Elacontract 12

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English Language Arts 12 Contract with Mrs. Clark

E-mail: katieclarkmissives@gmail.com
(303) 905-8191

Phone Number:

Respect. You will show respect to me, your peers, and yourself by recognizing
each one of us as individuals with unique values and voices worth being heard.
Please listen when others are speaking and treat others as you would want to
be treated.
Communicate. If you have any questions, concerns, problems with how class
is conducted, it is your responsibility to express that to me appropriately. You
are your own best advocate.
Be present. Part of learning is engaging in whatever the task may be. I will do
my best to provide purpose for every activity. It is up to you to put effort and
thought into what you do and make that activity worthwhile for you. Try your
best. It helps to be on time and not bring the distractions from outside the
classroom into the classroom.
Be prepared. Bring the appropriate materials to class. Food and drinks are
not appropriate materials. Be on task. This helps everyone to not waste time
and make the most of every moment.
Take risks. To be successful in life requires more than just meeting standards
but exceeding them and doing something different and challenging. Be willing
to push boundaries and make mistakes while being thoughtful about it.
Laugh. This classroom is a safe environment to make mistakes. Do not take
yourself too seriously. Find the humor in the moment but not at the expense of
someone else. Have fun!

I am more interested in the quality of your work and effort of your work. Learning is
a process that is often messy. Your grades are a reflection of your willingness to
work through that process. If you are ever concerned about a grade you have
received on an assignment or report card, please see me as soon as possible.













In Progress

Less than

Attendance and Tardies

You are required to attend this class and are expected to arrive on time (in
your seat by the bell). You must sign in each time you are tardy; and you will
lose at least 10 class participation points each time you are tardy. The later you are,

Clark 2
the more points I will deduct. Please note: after 20 minutes of class, a tardy
becomes an unexcused absence.

All assignments need to be turned in on time and must be your own
work. Late work will be accepted for a penalty (automatic 10% deduction for every
day it is late including weekdays our class does not meet; this excludes weekends).
Late work will not be accepted one week after it is due. Final projects will NOT be
accepted late. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Make-up work, due to an excused
absence, is NOT considered late work. It is your responsibility to get all make-up
work. Missing assignments due to excused absences are due according to district
policy. Hand make-up work directly to me. While homework may not be assigned
every day, this means that when homework is assigned, it is important to do and to
do it on time.

The Revision Clause

Because learning is a process, as long as an assignment is turned in on time, you
may revise any assignment once. However, to fall into the revision clause, you must
conference with me beforehand to confirm understanding of your grade, feedback,
and receive permission to do the revision. Resubmitting work without conferencing
with me will not be accepted. If you receive an F or In Progress on an assignment,
you should meet with me. You have one week to redo an assignment to earn back a
maximum of half of your missing points.

Extra Credit
Extra credit is not a substitute for expected assignments. I may provide
opportunities for extra credit to the class, but these opportunities are rare and
should not be anticipated as a means to make up for unfulfilled regular
assignments. Your best chance for success is to be prepared and turn in complete
assignments on time. At the very least, you then have the opportunity to revise.

While school rules do apply regarding texts and calls during class, we will
occasionally use your phone as a resource. Thus, bring your phone charged and
ready to go. When not in use for class purposes, it should be out of sight. In the
case of extenuating circumstances, please let me know before class or I will hold
your phone for the remainder of class on the first infraction and then you will have
to retrieve it from the main office on all following indiscretions. We live in a world
full of technology; it is important to use it properly and, as always, be respectful.

Preparation and Materials

Organization is often key for success so have these items with you every day.

1. Planner
2. Independent reading book(s) and/or magazines
3. Binder with dividers for Journals, General Vocabulary, and Assignments
4. Spiral notebook of at least 100 pages for this class ONLY
You may also have the equivalent in loose-leaf in your required binder

Clark 3
5. Post-it notes
6. Pens (at least one red and one blue or black) and pencils
7. Current class text
8. Positive attitude

As previously mentioned, communicating with me is essential if you have any
problems or questions. This includes in and out of class. The following are means of
reaching me. Please understand that I will reply as soon as I can. Also be
considerate regarding the hour if you do choose to call or text me. The best way to
receive a timely and complete response is scheduling an appointment for meeting
in person or sending me an e-mail (I will respond within 24 hours).
E-mail: katieclarkmissives@gmail.com
Phone Number: (303) 905-8191
Office Hours: 7:00-7:30am and 3:15-3:45pm every day in room B109 as well as
Planning Blocks 3, 6, and 7. Orange days, I teach English 12 in room A112. Black
days, I teach English 9 in room A109.

Clark 4

Student Name: __________________________ Block:_________________

Parent/Guardian & Student Contract

Student Contract

I have read the English Language Arts 9 Contract with Mrs. Clark and understand
that I am responsible for abiding by all the aforementioned expectations and accept
the logical consequences if they are not followed. I understand that time outside of
class will be necessary to complete course assignments. I understand that before
and after school is an excellent time to receive extra assistance. I understand that
to be successful in this classroom that I must make an effort every day and be
respectful of my peers and teacher. I understand that learning is a process and that
I should challenge myself. I understand that I am responsible for my success in the
Student Signature: ____________________________________

Date: _____________

E-mail Address: ______________________________________


Phone #:

Parent/Guardian Contract
I have read the English Language Arts 9 Contract with Mrs. Clark and understand
that I am responsible for supporting my students success in the class and should
encourage my student to follow classroom expectations and policies. I understand
that I contribute to my students success and can be aware of students grades,
attendance, and assignments through the campus portal. I will actively support and
encourage my student to put forth their best effort in this class and to advocate for
themselves if any issue arises. If I have any questions or concerns, I will contact the
teacher sooner rather than later to facilitate my students continued learning.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________

Date: _____________
Phone #:

Note: Providing your e-mail address and phone number are not for the purpose of
harassing you with unnecessary e-mails, calls, or texts but rather gives me another
means to reach you when I have a specific question, concern, or in case of
emergencies. You may choose not to provide these forms of contact though I highly
encourage it.

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