Vacuum Nightmare

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Vacuum Nightmare

By/ Oways Kinsara

Sunday, 30/08/2015
Writer Mohamed Alratyan says: "The long hours of vacuum and
loneliness can teach you a lot of bad habits!"
There is no vacuum in the entire universe! This is the latest fact in
astronomy, where scientists have found that the universe is rich in
construction, and in every cubic millimeter there is some material and
energy, thereby the saying 'Nature abhors a vacuum!' has come.
Additionally, human life should have no vacuum. In other words, all
human time should be used in good and useful way.
Recently, I read serious statistics over the Saudi youth (15-29 years old)
by Asbar Center for Studies, Research & Communications that about
43% of males and 37% of females have vacuum (leisure) of between 4 to
6 hours a day, while 24.2% of males and 15.3% of females have 7 to 12
hours of leisure a very long time!
Hence, we wonder about the solutions proposed to fill this vacuum
among young people: entertainment, cultural and artistic means and the
adoption of the community, otherwise the vacuum will cause social
problems that eventually lead to the demolition of the community by
some of its inhabitants. Also, the General Presidency for Youth Welfare
should find some new solutions and creative ideas to play a larger role in
youth welfare.
Recently, I watched a video clip of the Dean of the well-known
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in which he launched an
excellent idea for college students, where each student shall shoot a
tutorial video that roots and simplifies a certain scientific concept, to be
published on the Internet for a reward of USD 1000. The idea aims that
college students contribute to improve the U.S. basic education from
primary to high school (similar to the famous Khan Academy). If this
idea is applied by the King Abdulaziz & his Companions Foundation for
Giftedness & Creativity (Mawhiba) or the Ministry of Education through
a competition at the level of the basic and higher education in the
Kingdom, we would be able to create an open and integrated electronic
learning platform from which all the Arab world will benefit, as well as
using the time of youth in the best way.

In conclusion, I say: life that is occupied with work, and fatigue

sometimes, is more beautiful and wonderful than the life that is occupied
with leisure, even if this leisure is accompanied by luxury and

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