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Cape Fear Analysis

The clip opens with a sinister non diegetic soundtrack over rippling water. The
ripples in the water represent the disruption of calm water, which foreshadows
the coming disturbance. The water is a dark green/brown colour, connoting an
unpleasantness. The music is a slow, steady build-up of strings, building tension.
The eagle is a bird of prey, who stalks his victims before attacking, just like Cady
stalks and attacks his victims. When the title appears the music crescendos to a
loud fanfare creating an apprehensive atmosphere. After this there is an eyeball
in the camera. The eyeball is a representation of omniscient character who sees
all. However the eyeball also represents an area of vulnerability. The reflection
then transitions to a mouth, which the camera enters. This could reflect an
invasion of the body, similar to how Cady invades the familys privacy. The next
reflection is a face but it is unclear whether it is laughing or screaming, this
uncertainty could symbolise Cadys mental state he is clearly insane. The face
could also show a screaming victim. The silhouettes represents a killer creeping
in the shadows, unknown to his victims, or it could symbolise the body of a
The background then transitions to a drop of blood oozing down the screen, this
could link to the silhouette as the victims blood. The blood and red colour
connotes danger and death, foreshadowing the oncoming events. The whole
screen going red shows the amount of death in the film, preparing the audience
for the forthcoming happenings. It then transitions to a close up on a pair of eyes
basked in redness, again connoting death and danger, a recurring theme, and
possibly showing that this person will be a victim. As the eyes blink they change
to a blue x-ray style, linking to death and vulnerability. Finally the shot zooms out
to a girl in mid shot, who begins talking. She is wearing a white polo shirt,
stereotypical of a schoolgirl, and white indicates purity and innocence,
contrasting to the genre and foreshadowed events. Her diegetic dialogue, saying
that the river was magic[al] and lovely suggests there is going to be a
change, and that the river is going to be the scene of something horrible.
The second part of the opening starts with a slow pan close up down a wall filled
with pictures of famous military leaders and legal books, with a bible on top. This
tells us that Cady is interested in violent but clever people. The books also tell us
that Cady is intelligent but the bible on top suggests that he is also strongly
religious. Over this is a big brass soundtrack that sounds ominous and suggests
these aspects of mise-en-scene are sinister and for an evil purpose. The camera
zooms out on Cady doing tricep dips, who has a large tattoo of a cross with the
scale of justice on, this tattoo suggests that Cady believes in a more biblical and
violent for of justice. The tricep dips signify that Cady is fit and has spent his
time in prison training. As the camera pans on to him there is a crescendo in the
music signifying that he is the antagonist and should be feared.
As the camera zooms out a guard opens his door saying Okay Cady, the
moment youve been waiting for which implies that Cady has been waiting to
get his revenge. As Cady is walked around the cell block the other inmates have
stood up to see him out showing the respect that Cady has. The cell block is
white which juxtaposes Cady as white normally signifies purity and innocence
whereas Cady is evil and a criminal. As Cady leaves the cell block we see Cady
leave from behind the bars, showing Cadys freedom and that he has been

unleashed on the world. As the cell block door closes there is match on action to
the outside gate of the prison. As Cady leaves the guard asks if there is anyone
coming which Cady shakes his head at, this shows that Cady is a loner and
cannot function around others. The other guard asks about his books, which
Cady replies Already read em, this further shows the time that Cady has spent
preparing for his release, and that he is ready to cause mayhem. The final shot is
of Cady walking away from the prison with a storm in the background, the storm
foreshadows the coming events, and its emphasised by Cadys strong walk and
the peak in the soundtrack. The motion of Cady quickly approaching the camera
shows how strong and ruthless he is.

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