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Name: _______________________________________ Period:


Project: Short Story (Disaster) Assignment

Due: _________________________

Minimum Requirements:
 Name, Due Date, and Period on Paper
 Turned in on time
 Must be attached to this rubric

Presentation Guidelines:
1. Your story must be fictional – this means all characters and
events must be made up. You can’t use your friend’s names and
you can’t write about something that has actually happened.
2. The central conflict in your story must be a natural disaster. The
rest of the story details are up to you and you can be as creative
as you like. You may write a mystery, love story, science fiction
story, or a suspense story but you must have a natural disaster
included in the story line.
3. Your story must be appropriate for school – leave out the guns,
drugs, and other questionable material. If you aren’t sure – ask
4. This is a short story – it should be between 3-5 pages (typed,
double spaced)
5. You will be graded based on the attached rubric – this is your
chance to show me that you have mastered some of the
objectives for this year. Do a good job.

What You Will Turn In:

1. Plot diagram of your story
2. Rough draft (handwritten)
3. Working draft (typed, edited by AT LEAST two students and
4. Final Draft (ERROR FREE)

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