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The purpose of excursion risk management is to make excursions as safe as possible. Risk management
processes are used to identify hazards, assess risks and then eliminate or control risks associated with
The degree of planning required is influenced by the nature of the excursion, the level of risk and the student
group. For excursions that have previously been planned and conducted, previous risk management plans
may be reviewed, updated where required and reused.
An important component of the risk management process is consultation, which should include staff, and
where appropriate external venue providers and parents.
Steps in developing the excursion risk management plan

List the activities of the excursion

List the activities of the excursion, that is, break the whole excursion into its parts e.g. getting to and from
the venue, being at the venue, each of the major activities at the venue, having meals, staying at the
accommodation etc.

Identify the hazards

Determine the hazards associated with the activities. Consider hazards associated with travel, the
venue, activities at the venue, equipment used in the activities, the environment, people (e.g. behaviour
and medical conditions), and accommodation.

Assess the level of risk

Using the risk assessment matrix, determine the seriousness of the risks associated with the hazards by
considering both the likelihood and severity of risks. This gives you a risk ranking from 1 being the most
serious to 6 being the least serious.

Eliminate or control the risks

Consider the most suitable control strategies for each of the identified hazards using the hierarchy of

Document plan
Document the excursion risk management plan.

Communicate the plan

Communicate the plan to excursion supervisors. Provide relevant information to participants and their

Monitor and review

Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or a significant
change occurs.

Excursion / Incursion Request



Name of Event: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Start Date:


Start Time/Period:


End Date:


End Time/Period:










Transport Operator:


Staff involved


Excursion Costs
Entry fees
Resources /Materials
Casual Cover
Total cost
Number of students

First Day:
Second Day:
Third Day:
B T 1 2 R 3 4 L L 5 B T 1 2 R 3 4 L L 5 B T 1 2 R 3 4 L L 5



Final Cost

Have you checked the School Calendar?
Have you checked the Assessment Calendar?
Draft Permission Note attached
Risk Assessment attached
Nominated Photographer :
Nominated Author/s of School Magazine Article:
Permission note sent home
Copy of Permission Letter to Bursar & Main Office
List of Students in Main Office & Noticeboard
Notify Canteen
Medical Information checked
Information to School Magazine Editor

Coordinators Signature




Assistant Principals Signature




Excursion Transport Request

Excursion Name:


Year/Group Attending:


Estimated No of Students:


Estimated No of Staff:


Departure Date:


Departure Time:


Destination Address:


Return Date:


Required pick up time:


Special Requirements:

Standard Bus
Seat Belts are required if travelling outside the Maitland CBD
Coach with toilet facility
Other (please specify): _________________________________

Department incurring cost:


Coordinator Name:


Coordinator Signature:




*Please complete this form

and forward to Samantha Keppie to obtain quotations for the transport for this excursion.

These quotations need to be obtained prior to a final costing of the excursion.


Step 1 Is there a previous Risk Assessment
Is a previous risk assessment for the excursion available? If so, review and update with reference to
this checklist, considering such issues as changes to the student group, individual student health
care plans, the effectiveness of the controls and previous incidents on previous excursion. this
workplace health and safety risk assessment MUST be reviewed when:
an incident where staff or students are injured
any staff member considers the level of risk has become unreasonable
a change in staff or student mix
a new activity is introduced
circumstances change significantly
there is new information that may influence the risk assessment
after the excursion
each time the excursion is undertaken

Step 2 Contact the Venue

Depending on the nature of the excursion and the proposed activities, enquire about:

Public liability cover

Accreditation of venue staff for the task/activity

Access and special requirements e.g. for students with special needs

Emergency procedures and relevant training of venue staff

Known hazards and controls related to proposed activities

Where a student with a severe food allergy is attending an excursion venue where food is
provided, contact the venue to enquire about their procedures to cater for severe food
allergies. Explain the nature of the students anaphylactic condition, the foods that trigger
anaphylaxis and the serious consequences for the student coming into contact with that
food. Consultation with parents/carers is essential in this process.

Mobile phone and emergency services access for the excursion

Equipment available; ask venue to confirm that equipment and machinery are
maintained, repaired and in good working order with safety features operational and use
of licensed personnel for construction, maintenance and repairs

Availability of appropriate facilities e.g. showers, refreshments, toilets.

Step 3 Break the excursion into parts

In consultation with key stakeholders, analyse the excursion and list the activities, that is, break the
excursion into its parts e.g. getting to and from the venue, being at the venue, each of the major
activities at the venue, having meals, staying at the accommodation etc.

Step 4 Identify the Hazards

Identify the hazards associated with the activities and the potential risks associated with these
hazards. Take account of venue and safety information, the student group, individual student health
care plans and previous incidents on excursions. If students have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis,
the individual health care plan must be updated to address the students needs on excursions
following completion of the Risk Assessment. Excursions may pose different hazards to the school
environment and the health care plan must be updated accordingly. Anaphylaxis is a potentially life
threatening condition, if a student has been diagnosed with. It is a severe and sudden reaction and
occurs when a person is exposed to an allergen (such as a food or insect bite). Reactions usually
begin within minutes of exposure and can progress rapidly over a period of up to two hours or more.
The following may assist with identifying hazards relating to activities at each stage of an excursion.
Consider what could go wrong, that is, the potential injuries or illnesses that could occur. Hazards
are the sources of these potential injuries or illnesses.
Travel Consider aspects of travel that may present a hazard such as walking to and from the train,
crossing the road, transport to the venue. If CBD location, consider travel arrangements in the event
of lockdown or evacuation.
Venue Consider aspects of the excursion venue that may present a hazard such as location near
water, cliffs, crowds, slippery floors. If CBD location, consider possibility of CBD lockdown or
evacuation due to evacuation trial or major emergency
Excursion Program Activity Consider the activities of the excursion program that may present a
hazard such as hazards of bushwalking, collecting leaves, observing animals, swimming, singing at
an eisteddfod, climbing, eating at different venues for students with anaphylaxis.
Equipment Consider any equipment that may present a hazard such as sporting equipment, high
risk equipment at the venue.
Environment Consider aspects of the environment that may present a hazard such as weather
conditions, natural hazards such as bushfires, floods or storms, the nature of the terrain, plants,
animals and insects.
Consider common allergens that may pose a hazard e.g. foods, insect stings or bites, latex (e.g.
balloons or swimming goggles and caps) that may trigger allergic reactions. These must be
considered as part of the risk assessment for students with allergic conditions (anaphylaxis).
People Consider aspects of people that may present a hazard such as poor behaviour, the nature
of participants such as maturity, age and skill, child protection issues, medical conditions or
Accommodation Consider aspects of accommodation that may present a hazard such as
insufficient supervision, standard of accommodation and amenities, meal menus and allergies,
security and child protection issues
Other Consider other hazards related to specific excursions such as access to first aid and mobile
phone reception. Investigate access to emergency services and equipment.

Step 6 Assess the Risk using the Matrix

Assess the risks associated with the hazards using the risk assessment matrix. This gives a risk ranking
and thus a priority order for managing the hazards.

Risk Assessment Matrix


Likelihood of hazard causing harm

Very Likely



Very Unlikely

Death or permanent injury

Long term illness or injury

Medical attention & several days off

1 and 2

Extreme risk; deal with the hazard immediately

3 and 4
5 and 6

Moderate risk; deal with the hazard as soon as possible

Low risk; deal with the hazard when able.

First aid needed

Step 7 Hierarchy of Controls to manage the Risk

Develop appropriate strategies to eliminate or control the risks (including action to ensure that child
protection procedures are followed, health care plans are updated for students, and that all necessary
aides and equipment are available) using the hierarchy of controls.
Eliminate the risk. Eliminate the item or activity; e.g. do not undertake a particular high risk activity such as
abseiling in high wind; do not use high risk equipment. If elimination is not reasonably practicable, control the
risk as far as practical using the hierarchy of controls below. Select the highest possible control and/or use a
combination of controls to reduce the risk.
Substitute the hazard: Replace the activity, material, or equipment with a less hazardous one eg choose
an easier bushwalk; substitute a food known to cause severe allergic reactions (for example, peanut
butter or tree nuts) with alternative nutritious food.
Isolate the hazard: Isolate the hazard from the person at risk; isolate through distance e.g. select a
lunch location well away from the water; check if a coastal walk has fencing.
Use engineering controls: Have access to equipment to counteract the hazard; consider hiring coaches
with seatbelts and ensure these are worn if available; ensure that an appropriately trained person is with
an anaphylactic student and Epipen is available.
Use administrative controls: Establish procedures and safe practices e.g. supervision of students, clear
rules, instruction in safe methods, training of staff, volunteers and students in the excursion activities or in
the use of equipment and qualifications of instructors. Ensure health care plans are reviewed and updated
for the excursion for students known to have severe allergic conditions. Discuss student health needs with
caterers, in consultation with parents/carers.
Use personal protective equipment: Use appropriately designed and properly fitted equipment such as
safety goggles, hats and sunscreen and helmets, in conjunction with other control measures identified
from above. Encourage students and staff to wear appropriate footwear and protective clothing at all
times; students wear medic alert bracelet or necklace where required.

Step 8 Document the Risk Assessment.

Step 9 Communicate the plan
Communicate the plan to excursion staff. Provide relevant information to students and their families.

Step 10 Review
Review the excursion Risk Assessment plan after the excursion.


The following recommendations are to be read in conjunction with the Water Safety
Guidelines for Unstructured Aquatic Activity.
General Preparation:
Parent permission note must include indicates swimming ability of student; advises if student has
any medical condition which may place them at risk and contains clause authorising medical aid if
considered necessary.
1st aid kit (including resuscitation mask with one way valve)
All supervising teachers should be in attire in which they can easily enter the water.
Students are to be instructed on the rules relating to safe swimming including diving from the blocks
Roll marking before and after activity.
Teacher in charge ensures provision of constant supervision of students in water.
Recommended Supervision Ratio:

Supervision requirements will vary for students with disabilities, (e.g. 1 supervisor: 1 epileptic

A minimum of two adult supervisors, one of whom must be a teacher, with appropriate
expertise and qualifications must be present at all times.

Adequate supervision depends on reasonable assessment of student swimming ability close

to commencement of activity:
- beginners


- intermediate 1:12
- lifesaving


- supervision ratio must not exceed 1:20.

Teacher in charge must ensure that all staff and students are adequately briefed in water safety and
swimming techniques applicable to lesson or activity, buddy safety system, appropriate
communication signals, co-operative nature of activity and safe working practice.
Appropriate rescue equipment readily available.
Regular inspections to ensure that teaching aids and safety equipment are in good condition.
Flotation devices may be deemed appropriate for some water activities.
All areas of swimming venue to be supervised including changing facilities. Male and female
teacher to supervise respective dressing places.
discharge and roll marking to be structured with students unable to re enter the water after
Must be a safe swimming facility (where municipal or commercial pool not available).
Resuscitation chart and pool rules must be in conspicuous location

Excursion Risk Assessment Management Plan

Name of school:
Name of Principal:
Description and location of excursion:
Date(s) of excursion:

Hazard Identification

Number in group/class:
Name of excursion coordinator:
Contact number:
Accompanying staff, parents, caregivers, volunteers:
Use matrix

Elimination or Control Measures



Eliminate, Substitute, Redesign, Isolate, Engineering Controls,

Admin controls, Personal Protective Equipment

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached: Yes / No

Plan prepared by:
Prepared in consultation with:
Communicated to:
Monitor and Review - Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or a
significant change occurs.

Excursion Risk Assessment Management Plan: Excursion

Name of school: St Peters Campus

Number in group/class: 55

Name of principal: J Citizen

Name of excursion coordinator: K Citizen

Description and location of excursion: Bushwalk in National Park

Contact number: XXXX

Date of excursion: 18 October

Accompanying staff, parents, caregivers, volunteers: 2 class teachers and 4

parent/carer volunteers

Group/class: Year 7-1 and 7-2


Hazard Identification
& Associated Risk

Walking to and from


- struck by vehicle on road


Elimination or Control Measures

use matrix

- 2 teachers & 4 parent/carer volunteers attending to supervise all road

- Brief participants on rules and behaviour



g teacher

Prior to walk


On excursion


Prior to

- Remain on pedestrian pathways and use pedestrian crossings at all

Coach transport to
excursion venue

- boarding coach
- vehicle accidents


- Ensure vehicle operators hold appropriate licence(s) and insurance

- Check availability of seat belts
- Enforce rules and monitor behaviour
- Ensure seatbelts are worn

Observing rock
formations; animals
and plants

- bites and stings from insects,

spiders, snakes (including
severe allergies)
- exposure to sun

- Ensure participation of students with known allergies has been

considered, implement appropriate risk controls, e.g. a trained staff
member is available to provide appropriate first aid (e.g. epipen for
student with anaphylaxis)
- Ensure staff and students are aware of emergency response
- Avoid areas with long grasses
- Wear enclosed footwear, long pants and other protective clothing
- Wear hats, shirts with sleeves and sunscreen while outdoors
- Do not touch animals
- Carry first aid kit


On excursion


Prior to



On excursion

Bushwalking in national - uneven ground surfaces, bites

and stings, exposure to sun,
wind, rain and dehydration.
- allergies to insects, reptiles
and plants.
- becoming lost or isolated from
the group
- change in weather conditions


- National Park staff to lead walk. Adult supervision at front and back to

- Inform excursion participants of National Park safety instructions.

- Wear enclosed footwear suitable for walking, clothing to protect arms

and legs and suitable for changing weather conditions

- Notify national park staff of expected arrival and departure times,

location of walk and participants, students with medical conditions
keep group together.

- Wear hats, shirts with sleeves and sunscreen while outdoors.

- Ensure participants carry water bottles
- Staff carry insect repellent, additional sunscreen and ensure rest breaks
are taken in the shade
- Identify participants with known medical conditions and ensure
appropriate medication/treatment is available
- Ensure participation of students with known allergies has been
considered, implement appropriate risk controls, e.g. a trained staff
member is available to provide appropriate first aid (e.g. epipen for
student with anaphylaxis)
- Ensure staff and students are aware of emergency response

Prior to walk

On walk


Prior to walk



- Check weather forecast on day of excursion

- Carry maps and compass
- Emergency plans communicated for dealing with potential incidents
- Carry first aid kit


On walk

Diet and food during

excursions including

Student allergies to certain food


Eating out at different


- Confirm appropriate food with parents/carers for student with allergies

- Liaise with venue managers about provision of appropriate food for
students with food allergies in liaison with parents/carers
- Food brought by student should only be approved and provided by
students parent/carer

Teachers Prior to and


- Discuss with class groups about the importance of only eating your own
- Ensure a responsible adult is with each group of students
- Ensure someone trained in medical procedures (use of Epipen) attends
- Communicate special requirements to all staff and volunteers especially
emergency response procedures and equipment
- For students with allergies to bee/insect bites and stings, be aware of
bees/insects attracted by soft drinks cans and food in garbage bins.
Venue and safety information reviewed and attached:
Plan prepared by: K Citizen


Position: Year 7 teacher

Date: 2 August

Prepared in consultation with: Year 6 staff, Deputy Principal, parent volunteers

Communicated to: Teachers and parent/carer volunteers

Monitor and Review Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant
change occurs

Sample Risk Management Plan: Swimming Carnival

Name of school: St Peters Campus

Number in group/class: 850

Name of principal: J Citizen

Name of excursion coordinator: K Citizen

Description and location of excursion: School Swimming Carnival

Contact number: XXXX

Date of excursion: 18 February

Accompanying staff, parents, caregivers, volunteers: 58 teaching staff and 6

teachers aides

Group/class: Yr 7-10

Hazard Identification
& Associated Risk

Walking to and from


Behaviour at venue


- struck by vehicle on road

- Injury on pool deck running

or slipping

- Injury diving into pool

- Drowning


Elimination or Control Measures

use matrix


Path to pool arranged to minimise crossing of roads and to utilise

designated crossings.

Teachers stationed on each crossing and rail crossing

Students informed of rules and behaviour regarding road safety

Students dismissed in groups with staff walking with students

Establish and educate children in acceptable and safe behaviour on
the pool deck
First aid kit available

Mobile phone and emergency numbers available

- Ensure students are reminded of pool safety including instructional

video on safely diving into pool
- Staff have current CPR qualifications and Pool Lifeguards are available
with Austwim qualifications for instructors of swimming
- Staff are in attire in which they can easily enter the pool
- Appropriate supervisory ratios as follows: Beginners 10:1; Intermediate
12:1; Recreational 20:1

Change rooms/Toilets

Special needs

- Student interference when

using public change rooms

- Epilepsy, Down Syndrome,

possible medical emergency

g teacher

Prior to and
during walk

On excursion

Excursion Prior to and at


On excursion


Prior to



On excursion

- Ensure staff regularly check the toilets

All Teachers

- Ensure staff with medical training available, numbers of Ambulance


All Teachers

Prior to
Prior to

- Pool hired as a private function

- Vary supervision to support special needs students, teachers aides etc

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached:

Plan prepared by: K Citizen


Position: Internal Sports Coordinator

Date: 18th February

Prepared in consultation with: Assistant Principal

Communicated to: Teachers and parent/carer volunteers

Monitor and Review Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant
change occurs

All Saints College, St Peters Maitland

9 Free Church Street, Maitland 2320
Telephone (02) 49 336 933
Facsimile (02) 49 341 167

Dear Parents/Guardians
Include a sentence outlining the purpose of the excursion and what aspect of the school it
relates to.
Details are as follows:
Teachers Attending:
Please complete the tear off slip below and return it to your teacher by and pay $__ to the
Bursar by ________
Yours faithfully
Assistant Principal
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO ______________ TEACHER BY

Excursion Title
Excursion Date
I have read the above information and I consent to ____________ of tutor group ____
participating in the excursion.
Contact Name 1
____________________ Contact Number 1
Contact Name 2
____________________ Contact Number 2
Medicare No:
Medication currently being taken: _____________________________________________
Allergies/Medical conditions (if any):
In the event of illness or accident to my child, I herby authorise the teacher to seek medical
advice and such medical attention as may be deemed necessary. I accept that St Peters is
not able to provide personal injury insurance for students entering this event, the school is not
financially liable for medical or dental expenses incurred by competitors participating in this
event and as such it is a parental responsibility to ensure that such eventualities are
adequately covered by medical or hospital benefits or other injury insurance policy.



Other points that may need to be included

Excursions involving unstructured water activity
1. Please include the box below in the tear off slip.
2. Ensure that students are assessed for their swimming ability by a qualified person
and students are issued a wrist band commensurate with their ability.
Water or swimming activities - response
In relation to the proposed water or swimming activities, I advise that my child is a: (please tick one)
strong swimmer

average swimmer

poor swimmer


I advise that my child requires the following flotation device to assist him/her in the water:
I undertake to provide this device so that my child can participate in the excursion. Yes / No
I give / do not give permission for my child to participate in the water or swimming activities.

Overnight supervision on Excursions

Below criteria MUST be included in risk assessments prepared for all overnight excursions
& camps.
Must be explicit to students in our instructions in regards to our expectations.
Students MUST NOT be in the cabin of students of the other gender at ANY TIME.
Clarify what time lights out suggested time 10.00pm.
At lights out ensure all students are in their correct rooms/cabins.
At lights out (10.00pm) staff should actively supervise for a minimum of one hour
past this time and until there has been quiet in all cabins for at least 30 minutes.
Below statement must be included in permission notes for overnight excursions
Camp costs are calculated by the providers. The school is billed for this amount and in
order to keep the costs down for all students, this amount is divided equally between all
students in the course. As the camp is a compulsory component of this course, this fee or
portions of this fee may not be refundable.

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