Task 1 10 J Cole - Apparently Music Videos

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Meaning Conveyed in Music Video

You must choose two music videos to analyse (compare, contrast, simplify, distinguish, assume and conclude) the
meaning created in the music videos (J Cole- Apparently)
Editing Techniques
The editing techniques
used were cuts to
switch between
different takes and
camera angles. Another
editing technique was
the green screen were
the editor of this music
video just put the colour
blue in the background
to match the frame of
the music video.

Style / Narrative
The style of the music
video had an original
feel to it by that I mean
it was something
different to other music
videos id say it has an
urban feel to it. There
wasnt much of a
narrative structure to
this music video it was
just him performing to
the camera.

Sound & Lyrical Interpretation: The lyric interpretation for

the song apparently is that J cole is talking about his past and
how he should of treated a girl he was with better and how
having all this fame has made him selfish. The sound in this
music video is non-diegetic.

location, lighting,
The location of this
music video is in a
green screened
enclosed room
The lighting made J Cole
in the video look like a
dark shadow most of
the time and the light
was the colour blue for
the music video.
The only props in the
video are the clothes he
is wearing. He was
wearing very urban

There were many camera techniques in this music video including: close ups, mid shots,
sides shots and long shots Close ups were used to show the emotion on J Coles face during
the video. Long shots were used to show J coles body language towards the song.

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