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GL interface: Loading data from a flat file into GL using interface.
Overall Process of Inbound GL Integration from Flat File:

Flat file is sent by the client

DBA will specify the flat file location
Flat files are sent for 2 purposes For test purpose, For production
purpose a Flat file is copied in the shared folder (IN Folder) by DBA.
Connect to server (WIN SCP)
Apps> Aptest>VIS> apps>apps_st> appl>gl> 12.0.0>in> FLAT FILE
(Excel File)
Copy Flat file from server to local machine
Open Flat file in your system and check the columns

Now we hv to create staging table (in .txt) as per this structure in FF. +
2 additional columns for Error mapping ( ERROR_FLAG,
Copy this table structure from staging table creation notepad
Toad> pate > create table

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