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I was awakened by a terrifying noise followed by a horrifying scream. The dark gloomy night remained
in tranquilty and peace. Then , I realized there was no one at the park. Taking a quick glance at my
watch, I shocked. It was 12 a.m. it had been three hours I slept on the bench.
Then the terrible scream again freaked out the night. The first scream had my curiosity but this time it
had my attention. I bluntly moved slowly and carefully to find out from where that fearful scream came.
I slowly inched towards the end of the park where it was as quiet as grave. I could barely see anything
that night forcing me to be more aware of any threats.
I started to sweat profusely. The goosebumps appeared all over my body. Are you there? Lady! Are
you alright? I shouted from the top of my lungs. The bushes were 10 meters away from me which was
suspiciously moving attracted me.
In the blink of an eye, I could see a mysterious silhouette escaping from the scene swiftly. I in curiosity
crossed the meadow heading to those bushes even knowing the precarious atmosphere. The nearer I
was to the scene, the more I palpitated. My heart was pounding too hard that I could hear my
heartbeats. I could hear a groan from a lady but more like a student , a soft groan begging for help.
It did sound familiar. I tried to recognize and recollect that recognized voice. Then, my mind popped a
reflection, a face to be prcised. A face of someone whom I really hate, someone who had been mean to
me, acting harsh to me since I studied in Alpaca High school last summer. It should not be him. I wont
help him so if he needed any assists.
Youre not that jerk right! I wont help you Jack. A jerk like you deserve no help. I shouted heartily. It
seemed I was sure enough it was Jack because the scream was no different from the time he yelled me
at school for nothing. As I turned around to cut and run from this park , I realized that I could mistaken
the voice for Jacks. Turning around, i

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