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Lesson Plan

Lesson Planning Template Guiding Questions

Name Josie, Stacey and Rianna
Lesson Year 10 English


Timing 50 mins

Learning goals
Students will be able to:

Discuss the impact of photographic portraits, referring to concepts such as composition,

symbolism, framing, colour, perspective, context, medium and gaze;
Use the Six Traits of Good Writing to analyse a short autobiographies featured on Humans of
New York.
Demonstrate the ways that different media (in this case, a short story and image) can combine
to create meaning.

Curriculum Connections
How are the learning goals linked to your states curriculum frameworks?

Identify, explain and discuss how narrative viewpoint, structure, characterisation and devices
including analogy and satire shape different interpretations and responses to a text (VCELT463)
Analyse and evaluate text structures and language features of literary texts and make relevant
thematic and intertextual connections with other texts (VCELT464)
Compare and evaluate how voice as a literary device can be used in a range of different types
of texts such as poetry to evoke particular emotional responses (VCELT465)

What will students do to show you that they have mastered the objective? How will you
collect EVIDENCE at the end of this lesson to show which students have/ have not mastered the
objective? What is the student product you will be using to measure mastery?

Class participation in WordCloud activity

The techniques worksheet will be collected to determine if students need further guidance
identifying and discussing literary techniques and authorial decisions

Success Criteria

The worksheet will:

o identify 6 literary techniques evident in the story;
o refer to the 6 Traits of Good Writing;
o Use vocabulary associated with literary analysis, including voice, metaphor, syntax,
juxtaposition; narrative structure etc.
The tableau will be successful if:
o Each member of the group participates as a subject or a narrator;
o The group can describe the person speaking the narrative, and what evidence they have
from the text to support this decision;
o It shows consideration of framing, composition, expression, and why these elements
have been chosen;

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The group can describe the background, props, clothing, or other detail of the photo
and why.

Lesson content
What are the key facts, concepts, procedures that I want learners to understand as a result of this

A method for locating meaning in images;

A method for identifying literary techniques used in written texts;
An understanding of the ways that different media can support one another to create and enhance

- HONY Image and Story: Lip Gloss
- Projector
- Literary Analysis Worksheet
- Stories (without images) for tableau
Do Now/Introduction/Hook
Student Actions

Teacher Actions

Visual Analysis Task (See-Think-Wonder) [12 mins]

Students will be shown a portrait (without
accompanying text) from HONY. They are given about
30 seconds to silently observe.

Display the image on the board

Resources: Projector

SEE: Students will then be given 2 minutes to list

everything they observe in the photo (the literal
interpretation phase). What do you see? What do you
not see? What is evident but but not tangible e.g.
emotions? List as many observations as possible.
THINK: Students then have 1 minute to write:

One word to describe the girl in the photo (can

be physical e.g. disabled, young, smiling) or a
personal quality (e.g. cheerful, independent)
and HOW/WHY they have chosen this particular
One word to describe an emotion they have
when they observe the photo (curious,
intrigued, happy) and HOW/WHY the image has
provoked this emotion.

Can ask prompting questions: where is she?

What is she wearing? What does she look like?

Give an example to model an appropriate

response e.g. this portrait intrigued because
the girls gaze and pose is inviting and open
and it draws me into her story
this portrait makes me feel grateful because
it shows that people can maintain a positive
outlook despite challenges

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WONDER: Students have 1 minute to write one

question they would like to ask the girl in the photo.
Think-Pair-Share: Students turn to a partner and
share their responses [1 min]
Group Brainstorm: go around the class and ask each
student for a contribution students can raise their
hands if they also brainstormed a particular word
create a wordcloud to determine the most important
elements of the photo. Students add to their own

Use to
create a Word Cloud type responses as
students suggest them
What shows up as the most important or
noticeable features of the image? Why are
these features most noticeable?

Write: Students have 2 minutes to write 3-4

sentences describing the photo, synthesising the
information they have developed throughout the
Presentation Teacher Input

Presentation - Checking For


[10 mins]

Model good practice for critical analysis read

again slowly, underline, highlight, annotate.
Use the Think Aloud strategy

Read aloud the accompanying story to the image


Write focus question on the board.

Select a question that recurred during the Wonder
section of the Do Now. Modify if necessary. Or, start
with a prompt like This story forces the reader to
confront stereotypes

Guided Practice Development and Engagement

Work through 2 examples of techniques from

the story and fill worksheet:
- What is the technique/example?
- How does this help illustrate the
womans outlook on life?
- What effect does this have on the
Guided Practice Feedback and Support

[10 mins]
Students continue with the worksheet, aiming to reach
6 techniques.
Think-Pair-Share (or small groups of 3-4) to collaborate
on ideas

Ask for contributions, add contributions to the


Contribute to class discussion

Independent Practice
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Students are divided into groups of 3-4 and given a story from HONY, without the accompanying photo.
Groups read the story, considering the techniques and voice used.
Groups then have 5-10 minutes to brainstorm what the text tells them about the person telling the
story. They use this information to create a tableau or frozen scene that depicts the person telling the
- They must consider elements such as pose, position, framing, location and expression;
- The group can have a narrator describing elements of the composition, adding details such as
background or other detail;
- Props can be used;
- Groups may consider actually photographing the scene
Exit Ticket:
Provide 2 pieces of textual evidence to support the decisions you made in creating your tableau

What worked well? What would I modify? What would I do differently next time? Which students do I
need to follow up? What do I need to reteach or build upon in the next lesson?

The Australian Government Department of Education is a major supporter of the Teach For Australia

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