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Speech Language Hearing Association

November 1, 2015

See you all at ASHA!

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From the Pen of the President

"Change has a bad reputation in

our s ociety. B ut it isn't a ll b ad

not b y a ny m eans. In f act,
change is n ecessary in life t o
keep u s m oving . .. t o k eep u s
growing ... t o k eep u s
interested . ... Imagine life
without c hange. It w ould b e
static ... b oring ... d ull."
Dr. Dennis O'Grady

As we welcome a change in
season (yes, fall is here!), WSHA also
welcomes some new changes for this upcoming year.
At our last WSHA business meeting in June, our
members voted to accept amendments to the WSHA by-laws.
One of those changes was that the president, president-elect,
and past president could serve an additional year with the
approval of the Executive Board. In the past, these terms of
office were for one year only. At our board meeting in
October, the Executive Board voted to approve of myself as
President, Jessica Waldron as President-elect, and Lindsay
Curran as Past-President to remain in office for another year.
We are excited to serve another year with the WSHA Board!
Another change within WSHA was our hiring of Craven
and Associates to help manage our association. This has
been an exciting transition for us. Craven has helped
manage our last two conventions, but now in addition will be
managing our finances, membership sign-up and renewal, as
well as maintain membership data bases. The transition has
been smooth and hopefully a fine-tuned process for
members as they renew memberships, register for
conventions, and seek information. We will now have a
phone number for members to call with questions, which is
something new we couldnt offer in the past!
In addition, I look forward to seeing WSHA members on
Friday evening, November 13th, at the Wyoming/Colorado
Open House during the ASHA Convention at the Tivoli
Student Center. It will be fun to catch up with old friends
and make new friends with our Colorado neighbors!
As the quote says, Change is necessary in life to keep us
moving and growing. WSHA is changing! These changes
will help us improve upon what we are already doing so that
we can be an outstanding association for speech language
pathologists and audiologist in Wyoming!

Have a great fall, yall!

Sue Torney, M.A., CCC-SLP

2015 WSHA President

Craven Management Associates

expands their involvement with the
Wyoming Speech-Language-Hearing

By Christine DeHart and Diane Yenerall
Craven Management Associates

Craven Management Associates first began working with
WSHA in 2004 in planning the first IMASH Convention for the
year 2005. We continued working with WSHA and other
participating states for the 2008, 2011 and 2013 IMASH
Conventions. Once again, we have been working with
representatives in the planning of the 2017 IMASH
Convention, to be held In Boise, Idaho. During the 2013
IMASH Convention, we were honored to be awarded the
Friends of the Association Award. In 2013 WSHA engaged us
directly to help plan the 2013 WSHA Convention. In October
2015 our involvement with WSHA was expanded to provide
membership management services as well as financial
management services. You may have noticed on the WSHA
website, that WSHA now has a phone number (855-727-
2836) that you may call to ask questions about your
membership or WSHA events. In addition to responding to
member questions on the new phone line, we are also
responding to questions asked through the email address
Soon you will find changes to the WSHA website that
will include a new member only center and a streamlined
process for renewing your membership dues and registering
for WSHA events. The member center will contain a
searchable membership database and a printable


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membership card. When you renew your membership or
register for an event, you will now only need to complete
one form that captures both your personal information and
your payment.
Diane Yenerall, from Craven Management
Associates will be working with the WSHA board to provide
guidance on financial matters and to make the member
enhancements on the WHSA website. Christine DeHart will
be WSHAs Account Manager and will be the voice of the
WSHA on the new phone line and responding to WSHAs
We looked forward to working with WSHA on the
expanded services and hope to meet you at a future WSHA
event and the 2017 IMASH Convention. We appreciate this
opportunity to continue working with WSHA!

Wyoming Board of Speech Pathology

and Audiology - Notice of Intent to
Adopt Rules and Regulations

office request for agencies to reduce their administrative

3. Copies of the proposed rules in strike and underscore
format may be obtained upon request from the Wyoming
Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology, 2001 Capitol
Avenue, Room 104, Cheyenne, WY 82002, phone (307)
777-6529, or on the Boards website at:
4. The Board welcomes all comments and suggestions on
these proposed rule amendments. Comments must be
received in the Board office by November 13, 2015 to be
considered. Any individual who comments on the rules
may request that the Board provide a statement of
principal reasons for overruling the individual's
comments. If requested, the statement will be issued
either prior to or within thirty (30) days after the Board's
5. A public hearing will be held by the Wyoming Board of
Speech Pathology and Audiology if requested by twenty-
five (25) persons, by a governmental subdivision, or by an
association having not less than twenty-five (25)
members. Requests for a hearing should be directed to
the agency at the above address by the date specified
above. Notice of the hearing will be provided to all
persons making a timely request therefore.

The WSHA Board discussed the new proposed Rules and
Regulations at their most recent board meeting on October
19, 2015. WSHA President Sue Torney is preparing a
statement on behalf of the association. You might contact
the Executive Director Emily Cronbaugh as well. Emily sent
the following email to all license holders at the end of

Public notice is hereby given that the Wyoming Board of
Speech Pathology and Audiology intends to amend their
1. These rules and regulations are to be adopted in order to
implement the authority of the Wyoming Board of Speech
Pathology and Audiology to regulate the qualifications
and standards of performance of persons practicing
speech pathology and audiology in Wyoming and to
provide for enforcement and proper administration of the
provisions of the License Act for Speech Pathologists and
2. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 are being
amended, created, or repealed due to the Governors

The Wyoming
Institute for
Disabilities has
dedicated our
annual award
to the founder
of this center,
Dr. Keith A.
Miller. Dr.
Miller worked for
many years planning for the Wyoming Institute for
Disabilities official launch in November of 1994. Keith A.
Miller built his career upon the philosophy that everyone
should help communities become more welcoming and
supportive of people with disabilities. It is Dr. Millers spirit


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of dedication and desire for excellence in being a force
fighting for people with disabilities that has inspired the
Keith A. Miller Award. This years award was given to
Margret "Mickey" Anderson, of Douglas, Wyoming, for her
dedication to employment, program initiatives and
assistance to help all students with disabilities to grow and
reach their full potential. Mickey has impacted countless
lives with her true passion and commitment for all who face
life with disabilities, and therefore, is a great example of
what it means to be a fighting force for people with

Happy Halloween from faculty and students

at the University of Wyoming

several comprehensive projects:

Expectant Parent Information
WyDSA provides informational packets to parents that
receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. The packets
contain up-to-date information about Down syndrome.

Buddy Boxes
WyDSA sends welcome boxes to families that have a baby
with Down syndrome. The box is filled with information and

Buddy News
WyDSA compiles and distributes an informational newsletter
to families and supporters. The newsletter is published

Down Syndrome Family Conference
WyDSA sponsors a statewide conference for individuals with
Down syndrome and their families. Through this conference,
families can gain valuable knowledge from national experts
on a wide range of issues associated with Down syndrome,
and have the opportunity to network with other families.

Reaching out:
The Wyoming Down Syndrome

By Joelle Ashley

The Wyoming Down Syndrome Asscoaition (WyDSA ) is a
statewide organization dedicated to supporting people with
Down syndrome and their families. These are our main
ongoing projects which are designed to provide far-reaching
benefits for individuals with Down syndrome and their
families. Focusing on bringing families together and
providing support through outreach, WyDSA has developed

Professional Development Workshop

WyDSA facilitates a yearly professional development
workshop for educators, which they can count toward their
required continuing education credits.

Additionally, WyDSA hosts the Wyoming Buddy Walk each
fall. This event is their main fundraiser which pays for all of
the projects and is a wonderful day of celebration.


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website. Craven and I are working to set up this new sign-up
procedure on the website.
WSHAs new bylaws affect the duties of the
membership committee. The primary
responsibility of the new membership committee
now is to recruit members to the Association.
What a worthy job that is! Currently, there are 316
ASHA members and 138 WSHA members in
Wyoming. This constitutes roughly 40% of ASHA
members being engaged in their state association.
Much room to grow! The membership
committees immediate goal is to recruit 60% of
Wyomings ASHA members into the state
association in 2016 by May, 2016. We are
preparing for a membership drive during the first
few months of the year and will call on you to help.

We are recruiting committee members for the
membership committee. A board discussion about
a membership recruitment plan will take place on
Google hangout on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
If you would like to be part of this discussion, please email
me at

ACE Award Listing

January - June 2015
During this period, the
following Wyoming ASHA
members and /or certificate
holders were presented the
Award for Continuing
Education (ACE) by the
Continuing Education Board
of ASHA. The ACE is a formal
recognition of professionals
who have demonstrated
their commitment to lifelong
learning by earning 7.0 CEUs
(70 contact hours) within a
36-month period. WSHA
members are highlighted in

January 2015
Alisa Martinez

March 2015
Susan ONeill Lowry
Cara Straw

Green River

April 2015
Nena Germany-Greer Evanston
Kari Ward


May 2015
Karla Carnahan
Rock Springs
Mary Hardin-Jones
Dana Updike-Graham Rock Springs

June 2015
Janelle Smith
Rock Springs
M Elizabeth Vitt
Fort Bridger

Membership Renewal

Christiane Dechert, M.A., CCC-SLP
Membership Chair

As Craven and Associates are now managing membership
renewals for WSHA, watch for a renewal letter in the mail
soon. You will continue to be able to renew your
membership through the mail as well as through the WSHA


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