Cypremort Point Packet

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Cypremort Point,


Residential Camp Sites

Marketed Exclusively by

603 Center Street

New Iberia, LA 70560
Conditions of Sale

Properties of Cypremort Point, Inc.

1. Buyer shall pay all property taxes on the lot for the year of the
purchase. An estimate of the amount of tax will be made by Seller
and collected from Buyer at closing. Seller shall then pay the tax at
the end of the year. If the actual taxes exceed the estimate, Buyer
agrees to reimburse CPI promptly, upon presentation of a copy of
the tax bill.

2. The law firm of Allain & Bellefontaine, representing the Seller, shall
prepare the act of cash sale. The Buyer shall reimburse Seller for the
cost of the preparation of the sale and recording fees, in the amount
of $250.00, at the time of closing. No title exam will be done or
furnished to the Buyer by the law firm of Allain & Bellefontaine.
The Buyer is responsible for obtaining a title exam or title insurance
on the property, if desired or required.

3. The agreement to purchase shall be on a form provided by the law

firm of Allain & Bellefontaine.

4. All closings shall take place at the law firm of Allain & Bellefontaine,
situated at 1701 W. Main St., Jeanerette, LA 70544.

5. Seller will give full warranty of title, but shall give no warranty as to
improvements or ownership thereof. All sales shall be in “AS IS”
condition with specific “AS IS” language to be included in the
agreement to purchase as well as the cash sale.

_________________________________ ________________________________
Buyer Date Cypremort Point, Inc. Date
By: Raymond E. Allain

Buyer Date
Cypremort Point Inc.

Lot Number Dimensions Location Listed Price Est 2009 Tax

Moresi Estates Lots B1 thru B17

B-1 138.04' x 168.4' x 71.43' x 188.65' 2298 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $264.60

B-2 72.65' x 165.76' x 77.05' x 168.4' 2296 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $317.52

B-3 80.07' x 164.37' x 80.05' x 165.76' 2294 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $296.35

B-5 80.20' x 166.22' x 80.18' x 164.52' 2284 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $296.35

B-9 89.26' x 149.28' x 88.81' x 158.20' 2246 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $328.10

B-10 78.29' x 140.97' x 69.93' x 149.28' LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $317.52

B-11 78.17' x 130.20' x 70.67' x 140.97' LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $328.10

B-14 105.03' x 137.28' x 100.49' x 125.56' 2220 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $391.61

B-15 Camp 88.12' x 146.03' x 88.72' x 137.28' 2212 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $338.69

B-16 100.10' x 156.22' x 100.79' x 146.03' 2200 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $370.44

B-17 59.53' x 49.64' x 168.92' x 188.55' x 156.22' 2194 LA Hwy 319 $35,000.00 $381.02
Moresi Estates Lots C thru C-5

C 75.82' x 125.08' x 84.14' x 125.66' 2414 LA Hwy 319 $45,000.00 $476.28

C-1 89.97' x 125.08' x 90.16' x 125.08' 2408 LA Hwy 319 $45,000.00 $476.28

C-2 Camp 85.78' x 125.01' x 91.74' x 125.08' 2402 LA Hwy 319 $45,000.00 $476.28

C-3 65.79' x 125.20' x 59.80' x 125.01' 2398 LA Hwy 319 $45,000.00 $476.28

C-4 81.97' x 126.03' x 85.72' x 125.20' 2388 LA Hwy 319 $45,000.00 $476.28

C-5 72.89' x 127.31' x 72.57' x 126.03' 2370 LA Hwy 319 $45,000.00 $476.28
Moresi Estates Part 8

66-K 86.77' x 181.67' x 91.70' x 185.49' 3040 LA Hwy 319 $40,000.00 $423.36

66-Q 74.87' x 161.51' x 67.59' x 163.34' 3000 LA Hwy 319 $36,000.00 $381.02

66-V 85.59' x 204.54' x 93.83' x 195.40' 2968 LA Hwy 319 $40,000.00 $423.36

66-Z 73.87' x 199.03' x 77.21' x 203.71' 2938 LA Hwy 319 $37,000.00 $391.61
Moresi Estates Part 9
68-D 39.92'x30.02' 3399 LA Hwy 319 $60,000.00 $635.04
Moresi Estates Part 11

106 92.73' x 125' x 93.36' x 125' 3847 LA Hwy 319 $60,000.00 $635.04

111 100.22' x 125.16' x 107.97' x 125.05' 3889 LA Hwy 319 $60,000.00 $635.04

Moresi Estates Part 15

114-KC 100.38' x 80.67' x 105.11' x 74.56' 114 King Crabber $33,000.00 $338.69

120-KC - Camp 75.05' x 86.55' x 75.32' x 79.6' 120 King Crabber $26,000.00 $264.60


Option#1: 10% down payment, balance amortized for 10 years at 7.5% with a balloon payment due in
three years on the remaining balance.
Option#2: 10% down payment, balance amortized for 10 years at 8.5% with a balloon payment due in
five years on the remaining balance.
Purchaser would have the right to prepay balance due at any time during the three or five year financed
periods. Purchaser would be required to qualify for either financing option, criteria to be determined by
Cypremort Point, Inc.
51. !'~
~ ~~'t
Courthouse Bldg. - 5th Floor 337-828-4100
Franklin, LA 70538-6198 Extension 509
E-mail: Fax 337-828-4092


Use Regulations

Section 3.1 Use Table

Land and structures in each zoning district may only be used for the listed uses specified
as a use pennitted by right in that district as shown in the Use Table provided at the end
of this Article.

A. Types of Uses
Use categories classify land and activities into categories based on common functional,
product or physical characteristics. Characteristics include type and amount of activity,
the type of customers or residents, how goods or services are sold or delivered and site
conditions. The following types of uses are included in the Use Table:

1. Uses Permitted By Right

An "X" shown in the Use Table for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Districts
uses indicates that the use is allowed by right in the respective district subject to the
height and area requirements and development standards specified for that district ami
other applicable regulations of these regulations.
2. Specific Uses
An "X" shown in the Use Table for Specific Uses indicates that the use will be
permitted, provided that the use mects the standards and criteria in Section 3.2.c,
Criteria for Consideration oj Specific Uses, below. Such uses are subject to other
applicable regulations of this ordinarlce.

B. Uses Not Allowed

A blank cell in the Use Tablc indicates that a Use Category is not allowed in the
respecti ve district.

c. Uses Not Listed

If the Zoning Administrator determines that a proposed use is not listed, or if there is
ambiguity as to its proper classification within the respective zoning district(s), the
Administrator shall make an official determination as to the appropriate district or
districts for the use. The Administrator shall use the Purpose Statements in Section 2.5.
Zonil1g District Purpose Statements, and the criteria described below in determining new
or unlisted use classifications. The Administrator's decision may be appealed by an
applicant to the Board of Adjustment for a final determination as to the appropriate
district for the use to be located. In the event the detennination requires a text
amendment, the proposed use must be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission and
Parish Council for their consideration and action in accordance with the procedures for
amending the text of these zoning regulations, provided in Section 6.1.£, Text

The considerations to be used in making similar use interpretations are as follows:

(1). The actual or projected characteristics of the activity in relationship to the stated
characteristics of each Use Category;
(2). The relative amount of site area or floor area space and equipment devoted to the
(3). The customer type from each activity;
(4). The relative number of employees in each activity;
(5). Hours of operation;
(6). Building and site arrangement;
(7). Vehicles and equipment used with the activity;
(8). The relative number of vehicle trips generated by the use; and,
(9). How the use advertises itself.
Section 3.2 Specific Use Standards
A. General
Certain uses of land, buildings or structures may not be appropriate under all
circumstances in any given zoning district, but may be appropriate where adequate
precautions can be taken to assure compatibility with surrounding uses, public need, and
the orderly development of the Parish as a whole. It is the intent of this section to allow
for such uses by granting a specific use.

The Parish Council, after receiving the findings and recommendations of the Planning
and Zoning Commission, may by ordinance, grant a specific use for the following uses,
in locations and zoning districts where they are not otherwise pennilled by these
regulations, and may impose appropriate conditions and safeguards to protect private
property interests and values.

B. Uses Requiring a Specific Use

Permission shall be granted by the Parish Council for placing a specific use within the
Parish. The following specific uses may be permitted, subject to Parish Council review
and consideration, within the district(s) specified:

:ft8 ..:r.1II1InT:"II1IIIr'1:'M1Q'11 \ cr.- . 11-

Airport, landing field, or landing

strip or seaway for aircraft,
including helipads and landing
areas lor other types of aircraft X X X X X X X X X X

Bunkhouses . ..._-- -- -' X X X X

Cement/CQncrete plant X X X
Correctional institutions of
facilities (public or orivate) X .'- --- .- X X
X u.. ...-- .- X X
Cornposting Fallty_-- -"'-.
Construction/Demolition Debris
Landfill X X X
Hazardous waste disposal,
storaae, processinG and handling - - .- X
Incinerator Waste.handling
Facility X , X X
Industrial chemical (organic and
inoraanic) manufacturinQ - X
Landfill X - X X
.-- - 1- -.

Industria.l Solid Waste Facility X - X X

Landfarm ,x : X ..

Radio, television, telephone, or

communication broadcasting
tower or station of any type X .-c-.
RecreatIOnal vehicle parks I X ---.---..
X X "-'.

Refuse.Derived Fuel Facility X . .' .
X >S.n
!X I X X
Sanitary Landfill
Salvage yards, junk yards, vehicle
storoge facilities, or similar
operations X
Separation Facility X I
Slaughterhouses, rendaring
operations or similar operations X

Sexually. oriented businesses .- -- --- ----

Surface Imooundrnent X X
Transfer Station ----_._-----_J.:<:. ." u. ..
! -. -g-;-=; X

c. Criteda ror Consideration of Spcl'ific Uses

In considering an applic<ltion for a specific use, the Planning and Zoning Commission
and Parish COllncil shall hold public hearings as with any amendment request and
consider the criteria slaled below, but shaH not be precluded fi'om consideratioll of other
factors that may be relevant to a panicular application. The criteria to be used in
determining the sUItability and appropriatellcss of a speci DCuse request arc as follows:

(J). COnfOl111anCeof the specific use wi th the Sl. !\1ary Parish Comprehensive Plal1
(2). The character of thc sUIToLlndillg atea and the proximity of the requested speci fie use
to residential areas.
(3). The zoning and use of nearby properlies, and the extent to which the requested
specific use \\ouIJ be compatible.
(4).The suitability of the propcI1y for the requested specifIc use in the proposed loning
(S).The extent to which approval or the specifIc use would detrimentally affect nearby
and adjacent propet1ics.
(6). The ex.tent to which the requested specifIc use would affect the capacity or safety of
that portion of tbe street ndtwork, other public facilities or tttilities, or present public
safety concerns in the vlcillity oftbe properly.
(7). The extent to whIch approval orthe specific use would harm the value and enjoyment
of nearby properties. .
The approval of a specific use shall not be construed as a precedent for any subsequent
specific use request. Each specific use request shall be considered on its merits and with
regard to its specific location, the adjacent land uses, and such other factors as may be
relevant to a particular application, as notcd above.

D. Time Limits
Use of property pennitted by a specific use must commence within one (1) year from the
date of approval, unless extended by action of the Parish Council. Commencement of a
specific use occurs upon the issuance of a building permit. A specific use request may be
extended one (1) time, not to exceed a period of six (6) months. The extension shall be
requested prior to the expiration of the specific use commencement period. The Zoning
Administrator shall review a requested time extension to detennine if any modifications
have been made to the site, and if changes have occurred to the zoning regulations that
would affect the extension request. The extension may be approved by Parish Council,
subject to conditions, if any.

Section 3.3 Accessory Uses

A. General
Principal uses authorized as pennitted uses are deemed to include accessory uses.
Accessory uses are subject to the same regulations as apply to principal uses in each
district, except as otherwise specified in these regulations.

B. Requirements
The establislunent of accessory uses shall be consistent with the following:

(I). The accessory use shall be subordinate to and serve a primary use or principal
structure. In combination, all accessory uses shall contain no more square footage
than 50 percent of the habitable floor area of the principal structure (with the
exception of garage or carport areas devoted to the storage and/or parking of vehicles,
which shall not be included in the calculation and may exceed the 50 percent
restrictions );
(2). The accessory use shall be subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the primary use
(3). The accessory use shall be located in the same zoning district as the primary use;
(4). Accessory uses located in residential districts shall not be used for commercial
purposes other than legitimate Home Occupations; arid,
(5). Accessory apal1ments may not bc rented to other than bona fide servants employed
on the premises and members of the family of the occupant(s) of the principal
structure. Single meter service shall be provided to each parcel.

C. Accessory Buildings and Structures

No accessory building or structure shall be erected in any required setback area.
Excluded from this requirement is any portable storage building or structure if the
Building Official has determined that it does not require a building permit (refer to
Article 4, Development Standards, Section F(3».

D. Accessory Dwelling Units

Accessory dwelling units may be permitted within the "SR" Single Family Residential,
"HR" High Density Residential, and "MR" Mixed Residential districts provided the
following conditions are met:

(I). The coverage of the accessory residential dwelling and other accessory buildings does
not occupy more than 50 percent of the required rear yard.
(2). The accessory dwelling unit does not exceed six hundred (600) square feet in size.
. (3). The appearance of the accessory dwelling is compatible and consistent with the
appearance and character of the principal residence.
(4). There is one additional parking space provided for the accessory dwelling unit, in
addition to that required by Appendix B. Subdivision and Development Regulations,
of the Parish Code.
(5). The maximum height of the structure does not exceed two and one-half (2Y2) stories,
maximum thirty-five (35) feet from finished grade.
(6). There is no more than one residential electric, water and gas meter per lot.
(7). The address is the same as the principal residence.
E. Home Occupations
A Home Occupation is that Accessory Use of CJdwelling that silaJI constitutc al] or some
portion of the livelihood or a person Of persons living in the dwelling- /\ home
occupation is subject to the lolJowing:

(1). A home occupation is only permitted as an accessory LIse in a residential

dwelling ifit meets the foJlowing conditions:

I a. 11does not depend on the employment of a person who does not reside in
the residence;
b. An entrance is not specifically dedicated ror the home occupation,
c. All alteration is lIot made that challges the character or aprearance of the
d. It does nol require or use outdoor storage or the disrlay or materials.
merchandise, goods or equipmcnt; <::1
c. One (l)sign measuring no greater in si7.c than two (2) square feet may be .if
used to advertise a Home Occupation provided it is securely arfixed to the Y
principal structure or placed in a window and provided that it is not .?:J'
il1uminated (directly or indirectly) and has no movement; - ~ - ~
r. It does not require the delivery or shipment or materiaJs, merchandise. V.I/
goods, or equipment hy other thaI! passellger IJlolur\chicles, Onc tOIl step-
up van or similar sized trucks;
g. It does no I Cleate or calise allY perceptible noise. odor, smoke. electrical
interference or vibratiolls 10 CIIIGUW(C
rrom the premises;
. ':/
. /
h. Jt is conducted so that it does IlOt Cleate parking or lraffic congestion or I) y
otherwise unreasonably interrere with the valuc
sUlToundillg homes as places of residence; <Jl](1
aud enjOY11le~Or ~ h
~ laW/ ;!;.
. 'f".~ oJ/
i. 'I -he () CTUI J atiOl I shaJ
l be operated in accordance \\ i III all app Iie, e J)(
. .. . . . .. . .

---~~ n ~II~;._IL~yale p~n~Ht IS reqUired, such pernlll sl1,dJ be Obl<lIll" PrlOl.!'
beglllnl/)g operatIOn. 0/

....-- '*
) riculturaluses
x I x I x I x
I x

Bunkhouses X
Child day care services X I I X I X I X I X

D[f Churches and other religious organizations, Including

accessory facilities X I- X I X
X X !------
"mltt.d u,. 1-.-r X X
X -----X
.1 Manufactured homes X X

Multiple family dwellings (triplexes, apartments,

condominiums, townhomesJ and accessory facilities
Patio homes X
Recreation centers, non-profit X X X X
Schools, public and private X X X X --; I-; -
Single Family Camps, Houseboats X
Antiques, camera and book stores
Appliance and home furnishing stores
.--_.. --

Automotive sales (new or used), leasing, service, and repair shops
including parts supply stores and auto bodywork shops
Banks, credit unions, and other depository institutions



Bars and other establishments servinQ alcoholic beverages X X
Barber and beaut y shops X X X
Boet/RV storage, sales, leasing and service establishments X X
Bowlinq alleys and other entertallHnent cenlers X X
Bunkhouses X .
Car washes X X
Child day care services X X
Churches and other religious organizations, includlnq accessory
facilities - X X X
Coin operated laundries X X X
Commercial printinq Sl10pS -- - X ,--- X
Computer stores and related services X X
Convenience stores (without gas salesi X X X -
Convenience stores (with or without gas sales! X X
Dry cleaninq services X X
Dry cleanino shops, customer pick-up and delivery only X X X
Education facilities (technical schools, colleqes and universities) X X
ment rental and leasing establishments - X X
Flea Inurkets X X --
Florist shops X X X
Funeral services, If1cluding mortuaries and crematories X X
Ga90line service stations, including mechanical repair X X
G6WGoLirses .... X X X

Golf courses, includino miniature courses
Grocery and otller food stores
and Qolf driving ranges
Hardware Btores X X
Hospitals or sanltarrums X X
Hotels, motels, rooming and boarding houses, and other lodging
plaoes X -
Liquor stores ' X X
Lumber and buildino material dealers - retail X X
Membership oranizations X X X
Mu&eums and galleries X X X
Nursinq and personal care facilities X X X
- Offioes, including medical, legal, professional and similar uses X X X
Of lice buildinqs, all types X X
Parks and recreation facilities, including assembly facilities and X X
commercial parks
Pawn shops X X
Plumbino shops X X
Post offices X X X
Radio and television broadGasting stations or studios X X
Repair shops, miscellaneous -- X X
Restaurants, including drive-through or drive-in service and the sale
of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
I Restaurants,
not Including drrve-through or drive-Ill service or the
of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the rnenllses
Retail nurseries X X
Retail stores, not elsewhere classified X X
SGhools, public and private - - X X X
Shoe repair shops - X X X
Sports and recreation clubs X X
Storage facilities X X
Studios - art, teaching, dance, music, drama, photography X X --
Taxiderrnies X X
Theeters X X
- Tourism-related businesses X X
Video stores ._-- X -- X
Waler bOllling operaliol1s --------_._. '- ---- X X
Wholesaling and werehousing establishmonts, limited to uses thai

- are similar end no more objectionable than the uses enumerated in

thi, district



Agriculturaland related
other finished - manufacturing
products manulacturing
mill products ~ I _.2S.~
Automotive sales (new or used), leasing, serVice, and tCp,1II shops
inc\utJing~rts supply stoles and auto bodywork sllops -_.l~ -~--
~e and marine vessel terminals '--- --2<--
Boat and marino vessel, building and repan -_n__n ~
Boat and marine vessel,yersonaJ/recreationel __0- _L_-
BoatlRV slorage, sales, leasjn~.and servic~stablishn~.r2.t.~ ~ X
Bottling o(:!eration~- 25_~_--.
Bunkhouses X X
Car washes -'--- X -_..-- X
Chernical and allied 2..':.°ducts handlin~L~!~ stOf':J_Y~- '_n n--_n- '_u_'u_- 2S._-

Ch~mlcal manufacturing and processl!.!l:L.e/ant$ -~ .?S_----

Drugs and phfJlfllfJceutical fJruducts manulacturil1g X - -~.
Education facilities (technical school~!._colleges ansJ_,universities) X X
appiianGes and elluiplllent manufacturing.
EleGtrical --- X ~--
_EJeQ'tronic comp"SJi!~~an~L1!.cc~~~~~~~_.r:!l~ufactu~i1]g_- .-. ~- 25__.~, lS._-
I~-~-- Equipment soles, 100sil1g and service . !~ X
FOQOand kindred product manufacturi!3j ~ ~{. ---'-~~-
Furniture and fixtures'fI)af)ulac:turinfL. u . :'S !:~---
Gasoline sarvice stations, including mechanioal repair X ~----
. General building contractors, including heavy constructioll conlla,<:~~. :'S ~
General warehouse and storage _2'< ~
Hardware stores -- X X
Industrial ma~hine-'-Y and 6quipmen~includ!.nJU!8n~or_tation ~--
Laboratories, rllcdic:al and dental X X
.~~j~..!,~manufacturi~9 =~~ ~==--=~~._===-==--=
-=-=-J; J_- X-==~

..Lumber and buildi!2g materials dealers and_Y!'Irds --~~-~-~ ~ 2<_-

Lumber and wood I?'yduc:ts manul<.'yluling ~ X X --
Machinery, aquipment,and supplies. wllolesale distribution .- ~--
Un'" '"ppl"" ~ . -~--~ -. -~-~ .~"._~.~" .-
M",,"' '"g. """ Iy>'"y. "nO ""," oilmy ,n" wu "",\" ,,100\°<1"'I''''''. ,ue d<Col X X
. and optlca~s; "vatches and clocks ~!~-,-,_~~fact.'::!i'29 -,,-~- -----

Me1JI and steel Rroducts fabriGst!on and g!!fY~!~li~ , ~ ":':' --JL.-

Motol fleiglll transportatior1 and vvarel1oLJsil)\;I~ ":><"-~ '-~.-

Natural gas gathering 1218nts --2<----
Nun-?Lomic electric ge!.I~~.!i~~9 fJlal1t::; ~ mn_- ~- - , ~ -~\_~-

Non-hal.ardol,!s waste handl~~5L ~m X

Oil field

sp:,:v'ces,e 9.!:'.~~'.2.!..2!~~Q.U!O.~EiJlr--i1!~_~':JLC:2-- . - m_--u_~- ~_u ~ ~ i_~

_~..?J:JEHand alliasJ_p."!p,,er product~ .. -" --~- X

.:?etroleum prod~~ts, bulk slorO~~~?pe'~I~:.8 nmm - ._m_--m__.~--'--- n~- "!:_----

Petroleum production oritsproduct~Jefining u --~-

Prinling amJ pIJLJI::>~inS1Ji.\duSlfles -- !.'-- ~'---

Radio and television broac1P~~ing2!!!.tions or~~IJ_~g-~ X -~--
Railroad transfJortatlon ~ -- - !: -~--
Research and testing servic~s --'- _m~ --~_X_-~--_.
- Sealood processillg and packagi~lL- --~-- X !~--
Ship building and repa!! mm ~ _~m~

Special trade contraclors -- X X

Stone, clay, and gla9s prodl!ct~ -~ L Ji.
Storage facilities ,-------- X -~-

Structural fabrica\lon ----- x.

SUQars and slarches manufacturers '--- -- X

Tobacco products - manu!aS..!,uring_____-------------------- .-.-' X
--- X
TransDortatron, Ireiqht and c:argo -- - X .. X
Truck stops and olher courier services --- X X -,,-
Veterinary clinics (lnd kennnis with outdoor runs, provided lhal 110 kel1l1el X
or buildin!:) shall be closer than 50 feet tu d_r_IY
residential_'.S_lrl.--- -----'
Weter bottling operations ------------------ -_._-- X -----.-.-X

I Welding and machine shops X X

Wholesale and warehouse distribution -------------------- X
--__-n'_____n--. --- X --__n
Wholesale trade - Durable goods' furniture, lumber Jnd construction
materials, commerclol equipment and supplies, electrical goods, X X
hardware, Jnd miscellaneous durable goo(ls --
Wholesale trade - Non-Durable goods: paper products; drugs; apparel;
groceries and related products; beer, wine and distilled alc:oholic X X
beverages; and miscellaneous non-durable goods I

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