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Unusually the film Dark Obsession is from the perspective of a female character, who is a
mass murderer. This subverts against the dominant ideology that murderers in films are
usually always male and also helps to portray females as quite dominant and in charge as
apposed to males. This conflicts against the idea of a patriarchal society where men rule as
they are seen as more vulnerable throughout as some of them are even murdered by the
female characters.

My media product focuses mainly on the younger demographic like
teenagers/young adults therefore it may have an influence on how the target
audience perceive people of that age. It portrays how bitchy and nasty young
people can be as the grow up and gives off a rather negative representation of the
youth of today and people with not much experience in this setting might judge all
people of that age group based on what happens in the film. Despite this, not a lot
is revealed within the opening scene as this would make the audience more likely
to watch the rest of the production as they might desire to see what happens as it
progresses on.


In the film Dark Obsession the antagonist is a physcopathic white-American

teenage girl who seeks revenge on her old high school bullies. From the perspective
of a judgemental individual this could lead to the audience generalising this
negative representation to white-Americans in general. This is obviously not always
the case but it is a possibility.

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