Song of Prayer

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Song of Prayer
For your final culminating project, you are required to complete five different activities
from the various topics. All of the activities demonstrates different acquired learning
from throughout this course. This activity falls under the topic of Prayer.
Specific Expectations:
PSV: use a variety of prayer forms to enrich and express personal and communal
PSV: understand the role of sign and symbol in sacramental expression
Song is important not only for our mental wellness, but also seen as the strongest form
of prayer. Select a song that you like that can have the lyrics altered to reflect a prayer.
This prayer is to be written by you, and fit into the song to replace the lyrics. The prayer
will have to follow similar time-count, and rhythmic patterns as the song you have
chosen to use as background. The theme of this prayer is entirely up to you. Identify
the type of prayer that you have created.
Write a prayer
Select a song that the prayer can go into
Ensure the prayer meets the rhythmic pattern of the song
Replace the lyrics with you prayer
Identify the type of prayer you have created
Submit the original song lyrics and you prayer lyrics

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