Library Management System

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Library Management System

The modules of the project are:

File Module

Transaction module

Records module

Report module

Windows module

Help module

Brief Description:
It can successfully accomplish common Library
tasks and generate interactive reports. It is
originally designed for a coursework, so it is kept
as small as possible.Very simple, neat, and easy to
follow codes. Recommended for beginners who
want to learn Database Programming. The code
may be small but is quite robust.

Front End : Visual Basic 6.0

Back End : Microsoft Access Driver

Software Requirements:
User must install Visual basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access in
their PC. Mini
Source Code :
[cc lang="vb"] TabCaption(0) = Member Details
TabCaption(1) = Book Details
TabCaption(2) = Issue Details
Form4.Data1.RecordSource = select * from Issue_mast
d = InputBox(Enter the member code to delete the record,
Data3.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast where
mem_code= + d +
MsgBox The member has not returned the book,
vbInformation, Library
Data1.RecordSource = select * from mem_mast
r = InputBox(Enter your member code, Book Return)
Data3.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast where
mem_code= + r +
Data3.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast
b = InputBox(Enter your book code, Book Return)
Data2.RecordSource = select * from book_mast where
book_code= + b +
d = InputBox(Enter the book code to delete the book, Delete)
Data3.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast where

book_code= + d +
MsgBox Dont Delete, we have issued this book,
vbInformation, Library
Data2.RecordSource = select * from book_mast
Data1.RecordSource = select * from mem_mast
Data2.RecordSource = select * from Book_mast
Data3.RecordSource = select * from Issue_mast
Data1.RecordSource = select * from Mem_mast
Data2.RecordSource = select * from Book_mast
Data3.RecordSource = select * from Issue_mast
[/cc] Library Project Web Form for Getting Book Information:

[cc lang="vb"]Private Sub Command2_Click()

Form1.Data2.RecordSource = select * from book_mast
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_LostFocus()
On Error GoTo errorhandle
Data1.RecordSource = select * from book_mast where
book_code= + Text1.Text +
Do While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF
If c <> 0 Then
MsgBox Duplicate Code, vbExclamation, Duplicate
Text1.Text =
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error occurred!Wrong Book Code, vbInformation,

End[/cc] Issuing Book VB web Form:

[cc lang="vb"] Data1.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast
Form1.Data2.RecordSource = select * from book_mast where
book_code= + Text3.Text +
Form1.Data3.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast
Form1.Data2.RecordSource = select * from book_mast where
book_name= + List1.Text +
Data1.RecordSource = select * from issue_mast where
mem_code= + Text1.Text +
MsgBox Please return the book first, vbInformation, Book
Form1.Data1.RecordSource = select * from mem_mast where
mem_code= + Text1.Text +
Form1.Data2.RecordSource = select * from book_mast
MsgBox Error occured!Wrong Member Code, vbInformation,
MsgBox (Please check your stock)[/cc]

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