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About Gottfried Mayerhofer

Gottfried Mayerhofer, who, apart from Lebensgeheimnisse,

inspired by the inner spiritual voice, has written several other works
published by the Lorber-Verlag, Bietigheim, was born in Munich in
1807 as the descendant of a notable family. In his middle years he
entered as officer into Greek royal service, married in Athens the
daughter of a wholesale merchant and later lived in Trieste in good
circumstances. There he came into contact with the writings of the
New Revelation through Jakob Lorber and became an enthusiastic
follower of the same. Through his selfless financial help, he helped
the then publisher Johannes Busch in the publication of The
Great Gospel of John and other Lorber works.
At an advanced age, Gottfried Mayerhofer himself, as a diligent
disciple of the Lord, received the gift of the Inner Word. Thus
through his writing several works originated, in which many
questions relating to creation, to life, to the road to salvation and
to communication with the spiritual world etc. were discussed. The
most important and most beautiful fruit Gottfried Mayerhofer was
allowed to offer mankind is the unique collection of 53 sermons by
the Lord called The Lords Sermons, a work which serves many
people all over the world for their daily edification.
On Good Friday 1877, Gottfried Mayerhofer was allowed to return
to the lightful spirit-world about which he had given us so much
The Lorber Publishers

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