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yynints Meany (22) HEP rebum: meDefinetaxdeslogyandenvironmentaltoxicology (0)? anawoshng! ‘© Toxicologyis the study of the nature, effects, and detection of polsons a and the rent of poisoning. WidlUeY ater exposure” S7-4OANG Md © Environmental Toxicology isthe study of how exposure(s) to toxins 2*FS8" and toxicants can impact the health of biological entities and the snvnment peyton nc jpamera sirens AS ‘vespistinguishtetwenpharmacologyandenvironmentaltaxicology(®y 72, (© Pharmacologyits the study of the Interactions that occur between a ving organism and chemicals (drugs) that affect biochemical function ‘with healing properties. © Bnvironmental Toxicology is the study of how| and toxicants can impact the health: Sila eects environment '* Recall standards of environmental health practices forall nurses (1) _ ‘Maintains current knowledge of environmental health concepts, (© Promotes a practice environment that reduces environmental health risks © Assesses the pract © Advo produ (© Communicates environmental health risks and exposure reduction strategies Utilizes scientific evidence and the precautionary principle to determine ifa product, practice, or policy isan environmental or hbuman health threat Participates in strategies to promote healthy communities fes partnerships that promote sustainable environmental health and conditions ‘evaluates issues as presented by media \. © Advocates for implementation of environmental (health) principles SEES enviromental exposure Hx pruumonte™ Westigate Protential exposures (have you ever been exposed to.) job title and employer ‘environment for factors that threaten es forthe judicious and appropriate use and disposal of (at play (hobbies/recreation)) f ° Isand Resources >seurias of additreoat info. ‘auip 4900 wor penmouno sonics STP . sso ar ep o9a s9RAT|O9 03 spaBeISNO provde rrnorut suoidocaD) associ SEIS oiman "pond yay ws amsodxaagaBeng SI Rtee2 amas) AUMified ainsods wre SRP Sep Yoto3 x00. —pfeay jo weuTUarap Lewd a s|auoUNUOUIALD HL, Laveniimay Sbeeowd? kesapruedoueuguBioMy © es faiticunt Pen pantie ouscoa obs0 ‘anf He ‘wes 1 eg AUlauTOAOU EORUEYDA S-"" iyo zortfentséqa © STE cera. © (remain? fomssnad SaI0u mypres049,, (ayv09 {004 Sng susingeas we ee De ee cedar SP een at SB “eisai scone uoneiouasue Sei vero bras spa, ?ONAKD 1038 ENG TRARY Chuo, pena saRa! “syequisaunsodxg yo samoy, © 7 sq loneuaouaD -FIETTOS gaunsodxy! 0, tae 2S muna y GAOT NOT Gmtanuny So, eae Iunamesesoedonenee: rein mmounien comisonsonmen (eet mmm © “NI ayo teh " (2) auosodte aya jo sidaoudo hoy ouyap pue Arauapt e — ~ scoroisyre RRR OUR 2 PME SIaSN fap atop et mt gran now Prugiere Pro) ‘aniuap "eueyeyy © 104} ayours 1oopuy Oo ‘causing disease) biologic agents in EX: malaria, T8, HWA Phear: elsease,” which you can't "pas ey TERMS Pharmacology: the stuayf the intracons that occur between living otis & chemi sexposcares (aug) that affect avers L Greadiret oe encerpgs vm (esse Vacs ebked agate als (oneticling clrugs, industrial cham eads, at pestciaes) © praieqical agents) inns (parronout Pan's, vencmmeus anions) Prsp ical agents (vad vorhon nose) sum = vannuy mak aP Mo TR Cray UO SP Leon pans: QS yoxtratad! seo, geroun 10a] 205044 Woven 4025: ‘auauno Pana ana upproreanny Ny eowyomeuAUT) sues buon 7 aati voy yo Mad) (vomeien eae jumauannua {0 aun Fe. sores > ened. watyastun/ gost emsodiayyoomes,Subesa0 9me—s2ein8 ainsodre aaa “Sup 010 wonasva9v09 1901u09‘a.0p aes 9¢ 10 AE ‘BuNSOdNDBUIESETOU-4900 oy yp CI 1.0 Uae queues tue [eW9Dx 20} Ayuroddo sepInoHd YOU pues Ave eunsod- Berio. {porurna wine Buvpains ponmuvannay jog sands “TDVINOD HaLW--AUNSOAH SaaS ea Tags SUB es 01k AygesoujNN- (oxen) weiuoo Taso rok ‘uunaws 189 nok “supe ayn aney spucy sons98u) Asepue395 la, [2woo1no 113500 40 8BLA¥—SuRO} 2 UED}O 10UNG | aanace ayeanien {eu aauerEqns snaUsjod :uey a5n2> 03 jouuar0d fv S196 /2100}09 240 higher cone of expesune Uae | STAGE 3: DOSE. PPE hos "Absorption Barrier) Stage 3. Dove OE ante fbee! ‘ack aS % = BEE, slettneae SMe UaE eee ee miei ee ‘coming both from whats absorbed directly through (uptake dose) and ingests In organs ang have alow excretion rate—low exposure over long time leads to response (9 4ou ye, OO Stores) storage in faty tissues, muscles, ete—may be permanent or tem only handle sa much, continue exposure means your Body ime: ‘body rvtage 1, putes ny rearaiat Adegenaent 09 clustabusion , whether the chemical is being stored, broken down, ete nection, Cape ood ‘AuqesEUINA, Environment 9, 10/pue TI wawuosiua urdueyp sana ox adepe ‘auoy 03 Ayinndsns 4 Ansu95 TORTITS- Aamieveawinn —— ‘32942 5280p UaaMiog SysLONE|s sop aL Aa pasne> (ans wazez ye ang see TMTEBOIOTE odengnog, soymemipostsoy “5 aes ‘asuonees orop fog O] sop Wake NN. SOINVNAGOOINOL. S BOIS SOCIAL POLICY IN CONCRETE: ASTHMA & AIR POLLUTION: ode 3, Scene 1, 2:30-8:40 band” residents ive on average 15yrs less than residents of Oakland hills land, cancer rates are Tx higher than cancer rates for ALL of California In Oakland, childhood asthma rates are st 25% ticulate matter w/ aerodynamic dameter less than 2.5um (PM 2.5}~cieslexhaus-fine particles, bunker due! exhaustSO2 NO 03 2) What is the connection between these hazards and health outcomes thats being his segment? hma~respratory complications leat disease Lung cancer (Chronic Lung Disease i, Maternal smoking, secondhand smoke: (oreterm delivery), and VPTO (very pret 4) What are the impacts on the community and society? ‘a. West Oakland, CA b. Unitedstates '5.6M school-aged children have asthma At ER iste due to asthma ost: $208 nd 6 Rhode |. 169% Schookaged children IL 21%6raciaVethnic minorities, 21% houschole income <$25K 5) How did Otana take her personal experience to 2 professional passion? stopp suioned hyunpeaaunes 02 Au Jeuonunu/iaeay ‘nauatida/onauod 98ers ewwaudojarap ‘282 10138) ‘yeod /m sana] mo} 2109 0800 ‘emueg unsodea 1 a8eis Routes of exposure: inhale, ingest, injec, direct contact Min envinnrnent Fev Gntueed + Recall routes of exposures (0) contamina (© Al, water, soil/rock, food, vectors, fortiités” nisdmae ee) ct ‘Time period x Frequency x Duration © Bhrs/day x 40 hrs/week x 30 years= “working lifetime" (© Zpacks/day x 10 years= 20 pack-years (© vexva patient smokes one pack of cigaretter per day for seven years and two pack of cigarattes per day for two years. Calculate his exposure to tabaceo © (1x7) + (2x2) =11 pack-years + Explain how personal protective equipment decreases uptake dose (1) ‘0. Ex-barrier creams (sunscreen); gloves, respirators, suits, etc. (©. Specific materials protect against specific hazards 4,0 NoPPEis foolproof/inflalible. Given time all PPE fai ge h’s” permeates, penetrates) prsiat mover ent nna Woh ye0%o Intake dose: the amount that enters body without barrier} li" vetiorVesiasson Eo Uptake doser amount enters body after barrier Ge )suysd o0t/S=s00> 4 oot/t=100>d 0001/1 = 1000> 4 ‘00007/'t = 1000'0> a es are i sau 10} em 03 aus 00} Ns de huaam bur2a 49 Duna ee 00'T A TO'O>S 8297, exuiniioa teeter aac 3 ras ah Nog SR dvs wononp9p eaojsGisMe 9 CB, anima asuodsa! as0p Swo;pesp eaBO}OH: In UI (Aq) Haye axp SSPITEAM (AI) asned sSapeAOeUlap > ‘auies ‘saourysumoap oures spy ads ¢ FR sieht ae pied CoB) escapee esha ge aynsze 1 aS maby demspooes, ald or wopsauteg jeotiorsty saya pur sjapous jeassojoruiapKde equoseq —«: te “stuaqqoud yyeay jo fonuo9 pue wonuasaid 01 Spras oho son sinyo doneardde aqpie'Suonemndod aod uj suanad ses veitsmmennnin"prtaegqenjo SUBUTEEDTEp pue TORNGLEoxajo pms 9, © (ve) saseastc ajqeotununtioy pur ABojoruapidg wang puUeXIS SSEID! (P22) sana ws Gaasryeo pe fsou ray go 3atuads py ymdouped: 4 BOVE FHI ae oi] immune, as eg apr FLOR; MAD 494 UF suaky wnenye 39 Kons ey yesperr te vonmat a ange © Howare these cases “related”? (© How long between contact and sx? \ " ‘+ Describe three types of surveillance reporting systems (1) jon of case reports from HCP, healthcare. ‘ies clinic ‘©. PASSIVE: HCP voluntarily submit case reports “Serato wesre 0), _o- SENTINELSHCP submits case reports (new/emergent or equality uigox_ treatment/care suspected biological WND) . Fehon regounetwn of ee ‘utiwentt case or cases ofa communicable disease long absent froma. yD se” ee at population, or easea by an agent not previously recognized in that PSya aes remarry hacen aprevousywlnown SY s disease cae G55 eee nner rare wie region These communiable diseases occur at«pudictble ate The _ disease is peseut ina community atall an epidemic becomes very widespreadand aes aha Cmust he epicemie. AND F aress) Shuwyssse reproduction rate (RO) = avg no people infected by single source _ ater TO> 10 disease continues o spread ate st case wdiseaseonsetin. 9,” )™ TA na index case _ NE a are eM , st (© Confirmed caset by laboratory or epidemiology Vw 208 KFS ae) _y® (Probable‘caset fe ‘+ Patient meets clinical case definition and has supportive or nt with diagnosis but not yet presumptive lab results cons! aprase sontinsd Z mase Gnd Teele $9 Fee =] Coola swstueysou Sunsodas sose> jo ayes ammo panoudumy © puesapiypey apsouserp parodiay 0 aidoad atpyeay jo woneasiurang ° soseo jo uonesBiuiang © aidoad Ayyyeoy jo uonessiu-uy © sose2 jo woneisiu-uy 0 s9sea mou utaseasvaq © sasea mou uy aseaiouy © snes Ayers 98-40 moins suoned yo a yo woneBuojo1g © ‘aseasipo uaneinp 12 u0ys © aseosip yo uonenpso8u0 "2 ew 2 wy rpoanang , sbnarth 4504 ra pra) OS ee orang (payewnss-ropun) posed o (pareuipsa-940) paseasouy neasi9s 27 SowraouereonisouongUARASIOOE eGov, a, 205 uoReDt du ‘aseasip ]uoAyD Jowapanq ‘au — ASV yyaya we, Sons wou) fsndod yo farqegoid saneunsa asn. + Cmpnaeeo uma SOME ‘aun ul oysdeus, e ‘aseostp aouasqe/aouasaad :sn90,, pea aNIe ‘i pul pasouseyp uoneyrdod ‘uoRBENED 40} yas ‘zou “paan(ut/t Surworaq Jo ysts Yasuo asvasip jo aun 957, ssn204 ysiaae woneindod peo} :0yeuwOUIG, ‘9869 ott y SJOWEIOUUNN wbipemd jp sabi von |, Stpmnedos sae Pe BU ‘Rave Types Rate | Calculation per] [ae [numberof new anes n 8 ven te period a umber of new caaeg ha aver time mariod gy. guia propemoniy | Incidence Rat |total populatior(at rish)in same time period Bx! Feraids Fo women oe Prevalence Tmumiber of exsing cases ina given ime period aa ruber of eing cases na sgn tine pred [Prevalence Rate [total population (diagnosed nd adrisk) a lore Je Death (Mortal .pumibec of deaths in a vear 7 ooo| _q{erude Death (Mortaly) Rete} ayerage population Size of population at mid-yeat 100,000) ne number of ithe ina vee ‘ [crude Birth Rate faambecot eats x 10,000 Infant Mortality Rate [number of infant death = {year fase x1,000 numberof its in same year _ - Fertty Rato x 7,000 [hoe Spente ate number of eaees ine specie age category in population ata speciied ime | xk Jpopulaon in the same age category at the same specied time iProporionate Prepare aio (Sumber date sens roma snes case na soe me paid xk ae Hal number of deaths in ime pero a5, NOT gypcess risk Standaroreed total olserved deaths (from ail causes) & mrovtguity mov bidity expected TLatns x/00 Yar (Sma) w morbiarty Ccases) tmortanty Céecd) tous po ag yy oo (me Las nM “aa Om aoeS 4, | SFE counbry HTS TITTY. smvatsod HARE nay « a L%) anon ojo ( > ndsad mM oF A594 PHA : byyreds sonysad 3G} BETATIT /sanunsed FL DBP < atv LA] ssn go wea fm ndend 70 ¥]— usiyiodord sorry ab ta go hytttgO ATASU'S Gunso, BADD © ‘Disaster a sudden or slowly developing event on such a scale to cause hhuman suffering and/or trauma toa group of people, a community or 2 nation, creating human needs that require assistance from others + Natural, anthropogenic, complex © Natural disaster” * Geophysical ‘ch +e cava + Wildfire, earthquake, avalanche, landslide, mudstide, , voleanic eruption © Climatological “weasnu-” (reqtonet dgloioat) © Wind(thunderstorm, downburst, hurricahe, cyclone, typhoon, tornado) srra reveals 3 raged! ‘+ Water (flood, tsunami, storm surge, drought) apace rn geese : ¢ wave, pola vortex, sow, ce slet, limate change © Extremes in weather:more frequent, more + Zoologica “énieneus” ‘+ Vectors oranimal-bomne diseases © Cyclical propagation :5 Preactirg of cWsense © Migration insects 9. Animals that disrupt, destroy environment or human infrastracture 2° 5 Microorganisms ©. Bactetiologic virologic fungal, mold ©. Bpidemic, pandemic pion th cnr Infrastructure (veo) wrrnin Us") © Disruption/ failure of transportation, uti waste treatment seen aing tus) Land wares / 7 a Oy Se Rou cnange and/or econo OSM Aung ‘apes + (Quosied papeday 0 po terioyoyntsg resist (wostad) foustiaag” © sun actaapro 24 Guscdssd , fg)sananamapuvesoupesedaidd ep a oe of ov iad y “siead aye weD Bu ‘und aip 0 tangas e pue amon. ‘quousaoetdu twonansysoney Buisno% wan sug _feASTeRULION 6} tities /pue onanAsuodas ‘d1eAodax sapnPUy uy afl aTUYSpUI Jo pow a eR Ama95 201 aBENUIpasEaaap jo 1940003 jo dorrensea Joypuny Sioxnou uoneaiodsuen | uno jo 1auIySIqe3S9-248s89[e;pOUL — nage cd 3 Compra | eb) Psvodsry hese Gunes oyinys vowurous < oo yo aphyue pue uarxa 2a yf atans pap SaRIAROV Panu ar 990 J94SEP © Ua UN Coney iadxa ave spayo oreipowuut AIO ue Buyazen sopnppUrseRNARay ‘pauinDDo Tak Found wou uaa saysestp & way ow Jo poled on ase yR UNESP, sano emg eames pauguo two uns owiKsrAn = Tenor bosuoo/ terns, uaa, e euon een aan CB) eappo beets eee wey Cee teed agua SST em eR) Lmnpans en infrachvuchure pesrouse, nd REcouERY ©. Disaster (environment) ‘+ Predicted or unexpected ral, human, complex (© Asuphysiological needs! oxygen, breathable/clean alr, potable water, clean water and sanitation, food, clothing and shelter ca Physical hazards and emotional harm, security stability, order jof'©. Sstrsoctal needs! belonging, trust, communication, respect, autonomy, responsibility + Medical oxygen + Medication * Sdays supply © paper, pen/penell > ordten info tape chese,ek + medical equipment/devices (etre incatores presceiprintor ‘© eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures eqs pred) © cane, walker + insulin pump, dalyss © Potable drinkable) water + Normal sources (wxi\jnunreipa For drinking food prep 1 gallon/ person@ranimal/ day + hygiene? Cincisass per procuct’) storage 2, nor-brtaathes replau qiemne * unulretur tonormal “giorine bleach (16drops/galioa* ———— boll Smin Curini 45+ negate € Zhou) © portable water filter a S we sanitation @wausnc j normal waste disposes mained) senor rent . Nein | povertrickea dws (2, (60ca Sueimune food» Wat i Loess Cast 0cahely mes genet! Seat A alge 1-24) Shere ee MN Scans gg Rou, e v Hr = exacusetion 3 ges gs Sli) eee soir reat NE animes sb minurnn Gay — ee crest i. sae gays Deagyor? Wh vt ott yo) 10 stonay ee s00t ha ‘SHeWweysAs & SIASWIN) WieIsKS TuAWABEUEYY WOPIOUPEUOTEN 241° oe * Sats ___su9morl aappnsop-suadzaw-eso sia ain [O2uo> a woo. oun fapumy au S49 E94 aip pasep axourous spaypatdhynenpaud we anu sues ston —_ ‘o}doad Aue af ue spore RB Aonsepueo sons eu soxSOTRT PUENTE) Ixa aze ang aayaans oy asouy Jo s!2}9 yr]eay uLLan BuO] asne> oe 8 inn ovet, pure auuoutaue axp aveurureyuod “guaaida se aydoad aziuodea on seuse 018 AB OF axtaxtgo wo soxpom0o4 UU OTe AO ET [OSHC WIUSUNENTD « asda suas pomoens 47 ORM RCN + ‘ind an 9 sows pobovunedwonp sot 5408 Bo smrsind yuminadire / paseo juaunean pide so1mbad 09 Saoxendsos Grea 2 poate rane axe ysipau Huunae sc noo oysepeay azoaos) swords eeun‘pateep=T NEA. Te mraayat Four! ane obONRS © uy yal pareann saunas ROG Kauangs > ue suoned Aoqenque ye feu 6 Jou u9aI9 “2 voemten sronaly © AE0ESa gD uouneaiy pidey pue afer deg» sek eed (ensisreyy PUEKIUIO Jo UE Yoostp saAMYTP axETUREUOD APPIN o/ CHET ajqeyreae suorypuos estsAydy saounosat/ sda voniatqesad ano ng qnapinidoy Sunnduoo euasseAI5N PH, courage sjanoyoad Jo sojoa jes uy saueyp AIL) ruasrajaid » saunpaaoad ued AauaBurauoo AauaBioWs as mol wi) sites ar aun ® wea suo sawn unid own UAE oO sae ial START TRIAGE a (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) AllWalking Wounded ct inal “Green means 92 over 30/min RESPIRATIONS MENTAL STATUS — nds © The{ineident Gommand:System (I0S)is « management system designed to enable effective and eficient domestic incident management equipment, personnel, ing within @ common -Incdint iavestyanor thu +0 nor ~ Urtrea! Stress cleloreFiing moz>aizm 2 Bz °M Thompson F14 epson? 3 tapes cukoruous, Gk, mbalunt 5 nadUely hooked Onimals 5 Contamineded Rocd ved preseg tt cnst imran 5 of usted WEP uate Concieseal Semce) ou vodkunss) srager > pg soruraly curring Satipar- elit Se esata Up 4 case + indernahonal alarm! NUR43: Class 4 F14 A protect reservoirs EEE! mosquctotj rodard 4! iaxt droppings Closirtduwn (mush °M Thompson F14 NUR#43: Clase 4 F14 exlasons or sp ora transport axe afte Blood °M Thompson F14 FEMA Cover aspects of preparedness plans, including activating, ‘mutual aid and assistance agreements. Contain a mechanism for incorporating corrective actions. ‘Which position is responsible for the direct management of all Incident-related tactical activities? Operations Section Chier ‘The National Response Framework (NRF) presents the guiding principles that: Provide the structure and mechanisms to ensure effective Federal support of State, tribal, and local related activities. ‘Select the TRUE statement about the Incident Action Plan. Establishes the overall incident objectives, strategies, and tactics ‘Which organization has line authority to oversee the ‘management of multiple incidents being handled by separate Incident Command organizations? ‘Area Command ‘Mutual aid agreements and assistance agreements provide: ‘Mechanisms to quickly obtain emergency assistance in the form of personnel, equipment, materials, and other associated services. ‘The act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority at the field level is referred to as: Command Unified Command: Assigns single Incident Commander to assume unity of command and make decisions forall jurisdictions. ‘The Joint Information System is: ‘The framework for organizing, integrating, and coordinating the delivery of public information. apuuutuog wwapput gseomosas jo avapen pu SuLop0 ap pue ope; pur soxSoqens jo qauudopesop axa Suqpnyour ‘sopianoe aeepyor (20) qysuodsor fenprstpUr ot St Ot, -squowarnber uopeunoju paywja1-woproa, Sumpuedar sotpuadte remo 1pys\ 10/pule bIpau pue oygnd xp gus se08pI0y0T FeO WoREMIOFUY OHM OKT, “VINEE PUP SHIA Woy ApDaup saaanosas wsanbot Pron Jepueuruioy vary ue‘axeAg walt yi9pIou xepdtHo9 wa “SININ Buysn poSeaeur siwopy ‘Sjasse pule ssounosau feuont ‘4p yo fe wopred 04 (O4N) JoW9g uoREABoINT [eUONEN, aun paystiqeise Armaizas at. "SNIN Jo eoueuayureur pUuE wourodeteu SujoSuo a Surmsta 10} wstEHIOU B YSTAEASS ‘0 Axunoog puwjautoH Jo Azeiox9ag amp pouinbox S-1USH -aqy9801 jon rom pure esaya (0) jouuostod asuodso1/aurasouetr KouaBrouto Jo Aue aN ST Auyqeredoreyay -souydlasip pu suonpapsunf Suowre wor jetp samjanns jeuonezite20 pazyprepueys jo wOUISTEST, “SWIN _Joyyatiag ato saquosop woq THF. MojaN TEUIATAS aN |S -(eonganan zxpo pu ‘soen0. ‘sqaes8 ysnong) aoueyssse 994) jeep 40} womypuo> ‘e suoyyeztue0 [200] Pure “equ ‘YAS Aq SWIN 30 wondope DEW 10} sofouoBe pub squaturedop [eapod [fe soumnbau (Sash) $ aanpani emUNpIsed AMOAS Pue|MOHL ‘wonsdg woeanoyay HOP esosionens pu supjd uogeutioyuy ayqnd Sunoexe pure BuupueUsLIO..t Saydoqpaap &q sofessow payeurproc9 pareper-iwopipu, uynyop pur Suydoyasop 2oy ammonus ¥ soptaaad SN YONA, ‘To better serve their constituents, elected and appointed officials should do the following, EXCEPT FOR: ‘Assume the role of incident commander forall incidents and ‘direct the on-scene technical operations from the Emergency Operations Center. ‘This structure is the physical location at which the coordination of information and resourees to support incident ‘management (on-scene operations) activities normally takes place. Emergency Operations Center ‘The credentialing process involves an objective evaluation and. documentation ofan individual's: Current certification, license, or degree, ‘Training and experience, and ‘Competence or proficiency. Incident managers begin planning for the demobilization process: As soon as possible to facilitate accountability of the resources. Which ofthe following statements is FALSE? Specifies how resourees will be allocated among, tions A basic premise of the NIMS and National Response Framework (NRF) is that: Ineidents should be managed at the lowest jurisdictional level possible. ‘Select the NIMS term that is defined as the architecture to ‘support coordination for ineident prioritization, critical resource allocation, communications systems integration, and, information eo ‘Maultiagency Cot to allow personnel from different agencies to work vgs cvard mou | Ra a, prUyuTeHO << ym Salen sv il wopss pd 50 vada f atoms ands/paie Sin aso) nou -rapuuey jon spoasyp sodas oy. ue (arya wondog worrensrartIpy /sateUty PUP TPIED WONDER sousioy Janu wonbeg Suuelg ry wore suaREIaKO 27) nonany oy Smpuoove portaeao favosvad JootoSeGPU 3U3P!T 0) staat mis THOM, wor ou) ‘uonztuesio waisig puotutueD IWopIOuy WET «rease through time within one animal or person over time -biomagniy: Increase through food chain~avoid predators who have higher ‘amounts within everyone—E% coal fures coming from ing Intergenerational levels 3 (2 generation) —great grandehild-—transgenerational level caeegne NIE Lene al 9 6 argent ‘won2atoxdajissod sauy 480m oy SuRIa8 224N DUNSUN ‘ed OUAIU-sWANOS 34a Ke|—PO¥ oyeudsau—ny 3g uojssuisuea Aion {eo yay fm qussuen om Asea) pe0| auinjon yy 1093 (vos@si01d uses) sano ‘sum :au09 Apoq/pooTa“T “ounsodeo By) pauepingsono u30d ou seq {auale ot s20p Apoq eum) saneuReSROL “b ‘anpe 0 sop aus vey s10u np 25e¢ws jn pup 09 9s0p) wsyoqerau oy YQ seypoq sapeUs—a.meW ou sua Duna ea oy sass A2Upp eaneU~spH, BunOK UEIPIND wal aney ya 9599 mo} 3 Kx! 210U anima astodsas a4 J a 2 swords auos 235 01 81 nok uoun— [ana 4 swowduss o a2uasge uuesiod ayo ou vaomi9g 38 ® 3509 ond vorewousnuy uon of UNS oj ov pateyuy A209 513 S2 anoge Axiom on 3s0Ur-LORE;EYL uate jeooj0q uugjesanoy >| tou) yueapo, (sop mo 9q 03 aney 300 s30p) 9809 Jamo] 99 0: spuat—jenuguod‘auows ALON ‘Ae (emma (481 09 03 oney 3580p) asop JOUsI4 99 01 SU oy rou st 264M Uo poseq—sseosp ‘ows 999 10) sak Bed 33 -N) Bae ‘pjow—auese |eBojor) wixo, needs (ve jeune pn eay-soroan ma ‘pooy “areMse-epou) 92105 -T SORTS r/cartridge type (add specific filter to protect against what exposed to}- pth ge face te raion Spectrum of Disease Person Time Place exposure —> preaiue! “se 40 cigs! Cres Boe nner tots ome temmunuabes peried’ Sigeseal swckeing oF Feckegts _en eme5 he reaps taent Combicas 102) — sts ie te primary: before exposure ‘of foodborne illness: based on the ane with the highest -steps to investigation: ‘numberof people wihat people have in common “ oveunuouap 10 enes24uNa 9H JM MOL ‘x pazu oreuwouep) aiéood peop ‘ore aun) aeoad Aqeoy :fe0ue8 UL voneindod id eo suanuoo or oney nom soi [OE ae °. 3 a au or 0s s n nei a aN a oor = © or ¥ aur uonsindod rio ne2a ‘An ajcoad ase> 1 40 uoiee peo Auent upon o wnowe 1p donee 180} mou} <} pooyain ae au ‘fyunus euraew 169A jo UL BOS 18830u awos 0p uy fed sos aunsoth 0 1200) 1uaieyp AUN «ej poypadsns 320 0u pip 04m 2504) SOU 0 7Pe| aL LEO Iv ]uaBoupAsd uomsuecl ‘osnos[eusu0 fae ae Diaries (aaa ee Ea Gory [oe fest eevee rematerelempatsrsaeut aes ea + TSAI andshen it becomes active) ference between epidem and pandemics how many countries ae involved powunyuo>so\noue 0; pasodxa gNy aunsoxro GN x x x Loma odo ger onsoute;a | __(umouy) aunsodxa sas é G < ‘sepquedouen aunsseig ‘wabohig Bupiows (peoneeu) aimeiedway | Sep passaiduog pareeuhieweunoinig | 2p Twonesmnany 15hG POON seoedg pauyuog | esjonrpunog ‘ene Apu 208g sesnuq eu8}0,, (au) sejouenbeiy opey | qusnqwog SHON] 2000.07, Serna weunes; east | (a) pare ‘ygeuuiely ‘emming euonezueBig | sjueuquosey BuypueH ee] SONSUEIDEIEU SIeURTEWN NUH, parelearteosud POM UNS seiseleg vonon enmedey | (an) eIOMeAIN seyepefudsy enbije ‘epayeqou0H) ‘aunsseig ojelpey Buzwo-uoN | sioydnisiq euLoopUg speze} eagonpoidey ‘si0s80ng 310 weUBjeN vowed wopey abouieg ‘nwouove0ta0g yoluwog Awepon | prowybung ‘ainjsog shey eunueg ‘OKO OUI [IBIET suoneWoURnU sonuovobia UX T8ZHSUOS pag jevosedioyy) | sunojopua spiezeyy ‘opespey BuU9} we lea pue dy “dig ‘ueag jeuOnOU evened wore, ype anisouog ‘pag pue ssang susbieiy ‘ABreu3 jeoueyooy) | oneuBey-onpeiayfBieug | soqsueyoeiey PareeemeeH Jeposoyoksg, reo1Bojo1g requeyoow reatsyg feoqway, 1. cite it a a aw to decrease carbon dloxide emissions fr ind Environmental Protection Agency. % develop 2 community diagnosis % ge addtional questions related to environmental health and safely. ayo YBnow Jeve6soqu 10 "us Buo| 'epauiu oq veD spoye YOY EWEUIUOANL £8809 snok ayn woes poo6 e aney MOK OC. 7 “a 210k sy pey au 24 sey suop|208 huews MOH. So °D Fa cron rao oe won, 5c) woresdso1 e eamnok oa. 5 ¥ ae | 192 "voz SoBe 3 oneonday Janay anmnuB09 10 ‘oquanian sjepsodce sow 249 Ju ase a Aun 64 Jo 9paeu |ty BuRAIB}9P 10) spoIpoUL LOHNER yuEyOd axe BURA SARE TSTEPURL @ ak2Y SOSINU YEOY AHUMUNLIOD “queynyod se 4} sono} poota sei pue eungse 10} suoneindod ysv-¥e UeBIES| EE e019 eqowuosnuo ue asod noo eg sanagoe posadoud noge sasseooud BUNeUr-UOISOP UI suaTIEO ANNU = °O ‘sanss| equoUUo,)U0 usmle 40 sf2n9| onedojed wowed -suouonoy yeu fyunuauco 6 yo8U0 0 voRENEN® eta SIME "Y voices 4. Maa 2008025155, sdeeementtenheniinatdhenacciandindnishinihainiiniesiaticiempmrpcedanneniiny 4. % cccupational Safely and Health Administration (OSHA wert place safety 8X clean Air for A cc. X Heatny aur polities, 1020 ‘Anatom o approach health at the aggregate leva isthe Heal with issues ranging from decreasing azone levels to decreasing these issues desl wih the broader environmental origins of disease, not just deleterious personal habits. OSHA, Clean Air for All, and the CDC have a more narrow focus who i affected by the problem? what incvidual should | tak to? 6. % What nursing diagnosis is involved? H. % what is my ole? Dialogue from critical thinking should facitate community involvement and is not focused on @ single Individual Asking about role or diagnosis does not facitate communtiy involvement 2 et solve can 1% sound Shisha heat frolems. % eduatng about erviconenta neat azo A i % attering ind behaviors L. implementing otusons to Educating the publ about environmental robles af the envionment. Environ increasing the pub's knowledge ofthe hazards leads not oly to individual acon but also public ‘ction. The other options are nat the primary focus ofthe community health use mental racist hazards isthe fst step in engaging the community rds are complex and interconnected: therefore, 997 88d 34 opeoyday Janay aug i410 ‘uisnoy © payres prezey JeWOUINONAUS a4) LONEIEPISUOD CW 6 10U ‘yenb 22m 2 wend GusnoH ‘end poos-y 92 a8eq 534 6poyrouy nay annuog ‘310 weno eu Buns pue sioquow xumanoo un sa6UEUDHO FIN Y BUUBNEI |)“ poaieess suotpe ou hyena pue seuss) AsoueH oN "gat (Selecta that appv) ‘| * Workrelated exposures 8. % Atmospheric quality c X Families mecpectei DIF: Cognitive level: Knowiedge REF: Page 252 zz 260d /438 ‘8p youy nay anuo9 310 ;SToeBRSSSU SUNSET sksiojominn on se faecal Trane BOWE SdystoHe}e: yo Ayxoydwe e Ka perv 5] 9Se0sIp ANON repou wou) “0 | UOHESTBD Jo GaN oven aBoouNpES “a suns Gus pawn 4 pou sun-eoeKt-uOsied oY 01 06e 4385 ‘8 peyroun onal anuBo9 310 Jepou ai6ojonuopide ue yueseides jou op q pue y SIBNSuY “unuIOD oY LI uoHed eseOSIP jojuopide paz fapousausy-2oRN-UosIed a "eSeASIO OF S0U et JPUNa,SP ‘whIgo%d a4 WoLISSSSSe ‘aye emnsode9 jo ous 2438 suENpUOD 1 10 agau96 £3804 919 pu UOBE a4, uw aBojowenrdo aut ‘sn pue 'evo}2eq ‘sma “a ‘um pue ‘coed Uosted — 1204 Wwedy Joe pue ‘eouerenaid‘eouepoul 5 ¥ A. % Joseph Lister > ortisepties 8. % witlam Farr —g mtchicon Sets X som snow. A 1. % Edward Jenner, -ysmaigor voces n& surgery ‘madical statistics. Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine. DIF: Cognitive evel Knowiedge REF: Page 71 asst “prevalance ree cc. % iRise StS reters tothe number of new cases ofa cisease in those exposed tothe disease. x page fate rane 1. * The term motence ate refers tothe percentage of deaths ina speciic period of time from a specific cause ‘exposed tothe disease. The percentage of deaths in a specific period of ime from a specific cause refocs tothe mortality rate 51.002 38 s6paysouy Jana] aanubog 310 uonerexdiow w sose1q uieye0 0) yolgns axe says opr pue Jeafpus e az¢ voqeindod oiq 30 az uogejndad adeane ayy aq AB a payeinoyeo ove sajes 9pn19 ae sejes 9119 5-0 ou sesaidel opmepime 2 u o}euIOUS Ses mena eMUOUSP LL xD “yuiye voneinded ou 1 ou uonended agp 92504 9 weuns n-apEsepR © Buena Uy; 7 sores ona sequoseb) Lk | 69 90a 13 2b payouy je} aauog ‘310 Lounaiassny g yenours 3p PRES @-ABojomlapide amidiossg PP age Brera Genaens? & agwe Mno4e af vya}4O : pms wOUDD X propontonate moray ate 8. % Crude death rate ©. age usted death ae 0% Standardized mortality rate (CHrepotonste mona PLM ._® incidence ‘The term{7HJoters to the probabiity of an adverse event PFravaiance)s the number of all cases of a ation TRais ae atmetc expressions hat help practitioners ‘the size of the population from which itis rence of new cases of disease of contion ina DIF: Cognitive level: Knowedge REF: Page 77 eg eed 338 ‘bpaywouy Jn sauC9 310 ‘ABojouispide ‘nioue ss “spouiou 9GojoM9pIde poouEAPE S10 pue WALEED UM pareBsonU BIE s9sneD 9 6e< 381 ‘2B payrouy) nay annuog ‘31a ‘waurdojanep oseasip 620}6q ened se} SenINIDe UONUaNIOIL YOYN siNoD0 UoMLaNaNd EL ‘wuabowed 2) “a. one, yo ‘frepunnes 4 8 m=. ve | @U1“padoronan seu aseesip aroreq AyuNULICD axn 10} UONUBAe:d BuNpsnord 1 PABeBLA s! osIMU sur uous -peuuep uayo ae Samseau uowvanasd oxoaye Suoyesasenu ooMueprds YEMEN) 20 ose087 a 8 | toys. REF: Page 406 ‘A. % Consult the ches pediatrician. 8. Delay the immunizations. ¢. _% Do not give the immunizations because of the contraindication, X ive tne nmunaton. ‘A low-grade fever isnot 2 contraindication to immunizations. The nurse should give the immunizati ‘postponed in cases of moderate or savers fable ness 9. side ‘an unknown underying cause, REF: Page 502 ‘8. % women usually have more sexual partners. 8, % women are less ikely to use protection methods against STDs, % the anatomical structure of women promotes transmission of STDs. D._* weatment ‘Women are at higher risk f that enhance transmission true, stl DIF: Cognitive level: Knowledge REF: Page $10 ian, Vaccination should be confusion between a vaccine 1nd make diagnosis cific. The other statements are not Ley 2004 534 ‘6 pytouy yono| aanuoo 310 Uojeniueues Jo weyo ou) u yuH © ¥e219 0 ‘hom j2son9s Jo omy oe Ayunuiut p24 Jo sjaka| YOY OuLEIUEW pue sluabe SNoNDe}U Jo SHONESe! phy oa feu ns uous 0 su ou ene | BOL LORS .soseop pnusuen Agent 0 ujesusuen wane 0 0p BEN POBUL 5c Sewn 20 hn nous 400 ERI svn e008 sau 724110 pauna exe fou jo\yaunsuo 0 BSEOSIp sNOHDZyU! Ue YM SLOSzOd Jo} Bu ‘senioe sapnfou UoRuaNoid Kena uoNSaiu UE 01 pasodk uosiad aig ul KBHOWEd WaREIE sawrnnp 9929 oNWENaId KILI oY ) /& % Humans host [eames * nescitoes Vectors can be animals or arthropods and can transmit cisease through biological and mechanical routes. The oer options are not vectors. DIF: Cognitive level: Knowledge REF: Page 496 DIF: Cognitive level: Knowedge REF: Page 495 oma 2 8. A food worker tkely coughed C. A food worker may have a bleeding wor % Hopatts is transmitted where level: Analysis REF: Page 497 ysnoaueynoqns vans voxel auddeA JMOSTUE UY aber018 woPwOU rsh eed e e NT Sg Oui h peo Xp tod covering crops and recreational areas of a geographic area A terrorism attack causing major interruption of communication technologies 4 tornado resulting in flood an destruction of electrical systems for a comunity SE D. % Annuclear accident at a power plant causing evacuation of people in an urban community ANA-TECH disatris a natural protien technological problem, and a eorsm atack and a nuclear aceident are nt natural disasters. REF Page S68 (2. A family of five people presented to @ hospital after the flooaing of their urban home. These farnily _ Members are ciaseriied as which of the following? % Poverty victims * Deplaced persons % inrec vets So p> X Mass casualties (BES eaBTATY evens one in which 100 or more individuals are involved. Poverty isnot considered Sie Casstcaion. ‘A, American Red Cross (ARC) 8, * Nationa iste rot Sah % Federal Emergency Manage 1. % Centers fo Disease Cont and Prevention (COC) FEMA'S mission so suppor cizens and frst responders to ensure that 2 together to bud, sustain, and improve the capaci to prepare recover fom, and mitgate al. The oer agencies may be peripheral inv bits nt thee primary focus in national disasters DIF: Cognitive level: Knowledge REF: Page 569 es e6ed 434 6 payiouy nay anubo9 310 ‘suo Jo anosau pue yasees ax uo sesnon) frosay Jois uo sasn20} sapnyou (eons, reopsi6oy a Awouny "ysraisesip 6uunp S2u0Ud 99010 zug ebeg 34 uoweanddy:2n9) anmu609 ‘sod ye Buyanco ues peo. e 6} uonLoNaid soles 2208 6uInp suooY soBejsejsesipaNd ue }Ss|pUOU ou snsD0 VoRUeNON Kel seseea/ yz) 0 foewor se 9 Krepuoces ya mo * ‘eveye pur buunp soyous puy omy wo Sse sseupovEdaKd Sheep AYUMI e LOPEHAOK aX pea 8 Yelow c. * Black 1. pisitusionment phase ho force phase a community's reaction oa easter involves peopl feng the need to rsh to things are diferent, and much needs tobe dove to adjust the Curent situation REF: Page 578 = weapons ofmess destruction SE 8. % Computer-based attack weapons. ©. % Recovery agents . | Prevention medications ‘Weapons of mass destruction refer o any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or ‘of toxic or polsonous chemicals or lassiied as nerve agents, vesicants, pulmonary DIF: Cognitive level: Knowledge REF: Page 563 ‘815 26ee 251 opeonddy ana} aanuson 310 ‘anus pue red ‘suo Pano} & odds jro0s om peu ou warp poveaKoe Ya ewanxe Buouaydxo 1oIP pI po ae ~" 5 ee rrerenmenmeciay Soe aaeesereeprtesaeepenaysemaesrenriiiron ‘pis 900 “58s 8 poyrcuy ona] anion 310 “seayp © us ware BulBeys ou 40} 898n sjeudoxdde ou ave -suopdo Jo au. “swaWuBsse Joye 0} pUe 104 pawuNoDde 6 0} auohsana Swoje SIAL ‘uP»P=ND pue eave sg 0} ued pnays siepuodser Yojedsiq uoges pubwuCD oysu0 a4 s: wave OUBEIS OY EEE sweuntisse 106 pue oy yodas 0} sepuodsay sisesip 10} NES puewilo® Se mE OL) “a ore paveyous pnoid 01 “2

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