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CLUNE Construction Company Aprit1, 2010 RE: UNITED AIRLINES WILLIS TOWER INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT 233 S. WACKER DRIVE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ISSUED VIA CERTIFIED MAIL AND FAX OR EMAIL ‘TO: ALLIANCE OF BUSINESS LEADERS & ENTREPRENEURS (ABLE) ‘ALLIANCE OF MINORITY AND FEMALE CONTRACTORS ‘ASIAN AMERICAN ALLIANCE. ‘ASSOCIATION OF ASIAN CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES BLACK CONTRACTORS UNITED (BCU) ‘CHICAGO MINORITY BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC. (CMEDC) (CHICAGO URBAN LEAGUE (CUL) CHICAGO UNITED (CHICAGO WOMEN IN TRADES (COALITION FOR UNITED COMMUNITY LABOR FORCE (COSMOPOLITAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. FEDERATION OF WOMEN CONTRACTORS (FWC) HISPANIC AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (HACIA) ILLINOIS BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ILLINOIS HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LATIN AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (LACC) RAINBOW PUSH COALITION. ‘SMALL CONTRACTORS NETWORK (SCN) SOUTH SHORE CHAMBER, INC. UNITED NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION (UNO) WOMEN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER (WBDC) WOMEN CONSTRUCTION OWNERS & EXECUTIVES lease notify the members of your organization thatthe bid package forthe Unted Airlines Willis Tower Infrastructure project bid documents are available. ‘The General Contractor fr ths project is Clune Construction Company. The architect Js OWPAP, The United Airlines Office Wills Tower infrastructure Project indudes MEP facility hardening work to support 24 hour operations located at Wilis Tower 33 W. Wacker ‘Drive. Construction fr this project will start on June 01, 2010 and will be completed by October 8, 2010. ‘This isa Union project that requires prevailing wages, 80% City of Chicago Residency and submital of certified payrolls on a weekly basis. ‘This project requires « minimum of 30% MBE and 6% WBE. Be advised that the project will be going for LEED SILVER certification ‘There will bea mandatory walkthru on APRIL 9", Proposals are due Anrit12,2010 at? pm, te te #732107 Page? Apri, 2010 ‘UNITED AIRLINES WILLIS TOWER INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT ‘The following interior trades willbe utilized fr this project: demolition, coneret, masonry, tel, hollow metal aluminum frames, hardware carpe, fie protection, plumbing, HVAC, and cleetrical, Interested parties should contact Christopher Redpath, Senior Vice President at Clune Construction unitedviliscower@ to receive the projec bid package. ‘Thank You, =D ‘Christopher Redpath, Senior Vice President Clune Construction Company CLUNE Lomtaet brioo

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