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Poziv na gostujua predavanja

Dragi studenti i studentice, potovani kolege i kolegice,

od 9. sijenja do 9. travnja 2016. godine na Odsjeku za povijest umjetnosti u Splitu bit emo
domaini profesoru Giuseppe Capriottiju sa Sveuilita u Macerati (Italija). On e u
zimskom semestru odrati dva predavanja i to u okviru kolegija Umjetnost zrelog i kasnog
srednjeg vijeka i kolegija Ikonologija. Pozivu prilaem raspored predavanja, saetke i kratak
ivotopis profesora Capriottija.
Srdano Ivana apeta Raki

14 January 2016: The Jews in the mirror of the medieval art: theological polemics,
economic conflicts and conversions
If the images are historical sources, Medieval art is an extraordinary starting point to
understand the difficult relationship between Christians and Jews in Europe. The lecture
will be focus on the analysis of some iconographic subjects that testify the Christian
perception on the Jews.
18 January 2016: The fortune of the Greek mythology in the Western art until the 18th
century: eroticism, censorship and mistakes in the reading of the Ovids Metamorphoses
The lecture will analyze the channels of survival of Greek mythology and the modalities of
representations of the pagan Gods between Medieval and Early Modern era. We will focus
principally on the fortune of the Ovids Metamorphoses, that becomes an authentic best
seller after then invention of the print book, even if it was hit by different forms of
censorship, due to the eroticism of its printed images.

Giuseppe Capriotti CV
Giuseppe Capriotti is Assistant Professor (Senior Researcher and
Lecturer) of Early Modern Art History at University of Macerata (Italy),
where he teaches Iconography and Iconology and History of Images.
After an interdisciplinary thesis in History of Religion Early Modern
Art History (2000), he won a scholarship for a PhD at University of
Macerata (2000-2003), during which he studied at the Ecole des Hautes
Etudes in Paris under the direction of Daniel Arasse and Franoise
Frontisi-Ducroux. Always keeping an interdisciplinary approach, he has aimed much of
his research to the resolution of iconographic issues, combining the traditional iconological

method with the criteria of historical anthropology, problematically applying them to the
fine arts.
He gave seminars at Universit Pierre-Mands-France of Grenoble (France) and at
University of Zagreb (Croatia). He published several articles or books on the anti-Jewish
and anti-Turkish painting, on the fortune of the Greek mythology in art (in particular on
the fortune of the Ovids Metamorphosis) and on the connection between texts, images
and mystical visions. He recently published Lo scorpione sul petto. Iconografia antiebraica
tra XV e XVI secolo alla periferia dello Stato Pontificio (Roma, Gangemi, 2014), Labili del
mito. Unaltra autobiografia di Benvenuto Cellini (Genova, Il melangolo, 2013) and the
anastatic reprint of the Trasformationi by Lodovico Dolce, with the xylograph by Giovanni
Antonio Rusconi (Ancona, Affinit elettive, 2013).
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