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Quantitative research

This type of research is by using surveys, questionnaires and face to face/

telephone interviews to collect data. This kind of research is used to collect
individual results. This research is used for statistics and numeral results as
opposed to researching specific motives and behavioural patterns in which
correlations and similar behavioural attitudes can be linked with one another.
According to survey snaps, this type of data is used to generalize results from a
larger sample population. It is used for making conclusions for hypotheses. This
research helps to answer questions such as how long and how many.
Pros and cons of quantitative research
The advantages of this form of research is that researches can see a clear
correlation between certain dependents and independent variables. This kind of
research helps to test out theories and hypotheses.
With this method of research it isnt easy to be misinterpreted due to the results
being in numerical form. Furthermore, with the research being in a statistical
method, it is quick to assess and
The disadvantages of this type of research is that you need a large sum of
money in order to carry out the research. You will need a lot of cash in order to
pay for the surveys to be printed and/ or posted online as well as needing to pay
participators to complete the surveys/ questionnaires. This leads onto another
con in which researchers need a lot of people to complete the research. As the
method of research is carried out both numerically and statistically, you will need
a large amount of participators to complete the research so the data is reliable
enough for conclusions to be made and correlations to be seen.
A main example for a type of media producer who would use quantitative
research may be a film producer. For example, if a film producer wanted to
produce a successful film they would look at ratings and box office reviews for
successful films and look at specific genres. According to Investopedia, the most
successful film genre is the action adventure genre with comedy, drama and
romance coming after.
Qualitative research
This type of research is used to collect opinions, thoughts and ideas of certain
products through small focus groups and one to one interviews. This research
involves gaining an understanding as to problems that may have been received
with a product. Rather than gaining data through statistical research, companies
can gain information regarding specific problems that users may have found with
certain products.
Pros and cons of qualitative research
The advantages of this type of research include getting more in depth responses
to questions with answers that give reasons as to what is wrong with a certain
product. Furthermore, there are less people needed to answer questions
meaning the process of this type of research costs less compared to quantitative
research. Also, questions arent limited as you can guide interviewees into a
more in depth response. This type of research helps to answer the why
questions so researchers can start improving products straight away.

One of the biggest disadvantages is that this type of research is quite time
consuming and can take a long time to analyse as some answers can be very
detailed. Moreover, some researches may make the research appear bias so
researchers have to be heavily skilled in their work. Sometimes when
approaching scientific communities, qualitative research can be rejected as this
data is based on opinions and not statistics/ facts. A lot of the time, the research
can appear bias due to the researcher having to be present during the interview/
small focus group.
TV programme producers and film producers could use this type of research for
their own benefit. They can ask for data involving the opinions of their
programmes. If their programme/s are being given negative responses, using
this research can answer the whys of its negative views instead of the hows
so they can improve their programme.
BARB (Broadcasters Audience Research Board) is the leading organization which
undergoes data collecting for television purposes that gathers data by using both
quantitative and qualitative research. They do this by organising focus groups
and interviews. They also create online surveys, questionnaires for groups to
complete. As well as this, they install monitors in households in order to gather
what audiences watch and which channels they mainly view.
Clients who need to access this data are mainly those who are producers who
want to see the success of their programmes. Also, those that broadcast the
programme on their channel need to see this success as well as ratings. For
example, if a programme is being reviewed negatively with poor ratings, the
producers would need to know why it being reviewed badly in order to change or
improve the programme so it isnt cancelled by the broadcasting channel.
ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) are one of the main industry bodies for the
measurements of media. This organization helps to bring all sides of the media
sectors together in order to discuss which methods are suitable for research as
well as seeing how companies want theyre media research to be traded. They
are a reliable source as they cover many media sectors including television,
national newspapers and advertising. They can therefore see the activity of the
brand as well as reporting standards. Many clients use the data provided by ABC
including, advertisers, investors, media agencies and media owners in order to
gain access to data for media purposes.

generalize the results.

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