Against, Along

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[uh-genst, uh-geynst]

Spell Syllables

Word Origin

in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or hostile to:
twenty votes against ten; against reason.
in resistance to or defense from:
protection against burglars. Proteccion contra ladrones
in an opposite direction to:
to ride against the wind. Andar a contra viento
into contact or collision with; toward; upon:
The rain beat against the window.
in contact with:
to lean against the wall. Apoyarse contra la pared
in preparation for; in provision for:
money saved against a rainy day.
having as background:
a design of flowers against a dark wall. Un diseno de flores contra una pared oscura

Archaic. before; by the time that.

over against, in contrast with:

the rich over against the poor.

Origin of against Expand

Middle English

1125-75; Middle English agens, ageynes, equivalent to ageyn again + -es -s1; for -t cf.
whilst, amongst Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2016.
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Examples from the Web for against Expand
Contemporary Examples

The right tried to use this against Obama in 2008, leading to look
into claims that Obama supported infanticide.
Conservative Activists at GOP Convention Doggedly Focus on Abortion Michelle
Goldberg August 28, 2012

That something was Christie, who announced his candidacy for the State Senate
in 1993, against Majority Leader John Dorsey.
This Civil War Reenactor Controls Christies Fate Olivia Nuzzi March 4, 2014

But Warren was actually working for consumers' interests rather than against
The Brown-Warren Debate Michael Tomasky September 20, 2012

Their campaign is going to have to be almost as much against Ryan as against

Michael Tomasky on Paul Ryans Convention Speech and His Web of Lies Michael
Tomasky August 29, 2012

Sheehan has railed against President Barack Obama as she did against Bush.
Cindy Sheehan Antiwar Activism Continues Despite Being Used by the Democrats
Stephen L. Carter May 15, 2011

Historical Examples

We are more sensible of what is done against custom than against Nature.

Familiar Quotations John Bartlett

Jim nodded and steadied her against the great warm rush of the wind.
Still Jim Honor Willsie Morrow

The gossip of L had set in full current against Lilian's fair name.
A Strange Story, Complete Edward Bulwer-Lytton

In this meeting at Salamanca all his judges were against him.

Celebrated Travels and Travellers Jules Verne

He says, "I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to
him against that day."
God's Plan with Men T. T. (Thomas Theodore) Martin

British Dictionary definitions for against Expand

/nst; enst/
opposed to; in conflict or disagreement with: they fought against the legislation
standing or leaning beside or in front of: a ladder against the wall
coming in contact with: the branches of a tree brushed against the bus
in contrast to: silhouettes are outlines against a light background
having an adverse or unfavourable effect on: the economic system works against small
independent companies
as a protection from or means of defence from the adverse effects of: a safeguard
against contaminated water
in exchange for or in return for

(rare) in preparation for: he gave them warm clothing against their journey through
the night
as against, as opposed to or as compared with: he had two shots at him this time as
against only one last time
Word Origin
C12: ageines, from again, ageyn, etc, again + -es genitive ending; the spelling with -t
(C16) was probably due to confusion with superlatives ending in -st
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word Origin and History for against Expand
early 12c., agenes "in opposition to," a southern variant of agen "again" (see again),
with adverbial genitive. The parasitic -t turned up mid-14c. and was standard by early
16c., perhaps from influence of superlatives.
Online Etymology Dictionary, 2010 Douglas Harper
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Idioms and Phrases with against Expand


against all odds

against one's better judgment

against one's will

against the clock

against the grain

against the tide

also see:

beat one's head against the wall

cards are stacked against

come up against

count against

dead set against

guard against

have something against

hold something against

lift a hand against

over against

pit someone against

run against

set against

swim against

turn against

two strikes against

up against

The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary

Copyright 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton
Mifflin Company.
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[uh-lawng, uh-long] /l, l/

Spell Syllables
Word Origin
through, on, beside, over, or parallel to the length or direction of; from one end to
the other of:
to walk along a highway; to run a border along a shelf.
during; in the course of:
Somewhere along the way I lost my hat.
in conformity or accordance with:
I plan to revise the article along the lines suggested.
by the length; lengthwise; parallel to or in a line with the length or direction:
He ran along beside me.
with a progressive motion; onward:
The police ordered the line to move along.
(of time) some way on:
along toward evening.
in company; in agreement (usually followed by with):
I'll go along with you. He planned the project along with his associates.

as a companion; with one:
She took her brother along.
from one person or place to another:
The order was passed along from the general to the captain and from the captain to
a private.
at or to an advanced place or state:
Work on the new ship is quite far along.
as an accompanying item; on hand:
Bring along your umbrella.
along of, Chiefly Southern U.S. and British Dialect.
owing to; because of:
We weren't invited, along of your rudeness.
in company with:
You come along of me to the store.
Verb phrases
get along. get (def 36).
all along, all the time; throughout:
I knew all along that it was a lie.

be along, Informal. to arrive at a place; come:

They should be along soon.
Origin of along Expand
Middle English
Old English
before 900; Middle English; Old English andlang, equivalent to and- (cognate with
Old Saxon, Old Norse and-, Gothic and (a)-, Old High German ant-, prefix with orig.
sense facing; cf. answer ) + lang long1 Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2016.
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Examples from the Web for along Expand
Contemporary Examples
Worms and amphipods, along with other animals, use or bury the pellets, which
Havens observed after preliminary experiments.
Your Favorite Facewash Is Hurting Nemo Alexa C. Kurzius June 17, 2014
In early October, Health Republic allowed me to submit a grievance claim which I
filed, along with a pile of backup documents.
My Insurance Company Killed Me, Despite Obamacare Malcolm MacDougall
November 23, 2014
Luckily enough I have this dedicated flat that is just along from my house that I go
to every day.
Belle & Sebastian Arent So Shy Anymore James Joiner January 6, 2015
Coca-Cola is now one of only two food and drinks retailers in the top 10 list, along
with McDonald's at number seven.
Apple Leaves Coke Flat in Global Top Brand Survey September 29, 2013
Hang on to it as you drop your guard, along with any moldering grudges.
What the Stars Hold for Your Week Starsky + Cox July 7, 2011
Historical Examples

along the lower Rio Grande it forms dense, tangled thickets.

American Forest Trees Henry H. Gibson
I had hard work to get them along, and at last they would not walk.
Explorations in Australia John Forrest
And I set out to go to the burying, and Mrs. Burke along with me.
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland, Second Series Lady Gregory
I can get along for a few hours, and then I'll have a doctor look at it.
Brave and Bold Horatio Alger
Mother says she doesn't see how they are going to get along without me.
Mostly Mary Mary Edward Feehan
British Dictionary definitions for along Expand
over or for the length of, esp in a more or less horizontal plane: along the road
continuing over the length of some specified thing
in accompaniment; together with some specified person or people: he says he'd like
to come along
forward: the horse trotted along at a steady pace
to a more advanced state: he got the work moving along

along with, accompanying; together with: consider the advantages along with the
Word Origin
Old English andlang, from and- against + lang long 1 ; compare Old Frisian andlinga,
Old Saxon antlang
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word Origin and History for along Expand
Old English andlang "entire, continuous; extended; all day long; alongside of," from
and- "opposite, against" (from Proto-Germanic *andi-, *anda-, from PIE *anti
"against," locative singular of *ant- "front, forehead;" see ante ) + lang "long" (see
long (adj.)). Sense extended to "through the whole length of."
Online Etymology Dictionary, 2010 Douglas Harper
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Idioms and Phrases with along Expand
along for the ride
along in years
along the lines of
along with
also see:
all along
all along the line
be along
come along
follow along

get along
go along
play along
run along
string along

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