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Audience Research Conclusion

The majority of my audience are male (54%), this means my
questionnaire results will be slightly bias to the male audience and this
will affect the end result of my magazine.
How old are you?
The majority of my audience are between the ages of 15-20 but there are
a couple of exceptions between the ages of 30-40. This shows that my
target audience will be 15-20 as the results are bias to that specific age
Are you interested in the Indie Rock genre of music?
Most of the people that took part in the questionnaire said that they are
interested in Indie Rock music (70%); this shows that a lot of people like
the genre and this will make it more likely that my magazine will be
What three words would you associate with Indie Rock music?
When I asked people what three words they would associate with Indie
Rock music, the three most popular answers included loud, underground
and chilled; this showed that my magazine should include those factors
so it can appeal to my target audience.
Who are some of your favourite bands/artists from the Indie Rock
When I asked people who some of their favourite Indie Rock bands were,
the three most popular answers included The Stone Roses, Arctic
Monkeys and Catfish & the Bottlemen. This gives me ideas as to which
bands I will feature on my front cover so that I can get the attention of my
target audience.
What three colours would you typically associate with Indie Rock
The three most popular answers I received when I asked what colours
people would associate with Indie Rock music were brown, red and
black. This means that my colour scheme will be brown, red and black so
it is more likely to be associated with Indie Rock.
How much would you be prepared to pay for a monthly Indie Rock
music magazine?
The majority of my audience (52%) said that they would be most likely to
pay 3-4 for a monthly Indie Rock magazine. This means I will charge
3.50 for my magazine.
How often do you buy a music magazine?

When I asked people how often they bought music magazines, the
majority said less than once a month (50%) which shows that I will have
to try to give people more for their money so that they will be more likely
to buy magazines more frequently.
What extras/giveaways do you like in a magazine?
When I asked people what extras/giveaways they like in a magazine, the
majority said free CDs (33.33%) and posters (33.33%). This tells me that I
will offer these on my magazine front cover so that my magazine will
appeal to my target audience.
What do you like and dislike about the music magazines you
already read?
When I asked people what they liked about the magazines they currently
read the majority of people said the bands featured, information and
posters. This shows me what regular content I will put in my magazine.
The three most popular answers I received when I asked people what they
disliked about magazines they currently read were advertisements, cost
and overcrowded pages. This means I will offer more interesting content
to balance out the amount of adverts, make my magazine cheaper than
other existing music magazines and use a clean, simple layout.
What rock events (festivals etc.) are you interested in?
From my results the majority of my audience seem to be interested in
music events/festivals such as Leeds/Reading, Download and
Glastonbury. This shows me that I will feature these festivals in my
magazine, or I could make a Glastonbury issue for example.
Do you go to gigs?
The majority of my audience said that they do go to gigs, but only every
few months. This shows me that I will use gig/tour dates in my magazine
because it would appeal to my target audience.
What regular content do you prefer in a rock magazine?
When I asked people about their preferred content in rock magazines the
results were balanced between Interviews, Reviews, Q&As,
Giveaways/Posters and Gig/Festival News. This shows me that my
audience prefer a mix of content, rather than more of one thing or a
couple of things, it also shows me that I was right to include these in my
initial plans and I will keep these features in my final magazine.

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