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Apeejay Stya University, Sohna, Gurgaon

Course Code: ETEC-208

Subject: Antenna Theory & Design

Faculty Name: Parikshit Vasisht

Time Required: 120 mins
Marks: 10
Date of Submission:-30-09-2013
Assignment No.1
Q1.A 5m long radiating element carries a current of 1A. It radiates in the = 45 o
direction in free space at f = 30 MHz. Estimate the ratio of magnitudes of E and H at a
point located at 30 Km from the point of origination. Will it be different at 50 Km?
Q2.If the medium of propagation allows the wave to attain only 75% of the velocity
of light, at what distance will the induction and radiation fields become equal in
magnitude at f = 10 GHz?
Q3. Derive the relations 2 A + 2A = -J

& state what is Lorentzs condition.

Q4. For the case of infinitesimal dipole show that E in radial direction is zero.

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