Liar Game

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Ha Woo Jin stared at the phone on the night stand for a long time.

It hadnt
been an empty threat, Kang Do Youngs. It was starting again. <i>Liar
Game</i>. The game was perfectly design to bring up the darkest side of the
human nature, quite successfully.
It was an abomination.
Woo Jin would have preferred to just ignored it all. The risks where too high and
too many. If he kept Nam Da Jun outside of it, it wasnt his business anymore.
Yet, Kang Do Youngs words resonated inside his head, both the ones he had
said in jail and those of the invitation video. Whether this was ruse to drag him
into it by pleading to the humanity savior complex engraved into him by Da Jun
or by inciting him to save a childhood friend, he didnt know. He wasnt sure if
he wanted to know the answer to that either.
The messy stack of papers in his improvised desk was piled with newspapers
scraps and the little-to-nothing information Choi Sung Joon managed to obtain.
Actually, he was surprised the boy had still the guts of even trying after what
happened to him because of it last time. He needed another source of
information, going in blindly could only end badly. Woo Jin eyed the phone
again. Apparently, he would need to go as low as to search in social networks.
A necessary evil where everyone lied, he didnt even needed to guess on that.
Yet, under every lie there is a truth that was is waiting to be unveiled and
revealed to the world.
A quick search through the most popular sns threw some very
<i>interesting</i> results.
Familiar names.
Apparently, wherever Kang Do Young was beign kept was better than jail if he
was allowed internet access. Let the game begin.
Ha Woo Jin stared intently at the phone after it buzzed. Communicating with
Kang Do Young was always complicated, he didnt give the information you
wanted but the one it put him in advantage over you. Knowledge was always a
power play. He huffed at the dry reply and was starting to type,
Im playing a new game, it seems. One you are familiar with-

when the phone buzzed again with a cryptic message. He smirked slightly, that
was more of the reply he was expecting. Woo Jin wished he could see Do
Youngs face and measure his reactions. Once the mask was broken, it was
impossible for a person to hide the emotions than escaped from the cracks. He
erased his reply and resumed typing.
They, they, they. Who are they? Even if Da Jun won the game, I had more
hearts than you. Im entitled to have some answers. Isnt it in your best interest
for me to win again? Or are you new accommodations satisfy your life goals?

Woo Jin frowned slightly at the screen. He knew after reading Do Youngs blog
that he was keeping contact with PD Lee, but he hadnt been expected a direct
interaction with her soon. She still had doubts over what happened in Liar
Game and he couldnt really blame her. It also proved what Woo Jin suspected
already: she didnt have to do anything with the new game. It was expected
but with how little information he currently had over it, every bit counted. It
looked like she was still trying to protect Do Young, to the very end. That could
be useful.
Would my answer change any of your preconceptions about it?

If you are feeling lonely, Ive heard this place is a great place for pornographic
material. Enjoy having your hands free of restrains.

OOC: Heeeeey~ Nice to mee you!! This is so much fun already :D sorry if I
sometimes write very engrish-ish since english isn't my first language. I try,
though! For now I need to close tumblr and finish work so I can get some sleep.
I look forward to playing with you! <3

OOC: Heeeeey~ Nice to mee you!! This is so much fun already :D sorry if I
sometimes write very engrish-ish since english isn't my first language. I try,
though! For now I need to close tumblr and finish work so I can get some sleep.
I look forward to playing with you! <3

You mined for those people before, trying to look for 'dirt' on me. Remember them?

Woo Jin rubbed his eyes as he woke up from an uneasy sleep. The phone had
buzzed again.
The L - Lloyd Company.
He clutched the phone in his hand, knuckles going white. It took him a while to
write a reply.

Yes, I remember. I remember waking up to myself being tied up to a chair on a

rooftop after I tried to get information. And as far as I can tell, it was your sick
version of threat more than theirs. Im not Da Jun. Dont expect me to forgive
you because now you were demoted from knight to pawn.

Woo Jin rolled his eyes.

I was cooperating with them before this. I murdered someone, yet Im not a
Woo Jin stared at the ceiling. The woman seemed too invested in Do Young,
more than it was advisable.
PD Lee. Are you familiar with the story about the frog and the scorpion? He
added before sending out his reply.


Kang Do Young attempted to kill five or six people, Ha Woo Jin-sshi, as well as many many other
fraud attempts. You wouldn't gain a light sentence this time, if you were working with Kang Do
Young. But no, I haven't heard of that story.

Partnering with someone charged with several attempted murders would be stupid and
unnecessarily risky. It means failure. You seem to want a direct answer, though. No, I wasnt
working with him. Police will corroborate it, if you ask them.
Now, it was different matter.
Do Youngs new supposed good intentions of stopping Lloyd Company coinciding with Woo Jins,
could be considered some kind of partnership. If those intentions were real and not another mask,
was yet to be found.

The scorpion watched the river in front of him warily, for he could not swim to cross it. When the frog
passed by, he asked her to help him. The frog, guided by her basic instincts of survival, told him no
because she was aware of the scorpions antics and the danger it would represent carrying him on
her back. At any given time he could sting her and she would die immediately. The scorpion told her
that was illogical, because he couldnt swim and if he did that while they were crossing, they would
both die. The frog trusted the scorpions words and let him ride her. In the middle of the river, the

scorpion stung her. With her last words, the frog inquired him about the reason of his actions, since
both of them were now doomed to die. The scorpion just replied he couldnt fight against his own
nature. Nobody ever can.

You wanted me to stop them. Why arent you disclosing information? Have you changed your mind?
You are protecting them, arent you?

Woo Jin groaned. Nam Da Jun was such an oddity to statistics, logic and
common sense. She attracted peopled with such selflessness that rendered
anything else stupid. It was a wonder who it worked, it didnt make sense.
Using that to point the flaw in his argument was low. Intelligent and useful but
Nam Da Jun is incapable of lying, Do Young isnt. I want this Liar Game to be
over for good. The frog doomed herself when she accepted in the first place,
not amount of protection could have saved her when she was turned around,
not when the offender was willing to die to fulfill his purpose in life.

To what extents you say? To the extent of giving away millions to see people kill
themselves over money and trying to kill anyone that got too close to discover
information about it. To the extent of developing a complex neuroprogramming
system in bought orphan children. Should I keep going? Walk away while you
can, PD Lee. This is not your fight. It looks that you already know more than
you should, of what is safe for you to know. Give any information you have to
me, I will take care of it.

Woo Jin frowned and cursed quietly. Women. All the women he had met in this
game were either insane or too dangerous for their own safety. PD Lee was not
as defenseless as Da Jun, that much was a given, but still it made things more
complicated if he needed to take care of her as well. He groaned in frustration.

Only if you agree to follow my isntructions without questioning.

Woo Jin did throw the phone to the bed

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