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sino: 10239341 GS0811 ee | Lit ! on 2015 Gung splay (Degree Standard) 2@Basiuc Qsrer pnd: 3 wax, [Qiorgp wALALeinacr : 300 ne 12, Aarés@ee uUPoolegcper Shéscim_ aflaapse@or sacmorat igdsaid peau aaplajenssr Bis Beams AsrGu gH Cogepau (Ops vsspans)é GancnQcrerg. Cpta; Qsm_aigid Corps Gamssrgueup Apsgidig scranaafvunow mp ciao Copasaug ssn ening Banglsrgieus APsgouguTET Gawos seinanaviiunenfiLSeps GUuppacr CugenpSer aerg405e solamors dipsg15 Sods Cousin Gib. syscnIdr Cocina apse Seo _watléss Os essen Bip Bong QgnGLry 200 Aamsacaré GananQcrorg. sBenuchés Asr_wsqper PerHanp@sneudd Toer Hemésie5l Dib Guubgscrorosour eeéruasusld Gone gud Goudgyppnetecr a cracenaur erdhLEHSU sfiumiggs Osrdraald. gCp@Qb GOPUTO HELA, 980m VEE HBL ABGEEE sorpadrerenfiiUranfib Gphcisnaiis. caer Gamése5eGih Ben watlssand. eden Hennes @5W siownen iofiGueinsdr ancincoau. SLiis@5soLu UBloy erdnooe Mis Udspslen cing Cd goTaId Ais PAser sennsgscrar Hise Brier a (9B CardirOlb. Cag cenpuyd Alenrs AsngUIO erUppE saLN5}. Pmis@ZoLu Usley crear, Coiaysgndr weir WoO HamgGsngLY cuflns rar (SL. No.) cpsSueypennujid Aw gssrcé Qrarmd usssGo qoaseeers ooosgcan Dish fob sidag sGo0 sp @oyoLu UpgQpeand CLancflemd GPlégé ani CovairOU. Cxpsdin AanGAgl ei CaicinGid. QaucHemd GanginIaans Cris apg inar ct Shad a iniep daDsgs Oedoomd. GALYsd eUAL UNtLUBHG Hams AsnGiAd sen_A udssHe ~perudssos 2 uGurdlsg.& Qanéroneom Copscin AAflscié cogunorg iplamd Cpianoerud PRAAGG Ban soasesre acrore GpAGud sar aflaipgsuu@éng, tbe ounces GanGSaUL Ocror @PlUYEdrstc epyasensnEr amr AsnGiF eocows GAUGL_Cour, EMAIL HA snc Gos sang. ‘SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS BOOKLET FOR ENGLISH VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS [Turn over EAL Match the following : (@) Krebs cycle (). Ubiquinone © Glycolysis (@)_ Acetyl-CoA. (@) ) © @ 4 3 1 2 @) 3 1 4 2 © il 4 2 3 @) 4 1 3 2 Gung seis: @) Ags apia ®) ydsgudonrer ©) BenerésCancercio QD Soe gyenear cresroncuib () ) © @ a 4 3 1.2 ® 3 1 4 2 O11 4 2 3 @) 4 1 3 2 Oceurs in cytoplasm Diffuse from cytoplasm to mitochondria Mobile carrier Occurs in mitochondrial matrix nat GLnGerra spied pon Guigud esi GLndlamsg Seog ono Grading Murase, peu paid Gafuitesr mol GLasneny Murcer Cot Made gue pen Gupid 3 GSo811 [Turn over 2, The purines present in nucleic acids are > I. Adenine and Cytosine I. Guanine and Thymine II. Adenine and Guanine IV. Cytosine and Uracil “ov Sm ou @ 1 Dysos morsacfld sramiuQio Oysénecir 1. cagenancr ippid noc. GunBlén TL @surefén wig engin TL. exqenercis ipo eounefidn IV. ansGurdidr oppud uysrdleo () IV @ i ( 0 @) I 3. Find out the correct match/es : I. Enzymes - Biological catalysts IL. DNA - Nucleic acid i. Insulin - Hormone IV. Vitamin E = Water soluble vitamin (A) Tonly (B) Tonly (© 1 Manav WD 1 Wana tt afusnen Quine é558lonené|wonsussoner seine 1. Qpadlasr — — endiftus Sifwir exer IL qeréingr — — Blupioés e1Blenrd IL. QenaeShen — —— geomi@ionen TW. qotidlrE = -— fled sooquyid mau Ser (A) wc@o B®) Ilwioo , (©) I, opm IV @) LT opge GSo811 4 2 ‘The number of generalized co-ordinates required to describe the position of a simple pendulum is wou Be © 3 @) 4 9G EA amacSlen Hlenwenus sifu Czenawires Qungyslenes gpusissoPei creirenfions (A) 1 (B) 2 © 3 @) 4 If g is the acceleration due to gravity and R is the radius of the earth, then escape velocity is given by the relation @ Vv, =28 ®) V,=2e GD v= . @) V,=2/Re- E -YeHinsy POsed wppid R- yell and crafle AGUG GoussPdsron sven inG Va ibe ®) v,=2e (©) V,=J2Re () V,=2VRe The relation connecting Young’s modulus (Z), Bulk modulus (K) and Rigidity modulus (N) is oF 8 ae 2232 wo EN‘K ® NE’ K yh ae ees De © NEE © Ei Nik wiiganad (B), ugws Gams (K) wig Bept ewdnun@ 2D (A) BONE @) Oust a) @ F-E+e ©) - ‘The $.I unit of gravitational constant G is (A) Nkg? @®) Nm ke? © Nmket Gh Nm*kg? YA USiLy wongle| Ger S.1 peg; (A) Nkg? (@) Nm kg? (© Nm’ kg” @) Nm*kg? 5 GS0811 [Turn over 8. Choose the correct answer ‘The itai-itai disease of Japan was caused due to 1. Arsenio pollution IL Cyanide pollution IL Cadmium pollution IV. Lead pollution (A) Tana (8) Mand II strony (D) Wonly flume elon 555 Quiumefer Qi Umi - OLUmi Combs 2 Maundsesloe engamb 1 ayieoites wreuin® TL emswenenc wns TH. snub orsun@ TV. Gone. (rusia) wraur® A Ivoi920 @) Hosgol (© Wacgo ©) Wwcgo 9. Match the following : (@) Sericulture () Horticulture (© Aquaculture @ Apiculture Farming of aquatic organisms Culture of honey bees Rearing of silk worms Bee Cultivation and maintaining gardens é (@) &) @ «) 3 2 4 1 2 @) 3 4 1 © 1 2 3 4 @) 4 3 2 1 Guregais @) Gefssésir 1 fiteump 2. u8 fer sveniviy (b) somiipssovir 2 Ggaf vanity © sdansdasit 3. UL@OUE evericiy @ qGsdésir 4 GpmLéscom @) ) © @ (a) 3 4 1 2 (2 3 4 1 @ 1 2 3 4 @) 4 3 2 1 GSosi1 6 10. 1. aa 13. Expand FAT (a) @) ©, ¥ First Allocation Type File Allocation Type First Allocation Table File Allocation Table PAT crepes Meunéaid orden? (a) (B) © @) (p56 UBELG wens (First Allocation Type) Canty UwSLO axens (File Allocation Type) (p95 UAE OLs UC. gue First Allocation Table) Canty UaS OL Ugused (File Allocation Table) Which of the following is used to store large amounts of data? (A) © Primary memory 5 Auxiliary storage Cache memory “ (D)_ Random access memory angi Nerenarsiiead org) oPsLU_uinen sacidsene Codie udu GaDE!? oo 8 8 st (A) © (pscraw flenerasid B) Qreir_md Bene foerasid Casip flenanaisid (D) pry. sense floverevsid Give the value of Terabyte. @ ae e 2 o© ” oS 2 BL ipreniL yen vPlcuonends ang (A) ae @) 2” © 2» - @ 2 ‘Bluetooth! technology is @ (B) ow @) Satellite communication Wired communication between devices Wireless communication between devices Communication between landline to mobile phone USGS SonPlagLur cremugy @ (B) © ®) QsupensCandr Qgmiy 7 , De sqpeAoedhon Cue crer sbO Apm iy Dos sqoAeenbAen_ Cus o crear sid Qeoor Asm iy sarap AgrmaCuéMiAmiss osiGud Apr Mys6 7 Gsosi1 [Turn over 14, The plant type which colours the ocean surface water red is A Dinoflagellates (B) Golden algae (©) Green algae (D) Red algae SLA filér Gupupliann Qepp lore wndgub grey asenss (A) wi Gannisanng}Gaxt civ : B) sais fp sound . © uses sip a dunél @) Aastny fp wadund 15. Match List I with List IT and select the correct answer List I (Climate) List II (Reason) (@) Chennai is warmer than Kolkatta 1. Distance from Sea (6) Snowfall in Himalayas 2 Altitude (©) Rainfall decreases from West Bengal to Punjab 3. Western Disturbance @ Winter Rainfall 4. Latitude @ © © @ @ 1 2 4 3 ® 1 2 3 4 © 3 2 4 1 4 2 1 3 udigwied I-99 ut iguued I-2 Ler Oung sf) efluuren Blar_enws Asfley aise. Lciqused I (Gre leven) Lcagued II (angen) (a) Ganedsxiprreveu 68 Gacrenen Gaui none ©-crengy L ) QowwmaWde vafhisGumpoy 2. ©) Cope amesAdaig: Ueeni Cpr eon vey gepding 3. Copasiu andy @ @allizner werpLGUnpley 4. e1LeGrens _ BL dles Qebgs gnmtb ou (a) (b) ©) (a) (a) 1 2 4 3 ® i 2 3 4 © 3 2 4 a “@) 4 2 1 3 16. Which of the following is not a planetary wind? (A) Westerlies (B) Trade winds Monsoon (D) Polar easterlies Apa QanQSaCil Ocrenauppier Gamer sijigs eddampenau 1g)? A) Gomes srg B) Awoinyé sopdgy © ugaé sop DO) aga saysandy GS0811 8 18, 19, ‘The place of India which does not have tropical evergreen forest is < — Bastern part of Western Ghats (B) Western part of Western Ghats (©) Andhaman and Nicobar islands (D) Eastern part of subtropical Himalayas Dpsunce swe wero usw wrprdenOsoor Gerangons U6 8 (A) Code OpmtéA wmade Apsed UGA B) Gabe Asm FA cMOder Gopsi UGA (©) sxsguonen GAGemumi Bayscr (D) eu cwuen Spi QrouuoH Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer from the given options. 1. Shompens is a tribal inhabitant of Nicobar Island. Tl. As per 2011 census, their population is 229. (A) only true (B) Monly true G Vand Mare true (D) Land I are false Gerad apeop saahig QarQasiur Odrroarsaia sfluren Aenr.coui GpipIsHssay. 1. “agmb@viciav” §aCsmint Sd uSSw git UIT. ent I. 2011 war. Aprons sarsQa Query, Qovisaiidr wissd: gnens 229. A) Ysd agg wid of B) Quer nag apy wlOwd sf © QyeinGid sAusnongs D) QyainGw sarprangy Choose the correct sequence of the following using the codes given below : 1 Qutbuddin Aibak, [tutmish, Raziya, Balban Tl. Jahangir, Humayun, Akbar, Shahjahan IIL. Balaji Viewanath, Balaji Baji rao, Baji Rao I, Shivaji (A) Land IL only (B) Tand II only GS lonly (D) Hlonly SGip GanGsstUL apple GSC OLeiracor iwciGSS) efluinen euflenssous C5tGs® L @suiber ROLE, Dodge, QrFum, medic I, anrasdit, aneuonyye, 6, agggenen TIL, ureorg} leveupng, unaong® unalone, cpgamb ungQiyres, Leung (A) Toppa Toto ®B) Topp Iw -© Ietoo @) Meigs 9 GS0811 [Turn over I 20. 21. Which of the following were among the main exports of Indus valley people. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : 1. Wheat IL Barley MW. Cotton WV. Gold (@) LlandDI @) Wand Il J tai ©) WandIv 4pg svGaal wésefen cpsdur ghQUAL Gungersencr Spasaim @PuiGecr gpord eflurer Aei_oousg CsI BOS OSs. TL Gaingyemo TL, umireil I. gad TV. sis A) Llwdgd I (@B) Dopgo ll (© Ivigatl ©) Mlwsgoiv Match List I with List II correctly and select answer : List I List I (a) Santhal's Rebellion 1.1923 (&) Maplah Rebellion 2 1929 (© Vizag Revolution 3. 1921 @ BardoliSatyagraha 4.1855 @) ) © @ @ 1 3 2 4 (B), 4 1 2 3 G4 3 1 2 @) 2 3 1 4 UC gwe Tg UCg.we Tl 26 Gung sp sfluren Ao _aw Caig@s@ cig I udigud IT (a) sipgdbaci semi 1. 1923 (b)womionr sens 2 1929 © maeré sem 3. 1921 @ iter ssPurBrsd 4. 1855 @ ) © @ @il 3 2 4 @) 4 1 2 3 © 4 3 1 2 @) 2 3 1 4 GS0s11 10 o 22. Match List I with List II correctly and select answer (a) ©) © @ @ @) &¢ ©) List 1 Dupleix Anwar-ud-din Shuja-ud-Daula Polock @ © (©) 3 2 4 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 4 2 List IE Nawab of Bengal British Admiral French Governor Nawab of Carnatic Utgwed Fg UCquid IT 2dr ung gO sfusren Ben cous Eis AsO @ o) © @ @ @®) © D) uc quid T GiGer sieraur(p sien og Dggr 2.5 Agaroor GunGoonds @) @) () 3 2 4 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 4 ud gure IT utesror Baum apmadlorciseoL. orB, BOE Seuteni ‘sienna pours u Gsosi1 [Turn over 23, Match List I with List II of the following with suitable options : List I (a) Kural (b) Thutham © Kaikilai @) ~ Vuzhai @) b) © 62 1 4 @B) 1 2 3 © 3 2 @) 4 2 3 awh sao8 1 List II Rishabham. Shadjam Madhyamam Gandharam Ltgud ! S@eg ULgue IT g Gung SP sfuren Bler_cows CoipAs0. uc tguucd I (@) ever ©) gig ©) «Benen @— 2xbos (a) (a) 2 @) 1 © @) 4 wnonee wrens neeoS ager utquie I Ragin anggq wsSumoid onperm 24. Match List I with List IJ of the following with suitable options : List I (a) Brahmanas (vb) Sama veda © Aranyakas (@) Yajur Veda @ ® © (ay 4 3 1 3 4 1 © 3 1 4 @) 1 2 3 iC arweoeSaene List IL Forest Texts Guide Book for Priests Ritual Texts Book of Chants Ucguid I Sgpgs uc quid IT g Gun age uciqusd 1 (a) gmoeerrivscr @) ero Gags (©) -agyotenustiscr @) wget Gago (a) ) © (a) 4 3 1 @) 3 4 1 © 3 1 4 @1 2 3 GS0811 Eeener arene uciquid IT cuam greece UGyrdisi aul, gre Lg pprebacir was grdvscr 12 25, 26. 21. Which of the following is/are not correct? Minto-Morley reforms of 1909 introduced the following. 1 The system of direct election was introduced in provinces IL The act did not enfranchise women UL Itintroduced dyarchy in provinces IV. Communal electorate was introduced (A) Tonly A tena (© = Wand ll (D) Uonly 8p GHG L_masche sarap EHUD: 1909- ein WenGLe -omitell SHAG dstiscr 8p GPUILL LP Espasa oiPlepsLuGsus, LL poy Cstsh panpeu unflamsdia gouQSHug IL. Quins e5és @OMleo AsnGsscAdrera TL. Qrler a dew vfansate opudsSusy TV. agciy aury Gpige (perpen apepsiudsswg: @ Twc@o ®) [opp Iwi go (©) Lvppb Wooo @) Mieco Who bestowed the title Sardar on Vallabhai Patel? (A) Dadabhai Naoroji (8) Jawaharlal Nehru Mahatma Gandhi (D) Rajendra Prasad edeund UCL gée ‘agi craig ULL GC squeut wim? (A) srgmumis QponGomg B). gasmiond Cpe © osngior sri) ©) QoCgpPr Srong During 1857 revolt which army remained loyal to the British? (A) Bombay Army (8) Bengal Army wo Madras Army (D) Avadh Army 1857-1 ques YL Aude Gung BWACOUGsS Asaraors Qgss Porapiand ag)? (A) ubumis Monae (B) aumsner Gorepand (©) Qacnenes @rraxyeuid 13 GS0811 [Turn over 28. Pick out the wrong statement. (A) Veerappa, the Zamindar of Koppal rose against the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1819 (8B) Gadkaris were military classes who garrisoned Maratha forts (©) Chakra Bisoi was the khonds leader W Sindhu and Kanhu were the leaders of the Kols BauDTon saieow ati dism’Lau. (A) 1819-@ GamGund Cyndy gidlérgmit Spun créniert nansomund Degnepse oPons Hered Qoivgnit (B) sndanfisdr wins Gus Com_ons arevenitect speuritecr (©) aay AGoms erercu Carin esac geneoout mount (D) Apésor vp acraw> crénrestacr Candraahles sonveugneuniest 29, Match the following : (a) Simon Commission 1. 1928 (b) Nehru Report 2 1932 (© Second Round Table Conference 3. 1927 (@ Communal Award 4. 1931 @) ) © @ @ 1 4 3 2 3 1 4 2 © 3 1 2 4 () 2 4 1 3 Bpacinaipenp Qungésis. . @) wae GY 1. 1928 ©) Cpe aifléane 2 1982 O Ardmragiaci Coorg orp 3. 1927 @ agi cunfig Siray 4, 1931 @ &) © @ @ 1 4 3 2 @) 3 1 4 2 ©) 3 1 2 4 @) 2 4 1 3 Gso811 4 o 30. Identify the statement, which is not the cause for the failure of Quit India Movement (a) British Government arrested key leaders in anticipation to the movement (6) Nehru and Rajaji disbetieved in Direct Action AH Hindu Mahagabha and Muslim League supported the movement (2) British Government suppressed the movement (A) _ (a) alone (B) (a) and (b) alone (© @alone @) (a), (b) and (@) alone GassreneuiGen QachGug Quidmd CgradeAucorus ogy smparinde cers AanGaslut Geren eursaiiesafeS (5) -si6nLwameTib sis @ gyal csigsmivat qpenerssims pLaigsorsuime qpédus so@euisea Sloped OL SES) ©) CoG Wop Mongrel ySGuré Coo, prayémesair pibDbene nevssscAlevencs © Bhs vsrsmu wppb pers Sé Opp aysosou gohesss @) gnidlo serio Dacdusspeng 9 Aug) ' A @vieo B) (a) wogud (b) wL Od ©) woo ©) @), ©) voy (A) Aw pang 15 GS0811 1 [Turn over 81, Among the 50 students in a cl 18s, what percentage of students like biology and chemistry? Subjects No. of students Mathematies 6 Physics 12 Chemistry, 15 Biology : 8 Computer science 9 (a) 64% S 16% ©) 23% @) 77% 9G HBLAAQusrer 50 lonemavisahd, odsinon ascig wremeuirscr CousuGusd, 2-u9Awdd Lum semen Ag dUdlenperi? um remautsafles creirenfléens sexfigid 6 Qupdua 42 Caugdusco 6 oud Aud 8 soomlefuslused 9 64% B) 46% (©) 23% ©) 77% 32. For any n observations of data, what is the value of (8x) - n=? (A) alex) ® @-22 © wz Wo SBS GG Nn craimsaflen QerGuIpeb(Lx) — n¥ on oA wg? (A) (zx) @B)! (n-2)5 (© (n-1)¥ @) 0 GSos811 16 o 33, 34. 36. 36. 37. _ 0.728% 0.728-0,272 0.272 Simplify : a (a) 0.456 ra © 0.728 @) 0.272 sq, 2.728%0.728 -0.2720.272 : 0.456 ) 0.456 6) 1 © 0.728 @) 0.272 223, then 52222 is equal to yb" Ba By w 3 Ss @ 2 m § SrenLg) BEE mold y 2 5 AW 3 ®) 6 OF O 3 A person’s present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present? (ay 42 ae 40 © 4% O) 48 90 Suilér s)CLren gu Ug Deut srurfdr AWA RASId QyeinG ormens edrengy. B air ssesdt aflig salen aug), set srunié ausid urdusre ecrorgy. srurier soCurengw egy renee? (ay 42 B) 40 © 4 ) 48 1.2x1,2x1.2-0.2x0.2%0.2 V2x12+1.2%02+02x02 12 Gi © o2 ®) 14 1.2%1,21.2~0.2%0,20.2 1.2x1.2+1.2x0.2+0.2«0.2 A) 12 By 1 ©) 02 @) 14 Find the value of er oPLionusé sirin A bieyele marked at Rs. 1,500 is sold for Rs, 1,350, What is the percentage of discount? (a) 12 ®) 15 Ou SB 0 9G Dflacngler Ame G. 1,500 ccay GHasiuc Gerong. Qgonen G. 1,350 &% Appre, BeTEHLG. F508Sd crane? (A) 12 @B) «© i (D) 10 7 GS08i1 [Turn over 38, 39, 40. 4. 42, 43. Which one of the following is the smallest ratio? 7:18, 17:25, 7:15, 15: 23 @ 7:13 (B) 17:25 4 7:15 ) Aeragucappe Hsespu: Aélsid wings? 7:13, 17: 25, 7:15, 15: 23 (A) 7:13 (B) 17:25 © 7:16 @) 15:23 In a mixture of 60 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 2: 1. If this ratio is to be 1 : 2, then what is the quantity of water to be further added? 201 * ®) 30! (© 50! SH 601 60 LH amanane, Lind todd sobteahNer Als 2:1. Qi MBs 1-2 ays Qepds Carcin DAvoae aQsans Gorésd migu geiveotfen save wings? (A) 2008 (B) 30088 © 50 @) 60a ‘Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 5. If 9 be subtracted from each, then they are in the ratio 12: 23, Find the second number (A) 52 (B) 58 © 54 55 3:5 ctehp Ass flad Qo creiracr esr. sas gaudancHA Gigi 9 a PSsLUuCL me seve 12: 23 ardiy AASEDS GEG. Qycin_maugy creincnend sneins ‘ A 52 (B) 53 (54 () 55 Sum of squaros of three positive numbers is 608 and they are in the ratio 2: 3 : 5. Then, find the numbers A) 69,15 WV 5,12,20 (© 10,15, 25 @) 14,2 tpciy lens ercixaatic eurisarisaficn Qe 608. Cogn ” ib ctdtact witcoas? (A). 69,15 (B) 8, 12, 20 (©) 10, 15, 25 (D) , 14, 21,35 If 30% of A=0.25 of B=— of C, then find the ratio A: B:C (A) 15:12:10 (BY) 12:15:10 PH ro:12015 @) 10:15:12 A-e130%= B 6 0.25=1C gale A:B:C aap Bdssongé anc 5 (A) 15:12:10 (BY) 12:15:10 © (CC) 10:12:15) 10: 15: 12 What is the third proportional to 0.34 and 0.50? Woon. ®) 075 © 0.76 @) 077 0.34 wigd 0.50 crea crairacfen epdrmmd Ag. crénen? (Ay 0.74 (B) 0.75 (C) 0.76 () 0.77 GSosi1 18 7 o 44. 45. 46. 47. 48, In a cylinder, if radius is doubled and height is halved.then what happens to the curved surface area? (A) Halved (B) Doubled WD Does not change (D) Four times 9G RGamIe, a7 De wUuwsrésUlG, ew7 urdwrs Geopssuced sige ypLumciy areneneuT gb? (A) urnfwagio B) Q@voriwsr@o (C) worpmg@Gseb (D) prere wrwsned ‘The length of side of a rhombus is 5 m and one of its diagonal is 8 m. Then what is the Jength of other diagonal? @) 5m ®) 7m om ©) 8m 9G smisgysplén Usepslen Bord 5 8, sips Geo eponcnadk Aer Sond 8 8 crafled oysen OpOpUG (pened gBlen Fomb wings? (Ay 58 @B 75 () 6s (@) 8s A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. If they work together, in how many days they will complete the same work? (A) 1/24 day (8) 7/24 day A 24/7 days (D) 24/11 days A, B wig C admeuisér og Gasman aysa (porpGu 24, 6, 12 pmiadr «Gigs Gendrest cafe, 9G5 Casracou seutadr sinmaugd Qoemig Gals conde opener pmeir Cge@asiuG? (A) 24 pace B) 7/24 prev (©) 24/7 pmescr — (D) 24/11 pntsct 12 men complete the 2400 sq.m ploughing work in 10 days. How many men are required to complete 3600 sq.m ploughing work in 18 days? WH 10men ®) 15 men (C) 18men @) 20 men 2400 2.18. flagseng 12 Garcnaun ser 10 patella 2 9g) apg List. 3600 4.18. flaseng 18 grt sefle 2QaUpis orfoner Gaunauimadr Gganeu? (A) 10 ser @) 15 ser (O) 18 Cac @) 20. yCedr 2 men and 7 boys can do a piece of work in 14 days, 3 men and 8 boys can do the same in 11 days. In how many days, 3 times the work can be completed by 8 men and 6 boys? Wh 21 days @) 18 days (©) 24 days ) 36days 2 goinscr, 7 Agoiacr Gaipg) GG Camaderan 14 prisafd apytut; 3 yemadr, 8 Agauied Caigg, C5 Camacu 11 sriscAd Asig gpydut. cafe, oGp Gund yay DLEG Coumaenus, 8 asinscr, 6 Ageutacr Gaia apsenn pr sod Qaugs api? A 21 press B) 18 prescr ©) 24 pmiasir @) 36 poescir 19 GS0811 [Turn over 49, 50. 51. 52. ‘The length, breadth and height of a hall are § m, 10 m, 4 m respectively and the hall has one door of area 8 m x 1.5 m, Find the cost of painting the walls at the rate of Rs. 200 per square metre. (A) Rs. 28,800 (B) Bs. 59,900 BD Rs. 27,900 (D)_ Rs, 60,800 AO Seopwlen fend, semi udgid eum apenpCu 85, 1015, 4 8 inpgyid 3:8 x 1.5 6 udiuerey Garon 9G spajd acing. adrand ys sg7 ELLGAS G. 200 QamamEd arciprd. ogc sauna RSG aitemb ys ceca; Anes Aewaingi? (A). 28,800 (B) @. 59,900 (© 27,900 (D) 6. 60,800 If the capacity of a cylindrical tank is 1848 m9 and the diameter of its base is 14 m, then find the depth of the tank? OG 2m () 4m ©) sm @) 18m 96 LGae ane Agmyvei Qencereraragy 1848 F UH seqerw ACLLoceg 14 5 crass oipgperLw ) Cuwppe Ag = - fii) sells Pmau8d io Grd Aan AAG © AuvpgdPt - ii) salés nbgid Gsips Amaia Aor sdingy @ Na wpgbdCa - liv) eCarsciucle 046 sree? () Al wom Mg = W) Cainbg Slenoue 0 GCw Hen sAlngy. A @-%) ®-G) ©- @-@® ©-w ®) @-Gy) @)-@ © -(iy @)-() © @-G) ®-G ©-%) @-@ ©-@ ©) @-Gi) ©-G) ©-@ @-W )-t) Which of the following is/are wrong? I Mg,Cy on hydrolysis gives acetylene II. Be,C on hydrolysis gives methane IIL Al,C, on hydrolysis gives allylene (Tana It (B) Wand PH land ©) 1, Wand Ul Geraugarererdpicr geuprenenes ergy/ercoau? 1. Mg,C, Sorbugiy wien ag WALycSenans sq I. Be,C-Sonbugiy sen jg 8EGpore QavoruGOid Il. ALC, Sonpugiy Bei sg Bddmonas SG. @) Lesgid 0 (B) Wopgio 1 © Twspe t1 ®) 1, Toggio 11 GS0811 22 59, For the ‘Daniel cell E’ =1.10 V. The value of equilibrium constant (K) for the reaction (at 298 K )is a Zig) + Cufy > Znfs) + Cup A) 4.36%10" @®B) 2.79x10" (©) 6.53%10% AH 155%10" GLaflucd sapPdr B° =1.10 V. calles &ipiscia oflenarSdn (298 K 6) evoflenen tones (K) -ueir open? : Znya) + Cage) > Zng) + Cu (A) 4.8610" (B) 2.79x10% (©) 6.53x10% (D) 155x100" Agricultural unemployment may be classified into I, Seasonal unemployment I. Disguised unemployment Ill... Chronic unemployment Which is the correct answer? (A) Land Il only (®B) and Ill only (©) Land I only A 1, Mand Harsmuggicopuld Gumaenenoenw &ipéscin ong asensciiGseomd 1. ugersra’ Gananuderenio TL wenpaps Gaucnanucnan IIL. qj Gerenenndicnonin silane Lslanen GAIL oud A) Topp Toc @w ®), Wusge I wc oo (©) [wagud Wl we @w © ©) 1, Twp 01 Fill up the blanks : National population policy adopted in 2000 with a view to encourage —————— and aim at stabilizing the population by. (A), Two child norm, 2020 (B) One child norm, 2030 ‘Two children norm, 2046 (D) One child norm, 2050 sneSuDLtuescner SIs : 6ObuUsAG ————— aremieng oar goMlesajld indscrAgsnensenus ——————1b gy gion. AaariuGsper 2000-t yang Ceélu WaacrOsrons Aendronswld gg@anéronie g (A) Qyein@ wipers BLL, 2020 B) eG oppor AL, 2030 CO) | QreinG eyppbong Gi, 2046 O) 96 Spies ALL, 2050 23 Gsos11 [Turn over 60. _ Match the following and select the correct answer (a) Tax revenue 1. Provident funds @) Capital receipts 2. Taxes on income and ‘expenditure (© Non-planexpenditure 3. Sales tax (a) Value added tax 4, Interest payments (a) ) © @ «@ 4 3 2 1 ®,1 3 4 2 2 1 4 3 @) 2 3 4 1 Geragacapapy QungEs sfuiren Benen Cpa, Asie @) aaa 1. augriere macy ©) eperger axgeumis 2, euGeumis ip gud Qway Karen euflscir (©) Alien Asooy 3. eBiyhucnen auf @ oGly wcqw out A ally agyésipeacir (@) (b) © @ a) 4 3 2 1 ® 1 3 4 2 © 2 1 4 3 @) 2 3 4 1 61, The National Statistical Commission of India was headed by (A) Monteck Singh Ahluwaliya AC. Rengarajan (©) Raghuram Rajan . @) V.K.RV. Rao QpPurcDer Cpfus sre lous gonamrwsid Pang smoaode eos Hos 551 (A) wrer@L ss Sits siguoureSusr (B) A. Gpriesymgger (©) venmd onggen D) A.Gs.2gi 081 pres 62. ‘The structure of Indian Financial System does not include (A) Industrial finance (B) Agricultural finance (C) Development finance A Deficit finance Bi8w AA pepder aL eoiy Qgeero cier_adlug) 9160 A sng 6p 8) Cavarnair 68 © amis np D) upprigenn Ad GS0811 24 63. ‘The MGNREGS differs from other poverty alliviation measures in the following respects I. It focuses on income generation to the targeted poor. Il. Itis built around the notions of citizenship and entitlement. Ill. It facilitates disclosure by means of regular and social audit. IV. It operates as per the directions of the State/Central Governments. (A) and It WW ‘Wana (© Tandy () MandIv MGNREGS Gp open 6G SV Laisa eig Apssdm cilseSe Gaping 1. MGNREGS gS US... cenpaafien augaimMeer aPaAiGb Conésqpeo wig). TL Qs Gqwascr wip o1qGLER 2 Mennenu -BsTHOTaé Benen 2 Gounéacucs g, Il. Asm iiig wig sapgmus serereafiiusisnen euslopennsmer 2 a8) Aeiséing. TV. orgie wbgb ngfius syssaticn yemanse5iMamis Asudugading, (A) Luppe I (B) Wwpgi 1 (© Logg 1V (©) Hoppe IV Justice D.P. Wadhwa committee was appointed by the Supreme Court to examine (A) Insurance schemes (B) The level of black money in the country (C) ‘The functioning of rural development programmes WH The Public Distribution System 2és fduanssTa Seng aymiashars uret D.P. unsour Gy Sedseulgy (A) amiu8LQ5 PLL madr (B) pager agpLYye ue sles sKerey (©) Signo cvertéelg SIL Ascten QowssounQassr (D) Qungy MD) Q2dwr downto 31 Gsos11 © [Turn over 85. 86. 87, 2020 Olympic games will be held at (A) Beijing (B) New York (©) Chicago : SD ‘Toi 2020 gdlidOs Aenarum Od Cum pen Gugnd Bw (A) Quige ®) ‘Bywsis (© AsnGair @) GorséGur Nobel Prize 2015 in Physics was given for the discovery of (A) Path of electrons in electro magnetic waves Qj Path of pouteons in magnetic Hin (C) Proton oscillation A Neutrino oscillation Quip Qugssnan Gord ufls 2015 PasarGIqiApares apse Ocrengy (A) ersnig simasaér oedit quensatien uneig B) * sng ewe uplrysofed Muy omenseen Tens, CC) YyGordrer yACascn (D) HycAGenn yACaradir In October 2015 Russia’s Sergey Karjakin won the World cup for _ (A) Table Tennis BH Chess * © Golf (D) Polo ToquneBles Qeigh sigréer ACLmUF 2015-4 QasAlnerumydr ons Camere Garcrpast A) Grog QLéraico B) sg paied © Ganevtats @) CunGar GSo811 382 88, 89. ‘The Administrative Reforms Commission of India was set up on 5 Jan. 1966 under the Chairmanship of (A) K Hanumanthaiya (8) H.C. Mathur (© GS. Pathak A Morarii R. Desai 1966-1 oin® gareufl Sadr 5-1 CsA gHUGSSOULL Hous Piers &GSS pnomusAer peat @O) K anqiogsimn ®) HC. wnggri © GS. uries D) Qunyniig? R. Gaemis “The Supreme Court in the Indian union has more powers than any other Supreme Court in any part of the world” — Who said so? (A) S.M. Sikri A Sir Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar (©) MC. Setalwad (D) Justice Kania “@sdu QebusAer oss FAwenpd aadden ass primgeror nbs PSlocapgeng ood 85 Ssrpd eorug 60", Qevengy engweut wi? (A) asv.enb. dif B) ait deomg, Aepeigewreeums) outwit © ab AGsoag ©) $8u8 sewer 33 GS0811 . [Turn over 90. 91. Consider the following two statements consisting of Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and select your answer using the codes given below. Assertion (A): The administrative reforms commission recommended Lokpal and Lokayukta. Reasoning (R): These are for the Redressal of Citizens grievances. fv Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and Rare correct but R is not the correct explanation of A (©) Ais True but Ris false (D) Ais False but Ris correct GaraugGd Hg ansBustisafe den Gsaiur Geron ony (A) snyamb (R) aucasenené empha AsrdnG Eparand Osr@Lyscid aig) omsér laenu Opie Aas 5a (A): Coréurd wbdyd Conds apwagnoe ghuOsgMSDG Hiens shoes Bean UMpgeni—s enpamib (R) Qooasacr Gqwdselicr Geopsere Curéqargpaires 2 dracon (A) AvpgaR gu Orang sMungw wppib R cers A ven sfusres enaron gid B) AvdgaR a4w Gyan atime gjonra Rerdngy A Wer sfusnon oerésswoedaa © Asiungd ond R sag yoo (©) A sag 4@d gene R sung Which one of the following is not correctly matched? (A) -Article 153 — Office of the Governor {B) Article 156 —Term of the Governor (C)_ Article 154 — Executive authority of Governor ; WH Article 155 ~ Removal of Governor Deraugueuiper seunrs Genemassciu Garang o1g1? (A) i153 - aytappit use (B) 88.150 - qeppi uses srenid (©) AG 154 - ayenpit Piieurs fam (D) BH 155- syeppt used Baad Gsosi1 34 © 92, Which one of the following statement. is/are true with regard to formulation of the Government? “ ‘There is a Rule in the Business of the Government which mentions that single largest party that gets majority will form the government ‘There is no written rules on inviting the single largest party by the 2” largest party to form the government. It is a convention ‘There is a provision in Part I of the Constitution Representation of Peoples Act provides for inviting the longest party to form the government Sarid THLUOSIOG GSH Apescim ads ap | mopSssr e sinéno? @ ® © o) 288 Qugiburcow Quip a Auneng aisge oyoTEseS oeowsGb erg ATs Aendan APIS 6AMUIL HUCK MSADS, PAZ Cugburéte Gud 6 ACur (21) MBG MPSS Qramraig Poodle QGpeGd SACU snemissas Kendgd ody a GO ass aREd oA Aung. Qe equ SpAumonoisIer UAL Oesdaren Ad Qosps vésdr UPAA ga esd wif Qu@bduTcrow udp sid, aWeTIIEd sess SenpssiuGAng creng appt 35 GS0811 [Turn over 93. Match List~I with List - II (a) ) © (a) eM) (B) @ Uciquid Ig Uwe II — err Qung sais: @) (b) © @ “a ® © @) GSosi1 2 1 G2 4 3 Laws ‘The Banking Companies Ordinance. Special Bearers Bonds Ordinance Unlawful activities Prevention ordinance Terrorist affected areas ordinance @ ) © @ 4 3 RHR e 1 4 3 1 2 ecu eau) Gcguotiast oiauey etLib AipLry Genesee ugAiriisd suey oC Lb SLL 6896 UDbuTer PLeigswssener SHSEI LD SeAgounPesorned unéatule ugPlsdr siaisy aid (a) ) © @, Hee one Rew we woe e 36 Years 1966 1980 1984 1981 augustus 1966 1980 1984 1981, 94, 95, The Protection of Civil Rights Act came into force on () 19* December 1974 wh 19 November 1976 © o) Cys eflmoscr ungeiy HL siepQee Gsneir® eupcuce pdr (a) @) © @) 19% December 1975 19% November 1977 19 qebuir 1974 19 paurbut 1976 19 getbut 1975 19 poubuir 1977 ‘Who one of the following persons is the ex-officio chairman of the Rules Committee, General Purpose Committee and Business Advisory Committee? Wh The Speaker (B) © @) A member elected by the house ‘The Deputy Speaker A member of Ruling Party Gdraguagér cat eget, ASgansd Gy Gur Gxréatsdr Berar Gy. ued BCoromand Gy yAwappler used aPssenaraui syert? (A) ®) © @) sunpmusit sentiund CpipGsGsatiucr 2 pier gGeut sian eunpMUaT BEC A agent ggasi 37 Gsosi1 [Turn over 96, — Match. the following — Establishment of states and choose the correct one @ () © (@) (B) © 36% Amendment 13% Amendment 27% Amendment 56% Amendment @ © © Ss 4 2 ‘® 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 2 3 © States Goa Manipur and Tripura Sikkim Nagaland Aéragacnarpper onflorisd emoiig Gg sfluronogs sia eis. @) ) © @ (a) @) © ®) GS0811 36 aug FB GSsb 13 agi FeAGpp> 27 orgy SiSeoasid Sag FiPossw @ ) © 3 4 20 1 3 4 2 3 1 1 2 3 onfleorisscir Caneun woof & BAL ABAD prsronbg) 38 97, Which of the following are major features of the constitutions of Lokpal and Lokayukta as recommended by the Administrative Reforms commission? 1. They should be demonstrably independent and impartial ‘They should compare with the highest judicial functionary in the country 3. They should be directly accountable to parliament 4. Their appointments should as far as possible be non-political (@) land4 Wi i2andt (© 1,2,3and4 . (D) None of the above (or) 1, 2 and 3 Biers S8G55 yoamugsrd Ufligeny QaiwOuLL somotiyseer Condund wip Condquésnedlen (wdadr Soi wppid wéscr APLumert) epsAus ver ysdr &éecir_aubpisr og) ran aa payib? 1. sereeeeunseud Une anip cpenpidgntd Gewoudsd 2 pnd adaf SlocmpsSler deus unQstanren gu Ours 3. Ung RUe DSSS UPestdsd eam woriadr 4 savisagy Suvand spud snorgoung Biss Cousin Gib @) 1uc@o4 B®) 1,20c@a4 © 1,2,30c904 D) Cwpscim agauslrore (x4) 1, 2 ot Gib 3 39 GSo811 [Turn over 98. — Identify the numbered substances in steps of Glycolysis Glucose —> (1) —> (2)—> Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate (A) ()is Pyruvate (2) is citrate (B). (2) is Glucose-6-phosphate (2) is pyruvate XA (1)is Glucose-6-phosphate (2) is Fructose-6-phosphate (D) (1)is phosphoglycerate (2) is Glyceric acid BenersGardAcr uyslrossila canseme GAssUCL CusiGungdrsenerd sci GD GwHHencis —> (1) —> (2)—> sak7sG Lev 1, 6 BeounedGu (A) A) enugGeut (2) FG. B) (1) GexGancv-6-undvGue. (2) ougGar. (©) (2) @@xGancv-6-unevGur. (2) “.LiyACLrey-6-LindvGue, (D) (1) unevGurdlafisGg (2) BeflsMé ondlovid 99. Consider the following pairs : L Thallophyta — Algae and Fungi Il Tracheophyta - All vascular plants Ill. Bryophyta - Liver worts and Fungi IV. Pteridophyta - Mosses and Mushrooms Which of the pair given above is/are correct? (a) Wand IV W tana (© landiv @) Mand It Deneug Qeransener «Gs Ge Gersrs: 1. snGarnenuitiur — gaarancr ppd URonepadr T. qpé&Gumenuc ur — — eumsv@anit Paedacre ou ee sg sreuytiedt TI. Qeoyuneucir = Beuiarm co ppd yeenesasr TV. GLAGLnenucur = words wiguib srannéinesr Cop SHUG Genamshed rg of? (A) WwigeIV ®) Ioppo0 © Topgetv (D) Topgio OT Gsosi1 40 100. Which of the following statements about ‘Glycolysis’ is/are True? 101. I I 1 Iv. & (©) Glycolysis is also known as Pentose phosphate pathway The substrate of Glycolysis is Glucose The final product of Glycolysis is Glycogen Glycolysis is also known as Glyoxylate cycle : . Land III Wf Monly Mand WV (D) IWandit ‘PerensGsnhher’ upplus Spascin on pgisatle ergs/erens afl? L IL. TL. Iv. (A) ©) BeneriCand Ac» Blajpeeoer QuénG neo Un vGuc axslitineng, eromay (A) wsehadr wbpKd wadrdr Qusedrinen unitends 2-en_weuitsdt B) wscasdr AnseqcQsscrn0 ceworted womb wadisdr Gusdumen uitene een_weuitedr (©) wacracr Qurduner unten eerustsdr wppl wacked fps GGLOspcer0 eenLwaiiedr (D) wscracir oignd wssiesr Anse OS serenw eemLueuentr 109. Cretinism, myxoedema and goitre are related to the disorders of the (A) Parathyroid gland BH Thyroid gland (© Adrenal gland (D) Pituitary gland AACyPad, MéCereryio Op gd Cpe SVsEIEpOO 4 Su CanemTgEE Ose sn iye ups A) Guprengrmii® spin B) agqmiiQ apd © sitfard aid D) Ge yeLM spend 110. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched? + Anopheles Stephensi — Leishmaniasis (B) Glossina Palpalis — Sleeping sickness (©) Culex Pipiens — Filariasis (D) Aedes Acgypti — Dengue fever Spéacimeupgdr gaipra Gung sptul Gorongy ag? (A) ciGernuGeliev coe Qucré — — Scvoaflusndico (B) BerBaftur undundiéy = — aps Gods (CC) Suyase outiGuerev = wrenendsemés Gomis (D) quo region. — Qukg amiréed Gs0siL 44 o i. 112. 118. ‘The list of coded instruction in computer is called Program B) Algorithm (©) Flowchart (D) Application software saALALMB UI sgenconaaen SpE @ Bre B) AwAgep (©) Goud egos (D) Luscnume. @ GuodiQunegsir Choose the correct match : List I List IT @®) Fault 1. Stromboli (@ Fold 2. San-Andreas ®) Earthquake 3. Himalayan Range (8) Voleano 4. Epicentre 5. Weathering 6. Exfoliation @ PL Qe RS S6 @, P5 Q6 Ri s2 We Qs RY Su a i & @) P-4 Q3 RI sfluns QungydSwoudonp Csi pAsOas: ciguucd I udquse IT ®) Garey 1. dopmbGurrell @ waty 2. sien ey @ior_peio B) yoResslire 3. Grouse Qgmit (8) orifioena 4, siflirey enowid 5. aumaflenené lang 6. Qurenp Basi @® Pl Q@2 RS S6 ® PS Q@6 RI SZ © P2 Q3 R4 St @) P4 Q@3 RI Se ‘The major temperature fluctuations in surface waters of the tropical Hastern Pacific Ocean is called as (A) Temperature inversion ®) Convection (C) Thermocline @ EINirio and La Nina UG WaT AEG LAME eH By CopUpLGH GUO Gaius gHos sroasomerg Qesenps Seo pasiuQdng! (A) Gatu seradip ond B) auus send (©) QpiiGondenarcs (D) oa SGemn opp. om Flan 45 GS0811 [Turn over 114. The portion of incident radiation reflected-back to space from the planet is called (A) Atmospheric windows PB Albedo (C) Rayleigh scattering (D) Law of scattering Gflud afirclaller 9G UGA IeAustiader od Adrachig AGU9 sduLUGag! Sema eo pesciQApg) (A) acftoain_o edrondsdr @®) s@Q.Gur ©) prGa geile Asosd D) goié Aga a 115... A major diamond mining centre in Belgium is (A) Aalberg (B) Aberdeen (© Aabenraa Antwerp GuiadgQuugsie e drer Qu Aygrar erarsanrieid (A) 4aQuis (B) 21Quiger (C) ay Queirgn D) gent Gaui 116. Rank the given soils of India in descending order in terms of their area / extent (A) Red soil, Alluvial soil, Laterite soil, Black soil (B) Alluvial soil, Red soil, Laterite soil, Black soil (©) Red soil, Black soil, Alluvial soil, Laterite soil Alluvial soil, Red soil, Black soil, Laterite soil Asn Gsaciu Geren ius war eronsaoner ULeTEAdr Dig iced Morng atns ise (A) Gatbwoain, cudin a) toa, GanLoomt tein, fad wai B) aiem_a wen, aiding, Ganong tein, sflad wai ©) Gatdwoein, shed ain. eucir eb weber, Gov eon soain @) adn weir, Qedwoein, sfled sie, Carer wait 117. The planet which is known as the ‘God of War’ (A) Mercury (8) Venus 1D Mars @) Jupiter “Cunt aye? orsigponpSatiu Gib Garar (A) per (B) Qaséraft (©) Gecreumis (D) flume 118. The ice-crystal theory to explain precipitation was propounded by WH Tor Bergeron (B) EG.Boven (C)_ Richl @) Davis very Spideu Aauflés uelliuys Gon Uren 2 gansduet (A) Lit Guuirgflnetr (BY Qe. Gun@eucs (OC) MaQod @) Giedev GS0811 . 46 @ ug, 120. Consider the following about scientific dating of the pre-historic period : Choose the correct code. J. The technique of radio-carbon dating is based on measuring the loss of carbon in organic materials over a period of time. I. Another dating method is known as dendro ~ chronology. IIL Palaco Botany is the analysis of prehistoric plants. IV. Palacography is the study of ancient writing 1 Wend ttt only @®) 1,1, MandIv (© Mand Il only (D) Uland IV only aTOMPpES ephergur srasPer oPAud o4IUM Bd sages sarsHPapld Déreugd ealhenp squall : ofuiron aenp CprbAs® L9G GALL anepPlPe er eWiart QunGLscAd orbs serasg afd GoDigicrergs ecums SyLUOLUNEs AanainO orogens seréhO cpopGu Gr_aGuN-sniudr wopures. IL. LopAprG Cpaeg A_en_Cpr sreossawMiLi; apenp eeIUGSlDgy. TIL. Qgned greugeSused sr greuy axcnaconer yisay QeLiorg. IV. QpndGacgig perp Uptisna erysgisama andlagid cpenpumgt. (A) 1, Hwpg Ul ol Od ®) 1,1, Ul wipe 1V © Topps Mote ©) Wopgi Voc @o Which among the following correctly matched? SM Kal — Madhya Pradesh (B) Chhutia — — Nilgiris (Tamil Nadu) (© Kotas ~ Little Andaman () darawas = Assam Epsan_ouppdr orgy eMuins GunesSuysrargy? {Ay Gare - wa slus Gg@serd B® etqur = feodlfidd (spp) (© Gannév = BLigg ypgiort (D) grameurey — weve 47 GS0811 [Turn over 121. Give the correct chronological order : L IL I. Vv. i Pitt’s India Act Minto ~ Morley Act Regulating Act Montague ~ Chelmsford Act 11, 1, UY 1v OW mV sfurer sro euflnscou 555: I. 0 UL. Vv. «a ©. BC OpSunr sta WeinGun—wmiel eb eWBG~opE FLD toreinG. @-GowderGumiG aLid 1,1, UL 1V LL ILIV (@B) @) ®) oO) IV, I, 10,1 1, 11, 1, 1V IV, 11, 1,1 1, 11, 10, 1V 122. Who'was known as the Father of Library movement in Tamil Nadu? w ® © o ‘Thiru, T.K. Avinashilingam ‘Thiru, M.P. Periyasamy ‘Thiru. M. Bhaktavatsalam ‘Thiru. Muthiah Chettiar BUILEMLO gis Qusssden sions crengy en pessuLreut wii? @ ®B) © () GS0811 Bg. TK. acfenndicdiaais Bo. MP. Quftwans By. M. udgessond AG. epdeogun Oat gusnit 48 128. 124, Identify the correct order of events of Muhammad-bin-Taghluq @ ®) J Do ‘Transfer of capital, conquest of Nagarkot, Reform of Token currency, Taxation of the Doab Reform of Token currency, Transfer of capital, Taxation of the Doab, conquest of Nagarkot ‘Taxation of the Doab, Transfer of capital, Reform of Token currency, conquest of Nagarkot Conquest of Nagarkot, Reform of Token currency, Taxation of the Doab, Transfer of the capital Gereagarcneupila cpavg Der gréerd sro Pape Mecwar sna esflensidte son wnond snare. ) (B) ©) i) soapat orbpd, preiGent. LE GUGiU, SoLumer pramu SAG psd, Cor yo Bg ufc y sorune gran SiPOsPd. smapai Mbp, Gar yU bg aMeAGiy4, pretGem usm Qw@cy Ger Qc by aMeAPiu, soopst wmbpb, sir uner prawn SiPgse. srsiGsm ue Quy snsiGen Le QUGLy, oeoLuurer prom SiBlosawd, Go a0 Bs aA, sropait wrbp Consider the following relating to Babur. L HL. ws ®) © @) ‘The Autobiography of Babur is ‘Babur Namah’ Tt was originally written in Persian Only Lis true Only IL is true Both [and IJ are true Both [and II are false LUMUGHG gm iyor_u Ep QanQaatsuc Ocroreng aeygys. L IL a) ®) © @) umuflér swefeng ‘Uru pron’ ayGid sipatlen ape prs ungSes uomglude 2 dang 10. OGw sfuings Toe. 9Gn suing Lg fu Qran@o shure LI gAu Qran@b seaupngd 49 GS0811 [Turn over 1 125, In which Indian state the women, except Brahmin and Bania community, terminate their marriage relationship through the custom called “Chudi Pahanana”. (A) Andhra Pradesh AP Chattisgarh (® Sharghand () Uttaranchal Dsus fp waflapPo Gymoemt wigrd vewflun Queinscers golly, Ip Gudnacr “Gq Lanresenn” (peopLiing prusdr Agar opera: opsigls AanerHerpant? A) ged DyCgad (B) scucvait (©) gniteaine. D) |‘ essumeec 126. Which of the following statements about Mother Teresa is/are True? I. She founded a now congregation named Missionaries of Charity Il, She did not accept the citizenship of India TI. She was awarded the Nobel peace prize IV. In 1929 A.D. she came to Madras as a Missionary AM Land II correct (B) land IV correct (C) Iand IV correct (D) I, IL and IV correct wp OpCyen Ggm_itine Fpscin_ sysctl auroras ema:? L stout MAonfey 946 antic ssp seovicnus gaiéSannt IL. aout @pSus Squsflenveow gdp Gancreresldeneo ILL. sen dléaren Cpmid ufle siutaenée eupetUlLg, Iv. 8.9, 1929-15 ein Qesnenenég sow LpLLUTerpre eubgiit (A) Lwppi 1 sfusrengy (B) Twjigrd 1V sfusnengs, (© Lwppir IV aFunengy ©) 1, Wwggw IV sfunengy 127. The Dravidian Mahajana Sabha was founded by WH Pundit lyothee Thos (B) CS. Srinivasa Raghava lyangar “(© P. Theagaraya Chetty . (D) C.Natesa Mudaliar Por wengen seoucHHs ComppeAgpart ; (A) sGurd8) sof verge B) A.crev. aflame grec quien © GB.Awnspms Qs D) A. pCsqppaunir GSosil . 50 o 128. 129. 130. In which Indian National Congress session, Mahatma Gandhi was made its President? (A) Nagpur (B) - Gaya OS Belgaum @) Kanpur 6 Dsus Cpddus amisdirc wnpo qd wenrpuon anBB open soMauMaGCL LAK? (A) prayi ®) sun © Gudand D) srenyi Match the List I and List II and choose the correct code given below. List I List IT (@) Amrit Bazaar Patrika 1. Dadabhai Naoroji () Indian Mirror 2. Sisir Kumar Gosh (© Voice of India 3. G. Varma (@) Advocate 4. N.N.Sen Codes : @® ®© © @ 2 4 1 3 ®) 8 2 4 1 © 4 3 1 2 @) 4 2 3 1 auflos I 21 aiflns IT g Gung és alflassiaseg & AanGsstuLGerer OsrguIdeass: afusren Ber_cou Agfa, eis, euflene T auflens I (a) SAB ugnt UsAlfiéens 1. - gngmumis QperGongs b) QeSwesr yi 2. ABli Guont Caney © amicr 90 9s Sum 3 Gaston @ sate 4. NN. Qed GPUS Oss ® ® © @ @ 2 4 1 3 @®) 3 2 4 1 © 4 ere 2 @) 4 2 3 1 Which Act is called as Black Act by the Indians? (A), Vernacular Press Act (B) Indian Arms Act Rowlatt Act ) Opium Act SGULY ELL orengy Qs Suuitsoraed sronpdacuHosy orgy? A) GondGu Gung aio ®B) Ops gus ocd ©) Arent. sub D) aida suid 51 Gso8i1 [Turn over. 131. {dentify the statement which is wrong. (A) The modern method of writing with coma, semicolon, and full stop are the contributions of the missionaries (B) Robert De Nobili and Caldwell enriched Tamil language (©) The missionaries introduced Printing Press NOM The missionaries spread the Gospel only through English language Gan Géarut Oder eundduraohd seupner anddupeng reoLasmenid m-Os. (A) sehen 9S8) CpepUTAT sor, GeSCsrad, appgirdre crémienes Wegonfiaaflerr pa@ranon yet (B) prur.4 QpmIcdhuyd sradG Goucdgyid slonyp Gump euarispanit CO Deyenfadr 6a Qupdydes i Bunche yscgenit D) Deganfisc 5eidlaow gtidle Giompudled upldent 182, Consider the following Reason and Assertion and choose the correct answer from the codes given below ; Reason (R) The diet of the early Tamils was not very different from that of modern times. Ghee played a conspicious part in the diet of all, it fetched a high price. ‘Assertion (A) : Ghee was used freely both by vegetarian and non vegetarian Avur Mulankilar and Purattinai Nannaganar spoken of the use of ghee. XH @ and (A) are correct, (A) is the correct explanation of (R) (B) (BR) and (A) are correct but (A) is not the correct assertion of (R) (© is true but (A) is wrong () —(R) is wrong but (A) is true Kop GanGastuc Geror sryamd ppd seréosons sGAHo CanainG, sfurar oncmus GAHseAD Gis CoipAse. snami (Rh): Usinau pp Ddsalidr amex UIpsad peSen srageng e_ onpUci soe. Api GG Ysdlu cemans seondg vss@Hd LUGUOSAert. QsiG sf ere Ber 556: Bnei (A): seu upg sneald rang senendg) WAsIESL ABW UUEUdSPAant. Bayt CpamAlprit odd Unseen perarsannt Apiuder LucuMG ul Pepu Qeipaaer cugSuscroresi A) srpemd opp Aadsqpid aft, anpansPer clarémd eflurs DenGéaiur Oerengy B) anyanqp Aerésgpb 6M yarn snyang Ser ers shuns AenQSsULoBedare © — smyamd &f Denéaid sey (D) — srramd sca eAerésid of GS08iL 52 o 133. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below Assertion (A): The Indian National Movement reached its crescendo in the non-co- operation movement in 1920-22. Tt was in this context that there occured a resurgence of working class activity in the years 1920-22. The working class created its own organisation to defend its class rights. Reason (R). : Lokamanya Tilak was one of the moving spirits in the formation of AITUC. AITUC was formed in 1920. Wh Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) (A). alone is correct (C) (R) alone is correct () (A) is partly correct (R) wrong Apsair eAiGade pg sfunen An ou GsipAsO. sei (A) + GeAu sp6870 GungTLid “Lycuiquimar auorid6l gpand 1920-22 PSSOIQUUTCOW Gwussid any sn psg). QssmansH\o sien oenpsed autéasfant Gung s6ld sepgy Gancir ont. Desc giusdr 2 flonan OG Heni0rico.s 2 GauTsBert. angamid(R) 1920 a yait® sinendSbAu AgmParronh sal Lenoiyy aGoundscule gy Qarvonoiens 2 Gamés a pgCerons QEoppart Conswrsn fas. (A) | A) wbpd (R) ft B) Awl OwaA O Buwowoa ©) A)uGH wl GwsAl (R) sup ® 53 GS0811 [Turn over 134, What is the standard deviation of the first n natural numbers? fea , fated las) inf. 1)(m +) Jf B { f D) f 2 ® Tp i. 2 i 6 (YBa N Qua crainsafidr MLL cAlersisid oreo? , freed 5 +1) inf. + 1)(@n +1) a“ S ® tS i { 2 2 { 6 135. In the series 641228742153862171413286 How many pairs of alternate numbers have a difference of 2? SF 2 @) 4 © 6 @) 8 641228742153862171413286, crnp Apr Ad paoALO gary crainsarns aisgeen Cygne salen Ag lusnaid 2 cond seins. (a) 2 (By) 4 . ©'6 @) 8 136. If + means x, x means -, + means + and — means + then what is the value of (175 ~ 25) +(5 + 20)x(3+10) (A) 265 ‘®) 78 bu (D) 354 + crdng) x, x crdnuigi =, + erchugi + ijognd— reigy + erafleo (175-25) + (5+ 20) x (3-410) oo odin wngy? (A) 265 B) 78 (© 77 (@) 354 137, Ina geometric series, ifthe fourth term is = and ecventh term is a then what is the first term of the series? 2 4 8 9 A 3 a o + 2 3 ® 5 On a z * 96 Gugses Asm asMlenaifer prénanaugy 2 pus 2 wipd spe oyrag 2 poy xs aa rip elena Cpa 2 pus tér6n? 2 4 8 @) 3 ®B) 5) © oT @)* ele GSo8i1 54 o 138, 139. 140. 141, ue. Find the percentage increase in the area of a triangle if its each side is doubled. (A) 100% (B) 200% . ae 300 % @) 400% oO iaran filer PABaNG LésErd DG wi msrs mPahsUCLNO, obs qpeGarangsler Liptuienay ag pean speipd Salonga? (A) 100% (B) 200% (©) 300% @), 400% ‘Tho sequence follow a regular pattern. Find the correct letter for question mark, to complete the sequence CEIKOQ? 7 @ R® @) 8 © T Wou 8Gp ocror aifns Qo Genpumner Wrsflous snipsg). Cacroligf Qi. Osha, sfunor aYsoOSs Aancin® Poopay Qaiis.~ CEIKOQ? @ R ®) s or © U Find Least Common Multiple of £3. and © 10 15° 7 84 5 ae 12 we & & y 2 mp) 32 F w © < o 2 43 ope 2 gyoweunphar Seg Gung wLsons ane. Bip UPBe 7p ewes i QLingy a4 5 2 2B w Png 2 os 12 (A) 7 ®) 4 («© 3 () 1B ‘Three numbers are_in the ratio 1; 2: 3. Their highest common factor is 12. Find the | pumbers 12, 24, 36 ®) 24,48, 72 (© 12, 24,48 (D) 48, 60, 72 any rained 1: 2: 8 ore BASH 0 drone, seupHer SAUG Gungy snyeat (H.C.F) 12 orale ibs erainscr wneoeu? (A) 12, 24, 36 ®B) 24, 48, 72 (©) 12, 24, 48 ®) 48, 60,72 If the two numbers are in thé ratio of 2: 3 and the product of their highest common factor and least common multiple is 150, then find the sum of the numbers @) 5 ®) 10 © 2 WF 235 Qrein@ crainsciicn odlpid 2:3. sicuGeusinschen BHAUG Gung snysat wig’ SeMgy Gung) rH eAlusasiplén QUGEEE Osrens 150 aoAd, cis Do eeirsatlcn ac Of Gane wings? (A) 5 (B) 10 (Cc) 20 @) 25 55 GS0811 [Turn over 143. 144. 145. 146, 147. Alex invested an amount of Rs, 8,000 in a fixed deposit scheme for 2 years at compound interest rate 5% per annum. Now much amount will Alex get on maturity of the fixed deposit? (A) Rs. 8,600 (B) Rs. 8,620 4 Rs, 8,820 (D) Rs. 8,840 BaTDSG 5% aren ALG agile 2 manQaerag wIGedsd romrieuit G. 8,000-s Sinigir nasty BLL GPO YS5H QeiMenpri. 5 Cp5SH EPBHire; Soy Gunepsy, o1Gosco Gugid Asreans wing? (A). 8,600 (B) @. 8,620 (C) 8,820 MO) 68840 The difference between the compound interest and simple interest on a certain sum at 8% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 240. Find the sum. (A) Rs.35,000(B)_Rs. 35,700 Rs. 87,500 (D)_ Rs. 40,000 Qran® cinGaGsG. yarGsG 8% ay cpsSd. QO Apromer mG ay wogd soften. ma5hG Gieo_Gus o.dran ols Sunetb (240 creed op QsenauSer ingly ercrar? (A) 35,000 B) 35,700 (©) 37,500 ) 40,000 If the rate of simple interest is 12% per annum, then find the amount that would get interest of Rs. 6,000 per annum. (A) Rs. 82,000 (© 1-Mn0,, 3-MnO¥, 4-Mn™, 5—Mn,O, (D) 1-Mn,0,, 3-Mn™, 4-MnO}, 5-Mn0, o 59 GS0811 (Turn over 159. An example of commonly used herbicide is (A) p, p! ~dichlorodiphenyl trichloro ethane BH 2,4 dichloro phenoxy acetie acid (©) Benzene hexa chloride (D) Naphthalene Qurguasran sc OS BUG senersAersesl (A) p, p’ — a @CanGyrenr denon g.com@GarnGrn mg Eger B) 2,4 ~ergGonnGpn Geardoo 89d silo’ (©) QuenSér Qanéen @Garreo7 @D) greatgeder 160. Match the following : I u m (1) Thiamine (a) Cheilosis @) Pellagra (2) Niacin b) Polyneuritis Gi) Glossitis (3) Riboflavin (© Nicotinamide (iii) Beri beri (4) Biotin (@) Antipernic (iv) Hyperestheria (6) Cyanacobalamine fe) Coenzyme R (») Pernicious anaemia A& @M-@- @-)-Gi) @-©-@ M-@-) 6)~@-y) @-®)-@) @-O-® ©@-@-W) M-@-&) G-@-W © @-@-G @-@-) ©@-)-() W-©-G W-@-w @ @-@-W) @-@-& @-@-M M-@-@O 6-)-Gi) Quam ige: I 0 m Q) under (@) Sendo @ Qudear Q) Bude &) Ure Guyer — i) @CaMAC gad (3) RGumBareSen (© PEanget0@ Gi) QUA uA (4) uGumger (2) aBRAUIGRE senem0 Gv) AnL@ysBHue @) suerGerunawer © Qwarpr-R ) Quirahduce Qyés Geers ® @-@-™ @-)-G) @-O@-® @-@-G) -@-) ® @-)-Gi) @-O©-® ©@-@-W @-O-wW ©-@-) © @)-@)-@) @-@-) @-)-) @-O-Fi) O-e@)-@ ©) @-©-W) @-©-@ @-@-% @-@-@ (-)-(ii) GSo0s11 60 161. 162. 163. ‘The Indian Constitution describes Legislative Relations between Union and States in Article from W Articles 245 to 255 (B) Articles 256 to 263 (C) Articles 264 to 267 (D) Articles 268 to 276 ofS Asai &) OsAu sTawomoiy vsAu wip wrflo ersgemider epoysdr us/) GALIOSoB? (A) Sdiacir 245 — 255 (B) ifacr 256 - 263 (©) SGlacir 264 — 267 (D) fia 268 - 276 Which of the following is/are incorrectly matched? Select your answer using the codes given below I. Credit creation — Reserve Bank of India IL Commercial Bank = Accepting deposits TH Reserve Bank of India — Control of credit IV, Quantitative Control - Scheduled Banks A Tonly (8) Tand II (© = MandIv @) TandIv Beagamapie coa sflurs AurGpscoma? Sp anGéslic Gener GPuIGsear Lindi s8) ©-tisch aen_enw GrisQEOER 1 sidra.gainssb = Qadwer Maier outs Th uarfis euridlace = emaitilysoner ipa Qanciigssd I. Qpgucrfercend - sera Oiudsgsd WV. areiremeray 6° @cun@ penpacit = udiqwed outst A) Twc@w ®) Lodge 1 (©) Hopp IV ©) Lvapoiv ‘The phase of rapid growth of population in India falls (A) _ between 1891 - 1921 (B), between 1921 - 1951 between 1951-1981 (D) between 1981 - 2001 BpPusrcike Hlengairon wsach Oprens aioniés GULLS Gasrad oF Hd seb (A) 1891-1921 geinQaafleo B) 1921-1951 ganGaalhe (C) 1951-1981 geinQaater (D) 1981-2001 ysinQaafer 61 : Gsosi1 [Turn over 164, In which of the following states of India, Inland water transport is not important? (A) Kerala (B) West Bengal (©) Bihar SP Gujarat Gaaigd PAu uBorsld ops onplopPa ecrprdG Pies Cunageurdgs cpssurorengnes Geena? (A) Caper (B) ope audesrend (C) Sani ©) egos 165. Which kind of power accounts for the largast share of power generation in India? (A) Hydro - electricity DS Ternal (©) Nuclear () Solar BaGunoha apg Wen sien cpawns HPs oerofle Hei 588 opus Pundng? (A) Si Berend (B) send fen © sender sas) ©) ofussg 166. What is India’s rank in the global production of mitk in 2010-2011? A Pinst B) Second (©) Third ) Fourth” 2010-11 aid gyairgd ocsarralus UTd 2 HUSSIAG GS unable syub cretresr? (A) apse B) Bram mdio ©) yYerpmiw (D) prensmBLi 167. Industry which is reserved for public sector in New Economic Policy WS Atomic Energy (B) Cotton Industry (©) Sugar Industry @) Tea Industry ugus Gungermgns ancronsld Gungisgienmuiler &p ops AsmAe Apaed ggebO Barus gs? (A) stepiBlen 2856) B) ugsessGenfo © stésen5 Asmpe OD) Gpderms Qempor GSo0811 62 o 168. 169. Arrange the following sectors in India descending order according to the commercial energy consumption 1. Household sector 2 Agriculture 3. Industries 4, Transport () 43,12 WA 34,12 ©) 3,4,2,1 () 4,3,3, 2 aatis sé pisicdér squid Spsongd QiSu gienpamar Qosg alms aflstugsgie 1. Qeasgienn 2, Gavormeirano 3. Qanfipencaw 4. Gundgaunégy (A) 4,3,1,2 ®) 34,12 © 34,21 @) 4,1,3,2 “Indradbanush” introduced by the Central Government in August 2015 aims at : (A) . Establishing a separate ombudsman for private sector banks WH Reviving or revamping public sector banks (© Reviving non-banking financial institutions (@) Introducing new banks in rural India acd. 20156 ws Su spend oSlpaiiGssUULr MSA reeed’ Ars sler Cpadend B) seu geop eursBaoner fliadlés afl xomobeu goUDsgCR B) Gung genp eutidlsmer CobubsgAg dag Smodus (©) aiid enor A Pyeserissenen BLO Sromociug! (D) ea7s QiSwrcied yGus extdlsenen HlepshuOsgeugy 63, GS0811 [Turn over 170. Which country was affected by ‘Typhoon Goni’? & © Philippines 8) Japan Sri Lanka (@) Canada a8 pO “@prael onal” wre UNplesLL BI? “@ © Peo B) gdunér Boies ©) serum 171. Match List I with List II and select the correct option given below : @) (b) © @ List I List II Abdul Kalam Award 1. G. dothimani Kalpana Chawla Award 2. S. Sampath Kumar Best Doctor Award ~ 3. P. Simmachandran Best Social Worker Award 4._‘N. Valarmathi @ b) © @ @ 4 2 1 3 (@®) 4 3 2 1 Ws 1 2. 3 (D) 4 2 3 1 Lc_wa ToLérulquid Hen @uGCG efron elle eou CsitsAsOdsaj> fa) ) ) @ @ ®) © @) GS0811 Lidiqwe ucqwe ID aigdsomd Gg) 1. gh. Cygrsioarh saouienn sréieor iggy 2. s. sbupewnir Apis upset Dog 3. um, Aide Sigen Angs cps Geasi Bog 4. pr eueniop © (a) b) ©) @ 4 2 1 3 4 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 64 173. 174, Identify the correct statement from the following, (A Tiruchirapalli has been declared as the second cleanest city by Swachh Bharat in 2015 (B) Tiruchirapalli has been declared as the second cleanest city by UNESCO in 2015 (©) Goa has been deciared as the second cleanest city by Swachh Bharat in 2015, (D) Mysuru has been declared as the first cleanest city by United Nations Organization in 2015 Epsscir apg Auras ap Berend sons A) AGsjncura parses Ayo megy asgorer sand cron 2015- coarse cings ped egcnargy B) Pewsigniiucro parsons Qyomnagy sssioron Gay cron 2015-dr wjGencvGer aeAggcrorgy CO Conaur sanjsong Qyair nays apioren pam cer 2015 sveus UTIs PA gascrengy OD) ange pandas Ysoraug ss 50Ter pap crm PSs pAGscr conv 2015-e sHladsgcnorgy Nobel Prize for medicine in 2015 was awarded to 1 TuYouyou IU. Satoshi Omura IIL. — Williaa Campbell IV. Arun Bahl (A) only (B) 1, Wand IV (© Mand {1 only WH 1, Manat Gpnud ule 2015 ogsgaissld DaGsG/Desiaepas oss Gererg 1. Oye IL. &.Gundé pepo TL, eAdeSund Cado@ud IV. -sugain urging @) Iecow @B) LM wpgw IV (© Wepgia lll wg @) 1 Weg’ Wl Which country has come forward to help clean India's River Ganga? (A) Tran WH Israel (©) Wweland @) Italy QiAuncAés sscns pHlenas s&s Aaiw ers pr@ Epa aupgycrergy? A) Qyrér B) Qevdq © surenigs D) Bépned 65 GS0811 [Turn over 175, World !Car Freé Day’ is observed on (A) September 12 © A September 22 (© October 22 @) October 18 2.06 ‘air UMSIG SET Bret S—ITTeR UGE! (A) Qetwabuit 12 B) Qecibuir 22 ©) sCumuth 22 e @) s6Curut 18 176. Which court ruled that 'Eu-us data Transfer Pact’ is invalid? (A) American Court, New York (B) British Court, London tf Buropean Court, Luxembourg (D) International Court, New York RGrndGu yeruer ~ yore GUL crGiey (Bu-us) Say utlondo Quusssos Gedangy cans Bacuoigs BBocrpb A) sQwiés sPocrpin, Aywnié CB) BALigeg SBwerpd, eoeiencir CO gGpncidu Sélwenpi2, wsQadGumids D) QeHO sGpsendd FBvenprd, Dysuaniiés 177. The Leader of the Congress Party in the Lok Sabha as on September 2015 wf Nelikarjuiie Kaye (B) Sonia Gandhi (©) Ghulam Nabi Azad () Rahul Gandhi GatiLipuii, 20156 GandsLinede sntdlyev ot Ser soneveuit A), wadlaitgg Done emis, B) Gsrefuir sn H ©) Gand 59 aang @) ynge an B GSosil 66 o 178, 179. Which state government in India has started the 'Ladli Beti' scheme for the girl child? . (A) Madhya Pradesh (®) Uttarakhand (© Jharkhand A sammu & Kashmir QpAuncien as uno ove Quem eprerpianen amc CUcs’ SLL song giourdlujsrergs? A) ws Bws IGgab (B) ogpitanain (© grisscin @) gpigp & snags Consider the following statements about Suraksha Hose : 1. "The hose is made of rubber and is green — coloured 2 ‘The outer layer of the hose is fire resistant 3. The middle layer of the hose is made of brass-coated high carbon steel wire mesh Which of the above statement is/are correct? (A) 1, 2and3 are correct we Only 2 and 3 are correct (©) Only 1 and 3 are correct @) Only 3 is correct “srdagr Opaipay Gr” UPPw Eipascin pyaar Ges Qaricrs : L Qéeynd rhupird Caimiuc ig wg Léers Soqpen_ug: 2. HsGprder Qaah 34g Op GqdY aHTLY AIpd Qudog 3. QsGpriler 5G 2G4G Dsenon) yFad, sriidr coined stdi9 cuca Gaming Qardysr agioenas ef? (A) 1, 2wipbs «A B) 2vppb 3 wo GGw sh © Lopgb 3 ol. Gn «A @) 3vcECoah 67 ; Gsosi1 [Turn over 180, The Union Urban Development Ministry has selected 98 towns/cities from all over the country to graduate into smart cities in five years. Select the town/cities not included in the list from the following (A) Coimbatore (8) Dindugul A Chidambaram (D) Erode 0s Sw paityp Coun @ sevéseb prigd 98 partisaner Gpiray Gaia mig aarBscho Supe som. sapmuscrs unphuenss QGEMapg. Spdsanarydyer svn Ady Ltguedlé Corsstuineang Osfey Qaiis (A) Gemubuggnt B) Psi ésseo y ©) Apibun @) wGor@ 181. The country that has become the first defaulter, among developed nations, on debt of International Monetory Fund (IMF) on 30% June 2015 (A) China @) Italy DH Greece (D) Germany 2015, Och 30-6 auorité Fuso. bs BrOs@ss@Gcr IMF simon Qoses saPlu Epso pr orgs? (A) weer B) Qépred © Affe ) Age GSo6i1 68 ® 182. 183. 184. 185. ‘The last movie for which late M.S. Viswanathan composed music is (A) Engirundho Vanthan Of Suvadugal (©) Devadoss (D) Ninaithalae Inikkum MS. Acveupnsd Qa duns Qenswongs Poop A) amides Cen expe B) sauQadr © — @pcupner (D) AeengsnGo Qalagd Who was awarded the Stockholm Water prize for the year 2015? (A) Amalendu Krishna Wh Rajendra Singh (©) Mansingh Rawat (D) Modadugu Vijay Gupta 2015 arid sig daran db néCanmBlér fit uMls wmBsG cups eg? (A) Gaps) AGsizomrn B) wG_eGr Fe © oneedis prong ©) ComnOg cgi Goer Google's Alphabet Website is (A) alpgoogle.com (B) googlealbet.com (© — abc.com AP adexyz maGoler gd iGU Qeneaugerid (A) alpgoggle.com (B) googlealbet.com (© abe.com 7 (D) abexyz —— organization ‘slapped fine to the companies for not appointing women directors. AS 280 ®) BSI © sBr @) BCCI Agwononeng), Quen Quagpisma Puslésns abQualla@Gasg augrgd AS a ssrog (a) BSE ®) BST © sBr (D) BCCI 69 GS0811 {Turn over 186. ‘Tuyouyou of China has been awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for developing a new drug called (A) Avermectin oo Artemisinin (©) Ivermectin (D) Parasitin bon grid Cais suses TeLAGSS Dds vObops sarOUysssars wigs Sopssron Gym ule anpaistil ig. A) seri @véigen B) ingsdefen © — gasiwsigein (D) unprdicigen 187. Article 25 of the Constitution of India guarantees Ww Right to Religion (B) Right to Property (©) Right to life (@) Right to equality QoGu sa pAumowiiIe 25-ags AP 2 sPpaunswelltigy (A) sworn (B) Gensgyfenw (©) audrauragib 2flenw CD) anggies afer 188. Which one of the following is not a formally prescribed device available to the members of Parliament? (A) Question Hour WS Zero Hour (C) Half-an hour discussion @) Short duration discussion Linn g5oeiy epiderisenie, Uérugacaldsicr cep snips sqauns Qaors Poeun Qouugs agi? (A) Gare Conia 8) usu Cpr (©) semmoeall Gor Beungn ©) 6p@u sro danse 189. The National Commission to review the working of the Constitution was set-up in the year (A) 2001 (B) 2004 © 2008 BH 2002 AITAWOOOLY AEWOUGID Agios ym CEBU ones syenindsC ICL ein (A) 2001, (B) 2004 (C) 2003 ~ (D) 2002 GS0sit 70 © 190. Match the list (@). Fourth Schedule 1. Division of Powers () Seventh Schedule 2. Seats alloted in the council of states (© Eleventh Schedule 3. Languages (@) Bighth Schedule 4, 73" Amendment (a) b) © @ (A) 1 2 3 4 an 43 © 2 1 3 4 @ 1 2 4 3 Muneneng Lung sgie: (@) prereugi aL eseneat 1 Maer UBIY ) ayprergy 91° Levenaar 2. onflomsoraoig pg&O Oaiuiuc Quivedr © upGarnqragi Lamar 3. — Guompadr @ acurag 9c 4 13 a1 AmB @ (b) © @) aa 2 3 4 @) 2 1 4 3 © 2 1 3 4 @) 1 2 4 3 a GS0811, [Turn over 191. Which one of the following amendment was called a revision of the constitution and it introduced changes in preamble, as many as 53 articles and seventh schedule? (A) 40 amendment : wh 4208 amendment (© 41" amendment (2) 43" amendment Géiagd snduocoiy Aossiache cis gen, snSuomoliden epsciijcny, 53 spAWoLOLL Aad opp 7-ag a LLamen SAueupsled Aapsrissoor Gewisger apard, siyFusranotrden LWpUALY cemMepéscisL gy? A) 40aig) 2inérmenodicy Hosp B) ag sirdivoamony Ao ppb ©) Aaig erFumenociy Sospd D) 43aig) a7Fumenoiy Sopp 192. Which one of the following statement with regard to the enactment of the Act of 1935 is WRONG? (A) Turko-Italian war happened (B) _ Rowlatt Act and Jallianwala Bagh ‘Tragedy occurred (©) Round - Table Conferences held WA Lord Curzon Partitioned Bengal 1935-19 goin Quppuce ow Qsmtunen &pasaim crhs aby | sapoisdr sau? : A) §O86- OQsordu Cunt orucigs B) Apert eLLb wighd grSucn esneomins UBAarane pL sss) ©) ac. Gome wiprOsd spar OD) ananengeng wiser Qquy AMssnir GS0811 72 @ 193. Which of the following recommendations are made by the Administrative Reforms Commission to improve relations between the political and permanent executive? 1, Minister should try to develop a climate of fearlessness and fair play among senior officers. 2. Minister should not intervene in day to-day administration except incase of servous maladministration 3. The official relationship of Secretary to Minister should be one of confidence of that of Minister to Secretary one of loyalty 4, Prime Minister should take special interest to arrest/growing of unhealthy personal affiliations. All major decisions should be briefly reduced to writings we 1,2,4and5 (B) 1,2,3and5 (©) 2,3and4 @) 1,2and5 Bians SHepstey sySud wpb SyBpy Aoupecpeiler Gor Cuujcren opera: GoouGsp Epsacin opp ulsginysener Goiigicrongs? (A) sronwécied (pep sPlsnfscieo Gu Luo, ppl Cpioowren poe ee) aerieupismen poe TLL cpuspdlas Gausin Gib Pitamna FGaG HU sourische Keoésisd smanG_anGio pally, sérpm H\ianaZSled pono antngy Gsuoi, senésise shor Gudfenc sigaes ena; paIsms ppl acme SALLE O Gis Cada Gid DMOvssis@Hederweancn seps.iny onAleoer sOsg Hautacr 8s Apiys scuend dese Gaudin ib H@mig Cpsdlu cpgajscner aGssors eygsHuL Goran Gd 12,4055 (B) 1,2,309mb5 (C) 2,30sgh4 (D) 1,2 0p 95 73 GS0811 [Turn over 194. Which is / are correct relating to the Tribunals? 1. Part XV of the Indian constitution deals with the Tribunals. 2. Article 323 A deals with Administrative tribunals and Article 323 B deals with the tribunals for other matters. (A) Lonly SH ronly (©, Both 1 and2 @) Neither 1 nor 2 Sicwumurisecr Qgm itunes aflusmanancs ergy | rena? L. Qpdu spPumeotder 15-a1g) UES SILT Aare Ans 2 AG 323 21 Bienes Siururisener Aerdgdng wpprd of 323 2 wpp Sriumusmisoner GHUIGS pgs A) lot gd ®) 2w0cow (©) lwigid 2 Au QranGid D) 1b sd@ wp 2- sKdo GS0811 74 o 195. 196, Which of the following are matters on which a constitutional amendment is possible only with the ratification of the legislatures of not less than One-Half of the states? 1. Election of the president 2 Representation of states in Parliament 3. Any of the lists in the 7 Schedule. 4. + Abolition of the legislative council of a state Choose the correct answer from the codes given below : Codes : WH 1, 2and3 (B) 1 2and4 (© 13and4 (D) 2,3and 4 ArPuomoiié e-pBer Spscin ais Qarbo Seyssib CopAensrer simand Brdngd 9 Uti 2 giiGenisafien xps7eneu of) Geigy ancrer Gouein(id? 1 GyuEs semaeut 2 UNPTESaIDsPe onBlowaeen InAABSged ; 3. Tag) s1Lamamdgycrer ggnaugs @o ULgwd 4. wiley o¢-Lascnp Giomenes guflc4 Sipsciv_ euftens Ge sflusmer afleneou Gpsay Qa: auftens : ; G) 1, 2vpp03 B) 1, 2wpgubd 4 © 1306904 ©) 2 3wig4 ‘The Secession of a state from the Indian union has been barred by the XH 16 Amendment (B) -22*¢ Amendment (©) 29% Amendment (D) 35% Amendment Dphu Yea GPS os orBlognd Mung Lig uingendgb oud sneer aL Poser A) 16-agy Posed B) 2-ag sidassd (C) 29-agy SiS med DO) B5-augy FIP O Sad 6 GS0811 [Turn over 197. 198, Consider the following statements : ‘The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is responsible for the audit of the accounts of 1. The Union Govt. 2. State Govts. 3. The governments of union territories: 4. The Urban and rural local bodies. Which of these statements are correct? AM 12ands @®) 2,3and4 (©) 1,3and4 @) 1.2and4 Di@uredicr sara sani wba gerllsens -iSlanfiacr &pacin sem éxssener goxflésone Gaus QunppenSlgyeitanenttscir 1 wi lu were 2 wage syemiuarvecr 3. ysoflusdr Op Cgerisafer ipamisartidr 4. paitinyp, Apmocip wpgyio a.érom A slepocuLyser Essa. axfpgiscer 6G 5 Qaren@ ag) sthurengy ston engis? 120003 ®B 23wceb4 © 1,3 0c@o4 ©) 1,20c a4 What is the peculiar nature of the Indian Federation? Equal distribution of powers between the centre and state a, Strong centre (©) Strong states (D) Strong Local bodies QirGus sa ml Auer ACempppciemo were? A) sowie si7xmepG Door Cu soos SPsnr’ umEG B) augyauner enound (©) aigisurer wrBlariser D) aigrauren se cronm.A yenolyser GSso811 76 o 199. 200. In which one of the case, “Passport” is considered as part of personal liberty? (A) AK, Gopalan (1950) ®) Indian Express Newspapers (1985) (©) Arumugham (1953) A Meneka Gandhi (1978) os apadd ‘sas8Q’ Gugag safes ssi efleourdr Asriymwgrss ss gi? (A) ¢.Gs.Gamumores (1950) apse, B) BpSuscn erdconAyen GavsSSener (1985) apse (CC) -amiqpaid (1953) apse D) Goeran ang A (1978) apes Which of the schedules deals with division of powers between states and union? (A) Fourth ®) Sixth Seventh ©) Ninth Géagd Hiamarschd, onpPloks pred wsSu spemiapgid Boru siglenmisora BAG) 5G LIC Lane ergs? A) prongs aL over (B) gpreugy SL eueneor () opregy 21. ausoaer @D) gemugrarg! 21 eseneor 7 Gsos11 [Turn over

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