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Final project of Modern poetry
Submitted to :Madam Saira
Submitted by :Hina iftikhar
Sana salwat
Farsaha fazal
Aiza arif
Rabbia arshad
Rameesha tariq

Poem of Emily Dickinson

The chariot

Because I could not stop for Death,

He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.
We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.
We passed the school, where children strove
At recess, in the ring;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.
Or rather, he passed us;
The dews grew quivering and chill,
For only gossamer my gown,
My tippet only tulle.
We paused before a house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.
Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity

Story based on above mentioned poem The Chariot

I could not stop for death because my life was not about sitting in

for recreation, idly writing about my favorite movie

character and thinking about Fawad khan .It was rather running
frantically, in a swarmed plan, in a squirrel cage of occupied

individuals. My life was synonymous to working, living, moving,

envisioning, talking, singing, chuckling, learning. The obligation, the
horrendous obligation of work was not to earn a luxurious lifestyle but
this restless race was being pursued in the peer pressure ,without
having any purpose larger then life. In fact the only purpose of my life
which seemed obvious to me was to dissolve myself in the restless
sea of people ,following their track ,surrendering to their set patterns.
Despite the fact that I had revolted horrendously against it, this
senseless race of the routine .Where I woke up with my calendar
marked with hundreds of things to do and I was bound to follow the
routine without thinking for a second ,whats the bigger purpose of
this insane race .But I couldnt ponder on it for I didnt have time
,neither to stand and gaze at the sunshine ,nor to look at the
mesmerizing clouds .I was so much pre occupied that I never get time
to look out of my window and adore the full moon and in the same
fashion I also not had the time to stop for death .I was a busy animal
,follower of a brute routine .There came a time when I was at the end
of immaculate motivation, and are presently elsewhere, something
suggesting schedule, or accomplishing something in light of the fact
that individuals anticipate me to do it. For I went to some place every
day on the grounds that I went there the day preceding, and I was
supposed to be here .I started saying things on the grounds that I
have said them some time recently. Thats how I spend years of my
life ,doing things without knowing ,running and competing in the rat
race .I had gathered so many things from jewels to iPhones ,yes I had
everything in my possession else then time . I am unable to describe
the moments of my life,the brute routine of my life yet I found the
depiction of my life in the the words of John D. MacDonald in the
The Deep Blue Good I am wary of the whole dreary deadening
structured mess that we have built into such a glittering top-heavy
structure that there is nothing left to see but the glitter, and the brute
routines of maintaining it. Yes ,yes and yes ,this chain of breathing
was only there so support the trivial routine activities and I was so

much immersed in the daily trivial things that I could not stop for
death but he kindly stopped for me . Stopped at my place ,but to my
surprise the death was not horrific ,clad in scary gown ,clenching my
throat ,narrowing my air pipe and making my blood white .In fact it
was more like a suitor standing at a distance with much ease and
poise then bowing in front of me with all respect .I have always been
told that I am too intimidating to approach but he approached me and
then stopped for me and took me along with him on the immortal
journey .while giving my hand in his hand I felt the heart soothing
warmth , a pleasant breeze of affection covered me .I saw in his eyes
and felt it in his hands that he was there to steal me from this world
.He seemed as a dream dressed like a suitor ready to take me on
enlightening and mind blowing journey of eternity ,away from this
cruel world ,up above in the heavens .when he stopped for me I didnt
resist in fact I instantly get on his carriage while holding his hand .His
white hands held me tight without bothering about my colored skin it
felt as if he was unaware of the skin difference as if he didnt care
about the racial discrimination .I was at a loss of words for his
kindness but I suppose the happiness which I felt in the core of my
heart was so infinite and beyond what words can express .Me along
with my suitor drove in the carriage the carriage held but just
ourselves and immortality .There was no one to put sanctions on us
,no one to hinder in our way ,no one to stop us from carrying our
journey, for the carriage held but just ourselves . I always wanted in
my life :to travel, fall in love ,and be happy but it was destined that I
will enjoy these fruits after my life on my journey to heaven with my
beloved suitor touching new skylines.
As I waited all my life for this journey it seems as if my suitor also
knew this secret .It seems as if he knew that my heart was pounding
with joy .I suppose he might have read my eyes or glitter in them
revealed about my heart therefore he was making sure that we slowly
drove .Our carriage knew no haste, we were slowly passing ,enjoying

ourselves .We passed the school where children were playing ,I look at
them adore them and in my heart I also wanted to play with them.
while passing by the school I could not resist the temptation of their
innocent faces beaming with joy and energy .Among them ,there was
one lonely child wearing ripped clothes with dust covered face .He was
not the part of the crowd .May be because of his chocolaty skin color
or because his family was follower of islam or there might be any other
reason i didnt know what exactly the matter was but I wanted to dig
deeper ,so I called him but he seemed as if he was deaf ,he didnt
responded to my voice .I called him again ,but got no response then I
shouted and yelled at another child standing near by ,but to my wonder
they didnt pay any attention to my voice as if I was dead .
O ,certainly I was ,although I can see them but my presence created
no difference for them .For now I could not help that child ,I could not
ask from him about his sadness .For I was dead .I was dead .But how
strange it is that death has multiplied the empathy in me.I was feeling
more then I what I felt in those living years .I dont know why this is so
?am I dead now ?o was I dead before ?while I was drenched in my
thoughts our carriage passed the school leaving behind the children
playing in their recess leaving behind the memories of my own
childhood .Then our carriage passed the fields of gazing grain . They
were epitome of youth and reminded me of the time when the sole
activity of my life was to beauty the physical vessel of body ,applying
creams and products ,going for medicine even for a small pimple .For I
could not think to bear a small scars of pimple on my face .My youth
depicts the stellar exhibitions of my body ,mesmerizing every other
being .Seeking attention at every glance just like gazing grain .As our
carriage was moving ,although slowly and slowly yet covering miles
and miles .In a matter of few minutes we passed through the adoring
enchanting gazing grain .Our carriage was on its journey and then we
passed the setting sun .This natural setting of sun seemed unnatural
that day , as it was a depiction of falling of an empire .As if sun was
telling me now is the time of the setting of your physical body and now
is the time of fall of your physical beauty .Yet the soul will remain
there enjoying eternity . That setting sun was saying goodbye in a
slow whispering voice as I was about to enter the house from where
nobody ever returned .They say every soul has its own date and it
was mine .Yes it was mine

Our carriage stopped in front of my house where a life of eternity ,a

life of enjoyment ,a fruit full life that will payback all my labors was
waiting for me .I along with my suitor ,hand in hand ,entered my
eternal home .

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