSTAN GYUR DKAR

CHAG / Colophon to Toh.2697: dam tshig gsum bkod

kyi rgyal po yi ge brgya paxi sgrub thabs slob dpon ke la
dha ra nandesa mdzad pa / pandi ta chen po shri dznya
na dang lo tsa ba dge baxi blo gros kyi bsgyur ba las
slad kyis jo nang kun rnying gis rgya dpe dang bsdur te

srong / bsrangs/ srongs/ straighten

zhus dag pa == {PH} With additions from the translation

{PH}system; way; custom

lugs srol system

Ge-way-lo-dr; [this translation] was compared with

srol system; way

made by the great Pait rjna and [Rma] Lo-tsa-wa

the Sanskrit edition [of the text] by Jo-nang Gun-nying

srol gtod introduce systems [of

[Trantha]; and thus edited. == {Gene Smith} The

translation was [initially made] by the MahApaNDita

practice]; open systems [of practice]; establish

systems [of practice]; introduce customs

SrIjnAna and the LotsAva Dge-bai-blo-gros [in the 8th

srol byed to open the way; founder

srol dzin gzung dzin
bzung zungs upholder of the system{N}

sruta ruta heard

sra; sra ba dha obstructive; hard
sla su-; sukara easy; preferable{BJ 40.5}
sla ba {MSA}su-; {L}sukaram easy;

sla nga

{PH}frying pan [It

is] like a large pot turned face down. {KSSD} p. 14

sla bo easy; preferable

sla rim byas ba if you do it the easy

this translation with a Sanskrit text and corrected it


slad du {C}karitvd for the sake of; on

account of {C}on account of; afterwards; behind;

with the help of

slad nas afterwards; later

slad bzhin {PH}later; future
slad bzhin du {PH}later; in the future
slad rol pa {C}trthika Forder {C}

slan te jog pa avasthpan;

avasthpana re-setting; resetting

way ...

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

century]; later Jo-nang Kun-dga-snying-po compared


slam me ba glistening; shining; glittering

slar {MSA}punar again; once more; back

{PH}(arch.) outside; back later
chag khang gi slar byas la/ [He] build a
[new] outer wall to the latrine. {A4C-C}

slar brtul {C}pratisaharati

slar log ste {C}agamya

{C}thanks to;
(has) come (in) to; (by) resorting to; when he has
entered on; come; return again; because of; in the
course of


slar log nas {C}pratyudvartate

back; withdraws

slar dong snyam mo {C}nikrmati

(=nivartiyante) {C}turns (his) back on; returns

(=abhinikrmati) {C}depart; go off; come out

of; leave (home)

slar sdud pa

bsdu sdud

bsdus sdus withdrawal

slar sdod pa withdrawal

slar bsdu ba mdzad pas {C}

slar phan gdags par bya ba

gdags dogs btags/
brtags thogs {C}pratikra {C}repayment

slar mi ldog pai gog

bden ldog ldog ldogs ldogs a

true cessation which is irreversible


slar zhing byung ba

byung byung byung byung {C}bhyobhva

further arising {C}increase

slar yang again{BJ 28.1}; further


What purpose is there

again; further; furthermore

by further increasing the allotment of suffering of

the further separation [caused] for these people who
have already suffered because it is their nature?

slar yang phul du

byung bai khyad par byung

byung byung byung features that are further
enhancements{BJ 59.1}

slar log {C}pungamey

{C}would again


Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

snang deceptive appearance

slu ba

bslu/ slu/ bslus/

slus/ moa to deceive; deceptive

pratisahto {C}withdrawn

slar smra ba {C}pratijalpati

slas {PH}attendent; retinue

slu snang snang snang snang


slu ba med pa {PH}infallible

slu bar {C,L}vacayanti deceptive


pass over

slu bar gyur ba {C}visaavdayati

deceive {C}go back on (e.g.: praidhnam:

anuttara-bodhi-viaye pravtta-praidham); break
ones word/promise

slu bar byed pa {C,L}vacayanti


pass over

slu med {PH}infallible

slu med mchog gsum


infallible Three Jewels


bsleb/ sleb/

bslebs/ slebs/ reach


bslang slang

/slong bslangs slongs {MSA}utthpana ask;

beg; collect; gather; raise; cause to rise; inspire;
excite; arouse; urge on

slong ba


slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}samutthita; {C}

samutthna; {C,MSA}arthin; {MSA}ycaka; {MSA}
vyutthpana ask; beg; collect; gather; raise;
cause to rise; inspire; excite; arouse; urge on
{C}arisen (from); manifestation; arising; one who
asks for something

slong ba po

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}utthpaka;
{MSA}arthin one who asks/begs/collects/gathers/
raises/inspires/excites/arouses/causes to rise/
urges on

slong ba poi skye bo

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs

slob dpon dra ba {MSA}crya-

kalpa like a teacher

slob dpon dbang bskur

slod byed {PH}pollution; polluting agent

slob bslab/ slob/

slob dpon dbyig gnen {MV}

crya-(bhadanta-)vasubandhu the master

slob dpon zhi ba tsho

slob grwa school

slob grwa ba student
slob brgyud lineage of disciples
slob ldan {AGP} buddhimn {PH}

ntarakita {PH}the master; ntarakita

slob dpon
yang dag bden pai brjed byang the master
Paramrthas Purification of Forgetfulness

slob dpon shan ti pa

intelligent; learned


Acarya antipa


slob ma {LCh,C,MSA}iya; {LCh}ikya

slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ {LCh,C,MV,MSA}aika;

ik; {C,MSA}ikate; iya learner; to learn;
teach; train in {C}one (still) in training; trains

learner; student {C}pupil; disciple

slob ma nyan thos learner Hearer

slob ma nyan thos kyi lam


one who trains

slob pa phyir mi ldog

learner Hearer path

pai dge dun aikovaivartiko bodhisattvagaa

virtuous aspirants who are irreversible learners

slob pai lam paths of learners

slob dpon {LCh,C,MSA}crya

slob ma snyan thos Hearer learner

slob ma bzang po {C}suiya good

slob mar gyur pa {C}iya-bhta is

a student {C}true pupil

[teaching-chief]; master; teacher; instructor

slob dpon sku mched the Master slob tshen lesson

[Asaga] and his brother [Vasubandhu]{BJ 46.7} slob bzhin pa {PU} ghaamna
one who strives
slob dpon gyi dpe mkhyud
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


preceptor initiation

bslabs/ slobs/ {C}ikate to learn; teach; train


slob pa po {C,L}ikaka learner

karucrya compassionate teacher;

compassion of the master; the masters

{C}ancrya without teachers {C}devoid of

proper teachers

bslang slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}ycanaka;

{MSA}arthika; {MSA}arthin {C}beggar

slob pa

slob dpon snying rje {MSA}

slob dpon dang mi ldan pa

{MSA}ycanaka ... jana person who asks/begs/

causes to rise/urges on

slong mo pa

{MSA}crya-mui closed-fisted teacher




gsang bai dur khrod brgyad

slob lam {PH}paths of learning

slobs bslab/

{PH}eight secret charnel grounds

gsang bai gnas

slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ to learn; teach; train in

slom sems su mi bya ba

spubs su nub pa {C}kovahita-vasti-guhyat

{C}his male organ is hidden in a sheath

byed pa {C}amanat {C}does not put his mind

to; no conceit

slom sems su mi byed pa {C}

amanat {C}does not put his mind to; no conceit

gsang {LCh}guhya secret

gsang sngags {LCh}guhya-mantra

gsang sngags kyi theg pa

gsang dbang guhybhieka secret


ornaments of the three secrets [of body; speech; and


guhyamantrayna Secret Mantra Vehicle

gsang sngags pa bsgrub pa

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs

{C}mantra-sdhana establishment of mantras

{C}evocation of mantras

gsang dus; gsang

ba dus pa na du
du/dud dus dus guhyasamja Guhyasamja;
Guhyasamja [Tantra]

gsang ba {LCh,C,L}guhya; {MSA}


gsad/ gsod/

bsad/ sod/ killing

gsad par bya ba {C}vadhya


The king declared, The condemed, the

the condemned; someone condemned

chief of the bandits, must be killed. {A4C-C}

gsad bya ba {C}vadhya


prisoner condemned to death


vinighana; rahasya secret hidden

gsang ba snying poi rgyud


gsan/ gsand/ gsond/ listen; hear

gsan pa hear

rgyud gsang bai snying po

guhyagarbha-tantra Guhyagarbha Tantra

bsab/ tshab wa gsab/ bsabs/ tshobs wa

gsang ba dus pa;

gsang dus du du/dud

dus dus guhyasamja Guhyasamja;
Guhyasamja [Tantra]

gsabs/ complete; fill out

gsa snow leopard

gsar {LCh}nava new
gsar rtogs song bai

gsang ba la mkhas pa {L}

guhya-kuala wise in secrets; wise with respect

to what is secret

gzhal bya {GD:740} newly comprehended object


secret initiation

gsang ba shes rab dbang

bskur {PH}the secret and wisdom initiations

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

secret word; secret mantra {C}hidden mantra

gsang dbyings secret expanse

gsang gsum rgyan {PH}the

secret mantra

gsang ba dbang bskur

gsang bai tshig {C}guhya-mantra


gsar du mi slu ba prathamam

avisavdi newly incontrovertible; new and



gsar pa {LCh}nava new

gsar bu {AGP} navaka {PH}novice
gsar shog newspaper
gsal {LCh}vyakta; {LCh}sphua; {C}obhsa

gsal bai dbye ba mtha

yas pa limitless divisions of instances

gsal bar {L}spaa; {L}vyakta

clearly{BJ 37.7} clarify; appear; evident;

separate; distinct

gsal bar bgyid pa

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}avabhsa-kar

(=avabhsa) clear; bright; light; predicate

[misspelling of bsal?]{BJ} {C}splendid

clarify; illuminate {C}illuminating; gives light

gsal rgyal the king Prasenajit{LCh}

gsal cha factor of clarity
gsal btab visualize
gsal mdangs {PH}radiant
gsal debs

gsal bar byas {L}vivt- clarify;

illuminate reveal; open up

gsal bar byed pa {MSA,C}(uttn

k): uttnkaroti clarify; illuminate {C}
enlarge on; amplify

gsal bar med pa {C}uttnkaroti

non-clarity; unclear {C}enlarge on; amplify

gdab debs btab thobs visualize

gsal nas {MSA}apsya having clarified gsal bar bshad clearly

explained{BJ 38.1}
gsal snang snang snang
snang snang spubha clear appearance
gsal byed {C}vyajana; {C}pradyota
consonant {PH}consonant {C}letter; verbal
gsal snang gi ting nge dzin
expression; minor characteristic; method; light
gsal byed ka sogs

{PH}meditative stabilization of clear appearance

gsal ba {LCh,MSA}vyakti; {MSA}vyakta;

{MV}abhivyakti; {N}praka; {N}saprakhyna;

{MSA}prabhsvara; {C}paita; {C}vidura; {L}
spaa; {MSA}pratata; {MSA}vinodana; {MSA}
sphua clear; brilliant; instance; manifestation;
predicate [misspelling of bsal ba?]{BJ}; clarifier;
clear{D1}; clearly {PH}elucidations; instances;
manifestations {C}learned; wise; circumspect;
skillful (of speech); appear; evident; separate;

gsal ba med par mnyam

pa {C}avibhvan-sama(tva) sameness in nonclarity {C}remain the same whatever it/they may


gsal bai mchog {MSA}uttamadyuti supreme clarity

gsal bai dbye ba


of instances

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gsum bcu yin the consonants are the thirty, ka and

so forth {Y}

gsal byed kyi rgyan illuminating


gsal myong {PH}clear experience

gsal rdzogs mtshan dpe

{PH}vivid and complete major and minor marks [of

a Buddha or Cakravartin]

gsal zhing rags pa {L}vyaktasthla clear and coarse

gsal zhing rig pa clear and


gsal od zer {PH}radiant clear light

gsal rig luminous and knowing
gsil break down; break up (into pieces)

yul la rigs pas dpyad

de gsil ba na when an object is analyzed, breaking

it down ... {MSI 429}



gsung / gsung / gsungs/ {LCh,MSA}vc; {MSA}

svara; {C}svara(tva); {MSA}ghoa speech; say;
speak; mention; talk; exalted speech {C}(sound
of the) voice sku gsung thugs
gsum the three, exalted body, speech, and mind

gsung gi phrin las {MSA}vkkarman action of speech; speech karma

{PH}sayings; teachings;
analects The Analects of
Confucius {TBRC} W20222
{PH}precious instruction [epithet of Sakya Path
and Fruit tradition]
{PH}teachings; religious

slob dpon zam gdong rin
po chei rin chen phreng ba gsung chos go sgrig
ba nas grem spel zhu; Having formatted Master
Samdhong Rinpoches teachings on the Precious
Garland, [it] was published. 2014 Toh. 4158

some scriptures{PGP 69}

gsung rab la drang

nges byed pa differentiating the interpretable

and definitive with respect to the scriptures;
differentiating the interpretable and definitive
within scriptures


gsungs/ gsung / gsung / gsungs/ {C}katito; {C}
ukta; {C}prakayati; {C}bhaati; {MSA}ukta
bhagavat said; mentioned; spoken; speak;
say; talk; speech {C}preached; taught; (has
been) called; spoken of; one speaks of; (as) taught;
proclaims; reveals; shows; makes known; preaches;
report; teach!

gsungs bcom ldan

das kyis {MSA}ukta bhagavat the
Supramundane Victor said:

gsungs pa {L}bhita; {MSA}khytat;

gsung rnam pa drug cu {MSA}

{MSA}nicaraa; {MSA}ji skad su ... zhes gsungs

pa = yathokta statement(s){BJ 21.3}; said;
mentioned; spoken; speak; say; talk; speech

ay-kra ... vc sixty kinds of speech

gsung ba {MSA}vihita say; speak; talk;


gsung ba poi dgongs pa

gsungs pa ltar just as it is said ...

gsungs pai rjes su smra

thought of the speaker (the basis in Buddhas


zhin ukta-vdin (tathgatasya); {C}yath

tathgatnm ukta vdi (= vatta-vdin in Pli)
subsequently propound what is said {C}preach
what the Tathgatas have taught; (one who repeats
what the Lord) has said

gsung dbyangs yan

lag drug cu {PH}speech [with] sixty [types of]


gsung bum collected works{N}

gsung rab {LCh,C}pravacana
scriptures; high sayings {C}holy writ

thought of the scripture

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

gsung rab ga zhig tu in

sound that clears away speech (?)

gsung ngag rin po che

gsung rab kyi dgongs pa

byed pa differentiating the interpretable and

definitive within the scriptures

gsung bsal bai sgra

gsung sgros

gsung chos

gsung rab kyi drang nges


gsum {MSA,MV}traya; {MSA,MV}tri three

gsum ga all three; the three
gsum char {MV}traya third part


gsum pa {MV 4.8v}ttyaka; {MV}tty

mind-generation like gold

gser mdog {C}suvara-cchav gold

the third

gsum po the three

gsum po phan tshun {C}trika all

hue; color of gold; golden hue {C}with a golden


three {C}the three

gsum dzoms

{PH}three abuundances
[offerings of food; drink; and money]

gsum gsum {PH}three each

gseg sgam {PH}leather box
gseg ma {C}arkara {PH}gravel; grit;

Golden Garland of Eloquence (legs bshad

gser gyi phreng ba) / Extensive Explanation
of (Maitreyas) Treatise of Quintessential
Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom:
Ornament for the Clear Realizations as Well as
Its Commentaries: Golden Garland of Eloquence

gser bum suvara-ghaa golden pot

gser mig can {PH}the golden-

pebbles; sugar sugar; {C}grit

gseg shubs ma {PH}leather case

gseb among; within
gser {LCh,C,MSA,MV}suvara; {C}heman;

eyed one
The golden-eyed one who removes the poverty of
ignorance {Med. Bud.Sadhana}

gser btso ma [gold-purified]; purifies

{MV}kanaka gold; golden {C}beautiful

gold; purified gold; refined gold

gser kyis kha dog go {C}

gser yig pa

Since the envoy that

suvara-varat; {C}suvara-vara gold color;

color of gold {C}his skin has a golden hue

gser khor gold wheel

gser gyi {C}suvara golden

gser phreng Tsong-kha-pas


was sent to India by [the Chinese Emperor] Taitsung was conquered, the Tibetan king having heard
[this] and having sent [his own] army, Magadha was
[then] conquered. Red Annals



gser gyi kha dog rnams {C}


gso/ gsos sam bsos/ gsos/ poa fix up; sustain;
refresh; feed; nurture; nourish; cure

suvara gold colors {C}golden; beautiful

gser gyi rgyu las byung ba

gso thabs

byung byung byung byung {C}

{PH}medical procedure

suvara-maya; {C}sauvara made of gold

gser gyi mngal hirayagarbha;

brahm Golden Womb

khams kyi stobs bskyed par bya ba brta bar byed

pai gso thabs ... medical procedures that bring
about an increase in that which generates the power
of the bodily constituents {TBRC} W20438; Gso-

{C}golden slab

rig-rnam-grangs; p.44

gser gyi gtan pa {C}kcana-paa

gso dpyad {PH}medicinal treatment

gser bco ma burnished gold{D1}

gser lta bu {L}hemavat like gold

Someone one who makes use of medicinal

gser lta bu i sems bskyed

treatments and life-extending elixirs for a certain

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


time, reverses the suffering associated with the
harmful [effects] of illness and old age. {A4C-C}


gso phyir {C}cikitsana-artham for the

sake of refreshing/fixing/sustaining/curing {C}

to be cured

gso ba


insignificance; vanity

gsob tu bgyid

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}tucch-karoti {C}treat

as insignificant

gsob sa stag {C}tuccha

gso/ gso/ gsos sam bsos/ gsos/ {N}poa

nourished{N}; fix up; sustain; refresh; feed;
nurture; nourish; cure


insignificant; vain

gso ba rig pa {MSA}cikits-vidy

science of medicine

gso bar byed {MSA}(pu): poayati

fix up; sustain; refresh; feed; nurture; nourish;

gso bo {C}poa nourished; fix up; sustain;

refresh; feed; nurture; cure {C}person(ality)

gso mdzad pa {C}cikitsa-krin

nourished; fix up; sustain; refresh; feed;

gsol ask; beg; wear; dress

gsol ngan {PH}bad food; poisonous food
gsol lcog table{hon.}
gsol debs
gdab debs btab thobs adhyea [ask-plant];
supplication; prayer; entreaty; plant a petition;
make a request

gsol dpon

{PH}officer in charge of


nurture; cure {C}one who accords medical



gsob nyid {C}tucchat

gsol ba {MSA}adhyea; {MSA}rocita

to ask; beg; wear; dress; explain


gsog bsags/ gsogs/ {C}tucchaka; {C}tuccha; {C}

tucchakat; {C}rikta; {C}riktaka to amass; collect
{C}insignificant; vanity; worthless; empty; what
has no durable subsistence; nullities; vanities; vain

gsog nyid {C}riktat {C}nullity

gsog tu bgyid

gsol ba btab

gsol ba gdab/ debs/ btab/ thobs/

{C}adha {=adhyeita) [ask-plant]; plant a

petition; make a request; supplication; prayer;
entreaty {C}asked about; bidden (to come);

gsol ba gdab pa

gsol ba gdab/ debs/

bgyi bgyid bgyis gyis {C}rikt-karoti amass;

collect {C}treat as worthless

collect {C}insignificance; vanity

btab/ thobs/ {MSA}adhyea [ask-plant];

supplication; prayer; entreaty; plant a petition;
make a request



gsog yin pa {C}tucchat to amass;

gsong po straightforward; sincere; honest gsol ba debs

gdab debs btab thobs adhyea [ask-plant];
gsod gnas {PH}place of execution
supplication; prayer; entreaty; plant a petition;
make a request
gsod pa gsad/
gsod/ bsad/ sod/ {MSA}prpahrin to kill;
gsol ba debs pa {PH}
gsob {C}tuccha

{C}vanities; insignificant;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


gsol ras

{PH}present; gift

gos smyug poi rnam

(magical) illusion(s); deception; mock show


sbyar zhig gsol ras su gnang dug; It is [said that

he] gave [him] a robe of brown cloth as a gift.

bsab/ tshab wa gsab/ bsabs/ tshobs wa

{GCC} p.14

gsol lhung

gsabs/ complete; fill out


{PH}alms bowl; begging




sems/ bsams/ soms/ {MSA}aya verb: think;
contemplate7 noun: thought

bsag gsog

bsags/ gsog accumulate


bsam khral

gsog bsags/ gsog {MSA}( rabh): rabdhv

bsags pa

gsog bsags/ gsog {MSA}upacaya; {MSA}caya;

{TN}cita; {C}sacaya; {C}upacita; {C}sanicaya;
{C,MSA}caya; {MSA}prasava; {MSA}bhvana
[? = bsams?]; {MSA}sabhta; {MSA}sabhti;
{GD:126} sacita composite; accumulate {C}
heaped up; accumulated; heaping up; accumulation;
collected; heaped up; powerful; heaping together;
collection; collection; {GD:126} aggregate


bsam gyis khyab pa {MSA}cintya

[thought-by-covered]; conceivable; thinkable

bsam gyis mi khyab {MSA}acintya

[thought-by-not-covered]; inconceivable;

bsam gyis mi khyab pa

{MSA}acintya [thought-by-not-covered];
inconceivable; unthinkable

bsam ngo dang bral ba free

bsags pa rjes su dran pas dga ba yid la byed pa

{MSA}caynusmaraa-prtimanaskra since one
remembers the collections, there is the mental
engagement of joy {T}

from thought

bsam gtan {LCh,MV,C,MSA}

bsad {C}vadha killing; kill; murder

bsad pa gyur pa {C}vadhya-gata

dhyna; dhynin; {C}dhyyi; {MSA}sampatti

concentration {PH}concentration {C}
meditation; trance; meditator; meditation master;
one who meditates
bzlas brjod dang bcas pai bsam gtan
concentration with repetition {TGP}

killing; kill {C}on the way to their slaughter

bsad par gyur pa {C}vadhya-gata

killing; kill {C}on the way to their slaughter

dbye ba/ 1


bsad par gyur du ong {C}

anuvadhiyati {C}will kill

bsam gtan dang po/ 2 bsam gtan gnyis pa/ 3 bsam

gtan gsum pa/ 4 bsam gtan bzhi po/ Divisions: (1)
first concentration; (2) second concentration; (3)
third concentration; (4) fourth concentration

bsad par bya bar gyur ba

{C}vadhya-gata killing; kill {C}on the way to

their slaughter

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{PH}misgiving; concern


of being free of concern, nirvna is easy to attain


bsad bya {C}my person killed

bsab/ tshab wa gsab/ bsabs/ tshobs wa

gsabs/ complete; fill out


gso/ gsos sam bsos/ gsos/ nourish; sustain



bsam gtan gyi skyon brgyad

{PH}eight faults of concentration



bsam gtan gyi go sgrub

sgrub pa bsgrub sgrub

bsgrubs sgrubs {MSA}sampatty-abhinirhra
manifestly establish the concentration(s)

achieving through the armor of concentration

bsam gtan gyi

bsam gtan gnyis pa

don du brtson par gyur {MSA}dhynrtham

udyato bhavati effort for the sake of the

dvityadhyna second concentration

bsam gtan

gyi bde ba dag la ma chags pa {MSA}dhynasukhev asakta not attached to the blisses of the

bsam gtan

dang ting nge dzin thob pa

thob/thob thob thob thobs {MSA}
dhyna-samdhi-lbha attain the meditative
stabilization of the concentration(s)

bsam gtan gyi bde bsam gtan dang ldan pa {C}

la ro myang med nyid {MSA}ansvdo dhyneu
sukhe non-experience of the blissful taste of the

bsam gtan gyi sdom pa

dhynasavara concentrative discipline {PH}

concentration discipline

bsam gtan gyi gnas ris

{PH}Concentration Realms

bsam gtan gyi gnas ris

bzhi {PH}four Concentration Realms

bsam gtan

bsam gtan gyi phar phyin

dang poi dngos gzhi khyad par special actual

basis of the first concentration

perfection of concentration

bsam gtan dang

bsam gtan gyi tshogs

sgrub achieving through the collection of

bsam gtan gyi yan lag lnga

{PH}five concentration factors

{PH}levels of


bsam gtan dge ba {MSA}

dhyna kuala virtuous concentration; virtue

of the concentration(s)

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

rnam par thar pa dang ting nge dzin dang snyoms

par jug pa mkhyen pai stobs
mkhyen mkhyen mkhyend mkhyend {MSA}
power of an exalted knower of concentration,
liberation, meditative stabilization, and
meditative absorption
dhyna first concentration

tu phyin pa {MSA}dhyna-pramit perfection

of concentration

bsam gtan mngon par

bsam gtan dang

bsam gtan dang po prathama-

bsam gtan gyi pha rol

bsam gtan gyi sa

dhyna-balin; {MSA}dhynavat endowed with

concentration C}one who is strong in dhyna{


poi dngos gzhi tsam mere actual basis of the

first concentration

mtshan nyid/ bsam gtan
gyi dngos gzhii snyoms jug gang zhig tshor ba gtang

snyoms kyi sa pai rigs su gnas pa/ Definition: (1) it

is an absorption of an actual concentration and (2) it
abides in a type of a level of neutral feeling

bsam gtan dang poi dngos gzhii snyoms jug

khyad par can special absorption of an actual
first concentration


bsam gtan dang poi dngos gzhii snyoms jug

{C}dhyna-vain power with respect to

concentration(s) {C}one who is master of

tsam po ba mere absorption of an actual first

concentration; actual absorption of a mere first

bsam gtan dang

zag pa med pai sdom pa {MSA}dhynnsravasavara concentration and uncontaminated
vows {T}

bsam gtan dang shes rab

{MSA}dhyna-praj concentration and wisdom

bsam gtan bde ba {MSA}dhynasukha bliss of concentration

bsam gtan pa {MSA}dhyyin

bsam gtan pha rol phyin

mos mos mos mos {C}dhyna-rata

interest/belief/faith/inclination towards/zeal/

keenness in concentration {C}one who delights

in dhyna

bsam gtan las byung

bde ba mngal byung byung
byung byung {MSA}dhyna-maya ... sukha-garbha
womb of bliss arisen from concentration

bsam gtan las

langs pai dod sems {PH}a mind of the desire
realm of one who has arisen from a concentration
of the concentrations

{MSA}dhyna-prami perfection of
concentration; perfect concentration

dbye ba/ 1 bsam gtan dang


bsam gtan phyi ma dhynottara

tantra Concentration Continuation Tantra

bsam gtan phyi ma gsum

{PH}last three concentrations

bsam gtan bzhi {N}catvri dhynni

four concentrations{N}

bsam gtan bzhi pa {MSA}

caturtha dhyna; {MSA}dhyna-caturtha;

caturthadhyna fourth concentration

bsam gtan gzugs med

poi nyer bsdogs mi lcogs med/ 2 bsam gtan dang

poi dngos gzhi tsam/ 3 bsam gtan dang poi dngos
gzhi khyad par/ 4 gsam gtan gnyis pa/ 5 bsam
gtan gsum pa/ 6 bsam gtan bzhi pa/ Div.: (1) the
[seven] preparations for the first concentration, the
not unable; (2) the mere actual basis of the first
concentration; (3) the special actual basis of the first
concentration; (4) the second concentration; (5) the
third concentration; (6)

bsam gtan gsum pa

min {MSA}vinrpya dhyna non-formless


trityadhyna third concentration

bsam du med {MSA}acinta

bsam gtan la dga {C}

inconceivable; unthinkable

dhynrma delight in the concentration(s)

{C}one who is fond of dhyna

bsam pa {MSA}cint; {C,MSA}cintita;

bsam gtan la gnas pa {C}

{C,MV}aya; {C,MSA}adhyaya; {C}ayat;

{C,MSA}abhiprya; {MV}abhisandhi; {MSA}ratha
verb: think; thinking; imagine; wish7 noun:
attitude; thought; wish {C}seat; resolution;
resolute intention; intentions; mentality; reflection;

dhyna-pratihita abide in the concentration(s)

{C}one who is established in dhyna

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsam gtan sa dhna-bhmi level(s)

concentrator; meditator

bsam gtan la dbang la

bsam gtan la mos pa


earnest intention; resolute; desire; purpose; attempt
(to hurt)

bsam pa dang

aya joyful thought; delight in thought

ldan pai sems bskyed pa

bskyed skyed bskyed skyed {MSA}aya-sahagata
... cittotpda mind-generation having thought

nine thoughts; ninth thought

buddhi thought and awareness

bsam pa dga ba {MSA}mudita ...

bsam pa dgu po {MSA}nava ... aya bsam pa dang blo {MSA}aya bsam pa gal {MSA}ayasya ...

virodhata contradictory thought; contradictory

with thought

bsam pa rgya chen po {MSA}

... aya pure thought

bsam pa phun tshogs excellent


bsam pa ma gos pa {MSA}nirlepa

vipula ... aya extensive thought

bsam pa gcig pa nyid {MSA}

... aya stainless thought

ekatvaya oneness of thought

bsam pa ji bzhin {C}yathbhiprya

literal thought; in accordance with thought
{C}as they had intended

bsam pa nyung ngus

chog par dzin pa gzung
dzin bzung zungs {MSA}alpa-cint-satuatva
satisfied with a small thought {T}

bsam pa mnyam pa {MSA}

samaya same thought; sameness of thought

bsam pa thag pa {C}adhyaya; {C}

aya unusual attitude {PH}unusual attitude;
earnest intention {C}(earnest) intention; resolute;
seat; resolution; intentions; mentality; resolute

bsam pa thugs su chud nas

{C}aya viditv having known the thought

{C}knew of the resolve

bsam pa mthun pa {C}

samnbhiprya concordant thought {C}they

are of like intention with me

bsam pa dag pa {MSA}aya-uddhi

pure thought

bsam pa dang sgom pa

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MSA}

cintana-bhvana thought and meditation

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsam pa rnam dag {MSA}viuddha


bsam pa ma dag {MSA}auddha ...

adhyaya impure thought

bsam pa dman pa {MSA}hnaya

inferior thought

bsam pa tsam gyi

chog par dzin pa gzung dzin

bzung zungs {MSA}cint-mtra-satuatva
satisfied by the mere thought/by only thought ?

bsam pa rdzogs pa

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}abhiprya-

paripra complete/perfect thought {C}full of

good intentions

bsam pa rdzogs par byed do

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

{C}abhiprya-pariprayati fulfill/complete/

perfect ones thought {C}suits

bsam pa yang ni dag pa

{MSA}uddhir ayasya pure thought; purity of


bsam pa yongs su rdzogs

pa rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs {C}abhiprya-paripra fulfill/complete/
perfect ones thought {C}full of good intentions

bsam pa yongs su
rdzogs par byed do


rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs {C}abhiprya-pariprayati
fulfill/complete/perfect ones thought {C}suits

bsam pa rlabs po che {C}udraaya great thought; great waves of thought

{C}ublime intention

bsam pa la bsten pa

bsten sten bstend stend {MSA}aya-

shes pa byung byung byung

byung {MSA}cint-maya-jna consciousness
arisen from thought/contemplation

bsam sbyor {PH}thoughts and actions

bsam sbyor ba sbyar


Prayer That Fulfills All Aspirations

sbyor sbyard sbyord {C}aya-saprayoso {C}

resolutely intent

bsam pai sgo nas {MSA}ayatas

from the viewpoint of thought

bsam pai phyir {MSA}ayatas due

to thought


of intention

bsam par gyis {C}cintayi because

bsam par bgyid pa {C}cintya

conceivable; thinkable {C}that which one thinks

about; that which can be thought

bsam par bya ste {C}samanvharati

inconceivability; unencompassable by thought

bsam yas {MSA}acintya inconceivable;

unthinkable {PH}Sam-ye [Temple]

bsam yas dpag tu med pa

bsam yas mi gyur

lhun gyis grub pa {PH}Samye Mi-gyur Hlungyi-drup-pa [Temple] (spontaneous fulfillment of
unchanging limitless aspirations)

bsams {MSA}bhvana verb: think;

think; imagine; wish; object of thought {C}

imagine; wish7 noun: thought; wish

his mind is impressed by; consider; bring out; bear

in mind; bring to mind; behave towards; thinks to

bsams pa aya; cintita; {MV}cint

verb: think; imagine; wish7 noun: thought; wish

bsam par bya ba {MSA}cintya; {C}

bsams pa las byung ba

byung byung byung byung {L}cint-

samanvharati think; imagine; wish; object of

thought {C}his mind is impressed by; consider;
bring out; bear in mind; bring to mind; behave
towards; thinks to himself

may; {MSA}cint-maya; {MSA}cint ... maya

arisen from thought/thinking/contemplation

bsams pa las byung

bsam pas {MSA}ayatas due to

bai shes rab byung byung

byung byung {LCh}cintmay-praj wisdom
arisen from thinking/thought/contemplation

thought; because of thought

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsam mi khyab inconceivable;

{MSA}aprameya ... acintya inconceivable and


of thought; one should think {C}reflect!

bsam pas ni

{MSA}ama-bhvnta of the pacification affected

by thought; of the pacification done with thought

byung byung byung cintmay arisen from
thinking; arisen from thought; arisen from

bsam pa las byung bai

bsam pai yon tan

bsam pas zin pa zhi bai

bsam byung

sanirita rely upon thought/contemplation

bsam pa lhun grub ma

rtogs par byed pai sgo nas

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs {MSA}cintay bodhanata
from the viewpoint of realization by thought



bsams pa sems pa a mind

[of the consequence]


bsams bzhin {C}sacintya

according to ones thought; spontaneously {C}

as a free agent; at will; deliberately

bsal bar gyur

bsal sel bsald seld {C}apanta clear away;

remove; throw off; eradicate; separate {C}
removed; without

sacintyopapatti arise spontaneously

bsal bar bya ba yin

skye ba {MSA}sacintya-bhavopapatti; {MSA}

sacitya-bhavopapatti (sic) spontaneously arise
in cyclic existence

bsal bya

bsams bzhin du skye ba {MSA}

bsams bzhin du srid par
bsams bzhin du srid

par skye ba {C}sacintya-bhava-pratikk

spontaneously arise in cyclic existence {C}one
who can be reborn at will


bsal sel bsald seld

{MV}apagama; {MV}apaama(?); {C}prajahati

clear away; remove; throw off; eradicate;

separate {C}forsakes

bsal dgos


sel bsald seld {C}apahartavya ought to clear

away/remove/throw off/eradicate/separate

bsal nas

bsal sel

bsald seld {MSA}prajahati{MSA}; {MSA}apsya;

{MSA}(vi dham): vidhamayya having cleared
away/removed/thrown off/eradicated/separated

bsal ba

bsal sel

bsald seld {C}nivtti; {MV}parihra; {MSA}

vyudsa; {MSA}hni; {C}utkipati; {C}nirghtana
clear away; remove; throw off; eradicate;
separate; the thesis [of a consequence] {C}
turn away from; reveal; lift (up); suspend; get rid of;
take out of; add to; suppression

bsal ba mnan par

bsal sel bsald seld {C}vikambhayati {C}

obstruct; get rid of

bsal ba song

song song

song song you have come to accept the thesis

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


bsal sel bsald seld {C}nidhypayati

is an object of removal; will clear away/remove/
throw off/eradicate/separate {C}pacifies

bsal sel

bsald seld {C}apaneya object of removal; that

which should be cleared away/removed/thrown
off/eradicated/separated; should be cleared
away/removed/thrown off/eradicated/separated
{C}should be taken away

bsal bya log sgrub

bsgrub sgrub bsgrubs sgrubs {EO}

apaneyavipratipatti wrong achievings to be

avoided; perverse achieving of that which is to be

bsil {MSA}ta cool

bsil ba {C}t-bhavati cool; be cooled
bsil ba thob par byed pa
thob/thob thob thob thobs
{MSA}aitya lambhayati obtain coolness

bsil bar gyur cig {C}t-bhavati

{C}be cooled (down)

bsil zer byed

{GD:155} Cooling
Light, a poetic name for the moon


bsu/ bsu/ bsus/

bsus/ {C}pratyudgamana go to meet; escort


bsu/ bsu/ bsus/

bsus/ pratyudgamana go to meet; escort

bse yab {Das} cica; {CG} cic



bse ru {LCh,C}khaga rhinoceros




bse ru lta bu Rhinoceros-like

bse ru lta bu rang sangs

{L,MSA}puya-sabhra collection of merit;

accumulation of merit

bsod nams kyi tshogs sgrub

rgyas khagaviakalpa-pratyekabuddha
Rhinoceros-like Solitary Realizer

achieving through the collection of merit

bse ru lta bui rtogs pa sngon du song

bsod nams kyi las kyi

dngos po {C}puya-kriy-vastu phenomenon of

meritorious work

bai rang rgyal gyi mi slob lam

rtogs rtogs rtogs rtogs path of no more
learning of Solitary Realizers who previously
had the realizations of rhinoceros-like [Solitary

bsod nams skye puyaprasava Born

from Merit

bsod nams skyes puyaprasava

bse ru lta bui rang rgyal

Born from Merit

bsod nams gyi tshogs

rhinoceros-like Solitary Realizers

bse ru lta bu;

puyasabhra collection of merit

bsod nams bgyi bai

bse ru lta bui rang rgyal khagaviakalpa

Rhinoceros-like [Solitary Realizer]

dngos po bgyi bgyid bgyis

gyis {C}puya-kriy-vastu phenomenon of
meritorious work

bsog accumulate
bsogs accumulate
bsod nyams {MSA}sukhallik

bsod nams rgya

chen rgyun mi chad chad

chad chad chad {MSA}vipula-satata-puya
uninterrupted continuum of vast merit


bsod snyoms pia; {MSA}pia-pta

bsod nams rgya chen po


bsod snyoms kyi zhal zas

phel {MSA}puya-vddhi (vipula-) increase

extensive great merit

bsod nams rgyun mi chad

{PH}alms food

bsod snyoms chen po

chad chad chad chad {MSA}

satata-puya uninterrupted continuum of merit

great almsman (en epithet of kyarbhadra)

bsod snyoms pa {C}piaptika

bsod nams char mi phod {C}

alms-person {C}one who begs his food

kala-puya {C}an infinitesmal portion of merit

bsod nams {LCh,MSA,MV}puya;

bsod nams che {MSA}mah-puya

{MSA}sukhallik merit; virtue; meritorious

great merit

bsod nams kyi khyad par

bsod nams chen po {MSA}

{MSA}puya-vieaa feature of merit

puya mahat great merit

bsod nams kyi phung po

bsod nams dang ye

{L,MSA}puya-skandha heap of merit;

aggregation of merit

bsod nams kyi tshogs

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

shes kyi tshogs {MSA,N}puya-jna-sabhra

collection of merit and wisdom; collections of

merit and wisdom



bsod nams dang ye shes kyi rang bzhin

gyi dge bai rtsa ba phel ba {MSA}puya-jnamaya-kuala-dharma-vddhi [variant: puya-jnamaya-kuala-mla-vddhi] impel/increase {T}
the virtuous roots of natural merit and wisdom

bsod nams dang ye shes

gnyis {MSA}puya-jna-dvaya the two, merit
and wisdom,

bzhin {MSA}puya-jna-maya natural merit

and wisdom; nature of merit and wisdom

bsod nams ye shes rab

rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs rdzogs

rdzogs {MSA}puya-jna-supratva complete/
perfect/fulfill merit and wisdom

bsod par byed {MSA}(m):

mrayanti kill

bsod nams phung {MSA}puya-

bswe Say Monastery (a Jo-nang-pa

skandha heap of merit; aggregation of merit

bsod nams phung po {C}puya-

monastery in Am-do Province)


ri heap of merit; aggregation of merit

bsrang /

srong / bsrangs/ srongs/ straighten

bsod nams bya bai dngos

{C}puya-kriy-vastu; {C}puya-sabhra actual

activity of merit; actual meritorious action {C}
foundation of meritorious deed; equipment with

bsod nams bya bai dngos

po {C}puya-sabhra; {C}puya-kriy-vastu
phenomenon of meritorious activity {C}
equipment with merit; (foundation of) meritorious



/ srong / bsrangs/ srongs/ straighten

bsrab pai sa tanbhmi ground of

diminishment {PH}ground of diminishment

bsrab mo tanu {PH}diminishment

bsrabs salekha diminished; thinned
bsrabs pa {MV}salekha diminished;

bsod nams ma yin pa {MSA}

bsrabs pai sgom pa

apuya non-merit

bsod nams tshogs dang

ldan pa {MSA}puya-sabhra-sayuta having

the collection of merit

bsod nams yang dag

bsdus pa bsdu sdud bsdus sdus

{MSA}puya-samuccaya collect merit; collection
of merit

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms {MV}

nirlekha-bhvan meditation on diminishment;

cultivation of diminishment

bsrabs pai sa {LCh,C}tanu-bhmi

level of diminishment {C}stage of refinement

bsrung khor

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs circle of protection;

protective retinue

bsrung ba

srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}rakaa; {C}
raka protect/guard/keep/maintain/preserve/
sasfeguard [e.g., vows and pledges] {C}

bsod nams ye shes kyi tshogs dpag tu med pa

{MSA}aprameya ... puya-jna-sabhra
immeasurable collections of merit and wisdom

bsod nams ye shes tshogs

{MSA}jna-puya-sabhra collections of
merit and wisdom

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

bsod nams ye shes rang


bsrung ba med pa

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}

on {C}emergence; come to; incur

araka; {MSA}raka; {MSA}nirrakatva; {C}

arakaa nonconcealment; without protection/
safeguarding {C}in which one has nothing to

bsrung bar mdzad


slang /slong bslangs slongs {MSA}(yc):
ycamna motivate; ask; beg; collect; gather;
raise; cause to rise; inspire; excite; arouse; urge

bsrung srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}

rakaka protect/guard/keep/maintain/preserve/
safeguard [e.g., vows and pledges]; guard;

bslad pa pollution; affected by{BJ 60.4}

bslab bslab/

slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ ikate to learn; teach; train



bsrung srung
bsrungs srungs rakaa protect/guard/keep/
maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g., vows and

bsrungs pa

bslab btus

thu ik-samuccaya [teaching-collection];

ntidevas Compendium of Instruction, P 5336,
vol. 102


bslab pa

srung bsrungs srungs {MSA}rakaa protect/

guard/keep/maintain/preserve/safeguard [e.g.,
vows and pledges]

bslab/ slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ {C,MSA}ik; {C}

ikita; {C}ikate training; learning; learn;
teach; train in {C}moral training; moral rule;
trained; student

bsre ba mixture; combine

bsreg bsreg sreg

bslab pa

bsregs/ sregs/ tpa scorch

kun las btus pai tshig leur byas pa

btu thu btus thu ik-samuccaya-krik

bsreg pa {C}dahati; {L}pradahati; {C}

pacaya burning; burn {C}consume; destroy;

burns; roasting


btu thu btus

[teaching-collection]; ntidevas Compendium

of Instruction, P 5336, vol. 102

bslab pa mnyam pa {C}sama-ika

bsreg sreg

sameness of training {C}one who trains evenly

bsregs/ sregs/ tpa scorched

bsregs nas {C}dagdha having

burned; burning {C}as if all burned up in flame;

burned away


pa rnams dang bsgoms pa yi bras bu

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms

bsres combine; mixture; confuse

trainings and meditations
bsres pa confuse; combine; mixture
bslab pa sbyin pa {MSA}ikdattaka giver of teachings
bslang bslang slang
/slong bslangs slongs motivate; ask; beg; collect; bslab pa ma yin {C}aika nongather; raise; cause to rise; inspire; excite;
arouse; urge on

learner; non-learning; non-training {C}no


bslang ba

bslab pa gsum {MSA}ik-traya;

slang /slong bslangs slongs {C}vyutthna; {C}
abhyupaiti motivate; ask; beg; collect; gather;
raise; cause to rise; inspire; excite; arouse; urge

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

{MSA}ik bhvany ca phala fruit of

{N}triik threefold training{N}


bslab pai bras bu

rnam pa bzhi {MSA}ik-phala (catur-vidha ...)
four aspects of training; {T} the fourfold effects/
fruits of training

bslab pai tshul ik-naya mode of

training; how to train{DASI 552.6}

bslab pai gzhi {MSA}ik-pada

basis of training

bslab par bya ba {MSA}prayoktavya

object of training; will train

seductive words

bslu yon {PH}ransom

bslod byed pollutant
ha cang very
ha cang thal ba it would be very
absurd{MSI 399.3}

ha cang thal bar gyur

bslab par byao {C}pratihpayeyam ha cang ring {C}atyyata

one should train; you should train {C}I could


bslab bya advice; precepts; instruction;

too long

ha la ha la {GST} hlhala
h shang

bslab gsum {PH}Three Trainings


slob/ bslabs/ slobs/ {C}ikita to learn; teach;

train in {C}trained

{PH}[Chinese Chan master] Ha-

hwa shang

hwa shang ma ha
ya na/ Hwa-shang Mahayana (c. 800 ce)

han ldang {PH}dumb; mute

ham [connective particle:] or; and; but
ha ha [transliteration of Sanskrit word,
ha, a syllable used in many mantras]

bslabs nas {C}ikita having trained

har gyi gtam {PH}empty talk

bhar ma {PH}Burma; Burmese


bslabs pa ji bzhin {C}yath-

bhar mai dge slong kha

ikita {C}in accordance with their training

shas kyang de dra bzhes; Some Burmese monks

also wear something like that. {GCC} p.14

bslu/ slu/

bslus/ slus/ {MSA}visavdaka controvertible;


bslu ba med pa avisavdaka

[deceive-not-exist]; inevitable; without deceiving;

non-deceptive; incontrovertible

h yig {PH}the letter H

hor {PH}Mongol
hor {PH}Mongolia
hor dmag {PH}Mongolian army;

bslu bai chos deceptive phenomenon

Mongolian soldiers
bslu brid {PH}deceptive seduction;
hyan tsang Hsan-tsang
alluring spell
hrang {PH}single
bslu brid tshig {PH}deceptively
Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



bslab gsum bras bu dang bcas pa lhag tshul gyi

khyad par {PH}the feature of an enhancement of
the three trainings together with their fruit

bslu ba

{C}very long;

poisonous plant

that which is to be taught



absurd consequence



hrig hrig po {PH}wide-eyed

basis of a demigod
lha {LCh,C,MSA}deva; {C,MSA}devat; {C}maru lha ma srin sde brgyad

the basis of demi-gods; common being having the

deity; god; divinity; goddess {PH}deity; god;

divinity; goddess; heavens; cloud

don dam pai lha the ultimate deity

lha sku sgom pa

lha min demigod

lha med pa non-theistic
lha mo dev goddess; queen; golden
lha mo che {PH}great goddess
lha tshe ring por {C}drgha-yuk-

bsgom sgom bsgoms sgoms meditation on the

divine body

lha sgrung {PH}folk opera

lha cig devi {PH}princess

kha cig lhan

dev {C}long-lived gods

lha yi {C} divya (=mano nukla; opp.:

cig thabs cig dang / lan cig sogs kyi cig sgra de
[some]one, together, one method, together, and so
forth are the cig words {Y}

mnuyaka) divine; of god {C}heavenly;


lha chen po mahdeva {PH}Mahdeva

lha dang mi {MSA}deva-mnua; {MSA}

lha dran thebs gcig one session


lha ye shes sems dpa


divine wisdom being (jnasattva)

lha rig pai sengge

of being mindful of the deity

lha drug gi sgo nas


rang lhar bskyed pa bskyed

skyed bskyed skyed generating oneself as a deity
by way of the six deities

lha sde {PH}groups of gods

lha bris {PH}artist
lha bla ma rjes su dran pa
recollection of deities and gurus

{PH}lord of

the gods; deity empowerment

lha reg {PH}ornate silk khata

lha shes {Das} devaja {PH}diviner
lha shes ma {PH}diviner
lha sa Lhasa; capital of Tibet
lha sa ba Lhasan; person from Lhasa
lha srin {PH}gods and demons (rakasa)
lha srung bsrung srung
bsrungs srungs god-protector spirit

lha dbang blo {LCh}devendrabuddhi

lha lha clear; distinct; vibrant

lhag {MSA}adhika [an intensifier:]

Devendrabuddhi; Devendrabuddhi (a student of


lha ma yin {LCh,MSA}asura [god-not-

special; surpassing; exceeding; beyond; more;

surpassing; superior; unusual; remaining;
greater than

be]; demigod

lha ma yin pai

rten can gyi so soi skye bo ordinary beings with

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lha yi rgyal po {C}parjanya


deva ... mnua gods and men; gods and humans

lha dbang sovereign of gods


classes of gods and raksas


lhag cig rjes su jug pa


lhag pa shes rab kyi bslab

functions together with{S 36}

lhag gcas myang das

pa trainings in higher wisdom

lhag pai

sopadhieanirva nirvana with remainder

khrims sogs slob pa la sbyor ba

sbyar sbyor sbyard sbyord {MSA}adhildiiky niyojana application at training in
higher ethics and so forth

lhag bcas myang das

sopadhieanirva nirva with remainder;

nirvana with remainder

lhag bcas lhag

med myang das nirvas with and without


lhag pai nga rgyal {C}mna

anadhyavasnat no special attachment {C}

feeling no inclination for

lhag pai nga rgyal can {C}

(=adhimna); {C}adhimna; {C}adhimnika

exceeding pride {C}pride; conceit; conceited

lhag chags pa med pa {C}

adhimna; {C}adhimnika very proud;

unusually conceited {C}conceit(ed)

lhag mthong {LCh,C,MV,MSA}vipayan; lhag pai ting nge dzin

{C}vidarana [exceeding-see]; special insight

lhag mthong gi tshogs sgrub

achieving through the collection of special insight

lhag mthong ldan gyur pa {C}

gzung dzin bzung zungs {N}

adhisamdhi higher meditative stabilization{N}

lhag pai mos pa

mos mos mos mos adhimoka special

lhag pai mos od gsal du bsdus pa
withdrawing everything into the clear light by way
of special imagination{TGP}

vipayayaka one with special insight; one who

has special insight {C}one who has insight

lhag ldan with remainder

lhag ldan gyi ma

lhag pai tshul khrims {MSA,N}

nges pai gtan tshigs indefinite reason having


adhila higher ethics

lhag pa {C}adhika(tara); {MSA}pariia;

{MV}adhikatva; {MV}udrikta higher; special;

surpassing; exceeding; beyond; more; superior;
unusual; Wednesday [short for gza lhag pa]
{PH}more {C}great; very; exceedingly;
excessive; further
Those palm leaves do not come to more
than three or four finger-breadths in width. {GCG}

lhag pa med pa {MSA}anadhika

without remainder; not special; not unusual

lhag pa tshul khrims {C}adhila

higher ethics {C}higher/great morality

lhag pai shes rab {C,MSA,N}

adhipraj higher wisdom

lhag pai sems {C,MSA}adhicitta

higher meditative stabilization; higher thought;

unusual mind

lhag pai bsam dag pa {MSA}

uddhdhyayika (one who has) the pure
unusual attitude

lhag pai bsam pa {LCh,C,MSA}

adhyaya unusual attitude {C}(earnest)
intention; resolute

lhag pa yi sa {MSA}pariia ... bhmi lhag pai bsam pa brtan pa


higher level/ground; superior level

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative



lhag pai bsam pa dag pa

{MSA}uddhdhyayika (one who has) the pure

unusual attitude

lhag pai bsam pa dag

pai sa {MSA}uddhy-aya-bhmi [variant:
uddhy-adhyaya-bhmi] level/ground of the
pure unusual attitude

Rgyal-tshab RGV-UT-tika

lhag par byas {C}kta-adhikro

lhag pai bsam

lhag pai bsam pa zhan pa

lhag par byas yin {C}kta-

adhikro {C}one who has done his duties

lhag par mos pa

mos mos mos mos surpassingly intent

{C}mduka-adhyaya weak with respect to the

unusual attitude {C}his resolutions are weak

special deity; own particular deity

ones desired deitywhich
is to be achievedis ones special deity {Dor

lhag par {C}adhika(tara) specially [as an

adverb]; unusual(ly); superior {C}surpassing

lhag par dga ba {MSA}abhirata

lhag par dmigs pa

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs {C}

adhylambana; {C}adhylambate special object

of observation; superior observation {C}
acquiring the support; uphold; look for support in;
catch hold of; hangs on to; seek (for rebirth in/on);
bases his rebirth in/on

lhag par tshe ba med {MSA}

adhyavihisaka special non-harmfulness;
especially non-harmful

lhag par zhen pa {C,MSA,MV}

unusually happy

lhag par chags nas gnas

adhyavasna especially determined; special

adherence {C}be bent on; inclination

{C}adhyavasya-tihati {C}adopt an inclination

for; feel an inclination

lhag por {PH}surpassingly

lhag ma {C}avaea; {C}svaea; {MV}

lhag par chags pa {C}

adhyavasna; {C}adhyvasati unusually

attached to {C}be bent on; inclination; inhabit;
occupy; dearly love

lhag par chags pa dang

ldan {C}adhyavasyam-panna having unusual

attachment for {C}indulges in

lhag par gtong


one who has done his duties

pa rnam par dag pai sa {MSA}uddhdhyayabhmi level/ground of the pure unusual attitude

lhag pai lha special deity

slob dpon
phags pa thogs med ces bya ba sngon rgyal ba du
ma la lhag par bya ba byas; The master called
rya Asaga, previously, performed outstanding
deeds in the presence of many victors. {RGV-G} =

avaia; {MV}avasiat; {MV}avaiutatva;

{MSA}pariia; {MV}ea; {MV}udrikta
remainder; remaining; remnant {C}has some
residue of efficacy; (karman) left over from

lhag ma gang yang yin pa de

what is left over{BJ 61.3}

lhag ma gang yang rung ba

gtang gtong btang thongs {C}mukta-tyg {C}

generous giver

{MV}anyatamvaiat any of the remaining ...

lhag par rnal byor {PH}Atiyoga lhag ma dang bcas pa {C}

svaea having a remainder; with remainder
lhag par bya ba {MSA} adhikrna
{C}has some residue of efficacy; (karman) left over
{PH}outstanding deed

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative




lhag ma ma lus pa {N}niravaea

without remainder; completely{N}

lhag ma med pa {C}nirupadhiea

without remainder; completely {C}leaves

nothing behind

lhan rkyes kyi dga ba

lhag min anavaea without remainder

lhag med myang das

sahajnanda innate joy

lhan skyes {LCh}sahaja [together-with-

nirupadhieanirva nirva without

remainder; nirvana without remainder;
remainderless nirvana

born]; innate; inborn; natural

lhag mos

mos mos mos

mos adhimoka special imagination/belief/faith/
interest/inclination towards/zeal/keenness

lhag tsam {PH}little more (than)

lhag bsam {LCh}adhyaya; {MSA}

natural odor

lhan skyes kyi rtsa bai kha

dog sahaja-mla-vara natural primary color

lhan skyes bde stong


lhan rgyas {PH}together

lhan cig {LCh,MSA}saha; {C,MSA}

lhag bsam dag pa special pure

srdham; {MSA}sama together {C}together

with; all together

thought; special pure attitude {PH}pure

unusual attitude

lhan cig kun tu rgyu ba

lhag bsam dag pai

rgyu rgyu rgyu rgyu {C}(saha)samavasarati

{C}connecting with; come together

sems bskyed mind-generation of special pure


lhan cig skyes pa {LCh,L}sahaja

lhag bsam pa dag pa {MSA}

[together-with-born]; innate; inborn; natural

born together (with)

uddhdhyayika pure unusual attitude

lhan cig skyes pai


gnas ngan len {MV}sahaja dauhulya innate

bad states; {T} taking up bad innate states

superior training

lhan cig tu {C}srdham together;

{C}fallen into;

come out

together with {PH}together; together with {C}


lhan cig tu skyes pa

{C}shines upon;

appear bright



lhang nger dug pa {C}virocama

lhan cig gnas pa {C}savasati

(srddha); {C}sasarga abide together {C}

{C}blazing forth

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lhan skyes kyi dri sahaja-gandha


adhyayika special pure attitude; unusual


lhang {PH}clear
lhang nge {C}virocate

lhang lhang clear sound; distinct sound

lhad ma zhugs pa

avaea remainder left over{N}

lhags gyur {C}patita


shines upon; appear bright

zhug jug zhugs zhugs {C}aabala {C}

lhag ma lus pa {N}iyat; {N}

lhag bslab pa {C}atiik

lhang nger byed pa {C}virocate


become partial to; become intimate with close
contact with; commerce with

lhan cig gnas par gyur ba

{C}savasati (srddha) abide together {C}

become partial to; become intimate with

lhan cig byung

dmigs dmigs dmigs dmigs


byung byung byung byung {MSA}samapravtti

co-arisen; arise together

lhan cig byung bai rgyu

lhan gcig together; together with; all


byung byung byung

byung sahabhuu-hetu co-arisen cause

mtshan nyid/ phan tshun dus mnyam rdzas tha dad

kyang yin/ phan tshun skye ba la gegs mi byed pa yang

yin pai gzhi mthun par dmigs pa/ Def: Those which
are observed as common loci of being different
substantial entities [produced] mutually at the same
time and not acting as an obstacle to the production
of each other.

lhan gcig mi gnas gal

*sahnavast-virodha contradictories not
abiding together

lhan ne {C}tapati {C}gleamed; warms

lham {MSA}(tap): tapati {PH}shoe
lham gog shoes
lham pa {MSA}pratapana; vtta polygon;

lham me {C}bhrjate blazing

lhan cig byed rkyen


[with negative: be dimmed]

sahakripratyaya cooperative condition {PH}

cooperating condition

lham me brjid blazing brightly{DASI

lhan cig byed rkyen


sahakripratyaya cooperative condition {PH}

cooperating condition

lhan cig byed pai rkyen

lhan cig byed pai rkyen

lham meo {MSA}(bhs): bhsate



cooperating condition


cooperating condition

lhai {C,MSA}divya [{C}=mano nukla; opp.:

mnuyaka] divine; of god(s) {C}heavenly;

lhai nga rgyal

lhai ngar

rgyal divine pride; pride of being a/the deity


lhai ngar rgyal

lhai nga
rgyal divine pride; pride of being a/the deity

cooperating cause

lhan cig byed bras cooperative


lhan cig mi gnas gal

*sahna-vasth-virodha not abiding together;

contradictory in the sense of not abiding together

mtshan nyid/ rgyun bcad
bya gcod byed kyi sgo nas mi mthun par gnas pa/

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lhan cig dmigs nges

simultaneous certification; simultaneous

lhan cig byed pai rgyu

Def: discordant abiding from the viewpoint of the

continuum of the one being being the eliminator of
the continuum of the other


lhai bsnyen pa divine approximation

lhai rten can gyi so soi

skye bo common being having the basis of a god

lhai rnal byor devat-yoga;

devayoga deity yoga


lhai bu gro mgyogs

thob thob thobs {MSA}anbhoga ... knti-lbha

spontaneously attain forbearance


Devaputra Avins

lhun grub chos sku

lhai bui bdud devaputamra god-

spontaneously established Truth Body

child demon

lhun grub tu spontaneously

lhun grub tu jug pa

lhai mig divyacaku divine eye

lhar bcas {L}sahadeva theistic

anbhogovhana; anbhogavhana
spontaneously engaging; spontaneous

together with the gods; heaven

lhar bcas pa sahadeva theistic

lhas sbyin {LCh}devadatta Devadatta
lhug pa lhug lhug

lhun grub pa {C}anbhoga; {L}

nirbhoga spontaneity; spontaneously {C}

there is nothing they can be directed to; does not
turn towards; not turning towards an (external)
object; impassive; miraculously produced; selfproduced; produced; existing

lhugs lhugs pour out

lhug par amply; liberally; abundantly

lhung ba lhung lhung
lhung lhung fall

lhun grub par bzod pa

alms bowl {PH}alms bowl {C}bowl; person

worthy of

lhun grub brtsegs

lhung byed cause to fall

lhung bzed {LCh,C}patra begging bowl;

lhun {C}skandha aggregate

{C}mass; heap;

trunk; shoulder; group

lhun gyis grub pa {LCh,C,MSA}



lhun grub; lhun gyis grub

pa {LCh}anbhoga; nirbhoga spontaneity;
spontaneously {C}there is nothing they
can be directed to; does not turn towards; not
turning towards an (external) object; impassive;
miraculously produced; self-produced; produced;

lhun po {LCh}meru Meru; Mt. Meru [the

mountain said to be at the center of the universe

in traditional Buddhist cosmology]{D1}; a large
mountain{D1} {PH}beautiful



Tenses: future, present, past, imperative

lhun grub gzugs sku

lhums {LCh,MSA}garbha; {MSA}kuki

gyis grub pa glo bur rnam dag gi yon tan

spontaneously accomplished qualities of purity
from adventitious [defilements]
bzod pa thob

{PH}Spontaneously Accomplished Mound [n. of

a charnel ground]

spontaneously established Form Body

anbhoga; {L}nirbhoga spontaneity;

spontaneously; spontaneously established
{PH}spontaneous {C}there is nothing they
can be directed to; does not turn towards; not
turning towards an (external) object; impassive;
miraculously produced; self-produced; produced;
existing las
bzhi lhun gyis grub par byed pai don yod grub pa
[The Buddha] Amoghasiddhi who spontaneously
accomplishes the four activities

lhun gyis grub par

thob thob/thob thob

thob thobs {MSA}anbhoga ... knti-lbha
spontaneously attain forbearance


lhums su zhugs pa

zhug jug zhugs zhugs garbhvakrnta

initiation; ablution; consecration

entering the womb

a bhi e ka ba abhieka

lhur be intent on something; take

[transliteration of Sanskrit word, abhieka];

empowerment; initiation; ablution; consecration


lhur mdzad pas my intense work

a ma mother [term of address]

a wa; a lba child; children
a wa dh ti pa {PH}Avadhutipa

(hon.); take responsibility

lhur len {MSA}para; {MSA}parama be

intent on something; take responsibility

lhur len pa {MSA}para; {MSA}parama


be intent on something; take responsibility

lho dzam bu gling; dzam

gling jambu-dvpa the southern continent of

Jambudvpa; the Indian subcontinent; the world

lhod loosen

rtsa mdud lhod pa

loosen the channel knots{TGP 40}

lhod pa {C}aithilya loosen; loose

a yin I doubt it; I dont think; is it so or


a yod I doubt it; I dont think; is it so or


a ru ra {L}haritak myrobalan arjuna;

universal medicine

a la la aho!; ah!
a li {PH}the vowels
an da rnyil; an dha rnyil



lhod pa nyid

gal te chags pai ching
ba lhod pa nyid du mi gyur na ... If the bonds of
love were not loose, ... {A4C-C}

indranla [transliteration of Sanskrit word,

indranla] {S}sapphire

lhod lhod relaxed

indra ni la {LCh}indranla {PH}
lhod lhod po {PH}loose; very loose
lhoi dod ma {PH}desirous southern i ndra bhu ti chung ba kambalapda
Lawapa, Kambalapda, or Shakraputra

[right] channel at the heart

in dra nai la {LCh}indranla

a ka ru {L}agaru agaru plant; aloe vera

a ka ru nag po {L}kgaru {S}

[transliteration of Sanskrit word, indranla];


black agaru tree

a ku uncle
a ti ati [transliteration of Sanskrit word,
ati, short for atiyoga]

a mdo Am-do
a nu anu [transliteration of Sanskrit word,
anu, short for anuyoga]

a bhi e ka abhieka [transliteration

of Sanskrit word, abhieka]; empowerment;

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


in dra ni la indranla sapphire

u pa upa [tantra] Performance Tantra {T}
u ru su Russia
ut pa la utpala lotus; blue lotus
utpa la {PH}Utpala flower
utpala {PH}Utpala flower
utpa la can {Negi} utpalaka {PH}

utpa la can gyis kyang nor bzangs

la mngon par phyag btsal nas smras pa; Having

respectfully paid homage to Sudhana, Utpalaka
spoke. D 4152: vol. 169; folio/line 125a.6

ut pa la ltar gas pa utpala

Utpala (Hell)

ut wa la utpala lotus; blue lotus

e na ya antelope
e ma {PH}O!; Ah!; Alas! O, it is
amazing! {Gn}

em rje doctor
on kyang {C}api tu khu

{C}but on the


o swa sti o svasti

Tenses: future, present, past, imperative


The UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary mainly grew from the
experience of a group of translators who worked with Jeffrey Hopkins. Arising from group interaction over five decades in the process of translation, the Dictionary reflects the process of translation rather than an attempt to include as many words as possible from the Tibetan language.
The compilation of terms was started by Joe B. Wilson on index cards which were Xeroxed in
groups onto pages, but shifted to an early Apple computer which allowed the collection to be
entered into a database with fields for the entry, Sanskrit, tenses including verbal elements in nouns
and adjectives, the approved English, examples, definition, divisions, and comments. John C. Powers added translation equivalents and Sanskrit from the works of Edward Conze and others, and
Paul Hackett added almost 2,000 entries; Jongbok Yi added 1,300 entries with English in bold type
from the translation of Jam-yang-shay-pas Seventy Topics by Hopkins and Yi.
Jeffrey Hopkins is Professor Emeritus of Tibetan Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia
where he taught Tibetan Buddhist Studies and Tibetan language for thirty-two years from 1973.
He received a B.A. magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1963, trained for five years at
the Lamaist Buddhist Monastery of America in Freewood Acres, New Jersey, USA (now the Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center in Washington, New Jersey), and received a Ph.D. in Buddhist
Studies from the University of Wisconsin in 1973. He served as His Holiness the Dalai Lamas
chief interpreter into English on lecture tours for ten years, 1979-1989. At the University of Virginia he founded programs in Buddhist Studies and Tibetan Studies and served as Director of the
Center for South Asian Studies for twelve years. He has published forty-two books, some of which
have been translated into a total of twenty-two languages. He published the first translation of the
foundational text of the Jo-nang school of Tibetan Buddhism in Mountain Doctrine: Tibets Fundamental Treatise on Other-Emptiness and the Buddha-Matrix. He has translated and edited sixteen books by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the last four being How to See Yourself as You Really
Are; Becoming Enlightened; How to Be Compassionate; and The Heart of Meditation: Discovering Innermost Awareness. He is the Founder and President of the UMA Institute for Tibetan Studies.

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