Kennedy Class Missile Cruiser

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Kennedy Class Missile Cruiser

Class and Type: Kennedy Class Missile Cruiser

Commissioning Date: 2252
Hull Characteristics

Size: 8

Resistance: 9

Structure Points: 160

Operations Characteristics

Crew/Passengers/Evac: 45/185/7400
8 pwr per rnd

Computers: 4
2 pwr per rnd

Hangers: 5 ea with 1 UD-4L dropship

6 pwr per rnd

Cargo: 15 APC or 10 MBT or a mix totaling 15 veh

Propulsion and Power Characteristics

Jump Drive: 0.34/0.72 ly per day

105 pwr per rnd

Interplanetary Drive: 0.27/0.68 AU per day

60/85 pwr per rnd

Pwr :130 / Range: 1.2 years

Sensor System

Long Range Sensors: +3 / 0.21(ship size)2x AU

6 pwr per rnd

Short range sensors: +2 / 0.917(ship size)2 x 10000 km

8 pwr per rnd

Navigational sensors: +2
6 pwr per rnd
Weapon Systems

XIM-32 Missile system

Number: 25
Range: 9.34 AU
Arc: All
Accuracy: +2
Damage: 30
Spread: 5
Defense: -5
Prw: 6

550 MeV Particle Beam system

Number: 8
Range: 75000/175000/250000
Arc 4 Turret/ 2 port/2 starboard
Accuracy: +2
Damage: 6 ignores resistance
Pwr: 8

24 low yield tactical nuclear devices: 5 MT
6 City buster Nuclear devices: 300 MT
165 Conventionnel MA80 Mines Damage 25
Weapon Skill 5
Defensive Systems

ECM Jammer : 3 to hit

Point defence: Mk 4 - 140 mW laser system: Skill 4/ +2 Accuracy

Pwr: 8 per rnd

Modern missile cruiser design. Proven very effective at space and system control. Pwr system extremely efficient allowing the
vessel to rely exclusively upon partical beams for close in defence. The removal of railguns from the platforms concept has
significantly reduced mass allowing for fast interplanetary speeds. These virtues coupled with a robust power plant has provided
the marines with a maneuverable, long range strike platform. Although primarily used in an anti shipping role the Kennedy retains
a modest nuclear arsenal for planetary assault.

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