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IOUSA Movie Guide


Name __________________________ 3 6

1. What is the greatest threat to the United States?


How long did President Clinton say wed have a balanced budget?

3. Who is David Walker?

4. Which Presidents appointed him to his position?
5. How big was the federal debt when this film was made?
6. What was the GDP?
7. What is the purpose of the Concord Coalition?
8. What is the Fiscal Wake Up Tour?
Chapter 1: ________________________________________
9. What was the debt when the US began? When did it get paid off?
10.Name 3 events in our history that increased the debt.
11.What did trickle down economics do to the debt?
12.How can you balance the budget? (There are only two ways!!)
13.What was the budget deficit in 2008?
14.When were there budget surpluses?
15.What is the goal of the CYA?
16.What does big government spending and small government taxing lead to?
17.What was the federal debt in 1992?

What did Clinton do?

18.What does Secretary Rubin say sound fiscal conditions are?

19.What happened in July 2000?

Chapter 2: ______________________________________________________
20.Whats the idea behind the Saturday Night Live Skit?
21.What are 2 things the American people are doing that directly reflects the
bad behavior of the American government?
22.Why is it important that people save?
23.How does Ron Paul explain inflation?
24.What is monetary policy? Who controls it?
25.What is fiscal policy? Who controls it?
26.What are the goals of the Federal Reserve Board?
27.What happens when you have a stagnant economy + inflation?
28.Where were interest rates in the 1970s?
29.What was the state of the economy in April 2008?
30.What happened to interest rates under Greenspan? Under Bernanke?
Chapter 3: _______________________________________________
31.What IS the trade deficit?
32.What is the point of Squanderville vs. Thriftville?
33.What is pseudo-trade according to Warren Buffett?
34.What are our top 5 trade deficits?
35.How does the federal government borrow money?
36.How much does the Chinese couple earn? How much do they save?
37.How long did it take to get to $1 trillion in debt? What happened under GW
38.How does the debt affect foreign policy?
Chapter 4: _____________________________________________

39.What happened in July 2002?

40.What was the debt in 2000?_________

May 2003? _________


41.Why was Paul ONeill fired?

42.Why did Rome fall, according to David Walker? (three reasons)

43.What did David Walker do in February of 2008

44.Whats the goal of the Peterson Foundation?
45.What is the Federal Debt right now?
46.What is your reaction to what you saw and learned from this film? How will it
affect your life?

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