My Name Is Khan

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My Name is Khan

If you want watch an indian movie without any lots of dancing scene and in america
location, just watch My Name Is Khan movie, its story about an indian move to
america. This film is about telling us about rasism, about humanity, and about
respect. When I watched this film for first time, there was a part that can make me
cry because about religion and about humanity. This film produced in 2010 with
shah rukh khan and kajol as film star.
Shah rukh khan, starring as rizvan khan, he moved to america because he promises
hi ammi (mother) thath he would make a happy life for him just like her brother,
zakir. When he moved to san francisco, a city that zakir lived, rizvan met zakirs
wife, hasina. Hasina the first person that rizvans syndrome since he was young.
Rizvan has a aspergers syndrome. This syndrome make rizvan look like autism and
he scared of yellow colour. When he already now what his sydrome, he work with his
brother, his brother asked rizvan to sell his product, mehenaz herbal beauty
product, zakir asked rizvan to sell to salon. One time, he all alone, when he wanted
to cross the street, the zebra cross was yellor colour, he very scared and almost get
hit by train. After that, he go to salon, and met mandira, mandira was a hindu and
had 1 son, mandira was a widow. Rizvan was a muslim, after they were getting
closer, rizvan fell in love with mandira, so was mandira. Rizvan asked mandira to
get married. Not long anfter they got married, america was attacked by muslim
terrorist, and america killed all muslim that day, rizvan mandira and sameer just
protect themselve so they are not killed. After getting married, mandiras son,
sameer khan, was killed by his friend because sameer followed his mother religion,
became a muslim. So sameer was killed because he was a muslim. Mandira blame
rizvan because mandira follow rizvan became a muslim. Mandira get upset and
asked rizvan to go away. Rizvan said that he would go to the president and tell the
president that his name was khan and he wasnt a terrorist. When he wanted to
meet the president, thats a long journey that rizvan had, many story. The long
journey that rizvan had, thats taught us lots of things about respect, humanity,
good deeds.
The set place of this film is cool, nice, its make us forget like how the film was
made, how the background like this, the film can make us focus only on the film.
The film teach us how to respect to others, how to make a good deeds even tough
we are different religion or ras. Not every muslim is terrorist, and not every
christians make a good deeds. Rizvan one of the muslim that respect to christian
with giving donation. And american people, they not giving respect to rizvan
because he was muslim. My suggestion, just watch this cool movie, it can change
you from the way you look abot people.

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