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Service Learning Experience (SLE) Description/ Approval Form

Student:_Jackie Nguyen___________________________Date:__10/8/2015_________
Topic of Service Learning Experience: The legal drinking should remain 21
1. What type of SLE will you complete?
I will make a video on why 21 should remain the legal age for drinking. the video will talk about what is
in the alcohol, what is it, and why it does what is does. I will talk about the number of accident and
arrest was made because of drinking while driving that are younger than 21. I will make a website,
which could include dwi stats, alcohol facts, some video about drunk driving, fun facts, and why
alcohol is bad for you mentally, physically, and environmentally; why 21 should remain the legal age.
have people comment tell, me they opinion and story related to alcohol. This is deciding if i should do
1 of them or both.
2. What materials will you need?
Camera, Computer, and certain software.
3. What expenses do you anticipate?
If Im going to buy a camera if Im doing the video, and the website depend if Im to use a free one.
4. What timeline will you follow to complete this project?
For now I will have to go with the flow, but as time go on I will start setting goals, and deadline.
5. How does the SLE demonstrate application of research and synthesis of new knowledge?
This is to show why the legal drinking age remain 21 and teach people the effect of drinking alcohol.
6. What artifacts do you plan to use in your portfolio and present to judges?\
Depending on what im going to do if is it the video, website, or both. I will show the video, website, or


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