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Electrolysis of brine

Recap of previous knowledge


Define the terms: electrolysis and electrolyte.

State two functions of cryolite (Na3AlF6) in the extraction of aluminium.

Electrolysis of brine
Brine is concentrated solution of sodium chloride (NaCl (aq)). Due slight ionisation of water;
H2O(l) H+(aq) + OH-(aq), an aqueous solution of sodium chloride contains four ions as shown on the
table below.
Compound producing ion
OHSources of brine: Brine is obtained
- From sea water
- By dissolving rock salt in water
The diaphragm cell below is used to electrolyse brine.

In the set-up above,

- The electrolyte is concentrated NaCl solution
- The anodes are titanium
- The cathodes are steel
- A porous diaphragm separating the anode compartment and the cathode compartment.
Brine therefore contains Na+ and Cl ions from the sodium chloride and H+ and OH ions from

At the cathode: Na+(aq) and H+(aq) present. H+(aq) is discharged, since H is below Na in
2H+(aq) + 2 H2(g)
2H2O(l) + 2 H2(g) + 2OH-(aq).
The discharged H+ ions is replaced by the shift in equilibrium process H2O(l) H+(aq) + OH-(aq), to
the right. As the H+ ions are discharged, Na+ ions are left in solution.

At the anode: OH and Cl present. Cl is discharged, since it is in high concentration.

2Cl-(aq) Cl2(g) + 2eAs the Cl- ions are discharged, OH- ions are left in solution. Na+ and OH- ions left in solution form
NaOH solution as H+ and Cl- ions are discharged. Thus electrolysis of brine forms three products:
- Hygrogen gas at the cathode

Chlorine gas at the anode

Aqueous NaOH solution left behind in the diaphragm cell.

The solution is removed and concentrated to form sodium hydroxide.

Precaution taken:
- The brine level in the anode compartment is kept higher than in the cathode. This is to
ensure that brine always flows from the anode compartment to cathode compartment
thereby preventing the flow of NaOH to the anode compartment. In this case, any
undesirable reactions are prevented.
The formation of the three products can be confirmed using tests on the table below:
Chlorine gas
Sodium hydroxide

Flame brought closer to gas
Damp red litmus lowered into gas
Add a drop of phenolphthalein

Gas burns with a pop sound
Litmus turns red and get bleached
Colourless solution turns pink

Bleach (NaOCl) such as LA CROIX is produced by recting Cl2 with NaOH.

Electrolytic purification of copper
Pure copper in large quantities is only obtained through electrolysis of crude copper. The electrolysis is
carried out using:
- An electrolyte of copper (II) sulphate acidified with sulphuric acid
- An anode of impure copper
- A cathode of pure copper


At the anode
At the anode, copper atoms lose electrons and become oxidised to copper ions.
Cu Cu2+ + 2
In solution, the copper ions are attracted to the cathode. Impurities from the anode (impure copper)
are deposited on the bottom of cell anode as sludge.
At the cathode
Copper ions gain electrons and become reduced to copper atoms.
Cu2+ + 2 Cu
The copper atoms are deposited at the cathode.
Observations made during the purification
- Anode reduces in size.
- Cathode increases in size
- Impurities are deposited at the bottom of the electrolytic cell

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