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3:30pm – 327 Graff Main Hall

March 23, 2010

Members: Joe Heim (absent), Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh, and Bart Van Voorhis
Visitors: Kathleen Enz-Finken and Bob Hoar

1. Minutes from the March 9 SEC meeting approved.

2. Chair’s Report and Discussion:

a. Ad Hoc Calendar Committee Update: The main charge of this committee is to look at
an earlier fall start date and incorporating a fall break, if possible, and a study day.
The committee is also looking at revising the daily schedule, but will be putting this
on hold until the main charge is complete. The semester schedule must be approved
by Faculty Senate and forwarded to UWS by the end of Spring 2010 semester, but
the daily schedule can be approved and implemented at any time.
b. APR update: APR is on schedule to present 5 reports in April – Environmental
Studies Minor, Physical Therapy and Physical Education/Teacher Education on April
15 and Community Health Education and Biochemistry on April 29.

3. New Business:
a. Update on IAS Policies: The System Legal changes to chapter 10 are primarily
language, not content. The work on chapters 8 through 13 continues.
b. Discussion of APC report: APC recommends that the Faculty Senate Office, either
as a result of action by UCC/GCC or the Academic Program Review committee,
forward to APC for re-review any program that evolves to a point where more than
50% of its content is delivered in an online format as opposed to face-to-face. SEC
will recommend to the next SEC that a standing charge be added to APR to alert
APC when a reviewed program has increased to its online course offerings to 50% or

4. Faculty Senate Meeting Agendas:

a. March 25:
i. Cancelled.
b. April 1:
i. APR one-time waiver for 3rd year members
ii. Online handbook – two of the items are first reads only
iii. Graduate Council recommendation on graduate appeals process
iv. APC report – if a member is available to attend
c. April 15:
i. Indirects reallocation – continuation of discussion
ii. APR Reports – Envir. Studies Minor, PT& PETE

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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