نصوص ليتورجية قديمة نسخ ابن كبر - الراهب القس اثناسيوس المقاري

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Cf. Graf G., Geschichte, II, p. 344-348.

www.athanase.net http://coptic-treasures.com

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6- Georg Graf (Von), Geschichte Der Christlichen Arabischen Literatur (GCAL), Erster Band-Fnfter Band, Citt del
Vaticano, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953.

www.athanase.net http://coptic-treasures.com

Leipzig ).(
O.H.E. Burmester

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7- Georg Graf, Zum Schrifttum des Abu l-Barakat und des Abu l-Khair, in OC 30, (1933), p. 133-143.
8- Advlphvs Hebbelynck et Arnoldvs Van Lantschoot, Codices Coptici Vaticani Barberiniani Borgiani Rossiani, tomvs I,
Codices Coptici Vaticani, 1937.

www.athanase.net http://coptic-treasures.com

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O.H.E. Burmester ) Patrologia Orientalis (PO
() Le lectionnaire de la semaine sainte
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10- O.H.E. Burmester, Le lectionnaire de la semaine sainte, (PO) 24, fas.2, 1933, p. 169-294 ; (PO) 25, fas.2, 1939, p.

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Cf. Crum, W.E., M.A., Catalogue of the Coptic Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, 1905, p. 514.

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www.athanase.net http://coptic-treasures.com

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Cf. DACL, t. 2, p. 706.

www.athanase.net http://coptic-treasures.com

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