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Piano Student Summer Enrollment Form

Ericas Piano Studio, LLC

Name:__________________________________________ Date:_______________________

Fill out the section below if there have been any changes in the following:
Street Address:________________________________________________________________
City:______________________________ State:_______________ Zip:__________________
Home Phone:____________________ Best Time to Call: ____________________________
Fathers Name/Cell:___________________ Mothers Name/Cell:______________________
Type of Piano/Keyboard: _______________________________________________________

List your first three choices of a lesson time:

1. Day: _______________________ Time: _______________________
2. Day: _______________________ Time: _______________________
3. Day: _______________________ Time: _______________________
List vacation dates: ___________________________________________________________
(I will plan up to 2 makeup lessons due to summer vacations.)
Siblings taking lessons: ________________________________________________________
Special needs: ________________________________________________________________
Other comments: _____________________________________________________________

Policy Agreement: "I have read the 2015-2016 Piano Policy and I agree to abide by the
terms and conditions in the policy."
Signed: _____________________________________________

Date: ________________

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