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Montre et raconte

(Show & Tell)

For our second Show and Tell of the year, our topic will be:

"Mon sport prfr"

(My Favourite Sport)
Each student will bring in an item that represents his / he favourite sport (ball, medal, photo,
uniform, etc.).
He / She should also practice the vocabulary associated to the item he / she is bringing:
Sports Vocabulary
Un uniforme de (Sports jersey)
Un ballon de soccer (Soccer ball)
Un ballon de basketball (Basketball)
Un bton / une rondelle de hockey (Hockey stick / puck)
Les patins (Skates)
La gymnastique (Gymnastics)
La danse (Dancing)
La batte et le gant de baseball (Baseball bat and mitt)
La mdaille (Medal)
La natation (Swimming)
Le ski (Skiing)
Maisie Ainslie (Jan 11)

Callan Albright (Jan 12)

Ava-Louise Anderson (Jan 13)

Charlie Doncom(Jan 15)

Joanna Durose (Jan 18)

Rielle Gaudette (Jan 19)

Landon Hyland (Jan 20)

Kian Johal (Jan 22)

Aanika Jonson (Jan 25)

Isla Kelliher (Jan 26)

Noah Langlois

Carissa Loeppky (Jan 28)

Josh MacArthur (Feb 1)

Eli Matejcek (Feb 2)

Knox Matson (Feb 3)

Zaara Munif (Feb 12)

Esme Oenema (Feb 15) Ruby Rota (Feb 15)

Callia Rodgers (Feb 17)

Islene Vernet (Feb 17)

(Jan 27)

Tanner Moore (Feb 10)

Spencer Rempel (Feb 16)

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