Camera Practice Evaluation

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Holding a shot steady

Framing a shot appropriately

a variety of shot

Movement is filmed well as all pans and

tilts are smoothly executed
No hand held footage is used as it was
not needed to communicate any

Framing in most shots are

well executed
Head room and nose room is
used well in all shots but in
one shot the head room is a
little bit tight but still
Lead room is used well
during movement shots but
there were not many
movement shots.
I paid attention to
compositional elements and
the different meanings they
would have.
Excellent attention is paid to
line and colour, tone, value,
texture, pattern, rhythm with
excellent use of each
evidenced in the scene.

A variety of different shot

distances is used throughout
the scene not I did not use
any full shots.

Anticipatory framing works well in shots

when subject is moving as it allows
space either side and is going at the
right speed for the subject

Wide shots are used to

establish the location.
Medium long shots are
framed well when subject is
standing still.
Close-ups are used when the
two subjects meet to show
the intimacy and the emotion
Extreme close ups was used
on the subjects eyes and
mouth and key moments to
translate a message of
emotion across to the

Beacon Media 2015 2016

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